Cancer neck plant. Snake mountaineer. Cancer neck root

During a gynecological examination, changes in the cervix may be detected. They do not always mean the presence of an oncological process.

If changes are detected in the organ, the doctor will prescribe an additional examination, the results of which will confirm or refute cancer.

Studies have proven that malignant processes in the cervix are caused by the papilloma virus. It is transmitted from person to person through sexual contact. Oncogenic subtypes of the virus lead to severe dysplasia and cancer. A woman can become infected in her youth, and after 10 years, papilloma will lead to cell mutation. The peak incidence of cancer occurs between 40 and 55 years of age.

Photos and descriptions of all types

There are different types of cervical cancer. This affects the appearance of the visible part of the organ. During a gynecological examination, the doctor can observe various pictures of pathological processes.

For a more detailed examination, a colposcopy is performed. The procedure is done like a regular speculum examination, but the doctor looks at the cervix and vagina using a colposcope (a binocular with a light).

Squamous cell carcinoma

The external os is located in the vaginal area. It is covered with non-keratinizing stratified epithelium. Often, squamous cell carcinoma develops at the junction of the epithelium from squamous to columnar.

The appearance of squamous cell pathology depends on its subtype:


The organ has a reddened, inflamed appearance. Numerous small ulcers bleed, their edges have clear boundaries, they are slightly raised above the mucosa. There are areas with yellowish crusts. The pathology is located in the central part of the external pharynx, spreading in all directions.

The central entrance is poorly visible due to the tumor; it is filled with liquid. The part of the cervix not affected by cancer and the visible area of ​​the vaginal walls have a normal color and structure.


On the neck, a volumetric formation is clearly visible, which is located on the edge. It grows on a broad base. Protrudes much above the surface of the mucosa. The formation itself has a bumpy and rough surface. In some places of the tumor, bleeding ulcers are visible.

The rest of the organ has the usual color and structure, the walls of the vagina are also unchanged. The central hole is of a regular shape, slightly reddened in the middle.


The length of the neck is 3-4 centimeters. In addition to the external and internal pharynx, the organ has a cervical canal. It is filled with thick mucus, the purpose of which is to protect against germs.

The inner part of the cervical canal consists of columnar epithelium and tubular glands. A neoplasm is formed from ferrous particles. Therefore, the disease is often called glandular cancer.

Types of adenocarcinoma:

Endometrioid Foma

The tumor grows into the tissue superficially. The pathology is located in the central part of the vaginal area of ​​the cervix. The central hole is strongly compressed by the tumor. It has a red color, papillary growths, and small bruises are visible. The pathogenic area is slightly recessed into the body of the cervix.

On the surface of the external pharynx, small growths and enlarged blood vessels are visible. The vaginal walls are not changed.

Papillary form

The entire vaginal part of the cervix is ​​covered with a white heterogeneous coating. This type of malignant tumor is caused by the papillary growths from which it was formed. A large number of papillomas vaguely resemble cauliflower.

The central part of the organ is dark red. The entrance to the cervical canal is clearly visible. The rest is covered with tumor. There are visible bruises and yellowish areas on it. The edges of the neoplasm are not smooth, torn, slightly raised above the mucosa. The entire outer part of the cervix is ​​affected. The visible part of the vagina is not changed by the oncological process.

Mixed cancer

Mixed oncological neoplasms include the following types:

  • glandular-squamous;
  • adenoid cystic;
  • adenoid-basal.

The tumor has a heterogeneous texture, its growth is noticeable above the mucosa. The surface of the neoplasm is lumpy, juicy, with bruises. The pathology is colored red, blood vessels are visible through it. In some parts of the external pharynx, white-yellow formations and ulcers are visible.

The entrance to the cervical canal is practically invisible. It is closed by an overgrown tumor. There is a noticeable dark red spot in its center.

The malignant tumor has spread throughout the mucosa. The surface has a non-uniform color. Multiple blood vessels appear through the pink mucosa.

A whitish coating is smeared throughout the mucous membrane, the contours of which slightly protrude beyond the cervix.

