Find out what kind of person by handwriting. The character of a person by handwriting: methods of determination. Various loops in the signature

When a first-grader learns to write, he learns to draw letters beautifully and correctly. However, not all children have calligraphic handwriting, which cannot but disturb parents. What to do in this case, how to change the situation? First of all, figure out if you are exaggerating the problem, and also exclude the presence of a disease that causes a disorder in the writing process. And after that, work on improving your child's handwriting. How exactly? Say "Easy Useful".

Is there a problem?

Younger students may sometimes write sloppy and illegible. You should not worry about this: gradually the handwriting should change. If you can easily read the words in a notebook, there are no serious mistakes - you should not torment the student.

Perfectionism is not always good. Constantly criticizing the child and trying to achieve perfect writing, you can have the opposite effect: he will have an aversion to writing. In addition, psychologists note that parents, forcing them to rewrite tasks many times, accustom the child to patterned behavior, and over time, he may lose the desire to take the initiative.

Another important point: handwriting is also associated with the psychological state of the child. If before that he wrote neatly and beautifully, and then his letters became illegible and crooked, it is possible that problems appeared in the student's life. For example, relationships in the family have changed, or he does not have relationships with peers. Strong pressure when writing may indicate increased anxiety. If pressure is added to this from parents who make sure that the child writes each letter as they see fit, the child may develop an inferiority complex.

Another disturbing "bell" is the process of the letter "r". If a child writes a text that should be shown to a parent or peer, and the process of this letter is too short, this may be a sign that he is afraid of the person to whom the message is addressed. In this case, it is important to work on family relationships, to create an atmosphere of trust and mutual support.

What is dysgraphia and how to identify it

Some children have bad handwriting because they suffer from dysgraphia. In this case, the baby is not to blame, since mistakes in his words are the result of insufficient formation or decay of mental functions responsible for written speech.
In this case, he needs the help of a speech therapist, a neurologist, physical activity gives good results. Let's talk about the characteristic symptoms of dysgraphia:

  • the child constantly makes mistakes, even if he knows the rules of the Russian language well;
  • he most often confuses the letters "sh" and "u", "v" and "d", "t" and "sh", "m" and "l", and instead of "b" he writes "p", instead of " d" - "t", instead of "g" - "k", instead of "w" - "g";
  • he can skip individual letters, rearrange them, add extra letters, etc.;
  • such children write very slowly;
  • it is difficult for the reader to make out what they have written.

It is possible to say that a child has dysgraphia only when he masters the technique of writing, that is, not earlier than 8 or 8 and a half years. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the child must be taken to a speech therapist, and also prepared for serious work. With due diligence, there is every chance to overcome this misfortune. Today, manuals, workbooks, audio and video courses for dysgraphics are available. To cope with dysgraphia, not only specialists, but also the student himself and his parents will have to work hard. It is also important to enlist the support of the school teacher.

Reasons why handwriting deteriorates

So, you are sure that the problem is not far-fetched, and your child really writes badly, although he does not have psychological problems or dysgraphia. In this case, you need to figure out what is the reason for such poor handwriting, and act according to the situation.

Watch how the child sits

Look at how the letters are written: they have an incorrect slope, they “look” in different directions, the elements of the letters are non-parallel, in words the slope is one way or the other? If this is your case, then the child sits down for a couple as he likes. Teach your student how to sit at a desk at school or at home.

Set an example for your child: if you yourself slouch when reading and writing, then the child will not take your comments seriously. Start working on yourself, and then the children will follow you. So, what is the correct fit:

  • torso, head and shoulders - even;
  • legs are bent, feet are on the floor or on a special stand;
  • you can’t lie down on the desk - you can only lean on your hands;
  • hands protrude over the edge.

Make sure that the student always sits correctly at the table, do not forget about it, and after 3 weeks he will begin to take the correct position himself.

Position your notebook correctly and hold a pen

It happens that the letters either “run away” up and are located above the line, or, conversely, down, they turn out to be different in height or width.

If this is the problem, then you need to teach the child to correctly position the notebook:

  • It should lie on the table at a slight slope of 10-15 °.
  • When the child writes at the top of the sheet, he holds the bottom with his hand, and then gradually moves the notebook up.
  • The slope should be to the right if the right-hander writes, and to the left for the left-hander.

Don't forget the covers. They not only help keep notebooks neat, but also prevent the notebook from slipping. Therefore, it is better to buy inexpensive plastic covers, since the more rigid ones, although they look better, do not cope with this function.

It is important to buy a comfortable pen and teach how to hold it.

What to look for when choosing a pen:

  • It should be about 15 cm, too short or very long should not be bought.
  • Do not give your child souvenir pens, tetrahedral: they are beautiful, but uncomfortable. The student will spend a lot of effort to keep it, and he needs to write, so buy only round pens.
  • Thick handles are also not suitable: the diameter should not exceed 7 mm.
  • Now they produce special pens for elementary school students: with an elastic band that prevents fingers from slipping, and with pimples that stimulate nerve endings.
  • Buy non-staining pens so they don't smear the paste. It is easy to check this: in the store, make a few lines with a pen on paper, and then run your finger over them. There should be no ink left on the skin.

