Bruise treatment at home folk remedies. Aloe from bruises and hematomas - folk recipes. fresh plant leaves

Bruises are closed injuries of parts of the human body, of a closed nature, most often arising on the basis of negligence or haste in the process of life. All of them, without exception, are accompanied by the formation of a hematoma and pain in the place that has undergone a strong blow.

The sooner medical measures are provided to the victim, the easier the rehabilitation process will be. It is not always possible to quickly get qualified help, so everyone should know how to act with a closed injury at home.

Bruises are classified according to severity:

  • the first is slight damage to skin tissues;
  • the second is the appearance of puffiness and;
  • the third - injury to the joints of the limbs, muscles, ligaments;
  • the fourth - extensive damage to soft tissues, affecting internal organs.

The use of traditional medicine as the main method of treatment in the first and second stages is quite advisable, but with more severe injuries, it is indicated for the purpose of auxiliary rehabilitation.

Therapeutic measures with the help of traditional medicine involve the use of complex procedures, which include: rubbing, poultices, phyto and compression therapy.

Folk remedies for leg injuries

A slight injury on the leg, accompanied by a hematoma and pain syndrome, is perfectly removed by preparations based on herbal components.

  1. As herbal medicine, rosemary color is used to prepare a decoction of a strong consistency, which is added to the main amount of water and the sore leg is soaked for about 20 minutes.
  2. onion gruel or juice will help, which is impregnated with a gauze bandage and applied to the site of injury for 30 minutes.
  3. Bitter wormwood is an indispensable tool, it is pre-soaked, finely chopped and used as a compress.
  4. An effective workpiece for the future will help out with a closed leg injury. Prepared on the basis of 0.5 l of vinegar and 2-3 heads of chopped garlic, it keeps well. The components are mixed, kept in a shaded place for a daily period and used to rub the limb.

Bruised elbow, treatment with folk remedies

To provide immediate assistance in this situation, effective traditional medicine is indispensable.

  1. Grated raw potatoes should be applied to the bruised area for 30 minutes. Or the second option is a banana skin for a couple of hours in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe injury.
  2. Not bad helps out in the event of an unpleasant incident bodyaga - a medicinal powder, which is diluted 2: 1 with water, coated with a painful place and kept for 15 minutes.
  3. Arnica infusion, prepared according to a generally accepted recipe or purchased at a pharmacy stall, is used for bruises as lotions. Prepared gauze napkins are impregnated with liquid and kept in the elbow area until completely dry.

Folk remedies for knee injuries

When bruising the knee area of ​​the leg, white cabbage leaves help well, which are applied to the area affected by the blow, additionally fixed and replaced every half hour.

A significant benefit is provided by treatment with an ointment based on wormwood herb and medical vaseline, taken in equal proportions - the components are mixed and simmered in the oven for a couple of hours. The finished product is rubbed into the affected area of ​​the knee with light massaging movements at least three times a day.

Foot injury - treatment with folk remedies

Unfortunately, foot injury is the most common type of injury compared to other parts of the human body.

First aid is cold. In the event of this unpleasant phenomenon, it is recommended to immediately apply an ice compress or something like that to the affected area. Cryotherapy should be applied at intervals of 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute break. With the resulting bruise of the foot, it is recommended to immediately lie down and raise the leg, thereby ensuring the outflow of blood.

After a blow, a hematoma occurs on the foot, therefore, in order to speed up the resorption process, it is recommended to use a healing tincture. For preparation: aloe leaves are crushed, mixed with a small amount of granulated sugar and kept warm for three days.

Herbal lotions, for which dried raw materials are used, help relieve the inflammatory process: linden blossom, bitter wormwood, celandine infused with water for a day.

These folk remedies effectively help with bruised fingers and toes.

Shoulder injury and its treatment with folk remedies

Treatment of bruises of the shoulder region and costal part with folk remedies

On the basis of domestic injuries, bruises of the shoulder girdle are no exception. In folk medicine, there are several ways to treat this kind of damage.

In home bins, of course, there is a bar of laundry soap, which is crushed with a grater and mixed with whipped yolk foam.

The resulting mass is smeared with a painful focus in the morning and evening for a certain number of days, depending on the healing process.

Burdock has medicinal properties in folk medicine - it will take 75 g per 200 ml of any oil to grow
body origin. Components: mixed in a suitable container, infused for 2 days and heated for about 15 minutes, without boiling. The finished medicinal product is used for its intended purpose as an ointment.

Rib injuries. Due to negligence or other reasons, closed injuries of the ribs occur in life, which are accompanied by ruptures of small capillaries, hemorrhage in soft tissues and swelling.

The first step is to take a position - reclining and lean an ice bubble against the painful focus. it is recommended to perform no more than three days, subsequently it is replaced with warming compresses. A tight bandage applied to the ribs effectively relieves pain during the next breath.

  • Herbal decoction of arnica - taken as a drink;
  • camphor alcohol - rub the bruised area;
  • Epsom salt - used for lotions per 1 liter of water, 30 g is needed;
  • cabbage leaves (plantain) - for compresses in the morning and evening;
  • bodyaga - a bag of 120 ml of water as lotions;
  • radish juice - for compression treatment at least 5 times a day;
  • aloe and honey - reduces the inflammatory process.

The recovery period for a closed injury depends on the complexity of the injuries and the timely assistance provided.

No one is immune from soft tissue injuries. It is impossible to predict when you can stumble, hit a corner or drop a heavy object on your foot. Athletes, tourists, fans of an active lifestyle often encounter bruises, bruises on various parts of the body. The number of falls into ice is in the thousands.

Despite the fact that the problem of hematomas, bruises, swelling after a blow is familiar to most people, not everyone knows the rules of first aid and further treatment of bruises. Fill the gap, learn the rules for treating bruises and bumps. Then you do not have to suffer from unbearable pain, for a long time "show off" with blue or yellow-green spots.

Some useful information

What happens with bruises:

  • damaged skin, muscle tissue, subcutaneous fatty tissue;
  • bone tissue in most cases remains intact;
  • vessels, capillaries are often injured;
  • after local hemorrhage, the site of the bruise swells up, soreness is felt;
  • the stronger the blow, the greater the area of ​​subcutaneous hemorrhage;
  • not finding a way out, the blood spreads to neighboring tissues - a hematoma is formed;
  • the penetration of blood into the cavities located near the site of injury causes hemarthrosis. Joints are affected;
  • the color of the bruise changes from red to purple, sometimes almost black. Further, the bruised place becomes green, then - yellow-green;
  • the shade will help determine the statute of limitations of the bruise.

