Is it possible to have a pool after the gym. Pool after the gym benefit or harm. Types of water procedures and their effect on the body

Greetings to all honest people! Today we are waiting for a relaxing note, because we will talk in it, we will talk about whether the sauna is useful after a workout. In the course of the note, we will figure out whether this is a necessary thing at all, what happens to the muscles in the steam room itself, and how this affects the growth of muscle mass. I must say right away that the material is unique, so we absorb every millimeter of letters.

So, make yourself comfortable, now let's heat it up.

Sauna after training: what, why and why

Well, I would like to start with the fact that we owe this note to our loved ones, because. it is this topic - a sauna after a workout, that haunts many readers. In particular, some of them (you), through the mail of the project, reported that at the regular fitness center there is such a service as ordering girls in a bath / sauna. In other words, after a workout, you can relax, take a steam bath and relax in this kefir establishment. However, it is not clear whether this is good for the muscles, how it will affect them and other tyry-pyry. Like, some say that this is good, others are bad, others sit and remain silent in a rag :), clarify the situation. With pleasure I will do it, my dear, and in the most expanded and chewed form. Well, let's get started.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Pot and its functions

A sauna is a place that is designed to raise a person's body temperature and cause profuse sweating. While many of us try to avoid sweating, sweat does two important things:

  • cooling (temperature reset);
  • elimination of toxins ( ridding the body of waste products).

The body contains two types of sweat glands:

  1. apocrine glands - located mainly in the armpits, on the pubic and scalp. They secrete sweat, which contains fats and other organic compounds. Bacteria found on human skin interact with these compounds, which causes a specific (for each individual) body odor. These glands become especially functional during puberty, they emit hormones and pheromones to attract the opposite sex;
  2. eccrine glands - there are more of them 2 million, and they are scattered all over the body. They are truly workhorses when it comes to sweating. Eccrine glands are activated from heat, as well as stress and emotions. These glands secrete watery sweat that cools the body by evaporating from the surface of the skin.

As for the types of saunas, they are:

  • convection (conventional) - the most common and found in most places;
  • infrared (infrared) - directional action.

Their main difference is the degree of heat exposure to the human body. In an infrared sauna, a person warms up in a matter of minutes from the inside, in a regular sauna, the air itself heats up more, and not the body.

Sauna after training: the effect on the muscles

Let's dive into the theory a bit and find out (remember) what processes take place in the muscles after the end of the last repetition, and how a sauna or a cool shower affects all this.

During exercise, the muscles meet their energy needs through glycogen. It is stored in the muscles and liver and is a derivative of glucose, which is replenished through the consumption of carbohydrates. That's why it's so important to load up on carbohydrates before and after your workout - it's the only way to ensure optimal nutrition for muscle growth.

Sauna or cool showers are two of the tools that many athletes often use after a workout for better recovery. However, it must be remembered here that they affect protein synthesis and restoration in different ways. After a power load, all the calories consumed within half an hour go to the formation of new contractile proteins. (growth of muscle tissue). If during this period the body does not receive energy from the outside, it begins to burn existing muscles. This is the so-called. And to close it, you need to load up on fast carbohydrates in the amount 40-60 gr.

In addition to carbohydrates, the body needs fast building blocks - protein. And the ideal choice in this case are liquid amino acids or whey protein hydrolyzate. Therefore, it is more correct to say that after training it is necessary to close the carbohydrate-protein window.

Now with regard to the sauna and its effect on the muscles.

The American Institute of Physiology and Sports conducted a number of independent studies that proved that the sauna (largely) has a negative effect on muscle growth. These studies have shown that glycogen synthesis, and therefore muscle recovery, is significantly slowed down at temperatures above 30 degrees. In other words, a post-workout sauna is not the best choice.


Sperm motility for several days after visiting the sauna is markedly reduced. Therefore, do not stand in front of the first wedding night arrange a bachelor party in the bath.

These studies also showed that temperatures below room temperature, achieved for example by taking a cool shower, are the best option after training. Such a shower accelerates glycogen synthesis and muscle recovery.

Another scientifically proven fact is that washing your face with cold water immediately after a workout is also very beneficial. This procedure slows down the heartbeat, normalizes blood pressure and prepares the body for post-workout cocktail intake. In addition, the oxygen content in the blood and its availability to muscle tissue increase. The latter is very important for the rapid transfer of nutrients to the muscles and optimal post-workout recovery.

