What is harmful chewing gum for the digestive system. How harmful is chewing gum? Rules for use and an alternative to chewing gum

People tend to believe that chewing gum brings a lot of harm to the human body. For example, many have heard that chewing gum negatively affects the stomach and thought processes. However, not everyone knows that it can be not only harmful, but also useful.

Benefits of chewing gum

In fact, chewing gum does not harm the stomach, but helps it. The chewing process promotes the release of saliva, which increases the activity of the digestive system, which allows the stomach to digest food faster.

In addition, chewing gum helps strengthen the gums and jaw joints. Chewing gum is an exercise for the jaw muscles. The effectiveness of this exercise is also due to the fact that active chewing is not a habitual process for the jaw, since most of the food does not require too active movement. Chewing gum helps to engage the right muscles more actively and develops them. Increased salivation also helps clean teeth.

Chewing gum freshens breath and helps to focus on any process. For example, during the Korean War, American soldiers were provided with chewing gum so that the soldiers could concentrate as much as possible on the task at hand. British scientists claim that chewing gum can develop thinking and memory.

There are medical studies that confirm the effectiveness of chewing gum as a means to lose weight. In the process of chewing, the metabolic process accelerates by approximately 19%. There is also a significant decrease in appetite.

Chewing gum harm

However, with excessive use of chewing gum, its negative aspects appear. For example, after 5-7 minutes of chewing, it becomes harmful to the stomach, as it significantly increases the acidity due to the secreted gastric juice. In the absence of food, the stomach actually begins to digest itself, which can cause gastritis and even ulcers, and therefore it is important to take gum only immediately after eating. You should also stop chewing gum after 5-7 minutes, otherwise its positive effect may be replaced by an exclusively negative one.

It is worth remembering that chewing gum does not replace a full-fledged brushing of the teeth. The fact is that the gum is unable to get into hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity, where the bulk of harmful substances accumulate. For the same reason, chewing gum is not able to protect against caries, and therefore has no practical benefit in the fight against caries. If you have fillings, crowns and bridges in your teeth, with frequent chewing they will be quickly destroyed due to the large mechanical impact on the gums. Saliva released during chewing also destroys fillings.

Many chewing gums contain aspartame, which is not fully understood by scientists, but causes medical concern because of the products that appear during its chemical breakdown - asparagine, phenylalanine and methanol. Methanol is dangerous for pregnant women and can turn into carcinogenic formaldehyde. The substance affects the normal development of the fetus if its concentration in the body is exceeded. Thus, it is harmful to give chewing gum to pregnant women and even children.

Today, more and more often you can see people chewing gum. Moreover, the contingent of people is quite diverse: these are children and adults, smokers and opponents of smoking, women and men. There are a lot of supporters of chewing gum, as well as fierce opponents.


Our ancestors, of course, without even knowing about toothpaste, removed food residues with the help of tree resin. In Siberia, people chewed beeswax, thus strengthening their gums. Over time, technology has stepped forward, but for some reason people have not forgotten about chewing gum. And since the 19th century, mass production of chewing gum known to all mankind began.

Pros and cons of chewing gum for the body

Teeth cleaning. After eating, dentists advise chewing gum. It not only cleanses the oral cavity of food debris, but is also a prevention of periodontal disease by massaging the gums. However, the abuse of chewing gum (chewing for more than 5 minutes) leads to serious diseases, such as gastritis or stomach ulcers. Whether the body receives a plus or a minus depends only on the person's attitude to his health.

Heartburn. Oddly enough, chewing gum can help people who periodically suffer from heartburn, by intense salivation, which, in turn, neutralizes the reactions that cause heartburn.

Digestion. If you use chewing gum a few minutes before eating, then the body will, as it were, prepare for eating, and the food will be better absorbed and processed. However, if, after chewing gum, the body does not receive the promised food, the harm done will be colossal, especially for those suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

Hypersalivation of glands. An increase in salivation is followed by a decrease in the secretion of the salivary glands (dry mouth). This leads to seizures, cracks in the corners of the lips, and can cause dysbacteriosis.

Fillings and crowns. Prolonged chewing of gum, as a rule, contributes to the loss of fillings and loosens the crowns.

Bite. Elastic chewing gums break the bite in children, otherwise it entails a distortion of the head profile.

Microbes. No matter how much you explain to a child, he still won’t stop sticking gum in a secluded place. Bacteria that are harmful to the body live in such chewing gum for several more days. They can also cause a sharp deterioration in health.

