How apple juice is made. What is Juice? This is interesting Recipe tomato in apple juice without sterilization

Farm apple juice

  • Unfiltered.
  • Unbleached.
  • No dilution with water.
  • Sugarless.
  • Without preservatives.

Compound: direct-pressed apple juice with gentle pasteurization.

Natural sediment is allowed, which is a sign of a natural product. It is recommended to shake before use.

Juice production technology

Ripe, juicy apples (the juice is pressed within 5 days after harvest) are crushed with a press. The resulting juice is briefly heated to 80 °C and bottled. Thanks to this instant pasteurization, acidification is prevented and all the useful substances and taste of fresh juice are preserved. Pasteurization acts as a preservative in this case. Depending on the variety of apples, the month of harvest and the amount of rainfall, the taste of the juice may vary slightly.

Apple Juice Health Benefits

The juice of freshly squeezed apples is rich in minerals and vitamins necessary for health: manganese, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, sodium, magnesium, molybdenum, cobalt, beta-carotene, carotenoids, ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, vitamin H, vitamin PP, B vitamins. Unlike other similar products, apple juice contains such rare trace elements as boron, chromium and iodine.

Apple juice is a source of phytoncides, flavonoids, organic acids, polysaccharides, tannins, pectin.

It is enough to drink 250 ml of apple juice a day (for children - 50-150 ml) to feel its beneficial effect. Juice is an excellent helper for diseases of the heart and blood vessels:

  • eliminates arrhythmia;
  • removes cholesterol;
  • strengthens, tones the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the effects of ischemia;
  • prevents heart attacks and strokes.

Also, apple juice is indicated for gastritis, poor digestion (decreased intestinal motility), constipation, stagnation of bile.

Other useful properties of the product include rejuvenation of the body, recovery after surgery, prevention of beriberi, increase in vitality, fight against tumor cells, treatment of the nervous system, normalization of fat metabolism.

About the manufacturer

The Dobroe Pole farm is located in a protected corner of the Moscow Region on the border of the Dmitrovsky and Mytishchi districts in the village of Posedkino. The village is surrounded on all sides by forest, away from major highways.

For the production of juices, only organic apples grown in family farms and private farm gardens, planted during the Soviet Union, are used. Such apples are not stored for a long time, therefore they are not in demand in large retail chains. When selecting farms, special attention is paid to remoteness from various industries. Apple picking geography: Tula, Kaluga region, Republic of Mari El, Tver region. To obtain the best taste and achieve the optimal balance of acidity and sweetness, apples are purchased different varieties.

Manufactured in accordance with GOST 32101-2013.

Nutritional value per 100g of product:

Storage conditions: at temperatures from 0 to +25 °C.

Some consider packaged drinks unnatural and unhealthy. Let's find out how modern juices are made, you might be surprised. Read the article to say goodbye to misconceptions about juices and nectars in packages.

Juices are just as important to a healthy lifestyle as fresh air and exercise. Coming to the store, we see a large assortment: orange, apple, peach, tomato and other juices in beautiful packs. But we have doubts. Are packaged juices and nectars natural? How are they produced? Why don't they spoil for a long time? Do they retain nutrients? Doubt breeds delusion. We will talk about how packaged juices are made - about the entire technological chain from the moment when the fruit is plucked from the trees to the moment when you pour the juice into a glass. You will find that most of the fears associated with packaged juices are nothing more than myths.

Myth number 1. Store-bought juices are not natural, because they are made in factories

If we pick an apple and squeeze the juice out of it, we consider the resulting product to be natural. But, if the same is done at the factory, naturalness is called into question. The reason for this paradox is that people don't know how juice is actually made.

The history of juice production has more than a dozen years and is closely connected with the development of technology. Every time science advances, manufacturers improve the way they process fruits and store juices. Juices and nectars produced today are not only tasty and fragrant, but also do not lose their useful properties during the manufacture.

Imagine walking through a luxurious apple orchard or strolling along smooth orange alleys. It is in such places (in Brazil, Chile, China, Russia and other countries) that fruits are poured with juice.

This is how future juice grows

The most ripe and beautiful fruits are carefully picked and washed thoroughly.

Each fruit undergoes a strict "casting"

Selected fruits are crushed and, with the help of a special press, juice is squeezed out of them - everything to the droplet. Some of the water is evaporated from freshly squeezed juice - something like fruit puree is obtained. This is the so-called concentrated juice.

Juice extraction

Why boil liquid? It’s just that it’s more convenient to carry juice in this form, and it has a long way to go. From the fruit picking place to the manufacturing plant, the juice is transported in refrigerated sealed barrels, first by sea, and then by road.

At the factory, concentrated juice is restored to its original state: the amount of water that has evaporated is added to it. At the same time, modern juice factories are similar to scientific laboratories. All processes are automated, and quality is monitored by independent international auditors. Air bubbles are removed from the reconstituted juice and it is carefully pasteurized at a temperature not exceeding 85 °C. Heat treatment takes only 30 seconds. This allows you to maximize the useful properties.

The last stage before the juice goes to the stores and hits our table is bottling. It is produced under completely sterile conditions. Juice is poured into aseptic cartons, thanks to which the drink is stored for a long time without the addition of preservatives.

Myth number 2. Juices in packages are stored for too long - they contain preservatives

Seeing on the package long term storage, many, without even reading the composition, call the product stuffed with preservatives. However, according to Russian laws, producers of juices and nectars are required to indicate the full composition of the product on the packs and are not entitled to add anything other than the declared list inside. So if a manufacturer writes “without preservatives” on the packaging, then most likely he keeps up with the times and, when making juice, uses the most modern technologies. One of them is multilayer aseptic packaging. It preserves the beneficial properties of the product without refrigeration and the addition of preservatives for up to one year.

Aseptic packaging consists of six layers:

  1. The internal polyethylene layer ensuring tightness.
  2. A connecting polyethylene layer that performs a connecting function between the first and subsequent layers.
  3. Aluminum foil protects drinks from exposure to light, air, and foreign odors.
  4. Again a connecting polyethylene layer.
  5. Cardboard gives the package shape and strength.
  6. External polyethylene layer to protect the finished pack from moisture.

Such a multilayer structure reliably protects the product. The closed package of juice does not even need to be kept in the refrigerator.

Myth #3: Packaged juices are not good for you.

The World Health Organization recommends eating at least five servings (about 400 grams) of fruits and vegetables every day. One or two servings can be safely replaced with packaged juice: the content of nutrients is about the same as in fresh fruits. Serious manufacturers focus on naturalness: only gentle pasteurization, only aseptic cardboard packaging and no preservatives, dyes or sweeteners. Remember, after the concentrated juice is brought to the factory, only water is added to it.

Ready packaged juices, just like fruits and vegetables, are rich in vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C), minerals (Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn) and antioxidants.

So, oranges and orange juice are a source of vitamin C (a shield for our immunity) and flavonoids (in combination with ascorbic acid, they improve blood properties). Tomatoes and tomato juice are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals. Moreover, lycopene is not synthesized by the human body and comes only with food. Apples and apple juice contain, in addition to vitamins, macronutrients. For example, potassium (maintains normal pressure) and magnesium (strengthens the nervous system).

