Tablets for thrush mycomax. Mikomax: indications, instructions, side effects. Local preparations against thrush

Mycomax is a modern drug for thrush and vaginal dysbiosis. It was developed by modern pharmacists based on fluconazole, which is so feared by urogenital infections. The main indications of this medicine cover the treatment of fungal infections. At the present stage, not only women and men, but also young children need such therapy. How and in what cases should I take the medicine? What alternative medications exist? Are there any contraindications?

Release forms of the drug "Mycomax"

  • Capsules for oral administration - dosage of 100 and 150 mg;
  • Syrup – 500 mg of active ingredient is contained in 100 ml of syrup;
  • Solution for infusion – 200 mg of fluconazole per 100 ml.

Mikomax in any form of release is stored in places that are not accessible to children. The storage period after the date of issue is no more than three years. Choose a dry place, without direct sunlight. The drug is sold in pharmacies with a doctor’s prescription (instructions will be included in the kit). Produced in the Czech Republic.

Indications for use

  • Thrush (local fungal infection) or systemic candidiasis, including those accompanied by lesions internal organs;
  • In addition to thrush, the medicine is effective against other fungal infections that affect internal organs;
  • Infections of a fungal nature against the background of immunodeficiency states due to HIV and AIDS, cancer, when taking cytostatics, after organ and tissue transplantation;
  • Various forms of skin diseases (dermatomycosis), if local treatment does not give a positive result;
  • Prevention of thrush in women.

Mycomax and thrush

This remedy is considered the first-line medicine for the treatment of thrush. It can be used to treat fungus in adults of both sexes and children from the first days of life. Experts recommend taking 50-100 mg of the drug at one time. The frequency of doses is one or two per day, and the duration of the course is about 2 weeks, but is determined individually.

Attention: If it is necessary to treat thrush in children, the frequency and dose of the drug is determined for each clinical case depending on the weight and age of the child (the instructions for use must contain this information).

Features of use for thrush

  • Mycomax can be prescribed during pregnancy and during breastfeeding if the benefit to the mother's health outweighs the risk to the fetus or child;
  • It is not recommended to take alcohol during the treatment course due to possible side effects (the instructions for use will certainly remind you of this);
  • Mycomax is not addictive.

Mycomax: composition of the drug

According to the information contained in the instructions, this is the composition of Mycomax:

  • Contains fluconazole as an active ingredient. It is a modern triazole derivative. This is currently the most powerful blocker of sterol synthesis - a specific substance in fungal cells. Under such conditions, the cell wall of the thrush pathogen is synthesized incorrectly, which ends in the death of the harmful microorganism.
  • As inactive substances, Mycomax contains titanium oxide, colloidal silicon oxide, povidone, and corn starch.

Despite the fact that there are practically no contraindications, the dosage, course duration and frequency of doses should be determined not by the instructions for use, but by a qualified doctor. Even if you are sure that it is thrush that affects the body, self-medication should be abandoned. Fungi develop resistance to various medications, which further complicates the treatment of the disease. If you need individual advice, write to our specialists: they will be happy to answer all readers’ questions.

Analogs of the drug "Mycomax"

Fluconazole is an active ingredient that is often prescribed for thrush. In pharmacology, in addition to Mycomax, there are other drugs with a similar spectrum of action that have the same indications for use. Among them:

  • Mikosist;
  • Flucostat;
  • Itracon;
  • Diflucan;
  • Mifungar.

Contraindications and side effects

Mycomax has few contraindications as such: it is not recommended to take it only in cases of allergy to one of the components of the medication. Rarely observed and side effects. Studies of Mycomax have not described cases of overdose, but in cases where there is a sharp deterioration in well-being, the medicine is discontinued and a doctor is urgently consulted. A medical facility should perform gastric lavage, forced diuresis, and hemodialysis.

Mycomax can cause the following side effects:

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system ( headache, sleep problems, parasthesia, dizziness);
  • Vomiting, abdominal pain, appetite disturbances, nausea, very rarely - toxic hepatitis;
  • Decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, blood clotting disorders;
  • Various allergic reactions (usually ordinary urticaria, but sometimes anaphylactic shock) usually occur in patients with immunological disorders.

Mycomax is a medicinal product created for the treatment of fungal diseases caused by a wide range of pathogens (trichophytoses, yeast and yeast-like fungi, etc.).


Sanofi Pharma (Slovenia).

Approximate price of the drug

Analogues substitutes

  • Mikosist,
  • Itrakon,
  • Diflucan,
  • Flucostat,
  • Mifungar.

Dispensed from a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.

Shelf life: 2 years.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of Mycomax are:

  1. Local (thrush) or systemic candidiasis with or without lesions of internal organs;
  2. Fungal infection of unknown nature with damage to internal organs, fungal infection against the background of severe immunodeficiency states (HIV, AIDS, conditions after organ and tissue transplantation while taking cytostatics, malignant tumors, etc.);
  3. Skin forms of various fungal diseases (dermatomycosis) in the absence of a positive effect from local treatment;
  4. Prevention of vaginal candidiasis (thrush).


  • The active substance is fluconazole, a modern synthetic derivative of triazole, which is the most powerful (currently) blocker of the synthesis of specific substances in fungal cells - sterols. As a result, the fungal cell wall is synthesized with deep defects. Which ultimately lead to the death of the microorganism;
  • Inactive substances: colloidal silicon oxide, titanium oxide, corn starch, povidone, etc.

Brief summary of the purpose

Capsules must be taken orally with plenty of liquid. Dosages and duration of use depend on the severity of the sick person’s condition and the severity of the symptoms of the disease.
The average course of treatment can range from 3 days to one and a half months in doses from 50 mg to 400 mg per day;

Mikomax for thrush

Mycomax can be a first-line drug in the treatment of thrush. IN In this case Men, women, and children can undergo therapy (starting from the first days of life). Take 50 mg or 100 mg of the drug in one or two doses for 2 weeks.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for Mycomax are intolerance to the components of the drug (allergy).

Side effects

Side effects are observed quite rarely.

Cases of drug overdose have not been described. In cases of significant deterioration, it is necessary to discontinue the medicine yourself and seek help from your doctor (for gastric lavage, forced diuresis, hemodialysis).

Possible side effects Mycomaxa:

  • Nervous system disorders (sleep cycle disturbances, headaches, parasthesias, dizziness);
  • Nausea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, vomiting, very rarely - toxic hepatitis;
  • Blood clotting disorders, decreased number of platelets in the blood (thrombocytopenia);
  • allergic reactions of varying severity are possible (from ordinary urticaria to anaphylactic shock), which are much more often observed in people with severe immune disorders.

