What plants are sprayed with boric acid. The use of boric acid for the garden or garden. Spraying and fertilizing plants with boric acid. Boric acid solution preparation

Boric acid is not only a stimulant for the formation of the ovary, but an excellent fertilizer for the garden. It is used for many crops: potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, raspberries, strawberries and so on. Therefore, if you find a bag with boric acid residues in your stocks, do not rush to throw it away, but feed your green pets.
With a deficiency of boron in garden and garden plants, growth points die off, ovaries fall off, leaves dry up and roots die. With such symptoms, fertilizing with boric acid can help.

Boric acid for garden plants

On the side shoots of raspberries, the bulk of the crop is tied.

Boric starvation in raspberries is manifested in the fall of the kidneys in early spring. As a result, lateral shoots are not formed and the yield of plantings drops sharply.

With such symptoms, it is useful for plants to give foliar top dressing with a solution of boric acid (10 grams per 1 liter of hot). Generally speaking, throughout the season, every 10-15 days it is good to feed raspberries alternately with a solution of urea (10-15 grams per 10 liters of water) and a solution of boric acid.

Boron is abundant in organic substrates like manure, compost and humus. Therefore, where they are applied on a regular basis, there is no additional need for boron fertilizers.

Boric acid is also used in foliar fertilizing with microelements of various types of currants and gooseberries. For 10 liters of water, 5-10 grams of potassium permanganate, 2-3 grams of boric acid and 30-40 grams of copper sulfate are used. Each substance is mixed with water separately, then the solutions are combined and sprayed with garden shrubs in June-July.

With a lack of boron, the apple tree has a weak fruit set and tissue corking. The leaves grow small, dense, and the shoots branch strongly. The problem can be corrected by applying borax (400 grams per mature tree, preferably in autumn).

Boric acid for tomatoes

Tomatoes are sprayed with a solution of boric acid to stimulate fruit set. This operation is carried out in the phase of partial opening of flowers on the second inflorescence.

To prepare a solution, 1 gram of boric acid is dissolved in a liter of hot water. Tomato bushes are abundantly moistened from a garden sprayer in the morning or evening hours.

Boric acid is also effective in combating late blight. To this end, it is bred and used in a slightly different way. You can read about this in the article "".

Boric acid for cucumbers

Boric acid and other trace elements are added to the second dressing of cucumbers, which is carried out during the period of mass flowering of plants. To do this, 1 liter of cow or horse manure (0.5 liters), 0.5 grams of boric acid, 0.4 grams of manganese sulfate, 0.1 grams of zinc sulfate are used for 10 liters of water.

With the help of this drug, education is also prevented. In this case, the solution is prepared in exactly the same way as for processing a tomato garden (1 gram of boric acid per 1 liter of hot water). Spraying is carried out in quiet, dry weather in the morning or evening.

Boric acid for strawberries

Spraying strawberries with boric acid promotes better fruit set and improves their quality (berries are smooth and beautiful).

The first leaf treatment is carried out in early spring (at the very beginning of growth) with the following composition: 40 grams of urea, 10 grams of iron sulfate, 15 grams of boric acid, 20 grams of citric acid and 1 teaspoon of iodine per 10 liters of water.

To prepare a solution, dilute urea, citric acid and boric acid in different dishes, bring the volume of liquid to 10 liters and add iodine at the end.

An alternative recipe also gives a good result: for 10 liters of water, take 1 teaspoon of potassium permanganate, boric acid, copper sulfate, iodine and baking soda.

During flowering and fruit set, it is useful to spray strawberries with a 0.15% solution of boric acid (1/3 teaspoon per 10 liters of water). In total, 1-3 such sprayings are carried out.

Boric acid for potatoes

Boric acid is used to prepare a solution for soaking seed tubers, as well as for root and foliar top dressing of adult bushes.

To soak the planting material in 5 liters of hot water, dilute 10 grams of superphosphate, 0.2 grams of potassium permanganate, 1 gram of boric acid, 1 gram of copper sulfate and 0.2 grams of Kornevin. The tubers are dipped into the solution for 20-30 minutes before planting. The same nutrient composition is moistened with sawdust intended for preplant germination of potatoes.