As you can see, most of the concerns about packaged juices and nectars are just myths. The technology of their production is simple and understood. If it is not broken and the juice is poured into special packages, then the drink retains its taste, freshness and benefits for a long time. Packaged juice is a great option for those who want to be healthy and who don't have time to make fresh juice. A glass of juice every day is a source of good health and mood!

Packaged juice: benefit or harm?

When buying juice in a package, each of us probably thinks that it will bring undoubted health benefits. In order not to throw readers into a panic, we will confirm: healthy juices in packages exist. But to find them, you need to know some consumer wisdom.

Any person consciously or subconsciously understands that the purchased package is unlikely to contain the squeezed fruit drawn on it, assuming that it is somewhat diluted with water. However, most often it consists of fruit pulp, sugar, water and other additives.

Let's start with the fact that the beneficial properties of juice are possible only if its manufacturer uses only high-quality raw materials and adheres to the manufacturing technology established by the standards. If you look at the republican standards, you can see that juices can include products with the following names:

-Fruit juices direct pressing. Perhaps this is the most "honest" product, which is obtained by squeezing fruits and is the most useful, as it goes through the least processing steps.

-Fruit juices reconstituted ones are obtained in almost the same way, only first part of the water is removed from the juice, which reduces the volume of the drink by several times - this is convenient for transportation. When the liquid arrives at the place, exactly the amount of water that was taken away is again added to it. The quality of the juice depends on how accurately the water balance is replenished - after all, if you add more water, you will need to add sugar, flavors, additives to improve the smell, color and taste, which will not have the best effect on the body.

By the way, reconstituted juices and juices direct pressing can be clarified, unclarified and with pulp. In the first case, all the smallest particles are removed from the juice by filtration. Unclarified juice contains natural sediment and viscosity. In juice with pulp, as you might guess, there are finely ground parts of the pulp.

Nectar. After pressing some berries and fruits - for example, plums, cherries, peaches, apricots, bananas, currants - either too tart sweet and sour juice or puree comes out. In order to get juice that can be drunk, this mass is diluted with other juices, for example, apple juice, or it is diluted with water, sugar, citric acid - this is the nectar that we buy. Such a drink contains about 25-50% natural juice.

Fruit drinks, which are obtained by diluting berry juice with water, and the first component should be at least 15%. Also, the standard allows the addition of artificial additives in order to improve the taste of fruit drink,

Who to believe?

Most healthy juices According to the experts, freshly squeezed. If cooked properly, freshly squeezed juices are an accumulator of vitamins, minerals and other benefits. In order for the plucked fruit to bring maximum benefit, it is required that the time interval between being plucked from the tree and processing be as short as possible - after the fruit has separated from the tree, the process of aging and loss of useful properties begins.

Natural juices are very quickly absorbed by the body, without burdening the digestive system, which already has enough work. And in terms of usefulness, even the vaunted elite mineral water cannot be compared with freshly squeezed juices. To list the beneficial properties of such juice from commonly available vegetables and fruits, one can talk for a long time.

It is believed that the drink should be drunk no later than 15-40 minutes after pressing. But too much freshly squeezed juice should not be consumed - it contains a lot of biologically active components that can lead to indigestion.

Reading labels is everything

How to behave in a store in front of a juice stand? To get started, carefully look at the label, remembering the following wisdom:

1. In a package labeled " natural co to "there should not be any artificial substances and even sugar. Also, natural juice should be assigned "straight extraction" or "reconstituted". If it is also indicated there that it is “100% juice”, this means that the exact proportion of concentrate and water was observed during the restoration, as in freshly squeezed juice.

2. The composition of the nectar may contain sugar, honey and citric acid, but there should be no preservatives. Otherwise, it is a fruit drink or a juice-containing drink, the usefulness of which is lower.

3. The packaging must indicate all the fruits and vegetables that are included in the composition. As a rule, the product that is contained in the juice the most goes first.

4. The label must indicate the expiration date, compliance with standards, nutritional and energy value, manufacturer's contacts.

5. Juice direct pressing can be bought only during the ripening season of vegetables and fruits, and most often in glass bottles. In particular, the time of tomatoes is from August to October. In January, it will already be sold as restored.

Remember that an opened bag of juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3-4 days, and the first sign of spoiled juice is the smell of alcohol or vinegar.

How it's done. Apple juice.

What is it made of? Orange juice.

Apple juice is the most common in the world. No other type of drink can be compared with it in terms of production volumes. The product is popular, tasty, familiar from childhood. It has always been believed that the drink is rich in vitamins and other elements, is of great benefit to the body. In fact, everything is not quite right. Some of the properties are exaggerated, and not every apple juice has medicinal effects and has a valuable composition.

  • Health benefits of apple juice
  • Rules and methods for making juice
  • apple juice for weight loss
  • Apple juice for kids
  • Apple juice in cosmetology
  • The composition of valuable substances in apple juice
  • Contraindications

Health benefits of apple juice

If you choose between juice and an apple, then it is wiser to give preference to fruit. It contains pectin, fiber. Some of the vitamins pass into the juice, but most of them are water-soluble. They die during storage, sterilization. After processing the drink, only a small part remains in it. Therefore, if we talk about the benefits of the product, then this can only be attributed to freshly prepared juice.

Basic properties:

  1. Contains vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, helps fight colds, promotes normal blood circulation, and also preserves the protective functions of cells.
  2. Vitamin B1, which is contained in a fresh apple drink, promotes the smooth functioning of the nervous system, stimulates brain cells.
  3. Fresh juice contains iron. This substance is involved in the creation of blood cells, helps maintain normal hemoglobin levels, it is necessary for children, adults, pregnant and lactating women.
  4. The juice contains enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  5. The drink is also useful for losing weight, reduces the feeling of hunger. But due to the sugar content, it should be consumed in limited quantities, it is better to mix with vegetable juices.
  6. It has diuretic and choleretic actions.

In a sterilized drink, the amount of vitamins is reduced, some are missing. After processing, the main components are water, sugar, aromatic and flavoring substances. The longer the juice is stored, the less valuable it contains.

Video: How useful is freshly squeezed apple juice. What is its harm

Rules and methods for making juice

The first rule is to use fresh and high quality fruits. If the apples are stale, imported, purchased in the middle of winter or even later, then the benefits of the drink are out of the question. Juice output will also be minimal. It is wiser to eat these fruits fresh (the body will receive at least fiber) or use them for compotes, jams, marshmallows.

Juice can be prepared by hand. To do this, the fruits are crushed, squeezed through gauze, a strainer. This method is suitable if you need a small amount of product, for example, for a child or for the preparation of cosmetics. If you plan to make a lot of apple drink, then it is more convenient to use a juicer.

Fundamental rules:

  1. Fruits are always thoroughly washed, wiped dry.
  2. To get the maximum benefit from the product, squeeze the juice from the pieces with the skin. Apples do not need to be peeled.
  3. Seeds will spoil the taste of the drink, it is advisable to remove them.

Ready juice should be consumed within 20 minutes after pressing. Only in this case can you get everything valuable from the drink. If it is necessary to keep the product for a certain time, then immediately after squeezing it is poured into a glass jar with a tight lid and placed in the refrigerator. The juice will stay in it for up to 24 hours. The less light the drink gets, the more vitamin C it will retain.

