How to please a guy: simple life tips for purposeful girls. How to please a guy - a dozen effective ways How to please a guy with whom you do not communicate

Many women, having met on their life path the very one that they have been looking for all their conscious life, cannot attract his attention and fall into despair. It seems to them that they are not capable of anything and will never be truly happy. But all this is not true, it is categorically not recommended to think so. If suddenly, a woman fails to charm the man she likes, first of all she should think about whether she really needs it? And if the answer is yes, then you can begin the process of seduction. And so that everything goes as it should and no mistake happens, this article will help her. Below are 13 effective ways, having studied and adopted them, a woman can easily achieve her goal, that is, fall in love with any man.

1. All representatives of the stronger sex are little puppies deep in their souls that need to be petted and fed, and in return they will rub against the woman’s legs, faithfully running after her wherever she goes. You shouldn't drive them away. Let them lie at their feet. A man cannot be re-educated, but he can be trained and taught.

2. All men are narcissists and this fact is scientifically proven. If a woman wants her chosen one to be devoted to her and listen to everything, she should often compliment him. For example, highlight his appearance, character traits. To say how charming he is, how sexy, smart, generous and brave. All this will give the fair sex a great benefit. Men, after such statements addressed to them, melt like a snowball, hang their ears and are ready for a lot for women and will be faithful all their lives.

3. All men love with their eyes. Therefore, if a woman wants to attract the attention of a man she likes, then she should use weapons of mass destruction. What is this weapon? Woman's outfit! She must put on her most seductive outfit, smile charmingly, remember the grace in her gait and reinforce all this with her own irresistibility and with a pure heart into battle. Not one man can resist this and her lover is no exception.

4. All men are drawn to the “forbidden fruit” like a magnet. A woman needs to pretend that he is indifferent to her and she is indifferent to him. He will understand that she needs to be conquered, and since all men are hunters and warriors, he will immediately begin to act. But in no case should you overdo it, otherwise the “fish” will swim away without trying the bait. A woman should subtly hint to a man that he has a chance.

5. All men love secrets. If a woman is not attracted to the role of a mysterious stranger, then you can apply the role of an agent of the secret services. This approach is very modern and fraught with a lot of intrigue.

6. For the most part, a man submits through kindness and childish naivete. If a woman wants the man she likes to want to be with her and give attention, love and care, then she must appear before him in the form of a sincere and naive young person who does not understand the modern world at all and is partly afraid of it. A man will want to protect her and protect her with his whole body.

7. All men are small children at heart, who really want to be understood and pitied. A woman should give a man the opportunity to be a “vest” for him in which he could cry. And there is nothing shameful in such behavior of men. Even great geniuses, whose souls are constantly wandering somewhere in the world of fantasy, need human support.

8. All men want to either be loved or love. Those who want to be loved are weak men, and if they don’t have the necessary support next to them, then they won’t last long and there is a chance to lose them. The second type of men, those who want to love, are strong. The fair sex is divided into the same types. If a woman is the owner of a weak type, then she needs a strong man. If, on the contrary, she is strong, then, accordingly, her man should be of a weak type.

9. All men are teenagers deep inside who love to play computer games and football in the yard. Therefore, in order to please a man, a woman must play his games with him. And when a man is satisfied with this, present him with your games with your own rules.

10. All men are warriors deep in their souls. And as you know, the war of love is far from easy. A man needs knowledge, considerable experience, and that he knows how to build his own strategies and is always armed to the teeth. Therefore, a woman who wants to please a man must first rebuff him, so that excitement comes to him, and then, after a short resistance, put up a white flag, as a sign of complete surrender.

11. All men want the best. Therefore, a woman must make sure that a man is sure that she is the best. And the man will believe, because the representatives of the stronger sex are so gullible.

12. All men are not able to respond with indifference to the fact that if you first invade their possessions (life), bringing joy and fun, and then suddenly disappear, without saying where and for how long. If a man stops sleeping and his thoughts will always be with a woman, then she can relax. He is knocked out and is unlikely to ever come to his senses.

13. All men want to be sure that the whole universe plays by their rules and they are the masters of life. If a woman wants to please a man, then in no case should she show him that she has been chosen by him. She should make him think he chose her. How to do it? As easy as pie. A woman simply does not need to demonstrate her interest in him. He must not think that she is being imposed. In addition, a woman follows all the ideas that come from her own head to pass off as his, then the man will be proud and glad that he has such a good and understanding woman.

Most modern women are often interested in the question of the effectiveness of certain tricks that can attract the attention of the opposite sex. At first glance, it may seem that a short skirt and beautiful makeup will be enough, but not everything is so simple.

Where to begin?

And you need to start with the question of whether the chosen one is "the one." And if the answer is yes, then it's time to think about a strategy for seducing him. So, how to please a guy and make him fall in love with you?


No matter what anyone says, but representatives of the strong half of humanity, first of all, pay attention to external attractiveness. Not a single guy to communicate with an untidy and unkempt girl. But beautiful clothes, a neat manicure, a friendly sweet smile will help to interest him.


It is necessary to conduct your own little investigation as to where the object of your sympathy likes to spend time, what hobbies and activities are interested in, and compare the data obtained with information about yourself. This will help to identify the presence of common interests. If there are any, you can try to "accidentally" meet him in one of those places where he likes to spend time and strike up a conversation.

