Is it good to retract the stomach. What threatens the retraction of the abdomen for weight loss: wasp waist or health problems? Results, Benefits, and Feedback from Abdominal Retraction

Beautiful, toned belly– it is always a reason for admiration!

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How to draw in the stomach for weight loss?

Most of us, even having a small tummy, have complexes about this. You're probably trying to pull in your abs almost every time you pay attention. One has only to forget how the treacherous fat immediately falls out of the trousers. But frequent retraction of the abdomen can really help get rid of extra centimeters on it.

Consider what exercises you need to do for this:

  • Training oblique and lateral muscles of the press. Do the exercise on the floor. Get on all fours, exhale as much air as there is in the lungs, and pull the abdominal muscles in with all your strength "to the stop." Try to hold this position for at least 20 seconds, then inhale. Rest for about half a minute, then repeat the retraction a couple of times.
  • Transverse muscle training. Rest your knees on the floor, buttocks, as it were, sit on your heels. Put your hands on your knees and repeat the retraction of the abdominal muscles according to the scheme of the previous exercise.
  • Training of the rectus and oblique muscles of the press. Pulling in the abdominal muscles for weight loss while sitting on a chair. Rest your hands on your knees, keep your back straight. Pull your stomach in again and hold on for as long as you can. Remember that before retracting, you need to exhale the air as much as possible and do not breathe during the exercise.
  • Complex training of the press. To perform the approach, you need to lie on your back and bend your legs at the knees, while your arms are along the body. Fix the feeling of tension in the abdominal muscles and pull them in according to the previous scheme.

In principle, you can just keep the press tense all the time, even this will help strengthen the abdominal muscles of all groups. Many who have tried to always walk with their stomach in, sometimes even forget to relax it.

Whether to retract the stomach: what the experts say

The opinions of doctors on whether it is useful to make the so-called "vacuum" in the abdomen differ. Here are the arguments from both sides.

The opinion of adherents of the method of retracting the abdomen:

  • This is a good "massage" for internal organs, which, first of all, is useful for intestinal motility;
  • This is the prevention of swelling;
  • This is a training of the abdominal muscles, which will come in handy for a woman during childbirth;
  • This is the formation of a strong muscular corset and the prevention of hernias;
  • This is a healthy spine.

To the question “Is it harmful to draw in the stomach?” opponents of such gymnastics answer:

  • Retraction of the abdomen and constant "holding" of the press is highly undesirable, especially for women because of the possibility of the formation of adhesions of the intestines, fallopian tubes and appendages;
  • In their opinion, nature does not intend that a person will walk with constantly tense muscles. This can provoke the occurrence of various cysts, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, etc. The desire to have perfect figure massively makes women infertile;
  • Strong pressure inside the abdomen, provoked by artificial retraction of the press, disrupts the digestive tract, due to which a person may suffer from constipation, ulcerative colitis, fecal stones, etc.

As you can see, the "vacuum" in the stomach has both adherents and opponents. Given the above facts and arguments, it is up to you to decide whether you need to retract the stomach for weight loss.

Abdominal retraction for weight loss: reviews

Many users of our site have tried the retraction of the abdomen in order to lose weight. Here is what they write about their experience:

  • I was interested in this technique, as I always experienced discomfort from my not perfect tummy. At first, I did gymnastics every day, almost hourly. But then I got tired and I began to draw in my stomach constantly. So I have been “training” for almost a year, and I forgot what fat is on the waist and stomach. And walking with relaxed muscles is somehow even unusual for me. Nadia, 28 years old
  • The entire Internet is full of calls and different materials about this gymnastics. Well, I thought I'd give it a try. I did it for a long time and every day, measured centimeters, weighed myself, took pictures to see how it was and how it became. But two months later, I did not notice any result, so I returned to the good old ones. Alice, 30 years old
  • I believe that pulling in the abdomen by no means can build muscle. And this is confirmed by the experience of my friends. After all, what does it take for muscles to work? You need to relax and tighten them alternately. And this “method” does not give any load on the abdominal muscles at all. Perhaps there will be some benefit from retraction (massage of the intestines, etc.), but the press will certainly not pump up. Alla, 25 years old

Is it possible draw in the stomach to lose weight must be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. Of course, this gymnastics is contraindicated for pregnant women, people who have recently undergone abdominal surgery, and in some other cases.

