Zodiac signs are tricky places. Strengths and weaknesses of the zodiac signs. Strengths of Sagittarius

It's no secret that our character largely depends on what sign of the zodiac we were born under. The same can be said about our strengths and weaknesses, the first of which help us to live, and the second, respectively, interfere - or vice versa? We read the horoscope and draw conclusions.


Strengths of Aries

Aries are active and energetic, they do not stop in front of obstacles and can break through any wall. They are so confident in themselves that they do not even allow the thought that something will not work out for them, therefore they often win victories where nothing else shines. Representatives of this zodiac sign can be very faithful, unless, of course, they see that their devotion is mutual. In addition, they easily negotiate with others, as they have a peculiar form of charm.

Weaknesses of Aries

Aries are selfish and overly proud, but at the same time they often idealize someone or something, and this leads to disappointment as a result. In addition, they are impatient, jealous, suppress other people. Aries are used to always being the center of attention, so if someone captures the interest of others, they consider it a personal insult and painfully experience the loss of popularity. Aries react inadequately to criticism and do not tolerate when their shortcomings are spoken about publicly.


Strengths of Taurus

Tauruses are extremely patient, and in order to piss them off, you need to try very hard (but if you have taken them out, beware). They are generous and condescendingly forgive everyone, especially those who are weaker than them or in some way dependent on them. They are incredibly practical and always know what can be useful and beneficial. They have a special relationship with money - material goods love them, so representatives of this zodiac sign rarely need anything.

Weaknesses of Taurus

Taurus are sometimes lazy and, if possible, indulge this weakness of theirs, even to the detriment of loved ones. In addition, they are conservative, it is difficult for them to accept something new, they have to be persuaded for something innovative for a long time, in fact, as well as everything with which they internally disagree. Taurus is unimaginably stubborn, and this complicates life not only for those around them, but also for themselves.


Strengths of Gemini

Gemini is incredibly eloquent, they can talk to anyone, they have no equal in oratory. In addition, they, as a rule, are so charming that they are forgiven for what others would have long been strangled for. Representatives of this zodiac sign are inquisitive and deftly handle the information they have obtained, they are observant and inventive, so they always know how to use any information and weak sides those around you to your advantage.

Weaknesses of Gemini

Gemini are restless and fickle, and this greatly interferes with their professional activities - they rarely stay long in one place of work. They often get involved in disputes with people next to whom you need to be silent and breathe "once again", which also does not contribute to career advancement. In addition, representatives of this sign are not used to denying themselves anything, and this regularly creates various problems for them.


Strengths of Cancer

Cancers are very perceptive, they have superbly developed intuition, so they often feel trouble long before they happen to them. This allows representatives of this zodiac sign to avoid many problems and misunderstandings. In addition, they, as a rule, are extremely smart, they know how to deftly handle money and ensure their existence for many years to come. And Cancers are very emotional, and if they are related to art, then this also becomes their strong point.

Weaknesses of Cancer

Cancerians are people of mood, which always reflects in what they do. In addition, they are sometimes incredibly shy, which does not allow them to actively defend their interests or say "no" to individuals who at that moment are comfortably settled around their necks. In addition, representatives of this sign are very difficult to get used to something new, and it is also not easy for them to let go of the past and wean themselves from something that they were attached to.

a lion

Strengths of Lions

Leos are usually talented and almost always find an opportunity to realize their potential. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign are generous, which attracts people to them and, surprisingly, material wealth. They constantly shine with some brilliant ideas, which they not only use themselves, but also generously endow those around them. Lions are used to relying solely on themselves, which in turn makes them independent and strong. And they are also very hospitable.

Weaknesses of Lviv

Lions have a sick pride, so they react immediately to any insults - with harsh words and insults. And although they themselves quickly calm down, those who were not lucky enough to offend them remember their hard-hitting replies for a long time. In addition, representatives of this sign always indulge their desires, they simply do not know how to say “no” to their loved ones, and this often negatively affects their well-being and relationships with those who are trying to limit them in some way. And we are talking not only about entertainment, but also about hard work (if they like the work).


Virgo's strengths

Virgos are extremely pedantic and attentive to details, they always look to the root and do not miss those little things that everyone else passes by. Representatives of this zodiac sign are incredibly clean, they maintain order both in external space and in their heads. They are very hardworking, for which they are appreciated by their superiors (but often disliked by colleagues). And yet Virgos are diligent, intelligent, smart enough, they never quit in the middle and strive for perfection in everything.

Weaknesses of Dev

Virgos cannot recognize someone's superiority, they constantly criticize everyone, because they consider themselves the ultimate truth, which in turn significantly complicates their relationship with others. Due to their nature, representatives of this sign regularly run into insults, which they experience very hard, but do not change anything in themselves, because they are sure that they are always right. In addition, Virgos trust too much everything that is written in books, but they do not put people who try to give them wise advice into anything.


Strengths of Libra

Libra is charming and artistic, which in turn attracts people who consciously or impulsively become their voluntary assistants. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign perfectly adapt to any circumstances, and this makes their existence, if not better, then at least easier. Libra is fair, does not like quarrels and reacts very painfully to conflicts, therefore they try to reconcile everyone around and willingly make concessions themselves, so as not to prolong an unpleasant situation, for which they receive various benefits in gratitude.

Weaknesses of Libra

It is very difficult for Libra to make decisions, they doubt everything all the time, they need advisers who would direct them in the right direction. Due to their indecision, they often miss out on opportunities, which negatively affects their self-esteem. In addition, representatives of this sign are very dependent on the opinions of others, and this constantly deprives them of their freedom of choice. And they do not know how to properly manage money, so they rarely boast of a stable financial position.


Strengths of Scorpios

Scorpions feel great in non-standard circumstances, so they often succeed where others cowardly tuck their tail and hide under the table. Representatives of this zodiac sign are excellent intuitives and connoisseurs of human souls, which allows them to benefit from even the most dubious situations. They have no equal where you need to reveal some secret, deftly manipulating others and overcoming dangers. And Scorpios always stubbornly go towards their goal, using all the means available to them to achieve it.