The conclusion of the study is: “…if you really want to build muscle and not ruin the results of an effective workout, then abandon the sauna or other methods of heating and replace them with a cool shower. It significantly improves the condition of the body and speeds up recovery.”

Sauna after workout: benefits

So is the sauna really such a bad place and not worth visiting? What, it does not give the body anything at all? Of course it gives, and a lot, let's look at the main benefits of going to the steam room. So, it can be classified as such.

The sauna increases blood flow to all the loins and the muscles feel more rejuvenated. In addition to increasing body temperature, it increases heart rate and metabolic rate. The temperature of the skin in just a few minutes rises significantly (up to about 104 degrees Fahrenheit), blood vessels become more flexible and elastic, blood circulation through them increases. The heart nearly doubles the amount of blood it pumps.

The North American Sauna Society has conducted research showing that post-workout steam bathing can help reduce muscle soreness through the body's production of endorphins. (pleasure hormone). Sauna has also been claimed to help eliminate lactic acid lactate. (the main failing factor of muscle work) and toxins released during exercise.

Detoxification of the body is one of the main advantages of the sauna. And it consists in removing accumulated toxic substances through sweat. Ridding the body of these toxins will help prevent many diseases and improve overall health and vitality. (hello from Star Wars :)). And since athletes attending the gym actively draw iron, constantly eat according to 5-6 once a day, such a relief procedure is very relevant for them. It is also worth noting that the infrared heat generated by the respective sauna produces sweat consisting of almost 20% toxins against only 3% in traditional.

In addition to detoxification, the sauna deeply cleanses the pores of the skin and makes it breathe in a new way. This is very important with constant training and iron pulling. Sweat removes excess sodium (salt) and urea, a product of natural metabolism. In general, the sauna has excellent “cleansing” effects.

Relaxing in the sauna will help lower the levels of the damaging hormone,. The combination of warmth and relaxing music will help to remove the blinders from training and experience the deepest relaxation and relief.

Behind 30 minutes of visiting the infrared sauna burnt order 600 calories, i.e. You lie, do nothing, and the weight goes away. In one scientific study, women 3 months of infrared sauna visits (and normalization of nutrition) reduced their weight and reduced their waist circumference. All this happens due to an increase in heart rate and metabolic rate, as a result of which the body can burn more calories.

Infrared saunas and their heat penetrate deep into joints, muscles and tissues, increasing circulation and speeding up the flow of oxygen. Many sports doctors recommend the use of saunas to relieve sports injuries and chronic fatigue syndrome. A 2003 study showed that using near infrared heat helped produce white blood cells, which reduce inflammation and swelling, two key factors in relieving body pain.

What do you think, is the list of usefulness impressive? Yes, I think so.

Now let's summarize all this boltology and answer the main question of the note in one line. So, a sauna after a workout has a place to be, however, with some Freudian reservations:

  • training on this day should be of moderate severity;
  • lesson time no more 45 minutes;
  • be sure to drink water during training;
  • be sure to drink water after the sauna (before 300 ml) ;
  • time spent in the steam room no more 20 minutes;
  • at the exit - a cool shower or pool;
  • after the sauna we close the carbohydrate-protein window;
  • it is better to relax in the sauna on non-training days (then the time can reach 40 minutes);
  • an infrared sauna is preferable to its conventional counterpart.

Well, in this spirit, in this section. I have everything, let's go to the conclusion.


Today we talked about whether a sauna is useful after a workout. Now you know the answer to the question and can make an informed and informed decision. I say goodbye to this, until we meet again and with light steam!

PS. Friends, do you have saunas in your halls, do you go there?

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network - plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

The benefits of a sauna have been repeatedly proven by scientists. Such a useful pastime has recently almost supplanted the traditional Russian bath. However, many people, especially athletes, doubt whether it is worth going to the sauna after training. To begin with, we will analyze the general effect of such a procedure on the body.

Sauna: benefits and harms

Sauna, of course, strengthens the body. Temperature changes help to increase immunity, hardening and improve overall health. A person simply becomes resistant to various infectious diseases.