To become really slim, it is not enough just to lose weight. Losing weight with the help of diets and other means does not mean becoming fit. The most problematic in this case is the stomach - it sags and takes on the appearance of a crease. This must be fought, and one of the methods is considered to be the retraction of the abdomen for weight loss. These exercises, if done regularly and correctly, will help to make it flat and attractive. What is the benefit of exercise?

It is not always possible to conduct a full-fledged workout. This requires enough free time and opportunities. Some people cannot exercise due to medical contraindications. But experts went to meet such people and developed a set of exercises that can be performed anywhere. These exercises are so simple, but very effective, that they will pleasantly surprise everyone who wants to get rid of the problem presented above. Exercise vacuum for the abdomen or retraction can even remove extra pounds at the waist. How does this happen? The abdomen consists of the rectus muscle and the transverse muscle, which is located under it. It is the transverse muscle that holds the internal organs and is capable of stretching due to overeating, abuse of various drinks and lack of training. By training this muscle, you can pump up the press and form yourself a flat and elastic stomach. The features of self-study and exercise will be discussed later.

How to properly retract the stomach in order to lose weight - for this, several methods have been developed for correctly performing abdominal vacuum exercises. First you need to work out gymnastics, and throughout the day draw in the stomach for a few seconds.

  • inhale a full chest of air through the nose and quickly exhale through the mouth;
  • then draw in the stomach as much as possible;
  • stay in this position for 20-30 seconds - do not breathe.

The holding time of the vacuum in the abdomen must be gradually increased, the same is done with the retraction force.

To perform the exercise, there are several poses - you need to choose them in accordance with the muscle that needs to be trained:

  • Oblique and lateral muscles of the press. Get on the floor on all fours and exhale all the air from your lungs. With all the force to draw in the muscles, how much physical fitness is enough. Hold this position for at least 20 seconds, then inhale the air. Take a break for half a minute and repeat approaches 2-3 more times.
  • Transverse muscles. Sit on your knees on the floor, leaning your buttocks against your heels. Put your hands on your knees, and push the body slightly forward. Perform vacuum retraction of the abdomen, in the same way as in the previous exercise.
  • Straight and oblique muscles of the press. Exercises for retracting the abdomen for the press are done while sitting on a chair. To do this, rest your hands on your knees, keep your back straight. Pulling in the stomach as much as possible, you need to hold out in this position for as long as you have enough strength. Before drawing in the abdomen, exhale the air from the lungs and hold the breath until relaxation is physically required.
  • Complex training. To do this, lie on your back and bend your knees. Place your hands either on your stomach, pushing your elbows to the sides, or stretch along the body. Fix the tension of the abdominal muscles and perform the exercises, as before.
  • Standing on the floor Stand up straight and do exercises according to this technique. You can perform them by leaning forward a little and holding on to a strong support.

Usually, trainers recommend doing vacuum exercises not only during training, but also in your free time, when traveling in transport or at work. You can keep your stomach in tension all the time - this helps to keep the press and strengthen the muscles.

This is interesting: Vacuumization of the abdomen stimulates the work of not only its muscles, but also closely located organs. She tightens the waist, shapes the press and brings great benefit for digestive system, as it relieves constipation and other problems with the intestines.

Benefits and harms according to experts

Perform or refuse the vacuum of the abdomen - on this issue, the opinion of experts is divided.

Some of them prove that these exercises are beneficial:

  • retraction of the abdomen is a massage for internal organs that improves intestinal motility;
  • improved bowel function - prevention of gas formation;
  • abdominal muscle training is a necessary program for women during childbirth;
  • there is a formation of a strong press and prevention of the formation of hernias;
  • a healthy spinal cord is formed.

The other part is opponents of this technique and considers it unhealthy:

  • Drawing in the abdomen and keeping the press in constant tension is undesirable, especially for women, because it provokes adhesions of the intestines, appendages and fallopian tubes.
  • Nature did not plan the constant tension of the abdominal muscles and this can lead to the formation of cysts, obstruction of the fallopian tubes and other pathologies. Having an ideal figure, a woman can forever remain barren.
  • The pressure inside the abdomen, caused by its retraction, provokes disruption of the intestines, as a result of which constipation, ulcerative colitis and fecal stones can develop.

