Deadly diseases of cats list. Chronic viral infections of cats. What can be done to ensure that your beloved cat does not get infected - viral infections in cats

Home is a fluffy pet, friend, "home doctor". But what if our four-legged doctor himself fell ill? After all, the myth of nine cat lives is just a myth, and cats do get exposed to dangerous infections, both viral and bacterial. How to recognize the disease and help your pet in time? Is it possible to get infected from a domestic cat? It is important for every owner of a mustachioed friend to know the answers to these and other questions.

infectious diseases

Cats are susceptible to more than a hundred different diseases, including those that can be transmitted to humans. So, among cat ailments there are congenital pathologies and which are practically not subject to treatment, age-related changes, diseases as a result of injuries and interventions, hereditary pathologies, and helminthic invasions. And, of course, it can suffer from diseases of an infectious nature, the causative agents of which are pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and viral agents. Infection usually occurs through water, food, habitat, and airborne droplets.

We will consider a detailed classification of infectious diseases of cats with their symptoms below.

Did you know?The physique is truly unique: the animal does not have collarbones, therefore it is able to get into any hole into which it can stick its head. The back of a cat consists of 53 vertebrae, so the pet strikes with flexibility and grace (in humans- only 34).


Viral diseases affect not only homeless animals and those who were purchased in the poultry market. The number of infected cats is increasing every year, and domestic cats often become victims of a viral disease. A pet can become infected both from an animal with an acute course of the disease, and from a carrier of the infection. Infection occurs through the respiratory tract, esophagus, skin.

The most common and dangerous are the following viral diseases of cats:

  • rabies;
  • herpes;


The fungus most often affects the skin, but in some cases it can spread to other organs (for example, candidiasis can be found in the mouth and digestive tract, ears). The disease of a fungal nature is manifested by baldness, peeling and the formation of crusts at the site of the lesion.

Fungal diseases that most often affect animals:

  • candidiasis;
  • cryptococcosis;
  • histoplasmosis.


Infections of a bacterial nature can affect the respiratory, digestive systems, organs of hearing and vision, etc. Among the most common and dangerous diseases, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • salmonellosis;
  • infectious anemia;
  • coxiellosis;
  • nocardiosis;
  • borreliosis.

Important!Almost all infectious diseases of cats have pronounced symptoms: fever, refusal to eat, digestive disorders, skin manifestations. Any behavior or condition that is not characteristic of the animal is also a reason to suspect an infection and seek help as soon as possible.

Symptoms and first aid for a virus

Like humans, cats can contract viral diseases. Some of them are successfully treated or go away on their own, against others there is simply no treatment, so the infection is always fatal. What viral diseases are the most common and dangerous?

Panleukopenia (cat distemper)

Panleukopenia is a viral feline illness caused by an agent from the parvovirus group. The causative agent is resistant to heat, disinfectants, can live indoors, in excrement, saliva and, on animals, at low temperatures it remains viable for a year. Infection occurs either from a sick individual or from a carrier of the virus.

Treatment is carried out with the help of such means:

  • broad spectrum antibiotics;
  • vitamins;
  • immunomodulators;
  • means against dehydration (antiemetics, infusion treatment).


This is an extremely dangerous viral disease that is fatal. The animal becomes infected by airborne droplets or through the saliva of a sick individual on damaged skin. The incubation period can last up to 1.5 months, but the cat becomes infectious within a week after the virus enters the body. The causative agent penetrates the brain cells, destroys them, as a result of which the animal dies.
Initially, symptoms may include:

  • increased excitability;
  • salivation;
  • violations of the act of swallowing.
In the future, the symptoms become more pronounced: a sick animal rushes at people, other animals, paralysis of the body occurs. The cat dies within 2–5 days of the onset of clinical signs.

Important!There is no cure for rabies. Infection with this virus inevitably leads to the death of the animal. Moreover, the treatment of animals with suspected rabies is prohibited, since the likelihood of infection in humans is very high.

This disease is highly contagious, very common among cats. The causative agent of the virus has several strains, therefore it can give a clinical picture of different complexity. Outside the body, the viability of the viral agent lasts up to 1 week. Infection occurs through contact with a sick individual and a virus carrier. It can be airborne, bodily contact or contact with contaminated objects.
The symptoms of the disease are as follows:

  • ulcers in the mouth and on the nose;
  • swelling of the gums, discoloration;
  • pathological discharge from the nose, eyes;
  • depressed state;
  • complete or partial refusal of food;
  • cough;
  • bad breath.
Treatment is limited to the use of antibiotics to prevent secondary infection due to a weakened immune system. Topical preparations are also used to treat the mucous membranes of the mouth, eyes, and nose. During the treatment period, the animal is fed liquid soft food with a high calorie content. If there is no appetite, intravenous infusions are used. Remember that the animal continues to be contagious, and therefore dangerous even a month later, therefore, after treatment, the cat must be quarantined. However, calicivirus infection affects only cats, so it is not transmitted to humans.

When infected with herpesvirus, cats develop rhinotracheitis. The disease can affect cats of any age, but kittens are most susceptible to it, as well as animals that are kept together in large numbers. For example, in nurseries, the disease can sometimes gain momentum as an epidemic.

Even an ill animal continues to be a carrier of the virus, which, under favorable conditions, can become active again. These factors include a decrease in immunity due to:

  • freezing;
  • bad;
  • stress.
The disease provokes the following clinical signs:
  • sharp cough, sneezing;
  • runny nose;
  • discharge from the organs of vision and nose, which as a result leads to sticky eyes;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • chills and high fever;
Such symptoms continue for a week in the acute stage of the disease. Mortality practically does not occur, however, the disease can be complicated by the addition of a secondary bacterial infection, which causes pneumonia, bronchitis and other respiratory ailments.
As a therapy, apply locally "Acyclovir", tetracycline ointment. In some cases, "Acyclovir" can be prescribed in the form of tablets, but only the veterinarian determines the dosage and duration of administration. The conditions of detention for the period of treatment are important: the animal needs to be provided with rest, warmth, good nutrition. Vaccination can prevent the disease.

Did you know?If you think that mustaches exist for the beauty of the purr, then you are mistaken. Vibrissae are the organ of touch, with the help of which the animal feels the temperature, tactile sensations. The average mustache length is 7-9 cm, but the Guinness Book of Records registered a real barbel cat from Finland, whose whiskers reached 19 cm!

Feline peritonitis

The disease is not among the most common, but it is very dangerous, as it often ends fatally for a pet. Affects mainly young individuals up to 2 years. Coronavirus, the causative agent of infectious peritonitis, has many strains and does not always provoke an illness. But since this disease is poorly understood, it is difficult to answer for sure why the virus causes peritonitis in some, while others do not.