The central entrance is clearly visible, but many blood vessels emanate from it. The neck itself is uneven in shape, its upper part is noticeably swollen.

The tumor is heterogeneous in shape and color. It has a rough structure, with multiple papillary-like processes.

The pathology is covered with a white coating that does not completely cover the neck. Reddened areas and a yellowish coating are visible.

The area of ​​the external pharynx is severely deformed; there is a depression filled with a gray-bloody mass.

The neck is noticeably enlarged and has a rounded shape. The tumor is loose, with bruises in different areas, heterogeneous.

The color ranges from pale pink to red, with some yellow areas. There may be ulcers and small growths resembling papillomas on the surface.

The central entrance is greatly open and has loose, torn edges.

The visible part of the vagina is not affected and has normal color and structure.

The mucous membrane is covered with blood and has an irregular shape. Its lower part is noticeably enlarged and has a loose surface. There is a blurry blood clot in the area of ​​the deformity.

The color of the mucous membrane is pink. The entrance to the cervical canal is displaced due to deformation of the external pharynx; it is filled with bloody discharge.

Photos and descriptions of degrees

Cervical cancer is usually divided into 4 stages, each of which has its own characteristics. Classification into stages is based on the spread of the disease. Depending on this, the appearance of the vaginal area of ​​the organ changes.

Stages of pathology:

  • Stage 1– the tumor has penetrated into the stroma of the external pharynx of the organ. It occupies the third or fourth part of the external pharynx.
  • Stage 2– significant changes in the structure are visible, the tumor has affected most of the mucosa. The pathology has reached the vagina and uterus.
  • Stage 3– the oncological process spreads to the pelvic region, kidneys.
  • Stage 4– metastasis has occurred throughout the body.

What does a normal cervix look like?

The surface of the external pharynx is smooth. Painted light pink without any inclusions.

In some cases, the entrance to the cervical canal may have a reddish tint. The mucous secretion is transparent, in the photo it glitters.

The central hole can be of several types:

  • round or oval shape– typical for nulliparous women;
  • slit-shaped– occurs in women who have given birth several times.

1st degree

At stage 1 of cancer, pathology is noticeable in the central part of the outer region of the cervix. The pathology covers a third of the mucosa. It looks like a reddened area. The contours of the tumor at stage 1 are blurred and not clear.

The tumor does not rise above the surface of the mucosa. Several small ulcers are noticeable in the affected area. They don't bleed. The central hole is clearly visible, but slightly deformed due to the impact of the neoplasm. The mucous secretion is transparent, yellowish areas are visible in places.

The cervix and visible part of the vagina are not changed. They have a smooth surface and light pink color.

2nd degree

At stage 2 of the oncological process, most of the vaginal area of ​​the cervix is ​​affected. The malignant formation is white in color and has multiple bruises in different areas. Most of the bruising is concentrated in the central part.

The neoplasm has blurred contours, they are noticeably different from the mucosa unaffected by cancer. The tumor is at the same level as the mucosal surface. The entrance to the cervical canal cannot be seen; it is closed by the tumor. In the place where the hole should be, a small depression is noticeable.

The visible part of the vagina has normal color and structure.

3rd degree

At stage 3, the outer part of the cervix is ​​severely deformed. It has a loose structure; multiple bumps are noticeable throughout its mucosa. The ulcers cover most of the cervix. The central part bleeds heavily, making it impossible to see the opening to the cervical canal.

The mucous membrane is pale in color and covered with a white coating. The entire area of ​​the organ is affected by the tumor. The cancer has affected the walls of the vagina.

4th degree

At stage 4, the oncological process has completely modified the outer part of the cervix. The cancer has spread beyond the mucous membrane, damaging the vagina. The tumor bleeds heavily over the entire surface of the external pharynx.

The surface is uneven, loose, bumpy, multiple ulcers are visible. In some areas you may notice a white-yellow discharge. Bloody indentations are also clearly visible. The entrance to the cervical canal cannot be determined.

The visible walls of the vagina are red with multiple ulcers that bleed. A large amount of blood collects in the vagina.

