Why some headphones don't fit. Why doesn't Android see wired headphones? Why do situations like this happen?

The reasons why the smartphone does not see the headphones can be divided into two groups. These are software and hardware. The first step is to fix the obvious problems. The battery died, the gadget was dropped into the water, hit the ground, twisted headphones, and so on. If there are no visible common problems, then you can move on to other causes.

The smartphone does not see the headphones - software problems

Often the phone does not see the headphones due to poor-quality software, overload, memory clogged with all sorts of garbage and a failure in the OS. All this can be easily solved. You need to clean the memory and throw off the useless software. Further:

  1. save the data - make a backup;
  2. hard reset - Hard Reset;
  3. in the settings, select system cleanup;
  4. delete the data.

Alternatively, you can use a cleaning utility program. If the HTC, Sony smartphone does not see the headphones, then contact the warranty service. If the warranty has expired, then check the reasons above. Did not help, look for a hardware failure.

The smartphone does not see the headphones - hardware problems

If the phone has stopped seeing the headphones, then the problem may be either in the headset or in the smartphone itself. If the phone sees the headphones, but there is no sound, then the headphone speakers may have flown. Change your headset. If the phone does not see the headphones, but sees others, then again you need to change the headset. Here the problem may be that the headphone plug is not in contact with the connector.

What to do if the headphones do not fit the phone? Very simple. Replacing the headset will solve the problem. Wireless headphones deserve special attention. If there is no contact, then Bluetooth is faulty (either in the phone or in the headset itself). Regarding headphones with wires, we can say that often a malfunction occurs due to a break in the wires. Twisted wires often break.

The headset can be checked with a tester. You need to ring the ends of the wires, and then you can find a break. In any case, it is better to replace such headphones. Even after recovery, it is not a fact that there will be no re-break. The smartphone does not see the headphones for various reasons. But here were listed those problems that can be fixed with your own hands, and even at home!

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There are probably many music lovers among us who listen to it wherever possible. Headphones are used for this purpose, but sometimes it happens that you plug the headphones into the jack, but the phone either does not see them or there is no sound. The headphones on the Android phone stopped working, what to do in this case? Let's figure out why this happens and how to fix it.

What to do if headphones do not work on Android

There can be many reasons, for example, the headset itself is faulty, the connector is broken, or a firmware failure.

Headset malfunction

Let's start with the most banal. This happens sooner or later with any headphones. You constantly carry them with you, wind them up and unwind them, and as a result, they break. Most often it happens that the headphones are broken near the plug.

But the wire could break anywhere, it's just not visible under the shell. Headphones broken, how to fix? If desired and skills it can be soldered. That is, cut off where it is torn, strip the wires and solder very carefully. Then pour, for example, with something like a polyamide rod. I buy one from the radio store.

This procedure requires soldering skills. So don't go if you don't have one.

Broken phone jack

If the headphone hole is not working, it may just be dirty. Take something thin, like a toothpick, wrap cotton wool, dip it in alcohol and clean the connector, if it doesn’t fit, take something thinner.

Either you need to disassemble the device and change it, or repair the connector. Here again, certain skills are required.

Firmware failure

This also happens when the user, with his ill-considered actions, breaks the phone's firmware. Alternatively, you can reset your phone.

Or reflash it. Instructions for your device can be found on the Internet.

But if you don’t understand anything about this, take it to a service center, they will reflash or replace the connector, if the problem, of course, is in it.


Here are all the ways to solve this problem. If it's a headphone, and this can be checked by connecting others, then go to the store for new ones.

The purchase of a wired or wireless headset for the phone is relevant for those people who are forced to conduct long telephone conversations: after all, it will not be superfluous to free your hands for other things. Or for those who use their mobile as a player and want to enjoy their favorite music on the go. But, unfortunately, there are situations when the phone does not see the headphones. There can be many reasons for this. How to quickly fix an annoying nuisance will be described in detail in this material.

Problem Diagnosis

The reasons that the phone stopped seeing the headphones can be two factors: firstly, the mobile phone could have failed at the software or technical level, and it stopped detecting the devices connected to it; secondly, the headset itself may be faulty. To identify the true problem, you need to conduct a series of verification operations.

Headset incompatibility with phone

If the new headphones do not connect to the phone, then the headset may not be compatible with the device that plays sound. This is extremely rare, but a few cases are known.

Important! Swapping contacts in places is used by companies to attract the attention of buyers only to their brand.

Headphone problems

If during troubleshooting it turned out that the problem is in the headphones, then you need to more closely examine the headset for a malfunction. Worst of all, if the product there is a marriage. In this case, most likely you will have to take care of buying a new device.

