How to make a roof with insulation. Do-it-yourself roof insulation from the inside. Physical processes inside the roof

For a long time in Russia, there were no problems with roof insulation at all: straw was knitted or reed was dried, and that’s it - the roof of the house was reliably protected from both rain and cold. But modern coatings do not have heat-insulating properties at all, and with all the development of progress, up to 30% of all heat flows through such a roof.

Therefore, if you do not want to warm the atmosphere, study the roof insulation from the inside in detail - in this article we will reveal all the points!

Conventionally, roof insulation in the construction world is divided into attic, when the roof slopes are insulated, and attic, when the ceiling is thermally insulated.

Like this? We can say that attics also have their own attic - this is a ventilation gap between the internal insulation and the laid roofing. The fact is that according to all the laws of physics, heat always rises and looks for its way out into the atmosphere. It passes both through the insulation and through the vapor barrier, and together with water vapor. And then, in the eaves plumb line, outside air is drawn in, which passes to the ridge and along the way picks up with it both vapors and excess heat. Through aerators or the same skate, all this is safely removed and does not cause any problems.

Those. in an ordinary, unused roof, the attic occupies the entire space from the ridge to the attic floor, and in the attic, the attic is just a small space under the slopes between the insulation and the roofing. And in the insulation of both, the type of roof is its own approach, which we will now study.

Cold roof insulation technology

If your roof is cold, then the heat-insulating layer should not be on the slopes, but on the floor of the attic. It is here that it stops the heat flow coming from below and prevents the cold from the roof from descending into the lower living space. As a result, the temperature in the attic is kept within + 1-2 degrees, the roofing material is not heated. In fact, such an attic serves as a necessary air gap between the living rooms of the house and the thin roof slab.

All rolled, slab and loose heaters are suitable for attic flooring. Because the overlap of the slope does not have, it does not have any special requirements for the heat-insulating material used: nothing will crumble and will not be exposed.

Pay attention to the fact that after the roof is insulated, properly organized ventilation remains in it: there must be dormer windows opposite each other, ventilation ridges and aerators, and in the cornices - round-the-clock access for outside air suction. As a result, the temperature in a non-residential attic should be as close as possible to the street temperature, and the living space is already separated from it below - competent thermal insulation of the floor.

Now let's take a closer look at the insulation of a cold roof.

Warming with mineral wool

When insulating the attic floor with mineral wool, first of all, pay attention to the distance between the slats or logs - it should be slightly less than a roll or mat of insulation.

Usually, the thermal insulation of the internal space of the roof is complicated by the uneven surface of the attic floor, differences in its height, a large number of rails and bars, not to mention ventilation pipes and electrical wiring:

Ecowool insulation

If you want the house to breathe and the steam to easily go up, then insulate the attic floor with modern ecowool:

Insulation with blown wool

AT recent times blowing - roof insulation with blown wool is becoming more and more popular. The Japanese "insulation" Esbro-Vul II is used here, which does not emit dust, and therefore does not create problems. And the blowing method itself is actually quite simple:

  • Step 1. We put a vertical ruler on the floor and mark the required height for spraying mineral wool.
  • Step 2. Apply insulation in an even layer to the desired level.
  • Step 3. We lay the insulation so tightly that it has 25 kg of weight per cubic meter.

Note that this type of insulation in Japan is the most popular, and has already found many supporters in Russia.

Glass wool insulation

And finally, glass wool - if you do not use the attic at all. The fact is that even glass wool closed under the crate sometimes causes irritation of the ENT organs. Why do you have to wear a respirator and goggles when working with it:

Insulation with sawdust

When insulating the roof with sawdust, follow these instructions:

  • Step 1. First of all, you need to protect the wooden structure. To do this, we first apply an antiseptic composition, then fire-bioprotective mixtures, and on top - water repellents.
  • Step 2. The next step is to put a substrate (you can use cardboard) and close the seams and cracks, if any, with foam (large) or sealant (small). At the end, we cut the foam that has come out and equalize it with the beams.
  • Step 3. Now we fill up the sawdust, in two layers: first, a larger fraction, as well as chips, and then a fine one, so that dust does not form in the room.
  • Step 4. But so that rodents do not start on the attic floor, in addition to sawdust, mix dry lime and small broken glass.

Warm roof technology

The mansard roof is a special design. Here, too, there is a cold attic, only it is very small, because. the insulated attic ceiling is almost closely drawn to it with the help of an additional crate. In fact, there is only space for ventilation, and no more. And ventilation serves to ensure that the heat from the attic does not touch the roofing, on which the snow in winter should remain as a heat insulator, and not melt.

