Different horoscopes of the world. The main types of horoscopes. Planetary return charts

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Today we will not raise the question of how reliable horoscopes are: this is the topic of a separate article, but you can talk about what types of horoscopes are most popular today. I would only like to note that the first horoscopes were compiled by the most ancient scientists, and the most ancient civilizations already had their own horoscopes. Therefore, one should not be too categorical and mocking about these issues: the grain of rationality can be found in everything.

Zodiac signs as the most popular type of horoscope

There are different types of horoscopes, but perhaps the most popular of all is the Zodiac. Even the most prejudiced scoffers know what Zodiac sign they were born under. Where did he come from? And why should these constellations somehow influence our character and our destiny? The fact is that these are 12 zodiac constellations in which the Sun is located alternately in its annual movement. According to astrologers, the fate and character of each person depends precisely on which constellation the celestial bodies were in at the time of his birth. The sign in which the Sun was at the time of birth is called its Sign of the Zodiac.

Zodiac sign the date Element Planet
Aries March 21 - April 20 Fire Mars
Taurus April 21 - May 20 Earth Venus
Twins May 21 - June 21 Air Mercury
Cancer June 22 - July 22 Water Moon
a lion July 23 - August 23 Fire The sun
Virgo August 24 - September 23 Earth Mercury
Scales September 24 - October 23 Air Venus
Scorpion October 24 - November 22 Water Mars
Sagittarius November 23 - December 21 Fire Jupiter
Capricorn December 22 - January 20 Earth Saturn
Aquarius January 21 - February 19 Air Saturn
Fish February 20 - March 20 Water Jupiter

From the point of view of the Zodiac horoscope, everything here affects the character and fate of a person: the elements, the planet, and even more so the Zodiac Sign itself. But other types of horoscopes are no less original, so you can refer to them. And who are you according to the eastern horoscope?

When answering the question of what horoscopes are, many, in addition to the zodiac, also call the eastern (or Chinese) horoscope. It is based on the doctrine that each year corresponds to a certain animal in a 12-year cycle. The qualities inherent in these twelve animals impose, according to Eastern horoscope, its imprint on the character of people born in the year of a particular beast.

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake
January 24
February 11th
January 31
February 19
February 8
January 27
February 10
January 29
February 17
February 6
January 27
The 14th of February
28 January
February, 15
February 5th
The 25th of January
February 13
February 2
February, 15
February 3rd
January 23
February 11th
January 31
18th of Febuary
February 2
February 20th
February 9th
January 29
February 17
February 6
February 19
February 7
28 January
February 16
February 5th
January 24
February 7
January 26
The 14th of February
February 3rd
January 23
February 10
The 25th of January
12th of February
1st of February
January 22
February 10
January 29
Horse Sheep Monkey Dog Pig
February, 15
February 5th
The 25th of January
February 13
February 2
January 22
February 3rd
January 24
12th of February
January 31
18th of Febuary
February 8
January 21
February 9th
January 30
February 17
February 6
January 27
February 7
28 January
February 16
February 5th
The 25th of January
February 13
January 27
February, 15
February 4
January 23
February 10
January 31
12th of February
1st of February
January 22
February 9th
January 29
18th of Febuary
January 31
February 19
February 8
28 January
February 16
February 5th

Keep in mind that the eastern year does not begin on January 1, as is customary with us, but on the first new moon after the winter solstice, that is, from January 21 to February 20. Of course, which horoscope is better is up to you to choose, but there are very interesting varieties, and one of them is the druid horoscope.

Druids are the priests of the Celtic tribes, according to whose pagan beliefs, man was created from trees. Accordingly, each person has special features and characteristics, depending on which tree takes care of him and serves as a symbol of his birth. It depended among the Druids on how far the Sun was from the Earth on the person's birthday. Each sign of the druids has two periods of action.