Do not talk or laugh with chewing gum in your mouth. This can cause the latter to enter the respiratory tract. Do not tempt fate, get rid of it in advance.

It turns out that chewing gum is as useful as it is harmful. Pampering yourself with this delicacy is necessary not only in moderation, but also simply wisely approach the issue of chewing gum.

What's in chewing gum

Chewing gum in most cases does not contain sugar, which is positioned as an advantage. That's right, sugar consumption leads to tooth decay. But are artificial sweeteners really that good and harmless?

Natural sweeteners are almost identical in terms of calories and effects on the body to regular sugar. Synthetic ones can negatively affect internal organs, many of them are toxic.

In addition to sugar substitutes, chewing gum contains a lot of preservatives and flavors. And believe me, they have nothing to do with wild berries or bananas. Have you ever tried to ask about the composition of chewing gum?

Glycerin is considered relatively safe when used in small amounts. However, it can provoke diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Antioxidant E 320 is derived from petroleum and is banned in some countries. Negatively affects the kidneys, liver, stomach, thyroid gland, reproductive function. It may also have a carcinogenic effect.

The sweetener mannitol can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and hives. It irritates the stomach and provokes kidney dysfunction. Not recommended for children and diabetic patients.

The sweetener aspartame causes headache, depression, anxiety, asthma, fatigue, blindness, aggressiveness, epilepsy, memory impairment. This sweetener is also not recommended for children as well as for pregnant women. May have a teratogenic effect, ie. cause malformations in the fetus. Children under 3 years old should not chew gum at all. It is much better to replace it with natural gummies.

The sweetener acesulfame has a carcinogenic effect. In animals, it caused tumors of the lungs, mammary gland, leukemia.

And this is not a complete list of substances that may be part of chewing gum. As you can see, there is little good in them.

What is the harmful process of prolonged chewing

When chewing gum, a large amount of saliva is released. Usually this happens when eating food, saliva softens it. In the absence of food in the oral cavity, an abundance of saliva is swallowed and enters the stomach.

Once in the stomach, saliva reduces the level of acidity. In response, the stomach begins to produce more gastric juice. This leads to peptic ulcers and gastritis, which is why you should refrain from chewing gum even on an empty stomach.

Frequent gum chewing can cause temporomandibular joint dysfunction and even malocclusion.

It may sound funny, but chewing gum is psychologically addictive. For many people, constant chewing is comforting and reassuring.

There are still benefits to the oral cavity from chewing gum. The safest option is to chew for no more than 15 minutes. Use chewing gum only for hygienic purposes, when it is really necessary.

Why is chewing gum harmful?

Ekaterina Rakitina

Chewing gum - useful or harmful?

I won’t tell you for a long time where the chewing gum came from, but I’ll get straight to the point.

When is it good to chew gum?

Chewing gum is only useful for the first 5-10 minutes after eating, because it promotes the secretion of gastric juice and improves digestion, and at the same time partially cleanses the oral cavity of food debris. Chewing gum is sometimes useful for weight loss diets, if it is chewed no more than 5-10 minutes after eating ...

And the constant chewing of gum almost always turns into a bad habit for many reasons, which are discussed below ...

When is chewing gum bad?

1. If you have fillings in your teeth, then prolonged chewing can simply loosen these fillings.

2. Chewing gum on an empty stomach, and even more so chewing it all day, is very unhealthy. Pavlov's experiments testify to what happens if you chew gum and do not eat anything: gastric juice is released and, in the absence of food, it begins to "digest" the gastric mucosa - in this case, gastritis or gastroduodenitis is one step away. People who already suffer from these diseases should not take chewing gum into their mouths at all.

3. It is harmful to take a puff on a cigarette and chew gum at the same time, because chewing gum absorbs carcinogens, and they, along with saliva, enter the stomach.

There are many other harms from chewing gum, including psychological ones, for example, various surveys of the population of different countries show that most people treat people who constantly chew gum worse, and some of those who chew gum are disgusted, I think, even more. what is described in this article will be enough to make the right decision and stop chewing gum all the time.

Chewing gum is useful only for the first 5-10 minutes after eating; in all other cases, chewing gum is harmful to health.

Sergey Mangushev

I have been chewing all my adult life, driving 1000 km on business trips and chewing all the way making breaks for breakfast, lunch, dinner. Yesterday I checked with the doctors after passing the ultrasound, having passed all kinds of tests, surprisingly, everything is OK!

