An integrated approach to the treatment of prostate herpes. Genital herpes. Treatment methods. Consequences of insidious diseases

Infectious inflammation of the prostate occurs in approximately 30% of cases. In the early stages, the disease is asymptomatic. It is characterized by acute inflammation and rapid transition to a chronic form.

Herpes and prostatitis are a dangerous combination. The disease in its later stages cannot be cured. Drug therapy comes down to eliminating the exacerbation and preventing the recurrence of the disease.

Herpes in the prostate gland - causes and symptoms

The difference between viruses of the Herpesviridae family is their acute course and almost complete absence of manifestations in the early stages. There are several groups of infectious pathogens. Most often, people become infected orally (HSV-1) and through sexual intercourse (HSV-2).

Viruses of each class have differences in etiology. The second type is transmitted exclusively during sex with an infected person. With HSV-1, ordinary herpes on the lips of a partner, with unfavorable development, becomes the cause of genital lesions and causes prostatitis.

Herpesviridae enters the prostate gland through the urethral canal, gastrointestinal tract or blood. The virus does not have its own cellular structure. To reproduce, it needs suitable material, which are microscopic particles of healthy body tissues.

Herpesviridae modifies cells to suit them. Over time, the changes become global, but do not yet manifest themselves as inflammation and symptoms.

The development of herpes prostatitis is triggered by a sudden weakening of the immune system. Previous infectious disease, hypothermia, ARVI and influenza - all this leads to a sudden exacerbation. Inflammation manifests itself with pronounced symptoms:

  • Herpes rashes in the perineum are a sign of an attack by the immune system of the Herpesviridae virus.
  • General weakness and malaise, low-grade body temperature.
  • Dysuric disorders - due to infectious inflammation, the size of the prostate increases. Due to tissue swelling, the volume of the urethral canal decreases. Frequent urge to urinate and acute urine retention are signs of herpes in prostatitis.
  • Unpleasant sensations - itching and pain in the urethral canal and anus.
Herpesviridae gradually mutates and integrates into the human nervous system. After the metamorphosis has occurred, it will not be possible to completely cure the inflammation of the gland and get rid of the disease forever. A man with an advanced stage of infection should be prepared for frequent and constant relapses.

The main reason for the appearance of herpes in men is weakened immunity. Under normal conditions, the body successfully resists viral infection.

Can prostatitis be caused by herpes?

Yes, such a possibility exists. Infection occurs for several reasons:
  • Long-term inflammation of the prostate gland causes swipe on the health of the body. The immune system, exhausted from the fight against the disease, is unable to cope with the next virus that enters the body.
  • Prostatitis can be triggered by genital herpes for one more reason. Antibacterial therapy is often used to treat inflammation. Taking the drugs kills bacteria along with healthy immune cells. The body's protective functions weaken, which creates the preconditions for infection.
The Herpesviridae virus develops in a latent form for a long time without manifesting itself symptomatically. When the conditions arise, it immediately attacks the body, causing acute inflammation.

Can herpes cause inflammation of the prostate?

If the infection has entered the prostate gland, the development of acute pathologies is a matter of time. The lesion, depending on the volume of tissue involved in the pathology and manifestations, is divided into three groups:
  • Catarrhal - the process affects exclusively the mucous membrane. Symptomatic manifestations are minor or completely absent.
  • Follicular - in this case, prostatitis caused by herpes affects the lobes of the gland. The lesion is critical, there are pronounced symptoms, pain, dysuria, problems with defecation.
  • Diffuse - inflammation affects the entire prostate. The negative impact of genital herpes on the prostate gland is expressed in the appearance of ulcers that form into one large abscess. Surgical treatment is required. Severe intoxication of the body, even death, is possible.
Urologists agree that, although viral infection of the prostate is rarely diagnosed, it poses a significant threat to men. Having sex or kissing a woman suffering from Herpesviridae is dangerous.

The entry of the virus into the body triggers the development of serious pathological changes. Genital herpes, after its appearance and in the presence of contributing factors (weakened immunity), can easily cause prostatitis in a severe recurrent form.

What is dangerous about herpes that gets into the prostate?

The virus develops latently for a long time. At this stage, it is easy to cure and completely remove it from the glandular tissues. Unfortunately, the first signs of infection appear after an active attack by Herpesviridae on the human body. There is little time left for inflammation to become chronic. The chances of recovery are sharply reduced. The prognosis of therapy is generally unfavorable.

Complications when glandular tissues are affected by herpes and the effect on the prostate are as follows:

  • Frequent relapses of the disease.
  • Development of a purulent abscess.
  • Deterioration of erection.
  • Decreased sexual desire.
  • Infertility.

Herpes, as a cause of prostatitis, is dangerous because the disease is recurrent. Any stress, hypothermia, or a cold can result in acute inflammation of the glandular tissues.

How to remove the herpes virus from the prostate

Self-medication and methods alternative medicine useless. A competent therapeutic approach, taking antiviral and immunomodulatory drugs is important for recovery.

Herpesviridae is treated with medication as follows:

  • Diclafenac, Nise - drugs of the NSAID group. Relieves inflammation and relieves pain.
  • Anciclovir, Kagocel, Arbiddol, Ingoverin are antiviral drugs. The choice of drug depends on the etiology of the infection - what was at the root of the infection.
  • Ingaron, Viferon - immunomodulatory agents. Necessary for recurrent genital herpes. Without activating the body's own defenses, therapy will be useless.
Depending on the symptoms, the urologist will prescribe medications to improve urination and painkillers.

The patient needs to prepare for long-term treatment of prostatitis caused by the herpes virus. Changing eating habits and maintaining personal hygiene, regular examination by a doctor, following the recommendations of a urologist will reduce the likelihood of relapse and help achieve stable remission.

Our advantages:

  • Inexpensive doctor's appointment from 900 rubles
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Treatment of herpetic prostatitis is an extremely difficult task, because this diagnosis combines two chronic, difficult-to-treat diseases - prostatitis and herpes, which individually cause a lot of problems for men and their treating doctors, urologists and venereologists.

Everyone has long been familiar with the manifestations of herpes simplex on the lips, when small grouped blisters appear on the skin and mucous membrane of the mouth. Also, many people know that these rashes can recur periodically, and for those who are not very lucky, every month. This is common labial herpes, which affects up to 85% of the population. globe. There is also genital herpes, rashes of which appear on the genitals of men: the head of the penis, foreskin, the skin of the shaft of the penis, the pubic and groin area, the scrotum and anal area, and sometimes the mucous membrane of the urethra.

All these lesions are caused by the same viruses that simply got into different organs and body tissues, and then settled in the nerve nodes of various nerve plexuses (in the nodes of the trigeminal nerve on the face or the lumbosacral plexus during a herpetic process on the genitals).

So, when herpes viruses are found in the nerve ganglia that provide innervation to the male genitals, the virus can spread not only in the skin of the genital organs or the urethral mucosa, but also penetrate the prostate gland, causing its inflammation, which is called chronic herpetic prostatitis. This type of prostatitis is always primarily chronic, since the etiological factor (cause of the disease) cannot be destroyed, and the herpes virus will always cause the symptoms of this disease when the virus is activated and the immune system deteriorates.

Herpetic prostatitis is mainly caused by:

  1. Herpes simplex virus type 1 - when it comes into contact with the genitals during oral sex.
  2. Herpes simplex virus type 2 - usually through sexual contact.
  3. Herpes virus type 3 or herpes zoster.
  4. Cytomegalovirus.

Diagnosing chronic herpetic prostatitis is difficult, especially in the absence of characteristic rashes on the skin of the genital organs. Only an experienced venereologist or urologist can correctly prescribe tests and make a diagnosis. Often, for a long time, the nature of this disease is not revealed during a routine examination in a clinic.

Tests for herpetic prostatitis:

  1. Analysis of prostate secretion for microscopy.
  2. PCR analysis of prostate juice for all types of herpes virus and other STIs
  3. Blood test for antibodies to herpes viruses.
  4. Culture of secretion flora and sensitivity to antibiotics.

Based on the totality of this data, it is possible to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe effective therapy.

Treatment of chronic herpetic prostatitis has three main objectives:

  1. Relief of this episode of herpetic prostatitis.
  2. Prevention of relapse of prostatitis.
  3. Prevention of infection of sexual partners with herpes viruses.

