Capital life life insurance phones. Ltd. opening life insurance personal account enter. OOO SK Capital-Life

"Opening Life Insurance" considers the long-term protection of the life of its customers as the leading direction of its activity. The company is active in both investment and endowment insurance. At the same time, the proposed policies not only protect the life and health of customers, but also increase the funds invested in them.

Notation used

  • NS - accident;
  • ZL - the insured person;
  • VZ - adult insured person;
  • ZR - insured child.

Investment life insurance

Otkritie Life Insurance first offered its clients to place funds in “protected investments” in 2014. The investor has access to two ILI programs:

  • "Growth Factor";
  • "Opening. Assets".

growth factor

The policy is offered to customers under the following conditions:

  • term - 3, 3.5 or 5 years;
  • amount - from 30 to 250 thousand rubles;
  • currency - Russian ruble;
  • how to pay the fee - at a time;
  • ZL - from 18 to 70 years old at the time of issuing the policy;
  • investment direction - funds are invested in the economy of foreign countries and distributed among various asset classes;
  • replenishment and / or withdrawal of part of the funds - not allowed.

The policy provides for 2 basic risks:

  • Survival of the IP - upon completion of the contract, 100% of the sum insured and the investment income is received by the insured himself;
  • death of the IP (regardless of the cause) - 100% of the sum insured and the investment profit are received by the indicated beneficiaries or legal heirs (if the beneficiaries have not been identified).

Additionally, it is possible to connect the risk “death of IP after an accident”. When the risk is realized, 100% of the sum insured is paid at a time.

Opening. Assets

Policy terms and conditions:

  • term - 5 years;
  • amount - from 300 thousand rubles;
  • currency - Russian ruble, at the request of the client, the contract may indicate the sum insured in US dollars;
  • how to pay the fee - at a time;
  • ZL - from 18 to 70 at the time of issuing the policy;
  • investment direction - depending on the chosen strategy;
  • replenishment - from 300 thousand rubles. (not allowed in the last 12 months of the policy);
  • partial withdrawal - once for the entire term of the policy, not more than 50% of the insurance premium.

It is important that in case of partial withdrawal (reduction), a part of the insurance premium is returned, increased by the corresponding part of the amount from the investment account. After that, the sums insured will be reduced in proportion to the reduction percentage.

The main and additional risks correspond to the Growth Factor program. The payment for the risk of "death after an accident" is limited to 3 million rubles.

The investor is invited to choose one of five strategies:

  1. "Absolute return" - minimum risk (2 out of 5), projected return of 15%. It works both in a growing market (the share of profitable assets increases) and in a falling one (due to redistribution into protective instruments).
  2. "Pharmaceutics" - participation in the growth of the assets of European pharmaceutical companies, receiving income from their profits at the level of 14% per annum. The risk level is rated as 3 out of 5.
  3. "Income bonds" - with a risk of 3 out of 5, a return of 25% per annum is expected. The underlying asset includes high-yield bonds of developed and developing countries. The participation rate is 260%.
  4. "Payment systems" - is aimed at receiving an estimated profit of 23.6% per annum (forecast is based on historical profitability for the period from April 2011 to April 2016). Client funds are invested equally in shares of Visa Inc and MasterCard Inc. The risk level is 3 out of 5.
  5. "Food Products" - is aimed at the growth and development of leading food companies. The strategy is most effective during the period of depreciation of the ruble against the US dollar. The expected return is 12% per annum with a risk level of 3 out of 5.

During the term of the policy, it is allowed to change the investment direction, but not more than 1 time per year.

Cumulative life insurance

"Opening Life Insurance" offers 3 options for HOA programs:

  • "Opening. Capital";
  • "Opening. Children's";
  • "Opening. Optimal".

General characteristics

All programs have general conditions:

  • the amount of "protection" - from 100 thousand rubles;
  • currency - Russian ruble, it is possible to reflect in the contract the sums insured in euros or US dollars;
  • payment of the insurance premium - at a time or once a year, half a year or 4 months;
  • grace period for paying the next installment - up to 62 days
  • upon agreement, it is possible to change the amount of the sum insured;
  • payments for basic and voluntary risks are summed up.

Opening. Capital

Program conditions:

  • policy term - from 5 to 40 years;
  • AP's age - from 18 to 60 years old on the date of conclusion of the policy, but not more than 70 years old at the time of its expiration.

Main policy risks:

  • survival of the AP - when the contract ends, the investor will be returned all the contributions paid by him;
  • death of the IP from life (any reason) - immediate payment of the final sum insured.

