Prostate and steroids. How steroids affect the prostate gland How to protect the prostate during the course

The prostate gland is involved in the regulation of hormonal levels. The organ works in conjunction: pituitary gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, testicles. The prostate absorbs testosterone and produces a more active form of androgens.

Taking hormonal drugs creates disruptions in the natural regulation of the body. Even if steroids are prescribed based on clinical indicators, their prescription is controlled by a urologist and is short-term in nature.

Hormone therapy can benefit or significantly harm a man. The result depends on the correctly selected treatment regimen. It is possible to use steroids for prostatitis, but this should be done with extreme caution and exclusively under the guidance of a urologist.

How steroids affect the prostate

Hormones are taken not only in the presence of any diseases and complicated inflammatory processes. Healthy men use steroids when doing bodybuilding. The drugs lead to increased growth of muscle mass. On average, you can expect a monthly weight gain of 10 kg. At the same time, physical endurance and bone tissue strength improve.

The use of anabolic steroids has its disadvantages, which include androgenic effects or changes in the gland associated with disruptions in the hormonal background of a man:

  • Prostate hypertrophy is a pathology characterized by accelerated tissue proliferation and leading to dysuric disorders and sexual dysfunction.
  • Testicular atrophy - with long-term use, the testicles decrease in volume. Testosterone production decreases. Accordingly, there is a negative effect of steroids on the prostate. The body gets used to the constant supply of hormones. In severe cases, the testicles completely stop producing testosterone.
For a healthy man, taking hormones may be justified, but using steroids for prostate diseases is contraindicated. It is important to understand the following. When doing bodybuilding, the body is strengthened and a man’s health is improved, which actually helps in the functioning of the prostate gland.

Although there is a possibility of side effects, the risk remains only with long-term use of anabolic steroids. Moreover, there are steroids that have virtually no effect on the prostate, but help increase muscle mass.

As for men who already suffer from inflammation of the prostate gland caused by infection, injury, hypothermia, uncontrolled use of drugs will lead to increased symptoms. There is evidence regarding the relationship between the development of cancer and changes in hormonal levels due to the use of drugs.

How to take steroids for prostate inflammation

Hormonal therapy for prostatitis is carried out in several cases:
  • A chronic disease that is not relieved by conventional anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Complications caused by the disease: erectile dysfunction, deterioration of potency.
For prostatitis, you can take steroids in small courses, under the supervision of your doctor. In the acute period, the use of drugs is strictly prohibited. Hormonal therapy weakens the male immune system and creates the preconditions for the spread of infection to adjacent organs.

To eliminate the symptoms of chronic inflammation, oral or injectable medications are prescribed. The latter are required for severe complications. The pharmacological form is chosen by the attending physician.

To eliminate symptoms, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are sufficient. Hormonal therapy is carried out only in exceptional cases.

Dosages and frequency of courses

The volume of medications taken is determined individually depending on the man’s weight. Prostate growth is influenced by doses of steroids that significantly increase PSA volume. During hormonal therapy, the urologist monitors the patient's condition using the method. Tests for prostate specific antigen volume are taken regularly.

You should not take hormones for long periods. If the prescribed treatment is ineffective, steroids are replaced with safe drugs. The maximum duration of therapy is 10-12 weeks.

Read also: The relationship between testosterone and prostatitis

What are the possible consequences of taking it?

Steroids are dangerous. Urologists strive to avoid prescribing them for prostatitis. As a rule, taking medications even at a small, minimal dosage is fraught with the following complications:
  • development of gland tissue;
  • decreased potency and problems with erection;
  • disorders of psycho-emotional state;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.
When using steroids, the following can happen to the prostate gland. A large volume of incoming hormones is not able to be absorbed by the prostate. Trying to compensate for the imbalance, the body gives a signal to tissue growth. An enlarged gland leads to the appearance of dysuric disorders and decreased potency. With long-term use, there is a danger that a benign neoplasm will turn into prostate cancer.