The first spraying of the potato field with boric acid is done at the beginning of budding and then repeated 2 more times with an interval of 10 days. To do this, 2 grams of copper sulfate and 10 grams of boric acid are taken per 10 liters of water.

During the summer, you can also carry out one top dressing with a solution of boric acid under the root. To do this, 2 grams of this substance is diluted in 10 liters of hot water and 1 liter is spent for each potato bush.

Boric acid for other vegetables

Celery root and turnips will grow large and tasty if you treat the plants with boric acid.

Root celery is sprayed with a solution of this drug in the phase of 4-5 true leaves. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 grams of boric acid per 10 liters of water.

Kira Stoletova

To grow a good crop of vegetables, every gardener should know that this requires high-quality seedlings, weeding beds, timely watering and pest control. One of the main components of plant care is planting fertilizer. For fertilizer, both organic solutions and chemical preparations are used. Organic fertilizers include mullein, bird droppings and extracts from rotted weeds. But we will consider a substance such as boric acid for tomatoes and find out what it is and how to use it.

Description of the drug

It is a chemical that can be found in nature. It is found in mineral springs, hot geysers and the mineral sassoline. Chemically isolated from a mixture of sodium tetrabonate (borax) and hydrochloric acid, it is odorless. Powder of white or transparent color, upon detailed examination, consists of layered flakes. Orthoboric acid is relatively poorly soluble compared to others, but it is possible to obtain its suspension in hot water.

When working with this drug, care and personal hygiene must be observed. If ingested orally, in the human body, it can lead to death. A fatal dose for an adult is considered to be about 15g, and for children, 4g is enough to kill a child. So, when using it to fertilize plants, you need to be extremely careful.

How to determine the lack of boron in the soil

The most correct, to determine the presence of various substances in the soil, of course, is its chemical analysis. But in a private economy, this can be determined by the condition of the plants.

  1. If it is noticed that with a green top, the leaves of tomatoes are yellow.
  2. It often happens that the leaves become stained and curled.
  3. The stem itself can break, because it becomes brittle.
  4. The flowers of vegetable crops are few and do not give an ovary.
  5. The set fruits may, partially or completely, crumble.
  6. The bush becomes ugly curved and has very few leaves.

These signs are sufficient to understand that the soil is deficient in boron, as can be seen in the video. If you let everything take its course, then the growth point will die, and over time, the whole plant will die.

Benefits of the chemical

Often, tomato seeds are treated with a mixture of boric acid and potassium permanganate, so that the tiny plant becomes stronger. This is especially necessary when seeds are planted in containers on the windowsill. The lack of light is slightly compensated by the fact that the mass of plants will more absorb organic matter from the soil. If we spray our tomatoes with boric acid, then the risk of infection of dense plantings with late blight is reduced.

When you take it to process seedlings of tomatoes, before planting, the seedlings will be strong and will quickly take root. But for this they make up a solution of low concentration. Feeding tomatoes with a warm solution of boric acid is twice effective. It not only fertilizes, but also fights late blight and other plant diseases.

Benefits of using boron

Feeding flowering tomatoes with a solution of boric acid is very useful. It is also necessary to process plants for the purpose of prevention.

It significantly increases the number of flowers in the brushes of the plant. And, practically, all flowers will give an ovary that will not crumble.

  1. Boron increases the resistance of plantings to fungal diseases, and reduces the occurrence of putrefactive processes on leaves and fruits to zero.
  2. The sugar content of fruits increases and their taste improves.
  3. With regular and proper feeding, the ripening time of the crop is reduced.

It follows from this that if we take boric acid for the treatment of tomatoes and cucumbers, spraying with the drug will not only increase the yield, but also harvest it earlier than in the beds without the use of boron.

After planting seedlings, we are accustomed to most often water the plants with potassium permanganate to disinfect the soil and stimulate growth. But the use of a solution of boric acid to treat our tomatoes and the addition of mullein, we will see that organic matter will be more successfully and more fully absorbed by the plant. Weaker seedlings, compared to those growing in the field, are grown hydroponically or in balcony boxes. Boron will give them a chance to grow strong, give abundant flowering and fruit successfully.

