Dihydrotestosterone is formed. Dihydrotestosterone in men - function, norm and pathology. General information about the study

Dihydrotestosterone (DTS) is one of the naturally occurring active androgens. It is part of steroid sex hormones and is formed from testosterone. The process of DTS synthesis occurs in target cells. The enzyme 5-alpha reductase affects the activation of the hormone.

Dihydrotestosterone has a stronger effect on the body than testosterone.

It is a very powerful androgen, the main tasks of which are to regulate the development of sexual characteristics in men and the successful functioning of the prostate gland.

Dihydrotestosterone is also present in women, but in much smaller quantities.

Dihydrotestosterone value

Dihydrotestosterone interacts closely with cell receptors and has a high level of androgenic effectiveness. However, the amount of the hormone depends on how testosterone is produced and what its content is in the body. The higher the synthesis of the latter, the greater its amount is transformed into dihydrotestosterone.

It turns out that in order to maintain a normal level of DTS, it is necessary to vigilantly control testosterone, which is regulated by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

The development and functioning of the external and internal genital organs is the main sphere of influence of dihydrotestosterone. But it also affects other parts of the body, the passage of physiological and biochemical processes in them. The influence of the TPA extends to:

  • muscle tissue;
  • hair follicles;
  • secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • skeletal system.

The relationship between hormones and muscle mass has led to the creation of a considerable number of products based on testosterone and DTS. Basically, its purpose is nutrition for athletes. It is no secret that many doping drugs prohibited by law are based on DTS.

The hormone promotes recovery after heavy physical activity.

Norm of dihydrotestosterone in men

Dihydrotestosterone is very important for the normal functioning of the male body. It is decisive in the process of physical development and transformation of a teenager into a mature man. Dihydrotestosterone is responsible for:

  • “male” sexual preferences and corresponding behavior;
  • the presence of an erection;
  • the appearance of facial hair;
  • normal growth of the genitals and formation of the prostate.

Thanks largely to dihydrotestosterone, the young man feels like a full-fledged man.

About 2/3 of the total amount of DTS is synthesized in tissues that are located outside the testicles (male gonads). The highest content of dihydrotestosterone is concentrated in the skin of the genitals and in the hair follicles on the head.

The hormone norm is as follows:

In adulthood, the norm remains the same, but the actual dihydrotestosterone content gradually approaches its minimum acceptable value.

Norm of dihydrotestosterone in women

In the female body, the synthesis of dihydrotestosterone occurs from androstenedione in the ovaries and adrenal glands.

The norm of the hormone is several times lower compared to the male one.

The maximum content of dihydrotestosterone is observed after the onset of puberty. Secondary sexual characteristics appear fully during this period.

Throughout most of adult life, the norm remains unchanged. It undergoes changes only during premenopause and after the onset of menopause: it decreases by 2.5 times. The interval between the minimum and maximum permissible values ​​of dihydrotestosterone remains huge.

Female age Dihydrotestosterone level (pg/ml)

Keeping dihydrotestosterone levels within normal limits is a prerequisite for women's health. When it is exceeded, women develop signs of hyperandrogenism, a disorder associated with an increase in the activity of male hormones. External manifestations are extremely unaesthetic and bring a feeling of discomfort.

A woman's clitoris increases in size, acne and hair appear in places not typical for the fair sex.

A persistent increase in dihydrotestosterone in teenage girls leads to the fact that their skeleton develops according to the male type, and their voice becomes rough.

Menstruation may be absent for a long time or constantly delayed. There is a threat of infertility.

Hair growth slows down, it loses its strength and falls out. Female pattern baldness is uncommon, but can occur with prolonged excess dihydrotestosterone.

Normal is the state of the body in which there is a strict balance between the number of female and male sex hormones.

Dihydrotestosterone: normal in children

In childhood, the DTS norm is established separately for boys and girls:

Girls develop faster, so until the age of twelve, their dihydrotestosterone levels are higher than those of boys. Then the ratio of DTS levels becomes the same as provided by nature: the children have more of it.

Deviations from the norm: reasons

Over the years, hormones in the body, including dihydrotestosterone, begin to be produced in smaller quantities. As a result, a person experiences imbalance and hormonal deficiency as separate symptoms.

