The composition of the roofing cake. Roofing cake for soft roofing. Roofing pie waterproofing device

  • How long the roof will last, and whether it will be comfortable in the house, largely depends on how the roofing pie is arranged under the soft roof. In this layered cake design, each layer is responsible for a specific function. For example, an increase in moisture resistance provides a waterproofing layer. Moreover, the number of components may differ according to the design features of the roof. The layers of the cake are laid in a clear sequence, and any violation can lead to a decrease in consumer qualities.

    Bituminous materials used in the process of building a roof are characterized by low thermal conductivity. However, this is not enough to fully insulate the house: convection currents of warm air, rising up under the roof, take most of it outside with them. Actually for this reason, this type of roof is no exception, and it also needs to be insulated.

    The essence of the roofing pie is to protect residents from the effects of atmospheric manifestations and create favorable living conditions.

    Variants of roof structures for soft tiles

    The class of soft roofs is formed from elastic materials with excellent waterproof characteristics: shingles of bituminous tiles, mastics, rolled materials, membranes. They can be used for arranging roofs of any shape.

    On a note

    Not so long ago, these materials served only to protect against moisture, but today it is an excellent decorative coating. This is a merit of a refined outer surface and innovative mounting methods that allow you to fix the super-thin material on almost any substrate.

    • Roofing made of piece material - flexible tiles, has high sound-absorbing properties and perfectly resists atmospheric influences. It is sealed and easy to install.
    • Mastic (bulk) is a waterproofing carpet with many layers, which are made of various types of mastics and emulsions.
    • Membrane (roll) coating is elastic, wear-resistant and successfully resists temperature changes, does not fade. Among the advantages of this roof, it should also be noted its aesthetic appearance, increased waterproofing properties.

    Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, so they are chosen taking into account expediency and, of course, common sense. For example,

    • A flat roof is equipped using either roll coatings or mastic.
    • Bituminous tiles look great on large roofs that have a view from any side.

    A standard roofing pie for a soft roof contains such mandatory components as:

    • Vapor barrier. This layer of the cake "stands" in the way of vapors that penetrate the roof from the living quarters and condense on its various elements, including the layers of the roofing cake.
    • Waterproofing. Prevents atmospheric precipitation (whether melted snow or rainwater) from penetrating under the roof and premises for various purposes.
    • Thermal insulation. This layer is necessary to prevent heat loss, does not allow noise and sounds from the outside, as well as wind and cold, to penetrate inside.
    • A decorative coating that simultaneously functions as a windscreen.

    The list of layers of the roof pie presented above can be finalized in order to bring the roof structure as close as possible to the ideal. The scheme is formed taking into account several significant factors:

    • purpose of the building: residential or change house,
    • a permanent building or a temporary building, which determines the need for a heat-insulating layer,
    • the shape of the slopes and the slope, for example,
    • Flat roof roll decking allows only three layers to be installed when installing a roofing pie.

    • Waterproofing on a soft pitched roof functions as an additional moisture barrier.

    On a note

    For comparison, we note that increased requirements are imposed on the waterproofing layer in the composition of the pie under the metal tile.

    For roofs with a slope of up to 18º, the moisture-proof layer covers the slopes completely, with greater curvature it is partially laid, placing the strips of the hydrobarrier along the overhangs of the cornices, along the valley and ridge, at the junction areas, around the outlets of the chimney pipes.

    • what base is chosen for the roof pie and for flexible tiles,
    • the intended type of attic, that is, whether it will be insulated or cold,
    • climate features,
    • layer compatibility.

    A well-made roofing pie for a soft roof must necessarily meet the entire range of the conditions listed above.

    Roofing pie schemes

    There are no characteristic differences in the components of the pie for a soft roof from different coatings, rolled or pieced. The sequence for assembling a multi-layer cake structure is generally similar:

    • vapor barrier layer
    • thermal insulation,
    • hydro-barrier, which simultaneously performs the role of a decorative outer coating and wind protection.

    Actually the specifics of the process of the device is manifested during installation. For example, under a roofing pie for soft tiles, the crate should be solid, and in addition to it, counter beams are needed. If the coating material is rolled, then the layers are laid directly on any possible base without any auxiliary elements. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the features of the installation process.

