Preparation of cucumber juice for the winter. How to prepare cucumber juice for the winter. Is it possible to freeze cucumbers for the winter

Quite rarely, housewives prepare cucumber juice, more and more giving preference to fruit or tomato. In fact, cucumber juice is very useful.

What are the benefits of cucumber juice

1. It is a mild diuretic.

2. Cucumber juice effectively cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

3. Due to the content of potassium, cucumber juice normalizes blood pressure.

4. With diseases of the teeth and gums, such a drink is very useful.

Surely most people do not know how to make cucumber juice. So it's time to learn how to do it.

Cucumber juice for the winter

For cooking, you will need the following components:

1. Cucumbers - 15 kilograms.

2. Salt - 180 grams.

3. Dill seeds - 50 grams.

4. Horseradish root - 20 grams.

5. Half of red hot pepper.

6. Black allspice.

Cooking method

Cut cucumbers into slices and pour saline at the rate of 20 grams of salt per 1 liter of water. Leave for 3 - 4 hours. Then wash the cucumbers and squeeze the juice out of them. Add salt to it. Grind horseradish and pepper, add dill seeds to them. Divide the resulting mixture into several parts - there should be as many of them as you get cans of juice. Spread seasoning on the bottom of the jars, pour in the juice so that about 7 centimeters remain to the edge of the jar. Leave for a couple - three days at room temperature. Then, when the solution ferments, you should put it in the refrigerator. When it has completely cooled, seal the jars tightly with lids.

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Tomato-cucumber juice

Required products:

1. Tomatoes - 6 kilograms.

2. Cucumbers - 4 kilograms.


Squeeze the juice from tomatoes and cucumbers separately - use a juicer for this. Pour the juices into a saucepan and add salt - for 3 liters of juice you will need 1 teaspoon of salt. Put on fire and boil. Remove the resulting foam, mix again and let the juice boil. Next, you need to remove it from the fire and pour it into sterile jars, then roll them up. Turn juice jars upside down and leave to cool completely.

How to make cucumber juice in a juicer

To do this, cucumbers, along with the peel, should be cut into slices - so the juice will stand out perfectly. Put the prepared cucumbers in the upper container of the juicer. If you want to salt the juice, then before you put cucumbers in the juicer, you should salt them. Pour water into the bottom tank. Place a container for collecting juice, on top of a saucepan with cucumbers. Put the juicer on the fire. An hour later, the juice is ready. Through a hose, it will need to be poured into sterile jars and immediately rolled up.

Infrequently, hostesses prepare cucumber juice, preferring fruit or tomato. And absolutely in vain, because this juice is very useful. It is a mild diuretic, perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. In addition, due to the content of potassium, cucumber juice normalizes blood pressure. Even with diseases of the teeth and gums, this drink is very useful. How to prepare cucumber juice, we will tell you now.

Cucumber juice for the winter


  • cucumbers - 15 kg;
  • salt - 180 g;
  • dill seeds - 50 g;
  • horseradish root - 20 g;
  • red hot pepper - half;
  • black, allspice.


Cucumbers cut into slices, pour saline solution (20 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and leave for 3-4 hours. After that, we wash the cucumbers and squeeze the juice out of them. Add salt to it, you can change its amount according to your taste. Now we grind horseradish and pepper, add dill seeds to them and divide the resulting mixture into as many parts as we have cans of juice. We lay out the seasoning on the bottom, pour in the juice so that there is still 6-7 cm left to the edge of the jar. Leave it for 2-3 days at room temperature. After that, when the juice has already fermented, we put it in the refrigerator, after it has completely cooled down, we hermetically close the jars with lids.

Tomato-cucumber juice


  • tomatoes - 6 kg;
  • cucumbers - 4 kg;
  • salt.


We squeeze the juice separately from tomatoes, separately from cucumbers using a juicer. Pour the juices into the pan, add salt (3 liters of juice 1 teaspoon of salt) and put on fire. Remove the resulting foam, mix again and let the juice boil well. After that, remove it from the fire, pour it into sterile jars and roll it up. Turn juice jars upside down and leave to cool.

Cucumber juice in a juicer


  • cucumbers;
  • salt.