If you pick up a pen, teach your child how to hold it correctly. She lies on the 3rd finger, on the left she is held by the thumb, covers - forefinger. If desired, the index finger can be easily lifted - the handle should not fall. The distance from the fingers to the rod is 2 cm. Do not strongly clamp the handle, bending the index finger.
If your child does not hold the pen correctly, you can buy him a special nozzle that will help him retrain.

Develop fine motor skills

If the child went to kindergarten, educators had to deal with him, including developing fine motor skills. You, as parents, should also find time for developmental activities with your son or daughter.
But if it was not possible to pay due attention to this, then your child could come to school with poorly developed fine motor skills. Such a child does not have such mobile fingers and hands, and because of this it is difficult for him to write elements of letters that have roundings, curved lines are difficult for him. Study the child's notebook: if he can't write letters with curved elements, you need to work on fine motor skills. How to do it:

  • draw as much as possible using various techniques;
  • connect the dots to make a figure later;
  • hatch;
  • constantly sculpt;
  • play with a mosaic or designer, with other small details.

Handwriting exercises

You have created all the conditions for your child to start writing beautifully: you watched how he sits, holds a pen, and placed a notebook. However, he had already developed an ugly handwriting. How to fix it? Do specific exercises. But don't overload your child. If he is in elementary school, it is enough to devote 15-20 minutes to classes, no more. It is necessary to select texts of 4-6 lines that are interesting for the child and rewrite them, trying to do it beautifully.

Pay attention to which letters or elements the child turns out to be clumsy, and work more on them. You can start retraining with copybooks, teach the student to re-write various hooks and sticks, and then let him combine them into letters under your supervision.

There is another simple way that also helps to make handwriting more beautiful. It doesn't take long. Take a notebook in a box and ask the child to draw a circle without taking his hands off. And so - many times, until it works out (you can practice for 5 minutes a day). When he learns to draw one circle, add a second one, slightly shifting your hand to the right, but make sure that your circles do not go beyond the cage. You will get a figure similar to "smoke".

Only regular classes, the efforts of the student himself, his desire to write beautifully, will help to make the child's handwriting beautiful. It is important here not to go too far, not to force him to sit for hours at the prescriptions, otherwise you will achieve the opposite result. He should not only study, but also play, relax. It is also worth praising the little worker as often as possible. With this approach, you will not only cope with the problem, but also maintain friendly relations with your son or daughter.

How to improve handwriting? - this question is asked by many people, and these are by no means medical workers, but the most ordinary citizens who have not paid attention to their handwriting since they were in school. There are many reasons why a person's handwriting deteriorates. Someone begins to type more on the keyboard and therefore wean from the handwritten presentation of thoughts on paper, while others, on the contrary, write very often, as a result of which they do not pay attention to the beauty of the letters at all.

Is it possible to change the handwriting?

In addition, the point of view is quite widespread that the character of a person affects his handwriting, therefore, no matter how much you teach him to write correctly and beautifully, after a while character traits will still appear on paper. But the question “how to improve handwriting?” still remains relevant, therefore, methods will be described below that help not only change the letters ugly on paper, but also completely redo the style of your handwriting, if you wish.

How long does it take to improve handwriting?

The skill of beautiful writing can only be formed through daily training, the duration of which should be at least an hour a day. The mistake of many self-taught people is that after the appearance of the first result (in this case, the formation of a beautiful letter), the training stops and very soon the letters again creep ugly on the paper, even if copybooks are used to correct the handwriting. Here's the thing: a skill must be distinguished from a skill. The first one is formed for a longer time, but allows you to perform the learned action "on the machine", while the "skill" guarantees only a temporary result.

We are talking about a comfortable body position when writing, holding the pen correctly, a calm environment, since you will have to practice for at least an hour at a time. The development of fine motor skills also plays a role in the formation of beautiful writing skills. For this, things such as neocube or Chinese balls are purchased. So how do you improve handwriting? The exercises required for this are described below.

The first way to improve handwriting

All you need is a few ballpoint pens and a lot of patience. The method consists in alternately writing the letters of the alphabet according to the pattern specified in the recipe. Before you improve handwriting for an adult, you should buy pens of various sizes and shapes. They are necessary for comparison - it is more convenient for someone to write with a thin pen with a writing ball diameter of 0.7, for example.

Having tried several varieties of ballpoint pens, you can determine for yourself the most convenient of them and subsequently buy just such writing accessories. The optimal distance from the fingers to the sheet of paper is approximately 1 cm. How to improve handwriting with the proposed method? One letter is written in capital and capital form until it completely matches the sample proposed in the recipe. Moving on to the next letter, do not forget about the previous one, but it should be written with fewer repetitions.

