Regol instructions for use. Hormonal contraceptive Tri-regol. Instructions for use. Interaction with other tools

Result: positive feedback

I don't see the point in spending money on expensive pills

Advantages: No serious side effects, effective, did not affect libido, eliminated rashes, price

Disadvantages: There was nausea in the first weeks of taking it, not often seen in a pharmacy

Everyone needs to select such means separately, but I personally, having tried a whole bunch of contraceptives, came to the conclusion that Tri-Regol suits me best. The rest all did not please me in some way - either they caused terrible attacks of headaches, or they had a very strong effect on the psyche, leading to depression, or they completely destroyed my desire. I didn’t find any of the listed side effects with Tri-Regol, and in general I tolerate it well - I’ve been taking it for eight months, and apart from mild nausea in the first two weeks of taking it, I don’t remember anything unpleasant. But there were many benefits from the product. In particular, Tri-Regol saved me from one of the most unpleasant problems - I often had painful, large subcutaneous pimples on my face and back, and when I started taking these pills, new inflammations stopped appearing. The most important thing is that Tri-Regol does not suffer from the same problem as all similar drugs with an antiandrogenic effect - it does not reduce libido. Rather, on the contrary, it increases - moderately, but noticeably, and from such an action more benefit than harm. So far I can’t find any significant disadvantages in the drug; I personally am completely satisfied with it.

Result: positive feedback

I’ve been taking it for 8 years now, I really like it

Advantages: Price, reliability, relieved symptoms of PMS, menstruation began to occur without pain and heavy discharge

Disadvantages: Not easy to find in pharmacies

I've been on Tri-Regol for 8 years now. At first, I chose it solely because of the low price - there was no more affordable contraceptive in the pharmacy, and at that time I didn’t have much money. Then it became clear to me that these tablets had a lot of advantages besides the price, and I firmly abandoned the idea of ​​spending money on something more expensive. The contraceptive effect is excellent - over all these years, not a single mistake, the drug completely relieved me of all the symptoms of PMS - heaviness in the chest, its soreness, mood swings were forgotten after the first package of the product, menstruation itself ceased to be a test - no hellish pain for you, a pulling sensation or excessive discharge. The only side effects during all this time were nausea and headache, that’s all. I don’t presume to say that this will happen to you too, but Tri-Regol personally hasn’t done anything bad to me so far. It’s a pity that the drug is now very difficult to find - I think this is due to the fact that it is unprofitable for pharmacies to sell this drug, because it is cheap.

Result: negative feedback

Only problems from him

Advantages: Reliable, inexpensive

Disadvantages: Caused spider veins on the legs, increased sugar levels, weight gain, hysteria, reduced libido

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't praise him enough. Not because it’s ineffective - no, everything is fine, I didn’t get pregnant while using Tri-Regol. The reason is that after 4 months of using this drug, I developed several problems at once, and serious ones at that. The first is spider veins on the legs. Before this, I didn’t even suffer from swelling of the legs and other symptoms of impending varicose veins, but then out of nowhere such a nightmare appeared. Please note that I did not take the drug for very long, and even during this time it managed to spoil healthy veins. The second problem is a sharp increase in sugar. I don’t really indulge in sweets, I eat normally, but the tests showed such results as if I were snacking on sweets and jam. The drug did not affect my appetite, but I still began to gain weight, I can’t imagine why - as if everything I ate went into fat. In 4 months I gained 7 kg! And finally, the third problem - from an adequate person I turned into a real hysteric. At first I blamed it on stress, but the source of the stress disappeared, and I was still the same psychotic person, and the degree of my inadequacy only grew. I didn’t want to think about intimacy at all, I quarreled with my husband over any reason or without... And when I quit Tri-Regol, after a couple of weeks all these problems with nerves were settled and disappeared completely. But the stars and fat on the thighs, because of which I now suffer, have not disappeared anywhere. Now I bite my elbows and scold myself for the fact that I then decided to save money and buy Tri-Regol, which I strongly advise you not to do.