    Roll coating

    As a rule, materials of this type (bitumen-polymer or membranes) are used for arranging roofs with a slight slope, of the order of 1–12 degrees, on a base made of reinforced concrete floor slabs or galvanized profiled sheet.

    vapor barrier

    • For concrete foundations, bitumen or bitumen-polymer vapor barrier is used.
    • At an angle of inclination of the roof of more than 6º, the bituminous vapor barrier is welded, for smaller slopes the material is laid freely without welding or gluing.
    • If the base is made of corrugated board, a polyethylene vapor barrier, reinforced or unreinforced, is freely laid along its corrugations. For slopes with a slope of more than 6º, it is recommended to glue the vapor barrier.
    • Roll covering can also be laid on a prefabricated screed. Any type of vapor barrier can be laid on plywood sheets (OSB boards), however, polyester-based bitumen-polymer vapor barrier is still considered the best.

    In principle, polyethylene can also be laid on a concrete base, but then it will also be necessary to lay glassine as a separating layer.

    The stacked layer of vapor barrier resembles a kind of pallet that goes vertically onto the parapets and adjacent walls. The height of the sides should be equal to the thickness of the heat-insulating layer of the soft roof plus from 30 to 50 mm. Similar bumpers are also needed around roof outlets, say, chimneys or other communications.

    In any case, the vapor barrier layer in the roof pie after connection must be a continuous sheet. According to the building regulations, bitumen-containing materials are overlapped along the perimeter of the strips, end and sides (150 mm and 80-100 mm, respectively) and welded using a gas burner. As for polyethylene, its strips are connected with adhesive tape.

    Thermal insulation device

    Although any heat-insulating materials are suitable for warming a soft roof with a roll coating, mineral wool or polystyrene boards are still preferred. On a cement or concrete base, the insulation is laid in one layer, on a profiled sheet - in two. Moreover, the joints of the elements of the upper and lower rows should not coincide.

    In a single-layer insulation, the plates have a rigidity of 40 thousand Pa with a compressibility of 10%. In a two-tier thermal insulation system, the slabs in the tiers can have different rigidity. For example, the strength indicators for the lower and upper rows can be respectively equal to 30 and 60 thousand Pa.

    On a note

    The hard type of insulation in the soft roof pie was not chosen by chance, because at the same time there is no need for a device above the screed insulation layer, in contrast to backfill thermal insulation.

    The insulation device in the roll roofing pie is performed following a number of rules:

    • The insulation is fixed separately from the coating laid on top;
    • If a mechanical fastening option is chosen, then each heat-insulating plate is fixed with two fasteners. When using a profiled sheet as a base, the insulation is fixed on steel self-tapping screws equipped with a plastic sleeve. With a ramp slope of 10º, such bushings are not needed;
    • On the concrete base, the thermal insulation is fixed on self-tapping screws;
    • For gluing mineral wool boards, bitumen-polymer mastic is used. It should be noted that this method only works if the adhesive is applied to at least a third of the area of ​​the entire plate;

    • They must be mounted apart, then the weak areas will be distributed evenly. Plates in the second tier are shifted relative to those laid in the first row relative to the sides and ends by at least 20 cm;
    • If the seams on the insulation layer exceed 5 mm, then they are filled with insulation;
    • Thermal insulation of a membrane roof has some features. If no action is taken, the plasticizer will gradually migrate into the polystyrene thermal insulation layer, and this will lead to a decrease or even loss of the membrane's consumer characteristics much earlier than the manufacturer guarantees. Therefore, a separating layer is needed between these layers. Fiberglass or geotextiles are most suitable for this;

    A similar intermediate layer will be needed when constructing an exploitable flat roof, when the polymer material is laid on a bituminous vapor barrier.

    • The installation of thermal insulation boards on profiled sheets is usually carried out on a prefabricated screed. However, when the thickness of the insulation is twice the pitch of the corrugations, the insulation can be laid directly on the polyethylene film.

    On the roof there are areas of increased load: junctions, overhangs, penetrations and others. In these areas, an additional hydro-barrier is required in the form of roofing strips or a special self-adhesive waterproofing material.

    The device of the pie is completed by laying the rolled material. They fix it different ways: welding or gluing or mounting on self-tapping screws.

