The talisman that brings happiness to any Olympian first appeared. Test tasks of the Olympiad in physical education on the history of the Olympic movement. d) carbon dioxide and water

At the final stage of preparing athletes for the Games in Ancient Greece, the future
Olympians carefully and strictly observed

With776 G. before n. uh counting the ancient Olympic Games:

The duration of the ancient Games of the Olympiad changed and by 468 BC. e. reached5 days;

In ancient Greece, the winners of the games were called olympics.

In the Olympic Games of 776 BC, athletes competed in running at a distance equal to:one stage

In the Olympic Games of 776 BC, athletes competed in running at a distance equal to one stage. The stage is: 192 m 27 cm;

What disciplines included the pentathlon - the ancient Greek pentathlon: Long jump, discus throw, running. Fight , Javelin-throwing:

AT776 BC uh, on the runthe name Koroibos appeared - the first winner of the Olympic Games.

Pythagoraswas the champion of the Olympic Games:

Feodosia 1Roman emperor in 394 AD e. banned Olympic competitions:

The International Olympic Committee was created 1894 G.?

Henri de Baile-Latour, Siegfried Edström, Avery Brundage, Michael Killanin- Thisformer presidents of the IOC.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in 1896 in one of the cities:- Athens .

The United Nations has declared the International Year of Sports and the Olympic
ideal in honor of the 100th anniversary of the modern Olympic Movement, and also called on all
States to observe the Olympic Truce in

The Olympic Games are heldduring the first year of the celebrated Olympiad;

The IOC has decided to hold the Winter Olympics in1925.

Winter Olympic Games are heldin the third year of the celebrated Olympiad;

The Olympic Games are made up ofOlympic Games and Winter Olympic Games;

The fundamental principles of modern Olympism are set out inthe Olympic Charter;

Olympic CharterThisa document establishing the conditions for celebrating the Olympic Games.

In accordance with the Olympic Charter, the country is represented at the Olympic Games bynational olympic committee;

. The Olympic motto, expressing the aspirations of the Olympic movement, is - "Faster, higher, stronger";

The Olympic symbol consists of five interlaced rings, arranged from left to right in the following order: above - blue, black, red; below - yellow and green;

The Olympic symbol "five intertwined rings" is placed on a white panel with the size:(2x3 m)

The torch of the Olympic flame of the modern games is litin Olympia;

The tradition of lighting a fire in Olympia and delivering a relay to the Olympic Games was introducedat the Games in Berlin 1936;

For the first time, the Olympic oath of athletes to fight honestly sounded in1920 G.

For the first time, the Olympic flag was raised and the Olympic motto sounded during the Games.VII Olympiad in Antwerp (1920);

For the first time, the Olympic flag was hoisted and the Olympic motto sounded during the Olympic Games.
Antwerp; 1920.

The talisman, as if bringing happiness to any Olympian, any fan, first appeared at the Games in1968 in Mexico City;

In honor of the Athenian warrior Philipidis, who brought to Athens the news of the victory over the Persians in ancient times, marathon competitions are held during the modern Olympic Games.

Prior to the I modern Olympic Games in Athens, such a discipline did not exist. This is:


The distance of 42 km 195 m was called a marathon because:that was the name of the city from where the first start was given;

In honor of the Athenian warrior Philipidis, who brought to Athens the news of the victory over the Persians in ancient times, marathon competitions are held during the modern Olympic Games. How far did this warrior have to travel? 40 km;

In honor of the Athenian warrior Philipidis, who brought to Athens the news of the victory over the Persians in
ancient times, during the modern Games of the Olympiad, marathon competitions are held,
whose distance is 42 km 195 m.

The first Olympic champion to win a marathon was:Spiros Louis.

At the 1908 Games in London, a failure befell a participant in the marathon race - he was the first to cross the finish line, but he was not awarded the champion's medal, because:

b) Pietri, after falling down, the spectators and judges helped him to get up and cross the finish line;

In St. Louis, the American Lorde won the marathon distance. After being awarded the gold medal, he was deprived of it because he traveled most of the distance by car;

At the Olympic Games in the city Paris; 1900 _______ no medals were awarded to Olympians

The first champion in the history of the modern Olympic Games: James connolsch

The largest number of gold medals in one Olympics won:Mark Spitz.

Which of the athletes and in what sport won 7 gold medals in one Olympic Games:

Mark Spitz (USA) in swimming during the Games of the XX Olympiad in Munich!