Note! Unbearable pain can mean bone damage. Be sure to visit a traumatologist, take an x-ray. Local remedies will only slightly relieve soreness, but a late appeal for medical help will drive the problem deeper. Consequences - suppuration of the bones, a serious inflammatory process.

First aid for bruises

What to do in case of injury? How to minimize the consequences? How to prevent the appearance of extensive hematomas?

For bruises on the coccyx, fingers, arms, legs, feet, knees, ribs and head, act correctly:

  • rest the bruised area. Keep your arms and legs in a natural position. If possible, lie down, try to move less;
  • make sure that the bruised area is above the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart;
  • Apply something cold to the impact area as soon as possible. Your task is to reduce swelling, stop the "spread" of the hematoma. The ideal remedy is ice wrapped in a cloth, a cold compress from wet gauze or a terry towel;
  • can't compress? Use any means at hand: scrape snow from the freezer, pack it in cellophane. Attach a cold bag of kefir or sour cream, a bottle of water, a cold egg, a jar of canned food to the bruised area, in a word, everything that will have a low temperature. One condition - the item must be clean;
  • if there is no ice, put the limb under cold water, hold the bruised area for 5–7 minutes under a gentle stream;
  • cool the sore spot for 15–20 minutes, no more, otherwise tissue necrosis will begin. You only need to slow down the blood circulation, stop the internal hemorrhage;
  • after removing the cold compress, gently blot the area, apply pharmaceutical preparations. It is good if there is a tube of gel or ointment for bruises in the refrigerator. Folk remedies effectively dissolve hematomas.


  • drink alcohol, which dilates blood vessels;
  • massage the bruised area;
  • move actively;
  • warm the hematoma. Heat is recommended after two days, but not earlier than after 24 hours.

In case of severe bruising of the eyes and brain, contact a specialist immediately.

Remember! The sooner treatment is started, the smaller the area covered by the hematoma. Failure to follow the rules of first aid will complicate recovery. A cold compress applied a day after the bruise is absolutely useless.

Further treatment

After 48 hours, the methods of struggle change dramatically:

  • You will need not a cold, but a warm compress. Heat relieves pain, irritation, restores blood circulation;
  • an excellent remedy is a warm, but not hot bath. During the procedure, clots dissolve due to the restoration of blood microcirculation;
  • massage. Gently massage the affected area. Act without pressure, with pronounced pain, postpone the procedure to a later date;
  • Simple exercises will help improve blood circulation. For bruised limbs, strain and relax the muscles at the site of impact;
  • continue to treat the affected areas with home remedies for bruises, ready-made formulations.

Folk methods and recipes

Before the advent of pharmaceutical preparations, people were saved by simple, affordable means. There are many proven compounds.


  • badyaga. One of the best natural remedies for bruises and bruises. Sponge powder is sold at any pharmacy. Dilute the greenish-gray powder with water in a ratio of 2:1. Apply the mass, change the bandage twice a day;
  • banana peel. In the absence of a cold compress, use a simple method. Peel the banana, hold the peel on the cone with the inside;
  • applying a penny- the old, proven way. Moisten a coin with cold water - the effect will intensify;
  • bruises and bumps will help dissolve the usual butter. Lubricate the sore spot every half hour;
  • ointment for bruises and bruises from hop cones. It will take 200 g of interior fat, 50 g of dried hop cones. Melt the fat, add the chopped raw materials, strain. The pain quickly goes away, hematomas dissolve well;
  • connect 0.5 tsp sea ​​salt and ½ cup vinegar. Wet a napkin, hold over the site of internal hemorrhage for 30 minutes;
  • plantain. Wash the leaf, attach to the bump, change several times. The pharmacy sells plantain juice. Lubricate the sore spot;
  • aloe. Tear off the fleshy leaf, cut lengthwise. Attach a whole leaf or gruel of pulp. Change every half an hour;
  • compress of birch buds and horsetail. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. medicinal raw materials 250 ml of water, boil. After 40 minutes, strain, apply to the hematoma;
  • mountain arnica. Wet gauze or a napkin with a healing tincture, apply several times during the day;
  • cabbage. An ordinary cabbage leaf dissolves bruises, relieves swelling, and reduces pain. If possible, put the leaf in the refrigerator, then - on the affected area;
  • wormwood from bruises. Take fresh stems, chop, make a compress. Change two to three times a day;
  • burdock ointment. Prepare the composition, let it be stored in your refrigerator. Grind 75 g of roots, combine with 200 ml of vegetable oil. Let it brew for a day. Warm over low heat, strain. After removing the cold compress, lubricate the bump.


Local remedies for bruises and bruises also dissolve hematomas well, relieve swelling, and reduce pain. Always keep a tube at home “just in case”, because the sooner you start processing the bump, the less consequences for the body.

Proven gels and ointments:

  • Badyaga-forte;
  • Badyaga 911;
  • bruise-off;
  • Balm lifeguard;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Troxigel;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Heparin ointment.
  • resolves hematomas;
  • reduces puffiness;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • anesthetizes.

Use the Miracle Patch for 3-9 days. In most cases, the effect is clearly visible.

Rehabilitation Therapy

In some cases, after an injury or fall, a week, 10 days pass, and the bruise does not disappear. Perhaps the bruise has affected the deep layers of the dermis, or you have not taken the necessary measures in a timely manner.

What to do? Be sure to visit a therapist. The doctor will prescribe physiotherapy.


  • magnetotherapy using high-frequency magnetic fields;
  • electrophoresis with solutions of drugs;
  • UHF - exposure to an electric field of high frequency.

Now you are armed with enough knowledge. You will not be taken by surprise by the question: “What to do with bruises?”. You need to deal with hematomas, bumps correctly. And the less often, the better!

Further medical video - reference. Learn more about the treatment of bruises:

A bruise can appear even from a small accidental bruise. When bruises form in places that cannot be hidden under clothing, they must be disposed of as soon as possible. This can be done not only with the help of expensive medications, but also by resorting to the methods of traditional medicine. Such methods have no contraindications, side effects and are available to anyone.

How does a bruise appear?

The most common cause of bruising is bruising. Upon impact, small subcutaneous vessels rupture, and the blood that has flowed out under the skin thickens, forming a bruise. It is also called a hematoma.

Stages of subcutaneous hematoma

Depending on the force of impact and the degree of damage to the skin, there are simple or complex. If there are wounds on the skin, nerves and bone tissues are affected, the hematoma is complex.

With the elimination of simple bruises, folk methods do an excellent job, more complex ones, often require medical intervention.

But bruises are formed not only from bruises. Bruises can be the result of any disease, the use of certain medications, as well as age-related hormonal changes, which is observed in many women.

