How to start a charcoal business? Charcoal production: technology and equipment Manufacturers of equipment for the production of charcoal

Business in the production of charcoal. Technology and equipment for the production of charcoal.

Charcoal production is a fast-payback business using wood waste. To organize a small production, significant capital investments are not needed. The coal business is profitable primarily with the availability of raw materials - wood waste. The wholesale cost of one ton of charcoal is $500 - $900.


Charcoal is an environmentally friendly fuel, when burned, it does not emit harmful substances, has a high heat transfer and practically does not smoke.

There are several types of charcoal that can be obtained from certain woods:

  • Black - softwood poplar, linden, alder, aspen, willow.
  • Red - from coniferous species pine, spruce.
  • White - from hardwood birch, oak, hornbeam, elm.

The highest quality and most expensive coal can be obtained from hardwoods.

To organize the production of charcoal, you will need the following equipment.

Pyrolysis smokeless oven.

More recently, open-type kilns were used for the production of charcoal, which had a low percentage of coal output and, moreover, were harmful to the environment by releasing gases into the atmosphere. At the moment, closed-type furnaces (pyrolysis) are used in production, which make it possible to obtain almost twice as much coal as in open-type furnaces and do not pollute the environment.

When choosing a furnace, you must first focus on performance, maintainability and price.

Also, for sawing wood, you will need chainsaws and a cleaver ax to chop large logs.

Separator for separating coal into fractions.

Scales and bag sewing machine for packing.

Technology for the production of charcoal.

For the production of charcoal, pyrolysis technology is used - burning wood in a container without oxygen at temperatures up to 500 ° C. During pyrolysis, the gases that are released during combustion remain in the chamber and thereby support the combustion process, the vapor gases are removed through the nozzle in the condenser, the liquid is separated from the gas.

The process takes place in a retort (closed vessel) in which the wood decomposes without air access under the influence of heat.

The wood is loaded into the retort, the furnace is melted and the retort is heated, the temperature is controlled using a pyrometer.

First, the retort is heated to a temperature of 150 °C, moisture is released from the wood, and the wood is dried.

Now coal needs to be separated from resins and non-condensable gases, for this the temperature in the installation is raised to 500 ° C, the process is called calcination.

The process is stopped and the oven is cooled down.

When the coal cools down, it is taken out of the furnace, sifted on a separator and packed.

Business in the production of charcoal.

Production should be located in suburban areas, the best option There will be a site on the outskirts of the village. It should be remembered that the sanitary zone of production with pyrolysis furnaces must be at least 100 meters, this is the minimum distance to residential buildings.

Furnaces do not require a room, they are placed in an open area, but a covered dry room is required for storing coal.

As for profit, it directly depends on the cost of purchasing wood and its type. By themselves, wood waste is quite cheap, but transportation, loading, delivery can significantly increase the cost of raw materials. Therefore, it is more profitable to organize the production of charcoal directly near sawmills.

If you use soft wood, then the output of 1 ton of coal is obtained from 11 m³ of wood. When using hard rocks 7 m³ per 1 ton of coal. The wholesale price of charcoal, depending on the type of wood used in the production, can be $500 - $900 per ton.

Charcoal is still used in many areas of our lives, often being an indispensable product. First of all, you need to draw up a business plan that will help you start an excellent, profitable production.

Today, you can quickly establish the production of various types of charcoal:

  • black from softwoods (alder, linden, poplar, aspen);
  • white from hardwoods (hornbeam, birch, oak, elm);
  • red, obtained by soft charcoal.

Manufacturing technology

The charcoal business is the use of a special technology that allows the production of coal from raw wood, which is used today in many industries. In this case, the pyrolysis process is used, that is, the raw material is burned in a furnace without oxygen access. For such production, special charcoal kilns are used, consisting of a chamber for making coal and drying.

The process is as follows: the raw material is fed into the loading chamber, after which its burning begins.

After the sensors show that the coal has burned out and is completely dry, they begin to unload it to cool.

For the manufacture of charcoal, various raw materials can be used: knots, hemp, most of the waste from logging, furniture factories, and other woodworking enterprises. The plan may also take into account the fact that ordinary firewood can also be used for production, although such raw materials are more expensive, and the quality of coal is higher. Approximate consumption of raw materials for the manufacture of one ton of products: birch firewood - 7-8 cubic meters, softwood firewood - 11-12 cubic meters.