Here a prime example the most standard situation of improper insulation of the attic: install the cheapest 15 cm rafters, lay fluffy mineral wool in two layers of 5 cm each and cover it all with roofing. Ventilation - only 5 cm, without inflow and exit, because There was no expert around to advise. As a result, in summer - unbearable heat, from which even air conditioners do not save, and in winter - generous frost on the roof. And all because street air is heated most of all in this scheme. In other words, the very small attic that we talked about must be, and far from 5 cm.

And especially carefully in such a roof you need to think over the vapor barrier:

And further. The material for the manufacture of rafters is always designed for a certain weight. So, a roof under soft tiles can also be built from drywall profiles, only it cannot be insulated with heavy basalt wool. Also, the mansard roof needs good forced ventilation so that the insulation does not rot and deteriorate. Therefore, carefully read all the points of the master classes prepared by us:

Warming with mineral wool

Follow this simple guide:

  • Step 1. We install hydro and wind protection. If possible, use modern membranes - they are stronger and more durable. In any case, fasten the material with an overlap, and glue all the joints with construction tape.
  • Step 2. Now we measure the distance between adjacent rafters.
  • Step 3. Using a regular or clerical knife, we easily cut the insulation into the desired pieces and insert it between the rafters.
  • Step 4. We install an additional crate between the membrane and the inner lining.

Please note that you need to fasten the vapor barrier membrane with the smooth side to the insulation, and the fleecy side already inside the room.

If the distance between the beams is not more than 60 centimeters, it will be more convenient for you to use square insulation mats:

  • Step 1 Inside, under the rafters, it is desirable to finish off the rough crate - so that the insulation has something to rest on. Make the distance between the bars about 20-30 cm. Ordinary uncut wood with medium-sized nails is quite suitable for this purpose, it is only important that the bars are of the same thickness.
  • Step 2. After installing the rough crate inside the structure, remove all dust and dirt with a construction vacuum cleaner.
  • Step 3. Next, we process everything wooden with a special remedy for fungus, rot and mold. Just use for this purpose not a spray gun, which is less effective, but an ordinary paint brush. With its help, you can achieve deep penetration of the product into the wood, and this is important.
  • Step 4. Let the product fully absorb and dry for two to three days.

As a result, all your sheets should lie tightly - a little denser than you need at first glance. This is the only way to avoid the presence of cracks and subsequent freezing of the roof.

And one more thing: ordinary mineral wool boards are not very suitable for insulating roof slopes, because. they do not hold well between the rafters, but the pediments can be insulated with them.

Glass wool insulation

To insulate the roof slopes, get the best glass wool from well-known manufacturers. Such glass wool practically does not contain dangerous glass dust, which most of all annoys workers. Also, after styling, it does not allocate harmful substances, which is even confirmed by the Finnish Institute of Health. After all, it is one thing to throw this “thorn” on the floor of an unused attic, and another thing to cover it with clapboard in a billiard room or personal account on the attic floor.

Combined insulation

If desired and expedient, it is possible to insulate the roof from the inside with two different types heaters at the same time. But one must take into account important point- vapor permeability. The fact is that when choosing different heaters for an effective combination, we usually only summarize their heat-insulating properties. But their steam capacity is completely different!

And, if, for example, you put mineral wool down during insulation, and then foam plastic on top, then the water vapor that got into the cotton wool will begin to tend to the colder part of the roof and bury itself in an absolutely non-breathable foam plastic. As a result, all the insulation will simply suffocate and “please” with mold. But on the contrary, it is possible: first we put polystyrene on the bottom of the rafters, and on it already - mineral wool. If some steam passes through the vapor barrier and the gaps between the foam plates, it will easily overcome the mineral wool and enter the ventilation duct. Therefore, there is such a rule: the top layer of insulation should always have high vapor permeability and thermal conductivity.

And finally, if the warm roof is to be used as a sauna or an additional bathroom, insulation and roofing cake it needs to be thought through very carefully.

The roof is the most critical building structure after the foundations. The temperature and humidity conditions in the house, the safety of load-bearing structures and the comfort of living depend on the quality of its installation. It is important not only to choose the right roofing material, but also to insulate the roof from the inside with your own hands or with the help of professionals.

Why is insulation necessary?

Measures to protect against the cold are necessary, both in the construction of a wooden and stone building. Most often with private low-rise construction choose pitched roofs. The supporting structures of such a roof are in most cases made of wood, but it is possible to use metal trusses.

Schematic diagram of roof insulation

When choosing a wooden material, insulation is especially important, because it not only provides a comfortable stay, but also protects structures from condensation. The damage caused to structures by moisture can be as follows:

  • the appearance of mold and fungus on the surface of the wooden frame;
  • the appearance of corrosion when using metal;
  • increase in humidity in the house.