The largest number of gold medals - 9 each - in the modern Games of the Olympiad was won by:

Paavo Nurmi, Larisa Latynina, Mark Spitz, Carl Lewis;

Indicate the achievements of which of the participants in the Olympic Games cannot be improved, you can only repeat:

1. John Weissmuller. 2. Sony Henie. 3. Vasily Alekseev. 4. Lydia Skoblikova.

5. Mark Spitz. 6. Alina Kabaeva.7. Jesse Owen. 8. Eric Hayden. 9. Carl Lewis.---

For the first time in the high jump, American Dick Fosbury demonstrated a back jump
to the bar, which was soon called the "fosbury flop" at the Olympics in
1968 in Mexico City

Theoretical - methodological task

in physical culture for the 2010-2011 academic year.

1. for the first time the Olympic oath of athletes to fight honestly sounded in the year:

a) 1912; b) 1920; c) 1952; d) 1960;

2. For the first time, the Olympic flag was raised and the Olympic motto sounded during the Games:

a) V Olympics in Stockholm (1912);

b) VII Olympic Games in Antwerp (1920);

c) X Olympiad in Los Angeles (1932);

d) XI Olympiad in Berlin (1936)

3. The torch of the Olympic flame of modern games is lit:

a) in Sparta b) at Mount Olympus; c) in Olympia; d) Athens.

4. The talisman, as if bringing happiness to any Olympian, any fan, first appeared at the Games in:

a) 1968 in Mexico City; b) 1972 in Munich;

c) 1976 in Montreal; d) 1980 in Moscow.

5. Which sport is the second in terms of the number of medals played at the modern Olympic Games: a) athletics; b) cycling;

c) gymnastics; d) swimming?

6. Arteries are vessels that carry:

b) only venous blood;

c) blood from the heart to organs and tissues;

d) blood to the heart from organs and tissues.

7. Functions of the respiratory tract:

a) heating and humidification of the air, protection from dust and infection; b) protection from dust and infection, oxidation of organic substances;

c) protection from dust and infection, gas exchange;

d) heating and humidification of air, gas exchange.

8. When the arm is extended in the elbow joint, the following occurs:

a) contraction of the biceps and relaxation of the triceps muscles;

b) contraction of the biceps and triceps muscles;

d) relaxation of the biceps and triceps muscles;

9. To ensure muscle contraction, blood must bring to them:

a) water, oxygen and carbon dioxide;

b) oxygen and glucose;

c) water, glucose, oxygen and proteins;

d) carbon dioxide and water.

10. To determine the rate of blood clotting, it is necessary to do an analysis for:

b) longer exhalation;

c) equal duration of inhalation and exhalation;

d) inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.

13. The condition for strengthening health and improving volitional qualities is:

a) hardening of the body;

b) participation in competitions;

c) daily morning exercises;

d) doing physical exercises

14. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at:

a) the development of the physical qualities of people;

b) maintaining high working capacity of people;

c) preservation and improvement of people's health;

d) preparation for professional activity.

15. Health is understood as such a state of a person in which:

a) its organs and systems operate efficiently and economically;

b) quickly recovers after physical and mental stress;

c) adverse climatic conditions are easily tolerated;

d) all of the above.

16. In the dynamics of working capacity, the phase of fatigue caused by physical activity is followed by the phase _________

17. A temporary decrease in performance is commonly called ________________

18. Accentuated mastery of the elements of any sports discipline is designated as _____________

19. The highest score is determined at the end of the competition by _____________________

20. A technical bonus in volleyball, with the help of which the ball is put into play, is called _____________


1 - b, 2 - b, 3 - c, 4 - a, 5 - d, 6 - c, 7 - a, 8 - c,

9 – b, 10 – b, 11 – c, 12 – b, 13 – d, 14 – c, 15 – d,

Class: 1

Goals: introduce the history of the mascots of the Olympic Games; broaden the horizons of students; promote cognitive activity of students; promote a healthy lifestyle.

Event progress

I. Organizing time

The anthem of the Sochi 2014 Olympics sounds.

II. Topic definition

Teacher. Guys, what do you think, what will the conversation be about now? Do you know what the most important competitions among athletes are called?

Children. This is the Olympic Games.

Teacher. Right. Every athlete dreams of competing and winning the Olympic Games.

The modern Olympic Games have their own symbol, flag, motto, emblem, oath, talisman and awards. Guys, how many of you know when the Winter Olympics will be?

