What exercises should be done for bowel movements. Exercises to help empty the bowels. Possible contraindications and side effects

The problem of constipation is becoming more and more common these days. In the treatment of it, gymnastics for the intestines is of great importance. Therapeutic exercise stimulates intestinal motility, thereby helping food move forward. Of course, medications give instant results, but at the same time, not all of them eliminate the very cause of constipation. Properly selected physical exercises will help tone the intestines and relax the tissues.

Appointment of gymnastics

During constipation, food remains in the body for more than 24 hours. As a result, toxins accumulate, a person experiences prolonged headaches and insomnia. This state of the body can lead to more serious diseases. Among the causes of prolonged constipation are:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, duodenal ulcer or colitis;
  • as a result, peristalsis works slowly and food is retained in the body.

For people suffering from disorders in the work of peristalsis, the implementation of gymnastic exercises is the main point during treatment. By doing this, they help not only stimulate the work of the intestines, but also contribute to the timely removal of gas. Exercise is contraindicated during pregnancy, high blood pressure and during menstruation. Performing gymnastics does not require special tools and skills, and you can do it even in bed. Exercises can be done both during the day and in the morning, just waking up. At the same time, you should ensure that at least 2 hours pass from eating to gymnastics. The key to successful treatment of the disease is regular exercise.

Types of possible bowel exercises

To perform therapeutic exercises, you can turn to professionals, but it is allowed to select exercises and do them yourself. Doctors recommend drinking a glass of water at room temperature before starting. The exercises include:

  • diaphragm training;
  • self-massage sessions;
  • abdominal muscle training;
  • pelvic floor exercises.
Self-massage has a positive effect on intestinal motility.

Massage is a combination of such actions as friction and pressure. It is aimed at activating intestinal motility. When performing self-massage, you must thoroughly wash your hands and body, take a supine position. In some cases, the procedure should be performed not on the naked body, but through the tissue. The duration of a massage session should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to warm the palms.

Consider some massage techniques:

  • With your fingertips, draw circles clockwise in the abdomen. You need to start with light, stroking movements, gradually increasing the pressure.
  • Take a supine position. As you exhale, hold your breath and with both hands make 15-20 presses on the stomach. After that, inhale the air and relax. Repeat 3 times.
  • Sit on your knees and take sharp breaths and exhalations. At the same time, actively draw in the stomach. You need to start with 20 breaths and gradually increase the number to 70.

After performing such actions, a slight rumbling in the stomach appears. You should immediately drink a glass of water at room temperature, with the addition of a quarter teaspoon of salt. After that, the urge to defecate will begin. In case of chronic constipation, massage may not bring immediate results. In this case, you should not immediately use laxatives, as the body quickly gets used to them. The best solution in this situation would be to use folk remedies.

Charging with atony

Organ atony is well treated with massage.

This is a violation of the intestines, as a result of which intoxication of the body develops. The main reason for it is an unbalanced diet and frequent overeating. It is dangerous to treat atony with laxatives, as the body gets used to it and cannot continue without medication. Massage sessions will be more useful. Exercise examples:

  • In a prone position, raise your legs, bend them at the knees and perform movements, as when riding a bicycle. Run 30 times.
  • Take a supine position. Legs bent at the knees, pressed to the stomach. Do 20 repetitions.
  • Twisting. To do this, lie on the floor, raise and straighten your legs. Next, throw your legs over your head. You need to start doing the exercise carefully, gradually bending more and more.
  • Lie on the floor and bend your knees. Perform knee extensions.

You need to finish charging by walking in place, while raising your knees high. This complex is best done in the morning, on an empty stomach. Results will be visible after at least 5-7 days of daily practice. After improving the work of intestinal motility, this complex can be continued to be done 1 time in 2-3 days. This will be a good prevention of failures in emptying.

