Distance from the temporary road to the building under construction. Design of temporary roads on the construction plan. Technological map for the construction of temporary roads from reinforced concrete slabs

For the delivery of building materials to the construction site, it is necessary to construct temporary internal construction roads. Temporary roads are built after the completion of the vertical planning of the territory, the installation of drainage, drains and utilities, except for temporary ones. The construction of temporary roads must be completed before the start of work on the construction of the underground part of the buildings.

Types of roads. Roads are mainly used on construction sites. Railways are mainly used in the construction of large industrial blocks.

Road design. When designing internal roads, the following tasks are solved:

1) the scheme of traffic and the location of roads in the plan is developed;

2) the parameters of roads and dangerous zones are established;

3) road structures are assigned, the scope of work and the necessary resources are calculated.

Traffic pattern and road layoutin terms of must provide access to the area of ​​operation of assembly cranes, to pre-assembly sites, to warehouses, workshops, to amenity premises, etc. The route of temporary roads must be designed as much as possible along the routes of future permanent roads. As a rule, construction roads should be circular, and siding and turning sites are arranged on dead-end roads.

When routing roads, the following minimum distances must be observed:

- between the road and the storage area - ≥ 0.5 ... 1.0 m;

- between the road and crane runways - ≥ 6.5 ... 12.5 m;

– between the road and the axis of the railway tracks – ≥ 3.75 m;

– between the road and the fence of the construction site – more than 1.5 m;

- between the road and the edge of the trench - more than 1.5 m.

Entrances and exits, directions of movement, turns, sidings, parking during unloading, as well as the location of traffic safety signs should be marked on the SGP.

Parameters of temporary roads are:

– number of traffic lanes;

- the radius of curvature of roads;

- the value of the calculated visibility.

On temporary roads, traffic is in one and two lanes.

The width of the carriageway is taken at:

- single-lane traffic - 3.5 m;

- two-lane traffic - 6 m.

If vehicles of 25 or more tons (Maz, Belaz, etc.) are used to deliver goods, the width of the carriageway increases to 8 meters.

On roads with single-lane traffic within sight, but not less than 100 m, it is necessary to arrange widening platforms 6 meters wide and 12 or 18 meters long. The same platforms are arranged in places of unloading materials for any traffic pattern.

At the intersections of railways, continuous flooring, fences and lighting are arranged. The width of the carriageway at railway crossings must be at least 4.5 m. Crossings are organized at an angle of 60 - 90 degrees, equipped with sound and light alarms. If there is heavy traffic, barriers are arranged.

Road curvature radii are determined based on the shunting properties of vehicles and road trains. The minimum rounding radius for construction trains is 12 m. In places of roundings, the width of a single-lane road should be increased to 5 m.

Design visibility in the direction of travel for single-lane roads should be at least 50 m, and the side (at the intersection) - at least 35 m.

Temporary roads that pass in the installation area are indicated by hatching on the STS.

Passing through dangerous areas is prohibited.

Temporary structures roads must be designed according to the loads arising from the movement of heavy vehicles.

permanent roads for use during the construction period, it must be performed in two stages. First, roads are made and one layer of asphalt concrete pavement is laid. By the end of construction, the lower layer is being repaired and a new upper layer is being installed.

Temporary road structures depend on specific operating conditions and can be of the following types:

– natural soil profiled;

– ground improved design;

- hard coated

- from prefabricated reinforced concrete inventory slabs.

dirt roads arranged with a low intensity of traffic (up to 3-4 vehicles per hour) in one direction. If the roads are under heavy loads, they are strengthened with gravel, slag, sand-gravel-clay mixture, etc. Gravel filling is carried out with and without a trough device in 1-2 layers with compaction.

P pointed roads for a load of 12 tons are best made from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs. The slabs are laid on a 10-20 cm sand bed. Road slabs with prestressing have proven themselves well.

Organization of on-site warehouses

On-site warehouses are organized for temporary storage of materials, structures, products and equipment during the construction process. Storage volumes should be kept to a minimum.

When designing on-site warehouses, the following tasks are solved:

1) determination of the volume of stocks of materials, structures and products to be stored;

2) calculation of the area of ​​warehouses for the main types of material resources;

3) selection of rational types of warehouses and their placement on the construction site.

On construction sites, roads and railways of normal and narrow gauge are used as temporary roads. The construction of temporary railways is carried out by specialized organizations, the construction of roads is carried out, as a rule, by general construction organizations.

When tracing roads, it is necessary to ensure the access of vehicles to the area of ​​operation of cranes, lifts, to warehouses, pre-assembly sites, workshops, mechanized installations, etc. Existing and planned roads should be used as much as possible.

Temporary roads should be designed in accordance with SNiP 12-03-2001. The main parameters of temporary roads include: the number of traffic lanes, the width of the canvas and carriageway, curvature radii, design visibility, and the largest longitudinal slope. All these parameters are determined in accordance with the requirements of SNiP.

Areas of the road that are within the area of ​​installation or movement of cargo are dangerous. On the construction plan, these sections of roads are highlighted with double hatching, and during the construction process, measures are taken to ensure the safety of people and vehicles located within the danger zones. Additional conditions that ensure traffic safety at the construction site include speed limits, prohibition of entry and other conditions regulated by traffic rules and agreed with the traffic police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

When determining the design of the pavement of temporary roads and the consumption of material and technical resources for their construction, it is necessary to be guided by the instructions of SNiP.

The construction road includes access roads connecting the construction site with the general road network, and internal construction roads, along which goods are transported inside the site. Access roads, as a rule, are permanent, and internal roads are temporary. These passages are laid before the start of the construction of the main facilities.

Roads at construction sites can be dead-end and roundabouts. At the end of dead ends, turnaround areas should be arranged, and in the middle part, if necessary, sidings. Based on the standard overall dimensions of the car (rectangle 2.5 m wide and 3.8 m high), the width of the carriageway of the highway for single-lane traffic is taken at least 3.5 m, and for two-lane traffic - 6.0 m. If the road is designed as a single-lane , then in the proposed places of unloading of transport, widenings should be provided, making up a total width of the road of at least 6 m.

When using heavy vehicles with a carrying capacity of 25-30 tons or more, the width of the carriageway increases to 8 m.

The radius of curvature of roads is dictated by the possibility of maneuvering individual vehicles and road trains. Usually, the minimum radius of curvature is taken as 15 m, in this place the width of the carriageway is increased - with a road width of 3.5 m at the rounding, it will be 5 m, the largest slope is 0.08.

Structurally, roads consist of subgrade and pavement. To divert surface water on straight sections of the road, a gable slope is attached, and on curved sections - a single slope.

The pavement consists of several layers - the underlying sandy layer, the bearing base (crushed stone, concrete, reinforced concrete) and the coating. To reduce costs at the construction site, it is advisable to arrange future permanent roads without a top cover. It is even more efficient to lay a temporary pavement of reinforced concrete road slabs on a sandy base. The main coating in this case should be carried out before putting the facility into operation.

Plates are used as reinforced concrete road slabs; rectangular and wedge-shaped. Rectangular road slabs (2.5-3.0 m long, 1.0-1.5 m wide, 0.14-0.22 m thick and weighing 0.63-1.8 tons) are easy to use, suitable for operation immediately after their laying at any time of the year and in any weather.

The cost of constructing, repairing and maintaining such roads under conditions of typical traffic intensity for construction sites usually pays off in 1.5-2.0 years. Collapsible plates are the property of the construction organization and can be reused by it.

Table 24





sandy loamy



Distance to the machine support, m





The construction site in the city must be fenced to prevent access by unauthorized persons. The design of the fences must meet the requirements of GOST 23407-78. Fences adjacent to places of mass passage of people must be equipped with a continuous protective visor.

At the entrance to the construction site, a scheme for the movement of vehicles is established. The speed of vehicles near the work sites should not exceed 10 km/h on straight sections and 5 km/h on turns.

6.6. The placement of on-site warehouses should be carried out taking into account the location of access roads and entrances from the main transport routes to the places of acceptance and unloading of materials. On-site warehouses of prefabricated elements, enlarged by design, materials, semi-finished products, etc. must be located in the area of ​​​​the crane.

The width of the mechanized on-site warehouse is set up depending on the parameters of the loading and unloading machines and usually does not exceed 10 m. the other side (when placing the warehouse on both sides of the tower crane).

When placing warehouses, one should be guided by the decisions made in the technological maps and schemes for the production of work.

In open warehouses, when storing products, structures and semi-finished products, it is necessary to provide longitudinal and transverse aisles with a width of at least 0.7 m, while transverse aisles should be arranged every 25 - 30 m.

Open warehouses with flammable and highly dusty materials should be located on the leeward side in relation to other buildings and structures (depending on the direction of the prevailing winds) and no closer than 20 m from them. All warehouses must be at least 0.5 m from the edge of the road.

The location of products and structures (in case it is impossible to carry out installation from vehicles) must correspond to the technological sequence of installation.

6.7. The placement of mechanized installations should be linked to the placement of warehouses and cranes.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that concrete and mortar mixing plants are such construction facilities at a construction site, the location of which determines the main volume of on-site transportation.

