The location of the hinged boiler and stove. Requirements for the room for the installation of a gas boiler. Rules for installing gas boilers

Need to replace your gas boiler? This decision is made for various reasons, but if you are thinking of doing the work yourself, then our article will help you. We will tell you what standards to comply with, what documents to collect for the effective replacement of old heating equipment.

Why is it being replaced

During the operation of the boiler, its power and efficiency level gradually decrease. The equipment is outdated and no longer meets modern standards.

The most common reasons for replacing equipment:

  • The performance of the boiler is no longer satisfactory. If you made an extension or connected additional devices to the circuit (for example, a boiler), then the old unit may not pull the load.
  • Inappropriate functionality. Installing a double-circuit device instead of a single-circuit one allows not only to heat the room, but also to use hot water supply (DHW).
  • Questions of rationality. Standard boilers consume a lot of gas. But more modern, condensing devices use not only gas, but also steam. This approach increases efficiency by 110%.
  • Depreciation or breakdown of equipment.

Therefore, if your old AOGV is working “on its last breath”, if the cost of maintenance is equal to buying a new device, then a replacement is a must.

What designs does the market offer?

  • With closed combustion chamber. This is a safer variety, because the burner is closed from external influences. Smoke is removed by a fan. The connected coaxial chimney contains two tubes through which air enters and fumes are removed. Requires a network connection.
  • With open chamber. An open burner requires air to be drawn from the room to maintain the flame. Good ventilation and connection to a chimney are required.

What you need to replace in 2018

If you plan to install a new boiler in another room, consider the following requirements:

  • Installation is allowed only in non-residential premises with a door.
  • For installation of equipment with an open combustion chamber, it is necessary to have a window with a window and an area of ​​​​the room from 8 m². For closed devices, the requirements are only in terms of volume - from 9 m².

How to arrange the installation and collect documents:

  • Write an application to the gas service for a permit.
  • Get a list of specifications. If it turns out that only the equipment changes, then the project remains the same. If the installation site changes, the communications scheme changes, then a new project is being developed. To do this, you need to contact a company with a license.
  • Take a construction passport from the replacement company. With it, an act on the condition of the chimney channels, an act on the conformity of equipment with standards, contact the gas inspection.
  • Dismantling, installation, commissioning.

You can do the collection of documentation yourself or give an order to a special service.

Is unauthorized installation of equipment in a private house or apartment allowed?

Do-it-yourself installation is not prohibited by documents. Only unauthorized connection to the gas main is not allowed. The rest of the work the user can perform with the skills.

When connecting gas without approval, you face a fine of 10,000 to 15,000 rubles (under Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This does not frighten many consumers: they carry out installation without authorization, and then pay a fine. But you should understand that you are endangering not only yourself, but also your neighbors.

What steps should be taken when replacing:

  • For the organization of condensing boilers, a connection to the network is required, the connection of a system for removing condensate according to the rules.
  • Before switching on, you will need to agree on the condition of the chimney. The inspection is carried out by a gas service specialist. After that, such an audit will be carried out once a year.
  • You won't get a warranty if you do it yourself.

Dismantling and installation of wall and floor equipment

Before dismantling the device, flush the heating system so that accumulated dirt does not block the operation of the new device.

  • Drain the water from the boiler.
  • Disconnect the appliance from gas, heating and water.
  • Disconnect the flue pipe from the shaft outlet or ventilation.
  • Remove the case from the wall or dismantle it from the floor and put it away.

How to replace the device with a more powerful one:

  • For wall-mounted equipment (“”, “”), make markings on the wall. Attach the plank. Then hang the structure on the brackets or anchors. Check the location with a level - the body must be located strictly horizontally. A solid foundation is being prepared for the floor unit "".
  • Keep a distance of 30–50 cm from the wall. If the wall is made of combustible material, insulate it with asbestos sheet.
  • Water communications are connected through a mesh filter that traps small particles of debris from the water supply. Additionally, you can install a water purification filter from impurities, so you reduce the likelihood of scale deposits. Taps are mounted on both sides of the filter. So you can clean the part without draining the water.
  • The connection to the gas pipeline is in progress. At the same time, there must be free access to the shut-off valves.
  • If this is a turbocharged device, then connect it to a 220 volt network with grounding. Watch out for polarity. It is recommended to install a voltage stabilizer.
  • For a closed type, the procedure for creating a chimney is as follows: a coaxial chimney is connected to the new branch pipe of the product, the other end is led out into a hole in the wall, a ventilation duct. This is the same principle of organizing a conventional chimney. In this case, steel pipes are used.
  • Fill the system with water. First, turn on the current through the heating circuit, and then open the valve of the boiler itself. Watch the pressure, the norm is from 0.8 to 1.8 bar.
  • Check connections for tightness.
  • The launch must be carried out by an employee of the company. After that, the equipment is put into operation.

Do it yourself or hire a professional - it's up to you. Even with unauthorized installation, you will have to commission and test the device.

Watch a helpful video

According to existing standards, the installation of a gas boiler in an apartment building is possible. But, in order to obtain official permission, it is necessary to go through several stages of registration and approvals, to select a heat generator that meets the technical conditions for connection.

