Duodenitis - symptoms and treatment of acute or chronic, types in children and adults, diagnosis and prevention. The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of duodenitis How to treat duodenitis with mineral water

Currently, acute and chronic types of duodenitis - a disease of inflammatory pathogenesis that affects the tissues of the duodenum, can be safely attributed to the most common pathologies. The disease is diagnosed in almost every tenth representative of the population. Competent treatment of duodenitis implies a whole range of therapeutic measures aimed at reducing foci of inflammation, activating the processes of cell and tissue regeneration, as well as restoring and normalizing the activity of the affected organ.

Timely treatment of inflammation in the duodenum will prevent complications of the pathology and its transition to the chronic stage

Treatment of inflammation of the mucous tissues of the duodenum provides for a number of characteristic features, among which it is necessary to highlight such, for example, as:

  • adherence to a diet for duodenitis is one of the most important measures of treatment, deviation from the norms and rules of sparing nutrition can provoke the development of severe complications;
  • competent and high-quality treatment involves the use of not only traditional drug therapy, but also the use of so-called folk methods;
  • even after eliminating the causes and symptoms of the disease, the patient is prescribed a sparing diet that excludes the use of heavy and fatty foods;
  • along with anti-inflammatory drugs, it is necessary to take medications and dietary supplements that help strengthen the body's immune forces and increase resistance;

In the treatment of duodenitis, both traditional and folk methods can be used.

  • regardless of the reasons for the development of inflammatory processes, the patient is recommended to completely abandon such bad habits as drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • to restore the mucous tissues of the duodenum, along with traditional medicines, the patient is also prescribed to take herbal decoctions, honey, natural oils and other effective natural remedies.

Important! Any disease is easier to prevent than to cure later. Due to the fact that the main cause of duodenitis is an unhealthy diet, following a balanced and competent diet will prevent the development of pathology.

Treatment of acute duodenitis

A characteristic feature of acute duodenitis is the typical etiology of the disease in the vast majority of cases. The main reasons for the development of pathology are negative external factors, including food poisoning, adherence to bad habits, eating a large amount of fatty and fried foods, and overeating.

Treatment of the acute form and other forms of duodenitis involves the abandonment of bad habits

Treatment is prescribed precisely taking into account these features, and prescribes a strict diet and medication. The duration of the course of therapeutic therapy does not exceed, as a rule, two weeks. This time is enough to completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease and restore the tissues of the duodenum.

Upon completion of the course, it remains necessary to maintain a proper diet for a certain period of time. Otherwise, the re-development of inflammatory processes and the acquisition of a chronic form of the disease are not excluded.

Treatment of chronic duodenitis

Most often, chronic duodenitis is a consequence of inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract. But it is not excluded, including, such factors as incorrect or not timely treatment of inflammation of the tissues of the duodenum in an acute form.

Carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures allows you to quickly cure the chronic form of duodenitis

Eliminating the causes and symptoms of the disease is associated with various kinds of difficulties caused by the presence of precisely cumulative ailments. However, complex therapeutic measures, including drug and folk therapy, compliance with a sparing diet and physiotherapy methods, allow you to completely restore the tissues of the duodenum and normalize the full activity of this organ.

Important! It is chronic duodenitis that is characterized by a mild clinical picture against the background of deep lesions of the tissues of the duodenum, which significantly complicates the treatment regimen. In order to avoid aggravating the pathology, you should consult a specialist if even minor disturbing signs appear.


The treatment regimen for inflammation of the mucous tissues of the duodenum is based on the use of various types of medications, the choice of which is carried out depending on the causes that led to the development of the pathology. With duodenitis in acute form, the patient is prescribed a course of therapeutic measures in a hospital, due to the need for constant monitoring of the patient's condition.

The acute form of duodenitis requires treatment with medication in a hospital

Carrying out drug therapy for chronic duodenitis in remission is also allowed at home, however, in this case, the recommendations prescribed by a specialist should be strictly followed.

Regardless of the form of the disease and the degree of damage to the mucous tissues of the duodenum, the following types of medications are most often used as a treatment course:

  • Painkillers. The acute stage of duodenitis is often accompanied by the appearance of severe pain in the abdomen. Pain medications help to significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms, as well as relieve cramps that occur after the main meals.
  • Antimicrobial drugs. They prevent damage to the mucous tissues of the inflamed organ by pathogens and bacteria.
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs. Necessary to reduce foci of inflammation and prevent the spread of pathology.
  • Immunomodulating agents. Contribute to the restoration of the body's immune forces, as well as increase resistance.

In some cases, duodenitis requires the use of antacids.

  • Coating preparations. They gently envelop the mucous tissues of the affected organ, preventing and minimizing the impact on it of external negative factors, including caustic gastric juice.
  • Antacids. Necessary for increased acidity of gastric enzymes. The active ingredients contained in such drugs neutralize the acidic environment, minimizing the aggressive effect on the mucous tissues of the digestive organs.
  • Enzymes and prebiotics. They are used to restore and normalize the natural microflora of the digestive system.

Diet and Nutrition

The most effective, simple and affordable method of treating duodenitis, regardless of the form and stage of development of the disease, is to follow a strict diet that limits the intake of a number of dishes.

Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is carried out in compliance with the diet

  • Following a fractional diet. It is necessary to eat often enough, avoiding the appearance of a strong feeling of hunger, but in small portions.
  • Fatty and fried foods, bakery products and muffins, as well as sweets should be completely excluded from the diet. As an exception, in this case, dried fruits and honey are called.
  • Food should not be too hot or, on the contrary, cold. Exposure to critical temperatures can lead to deeper damage to the tissues of the digestive organs.
  • The best methods that are recommended for use in the cooking process are boiling in water and steaming. The second option is the most preferable, as it allows you to save the maximum amount of nutrients and trace elements in food.
  • Seasonings, spices, and alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet.
  • It is recommended to consume fruits and vegetables only after heat treatment. Fresh fruits can aggravate the patient's condition, and provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

For patients with duodenitis, a restriction on spices and seasonings is introduced

  • Any food should be chewed as thoroughly as possible. Often, eating on the run becomes a factor that exacerbates inflammation.
  • During the acute stage of the disease, it is better to eat light enveloping food, such as, for example, jelly, soups, mashed potatoes.
  • Food should be not only nutritious, but also light, not requiring significant efforts on the part of the body in the process of digestion.

Advice! It is very important to follow the doctor's instructions regarding the rules of a healthy diet. Compliance with the diet will not only significantly speed up the healing process and restore the tissues of the affected organ, but also prevent possible relapses of inflammation in the future.

Folk methods of treatment

Thinking about how to treat duodenitis, one should not forget about the methods of alternative treatment. Methods that are not classified as traditional also have sufficient efficiency, can significantly reduce the intensity of the manifestation of disturbing symptoms, reduce inflammation, as well as restore the tissues of the digestive organs and normalize their activity.

The use of some folk methods can be fraught with complications, so you need to consult a doctor before using them.

In addition to the medicinal properties, home methods allow you to restore immunity and saturate the body with essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements, which is an important point in the treatment of duodenitis.

Important! Before using any method from the list below, even the seemingly harmless one, you should first consult with your healthcare professional for possible contraindications and restrictions.

To eliminate the main symptoms of duodenitis, plant complexes are often used that involve mixing several types of medicinal herbs. Such methods are very effective, but it is not recommended to prepare a remedy on your own, since it is quite possible to violate the proportions and stages of preparing the drink.

As the most effective, simple and affordable method of combating duodenitis through the use of herbal medicine, one should name such as drinking an anti-inflammatory and strengthening drink from dandelion, lime blossom, or chamomile.

It is possible to treat duodenitis with the use of medicinal herbs.

To prepare medicinal tea, it is enough to brew a tablespoon of the selected dry herb with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for at least half an hour, and then drink it warm in small sips. To give the drink a pleasant taste, it is allowed to add natural jam or honey to it, but in minimal quantities.


Excellent anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic properties are familiar to everyone, aloe, also called agave. To prepare a healthy and tasty drink based on this plant, it is necessary to prepare the following components:

  • fresh honey - half a kilogram;
  • high quality natural red wine - half a liter;
  • freshly squeezed aloe juice - half a liter.