Weaknesses of Scorpions

Scorpions are their own enemies. They so often reflect and engage in self-digging that serious passions constantly rage in their souls, or even permanent hell reigns. Representatives of this sign do not care about criticizing other people, they themselves are both a god and a judge and do not give themselves a descent. In addition, they are very suspicious, so it is easier for them to believe that there are enemies around than to accept someone's kind and sincere attitude.


Strengths of Sagittarius

Sagittarians have a persistent and cheerful character, which allows them to easily overcome many difficulties. Representatives of this zodiac sign are always open to change, so they are not afraid of a change in the current reality - they know that it will be even more interesting in the future, so they do not reflect, but simply go forward. In addition, they willingly take the weak under their protection, and those, in turn, pay them not only with love and devotion, but also with more material things and quite tangible help.

Weaknesses of Sagittarius

Sagittarius are masters of impulsive actions, which often goes sideways with them. They regularly do or say something first and only then “turn on their heads”. However, they are also interested in stepping on the same rake, so they do not want to change anything. In addition, representatives of this sign do not tolerate when they are objected to, and this periodically complicates their relationship with those who are equal in strength to them. And Sagittarians are lazy in everything that does not concern their sphere of interests, so there are also problems with everyday life.


Strengths of Capricorns

Capricorns always know what they want, while they do not expect favors from nature, but they themselves achieve their goals. Representatives of this zodiac sign are almost impossible to knock off the chosen course, they are prudent and hardworking, for them there are no obstacles that could not be overcome or at least bypassed. In addition, they know how to negotiate with the powers that be, and even if it seems to influential people that they themselves have decided something, the will of Capricorns is almost always behind their choice.

Weaknesses of Capricorns

Capricorns are quite closed and not used to trusting people, and if you multiply this by their sometimes overly harsh statements, you can understand that they have few friends. However, they don't really need them. In addition, representatives of this sign are conservative and dogmatic, which in turn prevents them from accepting and using any innovative methods to achieve the goal in time. They are also too materialistic, and this does not allow them to fully enjoy life.


Strengths of Aquarius

Aquarians are open to everything new. They are not afraid of experiments, so while everyone else is just thinking about where and how to apply some innovative developments or innovative ideas, representatives of this zodiac sign boldly take the novelty into their own hands and use it to the maximum. In addition, they have no fear of change, they can change their place of residence or work at one moment if it seems to them that it will be better there. And in Aquarius, the talents necessary for some specific situations wake up very timely, even if they didn’t smell of them before.

Weaknesses of Aquarius

Aquarians are maximalists to the marrow of their bones, and this sometimes prevents them from living, because if one day they divide something into black and white, then it is very difficult for them to admit that everything is not so simple. In addition, they are sometimes attacked by isolation, they do not want to see anyone, and if such periods are prolonged, they may lose some of their acquaintances. In addition, they periodically fall into laziness and apathy, and then the sofa becomes their best friend, and things “tightly” freeze in place.


Strengths of Pisces

Pisces, despite the seeming melancholy, are quite active. For them, the word “must” is akin to the law, so as long as there is a need for some of their actions, they do not allow themselves to relax. This often helps them achieve significant career success and provide themselves with a strong financial backing. In addition, representatives of this zodiac sign have an excellent memory and excellent intuition, which in turn allows them to successfully analyze not only current, but also probable events and successfully adapt to them.

Weaknesses of Pisces

Fish are not stubborn, they are stubborn. If they come to some conclusion or decision, it is impossible to convince them, even if somewhere deep down they understand that their opponent is right and wishes them only the best. In addition, representatives of this sign love to worry over trifles. They can inflate a problem out of sheer nonsense and fight it courageously. And they pity everyone indiscriminately, and often to their own detriment. In general, even if everything is fine with them, they do everything so that life does not seem like honey to them.

When you know your weaknesses, they can turn into strengths if you can use that knowledge to your advantage.

Before we start this article, we would like to say that we are not trying to make anyone feel bad about their shortcomings. We just want to help each person blossom and grow into their best version, and for this you need to know about your weaknesses and strengths.

Well, now, we want to talk about the main weakness of each zodiac sign, so that you realize them and learn how to cope with them. When you know your weaknesses, they can turn into strengths if you can use that knowledge to your advantage.

ARIES 03/21-04/19

Aries do not like when someone other than themselves is in charge, because they like to take the reins of power at any opportunity.While Aries are natural leaders, they can sometimes get carried away and won't listen to the opinions of others.Aries also tend to make decisions without thinking through them fully and can come across as overly aggressive and easily annoyed.

TAURUS 20.04-20.05

Taurus is a very stable and reliable sign, however, he can get stuck in his own way and not want to change or grow when necessary. They love to do what they do best and do not try anything new in life because of the fear of failure. They have a lot of pride, which is partly why they like to stay in their comfort zone. They find something they are good at, make it a habit, and may not see other options or opportunities that come their way. Taurus can really be stubborn like bulls, so if you want to convince them of something, you need to train maximum patience.

GEMINI 21.05-20.06

Gemini, you both discourage us and delight us at the same time. Indeed, it seems that you have a split personality and can never make a final decision. Although this makes you an interesting and intriguing person. You always have something to talk about, although sometimes it seems that you are not listening.You constantly change your mind, and therefore it is difficult to keep up with you. You are constantly changing like a chameleon, but you stand out, not blend in. You are a mystery to us, and maybe even to yourself. Geminis often don't feel "fulfilled" in life, perhaps because they can't even decide what they really want to achieve.

RAK 21.06 -22.07

Cancers have a beautiful, sensitive, gentle soul, but their emotions often take over them so much that they are completely paralyzed. Cancers have a lot of self-esteem issues and often look to others for approval or recognition.Cancers need to be nurtured and groomed, and that can be too much for partners, close friends, and family.Cancerians can give a lot of love, but sometimes they put the needs of others ahead of their own. Cancerians can also change their mood in the blink of an eye and are very prone to anxiety and depression. They also tend to be both pessimists and idealists. They don't have much faith in the world because it doesn't look like the imaginary one they created in their head. Cancerians are also prone to laziness and procrastination.

LEV 23.07-22.08

how fire sign, Leo is constantly on the move. Leos love to be the center of attention, but sometimes they forget that others need to be given glory time too.Leos have a lot of pride, and this arrogance can annoy people.Leos can also get stuck in their opinions, which can make them appear inflexible and inflexible. They do not really like to listen to the opinions of others, because they know everything better than anyone. The egocentric nature of Leo also weighs down long term relationship with those around you.