    One of the options for mounting the pie

    • The base is cleaned of dirt and debris, remnants of the old roof. Sometimes, if necessary, the base is additionally washed, then dried.
    • Lay the prefabricated screed. To ensure ventilation, gaps of 3 mm are left between its elements from plywood sheets or OSB boards, and from scraps of boards - a little more, up to 5 mm.
    • The vapor barrier is fixed to the surface of the walls on trihedral wooden slats, which are pre-treated with an antiseptic.
    • A lining carpet is laid and fastened along the perimeter to fillets to cover the joints.
    • The initial layer of the coating is laid, then an additional hydro-barrier, then the second layer of flooring is applied.

    Roof pie under a soft tile

    Cold loft option

    Laying a roof pie for an uninsulated attic is incredibly simple.

    The simplest scheme is as follows.

    • A counter-beam (section 5 * 5 cm) is nailed across each rafter onto two ruffled nails. The distance between the counter beams is determined by the pitch of the rafters. For the standard step of the rafters, 70-90 cm are taken, counter-bars for this case are nailed every 30 cm;
    • A continuous crate is stuffed onto the finished frame of counterbars. Installation is carried out apart so that cruciform connections do not form. In this case, the elements of the crate should rest with their edges on the counter-bars.

    • The roofing cake for soft tiles in the construction of a cold attic does not have a heat-insulating component, so the next step is to lay self-adhesive waterproofing. The method of flooring depends on the steepness of the slopes. With a slope of 18º or more, the hydraulic barrier should cover only areas of increased load, say, valleys or junctions. On less steep slopes, the roof is completely insulated.
    • Soft tiles are laid on the waterproofing layer.

    For a continuous crate built from boards, a counter-crate is not needed at all. The boards are attached directly to the rafters, keeping a 3 mm gap between them.

    Warm roof device

    It is more difficult to make a roof pie under soft tiles with insulation. In addition to thermal insulation, you will also need to install vapor barrier. This layer will protect the insulation and the wooden frame of the roof from condensing moisture. This is very important, given that the moisture accumulated under the roof drastically reduces the insulation characteristics of the insulation and eventually leads to decay of the wooden frame elements. In addition, ventilation is also necessary, which in turn also helps to remove condensate from the under-roof space.


A modern roofing cake should retain heat in the winter, and also contribute to its flow in the summer. Water vapor from the room must not penetrate inside the roof structure. An important function of the pie is the removal of water vapor from the room, which sometimes seep into.

The composition of the roofing cake should include several layers. In this case, the sequence of elements is as follows:

  • interior decoration;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • thermal insulation material;
  • moisture insulation;
  • gaps for ventilation;
  • surface anti-icing system;
  • roofing material.

Roofing pie device: vapor barrier insulation

The vapor barrier layer prevents water vapor from entering the thermal insulation layers from the room. When constructing a roofing pie, this layer is first of all arranged. Usually the layers are counted from inside the room. The vapor barrier film is laid by overlapping. Then, it is fastened with a special connecting tape. This tape ensures the tightness of the vapor barrier layer.

Modified materials will include a layer of aluminum foil. With its help, the fire resistance and thermal insulation characteristics of the roofing cake are increased. But do not forget that there must be an air gap between the film and the insulation layer. Note that due to its thickness of 2 cm, installation work will become more complicated, and the design will require significant financial costs.

Roofing pie device: thermal insulation layer

An important quality of roof insulation is vapor permeability. In other words, the material must freely pass water vapor. Those, in turn, penetrate the vapor barrier. As a rule, such characteristics are inherent in mineral wool materials. It is very important that mineral wool boards do not deform over time. The type of construction affects the insulation. So, it is possible to insulate the ceiling of the upper floor or the fencing of the structure (roof).

Note that the insulation does not have heating properties. It simply contributes to the retention of air in its fibers. This layer acts as thermal insulation.

When moisture gets on the thermal insulation layer, the material immediately loses its properties. This is due to the fact that he is forced to retain water in himself. And if we take into account that the coefficient of thermal conductivity of water is 20 times higher than the thermal conductivity of air, then thermal insulation becomes unusable.

Tip: A roof pie should always have dry insulation.