The virus is found in the feces, urine and blood of a cat, so infection is possible with very close contact. Fortunately, many strains of this viral agent are not dangerous and do not cause complex pathologies. When the virus enters the body, the animal's immunity immediately develops protection, but if clinical signs appear, the animal will almost certainly not cope with the infection.

The clinical picture is blurry:

  • apathy, lethargy, weakness;
  • accumulation of fluid in the abdomen, sternum, which looks like edema;
  • inflammation of many organs, including the brain.
There are no drugs for this disease. The use of corticosteroids can relieve symptoms and improve the condition of the animal, but in such cases, euthanasia is often used as the most humane way to save the animal from suffering.

Bacterial diseases: a brief description and treatment

Mustachioed pets are also prone to infections of a bacterial nature. Basically, most bacterial lesions respond well to treatment, however, with untimely diagnosis and therapy, they can cause irreparable harm to the health and condition of the animal. Being aware of bacterial diseases in cats, their causes and symptoms, you will be able to provide veterinary care to your four-legged friend in time.


The name of this disease is familiar to many, but not everyone knows that salmonellosis can affect not only humans, but also other mammals, including cats. Infection occurs most often when raw meat is consumed, and microorganisms can also be found in feces, on the skin or in the ears of animals. Adult healthy individuals, especially those with strong immunity, are less susceptible to the disease, but if a pregnant cat becomes infected, intrauterine damage to kittens, spontaneous abortion or stillbirth can occur. The disease is also dangerous for small purrs.

Disease clinic:

  • loss of appetite;
  • severe diarrhea, stools turn black as a result of blood impurities;
  • soreness of the abdomen, manifested when trying to probe the stomach;
  • high risk of developing sepsis.

To combat the disease, the following drugs and means are used:
  • "Furazolidone";
  • sulfonamides;
  • remedies for diarrhea;
  • tetracyclines in case of a real threat to the life of the animal;
  • plentiful drink.
Recovery takes up to 10 days, during which time the pet must eat dietary food.

infectious anemia

The second name of the disease is hemobartonellosis. This is a little-studied disease, the main symptom of which is anemia. Outside the host organism, the pathogen does not survive and does not spread. Basically, infection occurs through the bites of fleas, ticks, infection of kittens from a pregnant cat is possible. Also, the disease occurs when the body is weakened due to pregnancy, stress, poor living conditions and against the background of other pathologies.

Infectious anemia has the following manifestations:

  • chills and fever;
  • pallor/jaundice of mucous membranes;
  • depression of the animal, weakness;
  • weight loss, food refusal, appetite distortion (eating non-food items);
  • respiratory and heart failure.

Among the drugs of choice, veterinarians note tetracyclines, and vitamin therapy also plays an important role. It is important to replenish the pet's diet with those products that have a positive effect on hematopoietic processes.

This disease is caused by the microorganism coxiella. The pathogenic bacterium affects many internal organs, spreads through the lymphatic and blood vessels. The causes of infection may be as follows:

  • inhalation of bacterial spores;
  • attack by ticks and fleas;
  • consumption of contaminated products (of animal origin);
  • infection through broken skin.
Often, cats are only carriers of an infection that does not cause any symptoms in them. Since the bacterium is common among cattle and small cattle, birds, cats living on farms are at greater risk of infection. Coxiella usually affects pregnant animals - it can accumulate in the placenta and spread during childbirth. But if an animal becomes infected, it continues to spread coxiella throughout its life along with feces, blood, milk and other body fluids.
The risk for a person to become infected from a domestic cat is minimal, moreover, in the animals themselves, the infection occurs with virtually no symptoms, goes away without treatment, does not cause complications and death (if there are no other pathologies).

However, the following symptoms may still occur:

  • heat;
  • weakness, depression;
  • lack of appetite;
  • movement disorders;
  • miscarriages in females.
If the disease does not go away on its own, the animal can use antibiotics of the following groups:
  • tetracyclines.
  • fluoroquinolones.
  • amphenicols.

The causative agents of the disease are nocardia bacteria of the same name. In large quantities they are present in the soil, fertilizers. Infection occurs by inhalation of air with microorganisms or through the ingestion of bacteria on damaged skin.
The disease is manifested by common signs characteristic of most ailments. So, a sick cat may experience apathy, loss of appetite, chills, weight loss. The infection can be strictly localized, affecting areas of the skin, lymph nodes, gums can become inflamed, sores in the mouth appear. The infection can affect the organs of the sternum or abdominal cavity.

Antibiotic drugs are used in the treatment of nocardiosis: for each type of microorganism, a specific type of antibiotic is used. This takes into account that some bacteria have developed immunity to medicines.

Tick-borne borreliosis

This disease rarely affects domestic cats, which are provided with good living conditions. However, there are exceptions to the rule. Borreliosis is dangerous not only for the four-legged pet, but also for the owners, often leading to serious consequences.
The causative agent of the disease is a spirochete - a pathogenic microorganism enters an animal with the bites of ixodid ticks. They can stay in the digestive tract of a cat for a long time, while the animal becomes an active distributor of bacteria, but does not have any clinical signs. If you were able to detect a tick bite on a pet, you will notice three successive stages:

  • redness around the bite. At this stage, the animal may show drowsiness, refuse food, and after a couple of weeks, all signs disappear;
  • within 3-4 months, damage to the joints occurs, the articular bag swells, it can abscess with the release of purulent contents;
  • at the last stage, all body systems suffer, especially the excretory, nervous. At this stage, recovery is almost impossible.
The disease can be overcome with the help of broad-spectrum antibiotic drugs, proper diet and drink. Despite the rarity of the occurrence of fixation of the disease, it leaves serious consequences in the form of disorders of the heart, arthritis.

Characterization and treatment of fungal diseases

In addition to the well-known ringworm, cats can be exposed to numerous fungal infections. Veterinarians divide them into 2 categories: fungal diseases that affect the skin, and fungal diseases of cats that affect the internal organs. The latter are also called systemic ailments, their manifestations and symptoms are pronounced. What fungal infections are the most common and dangerous and require immediate treatment?


Unfortunately, candidiasis is a common ailment not only in humans, but also in many representatives of the animal world, including cats. The disease is caused by the fungus Candida, which affects the skin, mucous membranes and internal organs. There are many types of candida that cause illness in animals. The fungus can be found in feed, feces, soil, besides, it lives in the body and is considered opportunistic - that is, it causes a clinical picture only if there are favorable factors. And with good immunity, it does not manifest itself in any way.