But often the headset fails due to some kind of mechanical impact. In such a situation, repairs can be carried out on their own. You should start with an easier one: first of all inspect the plug of the device(another name is jack). There may be accumulations of dirt on it, which are an obstacle to good contact with the communication device. Contamination must be removed with a swab dipped in alcohol, and for hard-to-reach places it is recommended to use a toothpick.

It is more likely that the cause of the headphone malfunction is an elementary wire break, which most often occurs at the junction with the plug. This happens due to kinks, friction, tension and jerks. Less commonly, the cable breaks at the junction with the head speakers. With the same frequency, as a result of squeezing or bending, the wire breaks in the middle. But there are cases of cable melting with open fire.

With an open deformation of the wire, repair will not be difficult. And with a hidden cliff, measuring equipment is indispensable. The presence of a gap is also can be identified by characteristic wheezing and periodic loss of sound. Sometimes, if you feel a broken wire with your fingers, pressing in an emergency place can restore sound.

Problems in the device

In the case when the phone does not see the headphones that it used to see, full attention should be paid to the mobile device. It is also necessary to check the mobile phone when it does not detect the gadget, but the computer sees it.

The easiest (in terms of ease of elimination) malfunction in the phone is related to debris getting into the plug socket accessory. In this case, removing dirt from the socket restores the system to working capacity.

A more complex failure is internal contact failure at the connector. In this case, you will have to disassemble the device, which is associated with some possible future problems:

  • unauthorized opening during the warranty period will void the free maintenance of the phone;
  • an attempt to fix the problem by a non-specialist can lead to a much more serious breakdown, as a result of which the cost of subsequent repairs will increase significantly.

Advice! The best solution is to contact a service workshop with highly qualified specialists.

At self disassembly you need to remember to turn off the power of the phone and remove the battery. Then you should remove all SIM cards and memory cards. Next, you need to unscrew all the screws that hold the device together, and use a sharp flat object (thin screwdriver) to separate the device into two halves.

If the inspection reveals that the nest is broken, then it must be replaced. If a wire break is detected, the connections are soldered. Oxidized contacts are cleaned and restored. The most difficult option is a breakdown of the phone board or a short circuit. In this case, you can no longer do without qualified help.

Software problems

When the headphones connected to the phone stop playing sound, but they were working before, the cause may be a system failure. In this case, a factory reset on the phone usually helps.

Important! A factory reset will erase all user data. Therefore, before the operation, you need to back up your phone to save your contacts and important information.

There are two ways to reset. Using the popular entertainment phone leeco le 2 x527 as an example, an algorithm for the necessary actions will be considered. So, you need:

  • turn off the power;
  • holding down the power button and the volume up at the same time, wait for the splash screen with the inscription "Recovery" to appear;
  • uncheck "Update system";
  • activate the item "Clear data";
  • take a step back after a warning;
  • press "Start".

A similar operation can be done through the Android main menu:

  • open settings;
  • enter the "Backup and Reset" section;
  • click "Reset data".

Before deleting data, you must write down the login and password for logging into your Google account - they will be needed to access the phone in order to synchronize it.

If you don't want to risk your data, you can install a special program "SoundAbout" on your mobile. This application will prompt you to select the necessary device from its list through which audio files will be listened to. By inserting your headset into your mobile and making a mark in the program, you can forget about the problem when the phone does not read the connected devices.

The nuances of a wireless headset

Wireless headphones (for example, Meizu, Sony, Jbl, etc.) will not play sound from the phone if they are not connected to it via a Bluetooth module. Therefore, first of all you need to turn on Bluetooth > on the headset. This is done with a special button by holding it until the light signal. Then this function must be activated on the smartphone.

After turning on the bluetooth, the phone will open a list of available active devices that are ready to communicate within the range of Bluetooth technology. You need to select your wireless headphones and click on them, after which the phone will automatically pair with the gadget. But it happens that synchronization must be done manually by entering an access code (by default, developers set "0000").

Important! The phone may not see the Bluetooth headphones if the headset has a low battery.

The mobile device may also not see the Bluetooth accessory. due to outdated firmware. You can update it yourself by first downloading the new version on the Internet. "Firmware" is installed on any operating system: both IOS and Android. In case of self-doubt or difficulties, any service workshop will “reflash” the phone for a small fee.

Sometimes, when connecting a wireless accessory to a mobile phone, a situation may arise when the headphones are silent, but the music plays through the phone's speakers. This may happen due to settings failure on mobile device: Instead of a headset, "Playback through speakers" is checked in the settings. By changing the points, you can resolve the situation positively.

Many phones, for example, Lenevo, Xiaomi, Samsung, have headphones in their kit. But unfortunately, they are rarely of the quality that would suit picky user. Therefore, music lovers are forced to select this accessory for their phone separately.

When purchasing a headset for your mobile phone, you need to decide what purpose it will serve.

