Contributing to the effective removal of sputum can. How to remove mucus from the bronchi at home. Traditional recipes for removing phlegm

How to remove phlegm from the lungs? The question is quite relevant, as it is directly related to the lifestyle of each person.

Causes of lung diseases

Lung diseases in modern society are a common occurrence, provoked by many factors. This:

All this leads to an imbalance in the functioning of the pulmonary system and the accumulation of mucus and phlegm in it - substances containing toxins and microbes and carrying a potential danger to the entire body, and especially to the respiratory system. A reduced supply of oxygen to the body, the inability to breathe normally, and a painful cough that does not provide relief prompt urgent measures to be taken to restore the full functioning of the respiratory organs. How to remove phlegm from the lungs?

An integrated approach to treatment

The process of getting rid of foreign substances should be carried out in two directions. The purpose of the first is to dilute sputum, reducing its thickness and viscosity. In parallel, it is necessary to stimulate the activity of the epithelium (mucous membranes of the respiratory system) and muscles, which promotes the removal of mucus from the respiratory system.

To remove harmful impurities, an integrated approach is required, consisting of:

  • ingestion of expectorant and thinning drugs, pharmaceutical or self-prepared;
  • carrying out inhalations aimed at separating sputum;
  • performing breathing exercises with procedures, if possible;
  • regular air humidification and saturation with phytoncides;
  • avoiding dehydrating drinks (coffee, alcohol).

"Oatmeal" way to get rid of phlegm

The use of home remedies is effective, one of which is whole grain oats, preferably unwashed. They need to be filled with 0.5 liters of milk (per glass of product). Boil the resulting composition over low heat until its volume is reduced by half, rub through a sieve, which will yield ½ cup of mushy liquid. This mixture is intended for a single dose, preferably before meals. The healing drink needs to be prepared three times a day. After a week of treatment, a long cough (from 20 minutes to half an hour) will begin to remove mucus from the lungs. How to remove phlegm from the lungs in other ways?

Conifer cones to help

An effective safe remedy for people suffering from respiratory diseases (pneumonia, chronic bronchitis), as well as for heavy smokers, is a mixture based on a piece of pine resin and 3 green cones, previously washed under running water. These components should be poured with ½ liters of boiling milk, left in a thermos for 3-4 hours, strained through gauze folded in several layers. The cones are suitable for reuse at least 2 more times. The resulting pine milk should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach and before bedtime in the amount of 1 glass. The duration of such treatment is 1-2 months.

How to remove phlegm from the lungs at home? In folk medicine, the task of which is to teach a person to independently fight ailments, a recipe based on the disinfecting properties of coniferous trees is considered effective for improving the respiratory system. Indeed, pine needles contain essential oils that perfectly thin and remove mucus. At the end of May - beginning of June, it is recommended to stock up on spruce shoots - soft, non-thorny, bright green, growing at the ends of the branches, from which you can subsequently prepare medicine. Place fir needles and sugar in a clean liter jar, compacting them tightly with a wooden masher. Place the glass container in the refrigerator for 3 weeks, then strain the contents through cheesecloth. The finished composition in the form of green syrup should be taken a dessert spoon 3 times a day before meals. This cleansing is recommended to be done once a year. Toxins and dirt accumulated during this period will successfully leave the body, which will have a positive effect on the functioning of the respiratory system.

Treatment with pine buds

Resinous pine buds promote the removal of sputum, a decoction of which can also be given to children. They should be collected in May-June and then dried.

The healing decoction is prepared as follows: pine buds in the amount of 2 tbsp. l. you need to pour ½ liters of water and boil for 1 hour in a water bath. Then wrap and leave for 1-2 hours. Drink in three doses throughout the week, half a glass, with honey added to taste. Relief will be felt after the first dose of the medicine.


How to remove phlegm from the lungs? You can successfully help yourself with the help of speleotherapy - staying in microclimate conditions in which the main active substance is negative air ions, as well as a fine aerosol of sodium, magnesium, and calcium salts. Inhalation of such substances helps to activate the process of liquefaction of sputum in the lungs and its successful removal to the outside. The frequency and intensity of cough decreases, sputum becomes less viscous and is easier to cough up. How many times should you visit salt mines?

