Amoxicillin male urology. Amoxicillin in the treatment of prostatitis in men. Possible side effects

Amoxicillin is a drug that belongs to the broad-spectrum penicillins. It is indicated for bacterial diseases caused by gram-positive microorganisms. It acts on the membrane of bacterial cells, denatures its proteins and provokes the death of the infectious agent.

It is prescribed for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate due to its fast-acting properties. After ingestion of the drug, the active substances with the blood flow penetrate the liver. Upon completion of metabolism, the antibiotic is distributed to all organs and tissues, including the prostate.

If the bacteria that caused inflammation of the prostate gland do not have the enzyme penicillase, the antibiotic easily binds to the membrane of the microorganism. After perforators (holes) appear in the shell, a large amount of liquid begins to enter the bacterium. This tears the microorganism apart from the inside.

In the treatment of the inflammatory process with amoxicillin, the effectiveness depends on:

  • sensitivity of microorganisms that caused prostatitis;
  • antibiotic doses;
  • the number of leukocytes and blood immunoglobulins;
  • blood supply to the prostate.

If an antibacterial agent is given against the background of leukocytosis (an increased number of leukocytes) caused by prostatitis, the level of leukocytes will decrease. This pattern means that the antibiotic acts and destroys bacteria in the gland.

Amoxicillin for prostatitis is taken in the form of tablets, capsules, suspensions. The best option are capsules or tablets. The bioavailability of the drug is more than 60%, therefore, with normal function of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, an effect occurs that is equivalent to injections.

The dosage is selected individually based on the patient's condition and the bacteria that were sown from the prostate secretion. On average, for the treatment of acute prostatitis, it is necessary to take 500 mg of the drug once a day, it is allowed to take 250 mg twice a day. It is advisable to additionally use another broad-spectrum antibiotic before the pathogen is verified. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

For the treatment of chronic inflammation of the prostate of bacterial etiology, 500–750 mg is used once a day for 10–14 days. If allergies occur in the form of a rash or itching, the drug must be discontinued.

When using antibiotics of the penicillin group, it is recommended to drink bifidobacteria to prevent dysbacteriosis. For people with a weak liver and kidney disease, the dosage is gradually reduced starting from the first day (50 mg daily).

Prostate problems began after unprotected intercourse. I did not go to the doctor, I called a familiar urologist. He advised me to take a course of Amoxicillin for 7 days. From the first day I noticed improvements, discomfort disappeared, body temperature decreased. After 5 months I feel good, the prostate does not bother me.

Oleg, 45 years old, Voronezh

Suffered from chronic prostatitis for about two years. After passing all the tests, the attending doctor wrote a course of antibiotic therapy, where Amoxicillin was. I drank in tablets 1 time per day. After a 14-day course of treatment, there were no relapses. Before that, I drank various means, but to no avail.

Amoxicillin in the treatment of prostatitis in men

Often, to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the genitourinary system, Amoxicillin is used for prostatitis. The popularity of the drug is due to its high efficiency in the fight against urological diseases. The drug helps to destroy the causative agent of the pathology and eliminate its main symptoms.

Composition and forms of release

The drug is a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic of the penicillin group.

The active substance of the drug is amoxicillin trihydrate. It is he who performs the main function - it destroys the pathogen of the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. The composition also contains other components that are necessary to create the required pharmaceutical form.

"Amoxicillin" has several forms of release. Under this name there may be tablets, capsules, suspensions and powders for the preparation of therapeutic injections. Depending on the form of release, the parameter of absorption of the drug by the human body changes. The bioavailability of its active component is also different.

How the drug works

The active substance of the drug has the ability to destroy the structure of the protein, which is a component of the shell of pathogenic microorganisms. Due to this effect, further growth and development of the cell is stopped. She stops sharing. The drug is active against different groups of pathogens of inflammatory diseases. These include:

  1. Salmonella;
  2. Shigella;
  3. Escherichia;
  4. Streptococci;
  5. Staphylococci;
  6. Protea.

As a result of the use of the drug in the form of a suspension, absorption of the active substance in the amount of 90% is observed. This effect is achieved 2 hours after administration. If a man is treated for prostatitis with capsules, then absorption occurs at 100%. In this case, the active ingredient does not lose its properties even after exposure to gastric juice. Therefore, it is allowed to take pills regardless of when meals are taken.

With parenteral administration of the drug, the maximum effectiveness of Amoxicillin and the speed of its action are observed. It is completely absorbed after 1 hour after the moment of application. The substance is evenly distributed over the tissues and fluids that are present in the human body. The therapeutic effect after administration lasts for 7 hours.

"Amoxicillin" is able to penetrate all existing barriers without problems. It actively accumulates in biological fluids. This is one of the reasons why doctors do not allow the use of medication by women who are carrying a child.

Indications for use

The expediency of using the drug can be found out after a medical consultation.

For problems with the prostate gland, the use of "Amoxicillin" is recommended. It is permissible to take an antibiotic only if all the necessary diagnostic measures have been taken. With their help, the physician must find out the nature of the causative agent of the disease, as well as its sensitivity to active substances that are used in the manufacture of drugs with an antibacterial effect.

"Amoxicillin" is indicated for such pathologies:

  • Prostatitis and other diseases of the urinary system;
  • Infections of the lower and upper respiratory tract;
  • Infectious lesions of bones and soft tissues;
  • Chronic or acute course of damage to the kidneys and biliary tract;
  • Blood poisoning.

With prostatitis, the medication is taken both in the presence of symptoms and in their absence.

Dosage and method of application for prostatitis

"Amoxicillin" quickly penetrates to the tissues of the prostate affected by inflammation and begins to act actively. It suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and reduces the severity of painful symptoms.

"Amoxicillin" must be used for prostatitis in men strictly in the dosage that was prescribed by the attending physician. It is forbidden to reduce or increase it on your own, as this can reduce the effectiveness of therapy and lead to the development of complications. The dose for an adult should not exceed 6 mg. This requirement applies to patients whose weight exceeds 48 kg.

On average, patients should receive 2 g of the drug per day. Reception is recommended to be carried out about 2-3 times a day, namely in the morning, afternoon and evening. It is required to take 250-500 mg at a time.

A treatment course based on this drug can only be started after the causative agent of the infection in the prostate has been identified. If indicated, it is allowed to increase the standard dosage by 2 times in order to achieve greater effectiveness of therapy.


There are the following contraindications to taking the drug:

  • Serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Infectious form of lymphocytic leukemia or mononucleosis;
  • respiratory viral infections;
  • Hypersensitivity to substances in the preparation.

With extreme caution, doctors prescribe treatment with this medicine to patients who have been found to have impaired liver or kidney function. With such pathologies, it is required to maintain constant monitoring of the patient's analyzes and his current condition.

Side effects

While taking the drug, a side effect may occasionally occur - insomnia.

The drug, if its dosage was incorrectly determined, can cause the development of negative reactions that worsen the general well-being of the patient. Although most patients tolerate such treatment well. To achieve a favorable result, it is only necessary to correctly draw up a treatment regimen. The patient, in turn, must carefully follow all the requirements and instructions of the urologist.

If the patient was prescribed "Amoxicillin" in a dosage form intended for oral administration, then he may experience a disorder in the digestive tract. It manifests itself in the form of nausea, loss of interest in food, changes in taste sensations and diarrhea. Occasionally, patients experience sleep problems and increased activity.

If a man has an individual intolerance to the components of the antibiotic, then he will not be able to avoid allergic reactions. Allergy to "Amoxicillin" manifests itself in the form of itching, runny nose and rashes on the skin. If they are found, it is recommended to immediately seek help from your doctor. He will find out the nature of this effect and, if necessary, select another drug for the treatment of prostatitis.


The duration of the course of treatment with "Amoxicillin" usually does not exceed 2 weeks. During this period, a sufficient amount of active substances accumulate in the human body, which adversely affect the vital activity of pathogenic microflora. If the patient is treated with the drug for longer than the prescribed period or exceeds its daily dose, then he has symptoms of an overdose. They are limited to the following states:

  1. constipation or diarrhea;
  2. Vomit;
  3. dizziness;
  4. Change in blood tests.

