Stomach ulcer diet treatment. Proper nutrition for stomach ulcers. Nutrition during exacerbation of stomach ulcers. Is it possible to use...

Peptic ulcer is one of the most common problems with the digestive system. A disease that completely changes a person’s entire life and subjugates it – this is how all problems with a stomach ulcer can be characterized.

The diet is strict and restrictive. It occurs due to a bacterium, Helicobacter pylori, which manifests itself when there is a violation of the harmony in the secretion of the stomach. There is an imbalance of hydrochloric acid, which destroys enzymes in the mucous membranes.

All this makes it important to eat the right food for stomach ulcers, since it is impossible to cure it with medication alone. All life habits are completely turned upside down.

Features of a proper diet

All nutrition for ulcers must be structured and follow certain rules, since a sick stomach requires certain proper nutrition.

The problem with peptic ulcer disease and proper diet during illness has been studied for a long time, and many scientific studies have been collected, which consist of following these rules to alleviate the disease:

With the correct menu design, such a diet should help as much as possible in recovery from illness. You need to stick to it for at least a year after ulcerative exacerbations. Nutrition during the diet is aimed at accelerating the regeneration of the stomach.

The most current diets:

  • a gentle diet during recovery and throughout treatment is indicated for every patient;
  • strict during exacerbation;
  • a vegetarian diet, especially the part with vegetable purees, is most beneficial for ulcer sufferers;
  • To lose weight you should stick to green vegetables, oatmeal and nuts. You can't go hungry.

List of products shown

A prerequisite for such a diet must be the complete absence of irritants, but at the same time a gradual expansion of nutrition, which leads to normal food consumption.

If you have a stomach ulcer, you should not change your diet too much., just add the much-needed amount of protein and reduce your fat intake.

Table No. 1, with proper recovery, can be reduced to 3 months, and then gradually introduce whole, unprocessed foods and fresh vegetables and fruits into the diet. During this period, you should not start losing weight, as the body is recovering, and therapeutic nutrition promotes weight loss.

Fasting is strictly prohibited, as is adding spices or medications to your diet that help increase metabolism. By following all the recommendations and avoiding bad habits, you can achieve a relapse-free cure for the ulcer.

Particularly useful and harmful products

One of the most useful foods for a diet during a stomach ulcer is porridge.

This is especially true for rolled oats, which have an enveloping property.

Milk and jelly prepared with it have a similar property and act on the body using gentle and gentle methods.

Low-fat cottage cheese with various preparation options has a beneficial effect on the stomach.

Products must be filled with 3 vitamins - A, B1 and C.

The following may be considered harmful and even dangerous for ulcers:

  • radish, turnip, radish;
  • gooseberries, grapes;
  • sausages, smoked meats;
  • hard or stringy meat;
  • spices and hot seasonings;
  • legumes.

These foods contain huge amounts of fiber or connective tissue, which harm the delicate texture of the stomach, irritating it, so they should be completely excluded from the diet.

Diet prescribed for stomach ulcers

All nutritional principles at the stage of development of stomach ulcers are created on the basis of ensuring the elimination of pain, dyspeptic symptoms and help accelerate the regeneration of the ulcer. There are 3 known principles of nutrition during illness, each of which is aimed at a specific period of development and fulfills its own properties.

Diet No. 1

The main postulate of the diet is a large number of calories with a harmonious ratio of allowed foods. All strong stimulants for gastric juice, chemical and thermal irritants are completely excluded from it.

About 3,000 calories are consumed per day in the proportion of 100 g of protein, 100 g of fat and 400 g of carbohydrates. The weight of food consumed per day is 3 kg, divided into 6 parts.

Allowed menus include:

Diet No. 1 is designed for six months and has moderate gentle properties that are beneficial to the body on the path to recovery.

Diet No. 1a

It has the maximum number of restrictions, so the patient cannot stay on it for a long time. Usually prescribed in the first days after operations and during exacerbations. Total calories - 1900 and unbalanced. It is necessary to reduce proteins and fats to a minimum, and almost halve the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

Completely removed:

  • broths, vegetables and other irritants;
  • all foods that are difficult to digest: meat, mushrooms.

Diet No. 1a is intended for patients on bed rest, so all food is served only boiled and then mashed.

Food must be semi-liquid and have optimal heating. All meals are divided into 6 meals with a limited amount of food consumed. Optimal conditions are created to reduce inflammation and gradually increase natural regeneration.

Diet No. 5

It is prescribed during the recovery period, since after the ulcer scars, a gradual expansion of the diet is required. Table No5 is based on the fractionation of food to prevent overeating, but at the same time, balance allows you to maintain an energy balance that promotes recovery.

The diet is intended for those who no longer have ulcers, so the optimal amount of protein is added, corresponding to the standard norms of a healthy person.

The food does not require rubbing and is steamed, boiled or stewed. Contains an increased list of food, consumption of fruits and berries is allowed.

Stories from our readers!
“Since childhood, I had stomach problems, pancreatitis, periodic inflammation of the pancreas. I tried to monitor my diet and regularly saw a doctor. But this did not save me from gastritis. I felt heaviness in my stomach when I ate something sour and heartburn occurred.

I bought a propolis elixir, I liked the composition, and you can always find propolis on all the forums about self-medication. She started drinking and after a few weeks the disease went away. Now I know what can help in the fight against the signs of gastritis; I will have propolis tincture in my medicine cabinet!”

Menu for the whole week

This menu is an approximate order of correct consumption, but it should be built by nutritionists depending on the stage of the disease.

This list is based on Table No.5, designed for the period of remission, therefore it uses gentle methods and an increased number of products:

Day of the week Calculated diet
  • 1 breakfast: cottage cheese with sour cream and rosehip broth;
  • 2nd breakfast: natural yoghurt with baked apple;
  • Lunch: chicken cream soup, oven-cooked fish and mashed potatoes, fruit compote;
  • Afternoon snack: jelly with fruit;
  • Dinner: light tea, baked potato roll and small pieces of beef;
  • After dinner: milk with a spoon of honey.
  • 1 breakfast: milk semolina porridge, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, rosehip decoction;
  • Lunch: pureed meat soup, boiled fish, pasta, fruit jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of milk with a dry biscuit;
  • Dinner: white fish soufflé and compote;
  • After dinner: a glass of kefir.
  • 1st breakfast: steamed omelette and milk tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: salad with fruits and cottage cheese, seasoned with sour cream, rosehip decoction;
  • Lunch: creamy soup with pearl barley, steamed chicken cutlets with a side dish of cauliflower, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir with banana;
  • Dinner: beef soufflé, a piece of white day-old bread and tea;
  • After dinner: a glass of milk with honey.
  • 1st breakfast: lazy dumplings with sour cream and rosehip broth;
  • 2 breakfast: casserole with apples and light tea;
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, boiled pike perch with buckwheat porridge, fruit jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: creamy jelly with pureed berries or fruits;
  • Dinner: vegetable casserole with a piece of chicken, bread and compote;
  • After dinner: yogurt with dry biscuit.
  • 1 breakfast: 2 soft-boiled eggs, white dry bread with butter and tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: cocktail of kefir and strawberries;
  • Lunch: pureed pumpkin soup, pasta with beef stroganoff, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: apple and semolina mousse with rosehip infusion;
  • Dinner: beet salad, fish balls and fruit jelly;
  • After dinner: a glass of fermented baked milk.
  • 1 breakfast: rice porridge with milk and honey, tea;
  • 2nd breakfast: carrot and cottage cheese casserole;
  • Lunch: potato soup with rolled oats, boiled chicken with cauliflower puree and compote;
  • Afternoon snack: milk jelly with apple pudding;
  • Dinner: potato and beet salad dressed with vegetable oil, fish pate and tea;
  • After dinner: a glass of milk with a biscuit.
  • 1st breakfast: milk noodle soup, rosehip decoction with honey;
  • 2nd breakfast: salad of apples and carrots, dressed with cream;
  • Lunch: pureed vegetable soup with croutons, steamed beef cutlets, boiled rice and compote;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit jelly and marshmallows;
  • Dinner: baked zucchini stuffed with minced meat and rice, tea;
  • After dinner: natural yogurt

