Raw food diet - “A panacea for all diseases or a cross for health? My raw food experience. When will there be a complete cure and cleansing on a raw food diet? Raw food diet and diseases that we cured

Despite the huge number of diseases that humanity has been able to overcome, new and more terrible ailments are emerging that freely take the lives of thousands of people. There is no single answer to the question of how to stop them.

And if you look at the problem not from the point of view of the disease, but from the position of the body. This is a huge powerful fortress, the structure and functionality of which nature has thought through to the smallest detail. Why does this fortress fail, why does it let enemies in? Maybe it's the commander? And what can be changed to keep the fortress impregnable?

People have developed and practiced many ways to protect the body. And the most popular of them today is the raw food diet, as a branch of vegetarianism. Surrendering to the hands of nature, a person was able to defeat diseases such as:

1. Gout and uric acid diathesis

Gout is a violation of purine metabolism, as a result of which urates (salts of uric acid) are deposited in the tissues of the body. The occurrence of this disease occurs due to excessive intake of foods containing a large amount of purine bases (red meat, some varieties of fish, tea, coffee, chocolate, lentils), and due to a violation of the excretion of uric acid from the body. In the treatment of gout with the help of a raw food diet, green and fruit days are used. Nutrition these days is quite simple: 2 kilograms of apples and a kilogram of any fruit. On green days, it is recommended to eat only salads and fresh vegetables. But there is a list of foods that are prohibited for gout: spinach, sorrel, legumes, beet tops, as they contain purine bases. As a result of such a diet, the content of uric acid in the blood is normalized, and the disease does not progress.

2. Obesity

This is not just excessive body weight, delivering a bunch of complexes to its owner, but this is really a disease. The disease is complex, affecting all internal organs. After all, excess fat does not go anywhere, it is deposited on the cells of the liver, kidneys, heart, blood vessels and leads to disruption of the work of these organs. There are diseases such as atherosclerosis, renal and hepatic failure, myocardial infarction. The treatment of obesity with a raw food diet involves the exclusion of all high-calorie foods: bananas, apricots, grapes. Fruit days are also recommended and, for special indications, cucumbers and tomatoes are added to the menu. If it is rather difficult to get used to a new way of eating in the first days, vegetable salads with herbs and the addition of vegetable oil 20-30 mg / day are allowed.

3. Diabetes

An endocrine disease caused by an absolute or relative deficiency of insulin, as a result of which glucose does not enter the cell, but remains in the blood. Diabetes mellitus is of two types: type 1 is caused by insufficient production of insulin by pancreatic cells (absolute deficiency), and type 2 is the inability of insulin to deliver glucose into the cell (relative deficiency). For the treatment of diabetes, supporters of a raw food diet recommend eating vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oil on green days, and filling fruit days with strawberries, sour varieties of apples and cherries.

4. Constipation

Inability to have a bowel movement for 72 hours or more. Constipation can be of various etiologies, but most often, the cause is malnutrition. A heavy, fatty, low-fiber diet leads to a slowdown in intestinal motility and the accumulation of feces in it. The problem of constipation is dangerous because with such a long stay of feces in the lumen of the large intestine, harmful metabolic products begin to be absorbed from it, causing intoxication of the body. Therefore, a raw food diet is most indicated for people who suffer from indigestion. As a treatment, vegetables rich in fiber are ideal: peas, herbs, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, cilantro, parsley, dill. The fruit day menu should consist of pears, apples, plums, lemon, bananas, strawberries, peaches, apricots, raisins. In addition, the introduction of almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts, white seeds into the diet will be a wonderful addition. Also in the raw food diet, bread is allowed as an exception, so eating a whole grain loaf will be an important key in the fight against constipation.

5. Acute respiratory viral infections

To increase immunity, vegetables and fruits with a high content of vitamin C will be the best food. It is ascorbic acid that stimulates the synthesis of interferon, the main protein that targets the body to fight the virus. For food these days, kiwi, lemon, orange, tangerine, blackcurrant, onion, strawberry, wild strawberry, sea buckthorn are suitable; greens and spinach.

6. Oncology

This is a terrible word ... many people, having heard such a diagnosis, believe that they have already signed a sentence. But the raw food diet can also appeal against him. Each tumor is unique. It has its own nature and features of the flow. For example, it is known that neuroblastoma most often metastasizes to the bones, and osteosarcoma to the lungs. Tumor cells are very fond of glucose and "select" it from healthy cells. In turn, they become "deprived" and less viable. As for their resistance, tumor cells have great endurance. They can live and divide even in anaerobic conditions (in the absence of oxygen), while ordinary cells simply need oxygen. Therefore, when exposed to them in a variety of ways, normal cells die first, and then the affected ones. But in order to somehow help your body, a person must create the most comfortable conditions for his healthy cells: the pH of the internal environment of the body and provide antioxidant protection to cells. For this, Dr. Moerman developed a special diet. It includes:

  • freshly squeezed juices from oranges, lemons, carrots, apples, beets;
  • vegetables (cabbage, green peas, rhubarb, parsley),
  • fruits, especially rich in vitamin C.