When lowered

One of the most common anomalies of the abdominal cavity is the prolapse of the internal organs. The main reason is genetic inheritance. When bowel prolapse, the following exercises will be useful:

  • Take a supine position, bend your knees, put your hands along the body. Leaning on the hands and feet, raise the pelvis as high as possible. At the top point, linger for a couple of seconds, and slowly lower to the starting position.
  • Lie on the floor, arms along the body. Exhale and raise straight legs off the floor. Hold for 5-10 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 15-20 times.
  • Perform the scissors movement. To do this, lie on the floor and slightly raise your straight legs. At the top point, linger and perform this movement. Repeat 15-20 times.

In the first days of the complex, you can put a soft roller under the lower back. At the initial stages of treatment, the complex should be performed no more than 10 minutes. Only after 4-5 weeks, the duration is increased to 15 minutes and repeated 2 times a day. Such gymnastics guarantees regular bowel movements.

1. Stand straight, straighten your back, feet shoulder-width apart. Do a few tilts, and then turns the torso. This exercise normalizes bowel function, improves peristalsis.

2. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Touch the buttocks with the left, and then with the right heel. Repeat several times. This exercise relieves constipation, normalizes bowel function.

3. Stand up straight, clench your hands into a fist. Perform movements that mimic boxing, as if in front of you is a pear. The body makes turns. Exercise heals and cleanses the intestines, strengthens the muscles of the chest, abdominals.

4. Lie on your back, hands at your sides. Give yourself a few minutes to completely relax your entire body. Raise your head, bend your knees as if you are going to pedal a bicycle. Alternately press your knees to your chest (head up). The duration of the exercise is a few minutes. If you feel tired, rest and then continue. Exercise normalizes the digestive tract.

5. Lie on your back, hands at your sides, raise your head. Raise your legs off the floor, lift them up to about 45 degrees without bending. Hold in this position for as long as you can. Repeat several times. Gradually increase the number of repetitions. Exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, improves bowel function.

6. In a standing position, bend your torso straight forward, while your hands are intertwined behind your back. Exercise activates the colon. For normal bowel function, it is recommended to perform it several times a day.

7. Lie on your back, pull your hands to your knees, feel the tension in the abdominal muscles, then relax. Exercise will help heal indigestion.

8. Lie on the floor, hands at your sides. Stretch your arms forward, feel the tension, after 5 seconds raise your legs from the floor by about 45 degrees, lower them. This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, helps to remove toxins.

9. Sit on your heels, raise your arms above your head. Take 3 deep breaths and exhale. This exercise activates the work of the stomach.

10. Lie on the floor, wrap your arms around your waist. Slowly raise your upper body, then lower and relax. Exercise relieves tension in the abdominal cavity, normalizes bowel function.

11. Lie on your back, bend your knees, grab your ankles and help your knees press against your stomach. This exercise relieves gastrointestinal disorders.

12. Lie on the floor on your stomach, hands at your sides. Raise your head, look ahead, then relax. This exercise is useful to perform in diseases of the gallbladder.

13. Lie on the floor, bend your knees under you, then spread them apart. Take 3 deep breaths and exhale. This exercise activates the spleen and pancreas.

14. Lower your head, press your hands to your legs, relax your spine. Take 3 deep breaths and exhale. This exercise activates the small intestine.

Constipation exercises and gymnastics are indicated to restore regular bowel movements. With a sedentary lifestyle, digestion noticeably worsens, intestinal motility decreases, and, as a result, constipation occurs. Performing daily gymnastic exercises will restore normal bowel tone, revive its contractile activity and regular defecation. An important rule: exercises for constipation are performed before or after meals.

Not a day without movement

Lack of movement is often the cause of sluggish bowel movements and disruption of regular emptying. The resulting chronic constipation leads to poisoning of the body with its own toxins. As a result, the state of health worsens, discomfort arises and efficiency decreases. To all this, a headache, sleep disturbances and a bad mood can be added.

Under constipation is called the state of delay or insufficient defecation for two or more days. It has "its" characteristic features:

  1. A small amount of solid stools.
  2. Feeling of insufficient emptying after a bowel movement.
  3. Inability to stool without strong straining.

