How to make the right daily routine. What is the best daily routine? Owl or lark: it matters

Sometimes it may seem that 24 hours a day is not enough to do everything. A properly drawn up daily routine will allow you to clearly plan the day so that there is still free time.

What you need to know if you do not know how to make a daily routine?

There are four basic rules. First, plan your future day in the evening. It is good to do this schematically and put the sheet in a conspicuous place. So you can save time. How to do everything? Here is a sample daily schedule:

  • 7.00 - rise.
  • 7.00-8.00 - morning exercises, hygiene procedures, breakfast.
  • 8.00-12.00 - work.
  • 12.00-13.00 - lunch, rest.
  • 13.00-17.00 - work
  • 17.00-19.00 - sports.
  • 19.00-20.00 - dinner.
  • 20.00-22.00 - personal time, family the next day.
  • 22.00 - going to bed.

Secondly, plan only those things that you enjoy doing. If you do something that you don't like, then you will quickly get tired and begin to feel uncomfortable. Third, get your priorities right. Get yourself a diary (dated) and write things down in order of importance. For example:

  1. Issues that need to be addressed immediately.
  2. Important but not very urgent matters.
  3. Tasks that can be completed on another day. A dated diary is necessary not only for setting goals, but also for various ideas that come to your mind. It is impossible to remember everything, and this method will allow you not to miss important thoughts.

Fourth, find time to relax - this is a must. However, if there are unfinished tasks left, try to solve them on the day off, because tomorrow you will have to work again.

Time is money

Every business person knows how to make money. But how to manage time - units. There is even a special science - time management. She is taught by those who do not know how to make a daily routine so that time works for a person, and not vice versa. It is necessary to start with the analysis and detection of holes into which useless pastime flows. It may only be ten or fifteen minutes. However, even they are important. Just they may not be enough to complete the tasks set for the day. The second thing to do is to set goals for yourself: both short-term and long-term. It is clearly formulated desires that move a person to achieve them. Otherwise, success will not come. After that, you can plan your time. There are seven very powerful tips to help you get the job done:

  • The 70/30 principle. It's impossible to plan the whole day. Allocate 70% of your time and schedule tasks. Leave the remaining 30% for unforeseen circumstances and force majeure.
  • Today - for tomorrow. Do not be too lazy to draw up the future one in writing. This will allow you to correctly allocate time and arrive at scheduled meetings without delay. At the end of the business list, you can write commendable phrases: "You're done! But don't relax!" or "Keep it up! But there's still a lot to do!" They will encourage you to solve your problems.
  • Remember that the main activity occurs in the morning hours, so try to plan most of the activities for the pre-lunch time. Psychologically, it becomes easier when you realize that half of the tasks have already been completed, and there is still a whole day ahead. Then you can devote a short rest and personal calls. And after the meal, hold a couple of not very important business negotiations or a small meeting.
  • Take breaks! Be sure to rest every hour for 10-15 minutes. This method will allow you to work more productively and not get tired ahead of time. In moments of relaxation, it is not necessary to lie on the couch or smoke in the toilet. Use this time to your advantage: stretch, water the flowers, rearrange the folders on the shelf, read the press or get some fresh air.
  • Realistically assess your capabilities. To achieve unattainable goals, you will spend a lot of time and health. Set yourself tasks that you can definitely solve.
  • Always clean up your workplace at the end of the working day. This will save you a lot of time in the future and will allow you to put your thoughts in order. Always keep important things in the same place and freely available.
  • Get rid of the things you don't need. A person is used to leaving "for later", suddenly come in handy. Look around you, if you haven't used something for several months, don't hesitate to throw it in the trash.

To plan your time, you can keep a diary, a notebook or a regular notebook. Write down your goals and objectives, thoughts and ideas. And be sure to make your own schedule. A successful person can be seen from afar!

Owl or lark: it matters

Scientists have long divided people into two categories, depending on the degree of their productivity at different times of the day. It is the latter who wake up easily in the morning. In the early hours they are alert and active, but by the evening they get tired and cannot do important things. Owls, on the contrary, are hard to wake up, and their maximum activity is achieved in the evening and at night. Obviously, when planning the daily routine, it is necessary to take into account the psychotype of a person. And, for example, important meetings for "owls" should not be scheduled for the morning hours.

However, in the modern world, "larks" have an easier time, since basically all work in the office or in production begins in the early morning. Scientists are sure that any person, in principle, with a great desire, can change his biorhythms. Each of us is capable of turning from an "owl" into a "lark". However, this will require willpower, patience and the ability to adhere to certain rules in achieving the goal.

The biological clock

Regardless of which biological type a person belongs to, in any case, he obeys the basic laws of nature. And they say that at different hours our body behaves differently. And in order to properly use time, having time for everything, you need to know about it. The biological clock begins its work long before you wake up. It looks like this:

  • 4 am. The body prepares for awakening, cortisone, the stress hormone, is released into the bloodstream. This time is dangerous, as there is a high probability of heart attacks, exacerbation of chronic diseases, bronchial asthma, etc.
  • 5.00-6.00. Metabolism is activated, blood sugar and the level of amino acids rise - the body "starts" the work of all systems.
  • 7.00. An excellent time for breakfast, as food is easily and quickly converted into energy.
  • 8.00. The daily peak of the pain threshold is reached. At this hour, toothaches intensify, the head hurts with particular force, and bones break. It is better to postpone the appointment with the dentist for a time in the afternoon, when unpleasant syndromes will not be so pronounced.
  • 9.00-12.00. By this time, the energy reaches its maximum, the brain works well, blood circulation increases - the optimal period for fruitful work: both mental and physical.
  • 12.00-13.00. Lunch time. The stomach digests food well, but brain activity is noticeably reduced. The body begins to require rest.
  • 14.00. The performance is still reduced. However, this is the best time for dental treatment.
  • 15.00-17.00. Blood pressure rises again, mental processes are activated, a peak of efficiency is observed.
  • 18.00. The optimal time for dinner is to allow the body to digest food before bedtime.
  • 19.00-20.00. This watch is ideal for taking antibiotics. The nervous system is the most sensitive. The watch is designed for quiet family affairs or friendly gatherings.
  • 21.00. This period is suitable for memorizing a large amount of information, as the brain is tuned for memorization.
  • 22.00. Great time to fall asleep. The body is set to restore strength and energy for the next day. If you fall asleep now, you will have a sound and healthy sleep.
  • 23.00-1.00. Metabolic activity decreases, the pulse slows down, breathing is even. Deep dream.
  • 2.00. At this time, you may feel cold, as the body becomes especially sensitive to lower temperatures.
  • 3.00. The hour when suicides most often occur. People have depressive thoughts. Better go to bed if you haven't already done so.

Plan your daily routine according to your biological clock. Then everything will work out for you!

The Jack Dorsey Experience

Jack Dorsey is a successful entrepreneur and founder social network Twitter. At the same time, he is acting director of the world-famous Squer company. How does he manage to combine work and leisure? It is likely that few people will like the daily routine of a businessman. But Jack's experience is truly impressive. He works 8 hours at each job, that is 16 hours a day. However, only from Monday to Friday. The remaining two days he leaves to rest. His success lies in the fact that he draws up a thematic work plan for each day, which he strictly adheres to. At the same time, he performs the assigned tasks in both companies. A manager's day looks something like this:

  1. On Monday, he is in administration and management.
  2. Tuesday is dedicated to manufactured products.
  3. On Wednesday, Jack is busy with marketing and public relations.
  4. Thursday is aimed at establishing and maintaining relationships with business partners.
  5. On Friday, new employees are recruited and general organizational issues are resolved.

Of course, the daily routine of a successful person is very similar to the schedule of a workaholic. However, he always finds time for walks in the fresh air and for relaxation.

Daily routine of a successful person. Example: Winston Churchill on working from home

Everyone understands that Winston Churchill, as the head of the British government, had an irregular working day. However, despite everything, he managed to keep up with everything and stick to his daily routine. You will be surprised, but, waking up at half past seven in the morning, Winston was in no hurry to get out of bed: lying down, he read the latest press, had breakfast, sorted out his mail, and even gave out the first instructions to his secretary. And only at eleven o'clock did Churchill get up, go to wash, get dressed and go down to the garden to take a walk in the open air.

Lunch for the head of the country was served at about one in the afternoon. All family members were invited to the feast. For an hour, Winston could communicate with them at ease and enjoy the company of loved ones. After such a pastime, he began his duties with renewed vigor. Not a single working day of Winston Churchill passed without a long day's sleep. And at eight o'clock, relatives and invited guests again gathered for dinner. After that, Winston again closed himself in his office and worked for several hours in a row. Thus, the head of the British government managed to combine work with personal communication with family and friends. And this certainly made him a man not only successful, but also happy.

Daily routine for working from home

The daily routine of a businessman working from home is extremely important. The nature of the activities of some people allows you to work remotely, even without leaving home. As a rule, such workers are not accustomed to taking time to plan their working day, although for them this would be most welcome. Often they work at home without any mode: they sit at the computer until late at night, then wake up well after noon, broken and lethargic. Such workers are unlikely to ever become successful. Another thing, if you adhere to the correct daily routine, you can achieve success in your work. And also be happy personal life while maintaining your health. Here is an example of how to create a daily routine:

  • You need to get up early, no later than 7 o'clock in the morning. After waking up, take five minutes of morning exercises, take a shower and have a hearty breakfast. After that, you should not immediately rush to work. Rest a little more, let the body wake up and tune in to the working mood.
  • You can work from 9 to 12. Do those things that require mental stress, as at this time memory is activated, efficiency increases and the brain works better.
  • 12.00-14.00 - Devote these two hours to preparing dinner, eating and after-dinner rest.
  • After that, you can start working again, but no later than until 18:00.
  • From 6 pm to 8 pm, dedicate yourself to activities that bring you pleasure: walks in the fresh air, activities with children, reading fiction, etc.
  • At 20.00 you can have dinner with the whole family and gather at the TV to watch an interesting movie.
  • It is necessary to go to bed no later than 22 hours, because the next day you will have to wake up again early.

As you can see, the whole work is devoted to 6-8 hours. However, it is precisely this kind of your daily routine that will allow you to perform it effectively and without compromising your health and personal life.

How to fall asleep quickly?

Obviously, a full and sound sleep affects our activity throughout the day. Therefore, it is important to go to bed on time and be able to fall asleep. Follow these tips:

  1. Read an interesting book before bed. It is much more useful than watching TV or searching for news on the Internet. While reading, the brain relaxes, and it is easier for a person to fall asleep.
  2. Finish sports a few hours before the desired sleep. This is necessary so that blood pressure returns to normal, muscle activity decreases and the body is ready to rest.
  3. Walking in the fresh air will favorably affect the time of falling asleep.
  4. Don't eat heavy meals before bed.
  5. Before going to bed, ventilate the room well.
  6. Always wake up at the same time in the morning, even if you still feel like taking a nap.