Treatment of exacerbation of chronic herpetic prostatitis is carried out according to the principles of treatment of any type of prostatitis plus antiherpetic treatment:

  • Prostatic drugs
  • Enzyme preparations
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Immunomodulators
  • Antiherpetic medications in dose and duration depending on the type of herpes detected
  • Antibiotics - in case of bacterial infection
  • Duration of treatment is 14-21 days.
  • Criteria for cure: absence of complaints, normalization of prostate secretions, absence of viruses in the juice or their significant reduction.

Prevention of relapses of herpetic prostatitis includes:

  • normalization of working and rest conditions, absence of overwork, lack of sleep, physical and mental overload, cessation of alcohol and smoking
  • laboratory monitoring by a urologist for the condition of the prostate gland, the amount of virus in its secretion and the state of the immune system
  • for frequently recurrent prostatitis, long-term administration of immune and herpes-reproduction-blocking drugs

Protecting sexual partners from infection with genital herpes is very difficult. Of course, if there is an exacerbation of chronic herpetic prostatitis, sexual activity is prohibited. But in the absence of an exacerbation, the herpes virus can also be present in the secretions of the prostate gland and enter the mucous membranes of the sexual partner. Therefore, it is recommended to protect yourself as much as possible with barrier means (condoms) at all times. The conception and birth of healthy children is possible, but must occur either against the background of antiherpetic therapy or with a negative analysis of prostate juice for viral DNA.

The treatment of this disease should be carried out by a doctor who has undergone special training, preferably a urologist-venereologist who has an understanding of the most effective methods treatment of chronic prostatitis, and treatment of herpes infection. We have such doctors in the Private Practice clinic on Varshavskaya - Evgeniy Alexandrovich Volokhov and Vladimir Alexandrovich Malashenko, and at Chistye Prudy - Igor Viktorovich Dyadyukh and Igor Alexandrovich Polozko.

Doctors' appointments and tests for herpetic prostatitis take place daily from 10.00 to 21.00, excluding holidays and weekends.

In the March 30 program “Pain Syndrome” on First Radio Moscow, the chief physician of the Private Practice clinic, urologist-dermatovenereologist, doctor of the highest category, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Volokhov, spoke about prostatitis, its causes, diagnosis and treatment methods.

The chief physician of the Private Practice clinic, urologist-dermatovenereologist, doctor of the highest category, Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Volokhov, talks about chronic prostatitis.

Prostate problems are widespread among the male population, especially among those over thirty years of age. A rare form of the disease is viral prostatitis, which has its own characteristics during its course.

In infectious prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate occurs due to viruses


The causative agents of infectious prostatitis are viruses:

  • flu;
  • rubella
  • herpes type 2;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • human papillomas;
  • after respiratory diseases.

When viruses enter the body, viral prostatitis can develop.

Predisposing factors

  1. The disease will not develop in men if local and general immunity works one hundred percent. An important factor in the development of inflammation is a decrease in the body's protective functions. Against the background of reduced immunity, viruses can penetrate into organs, causing inflammatory processes.
  2. Bad habits.
  3. Over thirty years of age.
  4. Chronic diseases.
  5. Irregular sexual intercourse.
  6. Frequent change of sexual partner.
  7. Hypothermia.
  8. Stress.

Stress is one of the factors that provoke prostatitis

What happens in the body

Once inside the organ, the virus begins to multiply in cells. After reproduction, the viruses leave the cell and enter a new one, where they repeat the division cycle. In this case, cells may die. When a virus enters the body, an inflammatory reaction begins and immune defense cells are released, so it is important to have a strong immune system.

The inflammatory reaction leads to an increase in the size of the gland, its swelling and pain, which causes the symptoms of prostatitis. Due to the increase in size of the gland, the urethra, which runs in the middle of the gland, narrows, making urination difficult.

When the glandular part is damaged, the synthesis of necessary substances for the synthesis of fluid that complements sperm is disrupted. These disorders lead to a decrease in the vital activity of germ cells, so the ejaculate may be unsuitable for the birth of a new life. A long course of the disease is dangerous, because a man may become infertile against this background.

Considering that prostatitis is a disease that can occur in a man of any age, it is worth taking care of yourself and your loved ones by avoiding factors that provoke the disease.

Depending on the spread of inflammation and symptoms, several degrees of severity are distinguished.

With prostatitis, the prostate becomes inflamed and urination worsens.

Based on the source of inflammation, the following are distinguished:

  1. Catarrhal - inflammation affects only the mucous membrane of the prostate; the course of this form is asymptomatic.
  2. Follicular – inflammation is limited to a lobule or several lobules of the gland, therefore it is characterized by vivid symptoms; the process becomes chronic when left untreated for a long time.
  3. Diffuse - the inflammatory process involves the entire gland, characterized by the accumulation of pus inside the gland, which can clog the lumen of the organ, which leads to a greater increase in the prostate in size and increased pain.

Herpetic infection

Sexual tract is the main method of transmission of the herpes virus, so the pelvic organs are primarily affected. More often, herpetic prostatitis occurs among people who change sexual partners periodically. The course begins to be acute and severe, the symptoms all manifest clearly. The virus gradually enters the ganglia in the sacral plexus through nerve endings and nerve fibers, where it persists throughout a person’s life.

When favorable conditions appear and local and general defenses of the body decrease, the virus multiplies, affecting the skin near the ganglia. Frequent relapses are a characteristic feature of the herpes virus. You cannot get rid of it forever, you can only cure an exacerbation.

Carriers of the genital herpes virus are dangerous because they infect their partners.

Structure of the herpes virus

Always protect yourself during sexual intercourse with a condom; in addition to the herpes virus, there are many other sexually transmitted infections that have an unfavorable prognosis for the patient.


Viral prostatitis has common features course, regardless of what pathogen is the cause. But some viruses leave a special imprint on the course of the disease, thanks to which it is possible to differentiate between different pathogens.

General symptoms

  • Problems with the urinary system:
  1. painful urination, especially with diffuse and follicular forms;
  2. small amount of urine;
  3. frequent trips to the toilet, night trips are typical for infection with the herpes virus;
  4. urinary retention;
  5. pain or heaviness over the pubic area;
  6. irradiation of pain to the perineum or thigh.

Viral prostatitis causes pain in the groin area and problems with urination

  • Problems in your sex life:
  1. sluggish erection;
  2. loss of feeling of orgasm;
  3. premature ejaculation;
  4. pain along the urethra.
  • Irritability and increased anxiety.
  • Disruption of bowel movements due to an enlarged prostate gland.
  • Abdominal pain, flatulence due to compression of the intestines by the gland.

Specific symptoms

  • Herpetic prostatitis is characterized by the appearance on the skin surface of the genital organs:
  1. swelling;
  2. redness;
  3. blisters with serous or purulent contents;
  4. the appearance of ulcers;
  5. For the first inflammation caused by the herpes virus, general intoxication signs will be observed:

Viral inflammation will be accompanied by fever and fatigue

  • increase in general temperature;
  • malaise;
  • headache.
  • Prostatitis caused by herpes is characterized by frequent relapses, but the first attack of the disease is more severe than subsequent ones. Relapses often occur at first, then stop or have an asymptomatic course.
  • If condylomas or papillomas appear in the genital area, then prostatitis can be caused by the human papillomavirus. For an accurate diagnosis, a cytological examination of the smear or contents of the prostate gland is necessary. The course is asymptomatic. The diagnosis is made on the basis of smears taken.
  • Prostatitis caused by cytomegalovirus has an acute onset, vivid symptoms of intoxication of the body, vomiting and enlarged lymph nodes are possible.
  • Prostatitis caused by the rubella virus is characterized by the appearance of rashes on the body, sore throat, and swollen lymph nodes.

Prostatitis and sex

During inflammation in the gland, you should not try to abstain from sexual intercourse, otherwise the gland will completely stop working. Don't overdo it, find the middle. No more than two ejaculations per week are recommended, but the frequency should be individualized. Do not aggravate the course of the disease by frequently changing partners, so as not to become infected with other diseases. If the infection is herpes, then be careful!