Thanks to moisture impregnations for mineral and fiberglass boards, water and vapor barriers are protected. But do not forget that any thermal insulation is capable, one way or another, to absorb water. Extruded polystyrene foam - resists diffusion and capillary water absorption. However, its cost can scare away thrifty buyers. The material is more expensive than mineral wool and fiberglass.

The technology of laying roofing insulation involves installation work. Moreover, they should be carried out after reducing the moisture content of the wood to at least 18%. If this is not taken into account, then moisture from the tree will penetrate into the insulation. This is fraught with big troubles, because the waterproofing layer does not allow moisture to leave the roofing pie.

Ventilation and anti-icing device

The advantage of a ventilated roof is the separation of insulation and roofing material.

In the roofing pie ventilation device, certain steps must be followed:

  1. When using a corrugated sheet, it is very convenient to equip the ventilation holes and the ridge fan. You can even cover a wavy sheet with a flat ridge.
  2. Passive ventilation is not the last element. Today you can find equipment that provides forced circulation of air flows in the under-roof space.
  3. Cornice boxes and ventilation outlets are arranged next to the ridge. Note that any set of materials for a soft roof has a ventilated ridge.
  4. The lower eaves must have special holes. These roof elements are protected from the penetration of small birds or insects. Next, the installation of ventilated skates.
  5. In the absence of the aforementioned possibility, ventilated gaps above and below are associated with the atmosphere. For this, special roof fans are used.

Roof icing is a serious problem for any owner of a country house. Therefore, very often the installation of a roofing cake includes anti-icing systems. These are a kind of heating cables, temperature sensors and other equipment.

Stages of installation work of the system:

Roofing pie waterproofing device

Waterproofing material completely depends on the type of roofing material of a country house. During precipitation, moisture often penetrates into the attic. When using the attic as a non-residential premises with ventilation of the space under the roof, the moisture will evaporate very quickly.

But there is always a risk of damage to the wooden elements of the roof structure. It is worth noting that even if you carefully arrange the vapor barrier, elements of water vapor will still penetrate the insulation. Under these conditions, it is advisable to use a waterproofing layer that absorbs or transmits water vapor. When installing a waterproofing film, you need to know exactly the sides of the material. One of its sides should be directed to the insulation, the other - to the roofing material. Otherwise, the roofing cake will be executed with errors.

  • A lot has been said about the importance of such a structural element of a building as a roof. Here are the features of the architectural appearance, and protection from atmospheric influences, and the durability of the house. Modern approaches to the arrangement of the attic space allow you to make the most of its volume. This makes it possible to save money, but it requires, one might say, a scrupulous approach, since the design of a residential attic involves the inclusion of thermal insulation, protective films, etc.

    The roof section has a layered structure. This is the so-called roofing cake, each layer in which performs a specific function, but it is very important that they are placed in the correct order. Any mistake made during their installation can adversely affect the performance of the roof and its durability.

    The correct scheme of the roofing pie

    The roof pie is a multi-layer structure, which includes such components as:

    • interior decoration of the under-roof space;
    • air ventilation gap;
    • vapor barrier film;
    • insulation;
    • waterproofing;
    • crate;
    • roofing material.

    It also includes gutters, an anti-icing system, fences, snow retainers and decorative roof elements. That is, we can say that the roofing pie is nothing more than the entire roof structure, with the exception of the truss system.

    The presence of all these components is optional, the structure of the pie may vary depending on the type of roof, on the roofing used.

    For example, a flat roof pie does not include snow retainers and decorative elements; for attic rooms for technical purposes, there is no need for vapor and thermal insulation of the roof.

    The device of a roofing pie for metal tiles, corrugated board, for soft roofs or other materials also has some differences.

    • A roofing cake for a soft roof made of bituminous tiles may not have a waterproofing layer, since the bitumen itself ensures the waterproofing of the coating. Only joints, corners and cornices need waterproofing. In this case, the film must pass directly under the roofing material.

    • For soft rolls - a special waterproofing lining made of polypropylene is required.
    • For roofs made of metal tiles or profiled sheets, sound insulation is additionally required, otherwise the noise from the rain will create discomfort in the room.

    On a note

    As you can see, some layers in the roofing cake may be absent, and some, on the contrary, are “dictated” by the features of a particular structure.

    Basic layers

    Vapor barrier layer

    This layer protects the thermal insulation from the penetration of water vapor, condensing into the under-roof space from the living quarters. It is with him that the arrangement of the pie begins.