Roof insulation options

Depending on the type of roof, insulation is carried out using different technologies. Options constructive solution there are two roofs:

  • pitched;
  • flat.

In the first case, the roof is insulated from the inside. The insulation is fixed between the rafters, while the roofing can be from:

  • corrugated board;
  • metal tiles;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • flexible tiles;
  • roofing steel sheets.

In the second case, insulation can be carried out both from above and from below. With this design option, it is not entirely correct to carry out work from the inside from the point of view of heat engineering. Most often used as load-bearing structures reinforced concrete slabs or monolith, the insulation is laid on top of them. For coating, welded materials are used.

For an individual house, it is better to use pitched roofs, they will allow you to equip the attic and will not create problems with the drain.

Materials for insulation

The scheme of thermal insulation of the roof from the inside with foam

For a roof made of corrugated board and other materials listed above, it is best to use the following types of insulation:

  • mineral wool;
  • Styrofoam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam.

For a wooden house, it is necessary to take into account the resistance of the material to fire, so it is better to use non-combustible mineral wool or extruded polystyrene foam. More information about mineral wool insulation can be found in the article “Insulation of the roof from the inside with mineral wool”.

The advantages of polystyrene include:

  • low cost;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • light weight.

When used under a roof made of corrugated board or other materials, it is important to remember that the foam has low strength and is unstable to the simultaneous effects of water and low temperatures. When choosing this material, it is important to properly protect the material from exposure to steam and moisture.

The scheme of thermal insulation of the roof from the inside with polyurethane foam

Extruded polystyrene foam (penoplex) is deprived of the disadvantages of polystyrene. When used in the house, it provides reliable protection from the cold, is not afraid of moisture, has a fairly high strength. Roof insulation from the inside with such a heater does not require special skills. The disadvantage of penoplex is often its relatively high cost.

The fourth option for insulating the roof of a house is not as popular as the previous ones, but it has a lot of advantages.

  • polyurethane foam is sold in cylinders, which greatly simplifies its use;
  • excellent adhesion to the surface;
  • filling all cracks and irregularities;
  • good thermal insulation.


The quality of the thermal insulation of the house depends not only on the competent choice of insulation, but also on its correct installation. When insulating a roof from corrugated board or other materials, the following order of layers is observed from bottom to top:

  • ceiling sheathing, for example, drywall;
  • crate along the bottom of the rafters;
  • vapor barrier;
  • rafter legs;
  • insulation between the rafters;
  • waterproofing and wind protection;
  • counter-lattice to ensure sufficient ventilation gap (if necessary);
  • crate under the roof of corrugated board or metal tiles (moisture-resistant plywood is additionally laid under the roof of flexible tiles);
  • roofing from corrugated board or other materials.

When insulating the roof of a house, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  • mineral wool requires a mandatory ventilated layer 5 cm thick;
  • the pitch of the rafters is selected depending on the width of the insulation to facilitate the installation process;
  • when working with mineral wool or polyurethane foam, overalls and personal protective equipment are required;
  • vapor barrier is always located on the side of warm air, and waterproofing on the side of cold air;
  • the height of the rafter leg must be equal to or greater than the thickness of the insulation.

Installation of the truss system is one of the steps for competent roof insulation

For proper insulation of the house, work is carried out in the following order:

  • installation of the truss system;
  • fixing waterproofing;
  • installation of the upper crate;
  • warming;
  • vapor barrier;
  • bottom crate.
  1. Mineral wool is held between the rafters by friction. In this case, the width of the insulation is taken 2 cm more than the pitch of the rafters.
  2. Polyurethane foam adheres to the surface by penetrating into the smallest bumps and crevices. Before starting work, to improve adhesion, it is recommended to moisten the surface with water from a spray bottle.
  3. Styrofoam and extruded polystyrene foam during operation are kept on the roof of the house due to the lower crate, and during installation, you can use anchors, umbrella nails, tile mastic or liquid nails.

Proper insulation of the truss system will ensure compliance with the temperature and humidity conditions in the attic or attic, protect structures from damage and reduce financial costs for heating the entire building.

Heated air always rises, and most of the heat loss occurs through the roof or attic floor. That is why it is important to pay increased attention to the insulation of roofing work.

Experienced builders know that it is better to think about all the technological issues related to the construction of the roof at the stage of creating a project for a private wooden house. Exact plan construction works allows you to qualitatively and quickly insulate the external insulation of the slope, if required. In real conditions, it is more often necessary to carry out roof insulation from the inside with your own hands after the installation of the roof is completed. In this article we will talk about the internal thermal insulation of slopes, how much it costs, and how it is done.

