Okvad repair of local roads. OKVED codes for construction: choose and register correctly. Performance of specialized construction works

  • OKDP - expired on 01.01.2017
    OK 004-93
    , products and services
  • OKPD 2
    OK 034-2014 (CPA 2008)
    All-Russian classifier of products by type of economic activity
  • OKVED - expired on 01.01.2017
    OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1)
    All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity
  • OKVED 2
    OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2)
    All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity
  • OKOF - expired on 01.01.2017
    OK 013-94
  • OKOF
    OK 013-2014 (SNA 2008)
    All-Russian classifier of fixed assets
  • OKTMO — expired on 01.01.2014
    OK 033-2005
    OK 033-2013
    All-Russian classifier of territories of municipalities
    OK 019-95
    All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division
  • OKSO - expired on 01.07.2017
    OK 009-2003
  • OKP - expired on 01.01.2017
    OK 005-93
    All-Russian classifier of products
  • OKSO
    OK 009-2016
    All-Russian classifier of specialties by education
  • OKUN - expired on 01.01.2017
    OK 002-93
    All-Russian classifier of services to the population
    OK 028-2012
    All-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms
  • OKUD
    OK 011-93
    All-Russian classifier of management documentation
  • TN VED
    TN VED
    Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity
  • OKEI
    OK 015-94 (MK 002-97)
    All-Russian classifier of units of measurement
  • OKZ - expired on 01.07.2015
    OK 010-93
  • OKIN - expired on 01.07.2015
    OK 018-95
  • OKIN
    OK 018-2014
    All-Russian classifier of information about the population
  • OKZ
    OK 010-2014 (ISCO-08)
    All-Russian classifier of occupations
    OK 006-2011
    All-Russian classifier of public authorities and administration
  • OKSM
    OK (MK (ISO 3166) 004-97) 025-2001
    All-Russian classifier of countries of the world
  • OKFS
    OK 027-99
    All-Russian classifier of forms of ownership
  • OKW
    OK (MK (ISO 4217) 003-97) 014-2000
    All-Russian classifier of currencies
  • OKNPO - expired on 01.07.2017
    OK 023-95
    All-Russian classifier of primary vocational education
  • OK OK
    OK 026-2002
    All-Russian classifier of information about all-Russian classifiers
  • KIES
    Classifier of institutional units by sectors of the economy
    OK 031-2002
    All-Russian classifier of types of cargo, packaging and packaging materials
    OK 032-2002
    All-Russian classifier of minerals and groundwater
  • OKONH - expired on 01.01.2003
    OK 1 75 018
    All-Union classifier of branches of the national economy

OKVED 2 F - Construction

general construction and special construction activities in terms of buildings and structures
It includes the construction of new facilities, reconstruction, major repairs, current repairs and additional works, installation of finished buildings or structures on the construction site, including the construction of temporary structures
. construction of housing, office buildings, warehouses and other public buildings, farm buildings, etc. or the construction of structures such as roads and streets, artificial structures on them, road service facilities, railways, runways of airfields and spaceports, other water bodies, irrigation systems, water supply and sewerage networks, industrial enterprises, pipelines, lines communications and power transmission, sports facilities, etc.
Construction works can be performed at own expense, for remuneration or on a contractual basis. Some or all of the work may be subcontracted. This section includes works performed by construction companies that are solely responsible for the construction project. This division includes the complete construction of buildings (class 41), the performance of the full scope of building work (class 42), and special construction activities if carried out only as part of a subcontracted building process (class 43). It includes the rental of construction equipment with an operator
. implementation of projects for the construction of buildings or civil facilities using financial, technical and physical resources for their implementation with a view to the subsequent sale of the constructed buildings or facilities
If this activity is carried out for the operation of constructed facilities, then all types of work are related to construction

OKVED (All-Russian classifier of types of economic activity) is used for state registration of individual entrepreneurs (IP) and legal entities.

In 2015, the OKVED reference book OK 029-2001 (NACE rev. 1) with deciphering the codes is used. It was adopted by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated November 06, 2001 No. 454-st. On January 1, 2016, OKVED 2 (version OK 029-2014 (NACE rev. 2)), approved by the order of Rosstandart of January 31, 2014 No. 14-st.