Thrush occurs exclusively when immunity is weakened, but there are several reasons for a decrease in the immune response:

  • stress;
  • poor nutrition (deficiency of vitamins and the predominance of dry food);
  • antibacterial therapy;
  • secondary infection in other, more formidable pathologies.
In cats, candida can affect the intestines, lungs, organs of the reproductive system, skin and mucous membranes. When the intestines are affected, digestive disorders, refusal to eat are observed. With skin lesions, even pneumonia can occur, but this form of candidiasis is diagnosed quite rarely.
Therapy of candidiasis is based not only on the use of drugs against candida, but above all on the elimination of the root cause. Nutrition is normalized, antibiotics are stopped. Instead, vitamins are added to the diet, immunostimulating drugs are used. Locally, you can apply "Nizoral", "Zoomukol". Inside are appointed "Nizoral" in tablet form, "Levorin".

Did you know?Some purrs so enchant their wealthy owners that they will bequeath their millions to them. So, the richest cat is Blackie, who inherited $ 25 million from billionaire Ben Ree! The fluffy beast is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the wealthiest cat in the world.


This is a systemic disease that affects the brain, skin, respiratory and nervous systems. Cryptococcus usually enters the body of a cat in the process of breathing.

Most often, the disease has 2 forms, on which the symptoms depend:

  • with damage to the nasal mucosa, sneezing, discharge, and problematic breathing are observed. Sometimes the eyes become infected. The nasal form is dangerous with a high risk of developing meningitis.
  • the cutaneous form of the disease is characterized by damage exclusively to the skin of the nasal mucosa. It proceeds, the formation of nodules and ulcers is noted.

To combat cryptococcus, antifungal drugs from the imidazole group are used. If a bacterial infection joins, antibiotics are used. Means are also used to normalize breathing.


Histoplasma provokes a systemic lesion of the body and often causes difficulties in diagnosis, since the symptoms of this disease are in many ways similar to other infectious diseases.

Symptoms increase as the disease progresses:

  • temperature increase;
  • appetite disorders, refusal to eat, weight loss;
  • respiratory disorders;
  • cough;
  • damage to the organs of vision, skin;
  • digestive disorders.

Important!The disease can be cured only in the first stages, in all other cases the animal is doomed to death. Therefore, if you notice at least one of the listed signs, this is a good reason to consult a veterinarian.

Diseases of cats: is it possible to get infected?

Living with a cat under the same roof, we are constantly in close contact with the pet: we clean the tray, feed and stroke the cat, sometimes we even sleep on the same pillow. And since cats are carriers of many infections, there is, of course, a chance to pick up the disease from your pet. But, on the other hand, domestic cats rarely or almost never leave the apartment, but a person can easily bring a virus or bacteria from the street, infect a pet, and then become infected from it.

From a domestic cat there is a risk of contracting such ailments:

  • rabies;
  • helminthic invasions (the most common infection with toxocara, echinococcus);
  • tuberculosis;
  • mycoses (fungal infections).
But you should clearly understand: in order to avoid infection with any infection from a pet, it is quite enough to adhere to adequate hygiene measures: clean the cat tray with gloves, wash your hands with soap after cleaning, after feeding the animal, if you have been in contact with meat.
It is also important to vaccinate and treat the identified diseases in a cat in time.

A domestic cat should not be let out for a walk on the street. If you follow all these measures, you will fully protect yourself from infection.

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According to various statistics, in our country there are more than 120 million cats roaming the streets freely. Since these animals often become a source of dangerous diseases, the best thing you can do to protect your indoor cat from serious illness is to keep it indoors.

However, despite all efforts, an animal that has been kept in an apartment all its life, sooner or later can get into the external environment and become infected with some kind of disease that is dangerous not only for it, but also for its owner. The good news is that most cat diseases, such as flea, scabies, or worm infestations, are easily treatable. But there is also a bad one - the list of diseases of domestic cats includes those that not only cannot be treated, but are also likely to end in the death of the animal. What diseases should cat owners be most afraid of? Read on to learn about some of the most serious ones.

Feline Leukemia Viral (FeLV)

Feline leukemia is a viral, incurable disease that is transmitted from animal to animal through urine, nasal secretions and saliva. Cats can become infected with FeLV through bites, feeding from the same bowl, or sharing. In addition, the mother can transmit the pathogen to her kittens, which, therefore, are at increased risk.

Symptoms of viral leukemia in cats are quite diverse. Some animals show a rapid development of the disease immediately, while others do not show symptoms for several weeks.

Feline leukemia often leads to a number of comorbidities, including:

  • Systemwide infection.
  • Intractable diarrhea.
  • Skin infections.
  • Stomatitis and gingivitis.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Respiratory tract infections.
  • Bladder infections.
  • Infertility.
  • anemia.
  • Cancer neoplasms.

Because of the wide range of diseases complicating leukemia, FeLV is sometimes referred to as feline HIV, although this animal species has a disease that is more similar to the human immunodeficiency virus, FIV.

To date, there is no specific treatment for feline leukemia virus, so the best way to prevent the disease in domestic cats is to avoid contact with stray animals. Feline leukemia virus is not transmitted to humans.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)

Unlike human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sexual contact is not a major factor in the transmission of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). First of all, the disease spreads through bitten wounds, as well as through direct contact of domestic cats with stray ones. However, unlike feline leukemia, accidental contact through sharing food and water carries little risk of infection. However, a mother cat can transmit the virus to her kittens, but this is also rare.

After the FIV virus enters the bloodstream, it can go dormant until it is "moved" from its place by the progression of an associated disease, which will greatly reduce the quality of the animal's overall immunity. Like HIV, FIV targets the cat's immune system, which in combination shows the following symptoms:

  • Enlarged lymph nodes.
  • Ulcers of the tongue and oral mucosa.
  • Stomatitis and gingivitis.
  • Progressive weight loss.
  • Pathological condition of the coat.
  • Skin diseases.
  • diarrhea.
  • anemia.
  • Eye diseases.

To prevent domestic cats from becoming infected with the immunodeficiency virus, the cat should be kept indoors until the date of vaccination. According to many research data, vaccination against this disease provides the animal with at least 8 weeks of prevention of infection, which is observed in approximately 60-80% of vaccinated animals. The FIV person does not get sick.