Video: How to prepare apple juice for the winter

apple juice for weight loss

The drink contains a lot of sugar. In 100 ml of the product from 40 to 50 kcal, in a glass about 100 kcal is obtained. Nutritionists unanimously oppose the introduction of juices in the diet for weight loss. But there are exceptions. If you use the product correctly, do not use it to quench your thirst, then you can deceive the body, get rid of hunger and extra pounds.

How to lose weight with apple juice:

  1. Arrange a fasting day once a week. During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of freshly prepared juice with the same amount of mineral water. You can dilute the concentrate or alternate both products.
  2. Drink 100 ml of the drink 30 minutes before each meal. Juice will sharply raise the level of sugar in the blood, give a feeling of satiety. This should be followed by a meal of complex carbohydrates, protein foods.

These methods can be used, but only with strict control of portion sizes. Otherwise, there will be an excess of the energy value of the daily diet.

Advice! To reduce the calorie content of the drink, it is advisable to use sour apples. You can also mix the main product with the juice of carrots, cabbage, celery.

Apple juice for kids

Apple juice is introduced into the diet of a child from 6 months. Use a drink only from green apples. For baby food, they usually take a packaged direct-pressed or reconstituted product. Many parents make the mistake of choosing. A direct-pressed drink is subjected to heat treatment, most of the vitamins die in it. The reconstituted product is obtained by diluting a concentrate prepared at a temperature of 60-70 °C. It retains more valuable substances.

If the juice for the child will be made independently, then first of all you need to take care of the quality of the fruit.

Rules for introducing juice into the diet of a child:

  1. Clarified juice without pulp is introduced first. It is gentler on the walls of the stomach.
  2. The product is diluted in half with boiled water. Gradually the concentration increases.
  3. The first serving should not exceed 1 tsp. Gradually the number increases. By the year the child can be given 150 ml of drink.

Attention! Often on packages with baby juice there are marks “from 3 months” or “from 4 months”. It is undesirable to introduce the product at this age, it is recommended to postpone up to six months. Acid can cause serious harm to a child's fragile digestive system, irritate the mucous membranes. This often causes serious stomach problems.

Apple juice in cosmetology

The benefits of apple juice - in the tannins and acids contained in it, which are useful for problem skin, regulate the production of sebum, and help fight acne. In combination with other ingredients, the product is actively used in moisturizing, anti-aging and nourishing face masks.

Apple ice for vivacity and tone

Ice is used for morning washing, tightening pores after masks, cleansing procedures. The tool returns skin tone, gives a fresh and rested look, fills the dermis with useful substances. In season, apple ice can be prepared for the future. In the freezer, it will easily be preserved until the next harvest. Pour fresh juice without pulp into molds, freeze. Ready ice cubes can be transferred to plastic bags and tied so that the product does not absorb odors.

Nourishing apple mask

Apple juice - 3 tbsp. l.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Honey - 1 tsp

Dissolve honey in apple juice, mix with sour cream. Apply the product to cleansed skin of the face, neck, décolleté, hold for up to 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water. The product is suitable for normal and dry skin types.

Video: Anti-aging mask with sour cream and apple for the face

Purifying & Firming Apple Mask

An all-purpose mask with a cleansing and tightening action. Removes the gray complexion, makes the skin more elastic and youthful. Instead of olive oil, you can use apricot or grapeseed oil.

Apple juice - 4 tbsp. l.
Egg white - 1 pc.
Olive oil - 1 tsp

Place the protein in a clean bowl, beat with a whisk until foamy. Gradually add apple juice. At the end, add olive oil, stir. Apply the agent in layers with an interval of 3 minutes. Only 3-4 times, then soak on the face for 5 minutes, rinse with warm water, apply a moisturizer.

Video: Refreshing mask with apple juice

The composition of valuable substances in apple juice

Apple juice contains a lot of sugar, the exact amount depends on the variety and degree of ripeness of the fruit, on average it is 9.9 g, or 20% of the daily requirement.

Table of vitamin and mineral content (per 100 ml)


An apple is an unusual product. Green-skinned fruits are considered hypoallergenic. Juice from them is safely introduced into the diet of children of the first year of life, pregnant women and during lactation. Red-skinned fruits can cause allergies. Such an apple drink adopts this ability, so you need to use it carefully.

Apple juice will harm under the following conditions:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • diarrhea
  • bowel diseases during an exacerbation.

With diabetes, you can use an apple drink only from green varieties. You also need to know that juice acid negatively affects the condition of tooth enamel. To reduce contact, it is recommended to use a tube.

According to statistics, to maintain health, more than 1/3 of Russians prefer store-bought apple juice. But experts recommend starting the day with freshly squeezed. In terms of invigorating effect, it will not yield to a morning cup of coffee, and the effect will be softer and longer.

The nutritional value

  • Each glass contains a complex of useful substances that apples have accumulated. Vitamin composition: C, E, representatives of group B.
  • Among the minerals there are all macro- and more than 20 microelements. The drink holds the record for copper and boron content.
  • From fruit enzymes, enzymes are present, from flavonoids - quercetin.
  • The drink contains pectin and fiber.
  • BJU. The share of proteins and fats is up to 0.4 g per 100 g of juice. Fast carbohydrates predominate: glucose, fructose, sucrose. Depending on the variety of apples, the sugar content ranges from 9.8 g to 14.4 g.

Organic acids (malic, citric, etc.) give characteristic sourness, fruit sugars give sweetness, and essential oils give a delicate aroma.

Nutritionists believe: the daily norm of freshly squeezed juice should not exceed 1 liter due to the high concentration of organic acids, copper and boron.

Table of average content of organic acids*

* Data collected by PerkinElmer, Inc. by chromatography of 4 samples of boxed juices.

** Molar concentration or ppm = 0.0001%, according to


Average calorie content: 47 kcal. The indicator is affected by the amount of carbohydrates in the composition. In sweet and sour Simirenko 40 kcal, and in the sweet fruits of Granny Smith - 53 kcal.

Read more: Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Table of caloric content of industrial juices

  1. Vitamin C activates all types of metabolism, protects against free radicals, improves immunity.
  2. B1 stabilizes the work of the heart, nervous and endocrine systems.
  3. B2 accelerates the burning of carbohydrates, is useful for hair, nails, skin, oral mucosa and intestines, and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  4. B3 (PP) is involved in tissue respiration and digestive processes, lowers cholesterol and lipid levels, improves blood flow in small vessels, maintains healthy joints and skin.
  5. B4 (choline) restores liver cells, prevents the appearance of gallstones, speeds up metabolism, supports brain activity.
  6. B5 (pantothenic acid) normalizes metabolism and functions of the nervous system.
  7. B6 (adermine) regulates the production of antibodies and hemoglobin, the activity of amino acids.
  8. B9 (folic acid) is involved in the production of red blood cells, DNA and anti-stress hormones.
  9. E strengthens vascular walls and muscles, promotes collagen synthesis.
  10. H (biotin) maintains normal blood glucose levels, regulates fat metabolism and nerve conduction, takes care of the beauty of skin, nails and hair.
  11. Pectins are cleansed of toxins, toxins and cholesterol, lower blood sugar levels.
  12. Fiber, as another type of dietary fiber, normalizes the microflora of the large intestine, enhances peristalsis, relieves constipation and excess weight.
  13. Enzymes are involved in digestion.
  14. Iron is used by the body to produce hemoglobin and stimulate blood formation.
  15. Phosphorus and calcium provide bone strength.
  16. Potassium supports the work of muscles, including the heart.
  17. Sodium regulates impulse transmission and water-salt metabolism.
  18. Magnesium calms and relieves depression.
  19. Boron increases attention and helps to cheer up.