Result: positive feedback

I like

Advantages: Does not cause harm to the body, there was no discomfort in the first month of use, effectiveness, ability to delay menstruation, facilitates menstruation, shortens its duration

Disadvantages: Caused spotting, increased leucorrhoea

I heard that three-phase birth control pills are more reliable and safer than monophasic ones, so I decided to try it. Regarding reliability, I can’t compare - the single-phase Regulon didn’t let me down either, but with Tri-Regol things are really better with safety. I parted with Regulon because of side effects that Tri-Regol did not have. I didn’t have any adjustment period - the first month of taking it was not marked by any discomfort at all, everything immediately went like clockwork. And in the future I did not have a depressed libido, migraines, nausea, or mood problems, as when taking Regulon. There weren’t any side effects at all, I won’t hide it – for some reason the leucorrhoea became more frequent and there was often spotting, but this was just unpleasant and not dangerous. The effectiveness of the product is high, it is possible to delay the onset of menstruation - very convenient when you are going on vacation, and yourself critical days thanks to Tri-Regol, they flow quite easily and do not last long. And if so, I don’t see any point in spending expensive pills at all. Tri-Regol, it seems to me, is just that rare case when a low price does not come at the expense of the quality of the drug.

Result: negative feedback

What is the price, what is the quality

Benefits: Protects against pregnancy

Disadvantages: Spoiled the microflora, caused swelling, hepatic itching, cholestasis, diarrhea, hair loss

You shouldn’t expect quality from such a cheap drug, that’s what I’ll tell you. In three months, Tri-Regol managed to seriously ruin my health, and I’m still dealing with the consequences. The most innocent of all is spoiled microflora. Constant, chronic thrush became my faithful companion, no matter how much Flucostat I drank, it still came back and poisoned my life. I had to drink Irunin to get rid of it - that’s what it came to. Other side effects are more serious - for example, I began to swell very much, in the morning, when looking at me, you would think that someone drank an indecent amount yesterday - my eyelids were so swollen. By the end of the second month, hepatic itching appeared, and diarrhea began to appear often. At first I didn’t think that this was connected with Tri-Regol, but it turned out that it has a very bad effect on the liver, hence problems with the outflow of bile, cholestasis and indigestion, which causes diarrhea. Okay, and the worst thing is that my hair started falling out in clumps. I was very scared - you can’t imagine how I felt when, after every combing of my hair, whole strands remained on the comb! I stopped drinking Tri-Regol, but it didn’t stop for a couple of months - after all, my hormonal levels were completely ruined. I won’t even tell you how many times I went to doctors and how much money I spent on eliminating these consequences. If you don’t want to experience the same horror, it’s better not to even try this unfortunate drug.

It’s always like this – you’ll like the contraceptive, it’ll be good from almost all sides, but there will still be one, but big, minus. At first I was completely satisfied with Tri-Regol. I took it to eliminate acne, the drug did an excellent job with this - for two months, and my face became perfectly clean, the skin turned from oily to normal, somehow became denser, more elastic, the pores were no longer enlarged. I was happy as an elephant - it was necessary to eliminate a problem that had been tormenting me since school days in a couple of months! The product reliably protects against pregnancy, and, oddly enough, I haven’t gained any weight in six months. Initially, in this regard, I was wary of the drug - it is hormonal, after all, and such drugs usually lead to extra pounds. But either I was so lucky, or everything in Tri-Regol was so cleverly calculated, but my weight practically did not change (half a kilo doesn’t count, it’s not significant). And I would be happy with everything, but over time I began to feel catastrophic decline libido. Not immediately, after about two months it began to be felt, and the further it went, the worse things got. As a result, by the 5th month of taking the drug, I didn’t even want to look at my betrothed, what kind of romance there was... And here even a slightly funny paradox arises - you take pills so as not to get pregnant, but at the same time they discourage the desire so much that you start taking them no need. What can I do, despite all the significant advantages, I had to part with Tri-Regol.

The instructions for use describe the drug "Tri-Regol" as a very effective modern means of female contraception. This drug is a hormonal drug that can suppress the ovulation process. The drug can also increase the viscosity of cervical mucus, which complicates the process of moving the sperm to the egg. In this article we will look at the composition and release form of the Tri-Regol contraceptive, instructions, side effects, contraindications, as well as reviews from women who have experienced the effects of this medication.