Given all of the above, many stop at small overhead headphones. This is something in between in all respects: the accessory is very comfortable for the ears and the whole head (especially models with a neckband), soundproofing is at a height, but at the same time it allows loud street sounds to penetrate, which is important when walking around the city.

Advice! For those who are intolerant of wires, you can pick up with Bluetooth wireless technology. If you do not save on quality, then among these samples you can find products that meet all high requirements. It will be useful to familiarize yourself with how.

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Problems with sound playback on a computer or mobile device are something that almost every user faces. Someone easily solves this issue, but others can only change the headphones to another model. If you want to be among the first, not the second, want to know why the headphones do not fit the phone, read the new life hack from the store.

If the problem is not resolved by the correct selection of headphones or by software, most likely your headset or headphone audio jack is not working. In this case, you need to make sure which device is out of order and solve the problem with it yourself or with the help of service center specialists.

The situation with wireless headphones deserves special consideration. To use them, you need to make sure that you have a Bluetooth module in your main device. This is not a problem for mobile devices (everyone has it), but in the case of PCs and laptops, a problem may arise - only some of them are equipped with such a transmitter. In this case, you need to purchase an optional external transmitter or use headphones with a radio transmitter. In both cases, you will use the USB port to connect to the computer, and the headset will communicate wirelessly.

In addition, headphones may not match by generation and Bluetooth technologies, and this is exactly the factor that should be considered when buying. Alas, after it you will not adapt the devices to each other in any way, and you will only have to change in the store, choosing a new model.

With every phone or smartphone, it can happen that the device stops recognizing the headphones. It should be noted that this problem is not always solved by replacing the headset. In our article, we will focus on exactly this: what to do, if and how to eliminate this unpleasant situation.

How to fix the problem

The first step is to connect and test the headset on a computer or laptop. If they work there, then it's the phone. Let's try to figure it out.

When deciding what to do if the phone "does not see" the headphones, it is worth considering that this accessory with a 3.5 mm jack is divided into 3 types:

  1. Mono having 2 pins.
  2. Stereo, with three contacts.
  3. Stereo with headset (4 pins).

And it happens that some devices, including smartphones, cannot recognize a three-pin headset.

So what to do if the phone "does not see" the headphones? You need to make sure that they are correctly and completely inserted into the phone, check the cleanliness of the connector or increase the sound volume. If all the standard procedures did not help, then you will have to reset the factory settings and format the smartphone.

And what if the phone "does not see" the headphones even after that? This situation can only be resolved by a specialist. The wizard will either replace the firmware with a more modern version, or the connector channel where they are inserted.

Why does the phone "not see" some headphones? As mentioned above, the cause may be an unsuitable contact phase. And if this audio accessory does not work when connected to the phone, taking into account all the methods of solving the problem expressed, then the matter lies in the manufacturer or brand. A headset from a certain manufacturer may not work with a certain brand of phone. They just simply can't "work together".

How to choose good headphones for your phone

Modern man cannot imagine his daily life without music. For her to be always there, you need headphones. They should be compact and not cause inconvenience to their owner. And most importantly, they value high-quality sound.

The modern acoustics market offers hundreds and even thousands of headset options. Good headphones for the phone should be chosen exactly for you. For your individual traits. For example, a person who does jogging and physical education will not take them with too big ears. And a fan of playing computer games prefers headphones with a microphone, etc.

In any case, all phones are sold with a corresponding set of accessories. If they do not suit the buyer, he can replace them with more suitable ones. It all depends on the material condition of the lover to listen to music. Well-known, or so-called branded, headphones cost mainly from 5 thousand Russian rubles. But it's no secret to anyone that there are also for 50 thousand or even more.

The main characteristics and advantages of headphones "from five thousand and above"

The operating frequency range of high-quality and expensive headsets can reach up to 30,000 Hz! This means only one thing: the owner of such “ears” will receive excellent sound quality. They also stand out with strong bass and a cool designer look that will celebrate the creativity and style of its owner.

But in pursuit of the popularity of the model, the buyer in some cases does not pay attention to the cable. Depending on the model, it may be too thin and easily tangled, or rough and uncomfortable, for example, it will not fit in your pocket at the right time. So the cable largely determines the degree of durability of the entire headset.

Alternative ways to connect headphones to your phone

In order to connect headphones to your phone or smartphone, you do not need much knowledge in the field of advanced technologies. Let's look at alternative ways to connect headphones:

  1. Connecting In this case, the situation is very simple: turn on the bluetooth on your phone and click on the search for bluetooth devices. Don't forget to turn on your bluetooth headphones! After the phone finds the headphones, you can start listening to music.
  2. Connecting USB headphones. The second option on how to connect the headphones to the phone is suitable for the most advanced users, since a USB adapter is required here. Only through it you can make a connection. Another unpleasant moment of this type of connection is that almost all USB headphones require the installation of additional software.
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