Medicines are the basis of treatment for viral prostatitis


  • Frequent drinking is prescribed.
  • When determining viral etiology, drugs that destroy the virus are prescribed:
  1. For the fight against herpes, drugs from the Acyclovir group, which are available in tablet form and in the form of ointments, are effective. For a quick recovery, it is better to take pills that have a systemic effect;
  2. for inflammation after influenza or acute respiratory infections, drugs against viruses and interferon stimulators are prescribed:
  • "Kagocel";
  • "Rimantadine";
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Ingavirin";
  • "Cycloferon".

These drugs are prescribed for inflammation after the flu

  • Alpha-blockers improve urination because they help weaken the tone of the bladder, making urination easier:
  1. "Focusin";
  2. "Tamsulosin";
  3. "Omsulosin".
  • Prostate massage is performed in the hospital by a doctor, but this issue is decided by a specialist. It is believed that massage can promote the spread of infection, and it is also believed that massage helps the absorption of substances.
  • Physiotherapeutic treatment aimed at improving blood circulation in the organ and speedy recovery. They act with heat, light and strengthening elements.
  • Immunomodulatory treatment is prescribed for any type of inflammation to increase the body's resistance:
  1. "Interferon";
  2. "Viferon";
  3. "Grippferon";
  4. "Ingaron".

The use of these drugs increases the body's resistance to viruses

  • Papillomas and candylomas can be removed in the hospital or at home if medications are available:
  1. "Verucacid";
  2. nitrogen removal;
  3. removal using electrocoagulation;
  4. laser removal.

Prostatitis can be chronic and acute. The acute course may resemble cystitis in the patient, so you need to contact a urologist when the first symptoms appear. An advanced course will lead to infertility and other complications, neoplasms are possible. Do not delay your visit to the doctor, there is nothing more valuable than your health!

From this video you will learn about other types of prostatitis:

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Against the background of a previous infection, a weak immune system, and severe stress, men have an increased risk of developing a pathology such as herpetic prostatitis. This disease is classified as viral and occurs rarely. The inflammatory process in the prostate gland, provoked by the herpes simplex virus, is insidious in that it is prone to transforming acute pathology into a chronic, recurrent form.

Prostatitis belongs to the category of inflammatory diseases accompanied by swelling and hyperemia of the prostate in men. The age group at risk is 25-55 years. One of the rare types of pathology is herpetic prostatitis. This disease manifests itself due to the activity of the herpes virus, which is normally present in nerve cells of the human body and is activated under favorable conditions in the weakest places on the body or mucous membranes.

Prostate herpes is a dangerous pathology, as it is characterized by the following features:

  • inexpressiveness of the symptoms of the initial stages;
  • severe discomfort and unpleasant sensations in the later stages;
  • easy transfer to other parts of the body if personal hygiene is not observed;
  • rapid spread deep into the body with transition to a chronic, relapsing form in the absence of adequate and timely treatment.

The herpes virus can also infect the prostate.

The pathology is poorly understood, so there are no standards of treatment and no clear causes of the disease. It is known that it is possible to cure acute viral inflammation of the prostate, but it is impossible to completely get rid of the herpes virus in the body.

Any self-medication is fraught with serious complications. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. This will eliminate the disease quickly and without leaving a trace.

According to the characteristics of the clinical forms, the herpes type of prostatitis in men is divided into two types:

  • damage to the lower part of the urogenital canal, anal zone, rectal ampulla;
  • damage to the upper genital tract.

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Despite the little-studied pathology, there is a list of factors that can trigger the appearance of herpetic prostatitis. The most common of them:

The causative agents of this form of prostate inflammation are strains such as:

  • herpes simplex type I and II;
  • cytomagalovirus or herpes type V.

There are acute and chronic forms of the course. The difficulty of timely detection of infection of the body by a pathogen lies in the absence for a long time of typical signs in the form of a characteristic blistering rash on the skin and mucous membranes of the external genital organs, anal opening, although the virus is already fully activated and causes harm.

You can become infected with a primary herpes viral infection in infancy, but when protected by maternal antibodies, the virus will go into latent form and settle in the nerve ganglia. Only under certain circumstances and the occurrence of provoking factors does it become activated. Against the background of reduced immunity, herpes travels along nerve fibers to the upper layers of the skin and mucous membranes, instantly multiplying and causing specific symptoms of the disease.

The herpes virus that affects a man diagnosed with immunodeficiency is the most dangerous, since the herpes infection takes on a generalized form, affecting not only the prostate, but also all tissues, systems and organs of the body.

The acute course of viral infection of the prostate is manifested by the following clinical picture:

  • Strong headache;
  • general weakness, malaise;
  • urinary dysfunction in the form of retention of urine and pain during the act of urination;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back;
  • burning sensations in the genitals and perineum.

Gradually, urination becomes more frequent, bringing severe pain and a feeling of an unemptied bladder. Additionally, defecation is impaired.

If the herpetic form of prostatitis occurs against the background of influenza or ARVI, the prognosis is optimistic. The disease ends with complete recovery. But with secondary bacterial infection against the background of a serious decrease in immunity, complications may develop and the course may aggravate.

In half of the cases, the acute form of prostatitis caused by herpes becomes a chronic pathology. Relapses of this form are asymptomatic and therefore are not treated properly. As a result, there is a risk of developing infertility with impaired spermatogenesis and loss of the ability of sperm to fertilize an egg.

Symptoms of chronic herpetic inflammation of the prostate during an exacerbation are as follows:

  • urinary dysfunction;
  • feeling of constant burning, itching in the problem area;
  • strong, paroxysmal pain in the perineum, genitals with a return to the lower back and aggravation during intercourse;
  • sexual dysfunction in the form of weak erection, lack of orgasm, early uncontrolled ejaculation.

To determine the activity of the herpes virus, biological material is collected from the patient, such as:

  • blood, urine, saliva;
  • sperm;
  • discharge of the urethra and herpetic vesicles (if any).

Several diagnostic methods are used to determine viral DNA in selected biomaterial:

  • An ELISA test to detect antibodies to the virus, but the problem is that they are present in almost every person;
  • PCR test is the most exact method determination of herpes strain;
  • artificial cultivation of herpes from a culture-infected cell is an experimental technique that is not yet widely available due to its high cost.

An accurate diagnosis is made after identifying the DNA of the virus in semen or secretions collected from the prostate. An exacerbation may be preceded by herpetic eruptions on the genitals, but often the disease is subclinical. To make a diagnosis in this case, an assessment of the level of leukocytosis in the substance secreted by the prostate is used. When the prostate gland becomes inflamed according to the herpetic type, the number of lecithin grains in the sample is reduced.

To get rid of herpes on the genitals, drugs from the group of nucleoside analogues are considered the most effective. Examples are Famciclovir, Acyclovir. Medicines are prescribed only by a doctor. Acyclovir in the form of an ointment is suitable for independent use. Tablets are endowed with a large number of side effects, so they require careful selection of dosage.

Additionally, the following medications are prescribed:

In certain cases, treatment is based on long-term use of the drug "Valtrex" simultaneously with immunocorrective rectal suppositories. But there is no standard therapeutic regimen for treating patients with herpetic prostatitis, since the pathology requires an individual approach.

Therapy for herpetic prostatitis should be prescribed by a doctor; self-medication can aggravate the disease.

  • plenty of drinking regime;
  • complete rest and bed rest;
  • drainage of urine through a catheter for urinary dysfunction;
  • taking antiviral drugs - “Acyclovir”, “Valacyclovir”, “Famciclovir”.

Treatment of the chronic form of herpetic inflammation of the prostate involves taking immunomodulators, antiviral and restorative medications.

At this stage of medical development, experimental research is being conducted to develop a vaccine against herpes. Therefore, you can protect yourself from the disease only by following preventive measures.


Effective measures to prevent prostate herpes infection are:

  • keeping the genitals perfectly clean;
  • proper hand and body hygiene;
  • health monitoring;
  • proper, nutritious nutrition;
  • giving up bad habits (smoking, alcohol abuse);
  • avoidance of casual, unprotected contacts, promiscuous sex life;
  • seeking the help of specialists for any suspicious symptoms in the form of dysfunction of the genital organ or urinary tract;
  • avoidance of stress, depression;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • conducting preventive courses of physiotherapy on the pelvic organs;
  • strengthening the pelvic muscles.