Sense of humor

Humor is an important part of everyone's life. A woman with a good sense of humor, as a rule, has a light character and is able to cheer up even on the most gloomy day, and most importantly, men feel such ladies.


How to please a guy, but at the same time not seem too intrusive? You can show initiative and activity, but you don't have to, figuratively speaking, fill all the space around with yourself.


You should not strive to be an "open book" in front of your chosen one. It is necessary to reveal your strengths and weaknesses slowly and carefully, not forgetting that every girl should have a zest.


Showing interest in everything around will make the girl versatile, educated and interesting for the opposite sex. Start following the news, politics, learn a foreign language, find a suitable hobby for yourself.



Not only girls are crazy about nice words addressed to them. Guys also love when their dignity does not go unnoticed. You can note the excellent erudition and resourcefulness of a young man, or ask if the owner of such broad shoulders goes to the rocking room. It is very difficult to over-praise representatives of the strong half of humanity. And if one of the guys stole the lady's heart, then she even enjoys showering him with compliments. But do not forget that too frank flattery can be easily calculated, so do not overdo it.

Always be yourself

In any situation, you should not try to seem like someone you are not. A guy should be interested in a real girl. For example, if she is modest, then let her use this quality to create an image of a calm and reasonable person. This type of woman will look advantageous against the background of overly emotional girls.

Comparison with other guys

How to please a guy who doesn't like you

Love is a wonderful bright feeling, but if your chosen one does not pay attention to you, it can hurt. The main thing is not to despair, because there are no hopeless situations. If your lover has not yet seen the girl of his dreams in you, then you need to try to correct the current state of affairs. You should approach the issue with intelligence and perseverance, even if the situation seems hopeless.

First you need to find a reason to get to know each other better. For example, you know that a guy likes to dance, then you should also become a disco lover. First you need to learn how to move beautifully, and then you can go into battle.

Try peeking into the places where he often rests, but do not overdo it so that it does not look like stalking.


Almost all modern people have pages on social networks. And, most likely, every girl at least once in her life fell in love with an unknown, but very handsome young man, and she had a question how to please a pen pal.

Like object account

The first thing to do is to study the young man's account. According to psychologists, more than 80% of information about a person is located on his page on a social network. To get a basic understanding of a person, just scroll through his feed, read posts and statuses, look at his photos. Ready? So, certain conclusions about the personality of the guy are formed.

Information in your account

Next, you need to analyze your page, namely, remove unnecessary information from there. Information about unbearable mental anguish, as well as dreams of a husband with ten children and a country house, are not interesting for guys, even more than that, they can scare them away. Also, do not "load" them with your past failed relationships.

Photos in your account

After clearing out your information, it's time to revisit your photo folders. All failed shots should be destroyed. The advice is simple and banal, but effective. If a girl panics, worries and cannot normally identify the pictures in which she came out badly, you can bring in her friends to "clean up".


It's time to print the first message. No need to start a dialogue with a typical "Hi, how are you?" or even more so with "Hi, you're cool!". With such careless and banal phrases, you can completely miss the chance to please a guy. How to build communication? It would be better if the girl tries to interest the object of her sympathy, to involve him in an interesting conversation. At the same time, the dialogue should be a little restrained, showing good breeding.


Illiteracy annoys almost all people who are at least a little familiar with the rules of their native language. Therefore, if you have any doubts about the spelling of a word, it is best to peep on the Internet or check it in the Word editor. It may also happen that the girl will be much more educated than her interlocutor, and he will make mistakes at the level of the first class. In this case, interest in such a young person may dissolve on its own.


If the first communication went smoothly, but suddenly the guy disappeared for unknown reasons and does not write anything else, there is no need to jump to conclusions and get upset. At this point, you shouldn't do anything at all. Maybe he has things to do. A tactful young man will most likely even apologize for his sudden disappearance in the next correspondence. But do not hint to him about this or ask questions like "Why did you disappear?" or "What have you been doing?".

How to get a guy to like you at school

School years are considered the easiest, most carefree and, of course, not complete without falling in love. It's okay to strike up a conversation with a boy, but many girls are shy about taking the initiative. This fear must be overcome.

For acquaintance, you can use female tricks, for example, ask a guy you like very much for a small service (glue a wall newspaper, help bring books). If he agrees, there is a chance that the sympathy is already mutual. With such requests, it is better to approach them alone, so that both feel freer in communication, and the conversation develops by itself. You can also get to know the object of your sympathy at school events or through mutual friends, if any.

Second try

It happens that a girl some time ago already had a close relationship with a young man, but for some reason she stopped him or he did it. And then the feelings returned, and she wanted to like her ex-boyfriend again. How to do it?

When meeting with the object of your sympathies, you must always be confident, with dignity. You should not openly demonstrate your desire to be together again and try in every possible way to rivet his attention to your person. Moreover, there is no need to dwell on past relationships. It is better if the girl makes new acquaintances with the opposite sex, and the former sees that the world has not collapsed without him and the guys can like her, just like he once did.

Most representatives of the strong half of humanity are owners, and the very idea that someone else can look after the ladies who once belonged to them causes burning jealousy. The question arises in their heads: was it necessary to leave? In order for the answer to this question in the guy’s head to be negative, with your rare meetings, you need to show him exclusively positive character traits. The main thing is not to rush and give your chosen one time.

