Dropsy disease. What is dropsy: types and treatment. Lifestyle with such an illness

Many people have heard about such a disease as dropsy. What kind of disease this is and how it manifests itself, not everyone knows. Dropsy or dropsy is a pathological condition of the body in which excess fluid accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue, interstitial space and serous cavities. Basically, dropsy is a signal from the body about trouble in the following organs and systems: kidneys, heart, endocrine glands, liver, etc.

Localization of edema in the human body implies two types of dropsy:

  • general resulting from poor nutrition and/or chronic dysfunction of the kidneys and circulatory system;
  • local, formed due to inflammatory processes in the membranes of various body cavities.

As a result of disorders of the vasomotor and peripheral nervous system, stagnation of plasma and lymph occurs, and their qualitative composition changes. Local edema occurs in the abdominal, cerebral, thoracic, head, inguinal, knee, ocular, scrotal and other body cavities.

Dropsy - what kind of disease is it? Causes of dropsy

Edema can be caused by the following unfavorable factors:

  • prolonged fasting;
  • body poisoning;
  • bites of poisonous insects, such as wasps;
  • mechanical disorders that create obstacles to the timely removal of blood and lymph from tissues, for example, constant compression of some part of the body;
  • heart defects;
  • changes in the composition of the walls of arteries and blood vessels, lymph and blood;
  • CNS disorders;
  • excessive secretion of fluid penetrating into a certain cavity of the body, for example, hydrocephalus, which is formed due to the activation of secretion of the choroid plexus of the brain.

Symptoms of dropsy

The main symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • aching pain at the location of the edema, however, it should be noted that chronic acquired dropsy does not cause pain;
  • increased temperature of the whole body (in some cases);
  • swelling of the skin;
  • at the site of swelling, the dermis is dry, smooth, shiny, cold to the touch and has a pale appearance;
  • grayish color of the skin in the area of ​​dropsy;
  • the formation of a hole that does not level out for a long time;
  • thirst;
  • change in complexion (greenish, grayish tint or excessive pallor of the skin);
  • the appearance of shortness of breath;
  • abdominal enlargement;
  • feeling of heaviness;
  • restriction of movement (in cases of large swelling);
  • dropsy of the testicles in men is accompanied by nagging pain in the scrotum;
  • feeling of fullness in the area of ​​edema;
  • weakness.

Treatment of dropsy

The disease in its acute form is treated with conservative methods. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory and painkillers, is prescribed to wear a suspension, and cold and then warm compresses are applied.

It is impossible to completely get rid of dropsy without treating the underlying disease. A comprehensive examination of the patient and adequate therapy for the disease, a complication of which is increased swelling, is necessary. Without this, dropsy will form regularly, subsequently becoming chronic.

For chronic dropsy, the following methods are used: puncture removal of fluid, injections of hydrocartisone and substances that cause scarring of the membrane into the area of ​​edema, surgery (laparocentosis) to suck out the fluid.

The main measures aimed at reducing excess fluid in the body and its timely elimination include organizing a diet.

  • limiting or completely eliminating table salt;
  • inclusion in the diet of foods rich in fiber, proteins, microelements and vitamins;
  • enriching the menu with fresh and dried berries, fruits, herbs, vegetables;
  • mandatory consumption of products containing biologically active components of a diuretic effect: melon, rose hips, buckwheat, watermelon, fresh cucumbers, zucchini, celery, parsley, dill, asparagus, strawberries, pumpkin, grapes, blueberry, currants, tomatoes, peppermint;
  • giving up coffee and tea, replacing with herbal infusions, for example, drinks from mint, sea buckthorn, rose hips, dill seeds, parsley roots, etc.;
  • Daily consumption of biokefir and other fermented milk drinks in a dosage of ½ liter per day is beneficial.

Traditional methods of treating dropsy

Juice therapy. Freshly squeezed juices from many plants and fruits have a diuretic effect. It is recommended to consume juices with pulp, prepared immediately before consumption, in an amount of at least 0.6 liters per day. Pumpkin, watermelon and cucumber juice in combination with carrot, plum, beet and tomato juice are especially useful.

Onion. Cut 2 peeled heads into rings onions, put in an enamel container, cover with sugar, leave for 12 hours. The juice squeezed through gauze is taken in the morning on an empty stomach in the amount of 30 ml.

Radish. Grate the black radish fruit, squeeze the juice out of the pulp, take 60-70 ml per day, after mixing the drink with a teaspoon of bee honey. Gradually increase the dose of juice to 2 glasses per day.

Cowberry. Decoction of dried lingonberry leaves has a powerful diuretic effect. A dessert spoon of raw materials is poured with 250 ml of hot water and boiled over low heat for a quarter of an hour. The filtered drink is drunk in small sips throughout the day.

Black elderberry root. Black elderberry exhibits cleansing, diuretic and antispasmodic properties. 20 grams of crushed dry raw materials are steamed in 250 ml of boiling water, left for 20 minutes and filtered. The infusion is taken 15 ml three times a day.

Stinging nettle root. Tea from the rhizomes of the plant helps get rid of swelling, especially at the initial stage. Wash dried but not overdried nettle roots, chop finely with a sharp knife, brew with boiling water at the rate of 2 teaspoons per 0.4 liters of water, leave for 15 minutes and drink a glass instead of tea 2 times a day.

Carrot seeds. The product helps well with hydrocele (dropsy of the testicle): crush 75 grams of seeds, mix with 2/3 cup of forest, linden or high-mountain honey, transfer to a glass container for storage. Take the medicine 1 dessert spoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

It is advisable to coordinate the treatment of dropsy with traditional methods with the attending physician, because only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. It should be understood that without eliminating the main cause of increased swelling, it is impossible to talk about getting rid of the problem. Be healthy!

Dropsy is a collective term that refers to various forms of fluid accumulation in the human body. This phenomenon can be observed in different tissues and organs - in serous cavities, in brain tissue, in fiber. The disease is characterized by a disruption in the balance between the circulation of blood components and tissue fluid.

Types of dropsy

The pathological process, which is called dropsy, is not a separate disease and usually these symptoms indicate the presence of disorders in the body. Most often, this disease affects tissues that have loose subcutaneous tissue. Edema develops due to the fact that fluid from the vessels seeps through the walls into nearby tissues, but it is either not absorbed back at all, or this process is very slow.

Forms of the disease:

  1. General. It is most often diagnosed in pathologies associated with the cardiovascular system, in which a general imbalance of water metabolism occurs (the most characteristic signs are swelling of the face and neck).
  2. Local dropsy. Failure occurs in one organ or in a specific area due to compression of large vessels.

Edema can be:

  1. Stagnant, when blood circulation in small vessels is disrupted, venous outflow worsens (phlebothrombosis, cirrhosis).
  2. Hypooncotic (with changes in the protein component of the blood).
  3. Membranogenic, which are formed due to disturbances in the vascular walls (hypoxia, poisoning, hyperthermia).
  4. Lymphatic, arising due to disruptions in the circulation of lymphatic fluid (lymph node hypoplasia).