Internal thermal insulation is called the process of a house from the side of the attic using materials that have low thermal conductivity. This measure for optimizing the temperature regime of a wooden private house is used only if roofing work has already been completed, since it is impossible to cover the slopes with insulation without dismantling the roofing. Internal way installation of thermal insulation materials has the following features:

  1. The minimum thickness of the insulation layer, which allows you to stop heat loss through the slope, is 150 mm. Therefore, roof insulation from the inside reduces the useful area of ​​​​the under-roof space, which is considered a disadvantage when equipping residential attics of a private wooden house.
  2. Insulation with internal thermal insulation of the roof is located directly under the wall lining material, so more vapors saturated with moisture penetrate into it, despite the vapor barrier layer. For this reason, the material gets wet, losing its thermal insulation properties, and then crumples and settles.
  3. Insulation of the roof from the inside is considered a less convenient way, since when installing a plate of thermal insulation material, you have to hold it over your head. The difficulty of the work significantly increases the prices for internal insulation of the roof of a private wooden house.
  4. The internal thermal insulation of the slopes allows the use of only the safest materials that do not harm human health during installation and operation. Considering how much eco-friendly and hypoallergenic insulation costs, external thermal insulation would cost 1.5-2 times cheaper.

Note! Thermal insulation materials for insulating the roof of a private wooden house are used in combination with waterproofing and vapor barrier membranes or films. Since without protection against the penetration of moisture or steam, they quickly become damp, which increases thermal conductivity, and the efficiency of insulation sharply decreases. Attic heated roofs, in which these processes are more intense, professional builders recommend forced ventilation.


The modern construction market has hundreds of various kinds heaters, the cost and performance characteristics are significantly different. Vapor-permeable, moisture-resistant and non-combustible materials with low thermal conductivity are suitable for thermal insulation equipment for the roof of a private house made of wood. The most commonly used types of insulation are:

  • Mineral wool. A fibrous material produced in the form of rolls, mats or slabs, the composition of which is based on strands of glass, gabbro-basalt or slag. Low cost, fire resistance, efficiency and ease of installation make these heaters the most convenient for do-it-yourself work. The only drawback is that small particles that get on the skin, in the respiratory tract, on the mucous membranes cause severe irritation. Therefore, the installation is carried out in full gear - with goggles, gloves, a respirator and a robe.

  • Styrofoam. Insulation based on expanded polystyrene is known to most under the name polystyrene. It is often used for internal insulation of slopes, thanks to light weight, high degree of protection against vaga and low thermal conductivity. Styrofoam is called foamed polystyrene foam, in which air occupies more than 95%. Thermal insulation materials based on expanded polystyrene are easy to install, they are easy to cut and fasten, however, they almost do not let steam through, which, with internal insulation, causes dampness in the room. This negative effect of the use of polystyrene can be reduced by using the equipment of a forced ventilation system.

  • Polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam is produced in the form of panels or a liquid mixture, which is foamed using a special installation that supplies carbon dioxide, and in this form is applied to the inner surface of the slope. This type of insulation is often used for thermal insulation of the roof, however, it has a significant drawback - complete vapor tightness. This property excludes the possibility of using this material for the insulation of wooden houses. In addition, due to the use of an expensive installation, do-it-yourself installation of polyurethane foam is rarely performed.

Important! Use inside a dwelling tightens the safety requirements for the insulation for the health of the inhabitants of the house. Among the tested safe materials is ecowool. It consists of cellulose or flax fiber with the addition of antiseptics and flame retardants. Ecowool has thermal insulation and noise reduction characteristics, corresponding to the level of mineral wool.

Mounting methods

Installation of thermal insulation material from the inside is more difficult and longer than from the outside during roofing. However, if the roof is already ready, then homeowners have no other choice. To insulate the slope, you will need a heater, a vapor barrier membrane, a construction stapler, a sharp knife, a marker, wooden slats, a screwdriver and self-tapping screws. There are two ways of internal thermal insulation:

Important! If the slope of the roof slopes is 25 degrees or less, there may be problems with laying insulation between the rafters, since the plates under their own weight will simply fall out of the opening. To keep the material on the slope, it is fixed with slats or fishing line stretched perpendicular to the rafters in several rows.

Video instruction

It is necessary to insulate the roof of the house only when it is planned to make the attic premises residential. If the attic is not provided, then it is necessary to insulate not the roof, but the ceiling. The quality of roof insulation has almost no effect on the microclimate in the rooms; this is an extra waste of time and large financial resources.

Currently, the construction industry has mastered the production of a large range of products with excellent performance. Such a wide choice often puts inexperienced developers in a difficult position. They only read manufacturer's brochures, and based on this information, it is difficult to decide concrete choice. All companies describe only the positive aspects of their products and do not talk about the negative ones. The article will give objective comparative characteristics various materials used for roof insulation. This information will allow you to make an informed decision in each specific case.