This is not the whole list of what the raw food diet treats, I have highlighted the most basic in my opinion.

Of course, we must fight for life and health. But every doctor knows that prevention is the best cure. Therefore, it is much more important not to think about your health when it is inferior, but to take care of what nature has given.

“If in a crowd of people you see a slender and fit person with a serene look, clear and clean eyes, a good complexion, and even gnawing an apple, it will surely turn out to be a cheese eater.” So begins one of the articles on one of the many sites dedicated to the fashionable hobby - the raw food diet (or naturism, or the raw food diet). Typically, such sites include an introduction to the raw food diet, a list of practical recommendations, diaries of those who have tried the raw food diet first hand, and a list of references.

If you do not look closely, everything looks harmless and even somewhat attractive. Who among us doesn't mind losing some weight? And raw foodists do not seem to offer anything terrible or strange: eat whole, unprocessed fruits and vegetables. Well, let them be vegetarians, okay, we ourselves, Christians, are “vegetarians” for more than two hundred days a year, if you look at the matter from a purely dietary point of view. Well, let naturists also do not use soap, shampoos and medicines, this is their right, as long as they like it. And they don’t go to doctors, they think that they “all lie” - cooler than Dr. House himself.

Extremely important for a raw food diet is the division of food into “dead” and “living”, and everything that has undergone at least some processing is recorded in the “dead man”. “Everything that has undergone at least some processing, even mechanical (for example, with a mixer), is unsuitable for consumption.” This is not a convention, this is the subject of close attention of a raw foodist. This is how, for example, raw foodists write in the colorful article “Children and Grub”: “Having heard the advice of doctors, parents day and night are ready to stuff their backbiters with slop mixtures and canned food, which for some reason are considered children's food. You can write and write about the harm caused to children by dish-manipulative grub - this is an inexhaustible topic, and I will probably return to it more than once.

Well, let them toil with their own, right? Who can be offended by a gnawed carrot, an apple or a tomato? Unless - this is the division of dishes, and then the division of people into "good" raw foodists and dish lovers?

“The combined combination of all these features is almost never found in ordinary people,” writes the raw foodist, referring to the clear, clean eyes and the rest of the attractive set. “The raw-eater does not feel the need for frequent washing and the use of any perfume products for personal care. His body has no unpleasant odors. He does not smell from his mouth, or from his armpits, or from his legs, like all ordinary people who are forced to brush their teeth 2-3 times a day, use deodorants and wash endlessly so as not to suffocate in their own stench. By the way, air fresheners for the toilet are also unnecessarily for the cheese eater. there is also no unpleasant odor from its physiological secretions.”

Further more. Of course, the authors of the articles warn that a novice raw foodist will have to face a lack of understanding from relatives and friends. How to react to it? “Every naturist withstands this “psychic attack” to one degree or another, and to make it easier, you need to gradually agitate those around you, seducing them at least a little “into your faith.” Try not to spend a lot of energy on this, it is usually wasted. Like a grazing cow, eat your salad, and lazily brush away the annoyingly buzzing flies with your tail ... Have pity on your environment if it is not yet ripe to be the master of your health. Do not argue, but simply refer to the doctor who prescribed you such a vitamin diet, and you clearly feel better, it helps you ... And it is undesirable to break it - the effect disappears.

“AND SEND EVERYONE TO HELL IF THEY HAVE ANY FUCKING ABOUT THIS ABOUT. (...) the worst thing is MEAT, FISH, EGGS and everything that is made of it, as well as all these things from bright packages.

Involuntarily, you compare these recommendations with the familiar cases when, during fasting, someone from the bottom of their hearts gives you a meal. Let's remember what is the best thing to do in such cases? Pity the “immature” people around or brush them off like flies, or even send them to hell?

“About ... St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, it is said that someone went to him from the path already after the onset of Great Lent, when the saint and his family kept the strictest fast as usual and ate food only on certain days, remaining on other days completely without food. Seeing that the wanderer was very tired, Spiridon ordered his daughter to offer the traveler something to eat. She answered that there was neither bread nor flour, because the supply of this, due to fasting, would be superfluous. Then the saint prayed, asked for forgiveness and ordered his daughter to fry the salted pork meat that had happened in the house. After making it, Spiridon, having seated a wanderer with him, began to eat meat and urged his guest to do the same; and when the latter refused, calling himself a Christian, the saint said: “It is all the less necessary to refuse, for the Word of God has said: for the pure all things are pure” ( Tit. 1:15) .» (“Vegetarianism and its difference from Christian fasting.” St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia)