In case of tightness of the territory, insufficiency of the outreach of the tower crane, as well as in the case of using automobile, pneumatic wheel or crawler cranes during the construction of the facility, mechanized installations can be located on the free territory of the site, while it is advisable to deliver concrete and mortar to the place of laying in removable bunkers using forklifts .

6.8. Intra-construction roads at the construction site must ensure the smooth operation of warehouses and mechanized installations. On the construction master plan, the general decisions on the arrangement of access roads, adopted on the construction master plan as part of the construction organization project, are clarified.

When designing temporary intra-construction roads, the width of the carriageway and the number of traffic lanes are determined depending on the type of vehicles and the category of roads and are taken for traffic in one direction - 3.5 and in two directions - 6 m. The width of the passages is taken for people without cargo 1 m and with load - 2 m.

For intra-construction needs, first of all, the designed permanent roads should be used. Permanent roads are calculated for the possible intensity of the passage of construction vehicles and, if necessary, their strengthening is provided. The upper asphalt layer is laid only after the completion of the main construction works, as a rule, during the period of landscaping in accordance with the decisions of the PPR. In the case of using temporary roads, the construction of intra-quarter permanent roads, as well as marks, platforms and footpaths to buildings with access to city highways, must be completed 5 days before the object is put into operation.

The width of the traffic lane and the carriageway of roads is up to 2.7 m. When using vehicles up to 3.4 m wide (MAZ-525, MAZ-530), the width of the carriageway increases to 4 and 8 m, respectively. The main characteristics of the roads are given in Table. 25.

Table 25


Indicators for the number of traffic lanes, m

Lane width

Roadway Width

subgrade width

The smallest radius of curves in the plan

12 - 18

12 - 18

In the areas of unloading materials and structures on one-way roads, platforms 3–6 m wide and 8–18 m long are arranged every 100 m. At the intersection with the railway, the width of the roadway must be at least 4.5 m and have both sides at a distance of 25 m hard coating.

Temporary roads can be of several types - eu-test-ven-nye dirt profiled or with improved coverage with mineral materials; transitional with a hard coating (gravel, crushed stone, slag); improvement-shen-stvo-van-nye (from prefabricated inventory reinforced concrete slabs, wooden shields, steel plates). The most massive are roads made of reinforced concrete slabs. Technical and economic indicators of inventory reinforced concrete slabs are given in Table. 26.

Table 26


Go-no-tsa change---

Reinforced concrete slabs


PD 1-6

PD 2-6

PD 1-9.5

PD 2-9.5

PD 3-23


1,5´ 1.75´ 0.18

1,5´ 1.75´ 0.18

1,5´ 1.75´ 0.18

1,5´ 3´ 0.18

1,5´ 3´ 0.22


The volume of ma-te-ri-ala

m 3






Normative load on the wheel

The choice of the type and design of temporary roads is carried out depending on the type of vehicles and the load.

The network of intra-construction roads should be looped. In the areas of action of assembly cranes, roads should be arranged in compliance with the requirements of building safety regulations and with the installation of barriers and warning signs at the entrances to hazardous and assembly areas.

When placing roads and driveways, it is necessary that the distance to any building or structure from roads and driveways does not exceed 25 m.

Permanent and temporary sidewalks and crossings are used as pedestrian routes and crossings. The width of temporary sidewalks and crossings is assumed to be 1 - 2 m. The type and design of temporary sidewalks are selected based on the soil and hydrogeological conditions of the territory, traffic intensity and duration of operation. The most appropriate are sidewalks made of prefabricated inventory concrete (30´ 30´ 6, 40´ 40´ 6 cm) and reinforced concrete (320´ 160´ 12, 300´ 160´ 12, 75´ 75´ 6 cm) slabs. Transitions through trenches and ditches are carried out using inventory bridges with a fence (width 0.8 - 1 m, length 3 m, weight 100 - 150 kg).

6.9. Temporary (mainly inventory) production, sanitary, administrative buildings and warehouse buildings should be located in such a way as to provide safe and convenient approaches to them for workers and maximum blocking of buildings among themselves, which helps to reduce the cost of connecting buildings to communications and operating costs. Temporary buildings must be brought closer to existing communications in the following order: to sewer, water supply, electricity supply; te-le-fo-ni-za-tion and radio. This procedure reduces labor costs and shortens the time for completing the work of the preparatory period.

Sanitary and administrative buildings, as well as approaches to them, should be located outside the dangerous zones of operation of construction machines, mechanisms and vehicles. Amenity premises should be located at a distance of at least 50 m and on the windward side of the prevailing winds in relation to objects that emit dust, harmful gases and vapors (bunkers, mortar concrete installations, etc.). Sanitary facilities in the form of "towns" should be placed near the entrances to the construction site so that workers can use them before and after work, bypassing the work area. Near amenity premises, it is necessary to provide for the arrangement of landscaped areas for recreation.

Dressing rooms, washrooms, shower rooms, rooms for drying clothes and dedusting, canteens can be placed in one building (block), providing communication between them. When placing these premises in trailers or containers, they are placed side by side and, if possible, blocked.

Dressing rooms are intended for storing street, home and work clothes. Closed separate storage of clean and work clothes in double lockers is preferable. Blocks of cabinets should be arranged with aisles between rows with a width of at least 1 m, and when arranging seats in the aisles - at least 1.5 - 1.7 m.

Premises for dust removal of overalls are made based on the largest shift only for those working in conditions of emission of a large amount of dust (when working in mortar concrete units, grinding building materials, etc.).

Premises for personal hygiene of women are arranged when the total number of working women is more than 15 people; the room should consist of a reception room, a dressing room with a restroom and a treatment room.

In accordance with the norms of medical care, with a number of employees of 300 - 800 people, a paramedic's station should be provided, and with a number of employees of 800 - 2000 people - a medical station. Medical posts should be located in the same block with amenity premises, while observing the maximum distance from them to the most remote workplaces of 600 - 800 m. The first-aid post should be provided with an entrance for motor vehicles.

Flush latrines should be located near sewer wells. In the absence of a flush sewer, mobile latrines with hermetic containers are used. Pit latrines can be arranged only with the permission of the sanitary authorities.

Fire breaks between permanent and temporary buildings and structures, as well as between warehouses and buildings (structures) must be taken in accordance with the requirements of fire safety rules.

The construction master plan should show the dimensions of temporary buildings; their binding in the plan; places of connection of communications to buildings or structures. In the explication of temporary buildings and structures, it is necessary to indicate: the number of the temporary building; size in plan, volume in physical units, m 2, m 3; brand and design.

6.10. Designing a temporary water supply network after determining the need for water begins with the selection of a source. Sources of temporary water supply can be:

existing water pipelines with the device, if necessary, additional temporary structures;

designed water pipelines, subject to their commissioning under a permanent or temporary scheme in the required time;

independent temporary sources of water supply - reservoirs and artesian wells.

Fire tanks should be arranged on the sites in cases where the water supply system does not provide the calculated amount of water for fire extinguishing. Water conduits from pumping stations and the distribution network are made of asbestos-cement or steel pipes laid in the ground or on the surface of the ground. The distribution network can also be made of rubber hoses and fabric sleeves.

When designing a temporary network, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of successive extension and re-laying of pipelines as construction progresses. Temporary water supply networks are arranged according to ring, dead-end or mixed schemes. The ring system with a closed loop provides uninterrupted water supply in case of possible damage in one of the sections and is more reliable. The dead-end system consists of a main line, from which there are branches to water consumption points. The mixed system has an internal closed loop, from which branches are laid to consumers.

Linking the temporary water supply network consists in designating on the construction master plan the places where the route of the temporary water supply is connected to the source, the facilities on the route (pumping stations, wells, hydrants) and dispensing devices in the working area or inputs to consumers. Wells with fire hydrants are placed taking into account the possibility of laying sleeves from them to the fire extinguishing site at a distance of no more than 150 m with high pressure water supply and 100 m with low pressure. The distance between hydrants should be no more than 150 m. Hydrants should be located at a distance: to buildings - no closer than 5 m and no further than 50 m; from the edge of the road - no more than 2.5 m.

6.11. Work on the construction of a temporary sewer network requires significant labor costs and, in this regard, it is arranged in cases of construction of especially large and complex facilities. To drain storm and conditionally clean industrial waters, open drains are arranged in the ground. At a construction site with a fecal sewer network, canalized inventory toilets of a mobile or container type should be used, placing them near sewer wells. Temporary water supply should be connected to such a bathroom and electric lighting should be arranged. If there is no fecal sewer network at the construction site, then the bathrooms should be arranged with a cesspool. with a significant amount of wastewater requiring treatment, it is necessary to arrange septic tanks. Temporary sewer networks are made of asbestos-cement, reinforced concrete and ceramic pipes.

6.12. The design of a temporary power supply network is carried out in two stages. First of all, the optimal source location point is found, which coincides with the center of electrical loads, and then the power supply network is traced. The optimal placement of the source allows you to reduce the length of networks, the mass of wires, their cost and losses in the electrical network. Power supply of lighting and power current collectors is carried out from the general main networks.

Air trunk lines are arranged primarily along the driveways, which makes it possible to use poles of outdoor lighting fixtures for the construction site for their installation and facilitates operating conditions.