  • Apple tree: December 23 - January 1 // June 25 - July 4;
  • fir: January 2 - January 11 // July 5 - July 14;
  • elm: January 12 - January 24 // July 6 - July 25;
  • cypress: January 25 - February 3 // July 26 - August 4;
  • poplar: February 4 - February 8 // August 5 - August 13;
  • cedar: February 9 - February 18 // August 14 - August 23;
  • pine: February 19 - February 28 // August 24 - September 2;
  • willow: March 1 - March 10 // September 3 - September 12;
  • Linden: March 11 - March 20 // September 13 - September 22;
  • oak: March 21;
  • olive: 23 September;
  • hazel: March 22 - March 31 // September 22 - October 3;
  • Rowan: April 1 - April 10 // October 4 - October 13;
  • maple: April 11 - April 20 // October 14 - October 23;
  • nut: April 21 - April 30 // October 24 - November 2;
  • jasmine: May 1 - May 14 // November 3 - November 11;
  • chestnut: May 15 - May 24 // November 12 - November 21;
  • ash: May 25 - June 3 // November 22 - December 1;
  • hornbeam: June 4 - June 13 // December 2 - December 11;
  • figs: June 14 - June 23 // December 12 - December 20;
  • Birch: June 24;
  • beech: December 21–22.

Well, have you determined who you are according to the druid horoscope? I can offer you an even more pleasant and exotic horoscope - flower.

This is not such a common horoscope as the previous ones, but if there is a tree as a symbol of birth that affects the fate of a person, why not be a flower as the same patron? The flower horoscope was especially powerful among the Slavs, who endowed each plant with special power.

1–10 number 11–20 21–31
January buckwheat thistle immortelle
February mistletoe belladonna mimosa
March poppy lily digitalis
April magnolia hydrangea dahlia
May lily of the valley purslane chamomile
June bell daisy tulip
July water lily violet rose hip
August sunflower the Rose delphinium
September carnation aster heather
October camellia lilac freesia
november orchid peony gladiolus
December dandelion lotus edelweiss

The Slavs believed that the flower, under the sign of which you were born, must be plucked, dried and always carried with you. In this case, he will protect you from any troubles, misfortunes and the evil eye. Here is such a gentle and romantic horoscope - flower.

Many consider the most reliable horoscope that was compiled by the Mayan tribe. Mayan astrologers had a high status and real power in society. They had every opportunity to develop the most complex methods for calculating planetary and all kinds of calendar positions. The Mayan horoscope has reached our days, which is especially popular among professional astrologers.

  • 1. Crocodile

March 16, March 21, April 10, April 30, May 20, June 9, June 29, July 19, August 8, August 28, September 17, October 7, October 27, November 16, December 6, December 26, January 15 , February 4, February 24.

  • 2. Wind

March 17, March 22, April 11, May 1, May 21, June 10, June 30, July 20, August 9, August 29, September 18, October 8, October 28, November 17, December 7, December 27, January 16 , February 5, February 25.

  • 3. Sleep

March 18, March 23, April 12, May 2, May 22, June 11, July 1, July 21, August 10, August 30, September 19, October 9, October 29, November 18, December 8, December 28, January 17 , February 6, February 26.

  • 4. seed

March 19, March 24, April 13, May 3, May 23, June 12, July 2, July 22, August 11, August 31, September 20, October 10, October 30, November 19, December 9, December 29, January 18 , February 7, February 27.

  • 5. Snake

March 20, March 25, April 14, May 4, May 24, June 13, July 3, July 23, August 12, September 1, September 21, October 11, October 31, November 20, December 10, December 30, January 19 , February 8, February 28.

  • 6. Wanderer

March 1, March 26, April 15, May 5, May 25, June 14, July 4, July 24, August 13, September 2, September 22, October 12, November 1, November 21, December 11, December 31, January 20 , February 9, February 29.

  • 7. Hand

March 2, March 27, April 16, May 6, May 26, June 15, July 5, July 25, August 14, September 3, September 23, October 13, November 2, November 22, December 12, January 1, January 21 , February 10.

  • 8. Moon

March 3, March 28, April 17, May 7, May 27, June 16, July 6, July 26, August 15, September 4, September 24, October 14, November 3, November 23, December 13, January 2, January 22 , February 11th.

  • 9. Rain.

March 4, March 29, April 18, May 8, May 28, June 17, July 7, July 27, August 16, September 5, September 25, October 15, November 4, November 24, December 14, January 3, January 23 , 12th of February.