If you follow all these little tips, even the question of how to please a guy in 1 day will not arise in front of a girl. The main thing is to act slowly, confidently and carefully. After all, it is not so difficult to understand what kind of girl the object of your sympathy wants to see in front of him. One by one, after a while, your steps towards your beloved will lead to the goal, that is, to him. It is important not to forget that you should not change yourself for the sake of another person. There are plenty of guys out there who would love to be around you just because you are who you are. You cannot change yourself. Any girl who behaves naturally and naturally in communication with the opposite sex will arouse much more interest in him than the one who constantly wears masks that are comfortable for her partner. That's all the information you need on how to please a guy. If the tips worked, try to make yourself and your young man even happier than you were before.

A rather difficult situation if a girl really likes a guy who is simply not interested in her existence. You tried in every possible way to attract his attention, and he is not only not interested in you, but is completely empty space. Tears, resentment, disappointment in life ...

Today in our online magazine "", we will tell you: what to do if you like a guy and how to try to win his heart.

How to please a guy if he does not pay attention?

Let's try to figure out what you're doing wrong. Did you put on your heels and sigh languidly when he passed by? Did you wear bright makeup for him alone?

Have you bought yourself a breathtaking dress for the same unrealistic price? And the result is zero? Well, congratulations...

You have managed to fall in love with a guy whose preference you are clearly not included. That's why he doesn't pay attention to you.

In fact, the opinion of psychologists on this matter varies quite a lot. Many of them tend to argue that this type is not the hero of your novel. In this case, you should look for a guy who will fall for your hook. And preferably without any additional "fishing gear".

Let's explain in an accessible language: that is, you need to look for such a young man who will be completely satisfied with all your external data and “internal” inclinations without any artificial tricks, whether it be a bright make-up, silicone breasts or perhydrol hair smoothly licked behind the ears. That is, he must love you in all its natural beauty.

Another part of psychologists quite seriously assure that the unwanted person still has a chance. There is 10 basic rules, guided by which you can interest the man you like.

And if you do not shy away from difficulties, then we will gladly reveal these secrets of seduction to you.

Rule #1: Find out the reason for the lack of interest

If you seriously want to please a guy, then you should not panic, bury your nose in the pillow and roar uncontrollably. In the end, you need to figure out what is the reason for this behavior. If you are sure that the guy has exactly no passion, while it is absolute heterosexual then you really have a chance.

Maybe he's shy? Not? Then there is only one option: most likely, you are not his type. There is no need to get upset over such a trifling matter. It is better to read our following recommendations.

Rule #2: What Guys Pay Attention To

Madrid scientists recently found out what the guys pay attention to. First of all, they look at skin girls: for the absence of signs of aging and withering of the skin (small nasolabial wrinkles, crow's feet, wrinkles on the forehead, etc.), as well as for its purity and freshness.

If you are a young girl of 20-25 years old, then it makes no sense for you to worry about mimic wrinkles. Get yourself a good line of cosmetics to care for your skin type.

If you are over 25 years old, and you are concerned about fine wrinkles, you can contact a beautician: he will select the appropriate care for you, or offer mesotherapy.

This is a fearless, painless procedure, but quite expensive, requiring certain investments. Indications for its use are individual. When to repeat this procedure, the specialist will tell you.

If you have acne, blackheads or pimples, then a beautician will also help you. The problem does not always lie in adolescence or malnutrition. Everything can go much deeper. The specialist will select exactly the care that is right for you.

And in general, do not be afraid to visit a beautician! Today it is as important as going to the dentist. Therefore, put your skin in order and enjoy its beauty. After all, a natural blush on smooth skin looks much better than complex makeup and a layer of foundation, right?

Rule #3: Become his dream!

Yes, yes, we understand that it is not so simple. But it's not really that difficult. Watch him: after a few "spying" you will understand what kind of girls he likes. If he does not explicitly demonstrate this (which would make your life much easier), then pay attention Which girls does he look at the longest? whom he follows with his eyes.

At the sight of which girls, the guy begins to lick his lips or place his hands on his belt or belt. Psychologists call such signs an indisputable confirmation of sexual desire.

If you understand that he likes tall brunettes, and you are a little blonde, you can try to change the image. You should not radically change the color of your hair: try to shade them a little first.

After all, if the color of the crow's wing does not suit you, the former blond strands, oh, how difficult it will be to return. And wear stilettos. Necessarily. Maybe he just doesn't like bending down for a kiss when meeting?

And if he likes sports girls in Nike sneakers, and you have the style of a Turgenev young lady? Then consider acquiring a pair of quality running shoes and well-fitting jeans as soon as possible. Maybe even a backpack instead of a clutch. This must be done to please such a guy.

Well, if he likes long hair, and you have a short haircut? You can try hair extensions. Or you can draw his attention to your other sides. Which? Read below.

Rule #4: Befriend him

As soon as you managed to adjust your external type to his preferences, and he even began to sometimes look in your direction (even if surprised, the main thing is he looks!), It is important for you to make friends with him. For starters, make friends.