When to Use Boric Acid

We know that the use of a boric acid solution to treat tomato seeds increases their germination. But if this is not done, then the tomato seedlings will still be viable. But you need to know when you can spray tomatoes with boric acid. In order for it to be enough for plants and they do not get burned, it is necessary to correctly determine the timing of plant fertilization.

We need to start when we see that the condition of the seedlings has deteriorated, and there are signs of a lack of boron. The first feeding of young cucumbers and tomatoes with boric acid is carried out before the first wave of flowering. If it is carried out correctly, then each flower brush will retain all the ovaries. They will be in shape, correspond to the variety, and the skin of each fruit will be smooth and shiny.

After the first wave of flowering, fruit set begins and a mass of flower brushes is formed, up to 12, on one plant. Then it's time to treat the tomatoes with boric acid a second time. Spraying a tomato with boric acid for the ovary will help preserve all the fruits and the plant will not weaken. Boron helps move the juice inside the stem, which carries a huge amount of sugar and other beneficial substances, to the fruit.

The third time the tomato is treated with boric acid is when the fruits are filled and begin to stain. This will help the plant to fully preserve the crop and prevent diseases from developing. It is very disappointing when the tomatoes are already turning red, but at the same time rot spots appear on the fruits. But in order for foliar and root dressing of tomatoes to bring results, one must not overdo it.

Solution preparation

In order to avoid questions about whether it is possible to spray tomatoes with boric acid, you need to correctly follow the recommendations for preparing solutions. First you need to heat the water because the crystals do not completely dissolve in cold water. The instruction is always available on the packaging of the drug, where the table contains a recipe for preparing solutions. A solution is prepared, and then, after cooling, liquid is added in the proportions necessary for a particular treatment.

To save all the ovaries, boric acid 1g for spraying tomatoes is dissolved in a liter of very hot water. To protect the plant from the appearance of phytophthora, a teaspoon of powder is added to hot water. Before that, a week in advance, to improve the action of boron, you can spray plantings with weak potassium permanganate. After boron, again after seven days, a weak solution with iodine is used in the garden. If a ready-made drug is purchased, then it can only be diluted to the desired concentration and used.

How to process tomatoes

How to spray tomatoes with boric acid so as not to harm the fruits? Top dressing of tomatoes with a solution of boric acid should be carried out according to the rules.

  1. The first treatment of tomatoes with boric acid is carried out when the bushes are just being formed, before flowering.
  2. If pollination of flowers takes place, then it is forbidden to spray tomatoes with boric acid, it is better to feather the near-stem area with ash.
  3. With a weak solution, bushes are fed during watering, which also brings a positive result if foliar fertilization methods cannot be used.
  4. It is impossible to exceed the concentration of boron because its excess in the soil can destroy plantings.
  5. Before spraying tomatoes with boric acid for the second time, at least 10 days must pass.
  6. If the condition of the plants worsens after treatment, then repeated procedures should be postponed or stopped altogether.

By listening to the advice and watching the development of vegetable bushes, you can find out whether to spray tomatoes with boric acid now or wait a bit. When and how to spray tomatoes with boric acid, for growth or for a better ovary of tomatoes, can be found on the sites by reading the contents of the articles.

When it is better to spray tomatoes with boric acid also depends on the weather. On a rainy and windy day, you need to refrain from such a procedure. The solution will be blown away from the leaves by the wind and the concentration on different bushes will be different. And if the rain washes away the boron, then yes, fertilizer will occur, but only in the form of watering. And the concentration of boron will be much less than what is needed for our vegetables.

For the ovary of tomatoes, boron treatment will help if carried out before flowering.

Spraying with iodine, plus potassium permanganate, is a necessary procedure before using boron. If planned treatments do not bring benefits, then the rate of subsequent treatments depends on the condition of the plants. You can use foliar treatments such as spraying your tomatoes with boric acid if you see the leaves curling up and falling off.

Operation Precautions

The main thing when working with chemicals is that you must follow the safety rules. Before you dilute the solution and use it in gardening or for a vegetable garden, you need to protect yourself. To protect a person, it is necessary to prepare:

  • respirator;
  • rubber gloves;
  • apron.