Cucumbers, along with the peel, cut into slices, so the juice will stand out better. We spread the prepared cucumbers in the upper container of the juicer. If you plan to salt the juice, then before laying the cucumbers, you should salt them. Pour water into the lower tank of the juicer, install a container for collecting juice, and put a pot with cucumbers on top. We put the juicer on the fire. After about 1 hour, the juice will be ready, pour it through a hose into sterile jars and immediately roll them up.

cucumber juice recipe


Cucumbers are one of the most favorite vegetable crops among the Russian population, not only in summer, but also in winter. Today they can be successfully grown in greenhouses, in the garden, and some even manage to plant gherkins on the windowsill. But there is another wonderful way to preserve all the nutrients that are contained in the pimply representatives of vegetables. You just need to prepare for the winter - and you can get real and natural vitamins at any time!

Before talking about its conservation, let's remember what, besides water, we can extract from this vegetable crop. Indeed, 95 percent of the composition is presented in the form of a liquid, but it has no less beneficial properties. This special "water" is a structured concentrate that positively affects the metabolic processes in the body. In addition, there is a stabilization of the water-salt and alkaline balance, the removal of toxins, toxins and other substances that disrupt the functioning of organs and systems.

Cucumber juice for the winter is prepared for the purpose of consuming it all year round, since conservation does not deprive it of those properties that were described earlier. In its composition you can find calcium, magnesium, vitamins of group B, PP, iron, potassium, chlorine and much more. All these minerals pass into the juice when it is prepared, which is why you hear about its benefits so often. Of course, this drink can be safely called one of the most affordable medicinal and corrective means in dietetics.

Preparing cucumber juice for the winter is recommended for people who have heart problems, digestion or metabolism. In addition, it generally acts favorably on all organs and systems, restoring existing errors in their work.

Cucumber juice, the recipe of which is presented to your attention, is prepared with the addition of spices and salt. For 15 medium-sized fruits, take 50-100 grams of dried dill, a few peas, 20 grams of dried horseradish root, 100-150 grams of salt to taste. Cucumbers are first washed well, cut out all the places with dark spots and damage, after which they are crushed with a blender and filtered. Seasonings must be folded into a glass vessel and pour its contents with the resulting concentrate. Then this container must be placed in a warm place and left for fermentation at a temperature of 18-20 degrees in the plus range. After 2-3 days, the vessel is transferred to the cold, tightly closed with a lid after cooling.

Cucumber juice for the winter can be prepared in a different way. Grind the pulp using a blender or meat grinder, squeeze out the resulting slurry, drain the liquid into a clean container and freeze. In winter, it can be drunk immediately after thawing, which should take place at room conditions. No rapid defrosting measures should be used.

Preparation of cucumber juice in the second way - best option, because after fermentation, this product becomes unacceptable for people with diseases of the pancreas and intestines. In addition, it does not contain salt and other ingredients, which already makes it more useful.

Cucumbers can be seen on the table all year round: we eat them fresh, salted, pickled. Almost all housewives make salads and preparations from this vegetable, but few people know that it is a real medicinal and miraculous remedy.

Cucumber juice is endowed with many useful properties, using which you can strengthen and improve your body.

Vegetable composition

This tasty fruit is mainly composed of water: it contains about 93-94%. However, you should not think that this is ordinary water, because cucumber juice is a structured liquid that improves all metabolic processes in the human body. Proper metabolism maintains a normal water balance in our body, removes toxins that prevent many organs and systems from functioning properly.

In addition to water, cucumbers contain other useful substances: they are rich in vitamins PP, biotin, B, ascorbic acid, retinol, tocopherol. The green vegetable also contains essential oils, it is they that give the fruits such an aroma. In addition, they contain tartronic acid, which slows down the process of carbohydrate absorption and fat deposition.

There are a lot of minerals in the product, which, as a rule, are in short supply in the human body, these are sulfur, iodine, magnesium, silicon, phosphorus, iron, calcium, chlorine and potassium. When squeezing the fruit, all the useful substances that the product is rich in pass into its liquid form, so it is useful for humans in any form.

What is the use of vegetables

How cucumber juice is useful for our body, not everyone knows, however, it is quite a valuable product that contributes to the full functioning of many organs and systems. Due to the content of potassium and sodium in fruits, it is good for the heart, first of all, it strengthens the heart muscle.

Experts note that with the regular use of cucumber extract, blood pressure can be normalized. If you have hypertension, a glass of tasty and refreshing drink will make you feel better as it lowers your blood pressure.