The second way to improve handwriting

Correction of handwriting is possible without the use of copybook. A small text written by hand is enough, which is considered beautiful, it already depends on the preferences of each person. Also used are a variety of computer fonts that copy handwritten text. By printing such a font on an A4 sheet, you can overlay a blank sheet on it and copy everything that is printed. This method is good because you need to write in whole sentences, which means that the skill will come faster than if you print one letter at a time and then connect them.

After a slight improvement in handwriting, a transition is made to writing under the dictation of a friend or any other person who is ready to help. After writing, inaccuracies in handwriting, various "crookedness" are checked. They should be given special attention in the future. A month of training in this way guarantees the correction of ugly writing. But often people are tormented by the question not of improving the entire handwriting, but only of its correction.

How to partially change handwriting

Changing handwriting flaws is easy - just know what exactly is worth working on. Initially, a sheet of paper is taken, on which a small passage is written with one's own hand. Looking at the written text, you should analyze it for the presence of those letters or their combinations that spoil the beauty of the letter. Paying attention to just such shortcomings, you can quickly get rid of them. But what should you pay attention to before correcting handwriting?

Common Mistakes

When analyzing the written, attention is drawn to such errors as:

  • letter size;
  • tilt (a mistake is too much forward deviation or even the filling of letters on the left side);
  • pressure pen on paper;
  • the nature of the connection of individual letters in a word;
  • partial or complete distortion of a particular letter to such an extent that it becomes almost unreadable, and handwriting correction becomes a necessity.

As for the last point, it is worth mentioning separately - it is better to invite someone to evaluate the handwriting, since the habit of seeing letters written by oneself excludes the objectivity of their assessment.

Found deficiencies are best corrected one at a time. For example, with a large inclination of the letters forward and strong pressure, at first you can only deal with the inclination, and only after correcting it, begin to control the relaxation or, conversely, increase the pressure of the brush.

Improving your child's handwriting

To teach a child to draw letters beautifully and correctly on paper, conventional teaching aids, as a rule, are not enough. This is due to the fact that in notebooks to improve handwriting, about 3 lines are allotted for one letter, after writing which, the child is taken for the second, without acquiring the skill of writing the first. Therefore, before improving the handwriting of a child, it is necessary to print out the copybooks, where an unlimited number of lines will be allocated for one letter.

But in order for a child to learn how to write a letter correctly, its sample must be printed on approximately every third line, otherwise the student will copy his own letters after 5-10 lines. The next step on the way to beautiful handwriting is the combination of letters into words and sentences. Using copybooks to correct handwriting and constantly practicing on the simplest sentences, you can move on to rewriting the works of Russian poets, which will help the student not only learn fluent and beautiful handwriting, but also expand their vocabulary.

Change in handwriting during adolescence

Since in adolescence a student has to write often and a lot, the handwriting deteriorates during this period. Not having time to write down information or trying to make the lessons faster, the teenager individualizes the handwriting, distorting each letter. This becomes a problem when the notes become incomprehensible to the people around them or even to the teenager himself. Therefore, the question "how to improve the handwriting of a teenager?" very relevant.

To correct this state of affairs, frequent rewriting of voluminous texts at a slow pace will help, which must be increased as you correct incorrectly or simply ugly letters. For rewriting, the works of any prose writers are suitable, whose style does not imply the presence of a large number of floridities and many participial and participle turns. Otherwise, after half an hour, a teenager will get very tired of complex speech, ceasing to pay attention to the beauty of writing letters, or even refuse such an activity.

Having taken care of the beauty of the writing of their child in adolescence, parents guarantee him the preservation of this skill for life.

Copying a person's handwriting is not that difficult, it is enough to have a sample of his handwritten texts and about an hour a day to practice your writing. As already described above, writing letters in a pattern at a slow pace gives very good results.

For lazier people, the option with partial copying of someone else's handwriting is suitable. This method consists in finding and reproducing the most striking features of handwriting, such as slanting, strongly pronounced deviations from the norm of certain letters, or pressure on the paper.

For detailed copying, it will only take more effort and time, since you should pay attention to the many features of someone else's handwriting. These include: slope, pronounced deviations from the ideal writing of each letter, as well as their size in combination with the spacing between words.

Boring workouts will turn into an exciting activity if you start keeping your diary or constantly write down interesting thoughts, not forgetting about beautiful handwriting.

It is important for each person to know and understand the other. Unfortunately, in the modern world it often happens that it is impossible to communicate directly with a person, and in these cases such a science as graphology is indispensable. A graphologist will be able, using only a person's handwriting, to learn everything about him, from his character to his occupation.

But, knowing a few key points, even a person who is not a specialist can recognize character traits and draw up a psychological portrait of another. That is why in today's article we will talk about this topic. We will study graphology and learn the important nuances of this area.

Briefly about the main thing or what is graphology

In all areas of life, it is simply necessary to know the person with whom you communicate, work or live. After all, how well you know another person is often directly related to the effectiveness of teamwork or other activities. And you can understand another only when you have drawn his psychological portrait.