Is it possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment building

According to the current SNiP and SP, the installation of gas heating equipment in an apartment building is possible, provided that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room used for the boiler room is sufficient, and the smoke exhaust system meets the technical requirements. You can install equipment only in non-residential premises: kitchen, living room.

Before installing a heat generator, you will need to terminate the contract with the company supplying heat to the house. Unilaterally, the termination of the act is carried out through the court. Disconnect from central system heating, means the simultaneous termination of the supply of hot water.

When installing an individual heating system, double-circuit gas boilers heating for the apartment. Boiler equipment of a double-circuit type, simultaneously works to heat the coolant and provide hot water.

Installation in an apartment with central heating

The laws regulating the possibility of installing gas heating equipment in an apartment with central heating are indicated in the Federal Law No. 190 dated August 27, 20010. Additional instructions and requirements are given in RF PP dated February 13, 2006 N 83 "Rules for determining and providing technical conditions for connecting a capital construction object to engineering and technical support networks."

To connect autonomous heating, you must contact the Gaznadzor organization to obtain technical conditions for reconstruction. Specifications are the actual permission to commission gas equipment. After that, the procedure for terminating the contract for central heating takes place.

The full procedure and step-by-step action plan for obtaining permission to install a boiler is indicated in the “Government Decree No. 549 of 21.08.2008. "On the procedure for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens."

Is bottled gas allowed?

A gas boiler in an apartment for heating and water supply in multi-storey buildings, it is allowed to connect only to the central gas pipeline. Gas-cylinder installations are allowed to be used in the following cases:
  • The building is no more than two stories high.
  • There is no more than 1 gas cylinder in one room at the same time.
  • Distance from the gas stove is at least 0.5 m, heaters, at least 1 m. It is optimal to use a screen between the gas-cylinder installation and the heating surface of the household heating appliance.
  • As a boiler room, only ventilated rooms are used. Connection to the boiler is carried out with a metal corrugated sleeve.
Based on the above norms, the use of liquefied gas cylinders, although allowed in low-rise multi-apartment buildings, is impractical.

How to choose a double-circuit gas boiler in an apartment

A single-circuit gas-fired boiler is rarely installed in apartments with autonomous heating. There are several reasons for this. Single-circuit boilers, "sharpened" for heating, often have a large excess capacity. To provide hot water, you will have to additionally connect an indirect heating boiler, but the small dimensions of the apartment limit the installation possibilities.

Floor heat generators often have excess power, therefore, their installation is not economically justified. For all these reasons, a wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler for an apartment is the best and most expedient solution.

When choosing a boiler, attention is paid to several operating parameters:

  1. Burner type.
  2. Power.
  3. Manufacturer brand.
Additionally, pay attention to the presence of modifications to the internal structure and control. Double-circuit wall-mounted gas boilers for heating and hot water supply of an apartment, the latest generation, have weather-dependent control. To level the peak loads of domestic hot water, a built-in storage boiler is installed inside the case. Modulating burners smoothly change performance, depending on the needs of the room for heat.

Which boiler is better for an apartment - with a closed or open burner

The choice of a gas boiler for an apartment with individual heating is based more on existing requirements and building regulations than on the desire of the homeowners. There are models of boiler equipment with an open and closed combustion chamber:
  • Atmospheric or convection boilers - during operation, they burn out the air taken from the room. Not suitable for heating apartments in high-rise buildings. Installation in two-story apartment buildings is allowed, provided there is sufficient area of ​​the boiler room. Advantage, absolutely silent operation of the boiler.
  • Boilers with a closed combustion chamber - to this type include turbocharged and condensing boilers. The intake of air and the removal of combustion products is carried out forcibly, using fans or a turbine. The closed combustion chamber has several significant advantages. To connect the boiler, a smoke exhaust system is required - a chimney.
    Boilers with a closed burner are connected through a coaxial pipe installed horizontally into the wall. Air intake is carried out directly from the street. Boilers of a closed type can be installed in houses of any number of storeys, subject to the availability of technical conditions.

For an apartment, a boiler with a closed combustion chamber is better. Condensing boilers, in addition to the heat obtained by burning gas, additionally accumulate thermal energy obtained from targeted condensate formation. The efficiency varies between 98-109%. Turbocharged boilers are also economical and have high efficiency up to 96%.

The disadvantage of boilers with a closed combustion chamber is the noise from the fans that accompanies their operation. Modern models are equipped with a soundproof casing that reduces the intensity of noise.

How to calculate the power of an apartment boiler

To transfer the standard centralized heating of an apartment to heating from a gas boiler, you will need to correctly calculate the power of the heater. Lack of performance will lead to the need for constant operation of the boiler at maximum load. Excessive power will cause excessive gas consumption.