Basic principles of diet

When building a menu, you must adhere to the following rules.

Your daily diet should include:

  • lean fish and meat;
  • fresh milk or low-fat fermented milk products with weak acidity;
  • low fiber vegetables and sweet fruits;
  • Butter and vegetable oils act as fats - they are used to season salads, cereals and soups.

Basic cooking methods– boiling or steaming, baking is allowed.

Mandatory items are the daily consumption of soups and rosehip decoction. The cereals being added must be boiled and ground.

The meat is prepared separately from the soup and is added to it in the form of minced meat or meatballs. White bread, dried or as crackers, is important.

Recipes for dietary dishes for patients with stomach ulcers

Diet restrictions do not state that meals should not be tasty and creative.

100 g of chicken breast needs to be boiled and ground in a meat grinder to fine mince. Add chicken yolk with a tablespoon of sour cream, add a little salt and mix everything. The egg white needs to be lightly beaten and added to the minced meat. Cook the soufflé in a water bath until completely cooked.

Pour 300 ml of water and about 40 g of pearl barley into a saucepan. Wait for the water to boil and slightly reduce the temperature. Cook everything until the pearl barley softens.

The boiled cereal is rubbed through a sieve. Add 3⁄4 cups of milk to the water, and bring the soup to a boil again. Pearl barley is added and the soup is seasoned with butter.

You need to boil 2 potatoes and carrots in unsalted water. The vegetables are ground through a sieve or blender, after which they are seasoned with 100 ml of milk. A small amount of butter is added and served as a side dish.

To create an omelet, mix an egg, a teaspoon of sour cream and flour. Everything is whipped and a little salted. The consistency of the omelet is liquid, reminiscent of sour cream. The omelette is steamed in a special form, greased with butter.

You need to take a glass of cold water and dissolve gelatin in it (1 teaspoon). In a separate bowl, mix 5 tablespoons of water and 10 g of sugar.

The mixture is boiled, after which 3 tablespoons of currant juice are added to it. Gelatin is poured into the finished mass, the jelly is mixed and poured into molds to harden.

Pros and cons of dietary nutrition for stomach ulcers

Such dietary nutrition is considered therapeutic, therefore it is used as therapy for stomach ulcers.

Pros of the diet:

  • creating optimal conditions to improve regeneration;
  • providing the body with all the necessary nutrients;
  • eliminates the possibility of pain attacks;
  • is gentle and easily tolerated by the body.

Disadvantages of the diet:

  • it is required to adhere to strict dietary rules;
  • a large amount of food is consumed per day, which takes a long time to prepare;
  • The taste of the dishes leaves much to be desired due to unusual heat treatment.

Drug therapy for diet

Treatment of stomach ulcers requires an integrated approach, which helps not to provoke further development of the disease. In addition to proper nutrition, you should definitely take medications prescribed by your doctor according to a special regimen.

Used to get rid of stomach ulcers, they are divided into 3 groups - antibiotics, proton pump inhibitors and histamine receptor blockers:

Treatment is supplemented with drugs with antispasmodic, antiemetic, and analgesic properties to reduce symptoms and speed up recovery.

Following a dietary menu for people with stomach ulcers is an integral part of therapy. Without proper nutrition, the effect of treatment with medicines and pills alone will be minimal. The stomach is the first organ where food enters unchanged for initial digestion, and if it is not as gentle as possible, inflammatory processes will progress intensively. Of course, a dose of medicine will help to temporarily calm the outbreak, but it will not be possible to completely eliminate it without a proper diet.

10 rules of healthy eating for stomach ulcers

The disease is quite serious and can cause dangerous complications in advanced cases. Lesions that cause a lot of problems and pain can actually be cured using conservative methods (medicines), but only in combination with therapeutic nutrition. To achieve good results and consolidate them, you will need to endure a fairly long course of diet, and this is at least 1 year.

Allowed and prohibited foods for stomach ulcers

If you have a stomach ulcer, you must strictly adhere to a gentle diet, while eliminating all foods that are considered strong food irritants. The list of prohibited foods will certainly be impressive, but this does not mean that a person will have to go on a starvation diet. Firstly, hunger and ulcers are two incompatible concepts, and secondly, the choice of products from the permitted range is quite varied and nutritious.

Prohibited foods and dishes

Allowed foods and dishes

unrefined vegetable oil white bread a day old or more
strong decoctions on meat and fish some baking without yeast
borscht with sorrel, cabbage It is rarely allowed to eat biscuits
kvass, kefir okroshka, botvinya biscuits, crackers, butter crackers
any type of sausage, especially smoked light broths with chicken, veal
fatty meats, sea and river fish liquid dishes with milk (soup, porridge)
salted and smoked fish, pates, caviar soup with noodles or cereals (without millet)
pork lard, lard, bacon, jelly, homemade sausages, meat rolls, etc. without peel and veins, tender meat in the form of steamed meatballs, meatballs, cutlets, zraz
fried or hard-boiled eggs low-fat milk, natural yogurt
any canned food, marinades, pickles from fermented milk drinks - fermented baked milk
sour milk in the form of kefir, tana, ayran sour cream, cow butter for dressing dishes
all types of legumes low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat cheese
root vegetables: rutabaga, radish, radish egg soufflés, omelettes, eggs in a “bag”
red and white cabbage cereal porridges from buckwheat, oatmeal, rice
cucumber, tomatoes, tomato juice and paste boiled pasta
garlic, onions and green onions baked apples and pears, pumpkin pulp
pineapple, apricot, pomegranates, figs, kiwi peeled and pureed fruits
all types of citrus fruits, watermelon Bananas and sweet plums are allowed
gooseberries, currants, grapes jelly-like desserts: marshmallows, marshmallows, etc.
mushrooms in various forms berry mousses, fruit jelly, pudding
dried and dried fruits weak infusion of rose hips
mayonnaise, ketchup and similar types of sauces wheat bran decoction
spices, hot seasonings, hot spices slimy decoction of oatmeal
fresh baked goods still mineral water, compotes
rye flour bread green and black teas (not strong!)
chocolate products, lollipops skinny fish: hake, pollock, perch, bream
pure cocoa drink and coffee purified vegetable oil in small doses
any alcoholic products Honey and broccoli have great benefits
ice cream, sweet soda, packaged juices, store-bought nectars, strong teas in rare cases, you can allow cocoa and weak coffee along with milk

Antibiotic products for Helicobacter

As can be seen, the variety of diets allowed for consumption is no less wide. But most of all I would like to note those products that are of particular value for people with stomach ulcers in terms of their ability to destroy the pathogenic microorganism - Helicobacter. After all, it is precisely because of its active life activity that ulcerative pathogenesis occurs in the organ cavity. These antibacterial food products include:

  • regular flower honey;
  • tea tree honey (from manuka flowers);
  • white cabbage juice;
  • broccoli cabbage.