According to the reviews of those who are engaged in vacuum training, this effective method getting rid of sagging muscles, which do not have to spend a lot of time, besides, excellent results are obtained.

How yogis do it

Pulling in the stomach the way yogis do is very difficult, but effective method. For one breath hold, they do up to 200 retractions. Therefore, everyone who wants to engage in the presented workouts should strive to increase the number of retractions.

Detailed instructions are offered on how to do a similar exercise, pulling in the abdomen for the press according to the yogi method:

  • To do this, you need to stand on the floor, spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Lean forward and rest on your hips with your hands - while keeping your back straight, and bending only in the pelvis, not the lower back. For convenience, you can slightly bend your knees.
  • Leaning slightly, it is necessary to inhale air through the mouth and rise in starting position, while retracting the press as much as possible.
  • It is recommended to lower the chin so as not to disturb the cough.
  • While holding your breath, you need to quickly relax the abdominal muscles and retract them.

At first, from 2 to 5 retractions will be obtained. After that, slowly inhale and straighten up, then inhale two more times. You can repeat these manipulations at least 3-10 times, but it all depends on the physical capabilities of the person - you should not abuse training in the first classes. Retracting the press is a huge benefit for the internal organs. In addition, the procedure is not burdensome - it can be performed at any time. You can not do vacuum exercises for pregnant women and those who have undergone band surgery. Before the process of pumping the press with a vacuum, you should consult a doctor - retraction is allowed only for those who have no contraindications. AT otherwise Vacuum will only make matters worse.


Lydia, 25 years old: I have always had a small tummy. Well, this is my body constitution. So I calmed myself down. But the idea of ​​an ideal press haunted me. I decided to try this exercise because it definitely won't hurt. But there is hope for a positive effect. Regular training for a couple of months gave me incredible emotions and the first manifestations of the press cubes.

Alla, 35 years old: After the appearance of my daughter, I noticed that the stomach does not go away completely. Before that, I had almost perfect abs. Moreover, a rigid diet and cardio training did not really improve the situation. I decided to take this exercise. At first I rarely did it, but then I “got the taste”. And really helped. All extra centimeters in the abdomen are gone. I feel great.

Marina, 41 years old: I used to think that deliberate retraction of the abdomen harms the internal organs. But I read about it in more detail and realized that this is a myth. After 3 pregnancies, my “press” has noticeably changed. I did not expect to return it to its former form. However, the exercise had an amazing effect. Within a month, I saw the first results. Now I continue to train every day for a few minutes.

Today, many women want to reduce the volume of the abdomen, but are too busy to make time for training under the guidance of professionals. Of course, there are a huge number of other reasons why they are forced to refuse to go to the gym. However, as they say, there would be a desire, but there will be an opportunity.

Pulling in the abdomen for weight loss is one of the the best exercises. With the help of periodic retraction of the abdominal muscles, you can reduce your waist in volume in a short time and with maximum efficiency. The regularity of such exercises will not only relieve you of extra centimeters and improve the shape of the abdomen, which usually sags after using a number of weight loss methods, but will also tighten muscles and even skin. Such a simple exercise can be done even for beginners.

There are several methods of retracting the abdomen, practicing which you can achieve very good results. Let's list them.


This is one of the main exercises practiced by devotees. Indian yoga. Its essence is the performance of special breathing exercises that are performed in a strictly defined position. In this case, not only the diaphragm is involved, but the abdominal muscles are also well worked out.

Vacuum - great option for those who suffer from excess weight, as well as for those who are trying to eliminate such a nuisance as sagging abdomen after intense weight loss. Despite the fact that outwardly the stomach looks motionless, the muscle fibers contract, due to which not only the waist zone is corrected, but also the internal organs are stimulated. Thus, metabolism and digestion return to normal, blood circulation in the pelvic area is streamlined (very useful for the reproductive organs), fat is actively burned, toxins are removed and strengthened. nervous system. To obtain the expected result, vacuuming should be carried out regularly.

It is necessary to start the exercise on an empty stomach. Food can be taken only after an hour. For starters, 2-3 approaches per day will be enough. The time spent will be no more than 10 minutes. Success with such diligence is guaranteed.