The prostate gland plays a vital role in the life of every man. Unfortunately, she is often exposed to various diseases that negatively affect her activities. One of these disorders is herpetic prostatitis. It is rare and occurs mainly in people with weakened immune systems, as well as in those who have already suffered from herpes in other areas of the body.

How does herpes affect the prostate?

The virus, having penetrated the prostate gland, begins to multiply in its cells, which die because of this.

It is very important that a man’s immune system is strong enough to resist the inflammatory process. Under the influence of inflammation, the prostate gland begins to enlarge, its tissues swell, and the patient experiences painful sensations. Due to the enlargement of the organ, pressure is placed on the urethra, which leads to its narrowing and difficulty urinating.

Damage to the glandular part causes a disruption in the synthesis of substances necessary for the fluid that complements the sperm. Due to such a malfunction, the vital activity of male reproductive cells deteriorates, which makes it difficult to conceive a child. In the future, herpes and the prostatitis caused by it can lead to complete infertility.

Stages of the disease and their symptoms

The course of the disease is divided into several stages depending on how the inflammation process spreads and how severe the manifestations are. Thus, there are three forms of the disease:

  1. Superficial (catarrhal). At this stage, the symptoms practically do not bother the man, there is no pain at all. The patient may feel heaviness in the perineal area, which becomes stronger when sitting.

At night, you may experience a frequent urge to urinate, accompanied by unpleasant discomfort. There is practically no increase in body temperature at this stage; sometimes it can be low-grade. The disease at this stage responds well to treatment with antiviral drugs.

  1. Focal (follicular). It occurs if a man has complications of the superficial form. At this stage, individual lobules of the prostate undergo inflammation. Here the symptoms already manifest themselves clearly. Patients complain of high temperature, severe pain in the perineal area and the head of the male genital organ. These pains can radiate to the anus and intensify when urinating. There is also a frequent desire to empty the bladder, while the process itself is difficult.

This stage can be successfully treated if it is started in a timely manner. With proper treatment, symptoms disappear after two weeks. If time is lost, the disease will become chronic.

  1. Diffuse (parenchymatous). At this stage, prostatitis is characterized by the development of an acute purulent process in the prostate gland. There is swelling and blockage in the excretory ducts due to the accumulation of pus inside the organ. As a result, there is no outflow of secretions, the prostate becomes tense, and its size increases.

In addition, patients note sharp pain in the hips. They can be softened by lying on your back and pressing your thighs toward your stomach. The affected gland puts pressure on the urethra, resulting in retention of urine.

In addition, stool disturbances occur. The prostate gland has big size, invades the lumen of the rectum and leads to severe abdominal pain. The patient also suffers from elevated body temperature, chills, weakness, and thirst.

The prognosis for recovery for this form of the disease is not very comforting. If the treatment is chosen correctly, a positive outcome is possible. However, the organ will not be able to fully recover, so it will lose the ability to function as before.

How is the disease detected and treated?

Identifying herpetic prostatitis is quite problematic, since doctors rarely encounter it. In this regard, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive laboratory examination, otherwise it will not be possible to make a diagnosis. It is most difficult to diagnose a disease if it is caused by influenza or ARVI viruses.

If prostatitis is caused directly by herpes, then identifying it is somewhat easier. In addition to the above clinical manifestations, the man experiences rashes on the mucous membranes of the genital organs. But it is still necessary to get tested, since the disease can be complicated by concomitant infections.

Thus, a man will need to submit the following biomaterials for analysis:

  • urine and prostatic juice, with the help of which a specialist can determine the DNA of viruses;
  • blood, which is tested for the presence of antibodies to the virus.

After the doctor receives the laboratory results, he will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In order to cope with this pathology, a man must be ready not only to take medications, but also to change his lifestyle. During the period of therapy, the patient will need to eliminate those factors that have a negative impact on the functioning of the immune system, namely:

  • stop using alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  • review your daily diet;
  • adhere to a certain daily routine;
  • try to protect yourself from stress.

Urologists treat herpes and prostatitis with drug therapy, carried out using a complex medicines. The drugs are selected individually for each individual, taking into account the characteristics of the male body and the severity of the pathology.

In most cases, doctors prescribe the following medications:

  1. antiviral agents (Acyclovir, Famciclovir, Valacyclovir and others);
  2. alpha-blockers that help normalize the urination process (Fokusin, Omsulosin, Tamsulosin and others);
  3. immunomodulators aimed at activating the immune system (Viferon, Interferon and others).

During the treatment process, patients are advised to drink as much as possible so that all harmful substances and toxins are removed from the body. The urologist may also prescribe prostate massage and physiotherapy if the inflammation process is accompanied by congestion. These procedures will help restore blood circulation in the body.

Patients can also use any traditional medicine, for example, decoctions of medicinal herbs. But this is only possible as an addition to drug treatment, since alone folk recipes Prostatitis cannot be cured.

Preventive measures

No man is immune from the occurrence of herpes prostatitis. But anyone can significantly reduce the risk of disease. To do this, you need to follow the simplest rules of self-care, as well as monitor your health.

Prevention measures are for a man to:

  • gave up bad habits;
  • conducted regular sex life, but did not allow random connections;
  • consulted a urologist if signs indicating pathologies of the genitourinary system were detected, and in no case self-medicated;
  • avoided stressful situations, depression, tried to get more positive emotions;
  • lead an active lifestyle, do gymnastics, the purpose of which is to strengthen the pelvic muscles.

These simple recommendations will allow a man to maintain the health of his prostate gland and avoid sometimes very long and difficult treatment. And most importantly, it is necessary to support your immune system, since its weakening is the main cause of the disease.

Herpes prostatitis is a fairly rare viral pathology that can occur in men of any age. Under no circumstances should the disease be neglected, as it can become chronic, which is still unsafe for the patient. Therapy for prostate herpes should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced urologist and with the patient following all recommendations.

Treatment of herpes prostatitis

Herpetic prostatitis is a rare, but dangerous with its complications, disease of the genitourinary system of a man of puberty. It is necessary to understand in detail what the disease is, what are the causes and symptoms, and modern methods of treatment.

Concept and causes of herpetic prostatitis

Herpetic prostatitis is an infectious inflammation of the prostate gland in a man caused by the herpes virus. The main danger of the pathology is its rapid transition into a recurrent chronic form that is difficult to treat.

The causative agents of the infection can be strains of cytomegalovirus or herpes simplex types I and II. Even in infancy, a man can receive a primary viral infection of this kind, which in a latent form will remain in his nerve ganglia for many years and wait for conditions favorable for development. The main reason for the activation of the herpes virus is a severe malfunction in the male immune system. Factors contributing to a decrease in immunity should be considered:

  • prolonged stressful state;
  • any viral infection (flu, ARVI, herpes).

Under favorable conditions, the herpes virus, which is in a latent state in a man’s body, is activated and travels along nerve fibers to the upper layers of the skin and mucous membranes.

There it actively multiplies, causing specific signs of acute or chronic herpetic prostatitis. The rate of development of the disease largely depends on the state of the immune system. After the weakened immune system is restored, the herpes virus again goes into a passive state and remains in nervous system person.

Herpes prostatitis can easily spread through sexual contact or after complications of certain sexually transmitted diseases.

In order to promptly contact a specialist to prescribe effective treatment, you need to know the clinical picture of the disease well.

Symptoms of herpetic prostatitis

With herpes prostatitis, the symptoms, depending on the forms of the disease, can vary significantly - from asymptomatic manifestations to a vivid clinical picture. Doctors identify 3 common forms of pathology:

  • catarrhal;
  • follicular;
  • parenchymal.

The clinical picture of catarrhal prostatitis is mild. The disease in the initial stages may be asymptomatic. As it develops, the patient begins to show the following symptoms:

  • feeling of heaviness in the perineum;
  • frequent night urination;
  • discomfort in the pelvic area after urination.

The follicular form is often a complication of superficial prostatitis, in which separate foci of infectious inflammation form on the prostate gland. Symptoms in this case have a clear manifestation in the form of:

The most complex form of this disease is considered to be parenchymal herpes of the prostate, characterized by the occurrence of an acute purulent process in the male organ.