This is what the saint does, and this is what our contemporary, Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, does: “Moreover, sometimes it happens that a person tries, for example, to fast, and then breaks down and feels that he has desecrated his entire fast, that nothing remains of his feat. But in fact, God looks at it with completely different eyes. I can explain this to you with an example from my own life. When I was a doctor, I took care of a poor Russian family. I didn't take any money from them because they didn't have any money. But somehow, at the end of Great Lent, during which I fasted, so to speak, “brutally”, that is, without violating any statutory rules, they invited me to dinner, and it turned out that for some time they had In their absence of money, they collected pennies to buy a little chicken and treat me. I looked at this chicken and saw in it the end of my lean feat. Of course, I ate a piece of chicken - I could not offend them by refusing; but then I went to my spiritual father and said: “You know, father Athanasius, such grief happened to me! During the entire Lent, one might say, I fasted to perfection, and now, on Holy Week, I ate a piece of chicken. Father Athanasius looked at me and said: “You know, if God looked at you and saw that you have no sins, and a piece of chicken can defile you, He would protect you from this; but He looked and saw so much sinfulness in you that no chicken can defile you.” I think that many of us can remember this example in order to be honest, truthful people, and not just stick to the charter. Yes, I ate a piece of this chicken, but the point was that I ate it in order not to upset people. I ate it not as some kind of filth, but as a gift of human love. There is a place in the writings of Father Alexander Schmemann where he says: everything in the world is nothing but God's love; and even the food we eat is Divine love made edible…” ( Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh, "On Confession")

Maybe this understanding is not enough for those who declare the “harmfulness” or “usefulness” of certain products?

Maybe it's not so scary after all? Maybe the raw food diet is just a diet, and dietology has its own field. After all, a raw food diet has nothing to do with religion ... it seems?

And here, it was worth digging, a real pandemonium began in the camp of raw foodists. Involuntarily you think: oh, good people, if you would sit with your diet, chew apples and tomatoes for health, losing teeth, hair and contact with relatives and friends - this is at least ours, human, albeit vile, but everyday - but with everyone sometimes... But why, why and how did you manage to get into all this esoteric mess, which is the main dish on the raw food table? And whose mind is so sophisticated as to make the doctrine of herbivores so aggressive, paranoid and blasphemous? It's just amazing. Judge for yourself, here is an excerpt from the article “Syromoneaters - who we are” (spelling preserved).

“Perhaps during the Ice Age, plant foods became scarce and in order to survive, a person had to eat everything. Yes, and making fire also significantly influenced eating habits, because fried meat smells much tastier, and it is easier to eat. And after the meat and everything else, they began to fry and soar. With the advent of religions, such unnatural human food was finally "legitimized" in the scriptures. In Christian belief, for example, bread was proclaimed the body of Christ, and wine his blood. As Ostap Bender said, religion is the opium of the people. And there is. It intoxicates and lulls the brain. People stop thinking independently, subordinating their lives to ridiculous rituals and meaningless ceremonies, firmly believing in religious texts written by unknown people. In these dead writings, God allegedly gave man the right to kill animals and eat their meat and waste products. At different times, the Bible and other religious sources were copied many times, and the truth, originally contained in them, gradually perverted in a way that was beneficial to churchmen and rulers in order to keep the people in obedience.

Then, according to the author, some positive developments began in the world ... “The truth about real human food has been hidden from people for a very long time and carefully. But in spite of everything, some people tried to search for the truth on their own, suspecting that something was wrong in this life. There were no answers to many key questions in official sources. At the beginning of the 20th century, ancient texts in Aramaic were found in the archives of the Vatican - the Gospel of Peace from the Essenes. After these apocrypha reached the people and were made public, the official church banned them and declared them harmful. Of course, they were harmful, but only for the church, and for people they were invaluable sources of Truth.

As everything is “simple and great” it turns out, the only authority for reference is the fictional swindler Ostap Bender (although the phrase belongs to Karl Marx); “The texts of the Bible were written by no one knows who,” and the Apocrypha from the archives of the Vatican (some sources specify that they were written by the Arameans and (!) Ancient Slavs - in the second century AD) bring people the long-awaited truth ...

But let's see what is this very gospel of the Essenes? A small little book written in a “high calm”, where allegedly the words of “Jesus” are recorded, which were not included (oh, how it all stuck on the teeth!) In the “official collections” and therefore, of course, especially saturated with truth.

So, what is the main character of the book talking about with the audience? Anyone who hasn't read it won't believe it. This character, as it turns out, came to earth in order to tell people the right diet and other subtleties that will allow you to be healthy until death. For example: " Strive for the fresh air of the forests and fields, and there you will find the angel of the air. Throw off your shoes and clothes and allow the angel of air to embrace your body. Then take a long, deep breath so that the angel of air can penetrate you. Truly, I tell you, the angel of air will drive out of your body all impurity that defiled it inside and out ... Not a single person can stand before the face of God if he has not passed through the angel of air". There are also angels of water, the sun, a lot of pink snot on the theme “everything in the world is love” and detailed, colorful instructions on how to give yourself an enema. Of course, to also be cleansed. Because, judging by the text, sins and impurity are one and the same.