Children. In 2014.

Teacher. In which country will they take place?

Children. In Russia.

Teacher. In what city?

Children. In Sochi.

Teacher. Name the last winter month.

Children. February.

Teacher. It is this month, or rather on February 7, 2014, that the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi will begin.

III. Main part. Meet the mascots of the Olympic Games

Teacher. Today we will get acquainted with the history of the mascots of the Olympic Games.

What is a talisman?

Children. A talisman is an object that brings happiness and good luck to its owner.

Teacher. The mascot of the Olympic Games is usually an image of an animal that is especially loved in the country where the Olympic Games are held. These are animals that a person always tries to imitate in agility and speed. By tradition, they are chosen by the whole country. It turns out that there are not so many of them - talismans, and there were. Let's go in order. At the Olympic Games, and this happened for the first time at the games in France, a mascot appeared. But not someone personally, but common to everyone: to bring happiness to any Olympian, any fan. Skier Schuss became the mascot.

The performance of the guys is accompanied by a presentation.

Student 1. In February 1968, at the Olympics in Grenoble (France), a mascot was used for the first time - a character named Schuss, whose author is considered to be the artist Maurice Lafargue. It was a figurine of a man on skis with a red and white head and Olympic rings on his forehead. Blue, curved, as at the start in ski jumping, the body smoothly turned into skis. As a result, the color of the mascot resembled the stripes of the French flag.

Schuss is a toy. Badges and figurines with his image were so popular that Schuss became the unofficial mascot of the Olympic Games.

Teacher. Everyone immediately liked the new Olympic custom. Four years later, a new talisman appeared in Munich - the dachshund Waldi.

Student 2. Dachshund Waldi - the mascot of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich (Germany).

It is with her that the tradition of the official mascots of the Olympic Games begins. Dachshund Waldi is the first pet in the history of the Olympic mascots.

Since the word "dachshund" is masculine in German, it is generally accepted that Waldi is a "talisman-boy." The dog was chosen as a mascot because of its hunting qualities inherent in a real athlete: stamina, perseverance and dexterity.

Designers brightly painted Waldi, emphasizing the cheerful nature of the talisman, symbolizing the joy of the Olympic holiday. At the same time, the 1972 Games are considered one of the most colorful in history. The head and tail of the dachshund were light blue, and the body was painted with vertical stripes of three of the five Olympic colors, as if Valdi was wearing a colorful jersey.

Waldi is a noun. In Bavaria, where dachshunds are very popular, any dog ​​of this breed can be called this way, as in Russia the bear Misha, or the cat Vaska.

Student 3. Initially, the XII Winter Olympic Games were to be held in Denver (USA). However, the residents of the city decided in a referendum not to hold the Games because of the environmental threat. As a result, the competition was moved to Innsbruck (Austria), for which it was already the second Olympic Games. The organizers proclaimed these competitions "Games of Simplicity". The chosen mascot, the snowman Olympiamandle, had to reflect precisely this quality.

As conceived by the designers, the snowman consisted of only one snowball, had arms, legs and a red carrot nose, traditional for snowmen. On the head, as an attribute reflecting the national character, the talisman wore a red Tyrolean hat. The creators gave him the unusual name Olympiamandle.

The 1976 Winter Olympics were held under the motto "Games of Simplicity". The talisman also reflected the simplicity, clarity, accessibility and openness of the Austrians.

Student 4. The organizers of the 1976 Olympics in Montreal (Canada) made the beaver Amik a symbol. In the language of the indigenous population, "amik" is a beaver. For the first time, this talisman had a symbolic meaning: the beaver is considered a symbol of hard work. He also had the qualities of a real athlete - patience and diligence, which are also very characteristic of Canadian lumberjacks. The beaver is a symbol of Canada, and its image can be found on coins and even some state seals.

Student 5. Roni the raccoon is the mascot of the 1980 Olympic Games in Lake Placid (USA). There is a legend that the mascot of the 1980 Winter Olympics had a “prototype”: a real handmade raccoon named Rocky. Shortly before the start of the Games, he died ...

Designers stylized Roni as a skier, painting the muzzle in the form of goggles and a ski cap. The goggle mask has become the most fashionable accessory of the Winter Games. Roni the raccoon became the first animal mascot of the Winter Olympics to be stylized as an athlete.

Student 6. The Olympic Bear is one of the most successful mascots in the history of the Olympics. He even came up with a full name - Mikhail Potapych Toptygin.