  • 10. Dog

March 5, March 30, April 19, May 9, May 29, June 18, July 8, July 28, August 17, September 6, September 26, October 16, November 5, November 25, December 15, January 4, January 24 , February 13.

  • 11. Monkey

March 6, March 31, April 20, May 10, May 30, June 19, July 9, July 29, August 18, September 7, September 27, October 17, November 6, November 26, December 16, January 5, January 25 , The 14th of February.

  • 12. Skull

March 7, April 1, April 21, May 11, May 31, June 20, July 10, July 30, August 19, September 8, September 28, October 18, November 7, November 27, December 17, January 6, January 26 , February, 15.

  • 13. Maize

March 8, April 2, April 22, May 12, June 1, June 21, July 11, July 31, August 20, September 9, September 29, October 19, November 8, November 28, December 18, January 7, January 27 , 16 Feb.

  • 14. Jaguar

March 9, April 3, April 23, May 13, June 2, June 22, July 12, August 1, August 21, September 10, September 30, October 20, November 9, November 29, December 19, January 8, January 28 , February 17.

  • 15. Eagle

March 10, April 4, April 24, May 14, June 3, June 23, July 13, August 2, August 22, September 11, October 1, October 21, November 10, November 30, December 20, January 9, January 29 , 18th of Febuary.

  • 16. Owl

March 11, April 5, April 25, May 15, June 4, June 24, July 14, August 3, August 23, September 12, October 2, October 22, November 11, December 1, December 21, January 10, January 30 , February 19.

  • 17. Earth

March 12, April 6, April 26, May 16, June 5, June 25, July 15, August 4, August 24, September 13, October 3, October 23, November 12, December 2, December 22, January 11, January 31 , February 20th.

  • 18. Knife

March 13, April 7, April 27, May 17, June 6, June 26, July 16, August 5, August 25, September 14, October 4, October 24, November 13, December 3, December 23, January 12, February 1 , 21 Feb.

  • 19. Storm

March 14, April 8, April 28, May 18, June 7, June 27, July 17, August 6, August 26, September 15, October 5, October 25, November 14, December 4, December 24, January 13, February 2 , February 22.

  • 20. Sun

March 15, April 9, April 29, May 19, June 8, June 28, July 18, August 7, August 27, September 16, October 6, October 26, November 15, December 5, December 25, January 14, February 3 , February 23.

Now you know what types of horoscopes are in demand and popular today. To believe them or not is your right, but for the sake of curiosity, many pundits have looked in astrology for answers to the mysteries of the universe and their own destiny ...

- zodiac. It is based on the division of all people into 12 different ones depending on the day of their birth. According to astrologers, the stars that line up in a certain way every month have a huge impact on human behavior and psychology. Therefore, on the basis of the zodiac horoscope, experts determine General characteristics, such as character and temperament, behavior in love relationships, as well as suitable professions and predisposition to disease.

This characterization has only a grain of truth, since zodiac horoscope- quite generalized, and two people born under the same zodiac sign can be the exact opposite of each other.

Natal horoscope

This horoscope is more accurate than the zodiac, as it takes into account not only the day, but also the place of birth of a person. Otherwise, this horoscope coincides with the first. They also determine the main aspects in the character of a person and his predisposition.

To compile a natal horoscope, you need information about the day, exact time and place of birth, as well as exact coordinates locality.

A natal horoscope can be made not only for a person, but also for any other object, such as a company, building, residential building. He will determine the fate of the building and possible subsequent problems.

Local horoscope

The character and fate of a person, in addition to his birthday, is significantly influenced by his place of residence, so another horoscope - local - can be drawn up every time you move to a new place of residence. The local horoscope is auxiliary, additional. When moving, the character of a person and other important characteristics will not change, only the main line of fate will change, which this horoscope reflects.

Karmic horoscope

Karma is the return of certain actions that a person has performed in his own. A karmic horoscope helps everyone to determine who he was in and what karmic sins he suffered in his present life. With it, you can learn ways to improve karma for future lives.