Millions are spent annually on advertising companies for chewing gum. Each manufacturer tries to present their products in the most noble way, without any concern for the consequences for the end consumer. Is it true that such a popular remedy for healthy teeth and a snow-white smile actually adversely affects our health? What is the harm of chewing gum, how to protect yourself without giving up the usual "delicacy".

Composition of chewing gum

The chewing gum is based on rubber - a complex of polymeric compounds that do not split in the oral cavity under the influence of saliva. In fact, we are chewing on an elastic piece of plastic, well seasoned with all sorts of flavors. In order for chewing gum to have a taste and aroma, preservatives, flavorings and sugar or its substitutes are used. Each of these ingredients negatively affects the body in its own way, causing various health problems:

  • Sugar creates a favorable environment in the oral cavity for the reproduction of pathogenic microflora that affects tooth enamel.
  • Sorbitol and xylitol are used as substitutes for the sweet base. These ingredients can cause stomach pain, bloating and diarrhea.
  • At the heart of flavorings, substances that corrode the delicate mucous membrane are most often used. This leads to the appearance of ulcers in the oral cavity.
  • Special oils are added to chewing gums, from which large bubbles are inflated. When it comes into contact with the skin in the mouth, they provoke the development of perioral dermatitis.
  • E140 and E321 (dyes and antioxidants) often cause allergic skin reactions. The most common of these is hives.

Some manufacturers use licorice extract in their chewing gums. With regular intake, it can increase blood pressure and reduce the concentration of potassium in the blood.

This is not the whole list of dangerous ingredients used in the production of chewing gums. And how harmful chewing gum will depend on the periodic table, stuffed into the composition of a popular delicacy.

Why chewing gum is harmful: 10 basic facts

Information about the benefits of chewing gum is extremely unreliable, and the results of medical research in the frame are nothing more than a marketing ploy. And if you often chew gum, no dentist will save your teeth. And the problems of the oral cavity are not the only thing that can threaten lovers for a long time to process a piece of fragrant polymer:

  1. You can often see the warning label "contains aspartame" on the packaging. In the process of decomposition in the body, methanol molecules are formed from it, known for their carcinogenic properties. The accumulation of this toxin can lead to pathologies of the liver and kidneys..
  2. Glutamate or flavor enhancer. The additive, often used in the food industry, has a damaging effect on nerve cells. The substance is contraindicated in children under the age of four years. It is also harmful to pregnant women because of the risks of harming the baby in the womb.
  3. Chewing gum can damage fillings in your teeth. Manufacturers deny this assumption, arguing that their product is soft in comparison with the same Soviet-era toffees. But if you chew a lot of gum, it creates strong pressure on the teeth, leading to deformation of the filling material.
  4. In the process of chewing, the salivary glands are activated and there is an increased production of gastric juice. If food does not enter the stomach during this period, a high concentration of hydrochloric acid leads to a violation of the integrity of the gastric mucosa. In the long run, this threatens with stomach ulcers, gastritis and other digestive problems.
  5. Sugar in chewing gum is a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Actively multiplying in the oral cavity, they thin the tooth enamel, provoking the development of caries. The use of substitutes in the technological map does not solve the problem of the safety of the finished product, as mentioned above.
  6. Chewing gum cannot serve as a full-fledged alternative to regular brushing. In a certain situation, abundant salivation during chewing will help to clean the teeth of food debris, but chewing gum will not cope with this task in hard-to-reach places. Rinsing with plain water will be much more effective and safer.
  7. Whitening gum is a myth. Not a single mint pad can whiten tooth enamel even by a quarter of a tone..
  8. If an adult accidentally swallows gum, nothing catastrophic will happen. The amount and concentration of gastric juice is such that even this piece of plastic can be dissolved. But in children, if swallowed, chewing gum can cause intestinal obstruction or suffocation.
  9. Our jaw apparatus is capable of withstanding heavy loads, but under constant pressure, unformed occlusion in children can occur.
  10. Chewing gum as a carrier of infection. The situation of chewing one gum at once by several people is very common in children. Chewed himself - share with a friend. For fragile children's immunity, one such “brother” is enough to catch any infection. Yes, and many kids love to chew the sweet gum that has lain on the table for an hour or two. And the fact that a million bacteria have stuck to it does not bother them much.

So parents should keep a close eye on their children. If it is already allowed to eat chewing gum, then after 5 minutes it should be removed from the mouth and thrown into the trash.