Obviously, a well-rested and well-rested person has a healthy appearance. He is cheerful, cheerful and set up for a productive solution of tasks during the working day.

A housewife is a person too

If it seems to you that a woman who sits at home with or without children does nothing, then you are deeply mistaken. In order to understand how busy a housewife is every day, it is enough to visit her place once. Therefore, time planning is as important for her as the daily routine of a successful person. This will help carve out at least a couple of hours for personal affairs and not become a slave of the household. In order to systematize her work at least a little, a woman is invited to keep special records. The table below shows how the scheduled activities should be ranked.

As you can see, it is necessary to make a plan for important and not so important things every day. They will be performed regardless of daily duties in the form of cooking, washing dishes, walking with a pet, and so on. Cleaning the whole apartment every day, you quickly get tired of doing everything superficially. We offer you to pay attention to one room per day. However, this must be done carefully and responsibly. So you will kill two birds with one stone - you will practically not have to do a general cleaning and you will not get tired to the same extent as cleaning the entire apartment as a whole.

Let small things include such goals as changing bed linen, transplanting flowers, and more. Daily Duties also try to do it in chronological order. So you will reduce the time to solve them. For example, when you get up in the morning, make your beds first, and then start preparing breakfast. Wash dirty dishes immediately after eating, and do not save them all day (unless you have a dishwasher).

Remember! You must have at least one day off. Don't plan anything big for Saturday and Sunday. Write down on a schedule the things you can do with your family. For example, going to the grocery store. Be sure to involve your household in the work and do not hesitate to ask your husband for help. Fill out this table for the week ahead. Then you will learn how to systematize yours and will be able to find time for walks with friends, shopping for clothes and other pleasant things.

Work - time, fun - hour

Impossible to work without interruption. Even a business person needs to arrange at least one day off. We will show you how to spend it for the benefit of yourself and your family:

  1. A working person spends too much time in the office or office. Because he just needs forays into the fresh air. A day off is the best time for this! Go on a picnic in the nearby forest with your friends. Gather berries or mushrooms. In the summer, be sure to go to the beach to the lake or the sea. Take a boat trip on a catamaran or boat. Play beach volleyball or rent bikes. Whatever you do, it will certainly benefit you.
  2. On weekends, the city often organizes various kinds of fairs, festivities or just small themed holidays in the park. There you can participate in competitions, enjoy the performance of actors, listen to live music, eat cotton candy or popcorn, meet old friends.
  3. Movies are also a great excuse to relieve the stress of the past busy week. Choose the movie that will be of interest to the whole family. And after the cinema, you can go to the nearest cafe and treat yourself to delicious pizza or ice cream.
  4. If the weather is unlucky for the weekend, you can stay at home and play board games. Or watch your favorite show. Reading an interesting book will also bring a lot of pleasure.
  5. You can plan a shopping trip for the weekend. And so that it does not look too casual, assign each family member to be responsible for a specific department in the retail facility. And order to strictly adhere to the shopping list.
  6. Saturday and Sunday are great times to receive guests. And, of course, don't forget your parents. They also need your attention and care.

If you are a business person, do not neglect the rest. Be sure to plan your day off. This will allow you not only to keep your nerves and health, but also to start the next working week with renewed vigor and fresh thoughts. Thus, in order to achieve the intended result, you need to learn how to manage your time. Your daily routine and how many tasks you have time to solve depends largely on how competently you can plan your time.

To do this, get yourself a diary and be sure to make a regimen that you will strictly adhere to. Study the experiences of successful entrepreneurs and follow the tips that are right for you. Determine your biorhythms and make a daily routine based on your capabilities. Correctly prioritize, this will save time and energy to complete minor tasks. And do not forget about sleep and rest. This is a mandatory component of the daily routine of a successful person.

For those who have embarked on the path of a healthy lifestyle, sooner or later the question arises - how to make the most of your time? There are only 24 hours in a day, and this is not as much as it might seem at first glance, given that we have to spend a third of this time on sleep, we spend another third most often at work, and only eight hours remain for self-development, solving household issues, self-education and helping others. How to correctly distribute your precious free time in order to harmoniously develop in all areas of life?

How and when should you sleep?

As mentioned above, we spend a third of our lives on sleep, so this time should also be spent with benefit. Most of us, unfortunately, have a bad habit of staying up late. And this is the reason, firstly, that we wake up tired and broken, and secondly, we wake up later than necessary. As experience shows, most often, evening time is spent on all sorts of nonsense: aimless surfing the Internet, watching TV shows, useless communication in social networks. Also in the evenings, many have a habit of overeating and most often - junk food. However, any food taken late in the evening will be harmful to the body. Thus, if you go to bed earlier, you can solve several problems at once: get rid of the habit of overeating at night, save time and learn to get up earlier. It is best to go to bed before midnight, preferably at 9-10 o'clock.

But it should be borne in mind that at least 2-4 hours have passed since the last meal. As experience shows, it is pointless to try to accustom yourself to go to bed early - the habit of "hanging out" on the Internet or watching TV shows, most likely, will not allow you to do this. Here you can apply a certain trick - just set your alarm for an hour or two earlier. And get up, despite drowsiness and fatigue. And thus, by 9-10 pm you will automatically fall asleep.