Depending on the cause of poor bowel emptying, there are:

  • Atonic constipation - regular defecation is impaired due to weakness of the smooth muscles of the intestine. A lazy bowel syndrome develops, in which peristalsis is reduced and the promotion of intestinal contents is impaired. The causes of such constipation can be a sedentary lifestyle in adults and children, conditions after abdominal operations, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and teeth, as well as a diet poor in fiber. The chair is plentiful and very dense, defecation is painful and can provoke the appearance of cracks in the anus.

Often, patients solve a similar problem with the least resistance by buying a laxative at the nearest pharmacy, which helps to cleanse the intestines, but does not remove the cause itself. In addition, laxatives have one, not entirely remarkable property: they become addictive.

  • Spasmodic constipation. Intestinal motility is preserved, the promotion of intestinal contents is impaired due to spasm of the intestinal area. A distinctive feature in this case is bloating, a feeling of incomplete emptying, a hard "sheep" stool. The process of defecation is complicated by pain, the need for straining and general discomfort.

In both cases, constipation can be avoided by the use of laxatives. Daily gymnastics for constipation, which trains the abdominal muscles and diaphragmatic muscles, can help the intestines. In combination with abdominal massage and nutrition correction, gymnastics restores the normal functioning of the intestines and improves its emptying. Consider what exercises can help the intestines restore their function.

Some physical exercises for atonic constipation are very effective for young children. Taking laxatives for these patients is highly undesirable, and sometimes completely contraindicated. Daily morning exercises and the right diet in a short period will restore intestinal motility in a child.

Children and adults: exercise correctly

We list the exercises for constipation for adults and children:

  • Constipation exercise number 1 "Bicycle".

Lying on your back, raise your legs and with bent knees make movements that imitate pedaling. This exercise is effective for adults and older children. Perform it slowly, following the rhythm of breathing, repeat at least 20 times.

  • Constipation exercise number 2.

In the supine position, bend your legs at the same time and press them to your stomach, clasp them with your hands. After 5 seconds, lower and straighten them. To facilitate the exercise, we do the movements alternately with the left and right legs. It is very useful for the intestines, due to a kind of massage, its swelling decreases and gases are removed.

  • Constipation exercise number 3 for adults.

Kneeling (back straight), we bend our elbows and rest on the floor. We lower our head between our hands. Gently squat on the buttocks alternately to the right, then to the left.

  • Constipation exercises number 4.

Sit on the bed, legs together. Put your hands on your waist. With the right elbow, we try to touch the left knee and vice versa. It is recommended to perform up to ten times in each direction. Exercise is effective for constipation and well develops back muscles.

  • Constipation exercise number 5.

Lying spread your arms. After inhaling, bend slightly while “pulling up” the anus. Exhaling, relax. After rest, repeat 5 more times.

Constipation exercise number 6 "Scissors". In the prone position, alternate legs in a horizontal and vertical direction. Can be done by children.

Constipation exercises, gymnastics, jogging and cycling restore the normal functioning of the digestive tract and promote regular bowel movements.

yoga practice

The daily practice of yoga has a general healing and strengthening effect on the body. Regular and correct performance of some asanas allows you to:

  1. Strengthen the abdominal, dorsal and gluteal muscles.
  2. Improve motility of the stomach and intestines.
  3. Reduce bloating.

Properly selected exercises and their regular implementation quickly eliminate constipation and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is better to do asanas in the morning before meals.

  • "Pose of a swimming fish."

An effective exercise that restores intestinal motility. Lie on your stomach, interlace your fingers over the top of your head. Take your left knee up to the side. Put the left elbow on it, head on the right forearm. Repeat on the opposite side.

  • Asana Balasana.

It is performed lying on your back. Extend your arms to the sides. The gaze is directed upward. An important point: the palms are turned outward. Lie down for ten minutes, breathing deeply through your nose. This simple yet effective constipation exercise heals the intestines, relaxes the body and improves concentration.