These four types of products have powerful antimicrobial activity against Helicobacter pylori infection. In addition, they have a beneficial effect on the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues and the metabolic functions of the gastrointestinal tract. But there is one caveat regarding freshly squeezed white cabbage juice: you should be careful with it and do not drink this drink without the doctor’s consent, since the juice can increase the secretion of hydrochloric acid. And cabbage drink should be introduced into the diet menu gradually, in doses, and especially at the moment of a stable lull in the pathology.

Cow's milk is extremely beneficial, especially in combination with honey. So, you get both a tasty drink and an indispensable homemade medicine for ulcers. As you know, honey is a strong natural antiseptic that quickly disinfects inflamed areas and promotes the healing of damaged stomach walls. And milk acts as an enveloping agent that prevents the progression of inflammation and the formation of new ulcers. The complex combination of two natural products is not inferior in therapeutic effects to medications.

Manuka honey contains a component against which Helicobacter is powerless: methylglyoxal. But broccoli contains a natural antibiotic - sulforaphane - it mercilessly fights the pathogenic antigen, which has become the root cause of erosive formations. For peptic ulcers, broccoli can be consumed exclusively in steamed or boiled form, or fresh juice can be prepared from it, and you can drink it only when the disease is not in the acute stage.

Features of the therapeutic diet “Table No. 1B”

Gastroenterologists, along with prescribed therapy, always recommend a therapeutic diet specifically for patients with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastroduodenitis, and gastritis. It is called “Table No. 1B”. The essence of gentle nutrition according to the principle of such a diet is as follows:

  • in the exclusion of irritating products that negatively affect the mucous membrane of the organ and enhance the work of the gastric glands responsible for the secretion of acids;
  • in reducing the consumption of carbohydrate foods - the amount of daily carbohydrate intake should correspond to 300 g;
  • in reducing salt consumption - taking into account its addition to all dishes, the total value of sodium chloride should not exceed 3 g;
  • proteins and fats remain unchanged, as for a healthy person - 100 g of each organic compound per day;
  • the amount of total mass of products per day is 2500-3000 g;
  • frequency of main meals – 6 times, small portions;
  • the energy indicator of the daily menu is 3000 kcal;
  • preference is given to dairy products and dishes prepared with cow's milk;
  • heat treatment is allowed only by steam, cooking, stewing;
  • the maximum temperature for eating is 60 degrees, the permissible minimum temperature is not lower than 20 degrees;
  • At night, the patient should drink cow's milk;
  • broths from meat and fish are not used in preparing first courses;
  • products containing plant fiber are completely excluded from the diet;
  • all main dishes should be rare or semi-liquid, preference is given to food with a soft consistency in the form of puree;
  • the minimum course of observing a gentle diet according to diet 1B is 14 days, optimally 30 days; Depending on the severity of the pathology, in some cases you will need to “sit” on such a diet for 3 to 12 months.

People who adhered to Table No. 1B noted that unpleasant symptoms (nausea, pain, heartburn, belching, etc.) subsided by the end of the first week of the diet. Indeed, therapeutic nutrition can bring the digestive tract into stable functioning and help alleviate the patient’s condition. Thus, many, delighted with the first positive results, prematurely draw conclusions about their recovery and return to their previous diet. After which, in the near future, an acute relapse of the disease occurs again.

The main goal of this nutritional technique is to help the stomach get out of the inflammatory state, to create favorable conditions in its cavity for the regeneration of ulcerated tissues of the mucous membrane. Ulcerative lesions do not heal quickly; their complete epithelization may take some time - from 1 month to 1 year. The speed of organ recovery depends on strict control over the diet. It is also worth considering the clinical severity of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Approximate menu for the day according to diet No. 1B

Business hours Meals Recommended menu
7-00 ————- A cup of cow's milk.
7-40 1 breakfast 100 g cottage cheese soufflé; 200 ml of liquid oat porridge in milk with 10 g of sugar and a piece of butter; a glass of weak tea with 1 biscuit diluted with milk.
10-00 2 breakfast A cup of cow's milk with a sweet cracker.
12-40 dinner Crushed pearl barley soup with milk (300 ml) with 1 tsp. a spoonful of sugar and a piece of butter; mashed potatoes (200 g), diluted with 1/4 cup milk; steamed chicken ball topped with sour cream; thick plum jelly.
15-30 afternoon tea Milk pudding (120 g).
18-30 dinner Fish casserole (120 g); milk pumpkin soufflé sprinkled with honey (180 g), a cup of green tea with crackers.
21-00 ————- A cup of cow's milk.

Diet for 7 days for stomach ulcers

Dietary nutrition for everyone who suffers from gastric ulcer is one of the main components of the treatment of acute attacks of the pathology and the prevention of relapses. With the help of a gentle diet, it is possible to achieve complete restoration of the digestive tract if strictly adhered to over a long period. Setting deadlines is the responsibility of the attending physician. Each human body is a unique biological system, so one month of a strict diet will be enough for one, while others may need six months or a year.

In order for therapeutic nutrition to give positive results, you need to be able to correctly draw up a personal menu, and not be guided only by the principle of “dos and don’ts.” The body of a sick person should not lack calories or organic compounds. An unbalanced diet can also damage other organs, including the immune system. Ideally, it is better to entrust the preparation of a dietary diet to a specialist, since he will take into account not only the characteristics of the peptic ulcer, but also all the patient’s existing health problems.

As an example of what dishes should be present in the diet of a patient with a stomach ulcer, a balanced diet designed for seven days will be offered below. It is necessary to adhere to such a menu from the onset of an acute attack until the complete disappearance of unpleasant discomfort and stomach pain. In the future, if a person feels consistently satisfactory, it is allowed to gradually introduce products from the permitted list.