A speleotherapy session lasts from 2 to 9 hours. The optimal course of treatment consists of 15-30 procedures, 2-3 sessions per week. The procedures have a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole, as the following occurs:

  • strengthening the immune system,
  • normalization of heart function and blood circulation,
  • stimulation of deep breathing,
  • moisturizing and cleansing the lungs,
  • getting rid of allergic and inflammatory processes.

Also, staying in a salt cave is accompanied by a calm and relaxed state, which has a positive effect on the human nervous system.

Treatment of pulmonary diseases with mustard baths

Mustard baths are very useful for removing phlegm from the lungs, the effect of which is similar to the use of mustard plasters. Only the warming effect of mustard plasters extends to a clearly defined area of ​​the body, and taking a bath extends to the entire body, including internal organs.

Preparing mustard baths at home is quite simple. It needs to be diluted in a few tablespoons of water to a pasty state. Pour the resulting mixture into a pre-filled bath at the rate of 100 grams of powder per 20 liters of water, the temperature of which should not exceed 38 o C. The first procedure should not last more than 5 minutes. After carrying out this procedure, you should rinse with warm water, washing off the remaining mustard, wipe dry and put on warm pajamas or a terry robe. It is advisable to take a mustard bath before bed.

You can repeat the procedure every other day, increasing the amount of mustard powder to 200 grams per 20 liters of water, and the procedure time to a quarter of an hour.

Inhalation with balm “Zvezdochka”

The well-known “Zvezdochka” balm, the use of which is very effective when carrying out inhalations (introducing drugs into the body by inhaling them), can help in removing phlegm from the lungs.

To carry out the procedure, you need to take a balm, the volume of which is equal to a match head, and dissolve it in half a liter of boiling water. Inhale the resulting composition for 15 minutes. Vietnamese “Star” is a balm, the use of which:

  • thins mucus and reduces its viscosity;
  • accelerates the removal of sputum;
  • enhances the activity of the ciliated epithelium;
  • reduces dryness of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract.

Removing mucus from the lungs with herbs

Warm herbal infusions will help remove phlegm from the lungs. An infusion, the components of which are:

  • coltsfoot leaves and anise fruits (1 part each);
  • marshmallow rhizomes and thyme herb (2 parts each);
  • licorice rhizomes (5 parts).

The above components should be crushed and combined. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture should be poured into a glass of cool water and left to brew for a couple of hours in a warm place. Then bring the medicinal composition to a boil, pour into a thermos and leave for about an hour. Filter. Drink warm on an empty stomach, a quarter glass 3 to 4 times a day.

You can effectively cleanse your airways with a herbal mixture of:

  • oregano (1 part),
  • rhizomes of marshmallow herb coltsfoot (2 parts each),
  • honey (to taste),
  • fresh lemon zest, grated.

You need to combine a tablespoon of the resulting herbal collection with 2 glasses of water, boil it, pour it into a thermos, add honey and zest. Drink in 3 doses before meals, at the rate of 100 grams per dose. The duration of herbal therapy is from 5 to 9 days.

Folk recipes

Banana decoction is effective, the preparation of which requires boiling 250 ml of water with 50 g of sugar. Remove from heat and add 2 mashed bananas to the resulting syrup. Sweet medicine will help quickly get rid of phlegm in the lungs.

An effective home remedy is an expectorant mixture made from black radish. In a well-washed root vegetable, you should cut off the growing point, cut out a depression (about a third of the fruit), which is filled with honey.

Place the radish, tail side down, into a glass of water. Let it brew, then drink the honey medicine and fill the vegetable with a new portion of honey.

The process of removing mucus from the body can be quite lengthy. It depends on the general health of the child or adult, what the symptoms are, the causes, what remedies were used before. In order for the cleansing to be maximum, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules and then how to get rid of phlegm in the bronchi will not be an unresolved problem. The most popular tips for those who do not know how to further clear mucus from the bronchi.

To successfully begin draining fluid from the bronchial area (especially if it is viscous), you need to contact your family doctor or a specialized specialist. He will help confirm a specific diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment, medications and additional drugs - depending on what the symptoms of this process are in a child or adult.