Each chewing gum thrown on the asphalt is the death of one bird. Attracted by the scent, she plunges her beak into a sticky substance that sticks it together. Due to the impossibility of freeing herself, she dies of hunger and thirst.

Is there any benefit

If chewing gum is such a harmful product, why aren't they banned? The fact is that with its proper use, one mint plate can really be beneficial. And there is some truth in the provided advertisement:

  • Chewing gum really helps to clean the chewing surface of the teeth from food debris. Not as high quality as a toothbrush, but still.
  • Let's not forget about the production of gastric juice. Chewing gum immediately after eating promotes better digestion.
  • Mint pads freshen breath. Therefore, immediately after eating or smoking, they will not interfere.

So you can chew gum, but everything is good in moderation. Chewing gum can only be used immediately after meals, when there is a real need for it, and not more than one plate per day. In this case, the entire chewing process should not take more than five minutes. This time will be enough to achieve the desired effect without harm to health.

Gum is a common product, loved and used by people of all ages. It seems to be a technological innovation. In fact, chewing gum has an interesting, centuries-old history.

History of chewing gum

People have long used the gifts of nature for various purposes, knowing their beneficial and harmful properties. Minerals and insects were used. Plant roots have been useful for oral hygiene.

Maya Indians used ancient chewing gum, it was a substance made from rubber juice - chicle. There is evidence that people in northern Europe used birch resin to relieve toothache. The Aztecs had norms of behavior associated with this remedy. Unmarried women and children were allowed to chew whenever they wanted, married women and widows at home, and men were ordered to hide.

People have known about the product since antiquity. The inhabitants of North America adopted this useful experience from the Indians.

Important! Chewing gum in its usual form appeared in 1848. September 23 is officially recognized as her birthday.

At this time, the Curtis brothers came up with the idea of ​​​​mixing pine resin with beeswax and selling this invention. The chewing gum was a good success. This allowed to increase production volumes in 1850. Then paraffin flavors were added to the composition, and 4 brands of chewing gums were produced.

In 1869, dentist William Semple patented chewing gum made from rubber. It included: charcoal, chalk, flavorings. He assured that chewing gum has properties useful for teeth and is durable. Due to unclear circumstances, the product did not pass to mass production.

According to legend, in 1869, a general who fled from Mexico met the inventor Thomas Adams and sold chicle (rubber). He failed to create a substitute for rubber. Then the inventor boiled rubber and made chewing gum, which was quickly sold out in local shops.

He then introduced licorice flavoring. Black Jack was born, the first flavored chewing gum. In 1871, Adams received a patent for an apparatus for mass production of a product. In 1888, Tutti Frutti appeared. Pharmacist John Colgan suggested adding flavoring to the mixture before adding sugar. Now the smell and taste stayed longer.

The seller, William Wrigley, noticed that the gum was in demand by buyers and decided to improve the manufacturing method. In 1892 they produced "Wrigley's Spearmint", a year later - "Wrigley's Juicy Fruit". These types of chewing gum hold the first lines of world sales even now. Wrigley came up with the idea to add mint, powdered sugar and other flavors, to produce gum in different shapes.

Important! In 1928, Walter Diemer invented a chewing gum with an interesting feature that makes it easy to blow bubbles: "bubble gum".

The researcher improved the product of Frank Flir, which was not in demand. Chewing gum really liked the children as entertainment. Competitions were held among her fans. In 1994, they set a world record: a bubble of 30.8 cm was inflated. Then they did not think about the benefits, properties or dangers of chewing gum.

After 1945, thanks to the soldiers, the whole world learned about it. In the USSR, there were only Soviet analogues that did not have pleasant properties, in ugly packaging. In the 1990s, foreign chewing gum wrappers were collected and used for games.

Composition of chewing gum

Chewing gum contains:

  • base: rubber or other synthetic polymers - 20-30%;
  • food sugar or sweeteners - 60%;
  • flavor enhancers;
  • stabilizers (more often - glycerin);
  • aroma enhancers;
  • emulsifiers (based on egg yolk);
  • dyes;
  • thickener E414;
  • lemon acid;
  • titanium dioxide (provides a snow-white color);
  • preservative (antioxidant).

It has changed a lot compared to the ancient chewing gum. These are the main components. The content of the listed substances in popular types of chewing gum:

Is chewing gum good?

You might think that its properties are extremely harmful. The media actively promotes the positive effect of chewing gum on teeth.