Going to the sauna is often accompanied by the application of essential oils, massage sessions and aromatherapy. The active components of various substances easily penetrate through enlarged pores and have a positive effect on the skin and the body as a whole. So, the health benefits of a sauna:

  • Infections are destroyed.
  • The immune system is strengthened.
  • Regular use of the sauna significantly reduces the risk of cancer.
  • All kinds of toxins are removed from the body.
  • The work of the kidneys is stabilized.
  • Salt metabolism is stabilized.
  • The skin becomes clean, soft, supple and elastic.
  • Blood pressure normalizes due to the fact that blood vessels and capillaries expand.
  • The degree of stress is significantly reduced.
  • Disappears irritability and nervousness.
  • Eliminates fatigue.
  • Vigor and clarity of thought return to a person.
  • The work of the brain is stimulated, as a result of which mental abilities develop.
  • There is a surge of energy.
  • Improves overall health and condition of the body.
  • After playing sports, lactic acid often accumulates in the muscles, which leads to pain. Sauna disperses this substance and eliminates discomfort.
  • Sauna speeds up protein metabolism, thanks to which the body absorbs useful substances much faster and better.
  • Sauna is an excellent prevention of bone tissue diseases.
  • Runny nose, bronchitis, tonsillitis, and similar diseases will disappear without a trace after several procedures.

This is a truly impressive effect on the human body. However, sometimes the sauna brings not only benefits.

The harm of the sauna for the human body

If the rules for visiting the sauna are not followed, then significant damage is caused to the body. So, the harm of the procedure:

To avoid such consequences, you must follow the rules for visiting the sauna.

Rules for visiting the sauna

The benefits of a sauna for women and men will be obvious if you follow these rules:

  • Do not eat directly before the procedure. It is better to do this a few hours before visiting the sauna.
  • Any alcoholic drinks before and after the sauna will negate all the positive effects.
  • Wrap your hair in a towel to keep it from becoming dry and brittle.
  • Apply natural oil to your skin to protect it from high temperatures.
  • If your body is sensitive to elevated temperatures, stay in the steam room for a minimum amount of time.
  • If you are sick and your body temperature has risen, refrain from going to the sauna, put it off for a more appropriate moment.

Compliance with these rules will allow you to spend time in the sauna with maximum benefit. However, there are several categories of people who are categorically contraindicated in this procedure.

Sauna contraindications

Very often people are attracted. The benefits and harms of such a pastime do not particularly concern them. However, some people should not visit the sauna. These include:

  • Pregnant women.
  • People with diabetes, tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous system.
  • People with high blood pressure.
  • Women during menstruation.

There are not many contraindications to visiting the sauna. Therefore, you need to pay attention to them. If you neglect contraindications, you can cause irreparable damage to health.

We figured out the benefits and harms of the sauna, now let's talk about this procedure immediately after training.

Sauna after benefit or harm?

Visitors to gyms and fitness classes are often offered to go to the sauna immediately after a workout. This is due to the fact that there is an opinion about the undeniable benefits of this procedure after sports.

However, each person must make their own choice. Scientists have proven that the sauna has a negative effect on muscle growth. Elevated temperature simply does not allow them to develop in full force. But this does not mean that visiting the sauna will harm the body. Under certain conditions, it will contribute to such processes:

  • Due to the strong blood flow, the muscles are updated faster.
  • Significantly reduced muscle pain.
  • Toxins are removed.
  • Sauna removes the products of natural metabolism from the body.
  • Sauna helps to relax and relieve tension in the muscles.
  • Calories are burned, and in significant quantities.
  • Creates a natural flow of oxygen into the body.

The benefits of a sauna after a workout will be noticeable only if certain rules are followed.

How to exercise before going to the sauna

For some athletes, nothing is more satisfying than a sauna after a workout. Benefit or harm will be from the procedure, no one cares. However, the possible negative health effects can lead to serious consequences. And if you follow these recommendations during training and being in the sauna, then you will spend time with benefit:

  • Do not overwork the body, the activity should be medium in intensity.
  • Spend no more than 45 minutes exercising.
  • During exercise, drink clean water periodically.
  • Also drink some clean water after your workout and before visiting the sauna.
  • One session in the sauna should not last more than 20 minutes.
  • After leaving the steam room, be sure to take a dip in the cool pool or take a shower.
  • Immediately after the sauna, eat something carbohydrate-protein.
  • If you have the opportunity to visit the sauna on a day when you are not exercising, do so.