In order to quickly remove the medication from the patient's body, it is first necessary to do a gastric lavage. An adsorbent and, if necessary, a laxative should also be given.

drug interaction

Amoxicillin may interact with other drugs as follows:

  1. When combined with rifampicin, a mutually weakening effect occurs. The effect of the drug is also reduced by tetracyclines, macrolides and sulfonamides;
  2. Decreases the effect of oral contraceptives;
  3. There is a pronounced toxic effect of the drug when combined with chemotherapy based on methotrexate;
  4. The risk of bleeding increases when an antibiotic is combined with anticoagulants;
  5. An increase in the concentration of an antibiotic in the blood occurs when it is taken with diuretics and anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs.

These features of the interaction must be taken into account when conducting complex drug treatment.

Interaction with alcohol

In the instructions for the use of the antibiotic, there is no exact data on how the interaction of the drug and alcoholic beverages affects the human body. In any case, doctors strongly do not recommend taking alcohol with the medicine, as this can lead to severe poisoning.

What can replace Amoxicillin with inflammation of the prostate

The drug has a similar drug effect with Amoxicillin

"Amoxicillin" has a wide list of analogues, which, if necessary, can be replaced. The most requested are:

These drugs have a similar effect. They are united by an active substance that is active against pathogens in the prostate.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health is implementing a program » Russia without prostatitis". Under which Predstanol is available at a reduced price of 99 rubles., to all residents of the city and region!

The effectiveness of Amoxicillin in prostatitis

Bacterial prostatitis is treated with antibiotics. They act on microorganisms that provoke the appearance of an inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

Doctors often prescribe Amoxicillin for prostatitis. A semi-synthetic drug belonging to the penicillin group affects various pathogenic microflora.

Characteristics of the drug

Amoxicillin, prescribed for prostatitis, is an effective means of combating microorganisms in the prostate gland. Its benefit lies in the special effect on the cells of the harmful flora.

Amoxicillin for prostatitis

The active substance of the drug penetrates into the protein, which is part of the bacteria. It destroys its structure. During exposure, cell growth stops. This prevents her from sharing.

Amoxicillin is prescribed for the defeat of the prostate by many microorganisms. Among them are:


The drug has several forms of release:

  • suspension;
  • capsules;
  • injection.

Amoxicillin in the form of a suspension

Each of them has a special degree of absorption and impact on the body of a man.

  1. If the treatment is carried out using a suspension, then after 2 hours 90% of the drug is absorbed.
  2. In capsule therapy, after a similar period of time, 100% of the active substance enters the bloodstream.
  3. The best result is observed when using an injection solution. 60 minutes after administration, the drug completely penetrates the circulatory system, is distributed throughout the tissue cells and body fluids. The beneficial effect is carried out for seven hours.

The active substance does not become less active when it enters the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it can be used at any time, without focusing on meals.

Due to its composition, Amoxicillin overcomes barriers in the form of cell walls. It can also penetrate the placenta, so the drug is not prescribed during pregnancy. For men suffering from prostatitis, the drug is one of the most effective precisely because of this property.

Application of the drug

Amoxicillin quickly penetrates the prostate, eliminating the activity of harmful microorganisms. It can be prescribed during treatment in the form of injections, as well as tablets.

The use of amoxicillin for prostatitis

During therapy, the dosage of the drug must be strictly observed. It is selected by the doctor taking into account the characteristics of the course of the disease. For adult men, the daily dose should not exceed 6 g. This applies to patients whose body weight is more than 48 kg.

On average, patients are prescribed 2 g per day. Reception is carried out in 2-3 approaches. In the morning, afternoon and evening, a man should take 250-500 mg of the drug.

Treatment is carried out only after determining the causative agent of an infectious lesion. The dosage can be increased by the doctor if there are indications for this. On average, therapy is 2 weeks.

If the patient suffers from kidney failure with a decrease in the level of keratin, then the dose can be reduced by 30, and sometimes 50%. With urinary retention, a maximum of 2 g of the drug can be taken per day.

When hemodialysis is performed, the patient is allowed to administer Amoxicillin in an amount of 0.5 g. After the procedure, a similar dose is required. Treatment is carried out no longer than 10 days.

In the presence of acute prostatitis, the use of the drug in an increased dosage is required. An antibiotic is administered intravenously to the patient for 7 days. If there is a positive trend, then the form of the drug changes to intramuscular injections or tablets.

Indications and contraindications for use

The drug is active to a large number of pathogens. Therefore, Amoxicillin is prescribed for prostatitis of any type of bacterial nature.

  1. If there is an acute stage of the disease, the effectiveness can be assessed already 2 days after the start of the drug.
  2. If taken for chronic prostatitis, the bacteria are eliminated within a few days. This makes it possible to prevent the exacerbation of the disease.

The tool has practically no contraindications for use. It is easily tolerated by patients, so the treatment does not affect the state of the body of a man.

Doctors identify the main contraindication in which the use of Amoxicillin is prohibited - individual intolerance to the components of the drug. Also, many doctors express the opinion that it is impossible to use an antibiotic for infectious mononucleosis.

Patients who suffer from:

  • hypersensitivity to antibacterial agents;
  • diathesis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • hay fever;
  • colitis when taking antibiotics earlier;
  • severe degree of renal failure.

Adverse reactions

If the drug is taken strictly according to the scheme, in accordance with the dosage and duration of treatment prescribed by the doctor, then adverse reactions are observed in rare cases. With prolonged use, the likelihood of negative changes increases.

The drug treatment regimen is determined solely by the doctor.

In the case of oral administration, there is a violation of the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. It is expressed as:

Also among the adverse reactions, one can distinguish a change in taste sensations and an inflammatory process in the vocal cords.

The nervous system can also suffer from uncontrolled intake. The person becomes agitated, sleeps badly. Also, a man can be tormented by headaches, convulsions.

In addition to the above adverse reactions, doctors do not exclude the possibility of manifestation:

However, such signs are quite rare. An allergic reaction to the drug is more often manifested, which is expressed as:

If the patient is susceptible to allergies, anaphylactic shock may develop after taking a penicillin antibiotic.

Adverse reactions when taking Amoxicillin

Interaction with other drugs

In the treatment of prostatitis, drugs other than antibiotics may be prescribed. It is important to follow the rules of simultaneous administration in order for the therapy to lead to a positive result.

Amoxicillin has an inhibitory effect on:

  • Tetracycline;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Cycloserine;
  • aminoglycosides.

In this case, the antibiotic can enhance the effect of Indomethacin, acetylsalicylic acid and diuretics.

Skin rashes can result from the simultaneous use of Allopurinol and Amoxicillin. The antibiotic itself becomes less effective if it is used after antacids.

Interaction of Amoxicillin with other drugs

If the patient has diarrhea during the treatment period, then you can use products that contain kaolin. Other drugs that inhibit peristalsis may reduce the effectiveness of Amoxicillin.


If the drug is taken according to the scheme, then the possibility of an overdose is excluded. If the dose is exceeded, you may experience:

  • vomit;
  • violation of water and electrolyte balance;
  • changes in the blood.

The patient needs to wash the stomach, take sorbents and laxatives. Sometimes restoration of water and electrolyte balance is required.

The scheme of treatment of prostatitis Amoxicillin

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland that occurs against the background of an infectious lesion of the prostate or degenerative disorders in it. Pathology is accompanied by problems with urination and erection, and prostatitis occurs in every second man over the age of 60 years.

Treatment of prostatitis is carried out in different ways, it all depends on the cause of the disease. Amoxicillin for prostatitis is prescribed if the cause of the pathology is a bacterial infection, because this drug is an antibiotic. If the cause of inflammation lies elsewhere, then Amoxicillin will not get rid of the disease, so a urologist-andrologist should prescribe it after the examination.

Properties of Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic antibacterial drug of the penicillin series. The tool has several analogues with the same active substance:

  • Flemoxin Solutab;
  • Ospamox;
  • Amosin;
  • Ecoball etc.

Amoxicillin penetrates the prostate and accumulates in it. It destroys the protein that makes up the shell of microorganisms and leads to their death. Various bacteria are sensitive to the drug, in particular, streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci, listeria, salmonella and many others.

It is important to note that bacteria often develop resistance to Amoxicillin, that is, resistance. This is possible with improper use of the drug, its premature cancellation.

If this happens, you will have to select an antibiotic from another group, because Amoxicillin will no longer have an effect. To avoid such difficulties, you need to take the drug only as prescribed by the doctor, observing the dosage, frequency of administration and duration of treatment.