Overhead power lines must be removed from construction machines and other mechanisms horizontally at the following distances, m:

at voltages up to 1 kV - 1.5;

at a voltage of 1 - 20 kV - 2;

at a voltage of 35 - 100 kV - 4;

at voltage up to 154 kV - 6;

at a voltage of 330 - 500 kV - 9.

6.13. The development of construction master plans is carried out on the basis of a comparison of their various options in order to achieve the most rational composition and location of all elements of the construction industry, which ensure minimal transport costs and costs for temporary buildings, engineering equipment of the construction site, engineering networks, permanent and temporary roads compliance with current technical conditions and design standards.

The significant duration of the erection of temporary buildings and structures in the preparatory period in many cases is the main reason for exceeding the directive and regulatory deadlines for construction, which negatively affects the cost of work and the efficiency of capital investments in general. Reducing the cost of temporary buildings and structures is possible both by maximizing the use of permanent facilities (existing and designed, erected in the first place) for the needs of construction, and by introducing progressive inventory buildings of factory production. Reducing the cost of temporary structures is also achieved by the right choice of a volumetric design solution (type) of an inventory building in accordance with the period of its stay at the facility.

It should be borne in mind that the indicator of the effectiveness of a particular temporary building is not its initial cost, but the sum of the costs of manufacturing the building, taking into account its turnover, installation, dismantling and transportation costs. Non-inventory temporary buildings that are used, as a rule, once should be considered the least economical.

The effectiveness of the use of inventory buildings depends directly on their turnover. The higher the turnover of the building, the lower the actual costs associated with its use on the construction site. In this regard, the following terms for the use of inventory buildings at one site can be roughly accepted, months:

for mobile buildings - up to 6;

for container buildings - 12 - 18;

for collapsible buildings - 18 - 36.

Reducing these periods increases the efficiency of the use of inventory buildings, and their lengthening leads to additional costs.

7. Technological maps (schemes) for the production of works

7.1. Technological maps are developed for the performance of certain types of work, the results of which are finished structural elements or parts of buildings and structures, which include schemes for operational quality control, a description of work methods, labor costs and the need for materials, machines, equipment, devices and protective equipment for workers. The development of technological maps should be carried out in accordance with the "Guidelines for the development of standard technological maps in construction" (M., 1976).

7.2. For homogeneous buildings and structures of simple design, erected using standard building structures and serial technological equipment with a limited number of organizations involved in design and construction, as a rule, standard technological maps are developed; for buildings and structures with various atypical space-planning and complex design solutions, difficult or cramped conditions for the production of work, in which it is necessary to use special auxiliary structures, devices and installations that require the participation of a large number of organizations in the construction - ex-pe-ri-men are being developed - tal technological maps. Experimental maps are always developed in relation to a specific object.

7.4. Technological maps are developed according to the working drawings of a building or structure in accordance with the technical solutions incorporated in the development of the PIC in organizational and technological schemes and using advanced domestic and foreign experience that meets the modern technological level.

8. Geodetic support of construction and installation works

8.1. To draw up the geodetic part of the project for the production of works in housing and civil construction, the initial data are: the master plan of the existing and planned development; data on the geodetic base of the construction site, including the red lines, and the layout of the buildings under construction; construction master plan of the site to be built; vertical layout project; data on the number of storeys and structures of buildings; plans and sections of foundations and standard floors.

8.2. In the assignment for the development of the geodetic part of the project for the production of works, the following should be indicated: the name of the organizations - the customer, general contractor, subcontractors; name, location of the object, its characteristics and purpose; stakeout data; types of work to be included in the geodetic part of the project for the production of works; special requirements not reflected in the regulatory documentation for the accuracy of construction and installation works; a list of materials for the geodetic part of the project for the production of works (text, calculation, graphic); the sequence of drawing up the geodetic part of the project for the production of work on individual buildings, the timing of the issuance of materials.

8.3. When developing the geodetic part of the project for the production of works, it is recommended to provide approximately the following sequence of work.

1. For the preparatory period:

creation of a planned and high-rise justification; fixing the callouts of the main axes with signs; installation and determination of marks of benchmarks; breakdown and fixing of the intermediate axes of the structure.

2. For the underground part of the building:

breakdown of the contour of the pit and transfer of axes and heights to the bottom of the pit; transfer of axes and heights to cast-offs; marking work in the construction of foundations and pile fields.

3. For the above-ground part of the building:

transfer of the main axes and marks to the base and mounting horizons; detailed breakdown and fixing of axes and marks on the mounting horizon; breakdown and fixing of risks for the installation of elements; installation of beacons; reconciliation in the process of installing building structures in the design position; production of executive survey and preparation of reporting documentation.

4. For engineering networks:

planned breakdown of networks; control over the depth of excerpts of trenches, planned and high-altitude installation of communications; performance surveys of laid networks.

5. For installation of technological equipment:

determination of the design position of the equipment; control during installation and fixing; executive shooting.

6. For vertical layout:

determination and fixing of zero work lines; tracing lines of a given slope, fixing points; transfer and fixation in nature of design planes; executive surveys of the planned territories.

8.4. In the geodetic part of the project for the production of works, a special place should be given to the composition and content of the documentation, which includes: executive geodetic schemes, drawings, profiles, sections; acts of geodetic breakdowns and readiness of work; journal of geodetic control; acts of geodetic verification; field journals.

Executive geodetic documentation is divided into internal and acceptance. Internal as-built documentation is drawn up for an unfinished construction and installation stage and is one of the grounds for issuing a permit for construction and installation works by the chief engineer of the construction department (and organizations equated to it). Internal as-built documentation includes: as-built schemes for laying out the contours of pits; acts and executive schemes for the breakdown of intermediate axles; acts of breakdown of pile fields; acts and executive schemes for formwork prepared for concreting; acts of detailed geodetic breakdown on mounting horizons for mounting a tier, basement, floor; executive schemes for leveling concrete preparations for floors; working schemes for the installation of beacons.

Internal as-built documentation can be drawn up for other preparatory types of work. The procedure for its registration is established by the chief engineer of the construction and installation organization. It is not presented to the working and State commissions when the facility is put into operation.

Acceptance-delivery as-built documentation is compiled for the completed stage of construction and installation works and presented to architectural supervision, Gosarchstroykontrol bodies, general contracting (subcontracting) organizations, the customer, workers and state commissions for the acceptance of the object into operation.

Acceptance-delivery as-built documentation includes: planning-altitude schemes for all types of engineering communications; planning and high-altitude schemes and acts for the finished pit, roadbed and other earthworks; planned high-altitude schemes of pile fields; planning and high-rise schemes and acts of finished foundations (pile, prefabricated, monolithic, etc.); planning-high-altitude schemes of columns; floor-by-floor planning and high-rise schemes of buildings and structures in brick, large-block, large-panel execution; plan-altitude schemes for elevator shafts; planning and high-rise schemes and acts of roads; plan-high-rise schemes for improvement.

Geodetic as-built documentation should be in the production and technical department of the construction and installation organization and with the customer. When putting the object into operation, a copy is presented, located in the production and technical department.

9. Safety Solutions

9.1. The composition and content of safety decisions in work execution projects must comply with the requirements of SNiP III-4-80.

9.2. When developing a calendar plan for the production of work, it is necessary to provide for such a sequence of work that any of the work performed is not a source of industrial danger for simultaneously performed or subsequent work.

The deadlines for the performance of work and the need for labor resources should be established taking into account the provision of a safe sequence of work and the time for the implementation of measures to ensure conditions for the safe production of work (temporary fastening of elements of building structures in the design position, arrangement of slopes or fastenings of walls of excavations in the ground, installation of temporary protective fencing when working at height, etc.).

9.3. On the construction master plan, danger zones should be indicated near the places where goods are moved by lifting and transport equipment, near a building or structure under construction, as well as an overhead power line.

The boundaries of hazardous areas should be established in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-4-80, and, if necessary, determined by the calculation, which should be given in the explanatory note.

The construction master plan should indicate the locations of sanitary facilities, roads and pedestrian roads, determined taking into account hazardous areas, the location of lighting sources and the fencing of the construction site.

9.4. Sanitary facilities, roads and passages for workers should be located outside the hazardous areas.

In the event that temporary roads are located in the zone of cargo movement by a crane, decisions should be made on the installation of a signal fence, inscriptions or road signs warning about entering a dangerous zone.

9.5. Illumination of the construction site should be designed in accordance with the Instructions for the Design of Electric Lighting of Construction Sites.

Lighting should be provided for working, security and emergency.

The calculation of illumination should be given in the explanatory note.

9.6. When choosing a fence for the territory of the construction site and work areas, the requirements of GOST 23407-78 should be taken into account.

9.7. In technological maps or schemes for the performance of certain types of work, when determining the sequence and methods of performing work, it is necessary to take into account the hazardous zones that arise during the work.

If it is necessary to perform work in hazardous areas, the technological map should provide for measures to protect workers from the effects of industrial hazards.

9.8. The placement of construction vehicles should be determined in such a way as to provide space for viewing the working area and maneuvering, subject to maintaining a safety distance near an unreinforced excavation, stacks of goods, equipment.