According to what physical parameters are heaters classified?

Insulation propertyShort description

It is necessary to pay attention to this indicator in the first place. Heat loss occurs in two ways: infrared rays and convection. The lower the body temperature, the less rays it emits. Perceptible loss of energy infrared radiation occur at high temperatures of heating solids. For the roof, such losses can be ignored due to the low temperature. But the coefficient of thermal conductivity is crucial. The parameter is defined in W/m×K. The values ​​of thermal conductivity for different bodies differ by several orders of magnitude. For example, the thermal conductivity of wood is approximately 0.15 W / m × K, and that of foam plastic is 0.015 W / m × K. This means that it saves ten times better thermal energy than a tree.

A very important indicator for all buildings, fire regulations have strict requirements for the safe operation of buildings. All materials are divided into several groups, from non-combustible (NG) to easily flammable (G4). The classification is carried out according to the standards of SNiP 21-01-97 and depends on several parameters: the temperature of the gases, the degree of damage in length and weight, and the duration of self-burning. The category of non-combustible includes mineral wool and expanded clay, and low-quality polystyrene foam belongs to the highly combustible category. The stability class must be indicated on the packaging. It should be noted that the most modern polystyrene foam insulation due to various additives have a reduced flammability class (G2 and G3) and are allowed for limited use in residential construction.

Notional value, used to classify potentially hazardous materials. It is set on the basis of changes in the amount of harmful fumes, is assigned taking into account the values ​​of the concentration dangerous for the human body. The classification is done taking into account the provisions of GOST 12. 1. 007-76 and SanPiN 2. 1. 4. 1074-01. Building materials are subject to strict regulatory control, class III (moderately hazardous) and class IV (low-hazardous) substances are allowed to be used to a limited extent. Mineral wool, expanded clay, glass wool are completely safe. The fourth class includes only some types of foam and liquid insulation, it is recommended to use them carefully.

The thermal conductivity of water is much higher than that of insulating materials. Accordingly, the more water they can absorb, the lower the final heat saving performance. Another disadvantage of high water absorption is that wet materials with prolonged contact with wooden structures cause rot and fungi. As a result, the tree loses its original properties, the rafter system and sheathing have to be repaired prematurely. A particularly unpleasant situation with the truss system, its restoration not only requires a lot of time and money, but can also be carried out in warm and dry weather. And this greatly complicates the repair work. Unfortunately, mineral wool has a high water absorption, in order for it not to get wet, it is necessary to carry out a set of complex and expensive special construction measures. This is its essential shortcoming. Styrofoam-based insulation absorbs the least moisture.

The higher this indicator, the more heat is removed from the insulation, the lower the heat saving values. And according to this indicator, mineral wool is significantly inferior to polystyrene, it is freely blown by the wind. Even pressed mineral wool has this drawback, though in a few lesser degree than roll. To reduce energy losses, mineral wool insulation must be covered from the wind, while the shelter must let steam through. If the steam cannot leave, then condensation processes will begin, the cotton wool will get wet with all the negative consequences. For shelter, modern diffusion membranes are used, they are quite expensive.

The parameter characterizes the resistance of insulation to the effects of various active chemical compounds. Smog is always present in the city air, and it contains various chemical compounds. More stable than all mineral wool heaters, foam at certain concentrations may react negatively to some compounds. But this is possible only in cases of a critical increase in concentration; in practice, these situations happen very rarely.

The truss system of the house is constantly changing its linear dimensions. The reasons may be violations of construction technology and calculation, excessive snow and wind loads, changes in the relative humidity of wooden elements. Heaters must constantly compensate for the dimensions and at the same time not lose their strength. Mineral wool works best in such conditions. Styrofoam materials can compensate for fluctuations up to certain limits, when they are exceeded, the sheets are destroyed.

For roof insulation, this parameter does not matter much. But there is one caveat. Mineral wool in terms of strength takes last place among the heaters used. If the angle of inclination of the slopes is large, then over time it can shrink or sag under its own weight, cracks form, the effectiveness of thermal insulation decreases, and very unpleasant cold bridges appear. If the angle of inclination of the slopes exceeds 20°, then it is recommended to take measures to fix the mineral wool.

As can be seen from the table, there is no ideal roof insulation for all cases, each has its own strengths and weak sides. They must be taken into account before making a final decision.

Performance characteristics of roof insulation

Consider the most used modern materials, it is not worth talking about currently rather exotic loose insulation. Not only are they almost never used, but they are much inferior modern technologies for all indicators. What is the most common roof insulation today?

Prices for mineral wool

Mineral wool has now almost completely replaced glass wool.