1 day

For 1 breakfast 2 boiled chicken eggs in a “bag”, liquid semolina with milk (200 ml), a cup of weak long tea.
For 2 breakfast 2 baked apples with a spoon of honey, 150 ml of natural low-fat yogurt.
For lunch 250 ml of soup with broken rice in light chicken broth, 180 g of rare mashed potatoes with a piece of butter, steamed beef, rosehip broth.
For afternoon tea Milk pudding (180 g) or a cup of fermented baked milk with sweet crackers.
For 1 dinner 100 g of steamed hake, boiled buckwheat (150 g) with a small slice of butter, boiled cauliflower (40 g), a cup of tea.
For 2 dinner

Day 2

For 1 breakfast Milk-egg omelet (170 g), a piece of stale white bread, a cup of strawberry jelly drink
For 2 breakfast 250 g oatmeal with milk, a glass of fruit compote.
For lunch 250 ml of pumpkin soup of puree consistency, fish and potato casserole (150 g), steamed broccoli (40 g), fruit mousse with semolina.
For afternoon tea 1 banana puree, 150 ml natural yoghurt.
For 1 dinner Chicken fillet zrazy (90 g), boiled broken rice (150 g) with a small slice of butter, zucchini puree (2 tablespoons), a cup of green tea.
For 2 dinner A cup of warm cow's milk.

Day 3

For 1 breakfast Carrot-curd soufflé (200 g), a piece of stale white bread with butter, a cup of rosehip decoction.
For 2 breakfast 250 g of liquid rice porridge with milk, a cup of tea with a cracker.
For lunch 250 ml of vermicelli soup based on vegetable broth, grated boiled beetroot (50 g) with a spoon of sour cream, boiled buckwheat porridge (150 g), a glass of viburnum broth with 1 spoon of honey.
For afternoon tea A cup of fermented baked milk and 2 pcs. biscuits.
For 1 dinner Steamed fish cutlets (90 g), vegetable pilaf (200 g), stewed cauliflower (70 g), 200 ml of weak long tea.
For 2 dinner A cup of warm cow's milk.

4 day

For 1 breakfast Liquid porridge with milk from crushed pearl barley (200 g), soft-boiled egg, a cup of rhubarb jelly.
For 2 breakfast Curd dumplings with sour cream (200 g), a cup of tea with 1 marshmallow.
For lunch 250 ml of oatmeal soup with veal broth, beef meatballs (70 g), spaghetti (150 g), a glass of viburnum broth with 1 spoon of honey.
For afternoon tea Semolina apple mousse with biscuit pieces (180 g).
For 1 dinner Chicken jelly (90 g), mashed baked potatoes (200 g) with sour cream sauce, carrot and zucchini puree (70 g), 200 ml of fruit and berry juice.
For 2 dinner A cup of warm cow's milk with a spoonful of honey.

5 day

For 1 breakfast Rice porridge with pumpkin and apple (200 g), soft-boiled egg, a cup of milk jelly.
For 2 breakfast Boiled buckwheat porridge (200 g), fish pate (50 g), a cup of tea, a piece of toasted bread with strawberry jam.
For lunch 250 ml of cereal soup with dumplings, meatballs made from rice and minced fish (70 g), rare barley porridge (120 g), grated beets (3 tablespoons) with a spoon of sour cream, a glass of weak rosehip broth.
For afternoon tea 2 pcs. baked pears.
For 1 dinner Boiled chicken breast (90 g), crushed potatoes (200 g), diluted with milk, 5 cubes of stewed pumpkin, a mug of cocoa with milk.
For 2 dinner A cup of warm cow's milk.

Day 6

For 1 breakfast Cottage cheese-banana pudding (200 g), 1 slice of white stale bread with jam, a cup of oat jelly drink.
For 2 breakfast Milk porridge from ground rice (200 g), egg omelet (90 g), a cup of green tea, a marshmallow cube.
For lunch 250 ml of vegetable puree soup, oatmeal and chicken meatballs (70 g), vinaigrette of boiled beetroot and potatoes (120 g) with vegetable oil and dill, a cup of long tea diluted with milk.
For afternoon tea Banana and strawberry milkshake.
For 1 dinner Fish and cream soufflé (90 g), boiled egg grains (200 g), grated salad of boiled zucchini and carrots (50 g), rosehip decoction.
For 2 dinner A cup of warm cow's milk.

Day 7

For 1 breakfast Cottage cheese and pear casserole (200 g), a sandwich with butter and hard cheese, a cup of weak tea.
For 2 breakfast Milk vermicelli soup (200 g), oatmeal jelly (180 ml) with biscuits
For lunch 250 ml of buckwheat soup with beef meatballs, zucchini with sour cream (70 g), potato casserole (120 g), viburnum broth (150 ml).
For afternoon tea A cup of curdled milk or fermented baked milk with a small piece of biscuit.
For 1 dinner Fish pilaf (200 g), beet puree (90 g), boiled or steamed broccoli (70 g), a cup of green tea with milk.
For 2 dinner 200 ml of warm cow's milk with the addition of a spoon of honey.

Examples of recipes for peptic ulcers

Cereal soup with quenelles


  • chicken breast – 200 g;
  • 3 pcs. potato tuber;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of rice or any other cereal;
  • 2 l. water;
  • loaf - 2 slices;
  • raw chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • dill greens – 50 g.

How to cook:

First, boil the chicken beluga in water. To do this, you will need to place the meat in boiling water and cook for approximately 30 minutes. After that, place the brisket on a plate, and quenelles will be prepared from it.

In the meantime, let's move on to preparing the quenelles. We will make them from minced chicken, white loaf pulp and eggs. So, we pass the beluga through a meat grinder; it is better to twist the first minced meat again so that the dumplings turn out tender. Now add a soaked loaf of bread to the meat pate, a pinch of salt and beat in 1 egg. Then you need to melt about 20 g of cow butter a little, this can be done quickly in the microwave. And pour it into the meat dough for the quenelles. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. The minced meat is ready.

When the cereal is sufficiently boiled, you can move on to the final stage of preparing the soup: using a small spoon, which must be moistened in water, we make chicken dumplings, and immediately throw each meat dumpling into the soup. We wait a little so that all the dumplings float to the surface, and then we throw in finely chopped dill and immediately turn off the pan with the soup. Diet soup needs to sit for about ten minutes.

The incredibly aromatic and appetizing first course for dietary nutrition for stomach ulcers is completely ready. It doesn’t take much time at all, consists of a completely affordable food set, is very useful for a sick digestive organ, and after eating the soup you feel lightness and a pleasant satisfaction of satiety.

Oatmeal jelly with pumpkin


  • 800 ml water;
  • 3/4 cup Hercules cereal;
  • 10 cubes (2 cm) peeled pumpkin;
  • 15 g butter;
  • 1 dessert spoon of honey.

How to cook:

First, let's deal with the pumpkin: peel it, cut it into cubes and pass them through a meat grinder. Now you need to combine the two main ingredients together, that is, add rolled oats to the pumpkin puree.

Next step: pour boiling water over the pumpkin and oat flakes, stir and put it all on the stove. It is necessary to boil the pumpkin oatmeal for 5-7 minutes, remembering to constantly stir the boiling mixture.