Varieties of dropsy:

Causes of pathology

The following factors can cause the development of dropsy (edema):

  • poisoning;
  • insect bites;
  • long-term diets or fasting;
  • damage of a mechanical nature, as a result of which there are obstacles to the normal outflow of lymph and blood from tissues (with constant pressure on a certain part of the body);
  • heart disease;
  • disturbances in the walls of blood vessels;
  • pathologies of the central nervous system;
  • increased fluid production (with hydrocephalus, this phenomenon is observed due to the activation of the secretion production of the choroid plexus).

Symptoms and signs of dropsy

The clinical picture of the disease depends on the cause of the pathology and the place of its formation. But despite this, the following general symptoms of dropsy are distinguished:

  • swelling and pain at the location of the swelling;
  • temperature increase;
  • change in complexion (skin becomes greyish, shiny, cold, peeling often occurs);
  • if you press on the skin at the site of swelling, the dent remains for a long time;
  • there is an excessive need to drink;
  • shortness of breath, weakness;
  • movements may be limited (especially if there is dropsy in the arms and legs);
  • pain (with hydrocele).

With acquired dropsy in adults, pain may be absent.

Since these are general clinical signs of pathology, each individual type of dropsy may have its own specific manifestations.


The consequences of dropsy are varied and directly depend on which part of the human body is swollen. With abdominal dropsy, the fluid presses on the diaphragm and moves it upward. This leaves no room for the lungs to function normally, which leads to respiratory failure. Because of this, blood circulation worsens, disruptions in protein metabolism occur, which leads to various pathologies. If the cause of the disease is eliminated, the dropsy goes away. But this happens in rare cases.

Elimination of the primary disease that provoked the development of edema is difficult due to the presence of fluid.

Hydrocele without timely treatment can also lead to serious complications. If the amount of fluid in the scrotum increases pathologically, the pressure increases, blood circulation and lymph movement worsen. All this leads to testicular atrophy. Plus, the temperature of the affected area increases, which negatively affects sperm. In order for sperm to be active and motile, the scrotum should not overheat. The optimal temperature is considered to be no more than 34 degrees, so this form of the disease often becomes the cause of male infertility.

With hydrocephalus, mental retardation, emotional and mental disorders, and underdevelopment of the speech center are observed.

Comprehensive diagnostics

To make a correct diagnosis, a comprehensive diagnosis is necessary, which includes the following activities:

  • examination by a doctor, during which the tumor site is palpated;
  • blood and urine tests;
  • X-ray of the cavity in which the swelling has formed;
  • Ultrasound to determine the volume of fluid in dropsy.

In order to clarify the diagnosis and distinguish (differentiate) dropsy from other diseases, a puncture is taken from the site of swelling. Next, the obtained samples are subjected to histological examination. Based on the information received, the attending physician will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Treatment of dropsy

The disease occurs in an acute form and is treated with medication. The patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory and painkillers, cold and warm compresses, and wearing a suspensor (support bandage).

In the chronic course of the pathology, the following methods for removing fluid are used:

  1. Puncture. The liquid is extracted using a syringe. But this treatment for dropsy gives a temporary effect, and very soon the liquid accumulates again. Therefore, this method of treatment is used in cases where it is necessary to provide emergency assistance to a person, and also if after surgery the swelling continues to increase. Puncture treatment of dropsy is contraindicated in the acute stage of the pathological process, since in this case the likelihood of infection and the development of a purulent process increases.

  2. Injection. The fluid is removed by injecting the swelling with hydrocortisone and other drugs that cause scarring of the membrane.
  3. Surgery. Dropsy surgery is performed under anesthesia (general or local). Several punctures are made at the location of the liquid, and the liquid is pumped out through them. After this, the patient can have a drainage system installed that will suck out the resulting fluid.

It is important to understand that dropsy edema cannot be cured without treating the underlying disease. The pathological process will repeat itself all the time, and sooner or later it will become chronic, which will significantly worsen the person’s condition.

Causes of the disease

Accumulation occurs due to disruption of the inflow and outflow of fluid. Its exchange takes place through the capillaries of the vessels located in the tissues with blood circulating through them. The release of fluid is called “transudation”, and this process is not interrupted. Edema is formed due to the fact that more of it comes out of the capillaries than is absorbed back.

Dropsy - what kind of disease is it? Symptoms

The disease occurs due to disruption of the lymph. This is what causes the accumulation of fluid, which is saturated with protein. When the outflow of lymph changes, swelling appears. This is accompanied by hypoplasia of the lymph nodes, malignant degeneration, edema and ascites.

Due to the fact that the fluid does not leave the body well, the skin begins to swell and edema appears. The skin around it resembles dough. If you press on the swelling, a small hole is formed and the mark remains for some time.

Pallor appears in areas of swollen skin and a decrease in temperature. This occurs due to a violation of the internal blood supply. The vessels are compressed, resulting in poor circulation. The fluid in dropsy is clear, with a high protein content.

Types of disease

There are two different forms of it. Dropsy disease (photos of signs can be seen in this article) can be local or general. In the first case, swelling occurs due to impaired fluid circulation in specific areas of tissue or organs. The reason for its appearance is compression of blood vessels. When a vein is blocked, ascites (edema of the abdominal cavity) begins. If blood circulation is impaired in the thighs, swelling of the legs appears.

Dropsy - what kind of disease is it? Its general form is formed due to an imbalance of water balance throughout the entire body. The main reason for its occurrence is an increase in pressure in the blood vessels. And vice versa - its decrease in plasma and tissues. In this case, high capillary permeability is noted. Let's move on to the question of how dropsy is treated.

Disease: treatment with various methods

Regardless of the cause of dropsy, it is recommended to eat a vegetarian diet, as it is low in protein. It is useful to eat raw cabbage, cucumbers, eggplants, watercress, parsley, honey, lemons, pumpkin. Instead of tea, it is best to prepare a decoction of watermelon rinds.

Dropsy, what kind of disease is this? The cause is fluid accumulating in the body, which does not come out completely or partially. Therefore, it is necessary to use products that will help the drainage of excess moisture. Therapy begins with treatment of the organ in which the swelling has occurred. The patient needs to consume as little liquid and salt as possible. Be sure to drink diuretics and herbs to stimulate the release of fluid from the body.

If dropsy occurs in an acute form, then painkillers and antibacterial drugs are prescribed. You must wear a jockstrap. At the beginning of treatment, cold compresses are used, after pain relief from swelling, thermal procedures are used.

In chronic forms of dropsy, punctures are made to remove fluid from the edema. The necessary medications, formaldehyde, alcohol, hydrocortisone and carbolic acid are administered by injection. But this method is not widely used, since dangerous relapses of the disease are possible. Just like surgery, which can also cause complications.

Treatment of the disease with traditional methods

For treatment, you can use black radish juice with honey, gradually increasing the dose. You need to start with a third of a glass.

Another method: ordinary raw onions are cut into slices and covered with sugar. In the morning, squeeze it out and drink the resulting juice, 2 tbsp. spoons. You can use pumpkin. To do this, drink half a glass of its juice a day.