Active salivation

Microbial colonies form on the teeth within 2 hours after brushing. They process the remnants of food, while forming acids that destroy the enamel. The result is caries. During chewing, saliva is reflexively released, which has a slightly alkaline ph and contains mineral components. The properties of chewing gum really strengthen tooth enamel, neutralize the environment, but not due to its composition.

Intestinal motility and secretion are reflexively activated. A person recovers faster after an operation on the intestines and moves on to everyday food thanks to chewing gum.

Cleansing the mouth and teeth

Important! Teeth after chewing gum become cleaner. Having a viscous consistency, it attaches food residues to itself, contributing to cleansing, but not in all cases.

The teeth have a pronounced anatomy - deep pits, may be crowded. Then food and plaque clog in there. But according to dentists, the benefits of the properties of chewing gum after eating are.

Jaw strengthening

You can use chewing gum as an unusual simulator. This is a useful feature. When chewing, the load on the teeth and their ligaments falls, then on the jawbone and muscles. This useful property helps to develop the maxillofacial skeleton in children.

Helps to calm down

The chewing gum has a pleasant taste and a cooling effect. It does not lose consistency, volume, does not dissolve, not only freshens breath, but helps to calm down, the effect of the action itself has been scientifically proven. There are many health benefits of chewing gum. But there is also harm from it.

How bad is chewing gum

A product that is useful in composition can be harmful, not to mention chewing gum.

The emergence of addiction

People deal with stress in different ways. Someone smokes, eats, someone uses chewing gum. There are studies confirming the emergence of dependence on it.

Breakage of prostheses and loss of fillings

According to studies, there have been cases of unpleasant consequences due to chewing gum, but they are rare. If you have all the teeth, the filling is made correctly, from high-quality material, then it (or the prosthesis) will last a long time. But they can absorb dyes and flavors from chewing gum, which reduces the life of the structure. Gum is not recommended for people with braces or plates to align their teeth. When chewing, structural elements may bend, the briquette will peel off or the product will stick to them, which will worsen oral hygiene. This will harm, make it difficult to heal.

poison effect

To determine the presence of this property in chewing gum, you need to study the composition in detail. The basis is synthetic polymers. Effects on the body have not been identified.

Glycerin (E422) draws water out of tissues. There is little of it in chewing gum, but it is used in the composition of frequently consumed products: bread, confectionery.

Sugar does not cause tooth decay, but is a breeding ground for bacteria. Some use sweeteners - sorbitol. This substance is a laxative. Aspartame can cause headaches, allergies. Xylitol and maltitol in chewing gum are relatively safe to consume.

Fragrances, both natural and synthetic, can cause allergies. Flavor enhancers in long-term chewing harm the taste buds. Ordinary wholesome food seems unpleasant when used for a long time.

The dyes contained in chewing gum are carcinogenic. Carcinogenicity - the ability to cause cellular mutations. So far, there has not been a single case of cancer or other neoplasm due to chewing gum.

Harm of chewing gum for children

Attention! There is a risk of asphyxia (suffocation) in a dream, if accidentally swallowed. All muscles are relaxed, and chewing gum can accidentally enter the larynx when taking a deep breath.

Children are very curious, they can give each other food to try. There is a risk of transmission from one child to another through saliva. He can become infected himself if he leaves a gum somewhere or drops it, and then chews it.

Do not give chewing gum to a child instead of food. This is harm. Saliva and gastric juice containing hydrochloric acid are reflexively secreted. Since the food does not enter the stomach, the acid will begin to act on its mucous membrane, causing gastritis. This disease causes problems with digestion and absorption of beneficial nutrients from food, which is especially bad for a growing child's body.

Facial asymmetry

A warning! There is a possibility of facial asymmetry in children and adolescents who often use chewing gum during periods of changing teeth and active jaw growth.

With frequent and prolonged chewing, especially on one side, there is an overload of the muscles and their excessive development, which is negative for the growth of the jaws. They may be underdeveloped or overdeveloped. One half may be larger or longer than the other. These are the pronounced effects of excessive and prolonged use of chewing gum, which are harmful.

Hence the problems with bite: crowding, improper closing of teeth, maxillofacial pathologies, especially in combination with bad habits (biting a pen, pencil, nails). Their signs and consequences: problems with the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), changes in the profile and configuration of the face, even problems with posture. But the benefits of chewing gum for a person are not just advertising.