Triangle Pose. Relieves tension, relaxes, improves peristalsis, digestion, restores the regularity of bowel movements. It works well on the muscles of the back, especially in the lower back and has a beneficial effect on the internal organs. It is done like this:

  1. Standing straight, feet 80 cm wide, spread your arms.
  2. Slowly on the exhale, tilt the torso to the right with a slightly bent knee. With the right hand we touch the toes of the right foot, we hold the hands on the same line. We look at the top hand.
  3. On inspiration, we return to the starting position, while we control that the position of the hands is on the same line. Repeat on the opposite side. It is recommended to perform up to five cycles daily on each side. Exercise should be done no earlier than two hours after eating.

  • Pada Hastana.
  1. In a standing position, bend deeply, exhaling so that your palms reach the floor.
  2. Try to touch your knees with your forehead.
  3. Straighten your legs, do not overstrain.
  4. Rising, take a deep breath.

Regular performance of this exercise reduces fat deposits on the abdomen, restores digestion and intestinal activity, and prevents constipation. It should be done daily in the morning an hour after eating.

Gymnastics and daily exercise for constipation, as well as proper nutrition, can help the intestines restore normal functioning and significantly improve the quality of life. A healthy bowel and regular bowel movement is the key to healthy longevity.

Pharmaceuticals offer a sufficient selection of drugs to get rid of constipation, but they have a short-term effect and do not restore normal bowel function. To prevent the violation from becoming chronic, to support the natural functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, you need to follow three simple rules: stick to a diet, follow the principles of a healthy diet, and exercise. Physical education helps not only for prevention, but also for the successful disposal of the problem of constipation.

Therapeutic exercise is an indispensable element of an integrated approach to the treatment of constipation. In addition to the strengthening and healing effect that gymnastics has on the entire body, it affects the growth of intestinal functionality, its motility and increased blood circulation.

There are special exercises for bloating, for the treatment of constipation, as well as exercises that improve intestinal motility, which helps to naturally cleanse the body of toxins.

Forms of exercise therapy for the intestines:

  • physiotherapy;
  • morning work-out;
  • hiking;
  • cycling;
  • skiing, etc.

It is best to choose a specific form of physiotherapy exercises together with an exercise therapy instructor, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient: the form of constipation, its cause, the patient's physical fitness, age and general condition.

Useful properties of charging

In the process of performing special exercises, there is a change in intra-abdominal pressure due to the increased strength of breathing, the work of the abdominal muscles, their relaxation and subsequent contraction, as well as when changing body position. The change in pressure contributes to the promotion of feces in the intestines and its complete emptying.

In addition, the regulation of digestion returns to normal:

  • the processes associated with inflammation of the intestine or its departments stop;
  • there is an adjustment of blood and lymph circulation in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • streamlining the suction and secretory work of the intestine;
  • bloating is reduced;
  • improves peristalsis;
  • the body is cleansed of toxins.

Scientists have found that exercise not only improves physical health, but also serves as a prophylaxis against colon cancer.

A secondary, but important effect of gymnastics for the intestines is the strengthening of the abdominal muscles and the pelvic floor, and the improvement of psycho-emotional health.

Treating constipation with bowel exercises is especially effective when exercising at the same time every day. Normal functioning of the intestines, a state of lightness and relief from abdominal pain comes after at least 2-3 months of regular gymnastics, but the first results can be felt after a few days.

Indications for gymnastics

Physiotherapy exercises are especially indicated for neurogenic constipation, in which spasm of the large intestine occurs due to existing disorders of the autonomic nervous system.

The task of physical therapy in the treatment of constipation is to normalize the motor function of the intestine and eliminate congestion

Signs of neurogenic constipation are:

  • typical "sheep" feces;
  • bloating;
  • loss of appetite;
  • feeling unwell;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • overall decline in performance.

This type of difficulty defecation is divided into two types:

  1. With ongoing hypokinetic disorders. Peristalsis is reduced, the tone of the intestinal walls is weakened. Constipation is accompanied by aching pains in the navel.
  2. With the presence of hyperkinetic disorders. In this case, the intestinal walls have an increased tone, are prone to spastic contractions and cause painful colic in the patient.