But a similar situation is also possible with the development of disease processes, which are influenced not only by age. The DTS level may deviate from acceptable values ​​due to the presence of:

  • Prostate adenoma is a benign tumor of the prostate gland, which often occurs in men after forty or fifty years.
  • Hypergonadism is a syndrome caused by excessive activity of the gonads. Early sexual maturation occurs, not only physical development is disrupted, but often mental development as well. In children, the pathology is mainly associated with the presence of an inflammatory process or tumor in the hypothalamus. The cause may be hypofunction of the pineal gland.
  • Hirsutism - excessive growth in women of coarse and dark hair where only men have it (beard, mustache).
  • Neoplasms involving the gonads and adrenal tissue.
  • Androgen deficiency.
  • Morris syndrome - lack of sensitivity to androgens, one of the variants of hermaphroditism.

Hormonal therapy is often the cause of deviations in DTS levels from the norm.

Dihydrotestosterone stimulates the proliferation of prostate cells. Therefore, when tumors appear in it, drugs are used that suppress the production of 5-alpha reductase and reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone. The same medications are used in the treatment of hyperplasia.

There are cases of congenital insufficient levels of dihydrotestosterone, which provokes a decrease in libido and rapid baldness.

When is a dihydrotestosterone test prescribed?

  • low level of androgens;
  • insufficient levels of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase in the blood;
  • erectile dysfunction or decreased level of sexual desire (in females);
  • signs of prostate hyperplasia: the gland increases in size, discomfort and disruption appear during urination;
  • progressive baldness;
  • symptoms of seborrhea and acne.

It is also necessary to determine the level of the hormone in patients undergoing therapy with medications that contain 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. The analysis is needed to monitor treatment.

The test is prescribed for men who:

  • the size of the testicles decreases;
  • there is no hair in the area of ​​the armpits and pubis;
  • penis size is below average.

The reason for blood testing for women is disruption of the menstrual cycle and the development of hirsutism.

The content of dihydrotestosterone and testosterone is tested in parallel, since both hormones are related.

The functions of dihydrotestosterone in the body are important, and any deviation in its level from the norm significantly affects not only physical health, but also mental health. Therefore, like other hormones, DTS should be constantly monitored.

Dihydrotestosterone in women , like any other hormones, plays an important role in the body. Dihydrotestosterone is the most powerful androgen, which is essential for the growth of a woman’s bones and hair, the formation of her libido and the regulation of the sebaceous glands. Level dihydrotestosterone in blood women should not exceed the permissible limits or be less than the norm, otherwise serious malfunctions occur in the functioning of all body systems.

Dihydrotestosterone and the female body

To understand the role dihydrosterone in a woman’s body, it is necessary to understand what it is and how it is formed.

Dihydrotestosterone is a male hormone that, along with female hormones, predominates in the blood. Androgen, that is, the male hormone, is released adrenal cortex and partly ovaries. It is formed from testosterone (male sex hormone) with the participation of a special enzyme, a protein compound - 5-alpha reductase .

Dihydrotestosterone It has a stronger effect than testosterone and is very important for the female body.

  • participates in the functioning of the sebaceous glands and the regulation of sweating;
  • responsible for the growth of hair, muscle and bone tissue of a woman;
  • regulates female libido;
  • is an integral part of fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the body.

Norm of dihydrotestosterone in women and men

To determine any abnormalities in the production of dihydrotestosterone in the body of a woman or man, experts use standard indicators. The concentration of dihydrosterone in the female body is determined using a clinical blood test, then the indicators are compared with standard values.

Table of norms for dihydrotestosterone in men and women by age:

Age, yearsNorm for women, pg/mlNorm for men, pg/ml
To 105-25 5-50
10-12 24-450 5-50
13-18 24-450 250-700
18-50 24-450 250-990
Over 5010-181 250-700

In women of reproductive age, the norm for dihydrotestosterone is considered to be a figure that is within 24-250 pg/ml , however, during the postmenopausal period this figure is slightly reduced. The peak activity of dihydrotestosterone in the body occurs precisely during the teenage transition period, when puberty occurs. At this stage, the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood is extremely important, since this androgen is responsible for the harmonious development of the body.

Elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone

The balance of male and female hormones is responsible for the normal functioning of the genital organs and all body systems. If hormone level dihydrotestosterone in the body of a woman or girl elevated , then many systems fail. For example, in adolescence, girls show the first signs of an increase in dihydrotestosterone in the body:

These factors are not a deviation from the norm, however, if the cycle does not recover after two years, then this may be a signal increased dihydrotestosterone.