When the time is up, you need to remove the pan with the broth from the stove, cover with a lid and let the mucous mass brew for at least half an hour. After which the viscous liquid should be filtered by passing it through a large sieve. Our jelly is almost ready, all that remains is to dilute melted butter and liquid honey in it.

It's simple, preparing oatmeal jelly with pumpkin will not cause any difficulties, even for men. This drink is incredibly useful to drink for any damage to the stomach: inflammation, gastritis, erosion, and, of course, ulcers. It helps restore and protect the mucous membrane of the organ due to its viscous oatmeal consistency. Honey will take care of the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues, and pumpkin will help cleanse the organ of toxins.

Semolina apple mousse


  • 1 large apple;
  • granulated sugar – 10 g;
  • semolina – 30 g (2 tablespoons);
  • cow's milk - 0.5 cups;
  • 1 spoon of butter.

How to cook:

The first step is to trim the apple from the peel, cut the fruit into large pieces, getting rid of the core. After which you will need to lower the apple into the boiling water over the fire. It should boil, this will take little time, approximately 2-3 minutes. Next, make a puree from the boiled pulp. For these purposes, you can use a sieve or blender.

Now let’s start with the semolina: in a thin stream, stirring constantly, pour the cereal into the boiling milk, and then the sugar. Cook thick semolina porridge, this will take 2-3 minutes. At the end of cooking, add oil. Now the semolina should cool slightly, after which the milk porridge is combined with applesauce. You will need to transfer the entire mass into a blender and beat well. If you don’t have such a device, a regular mixer will do.

Semolina mousse with applesauce is transferred into a mold; you can use any convenient utensil, for example, a small glass salad bowl or a dessert bowl. The mousse should harden, so it will need to be put in the refrigerator for a while. When the dessert has hardened, the gelatinous mass must be carefully shaken out of the mold onto a dish. The fragrant and delicate mousse is lightly sprinkled with strawberry jam or honey on top. Such a tasty dish will pleasantly diversify the patient’s diet and will not harm his stomach at all.

Diet No. 1 (table No. 1)- a therapeutic nutrition system designed for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as, and.

This diet has sufficient energy value and a harmonious ratio of essential nutrients. Table No. 1 excludes chemical and thermal food irritants, as well as strong stimulants of gastric secretion.

Read also:, diet No. 1b.

Chemical composition of diet No. 1:

  • proteins 100 g (60% animal origin, 40% vegetable);
  • fats up to 100 g (20-30% vegetable, 70-80% animal origin);
  • carbohydrates 400-450 g;
  • salt 12 g;
  • liquid 1.5-2 l.

Weight of daily ration: 2.5-3 kg.

Daily intake of diet No. 1: 2900-3100 kcal.

Diet: 5-6 times a day.

Indications for use of diet No. 1:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the stage of fading exacerbation;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers during the period of recovery and remission;
  • acute gastritis during the recovery period and in the convalescence phase;
  • chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency in the acute phase;
  • chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretion;
  • esophagitis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Diet No. 1 (Table No. 1). Food

What can you eat on diet number 1:

Soups: vegetable (from permitted pureed vegetables) in carrot or potato broth, dairy from pureed or well-cooked cereals, pureed soups (from pre-cooked permitted meat). You can season soups with butter, cream or egg-milk mixture.

Cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, semolina. Cook porridge in water or milk, semi-viscous and mashed. You can also steam soufflés, puddings and cutlets from ground cereals. Boiled pasta, finely chopped.

Vegetables, greens: potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower, early pumpkin and zucchini. Green peas limited. Vegetables can be steamed or boiled in water. Ready to grind (mashed potatoes, puddings, soufflés). Finely chop the dill and add to soups. The consumption of ripe non-acidic tomatoes is also allowed, but not more than 100 g.

Meat fish: low-fat varieties, without tendons, fascia and skin from poultry and fish. Boiled and steamed dishes from veal, beef, young lean lamb, chicken, chicken, turkey, tongue and liver. Boiled meat and fish can be baked in the oven.

Eggs: 2-3 eggs per day (soft-boiled or steamed omelet).

Fresh fruits and berries: sweet fruits and berries pureed, boiled and baked.

Dairy products: milk, cream, non-acidic kefir and yogurt, fresh and non-acidic sour cream and pureed cottage cheese. Hard cheese is mild and grated. Sour cream in limited quantities.

Sweets: fruit purees, jelly, jellies, mousses, meringues, butter cream, milk jelly, non-sour jam, marshmallows and marshmallows.

Flour products: wheat bread made from premium and 1st grade flour (dried or yesterday), dry biscuit, dry cookies. 1-2 times a week, well-baked savory buns, baked pies with apples, cottage cheese, jam, boiled meat, fish, eggs.

Fats: butter, cow's ghee (highest grade), refined vegetable oils in dishes.

Beverages: weak tea, tea with milk or cream, weak coffee with milk, weak cocoa, fruit compotes, freshly squeezed juices from sweet fruits and berries, rose hip decoction.

What not to eat on diet number 1:

  • any broths and sauces based on them (meat, fish, mushroom), strong vegetable broths, okroshka, cabbage soup, borscht;
  • fatty meats, poultry and fish, stringy varieties, duck, goose, salted fish, smoked meats, canned food;
  • white cabbage, turnips, radishes, rutabaga, sorrel, spinach, onions, cucumbers, mushrooms, salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, canned vegetables;
  • fresh bread, rye, butter and puff pastry;
  • legumes, whole pasta, pearl barley, barley and corn, millet;
  • dairy products with high acidity, salty and sharp hard cheeses, limited use of sour cream;
  • sour, not fully ripe, fiber-rich fruits and berries, unprocessed dried fruits, ice cream, chocolate;
  • black coffee, all carbonated drinks, kvass;
  • tomato sauces, mustard, pepper, horseradish.

Diet No. 1 (table No. 1): menu for the week

Diet No. 1 is varied and healthy. Below is a sample menu for the week.

Food must be cooked in crushed or pureed form, boiled in water, steamed or baked. The food consumed must be warm (very hot and cold are excluded).


Breakfast: steam omelette, milk semolina porridge, tea with cream.
Lunch: decoction.
Lunch: potato soup, chicken fillet, boiled carrots.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with fruit.
Dinner: mashed potatoes and milk, steamed fish, green tea.
Before bed: milk.


Lunch: sweet fruits.
Lunch: cauliflower soup, boiled carrot salad, compote.
Afternoon snack: jelly.
Dinner: pasta with grated cheese and boiled beef with cream sauce, tea with milk.
At night: grated peach with cream.


Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs, rice milk porridge (ground), weak coffee with cream.
Lunch: fruit salad with cream and jam.
Lunch: vegetable milk soup, boiled fish with vegetables, compote.
Afternoon snack: pastila.
Dinner: buckwheat porridge, boiled turkey meatballs, boiled vegetables, tea with milk.