It is important to remember that cleansing will be complete if:

  1. Drink more fluid. It is necessary to liquefy the mucus in the bronchi. Water is a universal medicine that stops the formation of many
    diseases. It is water that affects the causes and symptoms, making negative manifestations less active.
  2. The drink will be exceptionally warm. Its alkaline component is important. So, we are talking about warm milk with the addition of soda or simple mineral water. Treatment will also be successful when using herbal infusions, which can thin the mucus in the bronchi.
  3. Humidification of the air in the room will be ensured. This is important not only for the child, but also for the adult. Humidifiers can be used to stop mucus formation. Patients use one more method: hanging wet towels or just clothes on heating radiators.

Special exercises

In order to get rid of fluid in the bronchi area, you can perform special exercises. Such treatment will not be complete if you do not use thinning drugs, as well as other agents and medications. However, the set of measures presented guarantees 100% output characteristics.

The technique recommended by otorhinolaryngologists is called postural drainage. Sputum in the bronchi, when used, disappears after 5-6 sessions. It is recommended to perform at least 2 exercises daily in order for the treatment and medications to be effective:

All about steam inhalations

Treatment of pathology using steam inhalation is another effective remedy. Its advantage is that it eliminates not only the symptoms, but also the factors in the development of the disease. Also, the use of inhalations is autonomous and can completely eliminate the need to use folk remedies or use special medications.

Steam allows you to activate the outflow of blood and lymph in the respiratory organs, which allows you to get rid of phlegm. The following inhalation agents and medications can be used at home:

What you should know about expectorants

Expectorants help thin mucus and speed up its removal from the respiratory tract. The presented products are associated with different principles of influence, despite the fact that they provide 100% treatment. We are talking about a reflex effect, that is, on the gastric region, bronchial glands. The latter makes it possible to increase the rate of mucus secretion.

Reflex components include the root part of marshmallow and licorice, thermopsis herb and thyme. If we talk about the direct effect, then it is characterized by an effect on the sputum itself and the bronchi, which provides treatment and alleviates all symptoms. This group includes mucolytics, essential oils and other drugs.

Such remedies are prescribed for diseases that are accompanied by a wet cough, as well as the production of thick sputum. This is true even for a child with acute and chronic types of bronchitis, asthma and other similar diseases. At home, plants such as:

  • black radish (juice mixed with natural honey);
  • coltsfoot;
  • St. John's wort;
  • ivy;
  • root part of marshmallow;
  • sea ​​buckthorn berries.

If you quickly remove all the mucus, the bronchial area is very easily cleared and we can talk about recovery.

Therefore, in order to know how to remove phlegm from the bronchi, it will be enough to remember simple rules and recommendations. Strict adherence to them and periodic consultations with a doctor are important. This is what will help achieve a quick recovery without the likelihood of relapses and complications.

Mucus, which is produced by the bronchi, is considered the natural protection of the respiratory system from dust, harmful microorganisms and foreign objects.

However, sometimes too much mucus is produced. This is a sign of the development of various pathologies.

This condition is characterized by the appearance of a cough and a general deterioration in health. Therefore, many people are interested in how to clear the bronchi of mucus using folk remedies.

general information

In the bronchi of healthy people, exactly as much mucus is formed as can be released naturally. However, when inflammation occurs in the organs of the respiratory system, this process is disrupted.

This is especially true for smokers and people who abuse fatty foods.

To cope with bronchitis, you need to clear the airways of a large amount of secretions. It is important to take into account that sputum can have a different character.

In particular, doctors highlight:

  • mucous secretion of moderate viscosity;
  • serous and watery secretion;
  • mucopurulent discharge with bloody clots;
  • green-yellow purulent mucus.

Dealing with thick secretions is much more difficult. It accumulates on the walls of the bronchi and causes bouts of prolonged coughing, but does not bring relief to the person.

This is due to the fact that phlegm is not coughed up. In such a situation, the relevant question is how to dilute the secretions.

To cleanse the bronchi from mucus accumulation, the following methods are used:

  • Mucolytics are used to thin the secretion, reduce its thickness and viscosity;
  • Expectorants help stimulate the activity of smooth muscles and cilia.