Hormonal disruptions of dihydrotestosterone often occur in adulthood.

U Women with elevated dihydrotestosterone experience the following symptoms:

Important!The occurrence of one of these symptoms may not indicate an increased level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood, but they are one of the reasons to consult a doctor.

In men The main signs of elevated dihydrotestosterone are hair loss and aggressive behavior as a result of the development of prostate adenoma or infertility. As for the female body, then The reasons for the increase in dihydrotestosterone in the blood indicate the presence of the following pathologies:

  • androgenic adrenal tumor;
  • metabolic disorders in a woman’s body;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • diabetes;
  • congenital or acquired pathological changes in the hypothalamus (division of the diencephalon, is responsible for the functioning of many systems in the body, including the control of the adrenal glands).

Reduced dihydrotestosterone levels

It also happens that the hormone dihydrotestosterone is poorly produced in women, its level is much lower than normal.

Dihydrotestosterone levels decrease for several reasons:

  • androgen deficiency;
  • Morris syndrome (congenital disorders of sexual development).
  • diabetes.

Decrease in testosterone levels and dihydrotestosterone can be determined by external signs. For example, in men with a decrease in dihydrotestosterone, hair loss begins, a decrease in muscle mass, disproportionate development of body parts and female-type obesity.

As for women, low levels of dihydrotestosterone are manifested by the following factors:

  • libido decreases significantly;
  • insomnia, fatigue;
  • dry skin.

Important!Only a specialist will be able to determine the true cause of the manifestation of such signs by examining the results of an analysis to determine the level of dihydrotestosterone in a woman’s blood. Perhaps the imbalance of dihydrosterone will not be confirmed.

Preparing for the test

If you consult a doctor with the symptoms described, he will most likely refer you for a test. analysis on determination of the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood.

In order for the analysis of dihydrotestosterone levels to show the most accurate results, you need to properly prepare for it:

  1. Analysis of dihydrotestosterone levels in women is best done on an empty stomach. If you can’t do without food, then a person is allowed to drink tea or still water. Dinner on the eve of the study should be light, low-fat and low-calorie.
  2. Three days before the test for the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood, you must stop drinking alcohol, smoking and taking strong medications.
  3. Avoid stressful situations.
  4. The analysis may give incorrect results if the patient had an ultrasound, x-ray, MRI or massage the day before.
  5. Be sure to inform your specialist about taking medications, the course of which you do not have the right to interrupt.

When to give it to women Is the analysis most successful if they are of reproductive age? When examining the level of dihydrotestosterone in the blood, one should take into account what day of the cycle for a woman it falls on this day.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure 2-4 days after the start of menstruation. Since the level of hormones associated with reproductive function may vary depending on the phases of the menstrual cycle.

Therapeutic measures

Any hormonal imbalance in a woman requires a systemic treatments that will reduce or increase dihydrotestosterone level. However, there are also non-pathological reasons high or low levels of dihydrotestosterone in a woman.

In this case, to eliminate these problems, it takes time (adolescence) and regular consultation with a doctor who will monitor the manifestation of external signs of changes in dihydrotestosterone and will be able to begin timely treatment in case of prolonged imbalance.

Dysfunction of dihydrotestosterone is observed during pregnancy , menopause and taking certain medications Goserelin, Danazol, Phenytoin and other medications.The doctor selects medications individually for each patient and depending on the cause of dihydrotestosterone dysfunction in the female body.

Dihydrotestosterone and hair loss are interconnected, since the production of a protein compound depends on the functioning of the hair follicles. Therefore, a woman’s hair begins to thin and fall out. How to downgrade In this case, the level of dihydrotestosterone? To reduce androgen in women, special medications are prescribed - blockers 5-alpha reductase .

The most common drugs that reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone in the female body are:

Reduce The production of dihydrotestosterone is greatly helped by phytoestrogens (phytohormones that are produced in plants): dwarf palm fruits, red clover, soybeans, alfalfa, mint, chamomile, sage.

Nettle, as one of the types of phytoestrogens, has beneficial action to reduce dihydrotestosterone levels in women. Oral contraceptives are also effective in normalizing the balance of DHT in a woman’s body: Yarina, Janine, Diane-35 .

Important!Medicines that reduce the level of dihydrotestosterone in a woman have a short-term effect, that is, while they are taken.