This therapeutic effect is achieved due to the diuretic effect and the removal of excess fluid. You can also drink a drink for those who suffer from hypotension, because it will increase the pressure to the required levels.

Such a drink is also recommended for people who have problems with the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially this folk remedy is useful for normalizing intestinal motility, it has a laxative effect and allows you to get rid of constipation.

Given the laxative properties of the fetus, it is recommended to use it for pregnant women prone to constipation. For constipation, you need to drink a glass of cucumber juice on an empty stomach, dissolving a spoonful of honey in it. To notice improvements in bowel activity, the medicine should be taken for at least 3 weeks in a row.

The benefits of the drink are also revealed in the effectiveness in the treatment of dry cough. Iodine, which is rich in the product, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, so its use prevents the occurrence of thyroid diseases. With rheumatism, this drink will also help: it removes uric acid, which tends to accumulate in the body.

Cucumbers tend to improve the digestion process, so they are effective tool when losing weight. Drinking a glass of drink, it reduces the calorie content of all food consumed. Cucumber juice for weight loss is also useful because it allows you to reduce appetite.

How to make a drink

In the summer, when cucumbers are sold in the markets, making juice is easy, but in winter, many have difficulties. There are several ways to prepare cucumber juice for the winter. There are many ways to prepare healthy drink: Cucumbers enough to grate and squeeze.

It is important to adhere to one rule - the drink should be freshly prepared, already half an hour after its preparation, its beneficial properties begin to gradually lose. To do this, you need to wash the fruits and start preparing the drink. It is not recommended to peel the vegetable from the peel, since it contains the main amount of nutrients.

To prepare for the winter, prepare 13 kg of cucumbers, 35 g of dill seeds, 20 g of horseradish, 1 g of black and allspice.

  • Cut the fruits into pieces, pour salt water - 20 g of salt per liter of water, stand for several hours, chop. Squeeze the juice from the puree, add salt: 180 g of salt will be needed for 10 liters of liquid;
  • Grind all seasonings, mix, divide into parts equal to the number of prepared jars or bottles;
  • Sprinkle seasonings in containers, pour juice so that it does not reach 6-8 cm to the neck;
  • Leave the product at a temperature of 20 degrees for three days. When it ferments, place in a cold place, cool to 0 degrees;
  • Then pour into jars and roll up the lids.


To eat cucumbers all year round, you can use more than one recipe. Cucumbers in their own juice are quite popular among homemade preparations.

Prepare foods:

  • cucumbers - 3 kg;
  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • dill - 4 umbrellas;
  • ½ cup of vinegar;
  • 7 art. l. Sahara;
  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • ground pepper.

Prepare cucumbers as follows:

  • Cut the dill, mix with crushed garlic, pepper and salt, leave for 6 hours;
  • Cut the fruits into circles, mix everything, add vinegar;
  • Arrange the vegetables in jars, sterilize for 5 minutes, roll up the lids.

Wrap until cool and store them until winter.

Many housewives pamper their household with delicious cucumbers in tomato juice.

Take advantage simple recipe cucumbers in tomato juice using the following products:

  • tomatoes - 2.5 kg;
  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • salt and sugar - to taste;
  • garlic, spices;
  • vinegar - 1 spoon per jar.

Make tomato juice from tomatoes. Wash medium-sized cucumbers, cut off the tails, soak in cold water for several hours. Place the vegetables in the jars, filling them halfway to leave room for the tomato juice.

Boil it, and fill it with cucumbers. Leave them for 20 minutes, drain again into the pan. Boil the tomato juice again, adding salt, sugar, garlic and spices. Pour over the cucumbers, roll up the lids and turn over.

Most people love cucumbers, almost everyone preserves or pickles them for the winter. But not many people know that you can also prepare cucumber juice for the winter. This drink has useful properties and helps to improve health even in cold winters. Even young housewives can make a preparation of their favorite drink.

Canning juice for the winter with fermentation

Knowing how to make freshly squeezed cucumber juice can improve your health. To do this, it is enough to wash the vegetables and, without peeling, because it is there that the main amount of all useful substances is located, grate them. The resulting mass is placed in gauze and squeezed out a healing drink. Cucumber juice can be prepared in other ways. You can grind clean cucumbers in a meat grinder or in a blender, and then squeeze through cheesecloth. And if you have a juicer, you can immediately get a healthy cucumber fresh.