Video: treatment of constipation according to Bubnovsky

Possible contraindications and side effects

Structural anomalies in the intestines are a direct contraindication to therapeutic exercises. Organic changes are a mechanical obstacle to the passage of feces, and in this case, physical education is powerless. These pathologies include:

  • the development of adhesions in the intestine;
  • tumors of any nature;
  • scarring;
  • malformations:
    • megacolon - an increase in the entire colon or its section;
    • dolichosigma - gigantism of the sigmoid colon.
  • colon polyposis;
  • intestinal bleeding occurring simultaneously with constipation. This symptom almost always indicates the presence of an organic pathology.

In addition to the above, common contraindications are:

  • increased body temperature;
  • severe heart disease;
  • infectious or inflammatory processes;
  • purulent dermatitis and skin and venereal diseases.

Some pathological processes are a contraindication to exercise therapy

Gymnastics for constipation is an ideal treatment option for people who have no contraindications to physical activity. Therapeutic exercise is a more healing method of treatment, which, unlike medications, does not have side effects.

Preparation for exercise therapy

Gymnastics for the intestines should be carried out on an empty stomach - either an hour before a meal, or two hours after.

Before performing the exercises, light preparation is recommended, the emphasis of which falls on the abdominal muscles. This warm-up can take place right in bed after waking up, it serves as a stimulation to the toilet in the morning and accustoms the body to a certain defecation regimen.

Complex of morning exercises:

  1. Massage of the abdomen: lying on your back, lightly pressing your palm on your stomach, stroke it clockwise around the navel, making only 10 circles.
  2. Rubbing the abdomen with the lower part of the palm near the navel for a minute.
  3. We raise the right leg, bend at the knee and press it with both hands to the stomach, hold for half a minute. Slowly switch legs and do the same with the left leg.
  4. Slowly get out of bed, first with the right leg.

After a warm-up, you should drink a glass of warm water and after a quarter of an hour you can proceed to the main part of the gymnastics.

Complexes of physiotherapy exercises at home

Depending on the type of constipation, the most productive gymnastics complex is selected.

Complex for hypokinetic disorders

In case of constipation due to weak intestinal motility, it is recommended to perform exercises that develop the strength of the abdominal muscles with the proper load and the inclusion of strength elements, as well as the use of various weights.

A set of exercises should be performed at an average pace, the starting positions may be different, the program includes squats, jumps and running.

Each exercise is performed repeatedly, especially recommended approaches that have a direction of movement, which helps to speed up bowel movements.

Video: a set of exercises for atonic constipation

Methods for performing physical exercises for adults

Exercises for atonic constipation are performed at the usual average pace with a sufficiently large number of repetitions.

Complex for hyperkinetic disorders

With spastic constipation, the choice of the initial position in each exercise is especially important, since such gymnastics should provide relief from intestinal spasm. The abdominal muscles should be relaxed, so it is recommended to limit the approaches to the press. The initial positions before each exercise should be conducive to relaxation of the abdominal wall, and during the gymnastics there should be a moment of directed effort: simultaneous raising of the legs, “bike” and the like. Physiotherapy exercises for hyperkinetic phenomena in the intestines are similar to gymnastics for neurological problems, for example, with osteochondrosis.

Video: exercises to get rid of spastic constipation

Exercise Techniques

With the predominance of hyperkinetic phenomena, great attention should be paid to the choice of initial positions that contribute to the relaxation of the anterior abdominal wall.

Depending on the general well-being of the patient, on the age and level of physical fitness, you can change the number of approaches in the exercises. To begin with, you can do 6 repetitions at each stage of the complex.


It is worth emphasizing that swimming has an equally good effect on intestinal motility for any type of constipation that is not associated with organic pathologies. During your stay in the pool, the abdomen is massaged, all muscle groups work, while there is no excessive load on the spine. The therapeutic effect of water leads to normal intestinal motility and helps to accelerate the process of defecation. With daily swimming, a constant regimen is created for emptying the intestines.