Bear cub Misha is the mascot of the XXII Olympic Games, held in 1980 in Moscow. Represents a bear, smiling and standing on its hind legs. The author of the character is the book illustrator Viktor Chizhikov.

The name Misha is a traditional Russian nickname for a bear. The Organizing Committee of the Moscow Olympiad chose this animal as a symbol, since it has such qualities characteristic of an athlete as strength, perseverance and courage.

During the closing ceremony of the 1980 Olympics, a giant rubber doll of the symbol of the Olympics floated into the Moscow sky in balloons. The spectacle was so touching that both the spectators and the participants of the Olympiad could not help but cry.

Student 7. The wolf cub Vuchko is the mascot of the 1984 Olympic Games in Sarajevo (Yugoslavia). The wolf cub mascot Vučko was chosen from six candidates as a result of a vote by readers of three popular Yugoslav newspapers. This symbol was perceived ambiguously, since the wolf traditionally has a frightening image. As conceived by the creators, the wolf cub symbolized a person's desire to "make friends with animals and become closer to nature."

The wolf cub turned out to be a strong, brave character and, at the same time, cheerful and carefree. As a result, Vuchko is recognized as one of the most charming characters in the history of Olympic mascots. In Yugoslavia, he became a favorite children's toy.

Student 8. Sam the Eaglet is the mascot of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles (USA).

The eagle is the national symbol of the United States of America. In addition, this talisman contains another image, thanks to which he got his name. Artists at the Walt Disney Company have painted an eagle in a top hat painted in the colors of the American flag, just like the one on the famous Uncle Sam.

Student 9. Polar bears Heidi and Howdy are the mascots of the 1988 Winter Olympics in Calgary, Canada. According to the legend invented for the mascots of the 1988 Winter Olympics, the polar bears Heidi and Howdy are inseparable brother and sister. Their names are derived from the word "Hello!". So the creators of the talismans laid in them a symbol of unity, friendship and hospitality.

For the first time there were two mascots. Because Calgary hosts an annual Cowboy Festival, the cubs are dressed up in appropriate costumes that reflect the national character. In the same way, the Canadian national team was dressed at the opening ceremony of the Games.

Student 10. Hodori the tiger cub is the mascot of the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea.

The hero of Korean legends, the Amur tiger, became the mascot of the XXIV Olympic Games. To neutralize the negative aspects of the predatory beast, he was portrayed as a small tiger cub, kind and harmless.

The name for the mascot was chosen by popular vote from 2295 proposed options. The winning name can be translated from Korean as Tiger Boy ("Ho" means "tiger" and "dori" means "boy").

The main attribute of the Korean talisman is a small black cap worn over his ear. This is an element of the national costume; in such hats in the old days, peasants performed dances during folk festivals.

Student 11. The leopard is one of the mascots of the XXII Olympic Winter Games, which will be held in Sochi in 2014.

Mountain rescue climber Leopard lives in the crown of a huge tree that grows on the highest rock in the snowy mountains of the Caucasus. He is always ready to help and has saved the nearby village from avalanches more than once.

Leopard is an excellent snowboarder, he taught this sport to all his friends and neighbors. The Leopard has a cheerful disposition, he cannot live alone and loves to dance very much.

The white leopard Barsik symbolizes speed and endurance.

student 12. The White Bear is one of the mascots of the XXII Olympic Winter Games, which will be held in Sochi in 2014.

Beyond the Arctic Circle, the White Bear lives in an ice igloo. Everything in his house is made of ice and snow: a snow shower, a bed, a computer, and even exercise equipment.

The White Bear was brought up by polar explorers from early childhood. It was they who taught him to ski, skate and play curling. But most of all, the White Bear liked to ride sports sleds. He became a real luger and bobsledder, and his friends - seals and fur seals - watch his victories with pleasure. Now they organize competitions in these sports together, and they have no time to be bored during the long polar night!

The Polar Bear named Polyus, in character is similar to his predecessor - the Bear symbol of the Olympics-80, the same complaisant and kind, the best friend of children, gives them his care and respect. He cannot sit still for a minute, loves sledding, has real sports pressure and constantly strives for new sports peaks, demonstrating strength and the will to win.

student 13. Bunny is one of the mascots of the XXII Olympic Winter Games, which will be held in Sochi in 2014.