VIRGO 08/23-09/22

Virgos have an overly analytical mind, which can be either a strong or a weak trait. They like to analyze and determine the causes of everything, but sucking on the same problem in search of a solution makes them prone to worries and anxiety. They are also prone to obsessive-compulsive disorder because they need things to happen in a certain way and get off balance when something goes wrong. Virgos also have a very old soul, which makes them work too hard and get too little rest. They are also very critical of themselves and others, which makes it difficult to connect with others.

LIBRA 23.09-22.10

Libra, by nature, is a calm and peaceful sign, but they can just lash out at you if you do something they don't like. Although, instead of telling you about the problem to your face, they will not talk to you or will behave passive-aggressively because they hate conflicts. But people don't always like to resolve conflicts, which means that if Libra doesn't learn to face problems rather than avoid them, they could lose their friendship. Libras can also hold a grudge against someone, which only exacerbates their problem of avoiding conflict whenever possible. They may focus too much on the bad things in their lives instead of channeling their energy into bringing about the good.

SCORPIO 23.10-21.11

Scorpio can be very loving and spontaneous, but at the same time, their jealousy and distrustful nature can ruin romantic relationship and friendship. And never do anything bad to them, because they will make a revenge plan to teach you a lesson and try to "get even". Scorpios often keep everything to themselves due to trust issues, and it is difficult for them to get close to others because of this.They have very deep emotions, but they don't show them much because they don't want to feel vulnerable.

SAGITTARIUS 22.11-21.12

Sagittarians are natural explorers. They easily feel bored, so they find it difficult to complete any project. They hate someone's influence and when they are told what to do. This can easily get them into trouble if they don't find a happy medium. Sagittarians also have no filters and can be rude or tactless depending on who they are with. Sagittarians are also very intolerant; and they will easily leave the project if it doesn't go the way they want. They need a lot of freedom and space to roam, which sometimes makes them seem unfriendly and windy.

CAPRICORN 22.12-19.01

Capricorns can work themselves to death and forget how to take care of themselves and just relax sometimes. They are obsessed with status and money because these two things represent the stability and success in life that they so desire in life. Capricorns can show off a lot about their work or accomplishments, which can alienate people from them. It is difficult for them to open up to others, and they think of themselves higher than other people.But they have hidden insecurities, and they are actually afraid of the opinions and thoughts of others.Therefore, they have a bad habit of gossiping about other people and discussing only facts, not opinions. They are also pessimists and expect the worst scenario in any situation.

AQUARIUS 20.01-18.02

Aquarius is another difficult sign to understand. On the one hand, they are good friends, thanks to their ability to communicate and diverse interests.But they have difficulty expressing emotions, which can make it difficult to keep friends or partners.They deeply despise anything that is too boring or familiar and they have an incredible thirst for adventure and travel. Because of this, it is difficult for them to stay in one place and focus on responsibilities and activities that are simply part of life in today's world. Aquarians can seem unfriendly because they stay in their own little world instead of joining the one going on around them.

FISH 19.02-20.03

Last but not least, Pisces. An emotional, sensitive, finicky water sign who loves creative expression and is always looking to help others. But Pisces, like Cancers, can let their strong emotions get the better of them. Pisces can also go out of their way to help someone but forget to take care of themselves and pay attention to themselves.They also find it difficult to face reality and want to escape from it in any way possible.If they can't find a creative outlet, this desire to run away can lead them down a dark path if they're not careful. Their violent emotions make them prone to anxiety and depression.

Compatibility horoscope: Pisces zodiac sign weak points - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

The Natural Potential of Pisces

The vitality of people of the Pisces zodiac sign depends on the decade in which they were born: if we are talking about the first two, then they are physically less strong, although in general their health cannot be called weak. In the third decade, the influence of energetic Mars is felt, which makes Pisces born at this time more powerful. As for the last quarter, such people are characterized by increased sensitivity - both to external biophysical factors and to emotional impact. With outward calm, they often experience great internal tension and anxiety, which invariably provokes the development of ailments. Pisces born at this time are the weakest and most painful.

Vulnerabilities and characteristic problems of Pisces

In the human body, the sign of Pisces corresponds to the feet, on which, as you know, there is a huge number of biologically active points. Everything related to the circulation of fluids in the body, as well as the immune system, also falls under the influence of this zodiac sign.

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The most vulnerable parts of the Pisces body also include the lymphatic and digestive systems, the circulatory system, the heart, fingers, ligaments, tendons, and ankles. The most characteristic ailments for them are colds, viral infections, pneumonia, infectious diseases, fungal diseases, conjunctivitis, problems with the endocrine glands, increased mucus production in the intestines and lungs. A whole group of Pisces diseases is associated with the nervous system, they are often accompanied by neurasthenia, neuroses, and various mental disorders. It has been noted that among Pisces there are many who suffer from schizophrenia. People of this sign need to protect their feet from injury, use comfortable shoes. They also need to pay close attention to the treatment of cuts and scrapes so that a serious infection does not develop.

Sick fish, features of the course of diseases

Fish can hardly tolerate even the most serious diseases. Their ailments are characterized by a latent course, they are difficult to diagnose. It is preferable for people of this zodiac sign to deal with a family doctor who knows the whole history of their illnesses; they need careful examinations and increased attention. Don't let Pisces heal themselves. These people enjoy reading medical literature, even when it is not necessary, and almost always find symptoms of non-existent diseases in themselves.

A characteristic feature of Pisces is their ability to create health problems for themselves: when they think they are sick, destructive mechanisms are really launched in their body, leading to a real illness. The sensitivity of this sign to drugs is increased, especially sedatives. In addition, Pisces often suffer from slow metabolic processes, which is why toxins and other wastes are not always properly removed from their body, so Pisces should be very careful in choosing and taking medicines.

Given the direct relationship between balance nervous system Pisces and their state of health, one of the main conditions for strengthening the body can be called minimizing the number of negative emotions they receive. These people need to love themselves and learn to calmly perceive everything that happens around them. Pisces suffer from a sense of the huge difference between what their rich imagination draws and reality, so they cannot allow themselves to plunge into their own fantasies too deeply. The destruction of the world of their own illusions is fraught with the loss of health for representatives of the Pisces sign, since negative impressions act on their body like poison.