We figured out the effect of a sauna on the body after a workout. But sometimes people want to visit this place just before class. This has its positive and negative sides.

Pre-workout hike

Many athletes like to go to the sauna before training, arguing that the procedure significantly warms up the body and regulates the optimal temperature regime.

There is some truth in this, because the sauna really warms up the body and prepares it for sports. During a workout, your muscles will no longer need a strong warm-up. But this procedure has not only positive aspects. The benefits of a sauna before training depend on the planned load in the classroom.

Harm of the sauna before training

The benefits of the steam room before sports will be obvious only if you visit it quickly and do not steam for more than 10 minutes. This is due to the fact that the body is at risk of falling into a state of dehydration.

In addition, body temperature will rise significantly, which means that the temperature regime during training will not be optimal. In this state, sports are simply ineffective.

An alternative to visiting the sauna after a workout

Washing your face with cold water or taking a cool shower is considered an excellent procedure after a workout. This normalizes the temperature regime, speeds up metabolism, slows down the heartbeat, prepares the body to receive a protein shake and promotes the synthesis of glycogen in the body.

In addition, oxygen enters the muscles much faster, which has a great effect on their work and growth.

Unlike a sauna, washing does not negatively affect muscle growth, which is important for athletes who work out in the gym. A cool shower also helps to strengthen the immune system and hardening.

More about infrared sauna

Today, infrared saunas are gaining popularity. This procedure is used both on the day of training, and as a separate full-fledged service in various beauty salons.

It differs from the usual one in that it helps to warm the human body from the inside. This means that the body is renewed at the level of tissues. The skin becomes firm and elastic, and excess fluid is completely eliminated from the body.

Which sauna to choose, each person decides independently. Weigh the pros and cons before you decide to introduce your body into a kind of stressful situation.

If you don't want to work at all

Sometimes it happens that a person does not want not only to go to the sauna, but also to play sports. In this case, the following manipulations will help:

  • Change your training program.
  • Go to a different gym a few times.
  • Take a few classes with a personal trainer.
  • Watch some motivational films.
  • Go to a workout with a friend, try yourself as a coach.
  • Arrange for yourself a full-fledged day off, in which you will neither work nor play sports.

If you exercise too often, then sooner or later the body will resist this, so your desire will disappear.

Thus, the sauna after a workout is great way relax and de-stress. But sometimes it has quite the opposite effect. Therefore, it is important to know how the steam room affects the body, how the state of health changes under the influence of high temperatures. Sometimes it is better to refrain from going to the sauna. The best option for you would be to consult with your doctor and trainer before making a decision about visiting the steam room.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is a fashion trend. All kinds of gyms, swimming pools and saunas - something that can help improve the condition of the body and the body as a whole are simply filled with visitors. Often, in pursuit of a quick result, people try to go through all the procedures in one day and combine trips to saunas and gyms. Is it worth it? How to do it right? We will talk in this article.

The sauna is a modern derivative of the traditional and familiar to all baths, which has long been famous for its ability to have a beneficial effect on human health. Visiting the sauna after a workout has become especially popular recently, although this issue is very controversial. Of course, after hard work and work on your body, going and relaxing in the sauna is what you need, especially since almost every major gym has its own sauna.

The effect of the sauna is not only a good mood and a feeling of relaxation, but also an internal effect on the body that cannot be noticed just by looking at a person. Therefore, we will describe the effect that the sauna has on the human body after immediately after training:

Negative and controversial aspects of the bath after training

The sauna is a useful place, but if you abuse and neglect some of the rules for visiting the sauna, especially after a dynamic workout in the gym, the consequences can be disastrous. Therefore, visiting the sauna is not recommended in the following cases:

  • In diseases of the cardiovascular system: hypertensive patients whose blood pressure is above normal. The sauna can bring such a big "jump" that the vessels will not withstand, and hypotensive patients can get a sharp jump in pressure, which will lead to serious problems;
  • People who have skin problems ranging from oiliness to eczema should minimize their trips to the sauna;
  • Pregnant women who attend gymnastics sessions should absolutely not visit the sauna after training - this is dangerous for the child;
  • You can’t go to the sauna if the workout was more difficult than usual, or lasted more than 45 minutes, this is due to the fact that the load on the body in principle, and especially on the heart, was stronger and it may simply not withstand additional stress in the form of high temperature;
  • If you feel constant thirst during training and cannot get drunk - refuse to visit the sauna on this day, as this is a direct sign that the body does not have enough fluid, and the sauna is designed to remove this very fluid, so you should not "load" the body.