A few words about the composition and form of release

The drug belongs to the contraceptive “Tri-Regol”; the instructions describe it as a medicine produced in the form of tablets for oral administration. The medicine is three-phase, so one package of the medicine contains tablets of three colors. The set includes yellow, white and pink pills. All of them contain active substances such as levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. However, depending on the color, the content of the amount of active substances varies.

In addition, the composition also includes additional components such as magnesium stearate, corn starch, talc and silicon dioxide.

The tablets are sold in blisters, each containing twenty-one pills. One cardboard packaging there may be one or three blisters.

Main indications for use

The instructions describe the drug “Tri-Regol” as a pharmacological agent intended to prevent pregnancy. Feedback from women confirms that the pills actually do their job very well, which means that unwanted pregnancy does not occur.

In addition, gynecologists quite often recommend Tri-Regol tablets to their patients to normalize the menstrual cycle. Positive results can be noticed within one month after starting use.

Are there any contraindications?

In fact, the instructions present the drug “Tri-Regol” as a rather dangerous drug that must be taken with extreme caution. There are simply a huge number of contraindications to the use of this medicine. Let's look at the most basic of them:

Under no circumstances should this pharmacological agent be used by patients suffering from severe liver diseases.

Also, the drug is prohibited for use in the presence of severe diabetes.

The instructions prohibit the use of Tri-Regol contraceptive pills for those representatives of the fair sex who suffer from uterine bleeding of unknown etiology.

The presence of malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands, as well as female genital organs.

Under no circumstances should the medicine be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as patients over forty-five years of age.

The drug is also prohibited in cases where a woman has hypersensitivity to any components included in this medication.

Under no circumstances should you take the medicine if you are pregnant.

Monitor your health carefully. If while taking the drug you begin to suffer from headaches or your vision suddenly deteriorates, stop taking it immediately. The same applies to the development of thrombosis.

Also, you should stop taking the drug if the frequency of epileptic seizures increases and if your blood pressure increases. You will have to stop taking the drug if a pathology such as jaundice occurs.

If you are planning to undergo surgery, then stop taking hormonal contraceptives at least a month and a half before.

In addition, there are a huge number of other contraindications. Therefore, do not self-medicate under any circumstances. Any hormonal contraceptives should be prescribed by your attending physician, based on the individual characteristics of your body.

How to drink Tri-Regol: instructions for use

It is very important to take hormonal contraceptives correctly. Only in this case will their use be effective and cause minimal harm to your health. So, the product is intended for oral use. You need to take one tablet daily. This must be done at the same time of day. Take each pill with plenty of water.

The instructions recommend starting to use contraceptives "Tri-Regol" from the first day of the menstrual cycle. The product is used for three weeks, after which a seven-day break is taken and a new package begins.

Please note that each blister contains tablets different color. It is very important to take them in a certain sequence. You should start taking the drug with pink tablets, then move on to white pills and finish with yellow ones.

The medication continues as long as there is a need for protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Please note that during your holiday medicinal product The woman is about to begin her menstrual cycle. This is the norm.

The drug "Tri-Regol" (instructions, reviews from doctors are described in detail in this article) should be taken as much as your doctor recommends. It is recommended to monitor your health while taking this medication.

If you started taking Tri-Regol after any other oral contraceptive, then simply follow the dosage regimen indicated in the instructions for use.

If you forgot to take a pill within twelve hours, then there is nothing wrong with that. Just take it as soon as possible and continue with your treatment regimen. However, if the time period is more than one and a half days, then in this case the effectiveness of contraception is significantly reduced. Continue taking the drug, but in this case you should not take the missed pills. To exclude unwanted pregnancy, also use additional methods of protection, such as condoms.

Use after abortion and childbirth

The instructions for using Tri-Regol 21+7 tablets allow you to use them immediately after an abortion. However, for some women, doctors allow this to be done only the next day after this procedure.

Please note that you need to take the pills after childbirth with extreme caution. This is only allowed for women who are not breastfeeding their baby, so taking the product during lactation is strictly prohibited. The first tablet can be taken no earlier than on the first or second day of the menstrual cycle.

Is it possible to develop side effects?

When taking the contraceptive Tri-Regol, the instructions for use and reviews from doctors warn that there is a high probability of developing side effects. In some cases, a woman’s libido may deteriorate and bloody discharge from the vagina may appear, regardless of the day of the cycle. The amount of discharge may also increase and thrush may occur.