How to Protect Your Prostate While Using Steroids

If hormonal therapy is unavoidable, the regimen includes drugs that reduce the negative consequences of taking them. It is important to protect the prostate from the negative effects of steroids. To do this, several recommendations are followed during treatment:
  1. Hormones are used only for advanced diseases. Prescription is excluded, as well as for pathologies.
  2. When selecting a medication, the negative impact on the human body is taken into account. The main problem with use is that steroids change the hormonal balance.
    A man needs enough time for his prostate to recover. During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to use drugs that improve blood circulation and the basic functions of the gland.
  3. Another effective way to reduce side effects is to prescribe minimal doses for a short period of time.
  4. Hormones affect the testicles. Be sure to take a drug that prevents the development of testicular atrophy. Normalization of hormonal levels will occur only if the system that regulates testosterone synthesis is restored.
During the period of prostatitis, it is important to exclude forceful load on the pelvic area. Bodybuilding and steroid use are continued only after the man is completely healed.

Prostatitis, especially if it has become chronic, can present one of the most serious medical problems for a man. And the point is not only that the course of this disease is painful (although this is exactly the case) - the progression of inflammation of the prostate gland leads to serious consequences. Sexual dysfunction, infertility, potential risk of developing tumors of the pelvic organs….

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All this is enough to make men not want to joke with this disease and not risk the rest of their health. Only the attending physician has the right to prescribe the correct treatment for patients with a similar diagnosis, since only a specialist is able to correctly select treatment regimens taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. It is all the more important that such a combination as steroids and prostatitis is dealt with exclusively by a knowledgeable professional.

First about prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process with serious swelling (increase in size) of the prostate gland, which can manifest itself only in men, which is obvious, since the prostate is found exclusively in the male body. Over the past few decades, the number of cases of prostatitis has increased significantly, but as before, this disease primarily affects men of reproductive age.

According to the common medical classification, prostatitis is divided by specialists into the following forms:

  • acute (flares up quickly, violently, with severe symptoms, and in the absence of treatment turns into a “chronicle”);
  • chronic (which is a natural development of acute prostatitis, not cured in time, manifested by blurred symptoms, and sometimes asymptomatic).

Depending on what factors caused the development of the disease, the following classification categories are distinguished:

  • infectious prostatitis (a disease that develops when prostate tissue is damaged by infectious agents - viruses, bacteria);
  • non-infectious prostatitis (a disease in which the sources of the inflammatory process are congestion, stones in the prostate ducts, problems with male age-related changes).

The set of main symptoms of prostate inflammation practically does not change depending on the type of prostatitis. Experts say that the following manifestations of the disease deserve attention:

  • abdominal pain (lower);
  • painful sensations spreading through the genitals;
  • sexual dysfunction, including erectile problems and inability to ejaculate.

Chronic prostatitis is separately characterized by the duration of its course, as well as a minimum or complete absence of symptoms. The intensity of the manifestation of the “chronicle” depends on many factors, including:

  • lesion progression phase;
  • duration of development of the inflammatory process;
  • the level of inflammation and its coverage of other organs of the genitourinary system.

The age of the patient and his lifestyle, including from the point of view of the sexual sphere, also matter.

Both acute and chronic prostatitis are similar in their symptoms to quite a large number of other ailments of the urinary and reproductive systems. That is why, at the first signs, you should consult a doctor who can accurately identify the cause of the problem and prescribe adequate treatment.

Men who are over the age of 30 and have an active sexual life should know that there are a large number of reasons for the development of inflammation of the prostate gland. In particular, the disease develops due to the following factors:

Prostatitis develops due to a sedentary lifestyle

  • pathogenic microflora (in most cases due to pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases);
  • problems with blood circulation (both with varicose veins and circulatory disorders of the pelvic organs with the subsequent formation of congestion there);
  • sedentary lifestyle (reasons also contribute to stagnation of urine in the bladder and secretions in the prostate ducts);
  • irregular sexual activity (due to frequent interruption of sexual intercourse and long periods of abstinence, the functioning of the entire genitourinary system is disrupted, muscle tone is lost, the outflow of urine and prostatic secretions is disrupted).