With polycystic disease, if a woman plans pregnancy , the observing doctor may prescribe the patient ovulation stimulants - solutions for intramuscular use (Puregon, Menogon) or pills Klostilbegit.

If a woman’s dihydrotestosterone level increases due to the insensitivity of tissue receptors to glucose, then it will be enough to follow a low-carbohydrate diet to lose excess weight. Over time, the hormonal balance will gradually be restored without the use of medications and the level of dihydrotestosterone production will return to normal.

With low testosterone, the doctor usually prescribes hormonal medications that will help replenish the woman’s body reserves.

In some cases, pathologies are incurable, in which case the level of dihydrotestosterone must be constantly monitored with medications.


Many women try to treat hair loss with folk remedies, vitamins and various cosmetic procedures, unaware of the serious problems with the production of dihydrosterone. However, symptomatic treatment does not provide long-term results.

Only an endocrinologist can diagnose and provide qualified assistance for hormonal imbalance of dihydrotestosterone in women. Do not self-medicate and do not neglect your health!

One of the representatives of androgens is the active hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This substance is formed from androstenedione in peripheral tissues under the action of enzyme systems. DHT is the most powerful of all natural male sex hormones.

In men, this androgen:

  • promotes the development of the prostate gland and genitals;
  • defines ;
  • affects physical development during puberty;
  • regulates libido;
  • maintains potency;
  • is .

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Rice. 1 - Elevated levels of dihydrotestosterone in men are one of the causes of early baldness.

In laboratories, the concentration of DHT is expressed in the following units: pg/ml; ng/100 ml; nmol/l. Normal levels of the hormone vary greatly at different periods of life. DHT levels reach their maximum values ​​after 15-16 years.

Table 1 - Normal values ​​of dihydrotestosterone in men.

Pathological meanings

A change in the concentration of DHT may indicate serious malfunctions in the reproductive system and other disorders. Men with pathological results of homonosis analysis should be examined by an endocrinologist, andrologist and urologist.

Elevated DHT levels

The reason for the excessive concentration of this active androgen may be excessive secretion of sex hormones in men. Also, the use of medications with steroids and congenital abnormalities of enzyme systems lead to increased levels of DHT.

Excess DHT is observed in patients with:

  • testicular feminization (Morris syndrome);
  • malignant neoplasms of the adrenal glands or testicles;
  • or testicles;
  • idiopathic hirsutism (increased expression of 5-alpha reductase in the skin);
  • hypergonadism.

The consequence of increased hormone concentrations in childhood is premature sexual development of the isosexual type. In such cases, boys experience accelerated growth, an increase in the percentage of muscle tissue, the appearance of hair on the face and body, and a mutation in the voice. An increase in the volume of the testicles and prostate, length of the penis and pigmentation of the skin of the scrotum is also detected. True full sexual development is accompanied by activation of spermatogenesis.

In adult men, excessive concentrations of DHT cause:

  • baldness;
  • hirsutism;
  • benign prostatic hyperplasia;

Rice. 2 - Dihydrotestosterone is responsible for the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics, such as hair on the face and body.

It is believed that elevated levels of this active androgen may be one of the causes of social maladjustment. Men with a high DHT score are more likely to show aggression, demonstrate impulsive behavior, and commit crimes.

If high levels of androgens are determined in patients with Morrison syndrome, then the listed features are not observed. Patients with this genetic defect have congenital tissue insensitivity to testosterone and its derivatives. In the full form of the syndrome, a female phenotype is observed (developed mammary glands, vagina) with a male set of chromosomes (46 XY).

If the cause of increased DHT secretion is a tumor of the adrenal gland or testicle, then patients usually experience an increase in symptoms over time. If the neoplasm is malignant, then the negative dynamics are especially noticeable. In addition, during tumor processes other signs of the disease may be observed (compression of surrounding tissues, hemorrhages, cancer intoxication, lymphadenopathy, etc.)

Reduced DHT

Low dihydrotestosterone levels in men are due to congenital abnormalities of steroidogenesis. If the body does not have the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, then DHT is not formed from testosterone. In men with this genetic feature, pathologies in the structure of the genital organs are already determined at the time of birth.

The role of DHT in the prenatal period is the formation of the external genitalia. If the fetus has chromosome set 46 XY, but the synthesis of dihydrotestotsterone is impaired, then the gonads will be male (testicles), and the external genitalia will be of an intermediate type.

Other reasons for decreased DHT:

  • usage .