First steps in case of injury

In order for the resulting ones to be less painful and come off as quickly as possible, a number of actions must be taken immediately after the impact:

  • Provide a state of rest of the bruised part of the body, try not to set it in motion. If possible, it is recommended to apply an elastic bandage.
  • In case of damage to the finger, leg, hand, they should be kept upright for some time. This will ensure the outflow of blood, significantly reduce swelling and pain.
  • Apply a cold compress. This can be done with household items such as frozen food, ice, or a plastic bag filled with cold water. In order to avoid frostbite or hypothermia of soft tissues, the freezing should be wrapped in a towel (1-2 layers) and kept at the site of damage for no more than 15 minutes. After a couple of hours, it is advisable to repeat the compress. Exposure to cold contributes to vasoconstriction, which in turn reduces the severity of bruising and the feeling of pain. A cold compress is only effective for a day after the injury.

Cold on a bruise - first aid

  • Make an iodine grid at the site of the bruise. It will serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, improve blood circulation and accelerate wound healing.
  • After eliminating the primary edema (approximately a day later), make a warm compress. You can use salt for this. It is heated in a pan, poured onto a handkerchief or into a sock and applied to the damaged area. A boiled egg wrapped in several layers of cloth is also suitable. Keep a warm compress for 15-20 minutes. Warming up is recommended to be done three times a day.

Folk remedies for bruises from medicinal plants

In order to remove a bruise, it is not necessary to buy expensive medications. All available folk remedies help to quickly reduce hematomas. Consider the most popular and effective methods based on traditional medicine recipes.

  1. Tincture of calendula, golden mustache. A compress is made from it and used as first aid.
  2. Infusion of coltsfoot, celandine, chamomile. A mixture is made from the listed herbs, poured with boiling water (1 tsp of the mixture per 100 ml of water) and insisted. When the infusion has cooled, they need to soak a piece of tissue and apply to the bruise. Hold as long as possible, and repeat as often as possible.
  3. Fresh leaves of plantain, wormwood, or burdock. They are crushed to a mushy state and applied to the site of the bruise.
  4. Aloe. It is often used to remove a bruise, as it has a wound healing and resolving effect. The juice of aloe leaves is impregnated with a cotton pad or a piece of bandage and applied to a sore spot. You can cut the leaf lengthwise and apply it with the inside to the skin.
  5. Bodyaga. A very effective folk remedy with which you can quickly remove a bruise. Bodyaga has an irritating effect that activates the process of blood circulation and promotes the resorption of edema. It is sold in the form of powder and ointment. The powder is diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1 and mixed. The resulting slurry is applied to the bruised area, kept for 40-50 minutes, then washed off with warm water. The procedure must be repeated at least twice a day.

home remedies for bruises

Important! When treating a bruise in the eye area, you need to be especially careful not to allow the product to get on the mucous membrane.

Folk remedies for bruises from food

In cases where you need to get rid of a hematoma, and there are no medications and medicinal plants at hand, food products will help out. Such folk remedies are used to eliminate bruising on any part of the body. With their help, you can quickly remove bruises under the eyes. Products with healing properties are in any kitchen:


It must be cleaned, grated on a coarse grater and put on gauze folded in three or four layers. The compress is applied to the bruised area and left for 30-40 minutes. For a faster effect, it is advisable to cover it with something warm, such as a bag of heated salt. The procedure must be repeated throughout the day every two hours. Potato starch is also suitable for a compress. It is mixed with warm water to a creamy state and applied to the site of bruising. The exposure time is the same as in the treatment with fresh potatoes.

Bruising Products


You can also remove a bruise with such a folk remedy as cabbage. Red cabbage contains three times more useful elements than white cabbage, so its use is more effective. The compress is made from the leaves mashed to the formation of juice. The sheet should be on a sore spot until completely dry. The procedure should be repeated 4-5 times a day;
garlic and onion. They are crushed into gruel, a little salt is added, transferred to gauze and applied to the bruise.

Mixture of beets with honey

The most effective folk remedy, but only suitable for people who do not have an allergic reaction to the components of the mixture. Grated on a fine grater, beets are mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 1. The compress is applied to the bruised area for two hours once a day.


Ordinary table salt can get rid of a hematoma of any complexity in a very short time. A highly concentrated saline solution is made from it and used as lotions. It is better to leave such a lotion overnight, covering it with plastic wrap and fixing it with a bandage or plaster.

Apple vinegar

A very effective way to eliminate bruising. Vinegar must be diluted with water (two teaspoons per liter of water), soak a cotton pad, bandage or handkerchief in the solution and apply to the bruise area. Keep it for 30-40 minutes, repeat the procedure three to four times a day;
vodka. A vodka compress is very effective and can quickly get rid of bruises. To do this, vodka must be heated, moistened with a piece of cloth in it, applied to a sore spot and covered with plastic wrap. The compress is fixed with a plaster or bandage and left overnight.

Iodine mesh on a bruise

Important! If alcohol is used, it must be diluted with water (1: 1), otherwise the skin is possible.

There are a lot of popular ways to remove a bruise. Choosing the most appropriate one should take into account the degree of damage, the size of the bruise and the part of the body that is to be treated. Any of the methods can be used either alone or in combination with other methods, including medication.

bruised called closed mechanical damage to tissues and organs of the body due to the rapid short-term impact on the surface of the body of a blunt object without visible damage to the skin. It can also occur when falling.

The mechanism of injury is the direct action of a blunt object on a particular part of the body. It can be either a fall or a blow with an object.

Injury Clinic. Pain, bruising, swelling, dysfunction of the bruised organ or area. Under the action of a large tangential force, an extensive detachment of the skin is observed. If a large nerve is bruised, shock or paralysis of the area innervated by this nerve may develop, if the joint is bruised, its function is impaired; bruises of internal organs (brain, liver, lungs, kidneys, heart) can lead to severe disorders throughout the body and even death.

The action of the paramedic in the diagnosis of a bruise (its localization is called): first of all, it is necessary to create rest for the damaged organ. It is necessary to apply a pressure bandage to the bruised area, to give this area an elevated position, which helps to stop further hemorrhage into the soft tissues. To reduce pain and inflammation, cold is applied to the site of injury for 2-3 days, then warming procedures (UHF, solux, dry heat, ozocerite applications). With minor bruises of soft tissues, especially the limbs, as a rule, hospitalization is not required, the patient is sent to the emergency room. With extensive bruises of the chest, abdomen, joints - hospitalization in a trauma or surgical department to exclude fractures, dislocations, and damage to internal organs. With bruises of the extremities - the introduction of a solution of analgin 50% - 2.0 intramuscularly, or baralgin 5.0, but shpy 2% 1.0 (you can add diphenhydramine 1% - 1.0) intramuscularly.