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Botanical characteristics of crayfish necks

Crayfish are members of the buckwheat family. An herbaceous plant with a thick curved rhizome on which numerous thin roots grow, has a straight, arched stem growing 50-80 cm in height, and is a perennial representative of the plant world. The leaves at the base are large, oblong, with long petioles. The upper leaves are narrow, attached to brown trumpets. During the period from June to July, small pink flowers appear, collected in an inflorescence - a spike. The fruit is a nut, triangular, dark brown.

The crayfish grows in dry valleys, in flooded meadows with forbs, chooses swampy shores of lakes, forest edges, and settles among shrubs.

Beneficial properties of cancer necks

Crayfish necks are widely used in traditional and official medicine; the plant contains tannins, gallic and ascorbic acid, and starch. During flowering, the grass emits an incredible aroma. The value of a medicinal plant lies in its rhizome. Young leaves and stems of crayfish, rich in vitamin C and mineral elements, are eaten in some regions of Russia. Thanks to tannins, cancer neck preparations have an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect on the human body.

Application of cancer cervix

The decoction is also taken as an antidiarrheal agent for dysentery.

Decoction recipe No. 1: Brew the herb with boiling water 1:10. Infuse, strain and drink 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

Decoction recipe No. 2: Boil 20.0 grams of crayfish necks and 1 liter of water over low heat for 20 minutes. It is recommended to take 1-1.5 glasses per day. Rinsing with a decoction relieves inflammation of the oral mucosa and is effective for gum disease. A decoction will help with the appearance of stones in the gall and bladder; during treatment you must follow a strict diet, excluding meat, lard, fish, eggs, salt and alcohol. The remedy is also effective during enteritis of the large intestine and as a hemostatic agent.

Decoction recipe No. 3: Brew 5.0 g of crayfish neck powder, a teaspoon of flax seeds, 200.0 g of water with boiling water, and take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours for bleeding of internal organs caused by ulcers.

Externally, a decoction of crayfish necks is used as a lotion on old boils, external ulcers, and bleeding wounds. Treatment with herbal cancer neck is prescribed for inflammatory processes of the oral mucosa (stomatitis,).

Crayfish flowers

An unusually beautiful plant has pale pink flowers, collected in a large cylindrical, dense spicate inflorescence. Crayfish flowers will decorate any flower bed. In folk medicine, crayfish flowers are practically not used. There is a recipe for an infusion used as drops for ear diseases.

Infusion of crayfish necks: 10–20 g of raw materials are infused in 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos for 8 hours, then filtered. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.

Cancer neck root

The root of the herb crayfish is included in stomach teas. In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are popular as an astringent in the treatment of wounds, boils, diarrhea and in the treatment of bladder diseases.

Crayfish neck decoction: To prepare the decoction, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed crayfish rhizomes into a glass of boiling water, boil for 20-30 minutes and filter. Take 1 tablespoon of the decoction 3 times a day before meals. This decoction is also used to rinse the mouth for stomatitis and gum inflammation.

The roots of crayfish have a pronounced calming effect on the central nervous system. Decoctions are used for cystitis, for washing the vagina with profuse leucorrhoea, colpitis, and vaginitis. You can prepare an extract at home to treat stomach disorders.

Root extract: Grind the large root, pour 70% alcohol 1:1. Leave in a cool, dark place for two weeks. Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

Contraindications for cervical cancer

Remedies from cancerous necks do not cause intoxication, but with prolonged use they cause constipation. The herb should be used with caution in cases of liver angiocholitis and acute pain. Also, cancer necks are contraindicated in cases of weakened kidney function.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Herbalist

Education: Diploma in General Medicine and Therapy received from the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Herbal Medicine at the Moscow People's Friendship University (2008).

Snake knotweed (crayfish) - Polygonum bistorta L. Buckwheat family - Polygonaceae

Other names: coil

Botanical characteristics

Perennial herbaceous plant. Distributed in Primorye and Amur region. Grows in flooded and forest meadows, swamps, and bushes.