The minimum required boiler output for hot water and heating is calculated as follows:

  • The total volume of the heated area is determined. Technical information about the apartment is in the house book or passport for the apartment. You can calculate the area yourself by multiplying the length by the width of each room, including the corridors and the hallway, and then adding up all the results.
  • Calculation for the heated area - for apartments with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, the formula 1 kW \u003d 10 m² is suitable. For a standard two-room apartment of 50 m², according to calculations, a 5 kW heat generator is required.
  • The power reserve is calculated - for an apartment it will be enough to choose a boiler with a higher capacity: by 10-15% for single-circuit options, by 25-30% for double-circuit ones.

Top gas boilers for apartment heating

There is a kind of rating of manufacturers, compiled on the basis of several factors: consumer and market demand, popularity, reliability. According to statistics, the top places in the ranking are occupied by products of European and Russian manufacturers. The products of German concerns are especially popular with the Russian consumer.

A domestic buyer, when choosing a boiler, focuses on the following brands:

  • Germany - Buderus, Viessmann, Vaillant, AEG.
  • Italy - Baxi, Ferroli, Hydrosta, Ariston.
  • Czech Republic - Protherm.
  • Russia - Neva Lux, Oasis.
  • Korea - Navien.
As practice shows, the Russian consumer, when choosing a suitable boiler for apartment heating, focuses on the price category. Thermal characteristics are of secondary importance.

Prices for apartment gas boilers

The cheapest cost is Russian boilers. You can buy a suitable mounted model for about 10-15 thousand rubles. The cost of installing a boiler in an apartment is also low and depends on the region. On average, it is necessary to focus on a price equal to 10-15% of the cost of the unit.

The cost of a German heat generator with two circuits starts from 25-30 thousand rubles. Condensing boilers will cost between 50-80 thousand rubles. Their setup and launch will require an additional amount of 5-10 thousand rubles to be spent.

Requirements for installing a gas heating boiler in an apartment

In many regions of Russia, installing a gas boiler in an apartment and abandoning central heating in an apartment building is a problematic and painstaking process. For registration, you will need specific knowledge and understanding of applicable laws. Unauthorized installation will result in a serious fine, which will cause a significant blow to the family budget.

Installation standards are described in detail in. Before starting the paperwork, you should study the step-by-step plan for obtaining technical specifications and completing approvals. So, you can reduce the cost of money and time by about a third.

What documents are needed for installation

It is possible to install a gas boiler in an apartment with existing central heating, but this will require strict step-by-step compliance with existing norms and laws:
  • Obtaining technical conditions - an application is written to the Gaznadzor authorities for the installation of a gas boiler. If the technical conditions allow the installation and maintenance of the heat generator, a technical specification is issued, which is the actual consent of the control body for the installation of gas equipment. If it was not possible to obtain permission to install, all further steps are pointless.
  • After receiving the specifications, a project for the installation and location of gas equipment is made. Any organization that has the appropriate license can execute project documentation. It is optimal that representatives of the gas company deal with all the documentation, so you can speed up the process of obtaining a project.
  • Representatives of the company that maintains and checks the condition of the ventilation ducts and chimney are called. If the condition of the channels is normal and complies with the standards, the called specialist gives permission to put the boiler into operation. If there are violations and deviations from the norms, an act is drawn up with instructions on what needs to be corrected.
  • With all the permits and documents collected, the consumer applies for approval of the project and installation of an individual gas boiler in a separate apartment in an apartment building. Within a period of 1-3 months, the specialists of Gorgaznadzor carry out the coordination of the installation. If all documents comply with the requirements, a final installation permit is issued.
  • An application is submitted to the Teploset about the refusal of heat supply and hot water supply.

The order and rules of installation do not change and require strict observance.

Installation room requirements

The room used as a boiler room in an apartment in a multi-storey building must comply with fire and sanitary requirements. The main rules that require strict observance:
  • Installation of the boiler is allowed in non-residential premises, fenced with a doorway. Under the installation will not fit the bedroom, utility room, and in most cases,.
  • It is better to install a gas boiler and a meter in the kitchen. Usually, a gas pipeline is introduced into the apartment there.
  • The walls of the room and the ceiling are lined with non-combustible materials. Ceramic tiles, GVL plates and plaster are suitable for finishing.
  • The minimum dimensions of the boiler room for the installation of a boiler with a closed combustion chamber are at least 4 m². To all important components of the boiler, leave free access for maintenance and repair.

Chimney for a gas boiler in an apartment building

Installation of gas heaters is allowed only if there is an appropriate smoke exhaust and ventilation system in the apartment. It is for this reason that the installation of a boiler with a closed combustion chamber, connected to a horizontal chimney, is the optimal solution. In some regions, there is no ban on the use of individual coaxial chimneys, which further facilitates the installation issue.

If a mass transition to autonomous heating is planned in an apartment building, the chimneys from the boilers are combined. A vertical coaxial pipe is installed, to which all heating devices are connected.

To ensure the operation of the boiler in the boiler room, supply and exhaust devices are installed, with a capacity of at least three times the air exchange of the room per hour. Supply ventilation must be separate, not connected to other ventilation ducts in the bathroom and toilet.