Breakfast: milkshake with banana, muesli with milk.
Lunch: milk jelly.
Lunch: potato soup with oatmeal, steamed fish, vegetable juice.
Afternoon snack: mannik.
Dinner: grated rice porridge with milk, steamed chicken fillet, boiled vegetables.
At night: warm milk with honey.


Breakfast: cheesecake with cottage cheese, milk soup with small pasta.
Lunch: steamed curd soufflé.
Lunch: potato soup with boiled beef meatballs, boiled vegetable salad, compote.
Afternoon snack: apple-peach puree.
Dinner: grated rice with milk, steamed cutlets, yogurt.
At night: milk.


Breakfast: semolina pudding, cottage cheese with fruit.
Lunch: fruit puree.
Lunch: vegetable soup with croutons, boiled meat, compote.
Afternoon snack: jelly.
Dinner: meat soufflé, boiled vegetable salad, vegetable juice.
At night: green tea with milk.


Breakfast: pumpkin porridge with milk, weak cocoa.
Lunch: pastila.
Lunch: potato casserole with vegetables, steamed fish cutlets, compote.
Afternoon snack: mannik.
Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled carrot-beet salad, meatballs.
At night: mashed banana with cream.

Health, peace and goodness to everyone!

Meals should be predominantly fractional: you need to eat often, but the portions of food should not be large.

You should not eat hot or too cold food: food from the refrigerator must be heated, and freshly prepared food must be cooled.

Unfortunately, you cannot fry or bake foods until golden brown. Now you will have to eat boiled, stewed or steamed dishes, as well as foods that cause increased gas formation (cabbage, peas).

Salty dishes, like fried ones, are also taboo. Daily salt intake should be reduced to 10 g.

If there are no problems with the urinary system and thyroid gland, the daily amount of fluid consumed should be increased to 2 liters. These can be decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, rose hips, mint), not very strong green tea, or just pure water. Carbonated drinks, alcohol and smoking are strictly excluded. ,

Most of the patient's daily diet should consist of dairy products. Milk has the ability to coat the walls of the stomach and reduce the damaging effects of gastric juice. Fermented milk products must be fresh and not acidified. It is allowed to use fresh milk for preparing porridges, soups, and jelly. Grated unleavened cottage cheese and soy milk are also useful. , ,

What can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer?

  • bread made from high-quality flour two days old, unleavened biscuits, biscuits;
  • vegetable broth, soup using cereals (without meat and cabbage), possibly with milk, small noodles, egg;
  • meatballs and cutlets, boiled or steamed, prepared from lean, tender meat (chicken, veal), fish (boneless);
  • milk soups (using any cereals except millet), pudding, soufflé;
  • vegetable puree (carrots, potatoes, zucchini, beets, pumpkin), egg whites in the form of steamed or soft-boiled omelettes, cottage cheese casserole with butter;
  • sweet berry or fruit purees, fresh juices (diluted with water), honey, marshmallows;
  • milk, berry or fruit based jelly, tea with added milk.

What should you not eat if you have a stomach ulcer?

  • spicy, hot, salty and sour dishes;
  • products with preservatives and dyes;
  • rich, strong broths;
  • smoked and sausage products, lard, fatty meat, fried foods;
  • fresh pastries, pancakes, pancakes;
  • cabbage, radishes, pickles, pickled vegetables;
  • sparkling water, ice cocktails, alcohol, ice cream, popsicles, bananas.

What diet for stomach ulcers?

The main goal of therapy for ulcerative pathology is the regeneration of stomach tissue and the restoration of malfunctioning digestive processes. This is where the main direction of the diet comes into play.

During the period of exacerbation, patients are prescribed diet No. 1a for 10-20 days, then switch to extended diet No. 1. During the period of remission, the patient should, at the discretion of the doctor, adhere to diet No. 1 with individual expansion, or diet No. 5, depending on the condition. In any case, you must strictly follow the prescribed diet.

Diet 1 for stomach ulcers

Prescribed to patients with stomach ulcers at the stage of subsiding exacerbation or at the recovery stage, the duration of the diet is up to 5 months. High-calorie food - up to 3000 kilocalories per day. This method of eating involves eating pureed foods that do not have a mechanical effect on the walls of the stomach. Products for diet 1 are boiled or cooked in a double boiler. Eating should occur every 2-3 hours. The carbohydrate-protein-fat ratio should be within 5:1:1.

The diet menu includes the consumption of stale baked goods, unleavened biscuits, lean boiled meat and egg whites. Milk and vegetable soups (except cabbage) seasoned with a small amount of butter or vegetable (refined) oil are welcome. Boiled lean meat pieces, fish without bones and skin, cooked in a double boiler are allowed. The preferred side dishes are pureed cereal porridge, small noodles, vegetable purees or pudding. The presence of milk, non-acidic cottage cheese and sour cream in the diet is mandatory. For dessert, you can bake or boil sweet fruits (apples, pears, strawberries), juices diluted with water, honey, marshmallows, and sour jam.

Diet 1a for stomach ulcers

A more strict type of diet 1. As a rule, it is prescribed for exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease, subject to obligatory bed rest. Avoid as much as possible foods that increase the production of gastric juice and irritate the mucous membrane. When using such a diet, food should be taken 6-8 times a day; the ratio of carbohydrates-proteins-fats is set within 2:0.8:0.8. The calorie content of the diet for diet 1a should not exceed 2000 kilocalories per day.

The consumption of bread is completely excluded. You can use fruit soufflés, berry jelly and juices, jelly, and honey in your diet. The basis of the diet should be puree soup, slimy soup and porridge (from oatmeal, semolina, rice), possibly with the addition of eggs, lean fish and meat, milk and butter. Before serving, all dishes are rubbed through a sieve to reduce trauma to the gastric walls.

Diet 5 for stomach ulcers

This diet is intended to provide adequate nutrition to the patient and creates favorable conditions for restoring the functions of the digestive tract. Diet 5 is prescribed after the symptoms of an exacerbation are relieved, during the recovery stage. The diet involves taking nutritious, balanced food, with the exception of foods rich in essential substances (onions, garlic, ginger), fried foods, fats (refractory), and cholesterol-forming foods. The diet should include enough fruits and vegetables. Food is still boiled or cooked in a steamer or oven.

It is allowed to include bread (baked yesterday or dried), cheesecakes, biscuits and crackers in the diet. The variety of soups has been expanded: cabbage dishes (cabbage soup, borscht, beetroot soup) are allowed; spices such as caraway seeds, cinnamon, and dill can be used. Mild hard cheese, jellied cheese, caviar, low-fat ham sausages, and tongue are allowed. Coffee is also added to the permitted list of liquids, albeit natural and with the addition of milk.

Mushroom dishes, sorrel, radishes, fried, hot and cold dishes are excluded.

Drinking tea or a decoction of St. John's wort, chamomile, flax seed, linden blossom, and yarrow is encouraged. Plantain, fennel, marshmallow and licorice also help with peptic ulcers.

Diet menu for stomach ulcers

The variety of diet and daily menu directly depend on the stage of the ulcerative process. That is why all questions about permitted or prohibited foods should always be agreed with a doctor who monitors the dynamics of the disease.