From aloe, you can make a drink that can alleviate the patient's condition with duodenitis

First you need to thoroughly mix aloe and honey, preventing the formation of lumps. When the mixture becomes homogeneous, add the required amount of wine to it and mix again. Remove the mixture for at least two weeks, after which take one tablespoon at least three times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is no more than three months.

Important! Honey is the strongest allergen. Before using this beekeeping product, you should make sure that there is no risk of developing negative reactions from the body.

bee products

Various bee products, including honey and propolis, have almost unique anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. With the help of these natural and practically harmless remedies, you can not only get rid of the obsessive symptoms of duodenitis, but also completely normalize the activity of the digestive tract.

Symptoms of duodenitis are eliminated with honey or propolis

Propolis should be taken as a tincture based on an alcohol-containing liquid. The recipe is quite simple: half a liter of high quality medical alcohol should be mixed with 50 grams of propolis, and then let it brew for at least three weeks. Take 15 drops, combining the tincture with half a glass of warm milk.

Honey should be eaten fresh, or diluted with warm water or milk. In order to eliminate the causes and symptoms of duodenitis, it is recommended to eat at least six large tablespoons of fresh honey throughout the day.

Despite the effectiveness of alternative methods of treating duodenitis, they should be used only in combination with medication and physiotherapy, as well as a sparing diet. In addition, before using any prescription, it is recommended that you first consult with your doctor.

You can additionally learn about the treatment of duodenitis by watching the video:


The human digestive system is a collection of internal organs involved in the digestion of food. Violation of the work of even one of the elements of the system leads to serious health problems, which negatively affects the patient's well-being. One of the most common gastroenterological diseases is duodenitis - a polyetiological inflammation of the initial section of the small intestine, which has many forms and manifestations.

What is duodenitis

In order for the nutrients that enter the body with food to be absorbed by cells, it is necessary to break down large complex food molecules into smaller elements. This process is called digestion and it is provided with the help of specific digestive enzymes produced by exocrine glands. Mechanical and chemical processing of consumed food begins in the duodenum (duodenum) - the initial section of the small intestine.

The initial segment of the digestive tract has a special histological structure, due to the specifics of the functions it performs, which include:

  • regulation of gastric acidity;
  • stimulation of the secretory activity of glands that produce bile enzymes;
  • alkalization of the pH value (pH) of food coming from the stomach to prevent irritation of the distal (far) sections of the small intestine.

To ensure the ability of the epithelium of the initial section of the small intestine to withstand the effects of gastric acid juice and concentrated bile, its mucous membrane has a special structure and complex relief. The exposure of this segment to constant aggressive action makes it vulnerable to infectious, mechanical and other types of damage, which are united by the general medical term "enteritis". One of the diseases of this group is duodenitis - inflammation of the duodenum (often only its mucous membrane).

In most cases, the appearance of duodenitis is associated with other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), which makes it difficult to detect the disease in a timely manner and contributes to its transition to a chronic form (more than 90% of cases). The occurrence of the disease provokes a number of causative factors that predetermine the form and course of the inflammatory process.


By the nature of the course of the inflammatory process, two types of duodenitis are distinguished, which differ in the etiology of development - primary and secondary. Two factors play a leading role in the development of both types of the disease:

  • weakening of the intestine (due to pathological processes or due to the genetic characteristics of the organism);
  • the impact of stimuli on a weakened area.

Primary inflammation develops as an independent disease, not associated with pathologies of other organs and parts of the intestine. The causes of isolated duodenitis (which is very rare) are:

  • violation of proper nutrition (irregular meals, excessive consumption of foods that irritate the mucous membrane - very spicy, sour, hot dishes, smoked products);
  • food poisoning;
  • the use of strong alcoholic beverages;
  • smoking;
  • mechanical damage to the intestinal mucosa by foreign objects;
  • frequent or recurrent severe stress;
  • long-term use of potent drugs that irritate the intestinal mucosa (such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and hormonal drugs);
  • abuse of drinks containing caffeine.

Secondary duodenitis occurs against the background of a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane, which loses its ability to withstand the aggressive action of gastric juice, pathogenic microorganisms and other irritating factors. The reasons for the deterioration of the condition of the initial section of the small intestine are:

  • trophic disorders of some parts of the stomach or duodenum (peptic ulcer);
  • food allergy;
  • chronic pancreatitis (a group of syndromes characterized by impaired reflux of enzymes secreted by the pancreas into the duodenum);
  • penetration into the intestines of infectious agents (spiral-shaped bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which, due to the ability to form a biofilm, is immune to the immune response of the human body and the aggressive environment of the stomach);
  • food toxic infections, the causative agents of which are staphylococci, enterococci, clostridia;
  • reflux - reverse flow of the contents of the small intestine (falls back into the duodenum);
  • pathology of the gastrointestinal tract and liver of a chronic course (gastritis, hepatitis, cirrhosis, colitis, etc.).

The main pathogenetic element of the interconnected chain of inflammation factors is a violation of the functionality of the duodenum (deterioration of blood supply, trophism, tissue respiration). The reasons for these processes are:


According to generally recognized classification criteria, duodenitis is divided into acute and chronic (according to the form of the course), widespread and limited (according to the prevalence of inflammation). An acute process often develops against the background of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and small intestine (gastroenteritis, gastroenterocolitis), and according to the endoscopic picture (the severity of structural changes observed during visual examination with an endoscope) is divided into:

  • Catarrhal duodenitis - the main cause of the development of the inflammatory process is the irritating effect exerted on the intestine by food, with the exclusion of harmful foods from the diet, the symptoms of the disease disappear.
  • Erosive and ulcerative - during endoscopic examination, signs of trophic violations of the integrity of the intestinal walls (erosions and ulcers) are found.
  • Phlegmonous - a very rare form of pathology, characterized by the formation of a focus of suppuration (phlegmon), the cause of the disease is pyogenic microorganisms that can enter the body if the intestinal walls are damaged by a foreign object, tumor decay or with blood flow from the primary focus (abscess, furuncle).

Chronic inflammation of the duodenum 12 cannot be classified into separate subspecies due to the lack of generally accepted classification standards, but for clinical practice this form of the disease is divided into several types depending on the developmental features. To prescribe adequate therapy, it is important to correctly determine the extent of the inflammatory process, focal localization and the nature of structural changes. To this end, in gastroenterology, it is customary to divide chronic inflammation of the duodenum into the following types:

Classification sign


Endoscopic picture


Inflammation affects only the superficial layers of the intestinal mucosa.


Atrophic duodenitis is characterized by a uniform or focal thinning of the epithelial layer of the duodenum, a violation of functionality, and a deterioration in the motor activity of the organ.


A characteristic feature is the absence of damage to the duodenal glands (located in the submucosal layer of the duodenum).

Erosive (erosive and ulcerative)

Deep inflamed defects of the duodenal mucosa are found.


A specific sign is the presence of small nodules on the intestinal mucosa.


The development of this form of the disease is preceded by a long-term inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, often characterized by specific manifestations (depression of the functioning of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems).


The most common cause of development is the use of substances that have a strong irritating effect on the mucous membrane, which manifests itself in the form of intra-intestinal bleeding.


There is an increase and coarsening of the folded structures of the mucosa, which leads to a deterioration in the expansion of the intestine with air and the accumulation of fluid in it, consisting of mucus and bile.

Clinical manifestations


A distinctive feature is the symptoms inherent in disorders of the nervous system (dizziness, headaches, increased fatigue).

Combined with a chronic form of gastritis and enteritis (gastritis-like, cholecystitis-like, pancreatic-like)

The symptoms characteristic of concomitant diseases predominate (dyspeptic disorders, such as nausea, vomiting, a pronounced reaction to the use of spicy or smoked foods).

Occurring against the background of duodenal obstruction

The most pronounced duodenitis, which is manifested by severe bouts of pain, the presence of bile in the vomit.


The presence of symptoms and clinical manifestations characteristic of several types of the disease at once.


