Composition: description of the painting by Ksenia Uspenskaya-Kologrivova and illustrations by O. V. Popovich “They didn’t take me fishing. Composition based on the painting by Popovich “They didn’t take fishing Additional elements, background and colors

The picture “They didn’t take me fishing” is familiar to all high school students, because in the fifth grade they are offered to write an essay on it. The Russian artist Oleg Popovich, who painted it, devoted his life to creating illustrations for children's magazines and books, so his canvas is more like a simple drawing in Merry Pictures or Murzilka. Let's take a closer look at the picture in order to understand what the master wanted to say with its help.

Characteristics of the main character

The description of the painting “They didn’t take it fishing” should begin with the characteristics of its main characters. On the canvas, the artist depicted four people: one adult and three children. The main attention is drawn to the smallest character - a boy who looks no more than four years old. He stands and weeps bitterly, covering his wet flushed face with his hand. It immediately becomes clear to the viewer that the little one hoped to go fishing with his father and older brother, but they did not want to take him with them. The kid hoped to the last that they would take him, he even prepared a fishing rod and a bucket for this purpose and got up early. But dad considered him too small and left him at home under the supervision of his sister. The father is adamant in his decision, and children's tears are not able to pity him. He perfectly understands that in an hour the little one will forget about his morning tragedy and will be carried away by some interesting game.

Other characters

The older brother of the protagonist was much more fortunate. He looks to be about 12 years old. He goes fishing with his father and is terribly proud of it. The boy carries a fishing rod in front of him like a precious trophy, and lifts his head high in front of a crying little brother. Behind him is a heavy backpack with tackle, but he does not feel its weight. Judging by the reaction of the boy, his father takes him fishing for the first time. This is evidenced by the overly solemn appearance of the character. The boy follows his father and even tries to copy his gait.

The father of the children is a serious and intelligent person. These qualities of his are very clearly conveyed by the picture “They didn’t take it for fishing”. Popovich portrayed the children's father focused on the baby's tantrum. Dad is completely calm and unruffled. He remembers whether he took everything with him on a fishing trip, and little things like the whims of a younger child bother him a little. Behind him is the same backpack as his eldest son, and in his hands is a yellow shopping bag. The father casually carries the fishing rod on his shoulder.

The fourth heroine of the picture is the sister of the boys. She looks to be about eleven years old. The girl is very similar to her older brother. She is not interested in fishing, but she has to get up early to look after the baby. The girl looks at her brother with a smile. She had no doubt that they would not take him fishing. But the girl does not want to calm the baby. Tired of his frequent tantrums, she simply watches him, arms crossed over her chest and carelessly twirling a flower in her palms. The sister knows: as soon as the elders disappear from the baby, the baby will stop crying.

Additional elements, background and colors

When making a description of Popovich’s painting “They Didn’t Take Fishing”, you need to pay attention to the objects that surround the heroes. To revive his work, the artist depicted on it an old fence carelessly knocked together from boards, on which an old fence flaunts. From under the feet of the heroes, green grass and small red ones fly in different directions, and in addition to people, there is another character in the picture - a sparrow. Attracted by children's crying, he spins under the feet of people, watching the scene with curiosity. Von Popovich left white. With this approach, he wanted to focus the attention of the audience on what is happening, without distracting him to extraneous details.

The color scheme immediately shows that for children of primary and secondary school age, the painting “They didn’t take on fishing” was painted. When creating it, Popovich used bright colors (green, yellow, blue, red), which are very popular with children. There is absolutely no black color in the picture, which makes it cheerful, sunny and positive. And even children's tears are not able to spoil this impression.

Painting by Uspenskaya-Kologrivova

Popovich's drawing is often confused with the canvas of the same name by the artist Ksenia Uspenskaya-Kologrivova. The plots, as well as the titles, of these two works are completely identical. But if Popovich's painting resembles a childish, carelessly drawn drawing, Uspenskaya-Kologrivova's canvas is painted according to all the rules of Russian painting.

Description of the main characters

All the same characters are present in the artist’s painting: a toddler, his brother, sister and dad. The kid does not sob, but simply pouted offendedly and turned away from the family members leaving for fishing. He is ready to cry at any moment. In one hand, the boy holds a children's bucket with dug up worms, and the other rubs his ear in confusion.