As a philologist, I will take the liberty of adding that the language of the little book is already very bad, full of flaws and stylistic devices that were popular in Soviet times for depicting the life of stupid homemade Slavs. In principle, there is nothing surprising in the choice of style, because the devil is the monkey of God, an imitator, incapable of creativity, only of a sideways copying.

Essenes, poor fellows, have nothing to do with the book, just like the Slavs - the opus appeared around the 70s of the XX century. Nevertheless, interest bordering on hysteria is still inherent in the theme of the Gospel of Peace. And here is how interest in this wisdom is justified by its children (spelling preserved): “I knew for sure that something was wrong with many chapters of HOLY WRITING - JESUS ​​COULD NOT FEED PEOPLE WITH FISH, EAT MEAT, DRINK WINE, TURN STONES INTO LOAVES OF BREAD, BECAUSE I KNEW ALL OF THESE POISONS! (...) I thought to myself that if I were in the place of JESUS, I would not be engaged in all this nonsense: the resurrection of the dead, other miracles, and even more so feeding people with nasty things that a person should not eat and drink at all, but would tell simple things about living food (by that time I already almost clearly understood what this living food is), because living food makes us alive, and dead food cripples and kills us, about cleansing the body, etc. (...) And when my friend found I read the Gospel of the Essenes and wept, re-read it again and again could not hold back my tears. After all, what I reached with my brains, through the analysis of what I once read and the experience of my own body, WAS WRITTEN THERE, BUT HOW! THIS IS SIMPLY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE OF YOUR OWN BODY AND SOUL! (…) THE COURSE IS CORRECT, NOW I HAVE A MAP AND A COMPASS. But about the mixing of food, which is mentioned in this scripture, I thought that JESUS ​​probably meant completely different types of food (still under the influence of delusions about protein to protein, carbohydrate to carbohydrate, and fat to fat)"...

"To die healthy" for a raw foodist is the highest good. And to achieve this good, sometimes you have to do things that are not only strange, but also frankly indecent. An example of this is the ritual gymnastics "Eye of the Renaissance", allegedly brought from Tibetan lamas by a British colonel. “It must be remembered that in order for the fountain of youth to become an active aspect of our being, it is absolutely necessary to develop an active and powerful sexual desire in the body,” the “enlightened” colonel teaches.

Or, again, about the much-desired blessings of life: “Make the command positive, short and specific. For example, "I demand Happiness, Strength and Prosperity right now!" And you will get it. When a command is spoken aloud, it becomes a Mantram, or, articulated, an instrument that you can use to set your Superconsciousness in motion,” the last chapter instructs. And then, for many, many pages, attempts to explain how the word "om" is pronounced - in general, a typical modern esoteric mishmash.

So, if in a crowd of people you see a slender and fit person with a serene look, clear and clean eyes, a good complexion, and even gnawing an apple, it will surely turn out to be a cheese eater- a man who tried to achieve health, longevity and happiness - and was cruelly deceived. Who knows, maybe it is. It's not for me to judge, and I feel sorry for them. The fact that adherents of a raw food diet are able to curb their appetite speaks of their strong will (not all of us have it), the fact that they try to achieve their goal, despite illnesses and falling fillings, speaks of perseverance, but these efforts are wasted, pecked like grains on the road.

You read the diaries of naturists and wonder how gradually and inevitably they move from a simple diet to a demonic, wild doctrine, to esotericism. How this mechanism works, I do not know, maybe it is individual for each raw foodist. I can only try to guess on my own example. It happened to me during fasting that I caught myself in vile thoughts that, of course, I was “cooler” than others, because “that uncle in the dining room took meat, but I know that it’s impossible” and so on. The source of such thoughts is understandable, it is pride - and maybe it works in the same way in the case of a raw food diet? Perhaps the doctrine of the raw food diet is based on the fact that at first a person admits the idea that he eats more correctly, then that he is the only one in the whole world who knows what is right, and the rest are idiots who kill themselves and their children (such expressions are found on naturist websites), and then all those who disagree are either a “herd” fooled by churchmen and doctors, or enemies, and there you can correct the Gospel and say “ if I were in the place of JESUS, I would not be engaged in all this nonsense "...

Maybe the whole point is that our family tends to try to get comfortable in this life, at any cost, and if a table or chair interferes with this, they are pushed aside, and if God interferes with convenience, they push Him away. After all, God, as He is, is generally very inconvenient. He said don’t understand what (especially for those who have not read the Gospel), and if you suddenly understand, it’s even worse. You have to do something, change, toil... No, it's easier to bite into a carrot and think that you're right. And in order to consider that you are right, you can adjust the words of God for yourself, refer to them and from now on live in peace. Call body secretions sins and rejoice that they come out of you without any mental labor ... It would be very convenient if salvation was achieved by sunbathing and enemas. Therefore, the little book, in which words convenient for hearing are put into the mouth of a hero with the name “Jesus”, is anti-Christian, that is, about the Antichrist. As befits the Antichrist, he offers the blessings of this world - health, peace, longevity ... And in return he demands nothing at all - turn away from God, make yourself another.