Contraindications and precautions

Reasons for refusing juice therapy:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, ulcerative colitis;
  • exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis;
  • apple allergy.

The reason for the negative reactions of the body is often not fresh itself, but errors in use.

  • Don't overdo it. This is fraught with digestive disorders and allergic reactions. For recovery, it is enough to take 1 glass a day for 1-2 months.
  • Do not take pills with juice: this way they lose their effectiveness and can provoke poisoning.
  • To prevent acids from destroying tooth enamel, drink fruit juices through a straw. Is there no such possibility? Then rinse your mouth with water or brush your teeth after 30 minutes.
  • Count calories: if there are about 50 kcal in 100 g of juice, then in 1 liter - 500 or more. Their source is sugar, which can spoil the figure and lead to diabetes.

Beneficial features

The anti-aging effect of the drink is confirmed by the founder of juice therapy, Norman Walker, stating: "I am ageless."

Apple juice should be consumed to restore health in different age groups. But before starting juice therapy, get advice from a nutritionist.

For women

Daily intake gives health to teeth and nails, shine to hair and freshness to skin.

During pregnancy and lactation, it replenishes the growing need for vitamins and minerals, gives strength, prevents anemia, intestinal and colds, relieves edema and regulates bowel function.

Juice is useful for pregnant and lactating women:

  • diluted in half with water;
  • from green varieties of apples without added sugar;
  • in the amount of 200-300 ml, divided into 2-3 doses.

Attention! Babies up to 3 months may react painfully to fresh juice in the mother's diet. To prevent bloating and intestinal colic, prepare a drink in a juicer.

For kids

Strengthens the immune system, prevents anemia, improves appetite, stimulates metabolic processes and brain activity.

Children's doctor, Ph.D. Natalya Taishcheva reminds: the immature digestive system of a baby may not be able to cope with apple juice. To prevent stool disorders and bloating, freshly squeezed juices from low-allergenic green varieties can be given from the second year of life.

Prepare a drink from peeled apples. Introduce into the children's diet gradually. Start with small doses. Offer diluted between feedings.

Age norms:

  • up to 3 years - no more than 30 ml;
  • up to 7 - 100 ml;
  • up to 14 - 200 ml;
  • older - up to 1 liter per day.


Quenches thirst and quickly restores strength after training.

Popular juice with mineral water in a ratio of 1:3. This low-calorie drink contains fruit sugars, vitamins and minerals; replenishes energy resources and nutritional deficiencies.

With obesity

From rigid mono-diets, only on fresh, it is better to refuse.

Just 100 ml of apple juice 30 minutes before a protein meal with slow carbohydrates - and after 7-8 days you will see the first results of weight loss.

The drink speeds up metabolism, improves digestion, frees from toxins and excess fluid, eliminates constipation.

It is important to make juice from unpeeled apples, and drink - before 16 hours.

With oncology

The message of the American professor B. Sukhanov became a sensation: substances from the group of flavonoids and polyphenols inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Plus, pectin, which absorbs heavy metals and toxins, cleanses the intestines and blood, and increases the immune response to malignant tumors.

German researchers from the Cancer Research Center (Heidelberg): daily consumption of a glass of apple juice prevents oncological diseases of the breast, colon, lungs, ovaries, oral cavity and kidneys.

For the digestive tract

Normalizes low acidity in gastritis, cleanses of toxins and enhances motility, prevents inflammatory diseases of the colon.

For medicinal purposes, take a glass of freshly squeezed drink before eating.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), juice with pulp is more useful. This conclusion was made by scientists from Germany. The fact is that more polyphenols and quinic acid, which are responsible for intestinal health, are absorbed from a non-clarified natural drink.

For the liver

It has a choleretic effect, cleanses the gallbladder and ducts, prevents the formation of stones.

Once a year, you can carry out a three-day cleansing of the liver, but under the supervision of a doctor.

  • The first two days: a glass before meals, then every 2 hours for the same amount until 20:00.
  • On the third day, take until 19:00. Starting from seven in the evening: lie down, put a warm heating pad on the liver area for 3 hours; while every 15 minutes take 3 tbsp. l. olive oil and lemon juice.

For the kidneys

Apple fresh gives a diuretic effect and unloads the kidneys, removes sand and small stones.

Attention! Before treatment, go through an examination and get a consultation with a nephrologist, because the danger is the movement of large stones.

For diabetes

The attitude towards apple juice among endocrinologists is more cautious than negative.

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly blood sugar rises after drinking a drink. The GI of 100 g of freshly squeezed fresh juice is 44–50 units.

Fiber and pectins slow down the absorption of carbohydrates. Therefore, it is important to choose a green sour variety of apples and keep the skin rich in vegetable fibers.

Divide the daily dose (100–150 ml) into 2 doses and dilute with water.

It is interesting! Publications in the Journal of Nutritional Science debunked the myth of a spike in blood sugar after drinking apple juice.

American scientists have found in the composition of the drink biological substances that positively affect the level of glucose in human blood. It turns out that the plant flavonoid quercetin reduces sugar, strengthens the walls of small vessels and facilitates diabetes.

For the cardiovascular system

With regular intake, the drink clears cholesterol, prevents the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, reduces the risk of developing heart disease, and also facilitates the course of coronary disease and increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome after a heart attack.

Research by specialists from the University of Copenhagen has shown that apple juice reduces the level of LDL-cholesterol and removes it from the body. The active substance is pectin, which is especially rich in apple peel.

Drinking a glass of fresh juice with pulp for 2-3 months reduces the likelihood of a heart attack by 30%.

For Alzheimer's disease

Freshly squeezed juice prevents, reduces symptoms and inhibits the further development of Alzheimer's disease.

The results of scientists at the University of Massachusetts (USA) are encouraging: long-term use of 100 ml per day can block the production of an enzyme in the brain that provokes the disease.

Tips for choosing apples

These apples are not ripe yet.

Freshly squeezed juice prepared at home is famous for its greatest benefits. To get a healing drink, they choose apples of a new crop from varieties cultivated in the region of residence.

Grushovka remains popular in Russia. Liquid fruits weighing up to 100 g are yellowish in color with red stripes. Juice with a sweetish taste and bright aroma is valued for its high content of vitamin C, the destruction of which is prevented by P-active substances. Pear ripens early and is suitable for pressing from the end of July. But you can use natural gifts only for 2-3 weeks.

Important! During storage, some varieties lose up to 80% of substances useful to humans.

Winter apples are distinguished by stable keeping quality, gaining aroma and taste during storage. In Antonovka, vitamin C will remain until April, but it will take another 2–3 months for ripening after harvest (for central Russia from the second half of September).

In autumn, a late-summer honey apple with a yellow-green color is suitable for making juice, retaining its vitamin composition for 3 months.

How to cook?

  1. A simple "grandmother's" way: use a plastic grater and squeeze the resulting pulp through 2 layers of gauze. It avoids contact with metal, but due to the duration of the process leads to vitamin losses.
  2. You can cut apples into slices and pass through a juicer. But under the influence of air and in contact with the metal parts of the device, the pulp quickly oxidizes, darkens and loses vitamins.