Bunny is the most active inhabitant of the winter forest. Her friends are always surprised - and how does she manage to do everything!? After all, Zaika not only manages to study at the Forest Academy with excellent marks, help her mother in the Lesnaya Dam family restaurant, but also participate in various sports competitions. Bunny assures her friends that she has no secret: she just loves sports very much. She also loves to sing and dance.

Bunny The arrow symbolizes dexterity.

IV. Summarizing. findings

Children. The Olympic talisman is part of the Olympic symbolism.

Talismans carry the Olympic values: friendship, respect, perfection.

The main feature of all talismans is that they should evoke positive emotions, sympathy and a smile.

The history of the Olympic Games and the modern sports movement

The term "Olympias" in ancient Greece meant: a four-year period between the Olympic Games;

The right to take part in the ancient Greek Olympic Games had only free greek men

The final stage of the preparation of athletes for the Games in Ancient Greece was carried out in a special al room, called gymnasium.

The physical education of children at the state level in Ancient Greece began in at the age of seven in a special institution called palaestra.

At the final stage of preparing athletes for the Games in Ancient Greece, the future
Olympians carefully and strictly observed Hellanodics.

With 776 G. before n. uh counting the ancient Olympic Games:

The duration of the ancient Games of the Olympiad changed and by 468 BC. e. reached 5 days;

In ancient Greece, the winners of the games were called olympics.

In the Olympic Games of 776 BC, athletes competed in running at a distance equal to: one stage

In the Olympic Games of 776 BC, athletes competed in running at a distance equal to one stage. The stage is: 192 m 27 cm;

What disciplines included the pentathlon - the ancient Greek pentathlon: Long jump, discus throw, running.Fight, Javelin-throwing:

AT 776 BC uh, on the run the name Koroibos appeared - the first winner of the Olympia sky games.

Pythagoras was the champion of the Olympic Games:

Feodosia 1 Roman emperor in 394 AD e. banned Olympic competitions:

The International Olympic Committee was created 1894 G.?

Henri de Baile-Latour, Siegfried Edström, Avery Brundage, Michael Killanin - This former presidents of the IOC.

The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 in one of the cities: - Athens.

The United Nations has declared the International Year of Sports and the Olympic
ideal in honor of the 100th anniversary of the modern Olympic Movement, and also called on all
States to observe the Olympic Truce in 1994;

The Olympic Games are held during the first year of the celebrated Olympiad;

The IOC has decided to hold the Winter Olympics in 1925.

Winter Olympic Games are held in the third year of the celebrated Olympiad;

The Olympic Games are made up of Olympic Games and Winter Olympic Games;

The fundamental principles of modern Olympism are set out in the Olympic Charter;

Olympic Charter This a document establishing the conditions for celebrating the Olympic Games.

In accordance with the Olympic Charter, the country is represented at the Olympic Games by national olympic committee;

. The Olympic motto, expressing the aspirations of the Olympic movement, is - "Faster, higher, stronger";

right in the following order: above - blue, black, red; below - yellow and green;

The Olympic symbol "five intertwined rings" is placed on a white panel with the size: (2x3m)

The torch of the Olympic flame of the modern games is lit in Olympia;

The tradition of lighting a fire in Olympia and delivering a relay to the Olympic Games was introduced at the Games in Berlin 1936;

For the first time, the Olympic oath of athletes to fight honestly sounded in 1920 G.

For the first time, the Olympic flag was raised and the Olympic motto sounded during the Games. VII Olympics in Antwerp (1920);

For the first time, the Olympic flag was hoisted and the Olympic motto sounded during the Olympic Games.
kind Antwerp; 1920.

Talisman, as if bringing happiness to any Olympian, any fan, for the first time appeared at the Games 1968 in Mexico City;

ancient times, during the modern Games of the Olympiad, competitions are held in marathon.

Before I the modern Olympic Games in Athens did not have such a discipline. This is:


The distance of 42 km 195 m was called a marathon because: that was the name of the city from where the first start was given;

In honor of the Athenian warrior Philipidis, who brought to Athens the news of the victory over the Persians in ancient times, during the modern Games of the Olympiad, marathon competitions are held. How far did this warrior have to travel? 40 km;

In honor of the Athenian warrior Philipidis, who brought to Athens the news of the victory over the Persians in
ancient times, during the modern Games of the Olympiad, marathon competitions are held,
whose distance is 42 km195 m

The first Olympic champion to win a marathon was: Spiros Louis.