A controversial issue in post-workout sauna use is that studies have shown that weight loss is not so much due to fat burning (although this cannot be taken away from the sauna), but due to fluid withdrawal, which is essentially not a good trait. Therefore, many trainers do not recommend their wards to go to the sauna after a workout. Also controversial is the concept of “cleansing the body”, which has not been proven by science in any way, and therefore, many experts dispute this effect and its positive effect on the process of losing weight in principle, calling it nothing more than a “placebo”. Another point that is often disputed in the matter of visiting the sauna is the ability to eat right after the steam room. Experts make the main emphasis on the fact that after a workout you need to eat tightly in order to replenish the supply of nutrients and start muscle anabolism.

Types of saunas in gyms

Today, almost every large sports complex has its own sauna. Depending on the size of the room allocated for the sauna, the following types of saunas are used in gyms:

Comparative table of the influence of various types of baths on the body

Dry air bath Raw (steam) bath Water (Japanese) bath
1. Decrease in body temperature due to the rapid evaporation of moisture; 1. High air humidity prevents the rapid evaporation of moisture, therefore, heat transfer is less efficient; 1. Normalization of body temperature due to uniform heating of the body; 1. Due to the fact that the rays used in the infrared bath are similar to those emitted by the human body, the body overheats evenly, and heat dissipation is very efficient;
2. No risk of overheating of the body; 2. High thermal conductivity leads to overheating; 2. Due to the fact that the temperature of the environment does not change sharply, there are no “jumps” in temperature, which means that there is no additional load on the body; 2. The body warms up evenly, respectively, and there is no risk of overheating;
3. Dry air does not overload the cardiovascular system; 3. High load on the heart due to an increase in body temperature; 3. Does not have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system, does not cause pressure surges; 3. A visit to the infrared bath after a workout has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, strengthens blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure;
4. Restoration of breathing after training. 4. Difficulty breathing, due to the small amount of oxygen in the air and the large amount of vapor. 4. It does not affect the process of gas exchange in the lungs, it is easy to breathe in such a bath, and the widespread use of essential oils in a water bath helps to get rid of diseases of the respiratory system. 4. increases the flow of oxygen to all organs.

How to prepare before going to the sauna?

Before going to the sauna after a workout, you need to let the body move away from the load for at least a few minutes and only then go into the sauna room. Before entering the steam room, you need to stand under a warm shower for several minutes, without soap, otherwise you will wash off the protective layer of sebum from the skin. Be sure to plan your trip to the sauna after a workout in advance and do not forget slippers, a hat and gloves if you are going to steam with a broom. And also stock up on plenty of water, and better - herbal tea, it quenches thirst better.

At the first entry, stay in the steam room for no longer than 5-7 minutes, because the body is exhausted by training and a long stay in an environment with a high temperature will become stressful and can lead to consequences in the form of dizziness, nausea and even loss of consciousness.

Also, do not immediately occupy the top shelf, the cardiovascular system after exertion during exercise may not withstand a sharp increase in temperature.

As for the use of a broom, here everyone must decide for themselves. If you don’t like whipping in the bathhouse, it’s not necessary to use a broom, but if you are an amateur, then you can’t hit yourself with a broom the first time you enter the steam room, it’s better to start this procedure from the third or fourth session, and even then you need to do it carefully and smoothly.

Should I go to the sauna before a workout?

If you are wondering if it is possible to visit the sauna before training, our answer is definite - it is better to refrain from such activities. This is due to the fact that after a sauna a person is less resilient, which means he will not be able to perform the necessary set of exercises, especially when it comes to strength training. Going to the sauna before training will also adversely affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system, since high temperatures and subsequent physical exercises can lead to overstrain and reboot of the body. In addition, the risk of injury during training increases, as relaxed muscles do not work smoothly. Therefore, in order to avoid such problems and risks, it is better not to book a sauna before visiting the gym.