Pisces often have vision problems, in which case they are recommended to use exercises from the arsenal of yoga to strengthen the muscles of the eyes.

For Pisces, who are quickly tired, often under stress, good rest is very important. Representatives of this sign find it difficult to relax, especially after a strong overexcitation, but they are not recommended to take sedatives or alcohol: they become addicted very quickly. Pisces also quickly get used to other medicines, therefore, with prolonged use, drugs must be periodically replaced with analogues.

It is very useful to systematically massage the feet - the body of Pisces responds well to such a massage. In general, people of this sign should pay special attention to their legs - they need to be protected from injury and hypothermia, kept warm and dry.

As the health horoscope suggests, Pisces respond well to homeopathic remedies, especially since they are not addictive, so if possible, their use is recommended in the first place. These people, more than others, are shown psychoanalysis and therapy based on this theory. The method of iridology works effectively in relation to them.

Fish are useful for any water procedures, and trips to the sea for representatives of this zodiac sign are not just a pleasure, but a vital necessity. Classes in music, poetry, philosophy, maintaining smooth relationships with loved ones help to reduce the excitability of the nervous system. Exercise stress for Pisces should be moderate; not only swimming and other water sports are good for them, but also cycling, rowing, aerobic dancing, fencing, and yoga, of which stretching exercises are more useful than other signs for Pisces.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

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Fish. Advantages and disadvantages of Pisces

Pisces are usually optimistic, they are characterized by increased emotionality and excitability. They are generous and loving, have a well-developed imagination and intuition. Pisces are inherent in kindness, benevolence, appeasement, but in order for a person born under the sign of Pisces to show his kind attitude towards you, he must feel that you are ready to repay him in kind. However, Pisces tend to be unreliable, impractical, self-pitying, fickle, restless, and have periods of depression and melancholy.

This is a soft, compliant person, amenable to other people's influence, with a weak will. Avoids confronting a certain clear statement of the case. Pisces are sensitive, patient, follow anyone with a strong will and cannot show their "I". Capable of art and music, prone to mysticism. People are versatile, imaginative and dreamy.

In their youth, people of this sign very easily deviate from morality, have a weakness for poisons and drugs. They do not inspire confidence at all, they serve both yours and ours. They have a penchant for beauty and aesthetics and with this they reward themselves for many years of disappointment in life. Religiously minded.

Temperament: phlegmatic.

Pisces often has a very difficult life path full of failures. Man - often remains in the shadows, if not pushed by a strong hand. It can achieve prosperity if it is directed on the right path in time and bad connections are eliminated.

pisces zodiac sign weaknesses

The image goes back to the Greek myth of Aphrodite and Eros, who turned into fish in order to jump into the river and elude the monster named Typhon.

The symbol denotes two fish holding a "silver thread" that binds them in their mouths. Usually, fish are drawn looking in different directions, which means a conflict in a person between body and soul.

Empathy, versatility, self-denial. This is a hypersensitive sign, it reacts very strongly to the thoughts and feelings of other people. Pisces tend to unconsciously absorb other people's ideas and ideas. Pisces do not have a very strong will, they depend on the circumstances. It is useful for them to learn to stand on their own feet.

Duality sign. It is difficult for Pisces to make decisions, they are often tired, this prevents them from playing sports and doing hard work. Pisces are not fighters. Their aversion to arguments makes them timid. For them, injustice is better than a forced struggle for their rights.

If the patience of Pisces bursts, they can get angry so that they cannot be calmed down for a long time. Pisces are charming, their charm, humor and participation open many doors for them. They can be diligent and precise, like a fish swimming upstream. The mood of Pisces ranges from extreme optimism to black melancholy.

Pisces do not strive for material goods, because they instinctively understand that the search for their own Self will be successful for them only if physical needs are not a source of concern for them. It is often useful for Pisces to learn how to handle both their own and other people's good more carefully.

Pisces are good at feeling the subtle currents in human relationships and tend to stay away from others. They guard their individuality, carefully listen to their inner voice. They love to live their dreams. If this ability is developed and controlled, excellent acting skills can be developed. Poets, musicians, sculptors are born under this sign.

Musicality is an innate quality of Pisces. Many of them are singers. Pisces are often more than imaginative. Thanks to this, they feel well someone else's painful reaction to words and deeds. They are genuinely compassionate.

Many Pisces are ready to do anything in the name of alleviating the suffering of people, in particular, to work in bad conditions. They devote themselves to the sick and the desperate, and demand no reward. If they have found themselves, they are amiable, disinterested, devoted, selfless. Their feelings are tender and sincere, they close their eyes to the shortcomings of their loved ones.

The lack of Pisces is fatalism. They must learn to understand that they are not powerless in their destiny, to look at themselves realistically, to use all the opportunities at their disposal. Not realizing their fatalism Pisces, they are embarrassed and lost. Awareness of it gives them the opportunity to develop.

    • The motto is "I believe".
    • Most Pairs With: Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo
    • Average compatibility with: Gemini
    • Least Pairs With: Aries, Leo

Children's horoscope

You have a quiet, peaceful and friendly child. He dreams a lot and often confuses fantasy with reality. Toddlers can mix up the time: they will sleep when they need to be awake, and vice versa. Children's illnesses occur in them atypically: chickenpox can be similar to an allergy, and an allergy to chickenpox. Only an experienced pediatrician can understand this. They may have strange likes and dislikes about food. Mom should not be upset and even more so scream at the child. It is better to calmly remove the food that the child does not want to eat. But they are funny. If you want your child to definitely eat the food you offer, come up with some kind of funny game. The child will have fun and imperceptibly do what you want from him. These children love water games, fairy tales with miracles and reincarnations. But they cannot stand the noise, screams, violence. Violence horrifies them. They should not watch TV before going to bed, they should not listen to sad or gloomy music. In general, these children are easily upset and upset. They can get sick because of it.

The most important thing for them is a quiet, peaceful environment. They find it difficult to communicate with noisy or violent children. Invite only people they love into your home. Children willingly come into contact with your child, everyone likes his peaceful nature and always ready to laugh.