Swimming helps to get rid of infantile colic and constipation in children

Possible consequences of gymnastics

To prevent the development of complications from physical education, you should not perform exercises with existing contraindications. In the presence of organic pathology, physical activity can lead to an increase in intra-abdominal pressure or injury to internal organs.

yoga for constipation

Yoga for constipation is a complex of effective asanas to stimulate the contraction of the intestinal walls and speed up the metabolism. There are simpler body positions that can be performed correctly at home on your own, over time adding the number of poses performed and increasing the time of classes. For beginners, the approximate time spent in the performed asana is from 15 seconds, while breathing should be even and calm.

  1. It is recommended to start the lesson with Tadasana. The pose is performed while standing with the feet joined together. The muscles of the legs are tense, the stomach is pulled in, the back is straight, the top of the head stretches to the ceiling, the arms are raised above the head and directed upwards (or extended strictly along the body, which is permissible in this asana). The weight should be evenly distributed over the entire foot.

    Mountain pose is a basic yoga pose that strengthens the outer and inner abdominal muscles.

  2. Utthita Parshvakonasana. The posture promotes intestinal peristalsis and develops the muscles of the body. Asana is based on building a straight line from the palm to the side surface and to the foot:
  3. Supta Virasana. We move to a sitting position, bending our legs, bent at the knees, to the pelvis. The thighs are parallel to each other. We exhale and tilt our back back, leaning on our elbows, after which we lie down completely on the surface. Hands are straightened, lower them to the floor behind the head. If the lower back is tense, then first it is worth working out the pose in a position with an emphasis on the hands, without sinking to the floor to the end. To exit the asana, we move to a sitting position, then straighten our legs. The pose has a stimulating effect on intestinal motility, eliminates constipation and promotes good digestion.

    The lying warrior pose improves posture and digestion, the functional state of the pelvic organs, the spine, the ligamentous apparatus of the joints of the extremities, stimulates the motor function of the intestine - relieves constipation

  4. Halasana. Initial position - lying on the floor. We exhale and smoothly tear off the legs from the surface and wind up behind the head: either to a position in which the legs are parallel to the floor, or the legs rest with the toes of the feet on the floor. The knees should ideally be straightened, the heel extended away from you. The hands are locked behind the back, the shoulder blades are brought together as much as possible, creating support for the shoulders. Exit from the asana: while exhaling, smoothly return the legs to their original position, without sudden movements and without lifting the shoulder blades from the floor. Asana has a positive effect on the functioning of internal organs, relieves constipation and activates the intestines.

    The plow pose has an activating effect on the intestines, eliminates constipation, cleanses the liver, activates the spleen and adrenal glands.

  5. Dhanurasana. The initial position is lying on the stomach. We clasp the ankles with our hands (if this is not possible, we should spread our knees more strongly or use auxiliary means, for example, belts), while inhaling, we begin to straighten our legs and move our heels away from us, while the arms unbend and stretch. With the strength of the femoral muscles, we hold the back deflection, the deep muscles of which are not involved in the performance of the asana. We swing back and forth several times and smoothly lower our legs and arms. When performing the asana, the internal organs are massaged and constipation is eliminated.

    The massaging effect (especially during buildup) has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract with functional digestive disorders

One of the unpleasant conditions of a person is constipation, which is manifested by stool retention, heaviness and pain in the abdomen, increased gas formation, and a decrease in appetite. Investigating the problem of constipation, many experts came to the conclusion that the main and fairly common cause of this disease is a decrease in motor activity, stressful conditions, and malnutrition. They also determined that the main method of treating this disease is physical exercises for constipation, which can eliminate the problem and reduce the risk of its recurrence.

Exercise can help you get rid of constipation

Benefits of exercise therapy

The main trigger for constipation is lack of physical activity. Movement therapy is considered absolutely safe, in addition, it helps to solve many problems:

  • improve the health of the body;
  • restore bowel function;
  • reduce the risk of developing stress;
  • improve mood;
  • strengthen the nervous system.

Attention! With constipation, many resort to taking laxatives, but they often have a negative effect on the body, impair bowel function, and reduce its motility.

The advantage of gymnastics for constipation is regular intestinal massage, as a result of which:

  • the evacuation function improves, which accelerates the movement of food to the exit;
  • improves peristalsis, which reduces the risk of retaining food debris in the intestines.