They are especially useful in a greenhouse where cucumbers and tomatoes are grown. There, the vapors of the solution are highly concentrated and, when inhaled, can enter the mucous membranes, causing irritation and burns. Why take unnecessary risks with your health?


Tomatoes and soluble boric acid, combined with iodine to fertilize them, can provide a large and tasty fruit crop. Different proportions are needed, both for root dressing and for spraying plants. We told you how much and what you need to successfully grow a crop and protect it from phytophthora. Answered a question about how to process our tomatoes with a boron mixture, and how tomatoes and concentrated boric acid interact. Therefore, using this preparation, we will be sure that we will get an abundance of delicious products to the table.

Boron is a trace element, without which plants cannot fully "breathe", assimilate calcium and synthesize biologically active substances. That is why boric acid is one of the most popular fertilizers among gardeners and gardeners who dream of a rich harvest. In addition, the drug is very effective in the fight against ants, cockroaches and bedbugs.

Boric acid

Boric acid, or H3BO3, is a finely crystalline, colorless, odorless powder. The crystals are small flakes that quickly dissolve in hot (over 70°C) water. The tool is available for use, both in pure form and in combination with other organic top dressings. Differs in weak acidic properties and minimal danger to humans (class 4, the lowest).

Attention: an excess of boron in plants is harmful to the body - the substance can accumulate in the tissues of a person who eats food overfed with fertilizer and cause serious chronic diseases in him.

In the garden and vegetable garden

Boric acid is widely used in agriculture, but it can only be beneficial if used correctly. Waterlogged, containing a large amount of carbonates and too acidic soils, especially need it.

What's the use?

The main advantages of applying the drug to the soil are:

  • an increase in the ovary and, accordingly, the number of future fruits on the plant;
  • improving the taste of vegetables and fruits, increasing the level of sugar in beets, tomatoes and corn;
  • rapid recovery of shoots, stems and root system after hilling, transplantation and other changes;
  • increased resistance to frost and drought, to temperature fluctuations;
  • acceleration of growth and development of new shoots;
  • increased resistance to disease;
  • increase in seed germination, etc.

Signs of a Boron Deficiency

The lack of boron in the soil negatively affects garden and horticultural crops. They react differently to a deficiency of a substance, but it can always be determined visually.

  1. The tops of tomatoes die off, and the formation of new stems occurs mainly at the roots. Moreover, young shoots are quite brittle and fragile. The fruits themselves are covered with brown spots in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe top.
  2. Grapes show a lack of boron in the soil through spots on the leaves. These bald spots gradually grow, which eventually leads to the complete death of the leaf. The ovary either stops developing or completely falls off. Young seedlings may dry out during the first two years.
  3. In beets, due to boron deficiency, the leaves first become stained, then they turn black, the disease affects the fruits. They rot from the inside, become inedible, with rotten flesh.
  4. In fruit trees, branches can die, the ovaries fall off, and the fruits deteriorate.
  5. Potatoes suffer from fungal scab - the plant slows down in development, its petioles turn red, and the foliage turns yellow.

Important: excess boron in the soil threatens plants with foliage burns. It turns yellow and curls, and then die off.

Instructions for use

Plants need boric acid in different ways - this must be taken into account when feeding. The processing of ornamental and fruit crops should last the entire growing season, at the time of budding and fruit formation. The proportions of boron for plants are very different.

For potatoes

Processing potatoes with boric acid can be done in 3 stages. When the tubers are sprouted and ready for planting in a permanent place, they can be sprayed with a 0.5-1% solution of the drug. Bushes should be treated with a spray gun over the leaf, using a 0.1% solution, and in the event of the appearance of mushroom scab, dilute 6 g of boron per 10 liters of water and feed the potatoes.

For cabbage

When 2 true leaves appear, the cabbage is treated with the following composition: 2 g of boron per 1 liter of water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure during the period of tying heads and at the time of their filling. This way you can prevent the occurrence of gray rot, achieve a greater density of heads and increase yields.

For tomatoes

When peduncles are formed in tomatoes, but the buds are still “sleeping”, it is necessary to dissolve 10 g of boron powder in 10 liters of water and foliar top dressing.