Advice! Use modern auger-type juicers, in which the contact of raw materials with air is minimal, and the grinding mechanisms are made of high quality materials.

Subtleties of use

Important! In fresh juice, useful substances are stored for no more than 20 minutes. Therefore, it must be consumed immediately after preparation.

Surplus can be kept for one day in glassware on the refrigerator shelf: the drink remains fresh, but many healing properties are lost.

Before, during or after a meal? The question is moot. Nutritionists advise taking into account individual characteristics:

  • with normal and low acidity - 40-60 minutes before meals;
  • with increased - an hour after.

Doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, gastroenterologist Nadezhda Poslavskaya does not recommend drinking juice directly with meals. The interaction of food with fruit acids often causes heartburn and disruption of the digestive tract.

The best time to consume is the first half of the day when the body needs quick energy. Whereas the evening reception will invigorate at the wrong time and allow carbohydrates to be deposited in extra pounds.

Nutritionist Lyudmila Denisenko recalls the sense of proportion. The effect of regular use is not given by liters, but by 1-2 glasses a day.

Is it possible on an empty stomach?

Freshly made juice contains a lot of fruit acids. Therefore, even in healthy people, 3–4 days after taking, heartburn and pain in the stomach may appear, and in chronic patients, exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases.

Nutritionist Yu.O. Bastrigin advises:

  • do not take on an empty stomach;
  • drink only in diluted form to reduce calorie content and acid aggressiveness.

Praise for the juicer

The technology of cooking in a juicer is the effect of hot steam on fruits.


The duration of the process leads to losses of up to 30% of valuable substances. Therefore, the juice is less useful than freshly squeezed.


The method allows processing a large volume of apples, does not require additional boiling before sealing the jars, and guarantees long-term storage.

The juice is sweeter, darker and without visible impurities (clarified). It is ideal for nursing mothers and children.

Direct spin

In order not to depend on imported products, manufacturers grow their own crops for their subsequent processing and storage.

Production stages: sorting, washing, crushing apples and pressing. The juice is then filtered and, for microbiological purity, pasteurized at a temperature of about 88 °C or subjected to short-term sterilization at 130 °C.

Pasteurized product - a good choice, because it retains the taste, aroma and 95% of the nutrients from freshly squeezed juice.

Disadvantages: high price and short storage (within 1-3 months, and after opening the package - only a day in the refrigerator). The juice will not lose its taste even on the second day, but the vitamins will evaporate from it. In addition, pasteurization does not destroy the spores of microorganisms, which, after a breach of tightness, begin vigorous activity.

Mix with honey

Biologically active substances in the composition of honey enhance the healing capabilities of freshly squeezed juice:

  1. For the prevention of seasonal colds and other respiratory diseases, it is useful to drink 100 ml of juice with 1 tsp 3-4 times a day. honey.
  2. At elevated pressure, a therapeutic composition is prepared from the juice of one lemon mixed with a glass of honey and the same volume of apple juice. 2 months take 1 tbsp. l. an hour before meals (or 2 hours after) three times a day. The therapeutic effect is based on diuretic and sedative properties, normalization of blood circulation and heart rate.
  3. In chronic colitis and constipation, a dessert spoon of honey is dissolved in a glass of juice. Take up to 100 ml three times a day on the background of a diet with a restriction of sweets for 1.5 months. The anti-inflammatory components of the drug improve the condition of the gastrointestinal mucosa, the secretion of digestive juices, peristalsis and intestinal microflora.
  4. For diseases of the liver and biliary tract, they are prepared in the same way as for colitis. The choleretic effect eliminates pain in the hepatobiliary region, congestive and inflammatory processes in the liver.

Mature (thick, well-crystallized) honey belongs to natural preservatives with a strong bactericidal effect, therefore, useful substances remain in the prepared drink longer and pathogenic colonies grow more slowly.

homemade apples vs store bought

Apples from the supermarket win the presentation, but dangerous content of nitrates, pesticides and herbicides, wax.

At the same time, removing the peel, in which all this accumulates, reduces the healing qualities of the product and deprives it of fiber.

Apples from a personal plot do not lose important elements during transportation. Aging on time without stimulants provides a high content of vitamins and minerals, and the absence of chemical processing makes the juice safe for adults and children.

Read more: Benefits and harms of cranberry juice.

Adults and children know about the health benefits of apple juice. This most popular, affordable and delicious drink is rich in vitamins, minerals and other valuable compounds.

The most natural and saturated with useful substances is freshly squeezed apple juice. You can cook it yourself by squeezing it through cheesecloth, or use a juicer, you can make apple juice from a pressure cooker. To preserve the medicinal properties of the drink for a longer time, it is worth resorting to canning it.

It must be remembered that juice obtained from fresh fruits is considered freshly squeezed. It must be drunk within 30 minutes after preparation, otherwise the product begins to oxidize and lose its beneficial properties.

Composition and calories

The calorie content of a fresh apple drink does not exceed 47 kcal per 100 g of the resulting fruit liquid. That is why it is widely used in weight loss programs and healthy eating systems.

Any juice obtained directly by squeezing a ripe fruit has the same chemical composition, like a fruit, is similar in taste and aroma.

Natural apple drink contains:

  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids, carotenoids, phytoncides;
  • minerals - potassium, iron, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, copper, boron and others;
  • starch;
  • complex sugars - glucose, fructose, sucrose (about 6%);
  • vitamins - C, group B, E, A, H and PP.

The drink contains fiber and dietary fiber, but their amount is slightly lower than in ripe fresh fruit.

Beneficial features

The benefits of freshly squeezed apple juice are as follows:

  • it has a positive effect on well-being, improves the general condition of the body;
  • helps to strengthen blood vessels, cleanse them;
  • facilitates the work of the heart;
  • has diuretic and choleretic properties;
  • cleanses the stomach;
  • improves metabolism;
  • is the prevention of viral diseases;
  • fights constipation;
  • removes harmful substances and toxins from the body;
  • prevents beriberi;
  • promotes weight loss when consumed in moderation;
  • strengthens the immune system, helps to quickly cope with colds.

In addition, the benefits of apple juice for the body are to improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and slow down the aging process. It is used in recipes traditional medicine as a cough remedy. It prevents the development of cancer, helps to get rid of problems with the kidneys and bladder, lowers blood pressure.

The high acidity of the drink adversely affects tooth enamel, especially in people with high sensitivity. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a natural product through a straw or brush your teeth every time after taking a liquid. You can dilute the juice with clean water.

Benefits of juice for women and men

A storehouse of valuable compounds will benefit the female body.

  • A high iron content will support the body on critical days, increase hemoglobin levels and restore hematopoietic functions.
  • The product will strengthen the immune system thanks to vitamin C.
  • Carotenoids and vitamin E will give strength and shine to hair and nails, strengthen teeth.

Freshly squeezed apple juice will improve the psychological state, help overcome depression and depression.

The male body is known to be more susceptible to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases than the female body. Regular consumption of apple cider the best remedy prevention of these problems.

Juice has a positive effect on male potency, restores hormones.