The older brother and father go fishing. Dad steps forward. He carries a rucksack behind his back and holds an oar on his shoulder. He entrusted his eldest son with fishing rods and small fishing tackle. The boy follows his father and mockingly turns back, looking at the offended kid. In the eyes of the brother there is no sympathy for the little one. He is happy that he is old enough to fish. There is no sympathy for the younger brother and the girl. She looked out of the door of the old dilapidated house and looks at him with a smile. Everything shows that the family in which children grow up lives in poverty. This impression is enhanced by the gloomy tones that prevail in the canvas.

Different eras - the same children

In the mid-50s, the painting “They didn’t take it for fishing” was painted. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova depicted on it the gray everyday life of the Soviet village, which had not yet had time to revive after the devastating war. In Popovich's drawing, the characters are children of the late 80s. They are not familiar with military hardships and, apparently, grow up in a well-to-do family. Popovich, drawing a picture based on the plot of Uspenskaya-Kologrivova's canvas, showed that the same

Composition - a story based on a painting by K.N. Uspenskaya - Kologrivova "They didn't take me fishing".

The lesson outline is based on the study and analysis of a work of fine art. The lesson illustrates modern approaches to the organization of students' creative work, various active forms of learning and examples of lexical, vocabulary-stylistic, spelling analysis of text and linguistic phenomena.

The abstract is intended for teachers of the Russian language in secondary schools, gymnasiums, and lyceums.



Methodological development in the Russian language.

Composition-story based on the painting by K.N. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova "They didn't take me fishing"

Goals: to acquaint with the features of the composition of the story; to show by what means the artist reveals the idea of ​​the picture; develop speech skills; learn how to plan an essay.

Equipment: reproduction of the painting "They didn't take me fishing" by Xenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova; poem by R. Parve "Two fishermen"

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Message of the topic of the lesson.

A student prepared in advance reads R. Parve's poem "Two Fishermen".

Who are these travelers?

Who's in a hurry

To the bank of our river?

Grandpa with a pipe

And little Tiit-

Both are fishermen.

Trick-trick -

Grandpa ahead.


grandson behind.

Who's in the bushes

Sitting above the water?

Who's there for the fish

Are you watching closely?

Grandfather with a pipe

And little Tiit

Are waiting,

When it will be

Fish have an appetite.

Here is the float

Barely leaned over.

The rod bends in the hand.

Grandpa jerk-

And a roach fish

Already on the hook!

Like fishing!

Goes on a hook

Now roach after roach.

Grandfather says:

Get it together son

Our hostesses are waiting for us!

Who are these travelers?

Who's in a hurry?

Who's walking down the river?

Grandpa with a pipe

And little Tiit-

Both are fishermen.


Grandpa ahead.


grandson behind

Grandfather caught

For the whole family

Lots of roach and eels.

Little Tiit

For one cat

Just a saucer


What is this poem about?

Which of you has been fishing?

What feelings did you have when you went fishing?

Have you ever been asked to go fishing?

Today we will get acquainted with the painting by Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova "They didn't take me fishing"

II. Conversation on the picture.

Consider a reproduction of the painting by Xenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova "They Didn't Take Fishing".

Where does the action depicted in the picture take place? (In the village)

When the action shown in the picture takes place Determine the season and time of day.) The action takes place in the summer, early in the morning)

By what signs did you determine that the picture depicts an early morning? (The sun is just rising, the sky is pinkish from its rays. There are long shadows on the ground, which are early in the morning.)

What morning is shown in the picture? (Cheerful, sunny, joyful.)

Describe the sky. (The sky is clear, cloudless, high)

How did the artist show that her father and older brother were going fishing?) The father carries oars, which means that they will fish from the boat. He has a backpack on his back, probably with fishing accessories. The older boy carries fishing rods.)

How did it sway in the picture that the fishermen were leaving?) They are shown in motion, with their backs to the baby, the older brother looks at him as he goes.)

That's right, guys, the figures of the fishermen are directed forward. The position of the legs of the body shows that they are moving away. Who do you think is the main character of the picture? (Little boy 4-5 years old)

How did you determine the age of the boy? (Well, the boy knows how to dress properly: the shirt sticks out, it is poorly tucked into his pants. He still rides a tricycle.)