When installing gas heating equipment in a private house, a gas analyzer is not required and is installed at the request of the consumer. In an apartment, the installation of a gas sensor is a prerequisite for putting the boiler into operation.

Individual gas boiler - pros and cons

Installing a double-circuit gas boiler in an apartment building, when switching to independent heating, will require material costs, time and emotional strength. The process of phasing out district heating is described in detail on paper.

As practice shows, representatives of the heating network are extremely reluctant to issue permission to refuse heat supply and install their own heating system. Unwillingness to cooperate and all sorts of obstacles on the part of regulatory authorities, the main disadvantage of an individual gas boiler.

There are a few more negatives:

  • Inability of apartments to install autonomous gas heating. We will have to go through several stages of approvals, financial investments will be required.
  • The gas boiler must be grounded. As, you can not use the risers of the water supply or zero in the electrical network.
All the disadvantages, basically, come down to the difficulty of obtaining permits and approvals, as well as performing installation work and connection. Heating costs when installing a gas boiler are reduced by almost half. The costs of re-registration of documents are paid off already for the third heating season. At the same time, the consumer receives high-quality heat. Installing autonomous heating is fully justified and cost-effective.

The problem of the lack of hot water supply or central heating, as well as the poor quality of these services, is successfully solved by the installation of gas boilers. There are two types of boilers for this: single-circuit and double-circuit. A single-circuit gas boiler can provide only one process, for example, heating. Double-circuit - both processes: both space heating and domestic water heating.

Not only is the installation of a gas boiler in itself a very time-consuming and troublesome business, in order to produce it, it is necessary to comply with certain standards for the installation of gas boilers. The operation of any gas appliances is always associated with risks, which is why there are fire safety rules.

Before the boiler is installed in a private house, it is necessary to prepare some documents and perform certain actions. What will be required:

  • Contract for the supply of natural gas for an individual developer;
  • The technical conditions and the project for the installation of gas equipment must be agreed with the local representative of the gas service. Project documentation most often they are developed by specialized institutions with an appropriate license for this type of activity: gorgaz, raigaz, oblgaz, mingas, etc.;
  • Installation of gas equipment must be carried out by an installation organization;
  • The engineer of the district or regional gas organization must come to the site and check the correctness of the gas connection in the furnace and kitchen, their compliance with the requirements. If all the rules are met, he must issue an opinion on the basis of which it is possible to open the gas "valve" leading to the boiler;
  • The heating system must be pressurized to P = 1.8 atm (see on the boiler pressure gauge);
  • De-air the heating system;
  • Check all connections for tightness;
  • Be sure to install a voltage stabilizer for the boiler and preferably an uninterruptible power supply;
  • Do not add antifreeze to hot water. This can damage the seals and lead to leaks in the heating system.

Gas boilers must be installed according to a special technology that ensures the safe operation of explosive units that release toxins in case of leakage

The room in which the boiler will be located must meet certain requirements. When installing a heating boiler in a private single-family house, a furnace or, as it is also called, a boiler room, can be equipped on any floor, including in the basement, basement and even attic or roof. Restrictions apply to residential premises, a bathroom and a bathroom, it is forbidden to place a boiler in them.

To calculate the volume of the boiler room, the total thermal power of the heating equipment, instantaneous or storage water heaters is taken into account.

Important! Please note that in the technical passport for gas equipment, the room with the boiler should be called that - a furnace or boiler room.

The table of the required volume of the boiler room is given below:

There are exceptions: if the heating boiler is with a closed combustion chamber, then the volume of the boiler room is not standardized, and the presence of a window with access to the outside is not necessary.

For air supply and exhaust, it is imperative to ensure the inflow of the required volume. To provide 23.3 kW of boiler power, 2.5 m 3 / hour of gas must be burned. For complete combustion of this volume, 30 m 3 / hour of air is needed. If insufficient air is supplied, the gas does not burn completely, resulting in the formation of an extremely harmful substance, the inhalation of which adversely affects human health. If you inhale it for 15 minutes, death occurs. Air should not only come in from the outside, but also flow from other rooms in the house. This is ensured by the presence of a gap between the door and the floor and a hole with a grate in the doors.

The heating boiler is installed on the floor at a distance of 10 cm from the wall, which must be made of non-combustible material. If there are no walls made of non-combustible materials, then protection from refractory material can be installed.

Requirements for the installation of gas units

Without compliance with certain requirements, the gas service will not give permission to connect the boiler to the main. But compliance with these requirements and norms is dictated not so much by bureaucracy as by bitter experience and fire safety. Restrictions are imposed not only on gas equipment and its installation, but also on the room in which the boiler will be located.