The rhizome is thick, curved, worm-shaped, reddish at the break. The stem is up to 50 cm tall, straight, simple, with bare tubular bells at the places where the leaves are attached. The basal leaves are oblong-ovate with a blunt or slightly heart-shaped base, turning into a winged petiole, green above, bluish below, wavy along the edge. The upper leaves are smaller and narrower, almost sessile. The flowers are small, collected at the top of the stem into an inflorescence - a cylindrical spike, pink, sometimes white with purple anthers. The fruit is a 3-sided, shiny, brown nut that blooms in May–June and bears fruit in July–August.


Forms thickets in wet meadows and forest edges. It grows in almost the entire European part of our country, in the Urals, in Western Siberia, excluding the Far North and steppe zones.

Plant parts used

Medicinal raw materials are roots and rhizomes, less often the aboveground part of the plant, fruits and seeds. The roots are dug up, cleaned, washed and dried in an oven or dryer at a temperature not exceeding 60 ° C. The above-ground part is collected during budding, the seeds - as they ripen.

Chemical composition

Roots and rhizomes contain carbohydrates, tannins, organic acids and their salts: potassium oxalate; steroids; phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives: gallic acid; catechins, coumarins: ellagic acid.

The aerial part of the plant contains phenolcarboxylic acids: protocatechuic, caffeic, chlorogenic; flavonoids: quercitrin, isorhamnetin, kaempferol, coumarins: umbelli-feron, vitamins, anthocyanins: cyanidin.

Application and medicinal properties

Preparations of snakeweed in scientific medicine are used mainly as an astringent for intestinal disorders, inflammation of the mucous membranes, dysentery; externally - in the form of rinses, lotions for stomatitis, for lubricating sore gums. They use decoctions, extracts, as well as tannin-containing patented preparations: “Bistalbin”, “Bistismuth”, “Bistoform”, “Bistoyodin”.

In Bulgaria, decoctions and tinctures of rhizomes are used in gynecology for polymenorrhea, leucorrhoea and other female diseases; hemostatic – for various bleedings, cholera, cystitis, cholecystitis, colpitis, vaginitis, inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, scurvy, burns, and bites of rabid animals. Used internally and externally in the form of powders, decoctions, rinses, lotions, douches. The experiment noted high protistocidal activity of juices and rhizomes of fresh plants. Alcohol extracts of the aerial part of the plant have protistocidal and antibacterial activity. An infusion of flowers is used to treat ear diseases.

In some European countries and China, snakeweed is widely used to treat various tumors. Young leaves are used as a spinach substitute; the flowers are brewed as tea.


  • For infusion take 20 g of leaves or flowers, pour in 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool for 45 minutes without removing from the bath, filter. Take 1/3 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.
  • For decoction 15 g of rhizomes are crushed, pour 200 ml of boiling water, leave in a bath for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, filter, bring to 200 ml, squeezing out the remainder. Take 2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day before meals.
  • For tinctures take 100 g of rhizomes, crush them, pour in 0.5 liters of 70% alcohol, leave for 10-15 days, filter. Take 30-40 drops per dose 2-3 times a day before meals. To obtain the extract, the tincture is evaporated by half. Take 20-30 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.


Snake knotweed is contraindicated in acute diseases of the kidneys and bladder, as well as during pregnancy. In this regard, knotweed preparations should be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Serpentine grass, also known as crayfish and snakeweed, is a perennial plant of the buckwheat family. The Latin name is polygonum bistorta, which means “twisted twice.” The rhizome of the serpentine has a double bend and resembles a snake in appearance. Due to the structure having transverse folds, the rhizome can resemble crayfish necks. The height of the serpentine stems can range from 50 to 80 centimeters. The stem is straight, without branches, has several smooth, large, wide basal leaves of an oblong shape and several small narrow upper leaves with bells. The edges of the leaves are entire.

Serpentine flowers are small, light pink, formed into a large spike-shaped dense inflorescence at the end of the stem.

The fruits of the serpentine are triangular brown nuts.

The serpentine blooms from early June to early August.