How to behave to please a guy? Perhaps, even if you attract his attention, but don’t “hook” with anything other than the appropriate appearance, then all your efforts will go to waste. Remember the first point? It is better to hide your whims and self-will for the time being. You will still have time to demonstrate your “I don’t know who I want, I don’t want to know who I want”.

It is important for you to show him your participation, understanding, kindness and excellent sense of humor. You are not a boring blue stocking who sits quietly in the corner and is afraid of everyone. You are a beautiful (!), self-confident girl. You have a goal, and the goal has you. Don't be afraid to laugh at some ridiculous situation. You can also laugh at yourself. Self-criticism is an excellent quality, by the way.

If for some reason you can’t make friends, you shouldn’t quit what you started. Look for compromises, be interested in a young man. Always smile at him and greet him, ask how he is doing and what mood he is in. If you work together, bring him coffee. Let him feel exceptional in your life.

A little bragging won't hurt him. By the way, after several morning trips to him with coffee, you will definitely have common topics for conversation. At least what kind of coffee do you both prefer. And after 21 days, according to the same psychologists, this will completely become a habit. Apparently both

Rule #5: Don't push yourself

If you do everything on the recommendation of psychologists, but there is no response? Do you even see irritation on his part? Don't be discouraged. Most likely, the morning interrogations about the past evening should be stopped. And apparently, it is also not necessary to ask about the mood.

Try a couple of days not to impose on him at all. We bet that, most likely, after a couple of days he will talk to you himself. And maybe even coffee. Will miss you.

And if not, then after a couple of days you can again say “Hi! And why are you so happy? Did you miss me at all?" and run. Preferably faster. Joking *victory*

You can continue the conversation as if nothing had happened. It’s better not to specify about problems in life either, so that somehow it doesn’t become clear that his problem is you.

Rule number 6: Follow the measure

Even if you don’t feel the guy’s annoyance, and everything is going well, it’s still important not to relax. Neither you nor him. Observe the measure in everything. Even in communication. Do you often ask him to do all the work? Today and tomorrow, just don't do it.

Do you drive him home from work? Today you have other plans. And tomorrow you have an important meeting with a friend at yoga. Forgot to bring him coffee in the morning? It's OK. And in the evening they passed by and did not say goodbye: well, it happens.

Find out in this way, but does he really need you? And for what purpose? Perhaps you yourself will come to some conclusions. And maybe make him think about your importance in his life.

If in a couple of days he himself offers to give you a lift, is it worth refusing? And even if he does not notice the absence of your participation, are you sure that you still need him so much? Need? Then we restore our reputation and continue to be interested in his affairs.

Rule #7: Praise and Admire

After such a risky step as a small ignore, it is important to "recover" in his eyes. Give him a simple smile when he least expects it and tell him he has a great suit. Or nice hair. Or stunning shoes.

Or tell him how excited you are about his new project. You can even give him an idea or two. If you don't mind, of course. Let him curry favor with his superiors. Men are more receptive to the praise of superiors. But he will know to whom he owes.

Rule #8: Always say yes to him!

Of course, now we are not talking about the fact that you need to immediately have sex with him if he offers. Not at all. Such a moment is generally better to delay as much as possible. Not to lose interest.

Just the same, we are talking about such moments when a girl can show her participation in his life to the maximum. If he asks you for advice - know that you have earned his trust! In no case do not refuse to help him: the chances of becoming the object of his adoration will grow exactly three times! If he doesn't do anything, provoke him. This is how you need to communicate with a guy in order to please him.

Invite him to go along and choose winter boots, because you understand leather and know how to distinguish the original from the fake. Or car mats. If he wants, of course. Or if he asks you to replace him on a shift - do not refuse immediately. Let him know that he can rely on you.

If he could not "start up" in the winter in the parking lot, then do not refuse to come "light" him. Anyway, please suggest. Perhaps he himself will understand that it is not very convenient for you to travel from the opposite end of the city to the other 20 minutes before the start of the working day. But he will know that you are a reliable friend.

Rule #9: Don't get angry

In no case do not get angry for any reason if you are alone with him. Guys are repelled by the anger of girls. Even justified. Let him be wrong a thousand times, show him that it does not hurt you at all.

Better exhale the air, slowly count to yourself to 5 and ... smile at him! Try to get out of the situation with a joke. Thus, you will be able to smooth out the negative and show yourself as a wise girl.

Kindness should be your main trump card. After all, you are a girl, not an evil smuggler.

Learn to control your emotions and control your behavior. Trust me, it makes life a lot easier. And not only in relationships with a guy.

Rule #10: Be an interesting person!

Did you manage to get in touch with him and make friends? Rest assured it won't be long if you are a Blue Stocking. Yes, depression, melancholy and the absence of any interests other than the guy will make themselves felt. At a minimum, they will spoil your relationship with the man of your dreams. And even then they will completely eliminate them.

Develop! Find yourself a hobby. Get involved in some activity. Let the young man know that he is not the epicenter of events in your life.

Sign up for a dance class or a cooking club, go swimming, or start learning a foreign language. This, at a minimum, will affect your appearance, on average it will strengthen your memory and muscles, and as a maximum, it will make the guy think that he has never seen or known you like that.

If you write poetry, start your own blog and publish them. If you make toys with your own hands, open an online store. If you get nail art, place an ad and take clients.