The absence of obvious symptoms (more often diagnosed in elderly people), the presence of an inflammatory process is detected by chance during a routine medical examination.

Localization of inflammatory foci

Bulbar (with acidopeptic genesis )

The area in close proximity to the bulb (the initial part of the intestine) is affected.


Inflammation extending deeper than the bulb.

Local - papillitis (peripapillary diverticulitis), bulbitis (proximal) and distal.

Inflammatory processes develop in certain areas - in the area where the intestine adheres to the stomach (proximal), at the site of the transition of the duodenum to the small intestine (distal), near the papillae (anatomical structures in which the ampoules are located, where bile and digestive juices enter) - peripapillary.

Diffuse (total)

The lesion extends to the entire surface of the mucous membrane.

Specific species

They develop against the background of infections, fungal infections, viruses and other pathogenic factors.


Due to the fact that inflammation of the duodenum rarely develops in isolation, the symptoms and treatment of duodenitis are often similar to the clinical signs and treatment of the diseases that provoked it. With the localization of foci of inflammation in the upper sections of the intestine, the manifestations are similar to peptic ulcer, if the lower sections are affected, the symptoms resemble cholecystitis or pancreatitis. This "disguise" of the disease makes it difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis, so differential diagnosis is often required.

The severity and nature of the signs of the presence of duodenal pathology depend on the form of the disease and its type. Common obvious symptoms that become the reason for going to the doctor for all types of the disease are:

  • pain syndrome localized in the middle part of the abdominal wall (epigastric region);
  • loss of appetite;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting (not always);
  • pain when feeling the surface of the abdomen;
  • asthenia (general weakness).

Chronic duodenitis

Clinical signs of duodenitis occurring in a chronic form are less pronounced than the symptoms of acute inflammation. The symptoms of this type of disease are variable and depend on the form of pathology. The most common complaints with which patients with inflammation of the duodenum turn to a gastroenterologist are:

  • pain in the epigastric region is dull, persistent, ulcer-like in nature, the attacks are aggravated after eating or during hunger;
  • discomfort behind the sternum, spreading upward from the epigastric region (heartburn);
  • after eating, there is a feeling of heaviness, fullness in the upper abdomen (in connection with which there is a decrease in appetite);
  • digestive disorders (manifested as stool disorder, flatulence);
  • belching with a bitter taste;
  • increased irritability, loss of strength, drowsiness;
  • the appearance of a white or yellow-white coating on the tongue;
  • hand tremor (trembling);
  • noise in ears.

Specific symptoms of an inflammatory disease associated with clinical forms may include the following signs:

Form of the disease

Characteristic symptoms

associated with duodenostasis

The pain syndrome is pronounced, has a twisting paroxysmal character, sensations are localized mainly in the right side of the abdomen, bile is present in the vomit.

Ulcerative, acidopeptic

Increased pain when feeling hungry, after 1-1.5 hours. after meals or at night.

Local peripapillary

Jaundice of the skin and eye sclera, pain syndrome spreads to the left hypochondrium or acquires a shingles character, clarified feces (up to white color).


Frequent bouts of nausea, vomiting, pain occurs after 15-20 minutes. after eating, diarrhea, bloating, increased gas formation.

Cholecystitis-like, pancreatic-like

Acute pain syndrome, the focus of which is in the right or left hypochondrium, there is a tendency of pain to irradiation.


Signs of neuropsychiatric disorders predominate, dumping syndrome develops (rapid intake of undigested food from the stomach into the intestines), which is characterized by general weakness after eating, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, a feeling of diffuse heat in the upper half of the body, sweating, hyperthermia.


Presence of blood in feces and vomit.


Pain in duodenitis is paroxysmal in nature, accompanied by headache, shortness of breath, tachycardia.


Acute pain syndrome, lack of appetite, hyperthermia (body temperature rises to 38 degrees), profuse and frequent vomiting.


For an inflammatory process that occurs in an acute form, a sudden onset and pronounced manifestations are characteristic. With the timely detection of symptoms of pathology at this stage, changes in the mucosa are quickly and completely eliminated by appropriate treatment. In view of the performance of important functions in the process of digestion by the duodenum, any malfunctions in the work of this organ lead to significant disruptions in the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, which manifests itself in characteristic symptoms. The main clinical symptoms of acute inflammation are:

  • acute pain that occurs periodically;
  • pain attacks occur after eating or during a night's sleep;
  • general symptoms (weakness, loss of strength, dizziness, etc.);
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • belching with a bitter taste;
  • increase in body temperature up to 38 degrees;
  • bloating;
  • stool disorder (diarrhea or constipation).

The most severe condition is observed with a rare form of pathology - phlegmonous. The signs that appear with this disease are difficult to identify specifically with the pathology of the duodenum, so it is often detected only during the surgical intervention. The main symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • a sharp deterioration in the patient's condition;
  • a positive reaction to the Shchetkin-Blumberg test (increased pain after a sharp withdrawal of the hand that puts pressure on the painful area);
  • changes in body temperature;
  • pain in the right hypochondrium, having a painful character;
  • frequent bouts of nausea, accompanied by incessant vomiting.

Duodenitis in children

A distinctive feature of duodenal inflammation in children is its primary nature (secondary duodenitis is rarely diagnosed in pediatric practice). The disease affects children of all ages and, in terms of clinical symptoms, differs little from the course of a similar pathology in adults. The most common causes of the development of the inflammatory process in a child are nutritional deficiencies (malnutrition, non-compliance with the regimen, dry eating), food allergies, and helminthic invasions.

Complications of duodenitis in childhood are rare, but the long course of the disease (more than 3 years) leads to the spread of the pathological process to the distal intestine. In almost all cases, duodenal disease in children is accompanied by gastritis or cholecystitis and, if left untreated, leads to the development of gastroduodenitis (inflammation of the pylorus of the stomach, which provokes mucosal atrophy).

The pronounced symptoms of the pathology persist for 1-2 weeks, after which there is a period of remission, during which children may not complain, but pain on palpation of the abdomen persists. If a child has the following symptoms, you should consult a doctor for a diagnostic examination:

  • the occurrence of attacks of pain in the right hypochondrium (appear 1-2 hours after eating or on an empty stomach);
  • tendency to constipation;
  • the dependence of pain on the nature of the food consumed (poor tolerance to spicy, salty, very hot or cold food, carbonated drinks);
  • fast saturation;
  • pain on palpation of the pyloroduodenal zone (right side of the middle of the abdomen);
  • increased sweating;
  • drowsiness.


Due to the fact that isolated inflammation of the duodenum is rare, and the accompanying diseases cause dystrophic changes in the intestinal mucosa, it is difficult to reliably correlate the complications arising from these processes specifically with duodenitis. The secondary form of the disease can become one of the provoking factors in the development of such pathologies as:

  • peptic ulcer of the 12 duodenal ulcer;
  • peritonitis (inflammation of the sheets of the peritoneum);
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • insufficiency of digestion (maldigestion syndrome);
  • duodenal perforation (perforation of the ulcer);
  • partial or complete intestinal obstruction;
  • periduodenitis (inflammation of the serous integument of the duodenum);
  • mesenteritis, mesadenitis (inflammation of the fatty tissue of the mesentery - the organ by which the hollow organs of the peritoneum are attached to the back wall of the abdomen).

The primary form of the disease, with timely detection, responds well to treatment and rarely leads to significant morphological changes in the mucous membrane, but with a long course of pathology and the absence of adequate therapy, it can provoke negative consequences for the body. The most dangerous type of disease is phlegmonous, which leads to complications such as:

  • liver abscess;
  • subphrenic abscess;
  • pyothorax (purulent pleurisy);
  • thrombosis of the splenic vein;
  • sepsis (infection of the blood with microbes);
  • pyloric stenosis (narrowing of the sphincter separating the stomach and small intestine);
  • intestinal bleeding.


If suspicions arise regarding the presence of duodenitis in a patient who has applied with characteristic complaints, the gastroenterologist conducts a visual examination and palpation in the area of ​​the projection of the intestine. To confirm the preliminary diagnosis before prescribing treatment, additional studies are carried out:

  • coprogram (fecal analysis) - carried out in order to assess the state and functioning of the digestive system;
  • blood test (general and biochemical tests) - carried out to detect the presence and determine the type of pathogens;
  • analysis of gastric juice - helps to determine the pH level.