Amoxicillin is often prescribed for prostatitis in men if a bacterial infection has become the cause of the inflammatory process. But before you start taking the drug, you must definitely study the instructions and make sure that there are no contraindications. Amoxicillin is contraindicated in case of intolerance to penicillin.

If the patient has a history of the following pathologies, then Amoxicillin is prescribed with caution:

  • kidney failure;
  • allergic skin rashes, asthma;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • acute lymphoblastic leukemia;
  • viral infections.

How to drink Amoxicillin with prostatitis

Amoxicillin for prostatitis in men is taken in the form of tablets, sometimes injections may be recommended. If a single dose of a large amount of antibiotic is required, a dropper with Amoxicillin may also be indicated.

The dosage of Amoxicillin for prostatitis is selected individually, it all depends on the severity of the disease and the presence of a history of kidney pathologies. So in case of renal failure, it is required to reduce the dose by almost 2 times, since the removal of fluid from the body is disturbed.

Most often, tablets of 500 mg are prescribed, which must be taken three times a day at regular intervals. The dosage and frequency of administration may increase, but you can not take more than 6 grams per day.

The duration of treatment is usually no more than 10 days. It should be noted that with prolonged use of drugs, the likelihood of developing adverse reactions increases. But it is not recommended to cancel the remedy without consulting a doctor, with the exception of pronounced side effects.

Side effects

Whether Amoxicillin helps with prostatitis cannot be said unequivocally. Judging by the reviews of patients, the drug helped many to get rid of the disease, while for others, treatment with Amoxicillin was unsuccessful.

The fact is that antibiotic therapy should be carried out only with strict indications. If the drug is taken uncontrollably, it may become ineffective. It is also important to correctly assess the stage of the disease in order to choose the correct dosage of the remedy. If the dose is too low, then the treatment will be carried out in vain, and with an increased dosage, the risk of side effects is high.

Amoxicillin with prostatitis can provoke the following side reactions:

  • oral and vaginal candidiasis;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • convulsions, dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin reactions, such as urticaria.

Most often, there are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and skin rashes, other side effects are quite rare.


Amoxicillin is an effective treatment for prostatitis in men, but only if it is taken as prescribed by a doctor and after examination. Do not neglect going to the clinic and drinking antibiotics at your own discretion, this behavior often does not lead to recovery, but provokes various kinds of complications.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the prostate gland that occurs against the background of an infectious lesion of the prostate or degenerative disorders in it. Pathology is accompanied by problems with urination and erection, and prostatitis occurs in every second man over the age of 60 years.

Treatment of prostatitis is carried out in different ways, it all depends on the cause of the disease. Amoxicillin for prostatitis is prescribed if the cause of the pathology is a bacterial infection, because this drug is an antibiotic. If the cause of inflammation lies elsewhere, then Amoxicillin will not get rid of the disease, so a urologist-andrologist should prescribe it after the examination.

Properties of Amoxicillin

Amoxicillin is a semi-synthetic antibacterial drug of the penicillin series. The tool has several analogues with the same active substance:

  • Flemoxin Solutab;
  • Ospamox;
  • Amosin;
  • Ecoball etc.

Amoxicillin penetrates the prostate and accumulates in it. It destroys the protein that makes up the shell of microorganisms and leads to their death. Various bacteria are sensitive to the drug, in particular, streptococci, staphylococci, enterococci, listeria, salmonella and many others.

It is important to note that bacteria often develop resistance to Amoxicillin, that is, resistance. This is possible with improper use of the drug, its premature cancellation.

If this happens, you will have to select an antibiotic from another group, because Amoxicillin will no longer have an effect. To avoid such difficulties, you need to take the drug only as prescribed by the doctor, observing the dosage, frequency of administration and duration of treatment.


Amoxicillin is often prescribed for prostatitis in men if a bacterial infection has become the cause of the inflammatory process. But before you start taking the drug, you must definitely study the instructions and make sure that there are no contraindications. Amoxicillin is contraindicated in case of intolerance to penicillin.

If the patient has a history of the following pathologies, then Amoxicillin is prescribed with caution:

  • kidney failure;
  • allergic skin rashes, asthma;
  • Infectious mononucleosis;
  • acute lymphoblastic leukemia;
  • viral infections.

How to drink Amoxicillin with prostatitis

Amoxicillin for prostatitis in men is taken in the form of tablets, sometimes injections may be recommended. If a single dose of a large amount of antibiotic is required, a dropper with Amoxicillin may also be indicated.

The dosage of Amoxicillin for prostatitis is selected individually, it all depends on the severity of the disease and the presence of a history of kidney pathologies. So in case of renal failure, it is required to reduce the dose by almost 2 times, since the removal of fluid from the body is disturbed.

Most often, tablets of 500 mg are prescribed, which must be taken three times a day at regular intervals. The dosage and frequency of administration may increase, but you can not take more than 6 grams per day.

The duration of treatment is usually no more than 10 days. It should be noted that with prolonged use of drugs, the likelihood of developing adverse reactions increases. But it is not recommended to cancel the remedy without consulting a doctor, with the exception of pronounced side effects.

Side effects

Whether Amoxicillin helps with prostatitis cannot be said unequivocally. Judging by the reviews of patients, the drug helped many to get rid of the disease, while for others, treatment with Amoxicillin was unsuccessful.

The fact is that antibiotic therapy should be carried out only with strict indications. If the drug is taken uncontrollably, it may become ineffective. It is also important to correctly assess the stage of the disease in order to choose the correct dosage of the remedy. If the dose is too low, then the treatment will be carried out in vain, and with an increased dosage, the risk of side effects is high.

Amoxicillin with prostatitis can provoke the following side reactions:

  • oral and vaginal candidiasis;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • convulsions, dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and other disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • skin reactions, such as urticaria.

Most often, there are disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and skin rashes, other side effects are quite rare.


Amoxicillin is an effective treatment for prostatitis in men, but only if it is taken as prescribed by a doctor and after examination. Do not neglect going to the clinic and drinking antibiotics at your own discretion, this behavior often does not lead to recovery, but provokes various kinds of complications.

Prostatitis is a disease that is easier to treat and has less risk of complications if the therapy was chosen correctly and started in a timely manner. If a bacterial infection is present, a specialist will usually prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

One of the popular drugs in this group is Amoxicillin. It is active against both gram-positive and gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, gives a quick effect and belongs to the IV generation of semi-synthetic penicillins. Let's see how it works and what the drug is prescribed for, whether Amoxicillin helps with prostatitis.

Amoxicillin is an Austrian drug produced by the well-known company SANDOZ GmbH. The tool is available in different forms:

  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • suspensions;
  • powders for diluting injections.

But the most popular drug is produced in tablets. In this form, Amoxicillin is convenient for use, able to get into all organs and systems, quickly copes with the infection and improves the human condition. Tablets have a white or yellowish tint, oblong biconvex shape. Each has notches on both sides and is covered with a film sheath.

The main active ingredient of the drug is amoxicillin in the form of trihydrate. Its concentration can be different in a tablet - 500 mg and 1000 mg. Among the excipients are magnesium stearate, cellulose, polyvidone, hypromellose, sodium starch glycolate, talc, titanium dioxide. Tablets are sold in blisters, blister packs and plastic containers of 10,12, 20 and 1000 pieces. Additionally, the drug is supplied with detailed instructions for use and a cardboard box.

The shelf life of the drug in the form of tablets is 4 years. It is recommended to store it in a dark place at room temperature and normal humidity. Be sure to keep away from children. After the expiration date, as well as in the case when the drug was stored incorrectly, the tablets or capsules changed color or shape, you should not use it.

When the drug is prescribed

Amoxicillin is prescribed for chronic and acute prostatitis, which is caused or accompanied by a bacterial infection. In addition, the drug is used for treatment alone or as part of complex therapy in the following cases:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs caused by infections;
  • diseases of the lower respiratory tract, including chronic ones, for example, chronic bronchitis in the acute stage;
  • gastrointestinal infections, including bacterial enteritis;
  • endocarditis and dental infections (as a prophylaxis);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis;
  • salmonellosis, dysentery, meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • skin and soft tissue infections.