That's right, guys, you noticed all this very correctly. Indeed, the bicycle speaks of the age of the boy, it is no coincidence that he is depicted in the picture. And how did the artist show that the baby is the main character in the picture? (The baby is shown in the foreground, almost in the center the picture, separate from other characters, is clearly visible, the eyes of two other heroes (sister and brother) are fixed on him.)

From what details of the picture can you guess that the baby was preparing for fishing? (Near the boy on the ground lies a fishing rod that he prepared for fishing. In his hand he holds a bucket of worms.)

What is the mood of the baby and why? ("He is very offended, upset because he was not taken on a fishing trip.")

How did the artist show the baby’s grief? (“The boy does not notice how the chicken pulls worms out of his bucket”; “He threw a fishing rod out of resentment, wrinkled his face, was about to cry.”)

Describe the boy in more detail, his posture, facial expression, hair, clothes. ("He stands in a confused pose, bowed his head, raised his hand, as if scratching behind his ear, moved his eyebrows, pouted his lips, ready to cry"; "He has blond golden hair , tanned arms and legs. A ray of sun illuminates his face"; "He wears a white short-sleeved shirt and black pants.")

And why were these two colors used to depict clothes? (A boy in a white shirt and black pants stands out well against the blue wall of the house.)

That's right, and the artist highlights the main character of the picture with color. How long do you think the boy has been standing in such a distressed pose?

The kid, indeed, does not stand in this position for long, he is unlikely to be able to get angry for a long time. Why was the kid not taken fishing? (He is still small, he will get tired, he may fall out of the boat.)

Who is watching the baby in the yard? (Sister, she looks out from behind the door.)

What is the sister smiling at? (It’s funny for her to watch the chicken pull the worms out of the bucket, but the brother doesn’t see. The sister is happy that her brother stayed at home and she won’t be bored.)

What impression does the picture make on you? (Both cheerful and sad.)

Why is it funny? (Funny because it's funny to watch how a chicken drags worms from a baby's bucket, but he doesn't see it. The picture shows a sunny morning, good weather. Delicate light colors are pleasing to the eye, it's nice to look at them.)

Why sad? (Sad because the baby is upset.)

Are you sorry for this baby? (Not really. His grief is not so great. He will grow up and go fishing.)

Pay attention to the bike, which, apparently, speaks not only of the age of the boy, but also that the kid will soon forget about fishing, his grief and will have fun riding.

Do you like this picture?

What do you like about her? (It shows a very cute baby. The artist interestingly showed the resentment of the baby and the impudent chicken.)

Indeed, the picture is very interesting, vital. And now let's try to compose a story based on this picture.


III. Drawing up an essay plan.

The story is based on some case, episode, incident. There are three main parts in the story: the plot (the event from which the action begins); climax (the most acute, tense moment in the development of the action); tie-up (ending, final action).

An approximate plan of the essay is written on the board.


1. Summer is the time for miracles.

2.Painting description:

A) the place of action;

B) the image of a little boy;

C) father and older brother;

D) sister

3. My impression of the painting.

VI. Dictionary-stylistic and spelling work.

Words with difficult spellings that can be used in a story based on a picture are written down under dictation on the eve of an essay or on a blackboard after a conversation about a picture: the rising sun, the cloudy azure sky, light green grass, a backpack, fishing accessories, a tin can, a gate, in the middle , after, bike, upset, offended, blond, somehow, just about, cute, mood.

Give synonyms for the words:

azure (blue, sky, turquoise);

offended (insulted, sad);

cute (pleasant, cute, endearing);

somehow (carelessly, inaccurately, carelessly, dishonestly, inattentively, somehow).

Make up phrases with them on the theme of the picture.

V. Oral essay based on a painting.

What do you think, when and how did the story begin, the moment of which is depicted in the picture? (In the evening, when the baby found out that his father and older brother were going fishing.)

How did the kid know that the elders were going fishing? (Probably, he heard the conversation of the elders and also began to go fishing.)

Did the elders promise the kid to take him fishing with them? (The kid probably really asked to take him, and the older brother promised, thinking that the little brother would not wake up early in the morning, he would oversleep.)

What happened in the morning? (Early in the morning the boy woke up himself, dressed quickly, somehow tucked in his shirt, pulled on his pants, wrapped them up like an older brother, took a fishing rod and a can of worms, which he dripped in the evening, and ran after the fish .)

Make up a possible dialogue between a father and a little son.

The learners will make up a dialogue:

Dad, can I come with you?