For cucumbers

Cucumbers "respond" to top dressing with a large number of ovaries and a rich harvest. For foliar top dressing, use 5 g of the product per 10 liters of water. The procedure is carried out before flowering, and then repeated during the ovary period. If you add a couple of potassium permanganate crystals to the solution, you can get an excellent drug that fights powdery mildew.

For strawberries

Experienced gardeners claim that thanks to boric acid, strawberries become tastier and sweeter, and crop yields increase. To treat plants during the period when flower stalks are formed, dilute 5 g of powder in 10 liters of water and spray the bushes.

Why do all plants bloom and bear fruit better in the garden or garden of one owner than in the same conditions, but in another? The answer is simple - the first one knows some tricks and subtleties of care and feeding, and the second one simply leaves everything at the mercy of nature. Our conversation today will be about a simple and well-known home remedy - “boric acid”. About its influence on fruiting, keeping plants in a healthy state for a long time, about methods of feeding and other important use of the composition solution from malicious insects in the garden and vegetable garden.

On the importance of boron for cultivated plants

With a lack of this chemical element, many fruit trees, shrubs shed their ovaries and unripe fruits - they do not have enough strength for full fruiting, and berry crops become smaller, their fruits have a twisted appearance and they taste watery.

To prevent this from happening, and all fruit plants in the garden have always coped with their main function - fruiting, they need boron - an activator of the transformation of the root system, resistance to many well-known diseases: scab, heart rot or emptiness of the trunk, and other troubles known to gardeners.

In addition, it takes an active part in the synthesis of nitrogen-containing microelements, improves the exchange of all processes important for plants, promotes an increase in chlorophyll in the crown of trees, on large and small berry bushes. With the sufficiency of the element in the soil mixture, the yield increases on all fruit-bearing plants and shrubs, the shelf life of the fruits increases, and the plants will be able to better withstand various vagaries of nature.

Boric acid for plants

The chemical formula of boric acid is H3BO3, that is, in its composition, in addition to boron itself, there are hydrogen and oxygen atoms - the main substances for the formation of plant life itself. It is crystalline in appearance, has no pungent odor, and is easily soluble in water. Although it belongs to the class of acids, its properties are not too pronounced - it does not acidify the soil.

Plants respond especially well to the use of a solution of boric acid in areas with soddy-podzolic, gray or brown forest soil and light chernozems.

If the soil on your site is swampy, has a high total acidity and is brown in color, then without this miracle of the composition it is impossible to achieve lush flowering, high yields and long-term storage of fruits. After the first feeding of plants with a solution, the dropping of peduncles on the plants stops, it stimulates the formation of new branches and roots on bushes and fruit trees, the sugar content in fruits increases significantly.

Boric acid belongs to the lowest class, in terms of harmfulness to humans, substances - it is impossible to burn yourself with it, but at the same time, the amorphous substance will be removed from the body for too long.

How much Boron is needed for plants?

This substance should be present in the life of any plants almost constantly, but an overabundance is fraught with burns of the lower frame of the leaves - they dry out, and the plant loses them. Not all plants consume boron in the same way, and in order not to be mistaken, they are divided according to their characteristics:

  • high class - these are all fruit trees, but this group also includes the family of cruciferous vegetable crops - all types of cabbage, beets, rutabaga;
  • the middle class includes tomatoes, carrots, lettuce, and some types of stone fruit bushes;
  • the last small class includes herbaceous crops, legumes, potatoes and berries - garden strawberries.

With an excess of Boron in the soil, the leaves take on a rounded shape, they curl inward, and early yellowness is observed. If an excess of an amorphous substance is noticed on forage crops, then animals fed with such food may suffer from this.