You can also make a decoction of black elderberry. For infusion, its bark and root are taken. Or use grapes, which are eaten in the morning on an empty stomach, 10 berries each. After this, you should not eat anything for as long as possible.

You can also use infusions and juices from the following plants:

  • horseradish;
  • swamp cranberry;
  • parsley (and its decoction in milk);
  • caraway;
  • hemp chaff;
  • nettle root;
  • cornflower flowers;
  • juniper stems and fruits;
  • cloudberry;
  • pepper knotweed;
  • jaundice;
  • horsetail;
  • sagebrush;
  • agave leaves;
  • buds and leaves of white birch;
  • black cotoneaster;
  • hawthorn;
  • turnip;
  • flax seeds;
  • cowberry;
  • heather;
  • honeysuckle;
  • many medicinal preparations sold in pharmacies.

Dropsy of the brain

Otherwise - hydrocephalus. It is a fairly dangerous disease. Dropsy of the brain is a consequence of an excess of fluid in the space between the meninges. It can be caused by various injuries, brain damage, or previous illnesses.

Most often occurs after meningitis and traumatic brain injury. And also for kidney diseases, vascular pathology, blood clots, tumors, high blood pressure, hernia and underdevelopment of the brain.

This kind of dropsy is pronounced: the head becomes enlarged, the skin on it is very thin with streaks of veins. The fontanelles swell and begin to bulge, the bones of the skull become thinner. Symptoms: paralysis, impaired coordination of movements, impaired muscle tone and reflexes, decreased vision, changes in static behavior and gait.

Dropsy of the abdomen

In other words - ascites. In this case, fluid accumulates in the abdominal cavity. The cause may be hypertension, edema syndrome, renal pathology, dystrophy, disruption of lymphatic function. Sometimes the disease (edema of the abdomen) develops due to existing tumors or tuberculosis. All of the above factors can be combined. During illness, the abdomen takes on the shape of a ball, protrudes and inflates.

Hydrocele of the testicle

This disease occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the lining of the organ. It accumulates between the visceral and parenteral plates. Hydrocele of the testicle can be congenital or acquired. The cause of the pathology is a violation of embryogenesis. If hydrocele of the testicle is acquired, then it usually occurs due to any inflammation, trauma, tumors of the organ, its membrane and appendages. May appear after cardiac decompensation, with ascites, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, gonorrhea and tuberculosis.

If you suspect any form of dropsy, it is recommended not to limit yourself to self-medication with folk remedies, but to consult a doctor as soon as possible. This may prevent the need for future surgery and may even save lives.

Dropsy - what kind of disease is it?

Dropsy (edema) is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the subcutaneous fat, tissues or serous cavities of the body.

It would be wrong to say that dropsy is an independent disease. Most often, swelling of the subcutaneous tissue is a symptom of the pathology of some organ. Tissues with loose subcutaneous tissue are most susceptible to edema. Swelling occurs due to the fact that transudate from the vessels exits through their walls into the surrounding tissues, and reabsorption does not occur, or occurs extremely slowly.

There are the following forms of dropsy:

    General dropsy – the body’s water balance is disturbed (heart disease);

    Local dropsy - fluid balance is disturbed in a separate organ or in a limited area of ​​the body due to compression of the veins (for example, ascites, swelling of the extremities).

Classification of edema in dropsy:

    Congestive - occur due to impaired capillary circulation, outflow of venous fluid (liver cirrhosis, heart failure, phlebothrombosis);

    Hypooncotic - arise due to a disturbance in the concentration of proteins in the blood, depletion of albumin (nephrosis);

    Membranogenic - arise due to impaired capillary permeability (hypoxia, toxic damage from poisons, bacterial waste products, hyperthermia);

    Lymphatic – arise due to a violation of the outflow of lymph (hypoplasia of the lymph nodes, the reaction of the immune system to the oncological process)

Under the pressure of the watery fluid located in the subcutaneous tissue, the skin swells, resulting in an increase in the volume of certain parts of the sick person’s body. In the area of ​​swelling, the skin may resemble dough. When palpating edematous tissue, the pits that form with light pressure remain on the skin for a long time after the cessation of exposure. Pallor and coldness of the skin are noted, which is associated with impaired blood supply to tissues due to compression of blood vessels by edematous fluid. Dropsy is formed by a clear liquid that contains protein in very low concentrations.

Edema is a characteristic symptom of a wide variety of diseases and pathological conditions. It is an important diagnostic sign for doctors when examining patients suffering from general or local circulatory disorders, kidney diseases, and disorders of the systems regulating water-salt metabolism.

According to the location, dropsy is divided into local and general. Local edema is caused by a violation of the inflow and outflow of fluid in a separate area of ​​​​tissue or in a certain organ; the cause of such dropsy in most cases is compression of the venous vessels. Blockage (compression) of the portal vein causes ascites, which is also called dropsy of the abdominal cavity, and poor circulation in the femoral vein causes swelling of the legs.

General dropsy leads to an imbalance of water balance throughout the body, which can be judged by cardiac edema. The main reasons that lead to a change in the balance of fluid flow in limited areas are: an increase in fluid pressure in small vessels (capillaries), a decrease in oncotic pressure of plasma, an increase in oncotic pressure of interstitial fluid, a decrease in pressure on tissue, high permeability of capillary vessels, a violation of reverse flow plasma.

Considering the factor that becomes leading in the development of the pathological process, dropsy is divided into mechanical, hypooncotic, membranogenic and lymphatic. Mechanical, or congestive, edema occurs due to high hydrostatic pressure in small blood vessels and disruption of the return flow of venous blood caused by blockage or mechanical compression of the blood vessels. Such pressure can be exerted by a pregnant uterus and an enlarged liver. The cause of vein blockage may be phlebothrombosis.

When the protein concentration in the blood decreases, hypooncotic edema may develop, while the protein content does not exceed 50 g/l. In this case, the low content of albumin in the blood (below 25 g/l) is of greatest importance, since they are characterized by greater osmotic activity than globulins. A maximum drop in oncotic pressure and extensive edema accompany nephrotic syndrome.

An increase in oncotic pressure of the interstitial fluid, accompanied by a change in the permeability of capillary membranes and sweating of protein-saturated filtrate into the tissue, is an important factor in the formation of edema of any origin. Edema that occurs in acute nephritis, cardiac and respiratory failure is closely related to increased membrane permeability. Cell membranes can be affected by toxins (snake venom, bacterial toxins, toxic substances, fever).

Symptoms of hydrocele of lymphatic origin occur when the reverse flow of lymph is disrupted, which causes the accumulation of protein-saturated fluid. Changes in lymph flow and associated edema accompany congenital hypoplasia of the lymph nodes, their malignant degeneration, nephrotic and starvation edema, as well as ascites.

Types of dropsy

There are several types of dropsy, characterized by the following clinical manifestations:

    With ascites, a large amount of serous or hemorrhagic transudate (free fluid), from 8 to 30 liters, accumulates in the abdomen. More often this amount is smaller in volume - from a liter or more. The skin of the abdomen with ascites is tense, smoothed, and an umbilical and femoral hernia are observed. The abdomen has a spherical shape, it protrudes forward or hangs down. Complications of ascites may include peritonitis due to a rupture of the navel, swelling of the feet, or prolapse of the rectum.