Rules and methods of preparation of the product

To maximize the benefits of freshly squeezed apple juice, it must be prepared from fresh, solid, ripened and high-quality products. Fruits should not be old, it is advisable to use non-imported apples and purchase them in season.

Juice can be made by hand. To do this, the fruits must be crushed on a grater, squeeze the resulting mass through a sieve or gauze. To saturate the body with a large number of useful substances, it is better to drink a drink immediately or within half an hour.

canned juice

All useful compounds in the composition of apple juice from fresh fruits cannot be stored for a long time. Home canned juices help to leave most of the trace elements and vitamins.

Preparing such a drink is simple: squeeze the juice from fresh fruits with a juicer, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Next, pour the liquid into jars, roll up. When using sour varieties of apples, sugar can be added if desired.

The resulting juice can be stored at home for 2 years.

Juice from a juicer

Apple juice from a juicer retains the vitamin and mineral composition in the same way as a canned drink. To prepare a natural product, it is necessary to cut the fruits into small pieces, put in a water bath and turn on a strong fire.

In the process of cooking, apple slices are processed with steam, become soft and release valuable juice, which is collected in a specially provided container.

Apple juice in the diet of a nursing mother and child

Apple juice is good for women during breastfeeding. He gives all his valuable qualities, vitamins and minerals to the mother's body, saturates it with iron, which is necessary for the development and well-coordinated work of the baby's nervous system, improving digestion.

The drink rarely causes an allergic reaction in a child and is introduced into the baby's diet as one of the first products. During lactation, a nursing mother is recommended to use apple juice from fresh green fruits without pulp: it contains more benefit for women and children.

In the first months of a baby's life, it is allowed to drink a fruit product no more than 100 ml per day. It is advisable to dilute it with clean water by half because of the risk of intestinal colic in an infant. Further, the consumption rate can be gradually increased.

Fresh apple juice is introduced into the baby's diet at the age of 6 months. The drink must be prepared only from green varieties of apples. First, it is better to offer the baby a clarified product without pulp, diluted in equal proportions with clean boiled water. The amount of liquid should not exceed 1 tsp. Gradually, the concentration of juice and the daily allowance can be increased.

In cosmetology

Tannins and acids help to tidy up problem skin, regulate the production of sebum, fight acne. A valuable ingredient in combination with other products is widely used in folk recipes for face masks.

  • Nourishing mask

Suitable for dry and normal skin types. Mix freshly squeezed juice from ripe apples (3 tablespoons) with honey (1 teaspoon) and 1 tbsp. l. sour cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the previously cleansed area of ​​the face, décolleté and neck for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

  • Lifting, cleansing mask

Place the egg white in a container, beat until foamy, pour in 50-60 ml of apple juice in a thin stream, add 1 tsp. olive oil (can be replaced with grapeseed or apricot oil). Stir the product thoroughly, apply on the face in stages in thin layers 3-4 times. The interval between them is approximately 3 minutes, the duration of the mask on the face is no more than 5 minutes. Wash off the composition with warm water and lubricate the skin of the face with a moisturizer.

The mask gives the skin elasticity, makes it elastic and young, helps to get rid of gray color faces.

Harm and contraindications

The benefits and harms to the body are incomparable when drinking apple juice. There are no contraindications for taking the drink, but there are cases when it should be used with caution or in limited quantities. These include:

  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • gastritis, ulcer, colitis during exacerbation of the disease;
  • problems with the pancreas, pancreatitis;
  • diabetes of the 1st degree;
  • allergic manifestations to the product;

It is impossible to drink medicines with freshly squeezed apple juice. Its use will neutralize the effect of the remedy or lead to poisoning.

With diarrhea, the inclusion of a drink in the diet can only aggravate the unpleasant symptom. Do not drink juice above the recommended dose. Excessive consumption can lead to abdominal discomfort, flatulence, and other digestive problems.

Thus, apple juice, especially freshly squeezed, is a very healthy drink. It is able to have a positive effect on the internal organs, improve the well-being of the body, and help with certain ailments. The main thing is not to exceed the recommended daily allowances.

Apple juice is the most economical, available in all seasons and therefore the most popular among children and adults.

Useful properties and contraindications of apple juice should be well known to parents of infants, because often this is the first product introduced into the baby's diet.

The article will discuss the benefits, harms and uses of a freshly squeezed drink, the features of its preparation and storage.

Composition and calorie content of apple juice (freshly squeezed)

The composition of the juice prepared by one's own hands will be almost the same as that of the fruit itself.

The only difference is the reduced content of fiber and dietary fiber, if we are talking about a drink without pulp. It is not difficult to understand how freshly squeezed apple juice is useful, having learned about the huge amount of vitamins and minerals in it:

  • Manganese
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Magnesium
  • Molybdenum
  • Cobalt
  • beta-carotene, carotenoids
  • Vitamin C
  • Alpha tocopherol
  • Vitamin H
  • Vitamin PP
  • B vitamins

The main difference between an apple drink and similar products is the presence of rare trace elements (boron, chromium, iodine) in high doses. It also contains enzymes that have a positive effect on digestion.

Fruit juice is rich in phytoncides, flavonoids, organic acids, polysaccharides, tannins, pectin. The calorie content of the product is low - 47 kcal, so it is used in diets, healthy eating systems.

Freshly squeezed apple juice: benefits and harms

It is enough for an adult to drink 250 ml of apple juice per day (for children - 50-150 ml) to feel its beneficial effect. It is valuable in diseases of the heart and blood vessels:

  1. Eliminates arrhythmia
  2. Removes cholesterol
  3. Strengthens and tones the walls of blood vessels
  4. Reduces the effects of ischemia
  5. Prevents heart attacks, strokes

With poor digestion, gastritis with low acidity, constipation, reduced intestinal motility, stagnation of bile, apple nectar can also have a beneficial effect.

Ultimately, it reflects appearance- the skin brightens, cleanses, nails and hair become strong. Among the people, cleaning the liver with apple juice, treating anemia with a drink, increasing immune defenses, and fighting infections are popular.

Other useful properties of the product:

  • Recovery after operations
  • Therapy for beriberi
  • Body rejuvenation
  • Increasing energy, vitality
  • Fight against tumor cells
  • Treatment of dementia, nervous pathologies
  • Normalization of fat metabolism

Contraindications for taking an apple drink

Having described the benefits of apple juice, the harm is also worth noting.

  1. You can not take a drink during an exacerbation of an ulcer, gastritis, colitis, pancreatitis, and in the remission stage, you do not need to abuse the product.
  2. People who have an increased acidity of the stomach, it is better to dilute it with water.
  3. Apple juice with diarrhea can provoke an increase in an unpleasant symptom.
  4. A contraindication to taking an apple drink is any form of allergy to the product, which is quite rare.
  5. With diabetes, it is better to choose sour apples for making juice.

Is it possible for a nursing mother to have apple juice

For normal lactation, a woman should drink more fluids, in addition, consume many vitamins and minerals. Apple juice while breastfeeding satisfies both conditions.

Moreover, it extremely rarely causes an allergy in a child; it is the first recommended fruit for the introduction of complementary foods.

Apple juice for babies is useful because of the saturation of its body with iron, ensuring good work and rapid development of the central nervous system, it has an antioxidant effect, and helps to improve digestion.