    The vapor barrier film is laid along the rafter legs on the inside of the room with an overlap of at least 10 cm. It is attached to the supporting elements using stapler brackets or galvanized nails with a flat head. To ensure the tightness of the vapor barrier, the joints are connected with a connecting tape or carefully glued with adhesive tape.

    roofing pie under a metal tile with an insulated roof and not insulated

    thermal insulation

    If planned for residential premises, then they should be as warm and comfortable as in the rooms of the main floor. But let's not forget that the ceiling here is the same roof through which heat escapes to the street. Hence the task of especially high-quality insulation of the under-roof space arises. Its effective solution lies in the right choice of material for thermal insulation and the technology for performing work.

    To begin with, let's decide what are the criteria that the roofing pie insulation must meet. The requirements for thermal insulation are as follows:

    • low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
    • environmental Safety;
    • combustibility;
    • volume weight;
    • soundproof properties;
    • vapor permeability;
    • shape stability.

    The insulation has no heating properties at all, it simply traps air in the fibers and thus retains heat.


    Moisture is the first enemy of the thermal insulation layer. Water, once in the insulation, lingers there, and the material loses its effectiveness. This is due to the large difference in the ability to conduct heat of water and air: for water it is two dozen times higher than for air.

    The thickness of the heat-insulating layer depends on the climatic conditions of the area: for areas with mild winters, a layer of 15 cm is laid, for frosty - from 20 cm.

    The range of thermal insulation materials is quite large. We note the most common:

    • often used mineral wool boards. has low thermal conductivity, it does not burn, has a dense structure. However, it is not recommended to use them in a metal roofing pie: copper, metal tile or others, since the condensate that appears on the back of the roof can penetrate the insulation, and it will lose its qualities.
    • Fiberglass- an environmentally friendly material that is larger than a flat roof. The reason is in its unstable mechanical structure, which does not allow it to stay on the pitched roof - sooner or later it will slide down.

    Mineral wool, like fiberglass, can be used on roof sections of complex construction. Plates can be easily placed in any space, completely filling the niche between the rafters, thus preventing the occurrence of cold bridges.

    • primarily due to its budgetary cost. Plus, it's moisture resistant. However, one cannot ignore such facts as its flammability and the presence of toxic emissions during the combustion process.
    • Styrofoam is different small weight. It retains heat well, is moisture resistant, like polystyrene, but unlike it, it is non-toxic. The material is vapor-tight, so in summer there is an increase in the level of humidity in the room. The rigid structure of the plates creates certain difficulties in the process of thermal insulation of complex areas.

    When installing roofs with slopes, heat-insulating materials that have a loose structure are more suitable, while hard materials are needed in the insulation layer of a roofing pie for a soft roof.

    Roofing insulation is laid by reducing the moisture content of the wood of the elements of the supporting structure to at least 18%. Otherwise, moisture from it will penetrate into the thermal insulation.


    The natural roofing cake is provided by a special gap formed by the counter-lattice and the crate. In fact, this is an air gasket passing between the insulation layer and the waterproofing. Excess moisture accumulated in the insulation is vented through it. They can form when the humidity rises outside, for example, in the off-season, or get there through possible cracks in the coating, etc. In the absence of such a gap, the moisture accumulated during the season will spoil part of the insulation.

    The circulation of the air flow from the cornice to the top point of the roof, the ridge, is provided by special holes on the cornice overhang and. It is especially convenient to arrange ventilation under corrugated sheets.

    Forced ventilation is organized by installing or ventilated skates. They can be powered by electricity or wind.

    waterproofing layer

    Waterproofing performs two functions at the same time:

    • protects the thermal insulation from moisture from the roof covering;
    • through it, excess moisture is removed from the thermal insulation.

    That is why, when installing waterproofing, it is correct to choose the direction of the sides of the film. Otherwise, the layered construction of the cake will not be able to function correctly.

    A vapor barrier film is not suitable for these purposes, since moisture does not pass through it.

A good roof, in order to effectively protect the attic space from cold and moisture, should consist of several layers of different materials. The multilayer structure is called the "roofing pie", where each of the elements present performs its function of protecting against environmental influences. If one of the layers is excluded, the result can be disastrous for the roof as a whole. What should be the correct arrangement of a roofing cake that protects from cold in winter and heat in summer?