The resulting pus clogs the excretory ducts of the gland, which disrupts the normal outflow of secretions. As a result, the prostate increases in size and becomes tense. The urethra is compressed and the intestinal lumen is invaded. Signs of pathology are:

  • severe pain in the abdomen, in the perineum, moving to the femoral area;
  • complete or partial cessation of urination;
  • violation of the exhaust of gases and the process of defecation;
  • high body temperature;
  • feverish condition;
  • strong thirst.

If the cause of this prostatitis was an influenza virus or ARVI, then with proper treatment the prognosis is very favorable. When the culprit of the disease is the herpes virus, the acute form often develops into an intractable chronic pathology.

With chronic herpes prostatitis, sexual dysfunction occurs with increased pain after sexual intercourse. Symptoms intensify during the acute phase of the disease and subside somewhat during remission. Impotence and infertility should be considered serious complications of this pathology.

Diagnosis of herpetic prostatitis

To prescribe effective treatment for herpetic prostatitis, it is necessary to make a correct diagnosis. Viral prostate infections are often difficult to detect.

First, the specialist conducts a detailed conversation with the patient who contacts him and visually examines the sore spot. Often in the genital area you can see the spread of characteristic skin rashes.

To carry out diagnostic measures, it is necessary to collect biological material from the patient:

  • blood;
  • urine;
  • saliva;
  • sperm;
  • prostatic juice from the urethra;
  • discharge from herpetic vesicles, etc.

Using such modern research methods as ELISA, PCR, artificial production of the herpes virus from an infected cell, the presence of herpes virus DNA is determined in the selected biomaterial. These research methods have the only drawback - high cost.

An accurate diagnosis for this type of prostatitis is made only after detection of the herpes virus in the patient’s biological material. At the same time, the presence of a complication in the form of a concomitant secondary bacterial infection is determined.

Traditional treatment of herpes prostatitis

Treatment for herpes prostatitis should be comprehensive, aimed at:

  • to fight the herpes virus;
  • to eliminate the main symptoms;
  • to get rid of secondary bacterial infection (if necessary);
  • to increase the patient's immunity.

The mainstay of treatment for prostate herpes is the use of antiviral drugs. The following showed good results:

For characteristic skin rashes, use medicinal product Acyclovir in the form of an ointment. Antiviral medications have a negative effect on the replication of the virus.

What antibiotics and when are prescribed for the treatment of herpes prostatitis? Often the disease can be complicated by the addition of a bacterial infection of various etiologies. In this case, you cannot do without the use of antibacterial drugs. These include drugs with high penetrating ability:

  • Amoxiclav;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Ofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin, etc.

In particularly difficult cases, the doctor may prescribe the simultaneous use of several antibiotics from different groups.

One of the conditions for successful recovery is the prescription of restorative drugs and immunomodulators used to increase the patient’s immunity. Among them are common:

The patient is prescribed special vitamin complexes, minerals, etc. To restore immunity, it is important to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

One of the common symptoms of herpetic prostatitis is urinary dysfunction. To eliminate this symptom, the doctor organizes urine diversion in a hospital setting. A catheter is used for this purpose. To restore the urination process, you will need alpha-blockers:

A patient with this pathology should adhere to a plentiful drinking regime to eliminate intoxication of the body. A course of physiotherapy and a special therapeutic massage will help improve blood circulation in the prostate.

To prevent the occurrence of severe irreversible complications, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

Prevention of herpetic prostatitis

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing herpetic prostatitis in men, which is dangerous due to its negative consequences. Performance simple recommendations will help prevent the occurrence of prostate herpes:

It is no secret that the main means of protection against many ailments, in particular prostate herpes, is strengthening the immune system. To do this, you should reconsider your lifestyle, paying attention healthy eating, positive attitude, physical exercise.

Conclusion on the topic

The appearance of prostate herpes can take any man by surprise. To protect yourself from this unpleasant disease, which is fraught with dangerous complications, you need to keep your immune system in order, have one sexual partner, and undergo regular examinations for various diseases.

Prostatitis and herpes – how are the diseases related?

Against the background of an infectious process, weakened immunity, and stress, a disease such as herpetic prostatitis can develop. The pathology is classified as viral and is rare in practice.

Description of the disease

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process that leads to hypermia and swelling of the prostate in men. The risk group includes persons from 25 to 55 years old. The rarest type of pathology is herpetic prostatitis.

The disease develops due to excessive activity of the herpes virus, which normally should be found in human nerve cells. It begins to become active when provoking factors appear.

Prostate herpes is a dangerous disease that has the following features:

  • at the initial stage, symptoms are mild;
  • the appearance of severe discomfort, discomfort;
  • in the absence of personal hygiene rules, the disease will begin to spread to other parts of the body;
  • In a short period of time, the infection spreads inside the body, chronic stage, without treatment, relapses will constantly appear.

The disease has been poorly studied, there are no standard treatment regimens, just as the exact reasons for its development are not known. What is known is that it is possible to recover, but it is impossible to remove the herpes virus from the body once it has entered.

Self-medication can cause numerous complications. Only a doctor can prescribe therapy, this way you can quickly and completely get rid of the pathology.

Reasons for development

Despite the fact that the pathology is poorly understood, the factors that can provoke its development are still known.

The most common of them:

  • viral infections: influenza, ARVI, papillomavirus;
  • weakened immunity;
  • frequent exposure to stressful situations.

There are several forms of inflammation, the strains that cause it:

  • herpes type five or cytomegalovirus;
  • simple herpes of the first and second types.

The disease can develop in chronic and acute forms. Difficulties in diagnosis arise because there may be no symptoms of the disease for a long time.

There are no rashes on the genitals, mucous membranes, or anal opening. Despite this, the virus is in the active phase and causes considerable harm to the body.

Primary viral infection can be contracted in infancy, but under the protection of maternal antibodies, the virus enters a latent form, taking up space in the nervous genitalia. Only in the presence of provoking factors will the virus begin to become active. After a decrease in the body's defenses, herpes begins to travel along nerve fibers, moving into the mucous membranes and upper layers of the skin.

The virus that affects a man with immunodeficiency is the most dangerous, since a herpes infection can take a generalized form, affecting not only the prostate, but also other tissues and organs.

Stages of the disease and their symptoms

Depending on how strongly the inflammation process has begun and what the symptoms of its manifestation are, the disease can be divided into several stages.

Thus, three forms of pathology can be distinguished:

  1. Catarrhal or superficial. Men practically do not notice the symptoms, there is no pain at all. A slight heaviness may be felt in the perineal area, and the discomfort intensifies in a sitting position. At night, the frequency of the urge to urinate increases, and there is discomfort when emptying. At this stage, body temperature rarely rises and can occasionally be low-grade. Antiviral drugs taken at this stage will give good results.
  2. Follicular or focal. If complications arise after the superficial form, this one begins to form. Individual lobules of the prostate are affected by the inflammatory process. The symptoms are severe. The body temperature rises, there is severe pain in the perineal area and on the head of the penis. Periodically, the sensations radiate to the anus, and the discomfort intensifies when urinating. There is a constant desire to empty the bladder, and the process itself is difficult. If therapy is started in a timely manner, it will be successful. With proper treatment unpleasant symptoms will disappear in 10-14 days. If there is no therapy, the next stage will begin to develop – chronic.
  3. Diffuse– an acute purulent process develops in the prostate gland. There is swelling and blockage in the excretory ducts, which causes the accumulation of pus. The outflow of secretions is completely absent, the prostate is tense and increases in size.

In addition, the man will begin to feel pain in the hip area. If you lie on your back and press your thighs to your stomach, you can get rid of the discomfort. The affected gland puts strong pressure on the urethra, and therefore there is a delay in urine excretion.

A stool disorder occurs. The large prostate gland “invades” the lumen of the rectum, resulting in severe pain in the abdominal area. In addition, the man suffers from chills, fever and thirst.

The photo below is an example of the development of the disease.

The prognosis in the latter case is not encouraging. A positive outcome is possible only if the therapy was chosen correctly. However, even in this case, the organ cannot be completely restored; it will lose its functional abilities.

The video in this article explains in more detail what the symptoms of the disease are.


In order to determine the activity of the virus, biological material from the patient should be collected and examined: sperm, urine, blood, saliva or secretions from herpetic vesicles.