Renal failure in cats

Kidney failure is one of the leading causes of death in aging cats. The risk of developing such a kidney pathology depends on the age, genetics of the animal, as well as on environmental factors, such as, for example, accidental poisoning with toxic substances. Kidney failure in this species of animals can have two forms: acute or chronic. Acute renal failure in cats is associated with a sudden stop of kidney function, for example, from the same poisoning, while the chronic form of the disease is based on a gradual progressive deterioration in renal functionality, for example, from concomitant diseases.

Symptoms of kidney failure in cats:

  • Excessive urination.
  • Increased thirst.
  • Nausea.
  • Vomit.
  • Dehydration.
  • Constipation.
  • Loss of appetite and weight.
  • Unpleasant smell of ammonia from the mouth.
  • General weakness and lethargy.

There is no specific treatment for acute or chronic renal failure in cats. All therapeutic schemes are aimed solely at suppressing symptoms and maintaining the quality of life of pets. According to veterinary statistics, animals receiving conservative symptomatic treatment can survive for quite long periods of time using only 5 to 8 percent of their kidney tissue.

Feline panleukopenia (feline distemper)

Panleukopenia, also known as feline distemper, is a highly contagious viral disease in cats. Kittens are the most at risk, and they almost always die, even if the treatment was carried out in a timely and correct manner. Distemper is transmitted primarily through body fluids, feces and fleas.

The pathogenesis mainly affects the gastrointestinal tract and attacks the immune system. Cats suffering from this condition most often show symptoms of diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, loss of appetite, and anemia.

Treatment of panleukopenia in cats should be fairly aggressive, as the disease can kill the animal within the first day of infection. Animals are given blood transfusions, antibiotics and vitamin injections. According to veterinary statistics, few cases of panleukopenia are known among vaccinated cats, but the incidence remains high mainly among unvaccinated populations. In order to prevent feline panleukopenia, it is necessary to vaccinate animals and keep domestic cats away from unvaccinated and stray animals. Danger to humans, the distemper of cats does not represent.


Such a deadly and incurable disease as rabies is most common among cats. Among other things, this disease also affects a person, which gives it even more pathological weight. Rabies is usually spread through the bites of sick animals, including dogs and wild animals. This debilitating and degenerative disease primarily affects the nervous system.

The symptoms of rabies in cats can be misleading due to the individuality of the course. The virus can incubate in the body for two to five weeks, although already at this point the cat is able to infect other animals and humans. Symptoms of rabies include:

  • Weak coordination.
  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Salivation.
  • Fever.
  • Unusual behavior.
  • Depressopodobny symptoms alternating with causeless aggression.
  • Fear of the sound of pouring liquid.
  • Weight loss.

There is no cure for feline rabies, sick animals, after determining the main clinical signs, are subject to immediate euthanasia, and their corpses are burned.

Like any living creature, a cat is at risk of catching an infection. And not necessarily it will be a yard homeless tramp. Even a thoroughbred pet can suddenly become depressed, lose interest in life, and puzzle the owners with unusual behavior. A good owner will definitely study the infectious diseases of cats - this will help to notice the problem in time and take all measures. First of all, preventive: from hygiene to timely vaccination. It is good to know in advance about the treatment of infectious diseases and the nuances of the course of diseases in cats.

What causes disease

Attention! An animal becomes ill when a pathogen enters its body. It begins to multiply rapidly, spreading throughout the body.

The most well-known pathogens that cause infectious diseases in cats are:

  • bacteria;
  • viruses;
  • rickettsia;
  • fungus;
  • mycoplasmas.

These microorganisms can enter the body in various ways: through wounds on the skin, with food, through air or water. The most dangerous is direct contact with a sick animal or carrier. Therefore, the isolation of a sick animal should be carried out immediately.

The main signs of infection

Attention! Many infectious diseases of cats have similar symptoms. Therefore, it is rather difficult for a non-specialist to determine the nature of the disease.

The owner should immediately alert the following:

  • severe lethargy;
  • change in attitude to food (lack of appetite or refusal of favorite treats);
  • indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • discharge from the eyes and nostrils;
  • disheveled dull fur.

What are the most common illnesses in cats?

Consider the most common cat diseases caused by infection:

  1. Panleukopenia (otherwise - parvovirus enteritis or cat distemper). It is not dangerous for a person. The causative agent is extremely stable. Penetrates the body through direct contact, dirty objects and feces. The disease will manifest itself in ten days. The infection attacks bone marrow cells, lymph nodes, and the small intestine. Symptoms: depression, refusal to eat, temperature above 40 degrees, diarrhea, a decrease in the content of leukocytes in the blood, dehydration. Most often, unvaccinated kittens suffer, their mortality reaches 70%. Distemper can be mild (the animal recovers within a week) or severe (even hyperacute, when the cat dies within the first few hours). There is no treatment, only supportive measures - diet, microclysters, bactisubtil and eniferm. In case of recovery, lifelong immunity is developed.
  2. Infectious rhinotracheitis. Infectious diseases of cats of this type affect animals of all ages, although they are not very contagious. The infection prepares an attack for 14 days, then it affects the upper respiratory tract. Clinical signs: the cat sneezes, photophobia increases, an exhausting cough appears, body temperature rises, serous-purulent mucus is released from the eyes. Mortality up to 30%. Treatment: antibiotics, chloramphenicol eye drops with novocaine. Immunity is not formed, relapses are likely, animals remain carriers of the infection.

  1. calicivirus infection. Sometimes called cat flu. The causative agent is extremely tenacious, penetrates the body through saliva with direct contact. Most dangerous for kittens. These infectious diseases of cats have the following symptoms: the temperature rises, the mucous membrane of the mouth in the sores, the animal is lethargic, sneezes, discharge is noted from the nose and eyes, salivation increases. Mortality is low. The disease is dangerous with secondary infections, antibiotic treatment, after recovery, immunity does not occur. Early vaccination recommended.
  2. Chlamydia. It attacks the lungs and eyes. Infectious to hosts. The causative agent is chlamydia. They are carried by small rodents, stray animals. It manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the tops of the lungs and conjunctivitis. Sometimes accompanied by rhinitis, pharyngitis. The most dangerous infectious eye diseases in cats in infancy up to a month. Symptoms: swollen eyelids, itching, sticky eye discharge. Treat by laying an ointment with tetracycline under the eyelid up to 3 times a day. The disease can occur in newborn kittens if the cat had chlamydia in the genital tract. This disease is called neonatal conjunctivitis, it affects the entire litter. The eyelids of kittens are completely "glued" with mucus. Treat with antibiotics, lavage, and forced opening of the eyelids.

In the area of ​​special attention

Infectious diseases of cats, which are under special attention, are certainly contagious to humans. These include feline rabies, tuberculosis, various dermatomycosis, toxoplasmosis, salmonellosis.