Sometimes unpleasant phenomena associated with digestive system. These may include nausea, stomach pain and vomiting.

It is also worth considering that quite often hormonal drugs affect metabolic processes in the body. Many women complain of changes in body weight, as well as the occurrence of swelling in the lower extremities.

Sometimes, while taking the drug, the following may occur: unpleasant symptoms:

  • vision deteriorates;
  • eyelids swell;
  • the quality of hearing deteriorates;
  • mammary glands become engorged;
  • pressure increases;
  • mood drops and symptoms of depression appear;
  • hair fall out;
  • a rash appears on the skin;
  • muscle cramps occur;
  • gallbladder diseases worsen;
  • the quality of hearing decreases;
  • the voice becomes rougher.

As you can see, the list of side effects is quite impressive, but it is far from certain that all these disturbing symptoms will appear in a particular patient. It is necessary to listen carefully to your health and report any disturbing symptoms to your doctor. Together with a qualified specialist, it will be easier to find out the reason for the deterioration in health and make a decision about stopping or replacing the drug.

Important instructions

The drug "Tri-Regol" (instructions, reviews of women are described on this resource) should be taken with extreme caution. If you decide to test the effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives for yourself, make sure that you are not pregnant when you start taking them. Also, before starting treatment, undergo a gynecological examination, take certain tests and examine the condition of the mammary glands. It is very important to monitor your health while using this product, so be sure to visit your gynecologist every six months.

If the use of the drug leads to side effects, the instructions for use of Tri-Regola recommend stopping taking this medication in this case. Also, before you start taking the pills, make sure that you do not suffer from kidney disease or viral hepatitis. If this virus is present, the use of this contraceptive can only be started six months after the illness.

If you experience bleeding accompanied by sharp pain in the abdominal area while taking oral contraceptives, be sure to go to the hospital. You can continue using this medicine only if your doctor confirms that you have no pathologies.

Also note that the instructions describe the drug “Tri-Regol 21” as a drug that can have a negative effect on liver cells. Therefore, if the condition of this organ has worsened due to the use of tablets, consult a specialist about the possibility of further use of the drug.

If you are planning a pregnancy, the instructions recommend stopping taking Tri-Regol tablets at least three months before.

What to do in case of overdose?

Overdose while using this drug occurs very rarely. Most often this happens in cases where a woman took several tablets in one day. However, even in this case, such a phenomenon is extremely rare.

Typically, overdose may result in abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and uterine bleeding. You need to start acting at the first signs of an overdose.

Be sure to call ambulance for gastric lavage. Healthcare providers will also prescribe symptomatic treatment for you, depending on the signs of overdose and according to the instructions.

"Tri-Regol": reviews from doctors and patients

In fact, reviews of the Tri-Regol birth control pills are quite contradictory, because oral contraceptives act completely differently for each woman. Therefore, as many representatives of the fair sex exist, there are as many reviews. However, most women are satisfied with the effect this drug has. With its use, unwanted pregnancy does not occur, but side effects occur quite rarely.

However, most often the fair sex complains that these hormonal contraceptives lead to excess weight. However, this cannot be called a disadvantage of the drug. This is physiological feature specific woman.

According to doctors, Tri-Regol tablets cope with their intended purpose with a bang. Most often, it is the incorrect use of this product that leads to undesirable effects. After all, many women forget to take their pills on time and skip doses. It is also very important to start drinking the product at the beginning of the cycle, and not in the middle or end.

Every gynecologist advises a woman to carefully understand her health before starting to take hormonal contraceptives. After all, there are simply a huge number of diseases for which they cannot be taken. Only if you approach the use of the Tri-Regol medicine responsibly, it will not have a negative effect on your body.

Are there any analogues?

In any pharmacy you can find a large number of analogues of the drug "Tri-Regol". However, you definitely shouldn’t buy them without a doctor’s prescription. Hormonal pills can have a negative effect on your body, so if you do decide to start taking them, do so with extreme caution.

- “Anteovin”;

- "Oralcon";

- “Ovidon”;

- "Triquilar";

- “Mikrogynon” and many others.

It is worth repeating once again that you can switch to them after Tri-Regol tablets only on the recommendation of a gynecologist.