How can raw fruit lead to a terrible mistake? Just like the one and only fruit from the forbidden tree once brought to her. The fall of man was due to food.

Spiritual and physical side by side in us very closely, therefore, fasting is a weapon, and it can be dangerous, and therefore reckless or too rational use of food can harm the soul. Therefore, for salvation, for Life, a person needs to take communion, partake of the Body and Blood of the Lord. “For My Flesh is truly food, and My Blood is truly drink; whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him" ( John 6:55). There is no other way - we are so arranged.

In the most secret and ancient corners of our souls, perhaps, the memory of Paradise still glimmers. Perhaps someone finds it attractive to eat plant foods because it is natural for a person to yearn for the very dawn of the world, when unfallen man, eating the fruits of the Garden, really ate life itself. But he disobeyed, and the consequences of the catastrophe were reflected in all creation, and there was Redemption, and true Food and true Drink were again granted to man - different, new ones. To turn away from these facts and try to act as if nothing happened, as if a person to this day walks around Paradise as if nothing had happened, and is not guilty of anything, and does not feel the need for repentance, is sinless - at best, stupid at worst, fatal.

Olga Gorinova

The topic of our conversation is the treatment of cancer with a raw food diet. Everyone knows that cancer is a terrible disease. But here in Holland they recognized that this disease can be cured with a special diet. After reading the article to the end, you will understand why doctors recommend this particular treatment method.

The famous doctor, Cornelius Moerman, who lived in Holland, had to fight cancer for decades (he died in 1988 at the age of 95). He managed to find such methods of treating an insidious disease that he could even refute the basic medical axioms for this disease.

Dr. Moerman was supported by the luminaries of medicine Linus Pauling (California) and G. Domak. His practice of curing this disease only by healthy eating, they called the "great breakthrough" in the treatment of an insidious disease.

Therapeutic nutrition of Moerman

There are already results successful treatment of the disease with vegetarian food. One patient said that they took a biopsy from him, but no malignant cells were found. What was his diet like? During the day he drank mixtures according to Broyce,

Sage tea. To drink sage, boil for exactly 3 minutes. One tsp sage pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for only 3 minutes, strain. After this period of time, those enzymes that are necessary for the glands, spinal cord and cartilage between the vertebrae pass into the water. The infusion of this herb can be taken without stopping for life. The one who does this is not threatened by many diseases.

Geranium infusion. Half tsp. Leaves insist 10 minutes in a glass of hot water. Helps to get rid of all types of cancer.

In addition to infusions, the patient drank unfiltered water, about 2 liters per day, in the evening his menu included either raw pumpkin, or cauliflower, or green radish. From drinks he drank infusions of the above herbs and rose hips. Thus, he ate for more than one month. When I got tired of juices, I just ate beets, carrots, cabbage, pumpkins, sometimes apples.

How to recover from cancer

The cause of 400 varieties of cancer is known - this is a diet that is not characteristic of man. That is, most of the population eats healthy food for malignant cells, while normal cells sit exhausted, on starvation rations.

By eating animal proteins, monosaccharides, a person feeds his oncology, which is present in any organism. For the time being, diseased cells are destroyed by our immune system.

If you do not want to grow cancer cells then eat less proteins and sweets. But having refused such a favorite food, we begin to feel weak, dizzy, forgetting that we fed the cancer.

Try switching to a plant-based diet. You will soon feel an improvement in well-being, blood, disappearance of pain. If metastases have already grown, they will begin to resolve. Oncology is 100% your merit!

Tumors are living cells, which means they can be killed, suffocated by hunger. This can be done by the cancer survivor himself! It seemed that cancer was incurable, that it was a form of life that had immortality. But a person can learn to kill his tumor himself.

Raw Diet

A doctor writes about his experience of treating cancer with a raw food diet. The first example of the benefits of a "raw" diet was his stepfather, who was diagnosed with prostate cancer. A blood test showed the presence of this disease. The main indicator is the PSA norm. The higher this indicator, the more persistently the doctor suggests cutting out the prostate or undergoing radiation.

His stepfather constantly did this analysis, but once the indicator exceeded all norms. The doctor's mother persuaded her stepfather to refuse the operation, found a doctor's tape, where he promoted a raw food diet. She herself was once healed of breast cancer according to these recommendations.

Parents bought a juicer and began to prepare juices, buying carrots in large portions. A year later, the PSA indicator dropped sharply. But my stepfather was tired of vegetarianism, he wanted meat, and soon PSA rose sharply. He underwent surgery, and then underwent radiation. He abandoned the raw food diet after the operation, but it still helped him survive.

But Brand Cobb removed the tumor by 100% vegetarianism. There are still many examples when people were cured of neoplasms in the rectum.

The opinion of oncologists

The Academy of Sciences of America strongly agrees that a diet high in raw vegetables and fruits prevents cancer.

Experts believe that a raw diet helps the body get an alkaline environment, but sugar, flour, and meat oxidize the body. Cancer does not develop in an alkaline environment.