This technique is considered one of the most difficult in terms of execution technique. In order to learn how to properly perform the exercise, you need to practice a little. You should start with a tight closure of the lips. We also do not breathe through the nose. Then you need to slightly lower your head to chest. Now let's focus on the belly. Count slowly to yourself and at the same time, at the expense, tighten your stomach. Ultimately, he should go inward and take on a resemblance to a flat board. Intestine, stomach and other located in abdominal cavity organs are retracted into the space under the ribs. Thus, the stomach becomes no longer even flat, but concave. By its appearance, it resembles a dent, as in a punched or half-deflated ball. There should be a feeling of sticking of the stomach to the back.

As for the count, then, drawing in the stomach, it is necessary to count up to 8. But not as usual, but pronounce each number to yourself three times in a row, for example, one-one-one and so on. But do not rush to give everything for all 8 measures. For beginners, it is advisable to stop at 3-4 cycles, gradually increasing their number.

Everyday workout

In order to develop the habit of drawing in the stomach, you can do this simple exercise during the day for 5-10 seconds. The number of such approaches is up to you. This technique is also very effective for reducing the waist in volume. The technique for performing the exercise is extremely simple: you need to take a deep breath through your nose to draw as much air into your chest as possible, and then quickly exhale all the air through your mouth. Immediately after this, draw in the stomach as far as your capabilities allow. Hold this position and hold your breath for about 20-30 seconds.

You can practice such retraction of the abdomen not only at the time allotted for training, but also when you have a free minute - for example, while in transport or at the workplace. Regular tension of the press helps to work out all groups of abdominal muscles.

Positive and negative sides


  • constant muscle tension in some cases can lead to the appearance of adhesions in the intestines, fallopian tubes and appendages (under favorable conditions for this pathological process);
  • retracting the press artificially creates excessive pressure in the abdominal cavity, which may disrupt the functioning of the digestive system (expressed in constipation, accumulation of fecal stones and colitis).

How to properly retract

The easiest way to tighten a sagging stomach is to periodically pull it in for just a few seconds. It would seem that there is nothing difficult in this. But even to solve such a simple task, you need to follow the appropriate rules.

So, if you are going to just pull in your stomach during the day, then each such retraction should last about 5-6 seconds. For starters, you can do 20 approaches a day. Then, when such exercises become a habit, you can gradually increase the load and bring it up to 8-10 approaches, each of which must be repeated 100 times. Thus, you can achieve the return of the natural elasticity and firmness of the so-called membrane muscle, which is located under the abdominal muscles. When the tone of these muscles is lost, it ceases to resist the pressure exerted on it by the internal organs.

It is also necessary to retract the stomach correctly:

  • in the process of inhalation, the chest should be filled with air as much as possible;
  • in the process of exhalation - gradually draw in the stomach.

You do not need to take any special posture for this exercise. But the main and indispensable condition is a flat back.

Who is prohibited from doing

Be sure to consult a doctor and practice techniques with a high degree of caution when:

  • lung problems;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • malfunctions in those organs that are closest to the diaphragm;
  • the presence of hernias in the abdominal cavity;
  • weakened abdominal muscles or if the abdomen is too large.

Summing up

If you re-read the reviews posted on the Internet about the retraction of the abdomen and how it affects weight loss, we will see with our own eyes high efficiency of this technique. It is just an ideal option for those who are sorely lacking time for a full-fledged workout. You can perform the exercise even on the way to work or school, and in the office too. And the best part is that as a result we get not only a clearly improved appearance of the abdomen and a narrower waist, but also an improvement in the internal organs.

The most problematic area of ​​the body for many is the sagging belly, inside which visceral fat accumulates. It is very difficult to deal with it, because it is the very depot of reserves that the body spends last. And if you do not remove the sagging here, the waist will never be aspen, and the figure will never be slender.

There are different methods for solving this problem. In particular, for weight loss, you can practice pulling in the abdomen - for this exercise, it is not necessary to go to the gym and hire a personal trainer.

How it works

Many are interested in how effective the method of retracting the abdomen is and what results it can achieve. By how many centimeters and in what time can the waist be reduced by regularly performing this exercise? And can it be done at all to lose weight?