The choice of means of mechanization should ensure that the technical characteristics of the machine correspond to the conditions for the production of work.

9.9. Placement of workplaces should be designed on stable and durable structures, taking into account the action of hazardous areas.

When organizing workplaces, the issues of equipping them with collective protection means, rational technological equipment, small-scale mechanization means, mechanized tools, devices to ensure safe work performance should be resolved.

When organizing workplaces at height, collective protection equipment should be used - enclosing and trapping devices.

Fencing of workplaces should be arranged if the height of the workplace from the ground is 1.3 m or more, and the distance from the edge of the height difference is less than 2 m.

9.10. The main requirements for fencing during the construction of the above-ground part of the building are:

reusable, easy to install and dismantle;

reliability of the attachment point of the fence to the elements of building structures.

9.11. When using scaffolding, inventory structures that meet the regulatory and technical documentation should be used.

Non-standard scaffolding should be used if they are made according to a project approved in the prescribed manner.

9.12. Slinging methods for transportable structures must prevent sliding of the transported load.

The calculation of flexible slings is carried out in accordance with paragraph 107 of the Rules for the Arrangement and Safe Operation of Hoisting Cranes.

9.13. In technological maps for the production of earthworks, you should indicate:

ways to ensure soil stability when arranging pits or trenches;

safety measures when installing construction machines, placing materials or soil along the edges of trenches and pits;

solutions that ensure the immutability of the situation and the safety of existing communications.

9.14. The conditions that determine the possibility of ensuring the stability of the vertical walls of recesses without fasteners are specified in SNiP III-4-80.

If the specified values ​​are exceeded, as well as in the presence of cramped working conditions and in soils saturated with water, it is necessary to provide for fasteners.

With a depth of excavation of more than 3 m, the calculation of the fastenings of the excavations should be given in the explanatory note.

9.15. When carrying out excavation work in the conditions of intersection of existing communications, it is necessary to provide special devices that ensure the invariability of the position and the safety of existing communications.

Mechanical excavation is allowed at a distance of at least 2 m from the side wall and at least 1 m above the top of the pipe, cable, etc.

The soil remaining after mechanized mining should be finished manually without the use of percussion tools.

9.16. The possibility of placing building materials and machines along the edges of the recesses should be established by calculation, the strength of the fastening of the recesses is determined taking into account the magnitude and dynamics of the load created.

9.17. Technological maps for the production of installation work should contain specific instructions to prevent the danger of falling from a height, falling structures, products or materials when they are moved by a crane or if they lose stability during installation or storage.

9.18. When erecting brick and frame-panel buildings, it is recommended to use protective devices using net materials designed by TsNIIOMTP.

9.19. In the case of using a safety belt, the technological map should contain instructions on how to fix it. For the convenience of work with the use of a safety belt, safety ropes or safety devices should be used.

As a safety device for fastening a carabiner of a safety belt during the construction of residential and civil buildings, a device developed by the Mosorgstroy trust, Mosstroykomiteta is recommended, consisting of a drum with a guide rope wound inside, a drum handle for rope tension, a stopper for fixing the length of the rope and two carabiners for fixing a free the end of the rope and the drum itself to the mounting loops of structural elements. Transfer ropes are connected to the guide rope.

The safety belt carabiner can be attached either to the guide rope or to the transition ropes.

No more than three people are allowed to join the guide rope. The mass of the device is 15 kg.

9.20. When choosing load-handling devices, it is necessary to provide for the use of structures that have devices for remote unslinging of goods and ensuring safe working conditions for unslinging structures.

9.21. When choosing mounting equipment, preference should be given to devices that allow you to combine the simultaneous execution of several work operations (for example, alignment and temporary fixing of structures) or to increase the safety of the operation being performed.

As mounting equipment used for temporary fastening of wall panels, it is recommended to use the Mosorgstroy brace, which provides fastening of the panel without the use of scaffolding.

For temporary fixing of balcony slabs, a device of the Orgtekhstroy trust of the Ministry of Construction of the BSSR is recommended, which allows temporary fastening of a balcony slab from the floor slab, and not under the installed slab, as when using traditional racks.

9.22. When developing technological maps for the production of stone works, solutions should be provided to prevent the collapse of structures under construction, as well as the fall of workers from a height.

9.23. To prevent the collapse of masonry and working flooring, technological maps should indicate (provide): the maximum height of free-standing stone walls; temporary fastening of erected walls with a height above the maximum allowable; permissible loads on the working floor and their placement schemes.

9.24. Technological maps for stone work performed at negative temperatures should contain solutions to ensure labor safety during the laying process, performed by the freezing method, as well as during the thawing period.

The map indicates: the maximum allowable height of masonry walls and pillars for the period of thawing; temporary fastenings for unloading load-bearing structures and piers; ways to reinforce walls, pillars and other structures, if there is a need for such reinforcement; the time of keeping individual elements of structures (arches of vaults) at negative temperatures in solutions with or without chemical additives before they are stripped and loaded.

9.25. To prevent injury to workers by a falling object when performing stone work, technological maps must provide for the installation of protective flooring.

9.26. Technological maps for finishing work should contain specific instructions for preventing exposure to harmful substances, as well as fire prevention measures when working with flammable and combustible materials.

9.27. The explanatory note should indicate: calculation of hazardous areas; selection of the type of fencing of the construction site; calculation of the illumination of the construction site, work areas and workplaces, the choice of lamps; calculation of fastenings of the walls of the recesses; description of the methods and sequence of work; a list of load-handling devices, mounting equipment, tools, containers, ladders, protective equipment for workers; list of measures to ensure labor safety in hazardous areas.

9.28. To calculate the boundaries of hazardous areas arising from falling objects near a building under construction, one should be guided by SNiP III-4-80; formula can be used

where X- effective cross-sectional area of ​​the falling object, m 2 ; m- mass of the falling object, kg; g- free fall acceleration, m/s 2 ; H- fall height, m; V o is the horizontal component of the object's falling velocity.

9.29. When determining the danger zone arising from falling objects when moving a load by a crane, one should be guided by SNiP III-4-80; formula can be used

, (33)

where S- the value of the maximum possible departure of the structure away from the initial position of its center of gravity with the possibility of its free fall, m; l- length of slings, m; j - angle between the vertical and the sling, degrees; n- half the length of the structure, m; h- the height of the fall of the structure above the ground level, the mounting horizon, m.

Execution organization documentation

production program of the construction


10. Development of a work schedule

10.1. The main decisions on organizing the implementation of the production program of a construction organization are developed in order to fulfill the planned scope of work and commission objects with the highest technical and economic indicators with a high quality of work based on linking the activities of general construction and special units and teams; timely provision of scope of work; high level of planned reliability of construction production; timely delivery of material and technical resources; balancing the plans and production capacity of the construction department through the development of interconnected projects for the production of work for the construction of individual objects of the production program.

Documentation for the organization of work of the annual (two-year) program of the construction organization is developed by the general contracting construction and installation organization and approved by its management. For certain types of general construction, installation and special works, the documentation is developed by the subdivision that performs these works and coordinates it with the general contracting construction organization.

The calendar plan for the production of works for the annual program of the construction and installation association (combine) is formed for all divisions of the organization (construction departments, sites), as well as subcontractors and customers.

In the calendar plan, the issues of the order of construction of objects of the annual production program are resolved and the needs for resources are determined, the capacity of subcontractors is established.

The main task of the calendar plan is the rational use of available production resources while observing the directive or regulatory construction deadlines.

10.2. The formation of the work schedule is carried out taking into account:

ensuring timely engineering preparation of the construction site;

application of progressive forms and methods of organizing work in a continuous flow, planning and managing construction in order to comply with regulatory deadlines;

the optimal level of organizational and technological reliability of construction production;

specialization and zoning of the activities of construction departments;

complex development of residential areas and microdistricts;

optimization of organizational and technological solutions for material and technical resources.

For the formation of the calendar plan, the initial information is used: conditionally constant, reference and variable.

Conditionally permanent information includes:

projects of intra-construction title lists, protocols-orders from customers for commercial construction products and the volume of construction and installation works, commissioning of residential buildings and cultural and community facilities;

design and estimate documentation in accordance with SNiP 1.02.01-85, approved by the customer and accepted by the contractor in the prescribed manner for the volume of construction and installation work of the planned year, providing for advanced technology for the construction of facilities and providing the possibility of timely ordering material resources, including construction organization projects ;

activities of the plan for technical development and increase in production efficiency;

five-year and two-year plans for housing and civil construction in the city;

a sequence diagram for the development of residential areas of the city, detailed planning projects, a plan of city-wide measures for preparing the territory and laying main engineering networks and communications, a consolidated calendar plan for the development of residential areas of the city for 2-5 years, construction organization projects (COS) as part of development projects for microdistricts and quarters, typical organizational and technological models (OTM) and standard optimized calendar plans for the construction of individual housing and civil facilities;

construction conditions, specialization of divisions of construction and installation organizations, capacity of construction and installation organizations for the manufacture and construction of buildings of various series.