The German physiologist Otto Warburg believed that the main cause of tumors is the replacement of cell respiration with oxygen by sugar enzymes, that is, the less oxygen, the more malignant cells in the body.

Many doctors believe that a person on a “raw” diet cannot get sick with oncology, and if he is already sick, then there is a chance to be healed. All raw foodists are sure that they have already managed to avoid what the people of America are so afraid of.

But to prove it to all people is not so easy. People think that it is possible to lose weight, lower cholesterol, sugar, improve skin condition, but it is doubtful to be cured of cancer.

Finally, I want to say that the immune system is responsible for both the flu and cancer cells. A raw food diet gives her the opportunity to work better and rid the body of malignant tumors.

Watch the video to prove that global healing is possible

School of Yuri Okunev

Hello. With you Yuri Okunev.

And today we will talk with you about what diseases can be cured by a raw food diet. Is natural nutrition really omnipotent and can cure everything from the common cold to cancer? How does healing take place? Let's talk about everything in order.

Today, medicine is developing at a rapid pace. Thousands of new drugs of the latest generation are produced, clinical examinations are carried out using the most powerful technology. With the development of medicine ... the list of diseases is growing and the percentage of a healthy population is falling. Why is this happening?

There is one little secret here. My next words may not please pharmacists and doctors. And yet it is so. Our body is a super-perfect invention of nature, which is capable of many things:

  • Perfectly holds the defense against all viruses and microbes;
  • Can repair itself in case of a "breakdown" (self-healing from diseases);
  • Possesses the increased endurance in any climatic conditions.
  • The human intestine is able to produce itself substances that are the building material for the body - amino acids from living plant foods.
  • In a normal state, complex and effective mechanisms of self-regulation operate in the body of a healthy person. Even if the "guards" did not cope with their task and the body fell ill, there is a mechanism of self-healing, the so-called crisis.
  • And finally, certain structures are responsible for thermoregulation. A person should not freeze in the coldest weather. The danger of getting sick from hypothermia is excluded.

Thus, by nature, we should not get sick.

Where is the mistake?

However, we are sick. Someone 1-2 times a year, seasonally, and someone almost never gets out of the hospital. The percentage of cancer patients is growing, doctors scare me with one or another epidemic, they force them to be vaccinated.

What's the catch here?

And the reason lies in a healthy diet, necessary for the proper formation of intestinal microflora. Such nutrition is living natural food - herbs, fruits and berries in the form in which they grow.

Microflora is to blame

If we eat just such food, we have a healthy microflora, the body is clean. All enzymes do their job: remove toxins, fight microbes, maintain normal metabolism, make sure that foreign cells do not invade tissues. If an infection or microbe accidentally enters such an organism, they will immediately be attacked and rendered harmless.

What happens if we eat cooked food? Enzymes die in boiled food; such food cannot dissolve on its own. And the body calls for help all its forces to digest a portion of lunch. The remains of undigested food clog the intestines, catalyzing the processes of fermentation and putrefaction, gradually poisoning us. Work in the body is added not even twice, but ten times.

What if an infection gets into such an organism? There will simply be no one to expel her: the guard enzymes are busy with a completely different job - digesting food and fighting toxins and toxins. The body gets sick.

Where do sores feet grow from?

In his book "Raw food" Yerevan researcher Aterov gives the following classification of diseases.
Diseases are:

What can be caused by a lack / overabundance of substances?

  • Lack of dietary fiber (fiber) in food;
  • Excess fats and foreign "easily digestible" proteins in meat and fried foods;
  • The presence in food of additional (not needed by the body) chemical compounds - salt, sugar, enhancers;
  • Medicines - an excess of chemistry.

The list, if desired, can be continued.

The vast majority of known diseases of mankind, including cancer, fall under this classification. As an example, let's try to deal with some of them.

List of diseases that can be cured.


One has only to resort to the method of raw food diet and diabetes can recede. There is evidence that when switching to a natural diet, type 2 diabetes is completely cured, and with type 1 disease, it is possible to reduce the dose of insulin in the form of drugs to a large extent.
Healing is facilitated by:

  1. Exclusion from food of fast carbohydrates;
  2. Switching to a low-calorie diet;
  3. Select foods high in vitamins.


Excess calories in the food eaten very quickly develops into extra pounds, which accumulate and lead to obesity. Is it that dangerous? Fat deposits on the walls of internal organs - the liver, kidneys, heart - can lead to serious disturbances in their work. That is why obesity is often recognized as a disease.

Can a raw food diet cure cellulite? Yes maybe. The exclusion from the diet of boiled, fried and high-calorie foods allows you to lose from 4 to 8 kg of excess weight per month without significantly limiting the portions eaten.

Skin diseases

The skin is an important organ of the human body, one of its functions is to remove toxins and impurities to the outside. Skin diseases are often associated with the fact that this function is overloaded. The transition to natural nutrition helps to cleanse all systems, which means that the skin is also cleansed. Thus, a raw food diet helps to get rid of acne and cure furunculosis.

