Exercises for weight loss Denis Austin. Denise Austin's Rapid Weight Loss Program is easy, affordable, and effective. Pros and cons of the program

The golden rule for quick release from excess body fat is a competent combination of aerobic and strength training with exercises to increase the elasticity of tendons and muscles.

"Fast weight loss" - the best fat burning workout

Using this rule, Denise Austin, a fairly popular fitness instructor, composes his workouts. The fat burning workout she suggested is the perfect balance of the types of exercise listed above.

Based on the purpose of their classes, Denise Austin gave them the appropriate name - "Rapid weight loss." The reviews of those who have been involved in this confirm its effectiveness in terms of losing weight and gaining lightness in the body.

It is important that all Denise's workouts take place in a relaxed, positive atmosphere, and this helps even beginners who have never dealt with fitness and sports to quickly get used to and enjoy classes.

All Denise's workouts are held in a relaxed, positive atmosphere!

Recorded by Denise Austin "Fast Weight Loss" video allows you to train under her guidance to residents of all countries and the most remote corners of the world. All that is needed for a full-fledged one is the desire to engage and the mood for the result. The more accurately the movements of the instructor are reproduced, the more complete the load is. It is important to put effort into each movement, and not try to do it in the simplest way.

Parts of the program and how to deal with them?

  • In the first part of the workout, it is also important not to stop and not pause, but if you lose your rhythm, just go on a march so as not to slow down your heart rate.
  • In the second part, you need to choose the right weight, based on the initial level of training.
  • In the third - smoothly reach out and strive to improve your achievements each time.

Denise Austin Fast weight loss video

With the right approach to classes and performing them at least three times a week, you will really get a noticeable decrease in the numbers on your scales.

Denise Austin "Fast weight loss" reviews:

Denise Austin is truly an example of a person whose words do not diverge from deeds. She is 60 and she looks 30)) Good girl!

Features of losing weight from Denise Austin

The weight loss program consists of two 25-minute workouts. The first involves performing dance movements, rhythmic aerobics and kickboxing exercises. It helps speed up metabolism, promotes fat burning, and improves heart endurance.

The second workout involves doing exercises with dumbbells. As a result, muscles are strengthened and the shape and condition of the body improves. Strength and aerobic exercise help to get rid of body fat and lead to muscle tone. You can read more about how Denise Austin lost weight here.

Features of the technique:

  • necessary equipment - a pair of dumbbells and a mat;
  • for beginners, the weight of dumbbells is 0.5-1 kg, gradually increase to 1.5-2 kg;
  • workouts can be alternated or performed immediately two in a row with good endurance;
  • the minimum frequency of classes is 3-4 times a week;
  • training should be regular, a break of no more than two days.

Exercises included in the workout:

  • warm-up (warms up the muscles and saturates them with oxygen);
  • the main training is a "home party" (elements of Latin American dances, aerobics and kickboxing are used);
  • strength training (loads using dumbbells, help strengthen the muscles of the press, arms, legs, back);
  • relaxation (exercises aimed at relaxing the body and stretching).

Advantages of the technique

Denise's "Fast Weight Loss" course - includes simple and affordable exercises that can be done by those for whom fitness is new. Of the sports equipment, you only need a mat and dumbbells.

Pros of the Denise Austin weight loss program:

  • an energetic pace of exercise promotes fat burning;
  • dance movements that are part of the aerobic part of the workout are not only effective for losing weight, but also develop body flexibility and make classes more interesting;
  • the power part of the training involves several muscle groups at once and increases their tone;
  • for beginners, classes can be carried out separately (for example, the aerobic part - in the morning, and the power part - in the evening);
  • suitable even for those with an initial level of physical fitness;
  • the program has been translated into many languages ​​and is available for use by almost everyone;
  • strength exercises involve a lot of repetitions, which is why calories are burned well.

Cons of the technique

The disadvantages of the Denise Austin weight loss program are not so many. According to the reviews of losing weight, the course gradually but effectively helps to tighten the stomach and get rid of extra pounds. But there are still some downsides..

Loads according to the Denise method will be too easy for those who have already been involved in fitness. Some sources claim that this course helps to lose weight only through exercise, and there is no need to change your usual diet. But in order to achieve success, you still need to adjust the diet a little. Disorderly eating, junk food will not allow you to achieve positive results.

Another minor drawback is that the first part of the program involves performing fairly wide and sweeping movements, so a spacious room is needed for classes.

Denise Austin Meal Plan

Fitness is not the only assistant in the fight against excess weight. Denise also made a special meal plan. She created a whole philosophy of weight loss, combining training, yoga elements, positive thinking and the right diet.

  • eat 30 g of fiber daily, as it improves the functioning of the intestines, removes harmful substances from the body and absorbs a certain amount of calories (it can be oatmeal, buckwheat, raspberries, apples, pears);
  • replace animal fat with vegetable fat (it is desirable to use it in its natural form, it can be cold-pressed olive oil, nut oil and avocado paste);
  • replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream;
  • drink about 2 liters of water a day (in order not to forget about this, you can prepare several bottles of water to drink in advance and put them in a conspicuous place).
  • don't starve yourself.

