How to find out the year of your death. Enchanted soul. Rejection of bad habits

Death and birth, ice and fire, destruction and creation. You can't have one without the other, right? And how you want to know the date of birth of your son, daughter, sister, brother, we are waiting for their birth, we can’t imagine what will happen when the baby appears. Happiness from the fact that he smiles, resentment that his mother devotes more time to him.

Psychologists say: life is meaningless because it has an end, whatever we do, it has an end date, enjoy life, don't limit yourself. Fortune tellers talk about damage, in connection with this they offer to save you and punish the “culprit”, the more they tighten the noose around your neck, on your neck! Numerologists claim that it is possible to prevent fatal events and increase the favorable period.

How many times in our lives do we wish death and curse, without thinking what it can lead to. Inviting death for yourself with an incurable disease, an offender who is rude, and what we get: attract illnesses, depression, thoughts of suicide .. The date of death is like an alluring stop, like an irresistible desire to drastically change, just push back. As if someone invisible is in charge of your life.

Someone finds the answer in religion, by the way, in Mexico and the United States, a cult is widespread, consisting in the worship of the deity of the same name, personifying death.

Santa Muerte - a religious cult of death

The unknown, the secret beckons, attracts critical situations, and from our own experience we see how a person who wished death to another falls ill himself. The theme of death permeates many works, philosophical reflections on being:

Poem "Angel of Death" Nikolay Nekrasov.
It's time for a transformation
End of life's journey
Death agony approach
I will hear in the aching chest,
And the angel will descend to the head,
Cross thrice autumn,
With inexplicable love
And look at me sadly.

But still, you say: How can I find out the date? No need to guess on matches and spoons, drink delicious coffee to your health - let's turn to numerology. You can calculate a life schedule, understand how much to lay straws and when. For this number, we multiply the dates of birth among ourselves, for example, 08/13/2015, 13 * 8 * 2015 = 209560, then add the first digit, we get 2095602, etc. Each figure corresponds to a 12-year cycle, respectively, in the first 12 years, the energy potential will be equal to 2. Periods with zero - a large loss of energy. given that the difference between 2 and 0 is small, the disease will not progress, you need to practice calm games, such as mines, drawing, healing the body, a good time to dream. Zero in the sixth period, after a sharp fall from 6, indicates a sharp decline in health, it is necessary to reconsider the way of life. think about where we are going and what we are doing.

Deciphering the values ​​​​of the energy potential in terms of numerology:

  • 0 - Lag in development, a respite is required. If it appears in the middle, it is possible sudden death, in the end - death through a long illness.
  • 1 - Birth in a dysfunctional family. In other periods, there may be alcoholism, a decline in vitality. Be sure to look at the number that preceded it. If there is a sharp difference, then an unexpected ruin, an accident. take a closer look at the environment, do a technical inspection of the car.
  • 2 - The child needs attention and care of the close environment, in other periods - a slight decline, the need for rest, energy accumulation.
  • 3 − The period is difficult, science, yoga will help. Vegetarianism, less meat products.
  • 4 - All things are going smoothly, an easy period in life, if you play sports, harden the body.
  • 5 - Period of change and relocation, change of environment. The initial period is a lot of travel, curiosity and curiosity.
  • 6 - Success in work, business, family in all periods. Manifestation of skill.
  • 7 - A stable period, for creativity, the realization of one's desires, the thought of the date of death does not even arise.
  • 8 - Health, success, publicity. Achievement of material wealth. A period of profit and prosperity.
  • 9 - Spiritual development, aspiration to God. The material is relegated to the background.

There are many calculations of dates of death. I propose to consider a more reliable answer to the question. For example, Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich was born, date of birth - 12/1/1985 (additional numbers 279 257). His life graph is 23820, in the middle of life there is a sharp decline - illness, loss of business, loss. Critical dates have additional values ​​\u200b\u200bin 279 or 257 in the matrix. Death is sudden, accidental only in combination with an additional matrix of 202, and judging by the calculations, this person is not threatened. Next, you can calculate an individual day, how it will pass. for example 10/25/2033. We multiply the value of the life graph 23820*25*10*2033=112106515000. Deadly breakdown, numerologist's recommendations: avoid travel, activities associated with alcoholic beverages.

Conception, birth, life, death, reincarnation, conception, birth, life...
So around the circle…. love... oblivion.

Don't think about death, don't wait for it. Pick up paint, draw what you want to see and LIVE! Don't look ahead, don't look back. It's all over and you deserve the best.

How do I know when death will overtake me? Should I die young or at a ripe old age? What will be the circumstances of death - from a knife or from an illness? - all these questions excite the human mind, and curiosity incites to know the answers.

Test: how to calculate the date of death?

Numerologists are sure that the clue to the date of death is the person's date of birth. These two dates are closely related, and it is not for nothing that many fortune tellers and psychics need to know the client's date of birth in order to make a prediction.