The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy by prescription. It is impossible to use it for treatment without consulting a specialist, since a therapeutic effect and a reduction in the risk of developing possible side effects can be achieved only by the correct selection of the application regimen and dosage, which are calculated individually.

How to drink Amoxicillin with prostatitis

Amoxicillin treatment of prostatitis is usually complex. In addition to the antibiotic, immunostimulant drugs, vitamin-mineral complexes, antispasmodics, painkillers can be prescribed.

The dosage of Amoxicillin according to the instructions for the drug is selected individually. This takes into account the age of the patient, his weight, the presence or absence of chronic diseases, as well as many other factors.

If the mass of an adult male who does not have problems with the kidneys, liver, heart exceeds 40 kg, then the maximum daily dose is 6 g. But the average daily dosage for prostatitis is 1.5-2 g.

The course of the drug may be different. Basically, its duration is 5-14 days. But in some cases, a specialist can reduce it, for example, when an allergic reaction or other side effects occur, or extend it (rarely).


Amoxicillin for prostatitis in men can not be used in the following cases:

  • with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with a tendency to allergic reactions and in the presence of asthma (used with caution);
  • with severe renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • in the presence of, in addition to a bacterial infection, a viral infection, weakened immunity, leukemia, infectious mononucleosis due to the high risk of side effects.

Possible side effects

With the right dosage and following all the doctor's recommendations in the treatment of prostatitis, Amoxicillin rarely causes side effects, but they are possible. In addition to allergic reactions, the following conditions and disorders may occur:

  • feeling of discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea and loose stools;
  • dry mouth and deterioration of the mucous membranes;
  • violation of taste perception;
  • vaginal and oral candidiasis;
  • development of superinfection;
  • neurological disorders;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • decrease in local and general immunity.

With an overdose of the drug, the risk of developing possible side effects increases. In some cases, symptoms of intoxication of the body may appear.

If negative reactions of the body appear, it is necessary to stop using the drug and consult a doctor. In some cases, it is required to replace the agent with an analogue that has a different active substance.

Drug interactions and special instructions

Before prescribing Amoxicillin, be sure to tell your doctor what medications and folk remedies you have taken in the last month, what you drink on an ongoing basis.

  • with drugs that reduce intestinal motility;
  • with Allopurinol due to the risk of allergic reactions;
  • with anticoagulants due to an increased risk of bleeding;
  • with Methotrexate due to increased toxicity of both drugs when used together;
  • with oral hormonal contraceptives due to the risk of reducing their effectiveness;
  • with alcohol and alcohol-containing drugs.

There are many analogues of Amoxicillin, differing in composition and manufacturer. Among them, it is worth noting Hikontsil, Amoxisar, Ecobol, Amosin, Amoxillate, Bactox, Gonoform, Ospamox, Flemoxin Salutab. Replacement of the drug with its analogues should be done only by a doctor.


Reviews about Amoxicillin as a remedy for the treatment of prostatitis from doctors and men who used it correctly are mostly positive. Many note that relief came by the end of the first day of taking the drug, and the course of application helped to completely get rid of the infection.

How to take amoxicillin for prostatitis: instructions for use

Therapy of prostatitis should be aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process and the destruction of pathogenic flora. Amoxicillin with prostatitis is able to destroy the causative agent of the disease. It is an effective drug in medical practice, which is widely used in the treatment of urological diseases.

Amoxicillin: description

The antibiotic Amoxicillin belongs to the group of penicillins and has a semi-synthetic origin. Its active ingredient is amoxicillin trihydrate.

It was developed in the 70s of the 20th century. The drug is very close to ampicillin, but differs from it by the hydroxyl group. The antibiotic has a high degree of oral bioavailability and good absorption. These are the main advantages of this drug, which distinguish it from other drugs of the penicillin series.

The main indications for taking Amoxicillin are infectious and inflammatory processes in human organic tissues. It is advisable to take this antibiotic when diagnosed:

  • uncomplicated gonorrhea;
  • peritonitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • otitis;
  • cystitis;
  • angina;
  • pneumonia.

Note! Also, a highly effective medicine helps to defeat infections of soft tissues, skin, enteritis and cholecystitis.

The medicine is available in:

  • tablets 250 mg and 500 mg;
  • capsules;
  • powders for suspension preparation;
  • powders for injection solution.

With prostatitis, the dosage form, dosage and treatment regimen is determined by the doctor. Amoxicillin is produced by both foreign and domestic pharmaceutical companies. Structural analogues contain the active drug substance amoxicillin.

You can store the medication for no more than 3 years in a dark place inaccessible to children at room temperature.

Application for prostatitis

Amoxicillin for prostatitis is a traditional medicine. In many cases, with inflammation of the prostate gland, it is prescribed in tablets. The effect of its reception is noticeable very soon.

Complete absorption of the components of the drug helps to eliminate the inflammatory process in the tissues of the prostate gland.

Amoxicillin with prostatitis in men inhibits the growth of prostate cells and eliminates the inflammatory process. Therefore, this medicine is prescribed even for severe pathologies. The tool has a direct effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, anaerobic agents and other microorganisms.

In the body of a man Amoxicillin:

  • causes lysis of pathogenic flora;
  • inhibits the synthesis of peptidoglycan;
  • activates the necessary enzymes;
  • stabilizes creatine levels;
  • eliminates the inflammatory process.

Active medicinal components act on harmful bacteria and destroy their membranes. They stop the vital activity of the pathogenic flora even in the chronic course of the disease.

The duration of taking Amoxicillin tablets is at least 2 weeks. Whether to take them again, the medical specialist decides.

Before using an antibacterial agent, you need to familiarize yourself with contraindications and side effects. The course of therapy is supplemented by the use of a probiotic that preserves the beneficial flora of the stomach.

Amoxicillin dosage regimen for prostatitis:

  1. A single dosage is 250-500 mg (1-2 tablets).
  2. No more than 2 g of the drug should be consumed per day.
  3. The daily dose is divided into 2-3 doses.
  4. The tablet needs to be taken with water.
  5. It must be taken between meals.

Treatment of prostatitis with an antibiotic should be supervised by the attending physician. If adverse reactions occur, it is necessary to inform the doctor about it. It may be necessary to reduce the dosage and change the treatment.

During therapy, there is a certain risk of developing a secondary infection caused by bacteria or fungi. In such a situation, you need to stop using the drug.

To prevent the development of crystalluria, doctors recommend combining therapy with drinking plenty of drinking water. It is also necessary to monitor the functioning of the kidneys and periodically conduct a thorough examination of them.

When determining the chemical method of glucosuria, you can get a false result due to the presence of a medicinal substance in the biofluid. During therapy, it is necessary to apply an enzymatic method for examining sugar in the urine.

special instructions

You can not take an antibiotic of the penicillin series along with alcohol.
Alcohol compounds have a negative effect in the body of a man, and can provoke an increase in unwanted reactions.

Alcohol and medication are incompatible. For the duration of the entire course, it is required to abandon the use of even low-alcohol drinks, including beer.

Doctors prohibit the use of a penicillin drug in conjunction with certain drugs. The drug can not be combined with the drug Allopurinol. The simultaneous use of Amoxicillin and antacids reduces the absorption of the components of the latter. The drug is strictly forbidden to use with Tetracycline and Chloramphenicol.

Probenitsid slows down the excretion of active substances from the body.

Note! It is important to be careful when using the drug together with anticoagulants, this can cause bleeding.

With extreme caution, use this medicine for colitis, bronchial asthma, diathesis and severe renal failure. If the kidneys are affected, the level of creatine decreases, which has an extremely negative effect on the health of a man. In such a case, it is necessary to reduce the dose of the drug per day by 35-50%.

In an acute process, the largest possible dose is immediately introduced into the body, the doctor usually prescribes an intravenous drip infusion of the drug. Treatment should not be delayed longer than 7 days. Then the patient is transferred to injections or tablets. Whether Amoxicillin helps with prostatitis is of interest to many men. The effect of taking is noticeable already on the 4th-5th day of therapy.

Contraindications and side effects

The main contraindications for use:

  • acute renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • allergy.

Of the adverse reactions, negative changes in the digestive tract can be observed - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea may occur. Side effects can be expressed in dizziness, insomnia, agitation. Against them, the dose should be reduced. In some cases, a complete abolition of the medical certificate is possible.