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Approximate expenses for the organization of production

When drawing up a coal production plan, we take into account the following financial costs:

Purchase of equipment for the production of charcoal:

  • a special charcoal kiln, the cost of which ranges from 17 to 100 thousand rubles;
  • hydraulic equipment for chopping firewood and raw materials, an ordinary cleaver. Cost - from 55 rubles. a piece;
  • electronic scales costing from 5 thousand rubles;
  • chainsaws cost about 5 thousand rubles;
  • electric generator cost about 12 thousand rubles;

Purchase of raw materials (plan - 30 tons of products per month):

  • chopped firewood. The cost is from 1200 rubles. up to 1700 per cu. m. You can save money by using the waste of a logging company, the cost here is much less, but the quality of the coal is lower;
  • bags for packaging production. The cost is from 7-10 rubles per piece.
  1. Salary for production workers: based on five people - 75-100 thousand rubles. per month.
  2. Documents required to register a business. The cost is from about 10 thousand rubles.
  3. The plan should then include the following costs:
  • rent of a workshop room for production and a warehouse - from 20 thousand rubles;
  • advertising, transport and other expenses.

In total, the minimum plan for the production of charcoal and its implementation requires an initial investment of 500 thousand rubles. The cost of a kilogram of coal is 17-20 rubles. The average income per month that such a business can provide at the initial level is approximately 70 thousand rubles.

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Business payback

Any business development plan must necessarily take into account the payback. In the production of charcoal, in order to have a great initial start, you can start with a capacity of about 30-40 tons per month. To do this, you can purchase a variety of furnaces, it depends on what kind of initial capital you have. Some charcoal kilns are more expensive, there are models that are low in price, but the main thing is to correctly calculate their power and consumption of raw materials. It is recommended that you first plan for more economical production, gradually increasing capacity and identifying new markets.

The total cost of organizing such a business as a charcoal business, including the purchase of equipment, the preparation of the necessary documentation, the rental of premises or land, and the hiring of workers, can range from about 700 thousand rubles. up to one million, depending on the equipment and performance. Such a plan must necessarily include the costs that will be needed for the installation of equipment, the storage of finished products, and the transportation of coal. Usually requires a plot of 150 to 200 square meters. meters.

Maintenance personnel for one shift can be from two people, usually special training for working with furnaces and separators is not required. It is possible to place production even within the city, since the continuous process of making charcoal practically does not harm environment, that is, the emission of harmful substances is minimal.

The profit received per month depends on how well the planned business is organized. If you preliminarily organize not only the production of charcoal, but also its packaging and sorting, this will make it possible to sell products more profitably and expand the customer base.

With properly established production and the output of finished products in the form of charcoal from forty tons per month, the payback period for investments will be only up to 9 months, that is, the business will begin to make a profit within a year.

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Raw materials for processing

When drawing up a business plan for the production of coal, you need to take care of the procurement of raw materials. Depending on which technology will be chosen for this, the raw materials may be waste from the logging industry, birch wood and other raw materials pressed into large briquettes. Any wood can be purchased for charcoal kilns, but it must be remembered that it is more expensive than other types of raw materials, and the charcoal that is obtained from this is not of very high quality.

When organizing such a business, one must remember that the waste from the logging industry is more profitable as a raw material for charcoal. The length of briquettes made of such material is ideal for ovens, that is, they do not need to be further processed, usually the parameters are 0.4-0.55 meters. It is also well suited that the percentage of end area rot here is only up to 15, while the split line is up to 18 cm. For production, it is ideal to use raw materials from windbreak, growing forest, burnt wood, deadwood.

The business plan must also contain data on the volume of raw materials purchased, its quality. The indicators depend not only on the required production volumes, but also on what type of equipment will be used, what plan for the sale of products was drawn up.

Made up of almost 100% carbon, charcoal is also known to be environmentally friendly and efficient view fuel that does not spoil the air with toxic fumes and is very convenient for instant cooking food. Along with the use in the economy, charcoal is also used in industry. Entire metallurgical and chemical complexes work on it. It is also used in construction as a convenient insulating material. Farmers also use it as an additive to livestock feed.

Here we will talk about the production of charcoal, equipment for its production, technology.

  • Black - obtained by firing soft woods (aspen, poplar, alder, etc.);
  • White - obtained by firing hardwoods (hornbeam, birch, oak, etc.);
  • Red - obtained by soft roasting, mainly from coniferous trees.

In accordance with GOST 7657-84, coal is divided into three grades according to quality: A, B and C (see video below).

Major Buyers

Given the high demand, the production and sale of finished coal can turn into a respectable business with a very high percentage of profitability. Public catering facilities alone consume more than four million tons of charcoal in one season. If we add to this the rest of the enterprises and objects of life (schools, kindergartens, universities, etc.), as well as private consumption (hunting, fishing, summer cottages), we get a completely gigantic figure. At the same time, it should be taken into account that this form of business does not require any high-tech and costly forms of production.

Equipment for the production of

The following are used as charcoal production equipment:

  • Charcoal kiln (from 100 thousand rubles);
  • Scales (from 5 thousand rubles);
  • Electricity generator (20 thousand rubles);
  • Chainsaws (from 5 thousand rubles);
  • Hydraulic device for chopping firewood (from 55 rubles / piece).