To train yourself to get up early, you need motivation. Just getting up without knowing why - most likely our dodgy mind, after the alarm goes off, will quickly convince us that there is no need to get up anyway and you can still sleep. Therefore, make it a rule to do something useful immediately after waking up: meditation, asanas, pranayama, or reading spiritual literature. Morning is the best time for this. All over the world, spiritual seekers get up before sunrise, as the effectiveness of spiritual practices at this time increases significantly, and the spiritual literature read will open up new facets. The best time to wake up is the so-called brahma-muhurta. This time is an hour and a half before dawn, a very blessed time. Spending it on sleep is very imprudent. So, if there is a decent motivation and a specific task that you have planned for yourself in the morning, it will be much easier to get up.

After waking up, it is advisable to take a cold shower so that there is no drowsiness, weakness, laziness and desire to give up everything and lie down to inspect dreams. A cold shower, as it were, "reboots" our consciousness and gives energy. So, if you got up at 5–6 o’clock in the morning (the earlier, the better), then in the evening you will automatically want to sleep at 9–10. And over time, such a daily routine will become a habit. It is important to note one point here: many people make one mistake. On weekdays, they observe the regime, and on weekends they give themselves the opportunity to relax and “sleep off”. This is a very big mistake. The regimen must be observed daily, then the body will adapt and it will become a habit. This is the only way to achieve healthy and beneficial sleep, which will saturate with energy. What is the best time to sleep? The fact is that during sleep, the hormone melatonin is produced, which actually starts the processes of restoration and renewal of our body. According to different versions, this hormone is produced from 10 pm to 5 am. Thus, after 5 in the morning there is simply no point in sleeping - there is no recuperation and rest during this period.

For the same reason, do not neglect the precious hours of sleep before midnight. Before going to bed, it is advisable not to watch TV (it’s better not to watch it at all), not to listen to exciting music, not to actively debate with anyone and not to excite your nervous system at all - it will be difficult to fall asleep. You can read some book or practice asanas, they just stimulate the pineal gland, which produces the hormone melatonin. Inverted asanas before bed are the best option. As for sleep during the day - yes different opinions, but from the point of view of hormone production - recovery and rest at this time still does not occur, so daytime sleep is likely to be a waste of time. It is best to sleep on the right side, as this blocks certain energy channels and allows you to sleep without dreams. And dreams are of no use to us, since they prevent the brain from resting normally.

When and how to eat?

As experience shows, it is better to skip breakfast. During sleep, the body accumulated energy, and if you got up early in the morning and devoted time to spiritual practice, you accumulated even more energy. If you notice, then in the morning, as a rule, there is no feeling of hunger. And the habit of breakfast is most often imposed on us by society. There is a saying: "The animal eats three times a day, people eat twice a day, the saints - once a day." And if we turn to history, then more recently, people ate two or even once a day. In ancient Greece and Rome, people ate once a day. The Spartans ate once a day - in the evening. Even in the 19th century in England, the habit of eating twice a day was preserved. So three meals a day began to be imposed in our society just a couple of centuries ago. Food corporations, in order to increase profits, began to promote the concept of three meals a day to the masses. In fact, in the morning the body does not need food at all - it rested, accumulated energy and, in fact, did not spend it on anything, and if you listen to yourself, then in the morning there is no feeling of hunger at all.

In Ayurveda, there is such a concept that eating in the absence of a feeling of hunger is self-poisoning, because if it is not there, then the body is not ready to digest food and it will not be able to fully assimilate. There is another misconception: we often mistake the feeling of thirst for a feeling of hunger. And the discomfort in the stomach that often prompts us to go to eat is often just a feeling of thirst. Therefore, with such sensations, first try to drink water and the "hunger feeling" will most likely pass. So, it is best to skip breakfast and spend the energy accumulated during the night and during the morning practice on something positive. If you are used to having breakfast in the morning, try to change this habit. As experience shows, it is not so difficult. But the energy that after breakfast is directed to the digestion of food can be spent on some useful things. In fact, the morning is the most blessed time for all important things, so it is better to plan all complex and important tasks for the first half of the day.

The first meal is best done in the period from 12 to 14 hours, since at this time the food is digested and absorbed best. Even heavy foods such as nuts or legumes are digested quite quickly during this period, so these foods are best consumed during this period of time. It is advisable to have an evening meal before 6 pm, so that by the time you go to bed, the food is digested and does not cause inconvenience during sleep. In the first meal it is better to take fruits, as they fill you with energy, and in the evening it is better to eat vegetables - they help cleanse the body. It is also worth noting that it is undesirable to consume fruits in the evening, as they will not have time to fully digest, and fermentation processes will occur in the intestines. Foods that are undesirable for consumption are meat, fish, eggs, onions, garlic and mushrooms. These products carry the energy of ignorance and coarsen the consciousness, creating not the best motivations and aspirations in our mind. Also, the energy of ignorance has food that is cooked more than three hours ago. Therefore, it is not recommended to cook food several days in advance. Try to eat food that can be prepared quickly. In addition, the less culinary processing the food undergoes, the more useful it is.