With bruises of the trunk, it is better not to administer painkillers so as not to lubricate the clinic of damage to internal organs.

Heart injury. Occurs with blunt chest trauma (direct blow to the sternum, multiple chest injuries). Patients are concerned about intense chest pain that occurs immediately or several hours after the injury. It is more often localized at the site of injury or in the region of the heart; it can radiate to the back, jaw, i.e. may mimic angina pectoris. In some cases, pain is absent and manifests itself after physical exertion several hours or days after the injury. There are also complaints of palpitations, shortness of breath and general weakness. From the anamnesis - information about a chest injury. Cardiac arrhythmias are the most common type of pathology among patients with heart contusion. When contacting a paramedic of such patients, their urgent hospitalization in intensive care units is necessary.

Symptoms: a bruise is always accompanied by pain, especially severe when the periosteum and ulnar nerve are damaged.

Excessive pain sometimes leads to pain shock.

What's happening? Often the bruise is accompanied by hemorrhage. Hemorrhage may take the form of a bruise (bruise) or hematoma (significant accumulation of blood in the tissues). Severe bruises can lead to damage to various organs. So, with a bruise of the head, a concussion is possible; with a bruise of the abdomen - rupture of the spleen and (or) bladder; with a bruised chest - fractures of the ribs and hemorrhage in the pleura; with a bruise of the arms and legs - muscle ruptures, damage to the tendons, hemorrhages in the joint. When a finger is bruised, a nail may come off.

What make? The first few hours after the bruise, the affected area is treated with cold and rest. Cold reduces pain and relieves bleeding faster. You can apply a towel soaked in ice water, or an ice pack, or a bottle of ice water to the bruised area. 3 hours after receiving a bruise, a pressure (but not too tight so as not to disturb blood flow) bandage is applied to the bruise for the next day or two.


Traditional medicine recommends applying a plantain leaf or crushed wormwood to the site of injury. As soon as the mugwort dries out, it needs to be changed or moistened with water. You can apply bodyaga diluted in water (2 tablespoons of bodyagi powder to a tablespoon of water) in the form of

The consequence of a bruise is most often a rupture of blood vessels and a small hemorrhage (bruising). In this case, pain is observed when feeling the bruised place and its swelling. Mild soft tissue bruises do not require a visit to a doctor, their consequences can be eliminated with the help of simple home remedies. If a joint injury or severe soft tissue injury occurs, a consultation with a doctor and possibly a small examination is necessary. In the treatment of any bruises to relieve pain, it is quite acceptable to use such traditional medicine as compresses and lotions using alcohol tinctures of various herbs.

For the first 24 hours, cold should be applied to the bruised area, and only on the second day you can start using warming compresses and wraps.

It is known that alcohol warms and "takes" medicinal substances from the herbs infused on it. Therefore, compresses from alcohol tinctures are such an excellent analgesic, anti-inflammatory and decongestant. It is important to pay attention to the fact that undiluted medical alcohol should not be used for compresses, since it can cause skin burns.

Best of all for the treatment of bruises, tinctures prepared with vodka are suitable.

1. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 20 g each of meadowsweet flowers, bearberry leaves, hernia herbs, knotweed, horsetail, blue cornflower flowers, 30 g each of corn stigmas, dry bean pods, birch buds.

Cooking method. Grind the collection, mix. 4 tbsp. l. mix with vodka. Insist 3 days. Strain before use.

Mode of application. For compresses on a sore joint. Keep no more than 4 hours. The course of treatment is 1 week.

2. Required: 1 liter of vodka, 30 g of burdock root and tricolor violet herb, 20 g of couch grass rhizomes and veronica grass.

Cooking method. Pour the herbal mixture with vodka. Insist 5 days. Strain.

Mode of application. For compresses all night. 10 procedures are enough for complete healing.

3. Required: 1/2 l of vodka, 20 g of coltsfoot herbs and oregano.

Cooking method. Grind the herbal mixture, pour vodka, leave for 3 days, strain before use.

Mode of application. For compresses and wraps, for the whole night. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

4. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 100 g of calamus herb. Cooking method. Fill the grass with vodka. Insist 3 days.

Mode of application. For lotions on bruises. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

5. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 100 g of marsh rosemary herb and nettle leaves, 2 tbsp. l. pomegranate juice.

Cooking method. Grind herbs, fill with vodka. Infuse for 4 days, add pomegranate juice, let stand for another 2 days..

Mode of application. For compresses and wraps of diseased joints. The course of treatment is 2-3 weeks.

6. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 50 g of barberry leaves, 100 g of birch buds.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over barberry leaves and birch buds. Insist 5 days.

Mode of application. For compresses all night. Repeat compresses every evening for 10 days.

7. Required: 300 g of vodka, 70 g of speckled hemlock leaves, 50 g of balsam herb, 3 tsp. aloe juice.

Cooking method. Fill the herbs with vodka. Infuse for 4 days, then add aloe juice, let stand for 2 days. Mode of application. For lotions to sore joints.

8. Required: 400 g of vodka, 30 g of St. John's wort, 20 g of oak bark and marshmallow leaves.

Cooking method. Grind herbs, pour vodka, leave for 4 days. Strain before use.

Mode of application. For compresses on sore joints. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

9. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 20 g of alder bark and St. John's wort, 10 g of hemlock speckled leaves.

Cooking method. Grind herbs, pour vodka, leave for 3 days.

Mode of application. For wrapping a sore joint at night. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

10. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 20 g of common harmala, 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Cooking method. Fill the grass with vodka, add lemon juice. Insist 5 days.

Mode of application. For compresses on a sore joint. 10 procedures are enough for the disease to recede.

11. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 30 g of common harmala, 10 g of elm bark and St. John's wort, 20 g of balsam herb.

Cooking method. Fill herbs with vodka, leave for 4 days.

Mode of application. For lotions on sore joints. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

12. Required: 1/2 liter vodka, 3 tbsp. l. lemon peel, 30 g linden bark.

Cooking method. Pour vodka over lemon zest and linden bark, leave for 4 days.

- Mode of application. For compresses and wraps. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

13. Required: 400 g vodka, 3 tbsp. l. bay leaf, 20 g juniper needles.

Cooking method. Chop bay leaf, mix with juniper, pour vodka. Insist 3 days.

Mode of application. For compresses and wraps. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

14. Required: 1 liter of vodka, 20 g of angelica rhizomes.

Cooking method.- Pour angelica rhizomes with vodka. Insist 2 days.

Mode of application. For lotions and compresses. Repeat the procedure for 3 weeks.