Regulatory requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler

  1. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the boiler will be located must be at least 4 m 2, the ceilings must be higher than 2.5 m;
  2. The width of the door leading to the room must be at least 80 cm;
  3. The boiler should be illuminated naturally through the window opening. For every 10 m 2 of the room there should be at least 0.3 m 2 of the window;
  4. Good ventilation of the room is obligatory, since the combustion of gas in the boiler is ensured by the influx of oxygen. The area of ​​the opening to ensure the inflow of outside air should be 8 cm 2 for every 1 kW of boiler power;
  5. Gas pipelines must be made of metal only. Flexible hoses can only be used to connect consumers;
  6. The cross section of the chimney must correspond to the capacity of the boiler. If the boiler output is 30 kW, the chimney diameter must be 130 mm. If the boiler power is 40 kW, the chimney diameter is 170 mm;
  7. The cross-sectional area of ​​the chimney must not be less than the cross-sectional area of ​​the hole for connecting the chimney;
  8. The upper end of the chimney must be raised above the roof ridge by at least 0.5 m;
  9. In the power supply system of the boiler, there must be a special machine with configured current and thermal protection;
  10. In the room where the boiler will be, there should be a gas analyzer that will warn of a gas leak, and an electric valve that shuts off the gas supply;
  11. Gas equipment can only be located in the basement of a single-family private house. In multi-storey apartment buildings, the installation of gas heating boilers in the basement is prohibited.
  12. Each device must be equipped with a gas meter;
  13. Ventilation should be arranged in the upper part of the room.

You can get acquainted with all the requirements and norms in more detail in the documents: SniPe II-35-76 "Boiler plants", Code of rules for the design of autonomous heat supply systems SP-41-104-2000.

The installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler is carried out if the power requirements are not too high and there is not much free space. Most often, such boilers are used for heating and heating water in multi-storey buildings. The predecessor of the gas wall-mounted boiler is a gas water heater, which provided heating of water for domestic needs in the "Khrushchev".

Installation of wall-mounted gas boilers allows you to equip even a house with central heating with an autonomous additional heating system. It is necessary to have a gas supply, and the room must comply with the requirements and standards.

Gas units are installed in special rooms - furnace rooms with ventilation holes for the inflow of air mass and the removal of combustion products. The boilers are not demanding on free space and can be installed above another appliance on the floor. You can install wall-mounted boilers in a cascade. This is very convenient if you need more power, several boilers turn on at once.

Several boilers in one furnace - a convenient option

Installation of a gas boiler is carried out at a distance of 20 cm from other gas appliances and flammable materials. Depending on the power and model of the boiler, the distance between it and the wall can be from 30 to 50 cm. It is undesirable to place the boiler in the opening between the walls or in close proximity to the window. The power supply must be close enough.

After the place for the boiler is selected and approved, it is necessary to check the purchased boiler for completeness. The box should contain instructions, wall brackets, mounting template and mounting hardware. It is advisable to compare the specifications on the packaging with those on the identification plate located on the inside of the front cover.

Before installing the boiler in place, it is necessary to flush all the pipes of the boiler and the entire system with water. This is necessary to remove foreign particles that may have entered the unit during assembly at the factory.

The planks on which the boiler will be mounted are nailed at a distance of 0.8-1.6 m from the floor.

Important! The wall must be vertically level and strong enough to support the weight of not only the boiler, but also the associated appliances. If the wall is made of combustible material, you can attach a non-combustible material gasket to it, the thickness of which should be at least 3 mm. In this case, the boiler must be fixed at a distance of 4.5 cm from the wall.

The boiler is fixed on the slats. Before connecting the boiler to the water pipes, it is necessary to remove the plugs installed on the corresponding nozzles.

To prevent clogging of the boiler heat exchanger, it is advisable to install a mesh angle filter at the water inlet. Ball valves are installed on both sides of the filter, this will facilitate further maintenance and repair.

Then you need to check if the boiler hangs evenly. Skew in any direction can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The connection of gas pipes to the boiler must be made only with a metal pipe, a rigid connection, through an "American" or a special drive. It is mandatory to use a paronite gasket.

This completes the installation of the boiler with your own hands. The direct connection of the gas boiler is carried out only by authorized persons after checking compliance with all requirements and standards.

Chimney standards

The material for the chimney is selected depending on the combustible fuel and the type of boiler. For a gas boiler, the pipes must be cylindrical and made of metal, preferably stainless steel. Such chimneys are the safest, most durable and reliable.

The chimney is brought out above the ridge of the house. A hatch for cleaning the chimney must be installed. In order to ensure the convenience of collecting soot during cleaning, collecting and draining condensate, an empty space is required under the chimney inlet.

When installing the chimney, there should be no more than three bends and turns. The pipe connecting the boiler and the chimney must be as short as possible, no more than 25 cm.

The vertical section at the outlet of the boiler must be equal to at least two diameters. Behind this vertical section, the pipe of the connecting section must necessarily rise upwards with a slope towards the boiler.

Smoke removal in this case is carried out due to natural draft through the chimney.

Following all the requirements and rules for the installation of gas boilers will ensure their efficient operation, durability and fire safety.

The premises in which the gas boiler will operate are specified in SNiP 31-02-2001, DBN V.2.5-20-2001, SNiP II-35-76, SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 41-104-2000 - these documents exclude or minimize any emergency situations. Premises for placing gas boilers fall under the classification of fire and explosion hazards, therefore, when designing, planning, installing and configuring equipment for gas heating, all requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler must be strictly observed.