Under the arrangement of the furnace for the manufacture of charcoal, an open and flat area is required. The area of ​​the complex, including storage facilities, will be about 200 sq.m.

Production technology

As a raw material for the production of marketable coal, you will need wood (price from 1000 to 1800 rubles / m3) and bags for packaging (price from 7 to 11 rubles / piece).

The basis for the production of charcoal is the pyrolysis process (a special process of burning wood without oxygen). For these purposes, mobile and stationary charcoal kilns, also called retort kilns, are used. Such furnaces consist of special chambers in which the operations of firing and drying of the feedstock are carried out. The basic principle of operation is that the vapors and gases released during the combustion of coal flow into the furnace, where they are burned, providing the process with additional heat.

Detailed video of charcoal manufacturing technology:

The action proceeds in the following order: the wood delivered for these purposes is placed in a special loading chamber. After receiving an appropriate signal from the sensors about the burning and drying of coal, it is unloaded and left to cool. Then the final product is crushed into small pieces, packaged in paper or plastic bags and bags. The degree of crushing depends on the purpose of this party. Coal intended for domestic use is crushed into smaller pieces. For industrial enterprises, respectively, crushing is larger.

In the manufacture of coal, any wood waste can be used as a feedstock - stumps, branches, waste from the paper and furniture industries. Often, contacts are established with local forestry workers who carry out annual logging. Peat and sawdust can also be used. The consumption of raw materials per ton of the final product is approximately as follows: birch wood - 7-8 cubic meters, softwood - 11-12 cubic meters. m.

Capacity for the production of charcoal is recommended to be located in suburban areas. The optimal number of employees is approximately 2-3 people. Highly qualified personnel is not required to service the equipment. In addition to the workers, you will also need a watchman, an accountant and a manager.

This business does not require serious investments, education or any special knowledge. His feature is a fast payback period.

As a raw material for the manufacture of coal, waste from enterprises engaged in wood processing and logging is usually used. It can be coniferous or hardwood trees (birch, oak, elm). Depending on the type of wood, the finished product is assigned category A, B or C.

Scope of charcoal

In everyday life, this product is used as an environmentally friendly fuel for barbecues, fireplaces and barbecues. In the municipal sector, it is used to filter drinking water. Fine fractions, which are screened out from raw coal, serve food additive enriching the diet of animals.

In industry, charcoal is used in the production of galvanized wire, non-ferrous metals, steel products, and glass. Thus, the consumers of packaged charcoal are:

  • Metallurgical and chemical industry
  • Housing and communal industry
  • Peasant farms
  • Private individuals

Required equipment

To organize a business for the production of charcoal, you will need the following equipment:

Charcoal burning oven PTORS-7G (pyrolysis plant)
Weight dispenser (packaging of finished products);
Portable bag sewing machine NewLong NP-7A
Hydraulic wood splitter "Gorynych 6T"
Chainsaw and hand tools (axes, cleavers, hacksaws).

The main equipment for the production of charcoal is pyrolysis plant. Currently, there are various options for charcoal kilns on the market, differing in productivity, degree of process automation, and cost. The change in the price of equipment, based on the level of performance, can be estimated in the following table.

One of the largest suppliers of equipment for the production of charcoal is the production and commercial company BMP, which manufactures furnaces under the brand name "Fire Dragon", this company offers more than 10 modifications of pyrolysis plants, costing from 59,000 rubles and ending with a price of 2.1 million rubles.

Table 1. Comparative analysis of the cost of charcoal kilns based on performance

To select the optimal equipment in terms of price and performance ratio, we will analyze the furnaces manufactured by BMP (furnace Fantastika 2/3) and SpetsTopResurs (furnace PTORS7D).

Table 2. Analysis of furnace equipment

As can be seen from the presented table, the pyrolysis furnace "Fantastic 2/3" is optimal in terms of price / performance ratio. In this regard, this stove is very often bought by entrepreneurs starting a charcoal production business.

Feasibility study of the project

To organize a small business for the production of charcoal, with a capacity of 12 tons per month, you will need the following investments:

  • Charcoal kiln - 199,000 rubles.
  • Weight dispenser - 137,000 rubles
  • Manual bag sewing machine - 16,500 rubles.
  • Wood splitter - 98,000 rubles.
  • Chainsaw - 38,000 rubles.
  • Hand tools (axes, cleavers, hacksaws) - 10,000 rubles.
  • Initial purchase of raw materials - 50,000 rubles.
  • Registration in the INFS, ordering a print, other expenses - 10,000 rubles.
  • Total 508 thousand rubles.

Profitability of activities

  • Subject to 100% load of equipment and work 25 days a month,
  • charcoal production will be 10 tons.,
  • Average wholesale price for 1 kg. finished products is 20 rubles, so the monthly revenue will be 200,000 rubles.
  • Serving staff 3 people (excluding the entrepreneur).
  • The net profitability of operations is 25%.
  • Return on investment 10-12 months.
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