If you sing well, find out if there are places in your city where they use the services of novice vocalists. If you have a bunch of ideas for business development, offer them to your boss. Let the guy see what a bright personality you are. Thus, you will definitely not be left out.

Talk about interesting topics, tell him something new every day, and the man will not even think about the fact that it can be boring with you.

Avoid hackneyed phrases and bearded stories: it is important for you to attract him with out-of-the-box thinking and a bright approach. In this case, you will be able to maintain his interest for a long time.

Such advice is given by psychologists in the difficult task of attracting a potential partner. If you managed to interest him, then you can start "capturing" the guy's mind.

Or maybe he is already so enamored with you that he asked you out on a date? Then everything is in your hands. The main thing is to be able to present yourself correctly. And there is already a matter of technology *wink*

Want a guy to be as crazy about you as you are about him? Of course, it is impossible to force a person to experience certain feelings, but you can make certain efforts and give a chance to these feelings to develop. Here are some helpful tips on how to charm a guy while being yourself.


Part 1

Focus on yourself

    Be confident. You have to show the other person how wonderful you are, but first you need to understand and realize how wonderful you are. Develop self-confidenceif you lack it. This does not mean that you have to be loud, noisy, arrogant and chatty. You just have to be yourself.

    • You can be secretive, sweet and shy at the same time. But be prepared to throw off your shackles. Guys love confident, interesting girls who are in charge of their own lives.
    • Some guys are attracted to insecure girls. Their goal is to dominate them, as they themselves are also insecure. And who wants to be with a guy who makes you feel bad about yourself and who constantly tells you what to do? This is an unhealthy relationship and you deserve more.
  1. Try to look your best. No, don't pretend to be someone else, just try to look great around the guy you like. Guys love with their eyes, so an attractive appearance will give you a better chance. The secret here is simple - when a girl looks her best, she feels her best, while exuding self-confidence.

    • A little makeup doesn't hurt. You don't have to paint your face with all the colors of the rainbow, but good mascara will open your eyes, lip balm will make your smile more attractive, and tweezers will help get rid of bushy eyebrows.
    • Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable. Don't try to fit into a tight skirt that you normally never wear. Jeans that fit well and a top that brings out the color of your eyes is a simple yet bold combination.
    • Smile more - studies have shown that people become more attractive to others when they smile, so bare your snow-white teeth more often to be not only more attractive, but also more welcoming.
  2. Show you . The guy will not pay attention to you if he does not know about your existence. If you haven't caught his eye yet, make sure he notices you. Make sure you show your interest and give him a little hint that you like him.

    • Many guys don't start the conversation first because they're afraid of being rejected. Do you walk first before you start running? Say hello, say goodbye Make a start! If he responds, then you will know that you have caught his attention.
    • [[Introduce yourself|Introduce yourself and start a conversation. It is impossible to please a person who does not know you at all.
  3. Joke and laugh at the jokes of others . With a sense of humor, everything is easier. This does not mean that you need to turn into a clown, laugh at everything, but do not be too serious and be ready to accept everything with a laugh, especially if your potential boyfriend is somewhere nearby.

    • If you constantly walk with a serious "mine", you will be considered closed and inaccessible, and this is completely useless to you.
    • Joke your way. Some people are witty and sarcastic, others tell funny jokes, and others just do stupid things and everyone laughs at them.
    • Whatever makes you laugh, it's much easier if you can laugh at something with the person you like. If you have nothing to joke about together, then maybe it’s not worth trying?
  4. Show that you are free. A guy will not approach you if he thinks that you are busy, therefore, your task is to make him understand that you are free and ready to start a relationship.

Part 2

Get to know each other
  1. Don't be afraid to be his friend. Becoming a friend of a guy will give you two big benefits: you will get to know each other better and you will avoid a relationship with mutual obligations. Act like you want to be friends with him - act natural and be caring around him.

    • Guys are usually more open with guys than with girls, but that doesn't mean you can't get close - miracles do happen.
    • Be careful - if the friendship becomes too platonic, there will be no room for romance, and getting out of the friend zone is oh so difficult.
    • If this happens, then the situation will become much more complicated and, most likely, you will give up without achieving your goal. Add some flirting to your friendships and things will get better.
  2. Talk to him. Seems obvious, doesn't it? But you will actually be talking to the guy you like (rather than looking at him from a distance). This is very important if you want to please him.

    • Ask interesting questions; learn more about his life, family, friends; tell him some interesting stories. Something to help you develop an interesting dialogue.
    • If you find a topic that a guy can talk about with passion - whether it's his favorite sports game, band, or author - then you've won. If he talks to you about what he loves, then this means that he begins to share his positive emotions with you!
  3. Give him a compliment. It's amazing, but guys love compliments just as much as girls, so don't be afraid to say something nice to him from time to time. Of course, do not shower him with far-fetched compliments - you will be mistaken for an insincere person.

    • Compliment him on his looks, dimples, or a cool new hairstyle. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the guy will be embarrassed. A simple phrase like: "I like the color of your eyes" is enough.
    • However, do not focus only on appearance. If he talks about something with interest, then say what you like, with what passion he talks about it. Rate his sporting achievements or a project he did in class.
  4. Find common hobbies. Find activities that both of you enjoy, which will create a special bond between you, and he will be able to appreciate what an interesting person you are. Once he sees that you are someone who can share his interests and passions with him, he may begin to see you as his potential girlfriend.