15. Required: 1/2 liter of vodka, 80 g of Moldavian snakehead leaves.

Cooking method. Grind the grass, pour vodka, leave for 2 days.

Mode of application. For lotions on a bruised place. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

16. Required: 400 g of vodka, 20 g of thyme-flowering snakehead and linden bark.

Cooking method. Fill the linden bark and grass with vodka, leave for 5 days.

Mode of application. For lotions to bruised places. The course of treatment is 3 weeks.

17. Required: 1/2 vodka, ZOg nettle, 20 g of narrow-leaved sucker leaves.

Cooking method. Pour the crushed herbs with vodka. Insist 2 days. Strain.

Mode of application. As a lotion to bruised places. Repeat treatment for 10 days.

18. Required: 400 g of vodka, 100 g of hop cones.

Cooking method. Pour hop cones with vodka. Insist 2 days.

Mode of application. For compresses on a bruised place. The course of treatment is .2 weeks.


A bruise (contusion) is a mechanical damage to tissues without violating the integrity of the skin. In this case, there is pain at the site of injury, swelling, bruising.

Stretching (distortion) is damage to ligaments, muscles, tendons and other tissues under the influence of a force acting longitudinally, without violating their anatomical integrity. Most often, there is sprain of the ankle or knee joint, which is based on the tear of individual fibers of the ligament with hemorrhage into its thickness. At the same time, pain in the joint during movement and swelling are noted.

The timing of the start of massage depends on the depth and extent of the lesion, as well as on the general reaction of the body to injury. With a fresh soft tissue injury, sprain of the articular-ligamentous apparatus and muscles, massage should be started immediately - on the day of the injury or the next. Early massage significantly reduces the recovery time of impaired motor functions, helping to reduce pain, accelerate the resorption of hemorrhages. When starting to massage the patient, it is necessary to ensure that the muscles of the injured limb are as relaxed as possible.

Massage techniques are first performed on healthy tissues above the injury site, thereby creating an increased outflow of blood and lymph from the injured area. This massage is called suction. At the same time, the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments are necessarily massaged (lumbar - with injuries of the lower, cervical - with injuries of the upper extremities). Of the techniques, various types of stroking are used (daily, preferably 2 times a day for 5-10 minutes) in alternation with squeezing and rubbing, as well as vibration in the spinal segments. Stroking is performed strictly in the direction of the venous outflow so as not to cause pain at the site of injury. As the pain subsides, massage techniques are performed closer and closer to the site of injury.

Starting from the 4th-5th massage sessions, in the absence of negative reactions (fever, soreness, etc.), they proceed to massage in the area of ​​damage. Apply stroking and rubbing, then (first above the site of injury) - kneading. The intensity of massage techniques increases gradually from session to session. Further, passive and active-passive movements are included in the joints located near the site of damage, and they are carried out so that they do not cause significant pain. The duration of the massage is adjusted to 15-20 minutes.

Gradually, the activity of massage techniques in the area of ​​injury increases, they begin to use all types of stroking, rubbing, tapping above or near the site of injury, increase the volume of passive movements in the joints, and introduce resistance exercises.

Massage is recommended to be combined with therapeutic rubbing, and after 2-3 days - with thermal procedures (paraffin, water baths, dry-air baths, etc.). It must be remembered that the areas of the lymph nodes, especially when they are inflamed, are not massaged.

dotted massage is carried out by a strong inhibitory method on inhibitory (sedative) points of a wide spectrum of action, such as HE-GU, ZU-SAN-LI, etc.

For any manifestation of acute pain, massage is easiest to start with ear points. First, the most painful zones corresponding to the area of ​​injury are found using special rods or fingers. After that, it is necessary to press on it for 2-3 minutes, slightly shaking the rod or making rotational movements with the fingertips.

Shilajit treatment

1. Taking the drug inside in doses of 0.2-0.5 g along with rubbing the affected area (depending on the affected area), the course of treatment inside should be 25-28 days, alternate after 10 days if necessary, rubbing should continue the entire period of treatment Without stops.

2. For bruises with injuries to the chest and its organs, it is recommended to drink 0.2 g of mummy with a decoction of cumin aigon, caraway seeds.

3. 0.5 g of mumiyo is mixed with rose oil and given to drink, and the fracture is also lubricated. Bones grow together very quickly.

Herbal treatment

1. Wormwood (herb). An excellent tool. Crush fresh grass to juice and apply to the affected areas. In case of severe bruising, apply a thick layer. Do not allow drying, change more often or moisten from above with water. In winter, apply an ointment (1 part of wormwood juice, condensed in air, to 4 parts of the base, i.e. cow butter, or lard, or petroleum jelly). Maybe canned juice. The juice is preserved with vodka or 60-degree alcohol. You can steam fresh grass with boiling water and, when it cools down, make it in the form of a cold lotion, but this is not so effective.

2. Garden onion. Fresh juice of it or grated gruel of onion in the form of a compress. An excellent remedy for bruising, especially the knee.

3. Arnica. Tincture. Inside 30-40 drops. Outwardly as a lotion. If a bruise is with lesions and abrasions, then undiluted tincture is used, but if without lesions, but only with bruises and swelling, then dilute the tincture 1:10. Arnica is valuable for chest bruises, as a sedative and pain reliever.

4. St. John's wort. Inside in the form of a decoction. 20 g of St. John's wort per 400 g of boiling water. Simmer until half the volume on low heat. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. For external use, an ointment is made in the same way as from wormwood juice (see above).

5. Plantain (grass). Valuable fresh as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Apply mashed or whole sheets to bruised places, even with lesions. Juice can replace fresh leaves. Sold in a pharmacy. You can use tincture or ointment from it (1:4). Can partly replace fresh leaves or juice.

6. Hellebore Lobel. Fresh roots are boiled in water. Warm decoction is rubbed on sore spots. Well treats dislocations, bruises, tumors. Dislocations without editing fall into place, the swelling subsides. Edema is treated with the same decoction (by rubbing).

7. Bodyaga. An excellent tool. For 1 tablespoon of water, 2 tablespoons of bodyagi powder. Apply this dough on the bruise and bandage it. The healing effect will begin as soon as the water begins to evaporate and the bodyaga becomes semi-dry. You can dilute bodyaga with sunflower oil in a ratio of 1: 1. Change 2 times a day.

8. Make lotions and compresses from lead water. Sold in a pharmacy.

9. Take 1/2 liter of 6% vinegar, 2 heads of garlic and finely chop, then leave for 1 day. Rub the sore spots with the mixture.

10. Grind 5-6 heads of onions with 30 g of salt, apply the prepared gruel on the sore spot. Repeat the procedure until complete recovery.