General requirements for the installation of gas appliances

In the room intended for the installation of a gas boiler, according to the above standards, there should be good natural lighting: 1 m 3 should account for at least 0.03 m 2 of the window opening area (but not windows - partitions, frames and imposts are not taken into account). Be sure to equip the room with a supply and exhaust ventilation system according to the following rules: the total volume of direct and reverse air flows per hour, multiplied by 3, is equal to the volume of the entire exhaust device. In addition to the window equipped with a window, a door with access to the street is installed in the room. The table shows the requirements for the volume of the room:


For gas-fired units with a power of more than 6000 W, 0.2 m3 should be added for each extra unit of power.

Supervisory requirements for a room for installing a gas boiler stipulate that it is allowed to operate any appliances for heating an apartment on each floor of a multi-storey building and in any room of the apartment. Kitchens in multi-storey buildings are also suitable for these requirements, as they are already equipped with the appropriate communications. The only condition is that the total thermal power of all devices for heating water and heating an apartment (boilers, boilers, heating elements, heating radiators, batteries or registers) should not exceed 150 kW in total.

The height of the ceilings in the room is 2 meters or more. The room in which the gas boiler will be installed and operated must be separated from neighboring rooms by solid refractory walls. Material for walls or partitions must have a temporary fire resistance limit of 0.75 hours (45 minutes). The room for the boiler must be planned in such a way that in the event of a fire in operation there is no possibility for the fire to spread throughout the apartment.


Gas boilers of the TLO brand, operating on the principle of natural circulation of the coolant, can only be installed and must be operated in the basement of the house or in the basement.

Installation of a gas wall-mounted boiler - kitchen requirements

  1. Ceiling - 2 meters and above.
  2. The total volume of the kitchen is more than 7.5 m 3 , ventilation is installed, a window is installed and there is a door leading to the balcony.
  3. For air exchange, it is necessary to equip a grate at the bottom of the wall or door that opens into the next room, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe grill is at least 0.02 m 2.

To install a gas boiler in the kitchen, you may need permission from the gas service.

If the kitchen in the apartment does not meet the requirements of SNiP, then gas heating equipment can be installed and operated only with the permission of the gas supervision.

The existing rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house largely repeat the requirements for boilers that operate in apartments in multi-storey buildings. The differences are caused only by the fact that often in a private house a separate room or building is allocated for heating equipment, which is subject to additional requirements listed below.

Rules for installing a floor-standing gas boiler

  1. In a house under construction, it is necessary to plan a separate room for installing a gas-fired boiler. The room should be with natural air flow through the grate in the door or through a hole in the wall.
  2. Be sure to make a separate hole for supply and exhaust ventilation - it must be under the ceiling.
  3. A hole in the wall for a chimney, a hole below the chimney for a soot pan (for cleaning the chimney), which is made 20-30 cm below the main chimney.
  4. The chimney is made airtight so that smoke and carbon dioxide do not get back into the room. For tightness, a smaller diameter pipe is installed inside the large chimney pipe, through which the products of gas combustion are removed.
  5. The room intended for the installation and operation of the gas boiler must be spacious and provide free access and operation, Maintenance and boiler repair. The floor in the furnace must be made of non-combustible materials - concrete screed, natural stone, paving stones. The furnace must be connected to the water supply for the operation of the water heater, and equipped with a sewer.
  6. The area of ​​​​the room for the boiler is 4 m 2, the height of the ceilings in the room is at least 2.5 m 2.
  7. The outer door should be 80 cm wide.
  8. The top of the chimney must be above the roof. The cross section of the chimney pipe must be larger than the diameter of the boiler outlet.
  9. To supply power to the boiler room, an electrical panel with grounding must be equipped.
  10. The gas line is brought into the room in advance. A separate valve must be installed for each gas appliance.
  11. The walls of the boiler room are plastered - it is strictly forbidden to finish the walls with combustible materials (MDF, fiberboard, plastic).

It is forbidden to store flammable liquids and objects near the furnace and in the room itself. The foundation under (gas heating unit or gas water heating unit) should not freeze in winter, so its depth should be below the level of soil freezing in this region. The air from the vent must be clean, that is, the chimney must be located far from the vent. The room or building in which the gas boiler is installed cannot be equipped for other purposes.

Rules for installing wall-mounted gas boilers in an apartment

Usually, in an apartment, a gas boiler is installed in the kitchen, since a gas main is already connected to it, there is water supply and sewerage. That is, a priori, all the requirements for the installation of gas equipment have already been met - it remains only to connect the boiler. This state of affairs automatically reduces the cost of laying utilities and energy. It is forbidden to install a gas boiler in rooms with high humidity - in the bathroom, laundry room, etc.

There are several additional requirements for wall-mounted boilers:

  1. The wall or partition for hanging the boiler must be able to withstand it - do not hang the equipment on a plasterboard or other light partition.
  2. If the wall is decorated with combustible materials (wallpaper, vinyl, plastic, MDF, fiberboard), then a 3 mm thick non-combustible material gasket is installed between the wall and the wall. In this case, the boiler must be fastened with special hardware, which provide a distance from the boiler body to the wall of at least 4-5 cm.
  3. The minimum distance from the boiler to the ceiling and walls of the room is 0.5 meters. The distance from the boiler to the floor is 0.8 meters.