Sometimes it may seem to you that you are losing contact with your child, he is in some kind of dream world of his own. You need to develop in him a sense of reality, practicality. It is difficult for a child to focus on one thing, it is difficult for him to make a certain decision. Sometimes he cannot solve even such a simple task: put on a coat or raincoat, boots or shoes. Develop in him the ability to make a decision on his own and insist on it. These children, as a rule, do not understand anything about money. Give your child pocket money and teach them how to use it.

It is difficult to understand what a child has a talent for. Most often, those born under the sign of Pisces are capable of everything in the world. It is useful for them to engage in art, their mood improves from this. It is also useful and pleasant for a child to have pets.

As a rule, Pisces does not have ambition at all and it is useless to develop it. These children learn easily. But they sometimes lack self-confidence, and they may miss a favorable chance for themselves. Slaps, screams, punishments never reach the goal in communicating with Pisces. But they are easily amenable to peaceful influence.

Give them a specific time and place to practice. The child should have his own corner, space and size should be thought out and the child likes it.

Class times must be strictly adhered to. A solid daily routine will bring great benefit to your child. These children easily absorb any influences: both bad and good. This is their strength and weakness. Until a child has learned to distinguish between good and bad, he may fall under a bad influence. Despite the outward softness and suppleness of the child, it can be difficult to drive him away from bad company if he has already fallen under its influence. Therefore, parents should keep track of who his friends are. Try to establish an emotional connection with your child. It is important to choose the right moment: it is best to have a sincere conversation with him in a calm, quiet environment before bedtime.

Diseases in these children proceed atypically, as already mentioned above. The overall viability of the child is not very high. Parents should protect him from grief, because upset he can get sick with any disease (possible diseases of the throat, lungs, digestive disorders, diseases associated with the mucous membrane and endocrine glands). Pisces symbolizes the feet of a person. Choose your child carefully shoes, he may have calluses, flat feet, curvature of the toes. There is also a tendency to somnambulism and hypochondria. Make sure that your child is not sad, not upset, not nervous. Then the probability of diseases will be much less.

What is contraindicated for a Pisces child?

Scary stories on TV, scenes of violence, sad music. The company of noisy or violent people. Any screams, noise, nervousness. The company of adults or children, exerting a bad influence.

What does a Pisces child need?

In a quiet peaceful atmosphere. In art, in pets. Teach him to make decisions and insist on it, to distinguish dreams from reality.

Know how to focus. If possible, teach how to handle pocket money.

Temperament and character

This is the last of the signs of the Zodiac. Pisces usually understand everyone and everyone except themselves. All his life he can search for his own "I", moving to the touch and stumbling, not knowing how to perceive this "I".

Pisces is led and controlled by the hidden side of life. It is difficult to connect them with anything, every moment has its own truth for them, they are like a leaking gas. Pisces are born tired, they do not have the energy to remove obstacles, for the daily efforts to overcome petty worries. Their life is like a house without window panes, any wind blows through this house.

Any pain, heat, cold - everything affects them and immediately affects, making the poor inhabitant of this house even more poor and tired. Others, on the contrary, have a nervous energetic nature that can keep them awake for days, weeks, during which most of them wear themselves out, starting many unfinished business, projects, plans, putting them off until tomorrow, etc. An enthusiastic, strong type of Pisces, who controls himself, but more by persuasion than by force.

Pisces are citizens of the universe, not belonging to themselves, they are nowhere and everywhere. They rarely feel welcome, they have to be told at least twice that you want to see them or treat them before they think that you might really want to see them.

Pisces are interested in everything and everyone, but in a very specific way, for them there is nothing really worthwhile, but there is no potentially more internally rich person than developed Pisces. But these are rare, since concentration, effort, willpower are needed to work on oneself, Pisces is somewhere halfway between zero and infinity. They oscillate between the bad and the majestic, between the monastery and the prison, from innocent conciliation to masochistic destruction, from compassion for human misfortune to wallowing in self-pity.

Pisces are victims of themselves and others. Pisces are sinless children who can remain calm in the face of real danger and panic over nonsense.

Perhaps these are the most devoted and affectionate people of all the signs of the zodiac.

You want to take them with you, soften their pain, help them find themselves, take their hand, take them out of the fog, but they rarely allow you to do this. They cling to their suffering, which is mistaken for reality. Usually their "reality" wins and drags the helper into the desolate land of despair. That is why there are many fatal women among Pisces. Mysticism and fantasy prevail in their choice of clothes, they care little about the requirements of fashion, they can even be careless in clothes.

It is easier for a woman to be Pisces than men, as society considers a languid, dreamy, indecisive woman to be charming and does not approve of these traits in men.

sexual characteristic

Of all the 12 signs of the zodiac, Pisces is the hardest to describe. If u have any clues to their sex. life in general, it can be found in the influence of Neptune in the field of sex, as well as in the highest octave - Venus, which makes Pisces super-idealistic and spiritual. Pisces will readily agree that finding a person with all the virtues they are looking for is next to impossible. So they don't even try.

Another way to describe their sex. life is to study the various traditional characteristics attributed by astrologers to the 12th house of the horoscope, which is ruled by Pisces (it is called the house of secret enemies and death). He deals with mental illness, sexual deviations. He also governs unforeseen tragedies in a person's life, damage to the senses, solitude. Therefore, they are often compatible with people zn. Virgo and Libra, especially in the spiritual emotional area, as these signs also have their difficulties regarding the physical side of love.

Pisces are prone to relationships between a man and a woman of the "slave - master" type, they themselves often act as a slave. Their desire to be under someone else's power makes them look for strong-willed people who rule over them with almost military rigor in all areas of life.

Positive features

Pisces have many positive traits, but because of their tendency to self-destruct and negativity, they have to struggle more than others to show their good qualities.

Their intentions are usually honest, and they do not expect to meet them in other people. They are tolerant of mistakes. They love the beauty of nature. They seem to acquire knowledge subconsciously and often state facts and truths that they have not fully comprehended, but which will still turn out to be true. They have a highly developed sense of humor. They are often too conscientious in their work, but they must learn to be more methodical and organized. They also need to have more faith in themselves and their abilities, trust their intuition. They are sympathetic to the shortcomings, they cannot see or even hear about the suffering of others.

Negative Traits

Perhaps their biggest flaw will not be called a flaw by other people, but for Pisces this is a negative quality: they would rather withdraw into their fictional world than meet face to face with real life. They would be calmer if they learned to live for today.