What are its advantages over traditional heaters?

  1. Below is the thermal conductivity. Mineral wool has a thermal conductivity of 0.03-0.05 W/m×K, glass wool has a thermal conductivity of 0.41 W/m×K. The higher the density of mineral wool mats, the higher the thermal conductivity. In practice, the difference in thermal conductivity can be neglected, it is leveled due to gaps at the points of contact with the truss system.

  2. Elasticity and manufacturability. These indicators are interconnected, so it makes sense to consider them simultaneously. Glass wool manufacturing technology assumes that the diameter of the fibers will be approximately 15 microns, the diameter of the mineral wool fibers is much smaller and does not exceed 2-8 microns. This explains the difference in terms of manufacturability and elasticity. It is difficult to work with glass wool, thick glass fibers damage the skin and irritate it, you need to use gloves and a respirator. Minvata is much softer, has no such shortcomings. In addition, it is more elastic, after the removal of static loads, it completely restores its factory thickness. Glass wool cannot be completely restored, thick glass fibers break.

  3. The weight. It has a significant effect in the case of a large angle of inclination of a pitched roof. If there is a large slope, then the material may deform under its own weight. According to this performance indicator, mineral wool is ahead of glass wool.

With regard to environmental friendliness, fire resistance, hygroscopicity and chemical resistance, the materials are almost no different from each other. But there is one remark - the cost of mineral wool is much higher than glass wool.

The service life of mineral wool is practically unlimited, but on condition that the material will not be damaged by rodents.

Mineral wool can be rolled and pressed. How do their performance differ?

It has a thickness of 5 cm to 15 cm. The dimensions of the sheets in width are standard 60 cm, the length of each manufacturer may vary. The advantages of such cotton wool are the speed of installation. The sheets are tightly inserted between the rafters, they are kept from falling out by stretched ropes, no additional fixation is required. Cotton wool is easily cut with an ordinary mounting knife.

The material rolls tightly into rolls, after removing the packaging, the factory thickness is restored. It has two advantages: low price and the possibility of insulating truss systems with complex geometry.

Styrofoam prices

Widely used modern insulation material. Density, depending on the characteristics of the manufacturing technology, ranges from 16–30 kg / m3, the higher the density, the greater the load the insulation can withstand.

There are grades of expanded polystyrene that do not support open combustion, they melt, and ignition occurs after a strong increase in temperature. Such expanded polystyrene is allowed to be used for warming flat roofs of multi-storey buildings; there are no restrictions for private houses. For example, paper ignites when heated at +2300°C, wood at +2600°C, and modified polystyrene foam ignites spontaneously at +4900°C.

Expanded polystyrene is very afraid of hard ultraviolet radiation, but this does not matter for roof insulation, the material is located under the roofing. The service life is approximately thirty years. The plates are easy to cut, all roof insulation work can be done without special expensive tools and fixtures.

To reduce the number of gaps, they need to be foamed with construction foam.

Practical advice. Professional builders strongly recommend using high-quality imported foam, it has high elasticity. Domestic materials crack when compressed - the strength of the fixation of the plates decreases, the thermal conductivity increases.

Expanded polystyrene is almost non-hygroscopic; in two days of direct contact with water, it absorbs no more than 2% of the moisture volume. These low values ​​have no visible negative effect on performance.

Thermal conductivity depending on density 0.028–0.034 W/m×K.

polyurethane foam

One of the least flammable plastic insulation, can be used in liquid form. But such insulation of the roof of a private house has more disadvantages than advantages and is not recommended by professional builders. Warming is much more profitable to do with ready-made plates. Up to 99% of the pores are closed, which almost completely eliminates moisture absorption, thermal conductivity, depending on the type of foam, is 0.019–0.028 W / m × K. The service life is at least 20 years, if the manufacturer's recommendations are followed, it withstands frosts down to -160°C.

The material is technologically advanced, the release of harmful chemical compounds into the air does not exceed the norms controlled by state standards. Weight not more than 60 kg/m3, has excellent adhesion to all building materials, which simplifies the process of finishing the interior surfaces of attic spaces. One of the important advantages is that it is little damaged by rodents. For example, mouse styrofoam boards can completely turn to dust within one year.


It is characterized by very low weight (from 10 kg / m3), thermal conductivity in the range of 0.036–0.038 W / m × K. The difference between the material and other types of polymer is a large number of open pores, which increases the vapor permeability to 0.21. Vapor permeability is a positive parameter for roof insulation - excess moisture is removed without problems, and the risks of condensation are minimized. But there are also problems. Condensation not only increases thermal conductivity, but also destroys the insulation when it freezes.