Doctors often prescribe medications that have an expectorant and mucolytic effect.. However, many people prefer to be treated with folk remedies.

Traditional methods of treatment

Many people are interested in how to remove mucus from the lungs and bronchi. For this, it is recommended to use decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants.

Cleansing the bronchi from mucus can be done using the following products:

Therapeutic inhalations

How to reduce phlegm production? To do this you need to do therapeutic inhalations. The most effective means include:

  1. Potato. To prepare a healing decoction, you need to boil the vegetable directly in the peel. Then you need to bend over the pan and cover your head with a towel. Take slow and deep breaths. You need to perform 2 procedures per day.
  2. Herbal infusions. To carry out inhalation, you need to brew dry or fresh herbs. An excellent option would be clover, thyme, and St. John's wort. You can also use dill. It takes at least a quarter of an hour to prepare the decoction.

When answering the question of how to remove phlegm from the bronchi, one cannot help but recommend medicinal compresses. To do this you need to use the following recipes:

It is important to consider that warming compresses are strictly prohibited when the temperature rises above 37.5 degrees. Otherwise, your health may seriously deteriorate.

To speed up the process of clearing the respiratory tract of secretions, you need to perform special exercises.

They help speed up metabolic processes and stimulate the elimination of harmful microorganisms.

To perform such gymnastics you need to do the following:

  • take a deep breath;
  • hold your breath for 3 seconds;
  • Purse your lips tightly and pull them forward a little;
  • blow out some air strongly and hold the exhalation for 3 seconds;
  • release a small amount of air again;
  • repeat the procedure until all the air comes out.

Contraindications to cleansing

Each method of bronchial cleansing has certain limitations. Therefore, it is permissible to use folk remedies only after consulting a specialist.

The main contraindications to such procedures include the following:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • weakened immunity;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • convulsions;
  • active stage of tuberculosis;
  • genetic abnormalities;
  • malignant formations.

Cleansing the bronchi from mucous secretions can be done using folk remedies. However, before using a specific recipe, you should definitely consult your doctor.

In some cases, such manipulations can only make you feel worse.

Sputum when coughing is a phenomenon familiar to many people, even those with good health. The cause of expectoration is the abundant accumulation of mucus during colds.

Respiratory infections can cause complications, then the sputum is supplemented with bloody and purulent impurities. To be successful, you need to learn more about the nuances of sputum produced.

In the organs of the respiratory system (lungs and bronchi), mucus is constantly formed. This is a normal physiological phenomenon, sputum is important. Mucus helps cleanse the body of dust, pathogenic microorganisms, and foreign bodies that enter the bronchi during breathing.

Important. Sputum contains special cells that have antibacterial properties. And the cilia (hair extensions), which grow abundantly on the bronchial mucosa, help remove mucus.

Normally, sputum is constantly released, but in very small quantities; a healthy person does not even notice it.

But, as soon as a respiratory infection establishes itself in the body, sputum begins to be produced in large quantities. The pathological process begins.

The main culprits of excessive mucus are influenza, acute respiratory infections, bronchitis, ARVI, pulmonary inflammation and various manifestations of asthma and allergies. In order for it to be effective, you need to understand the cause of this phenomenon by examining the mucus:

The body's normal reaction to an abundance of mucus is coughing. If the expectorated mucus is viscous and difficult to separate, the cough is unproductive (dry).

The task of doctors in this situation is to transform the cough into a wet one, with expectoration. What drugs do doctors use that remove phlegm?

How to remove mucus from the bronchi

To relieve cough symptoms and help the body clear phlegm, doctors use two types of expectorants:

Mucolytics (secretolytics). Medicines, reducing viscosity mucus And helping her liquefaction. Mucolytic agents are used only for dry cough (non-productive).

As soon as the patient sputum begins to come out, taking mucolytics stops.

The most common drugs of this type include:

  • herbal medicines Linkas, Tussamag, Mukaltin (Alteyka, Mukaltin-Lect), Prospan (Gedelix, Gerbion);
  • synthetic drugs: ACC (Acetylcysteine ​​sedicone, Muconex, Fluimucil), Bromhexine (Solvin), Carbocysteine ​​(Libexin-Muco, Mucosol, Fluditek, Fluifort), Lazolvan (Bronchorus, Ambrobene, Flavamed, Ambroxol).