No, son, you are still very small, grow up, then you will go fishing with us.

What was this moment for the baby? (Very tense, he was waiting for his father's decision and found out that he would not be taken on a fishing trip.)

Describe the mood of the little boy. (The baby became bitter and offended. He prepared like that, but they didn’t take him.)

In this part, tell and describe what is shown in the picture - the pose, facial expression of the boy, show his chagrin.

How do you think this story will end? (When the father and older brother go fishing, the kid will forget about his offense and go for a bike ride or play with his sister.)

How would you title your story? (Resentment, "It's all gone," "Tried in vain," "Prepared in vain," "Didn't take," "Grieving," "Offended.")

And how would you start your story from the picture? (One evening, little Seryozha heard a conversation between his father and older brother Petya about fishing. Seryozha also really wanted to go fishing. He quickly ran into the garden to dig worms.)

Sample essay.

"In the evening, little Pavlik played with his sister Nina.

Suddenly, he saw that his older brother Sasha was digging worms. Pavlik immediately guessed that Sasha and his father were going fishing. He ran up to his brother and began to ask to be taken too. The kid whined for a long time and begged that Sasha could not stand it and said : "Okay, let's take you." Pavlik was very happy, went up to Nina and boasted: "They will take me fishing, but you are not!"

All evening Pavlik was preparing for fishing. He dug up worms in the garden, prepared a fishing rod, put everything under the bed and, contentedly, went to bed.

Morning came. The rays of the rising sun turned everything pink. There was not a cloud in the sky. The day promised to be good. The kid woke up from some noise. He opened his eyes and saw that his father and brother were already going fishing. backpack with food and got ready to leave. Pavlik quickly got up, dressed himself, pulled on his pants, somehow tucked in his shirt, grabbed a fishing rod and a can of worms and ran out into the yard with a joyful mood in pursuit of his father and brother.

Where are you going?” the father asked sternly when he saw his son.

Go fishing with you, Pavlik answered.

Still little, stay at home.

Pavlik remained standing in the middle of the courtyard. Out of resentment, he dropped the fishing rod, puffed out his lips, wrinkled his face, and was about to cry. “Well, why didn’t they take me fishing? I tried so hard,” he thought. that he didn’t notice how the impudent chicken dragged worms from his jar, which he dug up with such difficulty. And Ninka looked out from behind the door and laughed: “What, didn’t you take it ?! You won’t brag next time.” Then her little brother , she went up to Pavlik and said: "Stop pouting, let's go play, ride a bike.

VI. Independent work. Written essay.

VII. The result of the lesson.

What product did we meet today?

What did the picture of Xenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivovy "They didn't take on fishing" tell about?

What does this picture teach?

Preparation for an essay based on a painting by K.N. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova

"Didn't go fishing"

Lesson Objectives:

    To acquaint students with the features of building a story based on a role-playing game;

    To instill the skills of building a dialogue;

    Enrich students' speech with words related to the theme of the picture and the means of the artist's intention.

Equipment: painting reproduction

During the classes:

Painting conversation

Starting to work on the story, the teacher explains to the students that the story is based on some kind of case.

Today in the lesson we will compose a story, and the basis of this will be the episode seen by the artist and captured in the picture.

Where and when does the event take place? (In the village, as the forest is visible in the distance; in the summer, early in the morning.)

By what signs did you determine that early morning is depicted? (The sun is just rising, the sky is pinkish from its rays.)

What morning is shown in the picture? (Cheerful, sunny ...)

How did the artist show that her father and older brother were going fishing? (Father carries oars. Fishing rods in the hands of the older boy).

As shown in the picture, that the fishermen are leaving? (They are shown in motion).

Who do you think is the main character of the film? (Baby. He is depicted in close-up).

How old is he? (The baby does not know how to dress properly).

As you guessed, the kid is preparing for fishing? He holds a bucket of worms in his hand.)

What is the mood of the baby and why? (He is very offended).

How did the artist show the boy's distress? (The kid dropped the fishing rod from resentment).

Describe the boy in more detail.

Why wasn't the baby taken on a fishing trip? (He is still small, he will get tired).

Who is watching the baby? (The girl is probably his sister).

Why do you think she smiles? (She finds it funny to watch a chicken pull worms out of a bucket).

Do you like the picture? How? (The artist showed the resentment of the baby and the impudent chicken).