Reference information includes:

regulatory deadlines for the construction of facilities and norms of the reserve;

production standards for the consumption of material and technical resources, the duration and labor intensity of the construction of residential and civil buildings;

technical parameters of construction machines and mechanisms, devices, electrified tools.

Variable information includes data:

on the performance of construction and installation works for the period preceding the planned one (year, quarter);

on the availability of labor resources of the organization (construction departments) for all specialized (complex) teams - number, professional and qualification composition;

on the achieved output (shift, monthly) in value and in-kind terms per worker for all specialized (complex) teams and subcontracting organizations;

on the availability of material and technical resources of the organization according to the nomenclature of building materials, structures, semi-finished products, by types (brands) of construction machines and mechanisms, devices and electrified tools;

on the state of the backlog on engineering networks and communications, buildings of the main purpose, preparation of the development area.

10.3. The main provisions for the formation of the calendar plan are as follows. For each object, specialized flows are allocated corresponding to the teams of the general contractor (construction departments, sites) and specialized flows performed by teams of subcontractors.

Specialized flows are formed for the following works: preparatory, excavation, underground utilities, foundations for the building frame, masonry, building frame installation, floor preparation, roofing, carpentry, plastering, painting, cladding, flooring, landscaping .

If the organization has complex teams performing several related types of work, it is advisable to enlarge specialized flows. The allocation of specialized flows of subcontractors is usually carried out for electrical, heat engineering, plumbing work; on the device of gas supply, low-voltage networks, the device of elevators.

When performing one type of work by general contracting construction departments and subcontracting organizations, each of them is allocated specific processes and scopes of work.

Arrangement of objects in the calendar plan is made according to the directive terms of putting them into operation, taking into account priorities. For each object, the work of the main specialized thread is linked. The construction of the above-ground part of the building is taken as the main specialized flow. The interconnection of the remaining specialized flows at the facilities is carried out under the condition of the rhythmic work of the respective teams in accordance with the models developed for all facilities (cyclograms, linear or network graphs), which take into account space-planning and design features, as well as work conditions.

The duration of functioning of specialized streams for general contracting subdivisions is determined on the basis of the achieved output of teams in physical terms and physical volumes of work. For subcontractors, the duration of the operation of specialized flows is determined on the basis of the estimated cost and the production of teams in terms of value for the relevant departments.

The developed calendar plan for the construction of facilities for the annual production program of the association serves as the basis for determining the need for labor, material and technical resources (by months, quarters, for a year). In case of exceeding the requirements for certain types of labor, material and technical resources, measures (recommendations) are developed to provide the construction departments of associations with the missing resources. If it is impossible to provide facilities with certain types of resources, the schedule for the construction of facilities of the annual production program is adjusted to fully link the required volume of construction and installation work with the capacities of the construction departments of the association and subcontractors, or the program itself is adjusted.

The methodological basis for the formation of the work schedule is the design (calculation of parameters) of a continuous flow with a given level of reliability. The parameters of the construction flow characterize its development in time, space, the level of its organization and the reliability of its functioning. The classification of parameters for the execution of the work program in a continuous flow is shown in fig. fifteen.

10.4. Reliability parameters characterize the stability of the construction flow within the specified limits and the ability to obtain the planned result in the face of random failures inherent in construction. These include: the probability of failure-free operation and the availability factor. The probability of failure-free operation is the probability of achieving the planned result under given production conditions. Availability ratio - the ratio of the duration of non-failure operation of the construction stream for the period under consideration to the total operating time (the sum of the duration of non-failure operation and downtime for the same period of time).

10.5. Organizational parameters characterize the features of the construction department and the program of work for the planned period: the capacity of the construction department, the number of parallel flows and teams.

The capacity of the construction unit reflects the maximum amount of work (for the manufacture of precast concrete products and construction) that can be completed in a certain period of time under given production conditions. Depending on the capacity, the planned scope of work and the targeted program, parallel complex, object and specialized flows are formed. A specialized organization forms a number of parallel specialized streams (sanitary, electrical, pile driving, earthworks). The general construction organization forms specialized flows for the construction of the underground part of the building, installation of the above-ground part and finishing work, object flows for the construction of cultural and community buildings. General contracting trusts, DSK, combines form complex flows for the development of residential areas, microdistricts, streets and districts of the city.

Each of the parallel streams is served by one or more specialized or complex teams.

Rice. 15. Classification of continuous flow parameters for the implementation of the work program of a construction organization

10.6. The spatial parameters include: a site, an object, a microdistrict, a residential area, the territorial location of objects, the radius of service of objects by construction departments (area of ​​activity), as well as the nomenclature of construction objects according to their design features (large-panel, brick, etc.) and typical series, engineering networks by type, by location in the region (city, district center, residential area, microdistrict, quarter, street, building site, detached buildings, distances between objects and from objects to the base of the construction organization).

10.7. The parameters of time include indicators characterizing the development of the flow in time. For the design of the organization of work in a continuous flow, the following parameters are distinguished: the duration of the construction of objects and the stages of their construction, the magnitude of the critical convergence of flows (organizational breaks), the rhythm of the flow, the possible timing of the start of construction (the release of the construction site, engineering preparation of the territory, the readiness of engineering networks and communications) and directive (normative) deadlines for putting objects into operation.

In case of combined performance of two adjacent technologically dependent processes and stages of work, the convergence between them must be at least critical (minimum). This convergence is determined by the minimum necessary advance of the previous construction flow by the next one by an amount sufficient to perform the work of the subsequent process in the established rhythm. Such an advance is taken in the amount of work on one grip (section, object) of the previous process, taking into account possible deviations (with a given level of reliability). Critical convergence can be expressed in units of time, volumes of work at an object (a group of objects) or in units of a work front of a certain construction readiness.

10.8. Technological parameters characterize the features of the production of work: the amount of work, the intensity of the flow, output, labor intensity, the number of performers, the structure of the flow.

The activities of the construction and installation organization are considered as the functioning of a system of complex (object, specialized) flows, united by a common program of work and the boundaries of the region. The number of such flows depends on the size of the region, the scope of work, the number and organizational level of specialized units that are part of the construction organization and attracted from outside, their capacity.

Each of the complex flows is characterized by a structure corresponding to the nature of the work performed, the objects of construction and the conditions for its implementation. The structure determines the composition of the object, specialized and private flows organized to fulfill the annual program of the construction department in accordance with the architectural, space-planning and design solutions, the scope of work and the established specialization of the departments.

The number of parallel streams is determined depending on the volume of work of the construction and installation organization and its capacity.

10.9. To determine the reliability parameters of the construction industry, the failure rate is set for the leading technological processes, stages and objects in the conditions of a particular construction unit.

As a failure of the construction process (the leading private flow), such a value of idle flow during the day or deviation from the planned scope of work is taken, which significantly affects the work of the construction flow and, as a result, cannot be eliminated due to a periodic increase in labor productivity during the day.

As a failure of a specialized or object flow, a deviation of the deadlines for completing a stage of work or putting an object into operation from a given period (normative or directive) in working days can be taken. A failure is considered a deviation of the duration by an amount that, under the conditions of the construction department under consideration, significantly affects the fulfillment of planned targets, i.e. the sum of technological failures is so large that by adjusting the organization of work (the degree of overlap, intensity, duration of processes), redistributing resources within the facility, periodic growth in labor productivity, a stage of work cannot be completed or the facility cannot be put into operation at the scheduled time.

10.10. The main method of obtaining information about the reliability of construction production is the direct registration of failures at facilities in special journals; they record the number, cause and duration of failures or the daily flow rate in physical or cost terms. The duration of daily observations is up to a year (and at least 1 month).

10.11. The duration of the specialized flow at the facility (in three stages of work - the construction of the underground part, the installation of the above-ground part of the building, finishing work) is determined by the formula

, (34)

where T ij- duration j-th stage of work (specialized flow at the facility at i-th object; k is the modulus of cyclicity; m- number of grips; n- number of private threads ( n=1, 2, 3, ...); S t o - organizational breaks between specialized flows, set depending on the given level of reliability; k r - readiness factor (reliability) *.

* Instructions for the design of the organization and management of in-line housing and civil construction based on continuous planning (RSN 323-83). Kyiv: NIISP. 1983.

10.12. Designing the work of a construction and installation organization in a continuous flow is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, proposals are developed for the formation of the annual program of the construction and installation organization and its approval by the customer (general contractor), and at the second stage, documentation is developed for organizing the work of construction units in a continuous flow based on the approved annual program.

10.13. Proposals for the formation of an annual plan should be aimed at timely financing of the entire range of works during the year, the most complete use of the capacity of the industrial base, improvement of flow technology and organization of production, rational use of material and technical and labor resources, increasing labor productivity, linking the planned scope of work with production capacity of the construction and installation organization to ensure the commissioning of all planned residential and civil buildings.

The proposals define the composition (list) of construction objects and the timing of their commissioning by quarters of the planned year, as well as the list and volume of transitional backlog objects necessary to ensure the rhythmic work and efficient use of resources.

Proposals for the formation of an annual (two-year) work plan in a continuous stream should contain the materials indicated in Table. 27.