Nutritionist advice. The Denise Austin diet is the closest to a balanced and rational diet. It assumes a normal distribution of essential nutrients: 50% are carbohydrates, 25 are proteins and 25 are fats. The total calorie content is low: only 1300 kcal per day, which indicates a slight restriction. Her meal plan encourages the use of low glycemic index (GI) foods and also focuses on glycemic load. The star claims that with a normal diet, a small amount of natural sugar and butter can be included in the diet.

The inconvenience of the diet - counting calories, weighing portions and a ban on eating after 19 pm. A significant drawback of such nutrition is low calorie content, which is not suitable for physically active people.

What is the result of the Denise weight loss program

For a month of classes on the Denise Austin program, you can lose about 5 kg. The course helps to tone the muscles, burns fat deposits and tightens the stomach. The first results can be seen after a couple of weeks of training.

The result depends on the initial weight, regularity, duration of classes and diet. The program will also be a good preparation for beginners to move on to more serious sports.

Denise Austin's weight loss course has gained great popularity and has earned positive reviews. The famous fitness trainer has developed a set of simple strength and aerobic exercises that will help to cope with the problem of excess weight. The program perfectly explains to beginners without physical training what fitness is. More information about Denise's rapid weight loss technique is described in the video below.


Reading time: 4 minutes

If you want to lose weight and tighten your body, but do not have much sports experience, we suggest you start with Denise Austin Rapid Weight Loss Program. The workout has gained popularity due to its excellent combination of accessibility and effectiveness.

Denise Austin Rapid Weight Loss Program

Denise Austin is a renowned US personal trainer and fitness expert. After Denise released video workouts for weight loss, she instantly became popular all over the world. Her most famous program, Burn Fat Fast, will help you not only get rid of fat on the abdomen, thighs, arms and buttocks but also make your body firm and toned. Training with Denise Austin, on the one hand, is quite simple and affordable - everyone can handle it. On the other hand, it is very effective for weight loss.

The program consists of two workouts of 25 minutes each. In the first, you will perform rhythmic movements from aerobics, dance and kickboxing to increase metabolism, increase cardiac endurance and burn fat. In the second - you will do exercises with dumbbells to strengthen the muscles and improve the quality of the body. The combination of aerobic and strength training guarantees you excellent results. You Lose fat and tone muscles in order to finally make your figure perfect.

For the Rapid Weight Loss class, you will need a mat and a pair of dumbbells. You can start with dumbbells weighing 0.5-1 kg, then increase to 1.5-2 kg. Almost all strength exercises involve several muscle groups at once: for example, you will work on the biceps and the inner thigh at the same time. This is Helps increase calorie burn per workout.

You can alternate two Denise Austin workouts with each other, and then you will have only 25 minutes to go to classes per day. If endurance permits, you can do 2 workouts in a row: this way you will achieve the desired results faster. Should be engaged at least 3-4 times a week, and, most importantly, regularly. You should not have "training" downtime for more than two days. Only systematic work will help you change your body. Also check out other trainer programs: Overview of all Denise Austin workouts.

Pros and cons of the program


1. The program takes place in energetic fat burning pace. During strength training, you will perform many repetitions with light weights, thereby increasing your heart rate and burning calories.

2. Workout is great for beginners, all exercises are designed for beginners. We also advise you to pay attention to Cindy Crawford's programs to improve your figure.

3. In the aerobic part, dance movements are used, so the lesson will be not only effective, but also fun.

4. Exercises with dumbbells accessible and understandable. In addition, most exercises involve several groups of your muscles at once. There is no need to worry that your muscles will increase from such activities. You are only working on their tone, but first of all, you are burning fat.

5. The duration of training is optimal in time for a beginner: 25 minutes. When you get used to the load, you can do two workouts at once, one after the other.

6. Denise Austin Rapid Weight Loss Program translated into Russian. Now more and more video workouts are being released and fewer of them have been translated into our language.

7. You will not need any additional equipment other than dumbbells and a mat.


1. If you have been doing fitness for some time (for example, with Jillian Michaels), then the load that Denise Austin offers will seem too easy for you.

2. The movements that the trainer uses in the first part of the fitness course are wide and very sweeping. Prepare more space in the room.

"Fast Weight Loss" with Denise Austin will be a real guide to the world of fitness for beginners. You lose weight, tone muscles, master home workouts and make your figure irresistible.

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Aerobics with Denise Austin is work with the energy zones of the body, as a result of which the metabolism in the body improves. As a result, excess fat is burned. Your figure becomes slim.

The aerobics complex with Denis Austin includes a sequence of intense bodybuilding exercises, alternating with general strengthening exercises. In other words, several short strength exercises are inserted into the complex of cardio circuit training exercises. It is this sequence of exercises that contributes to the intensive burning of calories.

Aerobics Denise Austin includes:

  • exercises for the upper body (back, shoulders, arms and chest).
  • exercises for the lower body. The inner and outer surfaces of the legs are being worked out.
  • on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, a cardio complex is performed;
  • on Tuesday and Thursday, do strength exercises aimed at working out the upper and lower parts of the body, as well as exercises for the abdominal muscles;
  • Saturdays include cardio and strength training.

The first results of performing a set of aerobic exercises with Denise Austin will not be slow to affect after 10 days. The reward for your work will be: a slim figure, a flat tummy, sexy hips and buttocks.

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