The serpentine loves humidity and lives mainly near bodies of water and in swampy areas. It grows abundantly in the Urals and is found in Altai, Siberia, and the Caucasus.

Chemical properties of the coil

The stems and leaves of the serpentine are rich in tannins, ascorbic, gallic and ellagic acids, amino acids, glucose, catechin, calcium oxalate and trace elements. The roots of the plant are also saturated with tannins - about 20% of the total chemical composition.

Preparing a coil as a medicine

Dried rhizomes of the plant are used as a component of medicines. The coil is collected in early spring or autumn. The roots are thoroughly cleaned from the ground using cool water, cut into pieces of approximately 10 cm in length and dried in fresh air or in an oven at a temperature of 50 degrees. A properly dried coil has a pink color when cut and has an astringent taste.

The healing properties of the serpentine

Serpentine has a very wide range of medicinal properties. Official medicine recognizes the ability of the coil to help with gastrointestinal disorders, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the bladder, heavy menstrual bleeding, and in dentistry.

In folk medicine, the use of decoctions, tinctures and powders of the serpentine plant for the treatment of many ailments is widespread.

Use in folk medicine

  • for cholelithiasis, use the following decoction: 2 tbsp. pour the crushed root into 1 liter of warm water and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then let the broth brew for 15 minutes and strain. Dilute with clean water to a liter. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals. The healing properties are manifested better when following a diet that excludes animal foods, salt and alcohol.
  • for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: 2 tsp. boil the coil for 20 minutes, then leave for half an hour. Strain and cool. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals.
  • coil lotions. Serpentine decoction is used for external treatment of ulcers and abscesses. Infuse a tablespoon of serpentine root in 0.5 liters of water.
  1. Alcohol tincture of serpentine. Place the ingredients (70% alcohol and pieces of serpentine root) in equal proportions in a vessel for 3 weeks. Strain and take 25 drops before meals 3 times a day. This tincture is a concentrate of tannins.


There are no contraindications to the use of serpentine, however, if you are prone to constipation, young children, pregnant women, or breastfeeding women, this plant should be used with extreme caution.

What it is: crayfish or snake knotweed, large serpentine, snake root - the Latin name is Bistorta officinalis.

It helps with problems with the gastrointestinal tract, first of all, and treats the entire range of diseases associated with digestion.


A plant 30-100 cm high with a thick, woody, curved rhizome and a straight, cylindrical, bare, fluted stem. All leaves are trumpeted, basal leaves are on long petioles, stem leaves are sessile, lanceolate.

The inflorescences are a thick spike consisting of pink flowers. Blooms in May-June. The fruit is a nut. Snake knotweed grows in damp meadows, clearings, and often on peat soil.

How to collect and store

The rhizome is used for medicinal purposes; the harvest time is August-September. They are dug out with shovels, shaken off, washed in cold water, cut into pieces of 10 cm, and laid out in one layer on the litter.

Dry in a warm, ventilated room, in attics, or in good weather - in the air. Rhizomes are stored for up to 3 years. When harvesting, it is necessary to leave up to half of the plants. Re-collection after 8-10 years.

What cures

Preparations of snakeweed have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, analgesic, hemostatic, wound-healing, sedative effect, and improve the functions of the stomach and intestines.

Infusion of rhizomes

Infuse 10-20 g of crushed rhizomes in a thermos in 200 ml of boiling water for 8 hours, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3-4 times a day for colitis with diarrhea. Use for lotions on painful places, for rinsing the mouth and throat, enemas, douching for leucorrhoea.

Root decoction with flax seeds

Take 5 g of knotweed rhizomes and flax seeds, add 200 ml of water, boil for 15-20 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, strain. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon every 2 hours for internal bleeding.

Root decoction

Boil 20 g of crushed rhizomes for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water, strain, drink 50 ml 4 times a day for urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, peptic ulcers, uterine, intestinal and pulmonary bleeding.

Contraindications in all cases: tendency to constipation.

But there may be a solution here- add wheat bran to your food, little by little with each meal, or eat whole grain bread a little with each meal.

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