Today, the method of oral contraception is very effective and popular. Many women have already experienced how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy without using condoms or an IUD. Instructions for use describe Tri-Regol tablets as effective remedy to solve the problem. The drug does its job well and rarely causes side effects. At the very beginning of its use, doctors still recommend providing additional protection with the help of condoms in order to protect yourself as much as possible.

Pay close attention to your health, and you will not encounter all sorts of problems that can lead to the use of birth control pills. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 15.07.2014

Filterable list

Active substance:


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

3D images


Film-coated tablets
Tablets, I 1 table
active substances:
ethinylestradiol 0.03 mg
levonorgestrel 0.05 mg
core: colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.275 mg; magnesium stearate - 0.55 mg; talc - 1.1 mg; corn starch - 19.995 mg; lactose monohydrate - 33 mg
shell: sucrose - 22.013 mg; talc - 6.935 mg; calcium carbonate - 2.898 mg; titanium dioxide (E171) - 1.814 mg; copovidone - 0.828 mg; macrogol 6000 - 0.207 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.123 mg; povidone - 0.074 mg; carmellose sodium - 0.025 mg; iron oxide red (C.I.77491, E172) - 0.083 mg
Tablets, II 1 table
active substances:
ethinylestradiol 0.04 mg
levonorgestrel 0.075 mg
core: colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.275 mg; magnesium stearate - 0.55 mg; talc - 1.1 mg; corn starch - 19.96 mg; lactose monohydrate - 33 mg
shell: sucrose - 22.013 mg; talc - 6.935 mg; calcium carbonate - 2.898 mg; titanium dioxide (E171) - 1.897 mg; copovidone - 0.828 mg; macrogol 6000 - 0.207 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.123 mg; povidone - 0.074 mg; carmellose sodium - 0.025 mg
Tablets, III 1 table
active substances:
ethinylestradiol 0.03 mg
levonorgestrel 0.125 mg
core: colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.275 mg; magnesium stearate - 0.55 mg; talc - 1.1 mg; corn starch - 19.92 mg; lactose monohydrate - 33 mg
shell: sucrose - 22.013 mg; talc - 6.935 mg; calcium carbonate - 2.898 mg; titanium dioxide (E171) - 1.317 mg; copovidone - 0.828 mg; macrogol 6000 - 0.207 mg; colloidal silicon dioxide - 0.123 mg; povidone - 0.074 mg; carmellose sodium - 0.025 mg; iron oxide yellow (C.I.77491, E172) - 0.58 mg

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- contraceptive.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, at the same time of day, if possible in the evening, without chewing and drinking a small amount liquids.

For the purpose of contraception in the first cycle, Tri-Regol ® is prescribed daily, 1 tablet/day for 21 days, starting from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, then a 7-day break is taken, during which typical menstrual bleeding occurs. Reception from the next package should be started on the 8th day after a 7-day break.

The drug is taken as long as there is a need for contraception.

When switching from another oral contraceptive A similar regimen is used for taking the drug Tri-Regol ®.

Reception should begin no earlier than the 1st day of menstruation or cycle.

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Three Regol. Feedback from site visitors - consumers of this contraceptive hormonal medication, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Tri Regola in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Tri Regola in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for contraception in women, including during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Three Regol- combined (three-phase) oral contraceptive estrogen-progestogen drug. When taken, it inhibits the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones. Sequential administration of tablets containing varying amounts of progestin (levonorgestrel) and estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) provides concentrations of these hormones in the blood close to their concentrations during the normal menstrual cycle and promotes secretory transformation of the endometrium.

The contraceptive effect is associated with several mechanisms. Under the influence of levonorgestrel, the release of releasing factors (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones) of the hypothalamus is blocked, the secretion of gonadotropic hormones by the pituitary gland is inhibited, which leads to inhibition of the maturation and release of an egg ready for fertilization (ovulation). Ethinyl estradiol maintains the high viscosity of cervical mucus (it makes it difficult for sperm to enter the uterine cavity). Along with the contraceptive effect, the menstrual cycle is normalized by replenishing the level of endogenous hormones with the hormonal components of Tri Regol tablets. In 7-day periods, when the next break in taking the drug follows, uterine bleeding occurs.


Ethinyl estradiol + Levonorgestrel + excipients.