Spiritual practices

To keep the body and mind in proper condition, one cannot do without daily practice. As already noted, the best time to practice is in the morning. At this time, it is better to practice meditation, asanas and some pranayama with breath holding in order to accumulate energy for activities during the day. If you practice in the evening, then it is better to refrain from some kind of intense physical practice so that you do not accumulate excess energy before going to bed. The best option would be inverted asanas and some kind of calm pranayama with breath stretching. For example, Apanasati Hinayana. Also, do not neglect shatkarmas. You can do it before bed. It has a powerful cleansing effect on our consciousness, and the evening is the best time to do it. Firstly, it will already be dark, which will allow you to better concentrate on the candle flame, and secondly, it will allow you to clear everything that we have immersed in our consciousness during the day before going to bed. To cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended in the morning, immediately after waking up, to perform practices such as Uddiyana bandha or Nauli, and to perform every six months.

The ideal daily routine (one of the versions)

So, we have considered the main questions: how much time should be devoted to sleep, how much to devote to practice and how much to eat. Consider one of the options for the ideal daily routine. Although it is worth noting that for each person the “ideal” option will be different.

  • 4 – 6 hours - rise. Preferably before sunrise. After getting up, take a cold shower.
  • 4 – 9 hours - yoga practice: asanas, pranayama, meditation. Reading spiritual literature. Perhaps creativity. In the morning, creativity is also revealed.
  • 9 – 12
  • 12 – 14 hours - eating. If you plan to eat heavy food, it is better to do it in this period of time - it will be quickly digested and absorbed.
  • 14 – 18 hours - work, social activities.
  • 16 – 18 hours - the second meal. It is better to eat vegetables, as they are quickly digested.
  • 20 – 22 hour - evening yoga practice. Reading spiritual literature. Relaxing music. Relaxing pranayama.
  • 22 hours - sleep.

Such a daily routine will ensure harmonious development in all aspects of life. In this daily routine, there is both time for practice and time for good nutrition at the right time for this. There is also a lot of time left for some socially useful or labor activity (it is desirable that these concepts coincide), which also should not be neglected. If, despite a clear daily routine, you have an acute shortage of time, then it can be advised to keep a diary, and in this way you will track within a long period of time what you spend your time on. And, most likely, you will find that you periodically waste time on some useless things. Such as, for example, films, computer games, useless communication, etc. And here is the question of setting a goal. That is, the definition of that life guide, that guiding star that leads you through life.

And here it is important to set both the global goal of life and the intermediate ones, because if there is only a global goal of life, then this creates the illusion that “life is long, I can do everything”, and in small things you will waste time on something that you don’t need. Therefore, it is important to set a goal and then control yourself all the time. Just try on a regular basis to correlate your actions with the goals that you are facing. And honestly ask yourself, “Is what I am doing now consistent with the goals that are in front of me?”. Such an increase in awareness will allow you to get rid of many useless and harmful things and free up a lot of time that can be used for the benefit of yourself and the world around you. This, by the way, is an additional motivation in the fight against addictions. Just think every time that we have a limited amount of energy and free time and how reasonable it is to spend precious time and energy accumulated during the practice on something that does not benefit even us personally, not to mention the benefits for others.

A typical picture: children sit at lessons or games until late, and in the morning they cannot wake up, they go to school sluggish. Hence fatigue, drowsiness, irritability.

“The reason for this is a simple non-observance of the daily routine. Unfortunately, we forget that a person is a part of nature and it is arranged in such a way that our body has periods of decline in activity and, conversely, an increase in working capacity, - says Irina Kalashnikova. – Often, due to ordinary ignorance, we confuse this time. When it is necessary to rest - we seat the child to learn homework, when it would be necessary to gnaw at the granite of science - he walks. Few people know that the first wave of our activity falls from 9 am to 1 pm, the second - in the evening - from 4 pm to 7 pm. It is at this time that it is better to study, prepare homework, go to sections and circles.

Before drawing up the daily routine of the child, Irina Alekseevna advises parents to answer a few questions for themselves.

How well do I know my child?

Can you immediately answer how much time your child spends on morning exercises and breakfast, on the way to school, studying, doing homework? If yes - good, if not - watch him during the week, but not at the very beginning of the school year, when the homework has not yet been downloaded.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

Analyze how much additional circles and sections take up. Ideally, a week is advised to visit no more than three sports activities and two cognitive. And they should alternate with each other. Is the child busy? See if it can handle the load. If it is difficult for him, give up something, choose what you like more.

“Fearing that the child will wander around and fall into bad company, many parents try to keep their day as busy as possible. It’s impossible: a child, like any adult, should have personal time, but with all the hobbies he simply won’t be left, ”says the doctor.

Am I ready to stick to the regimen?

The best motivation for a student is the example of his own parents.

“Children are our mirror. If we say some words to a child, we must reinforce them with actions. Parents adhere to the regime - he pulls up after them. Not? He is perplexed: why should I do this then? – says Irina Kalashnikova. “By doing the same actions every day in turn, the child will soon develop a habit, and he will follow the regimen without any reminders.”

Will I be able to not get out of the mode on the day off?

“Let him sleep longer on the weekend, because he was tired for a week,” any mother will say. And instead of waking up the child at 7 in the morning, he will allow you to soak up the bed until 10-11, forgetting that you can’t get enough sleep for the future, but it’s easy to get off the regime.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky (archive)

“If you decide to stick to the regime, then do it every day. The daily routine has no holidays and weekends. And there is nothing wrong with getting up as usual. If you get tired, you can get some sleep during the day. Otherwise, what do we get: all week we got up at 7 am, and on Saturday and Sunday - at 11 am. Such time jumps are a real stress for the body, the specialist explains. - You may have noticed how on the weekend you woke up at the same time as on a weekday, but decided to please yourself with a dream. And already waking up for the second time, you felt a little lethargic, drowsy, your head might ache.