It does not support open fire on its own, the service life is at least 50 years, but subject to several conditions:

  • penoizol must be reliably protected from UV rays;
  • relative humidity should not go beyond the valid tolerance fields.

Only 5 cm thick foam insulation provides the same thermal protection of structures as 7.5 cm thick foam, 12.5 cm mineral wool or 34 cm wood.

The material is easily cut with an ordinary hacksaw, but a lot of small chips are formed in the process. It is necessary to take measures so that it does not get into all the premises of the house.

Liquid heaters

Some polymeric materials can be sprayed onto the roof in a liquid state. This method has no advantages, but only disadvantages. Let's list just a few of them.

These are not all problems, you can add to them an increase in time and cost, big influence human factor, etc.

Modern and fashionable insulation, recycled raw materials are used for manufacturing. More than 80% of the composition is secondary cellulose, the rest is fillers and binders. To insulate the roof, it is recommended to use pressed ecowool, it is easier to work with, in terms of its performance it is much superior to powder. Thermal conductivity in the range of 0.032–0.040 W / m × K, density up to 75 kg / m3, vapor permeability 0.3 mg / m × h × Pa.

A relatively large weight can create difficulties when insulating the roof, additional loads must be taken into account at the design stage of the truss system. To increase the resistance to combustion, a flame retardant is added to the material, inhibition of the development of microorganisms is achieved by adding boric acid. As can be seen from the composition, there is no reason to call such material absolutely environmentally friendly.

A wide choice of heaters by name, unfortunately, does not mean the same wide choice in terms of operational properties. Minor differences in thermal conductivity do not play a noticeable role. They are reduced to nothing during certain deviations from the recommended insulation technology, and such deviations will always be.

Practical tips for choosing insulation for the roof of a private house

Prices for windproof membranes

Windproof membrane

There are some practical tips that will be of real help when planning work to insulate the roof of a private house.

Correctly calculate the estimated cost of work. The costs should include not only the price of the insulation, but also the cost of its delivery. If the work is done independently, then they can be ignored. But if attracted construction companies, the estimated cost of insulation increases significantly. Most of them simply value their services - they are equal to at least half the cost of all materials. But these are the minimum values, there are companies whose cost of services exceeds the cost of purchasing heaters.

Roof wind protection

These are synthetic modern membranes with a rather high cost. In addition to membranes, it is necessary to make a counter-lattice for natural ventilation- add the price of lumber and hardware.

Compare specifications various heaters. At the same time, you should not pay much attention to the thermal conductivity indicators, it does not differ much. Important for the duration of operation is the weight and elasticity of the material. Information should be taken not only from manufacturers' websites about the benefits, look for practical user reviews. Especially those who, for one reason or another, had to deal with repair work roof after insulation.

Soberly assess the complexity of the recommended technologies with your capabilities. The roof is not an element of the structure with which you can experiment. Even minor, at first glance, violations of technology can cause very big problems for the building as a whole.

Before starting work, you need to prepare materials and tools in advance. Do not allow breaks in insulation due to lack of insulation or other materials. After the resumption of work, some previously installed structures will have to be dismantled, and this costs money.

Always try to buy insulation of the right thickness. If, taking into account the climatic zone of residence, the thickness of the insulation should be 15 cm, then it is much more profitable to buy sheets of the same thickness, and not to make three layers 5 cm thick. You can meet assurances that if three layers are laid with offset joints, then cold bridges are eliminated. This is not so, there are no cold bridges where there are no joints at all, that is, in a whole slab. In addition, one slab of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool 15 cm thick costs less than three 5 cm each. And the last. It is much faster to install one layer of insulation than three.

It is not recommended to start warming immediately after the completion of the construction of the roof. We must wait for the first rain and make sure that there are no leaks. It is much more difficult to notice and eliminate the problems that have arisen due to a violation of the tightness of the roof after its insulation and will always cost several times more.

Video - Insulation for the roof of a private house

In the cold northern latitudes, the issue of keeping warm in winter has always been an acute issue. Even many centuries ago, an established technology for roof insulation already existed.

After all, what less heat is lost from housing during heating, the less resources are wasted to maintain it, the more comfortable it is to live in the house.

Years and centuries passed, now there is no need to build a fire inside or heat the stove - central heating greatly simplifies the task.

But roof insulation is still necessary - after all, when heat lingers in the house for as long as possible, less energy is spent on heating, and living in a warm insulated house is much more comfortable.

Not so long ago, the most popular heater was glass wool. Using glass wool is cheaper than using other types of insulation, but it has some significant disadvantages that make people abandon it and insulate the roof with other materials.

For example, cotton wool is not suitable for warming inclined surfaces - it simply rolls down, exposing the very top of the roof, through which heat will seep. In addition, when using cotton wool, you need to think about how to protect it from moisture. However, cotton wool is still used in some homes, mainly because of its low cost.