Remember that the most at risk are very sociable cats, passionate "mouse-catchers" and lovers of running away into the wild.

Attention! Timely vaccination and compliance with the rules of keeping will help your pets, protect them from infection. And don't forget regular checkups with your veterinarian.

Cats are very susceptible to a wide variety of infections. Even the simplest inflammation can mean that an infection has entered the body and now internal forces are fighting it. Chronic are very diverse and many-sided. Each owner needs to pay attention to even the smallest changes in the health of the animal. So that you do not have to look for information in other sources, we have specially collected in one place all the material that you may need on this issue.

What viral infections do cats have, their types and symptoms

Currently, a great variety of infections are known that affect the sensitive feline body. You should know at least the most common of them, since it is they who cause a serious health hazard not only for the cat, but also for its owner. Chronic viral infections of cats are not uncommon nowadays, and therefore it is recommended to learn as much as possible about these diseases. And so, the first on our list will be, perhaps, one of the most common diseases.

Rabies is a viral infection in cats.

Rabies is a serious viral disease that affects the nervous system. It usually ends in death. The main danger of this disease is that a person can also become infected with it, and therefore it is very important for the owner to receive qualified medical care. This is an infectious disease that enters the body through wounds, cuts, scratches. One of the most important symptoms is swelling of the larynx. The cat tries to drink water, but it does not work, from which the animal begins to cough and spit. The danger of this infection lies in the fact that it has a latency period of up to 5 days. During this time, the disease will have time to thoroughly spread throughout the body. Rabies can last from 3 to 11 days. Then the animal, as a rule, dies from dehydration. A viral infection in cats has different symptoms, and therefore the treatment should be appropriate.

Various forms of rabies - viral infections in cats

Many people think that there is only one type of rabies. However, it is not. It has as many as 3 different forms that you should be aware of.

  • Active form of rabies

With an active form of rabies, the animal completely refuses its usual food (for example, it may refuse its favorite chicken) and instead begins to absorb all inedible ones - for example, stones, sand, begins to throw itself at a person at the slightest irritant - for example, a shout or a bright light. After the next attack, the pet may look tired, haggard. After some time, his paws are taken away, and the beast dies.

  • Paralytic form of rabies

It lasts from 2 to 4 days, in this state the cat or cat becomes unusually affectionate, fawning over the owner. Gradually, the animal begins to look oppressed, lethargic. The voice disappears, as the vocal cords swell, due to the fact that paralysis gradually occurs - it may seem that the beast choked on a bone. It is also possible clouding of the cornea of ​​​​the eye.

  • Atypical form of rabies

Passes with pronounced symptoms of gastritis or enteritis (vomiting, loose stools with bloody impurities). There is no active phase as such. This makes it difficult to diagnose the disease. Treatment of this disease has not yet been developed. The euthanasia of a four-legged friend is shown.

Calcivirus - viral infections in cats

Caliciviridae is the Latin name for the virus that causes this disease. This disease manifests itself in the cold season. Cats that have had this condition tend to develop very strong immunity. If the cat's immune system leaves much to be desired, then very likely to be fatal, and therefore it is recommended to have an idea about the main symptoms of calcivirosis in a cat. The most susceptible are young animals aged 1 to 4 years. First of all, it should be understood that, as a rule, sick animals serve as a source of infection. Try to avoid places with a huge concentration of cats, for example, exhibitions. Calcivirosis in cats it is insidious in that it is hidden, which does not allow the owner to recognize the disease in time and begin treatment. As a rule, the diagnosis is made on the basis of a blood test, which should clearly show a decrease in hemoglobin levels of more than 30%. This disease is often accompanied by stomatitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Therapy is prescribed by a veterinarian, who must select adequate drugs that not only stop the symptoms, but also support the animal's body. In order to avoid recurrence in case of recovery, the animal should be provided with a comfortable level of living, isolated from sick animals.

Chlamydia is a viral infection in cats.

This infectious disease causes chlamydia virus, which is a cross between a virus and a bacterium. Chlamydia is manifested by elevated body temperature, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, pneumonia. Chlamydia perfectly tolerate low ambient temperatures, but are extremely susceptible to rising temperatures. Their main carriers are homeless animals, as well as wild mice and voles. If your cat loves to hunt for rodents, for example, in the countryside, congratulations. She is at risk. Kittens are the most affected by this disease. They have not yet formed an immune system in order to give a worthy rebuff to the disease.

    Chlamydia symptoms can also include:
  • The cat refuses to eat;
  • The temperature rises;
  • Limbs weaken;
  • Rhinitis, conjunctivitis appears;
  • Breathing becomes hoarse, rapid.

If timely veterinary care is not provided, the animal will eventually die due to pulmonary edema.. Treatment of chlamydia should be prescribed by a veterinarian.

    However, below we give general recommendations that must be followed for the fastest recovery of a four-legged friend with chlamydia:
  • High-calorie, but at the same time light food;
  • An isolated room without drafts;
  • Treatment with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor;
  • Eye treatment as in conjunctivitis.

Any the disease is easier to prevent than to treat, and therefore prevention is carried out with the help of a special vaccine, as well as careful personal hygiene in a cat.

Panleukopenia - viral infections in cats

This disease has a variety of names: panleukopenia, plague or infectious gastroenteritis. It is an extremely contagious disease that occurs in a pronounced form. This viral infection affects all cats, regardless of their breed and species. At risk are kittens and adult cats aged 8-9 years. The source of the disease, as a rule, is already ill animals, which secrete bacteria with feces, mucus and saliva, which, when they enter the body of a healthy animal, begin to spread to your cat. The incubation period is from 2 to 10 days. During this time, the virus has time to thoroughly settle in the body and cause trouble.

At acute panleukopenia the following

  • Increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees;
  • Feces have a fetid odor;
  • Vomit;
  • Possible pulmonary edema;
  • convulsions;
  • Lack of appetite.

The behavior of the pet also changes. He becomes lethargic, looking for a hiding place. The probability of death increases up to 90%, especially among young individuals. If the cat began to feel the need for food again, then the animal is on the mend. However, she still remains a carrier of the virus. A recovering cat needs special dietary nutrition. During the first days of recovery the animal is fed with cottage cheese, kefir, mashed boiled chicken. Such food will provide a pet and at the same time will not overload the stomach. A cat or a cat should receive food every 4-5 hours, in order to to start the normal functioning of the stomach. Salts and minerals the animal should receive as much as before the illness. There are a lot of infections in cats, but it is this one that is prevented with the help of preventive vaccinations, as well as timely isolation of a sick pet.