OKVED structure

The reference book consists of 17 sections marked with Latin letters (A-Q) and 16 subsections (CA, CB, DA-DN). They are broken down into smaller classes, subclasses, groups, subgroups, and species, represented as two to six Arabic numerals separated by dots.

The code for grouping types of economic activity has the following structure:

  • XX - class;
  • XX.X - subclass;
  • XX.XX - group;
  • XX.XX.X - subgroup;
  • XX.XX.XX - view.

Selection of OKVED codes

When registering a new organization, the question arises of selecting types of economic activity. It is important to know that all of them are selected strictly according to OKVED codes.

To find the right code, you first need to decide on the scope of the organization (for example, textile production), then find the necessary section or subsection (for example, DB). Further delve into the class, subclass, group, subgroup and type until a specific type of economic activity is determined.

  • The selection of the code does not depend on the form of ownership of the organization: they are identical for IP, LLC, CJSC.
  • The selected code must consist of at least 4 digits, i.e. be the name of a group (XX.XX), subgroup (XX.XX.X) or species (XX.XX.XX).
  • In constituent documents, you can specify an unlimited number of codes (preferably no more than 20 pieces).
  • When registering, one main code (of the core activity of the organization) and additional (non-core occupations or activities in the near future) are indicated.
  • When choosing types of economic activity, it should be remembered that some of them require licensing.
  • At any time, you can make changes to the list of codes (add or remove).


To facilitate the selection of the type of economic activity, a search is organized by name or by code. It is also possible to add positions of interest to those saved for further viewing or printing codes with decryption.

Whatever type of activity an individual entrepreneur or organization is engaged in, everything must be formalized legally. To do this, an application is written to the tax office for registration (IP, LLC, OJSC), it must indicate the code of economic activity (OKVED).

It can be found out from the All-Russian classifier, which lists all the activities of Russian entrepreneurs, and what it is allowed to do in Russia legally. Using the example of one of the codes, let's consider why merchants and organizations need to indicate these numbers in the application and what is the decoding of OKVED.

Why is a classification code needed?

Before starting a business and choosing a field of activity, each person understands what he is capable of and where he can achieve success. By opening the classifier, with all types of economic activity in Russia, you can choose the most appropriate activity. And this code will become a pass to many organizations.

In many state structures, merchants are required to indicate the type of activity in which they are engaged. And for this you need to indicate the code that the tax office assigned. It is also required when opening a current account, because any self-respecting individual entrepreneur must have a bank account.

In addition to reporting for commercial structures, OKVED collects general information about entrepreneurship in Russia. What type of activity do Russian businessmen prefer to do. It allows you to collect statistics, and on the basis of this, determine the tax burden. As a rule, if a business is most in demand in Russia, then the tax rate for it will be higher.

For example, those entrepreneurs who work according to OKVED 42. may have their own tax rate, different from others. By the classifier, you can find out that this activity allows you to build roads and highways.

What is allowed to do

If the entrepreneur chose road construction as his main job (42.), then he can perform the following work:

  • Construction of street networks and road.
  • Restoration and resurfacing of roads.
  • Sidewalk repair and construction.

In addition to the main types of road works, this grouping includes such works as:

  • Covering the main and roadbed.
  • Installation of road barriers.
  • Vertical and horizontal road marking device.
  • Works - commissioning, installation.

For many entrepreneurs, this business is very attractive. The roadbed in the country leaves much to be desired, and constantly requires repair, new coverage. Therefore, you can earn good money in this field. Now it is important to show the quality and then you can become a regular customer of the regional authorities, for the construction and repair of roads and highways. This is now the most profitable activity, which is constantly needed.

After all, roads in the country have always worried the population, and the better the work is done, the more customers the entrepreneur will have.

This page contains information from the OKVED classifier edition 2 (OK 029-2014 NACE), which came into effect on June 28, 2016.
Before this date, when registering firms, (OK 029-2001 (NACE Rev. 1))


This section includes:
- general construction and special construction activities in terms of buildings and structures

It includes the construction of new facilities, reconstruction, major repairs, current repairs and additional works, installation of finished buildings or structures on the construction site, including the construction of temporary structures

General construction includes:
- construction of housing, office buildings, warehouses and other public buildings, farm buildings, etc. or the construction of structures such as roads and streets, artificial structures on them, road service facilities, railways, runways of airfields and spaceports, other water bodies, irrigation systems, water supply and sewerage networks, industrial enterprises, pipelines, lines communications and power transmission, sports facilities, etc.