Treatment of prostatitis with Amoxicillin can occur with the use of structural analogues.

These include:

The choice of a suitable analogue is carried out exclusively by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Useful video: Doctor on the use of Amoxicillin

Summing up

The use of Amoxicillin helps men get rid of the symptoms of prostatitis in a couple of weeks. This drug rarely causes adverse reactions and is well tolerated by the body. The use of this drug is advisable, both in the chronic stage of prostatitis, and in exacerbation of the disease. Amoxicillin effectively fights pathogenic flora in the male genitourinary system.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process localized in the prostate. The prostate gland produces sex hormones, and also takes an active part in the metabolic process.

In addition, she is responsible for most of the male characteristics, such as sexuality, character, endurance, and masculinity.

Among the main factors provoking the appearance of prostatitis are: bacteria, microorganisms, viruses, fungi that start the process of the disease. The main goal of the treatment of the disease is the complete elimination of the causative agent of the disease and the removal of the painful inflammatory process.

For this, strong antibiotic drugs are used. One of these is Amoxicillin. How to take it correctly to forget about the disease forever?

What is a drug?

Amoxicillin is an antibiotic that has a wide spectrum of action. It is semi-synthetic.

This drug helps to have a strong bactericidal, antiviral and antimicrobial effect. After about a few days, you can notice that the symptoms began to gradually recede. After a week, the foci of inflammation are completely eliminated.

drug properties

The main ingredients of the drug can significantly disrupt the structure of the protein, which is a component of the shell of all microorganisms.

As a result, cell growth slows down and its subsequent division is completely excluded.

The drug is active in the presence of pathogens such as staphylococci, streptococci, Escherichia, Proteus, Salmonella, Shigella and others. In the inflammatory process of a viral nature and when mycoplasma is detected, the medicine is prohibited to use.

If Amoxicillin is used in the form of a suspension, then it is absorbed almost in full. This can be achieved approximately two hours after ingestion. In a situation where capsules were used in the presence of prostatitis, then absorption occurs by 100% over the same period of time.

The main substance of the drug does not lose its properties under the influence of gastric acid. It is thanks to this that the drug can be taken regardless of the meal.

Maximum efficiency and speed of action is observed with parenteral use. It should be noted that the active ingredient is absorbed within one hour after administration.

Moreover, it is evenly distributed over tissue structures and fluids. The effect of the drug persists for several hours.

Amoxicillin for prostatitis

Since Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic drug, it is most often prescribed for acute prostatitis.

As a rule, this is advisable after passing the analysis for the detection of the pathogen when determining its sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs (without waiting for the result of the study itself).

The main substance that is part of this antibiotic is amoxicillin trihydrate. The dose of the drug is prescribed depending on the type of inflammation. As noted earlier, before direct admission, the representative of the stronger sex needs to be examined and analyzed for the detection of a microorganism that is the causative agent of the inflammatory process. The course of treatment with this medication is from one to two weeks.

It should be noted that the constituent ingredients that make up the medication do not adversely affect the quality of sperm.

Medicines with a similar active ingredient are often used to treat acute prostatitis. Due to the activity of the drug in relation to a large number of pathogenic microorganisms, Amoxicillin is used for any form of the inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate gland.

Especially if the disease was provoked by bacteria. In the acute form of the disease, the drug has a pronounced effect within a few days after the start of treatment. With chronic prostatitis, the medication makes it possible to completely eliminate all bacteria, minimizing the likelihood of a relapse.

As for contraindications, the only restriction to taking this medication is the presence of hypersensitivity to the individual components of the medication. Some doctors do not recommend the use of an antibiotic in the presence of infectious mononucleosis.

It is important to note that in the inflammatory process occurring in the prostate, the drug can be used as an injection. But often patients choose the tablet form.

For men, the dose of the drug is not more than 6 g per day. Moreover, body weight should not be less than 50 kg.

With prolonged use, the risks of developing unwanted reactions of the body increase.

If the medication for prostatitis is used orally, there may be serious disturbances in the working capacity of the digestive system, in particular, the stomach. The intestines also suffer, as, in fact, when taking all antibiotic drugs.

Side effects from taking the drug are manifested in the form of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Often, patients note a violation of taste and an inflammatory process that affects the vocal cords.

From the side of the nervous system, reactions such as insomnia, convulsions, a pronounced headache, and others are possible. Side effects such as tachycardia, a change in the blood picture in the form of agranulocytosis and eosinophilia are not excluded.

Amoxicillin in the treatment of prostatitis in men

Often, to eliminate pathogenic bacteria in the genitourinary system, Amoxicillin is used for prostatitis. The popularity of the drug is due to its high efficiency in the fight against urological diseases. The drug helps to destroy the causative agent of the pathology and eliminate its main symptoms.

Composition and forms of release

The drug is a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic of the penicillin group.

The active substance of the drug is amoxicillin trihydrate. It is he who performs the main function - it destroys the pathogen of the inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. The composition also contains other components that are necessary to create the required pharmaceutical form.

"Amoxicillin" has several forms of release. Under this name there may be tablets, capsules, suspensions and powders for the preparation of therapeutic injections. Depending on the form of release, the parameter of absorption of the drug by the human body changes. The bioavailability of its active component is also different.

How the drug works

The active substance of the drug has the ability to destroy the structure of the protein, which is a component of the shell of pathogenic microorganisms. Due to this effect, further growth and development of the cell is stopped. She stops sharing. The drug is active against different groups of pathogens of inflammatory diseases. These include:

  1. Salmonella;
  2. Shigella;
  3. Escherichia;
  4. Streptococci;
  5. Staphylococci;
  6. Protea.

As a result of the use of the drug in the form of a suspension, absorption of the active substance in the amount of 90% is observed. This effect is achieved 2 hours after administration. If a man is treated for prostatitis with capsules, then absorption occurs at 100%. In this case, the active ingredient does not lose its properties even after exposure to gastric juice. Therefore, it is allowed to take pills regardless of when meals are taken.

With parenteral administration of the drug, the maximum effectiveness of Amoxicillin and the speed of its action are observed. It is completely absorbed after 1 hour after the moment of application. The substance is evenly distributed over the tissues and fluids that are present in the human body. The therapeutic effect after administration lasts for 7 hours.

"Amoxicillin" is able to penetrate all existing barriers without problems. It actively accumulates in biological fluids. This is one of the reasons why doctors do not allow the use of medication by women who are carrying a child.

Indications for use

The expediency of using the drug can be found out after a medical consultation.

For problems with the prostate gland, the use of "Amoxicillin" is recommended. It is permissible to take an antibiotic only if all the necessary diagnostic measures have been taken. With their help, the physician must find out the nature of the causative agent of the disease, as well as its sensitivity to active substances that are used in the manufacture of drugs with an antibacterial effect.

"Amoxicillin" is indicated for such pathologies:

  • Prostatitis and other diseases of the urinary system;
  • Infections of the lower and upper respiratory tract;
  • Infectious lesions of bones and soft tissues;
  • Chronic or acute course of damage to the kidneys and biliary tract;
  • Blood poisoning.

With prostatitis, the medication is taken both in the presence of symptoms and in their absence.

Dosage and method of application for prostatitis

"Amoxicillin" quickly penetrates to the tissues of the prostate affected by inflammation and begins to act actively. It suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms and reduces the severity of painful symptoms.

"Amoxicillin" must be used for prostatitis in men strictly in the dosage that was prescribed by the attending physician. It is forbidden to reduce or increase it on your own, as this can reduce the effectiveness of therapy and lead to the development of complications. The dose for an adult should not exceed 6 mg. This requirement applies to patients whose weight exceeds 48 kg.

A treatment course based on this drug can only be started after the causative agent of the infection in the prostate has been identified. If indicated, it is allowed to increase the standard dosage by 2 times in order to achieve greater effectiveness of therapy.


There are the following contraindications to taking the drug:

  • Serious damage to the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • Infectious form of lymphocytic leukemia or mononucleosis;
  • respiratory viral infections;
  • Hypersensitivity to substances in the preparation.

With extreme caution, doctors prescribe treatment with this medicine to patients who have been found to have impaired liver or kidney function. With such pathologies, it is required to maintain constant monitoring of the patient's analyzes and his current condition.

Side effects

While taking the drug, a side effect may occasionally occur - insomnia.