Above, we discussed that the raw food type of nutrition helps to strengthen the immune system and restore the mechanism for fighting infectious diseases, including skin diseases. In particular, such a seemingly intractable disease as psoriasis can be treated without difficulty by a raw food diet.

The fact is that psoriasis is just an external manifestation of the internal problems of the body, the presence of a large accumulation of pus and mucus. In this case, in addition to the practice of a raw food diet, fasting and cleansing are useful.


A raw food diet also helps with varicose veins. One of the causes of this disease is the consumption of a large amount of fatty and salty foods, which contributes to the accumulation of water in the body and swelling. The abundance of fresh vegetables and fruits will get rid of excess salt and normalize the water balance, as well as strengthen the walls of blood vessels, make them elastic.


According to statistics, almost half of the male population of mature age is familiar with such a diagnosis as prostatitis. This disease is due to the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, this process is not amenable to traditional drug treatment. A raw food diet helps to cope with any focus of inflammation, and prostatitis will not be an exception.

Eating food without heat treatment releases all our reserve forces. The acidic environment of the body, favorable for the development of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation, is replaced by an alkaline, healthy one. According to reviews of raw foodists, the symptoms of prostatitis go away after a month of practicing this diet.


Perhaps the most terrible diagnosis is the news that a cancerous tumor has been discovered. Despite all the efforts of doctors, oncology is still one of the incurable and deadly diseases. I will say this, by switching to a raw food diet and cancer can be cured.

As a rule, cancerous diseases are the result of neglected and advanced inflammatory processes. When the body “suffocates”, unable to fight any more with foreign cells, then these cells get out of control, grow excessively fast, taking away glucose reserves from healthy cells, and turn into an extensive tumor.

Give your body a "breathe", switch to a raw food diet, release overloaded enzymes - and they will cope with cancer on their own. To date, special clinics have been created (although there are not many of them), which treat cancer patients with a raw food diet. I will write more about this in a separate article.


Any disease is the result of malnutrition. Our body has all the strength to cope with any, even the most non-standard situation. For centuries, we have been told that "diseases must be treated."

Friends, the disease does not need to be cured. Illness is a manifestation of the body's response, it is its protest against poor-quality and inadequate nutrition. Settle dietary issues, start eating healthy living food - and diseases will go away on their own. The body will kick them out.

Therefore, try it, it is quite possible that a raw food diet will save you from any diseases.
The mechanism of self-healing is described in detail in a small book by Pavel Sebastyanovich "Why cows are predators" I recommend reading.

If you are thinking about how to switch to a raw food diet painlessly, I recommend a course of practice with five years of experience by Denis Terentiev "The system of effective transition to a raw food diet".

This is where I end. If you have experience of curing diseases with the help of a raw food diet, write in the comments about it. Subscribe to blog news, share with friends on networks.

Health and prosperity to you!
See you later. Sincerely, Yuri Okunev.

Raw food for the whole family. 8 steps to live nutrition Dmitry Evgenievich Volkov

Raw food for the treatment of diseases

The founder of scientific dietology about the raw food diet

Pevzner Manuil Isaakovich (1872–1952) - therapist, one of the organizers of the Institute of Nutrition, founder of dietology and clinical gastroenterology in the USSR, Honored Scientist. He developed a nutritional system for groups of diseases, consisting of 15 diets.

From the 1950s to the present day, in medical and preventive and sanatorium-resort institutions, the traditional Pevsner numbered diet system has been used for nutrition in certain diseases. And in medical institutions, with minor changes, Pevzner's dietary tables are used.

How did the founder of dietology, gastroenterology, who headed the laboratory for the study of the therapeutic effects of nutrition for more than 20 years, use a raw food diet for various diseases? "Raw food, poor in sodium chloride, is exceptionally favorable for fat loss in obesity, has a very low calorie content, is rich in enzymes and other substances that favorably affect carbohydrate metabolism."

Benefits of raw food over cooked food according to Pevsner

Pevzner, relying on his own research and the results of research by other specialists, indicates the following advantages.

1. Raw plant food makes a person chew hard, which contributes to better utilization of food.

2. There are indications that in people who are accustomed to raw food, the proteins and carbohydrates of the latter are well utilized. Good utilization may depend on the presence of proteolytic enzymes in raw plant foods.

3. Raw food better provides the body's need for certain vitamins.

4. With raw food, more mineral salts are introduced that are not denatured by cooking.

5. Raw food, which retains its natural aroma and taste, requires less seasoning and table salt.

6. Raw plant foods contain up to 80% water and therefore cause less thirst than any other.

7. Raw plant food gives a quick saturation with a smaller amount (at least for a short time).

8. Vegetable fiber and vitamins enhance intestinal motility.

9. Raw food contains a large amount of oxidases, peroxidases and catalytic enzymes (pectins and pentoses). Substances found in raw plant foods that give an oxidase and peroxidase reaction, presumably play a large role in metabolism: studies, for example, have shown that the juices of raw vegetables and herbs very sharply increase the appetite in rabbits, and in humans (in some cases) increase and main exchange.