You can prepare juice from cucumbers for the winter and continue treatment almost all year round. The recipe is very simple, any hostess can easily cope with it. Liquid is squeezed out of 6 kg of cucumbers, 10 g of salt is added to it for each liter of drink. A small horseradish root and 1 g of black, allspice and red pepper are also added.

Spices are placed in sterilized jars, filled with prepared liquid, the containers are covered with lids and left in a warm place to ferment for 2 days. When the fermentation process is over, the finished mixture is rolled up with sterilized lids and stored in a cool place.

Another simple recipe describing how to make cucumber juice. Washed cucumbers, approximately 15 kg, are cut into cubes and poured for half an hour with a solution that consists of 1 liter of water and 1 tbsp. l. salt. Cucumber fresh is squeezed from prepared vegetables through a juicer. Horseradish root, black and allspice, cumin and dill seeds are placed in sterilized jars. Spices are poured with fresh juice and left to ferment for 3 days. The finished drink is rolled up with lids. For the preparation of recipes with fermentation, you can take not young small vegetables, but large and overripe ones.

Canning without fermentation and freezing

The easiest way is to prepare a drink in a juicer. Water is poured into the lower container, and diced cucumbers are placed in the upper one, they can be salted to taste. Sterilized jars are placed under the hose of the juicer, filled with drink, and then rolled up with prepared lids.

It will take 2 kg of large, unsuitable for canning, cucumbers. They are washed, the ends are cut off from 2 sides. Grind the fruits on a grater and squeeze the juice with gauze, you should get about 1.5 liters. The finished liquid is poured into a saucepan and 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 tsp. Sahara. Put the pan on a small fire, bring it to a boil and cook for about 7 minutes. This cucumber juice will contain small pieces of pulp. If desired, it can be strained and boiled again.

Chopped garlic cloves, small pieces of horseradish root are placed in prepared sterilized jars. 3 ml of vinegar is added to boiling juice and immediately poured into jars with spices. Banks are rolled up with lids and wrapped in a towel until completely cooled.

Preparations from a mixture of juices

There is another simple recipe - this is the freezing of the finished drink. Cucumber juice is poured into prepared containers and placed in freezer for approximately 2 hours. The resulting ice cubes can then be placed in plastic bags for further storage. In winter, these cubes can be used to make vitamin cocktails. It is useful to wipe the face with such cucumber ice, the skin from this becomes fresh and elastic. Or you can just take the cubes out of the freezer, wait for them to completely thaw and drink a glass of vitamin juice.

For a change, you can make a cucumber drink for the winter along with apple juice the recipe is quite simple. It will take 2 kg of vegetables and apples, previously peeled and cut into cubes. Fresh is squeezed out of the prepared components, 1 tsp is added to it. cinnamon powder. The drink is heated, poured hot into cans, which are then rolled up.

There is also a recipe for cucumber-tomato juice, which will be not only tasty, but also very healthy. Juice is squeezed out of 2 kg of cucumbers and 3 kg of tomatoes, salt is added to it to taste. The container with the drink is put on a slow fire, it is boiled for about 15 minutes after boiling. The hot drink is poured into sterilized jars, rolled up with lids and wrapped in a towel until it cools completely.

Another interesting recipe- This is a mixture of cucumber juice with tomato paste. Prepared cucumbers are passed through a juicer and tomato paste is added to the resulting liquid at the rate of 400 g of paste per 1 liter of juice. The mixture is stirred, put on a slow fire, brought to a boil and boiled for about 7 minutes. Add sugar and ground nutmeg to taste. Hot drink is poured into jars and rolled up.

So in a simple way you can harvest cucumber juice by mixing it with various berry drinks. Raspberries, strawberries or currants are well suited for this, each recipe will be very nutritious and exquisite in its own way. Sugar in each case is added to taste. Berry juices can be from 30% to 50% of the volume of cucumber fresh.

It is recommended to store any vegetable juices prepared at home for no more than a year. After this period, they may lose their taste and useful qualities, their nutrient content is significantly reduced. If during storage the color of the drink has changed dramatically or mold has appeared on it, it should be discarded.

Cucumber juice, especially in combination with other drinks, will saturate the body with many useful substances in winter. You can choose the recipe you like the most and use it every year. Treatment with healing juices can be continued for 12 months, but preferably after consultation with a specialist and under his direct supervision.

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