Construction works can be performed at own expense, for remuneration or on a contractual basis. Some or all of the work may be subcontracted. This section includes works performed by construction companies that are solely responsible for the construction project. This division includes the complete construction of buildings (class 41), the performance of the full scope of building work (class 42), and special construction activities if carried out only as part of a subcontracted building process (class 43). It includes the rental of construction equipment with an operator

This section also includes:
- implementation of projects for the construction of buildings or civil facilities using financial, technical and physical resources for their implementation with a view to the subsequent sale of the constructed buildings or facilities

The construction industry is one of the key sectors for the development of the state in all areas. The construction of buildings for the residential sector and the industrial sector, the arrangement of road communications and highways for transporting all kinds of goods, power lines, boiler houses, airfields and seaports - all this belongs to this area. Enterprises providing such services may work both under contract and on their own, and in some cases, partial or full subcontracting is used. Naturally, the income received from this activity is taxed, and part of it is deducted to the state treasury. And in order for this process to have a clear structure, the Federal Tax Service uses a classifier in which all codes are written that reveal the essence of the work being done. The OKVED construction section has all the necessary information for opening a new company or specifying additional profiles for an existing one.

If you are planning to start your own business in this area, you should remember the mandatory registration of a business entity and the indication of codes in a special form. For legal entities, this is form No. P11001, and for individual entrepreneurs - No. P21001. If you already have an organization or individual entrepreneur on your balance sheet and you need to register changes in terms of OKVED codes, forms No. P23001 and 24001 are applied, respectively.

About section

It is worth noting that in the new OKVED for 2016, construction is represented by a whole section that corresponds to the letter “F”. It contains 3 main classes and dozens of subclasses to clarify areas and industries. However, when filling out, it is enough just to indicate the main class, which is a kind of grouping and already contains all the information necessary for tax purposes. Now let's talk in more detail about each of the classes.

OKVED 41 - Class , responsible for the general concept of the construction of buildings for various purposes. This includes:

  • Residential and non-residential buildings.
  • Administrative buildings.
  • Auxiliary buildings.
  • Agricultural buildings.
  • Warehouses, shopping malls, offices, etc.

In other words, the class describes the production of general construction works in OKVED 2016. If your company plans to engage in this particular area and does not have a clear profile, then when filling out registration documents, you should indicate one of the subclasses with the initial number 41. This includes the development of projects with the search for material, technical and technological base and directly the construction itself with all the consequences.

It is also worth noting that there is some separation in the form of organization and payment. A construction company can carry out all work at the expense of the authorized capital or for a fee from the customer. The third option is the execution of partial or full subcontracting.

OKVED 42- a class responsible for the construction of engineering structures and structures. This vast area includes the widest type of structures - bridges, port buildings, underground highways, pipelines of various modifications and directions, railway tracks and subway lines, power lines, transformer boxes, runways and much more. Thus, the activity described in this class extends to almost any area: from the organization of water supply to residential buildings to the provision of the country's military needs in the field of new air bases, etc. However, there are a number of exceptions. For example, this list does not include outdoor sports facilities - stadiums, playgrounds and other specialized facilities. Naturally, OKVED construction of residential and non-residential buildings also go on a separate list.

OKVED- a class describing construction work that does not fall under a specific specialization. In other words, this includes the codes of the All-Russian Classifier of Economic Activities that describe specific construction services:

  • Organization of the roof and roof.
  • Foundation creation.
  • Land works.
  • Installation of metal structures (in the event that these structures were produced by another company).
  • Conducting research drilling, etc.

According to this class of OKVED, construction and installation works are almost completely included in the section. However, the rental of specialized equipment, installations and units without the accompaniment of a driver or driver cannot be included here. Thus, if you have at your disposal a team involved in finishing, internal repair, excavation, installation and other types of work, it is the class that contains all the necessary codes in this area. And you will need to indicate them in the registration documents in the relevant authorities.

Some subtleties

It is worth remembering that in 2014 a new edition of the All-Russian Classification of Economic Activities was developed, and in 2016 it was fully adopted and entered into force, in which all codes were changed, and they are the main information in force on the territory of the Russian Federation. Thus, the indication of codes from the old version of OKVED is a violation and may result in refusal of registration. Therefore, when filling out the relevant documents, use information exclusively from OKVED-2 section "F".

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