Therefore, a nursing mother must definitely consume a freshly squeezed apple drink, but in the first 3 months - moderately (no more than half a glass a day).

At the indicated time, it is also desirable to dilute it with water twice or cook it on a juicer, because in young children a concentrated product can cause intestinal colic.

During lactation, you only need to drink juice from green apples without pulp - it is the most useful for mom and baby.

Is it possible to make juice from unripe apples

Unripe apples, according to scientists, have a special benefit. Apple juice concentrate from them was given to mice with intestinal tumors, and the vast majority of them were healed.

This is due to the presence of a large amount of polyphenols in unripe apples, and they have anti-cancer effects.

Nectar from unripe fruits can be prepared by squeezing on a juicer, after washing the apples and removing the seeds. 100 g of sugar is added per liter of liquid, but it is better not to use sugar at all - it is much healthier.

When used, it is allowed to dilute it with water. It is forbidden to boil such a drink, you can only heat it up to 60 degrees, pour it into jars, store it in the cold.

Apple juice for the winter (through a juicer)

Natural juice can always be available, there is a juicer. You can drink it, make mash from apple juice and various low-alcohol drinks.

Moonshine from apple juice is popular among men - a high-quality drink that is not inferior in taste to store-bought alcohol.

To make an apple drink, you need to take the most juicy varieties of fruits, without damage, traces of the disease. Apple juice for the winter from a juicer will require a little sugar - about 100 g per 5 kg of fruit.

The fruits must be washed, cleaned of seeds, passed through a juicer. To prevent the drink from darkening, lemon juice is added to it (optional).

The resulting liquid with sugar must be put on fire, heated until the first bubbles appear. Pour it into sterilized jars, bottles, roll up. You can store the product up to 2 years.

By the way, you don’t need to throw away the cake from apple juice: it makes excellent pancakes, marmalade, mashed potatoes, cereals, muffins, casseroles.

Recipe tomato in apple juice without sterilization

It is better to take a product of your own production - from a juicer, in extreme cases, use a purchased drink.

Products per jar 3 liters: tomatoes - 1.5 kg, juice - liter, salt - 40 g, garlic - head. Tomatoes in apple juice for the winter are prepared as follows:

  • Wash the tomatoes, remove the wrinkled, overripe ones, pierce with a needle in the place where the stalk joins.
  • Put the tomatoes in a jar, do not press down.
  • Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for half an hour.
  • After half an hour, pour out the water, throw chopped garlic on the vegetables.
  • Boil apple juice, add salt before boiling.
  • Pour tomatoes with boiling drink, roll up.

How to make apple juice in a juicer

An apple drink is considered very useful if you cook it in a juicer - a convenient device for "extracting" liquid even from hard fruits and vegetables. To prepare a drink, it is better to take sweet or slightly sour fruits.

How to brew apple juice is quite simple:

  1. Pour about 2 liters of water into the appliance (up to the mark).
  2. Place a second saucepan on top of the first one to collect the juice.
  3. On the third container - a sieve with a lid - put clean apples (in quarters or slices - as convenient, you can with seeds).
  4. Depending on the hardness of the fruit, set the cooking time to 50-80 minutes.
  5. After this time, open the tap, pour the finished apple drink into a jar.

Through a juicer, apple juice for the winter is easy to preserve. To do this, pour the finished drink into a saucepan, add 2 tablespoons of sugar with a slide for each liter of liquid, bring to a boil, and immediately remove from heat. The drink is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up.

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Today, on the shelves in any supermarket there is a huge variety of juice products.

But how can a consumer not get lost among such an abundance? And find out if the juice bought in the store will benefit the body?

Since the culture of juice consumption began to form relatively recently, we do not yet have sufficient information about how this product is produced, stored and what benefits this product brings to the body.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what juices exist. PepsiCo employees helped us with this.

By cooking method juices are divided into freshly squeezed, direct extraction and reconstituted. There are also berry fruit drinks.

Fresh juice

Juice, which is prepared from fresh fruits and vegetables in the presence of the buyer. Many people like to drink this juice in the morning, coming to a cafe or gym after a workout. Of course, freshly squeezed juice is well absorbed by the body. But it must be borne in mind that its benefits will be equal to the benefits of the fruits from which it is prepared, nothing more. Unfortunately, we cannot be sure that fruits and vegetables sold in stores contain vitamins and minerals. In addition, the shelf life of freshly squeezed juices is very short - it is recommended to drink such juice within 15-40 minutes.

Direct juice

Such juice is produced directly from fruits or vegetables at harvest time. The length of the harvesting and processing season depends on the type of fruit and the geographical region. After squeezing, the juices go through the process of pasteurization - one-time heating to extend the shelf life, and are poured into sterile containers. The shelf life of directly squeezed juices is short, they are difficult to transport over long distances, so juices are sold mainly in those regions in which they are produced.

reconstituted juice

Reconstituted juice is made from natural concentrated juice. Water is evaporated from natural juice and delivered in concentrated form to the place of production. On the spot, water is added to the concentrated natural juice, that is, it is restored. This method of preparation does not mean at all that the concentrated natural juice has lost all its beneficial properties and vitamins. If the production technology is followed properly, then the reconstituted juice is practically not inferior to direct-pressed juice. The production technology by restoring concentrated juice allows preserving the taste, aroma and healthy substances contained in fresh fruits.


Mors is the most traditional fruit drink in Russia. They are prepared according to old Russian recipes based on natural berries, hand-picked in ecologically clean forests. During the production process, no dyes, preservatives or other additives are added to fruit drinks. Thus, they remain absolutely natural, retaining all the beneficial properties and unique taste. On an industrial scale, fruit drinks are made from a mixture of berry juice (berry puree), drinking water, sugar or honey. The minimum share of natural concentrated berry juice should be at least 15% of the total volume. Also, instead of water, an aqueous extract of pomace of those berries that were used to produce juice or puree can be added to the fruit drink.

By consistency juices can be divided into two types: 100% juices and nectar.

Photo from

100% juices

Such juice is produced from concentrated juice and drinking water. According to the consistency, clarified and non-clarified juices, as well as juice with pulp are distinguished. Clarified is a juice that is non-chemically purified from fruit pulp, it has a deep and rich taste. Unclarified juice is more viscous, as fine suspended particles are left in it. Pulp juice is juice with puree added. Juices with pulp are more nutritious, bring more satiety and contain dietary fiber needed by the body.


Nectar is prepared from natural concentrated juice with the addition of drinking water. The proportion of juice, depending on the type of vegetables and fruits, is at least 20-50%. Nectars are usually made when fruit juice cannot be made. There may be several reasons for this: either the juice will turn out to be very thick (peach, banana) or very tart / sour (cherry).

Most often, doubts and distrust of consumers are caused by packaged juices, nectars and fruit drinks. Many are sure that the concentrated juice that forms their basis contains unnatural substances. In order to understand what reconstituted juice consists of, you need to know how it is produced. In the production of packaged reconstituted juices, fruits and vegetables are quickly processed and immediately packaged.

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The main thing is the process!

The first stage in the production of juices is the choice of raw materials for the future juice. Fruits and berries must be environmentally friendly, ripe and retain their hardness and density. Juice is made from varieties of fruits specially grown for their production, which are more juicy. Low-quality fruits are removed at the stage of selection of raw materials.