How to chew gum without harm to health

It will not replace brushing and toothpaste. You can use chewing gum after eating no more than 10 minutes. Rinse your mouth first to avoid harm to your teeth. The properties of chewing gum after eating can be used for weight loss, as they stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and food is better absorbed. There is an elastic band designed specifically for weight loss.

You can not replace chewing gum with a full meal. It will do harm. There are alternative options for replacing chewing gum that are more beneficial.

What can replace chewing gum

Advice! To kill bad breath, you can chew a mint leaf, coffee beans, cardamom, ginger root, parsley.

You can use mints, dragees, mouth sprays, hygienic rinses. The question of their properties and harm to the child is decided after consultation with the doctor. For a healthy snack, yogurt, dried fruits, fresh fruits are suitable. For the development of the child's chewing apparatus, solid foods will be useful: carrots, apples.

Culture and chewing gum

In the 1990s, chewing anywhere and everywhere was fashionable in Russia. But no one likes an interlocutor who does this during a conversation or in a theater. It's uncivilized. An active life forces you to snack on the go, but everything should be in place, chewing gum should not be abused.

How to make chewing gum at home

Children love chewing gum. To avoid harm, you can learn how to cook a healthy product at home.

Advice! You can make treats from your favorite foods.

Recipe for chewing gum, useful for children of all ages:

  • choose the juice of your choice, add sugar and heat;
  • add to gelatin, mix and strain through a sieve;
  • pour the mixture into molds and leave in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

Chewing candy is ready. It will resemble marmalade, have both a pleasant taste and useful properties.

Making chewing gum from fruits or berries:

  • peel products, cut;
  • pour boiling water, cook for 20 minutes over low heat;
  • when everything is boiled, drain the compote, add sugar and gelatin (dissolved in water);
  • you can use molds or put the gum in a container for solidification;
  • refrigerate for a few hours.

Useful chewing gum is ready. You can take a snack with you.

Treat recipe for older kids. Chewing gum based on Gum base, which is purchased in the store and via the Internet.

  • 1 st. l. heat the gum base in a water bath, stirring occasionally;
  • pour liquid honey or syrup - 1 tsp;
  • mix;
  • add to the mixture 1 tsp. flavoring, 1/2 tsp. spoons of powdered sugar, dye (optional);
  • sprinkle a table or cutting board with powdered sugar;
  • lay out hot chewing gum;
  • during cooling and after you need to roll it in powder;
  • form a sausage, cut into pieces.

The taste and properties of the finished chewing gum will turn out to be similar to the purchased one. When dyes and flavors are added, only the absence of a bright wrapper will distinguish them.


The benefits and harms of chewing gum are a complex issue, but if you follow simple rules, its use will be useful. She masks problems. First of all, proper care with the help of chewing gum properties for the oral cavity will help maintain the beauty of a smile and health for many years.

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September 12, 2018

A snow-white dazzling smile and protection against caries are promised to us by chewing gum manufacturers in advertising campaigns. Is it true? Is chewing gum harmful? Let's figure it out.

We study the composition of chewing gum

The main component of chewing gum is rubber, which is a combination of polymer-type compounds that are not broken down by saliva. That is, we can safely say that we are chewing an elastic plastic piece, well "disguised" by various flavor enhancers.

Flavors and taste qualities of chewing gums are imparted by flavors of various types, sugar or its substitutes, as well as preservatives. All these components, both individually and in combination, have a detrimental effect on our health.

Sugar contributes to the creation of an environment in the mouth that is favorable for the reproduction of microflora that damages tooth enamel. If sugar substitutes such as xylitol and sorbitol are added to gum instead of sugar, this can cause pain in the abdomen, diarrhea, and bloating. And substances - flavors corrode the mucous membrane, as a result of which ulcers form in the mouth.

Add to chewing gum and glycerin. In principle, in small quantities it is not dangerous, but in large doses it can lead to heart pathologies. Additive E320 (this is an antioxidant) is produced from oil. Can you imagine how bad it is? In some countries, the E320 is banned. This carcinogen destroys the liver, stomach, thyroid, kidneys and reproductive system.

Mannitol, which is used as a sweetener, causes gagging, hives, and diarrhea. It is very dangerous for children and diabetics. And acesulfame has a carcinogenic effect. In animals, this element has been proven to cause lung cancer, breast cancer, and leukemia.

Children especially love chewing gum. Presentations of such products show how big bubbles can be blown from them. The harm of chewing gum also lies in the oils added to it, due to which bubbles are obtained. These oils (with frequent gum chewing) cause perioral dermatitis.