Compatibility Horoscope

There is also a horoscope showing the compatibility of two people with each other, given their character, temperament, sociability, and so on. It is compiled on the basis of the zodiac or natal horoscope. The compatibility horoscope determines how two people are suitable for each other, what difficulties await them in a relationship, how to smooth out the conflicts that arise, what their life together will be like and how long it will last.

Horoscopes come in the most unexpected forms.

I will list some of them:

zodiac, western, eastern, greek horoscope, children's, flower, flower horoscope of druids, horoscope of druids, culinary, horoscope of seduction, zoroastrian horoscope.

And there are many other varieties of this most fascinating reading - I don’t remember everything at once, but gradually I will write about all of them.

Zodiac horoscope

Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces - 12 signs of the zodiac.

Western horoscope

The Western horoscope is very popular among Europeans and reveals personal qualities. Of particular importance in the Western horoscope is given to the influence of the planets.

Eastern horoscope

The eastern horoscope by year of birth is popular all over the world. According to Chinese legend, Buddha called all the animals to him before leaving the Earth, but 12 years of the horoscope came in the order in which the animals came to the Buddha: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster , Dog, Boar.

The history of the eastern horoscope has about 4000 years.

Greek horoscope

The Greek horoscope is poetic. This Greek gods horoscope is also based on the zodiac circle, but the 12 Olympian gods are used instead of the zodiac signs.

ARES (March 21 - April 20)

Ares (Mars in Roman mythology) is the god of war, the son of Zeus and Hera, the lover of Aphrodite, from whom he had children (Harmony, Eros, Phobos and Deimos). This is an ardent, passionate god, capable of both intense love and intense hatred.

HESTIA (April 21 - May 20)

Hestia (in Roman mythology, the goddess Vesta corresponds to her) is the sister of Zeus and the keeper of the unquenchable fire, the goddess of the hearth and comfort. Hestia has the ability to unite people, to unite them.

HERMES (May 21 - June 21)

Hermes (known as Mercury in Roman mythology) is the son of Zeus, the messenger of the gods, the patron of travelers, shepherds and even thieves (he was also called the rogue god), the god of eloquence and diplomacy, trade and profit.

HERA (June 22 - July 22)

Hera (in Roman mythology - Juno) - the queen of the gods, the wife of the supreme god Zeus, the patroness of marriage, protecting the mother during childbirth. The most powerful of the goddesses of Olympus, however, she also obeys the will of her husband Zeus.

APOLLO (July 23 - August 23)

Apollo (in Roman mythology - Phoebus) - one of the favorite sons of Zeus, healer and soothsayer, patron of the arts.

People born under his patronage are distinguished by inconstancy and changeability (however, Apollo himself could both give a person priceless gifts and take it all away in an instant), they are mobile, superficial, frivolous and do not differ in particular perseverance in achieving their goals.

They often let everything take its course and, as they say, go with the flow, and therefore if they achieve significant success in life, then, as a rule, thanks to their intuition and the ability to be at the right time in the right place.

They do not differ in diligence and perseverance, however, according to the Greek horoscope, they are usually endowed with special talents, much is given to them more easily than others, they are good at adapting, they are often lucky.

People born under the sign of Apollo tend to have a pleasant appearance, a sharp mind and well-delivered speech. They value harmony and order, but they can be secretive and even hostile towards others.

Positive traits: sharp mind, talent, good intuition, penchant for the arts, charm.

Negative traits: secretiveness, hostility, frivolity, superficiality, arrogance, emotional coldness.

ATHENA (August 24 - September 23)

Athena Pallada (in Roman mythology, Minerva corresponds to her), who was born from the head of her father Zeus in full armor, is the goddess of wisdom and knowledge, the patroness of arts and crafts.

Athena endows people born during the period of her patronage with such traits as wisdom, a craving for knowledge, a penchant for the arts. Usually people born under the sign of this goddess are good strategists and tactics, they are easily given both the exact sciences and playing musical instruments or drawing.

Such people know how to keep emotions and feelings in check - according to the Greek horoscope, they are practical and rational, and even women usually have a male type of thinking. And despite the fact that a person born under the auspices of Athena is prone to arts, he is likely to make a career in the scientific or political field.

Positive features: remarkable mind, steel will, practicality, rationalism, penchant for the arts.