Secretomotor drugs. Medicines that affect the muscles of the bronchi. This medicine removes mucus from the bronchi by stimulating the muscles of the organs. These drugs are used in the presence of a wet cough.

Medicines of the second type include:

  • herbal preparations: breast mixtures No. 1, 2 and 3, Althea and Licorice syrups, thermopsis, Sinupret, Bronchicum-S (Gelomirtol), Doctor IOM;
  • synthetic drugs: Terpincode, ACC, Ambroxol (Ambrosan), Bromhexine, Bronkatar, Codelac, Tussin.

Such medicines relieve symptoms, but not clean up . Use their doctors only as one from areas of complex treatment diseases. To ensure complete removal of sputum, doctors include some folk recipes.

Removing phlegm from the bronchi using traditional medicine

To help the bronchi remove mucus, every evening before bed drink a glass of warm milk with dissolved in it honey and beaten yolk. You can also add to milk a pinch of soda, mineral water with alkali (20-25 ml). Other recipes will also work:

Onion syrup. Finely chop a large onion. Place the pulp in a container (preferably glass) and mix with granulated sugar (50 g). Seal the jar tightly and leave for 10-12 hours. The finished medicine can be taken orally without filtering. It should be drunk 20 ml every 2-3 hours.

Cocoa paste. Mix cocoa powder, interior fat (preferably pork) and honey (25 ml of each ingredient). If the medicine is prepared for adults, you can include Eleutherococcus extract in alcohol (35-40 drops). The resulting portion of the drug is designed for one day. The medicine must be taken in 3-4 doses.

Oatmeal broth. Rinse a glass of unpeeled oat grains well and steam it with boiling water (5 glasses). Simmer the oats over low heat for 50-60 minutes, cool and filter. The finished medicine must be drunk completely in parts over the course of a day.

Such folk remedies successfully help to remove sputum in adults and children over 5 years old. But for the tiniest patients there are other medications.

How to clear phlegm from bronchi in babies

When treating cough with babies, you cannot act in the same way as with adults. Abundant mucus in the bronchi of a baby is a dangerous symptom, because the baby does not yet know how to cough, and the bronchial lumen is very narrow and easily clogged with mucus. What measures will help remove mucus from the bronchi in the smallest children?

Humidify the air in the nursery more often using humidifiers, or simply throwing wet towels over the radiators. During a difficult period, give your baby more warm drinks and regularly massage his back in the area of ​​the shoulder blades. Such the method helps a lot cope with expectoration.

Medicines. Pediatricians recommend for treating children following, removes phlegm in babies first year of life. These are ACC and Ambroxol. These medications stimulate expectoration and help the small organism strengthen the immune system.

Folk remedies. Doctors do not recommend getting carried away with traditional recipes when treating young children. with the help of advice from healers? Of the many drugs suitable for babies the following means:

  • decoctions of St. John's wort, thyme, coltsfoot, ivy and licorice root;
  • natural honey mixed with crushed radish (for children over 3 years old and without allergies);
  • mustard plasters placed on the baby’s calves (use store-bought products, do not try to prepare them yourself);
  • curd cakes, they are made from heated cottage cheese, previously placed in a cloth (procedure time 1-1.5 hours);
  • figs in milk (2-3 dried fruits are boiled in a glass of milk), the medicine is suitable for children of kindergarten age, it should be drunk 100 ml at night;
  • compresses made from boiled potatoes, to which iodine (1-2 drops) and vegetable oil are added (such compresses are wrapped in cloth and applied to the child’s body for 2-3 minutes).

How to remove phlegm from the bronchi in older people

As people age immunity weakens greatly, and the bronchopulmonary system is already cannot withstand attacks well harmful microorganisms. To remove mucus from the bronchi of older people, doctors often use antibacterial drugs.

Attention. Antibiotics can be used to remove sputum from the lungs only with the permission of a doctor and if a bacterial infection is detected. Antibacterial medications have no effect against viruses.