Rhinotracheitis - viral infections in cats

Infectious rhinotracheitis in cats is an acute disease that primarily affects the respiratory system. The disease can occur at any age and in any breed. Mortality is 50%. An ill animal acquires immunity to this disease. The virus, which is the causative agent of the disease, dies when exposed to ether, chloroform, and caustic phenol solutions can deactivate the pathogen in 10 minutes. The main carrier of the infection is a previously ill animal and an animal in which the virus proceeds in a latent form. The infection can be transmitted with nasal mucus, with milk (if it is a female), as well as secretions from the genitals.

feed the pet you need light, dietary products that should be mashed into a figurative state. The veterinarian should prescribe drugs that are primarily aimed at eliminating the symptoms of rhinitis and other conditions. Next, vitamin C should be prescribed. The diet should be of the following plan: boiled liquid feed from broth on meat or fish, raw egg, milk, which must certainly be warm, boiled minced chicken. From finished products, as a rule, high-calorie canned food is recommended. After the disease has been identified, the room and in general the apartment where the cat was should be thoroughly disinfected.

Infectious Feline Peritonitis FIP, viral infections in cats

FIP known as Feline Infectious Peritonitis is a danger to those owners who have more than one cat. This is a deadly disease that is quite difficult to diagnose due to its similarity with other diseases, as well as IKP veterinarians call Great imitator because the disease manifests itself in a variety of ways.

Main symptoms infectious feline peritonitis are:

  • temperature increase up to 40 degrees;
  • diarrhea, vomiting, rapid loss of moisture;
  • the animal is losing weight before our eyes;
  • the stomach is swollen;
  • sometimes - pleurisy;
  • in rare cases, the body is covered with bubbles filled with liquid, which give the animal a lot of inconvenience.

Often, this virus affects the liver, spleen and other organs of the pet, which can soon lead to death. Vaccines have not yet been developed, and therefore the veterinarian can only prescribe maintenance therapy.

What can be done to ensure that your beloved cat does not get infected - viral infections in cats

After reading this material, any caring owner who takes care of his pet will conclude that danger awaits his pet from all sides and will close him in the apartment. This is fundamentally not the right approach. A pet should lead an active life, but at the same time, the owner should be as attentive as possible and be able to notice symptoms early dangerous disease. For this you need:

  • Read more materials on the topic of viral infection in cats, treatment. Then you will not panic at the first symptoms, and you will seek veterinary help at the "I-VET" center to qualified specialists for treatment.
  • Disinfect the apartment in order to prevent the spread of infection throughout the house.
  • Gratitude to accept the advice of friends, but do not follow them, because viruses are very easy to confuse with each other. In the article we have described only some of them.
  • Get tested every six months. This will help to notice a dangerous disease in a timely manner and start treatment as soon as possible.
  • Carefully monitor the behavior of a furry pet. Any deviation from the norm should be a reason for contacting a veterinarian.
  • Examine the pet on your own - when stroking, part the coat, stroke the pet. If he begins to show aggression, this is also a reason to contact the Ya-VET veterinary center.

Be attentive to the cat, because you are the most important person in her life, who, among other things, is also responsible for her health.

Viral infections in cats: what you definitely should not do if you suspect a disease

Upon learning that the cat is sick with some kind of virus, most owners fall into a stupor and simply do not know how to get out of this situation. First of all, I would like to say: Do not self-medicate, prescribing and canceling a variety of drugs that can cause irreparable damage to the beast.

    Since it is completely unrealistic to describe all viruses in one article, run to the Ya-VET veterinary center for help when the animal has:
  • heat;
  • refuses any food;
  • starts behaving strangely;
  • looking for a secluded place;
  • behaves aggressively towards family members and the owner.

In such cases, you already know where to turn and can immediately call the veterinary center on your own in order to pass the tests prescribed by the doctor as soon as possible and receive qualified assistance from an experienced doctor..

Why we have not described all viral infections in cats that are currently known

The purpose of this article is to talk about the most common symptoms that can occur when cats are infected with viral infections, as well as to direct an ignorant person on the right path, to suggest what to do if the animal does get sick. Perhaps the veterinarian, after examining the pet and examining the tests, will offer to euthanize it.

Even in such a sad situation, it is recommended not to argue with the doctor and agree, no matter how sad it may be. Although veterinary services have come a long way, not all diseases have an antidote. Also, not all viruses have a vaccine. Sometimes euthanasia is the only way to help the animal and avoid spreading the disease.

However, this is an extreme measure and the doctors of the Ya-VET veterinary center are fighting to the end for the life of a four-legged friend. Much also depends on the desire of the owner to fight for the pet. And the fact that not all infections are described is not at all the fault of the lazy author. In order to describe all the viruses that cats get sick, you will need to compile a whole guide that an ordinary Internet user will not read.

As a rule, viruses can easily change to any disease, pretending to be either the flu or conjunctivitis.

    It is recommended that you always seek help from a doctor, because he can:
  • Prescribe medicines that are sold exclusively by prescription.
  • Assign the necessary tests, which may lead to additional costs, but nevertheless help to clarify the health of the animal.
  • Observe the animal in the process of treatment and notice either an improvement or a deterioration in the cat's well-being.

If you decide to treat a virus with us, you will not regret it, because our veterinary center has the most modern laboratory that will not miss even the smallest microbe. The veterinary center "Ya-VET" is known for its caring attitude towards four-legged pets. Here, even the sickest cat quickly recovers, because the treatment is carried out with love, affection and care.

Ambulance for animals is no longer a myth, viral infections in cats

In the event that you cannot bring a cat or a cat for inspection on your own, we have our own car that can go to any address and help a dying animal. Viral infections in cats

    In addition to an ordinary veterinarian, we can send:
  • a nurse for sampling;
  • surgeon
  • animal dentist;
  • nephrologist;
  • neurologist;
  • we can do an x-ray at home, thanks to a portable device;
  • it is possible to do an ultrasound and get the results on the spot, which is very convenient for receiving surgical therapy.

It remains only to add that all our doctors love animals very much and value their reputation, which means that there are no mistakes here and we always go to the last. Remember, by asking a question on sites, you are only wasting precious time that should have been spent on testing.

This article focuses on the most common viral diseases of cats. These include diseases such as rabies, Aujeszky's disease, panleukopenia, feline immunodeficiency, calicivirus, coronavirus, herpetic and other infections.

Viruses cause severe illness in domestic cats, often leading to death. The source of viral particles is not only sick animals, but also virus-carrying animals that excrete the infection with feces, urine, discharge from the eyes, nose, contents of pustules, etc.