APHRODITE (September 24 - October 23)

The beautiful Aphrodite (in Roman mythology, Venus corresponds to her), who was born from sea foam, is the goddess of love and beauty, a real muse, before whom artists and poets bowed and worshiped.

People born under the sign of Aphrodite, according to the Greek horoscope, see love as the main meaning of their life, through which they are able to achieve a lot in life (however, in extreme cases, this craving for love can also be expressed in endless novels, intrigues and flirting).

AID (October 24 - November 22)

Hades (or Hades, in Roman mythology it corresponds to Pluto) is the gloomy ruler of the underworld, the kingdom of the dead, the eldest son of Kronos and Rhea, the kidnapper of Persephone. However, one should not think that the image of Hades is exclusively negative, gloomy and dark. Despite the fact that he is the god of the dead, he is not at all a villain or an enemy of humanity.

ZEUS (November 23 - December 21)

Zeus (in Roman mythology, he corresponds to Jupiter) is the supreme god over all the gods, who cast his father, the titan Kronos, into Tartarus. Zeus causes not only respect and admiration, but also reverent horror. People born under the sign of Zeus are noble, honest, have remarkable strength and influence.

HEPHAEST ​​(December 22 - January 20)

Hephaestus (in Roman mythology - Vulcan) - the god of fire, the patron of blacksmithing. Those born in the month of Hephaestus are hardworking, they achieve everything by their own labor, their best qualities are purposefulness, goodwill.

ARTEMIS (January 21 - February 19)

Artemis (in Roman mythology, the goddess Diana corresponds to her) is a virgin goddess, goddess of the hunt, a rival of men. She was depicted with a bow and arrows, sometimes with a crescent moon on her head.

POSEIDON (February 20 - March 20)

Poseidon (in Roman mythology, Neptune corresponds to him) - the lord of the sea, the son of Kronos and Rhea, in his hands is a trident. Poseidon is somewhat similar to Zeus, and he himself considers himself equal to Zeus. He is strong, powerful, the seas obey him, and in anger he is truly terrible.

Every day, the popularity of numerous fortune tellings is growing in the world. First of all, psychologists attribute this to an increase in the number of stressful situations. Today, many specialists, whose sphere of interest, in particular, includes the physical and astronomical sciences, as well as the theory of probability, are trying to identify a set of factors that connect the dates and months of people's births with their character traits.

The most ancient predictive treatises of this kind that have survived to this day are cuneiform materials from the Mesopotamian temple archives. All horoscopes of the world, including Kabbalistic, numerological, druidic, Chinese, karmic, Egyptian, contain centuries-old wisdom and are characterized by increasing popularity.

In the most ancient sources, horoscopes were called ascendants or signs in which the mentioned ascendants resided. The traditional methodology for calculating ascendants is extremely complex.

Currently, horoscopes are often referred to not as rising signs, but as symbols in which the Sun is located. In addition, this term refers to forecasts made for people united by one zodiac sign.

Modern astrologers use the horoscopes of the peoples of the world to form reliable forecasts. Of these, the most commonly used:

    Egyptian, revealing the hidden abilities of people;

    Japanese, endowing people with the qualities of animals;

    Zoroastrian, forming people's dependence on the protective effect of totems;

    natal, formed at the time of birth;

    local, created at the time of the current stay of a person;

    horary, built at the moment the question arises;

    mundane, formed at the time of major events;

    thematic, obtained by transferring the ascendants to the degrees of any objects;

    karmic, embodying the impact of previous reincarnations;

    synastric, characterizing compatibility;

    druids, based on the meanings of winter as well as summer confrontations;

    Chinese, taking into account the traditions of Taoism.

The best horoscopes of the world claim that at the moment of birth a person receives a certain energy impulse that can affect health, behavior, emotions throughout the rest of his life.

In fact, this impulse determines the pictures of human characters. For many millennia, people with sacred knowledge developed the most complex interpretations, on the basis of which the predictors made conclusions about the characteristics of a particular person, about his compatibility with partners, about the success of certain actions.

If the horoscopes of the peoples of the world do not give an unequivocal answer to the pressing question, then you should not be upset. You need to listen to your own intuition.

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