Roof elements

High-quality multi-layer roofing includes:

  • directly roofing material;
  • space for ventilation;
  • waterproofing layer;
  • insulation material;
  • counter-lattice;
  • vapor barrier layer;
  • rafter part.

Each of the listed elements must be correctly installed, as improper installation will not be able to ensure the effective functioning of the roofing system. When choosing materials, it is important to take into account the climatic features of the region.

Note! It is customary to mount the rafter system from coniferous wood with a moisture content of about 20%.

Vapor barrier device

The vapor barrier layer serves to protect the insulation from warm air from the room, which can form moisture condensate. Vapor barrier material is usually available in the form of rolls. It is spread out with an overlap of 10–15 cm and the junctions with the walls and overlaps are sealed with a connecting tape. From inexpensive materials, glassine is used, which, unfortunately, loses its properties over time. More modern products include films with a foil side.

A counter-lattice is installed on the vapor barrier layer, on which the main crate must then be laid. It can have a different look and pitch - it depends on the material of the roof. For a metal profile or slate, the crate is performed with gaps. If tiles and ondulin are used, the crate should be solid boards or OSB. The gap between the main and counter-lattice serves as ventilation, eliminating the possibility of rotting of the rafters due to the formation of condensate.

insulation layer

Insulation is placed between the rafters. In addition to protecting against environmental influences, it also performs a soundproofing function. The insulation must comply with fire safety standards and have good vapor permeability. Both summer and winter it must remain dry.

The material used is fiberglass, as well as basalt slabs. Their thickness depends on the region and should be from 150 to 200 mm. With a soft type of roof, mineral wool material of increased rigidity or expanded polystyrene slabs are used, and for pitched roofs, soft mineral slabs are used. It is highly undesirable to use fibrous soft roll materials, which eventually cake and roll down the slope of the roof.

Note! Insulation should be laid in wooden structural elements when the moisture content of wood drops to 18%, otherwise moisture will penetrate into the insulation and will not be able to leave it due to the top layer of waterproofing.

Execution of waterproofing

A waterproofing layer is placed on top of the insulation to protect against condensation and moisture. As a material, ordinary roofing material or diffusion membranes, condensate films can be used - each type of roof has its own material. For example, for euroslate and metal tiles it is better to use a condensate film, and for a soft roof and clay tiles - diffusion membranes.

There are also superdiffusion membranes with a breathable effect. They allow vapors to penetrate from inside the room, but do not allow moisture to seep from the outside.

Ventilation gaps

In order for the accumulated condensate to leave the under-roof space, ventilation must be provided. It can be made active - using electrical ventilation systems, as well as passive with gaps between the layers. A forced ventilation device will cost more, but it is simply necessary for the long-term operation of the roofing. The simplest solution for active ventilation is a roof aerator.

Note! Unlike flat roof types, material with waves or a trapezoid usually does not need the use of additional ventilation devices.

Saving on materials for a roofing pie is very unreasonable. Only by choosing high-quality materials, you can avoid additional costs in the future associated with the cost of repair and maintenance of the roof.


This video tells more about the installation of a roofing pie:

In most cases, a soft roof pie looks like this:

  • Waterproofing or diffusion layer;
  • Ventilated space;

When mounting the material, it is important to follow the specified order. Below we will analyze in detail each of the elements and tell you how to choose and mount it correctly.

  1. Wall laminated timber
  2. under-eaves board
  3. Sliding support for rafters
  4. Add. crate for insulation
  5. Ventrijka
  6. clapboard
  7. rafter leg
  8. mosquito net
  9. Roofing film
  10. Gutter
  11. crate
  12. Control grille
  13. OSB board
  14. Roofing shingles
  15. Lining carpet

The device of the roofing pie may vary depending on what result you want to achieve. So, if you are planning the arrangement of a “cold” attic, then the heat-insulating layer is excluded. Otherwise, the device of the pie will be approximately the same as for the insulated roof.

It is important to take care that each of the layers described above is laid in accordance with the necessary requirements for quality, reliability and safety. If individual parts of the entire roof structure are laid incorrectly or selected without taking into account the climatic zone in which the building is located, you risk the quality of the roof system as a whole. Sometimes such miscalculations are corrected by local repairs, but more often, to correct it, you will have to replace the entire structure of your roof as a whole.