The use of boric acid for horticulture and horticulture

  1. Presowing treatment of vegetable seeds. An aqueous solution is prepared from boric acid in a ratio of 0.2 g / 1 liter of water and the seeds are left in the solution for 24 hours. If you need to prepare seeds for planting in a vegetable field, then they should be dusted with a composition of acid crystals with chalk or sand.
  2. Before planting seedlings, a solution of boric acid is embedded in the soil. Composition: a sachet of acid (0.2 g) / per 1 liter of water, diluted in 10 liters and cultivate the soil before planting, but after watering the ridge it is loosened, and only then they start planting.
  3. Foliar spraying. Half of the bag is dissolved in 1 liter of water, sprayed during the formation of buds, then during flowering and finished spraying during fruit filling. If other compounds are also used, then the acid concentration should be reduced to 0.05%, that is, 5 g per bucket of water.
  4. Root top dressings. This method is used mainly on podzolic soils, that is, where Boron is definitely not in abundance. The solution is prepared at the rate of a finished bag per liter of water. It shows very good results when growing flower seedlings in unenriched soils.

Boric acid for plants application:

To enrich the harvest of garden strawberries

With a lack of a substance in the soil, the leaves are noticeably twisted, early leaf fall is noticed. If the enrichment with boron is not carried out in time, then you can notice the low yield of the berry bush. After the snow melts, a composition is prepared from boric acid and potassium permanganate in the proportion of 1 + 1 sachet (2 grams each) per bucket of water, garden strawberries are fed to them. The second time it is necessary to treat the berry plantings with the following composition: 2 g of manganese potassium + 2 g of boric acid + 1 glass of wood ash, diluted in a bucket of water and watered the plants during budding. Experienced gardeners infuse the ashes in hot water in advance, filter it and add it to a watering can with manganese and acid for irrigation.

For fruit trees (boron deficiency symptoms)

First of all, the foliage of apple and pear trees suffers - it thickens, the tips bend, they become hard, quickly darken and fall off untimely. Crowding of foliage in the form of a rosette can be observed, they do not develop, dry and fall off - that is, buds do not form, therefore, there will be no rich harvest. In apple trees, the fruits become tasteless, too hard, over time they inflate and turn into a “sponge”, usually they are not suitable for consumption. To get rid of this misfortune, foliar top dressing should be done on the leaves: a bag of acid in a bucket of water, it is better to spray in the evening, when the wind subsides. Fruit trees should be fed several times during the season: during the swelling of buds, flowering - this helps to strengthen the flower brush, then treat the trees after flowering. Those who have used this method report an increase in yield by almost a third. If the weather is dry, the trees are watered abundantly before processing.

To increase the yield of grapes

The lack of an amorphous substance leads to a disease of the foliage, the brushes shed their flower stalks, and as a result, there are not a large number of berries on it. If a seedling is planted in unprepared soil, it may die if there is not enough boron in the soil. To avoid hummocking the brush, pour the bush with a solution of boric acid and zinc sulfate, 5 g per bucket of water.

Boric acid for tomatoes

Many vegetable growers can observe a halt in tomato growth on unenriched soils: the upper shoots turn black, and new shoots with very brittle leaves begin to grow at the root. Browning is visible on the fruits themselves - they are no longer suitable for food. It is better to start taking care of the tomato crop even at the stage of growing seedlings - the seeds are soaked in a weak solution of boric acid.

For the prevention of potato diseases

If the soil on the site has high acidity, then the formation of scab and a decrease in the yield of bushes is observed very often. To prevent diseases and increase productivity, potatoes are treated with a solution at the rate of 3 sachets per bucket of water, it is enough to cultivate a hundred square meters of land. For prevention, sprouted tubers can be powdered with dry acid.

Boric acid to increase the yield of beets

The first sign of a lack of boron is that the core rots due to the activation of the phomosis fungus. Boric acid treatment of beet planting inhibits the fungus, and root crops grow healthy, large and sweet. Before planting, the seeds should be treated with an acid solution in the proportion of 0.1% per liter of water, then, when the first leaves appear, spraying with a weak solution.

Boric acid for abundant flowering of ornamental plants

Before planting rose cuttings, they are immersed in a weak boric acid solution, after a few minutes you can start planting.

Boric acid for gladioli

A solution of boric acid is used to fertilize when the first three leaves appear - flowering will be long, which leads to good formation of plant bulbs.

Any ornamental plants that do not hibernate in the ground should be treated with a solution of boric acid to disinfect and increase the formation of buds.