If you get hurt, make this ointment. Mix a tablespoon of some animal fat, a tablespoon of finely chopped onions and add half a tablespoon of crushed sea salt to this mixture. Treat the wound with the resulting ointment, apply a bandage on top and do not remove it for a day. Repeat the procedure daily until the wound is completely scarred.

If the wound is festering, soak a sterile dressing in 18% sea salt solution and bandage it to the wound for several hours.

If you have a severe bruise, make a room temperature sea salt solution (three tablespoons of sea salt per liter of water), soak a piece of soft cloth in it, wring it out slightly and apply it to the sore spot.

First aid

Scratch, abrasion, cut often become the cause of great trouble if they are not processed correctly and on time.

First of all, rinse the wound with a stream of water (preferably boiled). Then rinse with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, pouring from a vial in a thin stream. This solution, getting on the wound, releases atomic oxygen, which is detrimental to all microbes. If there is no hydrogen peroxide, you can use potassium permanganate. It has pronounced disinfectant properties, however, only its weak, pale pink solution should be used for washing wounds. A strong solution or crystals of potassium permanganate can cause a burn.

Lubricate the skin around the wound with tincture of iodine, and then apply a sterile bandage.

In the hours following an injury, especially if the wound is contaminated with earth or caused by a rusty object, the victim should see a doctor to check the quality of the wound and decide whether a tetanus shot is needed.

It happens that a throbbing pain appears in the area of ​​​​damage. This indicates a possible suppuration of the wound. In this case, you can not wait, but you should immediately consult a doctor.

A bactericidal patch can be applied for no longer than a day. It is necessary to periodically remove it and check the condition of the wound, make sure that it does not get wet. It is not recommended to seal wounds, especially abrasions, with an ordinary adhesive plaster.

On the face, small wounds heal quickly. If the wound festered, in no case should you self-medicate. The vascular network of the subcutaneous tissue of the face is connected by arterial and venous branches with intracranial (cerebral) vessels. Therefore, an infection with blood flow can relatively easily pass into the cranial cavity, infect the brain, its membranes, cause meningitis, encephalitis.

Numerous small thorns of a plant that have stuck into the skin can be quickly removed by dripping wax from a candle onto this place. The hardened wax is removed along with the thorns. Suitable for this purpose are some types of glue that form an elastic film.

Contusion, sprain. In the first hours after this happens, apply an ice pack or a towel soaked in cold water to the injury site. Cooling reduces pain, prevents the development of edema, and reduces the volume of internal hemorrhage. When the ligaments are sprained, in addition, a tight fixing bandage is needed.

In no case should you hover your leg or arm, pull or pull, with bruises and sprains. This can aggravate the injury. Having taken the first urgent measures of self-help and mutual assistance, be sure to consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis and prescribe further treatment.

After a bruise, a bruise often forms on the face - hemorrhage into soft tissues due to damage to small blood vessels. To prevent bruising, in the first 20-30 minutes after the bruise, a bubble with ice, snow, cold water, pieces of ice wrapped in plastic wrap or a napkin, a towel soaked in cold water and slightly wrung out are applied.

And if, nevertheless, a bruise has formed, for its quick resorption on the second day, it is recommended to apply dry heat to the site of injury two or three times a day: a heating pad, a bottle of hot water, a bag of heated sand.

At nosebleed, which often occurs with facial bruises, you must immediately seat the victim so that his head is lowered, put cotton swabs into the nasal passages, cold on the nose area. and then vomiting may occur. If the measures taken do not help, the victim must be immediately sent to a medical institution or an ambulance should be called.

A very formidable symptom is the outflow from the nose or ear of a colorless, like water, liquid or blood, as well as the appearance of bruises around the eyes (a symptom of glasses). These are signs of severe traumatic brain injury. With fractures and cracks of the skull, convulsions, motor excitation, and sometimes paralysis of the legs and arms, loss of consciousness, and vomiting are possible.

In such cases, urgent medical attention is needed! Delay can cost lives. Before the arrival of the ambulance, it is necessary to lay the victim on his side or turn his head to one side so that vomit, blood, saliva, and cerebrospinal fluid do not enter the windpipe. If the person is unconscious, it is necessary to clean the mouth with a finger wrapped in a gauze or handkerchief.

Dislocation- a very serious injury. There is a strong displacement of the bones that make up the joint, overstretching of muscles, ligaments, and often their rupture, which causes severe pain. Dislocation is characterized by shortening or lengthening of the limb, increasing pain in the joint, sharply aggravated by movement, difficulty in active and severe limitation of passive movements. The configuration of the joint also changes: the dislocated bone protrudes in a new, unusual place. With a dislocation, ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves can be damaged.

Only a medical worker can correct a dislocation! In no case should you do this yourself, since inept actions can only further injure the ligaments, blood vessels, and nerves.

First aid is primarily to create immobility for the damaged limb. For this, a fixing bandage or splint is applied. Then the victim must be delivered to a medical facility. In case of severe pain, you should give him a tablet of analgin or amidopyrine. To reduce pain and swelling, it is recommended to apply a heating pad with cold water or a towel soaked in cold water to the place of dislocation.

If happened fracture, the victim feels sharp pain, swelling, limb deformity, bruising, impaired movement in the injured arm or leg, or mobility outside the joint appear. Sometimes a crunch is heard at the fracture site due to uneven surfaces of bone fragments.

By careful superficial probing, determine the place of greatest pain, it corresponds to the localization of the fracture. Remember that in no case should you check the mobility of bone fragments yourself, set them, as you can damage soft tissues, blood vessels, nerves and cause additional pain to the victim, up to the development of shock.

If a fracture is suspected, first aid is provided in the same volume as with an obvious fracture.

In the case of a closed fracture, measures should be taken to stop further displacement of fragments, reduce injury to soft tissues by their ends, and eliminate or reduce pain. With an open fracture, when bone fragments protrude into the wound, it is necessary first of all to stop the bleeding and apply a sterile bandage. These actions help prevent the development of shock from blood loss, as well as additional infection of the wound.

The main thing to do is to ensure the immobility (immobilization) of the injured limb. To do this, you can use scarves, bandages, cotton wool, belts, ready-made or improvised tires.

Fracture of the forearm. Bending the arm at the elbow at a right angle and wrapping it with any tissue, splints are placed on the back and palmar surfaces of the forearm, capturing both joints. Fix the tires with a bandage or scarf. You can’t lower your hand down, as swelling and pain increase from this. It is best to hang your hand on a bandage through your neck.