Special instructions for use

  • Mycomax is prescribed with great caution during pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding) in cases where the expected benefit to the mother significantly outweighs the risk to the fetus. In cases of breastfeeding, it is necessary to stop it for the duration of treatment.
  • The use of the drug is not addictive.
  • Concomitant use of alcohol and Mycomax due to possible side effects.

Thrush tablets for women are a whole list of medications that provide effective assistance in the fight against candidiasis.

The reason for its development is the proliferation in large quantities of a yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida (Candida). The microorganism is part of the normal microflora of the colon, mouth, and vagina. Participates in metabolic processes and is harmless to the human body.

However, under the influence of certain factors, the fungus becomes aggressive, begins to multiply uncontrollably and rapidly, and causes unpleasant symptoms. Along with the curdled white discharge, there is a feeling of itching or burning, swelling and redness of the mucous membranes. Upon examination, the doctor diagnoses thrush (candidiasis).

  • Indications and contraindications for the use of tablets
  • Main groups of medications against candidiasis
  • Imidazole group
  • Triazoles
  • Polyene antibiotics against illness
  • Drugs with combined action

The causes of fungal disease are:

Women and children are most often affected by the disease. Treatment of the disease requires the inclusion of effective antifungal medications to achieve rapid recovery. The list of remedies that will help cure the disease is quite large, so it is not recommended to select them yourself.

These include drugs for use:

In order not to delay the treatment process and not lead to the development of a chronic form of the disease, you should visit a doctor at the first signs of the disease.

Indications and contraindications for the use of tablets

The main indications for prescribing oral tablets in the treatment of candidiasis are based on the action of the medications – suppression of pathogenic microflora and restoration of normal microflora. Tablet antifungal drugs help in case of:

With the help of tablets you can cope with any form of fungal disease.

It is very important to observe one condition - the doctor must select and prescribe medications.

Only a specialist can determine the best remedy for thrush in each specific case and how to take it. Taking into account the general condition of the body, he will prescribe a course of treatment, which can last from 1 to 10 days.

Before choosing good antifungal drugs, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of contraindications. It includes:

Certain types of tablets for the treatment of candidiasis are prohibited from being taken orally or topically during menstruation. This is due to their effect on the cycle and hormonal levels. Failure to comply with the instructions for use, violation of the dosage or duration of administration lead to side effects.

The most common manifestations:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • headache.

More severe symptoms include allergic skin manifestations, hallucinations, nervous and vascular systems. At the first signs of such manifestations, you should stop taking any tablets for thrush and consult your doctor.

Main groups of medications against candidiasis

Modern pharmacology offers an extensive list of tablets against fungi. Information on medicinal use available for buyers. Many thrush medications are available without a prescription.

The groups of drugs used to treat candidiasis include:

  • antibiotics of the polyene group (Natamycin, Nystatin, Levorin, Pimafucin);
  • imidazole derivatives (Clotrimazole, Candide);
  • triazoles (Mikosist, Fluconazole);
  • imidazoledioxalane derivatives (Livarol),

Stronger and the best means for thrush have a high price. This is one of the disadvantages of such funds. Therefore, women try to choose relatively inexpensive ones, but effective tablets, which are commercially available. They help well with thrush and can be easily purchased at pharmacies. Buying inexpensive drugs, even a severe form of the disease can be cured.

Imidazole group

Among the medications in this series, the antibiotics Clotrimazole, Candide, and Ketoconazole stand out with a pronounced effect. Each product has its own characteristics and different forms of release.

Clotrimazole is an inexpensive and effective remedy for urogenital candidiasis. This medicine for thrush is available in several forms:

To treat thrush at night, insert a tablet (vaginal) into the vagina as deeply as possible. It is best to do this while lying on your back. Additionally, the external genitalia and perineal skin are lubricated with cream.

The course of treatment lasts 4 weeks until the manifestations of the disease completely disappear. You should not take other antifungal drugs (polyene antibiotics) or Dexamethasone in large doses at the same time as Clotrimazole. Irritation is rare when using Clotrimazole. Vaginal tablets are contraindicated in the first trimester of pregnancy and in case of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the product. Available without a prescription.

Prices in Moscow pharmacies are quite cheap:

  • cream – from 35 to 67 rubles. for the tuba;
  • tablets - from 18 to 53 rubles. per package.

In pharmacies in St. Petersburg too:

  • ointment - from 29 to 43 rubles;
  • tablets - from 24 to 71 rubles.

Candida and Ketoconazole. Candida vaginal tablets are used to treat candidiasis. Indications, method of application, frequency of use of Candida and Clotrimazole are identical. The decision to prescribe Candida to pregnant and lactating women is made solely by the doctor.

In the first trimester, tablets are prohibited for use. The simultaneous use of Nystatin and Candida is undesirable. This significantly reduces the activity of Clotrimazole.

Ketoconazole is produced in the form of suppositories, creams, and tablets. The indications are identical for all drugs in the group. Candles are used once a day, preferably before a night's rest. The medication is not recommended during breastfeeding and pregnancy (contraindications – first trimester).


Reliable antifungal agents. The mechanism of action of drugs leads to the death of fungal cells.

Fluconazole is available in the form of capsules, ointments, suppositories and solution for parenteral administration. Take effective capsules once orally, whole. In some cases, you have to take Fluconazole for a long time (up to three months). Six months later the course is repeated.

Only a doctor can prescribe such a regimen. It is necessary to strictly follow the specialist’s instructions, otherwise frequent recurrences of the disease may occur. The drug is contraindicated in children under 4 years of age, pregnant women and patients with liver and kidney pathologies.

Prices in pharmacies in Moscow - from 17 to 78 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 23 to 67 rubles. You can buy the medicine without a prescription.

Flucostat is the most popular and inexpensive remedy for thrush. Effective against fungi of the genus Candida. Taken orally once, quickly relieves itching and burning. Symptoms of candidiasis completely disappear on the second day.

You can take Flucostat at any time of the day, regardless of meals, which is very convenient for people with a busy work schedule. The cost of the drug is also associated with this. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the price ranges from 196 to 340 rubles per capsule. You can purchase the medicine without a prescription.

Polyene antibiotics against illness

The effectiveness of medications in this group is quite high. Polyenes increase the permeability of the cell membrane, which leads to the death of the fungus. Among the medications in this group, consider Nystatin and Levorin.

Nystatin is a proven remedy by many patients. But this does not give the right to refuse consultation with a specialist. Nystatin is not used in cases of hypersensitivity to the component, pregnancy, breastfeeding, or diseases of the digestive system.