When treating older people, it is better adhere to bed rest and increase drinking volume. They'll get to work homemade fruit drinks, jelly, healing teas, compotes, freshly squeezed juices. Should strictly observe all doctor's orders and do not miss the prescribed one taking medications(expectorants, mucolytics, antiviral or antibacterial drugs).

Good for liquefying and removing from the bronchi thick sputum inhalation using soda, saline solution, etherols and medications(Berodual, Lazolvan). Elderly patients need to pay special attention to strengthening their immune forces and include general strengthening medications in their therapy. massages and exercise therapy.

How to remove phlegm from pregnant women

It is especially important for expectant mothers maintain good health while carrying a child. Especially colds are dangerous, accompanied by cough in the first months of pregnancy. during pregnancy? Among medications for expectant mothers It is recommended to take herbal medicines, safe and effective:

Dr. MOM. This drug, which helps remove phlegm from the lungs, is available for pregnant women in two variations: absorbable lozenges-tablets and an ointment for warming the chest and back. The composition of the medicine is completely natural: it contains camphor, menthol, nutmeg and eucalyptus oils.

Mucaltin tablets. One of the safe drugs approved for use by expectant mothers. The action of Mucaltin is based on the activity of its main component - marshmallow root. This plant is famous for its mucolytic, softening and anti-inflammatory effect.

Important. Mucaltin can be used only in the second and third trimester of pregnancy, but with mandatory consideration of the individual characteristics of the woman’s body.

Licorice syrup. A doctor may prescribe licorice root syrup to treat a pregnant woman’s cough. The medicinal plant thins mucus well, relieves coughing attacks and strengthens the protective properties of the respiratory system. Licorice syrup is used for therapy for dry and wet coughs, as part of complex treatment.

Travisil lollipops. Fragrant healing sweets help stop coughing attacks, eliminate irritating sore throats and strengthen the immune system. Travisil effectively removes phlegm thanks to the large number of medicinal herbs included in the drug.

In some situations doctors can prescribe syrups for pregnant women to cleanse the bronchi Eucabalus and Stodal. These drugs contain minor quantity ethyl alcohol(Eucabalus) and ethanol(Stodal).

In addition to the recommended medications and folk remedies, for good removal of sputum from the lungs, do not forget about breathing exercises, daily walks, especially in coniferous forests and preventive trips to sanatorium-type resorts.

Good health!

The appearance of bronchial sputum is associated with an inflammatory process in the bronchi, which stimulates the secretion of mucus and its coagulation into sputum. This is a typical cold season problem that can have many causes, but is characterized by typical symptoms such as coughing up phlegm and difficulty breathing.

What is bronchial sputum

Bronchial sputum, strictly speaking, cannot be called a disease - it is clinical sign of airway inflammation and, in particular, the bronchial tree. However, in everyday language the term is often used as a synonym for the inflammatory process.

In some cases, the inflammatory process is determined by the disease, in others, on the contrary, it is a consequence of inhalation of various irritating substances, including smoking.

Despite the variety of causes that can determine bronchial inflammation, it is always characterized by excessive production and accumulation of thick mucus or phlegm.

How does bronchial inflammation develop?

To understand how inflammation develops, it is necessary to understand what is mucus and what are her functions.

Mucus is a colloidal mixture of viscous consistency and has a dual task:

  • Maintain constant moisture of mucous membranes, preventing them from drying out.
  • Air filtration which passes through the respiratory tract. Particles and microorganisms that manage to pass through the nasal cavities become stuck in mucus.

IN physiological conditions amount of mucus, which is produced by the glands, is small (does not exceed 200 milliliters), but this is enough to cover the entire surface of the mucous membranes with a thin film, providing protection and hydration of the entire respiratory tree.

Disposal accumulated mucus and debris is provided by a defense mechanism known as "mucociliary clearance". The mucous membranes are covered with millions of invisible cilia, which produce coordinated movements and, at the same time, push mucus to the glottis, where it is swallowed into the stomach.