Transmission of viruses occurs both through direct contact with a sick animal and / or a virus carrier, and through the air when sick and healthy cats are kept together, through bedding, cages, dishes, etc. The spread of viruses is facilitated by factors such as crowded keeping of animals (especially at exhibitions), non-compliance with elementary hygiene measures, a tendency for cats to wander, as well as stress factors (long-term transportation, visiting a veterinary clinic, malnutrition, hypothermia).

Treatment of viral diseases is very laborious and not effective enough, because. Until recently, veterinarians did not have drugs (with the exception of sera) with direct antiviral activity in their arsenal, and treatment was actually reduced to combating the symptomatic manifestations of such infections.

Therapy of viral diseases should be aimed at restoring the protective barriers of the mucous membranes, fighting viruses, correcting immunity (stimulating natural resistance, protecting against secondary infections), eliminating or weakening the manifestations of the disease (symptomatic therapy), as well as replacing impaired physiological functions of the body (replacement therapy). In addition, with viral diseases, a proper diet, a balanced content of vitamins, macro- and microelements is important. This is not only an important component of therapy, but also a way to free the body from toxins and toxins accumulated during the illness, which is especially important after a period of anorexia or a starvation diet.

In such cases, the new drug Gamavit (contains placental extract, sodium nucleinate, a physiologically balanced mixture of other components: 20 amino acids, 17 vitamins, nucleic acid derivatives, essential minerals and trace elements) has proved to be the most effective, the components of which are selected precisely taking into account the disorders that occur during various diseases. Gamavit enhances the effect of drugs, normalizes metabolic processes, neutralizes the action of toxins, increases natural resistance, normalizes the ratio of calcium and phosphorus, increases appetite.

At the earliest stages of a viral infection, specific antiviral globulins and sera are quite effective (Vitafel, Vitafel-S, etc.). The period of their exposure to viral particles is limited (about a week from the onset of the disease) by the period of viremia. In addition to sera, in the initial stages of a viral infection, preparations of interferons and their inducers are effective: Cycloferon, discontinued for veterinary medicine, Kamedon, Maksidin 0.4%, Neoferon, immunostimulants are effective (Immunofan, T-activin, Mastim, Anandin), etc., in the later stages of some viral diseases, their use is not recommended.

Fosprenil has proved to be one of the most effective drugs for the treatment of viral diseases of cats. Fosprenil is obtained by phosphorylation of polyprenols isolated from the processing of tree needles. It was developed as a result of many years of cooperation between leading scientists of the Moscow Institute of Organic Chemistry. N.D. Zelinsky, and the Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology. N.F.Gamalei. The drug mobilizes the body's defenses, having a powerful antiviral activity. For more than 10 years of use, Fosprenil has saved thousands of lives of hopelessly ill cats and dogs. The combined use of Fosprenil with Maksidin and Gamavit is especially effective. In the Russian Federation, the drug is patented as a remedy for the treatment of viral enteritis, hepatitis, panleukopenia, canine distemper and other severe viral diseases. Convincing results have been achieved in the treatment, and, no less important, in the prevention of panleukopenia, coronavirus and other infections in cats.

Infectious panleukopenia

This is one of the most contagious diseases of viral origin, which is also called feline distemper, feline ataxia, feline fever, contagious agranulocytosis, or infectious parvovirus enteritis. The natural reservoir of the virus is mustelid animals and wild cats. Pathogens - small DNA-containing parvoviruses, are contained in the saliva of sick animals, separated from the nose, in urine and feces. Viruses are very persistent (they persist in the crevices of the floor and furniture for more than a year), are resistant to treatment with trypsin, phenol, chloroform, acids, they also spread with water and food, in particular, through food bowls and even, according to some reports, with the participation of blood-sucking insects . The vertical route of transmission is also characteristic: from a sick mother to offspring. In recovered animals, virus-neutralizing antibodies in high titer are detected for a long time.

Mortality due to panleukopenia exceeds 90%, and not only kittens die, but also adult animals. Recovered cats acquire lifelong immunity, often remaining virus carriers for a long time.

After introduction into the body, panleukopenia viruses primarily affect the epithelial cells of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as lymphohemopoietic cells, incl. bone marrow stem cells responsible for lymphopoiesis. As a result, severe panleukopenia develops (against the background of normal erythropoiesis function), the severity of which determines both the main severity and the outcome of the disease.

Since almost all organ systems are affected with panleukopenia, it can be difficult to recognize it right away - the symptoms are very diverse. The incubation period is 3-10 days. More often the disease is recorded in spring and autumn.

Symptoms. In the fulminant form, animals die suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, without any noticeable symptoms. The acute form begins with lethargy, appetite suppression, a sudden and sharp rise in temperature to 40-41 ° C. Cats are thirsty, but do not drink water. There is frequent vomiting, yellowish masses, often with mucus. Later, diarrhea with an admixture of blood (very offensive) may develop, or, on the contrary, constipation is observed. On the skin, the appearance of reddish spots is sometimes noted, which grow and turn into pustules filled with serous fluid. After drying, grayish-brown crusts form. With respiratory complications, mucopurulent discharge from the eyes is observed. Bradycardia and/or arrhythmia are also observed. Animals tend to retire in a secluded place, lie on their stomachs, stretching out their limbs. Sometimes they sit for a long time over a saucer of water, but do not drink - perhaps due to severe nausea.

The disease affects all organs and is terrible for its complications. Without treatment, the animal can die in 4-5 days. If the illness drags on for 9 days or more, cats usually survive, gaining lifelong immunity, but remain virus carriers, so a mother who has been ill can infect her offspring.

Diagnosis confirmed by KLA, in which there is a pronounced leukopenia (decrease in the number of leukocytes in 1 ml of blood to 3-5x10 6 or less) - agranulocytosis, then neutropenia and lymphopenia.

Treatment. Before the doctor arrives, treatment with Vitafel, Fosprenil should be started (administered daily at 0.2-0.4 ml / kg, depending on the severity of the disease, 3-4 times a day) in combination with Maksidin and Gamavit. Treatment is stopped 2-3 days after the normalization of the general condition and the disappearance of the main symptoms of the disease. Then the drug is canceled for 3-6 days with a gradual decrease in the daily dose. In case of damage to the upper respiratory tract, repeated instillation of fosprenil into the eyes and nasal passages is recommended, provided that the drug is diluted with saline 3-5 times ex tempore and gamavit (or intensive vitamin therapy in combination with iron-containing preparations), to ensure complete rest, warmth and good care. Be sure to prescribe a starvation diet. In the treatment at the initial stages of the disease, maxidin is effective (ED Ilchenko et al., 2002). To prevent complications, beta-lactam antibiotics should be used: penicillins and cephalosporins (Albipen LA, Amoxicillin, Neopen, Cefadroxil, Cefa-kure), kittens - Ampiox, to combat dehydration - metoclopramide, Ringer's solution. If a sick cat does not die within 5-7 days, then the prognosis is usually favorable.
During the rehabilitation period - Gamavit, protein-vitamin-mineral supplements: SA-37, Phytomins, Gamma, Tsamaks and others.