    • If he wants to become a football star, quickly find information about the nearest football event and go there with him. Does he like climbing? Try it and you - perhaps you will like this exciting activity. Be open to everything new.
    • You can also invite him to share some of your interests. For example, you can bring him to a dance class or invite him to cook Chinese food. Be the person who can show him something new.
  5. Find common interests. Find what unites you and use it! Shared interests are the foundation of many successful relationships, so by all means, don't skip this step.

    • It doesn't matter what kind of hobby it is. You can just quote "Family Guy" or do astrophysics - the main thing is to appear before him in a favorable light.
    • For example, if you both like the same music, then ask him if he has heard this or that artist or let him listen to the disc. Or, if your favorite band is coming to your city, then go to a concert together.
  6. Get to know his friends. Guys value friends, so a potential girlfriend needs to get to know them. It is important to take the time to get to know his friends and show them that you are a "cool girl". The guy will see how organically you can enter his life - without problems and dramas.

    • If you can win the trust of his friends, then this will be a good bonus. They will support you and remind you of you, even when you are not near the object of your adoration. That way you will always be on his mind.
    • Be careful. Don't flirt with his friends. This may lead to conflict.

Part 3

Take Further Steps
  1. Flirt. Have you already met and often spend time together? Alright, now it's time to take the next steps. Show that you consider him more than your friend by flirting with him - this will be the first hint that he should ask you out on a date.

    • Smile. Smile every time you see this guy - let him know that you are happy to see him. Even when he is in the company of other people, smile the most at him alone.
    • Look into his eyes. This is an important part of flirting. One great way is to look at him from across the room and then when he catches your eye, smile and look away. He will be intrigued.
    • Maintain physical contact. Another flirting technique is to touch the guy not as a friend. Lightly stroke his arm when talking, give him a hug when you meet him, or ruffle his hair when you're joking. This will quickly let him know that you are interested in him.
  2. Send him an SMS. If you have his number (and if not, be sure to take it), then you can write him various nonsense to let him know that you have been thinking about him all day. Write funny or flirtatious messages; if he responds in kind, you are on the right track.

    • For example, if he has an important match or exam on his nose, you can send him an SMS with good luck wishes. He will find it cute that you remember this.
    • However, try not to overdo it and remember the rule: if after two SMS in a row you do not receive a response, then it is better to stop. Be patient.
  3. Invite him to go somewhere. If you only saw each other in the company of friends or employees, then it is time to invite him to go somewhere just the two of you. It doesn't have to be a three-course dinner in an expensive restaurant, a simple cafe or lunch in a shopping center will be enough.

    • He agreed? Fine. He is probably not indifferent to you and your company is pleasant to him - this is a good sign. Don't worry too much - you're just hanging out as friends, right?
    • If he refuses, don't be upset. He may have a good reason, or he may just be embarrassed to be alone with you. Wait a bit and try again. If he refuses a second time, then this is a sure sign that he is not interested in you.
  4. Say you like him. At the end of the day, after all the worries and expectations, you will be able to do it. Sometimes the best way out is to tell the guy directly how you feel and ask him how he feels. No matter what his response is, eventually you will open up your feelings and be able to either find a new relationship or keep moving on.

    • Don't believe the myths that guys are supposed to come out first. In reality, guys love strong, confident girls who know what they want. Only the fact that you dared to confess can impress the guy, and he will say the coveted “yes”.
    • Never ask anyone else to ask a guy how he feels. This is childish and will increase the likelihood that the guy will say no. Even if you are very shy, a text message or a note will be more effective than a "send a friend" method.
  5. Be patient. Such things take time. You can't force someone to like you, and trying to speed up the process can ruin everything. Give him freedom and don't be intrusive. Let everything take its course.

    • In the end, he will tell you if he has mutual sympathy for you. And if not, then don't circle around him like a lost puppy. Sometimes people just don't fit together and don't notice it, and sometimes a guy just might not be ready for a long-term relationship.
    • Don't take rejection too personally. It happens to all of us from time to time.
    • The world did not converge on him like a wedge - be sure of yourself, you will definitely meet the guy you deserve.
  6. Pay attention to his feelings. After all, you can't control what other people think and do. He may be the object of your interest, but don't be sure that you are the center of his universe.