However, if the respiratory tract is covered by an inflammatory process, then the movements of the cilia slow down, and the amount of mucus secreted increases, which becomes denser due to saturation with blood cells such as leukocytes. All this determines stagnation and accumulation of mucus, which in such conditions takes on the character bronchial sputum.

At this moment, an additional security mechanism is launched - cough. Coughing is a protective reflex and occurs through strong exhalation with a closed glottis and its subsequent sharp opening. Increasing the pressure in the respiratory tract and, as a result, the speed at which air escapes, allows you to remove excess mucus and foreign bodies.

Causes of bronchial inflammation

The reasons that can cause inflammation of the lower respiratory tract, which leads to the formation of bronchial sputum, as already mentioned, are varied, but the most basic and most common can be identified.

Pathological. The main diseases that can lead to the appearance of bronchial sputum are:

  • Bronchitis. Inflammation of the bronchi caused by a viral or bacterial infection.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Which restricts the passage of air as a result of chronic inflammation. The cause is usually cigarette smoking.
  • Tuberculosis. Infection of the lungs and lower respiratory tract with the mycobacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  • Whooping cough. Infection with the bacterium Bordetella pertussis.
  • Neoplasms lower respiratory tract.

Non-pathological. That is, inhalation over a long period of time irritants. Among the most common is, of course, cigarette smoke. Other irritants may be dust and fumes present in the workplace, such as dust, textile lint, grain dust, etc.

Symptoms accompanying bronchial sputum

All symptoms that accompany the formation of bronchial sputum depend on the nature of the inflammatory process.

Cough. More or less plentiful.

Sputum, which can be of different colors and textures, which indicates the nature of the inflammation:

  • Liquid, pearlescent, almost transparent sputum. A sign of inflammation without pathogens and therefore caused by asthma or irritation of the bronchial tree, for example from smoking cigarettes.
  • Thick, sticky, yellow to green sputum. This is a sign of a bacterial infection. The color is caused by traces of pus expelled along with sputum.
  • Thick, sticky, dark green and foul-smelling sputum. A sign of inflammation caused by gangrene followed by bacterial infection.
  • Sputum streaked with blood. Appears when the mucous membranes are ulcerated and bleeding occurs, therefore, it is associated with dangerous diseases such as cancer or tuberculosis.
  • Serous sputum, slightly thick, foamy and whitish in color. May be a sign of bronchiole/alveoli cancer.
  • Serous sputum, slightly thick, foamy and pink in color. May be a sign of pulmonary edema (accumulation of fluid in the lung tissue in the space of additional vessels).

Labored breathing, is associated with clogging of the respiratory tract with phlegm.

Chest pain or in the back in the area between the shoulder blades.

Appearance of fever with a temperature that, in the case of bacterial infections, can reach high values.

Diagnosis of the causes of bronchial sputum

Primary diagnosis is carried out on the basis of observation of the clinical picture and, therefore, the symptoms that accompany the formation of bronchial sputum.

Additional clinical and laboratory tests may be required to confirm the diagnosis:

  • X-ray of the chest organs to rule out pneumonia.
  • Spirometry. A test that measures breathing capacity to rule out asthma.
  • Sputum culture to determine the possible causative agent of infection.

Means for removing bronchial mucus

Proper treatment of bronchial sputum is ensured identifying the reasons, which led to inflammation and their eliminating. Since excess production of bronchial mucus can be associated with many diseases, there is no single treatment protocol and each case is assessed individually.

Treatment of non-pathological inflammation of the bronchi is ensured by the removal of irritating factors and taking symptomological medications, to reduce formation and remove phlegm.

There are two different categories used for this. medicines:

  • Expectorants. Stimulate the mechanisms of sputum release.
  • Mucolytics. They dilute the sputum so that it is easily separated from the mucous membrane.

Natural treatments generally focus on treating the symptoms and therefore help clear mucus.

The most common are:

Inhalation of hot vapors. The simplest method is to inhale the vapor directly over a pan of boiling water to which essential oils such as eucalyptus oil have been added.

Drinking warm liquid promotes thinning of mucus and, consequently, its separation.

Honey. Drinking with tea helps soothe irritated mucous membranes, moderate sore throats and thin mucus.

Thyme. Herbal teas based on dry extract promote the release of phlegm.

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