Development of proposals for the formation of the annual production program of the construction and installation organization (Fig. 16) includes:

analysis of the project of in-building title lists received from the customer for approval;

distribution of construction objects between construction departments and subcontractors;

drawing up a draft directive work schedule based on production standards;

determination of the need for basic material and technical resources: sources and possibilities of their coverage;

drawing up a financing plan in the context of the annual program;

preparation of comments on the structure of the plan of the construction and installation organization and proposals for adjusting the projects of intra-construction title lists.

Methodological guidance and control over the performance of work is carried out by the chief engineer (deputy head) of the construction and installation organization.

Table 27



The directive work schedule of the construction and installation organization in a continuous flow in the volume of the annual (two-year) program

Establishment of terms for putting objects into operation

The sequence and timing of the construction of facilities (by stages of work)

Comments of the construction and installation organization on the projects of the title lists for the planned period

Establishing the compliance of the production capacity of the construction and installation organization with the objects of the title lists

Clarification of the list of objects and works, the timing of commissioning and appropriations for the planned period, the list of back-up objects and the readiness of the territory for development

Data on the annual requirement in material and technical resources

Identification of the general requirement in the main ma-te-ri-al-no-technical resources for the program of work, data for the preparation of applications

Calculation of the total need for basic material and technical resources for the annual (two-year) program of work, preparation of annual applications

Explanatory note

Explanations and comments on the proposals for-mi-ro-va-nia of the annual program

Calculation of the main parameters for the construction of facilities, a description of the conditions of construction and linking them with the estimated volumes

10.14. When analyzing the project of intra-construction title lists of objects, the construction and installation organization checks:

compliance with the planned annual scope of work

the limits of capital investments and construction and installation works approved in the five-year plans;

availability and timing of issuance of design and estimate documentation;

the estimated volume of the backlog at the beginning of the planned year and for the next year;

preparation of the territory (resettlement, demolition of buildings, alluvium, peat removal, territory planning as of January 1 of the planned year);

deadlines for the customer to complete citywide engineering activities (laying of main engineering networks and communications) and equipment of the territory, construction of engineering structures, as well as their compliance with the required deadlines for commissioning facilities.

Rice. 16. The procedure for developing proposals for the formation of the annual program of work

10.15. As a result of the analysis of projects for a detailed planning of residential areas and microdistricts, the following should be determined: sites and urban complexes, the sequence of construction of sites (urban complexes), microdistricts and their objects. The expected dates for the execution of works and activities carried out by the customer are specified and, depending on them, the possible dates for the start of construction. At the same time, materials from projects for organizing the construction of residential microdistricts and individual facilities should be used.

According to the dates of the possible start of construction and the proposed dates for putting the facilities into operation, the construction period is established and its compliance with the standard duration is checked in accordance with SNiP 1.04.03-85.

Construction objects are distributed among organizations in accordance with their production capacity, specialization and area of ​​work.

10.16. Construction and installation organizations, together with the customer, consider proposals (orders) for work performed by a contract method, draw up protocols for coordination and send them to higher organizations. In these documents, the volume of construction and installation work should be distributed for each construction unit and for each construction site, as well as for quarters of the year in such a way that the commissioning of facilities within the standard time is ensured. First of all, it is necessary to provide for the completion of the construction of previously begun facilities on time.

10.17. The directive work schedule is being developed in order to identify the technological feasibility of fulfilling the planned scope of work and putting the facilities into operation within the proposed time frame; a schedule is formed for the objects and stages of work in the following order:

distribution of construction volumes subject to uniform loading of plants throughout the year and taking into account the territorial distribution of facilities;

distribution of construction objects by divisions of the construction and installation organization and flows, taking into account the accepted specialization, territorial location of objects, types of buildings and terms of commissioning;

development of a flow construction schedule, taking into account the continuous operation of specialized flows and their linking with each other and with the work of subcontractors, as well as taking into account the even use of resources.

According to the schedule, the need for material, technical and financial resources is established by months and quarters and in general for the planned year, the compliance of the terms of commissioning of facilities with the proposed in-construction title lists in the project is checked, as well as the timeliness of construction and installation works, engineering networks and engineering equipment by other organizations of the city (district).

10.18. As a result of the development of proposals, discrepancies with the project of intra-construction title lists should be identified on the possibility of including objects in the work plan, scope of work, commissioning dates, financing and logistics, requirements for the completion of engineering networks and communications, preparation of the territory, engineering structures and other works performed by the customer or on his instructions by construction and installation and special organizations that are subordinate to other ministries and departments.

Based on the calculations, the construction and installation organization draws up comments on the project of intra-construction title lists: comments and a draft financing plan necessary for the in-line organization of construction are transferred to the customer to correct proposals for the formation of an annual plan and a title list of construction objects.

10.19. Documentation for the organization of work of the annual program of the construction unit in a continuous stream is developed on the basis of approved intra-construction title lists and consists of the materials indicated in Table. 28.

The specified documentation is developed in the following order: preparation of initial data; distribution of objects by divisions of the construction and installation organization and subcontractors;

calculation of parameters of in-line construction; development of a line construction schedule; development of logistics schedules.

An approximate scheme for the development of documentation for the organization of the work of construction units in a continuous flow is shown in fig. 17.

Table 28



Calculation of the level of reliability and the value of para-meters for a planned period

Determination of the value of indicators of organizational and technological reliability and parameters of continuous flow for the billing period

The sequence of erection of buildings and their distribution by sub-divisions, construction and installation and sub-contracting organizations

Image of the territorial distribution of objects, engineering networks and com-mu-no-ka-tsy, distribution of objects by use of the construction of buildings and structures

Annual (two-year) schedule of work of the construction and installation organization in a continuous stream

Establishment of deadlines and after-to-va-tel-nos-ty of the execution of work on the technological stages of production and certain leading types of work, the timing of the construction of residential and non-residential facilities. Determination of the workload of teams during the year and the planned implementation of construction and installation works in the cost

Graphs of complete packaging of materials, semi-factories and products on demand in machines and mechanisms

Determination of the quantity and timing of the supply of precast concrete structures, materials, semi-finished products and equipment for the work program of the construction and installation organization, taking into account co-re-peri-rue deliveries. Establishing the need for a unit in the main machines and mechanisms for the continuous functioning of flows

Explanatory note

Justification of the adopted engineering decisions on the technology and organization of precision construction, the complexity of building massifs, increasing the level of reliability of the decisions made, choosing the value of the flow parameters, the need for resources, technical and economic for-for-those.

10.20. The distribution of construction objects between the divisions of the construction and installation organization is carried out taking into account the architectural and structural characteristics and technological assessment of the objects of the two-year construction program, determined by the projects and estimates, the technological and object specialization of the divisions, the territorial distribution of objects, the area of ​​work of the construction division and its capacity.

Rice. 17. The procedure for the development of documentation for the organization of the work of the plant (association) in a continuous stream

10.21. The sequence of construction of objects is established in such a way that each flow is provided with the necessary volume for the construction of buildings of the same series, which creates conditions for improving technology and increasing labor productivity. This should take into account the territorial location of residential buildings in areas of mass development and dispersed within the city and outside the city, the timing of the provision of a site for construction, the readiness of engineering networks and communications, pile foundations and the underground part of buildings, uniform loading of production workshops of the housing construction base.

10.22. In order to determine the early dates for the start of construction, schedules and construction plans for in-line construction are preliminarily developed. The construction general plan shows the layout of construction objects with a breakdown into integrated development sites and queues, places for laying engineering networks and communications, their connection to existing highways, placement of tower cranes and linking typical object construction plans to specific construction conditions. The graphs in enlarged meters with a breakdown by stage (construction of the underground part of buildings, installation of floor structures of the above-ground part and finishing work) indicate the construction time of buildings, taking into account the continuous loading of flows, the deadlines for completing the preparation of the territory, utility networks and their tracing (priority construction of buildings, through which engineering networks pass), the capabilities of specialized subcontractors and the optimal technological terms for the construction of buildings.

10.23. The directive schedule for the in-line construction of facilities is drawn up using cyclograms for the in-line construction of standard buildings of each series, updated for the considered billing period. The schedule provides for the production of work on a system of permanent production lines, the development of flows over time and in individual areas, the linking of specialized flows among themselves, the scheme for moving teams and machines from object to object, as well as the total amount of work by periods, corresponding to the capacity of industrial production of construction and installation organization.

10.24. The calendar schedule for the work of construction and installation organizations in a continuous stream should be developed in the following order:

determination of the sequence of erection of objects;

determination of the total cost of construction of facilities according to the technological stages of work with the allocation of the cost of general construction work within each stage;

clarification of the complex of works performed at each stage, and the definition of specialized units for their implementation;

identification of the conditions for the production of works (the presence of engineering networks and communications or an indication of the timing of their readiness, the need for the demolition of buildings, the transfer of communications, alluvium and territory planning);

determination of the intensity of each specialized flow for the construction of buildings, taking into account reliability indicators;

determination of the required number of parallel specialized streams for the implementation of the work program on its own, as well as by the forces of attracted subcontractors;

distribution of construction objects according to specialized streams, taking into account the manufacturability of objects, the accepted specialization, territorial distribution and directive terms for putting them into operation;

drawing up a calendar schedule for the production line construction.