    Hydrocephalus, or dropsy of the brain. With hydrocephalus, there is an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the ventricles of the brain and under its membrane. Dropsy of the brain can be congenital or acquired. Children with hydrocephalus are developmentally delayed, all types of metabolism are disrupted, and there are many neurological disorders (paralysis, paresis, disturbances in tone and coordination of movements, vision, gait). Patients with hydrocephalus are characterized by an increase in the volume of the skull, a drooping forehead, deep orbits of the eyes with half-closed eyelids. High intracranial pressure causes headache, nausea and vomiting.

    Hydrocele, or hydrocele of the testicle. With this type of dropsy, fluid accumulates between the plates of the vaginal membrane of the testicle. Hydrocele can be congenital and acquired, acute and chronic. With dropsy, the testicle swells, pain appears, and the skin becomes hyperemic. The chronic form of hydrocele is manifested by disturbances in urination, sexual intercourse, sperm production, and organ atrophy.

    Dropsy of pregnancy. With this type of dropsy, an increase in body weight is diagnosed due to hidden and obvious swelling of the legs, face, lumbosacral region, and abdominal wall. A woman's blood pressure rises and changes in her urine are observed.

    Hydrothorax, or chest dropsy. It occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity and often accompanies ascites. Chest hydrops is most often bilateral; the volume of fluid in each pleural cavity can reach several liters. The patient is diagnosed with shortness of breath and skin cyanosis.

    Hydrarthrosis, or dropsy of the joint. It occurs due to the accumulation of fluid in the cavities of 1-2 knee and ankle joints. The total volume of the joint increases.

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The cause of dropsy (accumulation of transudate, or watery fluid) is a disruption in the process of inflow and outflow of tissue fluid. Through the capillaries of blood vessels, an exchange occurs between the fluid located in the body tissues and the circulating blood. The release of fluid through the vascular wall into the surrounding tissue is called “transudation”; this process is continuous. Edema is formed under the condition that a larger volume of liquid sweats from the capillaries into the surrounding tissue than is absorbed as a result of reverse outflow; in some cases, reverse absorption may stop altogether.

Although dropsy is based on an imbalance in the circulation of blood exudate and tissue fluid, the etiological factors for the occurrence of pathology are extremely diverse.

Causes of dropsy in various organs and systems:

    Hydrocele, or hydrocele of the testicle - tumors, injuries of the appendage and membranes of the scrotum, inflammatory process, complications of gonorrhea and tuberculosis;

    Hydrops of pregnant women - disturbances of water-salt metabolism and capillary circulation due to altered neuroendocrine regulation of biochemical processes;

    Pericardial hydrops - complications of pathologies of the heart and kidneys, cancer, tuberculosis, myxidema, mediastinal tumors, massive x-ray irradiation of the heart;

    Chest dropsy - a tumor process in the mediastinum, diseases of the urinary system, dystrophy due to vitamin deficiency, impaired lymph outflow;

    Dropsy of the joint, or hydroarthrosis - injury to the meniscus, manifestations of ankylosing spondylitis, allergic reaction to tuberculosis, complications of syphilis;

    Dropsy of the abdomen, or ascites - heart failure, dystrophy, kidney disease, tumors or tuberculosis of the peritoneum, portal vein thrombosis;

The severity of the consequences of dropsy depends on the possibility or impossibility of compensating for the disease that caused it. For example, with ascites, fluid accumulating in the abdominal cavity moves the diaphragm upward. This, in turn, compresses the lungs and causes pulmonary failure. The blood supply to the myocardium and all human organs is disrupted. When protein metabolism is disrupted, protein deficiency develops.

Untimely treatment of hydrocele (hydroxycele) disrupts the circulation of lymph and blood in it, leading to atrophy of this organ. An increase in temperature in the testicular area due to the accumulation of fluid makes sperm unviable, which directly leads to infertility. Impaired hormone production radically changes the course of physiological processes in the body.

The consequences of hydrocephalus can be mental retardation of varying degrees, mental disorders, emotional disturbances, intellectual disability, and general speech underdevelopment.

Treatment of various forms of dropsy begins with treatment of the underlying disease that caused the swelling, and symptomatic therapy is carried out for acute manifestations.

Treatment of acute hydrocele includes the use of antibiotics and analgesics, cold and thermal procedures, and wearing a suspensor. The chronic form of testicular hydrocele is treated by puncture of accumulated fluid and administration of hydrocortisone. Most often, surgical intervention is used to avoid complications.

To treat dropsy in pregnant women, optimization of nutrition, restriction of liquid and table salt intake, fasting days, and drug treatment are used.

When treating hydrothorax and pneumothorax, the emphasis is on treating the underlying disease. If a patient is diagnosed with hydrocele of a joint, a puncture is performed to remove intra-articular fluid.

Treatment of ascites depends on the severity of the underlying disease that caused it. Usually the patient is prescribed diuretics, cardiac glycosides, oxygen therapy, and a salt-free diet is recommended. In difficult cases, surgery is used to remove fluid from the peritoneum.

Elimination of the manifestations of hydrocephalus can be either surgical or conservative.

To reduce intracranial pressure use:

    General strengthening procedures;

    Pine-salt baths;

    Drug treatment for dehydration, prevention of inflammation, desensitization;

    Relief of mental disorders.

Surgical treatment aimed at creating an artificial pathway for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles of the brain is more effective.

Auxiliary methods for the treatment of all types of dropsy can be scaling, hydrotherapy, compresses and wraps, and the use of traditional medicine recipes.

Preventing the appearance of dropsy depends on its type and the causes. Forms of prevention:

    Dropsy in pregnant women - regular monitoring of the woman’s condition by the attending physician, proper nutrition, normalization of work and rest schedules;

    Cardiac dropsy (hydropericardium) – treatment of the underlying disease;

    Pulmonary dropsy (hydrothorax) – similar prevention;

    Ascites – elimination of circulatory disorders, timely treatment of a disease that has caused fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity;

    Hydrocephalus (hydrocephalus) – timely detection of pregnancy pathologies during screening, protection of the fetus from toxic damage, neuroinfections, prevention of traumatic brain injuries at any age;

    Hydrocele of the testicle – protection of the scrotum from injury.

The variety of manifestations of dropsy depends on the symptoms of the disease that caused tissue swelling. Treatment of dropsy, the choice of effective therapeutic or surgical methods takes into account the patient’s age, concomitant somatic disorders, and contraindications.


The accumulation of fluid in the tissues or cavities and organs of the body is usually called “dropsy” or “dropsy”. Accumulating moisture is formed from the liquid components of blood and lymph, which, due to special, abnormal conditions, leave (sweat) from the vessels, do not enter the further circulation and accumulate in the tissues of the body. Watery impregnation of tissues can be observed either in limited areas, or be general and affect almost all parts of the body. Depending on the prevalence of the process, V. are divided into: general - hydrops universalis, and local; the latter, in turn, are divided into separate forms, depending on the location of the lesion, which have their own special names, such as: swelling of the skin and subcutaneous tissue - anasarca, hyposarca; abdominal V. - ascites; accumulation of fluid in the chest cavity, in the pleural sac - hydrothorax; in the cardiac sac - hydropericardium; in the cavities and ventricles of the brain - hydrocephales, etc.