Use of boric acid crystals against garden and domestic insects

Have you noticed the appearance of ants or cockroaches in your home? This is usually found in apartments on the ground floors - access to human housing is mainly provided by the basements of houses - the binder solution crumbles, cracks form in them, through which insects enter the apartment. And then they spread all over the floors, annoying the inhabitants of the apartments.

But garden ants can also bring a lot of trouble to the gardener - they do not allow other insects to kill aphids, an avid pest of young shoots - they stop growing and die.

How to deal with insects

It is best to use bait to fight annoying insects - they eat it, the crystals paralyze the nervous system and the insect dies. If other insects eat such an ant or a cockroach, then the same thing awaits them - death. But do not expect a quick result, you need at least 21 days to get the result. Please note: the bait should not be scattered around the hive, or where insects useful to the garden live.

Before the invention of modern preparations like Tomaton, amateur tomato scientists managed to get rich tomato crops even under adverse weather conditions. To do this, they used the most common boric acid, which is sold in any pharmacy for mere pennies. And this simple tool helped them in the fight against late blight and other infectious diseases.

How to spray tomatoes with boric acid

In order for there to be a lot of tomatoes, high-quality pollination is necessary. To do this, in the morning, brushes with opened flowers should be slightly stirred (shaken). This is especially important to do in cloudy, damp weather, when normal pollination is very difficult.

Fruit set can also be improved by foliar feeding with boric acid.. For its preparation, 1 gram of this substance must be diluted in 1 liter of HOT water. A gram of boric acid is a little less than half a teaspoon of the substance. To process 20 square meters of tomato plantings, you will need about 5 liters of this solution.

Spraying a tomato with boric acid is most effective in the phase of partial opening of flowers in the second inflorescence. It is better to carry out this operation early in the morning or in the evening, after sunset.

This year, for a full-fledged ovary, I will spray tomato plants with Borogum-M. This drug prevents the fall of the ovaries and the formation of barren flowers. In addition to boron, it contains gum, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and a full range of trace elements.

For the same purpose, when the first flowers appear and during the development of the first flower brush, I process tomatoes (with an interval of 1.5-2 weeks). To prepare the solution, I pour 1 ampoule of the drug into 5 liters of water and moisten the leaves of plants abundantly from a garden sprayer. I advise processing in the evening, after sunset, since the active substance of Epin is destroyed under the influence of direct sunlight.

Epin can be replaced with any biostimulant that provides good fruit formation even under relatively unfavorable conditions. Usually spraying with biological products is carried out at the beginning of flowering of the first, second and third brushes.

Boric acid against phytophthora

Without preventive measures, phytophthora will quickly conquer your tomato beds

Boric acid is also used to prevent late blight and other infectious diseases.. To do this, tomato plants are systematically sprayed or watered with a solution of this drug.

The first time the bushes are processed 2-3 days before landing in a permanent place. To do this, 1.5 grams of boric acid powder and 3 grams of copper sulfate are dissolved in 3 liters of hot water.

In the future, tomatoes are sprayed with boric acid every 2 weeks. The solution is prepared as follows. For 10 liters of water, add 1 teaspoon of boric acid, a few crystals of potassium permanganate and a couple of tablespoons of grated laundry soap. The soap will allow the solution to stay on the tomato leaves longer.

After July 15, it is useful to add 100 grams of finely grated garlic to such a solution. Just do not forget to strain the resulting liquid after stirring.

To prevent phytophthora from reaching your tomato beds, pour them with a solution of boric acid with the addition of iodine. To do this, dilute 2 grams (one sachet) of this substance and 10 drops of iodine in 10 liters of water and water the plants from above directly from the watering can. The first such preventive watering is carried out 10-14 days after planting seedlings in the garden, the second time the plants are irrigated after June 20.

Phytophthora is the most dangerous of tomato ailments, so it is better to deal with it comprehensively. Detailed instructions for protecting tomatoes from this fungal disease can be found in.

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Today's conversation with the Chairman of the Supreme Court Valentin SUKALO can be called significant without exaggeration - it concerns...
Dimensions and weights. The sizes of the planets are determined by measuring the angle at which their diameter is visible from the Earth. This method is not applicable to asteroids: they ...
The world's oceans are home to a wide variety of predators. Some wait for their prey in hiding and surprise attack when...