Voluntary risks:

  • determination of disability of group 1 or 2, regardless of the reason, with exemption from payment of contributions;
  • assignment of disability (groups 1 and 2) received under any circumstances;
  • establishing the disability of any group as a result of the National Assembly;
  • injuries as a result of NS;
  • hospitalization as a result of NS;
  • identification of a deadly disease;
  • death with additional payment under any circumstances;
  • death after NS;
  • death after an accident or a plane crash with a double payment.

Opening. Children's

The purpose of the program is the formation of target capital for the child and insurance protection for both him and the adult insured. The policy is subject to the following conditions:

  • term of insurance - from 5 to 25 years;
  • EOI age - from 18 to 60 years old at the time of issuing the policy, but not more than 70 years old at the date of its expiration;
  • the age of the RFP is from 2 to 17 years at the time of the conclusion of the contract, but not more than 25 years at the end date.

Main risks included in the program:

  • survival OT - the child receives the amount of all contributions;
  • death of the VZ for any reason - at the end of the contract, the child receives the sum insured;
  • death of the SR for any reason - all contributions paid are refunded.

Optionally, the inclusion of risks is possible:

  • VS injuries after NS;
  • hospitalization of VZ after NS;
  • assigning a VZ disability of any group after the National Assembly;
  • determination of disability (group 1 or 2) for any reason EOI with exemption from the need to pay contributions;
  • assigning a VZ of 1 or 2 disability groups under any circumstances with immediate payment;
  • death of VZ after NS;
  • death of EOI for any reason with immediate payment;
  • SR injury;
  • hospitalization of ZR after NS
  • disability of the RR after the National Assembly with the assignment of the category "disabled child" or group 1 (after the age of majority).
  • Identification of a deadly disease in ZR.

Opening. Optimal

Program conditions:

  • program term - from 5 to 40 years;
  • the age of the AP is from 18 to 70 years old at the time of issuing the policy, but not more than 80 years old at the date of its expiration.

The policy includes the main risks:

  • Survival of the ZL - at the end of the policy, all contributions are returned;
  • death of the AP for any reason - all fees paid are refunded.

It is possible to include additional risks:

  • injuries after NS;
  • the establishment of any group of disability after the National Assembly;
  • death after NS.

Useful video

Facts about life insurance that few people know about.

Moscow and the Moscow region, the municipal district of Danilovsky, Moscow. On September 18, 2020, 0:00:00 was registered with Branch No. 27 of the State Institution - the Moscow Regional Branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation. In the register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the last entry about the organization has the following content: Submission by the licensing authority of information on the re-issuance of documents confirming the existence of a license (information on the extension of the license). Information is provided on a paid basis as part of the Standard Report service.

Capital Life Insurance Company (Opening Life Insurance)

The parties did not disclose the amount of the transaction, according to experts, it could amount to 1.4 billion rubles.

Since September 6, the participants of the company have been IC RGS-Life LLC (99.99% share in the authorized capital) and Sergey Khachaturov (0.01%).

Previously, a share of 99.99% of the authorized capital belonged to Otkritie N LLC, 85.64% of which is owned by Otkritie Holding OJSC. In June 2020, the company was renamed to Capital-Life LLC.


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2015, SK Capital-Life LLC, All rights reserved

License of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation SZh No. 3645 of 08/04/2015

New address: 121059, Moscow, st. Kyiv, 7

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  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation ">

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Extrabudgetary funds

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Found information about 2 enforcement proceedings in respect of LLC "IC" Capital - Life "in the amount of 1100 rubles.

The Otkrytie company today offers a large number of products that allow you to insure your life. This IC is extremely reliable, it has a very high rating from both domestic and foreign agencies. The probability of fulfillment of all the obligations taken by it is very high.

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What are the advantages

The most important advantage of the insurance policy in this company is the reliability of IC Otkritie. Its financial position allows to give a very high guarantee for all obligations. Even in an unfavorable environment, the payout will be guaranteed.

Also, in all life insurance products from the company in question, the constructor principle can be applied.

If necessary, the client, at his own discretion, can add any risks to the policy, or exclude them from it.

It is acceptable to use a franchise, as well as installments - this way you can significantly reduce the financial burden. In general, the pricing policy of this UK is quite democratic.

The following can insure their life and health in Otkrytie:

  • citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • Foreign citizens.

A minimum number of documents is required to conclude a contract. The process of purchasing a policy usually takes no more than 10 minutes.

A preliminary medical examination is not required. In general, life insurance in this insurance company is automated as much as possible, all operations take a minimum amount of time.

In the event of an insured event, Otkritie never delays the payment of compensation. The settlement process is carried out as quickly as possible.

All employees are highly qualified and are well aware of their immediate responsibilities. An extremely extensively developed branch network makes it possible not to experience any inconvenience - branches of this insurance company are present in several dozen regions throughout Russia.

Policy Features

To date, the insurance company in question offers an extensive list of services of various types. But the most popular service is “voluntary life insurance” for loan borrowers.