At the 1908 Games in London, a failure befell a participant in the marathon race - he was the first to cross the finish line, but was not awarded the champion medal because:

b) Pietri, after falling, the spectators and the judges helped him up and cross the finish line;

In St. Louis, the American Lorde won the marathon distance. After being awarded the gold medal, he was deprived of it becausehe traveled most of the distance by car;

At the Olympic Games in the city Paris;1900 Olympians weren't awarded medals

The first champion in the history of the modern Olympic Games: James Connolsch

The largest number of gold medals in one Olympics won: Mark Spitz.

Which of the athletes and in what sport won 7 gold medals in one Olympic Games:

Mark Spitz (USA) swimming during the Games XX Olympics in Munich!

The largest number of gold medals - 9 each - in the modern Games of the Olympiad was won by:

Paavo Nurmi, Larisa Latynina, Mark Spitz, Carl Lewis;

Indicate the achievements of which of the participants in the Olympic Games cannot be improved, you can only repeat:

1. John Weissmuller. 2. Sony Henie. 3. Vasily Alekseev. 4. Lydia Skoblikova.

5. Mark Spitz. 6. Alina Kabaeva.7. Jesse Owen. 8. Eric Hayden. 9. Carl Lewis.---


For the first time in the high jump, American Dick Fosbury demonstrated a back jump
to the bar, which was soon called the "fosbury flop" at the Olympics in
1968 in Mexico City

At the 1968 Mexico City Olympics, Bob Beamon set an all-time record in the long jump, which lasted until 1991.-- 8m90 cm).

Which sport has the second most medals in the modern Olympic Games? swimming.

The first representative of Tsarist Russia in the IOC was A. D. Butovsky.

The Russian Olympic Committee was created in 19111; .

List the years of the three Olympics that took place without the participation of Russian athletes 1896; 1900; 1904.

The first unofficial participation of Russia in the Olympic Games took place in the city London, 1908.

AT 1908 G.Russian athlete for the first time became an Olympic champion.

When Russian athletes first participated in the Olympic Games, there were only 5 of them. Nevertheless, figure skater Nikolai Panin-Kolomenkin managed to become an Olympic champion. It is happenedin 1908 at the Games IV Olympics in London;

The first official participation of Russia in the Olympic Games took place at the Games V Olympics in Stockholm (1912);

Because of the First and Second World Wars, the Olympic Games were not held. in 1916, 1940, 1944 .

The USSR Olympic Committee was created in 1951 .

The first representative of the USSR in the International Olympic Committee was Konstantin Aleksandrovich Andrianov;

Chairman of the All-Russian Olympic Committee, established in 1989, Vladimir Alek Seevich Vasin - Champion of the Olympic Games in jumping into the water .

Representatives of the International Olympic Committee for the Russian Federation are: Vitaly Smirnov, Shamil Tarpishchev, Alexander Popov;

The President of the Russian Olympic Committee was until March 2010: Leonid Tyagachev.

Russian Olympians participated for the first time (Summer Olympic Games) as part of Russia Russian Empire, USSR, Russian Federation in: 1908; 1952; 1996

In the Winter Olympics, the USSR made its debut in 1956 on VII games in Cortina d "Ampezzo (Italy);

In what year the Olympic Games were held in our country: -1980 -22 Olympic Games

For the first time at the Olympic Games in Mexico City - a mascot appeared. What talisman was on Olympic Games in Moscow - bear cub;

The games held in Moscow were dedicated to 22nd Olympics:

Arrange in chronological order the cities where the Olympic Games took place. games from XXII :

1. Atlanta. 2. Athens. 3. Barcelona. 4. Los Angeles. 5. Moscow. 6 Seoul 7. Sydney.-

5, 4, 6, 3,1,7,2;

The 2008 Olympic Games were celebrated in Beijing

The first Summer Paralympic Games were held in 1960. in Rome (Italy);

V Winter Paralympic Games Albertville - France were held for the first time on the same arenas where healthy Olympians compete in 1992

World Youth Games, which are the Olympic Games for the younger knees, first held in Moscow in 1998

Athletes of the Russian Federation performed for the first time under the Russian flag in 1996 at the Games XXVI Olympics in Atlanta (USA);

Larisa Latynina (gymnastics) won the most gold medals.

Alexander Karelin - Olympic champion in boxing;

Alexander Popov - champion of the Olympic Games in swimming

Vladimir Kuts, Valery Borzov, Viktor Saneev, Valery Brumel are Olympic champions in


In 2004, in Athens, Yuri Borzakovsky became the champion XXVIII Games in athletics :

The final stage of the preparation of athletes for the Games in Ancient Greece was carried out in a special
nal room, called the gymnasium .