Levonorgestrel is rapidly absorbed (less than 4 hours). Levonorgestrel does not have a first-pass effect through the liver. Most of the levonorgestrel in the blood is bound to albumin and sex hormone-binding globulin.

Ethinyl estradiol

Ethinyl estradiol is rapidly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Ethinyl estradiol undergoes a first-pass effect through the liver. Metabolism occurs in the liver and intestines. When taken orally, ethinyl estradiol is released from the blood plasma within 12 hours. Ethinyl estradiol metabolites: water-soluble derivatives of sulfate or glucuronide conjugation enter the intestine with bile, where they undergo disintegration with the help of intestinal bacteria. 60% of levonorgestrel is excreted by the kidneys, 40% by the intestines, 40% of ethinyl estradiol is excreted by the kidneys and 60% by the intestines.


  • oral contraception.

Release forms

Film-coated tablets 21 and 28 (21+7) pieces per package.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

The drug should be taken orally at the same time of day, if possible in the evening. The tablets are swallowed whole, without chewing and washed down with a small amount of liquid.

For the purpose of contraception in the first cycle, Tri Regol is prescribed daily, 1 tablet per day for 21 days, starting from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, then take a 7-day break, during which menstrual bleeding occurs. The next package containing 21 film-coated tablets should be taken on the 8th day after a 7-day break.

The drug is taken as long as there is a need for contraception.

When switching from another oral contraceptive to taking Tri Regol, a similar regimen is used.

Reception should begin no earlier than the 1st day of the menstrual cycle. During lactation, the use of the drug is contraindicated.

If a woman has not taken Tri Regol within the prescribed period, she should take the missed pill within the next 12 hours. If 36 hours have passed after taking the pill, contraception cannot be considered reliable. However, to avoid intermenstrual bloody discharge it is necessary to continue taking the drug from the already started package minus the missed tablet(s). At this time, it is recommended to additionally use another, non-hormonal method of contraception (for example, barrier).

Side effect

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • engorgement of the mammary glands;
  • weight gain;
  • decreased libido;
  • depressed mood;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • visual impairment;
  • discomfort when wearing contact lenses (these phenomena are temporary and disappear after discontinuation without prescribing any therapy);
  • decreased glucose tolerance;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • hepatitis;
  • liver adenoma;
  • gallbladder diseases (for example, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis);
  • thrombosis and venous thromboembolism;
  • skin rash;
  • hair loss;
  • increased vaginal discharge;
  • vaginal candidiasis;
  • increased fatigue;
  • diarrhea;
  • generalized itching;
  • cramps of the calf muscles;
  • hearing loss;
  • increased frequency of epileptic seizures;
  • deepening of the voice.


  • severe liver disease;
  • liver tumors;
  • congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Gilbert, Dubin-Johnson and Rotor syndromes);
  • cholelithiasis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • chronic colitis;
  • presence or indication in history of severe cardiovascular (including decompensated heart defects) and cerebrovascular changes, thromboembolism and predisposition to them;
  • phlebitis of the deep veins of the lower extremities;
  • hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms of the genital organs and mammary glands (including suspicion of them);
  • familial forms of hyperlipidemia;
  • arterial hypertension with systolic/diastolic blood pressure 160/100 mm Hg. and higher;
  • surgical interventions, surgical operations on the lower extremities;
  • long-term immobilization;
  • extensive injuries;
  • pancreatitis (including a history), accompanied by severe hypertriglyceridemia and hyperlipidemia;
  • jaundice due to ingestion medicines containing steroids;
  • severe forms of diabetes mellitus;
  • sickle cell anemia;
  • chronic hemolytic anemia;
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown etiology;
  • migraine;
  • hydatidiform mole;
  • otosclerosis with worsening during previous pregnancy(s);
  • idiopathic jaundice of pregnant women, severe skin itching of pregnant women, history of herpes during pregnancy;
  • smoking over the age of 35, age over 40;
  • lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption (the dosage form of the drug contains lactose);
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • hypersensitivity to any component of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During pregnancy and lactation, taking Tri Regol is contraindicated.

special instructions

Before starting to use the drug, it is necessary to exclude pregnancy, undergo general medical and gynecological examination(breast examination, cytological smear analysis).