In the calendar schedule of in-line construction for each facility, construction dates are provided that allow organizing the work of each assembly team of the construction department. To do this, for construction and installation organizations and their departments, the following are determined:

the number of objects in each series;

the need for structures, details and materials for the construction of large-panel buildings;

regulatory reserve for the work of the underground part;

availability of design and estimate documentation in full;

state of engineering preparation of the construction site and building area, engineering equipment;

availability of erection cranes, vehicles and other construction machines and mechanisms.

10.25. Objects and their groupings are evaluated depending on the following characteristics:

type and series of projects, their modification (sectionality, orientation, configuration and type of foundations, the presence of built-in or attached premises, etc.);

territorial placement of objects, tightness of the site;

purpose - state, cultural and household, cooperative and intended for the resettlement of residents from demolished buildings;

availability in construction organizations of approved and complete design and estimate documentation, including engineering networks and communications;

state of engineering preparation and equipment of the territory;

employment of the construction site with buildings, power lines, etc.;

the state of construction (an object that is being carried over from the previous year, is being started again, or is being carried over to the next year).

10.26. The flow construction schedule of facilities covers:

calculation of the monthly commissioning of objects, the need for sets of parts, the planned and regulatory reserve for construction departments;

determination of the expected (with a given probability) duration of construction of typical buildings and the main stages of work corresponding to the full load of specialized units and teams of workers, the possibility of the production base of the construction and installation organization for the supply of parts;

accounting for the organizational and technological reliability of construction production;

uniform forms of construction schedules for the above-ground and underground parts of buildings, schedules for engineering preparation of the territory.

It is necessary to develop a schedule for in-line construction in three technological stages: the construction of the underground part of the buildings, the construction of the above-ground part, special and finishing works. With a large technological specialization of subdivisions or the involvement of subcontracting specialized organizations, the stages can be divided into complex processes, for example, earthworks, pile foundations, grillage and installation of structures of the underground part of the building.

10.27. All objects within the planned year are divided into five groups:

1) objects passing from last year in the stage of finishing;

2) objects passing from the previous year at the stage of installation or construction of the underground part of the building;

3) objects, the construction of which must be started and completed in the current year;

4) backyard facilities that are transferred to the next year at the stage of erection of the underground and installation of the above-ground parts of buildings;

5) backyard objects that are transferred to the next year at the stage of finishing work.

The objects of the third group can be of different readiness for construction. The main factors determining the readiness for construction and the possible timing of the start of installation are: the availability of design and estimate documentation, funding in the required amount, the state of engineering preparation (demolition of buildings, transfer of communications, territory planning, etc.), the presence of laid engineering networks and communications, and others

10.28. When drawing up a schedule for in-line construction, the objects of the annual program are preliminarily divided into several stages (priority groups) that determine the sequence of construction. The first stage includes the buildings of the first and second groups, the second - the objects of the third group, which have a high degree of readiness for construction, the third - the objects of the third group in terms of the timing of the construction site and the readiness of engineering networks, the fourth - backyard objects in the order of the terms of engineering preparation . As part of each priority group, objects in terms of the sequence of their construction can be equivalent or recorded in the order of the desired sequence of their installation.

If the list contains objects through which a single engineering network passes, a strict installation sequence is set. For some objects, specific dates for the early start of installation may be known or directive deadlines for the completion of construction may be set.

10.29. The entire territory on which construction objects are located should be divided into several construction areas: administrative, residential area, street or several streets. For all objects of the annual program, depending on the address of the construction, belonging to a certain area is established.

Construction objects are distributed between SMU and brigades, guided by their specialization and the area of ​​work. For each SMU and for each brigade, objects and series of houses are established, in the construction of which it specializes, as well as those objects and series of houses that the brigade can build without a significant decrease in productivity.

For the efficient operation of construction units and in order to reduce redeployment, the main and adjacent areas for the production of work are established for each SMU or brigade.

10.30. The organizational and technological reliability of the construction industry, provided for in the flow construction schedules, is achieved through the following activities:

the duration of the stages of work included in the schedules is set not deterministic, but expected with optimal probability;

the completion of work is determined by the range of values, depending on the standard deviation of the intensity of the leading processes;

minimum organizational breaks between the stages of work are determined by the value of the standard deviation and the given level of reliability, as well as the type of work;

the reserves of time, scope of work, machines and mechanisms, material and financial resources are determined and taken into account.

If the constructed schedules do not provide for the deadline for putting the facility into operation, it is necessary to resort to other options for technology and organization (changing the number of cranes and the composition of teams, changing shifts, the degree of combination of processes, their intensity and duration), which will allow you to complete the work on time with taking into account probabilistic indicators, expected duration and organizational breaks.

If the change in technology and organization of work does not allow to ensure the completion of work on time with the necessary organizational breaks, the sequence of erection of objects should be changed in such a way that at first the builder objects of a smaller amount of work. Then, from the facilities where there are time reserves, additional material, technical and labor resources should be transferred.

If these possibilities are exhausted, the object should be placed under special control, the priority supply of material and technical resources should be ensured, i.e., the creation of conditions for maximizing the level of organizational and technological reliability, and thereby reducing the duration of work stages and breaks between them.

10.31. When drawing up a schedule for the construction of facilities, the main limitation on the capacity of construction and installation organizations must be met. The demand for prefabricated reinforced concrete products and structures of each group in each month of the planning period should not exceed the capacity of the production lines of the plants. Temporary use of insurance stocks of products with their subsequent replenishment is allowed.

The uniformity of consumption of material resources is achieved by changing the sequence of construction of objects, the intensity of their installation, the number of cranes, assigning objects to other teams with a large production potential.

If in the process of constructing a schedule with a given set of objects of the annual program, the number of teams and the capacity of factories, continuity in the work of teams is not achieved, then it is necessary to identify the shortage of certain resources, evaluate their number and transfer the conclusion to the management of the construction and installation organization for decision-making. When bottlenecks are eliminated by replacing some objects, redistributing or introducing additional capacities, the initial data are changed and re-simulation is performed.

When it is impossible to increase capacity or replace objects, the allowable value of the slack of time for teams is introduced when moving from object to object. A variant of the schedule is being developed for which, subject to the restrictions, the total value of the reserve time for all teams of the construction and installation organization will be minimal.

Rice. 18. Enlarged block diagram of the algorithm for developing the annual schedule for the installation of objects in a continuous stream

10.32. An enlarged block diagram of the algorithm that simulates the process of installation of objects of a construction and installation organization is shown in fig. eighteen.

Block 1. The next object passing into the installation stage is selected, its series and type are established, as well as a team of installers who carry out the installation of the object.

Block 2. The deadline for the installation of the object is determined by multiplying the number of remaining grips by the duration of the installation of one grip and dividing the result by the availability factor. The term for the release of the brigade is determined.

Block 3. The monthly need for reinforced concrete products necessary to complete the installation of the facility is determined.

Block 4. The received demand for reinforced concrete products by months is summed up with the number of products used for the previously considered transitional houses.

Block 5. The total demand for reinforced concrete products in each month of the planning period, which is covered by the installation of the transfer facility, is compared with the capacity of the production lines of the plants. If the need for products does not exceed the capabilities of the factories, then the object is assigned to the team, included in the flow, and control is transferred to the next block.

Block 6. It is checked whether there are still not considered transitional objects. If there are any, then the similar work of blocks 1 - 5 is repeated for the next passing object until all passing objects are considered.

Block 7. The next month of the planning period is selected. Block 7 is the initial one in the main branch of the algorithm that considers objects newly started by construction.

Block 8. The presence of brigades vacated in the period under review is checked, and among them the brigades of the earliest period of release are selected. The districts and objects (series of houses) for the construction of which she specializes are established.

Block 9. A new object is selected for this brigade.

Block 10. The selected object is assigned to the team, the term of its installation is determined, taking into account the provision of a given level of reliability.

Block 11. The date of completion of the installation of the underground part of the facility and the date of completion of the construction of the facility are determined.

Block 12. It is checked whether an early installation start date has been set for this object.

Block 13. Block 14. The specified period is checked.

Block 15. The need for reinforced concrete products is determined in each month, which is covered by the installation of the facility.

Block 16. The received need is summed up with the amount of resources previously spent on other objects.

Block 17. It is checked whether the total demand for products exceeds the capacity of factories. If there are enough factory resources for each month, the object is finally assigned to the team and included in the flow.

At this point, the consideration of this object ends and control is transferred to block 8, in which the presence of brigades released in the month under consideration is checked.

If there is a team, the considered procedure for selecting and including an object in the flow is repeated. After all the teams released in a given month are considered, control is transferred to block 22. The remaining or shortage of resources of the construction and installation organization in the month under consideration is determined, for which the total need for products of various groups on installation is subtracted from the given capacity of the plants.

Block 21. The ability to produce products by construction and installation organizations in the next month is corrected by summing up the balance of resources with the given capacity of the organization in this month. The adjustment provides an integral accounting of the capacity of the construction and installation organization. After that, the next month of the planning period is selected (block 22) and the calculation is repeated. At the end of the planned period, the calculation is completed.