Most commonly used now Styrofoam and mineral wool (e.g. rockwool). The thing is that they are devoid of the disadvantages of glass wool, but they have a number of additional advantages. - fairly durable material and is able to withstand significant loads, and mineral wool is a wonderful noise insulator. You can read more about roof insulation with mineral wool.

Choosing the perfect thermal insulation

When choosing a material, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

It is of utmost importance insulation thickness. There is no way she can be counted on. For information on how to correctly calculate the thickness, read below.

Correct calculation of the thickness of the insulation

The formula for calculating the layer thickness in meters will look like this:

Layer thickness \u003d Thermal resistance of the layer * Thermal conductivity coefficient of the material (roof thermal insulation snip).

This data is provided by the manufacturer and may vary. Specialists in a hardware store will help you find detailed information on each heater.

Many experts advise, after receiving the final result, to add to it another half of the calculated value. It is worth noting that when using backfill or crushable materials, they should be loosened from time to time so that the current layer thickness is not disturbed and remains stable.

roof insulation technology

Any properly laid roof consists of a certain sequential combination of materials that form the so-called roofing cake or a roofing plan.

Breaking the sequence or skipping one of the "layers of the pie" can lead to sad consequences., so let's take a closer look at the entire roof insulation pie, starting from the bottom and rising to the very top of the roof.

As a roof, you can choose any material you like: corrugated board , ondulin, soft tiles etc. And now consider the standard procedure for warming the attic under a gable roof:

  1. Consider all the layers of roof insulation in more detail. The first layer is the interior trim, behind it is the crate. of great importance for insulation, these layers do not have, so you can skip them.
  2. Behind them is a vapor barrier.. And here it is worth stopping in more detail. does not allow warm (or even hot) air masses to interact with thermal insulation, so that moisture does not remain on the thermal insulation itself - the result of condensation. A vapor barrier must be present in each roof - after all, the insulation should not become damp.
  3. Above is the counter-lattice, on which the insulation itself is laid directly. We have already talked about it and will talk more, so let's pay attention to the top layer - waterproofing.
  4. As the name implies, waterproofing protects the insulation from water coming from above - like rain, snow, or simply moisture condensed on the roof. must also be present in each roof.
  5. Then comes empty space for ventilation and finally the roof itself. Do not forget about the insulation of the roof eaves, the easiest way to do this is with a sprayed one.

Laying rolled vapor barrier

Pitched roof insulation technology

Roofing cake in section

Extremely important observe all the installation standards for each of the layers and the procedure for insulating the roof, otherwise the insulation itself may be damaged, and then it will cease to perform its functions. If you still have questions about roof insulation, then you can find the answers in the article - "".

Flat roof insulation

When insulating a flat roof, you should decide on the purpose of the surface - whether it will be used or not. If so, then an additional concrete screed will need to be made on top of the thermal insulation (for example, if you walk on such a roof, adjust the antenna, for example). If the roof platform is not used, then the screed is not needed. You can read more about it at the link.


The main requirement for flat roof insulation is strength and durability of the material. Indeed, in winter, a significant mass of snow will accumulate on a flat roof, which can deform weak fragile material.

Thermal insulation on a flat roof is of two types - single layer and double layer. As the name implies, two layers of insulation are used in two-layer insulation, respectively, one in single-layer insulation.

Thermal insulation of a pitched roof

In total, there are two types of insulation of a pitched roof - floor insulation(attic) and slope insulation(scheme of insulation of the attic roof).

With attic insulation, the type and strength of the material is not so important - since there is no risk of slope, exposure and deformation of the material.

But with the attic you need to pay attention to material strength, on its ability to keep its shape and not roll.

When insulating floors, the attic should be ventilated, it is desirable to maintain a temperature in it close to the street temperature.

Roof insulation units - overhangs, parapets and roof cornice

When insulating the above elements, in addition to complying with standard requirements (waterproofing, etc.), it is important protection of the joints of the “layers” from moisture ingress during rain or snow. For these purposes, boards, lining, galvanized steel and other similar materials are used. They need to flash the roof from the end, leaving no horizontal gaps into which moisture can seep.

Warming overhangs roofs can be made with using mineral wool or finishing material - lining or corrugated board. By the same principle, the roof parapet is insulated.

Useful video

And now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the technology of roof insulation using a practical example:


So, an important factor when choosing a heater is the type of roof, as well as the type of insulation if the roof is pitched. Choosing a heater it is necessary to correctly calculate its thickness and add a little just in case. It is important to follow the sequence and correct laying of the layers, then your roof will serve you for many years, protecting your home from the cold and helping to keep warm.

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