These are the first consequences of oversleeping. We face the second on Monday.

“You think they say in vain: Monday is a hard day. Although it should be easy, because theoretically we are rested, with renewed vigor we go to work. It turns out everything is exactly the opposite: our body has to reorganize again according to the schedule that we knocked down on the weekend, ”says Irina Alekseevna.

7.00. The day begins

The daily routine by the hour is compiled individually for each child. The times for getting up, breakfast, lunch, dinner and sleep remain unchanged.

“Pupils of both the first and second shifts should wake up at 7:00 and go to bed at 20:30–21:00. High school students, due to their greater workload, go to bed a little later - at 22:00, at the latest - 22:30. Under no circumstances should you stay up until midnight. It is believed that the best rest for the brain from 21:00 to 00:00. It is at this time that the nervous system rests, ”explains Irina Kalashnikova.

Other regime moments may differ slightly depending on the hobbies of children.

The daily routine of a student of the second shift is built a little differently. Changes in the daily routine will affect only the time of study and preparation of homework.

“Studying on the second shift does not mean that the child can sleep longer. He must also get up no later than 7:30,” Irina Kalashnikova is convinced.

Don't start doing homework right after school. After 20:00, performance decreases several times. Memory and nervous system are overloaded. Irina Alekseevna advises, if possible, to do homework in the morning, with a fresh mind:

“Of course, many parents worry that if they do not control the child, then in the morning he will not learn his lessons. In this case, I advise you to look at the state of the student. If he, having come in the evening from school and after a little rest, can sit down for lessons, study with him for a short time. Divide tasks into evening and morning. In the evening, help him deal with difficult objects, and in the morning leave those that he can handle on his own.

  1. When you hear the alarm, you can not immediately get out of bed. For a newly awakened organism, this is stress. It is better to stretch well, take a couple of deep breaths and exhale and slowly stand up.
  2. Morning should start with charging. It is enough to do a few exercises: sips, flexion-extension, circular rotations for the arms, shoulders, torso and legs. You can finish with walking in place and squats. 7-10 minutes is enough to relieve drowsiness and improve mood, because even during such a small amount of physical activity hormones of joy are produced - endorphins.
  3. Do not neglect breakfast, lunch and dinner. Most healthy breakfast- porridge. In oatmeal, unloved by many children, you can add nuts, raisins, dried apricots, pieces of fruit or berries. If the student does not want to eat, you need to look food acceptable to him: syrniki, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, pancakes with sour cream. At lunch, soup or borscht is required. The first hot dish will give a lot of energy, and the digestive juices produced will help the body absorb food more easily. Eat dinner three hours before bed. Preference should be given to easily digestible food: dairy products, cereals, stewed vegetables. If the child gets hungry and asks to eat before going to bed, he can be offered a light snack: a glass of kefir or an apple.
  4. After graduation everyone, from elementary schoolers to 11th graders, needs to take a break from school affairs. At a minimum, carve out an hour of rest, where there is no place for reading books and news, TV, computer and gadgets. Younger students can sleep or play, older students can take a walk in the fresh air.
  5. When doing homework, you need to adhere to the school rule: every 45 minutes take a ten minute break. You need to ventilate the room, walk around the house, do a couple of breathing and gymnastic exercises.
  6. What subjects to start doing homework with, you need to look at the child. If it is easy for him to gather and concentrate, then you can start with difficult ones, and leave the easiest tasks for a snack.
  7. The time that is spent on study on weekdays and homework preparation, Saturday and Sunday can be replaced by rest. With a little clarification: rest is not a synonym for idleness, but a change in the usual activity. You can go to an exhibition or festival, have a picnic, go somewhere, get creative. Do not forget about physical activity: cycling, rollerblading, swimming.
  8. A few hours before bedtime limit emotional stress, that is, pick up a calm, pacifying activity - a walk, drawing, music. No movies, noisy games, heavy music and the Internet. The so-called fragments of impressions that remain from such a pastime will affect sleep. Either it will be difficult for the student to fall asleep, or the dream will be restless and intermittent. There is little benefit from such a dream. In the morning, the child is unlikely to feel rested.

Reading time 7 minutes

Success is the ability to wake up in the morning and fall asleep in the evening, having time to do what you really like between these two events. © Bob Dylan

In this article, we will tell you about what daily routine will bring you much closer to becoming or establishing yourself in the position of a successful person.

A successful person is always in demand. He is valued for his intelligence, penetration, ability to solve various problems in a short period of time. Accordingly, this person is forced to have a very busy schedule of each working day, which means systematizing the solution of everyday tasks in such a way as to be in time for everything.

In this article, we will look at strategies and techniques for compiling a personal daily routine in such a way as to increase the efficiency of your use of personal time and try to manage to complete the largest amount of work without losing quality indicators and passion for the process.

Effective sleep

The first and almost the most important rule in drawing up the daily routine of a successful person is sleep. Often people greatly underestimate the importance of sleep, believing that sleeping 4-5 hours a day and doing what they think are large amounts of work is the only right option. Let me disagree with this. Sleep is a complex process that is being studied by many scientists from all over the world and whose potential has not yet been discovered. Even Leonardo da Vinci studied the issue of the effectiveness of sleep. It is believed that Leonardo slept about four hours a day for many years and felt very cheerful. He even created masterpieces that will remain in history for many centuries.