While taking the drug, regular gynecological examinations are required every 6 months.

The use of oral contraception is allowed no earlier than 6 months after viral hepatitis and subject to normalization of liver functions.

If sharp pain appears in the upper abdomen, hepatomegaly or signs of intra-abdominal hemorrhage, a liver tumor may be suspected. In this case, the drug should be stopped.

If acyclic bleeding occurs, it is possible to continue taking the drug Tri Regol after the attending physician has ruled out organic pathology.

If abnormal liver function is detected during the use of the drug, the question of the advisability of continuing to take the drug Tri Regol should be decided.

In case of vomiting or diarrhea, the drug should be continued, and it is recommended to additionally use another, non-hormonal method of contraception.

At least 3 months before the planned pregnancy, the drug must be stopped.

Under the influence of oral contraceptives (due to the estrogen component), some laboratory parameters may change (functional parameters of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, blood coagulation and fibrinolytic factors, levels of lipoproteins and transport proteins).

The drug should be stopped immediately in the following cases:

  • for the first time or worsening migraine-like or unusually severe headache, for acute deterioration of visual acuity, for suspected thrombosis or heart attack;
  • with a sharp increase in blood pressure, the appearance of jaundice or hepatitis without jaundice, the occurrence generalized itching or increased frequency of epileptic seizures;
  • upon pregnancy;
  • 6 weeks before the planned operation, with prolonged immobilization (for example, after injury).

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Taking the drug does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate other mechanisms.

Drug interactions

When taking the drug Tri Regol simultaneously with ampicillin, rifampicin, chloramphenicol, neomycin, polymyxin B, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, dihydroergotamine, tranquilizers, phenylbutazone, because these drugs may weaken the contraceptive effect. Therefore, it is recommended to additionally use another, non-hormonal contraceptive method.

When taking the drug Tri Regol simultaneously with anticoagulants, coumarin derivatives or indanedione, it may be necessary to immediately determine the prothrombin index and change the dose of the anticoagulant.

When taking the drug Tri Regol simultaneously with tricyclic antidepressants, maprotiline, beta-blockers, bioavailability and, therefore, toxicity may increase.

When taking the drug Tri Regol and oral hypoglycemic drugs, insulin simultaneously, it may be necessary to change their doses.

When taking the drug Tri Regol and bromocriptine simultaneously, the effectiveness of the latter decreases.


"Tri-regol" is prescribed for the purpose of oral contraception, as well as for dysmenorrhea and premenstrual syndrome. Take the drug at the same time of day, preferably in the evening. For contraception, take 1 tablet daily for 21 days, starting from the first day. At the end of the course, take a break for a week, during which menstruation should begin. On the 8th day, resume taking Tri-Regola. It is not recommended to stop taking the drug without consulting a doctor.

If you missed another pill, take the drug within the next 12 hours. If more than 36 hours have passed, the degree of contraception is significantly reduced. At this time, you should use additional non-hormonal agents. In this case, you need to continue taking Tri-Regol to avoid bleeding between menstrual periods. After an abortion, the appointment is carried out on the day of the abortion or the next day. The use of "Tri-Regol" after childbirth is possible only if breastfeeding. WITH therapeutic purpose The drug should be taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

"Tri-Regol" is contraindicated in severe liver diseases (Dubin-Johnson, Gilbert, Rotor syndromes, tumors), cholecystitis, chronic colitis, severe cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases, predisposition to thromboembolism, malignant neoplasms (primarily with breast or endometrial cancer), in severe form arterial hypertension, familial forms of hyperlipidemia, endocrine diseases (including diabetes mellitus in severe form), with chronic hemolytic and sickle cell anemia, vaginal bleeding of unknown origin, migraines, herpes, idiopathic jaundice, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

"Tri-regol" causes the following side effects: nausea, vomiting, jaundice, swelling of the mammary glands, the appearance of bloody intermenstrual discharge, increased glucose levels, changes in vaginal secretion and libido, headache, decreased emotional background, increased blood pressure, development of venous thromboembolism, thrombosis, changes in body weight, allergic reactions in the form of rashes, skin itching. Taking the drug should be started after pregnancy has been ruled out, as well as after a series of medical examinations. During the period of using Tri-Regol, you need to undergo gynecological examinations once every six months.

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