Pisces must try to stabilize their personality and resist the winds that blow them in all directions. They should also try to be less scattered in their thoughts and take a stand. Sometimes they may feel that their mood has suddenly changed dramatically and that they will later regret the wrong choice. But this is even better than their constant indecision.

If everything I have already said about Pisces in this regard makes you think that they are weak and helpless, then I have misled you. They are among the most skilled players in the economy of love.

Due to feelings of insecurity and fluctuating moods, they learn from early childhood about the power of money. If they do not always know how to make a lot of them themselves, they skillfully manipulate those who can make money. If there is such a person who has an excess of money and does not know how to spend it, he should get in touch with a fish who has a luxurious art and will help get rid of excess money quickly and in good style.

Most suitable partners

Until the age of 29.5, the most suitable partners should be sought among the signs of Cancer and Scorpio. All three are water signs and until age 29.5 their relationship is very close, emotional, passionate and often stormy. In their youth, Pisces are attracted to the overbearing personalities of Scorpio and the childishly impractical Cancers.

After 29.5 years, they may be compatible with the sign of Libra. Libra attracts Pisces with calm grace and a sense of balance. Mature Pisces are attracted to Aquarians, who expand their world of communication and help suppress their over-emotionality.

After 41.5 years, Pisces has already gained more stability and has come close to its the best partner and a friend - Virgo, the opposite sign of Pisces. Both signs are birds of the same flight, under the sharp astrological skin, together they stabilize each other. Both signs are indifferent to sex.

In conclusion, I encourage Pisces to try each of the 12 signs, as Pisces is the hardest to find a partner.

Loyalty score

Usually Pisces are very loyal people, especially in their youth, when they have deep and long ties with strong personalities who will guide their relationship and rule. But the latter must endure the modest and shy nature of Pisces.

Her world is the world of actors, artists, writers, the world of bohemia. She lives in the realm of dreams and hopes she invented. Her eroticism is realized in adoration, love "drama", game, but not in physical intimacy. And although she tries in her rich imagination to turn her partner into a prince, her low temperament does not bring her complete satisfaction from intimacy. Her life passes in anticipation of a miracle, in the hope of meeting someone who will shower her with roses. As a rule, men do not return to her, because they do not really like romantic tears at the time of intimate caresses. Misunderstanding that in sex one must be able not only to take, but also to give, plunges her into a state of melancholy. By nature she is kind, and many young men have their first experience in her arms. In marriage, she often commits betrayals, which neither she nor her husband are able to explain.

One born under this constellation is endowed with great sensuality. His rich inner world is full of experiences and contrasts, and erotic motifs do not occupy much space in him. last place. His sensuality excites women and gives them a lot of pleasure. But any of their attempts to penetrate into his soul, he gently but surely rejects. When such attempts become persistent, he quietly leaves, letting the woman know that he is "a cat that walks by itself." He well understands the truth that a woman "loves with her ears", and is able to drive her crazy with her speeches. Even the best friends do not know about his intimate relationships. It is enough for him to experience his victories alone. At heart, he is a collector, but a collector who knows how to appreciate his acquisitions. He enters into marriage quite consciously, although he does not feel the need for either a wife or children. Married life he is quite stable, but his wife will miss his sincerity.

Usually take care of their health. Like the Virgo, they begin to take precautions and look for symptoms of the disease. At the first news of the flu, read all kinds of medical journals and manuals, sometimes not the most popular ones. They often mislead themselves.

Pisces are tender and subject to all kinds of diseases that can strike unexpectedly and seriously. Pisces are picky eaters and love delicacies. There are many vegetarians among Pisces.

Weaknesses: feet, heels, limbs, they are often subject to edema, especially in the ankles, varicose veins, rheumatism, abscesses, tumors, polyps, colds. More than other signs of the zodiac are predisposed to schizophrenia.

Measures: warm, dry climate, avoid damp areas. Physical exercise, frequent rest, vacation on a temperate sea coast, in open mountainous areas. Keep feet dry and warm. Regular foot bath and nasal hygiene with sea salts.

Gastronomic horoscope

The last sign of the Zodiac, and therefore they are all so different. Mentally mobile, but very changeable. Some are too lethargic, others are mobile, but all PISCES have great internal strength. Great sensitivity, emotions and passions greatly affect their mental state. In the metabolic processes of FISH, the weak link is the neutralization and removal of poisons and toxins. Therefore, a diet and foods containing potassium sulfate, iron phosphate, iodine and sulfur are so important to them.

Recommendations. Avoid fried, fatty foods hot sauces and gravy, caustic spices, as well as strong alcohol, nicotine, drugs. FISH porridges made from whole grains and rice are most suitable. From fruits it is best to choose grapes, apples and pomegranates. It is good to eat nuts and seeds - sunflower and pumpkin. Of the early vegetables - radishes.

Horoscope of "pain points" - Find out the weak points of the representatives of the 12 signs of the Zodiac! It's no secret that a girl is a very sensitive and vulnerable nature. Today we want to introduce you to the pain points of the 12 signs of the Zodiac, when pressed, a woman can simply drown in a river of tears. And maybe it will explode. All this is envy from the sign under which you were born.

This horoscope pleased me with its 100% accuracy, here I am a cancer girl, very vulnerable in life, even because of some trifle I can cry all day and be offended ... Well, very receptive. In order to somehow prevent all this, we propose to acquaint the representatives of each sign of the Zodiac with the “pain points”.

Horoscope of pain points:

Horoscope of pain points: Aries

You can’t take an Aries girl with one blow, don’t even try. Aries are invincible. But it is still possible to inflict real mental suffering on her. Unless, of course, you are afraid of the consequences. You just need to do something to spite her all the time. And to do this supposedly not from evil, but because you don’t seem to understand what she wants. Very soon, your Aries girl will simply be torn apart from anger.

Horoscope of pain points: Taurus

It is quite easy to offend a Taurus girl. Because you don't have to do anything for it. Generally. It must be carefully ignored. It is best to pretend that it does not exist for you at all, but this, of course, is a task for the advanced. We recommend that beginners answer her questions in monosyllables - “Yes”, “No” or “I don’t know”, and as soon as the Taurus girl starts talking about herself, you should sigh theatrically and roll your eyes in pain. All. She will immediately cry loudly and leave offended forever.