Secret proper sleep is to understand how your body works. Our sleep is divided into many cycles that replace each other several times a night. The so-called phases of fast and slow sleep. On average, the duration can vary within one and a half to two hours in each cycle. Your task is to sleep in such a way that the time frame of sleep corresponds to the multiplicity of the cycle. For example, if your cycle lasts about an hour, then seven hours of sleep is better than seven and a half.

There is also the concept of polyphasic sleep. People who followed in the footsteps of Leonardo da Vinci believe that it is enough for a person to sleep for about four or six hours. There are several methods for this. The most common and closest to the "original" sleep is SIESTA. In this mode, you are recommended to sleep for about five hours at night and about an hour and a half during the day.

The second, key step in the daily routine of a successful person is the right approach to planning your affairs for the day. There is even a whole science called time management that is designed to help you use your own time extremely efficiently, which means doing a lot more tasks than usual without losing the quality of the work done. Leading time management experts such as the American Stephen Covey or the Russian Gleb Arkhangelsky have developed several similar systems for planning a working day based on goals, overall workload and the rhythm of life.

These systems are designed to streamline your schedule in such a way that all scheduled tasks are completed. It should be said that this is quite difficult and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to instantly master these techniques. But, practical use many people, over the course of more than one year, have proven a productivity increase of two or even more times.

The authors of time management techniques suggest that you start planning things in the morning and evening. In the evening, you sketch out a rough sketch of the upcoming tasks for the next day. This will avoid confusion. In the morning, take care of clarifying unstable and not always dependent on you tasks.

A great way to structure your personal daily routine is to keep a diary. A well-organized diary will greatly improve your work productivity. The diary should be divided into days and months. You should regularly enter information in the diary regarding your tasks for the day, which will be clearly delineated in time. It will be useful to divide tasks into flexible and rigid ones. Hard tasks must be completed at a specific time, while flexible tasks are not tied to a specific time frame. Most of the tasks that are written in the diary should lead to the achievement of the global goal of the month. The ideal schedule for the day, of course, depends on the structuring. Do not forget that the ability to plan your day is a skill that needs to be learned.

Physical exercise

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the presence of reasonable physical activity in the daily routine of a successful person. Physical activity helps to improve the overall tone of the body, increase your endurance, and hence productivity. For people who are forced to lead a sedentary lifestyle, based on their professions (monotonous office work), moderate physical activity is simply necessary.

Remember that in the process of evolution, our body was formed in such a way as to adapt to the performance different kind works. And this means that the body needs to perform all kinds of exercises as well as, for example, proper nutrition. This does not mean that you need to seriously engage in sports, lift the barbell far beyond a hundred kilograms or run a hundred meters like Usain Bolt. Enough proper physical education, which will keep the body in good physical shape.

Nowadays, sports have begun to be actively popularized, many gyms are opening, more and more sports are becoming available. Swimming, running, tennis, gym, fitness - choose what you like best and after a month, classes will give tangible results and significantly affect your well-being. Bike loads can be a delightful choice. If it is not possible to go to specialized classes, then set aside time for a set of simple warm-up exercises. This will also benefit you. In the daily routine of a successful person, time must be allocated for physical activity.


Each person needs time that he can spend exclusively for his own pleasure, for himself and only. Man is a being, although deeply social, but, nevertheless, in need of personal space. Spending a little time alone with yourself, and at the same time having fun, a variety of hobbies will help you. For some, this is playing musical instruments, someone loves beadwork, someone finds himself in writing poetry. Your hobby must have a place in your daily routine. Half an hour or an hour of time that you can spend on your favorite activity, of course, soothes, relaxes, causes extremely positive emotions and can become a great antidepressant.

The work schedule for a successful person should contain all the main aspects of the life of not only a rich, but also a healthy person. The correct distribution of all cases throughout the working day can be a criterion for success.

We will give you an example of how you can use your own time effectively:

  • 06.30-7.00 . Most people start their day by waking up at this particular time. This is due to the general established order of the working day. Businesses are opening, public transport is starting to operate at full capacity.
  • 07.10 - Drink a glass of warm water. Warm water on an empty stomach helps your digestive system activate and process and absorb food more easily.
  • 07.10-07.25 - you can allocate this time for cosmetic procedures in order to put yourself in order.
  • 7.25-7.35 - do a little exercise. Light exercise will allow you to wake up, cheer up and bring the body into tone.
  • 7.35-7.45 - pick up your diary and write down the daily routine for today. Specify the time of all possible meetings, as well as try to determine the time frame for other tasks.
  • 07.45-07.55 - breakfast. The best breakfast a combination of protein-carbohydrate foods may be for you. So you will stick to the proper nutrition which will have a positive effect on your well-being.

Complete the tasks that you set for yourself for the day. It is also important to observe the rest regimen. The most effective breaks are considered to be ten to fifteen minutes, every one and a half hours of work. An essential condition for the quality of your “small” rest can be a short-term change of scenery. For example, if you work in an office, then the best solution may be to walk through the corridors with a cup of coffee. Or a short visit to the street. Smoking, by the way, is also a good way to distract from the work process, but the harm levels out this positive effect.