The reasons for the formation of dropsy are mainly: 1) mechanical conditions that prevent the complete removal of venous blood and lymph from the tissues; so, for example, with pressure on any part of the body, a limb, superficially lying veins may become narrowed in the lumen, and deeper located arteries will continue to deliver blood to the tissues; As a result of such conditions, the lymphatic fluid that has entered the tissue will not flow into veins that have obstructed blood outflow, but will accumulate between the cells and fibers of the tissue, resulting in edema. General dropsy, which develops in heart disease, has the same mechanical origin; it is usually observed in cases of heart suffering when the correct flow of venous blood into the right heart is disrupted; for example, with insufficiency of the tricuspid valve and, consequently, with insufficiency of the bicuspid valves, and when, due to a decline in cardiac activity, a weakening of the force of heart contractions, the balance between the entry of liquid lymph into the tissue and its reabsorption is disturbed. Dropsy and swelling from mechanical causes are usually called “stagnant” or “passive”; 2nd) from changes in the composition of blood or lymph and from changes in the walls of blood vessels; the latter, in turn, most often occurs with blood diseases and tissue cell nutrition disorders. These changes cause increased leakage of liquid parts of the blood through the walls of capillary vessels, the so-called “cachectic” or “hydremic” dropsy. They are observed when the blood is depleted of protein, when the blood is watery and poor in its formed elements, with specific changes in the blood and blood vessels in kidney diseases (Bright form), with swamp thinness (malaria), with scurvy (scorbutus), with insufficient nutrition (incomplete fasting ) etc. (unlike dropsy of mechanical origin, or passive, these dropsies are called “active”) and thirdly) under influence of nervous system disorders, peripheral or central - so-called "neuropathic edema". This type of dropsy includes “paralytic edema,” local or general, developing after paralysis from various lesions of the brain or spinal cord; “neuralgic edema” - for nervous or neuralgic pain; swelling due to traumatic damage to nerve trunks, “hysterical edema”, urticaria blisters (articaria), which appear in some people when various flavoring or medicinal substances are introduced into the stomach, etc. (Prof. V.V. Podvysotsky, “Fundamentals of General Pathology ", St. Petersburg, 1891, p. 187). The cause of neuropathic edema is believed to lie in a disorder of vascular innervation or, more precisely, in spasmodic contraction of the veins (Unna).

V.'s distribution into groups has a more theoretical significance; in practice, the moments that cause V. often seem complex, which determines the existence of “mixed forms” of dropsy (Prof. Yu. T. Chudnovsky, “Protocols of General Russian Doctors,” St. Petersburg, 1879, p. 109). Clarification and recognition of the most important cause of such V. in each individual case is of great clinical importance for treatment and prediction of the outcome of the disease. It is necessary to distinguish from true dropsy inflammatory liquid effusions caused by inflammatory processes in tissues and organs (see Inflammation) and also the so-called “false dropsy”. The latter are formed in individual organs and glands from excessive accumulation of liquid secretions in them due to difficulty or cessation of their exit due to narrowing or complete occlusion of the excretory ducts; for example, dropsy of the renal pelvis (hydronephrosis) with fusion of the ureter, accumulation of fluid in the lacrimal sac, in the fallopian tubes with fusion of their walls (hydrosalpinx), etc. False dropsy are usually cystic saccular tumors filled with fluid.

Anatomical changes in tissues during dropsy are expressed primarily by the separation of fibers and cells by accumulating fluid and subsequent cloudy swelling and fatty degeneration. As for the appearance of the edematous parts, their shape changes: they become soft, inelastic; when pressing with a finger on the swollen skin, a depression is formed that does not smooth out for a long time; they increase in volume, sometimes so significantly that neighboring organs are displaced; the functions of edematous organs are disrupted until they completely cease, which causes secondary disorders.

The aqueous liquid that permeates the tissues is very close in composition to blood plasma, contains all its liquid, soluble components (only in slightly smaller quantities), the salt content is almost the same as in the blood, and the protein substances, on the contrary, are much less, especially in dropsy fluid with chronic inflammation of the kidneys (Bright form), with heart disease, cachexia, etc., in which the protein content in dropsy fluid is less than 1%. The hydrocele is often clear and colorless, but sometimes yellowish or reddish from the admixture of blood and cloudy from the presence of white blood cells, purulent bodies or fat. Its reaction is alkaline; specific gravity is lower than the specific gravity of blood. Dropsy cannot be considered an independent form of the disease, but is a consequence or symptom of other disorders. Dropsy, complicating various diseases, does not appear in the same form and intensity, but has its own characteristics. Thus, in case of heart disease, dropsy edema is first of all noticed on the legs, ankles and slowly rises upward; The arms, shoulders and face swell later. With cardiac dropsy, the fluid leaking from the blood vessels, as if due to its gravity, sinks and accumulates in the lower parts of the body. With dropsy of renal origin and with some cachectic swelling, swelling is first noticed on the face, then dropsy of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (anasarca) is observed, common to the whole body. Often, chronic kidney disease causes an enlargement of the heart (cardiac hypertrophy) with subsequent circulatory disorders, and a combination of kidney and heart diseases is obtained, which is reflected in the form of dropsy. When blood flow through the portal vein is obstructed due to liver disease or compression of the vein by a tumor or any other reason, fluid effusion occurs into one abdominal cavity - abdominal dropsy (ascites). The reasons that impede the movement of blood through the portal vein are usually very persistent, which is why abdominal V. in most cases has a long course and reaches enormous sizes; sometimes up to 20 liters of fluid accumulated in the abdominal cavity. Abdominal dropsy may be accompanied by secondary swelling of the legs due to the fact that fluid accumulated in the abdomen presses on the veins, and then cachexia may develop from malnutrition, which is the cause of general V. Dropsy of nervous origin is often observed on one half of the body, for example, with half-paralysis ; or on one arm, leg, etc. with damage to individual nerve trunks. Treatment of dropsy is directly dependent on the causes that cause them; destroying the latter, or at least weakening them, is the first main indication for the treatment of dropsy. Dropsy edema, which develops with heart disease, usually disappears relatively quickly with increased cardiac activity and a decrease in stagnation in the venous system; cardiac remedies aimed at restoring circulatory compensation, such as foxglove (digitalis), adonis (adonis vernalis), lily of the valley (convallaria majalis), caffeine, etc., are at the same time remedies against V. Abdominal V., dependent from the movement of blood through the portal vein, in most cases is not amenable to radical therapy, since the causes of such difficulty usually lie deep - in persistent changes in the liver tissue, in the development of tumors pressing on the vessels, etc., which are often impossible to eliminate. General V. in kidney diseases resolves when the correct function of the latter is restored, the disease process in the walls of blood vessels improves, and the normal composition of the blood is restored. Dropsy from cachexia and nervous lesions also require therapy directed against the underlying suffering. In addition to radical therapy, palliative measures are also used to treat dropsy, with the goal of limiting the accumulation of fluid, which are necessary when dropsy accumulation becomes excessive, disrupts the functioning of various organs and threatens life. Such measures include, first of all, all techniques that raise the overall energy of the body and help it itself fight the abnormal conditions caused by the disease process. We see such an example of the body’s self-defense in the development of collateral circulation in general. With a large accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, due to significant difficulty in the outflow of blood through the portal vein, collateral, additional blood circulation also develops, and the function of the portal vein is taken over by the venous branches embedded in the abdominal walls and belonging to the general venous system.