    • Look at the situation from the other side. If there is a guy who likes you and who you don't like, can anything change your mind? No.
    • The reality is that you either like it or you don't. You will find it attractive or not. Funny or not. All he can hope for is to do everything in his power and count on your consent.
    • The reverse is also true - do your best; He will either love you back or he won't.
  • Guys love girls with personality, so be yourself! Don't change for a guy, let him love you for who you are, and not the girl you turned into for him.
  • Always smile ! This is a time-tested way to invite a guy to hang out. No expensive cosmetics, no movie tickets - just a sincere smile, and the guy will definitely pay attention to you! (Remember to brush your teeth regularly to keep them white!)
  • Being yourself is good, but not always. If you are rude, you have few friends, work on yourself. Try to be more polite with other people, take care of their feelings. But don't be too polite or others will think you're faking it. Then everything will work out.
  • If there is no hint from him that he is interested in you, this does not necessarily mean that this is really the case. Maybe he's just shy or a little scared, especially if he hasn't dated anyone for a long time or this is his first time. Be patient, but don't pester him. Just let him know that the door is still open and he can knock on it.
  • Make sure it's free. If you're trying to get the attention of a guy who already has a girlfriend and you know it, you're interfering with someone else's relationship, and that's not fair. Claim it only if it's free. If he quits his current passion now, then what to expect in your relationship? There are guys who run from one skirt to another and get fed up with women. To many of us they are known as "womanizers", but to their ex-girlfriends they are "males". Avoid, avoid, avoid is our only advice.
  • Don't show your boyfriend how much you love him. This is a big mistake for many girls, as a guy can start using it.
  • Some people prefer to become friends first. Others try to avoid the friend zone. Ideally, there should be a little bit of everything - first friendship, then romantic interest.
  • Don't talk about other guys with the guy you're interested in. You might think that this is a way to show how "in demand" you are. But a person who is looking for a long-term relationship will think that you are frivolous. To be honest, it's not the best way to impress a guy, it's more of a good way to get rid of him.
  • You should be aware that some guys mature later than others ("Peter Pan Syndrome"). In that case, you better stop instead of waiting for this guy to make the decision to grow up. You don't want to be someone's mom.
  • Be kind to him - don't "choke" him or be too demanding.
  • Look into his eyes. If you look at the floor or the ceiling, you may appear to be nervous.


  • If your friends are not yet ready for such news, then it is better not to tell them about the guy. They will immediately begin to stare at him and giggle in his presence. They may even begin to wash his bones. At worst, they will bombard him with a lot of questions like, "What do you think of Angela?" With such girlfriends, he will not last long.
    • You should not look for pimps. If this is really an enviable groom, peers will begin to put pressure on him with phrases like: “At least take a look at her”, “Invite her for a cup of coffee” or “What is wrong with her? Give her a chance." Often in such situations, pimps do not say that the girl is actually interested in the guy, but only focus on the fact that she is free. As a rule, matchmakers and panders are attracted by those who are afraid to take the first step and be rejected. If you like someone, take the first step. Don't involve other people in relationships that haven't even started yet. Among other things, they may misinterpret his reaction. The guy will be grateful to you if you express your sympathy to him personally, and do not make him the object of gossip.
  • Don't blow up and tell him you like him or he won't take you seriously. Wait a little, first get to know him properly.
  • Try not to advertise it too much, that is, you should not talk too much about yourself in a conversation. When you talk, feel free to ask him questions. Be careful with words, because the wrong thing to say can lead to a very awkward moment.
  • Don't confuse kindness and politeness with the fact that he actually likes you. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish between these things, but if you pay attention, you will understand. If you just got out of a "bad" relationship, a lot of guys, especially older ones, take on the role of "big brother". Then they perceive the relationship as completely platonic, which forever confuses subsequent romantic relationships.
  • Never play "mind games" or send ambiguous signals. This will confuse the guy. This is not a sign of intelligence - it is a sign of insecurity and lack of courage.
  • Trying to "make" a certain person fall in love with you is manipulation, which hardly anyone wants to be the object of. Be open to communication. Take a closer look, maybe that nice guy from the class who smiles at you is the ONLY one if you are already disappointed in your ambitions. Let's remember the words of Maya Angelou: "...hope for the best, prepare for the worst and do something between these two things." You will find that very guy, and when he appears on the horizon, you should not expect him to put on armor and ride to you on a noble horse. It will never be perfect, but it will be good. Do not doubt.
  • If you told your friends and they pester him with questions, abruptly tell them to stop, and if they don't stop then ignore as soon as they start talking about him. Joke with him, say that your friends are immature, which cannot be said about you. He will like to see that you are not acting like a funny eight-year-old girl, like your friends.
  • If these tips work "too" strongly and he becomes too intrusive, calm him down and don't do anything that makes you uncomfortable.

There are so many seduction secrets… But there are also those that really give results! Do you want not just to like, but to find your love so that it is mutual? This is important for everyone to know!

In love, as in war, all means are good on the way to final victory. But there are tactics that really work. Here's a "ten" trouble-free ways. Don't thank, just be happy!

How to make a guy fall in love with you in 10 days

1. Men are visual. Not news, right? They pay attention to everything bright, beautiful and interesting. There is something a little childish about it, but that's the way it is. It may seem that the best way to make a guy fall in love with you is to look like a dream, move like a dream and speak (or better still, be silent and smile) like his Dream. But this is not enough. This is just the beginning. Appearance will allow you to attract attention, but to keep it - brains are already needed here.

The key to a man's heart will always be in your bundle!

2. Before you get hung up on the guy and stubbornly pursue the "prey", shooting with your eyes and dragging Cupid in the net, look around his surroundings. He should not feel that he is being persecuted, that he is openly interested. From such guys blows the roof, and you can no longer get respect. But if all the guys you know in common are a little in love with you, this will intrigue him. It will awaken curiosity and desire to get closer to the source of seductive light, that is, to you. What to do specifically? Compliments to his friends, flirting, unobtrusive interest. It is enough to be just charming and friendly, you don’t need to hang yourself around everyone’s neck and frankly seduce. You should be desired without a touch of vulgarity, idolized without hysteria and fanaticism. Well, you already got it, right?