Nystatin tablets can cause unpleasant symptoms - rash, itching, redness and malfunction gastrointestinal tract. Do not combine the drug with Clotrimazole and alcohol.

The action of Levorin is similar to Nystatin. The difference lies in the list of restrictions for use - bronchial asthma, liver and kidney failure, feeding the baby. Before starting therapy, the sensitivity of the microflora to Levorin is determined. The dose is calculated depending on the degree and form of the disease, the general condition of the patient, and concomitant pathologies.

Drugs with combined action

They differ significantly in the set of components. They contain an antifungal ingredient, an antibiotic, substances that fight protozoa, and a glucocorticoid hormone. It is prohibited to prescribe medications with a combined effect in the first important months of pregnancy and to stop feeding the child if the use of the drug is indicated by a doctor.

A frequently prescribed drug in this group is Terzhinan. The benefits of the drug are significant.

Its distinctive properties are that there is no prohibition on use during menstruation, breastfeeding and in late pregnancy.

Vaginal tablets are administered at night, pre-moistened in small quantity water. After administering the tablet, do not change your body position for 15 minutes. The prices for the drug are not cheap. Vaginal tablets in pharmacies in Moscow and St. Petersburg cost from 295 to 569 rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

What other pills work well against thrush? The most common are Diflucan, Livarol, Mikosist, Mikomax. Basically, they are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. They are all used to treat the same disease, but may have distinctive features. Different active ingredients in their composition require an individual approach to each medication.

A prerequisite is careful study of the instructions for use and consultation with a doctor.

Thrush, or candida infection, is a disease caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida. Its treatment involves the use of drugs - antimycotics. Fluconazole for thrush is considered a popular and effective remedy. How to use Fluconazole for thrush?

Candidiasis and its symptoms

Candidiasis is popularly called thrush. This disease is caused by the fungal bacteria Candida. Thrush causes damage to the mucous membrane of the genital organs. The disease occurs in a mild form, which can be easily treated at home, after seeing a doctor and undergoing an examination.

Risk factors for thrush in women:

  • taking antibiotics;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • weakening of the immune system;
  • HIV infection;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • intestinal pathology;
  • promiscuous sex life;
  • pregnancy;
  • menopause.

There is also such a thing as chronic thrush. This phenomenon occurs due to improper treatment or constant exposure to pathogens on the body. Chronic candidiasis requires the simultaneous use of several drugs and adherence to a certain diet. The duration of the course of therapy is determined by the doctor.

Fluconazole for thrush is considered the optimal solution in combination with ointments or suppositories for topical use.

Characteristic symptoms of candidiasis in women:

  • discharge with a cheesy consistency;
  • sour smell;
  • burning;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • plaque on the genitals;
  • swelling of the genitals;
  • redness of the mucous membrane.

At the initial stage of the disease, the symptoms do not particularly bother the woman, but if the disease is neglected, it can become much more difficult and unpleasant. Can there be consequences if treatment is delayed? Yes, they can, the most common complication is the spread of infection to neighboring organs and the addition of bacterial flora.

Foma release drug

Treatment of thrush with Fluconazole may involve therapy with several drugs that are used in combination with tablets. A wide range of forms allows you to assign complex treatment if there are several foci of the disease. The drug is used in the treatment of both sexual partners.

Fluconazole has several forms of release:

  • capsules;
  • coated tablets;
  • injection;
  • powder for preparing a solution.

Only a doctor can tell you how to take Fluconazole for thrush in women or men. You should not self-medicate.

Mechanism of action

Fluconazole capsules - usual form, used for thrush. The gelatin shell instantly dissolves, and the active substances of the drug are quickly absorbed into the blood.

Fluconazole acts on the walls of fungi, preventing their growth and reproduction. The medicine is effective at all stages of the disease.

How quickly does the medicine work? After taking Fluconazole, the active substance is effective for three days. After 6-7 hours, thrush symptoms subside.

The capsules are white in color and should be consumed with plenty of water without breaking the shell. You can take capsules or tablets at any time of the day, regardless of food.


  • candidal colpitis (thrush);
  • generalized candidiasis;
  • candidiasis of the mucous membranes (including damage to the oral cavity), skin, nails;
  • cryptococcosis;
  • prevention of fungal infections with long-term use of antibiotics, etc.

For mixed bacterial and fungal infections, Fluconazole is prescribed together with antibiotics (metronidazole, penicillins, cephalosporins, etc.). In gynecological practice, capsules are often used simultaneously with topical medications (suppositories, creams, ointments) to enhance the effect. If thrush recurs, the doctor may recommend a drug from a different group (Nystatin, Clotrimazole, etc.).

Analogues of Fluconazole: Mikosist, Mikomax, Flucostat. If you need to change the drug, you should consult your doctor.

Fluconazole is available in pharmacies without a prescription. Medicine prices may vary.

Dosage regimen

Only a specialist can tell you how to take Fluconazole correctly, whether you need to take a course and what dosage, after conducting the necessary tests. The drug dosage regimen is shown in the table:

When to take Form of the drug Dosage Amount of time
Acute stage Tablets or capsules 150 mg Take once
Chronic stage Capsules or tablets

1 time per week for 4 weeks. Then once a month for six months

Inability to take tablets or capsules Injections It is administered intravenously, the dose is determined by the doctor. As prescribed by a doctor.
Relapse Prevention Capsules 150 mg Once a month (on the first day of menstruation)

Advice: when using Fluconazole, you should carefully read the instructions for use. The description of the drug indicates how long the medicine can be used and in what dosage. If you do not follow the specified dose, you can cause significant harm to your health.

Fluconazole for men

Quite often, married couples ask the question: “Does a man need to use Fluconazole if the woman has the disease?” Any gynecologist will answer that thrush is not an STI. Treatment of the sexual partner is not required. Men usually rarely suffer from candidiasis; as a rule, the disease occurs in a latent form in combination with sexually transmitted diseases.

Causes of candidiasis in men:

  • pathology of the endocrine system (including diabetes mellitus);
  • promiscuity;
  • the presence of hidden infections in the body;
  • decreased immunity.

It is difficult to identify thrush in men; to do this, you need to undergo an examination and special tests for fungal crops. Antifungal drugs are prescribed only when a candidal infection is detected by laboratory testing and in the presence of typical symptoms.

How to take Fluconazole correctly for men:

  • once during the acute stage;
  • twice a week for a month if the disease is advanced;
  • the use of tablets or capsules in combination with ointments or creams for prevention.

The doctor will tell you the exact treatment regimen after examining and examining the patient.