The product makes it possible to fully repay the debt to the bank in the event of various situations that do not allow you to carry out this operation yourself:

  • death;
  • disability (temporary, permanent - disability of groups I and II).

When using this program, the debt does not pass from the borrower to his relatives or other close people. In the event of an insured event, Otkritie pays its client's debt in full in the amount of the sum insured specified in the contract.

The considered health and life insurance program has the following advantages:

  • you can not be afraid for your financial condition if it becomes impossible to fulfill debt obligations due to poor health;
  • if the IC repays the loan instead of its client, then its credit history remains positive;
  • the cost of this service is relatively small, but the guarantees are quite serious.

What to do in case of an adverse event

The first thing to do in the event of an insured event is to notify IC Otkritie about it. The maximum period during which this operation should be carried out is 60 calendar days.

The notification can be sent in any way convenient for the client:

  • by phone;
  • fax;
  • an email message;
  • written notice.

After that, you should collect a package of documents required to receive the insurance payment and send them to the address of the insurer by registered mail with an inventory. Direct insurance payment will be made within 14 days - if the company has not found a serious reason for refusal.

When assigning a disability to an insured person, the following documents will be required:

  • insurance sheet or its photocopy;
  • certificate of disability (copy);
  • extract from the medical facility (diagnosis, state of health);
  • sheet of temporary disability - there must be a note on the assignment of disability;
  • a copy of the act on the accident that occurred at work.

Also, in addition to the papers listed above, the insurance company may require other documents. It is not necessary to provide them, but it is desirable - thereby the likelihood of receiving monetary compensation will be significantly increased.

If the insured client dies for any reason, then the following documents will need to be submitted to the loss settlement center:

  • insurance policy or its photocopy;
  • death certificate from the registry office, notarized;
  • a post-mortem examination certificate or a photocopy of a medical certificate;
  • an autopsy report or a copy thereof (if this operation was carried out);
  • an act of an accident at work (if the insured event occurred at the place of work);
  • certificate of accident - if the death occurred as a result of a traffic accident.

If the risk is stipulated in the insurance contract, and the client has not violated obligations, the insurance indemnity will be paid as soon as possible.


All contracts concluded when the client purchases the service in question are formed in accordance with the "insurance rules".

This document includes the following main provisions:

  • "General provisions and subjects of insurance";
  • "Objects of insurance";
  • "Insured events and insurance programs";
  • "Exclusions from insurance";
  • "Sums insured and premiums";
  • “The procedure for concluding and formalizing an insurance contract”;
  • "Rights and obligations of the parties";
  • "Grounds for termination of the agreement";
  • "Procedure for payment of insurance compensation";
  • "Procedure for resolving disputes".

The first section, entitled "General provisions and subjects of insurance", indicates the most important information - all data regarding the grounds on which the service is provided are provided. The subject of insurance is also indicated - the insured (individual).

The shortest section is the paragraph titled "Insured Object". It is the property interests of the insured client.

"Exclusions from insurance" - the section lists all situations in which the indemnity is not paid.

The paragraph "Sums insured and premiums" - the amounts that the insured is obliged to pay to the insurer and vice versa (in the event of the insured risk indicated in the contract) are announced.

“The procedure for concluding and formalizing an insurance contract” - a list of actions that must be performed to conclude an agreement is considered.

The most important nuances of this action are also highlighted. "Rights and obligations of the parties" - the formal relations that arise when concluding an agreement for the provision of the service in question are documented.

There is also a list of factors upon the occurrence of which the contract terminates. Their number is not very large, but this list is listed in the "Grounds for Termination of the Agreement" section.

All important points regarding the payment of monetary compensation in the event of an insured event are indicated in the paragraph "Procedure for payment of insurance compensation".

Controversial and conflict situations, the likelihood of which is always present, are resolved only in court. This moment is stipulated in the section "Procedure for resolving disputes".

Investment life insurance at Otkritie Bank

Otkritie Bank offers a very profitable service called the Growth Factor.

This product simultaneously combines:

  • optimal level of insurance protection;
  • Potentially unlimited income.

The main parameters of this insurance service:

The insurance product of this type works as follows:

  • the company invests the funds transferred to it in minerals;
  • the guarantee fund provides a 100% refund after the end of the program;
  • through investment, a yield of 23% per annum is ensured - the entire amount adds to the amount of the insurance premium.

If the client of the company has died, then the entire amount in the amount of 100% is paid to his next of kin. The income received as a result of investment at the time of death is also transferred to the use of the heir.

Life insurance service from IC Otkritie is an excellent opportunity to avoid financial liability as a result of disability. Also, this product makes it possible not to worry that debts after death will have to be paid to loved ones.

Video: Why do you need life insurance?

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