The drug, if its dosage was incorrectly determined, can cause the development of negative reactions that worsen the general well-being of the patient. Although most patients tolerate such treatment well. To achieve a favorable result, it is only necessary to correctly draw up a treatment regimen. The patient, in turn, must carefully follow all the requirements and instructions of the urologist.

If the patient was prescribed "Amoxicillin" in a dosage form intended for oral administration, then he may experience a disorder in the digestive tract. It manifests itself in the form of nausea, loss of interest in food, changes in taste sensations and diarrhea. Occasionally, patients experience sleep problems and increased activity.

If a man has an individual intolerance to the components of the antibiotic, then he will not be able to avoid allergic reactions. Allergy to "Amoxicillin" manifests itself in the form of itching, runny nose and rashes on the skin. If they are found, it is recommended to immediately seek help from your doctor. He will find out the nature of this effect and, if necessary, select another drug for the treatment of prostatitis.


The duration of the course of treatment with "Amoxicillin" usually does not exceed 2 weeks. During this period, a sufficient amount of active substances accumulate in the human body, which adversely affect the vital activity of pathogenic microflora. If the patient is treated with the drug for longer than the prescribed period or exceeds its daily dose, then he has symptoms of an overdose. They are limited to the following states:

  1. constipation or diarrhea;
  2. Vomit;
  3. dizziness;
  4. Change in blood tests.

In order to quickly remove the medication from the patient's body, it is first necessary to do a gastric lavage. An adsorbent and, if necessary, a laxative should also be given.

drug interaction

Amoxicillin may interact with other drugs as follows:

  1. When combined with rifampicin, a mutually weakening effect occurs. The effect of the drug is also reduced by tetracyclines, macrolides and sulfonamides;
  2. Decreases the effect of oral contraceptives;
  3. There is a pronounced toxic effect of the drug when combined with chemotherapy based on methotrexate;
  4. The risk of bleeding increases when an antibiotic is combined with anticoagulants;
  5. An increase in the concentration of an antibiotic in the blood occurs when it is taken with diuretics and anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs.

These features of the interaction must be taken into account when conducting complex drug treatment.

Interaction with alcohol

In the instructions for the use of the antibiotic, there is no exact data on how the interaction of the drug and alcoholic beverages affects the human body. In any case, doctors strongly do not recommend taking alcohol with the medicine, as this can lead to severe poisoning.

What can replace Amoxicillin with inflammation of the prostate

The drug has a similar drug effect with Amoxicillin

"Amoxicillin" has a wide list of analogues, which, if necessary, can be replaced. The most requested are:

These drugs have a similar effect. They are united by an active substance that is active against pathogens in the prostate.

Until August 10 The Institute of Urology together with the Ministry of Health is implementing a program » Russia without prostatitis". Under which Predstanol is available at a reduced price of 99 rubles., to all residents of the city and region!

Amoxicillin for prostatitis

Among antibacterial agents, amoxicillin is most often used for prostatitis. The popularity of this drug is due to good performance in the treatment of urogenital diseases in men. For the successful treatment of prostatitis caused by pathogenic bacteria, it is important to destroy the causative agent of infection and suppress inflammation in the prostate gland.

This type of treatment will be effective with proper selection of the drug, dosage and compliance with the recommendations of the doctor. What is amoxicillin and how does it fight prostatitis?

With prostatitis in men, as mentioned above, antibiotics are used, among them the most commonly used in medical practice is amoxicillin. This is a preparation of the penicillin series, semi-synthetic, like all penicillins, it destroys a wide range of pathogenic microorganisms. Among them are bacteria that cause prostatitis - staphylococcal, streptococcal infections, salmonella, E. coli, proteus and many others.

Mechanism of action

Amoxicillin belongs to the penicillin group. These are antibiotics, traditionally belonging to the group of antibacterial agents that disrupt the synthesis of the microbial wall of a pathogenic pathogen. This means that the active principle of amoxicillin suppresses the production of the most important compounds for bacteria that make up its cell membrane. This destroys existing bacteria and prevents them from multiplying. Thus, amoxicillin destroys pathogens, and in their absence, inflammatory processes in the prostate stop.

The choice of this particular antibiotic is dictated, in addition to the breadth of action, by resistance to an acidic environment (and an acidic environment is formed at the site of inflammation), and an important quality - amoxicillin is not destroyed by a special enzyme that bacteria secrete to inhibit (suppress) the drug.

Release form

Amoxicillin on the pharmaceutical market is represented by several options:

  • Capsules and tablets;
  • Suspensions;
  • Powders for solutions for injections

Depending on the form of release of the drug, the absorption parameters and its bioavailability will change (i.e., the amount of unchanged substance that will reach the affected organ in relation to its original composition).

If amoxicillin is prescribed in the form of a powder for suspensions, then about 90% of the substance is absorbed from the initial amount, and the maximum concentration is reached after 2 hours. When taking an antibiotic through capsules, the highest amount of a substance in the blood is observed similarly to a suspension - after 2 hours, but almost 100% is already absorbed.

The best way to use amoxicillin is to administer it intramuscularly, using it as a powder for dilution in water. Already one hour after the injection, the maximum percentage of the active substance in the blood plasma is noted, and its availability is 100%. The effect of the drug with this method of administration will last up to 7 hours.

It should be noted that since amoxicillin acts both in an alkaline and in an acidic environment (in the gastrointestinal tract - an acidic environment), its use inside is not limited to the time of day and meals. The composition of this antibiotic allows it to penetrate through various biological barriers, as well as through the cell walls of the executive organs. The successful use of amoxicillin for prostatitis in men is also explained by this factor.


Clinical studies aimed at studying the accumulation of amoxicillin in various organs have shown that the prostate gland takes in large concentrations of the absorbed drug. And its ability to destroy a huge variety of microorganisms in a short time, the absence of contraindications and rare adverse reactions have made it the most popular antibacterial agent in the treatment of bacterial prostatitis. Among other things, the breadth of action of amoxicillin allows you to deal with other problems of the urogenital area against the background of prostatitis.

The dosage of the drug is very important. It is calculated by the attending physician, taking into account the course of the disease, its variability and the individual characteristics of the patient. Adult men are recommended to take no more than 6 g of amoxicillin. The average daily dosage is 2 g for men with a weight of at least 48 kg.

The appointment of amoxicillin for prostatitis is possible only after a carefully collected anamnesis (history) of the disease and the identification of the pathogen in the laboratory. It is after these data and the correct diagnosis that the doctor can prescribe the drug and set the individual dosage. Regardless of the course of prostatitis, the course of treatment lasts an average of up to 14 days. However, after curing the disease, you need to take the drug for a few more days to prevent relapse.

Dose reduction of amoxicillin is possible. This is facilitated by diseases such as, for example, renal failure with a decrease in the level of keratin in the patient. The dose is reduced by 30-50% of the standard dose so that the renal apparatus can cope with the excretion of the drug from the body.

Severe urinary retention is an indication for a dose reduction of amoxicillin. No more than 2 grams of the drug should be taken per day. If the patient is on hemodialysis, then the recommended amount of the drug is 500 mg for the duration of the procedures. After it, the same amount of the substance taken is necessary. The course in patients on hemodialysis is 10 days.

Prostatitis in the acute stage requires an increase in the dosage of amoxicillin. The antibiotic is administered intravenously for a week. If improvement is noticeable, proceed to the introduction of solutions intramuscularly.

Indications and contraindications

As mentioned above, amoxicillin is a broad spectrum drug. Therefore, it is prescribed for all forms of inflammation of the prostate caused by bacteria.

  • In the stage of acute inflammation, the severity of antibiotic use is observed within a few days after administration;
  • In the case of a chronic course, amoxicillin prevents the exacerbation of the disease, destroying the pathogenic flora.

Amoxicillin has no contraindications as such. There is only one case when its use is unacceptable - with individual intolerance to the drug or its components.

However, despite the absence of contraindications, people with:

  • Hypersensitivity to antibacterial agents;
  • diathesis;
  • Bronchial asthma;
  • hay fever (seasonal allergic reactions to plant pollen);
  • The phenomena of colitis against the background of taking antibiotics;
  • Severe renal insufficiency.