At hip and femur fracture tires are applied to the entire injured leg from the outer and inner sides, and also over the fabric. Bone protrusions (ankles, condyles) are protected with cotton pads. You can also bandage the injured leg to a healthy one, which will serve as a kind of splint.

spine fractures, especially in the cervical and thoracic regions - a very dangerous injury, it is fraught with the development of paralysis. Such victims must be handled with particular care. Help is needed in two or three people. The victim is laid face up on a flat hard surface (on a wide board, a door removed from the hinges or a wooden shield) and tied so that he does not move.

In case of damage to the cervical spine, the victim is laid on his back on a hard surface, and the head and neck are fixed from the sides with two rolls of folded clothes, blankets, pillows.

At rib fractures to reduce pain, the chest is tightly bandaged with bandages, towels or sheets, or the victim is given a comfortable position for him.

If broken collarbone, it is fixed with a scarf or outerwear.

At skull fractures, which often happens in car accidents, falls from a height, the victim is laid on his back, his head is fixed on both sides with soft rollers of clothing.

Pelvic fracture often complicated by trauma to the pelvic organs and the development of shock. The victim must be carefully laid with his back on the shield (or the removed door), put a soft roller under his head. Bend your legs at the knees and spread them a little to the sides (give a “frog position”), put a roll of folded clothes under your knees.

Jaw fractures is a fairly common injury. At the same time, speech and swallowing are difficult, severe pain is noted, the mouth does not close. To create immobility of the jaw, a gauze bandage is applied to the chin, the tours of which go around the head and under the chin. In case of a fracture of the upper jaw, a splint (plank) is laid between the upper and lower teeth, and then the jaw is fixed with a bandage through the chin.

Conspiracy treatment

1. “How Jesus Christ was crucified, shed red blood, did not know any cuts, no mowing, no sorrows, no aches, no painful tumors. Likewise, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) knows neither cuts, nor mowing, nor sorrows, nor pains, nor aches, nor pinches, nor painful tumors. You all go into the dark dense forests, into the deep blue seas, into the quicksand marshy swamps. There you live, there you eat and drink. Arab of God (servant of God) (name) do not know, do not grab. Amen". 2. “I will go out into a clean free field. In a clean free field there is a golden multi-stage staircase. The brave warrior Egory descends along the golden multi-stage stairs on a hot silver horse with a sharp damask spear. Brave Yegoriy poked a gray stone with a golden first-consecrated knife, a sharp silver damask spear. The gray stone has no pain, no blood, no wound. Also, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) has neither an evil dashing tumor, nor at the morning dawn, nor at the evening dawn, nor by the moon, nor at noon. Be, my words, molding and strong, sharper than a sharp damask knife, sharper than a damask spear. 3. “A dead body has been lying for far away for years. There is no wound on him, no blood, no pinches, no ache, no blue bruise, no vicious tumor. Also, the servant of God (servant of God) (name) would not have had any wounds, no blood, no pinches, no aches, no blue bruises, no evil tumors. Amen". 4. “First time, in the morning hour, the Holy Most Pure Mother of God Theotokos, come, help. I ask you and I tell you. U (name) on the left,

Massage for bruises and sprains of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus

Bruises are soft tissue injuries in which the integrity of the outer integument is preserved. Clinical signs of a bruise are pain, swelling, hematoma with an increase in skin temperature in the area of ​​injury.

Ligament sprain is the most common type of joint injury. The degree of sprain is different: along with mild subluxation of the joint, which patients often do not pay attention to, there are more severe forms, accompanied by rupture or tearing of the ligaments, and in the future the subluxation often recurs (for example, the shoulder and ankle joints). The most commonly observed sprains of the ankle joint with a sharp adduction and simultaneous supination of the foot; in this case, there is a tear or rupture of the talo-peroneal ligament, located transversely in front of the outer ankle. At the same time, there may be tears of the calcaneal-fibular and other ligaments of this area.

Massage is shown from the 2nd-3rd day after the injury. Early massage helps to reduce pain, accelerate the resorption of hemorrhage in tissues, effusion in the joints and mucous bags, as a result of which the recovery period for impaired motor functions is significantly reduced.

The first 2-3 days should be massaged above the injury site (suction massage), while the damaged joint should be well fixed by the masseur's hand. For example, when stretching the ligamentous apparatus of the ankle joint, one hand of the massage therapist fixes the foot, the other massages the muscles of the thigh and lower leg.

Massage techniques in the first days after injury: continuous and intermittent stroking, rubbing (spiral, circular), combined with continuous embracing stroking.

Massage is carried out in the direction of the venous outflow daily for 5-10 minutes.

From the 4-5th day, in the absence of pronounced reactive phenomena (absence of tissue swelling, normalization of local and general temperature, reduction of the hyperesthesia zone at the site of injury, etc.), it is recommended to proceed to massage in the area of ​​damage. The procedure is complemented by the following massage techniques: light kneading in various directions alternately with continuous embracing stroking, massage of individual muscles or muscle groups. In the first days after the injury, intermittent vibration in the form of chopping and tapping is excluded.

As the reactive phenomena subside, the intensity of massage movements gradually increases. On damaged muscles, kneading techniques are used - felting, longitudinal and transverse kneading, shifting and vibration techniques - continuous vibration, patting, shaking, etc.

Articular bags, tendon sheaths, bony protrusions of the articular ends of bones, muscle tendons and their attachment points are massaged by stroking and deep rubbing techniques.

The symmetrically located intact segments are massaged and the paravertebral zones of the spinal segments and the reflexogenic zones of the body are affected.

In case of damage to the lower extremities, the region of the lumbar sympathetic nodes is affected. The gluteal muscles, costal arches, and iliac crests are also massaged.

In case of damage to the upper limbs, the region of the cervical sympathetic nodes is affected, the sternocleidomastoid muscles, supraclavicular portions of the trapezius muscles, the outer edges of the latissimus dorsi, deltoid muscles, and the areas of the sternoclavicular and clavicular-acromial joints of the affected side are massaged.

Massage of the paravertebral zones is carried out in the direction from the underlying segments to the overlying ones. Stroking and rubbing techniques are recommended on the joints of the limbs.

Massage should be combined with exercise. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes daily. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures.

Kerosene treatment

Lubricate with kerosene or alcohol mixed with camphor. Moisten with melted alum or saline solution. The wound heals in 10-20 days. Avoid suppuration, which can lead to gangrene.

According to statistics, a bruise of any part of the body is the most common injury. But not everyone knows what a bruise is, how to treat it and how. This is useful information, as the consequences of such damage can be dangerous.

A bruise is an injury to tissues or organs resulting from a fall or impact. Damage to soft tissues is accompanied by swelling and hematomas. Mechanical impact does not violate the integrity of the skin, but leads to injury to blood and lymphatic vessels, in more severe cases - muscles and joints, nerve fibers and spinal cord.