Fluconazole during pregnancy

Many pregnant women often face the problem of candidiasis. This is explained by the restructuring of hormones in the body. Is it possible to use Fluconazole to treat thrush in this case? How to take it correctly? During pregnancy, treatment with this medication is prohibited, especially in the first three months. But there are exceptions when the disease can threaten the fetus with possible deviations. In this case, the drug is prescribed individually, under the supervision of doctors.

Fluconazole in childhood

Can the medication be used for thrush in children? It is possible, the dosage of the drug is prescribed by a pediatrician or pediatric gynecologist. Fluconazole is usually given to children in the form of a suspension or syrup. Depending on the form of release of the medicine, for childhood there are restrictions: the suspension is used from the first year of life, other forms after the age of three.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any medication, Fluconazole has a number of contraindications:

  • liver or kidney failure;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • age after 65 years (how to take Fluconazole for thrush for older people, you should ask your doctor);
  • pregnancy (including at the stage of conceiving a child);
  • lactation period.

The active substances included in the medication may cause side effects:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness and convulsions;
  • drowsiness and loss of orientation;
  • problems with the digestive system;
  • skin rashes and itching;
  • cardiac arrhythmia and increased blood pressure.

The drug weakens the effect of contraceptives hormonal drugs. It is necessary to use additional contraception for the entire period of treatment.

After completing the course of therapy, probiotics are indicated to restore normal vaginal microflora.

It is important to know: at the first appearance of side symptoms, you need to consult your doctor. He will change the treatment regimen or reduce the dosage. An overdose of the drug can only occur if the patient has violated the doctor’s instructions.

The use of Fluconazole for thrush is an effective and quick way to get rid of the problem. The drug should be used only according to the prescribed regimen after consulting a doctor. Failure to follow the instructions for taking medication can be harmful to health.

The drug "Mycomax" has found widespread use for thrush. This medicine is considered one of the most effective in the treatment of candidal colpitis, because it is based on fluconazole, a substance that quickly destroys especially dangerous bacteria. "Mikomax" is a potent medication, so before using it, you should read the instructions for use and consult with a specialized physician.

Composition, action and release form

The pharmaceutical product "Mycomax" is produced in the form of syrup and capsules of 50-200 mg. The components of the medication are:

  • fluconazole;
  • milk sugar;
  • starch that has undergone a gelatinization process;
  • Aerosil;
  • food additive E572;
  • sodium dodecyl sulfate.

The drug has a beneficial effect on microflora.

The main purpose of the drug "Mycomax" is to destroy fungal infections and thereby prevent the development of various fungal pathologies. Chemical composition The medicine completely destroys the structure of the fungus and prevents further growth of its cells. Penetrating into the digestive tract, the capsule instantly dissolves, and its components gradually move through the intestines and penetrate into the vagina through muscle tissue. There, the medicinal components begin to fight pathogenic microorganisms and completely destroy the infection, while restoring the vaginal microflora.

The patient noted an improvement in his condition after taking 2 capsules (150 mg each) of Mycomax, i.e. already on the 2nd day. When the medicine has done its job and there is no trace left of the fungal infection, Mycomax will begin to be eliminated from the body through the activity of the kidneys. The described medication is well tolerated, and side symptoms occur extremely rarely.

If you observe a negative reaction of the body to the use of Mycomax, you must stop treatment and consult your doctor.

Indications and contraindications

Instructions for using Mycomax for thrush

The medicine can be used in conjunction with antibacterial drugs.

You can take Mycomax tablets to treat thrush at any time of the day, regardless of meals. To achieve the required effect of therapy, it is enough to drink 1 capsule per day. It is also allowed to use the medicine for preventive purposes. Then the duration of the preventive course can reach several months.

In case of acute form of thrush, you should take one Mycomax capsule per month before the onset of menstruation. The duration of such treatment is 4-6 months and depends on the severity of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. Therefore, only a qualified physician can determine the period of the treatment course and the safe dosage.

Modern doctors prescribe Mycomax as an adjuvant to patients who are taking antibiotics in order to prevent disruption of the vaginal microflora. It is known that the antibiotic has a detrimental effect not only on pathogenic microorganisms, but also affects beneficial bacteria, thereby provoking the development of thrush. For antibiotics, Mycomax is prescribed at 300 mg or 150 mg if you start taking it before starting antibacterial therapy.

Adverse reactions

When treating thrush with Mycomax, the following negative phenomena may occur:

  • dizziness;
  • frequent loose stools;
  • painful bloating;
  • headache;
  • rashes on the skin;
  • nausea;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • gagging;
  • disruption of the kidneys and liver;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • change in taste preferences.

special instructions

For patients with kidney disease, use the medication under the supervision of a physician.

Before using Mycomax to eliminate candidal colpitis, you should familiarize yourself with the features of its use. Thus, persons with functional disorders of the liver and kidneys require special monitoring of the condition of these organs. The patient undergoes regular laboratory tests, which are necessary so that at the first sign of liver or kidney dysfunction, further treatment should be stopped.

It is strictly contraindicated to drink alcohol-containing drinks while eliminating a fungal infection with the pharmaceutical drug Mycomax. The ban on alcohol is due to the fact that ethyl alcohol blocks enzymes that promote the absorption of the drug, and thereby reduces the effectiveness of the drug.

Mycomax is a 3rd generation medicine that suppresses the activity of various fungi, including the Candida type, in the human body. The drug is prescribed when other medications are ineffective, or the disease has become severely chronic.

Mycomax for thrush acts by destroying the intercellular septum of bacteria that activate the inflammatory process in the vagina or on other mucous surfaces. As a result, the ability of fungi to reproduce is inhibited.

The main active ingredient of the drug, Fluconazole, is a generally accepted medicine for candidiasis.

How to take the medicine

Mycomax is available in capsules of various weights: 50, 100 and 150 mg. Moving from the stomach through the intestines, the capsule gradually dissolves, and the medicine is absorbed into the circulatory system and muscles of the human body, spreading from there throughout the body.

The medicine is taken orally - after swallowing the capsule, you must wash it down with at least 100 ml of water.

Also, when fungi penetrate deeply into human organs, an injection solution is used, focusing on the recommended rate of 20 mg per minute for intravenous drip administration. It should be taken into account that 100 g of solution contains 200 mg of fluconazole, which is the active component of the drug.

Self-treatment with the drug is not recommended. You should definitely visit a gynecologist and get tested to determine exactly what type of fungus caused thrush. Only a doctor can prescribe or adjust the course of treatment, dosage, and time of prophylaxis.

How to be treated with the drug correctly

The medicine is excreted by the kidneys, 80% without changing its composition. Mycomax acts in the body for up to 30 hours, so it is usually recommended to take it once a day, depending on the dosage and complexity of the disease.