The variety and non-specificity of clinical manifestations of inflammatory disease of the duodenum require examination using instrumental methods. To differentiate the pathology from other diseases, it is necessary to carry out simultaneous diagnostics of the organs of the digestive system associated with the duodenum. In order to confirm a preliminary diagnosis, the following methods can be used:

  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS);
  • radiopaque examination of the abdominal organs;
  • ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the duodenum and other organs;
  • duodenal sounding (study of bile obtained by aspiration with a probe);
  • retrograde cholangiopancreatography (endoscopic examination of the biliary tract);
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy (examination with a gastroscope of the upper gastrointestinal tract);
  • floor manometry (study of the motility of the upper digestive tract);
  • impedance-pH-metry (examination of the esophagus by measuring the resistance between electrodes inserted with a probe);
  • breath tests to determine the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori;
  • computed or magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment of duodenitis

The initial stage of treatment of an inflammatory disease is the elimination of the cause of its occurrence, established by the results of the diagnosis. The acute course of the pathology (catarrhal and ulcer-like type) involves treatment in a hospital with bed rest and gastric lavage procedures. The phlegmonous type requires only surgical intervention by opening and draining the foci of suppuration.

Therapeutic measures for chronic duodenitis depend on the clinical variant of the disease. During an exacerbation, patients need hospitalization; after relief of acute symptoms, patients are shown anti-relapse therapy and follow-up. The basis of the treatment of all forms of the disease is dietary nutrition and drug therapy. To increase the effectiveness of the measures taken, it is recommended to supplement the treatment regimen with physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, paraffin applications, diathermy) and spa therapy.

Medication treatment

Drugs are included in the duodenitis therapy regimen in order to achieve a positive effect in several areas. The key objectives of drug treatment are to eliminate the cause of inflammation, restore the functionality of the duodenum, and normalize digestion. Due to the variety of clinical manifestations and disease-provoking factors, the range of pharmacological preparations used in the treatment process is extensive and includes the following groups of drugs:

Purpose of treatment

Pharmacological group


Antibacterial therapy (for infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori)

Antibiotics of the group of penicillins, macrolides, tetracyclines

Amoxicillin, Clarithromycin, Tetracycline, Metronidazole

Antiprotozoal, antihelminthic

Metronidazole, Vormil, Chloxin, Vermox, Decaris, Diethylcarbamazine

Antimicrobial, Antibacterial

Furazolidone, Tinidazole,

Normalization of the pH level


Almagel, Maalox, Phosphalugel

proton pump inhibitors

Omez, Nexium, Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole, Esomeprazole

Protection of the mucous membrane from the action of aggressive factors


De-nol, Sucralfate


Misoprostol, Cytotec,

H2-histamine blockers

Ranitidine, Cimetidine, Famotidine, Nizatidine

Restoration of the mucosa and walls of the duodenum


Ventroxol, Caved-S

Relief of disease symptoms


No-shpa, Papaverine


Itomed, Ganaton, Itopride, Cerucal


Lineks, Bifiform


Tenotin, Valerian

Normalization of digestion


Creon 10000

Elimination of intestinal obstruction

Bile acid sequestrants




Intestinal antiseptics


One of the effective drugs that block the secretion of hydrochloric acid is a prodrug (a modified dosage form that becomes a drug only after it enters an acidic environment) Omeprazole. The active substance easily penetrates into the cells of the stomach and begins to act already 0.5-1 hour after ingestion. The drug is included in the duodenitis treatment program in order to eradicate (completely destroy) the Helicobacter pylori bacterium and to prevent the exacerbation of symptoms of the disease:

  • Characteristics: the antiulcer drug has an antisecretory effect by inhibiting (suppressing) the exchange of hydrogen ions ("proton pump"), due to which there is a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid. Maintaining the intragastric acidity level lasts at least 24 hours. The drug is contraindicated in the presence of tumor processes, individual intolerance to the constituent components.
  • Side effects: of the negative effects, the most common are headaches and abdominal pains, nausea, vomiting, stool disorders, in some cases visual disturbances, bronchospasms, dizziness, sleep disturbance, skin rashes may occur.
  • Method of application: capsules are taken whole (the shell should not be damaged) before or during meals, the recommended daily dose is 20 mg (1 caps.), The treatment lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. According to the indications, the dosage and duration of the course can be adjusted.
  • Advantages: long-term positive effect.
  • Cons: Lots of side effects.

An effective and safe remedy for reducing the severity of unpleasant symptoms and protecting the mucous membrane from the aggressive action of pathogens is Maalox. The drug is available in the form of tablets and suspensions in vials or sachets. An indication for the inclusion of Maalox in the treatment protocol is chronic duodenitis at the stage of exacerbation:

  • Characteristics: the drug provides a pronounced neutralizing and protective effect due to the balanced action of its constituent components - magnesium and aluminum hydroxides. The active substances of the drug have acid-neutralizing activity, adsorbing ability. The enveloping effect persists for several hours after ingestion, which helps to eliminate pain symptoms in the upper esophagus. An antacid (acid-reducing) agent is contraindicated in severely impaired renal function.
  • Side effects: rare negative phenomena associated with taking the drug include constipation, nausea, dysgeusia (disturbance of taste sensations), with prolonged use or exceeding the dosage, hypophosphatemia (phosphate deficiency) may develop.
  • Method of application: for the treatment of duodenitis, 15 ml of suspension or 1 table is prescribed. 3-4 times a day 1.5-2 hours after a meal. In order to eliminate discomfort in the stomach (episodic use) 1 tbsp. or 1 tab. accepted once. The time interval between taking Maalox and other drugs should be at least 2 hours.
  • Advantages: good tolerance, fast action.
  • Disadvantages: not suitable for long-term treatment.


The key point in the treatment of inflammatory disease of the duodenum is diet therapy. Without following the rules of therapeutic nutrition, other therapeutic measures will be ineffective. The acute form of the disease requires a two-day fast, combined with gastric lavage, after which the patient is prescribed a diet aimed at normalizing gastric secretion (table No. 1). When the pathology passes into the latent phase, the patient is transferred to the dietary table No. 5 (complete nutrition with a slight reduction in proteins and carbohydrates) or No. 1 (with a reduction in fats).

The general rules of diet therapy are a gentle cooking regimen (boiling, rubbing, baking), fractional meals (4-5 times a day in small portions), maintaining water balance (daily consumption of at least 1.5 liters of water). The list of permitted and prohibited foods for dietary nutrition includes the following items:

Prohibited Products

Approved Products

Fiber-rich foods (legumes, cabbage, turnips, radishes, hard fruits, pickled and raw vegetables)

Vegetables (boiled or pureed) - beets, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes

Wholemeal bread

Wheat bread

Fatty meats, cartilage, poultry and fish skin

Lean meat without skin (chicken, turkey, veal)

Fatty dairy products with high acidity (butter, spicy cheeses)

Dairy products with a low percentage of fat (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese)

Sour fruits, berries

Sweet fruits in pureed form (mashed)

Herbal teas, jelly, rosehip decoction

Sauces, mayonnaise, mustard, hot spices

Eggs (boiled)

Strong broths, hot liquid dishes, okroshka

Cereal liquid porridge

Smoked meats, pickles

Jelly, mousse, pastille

Chocolate, ice cream, honey

Vegetable oils

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating duodenitis can be supplemented with traditional medicine. Phytopreparations recommended to reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease and speed up the healing process contain herbal ingredients that have healing properties. Before you start using any folk remedies, you must agree with your doctor on their composition. Recipes should be selected based on the form and stage of the disease. The most popular herbal remedies that have a healing effect on the mucous membrane of the duodenum 12 are:

  • Nettle-oatmeal decoction. The drug should be taken 100 ml three times a day before meals. For cooking, you must use unpeeled oats. Pour 200 g of raw materials into 1 liter of water and cook over low heat until the broth acquires a mucous consistency, then strain and pour into a glass container. Nettle leaves are prepared separately - pour 1 cup with 3 cups of boiling water and insist for 40 minutes, then strain. Nettle leaves are added to oatmeal, and the liquid is consumed as a tea.
  • Rosehip jelly. With duodenitis of an erosive and superficial type, it is effective to include rosehip jelly in the treatment regimen, for the preparation of which follows 1 tbsp. fruit pour 5 tbsp. water and bring to a boil over high heat. Infuse the prepared broth for 1 hour, then strain and pour the liquid into another container, mash the fruits, pour 500 ml of water and cook for 10-15 minutes. After filtering, combine the decoction, infusion and rose hips, and bring to a boil for the third time, adding potato starch. Kissel take three times a day for 1 glass.
  • A decoction of St. John's wort. A decrease in the severity of symptoms occurs with the regular use of 100 ml of the drink half an hour before meals three times a day. To prepare a decoction, it is necessary to combine 2 tablespoons in a glass container. dried herbs and 1 cup of water, place it in a larger container filled with water and put on fire. After 30 min. remove the broth from the stove, cool and strain.