To detect viral DNA in selected material, several diagnostic methods are used, namely:

  • PCR test– the most accurate research method to identify the strain of herpes;
  • ELISA test– allows you to identify antibodies to the virus, but the problem lies in the fact that even a healthy person can have them;
  • growing herpes from an affected culture cell - due to the high cost, the method is rarely used.

After identifying the DNA of the virus in secretions or sperm taken from the prostate, an accurate diagnosis can be made. Most often, the disease is subclinical, but herpetic rashes may appear. In this case, the diagnosis can be made after assessing the level of leukocytosis in the fluid secreted by the prostate.

Treatment methods

Herpes prostatitis can be cured only if the therapy is comprehensive and selected in a timely manner.

It is aimed at the following points:

  • fight against the herpes virus;
  • suppression of disease symptoms;
  • getting rid of a secondary bacterial infection - if it was attached;
  • increasing immunity.

The main treatment is taking antiviral drugs. You can achieve a good effect using the following medications:

For characteristic rashes, Acyclovir, available in the form of an ointment, is used. Antiviral drugs suppress further replication of the virus.

Many may also be concerned about the question of when antibiotics are prescribed and which ones? The disease is fraught with the fact that it can be complicated by an associated bacterial infection. In this case, it is impossible to recover without taking antibacterial drugs.

These include those drugs that have high penetrating ability:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Amoxiclav;
  • Ofloxacin;
  • Ciprofloxacin and more.

In especially severe cases, the doctor may prescribe several groups of antibiotics at once.

Another main condition aimed at successful recovery is the use of restorative drugs and immunomodulators, thanks to which the patient’s local immunity will be increased.

The most common and effective drugs:

Patients are prescribed vitamin complexes, minerals, etc. In order for immunity to be restored, the lifestyle must be healthy. There should be no bad habits or bad food.

Interesting! It is not possible to cure the disease with your own hands; doctors do not recommend doing this.

A common symptom of herpetic prostatitis is dysfunction during urination. To get rid of this symptom, urine diversion is organized in the hospital using a catheter.

To further restore the urination process, alpha-blockers are prescribed:

All patients with this pathology must adhere to a plentiful drinking regime, this way intoxication of the body can be avoided. To improve blood circulation, physiotherapy and special massage are prescribed.

In order to prevent the recurrence of the disease and avoid severe complications, treatment should be carried out in a timely manner, it should be prescribed by a doctor, who also monitors the correctness of the therapy.


Prostatitis caused by herpes is much easier to prevent than to have a long and tedious battle with it later.

All you need to do is follow simple recommendations:

  • give up promiscuous sex life;
  • use contraceptives during sexual intercourse, especially if you don’t know your partner;
  • follow the rules of personal hygiene, everything should be clean - genitals, hands, and other parts of the body;
  • nutrition should be complete, rich in vitamins and nutrients;
  • completely give up bad habits;
  • lead an active lifestyle - go for walks as often as possible fresh air, lead an active lifestyle, do moderate exercise;
  • monitor your health, undergo preventive examinations several times a year;
  • there should be no stressful situations and depression;
  • Strengthen the pelvic organs with physical exercise, and if possible, perform physiotherapeutic exercises.

It’s no secret to anyone that the main way to protect against the herpes virus is to strengthen the immune system. Reconsider your lifestyle Special attention pay attention to proper nutrition, the attitude should be positive.

Herpes causes prostatitis, this fact is known to everyone, and it is scientifically proven. The disease can take any man by surprise. In order to protect yourself from a dangerous pathology, watch your body, have one regular partner, and regularly examine your body.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Treatment of prostatitis

Is it possible to completely cure prostatitis?

If prostatitis has taken a chronic form of development, it will not be possible to get rid of it forever, but if the treatment was timely, the immune system is strong, and preventive measures are taken, a stable remission can be achieved. Only acute prostatitis can be cured forever.

Establishing a diagnosis

Tell me, what examinations and tests need to be taken in order to detect prostatitis?

In order to identify acute and chronic prostatitis, you need to undergo a number of tests, as well as undergo some instrumental diagnostics, namely:

  • urine and blood for general analysis;
  • prostate secretion and urine culture for bacterial culture;
  • spermogram;
  • prostate examination.

The list, at the discretion of the attending physician, can be supplemented with other studies, or vice versa, reduced. It all depends on how the man feels and the severity of the symptoms.

Bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis

What is the difference between the two types of prostatitis? Which type is best treated?

Bacterial prostatitis is prostatitis that develops due to a bacterial factor, most often the cause is sexually transmitted diseases.

Non-bacterial prostatitis is the same disease, the clinical symptoms are the same, but its development is not provoked by infections. Most often it develops due to mechanical stagnation in the prostate, impaired blood circulation, etc. Many factors can contribute to this: hypothermia of the body, leading a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary image life, abuse of bad habits, etc.

If we talk about treatment, then everything depends on factors, for example, what is the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics, the condition of the prostate vessels, etc.

Doctor for treatment

Tell me, maybe there are some criteria for choosing a doctor to treat prostatitis, so that he can really help?

There must be trust between the patient and the doctor; only the doctor can decide what needs to be done and what not, but not you yourself. That is why, in order for the treatment to be successful, you must adhere to all the recommendations given to you.

Initially, you should contact your local clinic; remember that you can’t always get money for good service. After the examination, the specialist will draw up a treatment plan and prescribe medications. If suddenly something doesn’t suit you, you can always find another doctor.

Herpes and children

Can we have healthy children if our partner suffers from genital herpes?

Babies can be born healthy, but must take certain precautions. If you are planning a pregnancy in advance, try to conceive a child before the relapse stage occurs. If the pregnancy occurred from a partner whose health status you did not know, the woman should undergo a virological and immunological examination.

There is a danger if a woman becomes infected during the first months of pregnancy. The infection can be transmitted to the child at the moment when he passes through the birth canal. That is why if a rash appears on the genitals a few weeks before giving birth, it is necessary to have a cesarean section, thus avoiding infection.

Treatment of herpes

What medications are there to treat herpes?

For many years in a row, the search for drugs to treat herpesvirus infection has been conducted. Thanks to this, substances were discovered that can stop further reproduction of the virus in cells, without damaging the cells themselves. The most well-known drugs for treating the disease are virosept, acyclovir, valtrex, etc.

Medicines can reduce the severity of symptoms and reduce the duration of the disease. With long-term use, exacerbation will be prevented. But it is impossible to completely rid the body of the virus; it will forever live in it.

Complications from herpes

What complications can cause herpes developing on the lips?

Complications most often occur because the virus is transferred from the mucous membranes to other parts of the body. For example, you touched your lips, then touched your eyes with dirty hands - there is a high probability of developing ophthalmoherpes; without treatment, the person will become completely blind.

If you touch the wound with these hands, herpes eczema will begin to develop. Oral herpes is especially dangerous during the period of exacerbation.

Treatment of herpes

What medications can cure herpes on the lips?

After the first symptoms appear, you should not hesitate or delay treatment, since most drugs are effective in the first minutes and hours after the virus has been activated. For lips, you can use a special ointment - Zovirax, Valacyclovir.

They act directly on the pathogen, which is why they dry and cauterize. Applying them on the second or third day is no longer as effective, but the ulcers will still heal. There is acyclovir in tablets, but only a doctor can prescribe it. If you are prone to this disease, you should always carry a tube of the drug with you.

Herpetic prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate gland is called prostatitis. The inflammatory process may be associated with a bacterial infection. In rare cases, the infectious agent is a virus. Herpetic prostatitis is the rarest form of the disease, which occurs due to unknown causes. Facing this type of disease means that you will need the help of a highly qualified specialist to fully recover.

The danger of this type of disease

Any virus is very difficult to treat. Herpes infection localized to the prostate requires complex and long-term treatment. Lack of therapy leads to a lot of problems. At the initial stage, this species practically does not make itself felt. In the terminal stage, all classic symptoms are present in an intensified form. They bring a person a lot of painful sensations.

Viral infection spreads quickly different areas, thereby causing other diseases. It easily comes back; it is impossible to completely cure the virus (it will always be present in small quantities in the blood). This type of prostate inflammation is one of the most difficult to treat. It is impossible to completely get rid of this infection, but proper exposure suppresses any of its symptoms.