Attention! Additives labeled E321, as well as E140, which are part of chewing gums, cause allergies, especially hives.

This, of course, is not the whole list of ingredients contained in chewing gum. For example, in some gum you can find licorice extract. If it regularly enters our body, this will lead to an increase in pressure and a decrease in the concentration of an important element in the blood - potassium.

Harm of chewing gum for humans: 7 true facts

Manufacturers' stories that chewing gum is useful is a publicity stunt. In fact, they are harmful, one might even say dangerous to us. If you regularly chew gum, no doctor will help your teeth. And this is far from the only problem that chewing gum brings us.

Chewing gum harm:

  • Many chewing gums contain aspartame (this is indicated on the packaging). Decaying, this component is divided into methanol molecules, which have a carcinogenic effect on the body. With the accumulation of this toxin in the body, ailments of the kidneys, as well as the liver, develop.
  • The flavor enhancer glutamate is a frequent "guest" in chewing gums. It destroys our nerve cells. Especially glutamate is harmful to children. And if it enters the body of the expectant mother, it will harm the baby in the womb.
  • Teeth with fillings (despite manufacturers' assurances that chewing gum is soft) do not withstand the strong constant pressure from chewing gum and deform as a result.
  • When we chew gum, our salivary glands are activated, and the juice in the stomach begins to be produced faster. If at this moment we do not eat, a high accumulation of hydrochloric acid can lead to the destruction of the mucous membrane in the stomach. Over time, diseases such as gastritis and ulcers develop.
  • Sugar "feeds" pathogens. They multiply in the mouth, destroy tooth enamel, and cause caries. Even if the chewing gum contains a sweetener, it will undoubtedly harm our teeth from it.
  • Advertising campaigns for chewing gum "hit" the fact that they clean our mouth after eating. This is not entirely true, because there are places where chewing gum simply “does not reach”. An alternative is regular water rinses.
  • They don’t bring us chewing gum and a dazzling snow-white smile. None of the gum has a whitening effect. All this is the invention of the manufacturers.

Separately, one should dwell on the dangers of chewing gum for children. When an adult swallows gum, it's not scary, his stomach can cope and "dissolve" the gum. And if the baby accidentally eats gum, it can cause intestinal obstruction and even suffocation. Under regular pressure due to chewing, the baby’s jaw does not withstand, the bite may not form correctly.

On a note! Children can buy gummies instead of gum.

Chewing gums can be safely called carriers of infectious pathogens. Babies love to share chewed gum with each other. You yourself understand what this is fraught with. Be careful that your little one chews the gum for no more than five minutes, and then throws it into the bucket.

Attention! One discarded chewing gum on the pavement is equal to the death of one bird. The scent of the chewing gum attracts the bird, it grabs it, and the gum glues its beak. The result is death from thirst and hunger.

Is there any benefit?

A completely logical question arises - why were chewing gums not banned if they are so harmful to us? The answer is simple: chewing gum in moderation can provide some benefits.

  • Chewing gum cleans the tooth surface after eating, but of course, worse than brushing.
  • If you chew gum for five minutes after eating, it will contribute to its better digestion, as it will provoke the production of gastric juice.
  • Mint gum will freshen your breath after eating and smoking.

It is difficult to find a person in the modern civilized world who has no idea about chewing gum. People have always chewed something, only for different purposes. In ancient times, teeth were cleaned in this way, chewing muscles were developed, and nerves were calmed. As chewing gum, our ancestors most often used birch resin. Only at the end of the XIX century. began to chew natural rubber, adding various substances to it to improve the taste.

In 1928, the first commercially successful chewing gum, Dubble Bubble, was released. After that, the composition of the gum is constantly changing, new substances are added to improve the taste, color, smell. Rubber is a natural polymer derived from latex that makes up the elastic base of chewing gum. It is also used for the manufacture of rubber, shoes, glue.

What is chewing gum made of?

The basis of modern chewing gum is rubber. Also, various flavors, dyes and sweeteners are added to it.
  1. Latex - the basis of chewing gum, is considered harmless.
  2. Flavorings (natural or identical to them, capable of causing allergies).
  3. Dyes (all kinds of E are far from harmless substances, many of them have a carcinogenic property).
  4. Sweeteners (sugar promotes tooth decay, aspartame can cause headaches and nausea, sorbitol and xylitol are known laxatives).

Is there any benefit?