Measures aimed at preventing the disease are divided into primary and secondary. The first group of preventive measures aims to reduce the risk of developing the disease in healthy people, the second is to prevent a relapse after a course of treatment in patients with a chronic form of the disease. In order to avoid inflammation of the duodenum, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • adherence to the principles of proper nutrition (balanced diet with a predominance of products containing vital vitamins and microelements);
  • refusal to use products and substances potentially unsafe for the body (tobacco, alcohol, drugs, etc.);
  • controlled intake of medications;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • timely access to a doctor in case of disturbing symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • compliance with the rules of personal hygiene to prevent the penetration of pathogenic bacteria, helminths and other microorganisms into the body;
  • timely treatment of infectious pathologies;
  • ensuring a level of physical activity sufficient for their age group;
  • decrease in the level of psycho-emotional stress.

Prevention of exacerbation of chronic duodenitis consists in the implementation of all of the above measures and regular visits to the doctor for an outpatient examination. Patients may be prescribed preventive visits to resort areas and specialized sanatoriums to increase the duration of the period of remission of the disease.


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Many people are interested in the question: what kind of mineral water is needed for gastritis? Coming to the store for groceries, often a person cannot decide which water to choose, since the range is huge: carbonated and still, in a glass or plastic bottle, medicinal and dining. To get the maximum benefit from the purchased drink, and not harm yourself, you need to know how to choose the right water and how to drink it.

Minerals in water: healing or thirst quenching?

So, what kind of mineral water to use for gastritis? Water with minerals can be of several types: medicinal, medical-dining and dining. The more salts in the water, the stronger its effect on the body. Before choosing water, you need to identify the goal: why use it? If you just want to quench your thirst, you need to opt for table water. In a liter of such water, there are no more than a gram of minerals.

It can be used by everyone as a means of quenching thirst. If it is written on the bottle that the water contains up to ten grams of minerals, then this is no longer just table water, but medicinal table water. That is, such a drink has some medicinal properties. If there are more than 10 g of minerals per liter in water, this is already a medicine, and not just a liquid. And you need to drink it as a medicine (only after the doctor's recommendations, at the strictly appointed time and in the amount limited by the doctor). Already by the name you can guess that medicinal water can be used for medicinal purposes, to get rid of various diseases and their prevention (in particular, pancreatitis, cholecystitis, constipation, colitis, gastritis, anemia, urolithiasis). If you observe two important conditions (namely, use water correctly and listen to what the body says), such drinking will bring many benefits.

A gastroenterologist, having diagnosed a patient with gastritis, in addition to all medications, will definitely prescribe mineral water. And there is nothing to be surprised. Water is inexpensive but effective. Plus, it's easily accessible. Mineral water tidies up the gastrointestinal tract.

It will work like clockwork. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the liver, excretory system, biliary tract. This liquid is very useful. It can contain about 50 trace elements vital to the body. Moreover, many of them are not found in other products. Therefore, with gastritis, mineral water is used.

You need to look at what kind of gastritis a person has. Depending on the form of the disease, water with a certain acidity and the desired composition is prescribed. If you do not take into account these indicators, the disease will only worsen. Water with gases is a taboo for this disease. Liquid with gases can provoke the transfer of food immediately into the esophagus from the stomach. Because of this, the mucous membrane can get burned. For those who have gastritis and who suffer from high acidity, water with a high alkali content is suitable. It will reduce the negative effect of hydrochloric acid not only in the stomach, but also in the duodenum. How to find exactly alkaline water from all the products presented in the store? You need to carefully study the label. Pay attention to the pH level. It should be higher than 7. This will mean that there is alkaline water on the counter.

For the treatment of gastritis, you need to drink 0.5 liters of such water daily. Those who have gastritis characterized by low acidity need to ensure that the water chosen in the store is below 7 in pH.

With properly selected water, there will be no discomfort and other signs of low acidity. Regardless of the type of gastritis, it is by no means recommended to drink chilled or hot water. Only warm water. Otherwise, the disease may worsen. Water should be the same as body temperature. Children can also treat gastritis with mineral water. The child can be given water, determining the dose depending on how much he weighs. There are 3 milliliters of water per kilogram. Accordingly, depending on the acidity, you need to choose water. Pregnant women can treat gastritis in the manner described above only with a doctor's prescription.

In addition to exacerbated gastritis, other problems may arise, for example, stones will appear in the liver, kidneys, and so on. It is not recommended to make a decision on the treatment of gastritis with mineral water on your own. Those who have been prescribed water as a medicine should start taking small doses, a quarter, then half a glass. In 1 liter of liquid there should be no more than a gram of minerals. If their concentration is excessively large, the stomach will become inflamed even more. How long does it take to be treated with mineral water, the doctor will say. Most often, it is recommended to be treated with mineral water once a quarter, the duration of the course is about a month. With gastritis, you need to use mineral water with great care, do not think that this is ordinary water. It is necessary to take into account the personal characteristics of the body.

If, after drinking a mineral water for several days, you observe side effects, the treatment should be suspended.

How to drink water correctly?

Treatment with water is prescribed only by a specialist. No need to self-medicate. The specialist will designate the doses individually for each patient. Even such a simple daily routine as drinking water must be done correctly when it comes to drinking mineral-rich water. Such a liquid is drunk not in one gulp, but slowly, in small sips, daily (up to 4 times a day). The temperature of the water matters. If there are problems with the gallbladder, water from the refrigerator is strictly prohibited. But if you are concerned about constipation, then preference should be given to cold liquids.

If there is cholelithiasis, an ulcer, it is useful to drink hot liquid. For others, room temperature water will be better. Using mineral water to prevent or cure diseases of the stomach and intestines, you need to look at the clock more often. A lot also depends on the time of drinking. If the excretory function of the stomach is normal, it is better to drink water half an hour before meals, if there is increased acidity, then an hour or an hour and a half. If there is low acidity in the stomach, it is better to drink water 10-15 minutes before meals. 40 minutes after the meal, those who have problems with the liver and gallbladder drink water. It is worth noting that hydrotherapy is not suitable for everyone.

You need to listen carefully to yourself. Each person reacts differently to mineral water.

Mineral water is:

  1. Hydrocarbonate. It is used for intestinal ulcers, pancreatitis, enterocolitis, gastritis with high acidity.
  2. Chloride. It is used for gastritis with low acidity, colitis, metabolic problems, cholecystitis, hepatitis.
  3. sulfate. It is drunk with diseases of the liver, gallbladder, overweight.
  4. glandular. Used for anemia, anemia.
  5. Arsenic. Used for hepatitis, pancreatitis.
  6. Iodine. It is prescribed for patients with atherosclerosis, Graves' disease.
  7. bromide. Used for neuroses.
  8. Siliceous. It is prescribed for patients with diabetes mellitus, the elderly.

Signs of intolerance to mineral water

There is intolerance to this product. Signs of intolerance to mineral water:

  • insomnia;
  • hand trembling;
  • irritability;
  • pressure surges;
  • rapid pulse.

In all these cases, you must immediately abandon the seemingly life-saving liquid. Not everyone benefits from water. And not everyone can use it.