The acute form of thrush is treated with a single dose of Mycomax, usually with a dose of 150 mg, the amount of which depends on the age and development of the patient’s disease. In the future, a preventive course of treatment is recommended, consisting of 4 to 12 months, during which 1 capsule of the drug should be taken on the first day of the menstrual cycle.

If the patient's immunity is significantly reduced, the treatment period is increased to 7-14 days of daily use of the medicine. The dose is determined by the doctor individually for each patient.

It is not advisable to combine the medication with other drugs. You should stop drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, and sweet foods during treatment of acute, and especially chronic, candidiasis.

Features of treatment of children, pregnant women, pensioners

Patients under 16 years of age and over 60 years of age are prohibited from taking a single dose of the drug at a dose of 150 mg, except for severe forms of the disease. Treatment for this category of patients only prescribed by a doctor. Self-dosing is fraught with dangerous complications on the liver and kidneys. Thrush is treated with reduced doses of Mycomax, recommended for daily use. The course of treatment is prescribed for 7 days and depends on the course of the disease.

For pregnant, nursing mothers, and children under 3 years of age, Mycomax is prescribed only in exceptional cases when refusal of treatment threatens with catastrophic consequences. The doctor calculates the dosage for children individually in each individual case, but not more than 3 mg per 1 kg of baby’s weight per day. The interval between taking the drug is increased to 72 hours.

It is recommended to avoid breastfeeding during treatment, since the main active ingredient, fluconazole, is excreted in breast milk.

Negative effects of the drug on the body

Side effects when taking Mycomax:

  • liver failure, jaundice;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • gastrointestinal upset, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence;
  • dizziness, nausea;
  • manifestations of allergies, urticaria.

If a negative reaction of the body to the action of the drug occurs, it is recommended to discontinue the medicine.

Patients with liver disease should monitor its condition and take medications that protect the organ from damage.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever tried to get rid of thrush? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, victory was not on your side. And of course you know firsthand what it is:

  • white cheesy discharge
  • severe burning and itching
  • pain during sex
  • bad smell
  • discomfort when urinating

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can thrush be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end it! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive story from our subscriber, in which she revealed the secret of her getting rid of thrush. Read the article...


The use of drugs in the fight against thrush

Fungal diseases are a phenomenon that humanity is increasingly encountering. Bacteria, fungi, and viruses often creep into the body of our contemporaries and, under certain conditions and for some reason, begin to act actively. What is candidiasis, or thrush, is known to almost all women, because 30% of this half of the population suffer from the mentioned disease. For many it has become chronic and recurs from time to time. Thrush is an infectious and inflammatory process in the vagina and external genitalia caused by the Candida fungus. Candida is a fungus that is constantly present in the vaginal flora, but it causes disease only after changes in the acid-base level in the vagina, and due to decreased immunity.

What affects the occurrence of thrush

If candidiasis treatment is not started on time, it can affect the mucous membranes, skin, nails, and even internal organs. Very often, the pathogens of this disease are transmitted through sexual contact, but Candida fungus cannot be considered a sexually transmitted disease. Often thrush develops in women even without sexual activity. For the first symptoms of candidiasis to occur, there must be an excessive level of fungi in the vagina. Their growth is usually suppressed by lactobacilli, thus ensuring a normal acidic environment that prevents the development of fungi.

Many factors contribute to disrupting this balance:

  • Reduced immunity.
  • Hormonal disorder.
  • Eating unhealthy food, meat products filled with antibiotics and growth hormones.
  • Excessive use chemical substances in everyday life and food products.
  • Polluted atmosphere.
  • A huge amount of negative information and stressful conditions.
  • Pregnancy.

  • Development of diabetes mellitus.
  • Vitamin deficiency.
  • Excessive consumption of sugar and sweets.
  • AIDS.
  • Exposure to contrasting climatic conditions.
  • Wearing tight synthetic underwear.
  • Poor intimate hygiene, rare changes of tampons and pads.

Briefly about the signs of thrush

With thrush, women experience symptoms that are simply impossible to ignore. Almost every representative of the fair sex has had to deal with such a nuisance at least once in her life.

Candidiasis in women is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • discomfort, burning, dryness, itching in the area of ​​the labia and vagina;
  • Mild pain and burning sensation during urination;
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.

As soon as such signs appear, treatment for thrush should be started immediately by contacting a gynecologist. He will conduct an examination on a gynecological chair, examine smears and prescribe the necessary measures. Treatment of thrush should begin by finding out the cause of active reproduction of candida. Patients are advised to check their blood sugar levels, as well as monitor their immune and hormonal status.

Before treating thrush in women, you should choose the right drug. Currently, there are quite a lot of medicines and techniques that help in getting rid of candidiasis. Treatment of thrush remains a pressing problem to this day. No explanation yet proves why it is difficult to finally overcome this disease. Sometimes even strict adherence to all doctor’s prescriptions cannot guarantee that a woman will not get sick again.

No matter how the pathological process develops, and no matter how the fungal infection of the skin is localized, complex therapy for thrush must be prescribed. It should include the following activities:

  • Actions that lead to normalization and restoration of the immune system.
  • Treatment aimed at eliminating local symptoms of candidiasis.
  • Measures aimed at systemic treatment of emerging thrush.

How to cure thrush in women so that it does not recur? It should be remembered that it is impossible to completely destroy the fungus in the body, because it creates the normal microflora of a woman. All drugs and medical procedures used to treat candidiasis in the female half of the population only inhibit the proliferation of fungi. So, in women, treatment of candidiasis should be comprehensive. The following actions must be completed:

  • Determine the sensitivity of Candida fungi to antifungal medications that can be used in the fight against thrush.
  • Normalize the acidity and microflora content of the mucous membranes and skin.
  • Eliminate concomitant immune imbalances and diseases that provoke the development of immunodeficiency.
  • Reduce or eliminate factors leading to the development of thrush: forget about bad habits, take prescribed antibiotics, immunosuppressants, hormonal medications.
  • Heal inflammatory and infectious diseases.

It is according to this plan that you need to take remedies for thrush.

Wide range of drugs for the treatment of candidiasis

How to treat thrush - tablets, suppositories or ointment? There are many medicines for candidiasis on the Russian pharmaceutical market. They are produced in the form of suppositories, creams, ointments, and tablets. There are 2 main groups of these medications:

  • Local preparations. They are represented by ointments, suppositories, creams, vaginal tablets. Local therapy is optimal because it does not have any effect on the entire body. They are prescribed at the initial and middle stages of development of vaginal candidiasis. If thrush has entered the chronic stage, then these drugs are prescribed together with antifungal agents taken orally.
  • Drugs that have a systemic general effect. They are presented in tablets that have an effect on the entire body, as well as on the source of inflammation. These drugs are used in severe and recurrent cases.