Pain Point Horoscope: Gemini

The twins know how to pretend that they have pain points everywhere: wherever you poke - a bruise. But in fact, they have only one real pain point - they cannot stand reproaches. And, if you want to put pressure on a sore spot, blame the Gemini for the fact that they themselves are to blame for everything, because they did not mature in time. And now all normal people are doing well, but Gemini ... Do not forget to make a mournful expression on your face and whisper falsely “I feel sorry for you!”.

Horoscope of pain points: Cancer

But the Cancer girl is really one big sore point: she can be inflicted with unbearable suffering by anything. It is enough to say “Be healthy!” in the wrong tone when she sneezes - that's all. You will just hit a nerve. But keep in mind that the Cancer girl keeps her grievances to herself, so it’s unlikely that spiteful critics will be able to enjoy the effect.

Horoscope of pain points: Leo

To hurt the Lioness is as easy as shelling pears: you can, for example, give her an insufficiently chic gift - and that's it, offended! But, however, the Lioness will not suffer for long and will soon simply delete the villain from the list of her acquaintances. But if you need to hurt the heart of the Lioness forever, then it is best to publicly humiliate her. This Lioness will not survive.

Horoscope of pain points: Virgo

You don’t even need to look for the Virgo’s pain point - this is a point called “painful pride”. The problem is that it is absolutely impossible to hurt Virgo's pride with words: she still knows more words, and the number of caustic constructions that she skillfully composes from these words tends to infinity. But there is another way: you need to find out what the Virgin is working on now, and do the same, but before she does. And better than her. And for everyone around to recognize that you did it earlier and better than she did. What, have you already changed your mind about offending the Virgin?

Horoscope of pain points: Libra

Libra girls are light natures who do not take anything to heart. Because there, at the heart, there is simply no more free space: everything is occupied by beautiful, interesting, cute. But what she absolutely cannot stand is rudeness. So, if for some reason you really need to make the Libra girl suffer - be rude, as if you were on a tram, in the market and in line at the clinic at the same time. And then the tears of Libra will shed.

Horoscope of pain points: Scorpio

Scorpio girls are completely incomprehensible creatures, so it seems to everyone that their pain point is hidden further than Koshcheev's death. But in fact, the pain point of Scorpio is in the most prominent place: in order to hurt the Scorpio young lady, you just need to refuse her something.

Agree, it's almost impossible! Who can boast of hurting a Scorpio, huh? We bark a little hint for the strong half of humanity: the phrase “Not today, dear, my head hurts,” and you are at the goal!

Pain Point Horoscope: Sagittarius

The Sagittarius girl does not take herself too seriously, self-irony is her main quality. That's where you need to hit her. Try to take it seriously: these jokes, strange actions, unrestrained fun - everything should certainly be noted, preferably out loud and in public. And then Sagittarius will go to suffer. To suffer from the fact that this world is inhabited by fierce personalities, unable to do important things without a serious expression on their faces.

Horoscope of pain points: Capricorn

From the outside, it may seem that the Capricorn girl does not have any pain points at all. But this, of course, is not the case. It's almost impossible to get to that place. To hurt a Capricorn girl, she needs to be abandoned.

To hurt her very much, you need to leave her without explanation and showdown. But it's not so easy: where did you see an idiot who would throw such a treasure? But even if you saw this, be sure that he has already managed to regret his deed a hundred times - after all, the Capricorn girl shook her whole soul before leaving him.

Horoscope of pain points: Aquarius

It’s hard to think of why you can offend an Aquarius girl! But if you really need it, then you should know: the Aquarius girl needs to be made clear that her company has become unpleasant for you. That there's too much of it. That she is, firstly, dull, and secondly, obsessive. Unbearably, impossibly stuffy woman. You can even tell her that. You will inflict a fatal insult with this, but, however, only once: the Aquarius girl will either never forgive this and you are free, or she will forgive, but you will not get rid of her anymore.

Pain Point Horoscope: Pisces

Pisces' pain point is a button called "That's it, go on by yourself." “Next itself” - this means that Rybka will no longer be led by the hand and carried on the handles, they will not protect her from this evil, soulless world, they will not bring her life's blessings in her beak. No, Rybka is able to take care of herself, and even better than some. But how painful and embarrassing!

The day and hour of birth is the date by which you can determine your fate: success in personal life, career, wealth. But it turns out, by the sign of the zodiac, it is easy to find out what diseases a person is prone to. All this is in the article!

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Each of the twelve signs of the zodiac has its own weaknesses. As a rule, people of the same sign are prone to similar diseases. Disease is better to prevent than to cure. Knowing what to pay attention to and how you can protect and strengthen your health, you have a chance to avoid many of the diseases that you are predisposed to.

Well, let's start!

1. Aries. Representatives of this sign from birth have good health, but, alas, few Aries care about him. Therefore, it is not surprising that over time, Aries has a whole “bouquet” of sores:

  • The weak point of Aries is the head, so they are more likely to get a sunstroke in the summer, for example, and in the winter - a spasm of cerebral vessels or otitis media. Therefore, in cold weather, they must definitely wear a hat that protects their heads from the cold, and in summer - a cap from the sun.
  • Also, Aries can have any head and face injuries.
  • Aries should be very careful about the spine and the cardiovascular system, they often suffer from hypertension.
  • In order to protect themselves from injuries and illnesses, Aries first of all need to bring order into their lives, take care of their peace of mind, not break loose and not be nervous over trifles. Balanced diet will help strengthen the immune system and improve well-being.
2. Taurus

Taurus, like Aries, has good health potential. But they also have their weak points: the throat, larynx and intestines. Many of their diseases begin with the throat: a neglected sore throat can turn into acute bronchitis, and bronchitis can turn into asthma. Taurus is more likely than other signs of the zodiac to get swelling of the larynx as a result of allergies. Therefore, they should protect their throat and larynx: do not drink too cold drinks, do not overcool. Taurus love to eat and along with this are lazy, so there may be problems with overweight. To feel good, Taurus should move more, play sports. The more active Taurus, the healthier he is.