10. Nitrogen balance can be achieved with less protein.

Fruit and green days according to Pevzner

Pevsner identified two types of raw food, different in mechanism of action - fruit days, when 1–1.5 kg of apples or 1 kg of berries are prescribed, and green days, when the food consists exclusively of raw salads and raw vegetables.

“In patients on a complete raw food diet, the content of uric acid in the blood decreases by 1–2 mg. But in this case, it is necessary to exclude legumes and some other products containing purine bases (sorrel, spinach, beet tops, etc.) from the menu.

Raw food diet for various types of diseases

Pevsner developed serious regimens for the treatment of many diseases using a raw food diet. Treatment of obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, diseases of the skin, nervous system, kidneys, liver and other diseases.

Already in the 50s, a powerful scientific MEDICAL base for the use of a raw food diet was created in the USSR. One of the leading scientific institutions of its time.

Despite the fact that these results are not currently used in medicine, all modern dietetics in Russia is based on the work of Pevzner's laboratory.

Shatalova's system of natural healing

Doctor of Medical Sciences G. S. Shatalova conducted large-scale research and deduced a number of laws for the optimal health of the body. In contrast to the medical “practically healthy”, Shatalova introduces the concept of “objective health”.

An objectively healthy person who eats plant foods with a minimal inclusion of processed foods, as it turned out in practice, does not get sick at all: “The organs are clean, immunity is at its maximum. Marathon endurance, walrus hardening. He is vigorous, extremely active and self-sufficient.

These results are a scientifically described state for G. S. Shatalova herself and her followers. This is the honest position of a doctor and a scientist - first of all, apply their recommendations to themselves.

Shatalova conducted a huge amount of research, experiments and created a serious scientific theory of natural human healing based on plant-based nutrition and physical activity. In 1980, at 65, she looked at a very attractive 40 and infected with her charm. In 1990, Shatalova, together with former patients, cheerfully crossed the Karakum - about 500 km in fifty-degree heat. Now she is 96 years old.

Ugolev's theory of adequate nutrition

Academician Ugolev proved (or rather, confirmed what was known before him) that food can dissolve itself only if it is raw. In it, by nature itself, there are substances (enzymes) that dissolve it in the stomach, and living food digests itself.

Studying in detail the systems and organs of the digestive system, Ugolev came to the conclusion that the theory of a balanced diet is not justified, and formulated a new theory of adequate nutrition, which implies nutrition that corresponds to a person as a species, his digestive organs and needs (this is, undoubtedly, eating fresh plant foods) .


As we can see, only people who have not studied the founder of dietology Pevzner, do not know the basics of physiology and biochemistry, are unfamiliar with the landmark discoveries of Pavlov, Sechenov, Mechnikov - the pillars of Russian science, can only say that a raw food diet is harmful, do not know the theory of adequate nutrition Ugolev , which reasonably replaced the outdated theory of a balanced diet.

History repeats itself. At the beginning of the 20th century, just like now, vegetarianism, a raw food diet, live food and thinking were reborn. Apparently, these are eternal ideas that constantly arise throughout the history of mankind.

At least 100 years ago, vegetarianism and a raw food diet became widespread in Russia and around the world. From the 1920s to the 1950s in the USSR, the raw diet was a scientifically based medical method.

Our task is to voice and eliminate the most important cause of mortality on the planet, take into account the experience of our predecessors and prevent a new decline and oblivion of proper nutrition that gives life!

This text is an introductory piece. From the book Essential Medicines Handbook author Elena Yurievna Khramova

From the book Skin and Venereal Diseases author Oleg Leonidovich Ivanov

From the book Proper Nutrition - Long Life author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

From the book From your vessel author Gennady Petrovich Malakhov

From the book Sobbing Breath Heals Cardiovascular Diseases author Yuri Georgievich Vilunas

From the book Massage for Respiratory Diseases author Svetlana (Snezhana) Nikolaevna Chabanenko

From the book Treatment of Thyroid Diseases author Galina Anatolyevna Galperina

From the book Headache. Release and forget. Forever and ever author Irina Germanovna Malkina-Pykh

From the book Sage from 100 diseases author Yuri Konstantinov

From the book Clean Vessels according to Zalmanov and even cleaner author Olga Kalashnikova

author Lao Ming

From the book 700 Chinese Exercises for the Treatment and Prevention of 100 Diseases author Lao Ming

From the book Kvass is a healer of 100 diseases. Over 50 healing recipes author Tatyana Alexandrovna Litvinova

From the book Alternative Cancer Treatment. Method N. Shevchenko and other author's methods author Igor Pavlovich Samokhin

From the book Living capillaries: The most important factor in health! Methods of Zalmanov, Nishi, Gogulan author Ivan Lapin

From the book Spinal Health author Victoria Karpukhina
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