How to treat candidiasis and which drugs are most effective can be discussed endlessly. The main basis for choosing drugs should be the results of bacterial culture analysis. It will determine the sensitivity of the identified fungi to this active substance.

How to cure candidiasis without complications? At the early stage of thrush, it is advisable to use only local medications, because general antifungal drugs have a negative effect on the kidneys and liver.

The most popular drugs for the treatment of thrush

When treating thrush in women, drugs provide good results. Lately Pharmaceutical companies make a lot of advertising offers, thanks to which the names of many drugs for candidiasis are heard by women. Here are the most popular medications used to treat fungal infections:

  • Diflucan. This product contains Fluconazole, which has a destructive effect on fungi and bacteria in the female body. One capsule of Diflucan can almost completely get rid of the main symptoms of the disease. But most often it is used to relieve the primary signs of candidiasis.

  • Clotrimazole. This drug is actively used by both men and women. Clotrimazole is available in the form of vaginal tablets and cream. The cream is most often used; it is not absorbed into the blood and does not affect the entire body. The product is widely used for the treatment of fungal diseases that are caused by yeast and yeast-like fungi.

  • Livarol. It differs in that it can be used even during pregnancy. This remedy can relieve a woman of thrush in a very short time. For chronic candidiasis, the course of treatment with Livarol is slightly extended.

  • Pimafucin. Very effective remedy, produced in the form of tablets, creams, suppositories. This is a non-toxic, well-tolerated drug that does not have allergic reactions. It can even be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women. It contains the active ingredient natamycin, which is an antifungal antibiotic and has a wide range of functions.

  • Hexicon. This antiseptic works well against thrush even during pregnancy. It is used as a prophylactic before childbirth. At the pharmacy you can buy suppositories, gel and Hexicon solution. The Hexicon D dosage form is suitable for children.

  • Epigen-intim. Available in the form of a spray that has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiviral and immunostimulating effects.

  • Terzhinan. Refers to antibacterial and antifungal agents for the treatment of candidiasis. Terzhinar differs from other drugs in that it can be used even during menstruation.

  • Mycomax. It is an antifungal drug whose main active ingredient is fluconazole. Pharmacies sell capsules, syrup and Mycomax solution.

  • Nystatin. Refers to antifungal agents. It is most effective against Candida fungi. Nystatin can be purchased in the form of tablets, dragees, suppositories, suppositories, ointments.

  • Klion. The active ingredient of the drug is the synthetic substance metronidazole. The product is antimicrobial and antifungal. Tablets, suspensions and Klion solution are available.

Features of the treatment of various forms of candidiasis

The initial form of thrush involves the use of various vaginal suppositories or vaginal tablets, which contain antifungal substances. Drugs that contain clotrimazole are:

  • Kanesten;
  • Antifungol;
  • Kandibene.

They can be used for mild forms of thrush, as soon as the first signs of candidiasis appear.

Miconazole is often prescribed. These include:

  • Gyno-taktarin;
  • Klion-D 100.

A very effective substance is ketoconazole. It includes:

  • Windhouse;
  • Mycosorala;
  • Oronazole;
  • Brizorala.

Acute thrush in women can be treated for up to 7 days. Most often, the effectiveness of such therapy is 80-90%. During treatment, a woman is advised to abstain from sexual relations and strictly adhere to intimate hygiene.

What are the main nuances of treating chronic candidiasis? The wrong choice of medications and incomplete therapy lead to chronic candidiasis, which recurs from time to time. ABOUT chronic stage The disease can be judged if signs of thrush occur more than 4 times a year. Antifungal agents in tablet form are added to the above creams, suppositories and ointments. Chronic thrush has to be treated for several months. It is also necessary to take antibiotics and vitamins.

Often after the main treatment, maintenance therapy is carried out. For this purpose, Clotrimazole suppositories are prescribed, which must be used once a week for six months for candidiasis to become cured. Sometimes, instead of suppositories, it is recommended to take Fluconazole tablets, according to the same scheme. Chronic thrush leads to adverse consequences affecting the genitourinary system. Sometimes this threatens infertility. Candidiasis must be treated on time. This is just a small list of what is used to treat thrush in women.

It is important to remember that you should not use antifungal drugs without consulting a specialist. Any independent treatment can cause complications and relapses of the disease. The treatment of candida must be taken with full responsibility.

Tablets for thrush - effective remedies

Thrush in women is one of the most common diseases. Most often, this disease does not pose a serious danger. Despite this, treatment of candidiasis should be carried out on time. Otherwise, the disease becomes chronic. To eliminate the possibility of complications, you should take anti-thrush pills in a timely manner. Treatment of the disease should be prescribed by a doctor after receiving the results of the diagnosis.

What is thrush?

Candidiasis is a rather insidious disease that can occur not only in women, but also in men and children. Even in healthy people, a small amount of the causative agent of thrush, a fungus belonging to the genus Candida, is present in the body. The amount of pathogenic microflora increases when predisposing factors begin to affect the body:

  1. Weakening of the immune system. Unbalanced diet, stress, low physical activity.
  2. Antibacterial therapy. Antibiotics suppress beneficial microflora, which is fraught with the proliferation of pathogenic or opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms.
  3. Metabolic disorders, pregnancy and diabetes.

When is treatment needed?

You should take anti-candidiasis pills when the amount of Candida fungus in the body increases. This is accompanied by a number of characteristic signs.

The presence of thrush is indicated by certain symptoms:

  • the appearance of whitish discharge with a consistency reminiscent of cottage cheese;
  • swelling and hyperemia in the mucous membranes;
  • pronounced itching and burning in the mucous membranes of the vagina.

At the earliest stages of candidiasis progression, you can use remedies traditional medicine or medications intended for external application. With the progressive course of the disease, you should use only effective tablets for thrush that have a systemic effect.

How is advanced or chronic candidiasis treated?

Candidiasis in women is treated with antifungal drugs. These products have a fairly wide spectrum of action. That is why asking the question “What to take for thrush?” follows the doctor. Only a specialist can choose the most effective and safe drug. Any pill for thrush can not only help, but also harm. Therefore, drug therapy must be prescribed correctly.

Drug systemic therapy is prescribed in accordance with the stage of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. It’s not enough to know what the tablets for thrush are called. It is necessary to have an idea of ​​what effect they have, to know contraindications and possible adverse reactions. Only a competent approach to treatment can quickly cope with candidiasis and eliminate the likelihood of developing complications of the disease.