If pain in the intestines and stomach is often disturbing, vomiting, diarrhea often occur, doctors do not recommend drinking water with minerals.

A long course of taking mineral water can provoke the release of stones. There will be colic in the liver and kidneys. Their main symptom is piercing pain. Those who can drink mineral water should prefer water without gas. It does not irritate the walls of the stomach, which means that there will be no belching and pain in the stomach.

Is it possible to drink sea buckthorn oil with pancreatitis?

Increasingly, one can hear the opinion that sea buckthorn oil in pancreatitis improves the condition of the pancreas. But is it really so? It has been scientifically proven that sea buckthorn berries have healing properties. The most common fruits were in Asian countries, where since ancient times healers have used them to treat a number of ailments. Let's see how things are in the inflammatory process. Sea buckthorn: benefits and harms in pancreatitis.

Sea buckthorn in acute pancreatitis of the pancreas and cholecystitis

Is it possible to have sea buckthorn with acute pancreatitis? It has been proven that with peptic ulcer and gastritis, sea buckthorn oil and fresh berries are widely used with the permission of a gastroenterologist. Patients diagnosed with pancreatitis sometimes make the serious mistake of naively believing that the same is true for an inflamed pancreas.

In fact, sour-tasting fruits can cause significant harm and aggravate the situation. In an acute attack, berries are completely excluded from the diet, including sea buckthorn. Among other things, their composition also does not bode well:

  • organic acids;
  • Tannins;
  • Fat oil.

Individual intolerance and harmful chemical compounds can cause a new acute attack. That is why it is better not to eat either fresh berries or sea buckthorn oil during the acute phase of pancreatitis.

Sea buckthorn oil for cholecystitis and chronic pancreatitis: is it possible or not

Is it possible to take sea buckthorn oil with chronic pancreatitis? Currently, sea buckthorn trees are found in most summer cottages. Round yellow berries are not only pleasing to the eye, but also serve in good stead. Many people freeze the fruits in order to use them if necessary, even in the cold season. Sea buckthorn is famous for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Promotes the speedy healing of the skin with various violations of their integrity.

In the chronic form of pancreatitis, fresh fruits remain strictly prohibited. If you do not have an allergic reaction to sea buckthorn, then in a small amount you can add it in a processed form: compote, dessert, jelly, etc. The optimal amount is 1 tbsp. berries for two or three liters, which should be added during the preparation of the drink, for example, from apples or any other fruit.

Is it possible to put sea buckthorn suppositories with pancreatitis? In diseases of the pancreas, sea buckthorn oil can also be used rectally as suppositories, for example, for anal fissures, which often accompany chronic constipation.

Sea buckthorn oil for pancreatitis: how to take

Sea buckthorn oil is replete with useful substances, vitamins and trace elements:

  • Carotenoids;
  • Vitamins of group B, C, E, K;
  • Iron;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Silicon;
  • Manganese;
  • Nickel and others

Sea buckthorn oil is recommended to be taken orally both for a number of diseases and for prevention purposes. For example, for a general strengthening of the body, doctors advise mixing half a teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil with 0.5 cups of warm boiled water. Drink twice a day in one gulp.

For disorders of the digestive system, in particular gastritis and ulcers, use 1 dessert spoon three times a day for half an hour before meals. The course lasts about a month.

As for the role of sea buckthorn oil in the treatment of pancreatitis, this point is discussed individually with the attending physician. If your condition and clinical picture are satisfactory, he will prescribe the correct dosage and tell you how often you can use the oil so that it is beneficial and not harmful. As a rule, it is 0.5-1 teaspoon.

Sea buckthorn jelly with pancreatitis

Kissel from sea buckthorn berries has a number of useful properties:

  • Restoration of the gastric mucosa;
  • Improved vision;
  • Removal of toxins from the body;
  • Strengthening the immune system.

With pancreatitis, this jelly is not suitable for everyone and is allowed for use only with the permission of the attending physician.

Preparing jelly is extremely simple. It is best to use fresh berries, but if there are none at hand, you can use frozen ones.

Cooking Ingredients:

  1. Ripe sea buckthorn berries without defects - 1 cup;
  2. Sugar - 1 glass;
  3. Potato starch - 2 tablespoons;
  4. Boiled water - 600-750 milliliters.

Let the berries defrost a little. Rinse them thoroughly under water. Grind with a blender. Bring a container of water and sugar to a boil. Add berries. Pre-dissolve starch in water, and add it to the berries during the boil. Mix well. Boil the jelly for 5 minutes. Remove from fire. Consume warm.

Mineral water for gastritis: benefit or harm?

Many people do not have a clear understanding of whether mineral water is allowed for gastritis. On the one hand, everyone knows that many resorts with mineral springs offer treatment for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. On the other hand, this drink can contain a variety of minerals, and gastritis is also characterized by high or low acidity, and it is not clear in which cases mineral water will be beneficial and in which it will be harmful.

Is it allowed to drink mineral water with gastritis?

Let's try to understand this issue, but first - a little history.

  • 1 Brief historical information
  • 2 Classification of mineral waters
  • 3 Treatment of gastritis with water
  • 4 Recommendations regarding the use of mineral water for gastritis
  • 5 Contraindications for the use of mineral water for gastritis
  • 6 Conclusion

Brief historical information

The taste qualities of mineral water are very peculiar, although they depend on its specific composition. It is not surprising that the healing properties of this liquid were unknown for a long time, and besides, it is not available everywhere. It so happened that the first to notice the fact of the positive impact of mineral water on the human body in ancient Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC. e., as evidenced by the surviving documentary primary sources. But neither then, nor much later, people could not solve the mystery of this drink, believing that the healing properties were granted from above.

For centuries, mineral water has been the subject of myth-making, especially in ancient Greece. The Romans were the first to actively use mineral water sources for mass treatment / recovery. They built special structures in such places - baths, and nearby they built temples dedicated to the gods of healing art.

Such baths in one form or another have survived to this day in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria and other countries.

In Russia, the first place where you could drink mineral water was the Marcial Waters spring, discovered during the time of Peter the Great in Karelia. Later, balneological and mud resorts were opened in much warmer regions, where it was possible to improve health throughout most of the year - near Pyatigorsk (Essentuki) and in Georgia (Borjomi).

And now we will consider which mineral water is useful for gastritis.

Classification of mineral waters

This drink is ordinary ground water, which, seeping through the rocks, was saturated with carbon dioxide and various mineral components over the centuries and millennia.

All mineral waters are divided into three categories:

  • canteens, in which the concentration of mineral substances does not exceed 1 gram / liter - this is ordinary table water, which practically does not differ in taste from drinking water, and the taste of mineral additives is almost indistinguishable;
  • medical table, for which the saturation index with minerals lies in the range of 1 - 10 grams / liter. Their composition may include such biologically active components as boron, silicon, iron, arsenic;
  • medicinal, characterized by a fairly high level of mineralization, over 10 grams / liter. The saturation of medicinal drinks with mineral salts is high, it can be bromine, fluorine, hydrogen sulfide, iodine, iron, boron and other components. It is these drinks that are used to treat a whole range of pathologies - pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis, stool disorders, urolithiasis.

It is also necessary to distinguish between natural mineral waters formed in the natural conditions of a particular area, and artificial ones, which are produced by adding salts to drinking water in the same proportions as in natural counterparts.

Treatment of gastritis with water

The first rule that should be learned by those who suffer from gastritis (and this is almost every second inhabitant of our country) is that you should not drink water with gases in any form of the disease. The fact is that carbon dioxide is a substance that provokes a condition such as reflux - the reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus, which can cause burns.

To answer the question of what mineral water to drink for gastritis, you need to know what type of gastritis you suffer from. First of all, we are talking about the acidity of gastric juice. Most cases of the disease (according to some reports, up to 90%) are due to gastritis with high acidity, but pathologies with the opposite diagnosis are not uncommon. And although they have the same name, the causes and methods of treatment are generally different.

This means that if a specific mineral water with gastritis with high acidity is good, then with reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid, it can only worsen the patient's condition.