Before installation and start-up of gas equipment, all relevant documents must be obtained. The main condition for installing a boiler in a private house that runs on gas is that an agreement is first concluded on connecting the gas main, and a project for the installation of gas equipment and gasification of the house is drawn up. These documents are developed and approved by the gas supplier in the region.

Natural gas is the most convenient and affordable type of fuel for heating boilers in private houses. Pipeline system supply of gaseous fuel to the burner, simple ignition, parameter control and shutdown make the operation of gas heating installations simple and does not require special training. The ability to immediately stop burning in emergency situations provides an increased level of safety during the operation of installed equipment.

At the same time, there are special requirements for installing a gas boiler in a private house. Their implementation is mandatory for all types of equipment in order to ensure a minimum degree of risk when burning explosive fuel in residential buildings and individual structures.

Requirements for rooms and air exchange

An important advantage of a private house, unlike city apartments, is the ability to allocate non-residential premises for installation of heating equipment. In the current normative documents a number of requirements for the size and arrangement of such rooms are given. The main ones are:

  • a total area of ​​4 m 2 or more should allow the boiler to be placed at a distance of 350 mm from the outer wall;
  • ceiling height of at least 2.5 meters;
  • the floor level in the furnace is not lower than the zero mark of the building;
  • width front door from 800 mm, while the sash should open outward;
  • obligatory presence of a glazed window, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is determined depending on the thermal performance of the gas boiler;
  • the illumination rate is set to 0.03 l/m 2 ;
  • minimum cross-sectional area of ​​the supply air duct natural ventilation- 8 cm 2 for each kW of heating unit power.

When organizing the air supply, it is necessary to take into account its amount used for gas combustion and also add a three-fold air exchange according to the volume of the room.

All walls and internal partitions must be built of non-combustible refractory materials with a fire resistance rating of at least 45 minutes. The layout of the room and the arrangement of ventilation ducts should not contribute to the spread of flame in case of fire.

The volume of free space not occupied by the installed equipment is normalized depending on the capacity of the installed boilers:

  • for heating units up to 30 kW - less than 7.5 m 3;
  • 60 kW - 13.5 m 3;
  • more than 60 kW - 15 m 3.

Installation of a gas boiler in a private house with a total heat output of more than 200 kW is prohibited. In this case, the power of one unit should not exceed 100 kW.

Flue gas removal

Channels and pipes designed to remove gas combustion products must ensure normal combustion in the boiler furnace. Concerning:

  • the cross section of the flue duct must not be less than the size of the boiler connection pipe;
  • it is allowed to reduce the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the chimney if the design of the heating unit provides for the forced removal of combustion products and air supply;
  • channels can be located inside the main walls and partitions of the appropriate thickness or be attached to them;
  • the material for the manufacture of chimneys must be fireproof and not subject to active corrosion;
  • the design of the chimney should provide for the presence of a special hatch for cleaning the channel from soot and a device for draining the resulting condensate;
  • the height of the chimney above the roof ridge or the line at an angle of 15° away from it.

All butt joints of the elements are made airtight and exclude not only the release of combustion products into the premises, but also the possibility of air leaks and a decrease in thrust.

Preparatory activities

Preparation for the installation of a gas boiler in a private house begins with the study of regulatory requirements, the rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house, design solutions for the placement of auxiliary equipment, specifications and internal structure of the boiler.

For permission to connect a heating boiler to a gas pipeline and supply gaseous supply to a residential building, the building owner must submit a corresponding application to the local gas service, where the request will be considered by specialists within a month.

After that, the applicant is given technical conditions for connection or a reasoned refusal until the existing comments are completely eliminated. Installing a gas boiler without obtaining and fulfilling technical conditions is considered illegal and may entail liability for the owner of the house, the level of which is determined by the consequences of the deed.

The project of an individual furnace is developed taking into account all the technical requirements and rules set out in the conditions. The heat losses of the building are calculated and the boiler capacity is determined, taking into account the consumption of hot water for household needs.

The finished project must be approved by the special supervision service of the gas supply organization. To do this, together with it, the following is sent to the supervisory authority:

  • technical passport of the boiler;
  • manufacturer's instructions for installation and operation of the heating unit;
  • a copy of the certificate for its compliance with current regulatory documents.

The next stage of work is to complete the equipment and necessary materials. Here you should pay attention to the correspondence of the connecting fittings in size and thread pitch to the counterpart connections of the boiler, pumps, tanks and other equipment provided for by the design solutions.

It must be understood that the furnace equipment is part of the heating system and should not be considered as a separate isolated section of the house.

Installation of boilers in houses of individual development

The method of placing a heating boiler in a residential building depends on its design and can be floor or wall. It should be noted that floor models in most cases exceed the heat output of mounted heat sources.

In addition, a freer circuit of the coolant circulation in such devices allows their installation for operation in autonomous heating systems with natural circulation.