List of medications used for candidiasis


A highly effective drug with a wide spectrum of action. It is available in the form of oral tablets and is intended to be taken orally to destroy pathogenic microflora throughout the body. The main advantages of this medicine are that it can be used to treat thrush in a single dose. You need to take one tablet to defeat candidiasis once and for all.

The active component on which Diflucan is developed is fluconazole. The effectiveness of the active substance is aimed at suppressing various types of fungal microflora. The drug can be used at any stage of candidiasis.

You need to pay attention to the fact that Diflucan has a fairly strong effect, so it is not recommended for use by pregnant women or during lactation. An absolute contraindication is kidney and liver dysfunction. Particular caution should be taken when taking the drug in combination with other medications.

In general, Diflucan is well tolerated. The occurrence of adverse reactions is rare. The average price for the drug is 400 rubles.


A drug against thrush, developed on the basis of an active ingredient such as fluconazole. The drug "MICOMax" is available in the form of oral capsules. To cure candidiasis, you should use the drug once (dosage is 150 mg).

It is not recommended to take MICOMax for pregnant women or during breastfeeding. Side effects include allergic manifestations, which most often occur in response to individual intolerance to the components included in the drug.

The drug is well tolerated, as adverse reactions are extremely rare. Many experts prescribe it to pregnant women. The cost of the drug "MICOMax" varies within 200 rubles.


A medicine that helps against thrush better than topical medications. The tablets contain an active substance such as fluconazole. The drug against thrush has a pronounced effect, but despite this it practically does not cause adverse reactions and has no contraindications. These capsules are the best among similar drugs, as they allow you to quickly eliminate candidiasis and prevent its relapse.

Despite the fact that MIKOsist has a gentle effect, it is not recommended to take it during pregnancy and lactation. The use of these tablets for thrush is unacceptable if the functions of internal organs such as the kidneys and liver are affected. The drug taken may cause the development of adverse reactions of the gastrointestinal tract: stomach discomfort, digestive dysfunction and nausea. From the central nervous system, abnormalities such as migraines and dizziness are observed. The development of allergic reactions is possible. That is why you should definitely consult a doctor before using the drug.

You should take the medicine at the same time to avoid the possibility of reducing the dosage. The cost of the drug "MIKOsist" ranges from 300 to 350 rubles.

Vaginal tablets and suppositories

An effective, time-tested medicine against vaginal candidiasis. "Terzhinan" gives a persistent antifungal effect. This drug provides rapid and safe treatment. Terzhinan is produced in the form of tablets intended for insertion into the vagina. The active substance is ternidazole. If you follow the dosage recommendations, Terzhinan does not have a negative effect on the body. It is recommended to use 1 suppository per day, before bedtime. The course of drug antifungal therapy lasts from 5 to 10 days, which depends on the stage of progression of thrush.


A complex drug with antibacterial and antifungal effects. "Polygynax" is available in capsules for vaginal use. Possesses high efficiency against candidiasis, despite the fact that it has a gentle effect on the body. Among the adverse reactions, only allergies can be distinguished, which occurs mainly if there is an individual intolerance to the components.

It is not recommended to use the drug "Polygynax" during pregnancy (1st trimester). During lactation in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, the use of vaginal capsules is allowed only after the recommendations of a specialist. An experienced doctor prescribes the drug when the potential benefits for the woman are higher than the possible risks for the child.

Vaginal capsules "Polygynax" are available in 6 and 12 pcs. packaged. For a course of treatment for untreated thrush, a small package is sufficient, the cost of which varies between 270 rubles.

Suppositories are intended for the treatment of thrush on initial stages progression of the disease. The drug is highly effective, despite its gentle effect on the body. A long course of therapy gives a positive result in the treatment of chronic candidiasis. The drug "Livarol" can be used to treat pregnant women (2-3 trimester) and nursing mothers.

The course of therapy with vaginal suppositories for the vaginal form of thrush is at least 5 days. For chronic candidiasis, therapy is extended to 10 days. The cost of suppositories varies between 300 rubles for 5 pcs.

The antifungal agent quickly eliminates the causes and symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, and restores the beneficial microflora of the vagina. The medicine has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. It is completely safe, so it can be used to treat women during lactation and pregnancy.

Vaginal suppositories are widely used in the preparatory period for childbirth and as a prophylactic against candidiasis in the presence of predisposing factors. Among such effects are allergic reactions that occur in the presence of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The cost of Hexicon vaginal suppositories is 250 rubles. The package is enough for a full course of treatment.

It is produced in the form of suppositories, tablets and ointments. It contains such an active component as nitamycin, an antifungal antibacterial substance with a wide spectrum of effects. The medicine is well tolerated, so it is prescribed to lactating women and during pregnancy.

The medicine has virtually no contraindications for use, apart from individual intolerance. "Pimafucin", if the recommendations for use are followed, does not cause adverse reactions. Occasionally, nausea and pain in the stomach are observed. When Pimafucin is applied topically, burning and redness of the mucous membrane may occur.

The cost of "Pimafucin" in tablet form is 370 rubles, in the form of suppositories - 150 rubles and in the form of cream - 250 rubles.

Local preparations against thrush


The drug has pronounced antiviral and antifungal activity. With its help, you can quickly suppress the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and eliminate the inflammatory process, normalizing the vaginal microflora.

The drug is prescribed for the treatment of thrush caused by Candida fungus in pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as in those patients who have contraindications to the use of more effective antifungal agents. The medicine has no contraindications and does not cause adverse reactions. In rare cases, allergic reactions are observed, which is associated with the presence of individual intolerance to the components that are included in the composition. This manifests itself in the form of redness of the genital mucosa and burning sensation.

The cost of the solution for topical use is 600 rubles. One package is enough for a full course of treatment.

Treatment of thrush with tablets should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced doctor. The specialist will select a number of additional measures that will increase the effectiveness of the medications used. Only a doctor can advise which pills are most effective. There is no point in going to the pharmacy without consulting a specialist and naming any drug you come across, since such treatment may not only be ineffective, but also dangerous to a woman’s health.

Among a large selection of tablets against candidiasis, a specialist will select the most effective ones, for each case individually, based on the results of the research. It is not enough to take a drug for thrush to forget about its symptoms forever. For complete cure for candidiasis, it is necessary to approach treatment comprehensively.

To treat thrush, it is best to take pills and place suppositories in the vagina. This way the drugs help much better. You should not hope that a drug taken once will heal you. Regardless of the name of the drug, it should be used correctly. Do not exceed the dosage or skip doses of the medicine.