Then, the accumulation of fluid in the body can be limited by reducing the amount of water in food (dry eating) or increasing the removal of moisture from the body by sweat, urine, excrement, which is why diaphoretics, diuretics, and diaphoretics are used against dropsy.

When there is a large accumulation of fluid in the body or in individual cavities, simple mechanical release is also used. To release fluid in general dropsy, injections or incisions in the skin are made, mainly on the legs, through which the fluid oozes out. Sometimes tubes, metal or rubber, are inserted into the cuts made. During this type of operation, one must strictly monitor their cleanliness and disinfection; contamination of wounds leads to the appearance of phlegmonous and even erysipelas. The release of fluid can be done on the same patient many times, and there have been cases where it has given an impetus to lasting recovery. The accumulated liquid in any cavity sometimes pours out randomly, when the walls accidentally rupture; Thus, arbitrary leakage of fluid during abdominal dropsy was observed through the navel, through the intestines, etc.; This leakage of fluid can be useful, but sometimes it is very dangerous when the fluid leaks into other organs, for example, into the lungs with hydrocele (pleural sac).

A. Lipsky.

Dropsy in animals. In general, the development of the disease in animals is the same and is caused by the same reasons as in humans. In some species of animals, V. is relatively rare, for example, in horses, which is explained by the fact that these animals are kept closer to nature; on the contrary, in indoor dogs kept far from normal conditions, it occurs as often as in people. Sometimes general dropsy takes on the character of a general disease and reaches the size of an enzootic (see this next). This usually occurs as a result of improper maintenance of animals; Thus, widespread disease with dropsy was observed more than once among working oxen and horses in those farms where working cattle are fed with residues from beet sugar production, containing a huge amount of water, very often up to 95%, and the remaining 5% of dry matter contains only 1/2% nitrogenous nutrient. It is interesting that cows that receive the same feed, but have a natural drain of excess water taken into the feed through the mammary gland, do not develop dropsy. In addition, V. was observed among sheep when grazing on bad, swampy peat pastures and among cattle when exclusively fed with stillage. V. in animals is also often not an independent disease, but only a symptom accompanying some other disease, for example, with hepatic helminthic disease of sheep, tuberculosis of cattle, etc.

The corpses of animals that have died from common V. are striking in their anemia and pale color of the flesh. The same pallor of color in living animals can be seen on unpainted areas of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth. The meat of animals killed during the period of fully developed dropsy is tasteless, and therefore in some countries it is either not allowed for sale at all, or is sold only under special conditions. A cure for this disease is only possible if the animals are kept in a different way.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .


See what “dropsy” is in other dictionaries:

    DROPSY- Dropsy, hydrops (from the Greek hydor water), accumulation of transudate fluid (see), swelling of the cavity. For V. a number of cavities there are special terms, for example, ascites abdominal V., hydro thorax V. pleural cavity, hydropericardium V. pericardial sac ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

Hello everyone, dear guests and readers of the site! You've probably seen horrifying photos of babies with bloated heads on the Internet. The skull reaches incredible sizes, and blood vessels are visible through the thin baby skin? So: this pathology is called dropsy. What kind of disease is this we will talk about today, we will learn about all its manifestations, prevention and treatment.

Even if dropsy does not entail serious consequences (including death), it can seriously damage your health and well-being. So, attention: please read to the end, because the disease can affect you and your loved ones, from infancy to old age!

“Oh, I was bitten by a wasp!” and other causes of dropsy

Many of you have already guessed by the name that dropsy is an accumulation of water in the body. It accumulates between tissues and in the fiber under the skin. Despite the fact that our body needs water reserves, since it itself consists of 80% liquid, dropsy edema is dangerous for us. Where do they come from and how to recognize them in adults and children? Let's figure it out together.

Like ordinary edema, dropsy literally swells parts of our body, making them loose and soft. At the same time, blood circulation deteriorates and the normal color of the skin affected by dropsy becomes pale, grayish and even bluish. if you press on the swollen area, a “ditch” from your finger will remain.
Other symptoms that can help you recognize dropsy

As a rule, dropsy does not appear on its own, but is a consequence of other diseases.

Among the reasons that experts highlight, there may be quite harmless ones. For example, a wasp sting, minor poisoning, starvation. More serious ones include: changes in the composition of lymph, blood, vessel walls, heart failure, pathologies of the nervous system and others. It is better not to try to identify the root cause yourself, but to entrust this task to a specialist.

General (when the whole body swells) begins against the background of failures in the heart. In the first case, you will swell from top to bottom, the swollen face will first make itself felt, but in case of heart failure, “elephant feet” syndrome will bother you, that is, fluid will accumulate from bottom to top.

Local dropsy, which affects only one organ, has several dozen varieties. The most common among them are: ascites, hydrocele, hydrocele during pregnancy, water callus, hydrocephalus, hydroarthrosis. Below I will talk about each type in more detail.

In the meantime, get acquainted with the main symptoms by which you can recognize this pathology in yourself before visiting a doctor:

  • The most important sign that you will notice right away is swelling. It will not just annoy you with swelling of your limbs or other organs. When filled with water, they will whine and cause anxiety. The only exception is, perhaps, testicular hydrocele in children, in which the baby does not experience pain.
  • By pressing on the swollen skin, you will see a finger hole that has not gone away for a long time.
  • You will be thirsty and may have a fever
  • Skin color will indicate pathology by pallor and coldness of the integument, peeling
  • General weakness in the body, shortness of breath may appear
  • If there is dropsy in the abdomen, it will noticeably increase in size, you will feel bloating and discomfort

Keep in mind that I have summarized all the most noticeable symptoms; the final diagnosis remains with the doctor.

“Callus” on the stomach and “pouch” in the testicle

Well, now about the types of dropsy in adults and children.
“Animal” dropsy, or ascites. Type this word into an Internet search engine, and you will see rather terrifying photos of a huge, seemingly... Do you know how much fluid it can hold during extreme manifestations of the disease? Up to 25 liters!

Ascites does not come alone; it usually follows cardiac pathologies, liver and intestinal diseases. It’s a paradox, but often fasting causes dropsy in the abdomen. Therefore, try to monitor your diet more carefully.

After diagnosis, the doctor can remove the fluid in a hospital setting. He will simply pump it out with a needle. Then it’s up to you: follow all the instructions, stick to a diet without salt and drink diuretics. Of course, you will have to undergo an ultrasound of the liver, do an ECG, and donate urine and blood for analysis.