The factors that create the most favorable conditions in a man’s body for the life and proliferation of bacteria are immunity disorders, as well as hypothermia, stress, emotional and physical stress, hormonal imbalances, allergies and vitamin deficiencies. Due to any of these reasons, leading to a decrease in the barrier function of the body and the loss of its ability to resist the effects of pathogens, prostatitis develops.

And now about steroids

Steroids are medications based on the synthesized hormone cortisol, a hormone of the human adrenal glands. Steroid-based drugs are the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs used in modern medicine. Such medications are produced in various forms - tablets and injections, and they treat almost any inflammatory lesion in the body. They are prescribed when it is necessary to relieve severe inflammation by suppressing the corresponding function of the immune system by suppressing the production of leukocytes together with anti-inflammatory enzymes.

Steroids for prostatitis and other diseases for which they are prescribed are used only to relieve inflammation and symptoms associated with this process.

For example, steroid medications additionally stimulate prostate tissue to regenerate, and due to the fact that they are created on the basis of natural hormones, they have a positive effect on the restoration of sexual function. In addition to fighting inflammation, steroids are prescribed for prostatitis to influence hormonal levels - such drugs suppress the increased production of the hormone testosterone in a man’s body. Without a large amount of this substance, the parenchymal tissue of the prostate gland does not grow, the gland does not increase in size, so the symptoms of organ disease decrease. In addition, restoration of normal hormonal levels has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire complex of organs of the male genitourinary system. But such drugs do not actually affect the disease; they do not eliminate the causes of the primary lesion.

Hypertension is one of the side effects of steroid drugs

Indications for the use of steroids for problems with the prostate gland are inflammatory lesions of internal organs and tissues; contraindications are cases when:

  • the development of the disease was caused by an acute infection;
  • Prostatitis is a bacterial disease;
  • there is a danger of bleeding (for example, when taking additional blood thinning drugs);
  • with severe immunodeficiency of the body.

Steroid-based medications are prescribed to patients with caution, as their use is accompanied by a number of side effects, often more dangerous to health than prostate problems. In particular, such potential “troubles” include:

  • hypertension;
  • serious violation (increasing) of blood clotting;
  • abnormally reduced immunity;
  • ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract;
  • osteoporosis.

The prescription of specific drugs and the course of their use should be controlled by the attending physician. Only a specialist can take into account all the dangers associated with taking steroids and eliminate the risk of side effects in a particular patient.

Important: you cannot “overdo it” with taking hormonal drugs, such as steroid drugs, since in a man’s body during the period of “raging” prostatitis there are already serious problems with the production of the optimal amount of testosterone. If such difficulties increase further due to the penetration of hormones from the outside, the hormonal balance will never be the same again.

It should also be remembered that any hormonal drugs, not only for prostatitis, but also for any other diseases that can be influenced by steroids, are prescribed only based on diagnostic results. That is why the appointment can only be carried out by a specialist - based on diagnostic data, he will select the optimal tablets, injections, and patches soaked in testosterone solution in terms of the combination of effectiveness and danger.

Main drugs used

Due to the fact that steroid-based medications have a fairly large number of side effects, experts prefer to resort to their help in the treatment of prostatitis only in rare cases, for example, in the complete absence of the effect of other drugs. In particular, steroids are used when basic medications (from the category of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are unable to cope with symptoms such as pain, urinary problems, and sexual dysfunction. Steroids are also prescribed in cases where prostatitis is at the stage of significant proliferation of the prostate parenchyma.

Hormonal therapy using steroid-based drugs includes two main directions - anti-inflammatory and restoring sexual function. For anti-inflammatory therapy, two medications are usually chosen:

  • Dexamethasone (injections);
  • Prednisolone (injections or tablets).

The drug Dexamethasone is a synthetic glucocorticoid drug, powerful, capable of producing a regulatory effect on the processes of protein, mineral and carbohydrate metabolism occurring in the human body. The drug, which is a synthetic analogue of a natural hormone that is produced by the adrenal cortex in humans, can have anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antitoxic and immunosuppressive effects. Thanks to all of the above, Dexamethasone is used by doctors to suppress severe inflammatory processes, to combat allergic reactions, malignant cancers and a wide range of diseases covering a variety of “details” of the human body. It also treats the steroid contained in the drug and prostatitis. According to research, as a medicine effective against inflammation of internal organs and tissues, Dexamethasone is 35 times more effective in terms of activity than all known analogues.