And in those cases when you do not have the opportunity to acquire the information you need through physical contact, such a necessary and subtle science as graphology can help you.

Graphology is the science of handwriting and those methods that allow you to study the personal characteristics and mental state of the individual who wrote a particular text.

To date, there are a lot of books in which everyone can find information of interest to themselves. But here we will consider the most important points of this science so that you can independently study the handwriting of the person you need and understand his character and more.

So, first of all, graphologists assure that for an accurate analysis it is necessary to study more than one sheet written by the person whose handwriting you want to study.

Since the experts came to the conclusion that at the beginning of the letter a person writes unnaturally, and then slowly begins to “open up”, which is why the last pages are the most interesting for researchers.

In such a science as graphology, every little thing matters. For example, when a graphologist takes a sheet with an inscription for study, the first thing he starts to study is the sheet itself on which the person wrote. Since the experts came to the conclusion that the sheet itself will tell a lot of interesting things about the owner.

For example: if you see a white sheet in front of you with torn edges, traces of dirt, coffee, grease, etc., then most likely the person who wrote on it is a slob and a slob. In addition, it is likely that he is greedy, as he was stingy to change the sheet when it went bad.

And when you have a clean, large sheet of paper in front of you, then this is a sign that the owner of this paper is a generous and accurate person. But it may also indicate such a character trait as a tendency to wastefulness.

So when starting your research, do not lose sight of such an important trifle as a sheet of paper.

Handwriting decoding or what to look for?

Studies have shown that graphology provides the most accurate information about a person in the range of 25-45 years. This is the age where, by studying handwriting, you can find out interesting information about a person.

Starting to study a person's handwriting, in order to identify personality traits, experts first of all take into account some key points. We will talk about them below:

  1. Letter size is the first important point in learning handwriting. The fact has already been proven that the size of letters in a person changes both with age and with a specific physical condition. For example, the older a person is, or if he is tired, tired, then his letters turn out to be larger. More often you can find medium-sized letters. And if you have handwriting with medium letters, then this does not indicate any specific character trait of the person who wrote it. In the case when a person has large letters, this may indicate that the person who wrote them has leadership qualities. Such a person is emotional and sociable. They can easily establish new connections, acquaintances.

    If you see handwriting where the letters are small, then this is a sure sign that the person who wrote them is a purposeful and reserved person. In some cases, this can also speak of such character traits in a person as secrecy and isolation.
  2. Margins - The second important nuance during the study of handwriting is the consideration of margins. If a person leaves narrow fields, then this indicates that he is frugal. In some cases, this is a sign of the pettiness of the writer. Remember, the narrower the fields, the more frugality is expressed in a person, and sometimes it can even reach stinginess. If a person leaves wide fields, then this indicates his generosity. However, do not get carried away, because if the margins are very wide, then this indicates the author's extravagance rather than his generosity. And if in a letter you see excessively wide margins, then the author may turn out to be a braggart and a vain person who strives for luxury.
  3. Pen pressure - this item speaks not only about the character of the author, but also about his emotional state while writing a text or letter. Everything is simple here: the stronger the author’s emotions, the stronger the pressure of the pen. Basically, workaholics and people who are very energetic have strong pressure. They are sociable, easily make new acquaintances, they are open. And when the pressure is light, the author prefers loneliness, calmness. Most of these people are romantics.
  4. Line direction - the next important phenomenon in the study of handwriting is the consideration of lines. Since the very direction of the lines can also tell a lot about the author. So, in people who are characterized by mood swings, adventures, deceit and resourcefulness, we often find “wavy” lines in letters. In the event that a person is reasonable and restrained, then they can observe straight lines, they write like a ruler. Such people have adequate self-esteem, they can soberly and honestly assess themselves and their skills. When the author's lines tend to go up, this indicates that he is an optimist.
    When the lines go down, then most likely the person who wrote it is a pessimist or a person with low self-esteem.
  5. Cohesion of letter elements - It is also important to study the coherence of different elements in the text. This also gives important information about the author. The person who writes all the elements in a connected way is a straightforward person who is dominated by logical thinking. They are often enterprising and like to criticize. If you see a text where all the characters are written separately, then this may indicate that the writer has developed imaginative thinking. And in cases where 2-3 letters are connected, this indicates that the author is a balanced person.
  6. The form of the letter - it is also important to study the form of the letter. In the event that you see that the characters of the author are angular and sharp, then this is a sign that the person who wrote this text is an egoist. In the event that the characters are smooth and rounded, then the author is a compliant and pliable person. These are the most loyal individuals who find it very difficult to achieve their intentions.
  7. Writing slope - In graphology, it is also very important to study the writing slope. When the slope in the letter is weak and directed to the left, this indicates that the person who wrote it likes to criticize everyone. For such people, their interests always come first. In the event that the tilt to the left is very pronounced, then this author is stubborn, and has a tendency to consider himself the only correct one. But, most often, there is a slight slope of the letters to the right. However, this does not speak of any particularity of a person. This is just a feature of the school, because we are all taught to write like this. In the event that the slope of the letters is strongly to the right, then this indicates that the author is a strong and purposeful person. Such handwriting indicates that a person is jealous and he can fall in love very much. And in cases where there is no slope in the letter, this indicates that the person is stubborn. A person who writes like this is very good at thinking through his actions, assessing the situation and acting confidently and effectively.