When and how do you think the story began, the moment of which you see in the picture?

Vocabulary and stylistic work

Fisherman - angler - fishing - fishing equipment ...

Situational role-playing game


And now let's try to revive this picture: to revive what happened the night before. The task is to introduce listeners into the circle of those events that took place in the evening.

An example of a dramatization

One evening the whole family gathered for dinner, the father went out onto the porch. The weather promised to be good in the morning. Father thought that it would be nice to go fishing in the morning.

Father. - Danya, let's go fishing tomorrow.

Danya. “Come on, I’ll dig up worms after supper.”

Baby. - And I'm with you.

Morning has come. The weather is great. The baby woke up from some noise. He saw that his father and brother were already going fishing. The kid quickly dressed and ran after him.

Baby. - Wait for me!

Father. No, you are still small.

Danya. We will take you fishing another time.

Sister. - Let's go play!

Baby. - I tried hard.

Sister. Andryusha, let's go for a bike ride.

At the end of the game, the teacher offers to compose their stories according to a given plot. However, before writing a story, the author must knowthe laws hisconstruction. To do this, the teacher returns again to the text of the dramatization.

Remember what the author said at the very beginning? (One evening the whole family gathered for dinner, the father went out on the porch. The weather foreshadowed to be good in the morning. The father thought that it would be nice to go fishing).

- How did the action develop? (Andryusha ran into the garden and dug up worms, and went to bed.)

Morning has come. The weather is great. The baby woke up from some noise. He saw that his father and brother were already going fishing. The kid quickly dressed and ran after him. The most intense moment in the development of action -climax.

How do you think the action will end? (He remembered his favorite bicycle, forgot about his grief and ran to ride. And in the evening his father and brother will come, and he will cheerfully meet them from fishing.

This is the decoupling of the action. Now that you have already familiarized yourself with the features of building a story, you yourself, like real writers, can write a story or script based on a picture.


Write an essay

Sections: Russian language

  • Develop students' oral and written communication skills.
  • Continue work on the formation of skills in describing works of art.
  • Continue to develop interest in the works of painting.
  • Awaken in students the desire to express their attitude to the picture.

Equipment: reproduction of KN Uspenskaya-Kologrivova's painting "They Didn't Take Fishing", photograph by the artist.

During the classes

Talk about the artist.

Ksenia Nikolaevna Uspenskaya-Kologrivova

November 27, 1922 was born Uspenskaya Ksenia Nikolaevna, painter, member of the Voronezh branch of the Union of Artists. Born in Voronezh. She visited private art studios of N. I. Kaper, V. A. Zhdanova. Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Applied and Decorative Arts (Department of Ceramics, 1949). She studied painting under the guidance of A. A. Deineka. After working at the Moscow Research Institute of Building Materials (1949-1951), he returned to Voronezh and since 1953 became a regular participant in exhibitions of the Voronezh organization of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. For many years, K. Uspenskaya combined artistic activities with social and scientific and pedagogical activities. She worked as an assistant professor at the Department of Agricultural Architecture of the Agricultural Institute, worked as a member of various commissions of the Union of Artists of the RSFSR. The name of the artist Xenia Uspenskaya is included in the "Book of Honor" of the city of Voronezh. Works in the genres of thematic painting, portrait, landscape, still life. Author of works: "Portrait of Professor N. A. Uspensky" (1952), "Water procedures are useful for everyone" (1953), "Portrait of a carpenter" (1954), "They didn't take fishing" (1955), "Dreamers" (1963) , "White Lilies" (1964), "Portrait of V. P. Krivoruchko", "Young Artist" (1981), "Flood at Bityug" (2003), etc. Based on the impressions of foreign trips, she created a series of watercolors, pastels, gouaches, among which: "Children of Madras" (1975), "Untouchable" (1975), "Roofs of Florence", etc. Personal exhibitions of Uspenskaya were held in the Voronezh Regional Museum of Fine Arts (1973, 1983), the exhibition hall of the Union of Artists (2000, 2002). Her paintings are presented in the Voronezh Regional Art Museum of Kramskoy, the Voronezh Regional Museum of Local Lore, the Ostrogozhsk Museum of History and Art. I. N. Kramskoy.

II. Painting conversation.

K. N. Uspenskaya-Kologrivova "They didn't take me fishing"

Where and when does the action depicted in the picture take place?