To answer all these questions, you need to figure out what happens during such regular training in the body:

  • intestinal motility improves, and if there are no problems with digestion, then the deposition of fat in reserve will not occur;
  • frequent and prolonged retraction of the abdomen causes the muscles to fix this position, in the future they get used to it and already keep it flat and beautiful;
  • as a result, the volume of the waist decreases;
  • if the correct breathing technique is followed, the tissues receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, metabolic processes improve, and all this in combination leads to slow, but still weight loss;
  • the posture is straightened, and this makes the figure much slimmer.

So the retraction of the abdomen with a competent approach and the volume of the waist will reduce, and contribute to a more fast weight loss. But at the same time, the question remains relevant, but will you not have to sacrifice your own health, gaining a slender figure in such an easy, at first glance, way? After all, the opinions of experts on this matter differ.

Advantages and disadvantages

Doctors and fitness instructors argue whether it is useful to pull in the abdomen or not, it is possible to lose weight in this way without harm to health, or complications are still inevitable. You need to listen to the arguments of both sides, weigh the pros and cons and decide what this exercise will be for you - salvation or another stress for the body.


  • the exercise can be performed everywhere: sitting at the workplace, in public transport, on the street, at a party, cleaning at home, etc.;
  • the internal organs of the abdominal cavity are massaged, as a result of which intestinal peristalsis improves;
  • prevention of flatulence and hernia is carried out;
  • suitable for weight loss in the postpartum period;
  • a muscular corset is formed;
  • has a beneficial effect on the health of the spine;
  • is prescribed for prolapse of the kidneys and other internal organs.


  • constant tension of the abdominal muscles;
  • excessive pressure in the abdominal cavity;
  • negative impact on the reproductive system of women;
  • a large number of side effects, which later turn into complications.

If you can’t make a decision on your own whether to do it or not, it’s better to consult a doctor. Especially if there are any health problems.

Result after daily exercises of abdominal retraction


Usually various methods weight loss is criticized for a long list of contraindications. In retraction of the abdomen, it is also rather big. But its main drawback is not even that. The fact is that among the side effects are not dizziness and diarrhea at all, the symptoms of which can be drowned out with medications. They are quite serious diseases that require qualified and long-term treatment.


  • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer (may worsen);
  • gastritis;
  • menstruation (there will be increased bleeding and pain);
  • pregnancy (retraction of the abdomen can provoke a miscarriage or early birth);
  • lung problems;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • hernia in the abdominal cavity;
  • weakened abdominal muscles;
  • obesity.

Side effects:

  • the formation of adhesions in the intestines, appendages, fallopian tubes;
  • violations of the functioning of the digestive system: constipation, accumulation of fecal stones, colitis;
  • formation of cysts, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, infertility.

Are you willing to risk your health for this technique? The side effects are really too serious and can lead to a hospital bed. On the other hand, they appear only in 5-6% of cases, and many people engage in retraction for a long time without any complications. The decision is up to you.

Implementation options

There are several execution techniques, each of which trains a specific muscle group. If you are familiar with the muscular atlas of the human body, you can choose the position that you need. If you have no bodybuilding skills, it's okay if you alternate these exercises or do only those that are within your power.

  • On knees

Trains the oblique and lateral muscles of the press. Performed on the floor. Get on all fours, exhale the maximum amount of air from the lungs, pull the press in with all your strength “until it stops”. Hold for 20 seconds, inhale.

  • Sitting on the floor

Trains the transverse muscles. Rest your knees on the floor, buttocks sit on your heels. Put your hands on your knees, retract according to the previous scheme.

  • Sitting on a chair

Trains the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles. Sit on a chair. Rest your hands on your knees, keep your back straight. The execution scheme is the same.

  • Lying on your back

Comprehensive training of the entire abdominal cavity, press. Lie on a flat surface on your back, bend your knees, stretch your arms along the body. Fix the feeling of tension in the abdominal region, start retraction according to the previous scheme.

After you select the appropriate technique, draw up a lesson plan. It is very important for a systematic and constant load, without which weight loss can not be achieved at all. A sample schedule for beginners might look like this:

  • 1st week - 10 sets of 10 seconds daily;
  • 2nd - 15 sets of 30 seconds;
  • 3rd - 20 sets of 1 min;
  • 4th - 25 sets of 2 minutes.