These are the main points that are taken into account during the study of a person's handwriting. As everyone can see, learning handwriting is not that difficult.

It is also important to look at the capital letter. In the event that the author has it too decorated, this means that the writing person needs recognition and attention from others. This is a person who so badly wants to seek approval.

And when you see that the capital letter is small, this may indicate that the author is clamped.

Handwriting and personality traits

The science of graphology itself sees a connection between handwriting and personality traits of a person. So, according to handwriting, one can speak about the personal qualities of a person.

For example, if a person is quick-tempered, then his letters rise above the line, and the hooks of the last characters often fall below the lines.

In the event that a person is sensitive, then in his letter you can often find unfinished characters, uneven pressure, the presence of an inclination and pale letters.

The mind of the writer is evidenced by a slight or lack of inclination, their letters are without decorative elements, of medium size and rounded. The distance between words is the same.

And vice versa, the saturation of decorative elements in the letter, unusual hooks in symbols speaks about the stupidity of a person. Different spacing between words and uneven pressure. For such people, capital letters are of particular importance, which they write with special diligence and in a very original way.

In strong-willed people, symbols are connected with each other. The pressure is even. A small number of strokes and distinct letters. And the letter itself from such people is almost without "decorated".

In cold-blooded people, despite the fact that all the lines are uneven, the last word is always in its exact place. Their characters are always neat, and the distance between words is different.

Handwriting speaks of the cruelty of a person, where the letters are often underlined. In cruel people, the letters are written carefully, hooked, flattened, and yet, despite all this, looking at their letter, there is a feeling of rudeness and fatness of the letters.

What can a person's signature say?

Both a letter and a signature can tell a lot about the author. Moreover, experts pay special attention to the signature. Below we will consider important points related to the signature and what individual details of the signature can say about the character of a person.

For example, if a person’s signature is ordinary, without unnecessary elements, then this indicates that the person is brave and self-confident.

When the signature has an underline, then such a person is enterprising.
If there are loops in the signature, then most likely the author is an observant person.

In those signatures, when the author crossed out his signature, this indicates his impulsiveness and activity.
When you see the circled caption, you can know that the author is a cowardly person, most likely an introvert.

Temperament and handwriting

Experts assure that there is a connection between handwriting and human temperament. Since each representative of a particular temperament has a characteristic type of writing.

Cholerics write with an inclination to the right. Their letters are wrapped and confusing. The pressure is strong, and the distance between individual words is not even.

Phlegmatic people in writing can be recognized primarily by different letter spacing. And the symbols themselves for phlegmatic people are bold, but their thickness is variable.

Sanguine people in most cases are the owners of beautiful handwriting, although their letters are running, sweeping, and the lines are uneven.

Uneven fields are characteristic. Their letters dance and have strong strokes and dashes.


In fact, recognizing a person by handwriting is not so difficult. The main thing here is to know the important nuances, which we talked about above.

However, it is important to understand that it is impossible to unequivocally judge a person based on his handwriting. Since a person's handwriting changes under such factors as age, physiological and mental state, experience, and the like.

And when you define a person by handwriting, it is important to remember the fact that a person can have several qualities at the same time. So, do not rush to give up on someone based on what you learn by studying their handwriting.


Graphologists claim that handwriting helps to identify distinctive character traits. To understand the character, you need to know the signs of writing letters. It is noticed that people have different handwriting, as well as character.

What is graphology and who are graphologists

Graphology- this is a science that studies handwriting, as an example - a graphological analysis of a person's character according to his handwriting. Graphologists, as follows from the definition, are people capable of performing such an analysis. Although until the middle of the last century the methods of this science were considered in the form of those that help to explore the characters of people in psychology, in our time this doctrine of the inseparable connection between character and handwriting is considered pseudoscientific, it is referred to as protoscientific thinking. In medicine, this term occurs in the form of the possibility of studying handwriting as an auxiliary element for monitoring diseases of the brain and central nervous system.

Modern scientists are skeptical about graphology, despite the past merits of science.

The scientific community questions the validity of graphology. A large number of researchers graphology is a pseudoscience. The British Society of Psychologists put graphology on a par with astrology. Despite the fact that the science of the study of handwriting and character analysis initially found support in scientific circles, and that individual studies support the validity of such a theory, most scientists believe that graphology has no predictive ability.

But still there are many who believe in the ability of graphology to determine the main character traits. Of course, no one guarantees 100% probability and accuracy in judgments, but approximate description of a person indicated by handwriting.

Why do we need a psychological analysis of personality by handwriting?