3. No one is interested in a girl who is not interested in herself and other guys. A little "herd" instinct, but it works for you. Be a passionate, pleasant conversationalist, a magnet for people. This is not just a story about how to please a man, this is a story about how to become a person. No, no need to indulge the tastes of the indifferent crowd! Find yourself and open up to the world from the best side. Your common hobbies, similar humor and tastes will fill communication with colors. As a source of inspiration, he will wish to return to you again and again.

Being a magnetic person means always being the center of attention.

4. Let him feel special around you. It's a universal way, right? After all, are you also more pleasant to be with those who appreciate you, support and admire you? Here's how to make a man fall in love with you if he is uncomfortable, unpleasant or bored with you? No way! He will avoid unpleasant contact. And should he be blamed for this? Another thing is positive fixation. This is a special method of associating you and something joyful, interesting, emotionally inspiring.

You like something about him - praise it! Do not flatter, but sincerely support. He will feel comfortable with you. And that "good" will become associated with you. With your voice that celebrates his achievements, with your smile that accompanies these words. He himself will not notice how he “gets hooked” on the positive and loses his head from the one that gives him it.

Romance, like miracles. It needs to be done by hand.

5. Ask him to do something for you. Maybe burn a CD, find a book, move a table, get something from a high shelf. Let him have a chance to demonstrate his masculine qualities. After all, you need him, so let him feel like a hero! This tricky way to please a guy has been known for a long time and still works. Here he is - your hero, savior! Psychologically, he is already “responsible” for you. Because he feels his need, his potential, and besides, when doing something for a person, we think about this person. Even from a distance it works!

6. Another way to make a guy fall in love with you is to have goals. It will seem strange to you, but it is true. Aimless, indefinite in their desires, people repel, pull to the bottom. How do you see yourself in the projection of the future? A loved one must also see himself in this future and want to be in this projection. If you do not have a vision of your goals, the path, then there are no fellow travelers there either.

7. Your health is important in all areas of life. And in love, of course. Physical and mental health. Avoid that which injures you, destroys and undermines your health. Be firm in this endeavor. Because a healthy and happy person is attractive. And on the subconscious of a man (even if they do not admit it!): Their woman is the mother of their children. This is the basic instinct of procreation, this is the deep, hidden engine of any relationship between a man and a woman.

And yes, he will still unconsciously evaluate you by anatomy. Just like you: not a hunchback, not a freak, not an idiot, and whether there are any deviations in the family. If it is customary in a party to drink, smoke and lead an unbridled lifestyle, all the same, the subconscious mind filters potential "partners" according to their optimality for the role of a father or mother for offspring. Men are squeamish and meticulous in this matter. And who is not?

8. There is an erroneous assertion that a woman should not take the initiative. But how to please a man in our time, sitting timidly in a corner, bashfully downcast eyes? Emancipation has opened many doors, including in love and sex. Only the initiative is different: cheeky and deliberate or tactically calculated and veiled. If you are sure that this person is “yours”, take a step towards him! Remember: there are exactly 10 steps between you and him. If you walked towards him 5 and did not meet anyone there - turn around and leave! But not before. You can lose "your" man only because of pride and prejudice. Or impose on someone who is alien to you from the desire to "win at any cost." Know the measure, respect yourself and your partner.

A smart initiative can bring you closer to the moment and place where you so want to be.

9. The right scent. Yes, you got it right! Smell is very important when it comes to any close contact. Men do not like sharp and daring smells, even if it is an expensive perfume. And we don’t talk about the unpleasant “ambergris” at all. Hygiene of the body, hair and a good smell of cosmetics are signs of grooming.

In addition, you can make a man fall in love with you by attracting him with an appetizing smell, much more than with makeup tricks. Pheromones emanating from a girl serve as the most important channel of communication in love affairs. After all, it happens that a woman captivates in a photo, but in reality - there is no charm in her. But vice versa: not top models are popular with the opposite sex. They say about such people: "There is something elusive in it, some kind of zest ...". What is imperceptible to the eye is perfectly captured by the scent!

10. The first kiss is an indicator of compatibility. In the United States, they conducted a survey on this topic, and this is what happened: 59% of men and 66% of women admitted that passion sometimes crumbled after the first kiss. Bummer? Kissing is an important stage of courtship and evaluation of a partner. He sends unambiguous signals to the subconscious, according to which people, as it were, make the choice of a possible chosen one. And as soon as there are no “butterflies in the stomach” and “stars in the eyes” from the kiss, then the body itself signals: “We will not succeed with this person!”. And the point here is not in technology, not in skill and experience.

Everything is trite and simple - for our brain, a kiss is not just an act of love, but a kind of “analysis” for health and compatibility. Do not delay with this "check". Make sure that the breath is fresh and the environment is favorable. You will learn everything you need to know about each other in terms of biology plus - you will discover a lot in yourself and in him in terms of sexual temperament.

How to please a man? Be a loving woman!

Do you know what is the most interesting? In fact, there are no universal recipes. Nothing, never. Yes, we have listed “fail-safe ways to please a guy”, but all this only works when there is real attraction, true feeling, primal “chemistry”. It cannot be imitated, forced artificially. If there is that same spark, electricity between you, he feels it too. Just don't be stupid and be loved!

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