In order to get the estimated time, you need to add all the numbers in the date of birth so that you get a number from one to nine. For example, let's take the date 12/17/1992. Summing up this date, we get the number 32, and after one more addition we get a hint number for the date of death - this is the number 5. After finding out the number, we have to find out the meaning of this hint.

Deciphering the meaning of numbers

Number 1 means that you will live a long life and die at a ripe old age (from 80 to 100 years and even more). Your life will be bright, and your death will not be easy - it will be accompanied by emotional experiences (guilt, shame, love) rather than pain and illness.

Number 2 portends an unexpected death, there is a high probability of a car and plane crash and a natural disaster. People born under this figure need to be extremely careful, and then the danger can pass. The median age at death is 47 years.

Number 3 says that the cause of your death will be debilitating diseases. A person - a "troika" usually lives to a ripe old age (70-80 years), but his life overshadows permanent illnesses and medications.

Number 4 is a harbinger of longevity. Such people, even in old age, feel great and do not complain about their health. There is a high probability of celebrating 100th and 110th anniversaries.

Number 5 talks about people who are constantly targeted for death, but somehow manage to escape from it. They usually say about such people that they miraculously escaped an accident or disaster, they are the ones who are late for the plane that should fall. "Fives" are contraindicated to take risks, and then they will be able to live to old age and die their own death.

Number 6 means strong karmic influence. Such a person is constantly in the balance, and his life can end at any moment. First you need to find out what kind of debt you owe, and turn fate in a favorable direction.

Number 7 predicts from water and from fire, as well as from natural and elemental phenomena. Despite the fact that you have a strong family protection and guardian angel, you still need to be careful and watch your every action. A particularly dangerous age is adolescence.

Number 8 means death from your constant risky game that you play with life. If you stop taking risks, then it is quite possible to live to the middle old age - 70-75 years.

Number 9 speaks of an easy death at a young age. Such people, as they say, very often find themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time, catch a strange disease, as a result of which they quickly burn out, and rarely live to be 40 years old. "Nines" need to monitor their health more and avoid addictions.

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Every person sooner or later thinks about how much he still has to live. Numerology, which predicts certain events with a high degree of probability, will help lift the veil of secrecy and answer this question. It is very difficult to determine the exact date of death, but the calculation of a personal number will show the fatal years when a person is in greatest danger.

How to find out the date of your death: calculation and decoding

To calculate the date of death, you will need a pen and paper. Write down your date of birth and add the numbers together. For example, for a person with the date 04/17/1975, the calculation will look like this: 1+7+0+4+1+9+7+5=34

With the resulting number, you need to perform the same manipulations (until you get a single-digit number):

Now it remains only to find out the interpretation of the resulting value:

  • Owners of a unit, as a rule, live to a ripe old age (85-90 years). Their death is usually due to natural causes. In old age, “ones” can be overcome by diseases, but they will not have a significant impact on life expectancy.
  • Number 2 people often find themselves in dangerous situations and may die in an accident. Among them are many victims of air crashes, car accidents and natural disasters. But such a pattern does not exclude that the “twos” will live for a long time. They need to take extra care at ages 7, 19, 29, 45 and 67.
  • The life of the "threes" will be long, but painful. The state of health after 50, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. Their critical milestone is 44 years. If they overcome it, they will live quietly to 72 years, or even more.
  • The owners of the four are real centenarians, regardless of lifestyle and environmental conditions. They have good health, which is very difficult to spoil. They have a high chance of defeating even a very serious illness and living to the age of 90.
  • People with personal number 5 often find themselves in life-threatening situations. In most cases, they not only manage to avoid death, but also get off with minor injuries. However, not everyone is so lucky. For some "fives" the following years of life become fatal: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62, 76.
  • It is very difficult for a person with the number 6 to do accurate forecast regarding life expectancy and circumstances of death. His fate is subject to the Law of Karma. From what actions he performed in past incarnations, his present and future will depend. Numerologists tend to believe that the "sixes" do not live up to the 70th anniversary in most cases.
  • "Sevens" have a very strong Guardian Angel that protects them from accidental death. In order not to experience Fate once again, they should stay away from professions and hobbies associated with the elements of Fire and Water. You should also not settle in places that are most threatened by natural disasters. Fatal years: 24, 36 and 61.
  • Numerologists characterize people with the number 8 as "adrenaline addicts." They are distinguished by a low threshold of fear and a constant desire to test their capabilities. If they reconsider their priorities and refuse unjustified risk, then they may well live to be 75 years old.
  • Nine portends a ridiculous and sudden death at a young age ( bright examples- Kurt Cobain and Jimi Hendrix). As a rule, the cause of death is vice, suicide or addiction to addictions. If a person with the number 9 leads a healthy lifestyle, he will live to at least 50 years.