Who were the Hellanodics in Ancient Greece who watched the future Olympians during their preparation for the Games - referees and stewards of the Games

One of the types of ancient Games was pankration. What did he look like:

Type of martial arts

What was the name of a football-like game in ancient Greece? - spheroball.

What year was the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Olympic Committee?

in 1996;

The supreme body of the IOC, which makes all responsible decisions, is called: session;

The first President of the International Olympic Committee was: Demetrius Vikelas;

Over the years, they headed the International Olympic Committee - Juan Antonio Sa- maranche, Demetrius Vikelas, Michel Breal, Jacques Rogg, Pierre de Coubertin, Michael Killanin.

Demetrius Vekelas, Pierre de Coubertin, Juan Samaranch, Jacques Rogg

According to the Olympic Charter, Olympic competitions carry out:

international olympic committee;

Which of the people shown in the photo was not the president of the IOC?

    Is not

    Avery Brundage

    Michael Kilanin

    Henri de Baile-Latour

    Siegfried Edstrom

The modern Olympic Games consist of:

Olympic Games andwinter olympic games.

The Olympic symbol consists of five interlaced rings located on the left

to the right in the following order by color: blue, black, red

bottom: yellow and green

The five intertwined Olympic rings symbolize the five continents. Next to the name of the continent, write the color corresponding to it.

Europe, America, Africa, Asia, Australia

During the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, the flag is handed over to the organizers of the next Olympics and for four years it is stored: in the building of the National Olympic CommitteeAt the Olympic Games in Paris in 1900, women performed for the first time. First Olympia became the champion: Sony Henie (figure skating);

The author of the Olympic motto "Faster, Higher, Stronger", expressing the aspirations of olim Pian movement was: priest Dido;

For the first time, the Olympic Flame Lighting Ceremony was held at: GamesXIOlympics in Amsterdam, andIVWinter Games in 1952, in Oslo;

In 1894, at the Paris Athletic Congress, the IOC, which consisted of only 13 members new, the first Russian was elected. Who is he: A. D. Butovsky;

During the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games, the representative of the host city ry, passes the flag mayor of the host city of the next Olympics

Do the photographs of these people match their names and positions?

Under the photo in the empty box, enter the correct answer (name, position).

Sh. BUTTarpishchev Member of the IOC (since 1994)

. 1 K. A. Andrianov Member of the IOC (1951-1988),

L. V. Tyagachev ROC President since July 2001

2. Sh. BUTTarpishchev Member of the IOC (since 1994),

K. A. Andrianov Member of the IOC (1951-1988)

V. G. Smirnov

4. V. G. Smirnov President of the ROC (1992-2001) Member of the IOC

in physical culture

2011-2012 academic year

9-11 grades

1. The first representative of Russia in the International Olympic Committee was ...

a. Prince Semyon Andreevich Trubetskoy.

b. Count Georgy Ivanovich Ribopierre.

in. General Alexei Dmitrievich Butovsky.

G. Prince Lev Vladimirovich Urusov
2. For the first time, the Olympic flag was raised and the Olympic motto sounded during the Games ...

a. V Olympics in Stockholm (1912)

b. VII Olympiad in Antwerp (1920)

in. X Olympiad in Los Angeles (1932)

G. XI Olympiad in Berlin (1936)
3. A talisman that brings happiness to any Olympian, any fan first appeared at the Games in ...

a. 1968 in Mexico City.

b. 1972 in Munich.

in. 1976 in Montreal.

G. 1980 in Moscow.
4. In accordance with the Olympic Charter at the Olympic Games, the country is represented by ...

a. Government of the country.

b. Ministry of Sports.

in. National Olympic Committee.

G. National sports federations.

5. The largest number of medals - 9 each - in the modern Games of the Olympiad was won by ...

a. Jesse Owen, Mikhail Voronin, Larisa Latynina, Vera Cheslavska.

b. Paavo Nurmi, Larisa Latynina, Mark Spitz, Carl Lewis.

in. Larisa Latynina, John Weissmuller, Carl Lewis, Wilma Rudolf.