Let's consider some of the nuances of the diet depending on the stage of the process and the form of the disease.

Diet for open stomach ulcers

For the first 1-2 days after discovering an open ulcer, it is recommended to refrain from eating any food, replacing it with decoctions of medicinal herbs, flaxseed, and carrot juice diluted half with water. After this, coordinating your actions with your doctor, you can go on a diet. Most often this is diet No. 1a. Meals should be frequent, fractional, complete, chemically and mechanically gentle.

An example of such a diet:

  • Breakfast – rolled oats porridge (ground) with water and without salt, chamomile decoction;
  • Snack – yogurt, crackers;
  • Lunch – pureed vegetable soup (minimum salt), mashed potatoes with a small amount of butter, tea with milk;
  • Afternoon snack – steamed fish meatball, boiled rice, linden-colored broth;
  • Dinner – two soft-boiled eggs, oatmeal jelly, cracker;
  • At night - a cup of milk.

This gentle diet should be followed until the ulcer begins to scar, for 10-12 days.

Diet for acute stomach ulcers

An acute ulcerative process is accompanied by severe pain, so all food that enters the stomach should be of a delicate, ground consistency and have minimal impact on the walls of the stomach. Such foods include porridges pureed through a sieve or in a blender, pureed soups, diluted broths, milk soups, and yogurt. All dishes are prepared with a minimum amount of salt (or better without it), served neither hot nor cold. If desired, you can add a little honey or butter (natural homemade) to the porridge.


  • Breakfast – steamed protein omelette, oatmeal jelly;
  • Snack – yogurt;
  • Lunch – barley soup, mashed potatoes and carrots, a piece of steamed chicken breast, tea with milk;
  • Afternoon snack – milk rice soup;
  • Dinner – oatmeal with butter, chamomile infusion;
  • At night - tea with milk.

Diet for exacerbation of stomach ulcers

During an exacerbation of the chronic course of an ulcer, the diet is the same as for an acute form of a stomach ulcer. The diet combines chemically, thermally, mechanically gentle components: mucous consistency of soup, porridge (especially rice and oatmeal), vegetable purees, jelly, herbal decoction, dairy products (in the absence of milk intolerance). Over time, with the permission of the doctor, the diet is gradually expanded.

Diet for bleeding stomach ulcers

For a bleeding ulcer, unless your doctor suggests otherwise, you should follow a fairly strict version of the diet. These are pureed, not containing coarse fibers, soups and liquid porridges (preferably buckwheat, rice or oatmeal) in water or milk (not in broth!), egg whites (boiled or in the form of a steam omelet), teas, herbal decoctions, jelly, carrot and potato juice, diluted with water. You need to eat a LOT! Why is it necessary to eat liquid food? It is necessary to allow the ulcer (wound) to heal, and for this the stomach must avoid stress in the form of heavy digestion of food and overstretching from overeating.

Diet after gastric ulcer surgery

Already on the second or third day after surgery, the patient can drink distilled mineral water, weak herbal decoctions or tea. With the doctor's permission, after a few days the patient is offered boiled egg whites, pureed slimy soup or rice, buckwheat, well boiled and crushed. You can drink diluted vegetable broths, carrot juice, and low-fat whipped cottage cheese soufflé.

A strict diet for stomach ulcers is indicated for 10-12 days after an exacerbation. Then they are allowed to eat vegetable purees (potatoes, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini), lean fish and meat cooked in a double boiler. They begin to eat bread no earlier than 30 days after surgery, in limited quantities and in dried form. Fermented milk products are included in the diet 60 days after surgery.

The diet after a stomach ulcer should not be the same as before the disease. If the patient does not want to provoke the emergence of new exacerbations and the development of complications (bleeding, perforation, peritonitis), he will have to constantly adhere to certain rules of eating behavior.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude rich bakery products, offal (kidneys, liver, offal, lungs), smoked products, pickled products, and sausage. It is better to give up cabbage, legumes, mushrooms, garlic, horseradish, mustard, and onions. It is imperative to forget about alcohol, smoking, and drinking carbonated drinks.

It is necessary to expand the menu after recovery gradually, and not earlier than six months after the acute period of the disease. Be sure to consult a doctor: very often the pain of an ulcer can subside only because the ulcer has begun to bleed. Visit your doctor after treatment to prevent recurrence of the disease and not to miss important symptoms and signs of pathology.

Diet recipes for stomach ulcers are varied, but do not make a decision on your own: if everyone says that you can have milk, but your doctor says that you cannot, it means that in your case you really cannot consume it. Most diseases are individual in nature. Both treatment and dietary nuances are discussed separately for each patient.

A diet for a stomach ulcer will not replace treatment, however, even without a diet, treatment will not bring any effect. Nutrition plays a huge role in our lives, our health: with peptic ulcers, it will speed up healing and prevent complications.

About 12% of the population are familiar with stomach ulcers firsthand; it is a chronic form of the disease in which bleeding wounds (several or one) form on the walls of the stomach and duodenum.

A person with this diagnosis often experiences a feeling of pain, unpleasant belching, heaviness, bloating, nausea, loss of appetite; if you do not give due importance to these symptoms in time, you can soon end up on the operating table.

Let's talk about the specifics of nutrition for ulcers, what the diet should consist of, and which food group is prohibited.

Proper nutrition for stomach ulcers

Important! Remember to pay due attention to what medications you are taking if you have a history of stomach ulcers. Indeed, with such a diagnosis, you need to be very vigilant in choosing a pill for a headache or, say, a toothache, since certain medicinal substances can greatly irritate and aggravate inflammation in the stomach, as a result of which internal bleeding may open, and everything will end in surgical treatment .

Nutrition for exacerbation of stomach ulcers

Exacerbations of chronic diseases always occur in the autumn and spring periods, when the body experiences the greatest stress, vitamin deficiency, and also if there have been repeated diet violations and nutritional errors.

In order not to bring the condition to the extreme, during an exacerbation, the most stringent diet No. 1A is prescribed, it lasts from five to seven days and must be followed strictly, after which you should immediately switch to diet No. 1B, for another seven to ten days, and Only in this way can the resulting focus of inflammation be suppressed. Let’s take a closer look at what these diets are.

Diet No. 1A

The basis of the diet per day: up to two liters of liquid (water, tea, herbal infusions), 100 g of fat, 80 g of protein, 200 g of carbohydrates. The consistency of the food should be liquid, puree-like, only warm, preparation methods are as described above, feeding in fist-sized portions 5-6 times a day.

It is necessary to exclude:

  • vegetables fruits;
  • any broths (meat, fish, mushrooms...);
  • spices;
  • bread and pasta;
  • legumes;
  • alcohol, soda;
  • chocolate and cocoa - containing products.

The diet includes:

  • porridge with water (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, semolina), larger varieties of porridge must be ground or blended with a blender, you can add a tablespoon of milk per serving of porridge or a small piece of butter or cream;
  • puree or soufflé from white meat, lean fish;
  • milk or low-fat cream for drinks or dishes, less often butter;
  • fresh cottage cheese, pudding or steam casserole;
  • cottage cheese with added milk and sugar;
  • soft-boiled egg or steamed omelet;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • puree from pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, potatoes (1-3 times during the diet).