Very often, herpes prostatitis is confused with ordinary prostatitis, and the wrong therapy is carried out. The herpes virus is difficult to treat and difficult to diagnose, so a person must undergo examinations in special clinics that can quickly and accurately identify this type.


Every person has some type of herpes in their body. During a severe decrease in immunity, it takes over and affects a specific organ. This is one of the possible reasons for the development of the disease. It is impossible to name the exact cause, since the pathology has not yet been studied. Other possible causes of the disease include:

  • previous acute illness;
  • passive lifestyle;
  • irregular sex life;
  • associated diseases.

Classic causes that cause inflammation of any type can become an impetus for the development of the disease. Congestion and low physical activity lead to infection of the prostate gland. In addition, the cause of inflammation can be hypothermia and herpes infection of the genital organs. To identify the disease and its type, it is necessary to undergo an examination in a hospital setting.

Doctors note that this type of disease often occurs after a cold. A simple respiratory infection can become the root cause of the development of inflammation of the prostate gland. The trigger can be any other viral pathology that occurs acutely or chronically in the body. Moreover, inflammation of the prostate can become a complication of these diseases.

Provoking factors

Inflammation of the prostate gland itself can arise from negative impact, due to an incorrect lifestyle for ten years. Experts have identified so-called risk groups. These groups contain people who are more prone to developing pathology. Among them are:

  • office workers;
  • drivers;
  • teachers.

The risk group includes any person who leads a sedentary lifestyle. Other provoking factors include disordered sex life. Too frequent sexual intercourse with different girls is harmful to men's health. Firstly, this leads to the appearance of infections (including herpes). Secondly, frequent sexual intercourse irritates the prostate, which leads to inflammation.

During the course of herpes prostatitis, a lot of symptoms occur, but only in the terminal stage. At the initial stage there are practically no manifestations. The symptoms are characteristic and classic, the following phenomena can be distinguished:

  • problems with urination;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • temperature;
  • lack of libido;
  • burning when urinating (especially when urethritis is attached).

Among the characteristic symptoms that are usually characteristic only of viral prostatitis are severe itching and high temperature. If the illness is acute, the person may suffer from a high fever. In the absence of therapy, the disease becomes chronic or becomes more complicated. In the first case, all symptoms fade away, and in the second case they worsen. Based on the manifestations that arise, it is impossible to tell what type of prostatitis has affected a person, so you need to undergo a detailed examination, even if you have only one characteristic symptom.

Clinical picture

During the course of the disease, not all symptoms may always occur. Sometimes viral inflammation occurs in an atypical manner. For example, a low-grade fever may occur, but there will be no other manifestations of the disease.

The disease can develop at lightning speed or slowly. All clinical symptoms may appear in just a few days, or they may occur one after another for 1 year. Each person's disease progresses with individual characteristics.


Diagnostic procedures are very important for all therapy. They allow you to determine the type of infectious agent and select the appropriate treatment. Diagnosis can only be carried out in a hospital setting. If symptoms associated with pelvic pain and urinary problems occur, a person should immediately seek help from a specialist.

Usually a full examination and classical tests (blood, urine) are performed. Additionally, specialized research methods are used:

  • a smear is taken;
  • prostate juice analysis;
  • An ultrasound examination of the perineum is performed;
  • semen and urine are examined.

Herpes is very difficult to diagnose, since each person has a certain type of this disease. The most accurate method for identifying the type of disease is the PCR test. For this type of study, prostate secretion will be required. The analysis allows you to accurately determine the type of herpes pathology.

Importance of diagnosis

This disease requires highly accurate diagnosis, since all its symptoms are similar to bacterial lesions of the prostate, while classical methods and drugs will not be able to affect the disease.

Sometimes you need to contact urology centers to establish a diagnosis. Men can try to get rid of chronic prostatitis for a long time, but the therapy will be completely incorrect, which is why it is so important to diagnose using the most modern methods.

Therapy of the disease is quite complex; each person has his own treatment. Each organism has individual characteristics, so the same technique can work differently on two different people. You will also need to pay attention to the type of herpes infection in order to select the appropriate antiviral agent.

The therapy is aimed at two fronts: strengthening the immune system and fighting the virus. Both components are very important. The disease can only be suppressed with the help of immunity. Simple treatment with pills will not bring results or will give a short-term effect. An antiviral agent that has a broad spectrum of action is usually used. This is often done when it is not possible to accurately determine the type of herpes, but there is evidence of the presence of some strain.

After treatment, a special set of preventive measures is followed, which allows you to prevent remission and forget about prostatitis forever. You will need to radically change your lifestyle, as well as remove possible provoking factors.

Drug therapy

One of the most important parts of all treatment is taking medications. Antiviral and stimulating tablets, suppositories, and ointments are usually used. The most popular option is to use Acyclovir tablets together with rectal immunostimulating suppositories. Increasing local immunity is an integral part of all treatment. Specific products are selected by a specialist based on the diagnostic results and individual characteristics of the person.

In severe cases of pathology, it will be necessary to be treated in a hospital setting. This can happen if the urinary function is completely impaired, or if the person is in serious condition. The most important thing is to restore the body's protective functions. Inpatient treatment is carried out until the person gets better. Usually the acute condition resolves within 1 week. After this, you will need to follow all the doctor’s recommendations in order to properly complete the therapy.

Local medications play a big role in getting rid of herpes inflammation. You should not avoid using rectal suppositories, as they deliver the active substance directly to the site of inflammation. For quick relief of severe symptoms, topical remedies are best.


Most often, the disease occurs in an acute-chronic form. This means that it is characterized by a wave-like course, with attacks and remissions occurring. In such cases, physiotherapy is used, which is designed to improve the person’s condition, as well as remove many provoking factors.

Among the many physical procedures, the most popular is prostate massage. It allows you to fight the stagnant process, which is one of the causes of infectious inflammation. The massage is performed by a specialist, and before using it, a diagnosis is carried out for contraindications.

To alleviate the condition, procedures can be used:

A urologist selects physical procedures. Only he will be able to determine the advisability of using physiotherapeutic procedures. They are usually used at the time of remission of the disease to consolidate the result and prevent acute symptoms from returning.


Traditional medicine is ready to offer several ways to speed up recovery. Basically, home methods help stimulate the immune system. Various decoctions of berries and herbs, as well as juices of vegetables and fruits, can be used.

Perfect for restoring immune functions - Rosehip. You need to brew 40 g of dry leaves in 1 liter of water, leave the decoction for 9-10 hours. Take it 3-4 times a day, 100 ml.

Many people know that hot and spicy foods stimulate the body’s protective functions through irritation of receptors. It is worth consuming garlic or ginger to improve your immune system. These two components have a lot of advantages; they improve appetite and metabolic processes.

Folk remedies have no side effects, so they perfectly complement general therapy. Their effectiveness has been proven by time, but you should not make them the basis of your treatment. Dosages of conventional medications should not be reduced.

Additional Methods

During treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to give up all bad habits. If a person is sick with an acute form, then he needs to abstain from sexual intercourse; if a person is sick with a chronic form, then on the contrary, he will need to have regular sex life.

A healthy lifestyle is very important, as it directly affects the immune system and the general condition of the body. It is important to follow a diet, excluding spicy and fatty foods. You will also need to add physical activity, exercises for the lower body are especially important. Increasing blood circulation in the lower body area helps fight the disease.

It is worth noting that all actions are used during remission or during a chronic course. The acute form requires other methods. In case of severe damage, the following must be observed:

  • bed rest;
  • fluid intake standards;
  • food rich in vitamins.

A severe course requires perseverance from a person; you will need to use a lot of tablets without skipping. It is necessary to complete the full course of therapy, since interrupted treatment leads to remission with complications.

Duration of therapy

Many people are interested in the duration of treatment. This indicator depends on many factors. It is worth understanding that it will not be possible to quickly get rid of the disease. You need to set yourself up for long-term therapy, during which all norms will be observed.

Depending on the severity of the pathology, the healing process may take a month or several months. To prevent the disease from returning, you should always end therapy, even if all symptoms and manifestations have disappeared.

Therapy is considered complete when the person does not feel any negative symptoms, and when the examination shows no herpes in the tests. After defeating the disease, a person must use a special set of preventive actions to consolidate the result.