Many people admit that they would like to know the date of death by date of birth. Moreover, some of them say that they are afraid to hear this information, but they want to be aware. Well, on this occasion, most scientists and specialists say one thing: it is impossible. And the fact that it is actually really possible to find out the date of death by date of birth is only prejudice.

date calculation

For those people who really want to know their future (or rather, when their life will end), there is even a certain way that you can use to calculate the date yourself. So if you really want to know this information, then you can use it.

You need to take a piece of paper and write on it the date of your birth. Then all the numbers will need to be added. The resulting number will help you find out the date of death by date of birth. The result, by the way, must necessarily be unambiguous. What is meant? Let's say a person was born in 1992 on January 5th. The calculation will look like this: 01/05/1992 = 27 = 2+7 = 9. The resulting number is the key to the puzzle.

After the figure is calculated, it will only be necessary to subtract its value, which is prescribed by such a science as numerology. Calculating the date of death is thus very simple.

Numerical values

So, one means that a person will die in old age - after 80 years. Death will be quick and easy, and life will be rich and vibrant.

Two is a harbinger of misfortune: perhaps a person will die from an accident. Such years of life as 67, 45, 29, 19 and 7 are very dangerous. Often the "twos" passed away in one of these years.

Three means that a person will live a long time, but in old age he will be overtaken by diseases. The dangerous years of life are 73 and 44.

"Fours" are long-livers. Often they live to be a hundred years old, and "senile" life is not about them. They feel great until the day they die.

What are "five"? One thing can be said about them: these are people born in a shirt! Accidents, dangers - all this is next to them, but bypasses them. Death pursues them, but to no avail.

But the "sixes" with karma are not so lucky. This is the hardest number. And in order to find out the date of death by the date of birth of the "six", you must first find out about your karmic debt. But the dangerous years are 68, 47, 22 and 13.

"Sevens" too They have wonderful guardian angels. But still it is advised to be careful with the elements. Fire, flood, tsunami, thunderstorm - people of this number can die spontaneously, due to a natural disaster.

"Eights" - relentless players with death. They like to take risks, but don't do it. This could end badly.

And, finally, "nine". Unfortunately, the lives of these people are often cut short at a very young age. Numerology says that they rarely live past the age of 50. So it is for this reason that they are advised to avoid tobacco, alcohol and risk taking.


Many people, fascinated by the question of how to calculate the date of death, and then received an answer to it, begin to regret that they learned this information. Of course, you shouldn't have done that. After all, as the old saying goes, the less you know, the better you sleep. However, if this data has completely crashed into memory, you should not attach great importance to this. We must remember that the life of each person is only in his hands. And if you have already received a not very good prediction, then do not be puzzled by this. Although, perhaps, this information will be useful: sometimes people reconsider their attitude to life and begin to change it for the better. In any case, we must remember that everything depends only on ourselves.

Astrology and horoscopes

There are several ways that can help get an answer to the question of how to find out the date of death of a person. All people have their own zodiac sign. They also apply to the Chinese horoscope. In addition, each of them was born at a certain time. Name, surname, patronymic, age - each of us has all this. Of course, this is a much more complicated way to find out the date of death by date of birth, and psychics and fortunetellers do this, because there are too many things to take into account: the phase of the moon, and the specifics of numerology, and karma. Although the data is much more reliable. Skeptics and scientists shrug their shoulders when predictions come true: often they write it all off as mere coincidences. To which psychics only smile in response, because there are not so many coincidences. But here everyone already has their own opinion on this matter: some believe in it, while others - on the contrary.

Questionable results

Well, a lot has been said about how to calculate the date of death. Finally, I would like to say a few words about the Internet methods of obtaining this information. It should be noted right away that a lot is written on the net about how to calculate the date of death and even calculators are offered, with the help of which, allegedly, everything can be determined. But this is just a random number generator that is not based on anything. This can be checked easily: enter the same data (usually gender, date of birth and name) several times and get different results. So if you really want to become the owner of such specific information, then you should not resort to Internet methods: there is very little truth in them.

Divination is used in the magical world for many purposes. This is strength, weapons and the ability to win even in the most difficult situations.

A frightening, difficult and moral test is fortune telling on the date of one's own death.

Fortune telling about the death of a person seems a frightening, difficult moral test, especially if a beginner or a magician creates a forecast for his own fate. Simple, card, complex and multi-stage - such predictions are very popular. How to find out the future and date of your own death?


Life is unpredictable, amazing, multifaceted and full of secrets that are yet to be discovered. Both great thinkers and magicians who have been studying ancient sciences for hundreds of years have tried to unravel the secrets of the future. To specify the date of death for a person means control over one's own destiny. People say "forewarned, forearmed".