Dropsy of pregnancy. As you know, almost all expectant mothers suffer from edema, especially in the second half of pregnancy. Rings “grow” tightly to the fingers, sandals and boots barely fit on swollen feet, and the face becomes blurred.

A rapidly increasing weight will indicate the beginning of dropsy; when 20 or more kilograms are added to the “pre-pregnancy” kilograms, the gynecologist can talk about the development of a pathological condition and will definitely prescribe treatment. Please note that with dropsy, not only the mother suffers, but also the baby. A dangerous stage may develop, at which it will be necessary to induce emergency labor!

Hydrocell(accumulation of fluid in the scrotum) can be a congenital or acquired defect. In babies, shortly before birth, the genitals are fully formed and the testicles descend into the scrotum. During this process, they “pull” the abdominal membrane behind them, from which a kind of tissue shell is obtained. As a rule, it heals before birth, but sometimes it doesn’t have time, and it fills with fluid from the abdominal cavity.

Don't be alarmed if your pediatrician recommends surgery. It is quite easy and safe. The sutures are removed after a week, and after a couple of years even scars will not remind you of the intervention.

Unlike infants, “big boys” have testicular hydrocele that hurts so much! This is an acquired form that occurs due to inflammation of the genital organs, injuries and other reasons.

If left untreated, you can experience infertility or atrophy of primary sexual characteristics.

The worst thing about dropsy

Dropsy of the brain, or hydrocephalus. Children suffer from it more often. Fluid accumulates under the membranes of the brain, swelling the head like a balloon. The forehead protrudes noticeably forward, the eyes slightly roll out of their sockets. The worst thing is that this pathology is difficult to treat. Doctors can stop the development of dropsy, but have not yet been able to return the head to its previous size.

That is why I urge you once again: watch your health and nutrition during pregnancy. Most cases of hydrocephalus occur due to intrauterine causes, for example, infections that the expectant mother “gave” to the baby.

The baby experiences not only pain, but also nausea, developmental delays and mental problems begin. A sick baby may even lose sight. Be careful and visit your pediatrician more often to notice this serious illness as early as possible.

Joint dropsy, hydrarthrosis. Occurs against the background of osteochondritis, syphilis. The joints of the legs, filling with fluid, swell. Walking becomes painful, movements are constrained. In this case, you need to pump out the liquid as soon as possible. This will be done by a specialist using a puncture.

Well, the most harmless form of dropsy that we have all encountered is a callus. We walked around in tight shoes in the heat, dug in the garden without gloves - and here you have a bubble filled with a cloudy liquid. Does it hurt and bother you? Doctors advise piercing large calluses with a disinfected needle, then treating the puncture site with brilliant green or ointment, and sealing it with a bactericidal plaster.

Radish or grapes: which is healthier?

If you are familiar with dropsy first-hand, you already know what discomfort it causes. That is why I continue to introduce you to various pathologies and methods of getting rid of them through popular science. Dropsy, in any form, requires immediate examination by a specialist and treatment. But the process can be accelerated at home.

Here are some tips and folk ways to get rid of illness at home:
Try to eat vegetarian food. Cucumbers, cabbage, parsley, and pumpkin should definitely be on your table, especially in season. Replace tea with a decoction of watermelon rinds. Salt is white poison for you, especially now. With your doctor's permission, take diuretics. They will help remove fluid from the body faster.

If you have dropsy, it is good to drink black radish juice mixed with honey. Increase the dose from a third of a glass per day to two full glasses.

Onions, finely chopped into slices and sprinkled with sugar in the evening, will give you wonderful healing juice by the morning. A couple of tablespoons a day will significantly ease the course of the disease and speed up recovery.

Do you like grapes? Wonderful! This is another assistant in your fight against excess water in the body. In the morning on an empty stomach, eat 10 berries of your favorite grape variety. One “but”: after that, don’t eat anything for as long as possible! This will enhance the effect.

For dropsy of the testicles in men (not in children!), an evening massage with three fingers in warm water helps. If fluid accumulates again, you need to repeat these manipulations again (up to three times a day).

As always, I wish you and your family to be healthy. Come visit more often, and I will be ready to give you any advice. Leave your comments and don't forget to share the post on social networks! See you later!

Dropsy (dropsy) is a pathological process based on the accumulation of transudate in the interstitial space or subcutaneous tissue. Dropsy is not an independent disease; it is one of the symptoms characteristic of pathologies of the kidneys, heart, liver, and endocrine glands.


The most common causes of dropsy in children and adults are:

  • dysfunction of the central nervous system (neuropathic dropsy);
  • violation of lymph outflow;
  • disturbances in the physical and chemical composition of blood and/or lymph;
  • congenital and acquired heart defects;
  • injuries to the groin area (one of the main causes of local dropsy in men and boys).

The pathological mechanism is based on an imbalance between the inflow and outflow of interstitial fluid. Normally, through the wall of the blood capillaries, the liquid part of the blood constantly leaks into the interstitial space. This phenomenon is called transudation. In cases where the reverse outflow of fluid from the tissues into the circulatory system becomes less than its output from the capillaries, tissue edema develops, i.e. dropsy.


Depending on the location of the edema:

  • dropsy of the abdomen (abdominal dropsy, ascites);
  • dropsy of pregnancy;
  • hydrops fetalis (immune and non-immune form);
  • dropsy of the eye (hydrophthalmos);
  • dropsy chest (hydrothorax);
  • dropsy of the brain (hydrocephalus);
  • dropsy of the heart (dropsy of the pericardium, hydropericardium);
  • dropsy of the testicle (dropsy of the testicular membranes, hydrocele);
  • dropsy of the joints (hydrarthrosis);
  • hydrocele of the spermatic cord (funicocele, congenital cyst of the spermatic cord);
  • hydrocele of the gallbladder;
  • dropsy of the fallopian tubes (hydrosalpinx);
  • hydrocele of the ovary (serous ovarian cystoma);
  • dropsy of the kidney (hydronephrosis);
  • dropsy of the lacrimal sac.

Specific preventive measures have been developed only for the immune form of hydrops fetalis. They involve the use of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, which destroys Rh-positive red blood cells of the fetus that could enter the mother’s blood.

Signs of dropsy

Clinical manifestations of dropsy are determined by the type of pathology.

Hydrocele of the testicle

Hydrocele of the testicle (dropsy of the testicular membranes, hydrocele) is an accumulation of transudate in the space between the visceral and parietal layers of the testicular membrane. The volume of liquid usually ranges from 20 to 200 ml. In rare cases it can reach several liters. The main symptom of testicular hydrocele is an enlargement of the corresponding half of the scrotum.

Hydrocele of the gallbladder

Hydrocele of the gallbladder is a pathological condition that develops against the background of a number of diseases of the hepatobiliary system and is characterized by the accumulation of non-inflammatory fluid in the cavity of the gallbladder. This pathology is often preceded by attacks of hepatic colic. With a slight increase in size, the hydrocele may not manifest itself clinically. Further accumulation of fluid in it causes pain in the liver area. The pain is dull and aching in nature and can radiate to the back, shoulder, or right shoulder blade.