It should be noted right away that the description of the handwriting makes it possible to probable conclusions, but not exact statements. In addition, the analysis of human handwriting in psychology with examples is common and is considered to provide a general characterization of human psychology, but not an exact one. In addition, graphologists need at least a page of text that is written by hand, and even better a couple that are written in dissimilar situations.

Why is analysis needed? Often, personnel workers need to identify the main personality traits, signs of character and the mental state of the applicant. This will make it possible to more accurately determine its compliance with the work. In addition, knowledge of graphology will help the individual to decide on the choice or when changing the field of activity. Remember that each sign should not be considered as an absolute dogma. It needs to be compared with other features.

Handwriting analysis will reveal the main character traits. Sometimes this is important when applying for a job.

An interesting discovery was made by Western scientists. It turned out that people who have lost their arms, legs and mouth are trying to display the same letters as they wrote earlier. It turns out that we write like this, as our brain tells us, and the hands only carry out orders.

For this reason handwriting is a mirror of a person. This fact is also proven by the biologist Preyer. He did an experiment using hypnosis. It was suggested to a person that he was evil or boastful, at the same time they dictated a text to him. As a result, the handwriting turned out to be different, with characteristic features.

What does handwriting depend on?

Many are interested in the question what does our handwriting depend on? According to the observations of scientists, our handwriting depends not only on age, but also on profession and position. Moreover, each of us has several handwritings. One is for personal notes, another is for important announcements, and the third is for congratulations and letters to friends.

But for graphologists, they are all the same, even the analysis of crooked handwriting (for example, as a result of illness or stress) is not difficult. In all the handwritings of one person, only the size of the letters and quality are changed, the internal structure does not change. It would seem, what is the dependence of character and these scrawl? Scientists have developed feature system, explaining the features of a person's handwriting and his character.

Some of them are immediately visible, others - if you look closely, but still others - have nothing to do with experience. There are many dark spots in this science, or, as scientists are sure, pseudoscience, but this does not prevent people from using graphology in practice.

Determination of character by a person's handwriting with examples

So let's consider signs for graphological analysis and find out what the handwriting of a person says with examples:


20-30 degrees to the right. This is the most popular slope. Such people can be called open, but it cannot be said that they are impulsive. A person is characterized by the ability to keep emotions in tense, emergency situations.
If the slope is stronger 50-60 degrees to the right- an indicator of the desire for communication and love of love. These people are more likely to try to show their feelings. A person with a similar handwriting is receptive to everything new. At the same time, possessive instincts are developed among the owners of such a slope.
Slight tilt to the left speaks of the predominance of reason over emotions. Such people are secretive, rational.
Big tilt to the left more common in lefties. Here there is a great control of emotions, secrecy, combined with sensuality.
If a no slope– balance of emotions and rationality.


In our time, when there are many varieties of pens, it is sometimes difficult to determine the pressure. But if you can disassemble it, it will help a lot.

Strong pressure- evidence of perseverance, energy, ability to work. These are sociable individuals who love their work and people.
If a pressure is superficial and light, then such personalities are distinguished by sensitivity, subtlety of nature. These are more often introverts, whose self-control helps to cope with important tasks.
If a pressing force average, then such a person is more predictable, she likes to explore the outside world.

Combination of pressure and other characteristics

Smooth letters and light pressure - rationality of thoughts, high morality, discipline. Large round letters and light pressure - weak will, non-conflict, altruism. Strong pressure on capital letters - energy, leadership and creativity.

Line spacing

If the lines to the end of the sheet remain horizontal - balance in everything. Such people carefully think over all actions.
If the handwriting goes up - an optimistic nature. In a career, purposefulness.
The lines go down - a skeptic, realistically evaluates events.
Uneven line - changeability of mood, poor adaptability.

Roundness of letters

The decoding of round letters in a person's handwriting indicates the willingness of the individual to cooperate. Such a person is not persistent, he is open to others. But worse performs things that require perseverance.

Remember that all these qualities must be analyzed in a complex. Separately, it is impossible to make even an approximate portrait. Everything should be cross-checked against the rest of the features.

Space between lines and words

Often the density of words is an indicator of thrift. The farther the distance, the more wasteful the person.

Margin size

This is an indicator that helps to identify the level of wastefulness. Extensive fields everywhere - excellent taste, craving for art. If they are rational - an indicator of prudence. Narrow even on the sides - a tendency to frugality. If the text occupies the entire sheet, and the margins are very small - the desire to get the maximum.

Letter size

How to understand the character of a person by small handwriting or large?

small letters indicate the ability to concentrate in one direction. These are non-aggressive individuals. If capital letters are also too large - courage and pride. If they are too small - lack of courage. Small handwriting with small distances - the secrecy of nature, a person who loves loneliness.
Large letters found in expansive natures, somewhat aggressive. If the capital letters are graceful - the ability to attract people to oneself, the romance of nature.
Middle letters occur in many people, therefore they cannot be taken as a separate indicator for analysis.