G. Bob Beamon, Larisa Latynina, Paavo Nurmi, Mark Spitz.

6. The difference between active and passive flexibility is called:

a. range of motion;

b. mobility in the joints;

in. flexibility index;

G. lack of active flexibility.

a. in Moscow in 1998

b. in Kyiv in 1996

in. in St. Petersburg in 1994

G. in Berlin in 1992
8. The games held in Moscow (1980) were dedicated to ... the Olympics.

a. XXII in. XXth

b. XI - th G. XIX - th

9. The optimal degree of mastery of the technique of action, characterized by automated (i.e., with minimal mind control) control of movements, high strength and reliability of execution, is called:

a. motor skills;

b. motor skill;

G. motor skills.

10. The process of changing the natural morphological and functional properties of the body in the process of individual life is usually referred to as physical ...

11. Volleyball as a sport game appeared at the end of the 19th century in...

a. USA. in. Japan.

b. Canada. G. Germany.

12. Double step, but only with the flight phase at the end of the movement in volleyball is denoted as ...

a. step.

b. bounce.

in. leap.

G. the fall.

13. One of the long jump methods in athletics is referred to as a jump ...

a."on the run."

b."stepping over".



14. Bending the supporting leg before pushing off in skiing is referred to as ...


15. A quick transition from an emphasis to a hang in gymnastics is denoted as ...

16. What form of manifestation of speed abilities is determined by the so-called latent (hidden) reaction period?

a. speed of motor reaction;

b. single movement speed;

G. acceleration.
17. The state of health is mainly due to ...

a. reserve capacity of the organism.

b. way of life.

in. healthcare level.

G. the absence of disease.

18. The most important component of a healthy lifestyle is ...

a. hardening of the body.

b. balanced diet.

in. motor mode.

G. personal and public hygiene.

19. The healing effect in the classes of adolescent students is achieved with the help of ...

a. Anaerobic exercises of medium and high intensity.

b. Changes in the number of repetitions of the same exercise.

in. Conducting classes on a regular, enlarged and reduced area.

G. Exercise at an intensity above the threshold for anaerobic metabolism.

20. Complete the definition by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet. The impact on the human body of an external factor that violates the structure and integrity of tissues and the normal course of physiological processes is called ..

21. Complete the statement by choosing from the list of sports and entering the appropriate numbers on the answer sheet.

Kinds of sports:

1. Billiards. 5. Cycling. 9. Rowing.

2. Boxing. 6. Alpine skiing. 10. Athletics.

3. Fight. 7. Speed ​​skating. 11. Weightlifting.

4. Chess. 8. Skiing. 12. Sports games.

Sprains of the ligaments of the ankle, knee joints are typical for classes ...

22. The likelihood of injury while exercising is reduced if those involved ...

a. overestimate their abilities.

b. follow the instructor's instructions.

in. have the skills to perform movements.

G. they don't know how to control their emotions.
23. Sports and gaming activity characterizes ...

a. striving for maximum results.

b. conflict situations of fights.

in. the presence of a specific story.

G. high importance of the quality of the performance of the role.

a. flexibility .

b. speed.

in. endurance.

G. coordination.
25. Running with stops and changing direction on a signal mainly contributes to the formation of ...

a. movement coordination.

b. movement techniques.

in. speed force.

G. reaction speed.

26. Complete the statement by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet. Rotational movement through the head with successive touching of the supporting surface by individual parts of the body in gymnastics is denoted as ... _________
27. The document representing all aspects of the organization of the competition is ...

a. competition calendar.

b. competition rules.

in. competition regulations.

G. competition program.

28. The method of uniform continuous exercise is the most common in the education ...

a. elementary forms of manifestation of endurance.

b. general endurance.

in. special endurance.

G. speed endurance.

29. "Exercises" that promote the development of endurance, it is advisable to perform in ...

a. end of the preparatory part of the lesson.

b. beginning of the main part of the lesson.



30. "Exercises" that contribute to the development of speed, it is advisable to perform in ...

a. end of the preparatory part of the lesson. in. middle of the main part of the lesson.

b. beginning of the main part of the lesson. G. end of the main part of the lesson.


1 - B;

2 - B;

3 - A;

4 - B;

5 B;

6 - G;

7 - A;

8 - A;

9 - B;

10 - development;

11 - A;

12 - B;

13 - G;

14 - sitting down;

15 - recession;

16 - A;

17 - B;

18 - B;

19 - A;

20 - trauma;

21 - 2,3,6,10,12;

22 - B;

23 - A;

24 - A;

25 - G;

26 - somersault;

27 - B;

28 - B;

29 - G;

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