With bruises, an infiltrate is always formed - a painful compaction is found at the site of injury during palpation. With severe bruises, joints and bones can move.

Limbs (leg, arm) are more often injured, but internal organs can also be bruised - usually the kidneys and liver, less often the lungs, the brain. With bruises of internal organs, the symptoms become more complicated due to the absence of external signs. Such injuries can be recognized by pain syndrome and changes in mobility, temperature, blood pressure and other indicators.

The severity of the injury

The main symptom of an injury is pain. There are four degrees. At the first, a minor injury is applied to the soft tissues, a slight bruise disappears in 3 days, a maximum of a week. However, the pain is mild. External signs are absent or are manifested by a slight cyanosis of the skin. No specific treatment is required.

Important! Within a day, the hematoma changes its color, so when contacting a specialist, you need to indicate the date when the injury was received.

In the second degree of injury, muscle fibers and capillaries are damaged, which contributes to the formation of hematoma and edema. The patient notes soreness, which increases with pressure. Due to discomfort, motor function may be impaired.

The third degree may be accompanied by dislocations and subluxations, tendon tears. Diffuse edema and extensive hematoma are characteristic. Such bruises are especially dangerous for the musculoskeletal system, joints.

Fourth degree - severe bruises, resulting in dysfunction of organs and systems, deterioration of the general condition. Often accompanied by internal bleeding. The more severe the injury and the larger the damaged vessels, the greater the interstitial bleeding and the more painful the hematoma. When the joints are bruised, fluid accumulates in the joint capsule and nearby tissues, and a purple-cyanotic tumor is formed.

First aid for bruises

The first thing to do with a bruise is to apply cold to the damaged area. You should immediately make a cold compress or a heating pad with ice. If there is no heating pad, to reduce swelling, ice can be applied to the bruised area by wrapping it in a towel.

If a limb is bruised, you need to immobilize it, if necessary, call a doctor. With noticeable pain, give an anesthetic (tablets Analgin, Baralgin, Efferalagan).

Indications for calling an ambulance:

  • bruising of the head with severe pain, dizziness, nausea and vomiting (possibly concussion or bruising of the brain);
  • contusion of the lumbar or abdominal region with pain, dizziness, loss of consciousness, cold extremities (damages and ruptures of the kidneys, liver, spleen are possible);
  • contusion of the spine with severe pain and loss of sensation;
  • a strong blow to any area of ​​the body, after which the person lost consciousness.

In case of severe bruises, the doctor prescribes an examination, and injuries that do not threaten health are treated at home, using conservative therapy and traditional medicine.

Important! With an extensive unresolved hematoma, the consequence may be suppuration - an abscess.

For the treatment of bruises from medicines are used:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • analgesics;
  • enzyme preparations.

Physiotherapy is very effective - massage, heating, magnet. Bruised joints and tissues warm up the Almag apparatus, provided that no more than 12 hours have passed since the injury. Only in this case, the device helps to resolve hematomas and edema, improving vascular permeability. If the blood has already clotted, you need to look for other methods.

Ointments for bruises and bruises:

  • Badyaga-forte;
  • Badyaga 911;
  • bruise-off;
  • Balm lifeguard;
  • Traumeel S;
  • Troxegel;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Troxerutin;
  • Heparin ointment.

Medical treatment for bruises includes pain medications. Of the analgesics used:

  • Ketanov;
  • Solpadein;
  • Paracetamol.

Of the enzyme preparations, Wobenzym should be noted.

In sports medicine, immediately after an injury, freezing with a special spray is used, and further treatment of extensive hematomas that are not complicated by bone and joint dysfunction necessarily includes massage, medicines (ointments, injections) and physiotherapy exercises. This is necessary in order to improve blood circulation in the injured area. Troxevasin and other ointments will help get rid of infiltrates, edema.

Folk methods and recipes

Natural heating, herbal medicines, plants directly, natural oils and fats are used for home treatment. But you need to know that home medicine does not always normalize the condition. If, despite all efforts, the pain does not go away for a long time, you should definitely consult a doctor and follow his recommendations. Folk remedies treat bruises, both fresh and old.

herbal remedies

The most effective recipes:

  1. Means are made from onions - fresh and baked. Onion juice is used to treat recent bruises: squeezed out of grated onion gruel, mixed with vegetable oil and lubricated the bruised area, rubbing slightly. Baked onions are prepared as follows: fresh onions are cut in half and placed in a dry, heated frying pan without oil so that the cut is baked and browned. This remedy helps to get rid of pain and swelling.
  2. Treatment of bruises with cabbage. A fresh cabbage leaf is taken, a thick vein is cut off from it and lightly beaten to become soft and let the juice flow. The compress is applied to the damaged area, the sheet is changed 3-4 times a day.

Fighting a hematoma will also help:

  • badyagi powder (dilute to gruel and rub into the bruised area);
  • fresh celandine (with the juice of the leaves and stem, lubricate the skin with a very thin layer to avoid burns);
  • burdock oil (pharmaceutical finished product);
  • burdock roots (2 tablespoons pour vegetable oil and leave for a day).

Helps relieve pain compress from a decoction of oak bark and chamomile officinalis (1: 1, per glass of boiling water 2 tbsp bark and 2 tbsp chamomile).

Important! The main contraindication to the use of folk remedies is the increased sensitivity of the body to their components.

Non herbal remedies

For the preparation of therapeutic ointments at home, vegetable and animal fats, chemicals are used:

  1. To lard (unsalted pork fat) add a little garlic or onion. This ointment needs to be treated with a bruised area.
  2. If the bruised joint swells, laundry soap helps: rub finely to get 1 tbsp. l., mix with turpentine and rub.
  3. A strong solution is made from sea or table salt (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) and the damaged limb is lowered into it. The bath should be taken for about an hour. Water should be at room temperature.
  4. An effective lotion of vegetable oil, vinegar and water: everything is taken in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each), mixed, gauze is soaked in this composition and applied to the bruise. You need to re-moisten the gauze as it dries.
  5. It will help reduce swelling and vinegar with water 1: 1 if you apply a damp cloth to the bruise.

Important! It is impossible to continue treatment with alternative methods if the person's condition does not improve.

Rehabilitation Therapy

With bruises, it is necessary to increase physical activity as you recover. Massage, hydromassage, acupuncture and other physiotherapy procedures will accelerate the resorption of hematomas and reduce swelling.

During the treatment period, the victim needs to eat right, his diet should be balanced. It is also useful to take complex vitamins. It is better to refrain from alcoholic beverages during the recovery period.

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