Video: useful or harmful bath after training

Whether you decide to visit the sauna on the same day as visiting the gym or not is up to you, the main thing is that you feel comfortable in the lifestyle that you adhere to.

Be sure to read about it

After visiting the gym, every person needs rest, as there is a very strong load on all the muscles of the body. After fitness, you should just come home, relax and unwind. But often many girls and guys have a question: is it possible to combine a pool and a gym? Quite a lot of people visit gyms in Odessa, where they are brought into sportswear, which makes the figure much more toned.

If you visit the gym and also want to join the pool, then it is best to discuss this issue with your trainer, as he will be the best person to help you deal with this issue. Many experts say that combining these two sports will definitely make your figure better and improve your well-being. Many also believe that after the gym, you can go to the pool, as the water is very relaxing and helps to focus on classes.

Sometimes it happens that a person does not have enough time to combine the pool and the gym, then you will have to choose.

Swimming pool or gym

If your goal of training is to gain mass, then after training you should definitely have a snack, because after the gym the body is very tired, because it has spent a lot of energy on all these exercises. After the gym, going to the pool without rest and a snack is not recommended.

Pool benefits:

  • All muscle groups develop;
  • Flexibility and elasticity of the body;
  • Better health;
  • The figure is much better.

Gym Benefits:

  • Classes prolong youth;
  • Muscles become larger and more elastic;
  • Strengthen the cardiovascular system, nervous system;
  • Effectively helps burn fat;

How to combine a pool and a gym

If you correctly combine the gym and the pool, then it will be useful for the body, because it will allow:

  1. Relieve strong tension after training in the gym;
  2. Accelerate metabolism;
  3. Can provide fast recovery after training.

If you go to the gym and to the pool in order to lose weight, then procedures in the water should be given more attention than fitness. In the gym, you gain muscle mass, respectively, the muscles in training are very tense. Treatments in water help you and your muscles relax and get some rest. Access to the pool on the same day gym will improve your well-being, but after you swim, you must definitely eat the right food in order for the cells to recover.

If you want to develop in different directions and make your muscles bigger, then you can actively work out both in the gym and in the pool, but do it on different days, as the body will be very tired and not withstand such a heavy load. But if you just want to relax in the water after a fitness workout, then you can safely have a snack and after that go to the pool for a little swim, but do not spend too much energy there, as you can get very tired.

Many visitors like gyms in Odessa, as everyone can effectively train there with experienced trainers and make their figure more beautiful and fit.

Helped us:

Alexey Avdeev, expert bath attendant, specialist in physical rehabilitation and recreation, owner of the Zhivitsa bathhouse

Oksana Shchezhina, individual fitness trainer, master of sports in fitness, multiple champion of Russian and international competitions in fitness and bodybuilding

Most modern fitness clubs have a steam room or even a small bath complex: a sauna, a hammam, a Russian bath. As a rule, visitors drop in after classes to warm up the body and relax. However, according to experts, thermal procedures are a serious physical activity. So, when planning a workout, you should include in the calculation the energy costs of bath procedures and their possible consequences.

benefit factor

Let's start with the good: how bath procedures will help us after a workout and to whom they are especially indicated.

Bath variety

To create a training program in combination with bath procedures, it should be remembered that warming up in a sauna or hammam is a physical activity. Only her body receives it not from running, squats and push-ups, but from an increase in temperature and a change in air humidity. In order not to overheat, it launches two protective mechanisms at once: it begins to drive blood more energetically, increasing the load on the heart, and actively removes fluid - it sweats. You need to choose one or another type of bath depending on the tasks that you set for your body.

Everything according to the rules

Whatever type of bath you choose, there are a few general rules that will help you correctly combine it with training:

Peace of mind and security

Thermal procedures have their contraindications. About when it is worth refraining from visiting the bath, says Alexey Avdeev:

If you are healthy, regularly go in for sports and have thought to diversify your body care with thermal procedures, start with a gradual warming up - and enjoy how much health and good mood a good steam room gives!

The text was prepared by Evgenia Sokolovskaya.

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