  • 12.00- 13.00 -lunch break. Use this whole hour of your time to your advantage. I doubt that anyone stretches their meal for an entire hour, so use the remaining time with something useful, for example, structure the tasks set for the rest of the day.
  • 15.00-15.10 - a light snack.
  • 18.00-19.30 - physical exercise. Time exercise can be shifted to almost any part of the day, based on your work schedule. An important factor is the attachment of the time of physical activity to your diet. Before training, you should eat some carbohydrates, and after a workout, protein foods are great.
  • 20.00 - a great time to devote yourself to your favorite hobby. The process of tuning a musical instrument, or watching your favorite series, will set you up for a quality rest.
  • 23.00-23.30 - optimal time to fall asleep. Do not forget that sleep has its value, and the value of sleep after 24 hours is extremely small.

This is how the daily routine of a successful person can be. It is worth noting that this example is by no means a universal remedy. In fact, there can be no universal daily routine, since each person has his own biorhythm of life. Each has its own set of tasks. Some have more, some have less. It is not always possible to allocate time for sports or hobbies, based on various considerations. But everyone should strive to ensure that their daily routine becomes the routine of a successful person. It is important to consider all four aspects of life listed above in your daily routine. This is:

  • Effective sleep.
  • Proper business planning.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Hobby.

These are the four fundamental pillars. Compliance with all the above rules can significantly improve the quality of your life, which means that the likelihood of becoming successful will be much higher. Try it and the first noticeable results will be visible in a few weeks.

It is sometimes very difficult for elementary school students, especially first-graders, to adapt to the conditions of their new school life. Hence the poor progress, and confrontation with classmates, and the child's unwillingness to go to school / do homework, etc. And the main task of parents is to help the child cope with a difficult load for him. Faced with this problem, each parent is looking for their own ways to solve it. But when drawing up a competent daily routine for a primary school student from the first day of attending school, it would help to avoid most of these problems.

Why do you need a daily routine for a primary school student

You should not be dismissive of the organization of the working day, especially for children, starting from their school years. Compliance with a certain routine leads to the fact that the child’s forces are not wasted, they are distributed in a dosed manner and they are enough for all types of activities. At the same time, the vitality of the body increases, fatigue is minimized and strength is quickly restored.

Drawing up the correct daily regimen depends on the individual characteristics of the student: the state of health and the characteristics of a particular age. The main elements should be included in the schedule in a certain order:

as the child adheres to the daily routine, he will develop the habit of doing everything at a certain time, the body will turn on the internal clock and subsequently all actions will become a habit.

How to make the correct daily schedule for a student

Morning exercises: will invigorate the body, help to recharge with working capacity. The duration of charging depends on the health of the student, so this issue must be resolved on an individual basis.

Water procedures: include taking a shower after gymnastics, tempering dousing with water at contrasting temperatures, and morning hygiene procedures - washing and brushing your teeth. As for the hardening procedure, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a specialist, not to force events in order to avoid colds.

Sports activities: visiting game sports sections, swimming pool, outdoor games.

Nutrition: meals must be organized in such a way that the child has a hearty and hot breakfast, a full lunch of hot dishes and vitamin salads, and a late dinner. Eating at the same time will ensure the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Doing homework: they need to be planned without postponing this process for the evening, when the child is already tired and there will be no efficiency from work. After a short rest, about an hour after lunch and a walk, you can start doing homework with renewed vigor. In this case, you need to take breaks for rest for a few minutes.

Completed homework gives the full right to take a walk, breathe fresh air. At least two hours can be allocated for games in the yard. This is the best time to give your brain a break by switching to a different activity and getting some fresh air before bed. The duration of sleep of a younger student should be 9-10 hours. The time of awakening and going to bed must be set at the same time, as this will accustom the body to quickly fall asleep and wake up.

The daily routine of the student by hours for the week

The daily routine, which includes the main regime moments:

Student actions Time
Climb 06.30
Gymnastics, water procedures 06.30 — 07.00
Breakfast 07.00 — 07.30
Collection and road to school 07.30 — 07.50
Lessons at school 08.00 -12.00
Walk 12.00 -12.30
Dinner 12.30 -13.00
Walk 13.00 -14.00
Rest 14.00 -14.30
Completing Lessons 14.30 -16.00
Walk 16.00 -18.00
Dinner and free time 18.00 -21.00
Going to sleep 21.00

Table of the daily routine of a primary school student by the hour

Naturally, the schedule must be adjusted in accordance with what the student is doing in addition to classes (visiting sections, circles, etc.), but mandatory items must be present in it.

School day schedule on weekends

If a daily routine is introduced in the family, then it must be performed daily; there cannot be weekends and holidays for it. Naturally, on Saturday and Sunday it will be adjusted without going to school and doing homework. But it is not recommended to exclude the main points from it. It is possible to shift the time of getting up one hour later, replace the school period with a weekly joint family activity, and the hours allotted for classes can be replaced by going to the movies with friends. But all other points should remain unchanged.

The daily routine of schoolchildren studying in the second shift

There is a form of training that is very inconvenient for everyone - in the second shift. But this is an objective reason that schools cannot yet refuse due to workload. Accordingly, the daily routine of schoolchildren studying on the second shift will be different. It’s just that all the actions that are mentioned in the approximate schedule after lunch should be moved to the first half of the day, observing their duration: that is, getting up at 7 in the morning, gymnastics, shower, breakfast, and then a walk, doing homework, lunch, studies, dinner, evening walk and sleep. Having got used to such a distribution of time, the student will not experience discomfort from training sessions in the 2nd shift.

When accustoming your child to a certain daily routine, it would be very appropriate for parents to become an example and take part in this process. Then the addiction will pass faster, and the rating of parental authority will increase significantly.

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