If, as a result of the check in block 13, it turns out that the estimated start date for the installation of the above-ground part of the object under consideration turned out to be earlier than the date of readiness of the underground part of this object and the organizational break calculated taking into account the established level of reliability, an object with an earlier completion date of the underground part is selected for this team. If there are no such objects in the list, measures are taken to speed up the construction of the underground part of the building for a certain period or the possibility of combining the installation process with the completion of work on the underground part of the building.

It may turn out that for the selected object, the deadline for the completion of construction is set (block 14). If the normative term is violated, then the object is transferred to a higher priority group and the calculation is repeated. In this case, in block 14, it is checked whether the estimated construction time is beyond the directive. If not, then it goes to block 15 and the calculations are repeated in the usual way.

During the operation of block 17, it may turn out that the need for reinforced concrete products in any month exceeds the capabilities of construction and installation organizations. In this case, the possibility of changing the intensity of installation, the use of products or their stock in the warehouse is checked. If the need still exceeds the capacity of the construction department, the object is returned to the list.

10.33. As a result of the construction of the schedule of the leading process - the installation of buildings, the late deadlines for the completion of the construction of the underground part of the buildings and the early dates for the start of work on their finishing are set.

10.34. The flow schedule for work on the underground part of buildings is built in a similar way. The continuous work of specialized teams and the corresponding sets of machines for work, the installation of pile foundations, the grillage and the installation of structures of the underground part of buildings with restrictions on the capabilities of the leading machines, the capacity of construction units and the supply of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures is considered. This takes into account the expected duration of the processes with a given probability and the necessary organizational breaks that ensure the timely transfer of the scope of work and their completion.

10.35. When constructing a schedule for the production of finishing works, the continuous work of specialized teams of fitters, the required time for putting objects into operation, the duration of work expected with a given probability, and the sequence of objects determined by the preparation of the work front are taken into account.

If the deadline for completion of work with a corresponding organizational break exceeds the directive, measures are taken to increase the number of performers, the sequence of inclusion of objects in the flow or change the technology and organization of processes up to their combination to a technologically possible amount.

10.36. Documentation for the annual program of work of a construction organization in a continuous stream serves as the basis for the formation of a production and economic plan (construction financial plan).

The schedules for the construction of objects of the annual production program are the basis for drawing up a plan for the commissioning of residential buildings and social and cultural facilities.

According to the schedules of the need for material resources for the objects of the annual production program of the association (by nomenclature), plans are drawn up for material support and equipment, the work of production, auxiliary enterprises and UPTK. Graphs of the need for technical resources for the objects of the annual production program of the association by types (brands) of machines, mechanisms are used to draw up work plans for construction machines and mechanisms, to control mechanization.

10.37. The basis for the development of a calendar schedule for the rational operation of the available fleet of construction machines of an organization should be the principle of forming sets of successively replaced machines serving one specialized stream or object. This principle provides: reducing the impact of the presence of certain types of machines on the implementation of the annual production program; observance of directive terms of commissioning of objects; operational re-formation of the calendar plan for the operation of machines; the efficiency of fleet operation.

The schedule for the distribution of available assembly cranes by construction sites is formed on the basis of the principle of interchangeability using the method of differentiated selection of assembly cranes for one object. The effectiveness of the implementation of a differentiated method of distribution of erection cranes is manifested in a decrease in the cost of mechanization of work, an increase in capital productivity for each high-rise crane, and a reduction in specific capital investments in the construction of high-rise buildings.

10.38. The structure of the coordinated and approved documentation on the organization of the work of construction units in a continuous stream (for example, the city of Yaroslavl) includes schedules:

the sequence of construction of objects of the annual production program for construction departments;

the need for labor resources by objects for specialized (complex) teams (by months, quarters, for a year) - the form is given in table. 29;

the need for technical resources for the objects of the annual production program by types (brands) of machines, mechanisms (by months, quarters, for a year) - the form is given in table. thirty;

interconnection of specialized flows and distribution of capital investments by objects (for a month, a quarter, a year).

Table 29

OOO Avtodor-M carries out the construction of temporary roads. We use only modern special equipment and the latest technologies.

Many construction sites are located in remote areas and do not have a developed infrastructure of access roads. This makes it difficult to bring the necessary equipment, materials and machinery to the site. To solve such problems, it would be optimal to arrange a temporary road for the construction period. Such access roads will cost much less than their capital counterparts. Their service life is less, but it is enough to carry out the necessary construction work.

Service cost

Estimated prices - from 1000 m 2 within Moscow. Depending on the volume and location of work, the cost of construction of temporary roads may be changed.

It is necessary to take care of the organization of access roads even before the start of construction: providing a high-quality road for heavy dump trucks, bulldozers, earthmoving and other types of equipment will significantly save financial and time resources of the enterprise.

Most often, for the arrangement of temporary roads for the period of construction in Moscow and the Moscow Region, durable material is used that can withstand the high loads that arise during the operation of special equipment. An economical option is the use of construction waste, for example, broken bricks or asphalt chips.

It is worth remembering that there is a mandatory condition approved by law - the presence of wheel washing points for vehicles passing through the city.

During the construction of temporary roads, the main thing is to ensure that travel along them to the facilities under construction is possible at any time of the year and in any weather. If a single-lane road is being built, then sidings must be provided. At the same time, according to the standards, the width of the carriageway should be 3.5 m in one direction and 6 m in two-way traffic.

For all objects located on the construction site, entrances and internal roads are designed. Temporary roads, together with permanent ones, form a single transport network, which should provide a through or ring traffic pattern. It is desirable that the designed temporary roads could later be used as permanent ones.

When designing construction roads, they proceed from the tasks of safe traffic; transportation of materials, products and structures to the place of their storage or installation and the possibility of their unloading. Temporary roads and access roads are laid after the completion of the vertical planning of the territory, the installation of drainage, watercourses and other engineering communications.

At least two entrances from opposite sides of the site are provided for the construction site with an area of ​​50 thousand m 2 (5 ha) or more. Gate width per min 4 m is taken. Temporary construction roads are designed, as a rule, as ring roads. At dead-end entrances, traveling and reversal platforms are arranged. The same sites are designed on non-ringed sections of existing roads.

When tracing the road, the minimum distance from the edge of its carriageway to the objects of the construction site is maintained (Table 5.1).

Table 5.1- Distance between the road and construction sites

construction roads can be of the following designs:

natural soil profiled;

soil improved;

with hard coating

from prefabricated reinforced concrete inventory slabs.

The road surface is designed to be suitable for the passage of fire trucks at any time of the year. Temporary natural dirt profiled roads (Fig. 5.1) are arranged with low traffic intensity (up to 3 cars per hour in one direction).

Rice. 5.1 Graded dirt road construction

Construction earth roads of improved design are strengthened with gravel, slag, the addition of binders and cement. Temporary roads for an established load of 12 tons per axle are constructed from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs laid on a sand bed (Fig. 5.2). The thickness of the sand layer is assumed to be 10–25 cm.


Rice. 5.2. Construction of temporary roads with slab surface: a- single-lane;
b- two-way; 1 – slabs with dimensions 6000´1750; 2 – slabs with dimensions 6000´3500

When using permanent roads for construction needs, the thickness of the concrete preparation should be increased to 18–21 cm.

The width of the carriageway of roads, taking into account the dimensions of single-lane slabs, is taken at least 3.5 m (4.5 m), when driving in two directions - 6 m. When using heavy vehicles with a carrying capacity of 25–30 tons or more, the width of the carriageway increases to 8 m.

On sections of roads where one-way traffic is organized along the ring, within sight, but not less than 100 m (for two-way - after 70 m), platforms 6.0 m wide and 12–18 m long are arranged. unloading of materials at any traffic pattern.

Road curvature radii are determined based on the shunting properties of motor vehicles and road trains, i.e., turning ability when moving forward without using reverse gear. Insufficient outer radius of curvature (6-8 m) leads to the destruction of driveways on turns.

Currently, the construction is serviced by large-sized vehicles: panel and pipe carriers, special tractors for transporting cranes. Modern trucks are often used with trailers. Thus, road trains have a carrying capacity of 12–30 tons and a length of 9–15 m. A number of vehicles have two rear axles, as a result of which their length increases to 9–10 m.

The minimum curvature radius for building trains is 12 m, but with this radius, the width of the passages of 3.5 m is insufficient for the movement of automobile passages, and therefore the passages within the curves must be widened to 5 m (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3 Diagram of road widening at a 90° turn

The dangerous zone of the road is that part of it that falls within the zones of movement of cargo or installation. On the construction plan, these road sections are highlighted with double hatching.

When developing a traffic pattern, existing and projected roads are used to the maximum.

The constructed roads should be circular, on dead-end entrances arrange passing and turning areas (12×12 m).

When tracing roads, the following minimum distances must be observed:

Between the road and the warehouse area 0.5–1 m;

· road and crane runways 6.5–12.5 m;

· the road and the axis of the railway tracks (normal gauge) 3.5 m;

road and a fence enclosing the construction site, at least 1.5 m.

Sidewalks arranged at the construction site should be placed along motor roads at a distance of 2 m from their edge. The width of the sidewalk shall be at least 1.5 m.

Symbols of road elements are given in Appendix. 6.

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