Printed letters

What does handwriting mean? The nature of such a letter is to write printed letters where they should be written - which means that a person seeks to replace his outdated views on life with modern ones.


How does curly handwriting characterize a person? The presence of various decorations in the letter (a curly “cap” near the letter “y”, curlicues, vignettes, etc.) indicates a person’s desire to attract attention and the superficiality of his thinking.


If a no lower loops, then the person is distinguished by independence of thinking, prefers the search for simple explanations. They are resourceful and adaptable.
Loops at the bottom are narrow- an indicator of caution, spirituality, love for the family. Wide extended lower loops - the desire to satisfy material needs. Too big loops from below - the person does not like to be tied to something.
Loops too small at top and bottom- indecision to step on the path of independence.

Word breaks

If the gaps are located in each word, then the person tends to believe in intuition. Such a sign is correlated with another. If there are no gaps in the words - a sign of logic.

Letter sizes

If the words begin with capital letters and then decrease, the person is in a position where strict secrecy is very important. Words begin with small letters, and then increase - a person does not know how to keep secrets.

Graphology and signature

A special place in this science is given signature analysis. We have been inventing and modeling an autograph for a long time. For this reason, it is believed that the writing of the text determines the personality of a person, what he is, and by the signature - what he wants to be. This is the key to predicting changes in personality and character, in fate.

The signature we choose ourselves, it contains important information about our goals and aspirations.

Signatures, like handwritten text, are examined in terms of parameters, which include the length and sharpness of letters, interesting signs and the unity of letters, the distance between them and the pressure force, dots, hooks, etc. Consider some of the characteristics:

direction. Here, take a look at where the tip of the signature is pointing. If up - optimism of nature, energy, striving for goals. Direct - balance in personality. Down - pessimistic moods;
length. Long signatures speak of thoroughness, slowness, perseverance. Short - a person is constantly in a hurry, takes matters lightly;
letter size. If the first letter is noticeably different from the rest, then the person is capricious, too demanding of others. With a slight difference with other letters - modesty. Small letter sizes - rationality, frugality, concentration. Capital letters - a dreamy nature, trusting, impractical;
breaks and connection. If all the letters are connected - evidence of logic and consistency, conservative views. If a small number of gaps is noticed - adaptability and flexibility of thinking. A large number of breaks - daydreaming;

decorations. If a person likes to show off and embellish himself, then this is immediately noticeable in the signature, because it is also decorated with ribbons, curls, etc. The number of curls shows the level of insincerity of the person, secrecy. But decorations are found in creative personalities: actors, musicians. Then evidence of the richness of the imagination. Mathematicians often have bare signatures. The letters seem to lose some parts;
letter spacing. This sign determines the level of generosity: with a large distance - a high level. If the letters are almost on top of each other - stinginess and frugality;
ponytails, underlines. If the signature is underlined from below, then the person is characterized by pride, resentment, he is interested in the opinions of others. If the line is on top - pride, vanity, desire for a new one. But the length of the host at the end of the signature indicates the reaction of people to interference in their affairs. The longer the tail, the less a person tolerates comments and decrees. If the signature is crossed out - evidence of dissatisfaction with oneself, self-criticism, hesitation;
dot. This is a positive sign. If there is a dot in the signature, this is evidence of discipline, the desire to finish what you started. If it stands at the end, the person finishes what he started under any circumstances. At the beginning of the signature - the desire to receive complete data before starting work;
repetition of elements. The same signs speak of obsession in actions and thoughts, of established habits. Along with this, this sign is an indicator of perseverance, the ability to easily cope with monotonous work.


This article discusses the most important criteria, the so-called key points for working with handwriting and analyzing its elements that can shed light on the personal characteristics of its owner. But there are still many nuances that help determine the nature of the signature. If desired, it is possible to master such skills on your own, but for this you will have to analyze many handwritten texts of closely familiar people, whose character is known to one degree or another.

January 19, 2014, 18:45

Is there a connection between a person's character and his handwriting? How to determine character by handwriting? The study of these issues is not carried out by fortune-tellers and soothsayers, but by a whole science - graphology, which claims that the size and shape of letters in writing, the coherence and density of handwriting, pressure can tell a lot of interesting things about a person’s character, his strengths and weaknesses, addictions, age and even about the type of professional activity. Over time, handwriting can change, but it is impossible to consciously and radically change it. In the age of computers and mobile phones, getting handwritten text by the person you are interested in is not so easy. If you still manage to get a sample longer than three or four lines, you can proceed to the "expertise". Please note, a greeting card does not count! They are usually signed in an unnatural and featureless calligraphic handwriting, behind which it is difficult to see the true personality.

Handwriting as a characteristic of individuality

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How to determine character by handwriting

  • Availability of fields

The fields left when writing on the left will tell about a person’s attitude to material values.