Installation of floor boilers in a separate furnace

If it is necessary to install a heat source with a power of more than 32 kW, gas boilers with installation on the floor are chosen, since the thermal performance of serial mounted models does not exceed the named value. The developed typical schemes of furnaces, for private houses, provide for the presence of:

  • expansion tank;
  • domestic hot water heater;
  • capacitive or high-speed separator;
  • distribution comb;
  • at least two circulation pumps.

In addition, it is required to install emergency relief lines and safety valves that operate when the pressure in the pipelines rises.

Boiler installation work begins with the preparation of brick or concrete bases not only for it, but also for all tanks, which, after filling with water, will become quite heavy. After that, it is necessary to assemble the distribution manifolds and pumping units with shut-off valves, and fix them on the wall according to the design scheme.

Boiler piping

Install the tanks and the boiler on the bases and, if there are mounting holes, fix the position with anchor bolts. Now you can start work on the device of the chimney and installation of pipelines.

One of the circulation pumps is installed on the return line between the boiler and the separator. The second one is on the supply line after mixing the coolant flows in the separation column. A safety relief valve must be installed on the outlet line of the heated water from the boiler, which will ensure the protection of the installed equipment in case of pressure increase.


Emergency discharge pipes must not be connected to household plastic sewers, which may be damaged by boiling water. Metal must be used as the material. At the connection to the water supply, a regulator for feeding the heating system is installed, which, in simple version It is a bypass valve that regulates pressure after itself.

The length of the horizontal section of the chimney at the outlet should not be more than two diameters of the factory branch pipe. After that, the chimney must be moved to a vertical or inclined position at an angle of at least 30°. If the temperature of the flue gases exceeds 85 ° in the passport data of the unit, the metal chimneys must be closed with thermal insulation.

Connecting a gas boiler in a private house to a gas pipeline, purging a fuel line and a test run of gas is carried out by employees of a gas supply organization. These works are allowed to be carried out by the installation organization, but only in the presence of a representative of the controlling office.

Installation of wall hung boilers

Unlike floor structures, mounted models do not require such complex piping and installation of auxiliary equipment. Circulation pump, an expansion tank, a heat exchanger for heating domestic hot water and a safety valve are already installed inside the body of the unit, which, according to the device, is a compact mini-furnace.

However, the power of such boilers usually does not exceed 32 kW, which can ensure the operation of the heating system in a residential building up to 300 m 2. At the same time, if we take into account the consumption of hot water in double-circuit devices, then the heated area must be reduced by 25-40%. But for small buildings, wall-mounted gas boilers are the most optimal solution to the issue of organizing stable heating operation.

Boiler location

There are two types of mounted gas boilers on mass sale, which differ in the way they organize the supply of air for combustion and the removal of flue gases. They are called boilers with atmospheric and closed firebox. In the second case, the design of the unit provides for the presence of an axial exhaust fan and a double coaxial chimney. The piping of both types is structurally the same.

Coaxial chimney.

The place for installing the boiler is chosen depending on its design. Models with an atmospheric firebox should be mounted as close as possible to a vertical smoke channel that runs inside the wall. Units with a closed firebox can only be installed on an outer wall or on a partition adjacent to it in order to be able to bring the coaxial pipe outside.

Brief installation instructions

In each package, manufacturers include an assembly or marking sheet, on which the contours of the boiler are drawn, marking all connections and installation points for fasteners. Its presence greatly simplifies the work. The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. fasten a sheet of refractory material with a thickness of at least 3 mm to the wall surface;
  2. on the surface of the sheet you need to stick the mounting sheet;
  3. drill holes in the mounting marks and install anchor hooks on which the heating unit will be hung;
  4. hang the boiler on the wall;
  5. check the gap between the boiler and the wall, if necessary, remove the device and tighten or unscrew the fasteners;
  6. focusing on the applied markup of the mounting sheet, connect the gas boiler to the heating and hot water supply system;
  7. install the flue on the outlet pipe and bring it to the smoke channel or take it outside;
  8. connect the boiler to the mains through a voltage stabilizer or uninterruptible power supply;
  9. invite gas service workers and, in their presence, connect the unit to the gas pipeline.

Normal operation of heating attachments can only be ensured if the power supply is stable. Even short-term failures will lead to a stoppage of the boiler and possible damage to the electronic control unit. Therefore, protection is a must.

Rules for the operation and maintenance of a gas boiler

The operation of heating equipment should be carried out at a positive air temperature and normal humidity. At least twice a year, it is necessary to check the cleanliness and performance of the ventilation system and chimneys. The main activities during the operation of the boiler must necessarily include:

  • annual cleaning of all installed filters;
  • control of technical serviceability of the control unit;
  • inspection of the heat exchanger for the presence of soot;
  • checking the tightness of the joints and connections of the gas pipeline by soaping;
  • cleaning the burner from soot and dust.

All failed parts should be replaced with new ones, and not attempted to be restored. A conscientious attitude to the implementation of all necessary technical measures will increase the life of the equipment and ensure your safety.

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