The main elements of a roofing pie

So, we understand how the construction of a roofing pie should look like, now let's analyze each of the elements in detail, paying attention to the features and important aspects.

For options with an uninsulated roof, vapor barrier is not needed, but if the attic or other room under the roof is residential and heated, vapor barrier is indispensable - otherwise, the insulation will pick up moisture formed as a result of condensate. Rafters are used to fasten the vapor barrier film. The vapor barrier film is produced in rolls - the roll is spread along the ridge with an overlap. The overlap is approximately 15 cm. The easiest way to attach this material to the rafters is with a construction stapler. One more thing: all joints must be glued with special adhesive tape and during installation, do not stretch the vapor barrier film, let it sag a little (literally 3-5 millimeters) between the rafters.

Advice! To calculate the distance between the rafters, proceed from the weight of one square meter of the future roofing pie.

These elements increase the strength of the structure and serve as ventilation, preventing rotting of the rafters. First of all, the bars of the counter-lattice are mounted - it is on them that the main layer of the crate is laid, and the gap formed between these two layers will serve as ventilation. The construction of a roofing pie implies that at this stage you already know what roofing material you will use. If you are going to cover the roof with shingles, you will need a continuous batten. This layer is made of OSB, plywood and so on. The surface should be perfectly smooth, even, with a minimum number of joints.

Advice! To enhance the strength of the structure, OSB sheets (they are recommended for soft roofing) should be supported by rafters or a counter-lattice on all sides. Sagging will cause the structure to lose strength.

We repeat that a layer of insulation is needed only if you are planning a warm room or a heated attic under the roof. The choice of insulation is a responsible matter, because almost 30% of the heat goes through the roof, which means that a properly selected insulation will help optimize the cost of space heating. The best option for insulating a roofing cake is a mineral wool insulation based on glass wool or basalt. Such materials are easy to use, because they can be laid even in hard-to-reach corners, without forming joints and, as a result, cold bridges. Remember that high-quality insulation for roofing should perform its main function - to protect against high and low temperatures. The minimum thickness of the insulation is 150 millimeters, however, for regions with very cold winters, building codes provide for an increase in thickness to 200 millimeters or more.

Since the roof is the main obstacle between the premises of the house and precipitation, it is difficult to imagine the installation of a cake without a well-thought-out waterproofing system. If you install a soft roof, it is better to choose diffusion membranes. These membranes have an excellent property - they release steam to the outside, but do not let moisture in from the outside. Thus, the steam rises, but the roof remains solid and impregnable even for the most merciless downpours. Such a membrane is mounted directly on the heat-insulating layer, which makes it possible to make the roof cake more compact, enhance the heat-insulating properties of the structure and save time when installing the roof.


Ventilation is something without which the roofing pie cannot do, because otherwise the condensate will make the entire roof structure unusable in a short time. It is important to know that roof ventilation can be passive and forced. Passive ventilation of the roofing pie includes ventilation gaps that are located between the layers (we talked about them, mentioning the crate). But forced ventilation involves equipping the roof with special devices that are put into operation using the power of wind or electricity. Roof aerators are a good option in this case.

Materials for roofing cake

Why choose ICOPAL? As is clear from our list of roofing pie devices, the next item is, in fact, the roofing material. Each of the layers of the pie is extremely important, but it is difficult to overestimate the importance of the roofing material - in the end, it is he who will be in direct contact with the environment, wind and precipitation.

Bitumen shingles are a reliable solution for any building. Here are just a few of the benefits:

  • Used for any, even the most severe climate;
  • Provides good sound insulation;
  • Withstands significant snow and wind loads;
  • It is used on roofs of complex configuration;
  • Easy to install, no problems with local repairs, if necessary (the amount of waste during installation is minimal);
  • Looks aesthetically pleasing and stylish.

Important! For the installation of most types of soft roofing, the roof slope must be at least 11 degrees.

Bituminous has all these qualities. This is a modern, convenient and, most importantly, reliable roofing material; it is ideal for new roofs and old roof repairs. High speed of installation can significantly reduce the time spent on construction.

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