In adolescents, a lack of DHT manifests itself in delayed puberty or delayed puberty. Most often, there is no male-type hair growth on the face and body, and there is no increase in the size of the penis, testicles, or prostate.

In adult men, active androgen deficiency is manifested by feminization:

  • the percentage of muscle mass decreases;
  • hair growth on the face and body slows down;
  • libido decreases;
  • infertility develops;
  • potency worsens.

Treatment for DHT Imbalance

Correction of DHT levels is carried out after a complete diagnosis and under the control of laboratory parameters (androgens, etc.). Treatment is most often selected by a urologist or endocrinologist.

Lowering dihydrotestosterone

Surgical treatment helps reduce DHT in cases of testicular or adrenal tumors. The adenoma (carcinoma) is surgically removed. If necessary, the intervention is supplemented with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

If there is excessive activity of 5-alpha reductase, drugs inhibitors of this enzyme can be selected for treatment. Of the medications in this series, two main ones are used in clinical practice: finasteride and dutasteride. The first of them was synthesized more than 30 years ago. It has a high affinity for type 2 alpha reductase. In medium doses, the drug reduces DHT levels by 70-90%. Dutasteride binds to both type 1 and type 2 enzymes. Due to this, its effectiveness is slightly higher than finasteride (reduces DHT by 95-98%).

Also, the level and action of male hormones are influenced by drugs with antiandrogenic effects. These drugs inhibit the synthesis of DHT or prevent its binding to receptors on target cells.

Antiandrogens are divided into 2 groups:

  • steroids (cyproterone acetate, chlormadinone acetate, megestrol acetate, spironolactone);
  • non-steroidal (flutamide, anandrone, casodex).

In case of premature sexual maturation, drugs are used that suppress the secretion of hormones from the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. For example, a boy may be prescribed synthetic analogues of long-acting lutropin-releasing hormone.

Increasing dihydrotestosterone

Dihydrotestosterone can be increased in primary and secondary hypogonadism (usually testosterone preparations are used).

In case of functional impairment, lifestyle modifications may be recommended for men. In such situations, normalizing sleep and wakefulness, moderate physical activity, good nutrition, and giving up bad habits help increase the concentration of androgens in the blood in such situations.

If the cause of DHT deficiency is 5-alpha reductase inhibitor drugs, then the issue of their discontinuation is considered.

Endocrinologist Tsvetkova I. G.

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Dihydrotestosterone surpasses other androgens and rightfully bears the name of the king of kings. Simply put, it makes a man an even more courageous person, but for the body to function normally, the balance of hormonal levels must be maintained. Dihydrotestosterone, unlike other anabolic hormones, cannot be aromatized (converted into estrogen).

Difference between DHT and testosterone

Dihydrotestosterone is a sex steroid and the most powerful androgenic hormone. The enzyme 5α-reductase synthesizes testosterone into dihydrotestosterone in the prostate gland, testicles, hair follicles and adrenal glands.

Dihydrotestosterone has an androgen receptor affinity 2−3 times greater than testosterone, and has 15−30 times greater affinity than adrenal androgens. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are together responsible for the sexual characteristics inherent in men, but their functions are different. During puberty, testosterone causes sexual desire in men, enlargement of the penis, sperm production, increased muscle size and mass, and a deepening of the voice, the so-called anabolic effects.

The hormone dihydrotestosterone is biologically important for the sexual differentiation of the male genitalia during embryogenesis, the development of the genital organs during puberty, the growth of facial, corporal and pubic hair, and the formation and maintenance of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

Causes of anomalies

Over the course of many years, dihydrotestosterone is produced in significantly less volume, then obvious signs of imbalance and hormone deficiency appear. Experts presented the concept of DHT based on age characteristics and other points that should be taken into account during testing. DHT concentrations above or below normal are typical for diseases such as:

Normal for men

The main signal for an increase in acceptable DHT values ​​is problems with hair. They begin to fall out and stop growing, which in turn leads to alopecia (baldness). Dihydrotestosterone in a man’s body affects many processes, as a result of which its reduced or excessive concentration is expressed in a number of striking manifestations. For mature men, a DHT level of 250−990 picograms per 1 ml of venous blood is considered normal. For boys aged 10-12 years, the DHT content is 5−50 pg/ml

With a lack of DHT in boys, there are obvious deviations in sexual development. They have no hair on the armpits, groin and face, the muscles of the body are atrophied, the penis may have an abnormal structure, and there is a noticeable pathological decrease in the size of the penis or testicles. In addition, these young people exhibit femininity, have an inconsistent figure, disproportionately long limbs, and they tend to be sociopathic, characterized by inflexibility or apathetic character.