3. Twins. For representatives of this sign, health problems begin in childhood, and the reason in most cases is psychological:

  • Various nervous disorders and self-doubt lead to a weakened immune system and frequent colds.
  • Due to stress and excessive emotionality, Gemini has a skin rash that occurs on a nervous basis, but they are also prone to food and drug allergies.
  • Since all diseases of Gemini are mainly from nerves, the main recommendation is fresh air, good dream, natural food. Food should contain a large amount of phosphorus and calcium and vitamins B, C, E and D.
  • The ability to relax and get rid of negative emotions will help Gemini to maintain their health.
4. Cancer

Like Gemini, he is emotional and sensitive. Any problem of a personal nature can become the starting point of a serious illness. Crayfish often suffer from colds, rhinitis and tonsillitis. Women need to be sure to monitor the mammary glands: there is a possibility of mastitis, mastopathy and even breast cancer. Cancers are very restless, so there is a tendency to peptic ulcers, as well as gastritis.

Cancers are prone to puffiness, so they should not drink a lot of fluids, and it also makes sense to abstain from foods that are high in fat, sugar, and starch. The main recommendation for Cancers is to stop worrying about trifles, winding yourself up and taking everything to heart. Your mental health is directly related to your physical health.

5. A lion. Representatives of this sign:

  • First of all, you need to take care of the spine and the cardiovascular system - Lviv often have myocardial infarctions.
  • To support the heart, you need to eat millet porridge. Millet contains a lot of potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart. cucumber juice, dried apricots and Walnut also strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
  • You should not get carried away with animal fats - they lead to atherosclerosis, to which Lions are located. Emotional condition Leo affects their metabolism: it is desirable for them to stimulate the nervous and digestive systems.
  • You should go in for sports, especially running uphill will be useful - this will strengthen the heart and prevent them from gaining excess weight.
6. Virgo

She is very suspicious. When Virgo leads an active lifestyle, busy with interesting work, family, she has no time to think about her sores, and she considers herself quite healthy. It is worth going through stress, falling into depression, or simply starting to mess around - illnesses one after another immediately pile up on Virgo, suspiciousness is to blame. In fact, the most vulnerable organ of Dev is the stomach and intestines, so the choice of products must be approached very carefully (they must be fresh and preferably not “heavy” for the stomach). Be careful with alcohol and laxatives - everything that irritates the intestines is contraindicated for Virgos!

They also often have skin problems: eczema, dandruff, inflammation of the sebaceous glands. To avoid skin diseases, the diet should not be too fatty, spicy or spicy foods.

7. Scales:

  • The most vulnerable parts of the body are the kidneys and spine. And due to the fact that Libra is a gourmet (they cannot live without exotic dishes and hot spices and sauces), after eating just such food they are thirsty and they drink a lot, overloading vulnerable kidneys.
  • Often, Libra suffer from curvature of the spine, osteochondrosis.
  • They also have an unstable nervous system. Despite the fact that others may give the impression of a person quite happy, in their hearts they may suffer and doubt.
  • Libra needs more rest and relaxation. Internal balance is the key to physical harmony.
8. Scorpion. Representatives of this sign:
  • They can get very seriously ill with a serious illness, eating themselves with evil or sorrowful thoughts: many diseases of Scorpio are from his thoughts.
  • Should protect the nasopharynx, heart, legs and spine.
  • Scorpions often have diseases of the circulatory system and varicose veins. There is a high risk of infectious diseases, both respiratory, airborne, and venereal, sexually transmitted.
  • Be sure to eat fresh vegetables: asparagus, cabbage, radish. And, of course, fruits - figs, cherries, prunes, gooseberries. These products not only remove toxins, but also help the body resist various infections.
9. Sagittarius

The most important organ for this sign is the liver. Sagittarians are very fond of well-seasoned dishes, and they simply cannot live without high-calorie desserts. All this naturally leads to liver disease sooner or later. Also, due to malnutrition, Sagittarians often have pancreas pain, so the very first thing Sagittarius needs to do to prevent liver and pancreas disease is to adjust their diet. To put his liver in order, Sagittarius needs vitamins C (rose hips, sea buckthorn, black currant, red pepper) and B vitamins (sprouted wheat, calf's liver, egg yolks). Due to excessive stress, Sagittarians often suffer from nervous disorders. He needs to rest and eat more more vegetables and fruits.

10. Capricorn.
The weak point of Capricorns is teeth and bones, therefore it is desirable to strengthen bone tissue. For this, it is useful to eat nuts, seeds, bananas, spinach, beans, celery, almonds. Capricorns have a rather "sluggish" metabolism, so they should avoid highly fatty, spicy and spicy foods. The most useful for them are foods rich in protein and iron.

Capricorns are prone to melancholy, as a result of which they often suffer from mental illness. As a rule, if Capricorn gets sick, the disease is delayed and can turn into a chronic illness. Representatives of this sign need to be in the sun more, the ideal option for them is a sunny climate and mountain air. You should definitely support the body with vitamin complexes, massage will also be very useful.

11. Aquarius

For representatives of this sign, vascular diseases are a typical ailment, so they need to eat foods rich in vitamins B and E. There may also be metabolic problems, which means they need sodium chloride, which is found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Aquarians need to monitor their health very closely: most diseases are transient, while it is this sign that manages to get sick with rare, undiagnosed diseases.

Aquarians can hardly endure a sharp change in weather, their pressure jumps, their head hurts, and their sleep is disturbed. There is also a predisposition to arthritis and thrombophlebitis. To maintain their health, Aquarius benefits from an active lifestyle and frequent changes of scenery.

12. Fish:

  • They are suspicious, they like to make a whole tragedy out of a slight illness. Sometimes you don't mind pretending.
  • The main problem of Pisces is a weakened immune system. All diseases cling to them precisely because of the inability of the body to fight germs, viruses and malfunctions. internal organs as a result of stress and fatigue.
  • Pisces must follow the daily routine and the food they eat. It is advisable to take vitamins.
  • Pisces have metabolic problems, and they also suffer from puffiness, so they need protein-rich foods: lean meat, yogurt, nuts, eggs. These products help to remove fluid from the body.
  • Pisces need to pay attention to the legs and feet - there is a predisposition to varicose veins, rheumatism, and swelling. Keep your feet dry and warm, and take foot baths with herbs or sea salt to prevent foot ailments.

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