Modern technologies have become so gentle that they allow you to preserve the beneficial substances of fruits as much as possible. Thus, during production, the share of vitamins and microelements reaches about 80%. All the processes of concentrated juice production - from processing fruit to evaporating excess water - are carried out under special conditions so that a maximum of vitamins and nutrients remain in the concentrated juice.

The juice production process allows you to preserve vitamins and other useful substances of fruits and vegetables. There is data from an independent expert-analytical center on the content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants in certain packaged juices of a particular taste.

Thanks to the complete sterility of the production process - from preparation to bottling the juice into bags, as well as hermetic aseptic (sterile) packaging, the juice does not lose its properties and is stored for a long time.

Aseptic packaging (for example, according to Tetra Pak technology) makes it possible to preserve all the quality characteristics of the product more reliably than when packaging under normal conditions. It is important that the aseptic way of bottling juices prevents spoilage of the product during storage. Thanks to this, no preservatives have to be added to juices, nectars and fruit drinks.

During storage, the juice must be protected as much as possible from exposure to oxygen, light and bacteria. Accordingly, the higher the protective properties of the packaging, the longer the juice retains its taste, and also meets the quality and food safety standards.

You can choose high-quality juice by following simple rules. The main thing is to check the expiration date and production date of the product, pay attention to the manufacturer, composition and nutritional value. A respectable manufacturer must also make sure that the consumer can, in case of a problem, contact the quality department and leave their claims.

Photo from

Three "Juicy" Myths

Everyone knows what juice is. However, most consumers are not well aware of the naturalness and benefits of juices. Many are sure that packaged juices contain a lot of unhealthy ingredients, and there are practically no useful substances and trace elements. Such ideas give rise to a huge number of myths about juices.

Myth No. 1. Juices in packages are made from unnatural substances.

Perhaps this is the most common stereotype about juices. In fact, natural substances found in fruits and vegetables give natural substances a pleasant aroma and rich color to juices, and modern technologies for the production of concentrated juice make it possible to preserve the natural smell and taste. Reconstituted juice is made from natural fruits, vegetables and berries. Only it goes a longer way, because before getting to our table, fruits and vegetables are collected in the places of their geographical growth. Then, in the factory, they are processed, obtaining natural concentrated juice from them. Concentration of juice is the process of evaporating water from it. This technology makes it possible to transport juice over long distances, thereby offering the consumer a wide range of flavors, even from those fruits that do not grow in this region, while maintaining their beneficial properties.

Myth number 2. Preservatives, flavors, dyes and a lot of sugar are added to juices.

By definition, packaged juice cannot contain preservatives, flavorings, dyes and sugar, because. in accordance with the current Russian legislation, the drink in which they are contained cannot be called juice.

According to Russian legislation, juice should be understood as “a liquid food product that is unfermented, capable of fermentation, obtained from edible parts of good-quality, ripe, fresh or fresh or dried fruits and (or) vegetables kept fresh or dried by physical impact on these edible parts and in which in accordance with the peculiarities of the method of its production, the nutritional value, physicochemical and organoleptic properties characteristic of juice from fruits and (or) vegetables of the same name are preserved.

Only fresh fruits and vegetables, which undergo strict quality control, get into the juice. Reconstituted juices can be produced in any country thanks to the concentrated juice technology. However, natural concentrated juice is produced only in places where fruits grow. A fundamentally important factor is the freshness of the fruit itself, from which the juice is made. The less time elapsed between when the fruit or vegetable was harvested and when it was processed, the better and healthier the juice obtained from it.

If we talk about the calorie content of juices, the fruits themselves contain a sufficient amount of natural sugars. Therefore, sugar is not added to 100% juices. Most of the minerals, fruit acids, sugars and vitamins pass from the fruit into the juice.

The juice also does not contain any dyes and flavors. The color of the juice is determined by the color of the fruit. Vegetables, fruits and berries contain natural substances that give the fruits the appropriate color. And the aroma of fruit helps to keep modern technology. During the production of natural concentrated juice, they allow not only to evaporate water, but also to preserve volatile aroma-forming substances. With the help of special technologies, these substances are collected, stored, and then added to the juice during restoration. Thus, not only useful substances and taste are preserved in the reconstituted juice, but also the natural smell of the fruit.

Packaged juice is stored for a long time due to the fact that the product is heated to a certain temperature, and thus bacteria are destroyed, but most of the nutrients, minerals and vitamins are preserved. Then the juice is poured into a sterile container with minimal contact with air. The plant maintains complete sterility of the process: from preparation to bottling of juice into bags.

Packaging plays an important role: the juice must be protected as much as possible from the effects of oxygen, light and bacteria during storage. Accordingly, the higher the protective properties of the packaging, the longer the juice retains its taste, and also meets the quality and food safety standards. Aseptic solutions help preserve the color, texture, natural taste and nutritional value of the juice. The combination of aseptic processing technology and carton packaging helps to ensure the safety and useful properties of the product for 12 months.

Myth #3: Fruits and fresh juices are much better and healthier than packaged ones.

Many people find that juicing fruits and vegetables at home is beneficial. However, unfortunately, not everything is so simple and obvious. We can never be 100% sure that fruits bought in a store or market are fresh, that temperature or other conditions have not been violated during their storage. Also, lovers of freshly squeezed juice should be aware that it is necessary to drink such juice within the shortest time after squeezing, since the amount of vitamins in it decreases every minute. Packaged juices can be stored closed for quite a long time, since vegetables and fruits are processed directly where they grow, and they are processed at the moment of their maximum maturity, and preservation technologies allow preserving all the advantages of ripe products.

Today, no one is surprised by the huge variety of juices produced by manufacturers. But the most valuable of them are considered to be directly squeezed juices. To make them, you must wait for the maximum ripening of the fruit.

Timely collect and transport to the place of processing. Special transportation equipment allows keeping all useful substances in fresh fruits. And the juice production itself does not require stabilizers, clarifiers or concentrates.

The most useful direct-pressed juices are apple, plum and tomato. There are a lot of vitamins C, E, PP, H in apple. Its chemical component is diverse, where there are such trace elements as magnesium, zinc, iodine, iron, potassium and copper. In addition to a huge amount of trace elements, apple juice improves the absorption of food products. This is facilitated by the enzymes included in it. And thanks to pectins, the work of the stomach is noticeably improved. The advantage of apple juice is its low calorie content (only 46 kcal/100 ml) and pleasant taste.

Juice made from plums using the same technology is rich in various vitamins. The content of organic acids and glucose in it helps the stomach to work better, freeing it from unnecessary food waste and other harmful substances. Minerals of magnesium, sodium, potassium and calcium are useful for the body.

In tomato, the advantage over other products in this category is the presence of lycopyr in it. This substance has antioxidant properties that can withstand such a terrible disease of the 21st century as cancer. Another component present in tomato is serotonin. To defeat insomnia or relieve stress is the direct task of serotonin.

People who often drink tomato juice are always cheerful and generally friendly. Another important advantage of freshly squeezed tomatoes is their low calorie content. Therefore, if desired, you can drink it as much as you want. Acids and nutrients assist the human body in metabolism.

If we compare the cost of drinks produced using concentrates, stabilizers and clarifiers, then the former win in price. But the use of more expensive juices in the diet will enrich the body with all the necessary substances.

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