Diet No. 1B

It is a little more expanded than the first option, and requires increasing the amount of protein per day to 100 g, carbohydrates to 300, fats in the same amount as in the previous option.

The diet includes:

Such nutrition, taking into account both diets, is designed for 2-3 weeks, can help to more easily endure the period of exacerbation of the disease, as well as prevent the condition from worsening and will not give rise to the development of the disease further.

What foods can you eat if you have a stomach ulcer?

This disease worsens and aggravates the functioning of the entire digestive system, gives some kind of malfunction, the esophagus has to adapt to a certain diet and daily routine, so eating correctly it feels good and comfortable, but as soon as you eat a harmful product, the mucous walls of the organ are instantly irritated and begin to secrete Excess juice leads to a number of other problems and poor health.

For people with a disease such as a stomach ulcer, it is very important to adhere to a specific diet without violating the diet, so we will provide a list of products that your day and diet should consist of:

  1. Bread after 1-3 days of baking, crackers, unsweetened biscuits.
  2. Soups without fatty fat based on vegetables, chicken meat without skin and bones, cereals.
  3. Egg omelettes, soft-boiled eggs up to 4 times a week.
  4. Low-fat and non-acidic dairy products.
  5. Cottage cheese, butter.
  6. Dishes containing meat (chicken, rabbit, veal), without tendons, skins, veins and any fatty parts.
  7. Banana, sweet pear, avocado, baked apple (can be served with cottage cheese).
  8. Milk porridge with sugar or fruit, or with vegetable oil in small quantities.
  9. Rarely pasta.
  10. Olive, sunflower, flaxseed, butter.
  11. Jelly, mousse, jelly from fruits, berries, marshmallows, low-fat milk cream, marmalade, sweet jam.
  12. Pure and alkaline water, rosehip tea.
  13. Lean fish.
  14. Wheat bran.
  15. Hard, unsalted cheese.
  16. Berries and fruits are sweet, without peel, since it contains the most acid.
  17. Honey, in a small amount, about a teaspoon for daily use.
  18. Freshly prepared cauliflower juice every other day, diluted 1:1 with water, especially if the bacteria Helicobacter pylori is present.
  19. Warm milk two hours before bedtime will create a protective coating on the walls of the stomach, calm the general emotional state, and have a healing effect; you can drink it with the addition of honey.

What not to eat if you have a stomach ulcer

The list of prohibited foods is quite large, any of them negatively affects the epithelium of the stomach and esophagus, so it is better not to risk your health, thinking that nothing will happen from one serving of “harmful” food, in fact, at certain stages of the ulcer, every bite a fatty treat can make the difference.

Prohibited List:

  1. Unrefined sunflower oil.
  2. Lard, caviar, fatty meats, fish.
  3. Mushrooms (in any form).
  4. Smoked meats, sausages, meat, fish and other pates.
  5. Canned, pickled, pickled products.
  6. Primary broth from fish meat, immediately after boiling, that is, the first broth must be drained and the cooked product must be washed well, then cook the second broth from the same product.
  7. Fried egg, hard-boiled eggs.
  8. Rye bread, pastries, especially fresh ones.
  9. Barley, corn, muesli (foods that are difficult to digest).
  10. Condensed milk, homemade milk and other milks with a high percentage of fat.
  11. Peas, white cabbage, beans, apricot, radish.
  12. Fresh onions, sorrel, garlic, mustard, horseradish.
  13. Tomatoes, tomato sauces, pastes.
  14. Citruses, cranberries, pineapple, gooseberries, currants.
  15. Nuts, dried fruits, especially raisins, seeds, chips.
  16. Chocolate, fatty ice cream.
  17. Vinegar, salt, black pepper, spices.
  18. Coffee, cocoa, strong, black tea, carbonated drinks.
  19. Alcohol.

Nutrition for stomach ulcers menu for every day

First day

Breakfast: boiled rice, pureed with milk, 1 soft-boiled egg, tea.
Snack: apple puree baked in the oven, optional with sugar or honey.
Dinner: vegetable soup - puree, pureed buckwheat with steamed cutlet, rosehip decoction.
Snack: two biscuits with compote.
Dinner: semolina (in water) without salt, a small piece of fish baked in foil with egg and sour cream sauce.

Second day

Breakfast: milk, buckwheat porridge, two soft-boiled eggs, tea with milk.
Snack: baked apple with cottage cheese and sugar.
Dinner: soup - puree of rice, carrot milk, butter; mashed potatoes with steamed meatballs, compote.
Snack: crackers, jelly from fresh, non-acidic fruits.
Dinner: fish stewed with carrots, 70 grams of durum vermicelli, tea.

The third day

Breakfast: semolina with milk and water (1:1), 100 g of cottage cheese with honey, tea.
Snack: yogurt without dyes, crackers.
Dinner: soup with vegetables and semolina, pureed, jelly, a piece of yesterday's bread.
Snack: a glass of compote with three pieces of biscuits.
Dinner: pumpkin puree with the addition of olive oil and sugar (optional), a piece of boiled chicken breast, without salt.

Fourth day

Breakfast: oatmeal in water with butter, cottage cheese up to 5% fat, unsweetened tea.
Snack: hard cheese up to 30 grams, banana.
Dinner: soup with grated buckwheat, vegetables and meatballs, bread, compote.
Snack: baked sweet pear.
Dinner: zucchini and potato puree, steamed fish meatballs.

Fifth day

Breakfast: cottage cheese casserole, tea with milk.
Snack: fresh plum juice, dry gingerbread or cookies.
Lunch: boiled buckwheat, grated, veal cutlets.
Snack: fermented baked milk 2% 250 ml.
Dinner: pureed zucchini soup and pumpkin with sour cream, cream, bread, compote.

Sixth day

Breakfast: cottage cheese and oatmeal casserole, sweet tea.
Snack: compote, dry biscuit.
Dinner: boiled rice, steamed cutlets with sour cream sauce, cabbage juice.
Snack: two cheesecakes.
Dinner: pike perch baked with sour cream, cauliflower and carrot puree, tea with milk.

Seventh day

Breakfast: oatmeal with butter and milk, tea with cookies.
Snack: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream and sugar.
Dinner: soup with a spoon of cream, potatoes and dill, 150 g of boiled meat, bread, jelly.
Snack: compote, crackers.
Dinner: boiled buckwheat porridge, steamed fish fillet, bread.

Every day, an hour before bedtime, drink a glass of warm milk, if you are not overweight, milk with honey.

The products allow you to diversify your menu with different dishes, techniques and cooking methods. Such a diet is prescribed for a long time, or for life, adhering to general recommendations in terms of nutrition, you will forget that in your life there is a disease such as a stomach ulcer, since it will occur in a milder form, asymptomatic with noticeable progress.

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