If panleukopenia is suspected, in no case do not give analgin to the cat!

Prevention. To prevent cat distemper, timely vaccination of kittens with polyvalent vaccines can be recommended: Nobivac Tricat (used to protect cats from viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia), multifel-4 or Vitafelvac (against rhinotracheitis, calicivirus, panleukopenia and chlamydia).

In this case, it is desirable to take into account the immune status of the cat and the existing risk of infection. Normally, the first vaccination is carried out at the age of 12 weeks, at 15-16 weeks - again. If the level of colostral antibodies is not high enough and there is a risk of infection, then the first vaccination can be carried out at 9 weeks and the second at 12 weeks.

If there were cats with panleukopenia in your house, then it is advisable to purchase new kittens no earlier than a year later. If you suspect panleukopenia, be sure to treat the floor, carpets, furniture and cat hygiene with 3% sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), or 3% sodium hypochlorite solution, which destroys the viruses that cause panleukopenia.


The causative agent of this infection is a DNA-containing herpes virus with a lipoprotein envelope. Respiratory herpesvirus infection in 1-2 month old kittens was first identified in the United States in 1958.

Cases have also been described when herpesvirus infection leads to abortions and / or the birth of a dead offspring.
The virus is usually transmitted transplacentally. The incubation period is short - 2-3 days. An asymptomatic course of infection is possible, in which the virus becomes latent, but later (after stress, immunosuppression, the use of glucocorticoids), the virus can become activated.

Symptoms: depression, anorexia, fever, purulent conjunctivitis, keratitis, rarely bilateral protrusion of the third eyelid, diarrhea (usually yellowish-green), oral ulceration, tracheitis, in severe cases, pneumonia is possible. Herpesvirus encephalitis has also been described.

Treatment appoints a veterinarian. Antiviral agents such as Fosprenil and Maksidin are effective. Therapy using Maksidin allows to achieve clinical improvement on the 2nd-3rd day of the disease, and complete recovery on the 8th day (ED Ilchenko et al., 2002). To stimulate cellular immunity - Immunofan. As a supporting and strengthening agent - Gamavit, vitamin and mineral supplements. With diarrhea - Diarkan, Vetom-1.1.

Prevention. Vaccination with a subunit oily vaccine against feline herpesvirus (Ron-Merier), composed of antigens of the glycoprotein shell and not containing capsid proteins, is effective. Thanks to the latter, the vaccine lacks residual virulence and allergic properties. The vaccine is produced in association with vaccines against other feline infections.

Infectious rhinotracheitis

Infectious rhinotracheitis (viral rhinitis) is a contagious disease that occurs in cats at any age. It is most often caused by certain viruses of the herpes group, as well as caliciviruses and reoviruses. The DNA-containing feline rhinotracheitis virus, belonging to the group of herpesviruses, has a lipoprotein envelope, is sensitive to treatment with chloroform and acids. Infection occurs through the respiratory tract. Incubation period: 2-4 days. The mouth, nose, eyes and respiratory organs are affected. The disease can be complicated by keratoconjunctivitis and pneumonia. Among kittens up to 6 months, mortality reaches 30%. Adult cats usually recover, however, infection with one of these viruses may be complicated by another virus (or more), and mortality can be as high as 80%. Most of the recovered animals remain virus carriers, the process of isolation of contagious viral particles increases significantly under stressful conditions.

Symptoms. Lethargy, loss of appetite, cough, photophobia, purulent discharge from the nose and eyes, glossitis, ulcerative stomatitis, hypersalivation, fever.

Create a calm environment for the sick animal, keep it warm, give warm milk and liquid food.

Treatment. A sick cat is administered Maksidin (E.D. Ilchenko et al., 2001) in combination with Fosprenil (according to the instructions) and Gamavit, or Vitafel, s / c 3-4 times, or specific sera against feline picornaviruses, parvoviruses and herpes virus 5 ml per day (produced in France). Antibiotics: Ampicillin (Albipen LA) s / c, 10-20 mg per kg of body weight per day, Tetracycline (oral 10 mg per kg of body weight 2 times a day).

The effectiveness of treatment with Fosprenil and Maksidin in combination with symptomatic therapy for these diseases approaches 100%.

Prevention. Timely vaccination with polyvalent vaccines Nobivak Tricat, Multifel-4, Quadricat, etc.

Calcivirus infection (calicivirus)

Acute viral disease, accompanied by a sharp increase in temperature and damage to the respiratory tract. The causative agents are small RNA-containing non-enveloped viruses of the Calicivirus genus of the Caliciviridae family. The name was given because of the characteristic cup-shaped recesses (from "calices" (lat.) - "calyx").

Infection occurs by contact and airborne droplets. Viruses multiply in the epitheliocytes of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, in the tonsils and submandibular lymph nodes. Kittens and young animals are more commonly affected. Recovered cats acquire immunity for about 6 months, while neutralizing antibodies are found in their blood. Many cats remain carriers of caliciviruses.

Incubation period A: 1-4 days.

Symptoms: depression, intermittent fever, loss of appetite, emaciation, anemic mucous membranes, shortness of breath. Inflammation and ulceration of the tongue, lips and oral cavity (stomatitis), glossitis, rhinitis, serous conjunctivitis, and less often bilateral protrusion of the third eyelid, develop. With the latter, photophobia appears, often the eyelids stick together due to the drying of pus on them. In the later stages, tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia are possible. Some strains of caliciviruses cause intermittent claudication, without evidence of oral ulceration.

Prevention: Avoid drafts and hypothermia, contact with sick cats or carrier animals. At the slightest suspicion of such contact, give the cat Fosprenil according to the instructions, it will also protect the cat from infection at the cat show. Disinfect the area where cats are kept in a timely manner. Virkon is well suited for this purpose, but in no case should bleach be used, since chlorine vapors are poisonous.

A.V. Sanin, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor,
NIIEM them. N.F. Gamalei RAMS, Moscow

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