The strong anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is ensured by inhibition of the excessive release of inflammatory mediators from eosinophils (leukocyte cells from the category of body defenders from pathological microflora and their toxic effects) and mast cells (highly specialized cells from the category of so-called adaptive immunity). In addition, the steroids in Dexamethasone affect the production of lipocortin protein and suppress the production of mast cells, help reduce capillary permeability and stabilize cell membranes, leading to their resistance to the destructive effects of damaging factors.

As for the side effects of using this hormonal drug, Dexamethasone often leads to the following consequences:

  • decreased glucose tolerance (which is the so-called prediabetes, a state of predisposition to diabetes mellitus);
  • diabetes mellitus (steroid form);
  • suppression of work or, conversely, hyperfunction of the adrenal glands;
  • lack of potassium, calcium and sodium due to accelerated excretion of these elements;
  • weight gain;
  • increased sweating;
  • increased intracranial pressure in combination with depression, anxiety, paranoia, convulsions, dizziness and headaches;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • lesions (including inflammatory) of the digestive system.

Prednisolone is one of the most frequently prescribed drugs for patients with prostatitis.

Among the side effects there is still a fairly large list of items - it includes problems with blood pressure, cardiac dysfunction, ophthalmological lesions, tendon ruptures, steroid metabolic disorders in the muscles. That is why only a doctor should prescribe steroid treatment for prostatitis - so that the number of problems resulting from therapy does not exceed the benefit from relieving inflammation of the gland.

Prednisolone, the second most frequently prescribed drug for patients with prostatitis, is also a synthetic glucocorticoid medication that produces an anti-inflammatory effect on prostate lesions (and an antiallergic and immunosuppressive effect on other health problems). The list of indications and contraindications for the use of this drug is similar to the same points in the instructions for Dexamethasone, and the mechanism of action of these two drugs is similar, however, there are several noticeable differences:

  • Prednisolone produces less effect on the body than Dexamethasone (7 times);
  • Prednisolone has a greater effect on the loss of water, sodium, potassium and calcium than Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisolone suppresses the activity of vitamin D much weaker than Dexamethasone;
  • a course of taking Prednisolone may last longer than taking Dexamethasone, which is recommended to be taken for a maximum of a month.

There are also hormonal (steroid) medications prescribed by specialists to help men with prostatitis restore erectile function. Prostate disease, especially advanced disease, negatively affects the production of the male sex hormone testosterone, which plays an important role in the manifestation of male desire and the formation of potency, as well as in a man’s ability to have children. Without testosterone, normal performance and maintenance of vitality are impossible; muscle and bone mass cannot be built up or maintained. In connection with all of the above, it is obvious that healthy levels of this hormone should be restored simultaneously with the fight against prostatitis.

Proviron – synthetic androgen, tablets that compensate for the lack of testosterone in prostatitis

For this, doctors most often use drugs called testosterone analogs, for example, Proviron - a synthetic androgen, tablets that compensate for the lack of testosterone in prostatitis and other problems with the male genitourinary system - hypogonadism, impaired potency, infertility, as well as during the male menopause, that is during the period of hormonal changes in the body.

Also, to restore sexual and reproductive function against the background of inflammatory damage to the prostate gland, the drug Sustanon is used - an oil-based mixture of testosterone esters, intended for intramuscular administration. The product has a strong and long-lasting effect, helps restore hormonal levels in various disorders - from testicular hypofunction and loss of prostate function to male menopause and medical castration.

Important: prostatitis and steroids are compatible only in the chronic form of the disease and only on the condition that other drugs used during therapy have not brought benefit to the patient. Hormonal drugs are too strong, and under unfavorable circumstances they can become a source of such serious problems as prostate cancer and oncological neoplasms in the tissues of the mammary glands. Because of this, treatment of prostatitis with the use of steroid medications requires special attention from specialists, regular monitoring of changes in the patient’s condition using ultrasound and PSA tests. At the slightest suspicion of the development of complications that make therapy inappropriate, treatment with hormonal steroids is stopped.