The benefits of movement therapy are:

  • safety - exercise does not adversely affect the body
  • accessibility - patients of any age can choose exercises of varying complexity
  • lack of preparation - the technique of performing the exercises is quite simple and does not require any specific skills.

Benefits of movement. Motor activity helps to improve bowel function, increase its contractile activity. Any kind of exercise is suitable for classes: gymnastics, aerobics, running, long walks, an exercise bike, types of outdoor games.

Regularity. Exercises should be performed daily until positive dynamics appear, and then go to classes no more than 3 times a week. You can distribute the exercises for the whole day, but it is recommended to perform them no earlier than an hour after eating.

Time and duration of training- the best time of day for exercise is morning, because at this time you can wake up the body and energize it for the whole day, and the duration of the workout should not exceed 20 minutes. In addition, it will improve appetite, improve mood.

Variety of exercises. The complex should be selected taking into account the impact on various muscle groups, and it is necessary to start with simple exercises, gradually moving on to more complex ones.

Number of repetitions. Each exercise should be repeated as many times: 15-20 repetitions are enough to eliminate constipation, the number may be different to correct the figure.

Regular workouts During work, it is necessary to warm up periodically. 10 minutes at the beginning of each hour is enough so that the body does not freeze in a certain position. For a warm-up, exercises for the legs, back, abdomen, squats and tilts are suitable.

Stretch marks. From long sitting and immobility, the body, including ligaments and muscles, become numb, which leads to various microtraumas and disorders. In this regard, it is necessary in the daily complex of exercises for constipation in adults, stretching exercises, which should be performed smoothly and gradually.

Jogging. Running is considered the most effective and versatile exercise. During the run, all muscle groups are included in the work, the internal organs are massaged, which stimulates their activity. You can run on a treadmill in the gym, as well as in the fresh air over rough terrain.

exercise bike. Stimulates intestinal massage, which improves its functioning, and therefore eliminates constipation.

Dancing. Some people suffering from bowel disorders find it boring to do daily exercises. An excellent option for therapeutic therapy is rhythmic dancing, which is performed with a partner under the guidance of a trainer. They are similar to aerobics classes, and have a similar effect.

Walking in the air. They are ideal for dealing with constipation. They are suitable for the elderly, pregnant women, and those who are contraindicated in physical activity.

Effective exercises for constipation

To date, there are various options for physical exercises for constipation, which are easy to perform and highly effective.

Important! If necessary, you can consult with an exercise therapy specialist, or you can use popular Internet resources, where various complexes are presented in a huge assortment.

Currently, the following exercises are considered the most popular for.


This exercise must be performed lying on your back, comfortably sitting on the mat. Raise straight legs to a height of 20-25 cm from the floor, and perform movements, imitating scissors, alternately spreading and crossing them.

"A bike"

A fairly common and well-known exercise that helps eliminate constipation. To perform it, you need to lie on the mat on your back, stretch your arms along the body, bend your legs at the knees. Tearing them off the floor, you should make rotational movements, simulating cycling. The rate of rotation should be gradually reduced, thereby increasing the load on the muscles of the abdominal region.

"Cross knees"

The starting position for this exercise is lying on your back. Stretch your arms along the body, bend your legs at the knees. It is necessary to smoothly reduce and spread the knees, without lifting the feet from the floor. For efficiency, perform the exercise at least 15-20 times.

"Massage of the abdomen with air"

The exercise is performed in a standing position. Put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the torso. After taking a deep breath, it is necessary to alternately draw in and stretch the stomach, performing repetitions of at least 8-10 times. This exercise helps to massage the internal organs, increasing intestinal motility.

"Exercise against constipation"

Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, pulling them with your hands to your chest as much as possible. Return to starting position - legs and arms extended along the body. At the next stage, pull one and the other leg alternately to the chest, holding them with your hands.

By performing regular exercises for the intestines with constipation, you can get rid of the problem yourself at home. Much better results can be achieved in combination with proper nutrition and daily walks in the fresh air.

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