After successful treatment, you need to follow some rules that will allow you to forget about exacerbations forever. Prevention can begin to be carried out directly during treatment, but all actions can be used only after complete recovery.

Typically, preventive actions are understood as a set of measures that prevent the return of any disease. By preventing prostatitis, a person simultaneously avoids many other pathologies. By performing prevention, it is possible to improve the general condition of the body and regain tone and cheerfulness.

Prevention consists of three parts: nutrition, exercise and regular examinations. Diets and physical exercise do not raise questions among people, but many neglect the examination. Regular body checks allow you to identify any ailment at an early stage and quickly get rid of it.

Inspection must be carried out at least once a year. A man should not avoid visiting a urologist. Checking your prostate is just as important as checking your heart and other internal organs. Monitoring your blood counts is also important, as even the slightest inflammation will affect your readings.

Using classic doctor's advice, as well as undergoing regular examinations, you can forget about many recurrent diseases for a long time.

Primary prevention

Many men are interested in what to do to prevent the development of the disease. Many experts believe that prostatitis occurs only in adulthood. This is partly true, but herpes can occur when a person is in a state of immunodeficiency.

To prevent the development of prostatitis, it is necessary to perform the following algorithm:

  • Have a regular sex life, if this is not possible, masturbate. An important point is protection during sexual intercourse, herpes can be transmitted sexually.
  • Undergo scheduled checks, if any symptom appears that is associated with prostatitis, undergo unscheduled examinations.
  • Dress warmly and try not to overcool the pelvic area.
  • Avoid a sedentary lifestyle if your work involves an office or driving, try to move whenever possible, it is advisable to completely change your field of activity.
  • If you are at risk (sedentary lifestyle, over 40 years of age), a person must take preventive measures more thoroughly.

If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, herpetic prostatitis does not cause serious complications and is completely cured. The disease is difficult to diagnose, so it is worth contacting professional urological clinics, especially if a regular clinic does not carry out high-precision PCR tests.

For a man who closely monitors his health, herpes prostatitis does not pose a threat. Only in rare cases do serious complications arise with the addition of a bacterial infection. At a young age, it is possible to completely get rid of the disease; in a more mature period, it is possible to achieve stable remission or complete recovery (the final result depends on the general condition of the body).

If a person neglects treatment or is misdiagnosed, the disease will continue to spread. Viral urethritis, balanoposthitis and even cystitis will occur. This will lead to serious problems. cure accompanying illnesses it will be hard.

In general, the disease is quite easy to treat, the main thing is to make the correct diagnosis. Diagnosis in the treatment of this type of disease is the most important part. Very often a person wastes time using medications against other infections. Complex treatment gives results and allows you to forget about inflammation of the prostate gland forever.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

DO YOU HAVE PROSTATITIS? Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • constant pain in the lower abdomen, scrotum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to cure prostatitis! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treating prostatitis.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,

Herpetic prostatitis is a very rare but dangerous disease. In most cases, it can be recognized when the symptoms are so expressive that they cause discomfort to the patient. This pathology is poorly understood, so there are not so many treatment methods. The disease is also known under such names as prostate herpes, viral prostatitis. If it is not treated in time, it can develop into a chronic form. Then it will be very difficult to get rid of the disorder. Prostate herpes primarily affects men who have a weakened immune system. At the first manifestations of the disease, you should contact a specialist, as there is a risk of encountering unpleasant consequences. Self-medication can lead to complications. Treatment should be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor so that the disease goes away quickly and without a trace.

Any infectious disease suffered by a man can provoke the development of prostate herpes:
  • Human papillomavirus infection;
  • ARVI;
  • Flu;
  • Herpes.
This type of disease is a complication of infectious viral diseases in the body. It may accompany the course of the underlying illness or appear some time after recovery. A prerequisite for the development of prostate herpes is a severe weakening of the immune system.
The causative agent of herpetic prostatitis is the herpes virus or cytomagalovirus. Diagnosing the disease is not easy, since in the initial stages it does not manifest itself in any way.
The herpes virus is one of those pathogens that enter the body and remain there for a long time. If the immune system is strong, it remains in a passive state in the nervous system. When immunity decreases, the virus becomes active and affects various organs and mucous membranes, including the prostate. If a person has an immunodeficiency, the pathogen affects all systems and organs.

This type of disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Manifestations of the disease depend entirely on the form of the disease. In acute prostatitis, the following symptoms are observed:
  • General weakness;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Headache;
  • Urinary problems;
  • Severe pain localized in the lower abdomen;
  • Defecation disorder.
If you do not help your immune system and strengthen it, a bacterial infection will be added to herpes prostatitis. If the causative agent of the disease is an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza virus, the patient has every chance of a full recovery. If the pathology develops as a result of exposure to the herpes virus, the acute form can become chronic. Lack of timely, effective treatment can lead to infertility.

If acute prostate herpes is not completely cured, it can develop into a chronic form. The chronic form of herpetic prostatitis during the period of exacerbation is accompanied by severe pain in the lumbar region, in the pelvic organs, and perineum.

Painful sensations intensify after sexual intercourse. This disease of prostatitis, which occurs in a chronic form, is rarely cured completely; in most cases, patients with this disease have problems with potency, lack of orgasm, and infertility.


Detecting the presence of a virus is quite difficult. This pathology is rare. The first sign that should prompt the patient to undergo a full examination is difficulty urinating, pain in the perineum, as a result of an acute respiratory viral infection or influenza. Since prostate herpes is a very rare disorder, doctors cannot always make the correct diagnosis during laboratory tests, especially if the disease is caused by influenza or ARVI viruses. It is much easier to diagnose herpetic prostatitis, which is provoked by the herpes virus of the first or second type. In this case, painful sensations are accompanied by rashes on the mucous membrane of the genital organs and on the skin. Prostate herpes must be treated under the supervision of a doctor, because the development mechanism has not been fully studied and it is unclear how the body will behave.

To make a diagnosis, you need to examine prostatic juice and urine. If DNA of the herpes virus is detected in them, the diagnosis is confirmed. In addition, you need to donate blood for laboratory testing; it must contain antibodies to the virus.

Once a patient has been diagnosed with this form of the virus, care must be taken to ensure that treatment is effective. The first thing you need to do is stick to bed rest, drink a lot of non-carbonated drinking water, adjust your diet and normalize your lifestyle. Depending on the complexity of the course, treatment is prescribed. In advanced forms, a catheter is inserted into the patient, as they often experience a disturbance in the outflow of urine. Medicines are prescribed only after the viral nature of prostatitis has been accurately determined. Most often, the disease is treated with antibacterial drugs. Among the most popular:
  • Famciclovir;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Valaciclovir.

Prostate herpes occurs against a background of reduced immunity, so one of the important tasks for a quick recovery is strengthening the immune system.

For this purpose, the patient is prescribed vitamins, minerals, immunomodulatory, and restorative drugs.


In order not to encounter such an unpleasant consequence as prostate herpes, you should adhere to simple rules self-care and monitoring your health. Preventive measures are as follows:
  • Quitting bad habits, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • Improve your sex life, avoid casual contacts;
  • At the slightest suspicion of dysfunction of the genital organs and urinary tract, you should seek qualified help and do not self-medicate;
  • Avoid stressful situations, depression, get maximum positive emotions, which helps strengthen the immune system;
  • Using physiotherapeutic procedures, maintain the pelvic organs in normal condition;
  • Do gymnastic exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic muscles.
As adjuncts, can be used for treatment and medicinal plants, and other traditional medicine recipes, however, you should not rely heavily on them. The treatment of herpetic prostatitis must be approached very carefully. This disease affects men of all ages. At risk are patients who are over 40 and who often suffer from viral and infectious diseases. Men who have had herpes on other parts of the body are especially susceptible to prostate herpes. The only way to protect yourself from this pathology is to strengthen your immune system.

Prostate herpes is a rare viral disease that is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. If ignored, the acute form can develop into a chronic form, and this is much more difficult and dangerous for the patient.

The consequences can range from pain to impotence and infertility. Treatment of prostate herpes is not an easy task, but it is necessary. It requires a professional approach, medical supervision, bed rest, and medication.

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