Knowledge about the day of death opens up incredible opportunities for a person. Who is allowed to do divination? A qualified magician who practices powerful rituals every day will help create a forecast of future events. Magic will also help a beginner with a sincere belief in their own and otherworldly powers.

Why is divination necessary?

How to find out how much is measured out to a person? Fortune telling are magical rituals that have come down to modern man with little or no change. People learned to predict their own future back in the days Ancient World when faith in God was just beginning to win the minds and hearts of the common people.

Today, fortune-telling for the future is a simple process that successful people resort to without a twinge of conscience and just those who are tired of sailing through life without a goal.

Find out your death, exact date and details last day on earth is scary, but also insanely interesting. Guessing is different. With the help of secret magical rituals, you can find out the fate of relationships, the outcome of an important enterprise and the causes of death.

Finding out the date of your death and the details of the last day on earth is scary, but also insanely interesting.

People believe in an eternal soul. In reincarnation or final death. The only truth that the believer and the skeptic agree on is that death does not pass anyone by. The approach of death can change a person's priorities, warn him of danger and allow him to solve unfinished business.

Such divination is incapable of turning away the end of existence on earth. Eternal existence- this is the energy that remains after loved ones, memories and good deeds. The body is just a shell, which one day becomes lifeless.

Divination card for death

Every person can see the conditions of his own death, but not everyone seeks to unravel the mystery of death. The most common and effective divination that quenches curiosity and predicts death:

  • gypsy fortune telling;
  • prediction on tarot cards;
  • divination on simple playing cards.

Those who will help determine the cherished date magical attributes that were at hand. Purposeful predictions require careful preparation and the help of a magician. It is dangerous to conduct secret ceremonies on your own, because the negative consequences will not keep you waiting.

Gypsy forecast

Gypsy people have long been famous for their own supernatural abilities. Their ancient death divination will require no more than an hour of free time. Ordinary cards will help a beginner navigate, experienced magicians often use the ancient Tarot deck.

Taking on a serious ritual without practicing on playing deck unreasonable. Over time, a person can move on to more complex divination and use special magical paraphernalia. For prediction you need a deck simple cards(total 36 characters).

The cards are laid out on the table. Such an attribute needs to be charged with human energy. Putting your hands on the deck, you should focus on the exciting issue. Thoughts of death cannot inspire fear, otherwise the cards will feel it and not give an exact answer. When the fortuneteller feels calm, fortune telling continues.

Conditions for the ritual:

  • the fortuneteller is all alone;
  • patients cannot create such a serious prognosis;
  • the work surface is illuminated with the help of candles (you can buy it in any temple);
  • cards are thoroughly mixed (arranged in several piles, then collected in random order);
  • a hand is slowly held over the unfolded deck and those cards that give away cold should be drawn out.

A card from which heat does not emanate will be the answer to the question about the future death of the fortuneteller.

The results of gypsy fortune-telling: how many years are left to live?

The suit of the fortuneteller will indicate the answer to the main question. It will not be possible to solve each card, and not individual cards. Card suit value:

Diamond cards

They symbolize a long, joyful fate. The death of such a person will occur for natural reasons, in a calm environment. The fortuneteller's old age is deep - that's what any card of a diamond suit says.

Heart suit

Such cards mean long-term prosperity and health of a person who called for the help of an ordinary deck. worry about death ahead of time due to illness or accident is not worth it. Constant stress and hard work can provoke death. To prolong life, you should behave calmly, avoid constant tension. Don't be impressed with or without it.

Club cards

A sign of early death or sudden death. You should not be afraid of such a card, because for people warned of dangers, such a sign is favorable. They can prolong their own destiny.


A symbol that promises tragedy, irreversible fate, from which there will be a lot of grief. The most negative suit in divination of this kind. She promises many tears and no certain calmness for the fortuneteller. Death will be terrible, painful and tormenting the soul of a person.

Gypsy fortune-telling will not be the most accurate, but it can be used to confirm suspicions or calm obsessive thoughts.

Divination in the palm of your hand

It is not difficult to tell fortunes about future death in any conditions. If it was not possible to find suitable attributes for prediction, completely different techniques can be used.

Palmistry is an esoteric science of reflecting the fate of a person on his own hand.

Each palm pattern is unique, inimitable. It contains all the answers, the path of a person from birth to death. The life line is the clearest and longest, it is easy to see it in the palm of your hand. According to its bend, branches and length (some lines break off abruptly), the time allotted to a person is determined.

You should only guess strong personality with a strong character and powerful energy. Weak, gullible, suspicious people will be harmed by predictions. They will become an obstacle on the way to their own happy future. Life should remain a mystery, an interesting journey filled with surprises and important difficult circumstances.

Sudden difficulties harden a person, allow him to learn invaluable lessons. It is possible to resort to the help of magic to determine the date of one's own death, but only after long deliberation and determination of all the risks of subsequent actions. How to tell fortunes on the day of impending death?

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