Practical advice is as follows: if the secretion of gastric juice is increased, you should use hydrocarbonate mineralized water. It is also called alkaline because its pH is 7 or higher. The alkaline environment, as you know, is an acid neutralizer, so this mineral water is indicated for acid gastritis and many other gastrointestinal diseases that require an increase in the level of alkalinity - pancreatitis, stomach / duodenal ulcers, colitis, liver pathologies.

How much water to drink with chronic gastritis? The answer to this question depends on the degree of neglect of the disease. If the symptoms of gastritis practically do not bother you - until you feel relief. With severe symptoms, self-medication is unacceptable.

In the form of gastritis with low acidity, it is necessary to drink acidified water with a pH of less than 5. In this case, mineral water can effectively eliminate such unpleasant symptoms of hypoacid gastritis as heartburn, belching, flatulence, and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. With the systematic use of such mineral water, you can achieve better digestibility of food and reduce the likelihood of food poisoning.

Acidic mineral water in atrophic gastritis, along with an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, has a restorative effect on the secretory function of the mucosa.

Recommendations regarding the use of mineral water for gastritis

We more or less figured out what water to drink with what type of pathology, it remains to consider the question of how much water to drink with gastritis.

The general recommendations here are as follows: regardless of the form and condition of the disease, mineral water should be consumed daily in an amount of 0.5 liters. It is advisable not to change the manufacturer and the specific composition of mineral water, even if there is a product with the same acidity. You need to drink water heated not to room temperature, but to body temperature - these will be the most favorable conditions for the stomach. Too cold liquid will irritate the mucous membrane, leveling the useful component of this product.

Mineral water (its medical table variety) is not contraindicated for both children and pregnant women, but they should be included in the menu of these categories only with the consent of the doctor and according to the scheme prescribed by him.

If you have questions about how much water to drink with gastritis, if it is prescribed for use as a medicine, then here, of course, the dosages are completely different. You need to start such therapy with small portions, about 50 grams, gradually increasing their volume to half a glass. As for the composition of mineral water, it should contain a maximum of 1 gram of salts and minerals per liter of liquid. At a higher concentration, instead of a healing effect, the drink will have the opposite effect, contributing to an even greater spread of inflammatory processes.

The duration of gastritis treatment with mineral water depends on many factors, including the current state of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the results of drug therapy and diet, but in any case, only a doctor should adjust the duration of treatment with mineral water.

In particular, mineral water with gastritis with high acidity is drunk for a long time, since the duration of the course of treatment is long, at least a month. With a neglected state of the stomach, therapy can last a year or even more.

If there are no problems with the digestive tract, you should not regularly use therapeutic and even table-medicinal mineral water: it has the ability to change the composition of the environment in the stomach and duodenum 12, which is highly undesirable, since it can provoke the development of those diseases that then it will have to be treated .

What water to drink with gastritis with reduced secretion? These are drinks with sodium chloride content: Kuyalnik, Alma-Ata, Mirgorodskaya, Borjomi No. 17. A glass of water is drunk 20-30 minutes before meals, in slow sips. With this method of use, water will linger in the stomach just before the portion of food arrives there.

Borjomi with gastritis with high acidity is recommended to drink along with Essentuki No. 4 water, as well as mineral waters from Arzni, Matsesta, Zheleznovodsk - they are characterized by a bicarbonate-sodium composition that contributes to the alkalization of a too acidic environment. Water in this form of the disease is taken 60 minutes before a meal, and you need to drink a glass very quickly, in one gulp, in one sitting. This will allow mineral water to seep into the intestines before food enters the stomach and have a positive effect on the food lump from there.

In the form of gastritis with normal secretion of hydrochloric acid, doctors recommend treatment by taking Essentuki No. 4/17, Sevan, Hankavan.

Contraindications for the use of mineral water for gastritis

However, the question of whether it is possible to drink mineral water with gastritis is far from being so unambiguous. Not being a medical product, this drink also has such disadvantages as contraindications and side effects that limit its scope.

Absolute contraindications to the appointment of therapeutic mineral waters are the following pathologies:

  • kidney failure;
  • allergic reactions;
  • cancer of the esophagus, intestines, stomach;
  • hypothyroidism.

Relative contraindications:

  • thyroid pathology;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • diarrhea.

Since mineral water for heartburn and gastritis can be prescribed for a sufficiently long period, it will help to remove stones from the urinary / bile duct. And this is the reason for the appearance of sharp and acute pain sensations, sometimes leading to the occurrence of a painful shock. This side effect must be taken into account for those who have these pathologies.


What mineral water can be drunk with gastritis, in what dosage and under what forms of the disease, it is impossible to decide on your own: despite the obvious benefits of therapy with this drink, if the composition of water or dosage is incorrectly selected, you can aggravate your condition.

Back in the fifties of the 20th century, duodenitis was considered a variety, and many patients were often sent straight to the operating table.

But further studies have shown that duodenitis is an independent disease, and can be treated without surgical intervention. One of the main organs of the digestive system is the duodenum. The enzymes produced in it regulate the activity of the gallbladder, stimulate intestinal motility. It contains hormones that affect the metabolism in the body, the cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems. And when a malfunction occurs in the duodenum and its mucous membrane becomes inflamed to some extent, it comes to duodenitis.

It is divided into acute and chronic. Duodenitis can begin acutely, subsequently turning into a chronic form. But it can enter the chronic course gradually. Seasonal regularity of exacerbations of duodenitis is not observed. But exacerbations of duodenitis are most often associated with malnutrition. Excessive passion for fried and spicy foods, alcohol abuse, dry eating lead to inflammation of the duodenal mucosa, starting with slight redness and reaching deep damage to the muscle layer, sometimes even complete atrophy. Also contribute to the development of duodenitis infections in the cavity of the pharynx, mouth, gallbladder, kidney failure, infection. Hereditary factors may play a role.

Symptoms of duodenitis

Bitterness in the mouth, which is associated with the reflux of bile from the intestines into the stomach, and then into the esophagus; nausea, vomiting, fever, alternating constipation and diarrhea - not the whole list of symptoms of duodenitis. Hungry pain in the right hypochondrium that occurs 2 hours after eating or on an empty stomach is the main symptom of duodenitis. They sometimes disturb even at night. Patients may complain of weakness, palpitations, excessive sweating, dizziness. Sometimes fear appears, weight decreases, interest in life is lost.

How to correct malnutrition, which is one of the main culprits of duodenitis? The mucous membrane of the digestive tract throughout its entire length has an amazing ability to recover. Therefore, the treatment of duodenitis is recommended to begin with the normalization of nutrition - a diet that will help the duodenum recover faster. Remember for this simple diet rules.

In order not to overload the diseased organ, eat often, 5-6 times a day, but little by little. Dishes must be thermally processed - stewed, steamed, boiled, if baked in the oven, then without a crust. Food should not be cold, not hot, well chopped, during exacerbations of duodenitis, it is advisable to wipe it through a sieve.

Salt intake should be minimized, food provocateurs that increase the acidity of gastric juice should be excluded from the diet: fresh fruits and vegetables (tomatoes, plums, oranges, fresh cabbage), pickles, legumes, fatty fish and meat, buns, fresh bread, cakes, strong tea, coffee, everything fried, spicy, pickled, smoked.

Slimy soups, lean meat (poultry, veal, rabbit), boiled cereals with butter, cottage cheese, fresh kefir, jelly, soaked white bread crackers, soft-boiled eggs are welcome. Drink milk according to the state: the body accepts - drink, no - refuse. And remember: the last meal is no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Treatment of duodenitis

It is also medicinal, and comes down to prescribing medicines to the patient that reduce the acidity of gastric juice. To alkalize or neutralize gastric contents, it is recommended to take antacids. The third group of drugs in the treatment of duodenitis is prokinetics. They eliminate bile reflux that causes bitterness in the mouth and help normalize intestinal motility. Many people resort to analgesics, painkillers to eliminate pain. It is not recommended to do this - they irritate the mucous membrane. Where better antispasmodics.

Treatment of duodenitis with folk remedies

As practice shows, in combination with drug treatment and a diet for duodenitis, treatment with folk remedies gives good results.