Drugs based on steroid hormones raise a lot of questions and controversy. On the one hand, such drugs provide maximum effect on the disease (specifically, in prostatitis - on the inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland), on the other hand, their use can be accompanied by a huge number of side effects, and not just allergic reactions of individual intolerance to individual components, and loss of adrenal function, various disorders and even oncology. That's why steroids are used - but carefully, carefully - but they are used. Because under the strict supervision of specialists, treatment with steroids, although it will not become as safe as possible, will allow you to use the full potential of these unique medicines.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis...

- a common disease. It depends on many reasons, and statistically occurs in every fourth man after 50 years. What kind of disease is this? Is prostate adenoma caused by steroids? Treatment and prevention of the disease will also be discussed in the article.

Steroids and prostatitis are interrelated concepts. The prostate is directly involved in regulating hormone levels in the body. It is an important link in the chain of hormone production in the body. Other important links are the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, adrenal glands and testicles.

In this link mechanism, the prostate gland produces a more active form of androgens from testosterone.

Additional intake of hormonal drugs provokes disruptions in the natural hormonal background of the body. And even if taking steroid drugs is necessary for medical reasons, patients undergoing such treatment are under the constant supervision of doctors.

Treatment with hormones can cause both great benefit and significant harm to a person. It is possible to use steroids for prostatitis, but only for a short time and under the supervision of a urologist.

Hormonal therapy is used not only for certain ailments and inflammatory processes in the body, but also in professional sports. Steroids are especially popular in bodybuilding, where even physically healthy men are on a course of hormonal therapy to build muscle mass. At the same time, steroid drugs help increase bone strength and physical endurance.

Note! While on a course of hormone therapy, athletes can increase their weight monthly by up to 10 kg.

Side effects from steroids

But regular use of anabolic steroids in this case also has negative consequences. These include:

  1. Hypertrophy. This is a disease in which changes occur in the organ. The gland tissues grow in an accelerated manner and cause dysuric disorders, as well as sexual dysfunction.
  2. Testicular atrophy is a process in which the testicles significantly decrease in size, which leads to a decrease in testosterone production. This occurs due to the body becoming accustomed to the constant supply of steroids. In such a situation, the natural production of the hormone gradually fades away. In especially severe cases, testosterone production stops completely.

Steroid drugs for building muscle mass can be used by men who do not suffer from prostate diseases. Moreover, sports and physical activity themselves help improve blood supply to the organ and strengthen it. Only the choice of anabolic steroids should be taken with full responsibility. It is important to know that there are steroids that do not affect the prostate gland.

But if the patient already has a history of prostate diseases caused by hypothermia, infection, injury, etc., then additional and uncontrolled use of anabolic steroids will provoke an increase in symptoms and exacerbation of the disease.

There are also medical studies according to which cancer can also be associated with changes in a person’s natural hormonal levels.

Association of steroids with prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Most medical scientists are inclined to think that prostatitis may worsen while taking steroids. In addition, irreversible processes can occur in the body.

It is not for nothing that the prostate in simple language is called the “second heart” of men. It regulates the daily cycle of testosterone in the body and takes an active part in its breakdown. When working properly, the prostate secretes an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase, and the testicles and adrenal glands directly produce testosterone, which is transported into the gland through the bloodstream. Then it interacts with the enzyme, as a result of this interaction, dihydrotestosterone is formed. This substance can figuratively be called the king of all hormones. The uninterrupted operation of absolutely all systems and organs in the male body depends on it.

But if such a substance is introduced into the body artificially, the load on the prostate gland increases significantly. If at this time there is even a slight inflammatory process in the prostate gland, then the painful condition of the organ will worsen.

Uncontrolled use of steroids will provoke a significant enlargement of the gland, up to the formation prostate adenomas.

Using steroids uncontrollably and without medical indications is very dangerous for men's health. Anabolic steroids can only be used under the strict supervision of a doctor and when strictly necessary.

In acute forms of prostatitis, taking steroid drugs is strictly prohibited. In this case, hormone therapy will lead to a decrease in the body's protective functions. A weakened immune system will provoke the spread of the inflammatory process.