Undoubtedly, chewing gum must have some positive properties, otherwise its distribution and use is pointless. And she has such advantages. Firstly, chewing gum still helps to clean the teeth, which is loudly shouted by advertising. Chewing after a meal improves the condition of the mouth, the consistency of the gum helps food residues stick to it, and thus they are removed. Secondly, during chewing, saliva is actively produced - a natural tooth cleaner. The refreshing effect of chewing gum is undeniable, however, it has a short-term effect, masking (if any), and not eliminating the cause. The act of chewing itself has been proven to be soothing, no matter what. Chewing gum has a suitable consistency and properties, does not change in volume over time and does not dissolve, so you can chew it for a long time and measuredly, putting your nerves in order. True, the long-term result of the action of such an anti-stress is difficult to track.

Is chewing gum a pest?

In addition to positive properties, chewing gum and its improper use has a number of negative properties. During chewing, the saliva released, which has an alkaline reaction, inevitably enters the stomach, reducing its acidity. In response to this, the production of an additional amount of gastric juice, the basis of which is hydrochloric acid, begins. If this happens on an empty stomach, problems cannot be avoided, because the aggressive action of the acid is directed primarily to the walls of the stomach itself. The constant irritating effect of gastric juice contributes to the development of gastritis and. The next point that should be noted is the harm of constant stimulation of the salivary glands, in which at first a lot of saliva is released, and then its deficiency develops. This phenomenon can contribute to the development of xerostomia - pathological dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. , breakage of prostheses and braces, overload of the periodontal tissues in periodontal diseases - this can also be facilitated by prolonged chewing of gum. The composition of the gum includes various preservatives, dyes, flavors, stabilizers and thickeners, all of which enter the body and have their far from positive effects.

Chewing and brain function

Many have known since childhood that eating and reading are things that are difficult to combine, either food or information is not absorbed. Chewing gum not only calms, but also inhibits brain activity, reducing attention, preventing concentration. Although someone may disagree with these statements, this is already a personal matter for everyone.

Culture and gum

Eating should take place in places designated for this. In today's fast-moving and accelerating world, we do everything quickly, on the go. Having a snack during a trip to the subway, on the street, in the car, a person does not think about how much this corresponds to culture and etiquette. As a continuation of the meal - chewing gum, dragging on for a long time. People are constantly in a hurry, experiencing stress, chewing gum in such a situation helps to calm down, only such a habit has nothing to do with culture. A well-mannered person respects other people and is unlikely to chew during a conversation, in a theater or on a TV screen. Self-confidence will not increase in any way with the help of chewing gum, although many believe the opposite and actively demonstrate this.

Rules for using chewing gum

Chewing gum should be used immediately after eating and no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Chewing gum should only be used for oral hygiene after eating, when it is not possible to brush your teeth.
  • You need to chew while the gum has a taste (about 5-10 minutes). This time is enough to remove the remnants of food from the oral cavity.
  • Do not use chewing gum on an empty stomach or in case of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Buy high-quality chewing gums, avoiding products from third world countries.
  • Do not use chewing gum for chronic gum disease, multiple fillings in the oral cavity, pathological abrasion of teeth.

Popular Representatives

Orbit chewing gum from Wrigley has a wide range of different flavors and is very popular, produced since 1944. The same company produces chewing gum such as Hubba Bubba, Juicy Fruit, Eclipse, Extra, Big Red. Dirol chewing gum has been known since 1968 and was the first sugar-free gum. In Russia, it appeared only in the early 90s. Chewing gums are produced in the form of dragees or plates, with liquid filler or as part of lollipops, for every taste and color.


In 1988, the European Dental Association recommended chewing gum with xylitol after each meal as a preventative measure. Xylitol (E-967) is a sugar substitute that is poorly absorbed by the body. It does not ferment, plaque bacteria cannot use it as food, which explains it. Xylitol acts as a laxative, the maximum allowable daily dose is about 30 g.

To chew or not to chew?

The fashion for chewing gum in our country appeared in the 90s. of the last century and steadily entrenched among young people. To chew or not - it is up to each individual to decide for himself. It is worth remembering the rules for using chewing gum and avoid too long and frequent use of it. As a hygiene product, chewing gum is recommended by dentists, but only as a means of cleaning teeth after meals for short-term use. In children, the use of chewing gum is recommended in cases where it is not possible to brush their teeth. It is worth thinking about what substances will enter the baby's body at the time of chewing gum, and weigh the appropriateness of its use at an early age, before contributing to the formation of a bad chewing habit in a child.

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