By what signs did you determine that the picture depicts an early morning?

What morning is shown in the picture?

(Merry, joyful, sunny morning.)

How did the artist show that her father and older brother were going fishing?

As shown in the picture, that the fishermen are leaving?

(The figures of the fishermen are directed forward. The position of the legs and torso shows that they are moving away.)

Who do you think is the main character in the film? (A little boy.)

How did you determine the boy's age?

(Doesn't know how to dress properly.)

How did the artist show that the baby is the main character in the picture?

By what details of the picture can you guess that the baby was preparing for fishing?

What is the baby's mood? Why?

How did the artist show the distress of the baby?

(He does not even notice how the chicken pulls worms out of his bucket.)

Describe the boy in more detail, his posture, facial expression, hair, clothes.

Why are these two colors used?

(The artist highlights the main character of the picture with these colors.)

How long do you think the boy has been standing in such a distressed pose?

(Perhaps the baby really does not stand in this position for long, it is unlikely that he is able to be angry for a long time.)

Why didn't they take the kid on a fishing trip?

Who is watching the distressed boy?

What is her mood? Does she sympathize with her little brother?

What impression does the painting make on you?

Do you like the picture?

What do you like about her?

Indeed, the picture is interesting and quite vital.

Now let's try to compose a story based on this picture.

III. Composing a story.

When and how do you think the story began, the moment of which is depicted in the picture?

How did the kid know that the elders were going fishing?

Did the elders promise to take the baby with them on a fishing trip?

What happened in the morning?

(- Dad, can I go with you?

No, son, you are still very small, grow up - then you will go fishing with us.)

Think, how else can you make a dialogue?

How do you think this story will end?

How would you title your story?

IV. Dictionary-stylistic and orthographic work.

Read the words on the board carefully. They will help you make sentences that you will use when writing your essay.

Rising sun, cloudless azure sky, light green grass, backpack, fishing accessories, tin can, after, bicycle, upset, blond, upset, offended, somehow, just about, cute, mood.

V. Making a plan.

1. Who is depicted in the picture?

2. Who do you think is the main character, why?

3. Description of the main character:

a) appearance (facial expression, hair, clothes);

4. Description of minor characters:

b) older brother

c) sister.

5. The color scheme of the picture.

6. My attitude to the picture.

VI. Compilation of oral stories based on the picture.

VII. Summing up the lesson.

VIII. Writing an essay in a notebook.

The illustrator O. Popovich created funny drawings. They could often be found on the pages of children's magazines or books. One of his popular illustrations is the drawing They didn't go fishing. This work coincides in name with the famous painting by Uspenskaya-Kologrivova, which is in the Tretyakov Gallery, and not only the name is common, but also many similar details, including the characters in the painting.

Didn't take fishing essay

Unlike the painting They Didn't Take Fishing, which the artist Uspenskaya painted in 1955, Popovich's drawing of the same name was painted several decades later. This is evidenced by the heroes of the work of the illustrator, whose clothes are more modern. However, although the painting and illustration have a different time period of creation, their plot is very similar. What do we see in Popovich's drawing? We will write about this in the drawing We didn’t take it for fishing, from which a whole story can turn out.

Description of the picture

Although the author depicts everything colorfully, even with some humor, we immediately notice a great offense in the baby. I don't want to be in his place. His grief is inconsolable, the resentment is huge, which does not help even the support of his older sister, who is trying to somehow calm the little boy. And all because he is not taken on a fishing trip. We see how dad and middle son go fishing. They took backpacks, fishing rods, tackle and are rapidly heading towards the river. An entertaining and exciting pastime awaits them, during which you can not only relax, but also catch fish. The kid, apparently, also really hoped to go fishing with his brother and father. He even prepared a bucket, dug up bait, took a fishing rod and was ready to hit the road, when he was immediately refused.

Tears flowed by themselves in a stream, because the baby clearly does not understand the reason why he is not taken on a fishing trip. Most likely, he is too small, because he is only three, or maybe four years old. This is the age when you want to run, jump, scream, frolic, and fishing requires concentration and silence. Apparently this is the only reason. It seems to me that another year or another, and the child will be able to go fishing, you just need to wait. But, it is difficult to explain to a child who is crying and does not hear anything. His bucket of worms fell and overturned. He looks after the departing fishermen, who do not pay any attention to the crying child.

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