But it is also important to know that if a person is on a course of treatment with steroids and has a history of prostatitis, then the doses of the drug should be as minimal as possible. The duration of the course should also be limited.

Useful video: the effect of anabolic steroids on the prostate gland

The drug Turinabol

The German drug Turinabol is extremely popular among both beginner and professional athletes. This is an androgenic steroid that is similar to methandrostenol. This product is available in tablets. It differs from the classic “methane” by the presence of an additional chlorine atom.

The product was first developed back in 1961. At that time, a whole group of steroids was created in Germany, which were highly effective.

The popularity of this drug lies in its high efficiency in building muscle mass, and at the same time a low likelihood of side effects.

Manufacturers of the product guarantee its safety in terms of its effect on the body as a whole and on men’s health in particular.

But the instructions for the drug say that the drug positions itself as moderately low in its effect on the hypothalamus-pituitary-testes chain, but highly toxic in its effect on the liver.

The description of the product indicates the following effect from its use:

  1. Active increase in muscle mass.
  2. Activation of power capabilities.
  3. Strengthening endurance.
  4. Absence of negative estrogenic reactions of the body.
  5. Increasing testosterone levels in human blood.
  6. Protection of the heart and blood vessels (the risk of blood clots is minimal).

The product does not cause fluid retention in body tissues. You can take the drug either alone or in combination with other drugs. This drug is approved for use by women.

The manufacturer of the drug indicates its safety for humans. But still, with uncontrolled use and with a significant excess of dosages, Turinabol will not only have a pronounced toxic effect on the liver, but will also provoke a significant suppression of testosterone production by the body. Which in turn is fraught with the above-mentioned negative consequences. Disturbances in the proper functioning of the prostate in this case are also fraught with the development of premature ejaculation.

In addition, one should take into account the fact that all descriptions of the drug and its effect on the human body were calculated on a physically healthy person. But if a man already has a history of inflammatory processes in the prostate gland, or there are suspicions of them, then the effect of such a drug may differ from what is stated and have a pronounced negative effect on the prostate.

Important! Also alarming is the column in the description, which states that such tablets significantly increase the level of testosterone in the blood.

We have already figured out why such an artificial testosterone supplement is dangerous for the prostate. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to combine Turinabol and chronic or acute prostatitis.

Useful video: anabolic steroid Turinabol


When starting a course of taking steroids to build muscle mass, we must not forget that no amount of physical beauty justifies disruptions in the normal functioning of the body, which can cause illness. Human health is the highest value that must be protected.

Many representatives of the stronger sex know firsthand about prostatitis. This disease affects men after 40 years of age. People actively involved in sports are no exception. In this regard, the question arises whether it is possible to use steroids for prostatitis.

The common name “steroids” unites a group of substances that accelerate anabolic processes in the body. They were created as medicines and were used exclusively in medicine. Over time, knowledge about the drugs led athletes to the idea that they could be used by healthy people. They will help you build muscle mass and build an ideal body in a short time.

In men, the body synthesizes a natural steroid – testosterone. It is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics and the formation of a male-type figure.

It is testosterone that forms the basis for most anabolic steroid drugs, and their choice depends on the task at hand:

  • gaining muscle mass;
  • drying the body and burning fat;
  • maintaining muscle energy.

Important! Steroids work only with a special diet, proper physical activity, adequate sleep and rest. The drug and dosage should be individually selected by an experienced doctor.

Commonly used drugs

A person who decides to resort to steroids immediately faces a choice. The market offers quite a wide range. I want the drug to be of high quality, effective and as harmless as possible. Here are just a few of them:

  1. For the masses. “Deca-durabolin” (“Nandrolone”, “Retabolil”) occupies a leading position among anabolic steroids. Refers to injectable drugs, helps build muscle mass. In 3 months you can gain 13-18 kg. Many bodybuilders resort to it. It gives good results and is relatively safe. Does not give aromatization. When cancelled, the achieved effect is retained. Can be used either alone or in combination with other drugs. It is also a pain reliever. While taking the drug, erectile dysfunction, bloating, and water retention may occur.
  2. For drying. "Anavar" ("Oxandrolone") is a drug that has a mild anabolic effect with low toxicity. It is successfully used when drying the body to create relief. In addition, it is also used in building muscle mass. The drug is very popular among bodybuilders and powerlifters. Does not affect the production of your own testosterone. Winstrol is an alternative to Anavar, but at a lower price. It enhances protein synthesis, but does not particularly build muscle mass. But it is very effective for drying the body. The downside of the drug is its high toxicity to the liver.
  3. For strength. The best steroids for increasing strength are Anavar and Winstrol. Their use gives a good increase in strength without adding muscle mass.

Consequences of taking steroids

Many men, most often young people, resort to anabolic steroids out of laziness and the desire to get a beautiful body in a short time without much difficulty. But they don't think about the consequences.

It has a harmful effect on many systems of the body.

  1. It all starts with the genital area. Synthetic testosterone, which enters the body in the form of steroids, suppresses the production of its own, often irreversibly. Potency decreases, up to impotence.
  2. Prostate enlargement. This occurs due to the fact that the prostate cannot cope with a large amount of hormones coming from outside and, in order to process them, it increases its volume - it grows. The altered gland causes problems with urination and erection.
  3. Anabolic steroids have a detrimental effect on the liver, disrupting the production of various vital enzymes.
  4. The excretory function of the kidneys suffers.
  5. The heart and blood vessels are affected.
  6. There is a prolonged increase in blood pressure.
  7. Long-term use of steroid drugs affects the emotional sphere. A person develops psychosis and attacks of unmotivated aggression. Character changes.
  8. Side effects from taking the drugs include furunculosis. The functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted, the skin becomes covered with acne and acquires a grayish-greasy tint.
  9. Building muscle mass occurs without changing the ligamentous apparatus, which bears an exorbitant load. Ligament and tendon ruptures often occur.

And another negative aspect of taking anabolic drugs is addiction. They are often called "sports drugs."

Steroids and prostatitis

If a person is engaged in bodybuilding, the use of steroids is common for him. Sport improves health and cannot lead to prostatitis. But if the disease has developed for another reason (bad habits, infectious disease, injury), then steroids can only worsen the situation. Steroid drugs have a suppressive effect on the immune system, so in acute prostatitis, especially caused by infection, they can contribute to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria from the prostate to other organs, increasing the affected area.

In acute cases of the disease, antibiotic drugs are often prescribed, which cannot be combined with steroids. Also, taking AC is strictly prohibited if the prostate is enlarged.

For chronic prostatitis, steroids are sometimes prescribed for therapeutic purposes. But taking medications must be carried out under the supervision of the attending physician. Self-use of anabolic steroids can provoke frequent exacerbations of the disease and its transition from chronic to acute. And this is already fraught with complications, such as adenoma and prostate cancer.

Bodybuilding and prostatitis

The widespread belief that heavy physical activity and prostatitis are completely incompatible things, according to doctors, is not correct. Bodybuilding, if you exclude the use of steroid drugs, is a good remedy for patients with a sore prostate.

During bodybuilding, the pelvic floor muscles are strengthened, blood flow to the organs, and in particular to the prostate gland, is increased, and tissue nutrition is improved. Therefore, moderate exercise is even included in the therapeutic complex for the treatment of the prostate.

Important! Bodybuilding exercises for prostatitis should be agreed upon with a medical specialist.

In the modern world, men have begun to pay special attention to the beauty of their body and strive to get it at any cost. Many people, when visiting the gym, begin to take all kinds of hormones on their own to increase muscle mass, improve endurance and increase productivity. The powers that be, who take care of their health, often wonder whether a disease such as prostatitis and steroids are compatible and what benefit or harm will taking such drugs bring to the body? This article will help you understand what steroids are and how they affect the prostate gland as a whole.

What are steroids for?