The drug "Mycomax", reviews of which you can read in this article, is a very effective drug that actively copes with problems such as fungal infections, candidiasis, cryptococcosis, and other diseases.

Pharmacological properties of this medicine

"Mikomax", reviews of which are described in this article, contains a very effective component - fluconazole, which performs very important functions for the human body. For example, it is able to slow down the process of ergosterol synthesis in the cytomembranes of micromycetes (various fungi) that are absolutely harmful to the human body. The drug exerts its effect by suppressing the influence of cytochrome P450.

Of course, the component fluconazole, which is part of the drug, has a positive effect on the human body, but it is not as pronounced as other antifungal medications.

The medicine "Mycomax", reviews of which are mostly positive, can completely destroy a huge number of yeast-like fungi. The product also has an excellent fight against intracranial infections and mycoses.

Effect on the body

Please note that the drug "Mycomax", reviews of which are indicated in this article, is considered an effective antifungal drug, yet it is not able to cope with aspergillus and zygomycetes.

According to the instructions for use, after the active substances enter the body, their maximum concentration in the blood will be about ninety percent.

It is best to use the drug "Mycomax" (the price is indicated in the article) before breakfast. In this case, the maximum content of the drug in the blood plasma will be noticed after about an hour. The half-life of the active substances is about thirty hours.

Fluconadose is able to be evenly distributed throughout the human body, which makes it very effective for use.

Composition and release form of the drug

Please note that the medicine "Mycomax", the price of which is indicated in the article, is produced in various versions. Before purchasing, be sure to consult your doctor:

  1. "Mikomax" capsules contain 100 or 150 grams of fluconazole. Depending on its content, there are two types of capsules. In addition, the composition contains lactose monohydrate, corn starch, magnesium stearate, iron oxide, dyes and gelatin.
  2. "Mikomax" is also available in the form of syrup. 100 milliliters of liquid contains about 500 mg of active substance. Additional elements auxiliary alcohols, sodium salt, monohydrate are considered citric acid, purified water and flavorings.
  3. The drug also comes in the form of an injection solution. 100 ml of liquid contains about 200 mg of fluconazole. Excipients include sodium chloride solution (0.9%).

and treatment

Candidiasis (in other words, thrush) is a very common female disease of an inflammatory fungal nature. Affects the skin, mucous membranes, respiratory tract, genitourinary and nervous system women.

The cause of this disease is considered to be the presence of yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida in the body. According to gynecological statistics, every third woman on the planet is a carrier of this infection. Even after treatment, this disease can manifest itself repeatedly.

Causes of the disease

The most common causes of thrush are:

  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • frequent diseases of the digestive system, as well as the genitourinary system;
  • frequent use of thongs and other tight synthetic underwear;
  • impaired metabolism.

Symptoms of the disease

Candidiasis in women (symptoms and treatment can be read in this article) is very easy to recognize. Most often, a woman begins to be bothered by constant increasing itching in the vagina and perineum. Sometimes the itching turns into a burning sensation and even prevents you from sleeping at night.

In this case, white cheesy deposits or discharge appear on the external genitalia.

So, the main signs of thrush include:

  • significant redness of the internal and external female genital organs;
  • the presence of itching and burning, which intensify significantly a few days before the onset of menstruation;

  • the appearance of a large amount of white cheesy discharge;
  • a large amount of discharge with a rather unpleasant odor;
  • sexual intercourse may be accompanied by unpleasant or even painful sensations.

Treatment of thrush

It is very easy to get rid of this disease by choosing the right medications. Doctors advise using "Mycomax" - suppositories that are inserted into the vagina. Under no circumstances should you try to treat yourself. Trust an experienced doctor who will quickly help solve your problem.

Indications for use

The drug "Mycomax 150" is prescribed for the treatment of various fungal infections in the human body. According to reviews from patients and doctors, this drug is very effective in combating what was found in patients suffering from cancer.

"Mikomax" - tablets that can eliminate the esophagus, oropharynx and genitourinary system. Please note that, according to the instructions for use, this drug can also be used for preventive purposes, as well as for the treatment of candidiasis of the genital tract.

After use, patients noticed that the product was able to completely relieve the patient of problems such as dermatomycosis of the feet, nails, groin area and skin.

The product copes well with cryptococcal infections, which is especially important for people with very low level immunity. "Mycomax" can be used as the main drug for the treatment of systemic endemic mycoses. The cost of the drug is about two hundred and fifty rubles.


Experts categorically prohibit the use of the medicine by persons under the age of sixteen. The instructions for use also indicate that Mycomax should not be taken by patients who additionally use Astemizole and Terfenadine. Be sure to note that people who are hypersensitive to any component of this medication are not recommended to use it. Also, patients who cannot tolerate galactose and glucose do not need to take the medication.

How to take Mycomax for thrush

This drug is very often prescribed for the treatment of thrush, if other drugs have not had the desired effect. The medicine is taken orally. It doesn’t matter at all whether this is done before or after a meal.

Usually the daily dose of the medicine is one tablet. This is quite enough, since the medicine acts for about thirty hours from the moment of application. Be sure to consult a gynecologist before starting treatment with Mycomax. After all, any medicine is prescribed taking into account all the characteristics of the female body.

This medication is a very effective and modern remedy. Usually, a good result is already visible after the second day from the start of use. The drug copes well with chronic thrush, and also provides invaluable preventive measures. Usually the preventive course lasts several months.

The components of the drug begin to act immediately after they enter the body fluid affected by infections.

Mode of application

If the drug is used by injection, then the substance should be administered as slowly as possible.

Tablets are best taken with meals.

If the doctor prescribed a medicinal syrup to treat fungal diseases, then before swallowing it, you need to hold it in your mouth for several minutes. Don't ignore this procedure, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on it.

Please note that the duration of treatment, as well as the dosage, depend on the disease and the current condition of the patient.

People who have cryptococcal infections should take 200-400 mg of the drug once a day. In this case, treatment should last for two months.

If you have been diagnosed with malignant tumors, then using this drug can protect you from developing fungal infections. In this case, the daily dose of the substance should be 50 mg.

To treat vaginal candidiasis, use Mycomax 150 capsules once a day.

Side effects

Some patients have experienced abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting after using this medicine. In some cases, people using Mycomax experienced significant headaches.

Please note that if bullous mycosis is noticed in the patient while using the drug, then the medication must be stopped immediately.

In no case should you inject very quickly, as this can lead to phlebitis. However, to date, doctors have recorded only a few cases of thrombophlebitis developing after using this medicine.

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