And in the future, all these indicators should only be increased, but in no case be reduced. One feature of this schedule: unlike many other exercises, it must be done daily, without days off and intervals for rest.

Execution technique

To achieve results, you need to learn how to properly retract the stomach. Having mastered this exercise and correctly performing it, you can not only increase its effectiveness, but also avoid complications. Read detailed instructions see how to do it step by step photos and instructional videos from the masters. Rules from fitness trainers will allow you to resolve many questionable points.

  1. Close your lips tightly.
  2. Hold the breath.
  3. Lower your head to your chest.
  4. Focus on the abdomen.
  5. Start slowly counting, and for each count, gradually pull your stomach inward until it looks like a flat board.
  6. Gradually, the abdominal organs are removed under the ribs. So the press becomes no longer flat, but concave. It should resemble a dent, like in a half-deflated ball. You should feel it stick to your back. Hence the name of this technique - vacuum.
  7. On inhalation, the chest is filled with air as much as possible, on exhalation, the abdomen is drawn in.
  8. Having drawn in the stomach to the fullest extent possible, you need to read up to 8. For beginners, up to 3-4 is enough. In the future, to increase the pace, it is better to pronounce each number three times.

If you feel that you are not doing it correctly (discomfort may appear or there will be no result after 2-3 weeks), do not spare the money and time to seek help from a trainer. He will look at your performance, point out mistakes and tell you how to fix them. Only in this case, losing weight and reducing the waist will become a reality, not a dream.

Among the reviews about this technique, there are complaints that the exercise is performed correctly, systematically, and for a long time, but there are no results. Often this is due to the fact that people, being carried away by technology alone, completely forget that lifestyle is very important for weight loss, and it will have to be changed significantly.

If, after drawing in the stomach, you immediately fill it with fast food and soda, you can be sure that a miracle will not happen, and you will not achieve anything. Therefore, do not neglect the following recommendations.

  1. First of all, change your diet. It is not necessary to go on a diet and exhaust yourself with hunger strikes. Just eliminate the harmfulness in the form of baking, sweet, fatty, fried, etc.
  2. Retraction of the abdomen, although it is physical activity, but insignificant. You won't lose many calories with it. Therefore, it is advisable to start playing sports and provide yourself with physical activity during the day.
  3. The exercise must be performed systematically, without missing a single day and not a single approach.
  4. To stimulate metabolism, drink at least one and a half liters of regular water per day.
  5. Try to get enough sleep.
  6. If there are problems of a psychological nature, you need to find their solution: either with the help of a specialist, or through antidepressants. But, being in an upset state, experiencing stress, it will be difficult for you to lose weight.
  7. When following these recommendations, objectively count on the result: in a week you can lose no more than 1 kg and 0.5-1 cm at the waist. Swing for more - you will be bitterly disappointed.

Even if the retraction of the abdomen does not contribute to weight loss (after all, this process is very long and complicated), then you are guaranteed to reduce the volume in the waist. The most valuable thing about this exercise is that it allows you to remove the very visceral fat, which in most cases does not want to leave, either with observance or with intensive sports. In parallel with this, do not forget to take precautions, remembering that the technique can seriously harm the internal organs.

A thin waist and a flat stomach are the dream of many women and the admiration of men, which is not so easy to achieve.

Most women do not have the opportunity to set aside time for professional training or for other reasons to attend gyms. But if you want, you can always find a way out of any situation. By retracting the abdominal muscles, you can quickly and effectively reduce volumes. Frequent repetition of such exercises will help to cope with extra centimeters and make a sagging tummy attractive and flat after losing weight. Namely, visually reduce the stomach, remove excess fat, tighten muscles and skin.

How to draw in the stomach when losing weight?

The easiest way to deal with sagging forms is to regularly pull in the abdomen for a few seconds. To do this, it is necessary to draw in the stomach throughout the day and hold it in this state, counting 5-6 seconds. The optimal number of approaches for one initial workout is 20 times. Gradually increasing the load to 8-10 sets of 100 times. In such a simple way, it will be possible to restore the elasticity and elasticity of the membrane muscle, which is located under the abdominal muscles and, if the tone is lost, cannot cope with the pressure of the internal organs.