Side effects

Like any other drug, amoxicillin has a number of side effects. If you follow the recommendations of the doctor, then these cases are rare. But if the course of taking amoxicillin takes a long time, and if the dosage increases, then various undesirable reactions are possible.

Taking an antibiotic in capsules orally (through the mouth) may cause disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They are expressed by various disorders - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. In this case, a combination of an antibiotic with drugs that contribute to the preservation of normal intestinal microflora is necessary. Possible damage to the organs of the oral cavity - inflammation of the mucous membrane, tongue. Rarely, changes in taste sensations, disturbances in the functioning of the liver, and inflammation of the vocal cords are also noted.

Amoxicillin can have an undesirable effect on the nervous system. The patient experiences headaches, dizziness, convulsions, confusion, depression, changes in behavior are possible. There is poor sleep and irritability, agitation and anxiety. Among other things, sometimes doctors note tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), changes in the blood test in those taking amoxicillin.

All of the above side effects are rare and require prolonged treatment and a large dose for manifestation. Allergic reactions usually occur, which are expressed as:

  • Rash on the skin;
  • Rhinitis (inflammation of the nasal mucosa);
  • Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva)
  • Erythema (severe reddening of the skin);
  • Hives.

A particularly dangerous side effect is anaphylactic shock - with an allergy to penicillin or its derivatives. This circumstance should be identified by the attending physician together with the allergist - to conduct a series of tests for the presence of allergies.

Interaction with other drugs

The prostate with its inflammation requires complex treatment. This means that in addition to amoxicillin, other drugs are prescribed for the successful treatment of prostatitis. Amoxicillin behaves differently with different drugs. It inhibits the activity of drugs such as tetracycline, a number of cephalosporins. Enhances the effect of aspirin, diuretics (diuretic) drugs.

When using antacids (drugs used for heartburn), the effect of amoxicillin may be reduced. With severe diarrhea, drugs are prescribed that inhibit intestinal motility. They interfere with the normal functioning of amoxicillin.


With an increased intake of antibiotics, the following are noted:

  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Changes in blood counts;
  • Fluctuations in water and electrolyte balance (consequences of vomiting and diarrhea).

Measures of assistance in case of amoxicillin poisoning are standard, as in case of poisoning - this is gastric lavage, taking sorbents (activated charcoal) and taking laxatives. In case of severe intoxication, you should immediately call an ambulance, whose specialists will help to cope with a dangerous situation.

The article was written based on materials from sites:,,,,


Amoxicillin alone will not be enough to treat prostatitis, because after the removal of pathogenic bacteria, inflammatory processes will still remain in the prostate. To combat them, as well as other symptoms, if any, NSAIDs, alpha-blockers, muscle relaxants, etc. are used. Therapeutic procedures can increase the effectiveness of the antibiotic, and physical exercises can improve its distribution throughout the tissues due to the improvement of blood circulation.

Indications for use

The most common urological disease in men is called prostatitis. This is an inflammatory pathology of the prostate gland, which can be caused by a stagnant process in the small pelvis, pathogens entering its tissues, trauma, malnutrition, stress, etc. Pathogenic bacteria and microbes enter the prostate after intercourse with a carrier of the pathogen. They can also get inside with a blood or lymph flow if there is another source of infection in the patient's body.

Bad habits, an inactive lifestyle, long sexual abstinence, chronic constipation, weakened immunity are also capable of provoking a complication or inflammation itself.

You can detect prostatitis by urination disorder or erectile dysfunction - these are the main manifestations of the pathology. The patient may feel pain when going to the toilet, ejaculation, having sex. Also, the pain syndrome may be present simply in the groin, perineum, anus. An elevated temperature appears, symptoms of intoxication may occur (very typical for the bacterial form). Erection weakens, premature ejaculation occurs, sexual desire decreases.

With prostatitis, you can take the medicine both in the presence of some symptoms, and without them, because. its main task is to eliminate the cause of the disease. With painkillers or sedatives, things are different, because. they are intended for symptomatic treatment.

positive action

Weak potency, a flaccid penis, the absence of a long-term erection is not a sentence for a man's sexual life, but a signal that the body needs help and male strength is weakening. There are a large number of drugs that help a man get a stable erection for sex, but they all have their drawbacks and contraindications, especially if the man is already 30-40 years old. Drops "M16" for potency help not only to get an erection HERE AND NOW, but act as a prevention and accumulation of male power, allowing a man to remain sexually active for many years!...

Also, without a membrane, they have nothing to attach to the prostate cells. Some pathogenic microorganisms have already managed to develop resistance to β-lactams, which perform these actions. Because of this, substances are sometimes added to them that neutralize this resistance, but this drug does not have it. Despite this, reviews of Amoxicillin for prostatitis are only positive, although some still note that treatment had to be continued with another antibiotic. Pathogens susceptible to the drug include:

  1. Streptococcus and staphylococcus
  2. Meningococcus
  3. coli
  4. Shigella
  5. Haemophilus influenzae
  6. Corynebacterium, etc.

Strains that are capable of producing beta-lactomases (for example, pneumococcus) remain insensitive to penicillin. The maximum concentration of amoxicillin in the body reaches 1-2 hours after ingestion, eating does not affect its absorption. With any type of administration (oral, intravenous, intramuscular), the same drug concentrations are achieved, so with prostatitis there is no difference which one to use.

Mode of application

Amoxicillin is available in capsules of 250 and 500 mg, granules with powder contain 5 ml of the active substance, but only 100 ml in a vial. Suspension for injection contains 10, 50, 100, 250 or 1000 ml of the substance. Instructions for use states that both young children and adults can take an antibiotic. The dosage for the latter is 500 mg three times a day, in severe cases of the disease it is allowed to increase to 1 g 3 times a day.

For granules, the doses are the same, one 5 ml granule contains 250 mg of amoxicillin, which means you need to take 2 pieces for 1 dose. The duration of treatment is 5-14 days. You can perform the reception both during meals, and before or after it. For some diseases, a single dose is used, but this does not apply to prostatitis.


Due to the fact that Amoxicillin is a penicillin, its toxicity is not as high as that of other antibiotics. It is forbidden to take it with:

  • Infectious mononucleosis or lymphocytic leukemia
  • Serious infections of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Respiratory viral infections
  • Bronchial asthma
  • Hypersensitivity to components

Hypersensitivity to the drug applies not only to all penicillins, but also to cephalosporins, tk. they have a similar structure. Treatment of prostatitis with Amoxicillin should be carried out with caution in patients with impaired renal or hepatic activity.

Side effects and special information

Side effects for the drug are infrequent, most often they occur when dosages are not observed. Such manifestations as allergic reactions in the form of rashes on the skin, urticaria, severe itching or burning are common, rarely reaching anaphylactic shock. It is also worth noting the occurrence of headaches and dizziness, increased bleeding time, nausea and diarrhea. In very rare cases, there are also such negative effects that are not indicated in the instructions. If any of them appear, stop taking and consult a doctor.

El Macho for potency

In case of an overdose, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, diarrhea can be noticed. To get rid of them, gastric lavage and symptomatic treatment are required.

As for the interactions of Amoxicillin with other drugs, it is worth knowing that the effectiveness of contraceptives (which are taken orally) decreases with it. Also, do not combine it with bacteriostatic antibiotics, because. both decrease in performance. When interacting with bactericidal antibacterial agents, synergism should be expected. The drug enhances the work of indirect anticoagulants, which increases the risk of bleeding. Antacids, laxatives, aminoglycosides reduce the effectiveness of penicillin.

From the pharmacy Amoxicillin is available only by prescription. It should be stored in a dry place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees. The shelf life of the capsules is 3 years.

Treatment of prostatitis by other means

For the treatment of prostatitis, the doctor always prescribes a fairly large number of drugs, not just antibiotics. With the stagnant nature of the disease, the latter are not required at all. What medicines are used:

  1. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  2. Alpha blockers
  3. Muscle relaxers
  4. Painkillers
  5. Phytopreparations
  6. Vitamin complexes

In addition to Amoxicillin in chronic prostatitis, antibiotics of macrolide groups, tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones, cephalosporins can be used. Their work is similar to the actions that occur when taking the first medicine. Let's see how the rest of the tools work. NSAIDs prevent the spread of inflammation and help to completely eliminate the focus of inflammation. Additionally, they can be expected to reduce pain and local temperature (analgesic and antipyretic effects). Popular in this group are Ibuprofen and Diclofenac.