In the human body, the endocrine glands produce a number of steroid-type hormones. These biologically active substances have a regulatory effect on metabolic processes and physiological functions, such as growth and development. The steroids that interest us are of animal, plant or synthetic origin and have nothing in common with hormones produced by the human body, but are as close as possible to them. There are cases when the production of necessary hormones is insufficient, due to which the main functions of the organs are impaired, and the use of steroids is used as the basis of treatment for various conditions, helping to cope with many diseases, such as asthma, inflammation of the blood vessels, myositis, arthritis, and immune disorders . Such treatment must be accompanied by mandatory monitoring by a doctor and prescribed by him, otherwise self-medication can lead to various general and psychological disorders.

Types of steroids and negative consequences when taking them

Today there are more than 100 types of steroids. The most popular are anabolic steroids, followed by steroid supplements. There are some anabolic steroid drugs, the use of which does not cause a clear androgenic effect - these are prednisolone and cortisone, and in some cases it is calmly prescribed by a doctor, without any consequences for the patient. But it is worth understanding that long-term use of any type of steroids will have the most negative consequences on the body, which has been proven by scientists, of which the following can be distinguished:

  • Hair loss and gradual baldness
  • Hypertension, which can lead to stroke or heart attack
  • Increased load on the liver
  • Suppression of reproductive function in men, testicular atrophy
  • Increased blood cholesterol levels
  • Increased load on the cardiovascular system
  • Decreased potency and libido
  • The occurrence of a prostate tumor
  • Skin problems, acne
  • Mental disorders of the nervous system (depression, aggression, mood swings, thoughts of suicide may appear)
  • Weakening of the immune system, development of inflammatory processes caused by bacterial infection

Of course, many men consider the use of steroids the best way to achieve a beautiful body of voluminous, sculpted muscles. Their use increases the body's building abilities, accelerates regeneration, increases performance and endurance. The negative impact primarily depends on the duration of use and the initial state of the man’s body. Short courses for medical reasons or to build muscle mass do not pose any obvious danger and often do not lead to undesirable consequences.

Expert opinion on taking steroids for prostatitis

The desire to have a muscular body still makes men interested in the question of whether prostatitis and steroids are compatible, is it possible to use these drugs, especially if this disease already exists? The point of view of experts on this issue is ambiguous.

And yet, the majority of scientists are inclined to believe that it is impossible to use anabolic steroids for prostatitis. Their use can lead to irreversible consequences and disorders in the body and here's why.

We all know that a man has a so-called “second heart” in his body – the prostate gland. It monitors the circadian daily pulsation of the male sex hormone testosterone and participates in its breakdown. Normally, the prostate gland produces the enzyme 5 alpha-reductase, and the adrenal glands and testicles produce the hormone testosterone, which enters the gland with the bloodstream and interacts with this enzyme, resulting in the output of dihydrotestosterone - the king of all hormones. It is produced in the quantity required for the smooth functioning of all organs. And when they begin to artificially increase it, by introducing chemically synthesized anabolic steroids into the body, the multiply increased dihydrotestosterone creates a huge load on the prostate gland and, if there is an inflammatory process there, it can worsen. Uncontrolled use and abuse of steroids threatens to increase the size of the prostate gland. If you do not follow the recommendations, serious changes may occur, including education.

The use of steroids for prostatitis is carried out on an individual basis and only under the supervision of a specialist who will monitor the patient’s further condition. If the drug is prescribed for vital signs, then all risks will be taken into account and minimized. Self-medication is unacceptable and can develop complications, even adenoma or.

If the form of prostatitis is pronounced, then taking steroids can only aggravate the inflammatory process, because the use of such drugs leads to a decrease in the body’s protective functions and suppresses the immune system. In this case, it is the sharp decrease in immunity that leads to the spread of the inflammatory process and an increase in its intensity. Therefore, you should absolutely not use steroid drugs if you have such a disease.

If stopping the use of steroids due to prostatitis is impossible or there is a suspicion of the disease, then you should adhere to some recommendations of specialists. Firstly, the doses of the drug used should be minimal and should be discussed with your doctor. Secondly, the duration of the course should not exceed 8-12 weeks. Thirdly, try to select drugs that do not have a harmful effect on the liver. And finally, when using steroid drugs, monitor indicators (blood pressure, hormonal levels, blood composition). Remember that health is more important than the pursuit of a beautiful body.

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