In case of dropsy, the gallbladder is palpated as a painless, densely elastic, round-shaped formation located under the lower edge of the liver.

Dropsy of pregnancy

Hydrops of pregnancy is one of the manifestations of OPG-preeclampsia (late toxicosis of pregnancy), which develops against the background of disturbances in water and electrolyte metabolism. This pathology begins to develop in the second half of gestation. In the initial stage, swelling is hidden and visually invisible. They can be identified by regularly weighing a pregnant woman based on an excessively rapid increase in body weight (over 300 g in 7 days). If the necessary treatment for dropsy in pregnancy is not available at this stage, swelling spreads throughout the body.

Other symptoms of dropsy in pregnancy:

  • increased thirst;
  • decreased diuresis;
  • glossiness of the skin;
  • tachypnea;
  • general weakness.

Hydrops fetalis

Hydrops fetalis is a pathological condition that occurs during fetal development and is manifested by the development of generalized edema of the soft tissues of the fetus, as well as the accumulation of transudate in the pericardial cavity, abdominal and thoracic cavities.

Depending on the cause, fetal hydrops is divided into two types:

  • immune – a variant of the course of hemolytic disease of the newborn (edematous form);
  • non-immune form - develops against the background of various pathological conditions: pregnancy pathologies, various dysplasias, TORCH infections, chromosomal and genomic mutations, congenital heart defects. This form of hydrops fetalis is almost always fatal in the first days of a newborn's life.

With hydrops fetalis, the condition of the newborn is usually assessed as very serious. Due to the significant enlargement of the brain part of the skull, which is associated with hydrocephalus, the head becomes disproportionately large. Due to severe weakness of the skeletal muscles, the child assumes a frog position. In girls with fetal hydrops, underdevelopment of the labia majora is noted, and in boys, cryptorchidism is observed. In many cases, fetal hydrops is accompanied by a marked enlargement of the liver and spleen (hepatosplenomegaly).


Diagnosis of dropsy in itself is not difficult and is based on characteristic clinical signs. It can be much more difficult to establish the cause that led to the swelling.

If dropsy in pregnancy is suspected, the woman's weight gain is monitored. Normally, weight gain per week should not exceed 300 g. In addition, daily diuresis is monitored. A decrease in the daily amount of urine with an increase in nocturnal diuresis is a characteristic sign of dropsy in pregnancy.

The most informative methods for hydrocele of the gallbladder are instrumental diagnostic methods:

  • plain radiography of the abdominal cavity (rounded shadow from an enlarged gallbladder);
  • retrograde cholangiopancreatography or cholecystography (the contrast agent does not enter the cavity of the gallbladder, but accumulates in the hepatic and bile ducts);
  • Ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder;
  • magnetic resonance imaging of the abdominal organs;
  • computed tomography of the biliary tract;
  • diagnostic laparoscopy.

Diagnosis of testicular hydrocele is carried out on the basis of ultrasound examination of the scrotum and diaphanoscopy.

Dropsy is not an independent disease; it is one of the symptoms characteristic of pathologies of the kidneys, heart, liver, and endocrine glands.

In case of fetal hydrops, the main role in diagnosis is played by ultrasound. This method allows you to identify pathology at the stage of the antenatal period based on the following signs:

  • Buddha pose;
  • swelling of the subcutaneous tissue;
  • hepatosplenomegaly;
  • the presence of free fluid in the fetal body cavities;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • swelling of the placenta.

It can be difficult to identify the reasons that led to the development of hydrops fetalis. In this case, a thorough laboratory and instrumental examination of the newborn is carried out:

  • serodiagnosis (PCR, ELISA) to identify possible infection;
  • determination of blood and Rh in the child and mother if an edematous form of hemolytic disease of the newborn is suspected;
  • general and biochemical blood test to assess the function of internal organs and metabolism.

After the birth of a child with hydrops, an ultrasound is performed to identify ascites, hydrothorax, hydropericardium, as well as to evaluate the treatment. If necessary, other diagnostic methods are used, for example, magnetic resonance or computed tomography, ECG, echocardiography.

Treatment of dropsy

The choice of treatment method for dropsy depends on its type, as well as the causes that caused it, and primarily consists of treating the underlying disease.

When pregnant women have dropsy, they are advised to stay hydrated and adhere to a rational, balanced diet. The diet must contain foods rich in protein (fish, cottage cheese, lean meat), fresh vegetables and fruits. Significantly limit the use of table salt. If necessary, drug therapy is prescribed (antispasmodics, sedatives and antihistamines). Prescribing diuretics for dropsy in pregnancy is undesirable, since their use can further intensify existing disturbances in water and electrolyte balance. If there is significant swelling, there are indications for hospitalization of the woman to the department of pathology of pregnant women.

For hydrocele of the gallbladder, the main treatment method is its surgical removal (cholecystectomy).

There are currently no effective methods of treating the non-immune form of hydrops fetalis. Immediately after birth, the child needs intensive care (transfusion of red blood cells, tracheal intubation and transfer to artificial ventilation, laparocentesis, pericardial or thoracic puncture). According to indications, anticonvulsant, metabolic, immunocorrective, antibacterial or antihemorrhagic therapy is carried out.

Treatment of the immune form of hydrops fetalis begins before birth. Under ultrasound control, the doctor punctures the fetal umbilical vein through the anterior abdominal wall of the pregnant woman and installs a catheter into it. Through it, a transfusion of up to 50 ml of Rh-negative blood of the same group as the fetal blood is performed. In cases where the fetal blood type cannot be determined, a transfusion of Rh-negative blood of group I (0) is performed.

With hydrops fetalis, the condition of the newborn is usually assessed as very serious. Due to the significant enlargement of the brain part of the skull, which is associated with hydrocephalus, the head becomes disproportionately large.

Treatment of testicular hydrocele begins with conservative methods (wearing a jockstrap, rest, injection of sclerosing agents into the hydrocele cavity). If therapy is ineffective, surgical intervention is indicated. There are different methods of surgery for testicular hydrocele (according to Ross, Bergman and Winkelman).


Prevention of dropsy is aimed at preventing diseases, pathologies and injuries accompanied by the development of dropsy. For example, prevention of hydrocele of the gallbladder is based on timely diagnosis and active treatment of diseases of the hepatobiliary system.

Specific preventive measures have been developed only for the immune form of hydrops fetalis. They involve the use of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, which destroys Rh-positive red blood cells of the fetus that could enter the mother’s blood. As a result, isoimmunization of the woman is prevented, and thereby the likelihood of developing hemolytic disease of the newborn is reduced.

Anti-Rh immunoglobulin should be administered to all women with Rh-negative blood within 72 hours of:

  • artificial or spontaneous abortion;
  • childbirth;
  • surgical intervention for ectopic pregnancy;
  • transfusion of Rh-positive platelets or red blood cells.

Also, injections of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin are indicated for pregnant women at risk for hemolytic disease of the newborn.

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