Low levels of dihydrotestosterone lead to decreased libido and can cause sexual weakness. Excessive DHT also has a negative character: a significant hormonal imbalance occurs, hair growth on the head stops, accompanied by active alopecia.

Preparing for analysis

In some cases, you need to take a test to determine the level of DHT in the body. As a rule, this is prescribed if:

Experts advise taking tests to determine fasting dihydrotestosterone levels in the morning (8:00-11:00). Before starting the procedure, you can drink still water; the use of any other drinks is excluded. Avoid foods high in cholesterol the night before your tests. In addition, 2 days before the test, give up alcohol; physical exercise or heavy work is also contraindicated. According to the medical report, if the patient is undergoing any treatment, he should stop taking the medications.

Samples are repeated after a certain period of time. In addition, subsequent tests must be taken at the same time and in the same clinic. Only in this way will the results be as reliable as possible. Half an hour before blood collection, you should not smoke and be in a relaxed state, because emotional stress or stress can affect the accuracy of the tests. You cannot undergo dihydrotestosterone analysis after manipulations with electric current, radiation, physical impact and ultrasound.

Experts believe that taking certain medications can affect changes in analysis data, so you must notify your doctor about taking any medications.

Normalization of hormone levels

An overestimated level of dihydrotestosterone threatens not only baldness, but also much more significant health problems. It is possible to lower the level of the hormone in the blood only after the cause of its change has been determined. Properly selected medications by the attending physician will help both reduce and increase dehydrotestosterone levels. Therapeutic measures may be as follows:

  • in the presence of prostate adenoma or other tumor - surgery accompanied by the use of radiation or chemical therapy;
  • if the level of dihydrotestosterone has been increased due to excessive activity of 5-Alpha reductase, special drugs (Finasteride, Dutasteride) are used to reduce it.

Therapy is carried out with antiandrogen drugs that inhibit the synthesis of DHT. Early puberty is negative. It can be slowed down with the help of drugs that suppress the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

Endocrine system- quite a delicate substance. Any intrusion into its functionality can lead to irreversible processes. Never self-medicate and contact qualified medical professionals if necessary.

You can find out what dihydrotestosterone is by understanding its main functions in the human body.

One of the most important male sex hormones is dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is responsible for very important processes occurring in the male body:

  • efficient functioning of the prostate gland;
  • proper development of internal and external genital organs;
  • uniform growth of muscle mass;
  • formation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Hair Growth;
  • sexual behavior and erectility are regulated.

Dihydrotestosterone is also produced in the female body. All male sex hormones are called androgens and are produced in the adrenal glands. A woman needs male hormones for:

  • metabolism;
  • growth of bones, muscles, hair;
  • regulation of the sebaceous and sweat glands;
  • formation of libido.

Deviations in the production of dihydrotestosterone in men and women, both in the direction of increasing its concentration and decreasing the norm, can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of various body systems.

To determine deviations in the secretion of DHT in the body, its normative indicators are used. Concentration in the blood is determined by clinical analysis, the obtained values ​​are compared with standard values.

Table of norms for dihydrotestosterone levels for men and women by age:

Reduced hormone levels - causes, symptoms, treatment options

The production of DHT in a man’s body can decrease under the influence of various factors:

  • dysfunctional disorder of the gonads;
  • prostatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • tumors in the adrenal glands;
  • androgen deficiency;
  • with Morris syndrome;
  • – insufficiency of the gonads.

You can pay attention to your health and get tested to determine your hormone levels if you experience the following symptoms:

  • sudden hair loss, cessation of hair growth;
  • obesity, manifested by the female type (stomach, chest, thighs);
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • increased sweating;
  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • dry skin;
  • fatigue, depression, insomnia;
  • infertility.

Traditionally, doctors advise undergoing an examination if at least three of the above signs are present.

In boys, low hormone levels manifest themselves as follows:

  • lack of muscle mass;
  • slow hair growth, absence of hair on the face, armpits, groin;
  • a reduced penis or its abnormal structure;
  • there is femininity in the figure;
  • disproportionate development of the limbs.

How to increase hormone levels?