Take a leaf of peppermint and plantain, chamomile flowers - 2 parts each, yarrow and St. John's wort herbs - 1 each. Strain. In a warm form, take a quarter cup for 2-3 days every 2 hours. Then 4 times a day, 0.5 cups 15 minutes before meals and at bedtime. Take 2 weeks. In this recipe, yarrow and St. John's wort herb, plantain leaf act as anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, and chamomile flowers and mint leaf relieve spasms, reduce allergic reactions, and improve blood circulation. This not only heals the intestinal mucosa, but also helps to normalize the function of the endocrine system.

The following composition is for the treatment of erosive duodenitis. Pour a glass of boiling water over tsp of flax seeds, leave for 20 minutes, strain. Take the entire volume on an empty stomach in small sips. Breakfast after taking - an hour later. Continue treatment of duodenitis for a month daily.

Sea buckthorn oil has a good anti-inflammatory property, which can be easily prepared at home. Wash 500 g of sea buckthorn berries, grind in a meat grinder, pour 0.5 l of purified sunflower oil. A week to insist in a glass dish in a dark place. Strain, rub the cake through a sieve and combine with oil. Reception: once a day, 1 tbsp. on an empty stomach in the morning for 2-3 weeks.

It is recommended to supplement the treatment of acute and chronic duodenitis with aloe. It is easy to prepare. Add 2 tbsp oatmeal to a liter of cold water. Putting on fire, cook for 20 minutes. Strain the broth, add 50 ml of aloe juice to it, mix. Kissel take 3 times a day for 0.5 cups: the first time - on an empty stomach, the second - 30 minutes before lunch, the third - a quarter of an hour after the last meal.

Treatment of duodenitis with medicines should have an integrated approach and include all modern pharmacological agents: antisecretory, antibacterial, antispasmodic, antacid and others. Sometimes phytotherapy also brings some benefits. Differential analysis is of great importance, since duodenitis may resemble cholecystitis or peptic ulcer in its clinical course.

duodenitis therapy

Diet is important in the treatment of the disease, but in severe cases it may not be enough. Therefore, when the first signs of the disease are detected, you should seek medical help. The specialist will conduct an examination and establish the correct diagnosis. Self-diagnosis and treatment in this case can contribute to the loss of precious time. The advanced form of the disease is not only less treatable, but can also give serious complications that require surgical intervention.

After determining the diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe a cleansing of the inner lining of the stomach and duodenum by washing with a solution of potassium permanganate. The intestines are freed from toxins by taking a saline laxative.

To heal the inflammatory process in the duodenum, you need to observe therapeutic fasting for 1-2 days. During this period, it is permissible to drink only water. It is not advisable to take any pills at this time, they still will not be able to digest. Therefore, antispasmodics should be administered intramuscularly (No-shpa or Drotaverine).

From the third to the seventh day, the patient should follow diet No. 1. Then the patient is transferred to the dietary table number 5. This treatment table should be followed for about 1-2 months.

Catarrhal and erosive forms of duodenitis are quite easily amenable to conservative therapy. The phlegmonous form requires long-term and serious antibiotic treatment. Surgery may be required. Possible complications in the form of peritonitis, hemorrhage or perforation. In most cases, the treatment of duodenitis requires a complex drug effect.

Treatment options for Helicobacter pylori:

Antibiotic therapy for duodenitis

Antibiotics are used when detecting the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. The accepted course of therapy necessarily includes a combination of 2-3 antimicrobial agents. For the treatment of duodenitis, drugs are used:

  • Amoxicillin (Amoxicar)
  • Metronidazole (Tinidazole)
  • furazolidone,
  • Clarithromycin (Klacid).

The approved course of therapy is 14 days. After the treatment has been completed, the doctor may prescribe probiotics and prebiotics that restore the intestinal flora (Linex, Probifor, Bifiform). A positive effect, especially in patients with reduced secretion, gives the use of Hilak-forte drops.


Painkillers are used for severe discomfort and pain, which often accompany inflammation of the duodenum. An effective remedy is the antispasmodic Platifillin.

In this case, preference should be given to selective myotropic antispasmodics. Apply such tablets as No-shpa, Drotaverine, Papaverine. Thanks to these funds, with duodenitis, spasms of the digestive tract are eliminated. The drug of choice for the disease is Duspatalin. It improves the motility of the gallbladder and duodenum and does not contribute to hypo- and atony.


Non-absorbable antacids effectively reduce acidity in the gastrointestinal tract due to active active ingredients: aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxide, magnesium trisilicate, magnesium hydroxide. Aluminum-magnesium preparations (Altacid, Almagel, Gastracid, Maalox and Palmagel) are balanced combinations of elements and are characterized by a slower onset of therapeutic effect compared to sodium and calcium compounds, but at the same time they have a longer exposure time.

Effective drugs of the group of non-absorbable antacids:

  • Almagel,
  • Maalox,
  • Phosphalugel,
  • Altacid,
  • Alumag,
  • gaviscon,
  • Talcid.

They quickly reduce gastric acidity, ensuring the speedy regeneration of damaged duodenal walls.

Antisecretory drugs

Due to the mechanism of action, PPIs are recognized as the most effective drugs for reducing secretion. This group of pharmacological preparations surpasses all known antisecretory agents in terms of safety and therapeutic effect, and also has excellent expert reviews. PPIs have 5 generations of drugs.

The most popular means of this group, with effectiveness confirmed by clinical studies with the participation of 50 thousand patients, are:

  • Omeprazole,
  • Lansoprazole,
  • pantoprazole,
  • Rabeprazole
  • Esomeprazole (unlike its predecessors, the agent has one S-isomer, therefore it is more slowly excreted from the body).
  • Esomeprazole is considered the most highly effective PPI in use today. The drug is able to withstand the required pH up to 14 hours, subject to the use of 40 mg per day.

Drugs that improve the functioning of the digestive tract

Among the drugs based on domperidone, the most famous drugs are: Motilac, Passagex, Motilium. They should be used as an antiemetic, as well as to improve the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract and accelerate the evacuation of food masses.

Medicines such as Itomed, Tseruglan, Ganaton, Primer stimulate gastrointestinal motility. They represent a new generation of prokinetics - drugs that restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract during an exacerbation of the disease. They accelerate the passage of food masses, stimulate smooth muscles. They do not affect the level of gastrin.

Itopride hydrochloride, which is the main component of the drug Ganaton, enhances gastrointestinal motility, promotes the release of acetylcholine and prevents its destruction. The drug Ganaton has a special effect on the duodenal gastrointestinal tract, accelerates the transport of food masses and improves bowel emptying, has an antiemetic effect.

Such old-generation prokinetics, like Cerucal, are rarely used, since they exhibit a number of negative properties, the main of which is a negative effect on the central nervous system.

Disease prevention

The disease is seasonal with periodic exacerbations. To maximize the period of remission, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Exclusion of bad habits (smoking and abuse of alcohol-containing drinks), as factors directly and indirectly affecting the duodenal mucosa and pancreas.
  • Maintaining a proper diet, which provides for optimal intervals between meals, as well as the use of healthy foods with sufficient calories.
  • In the event of duodenopathy on the background of long-term use of NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Aspirin, Ketorolac, Paracetamol, Indomethacin, etc.), replacing salicylates with a more harmless COX-2 inhibitor (Rofecoxib, Celecoxib).
  • Timely treatment of diseases that contribute to the appearance of secondary chronic duodenitis (liver pathology, chronic forms of pancreatitis and gastritis, peptic ulcer, etc.).
  • For prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to take PPIs (Omez, Pantoprazole) or the latest generation of histamine blockers (Misoprostol or Famotidine) in therapeutic doses. It should be borne in mind that PPIs are recognized as more effective and harmless drugs for the prevention and treatment of gastro- and duodenopathy.

The effectiveness of therapy often directly depends on how clearly the patient realizes the need to comply with all medical recommendations and dietary guidelines, as well as the importance of making adjustments to the habitual lifestyle that caused the disease. Only the joint efforts of the doctor and the patient will be the key to a speedy recovery and prevention of recurrence of duodenitis.

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