It is important to draw in the stomach correctly. The process should be approached as follows:

  1. On inspiration, the chest is filled with air.
  2. On exhalation, the stomach is drawn in.

You can perform retraction while standing, sitting, lying down. In any position it will be correct. The main condition is an even posture. Make it a rule to do it at every opportunity, in every spare moment. Many who have tried these exercises and began to walk with their stomach drawn in, eventually forget to relax it.


Vacuum is the main exercise among the supporters of Indian yoga. It is based on performing breathing exercises in a certain position of the body, involving not only the diaphragm, but also the abdominal muscles. It is suitable for overweight people and those who struggle with sagging belly after losing weight. Even with the external immobility of the abdomen, the contraction of muscle fibers works to lose weight, stimulating the internal organs. Normalizes the processes of digestion and metabolism, blood circulation in the pelvic area, promotes fat burning, elimination harmful substances from the body and positively affects the nervous system.

Vacuumization must become regular to obtain the desired result. It is necessary to start performing 2-3 times a day on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. It will take no more than 10 minutes, but success with a diligent approach to business is guaranteed. In addition, you can exercise during breaks at work and between household chores, without wasting time on trips to sports clubs and GYM's. Don't procrastinate, get started right now:

  1. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Tilt your body forward and place your hands on your knees. For a stable position of the leg, it is allowed to bend a little at the knees. It is important to keep your back straight.
  3. Exhale as you lean forward a little. Then return to the starting position, holding your breath and pulling in your stomach as far as your strength allows. It is recommended to put the chin on the chest in order to avoid coughing.
  4. As you continue to hold your breath, release your belly.
  5. Repeat the pull and release. Keep doing the movements until you can hold your breath.
  6. Inhale slowly, stretching the breath into several deep ones.

To begin with, try to perform the exercise in 2-3 sets, gradually increasing the number of breaths and exhalations. Professionals easily perform 100 or more retractions in one approach. There is no need to reach for this number. We present it in order to understand the range for improving technology.

In addition to the one described, there are several more poses for the exercise. It is possible to choose the most suitable for yourself or alternate for a change:

Expert opinion

Expert opinions on the benefits and effectiveness of retraction exercises vary. Adherents and opponents of this theory disagree on the advice and contraindications of methods for retracting the abdomen.

Supporters of such gymnastics argue that it is a kind of massage for the internal organs and stimulation of their proper functioning, in particular, improving intestinal patency. In addition, this muscle training technique will come in handy for expectant mothers during childbirth. The advantages of exercise also include the formation of an elastic muscular corset of the abdominal cavity and a positive effect on the health of the spine. From a medical point of view, exercise is recommended as a prevention of bloating and hernia.

Opponents of this technique believe that the constant tension of the press can disrupt the intestines and cause adhesions. intestinal tract, fallopian tubes and appendages, as well as provoke the appearance of a cyst, and as a result, a diagnosis of infertility. They also warn that strong tension inside the abdomen leads to constipation, ulcerative colitis, fecal stones and other problems.

Given the different points of view of doctors, the use of retraction techniques should be solely your decision.

Reviews and results

Reviews that have tried the technique also differ. Those who have experienced abdominal retraction while fighting overweight and centimeters, share their experience:

After losing weight with diets and proper nutrition, the stomach remained sagging and constantly treacherously protruded. There was a period when I pumped the press on my own at home, but I never achieved a positive effect. I have been reading about retraction techniques for a long time, but did not dare to try. I started right away with a vacuum. From this exercise, the transverse abdominal muscle is well worked out, which is almost not involved when swinging the press. It depends on her condition whether your tummy will be flat.
Olya, 29 years old

I've been pulling my stomach in for a long time. When I am at a bus stop, in transport, at work, in line at the store, at home for washing dishes. In general, at every opportunity. Nothing helps. Just relax - just like a gluttonous bun. I don't rule out that I'm doing it wrong. My opinion - the press must be downloaded. Or combine retraction with abdominal exercises.
Marina, 31 years old

A quick result when retracting did not work, no matter how much we would not like it. But quitting what I started is not in my rules. It is necessary to control this state constantly along with posture. Especially while sitting. This should become a habit. Gradually, this will not even need to make an effort, and the tummy will be flat.
Anna, 27 years old

I believe that this technique is effective only with alternate exercises for pumping the press. The experience of my girlfriends and acquaintances confirms my theory.
Alina, 34 years old

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