Most often, a decreased level of the hormone is observed in men after 30–40 years of age; this can be caused by various diseases. If hormone secretion is detected below normal, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination to identify more complex pathologies. Treatment should begin with eliminating the underlying cause.

And to increase the level of the hormone dihydrotestosterone, the endocrinologist may prescribe replacement therapy with synthetic drugs containing testosterone.

Conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone

In androgen-responsive tissues, activity increases significantly and it begins to be converted to dihydrotestosterone. This process is called testosterone conversion. The enzyme 5-alpha reductase greatly facilitates this conversion by adding two hydrogen atoms to the testosterone structure, which is why the hormone is called di-hydro-testosterone.

At the time of conversion, the bond between testosterone and dihydrotestosterone is broken, and an active steroid is formed that has a strong connection with androgen receptors. That is why it has a stronger effect on the male or female body.

Why does excess hormone occur?

The presence of prostate adenoma is the most common cause of increased dihydrotestosterone in men.

In scientific studies that were conducted with the participation of men aged 25–40 years, it turned out that everyone who was diagnosed with prostate adenoma had elevated dihydrotestosterone.

As a result of the development of a benign tumor of the prostate tissue, it increases in size and produces more hormones.

Consequences of an abnormal increase in hormone secretion in the male body:

  • , sudden hair loss;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • increased excitability;
  • aggressive, hot-tempered behavior;
  • infertility developed against the background of testicular atrophy.

With increased dihydrotestosterone in women, the body reacts completely differently, the following are observed:

  • increased growth of hair on the face, body, male type,
  • increased sweating;
  • increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • metabolic disorders, and as a result -;
  • a girl may feel increased sexual desire;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle;
  • increase in the size of the clitoris and labia.

If dihydrotestosterone is elevated in women, this may indicate serious diseases:

  • adrenal tumors;
  • infertility;

Reasons for increased hormone levels in women:

  • tumors in the ovaries;
  • unhealthy diet, obesity;
  • receiving others;
  • congenital or acquired pathology of the hypothalamus.

Sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone is observed in women with type 2 diabetes.

Hormone blocker

In order to reduce dihydrotestosterone levels, it is necessary to block 5-alpha reductase. Thanks to this enzyme, testosterone is converted to DHT. Dihydrotestosterone and hair loss are two interrelated concepts, since the production of the enzyme depends on the functioning of the hair follicles.

That is why, when hormone production is disrupted, hair falls out. Drugs that are prescribed to lower dihydrosterone levels are called 5-alpha reductase blockers. The most common are:

  • dufason;
  • finasteride;
  • cimetidine;
  • spironolactone.

In addition to synthetic drugs, phytoestrogens are used to reduce hormone production:

  • the fruits of the dwarf palm have fatty acids, resins and tannins, which reduce the activity of hair follicles;
  • stinging nettle;
  • Red clover;
  • alfalfa.

Drugs that lower androgens in women

If dihydrotestosterone is high in women, the attending physician may prescribe the following medications:

  • spironolactone;
  • metformin.

These two drugs not only suppress the action of androgens, but also interfere with their production.

Doctors may often prescribe certain contraceptives:

  • Jeannine;
  • Diana-35
  • Yarina.

When reducing hormone levels through medication, it is recommended to use herbal decoctions:

  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • sage

How to get tested

To determine the level of DHT in the body, it is necessary to donate venous blood for examination. The test for dihydrotestosterone must be carried out after special preparation:

  • 1–2 days before the test, do not drink alcohol, do not play sports and avoid physical activity, do not drink juices, do not take medications;
  • 12 hours before donating blood, do not eat, you can only drink clean water;
  • It is recommended to take it in the morning, from 8 to 11 o’clock;
  • Stress and emotional outbursts are contraindicated;
  • You cannot take a test after a massage, ultrasound, or physiotherapy;
  • to determine the level of dihydrotestosterone in women, examination should be carried out at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, on days 2–4;
  • It is recommended to re-test 2-3 more times. This must be done in the same clinic, under similar conditions.

The results of the analysis are intended only for the attending physician; drawing conclusions on your own and selecting medications to increase or decrease hormone levels is strictly prohibited.


  1. Guide for emergency doctors. help. Edited by V.A. Mikhailovich, A.G. Miroshnichenko. 3rd edition. St. Petersburg, 2005.
  2. Vloshchinsky P.E., Poznyakovsky V.M., Drozdova T.M. Physiology of nutrition: Textbook. -, 2007. -
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