Alpha-blockers help manage urinary incontinence by relaxing the smooth muscles in the bladder and the part of the urinary tract that passes through the prostate gland. All this helps to improve the outflow of urine, eliminate its retention. Tamsulosin, Silodosin are prescribed here. They begin to act only after a week, so you should not expect instant results. Like adrenolytics, painkillers are aimed only at getting rid of the symptoms of prostatitis, but they are not able to cure it. Sometimes pain during illness reaches such strength that even drugs are not able to cope with them.

Herbal medicines are medicines with a natural composition, usually herbal. They can cope with several symptoms at once, improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system, restore metabolic processes. They have no side effects and there are practically no contraindications. However, they work much slower than synthetic drugs and may simply not help. Here are considered effective:

  • Ginseng tinctures, red root
  • Candles based on pumpkin seeds
  • Products with sabal palm fruit extracts, etc.

They must be used on the recommendation of a doctor, despite the fact that they can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription. Approximately the same actions as they are used by various dietary supplements, however, it is rather difficult to find among them those who really work. Vitamin complexes help to make up for the lack of elements that always appears in diseases. Zinc and selenium, vitamins of group B, C are especially important for prostatitis.

In addition to medicines for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate, it is necessary to follow a diet and exercise.

The right foods will help avoid the complications of the disease, help improve blood circulation and strengthen the immune system. If the prostate has enough of all the substances necessary for it, it will accelerate the regeneration of its tissues. Seafood, various cereals (rice, buckwheat, pearl barley), sour-milk products, fresh fruits and vegetables, greens are considered useful for men. From drinks, it is worth drinking more freshly squeezed juices and green tea, compotes, fruit drinks, and give up carbonated and alcoholic drinks. Liquids with dyes, flavors should also be excluded from your menu.

It is forbidden to eat semi-finished products and fast food, smoked meats and marinades, too salty, spicy or fatty foods. It is also recommended to stop smoking. Physical exercises should be performed daily, not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of prostatitis after recovery. These can be squats and push-ups, leg swings, tilts and lunges, “Birch”, “Scissors”. To stabilize blood circulation, it is sometimes advised to use some tasks from yoga, breathing exercises.

The patient can try to take folk remedies, they are also effective for inflammation, but they do not have such a quick effect. As for their use, be sure to consult your doctor, because. each remedy may have some contraindications, as well as negative consequences after combination with drugs.


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Prostatitis is a disease that is easier to treat and has less risk of complications if the therapy was chosen correctly and started in a timely manner. If a bacterial infection is present, a specialist will usually prescribe a broad-spectrum antibiotic.

One of the popular drugs in this group is Amoxicillin. It is active against both gram-positive and gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, gives a quick effect and belongs to the IV generation of semi-synthetic penicillins. Let's see how it works and what the drug is prescribed for, whether Amoxicillin helps with prostatitis.

Composition and form of release

Amoxicillin is an Austrian drug produced by the well-known company SANDOZ GmbH. The tool is available in different forms:

  • tablets;
  • capsules;
  • suspensions;
  • powders for diluting injections.

But the most popular drug is produced in tablets. In this form, Amoxicillin is convenient for use, able to get into all organs and systems, quickly copes with the infection and improves the human condition. Tablets have a white or yellowish tint, oblong biconvex shape. Each has notches on both sides and is covered with a film sheath.

The main active ingredient of the drug is amoxicillin in the form of trihydrate. Its concentration can be different in a tablet - 500 mg and 1000 mg. Among the excipients are magnesium stearate, cellulose, polyvidone, hypromellose, sodium starch glycolate, talc, titanium dioxide. Tablets are sold in blisters, blister packs and plastic containers of 10,12, 20 and 1000 pieces. Additionally, the drug is supplied with detailed instructions for use and a cardboard box.

The shelf life of the drug in the form of tablets is 4 years. It is recommended to store it in a dark place at room temperature and normal humidity. Be sure to keep away from children. After the expiration date, as well as in the case when the drug was stored incorrectly, the tablets or capsules changed color or shape, you should not use it.

When the drug is prescribed

Amoxicillin is prescribed for chronic and acute prostatitis, which is caused or accompanied by a bacterial infection. In addition, the drug is used for treatment alone or as part of complex therapy in the following cases:

  • diseases of the upper respiratory tract and ENT organs caused by infections;
  • diseases of the lower respiratory tract, including chronic ones, for example, chronic bronchitis in the acute stage;
  • gastrointestinal infections, including bacterial enteritis;
  • endocarditis and dental infections (as a prophylaxis);
  • diseases of the genitourinary system, for example, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis;
  • salmonellosis, dysentery, meningitis;
  • sepsis;
  • skin and soft tissue infections.

The drug is dispensed in a pharmacy by prescription. It is impossible to use it for treatment without consulting a specialist, since a therapeutic effect and a reduction in the risk of developing possible side effects can be achieved only by the correct selection of the application regimen and dosage, which are calculated individually.

How to drink Amoxicillin with prostatitis

Amoxicillin treatment of prostatitis is usually complex. In addition to the antibiotic, immunostimulant drugs, vitamin-mineral complexes, antispasmodics, painkillers can be prescribed.

The action of Amoxicillin begins 20-30 minutes after ingestion and lasts for 6-8 hours. Therefore, the standard scheme of application involves the use of it three times a day.

The dosage of Amoxicillin according to the instructions for the drug is selected individually. This takes into account the age of the patient, his weight, the presence or absence of chronic diseases, as well as many other factors.

If the mass of an adult male who does not have problems with the kidneys, liver, heart exceeds 40 kg, then the maximum daily dose is 6 g. But the average daily dosage for prostatitis is 1.5-2 g.

It is recommended to drink Amoxicillin 1 tablet per meal after or during a meal, drinking plenty of clean water. The tablet or capsule does not need to be chewed or crushed beforehand. Usually, a dosage of 250-500 mg of Amoxicillin is selected at a time, but with a severe course of the disease, it can increase to 1 g.

The course of the drug may be different. Basically, its duration is 5-14 days. But in some cases, a specialist can reduce it, for example, when an allergic reaction or other side effects occur, or extend it (rarely).


Amoxicillin for prostatitis in men can not be used in the following cases:

  • with increased sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • with a tendency to allergic reactions and in the presence of asthma (used with caution);
  • with severe renal and hepatic insufficiency;
  • in the presence of, in addition to a bacterial infection, a viral infection, weakened immunity, leukemia, infectious mononucleosis due to the high risk of side effects.

Possible side effects

With the right dosage and following all the doctor's recommendations in the treatment of prostatitis, Amoxicillin rarely causes side effects, but they are possible. In addition to allergic reactions, the following conditions and disorders may occur:

  • feeling of discomfort and pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea and loose stools;
  • dry mouth and deterioration of the mucous membranes;
  • violation of taste perception;
  • vaginal and oral candidiasis;
  • development of superinfection;
  • neurological disorders;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys;
  • exacerbation of existing chronic diseases;
  • decrease in local and general immunity.

With an overdose of the drug, the risk of developing possible side effects increases. In some cases, symptoms of intoxication of the body may appear.

If negative reactions of the body appear, it is necessary to stop using the drug and consult a doctor. In some cases, it is required to replace the agent with an analogue that has a different active substance.

Drug interactions and special instructions

Before prescribing Amoxicillin, be sure to tell your doctor what medications and folk remedies you have taken in the last month, what you drink on an ongoing basis.

  • with drugs that reduce intestinal motility;
  • with Allopurinol due to the risk of allergic reactions;
  • with anticoagulants due to an increased risk of bleeding;
  • with Methotrexate due to increased toxicity of both drugs when used together;
  • with oral hormonal contraceptives due to the risk of reducing their effectiveness;
  • with alcohol and alcohol-containing drugs.

There are many analogues of Amoxicillin, differing in composition and manufacturer. Among them, it is worth noting Hikontsil, Amoxisar, Ecobol, Amosin, Amoxillate, Bactox, Gonoform, Ospamox, Flemoxin Salutab. Replacement of the drug with its analogues should be done only by a doctor.


Amoxicillin is an effective remedy for acute and accompanied by a bacterial infection. The price of the drug is not high and available to everyone. Usually it varies between 35-100 rubles for 10 tablets.

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