Wide fields, as a rule, leave open, active natures with "soul and wallet wide open." However, there should be a measure in everything. Too wide margins may indicate not generosity, but a desire for luxury and pathos, as well as a tendency to boast. If the left edge expands downward, this is a clear sign of waste.

Narrow margins on the left are mainly found in thrifty and even petty people. The narrower the fields, the more likely it is that frugality borders on avarice and pettiness. The left edge tapering downwards unequivocally betrays a greedy and stingy person, from whom, as they say, you can’t beg for snow even in winter.

The natural slight tilt to the right is uninformative. He can only tell that in elementary school such a person was a diligent student and obediently wrote beautiful letters in the copybook.

Direct handwriting testifies to inner harmony, balance of character, balanced judgments and sobriety of views.

If the handwriting is too “tilted” back, it means that a person has a rebellious disposition with a constant desire to go against everyone and everything, even in those cases when a person realizes that he is wrong. Favorite pastime is to criticize and blame others, not noticing the "log in one's own eye." The greater the tilt to the left, the higher the degree of rebellion and pure selfishness.

Handwriting too leaning to the right, on the contrary, betrays a person who is ready to adapt to others, it also speaks of diligence and obedience. The greater the slope to the right, the less independent a person is, the more dependent he is on the support and approval of others.

  • Line direction

The lines rising from the beginning to the end are characteristic of optimistic natures who never lose heart and never give up. For pessimists, lines are omitted when writing. Straight lines are found among reasonable, calm, sensible people with a sober outlook on life, who realistically assess their capabilities. Wavy lines testify to imbalance, eccentricity, lack of independence, infantilism and slyness.

  • Letter shape

Three types of letters are distinguished by shape: rounded, angular and combined.

Rounded letters speak of softness and pliability of character. They are open and friendly people. It is pleasant and easy to communicate with them, you can always find a common language with them, however, the lack of a “core” prevents them from achieving their goals.

Angular letters indicate selfishness. Such people are often harsh, arrogant and uncompromising, it is difficult for them to reckon with the opinions of other people and make compromises, because they are used to considering themselves to be the ultimate truth.

And yet, most of us have a combined form of letters, in which there is both roundness and angularity, which means that, depending on the situation, we can show will or give in, being vulnerable and defenseless.

  • Letter size

Handwriting is small (letters less than 2 mm), medium (letters from 2 to 4 mm) and large (letters larger than 4 mm). With age, or even just with fatigue, handwriting can become larger. The most persistent and reliable indicators of the developed handwriting are observed in middle-aged people from 25 to 40 years old.

Letters of medium size are the most common and uninformative. If the average size of letters is observed in calligraphic handwriting, this characterizes a person as obedient, diligent, accurate, obligatory, but not independent.

Large letters give out an open and emotional personality with leadership inclinations. Such people have not only an inner need to be at the forefront, but also all the qualities necessary for this. However, the larger the handwriting, the more difficult it is for a person to control himself, to control his feelings and emotions.

Small letters indicate a reserved, secretive and even closed nature. At the same time, small handwriting can speak of thoughtfulness, strong will and determination. Such a person knows what he wants, and, despite the obstacles, moves towards his goal. However, he does not brag about his achievements. His motto is "quieter you go - you will continue." And there is no doubt that he will "get there".

  • Writing Density

If a person writes too tightly and compactly, he seeks to protect his soul and his inner world from the intrusion of outsiders. The higher the density of the letter, the more secretive and withdrawn the person is. It will not be easy to pick up the key to his heart, to force him to open it, to get out of the mink into the "light of God", but the one who succeeds will receive a worthy reward - a faithful devoted friend who will never betray or let you down.

  • Coherence of handwriting

The coherence of handwriting, which is distinguished by the continuous writing of letters in words (without breaks), is a sign of straightforwardness of character, consistency and purposefulness. Such people are logical and predictable in their behavior.

The jerky handwriting, according to most graphologists, testifies to an extraordinary and talented person, from whom you can expect crazy and unexpected actions. As a rule, such people have a very well developed intuition.

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What can a person's signature say?

A person's signature can tell about him no less, if not more, than handwriting. The signature will give out even those character traits that the person himself is trying in every possible way to hide from others.

  • A simple standard signature speaks of courage and self-confidence.
  • Signature with artsy eyelets is typical for observant and cunning people.
  • The more eyelets, strokes, curls and other decorative elements contained in the signature, the more its author has a developed imagination, ingenuity, resourcefulness, excellent artistic taste.
  • A crossed out signature indicates an impulsive, energetic, but rather sharp personality.
  • An underlined signature is found in enterprising people, but if the stroke returns to the beginning from below, this is a sign of selfishness and pathological distrust.
  • If the entire signature or several letters are circled, its author is timid and shy.
  • The correspondence of the initial letter of the signature with the initial letter of the surname indicates simplicity, modesty, a sound assessment of one's capabilities.
  • If the initial letter indicates the name of the writer, and it is followed by a signature from the surname, you have a businesslike, thoughtful and responsible person.
  • An overly embellished initial letter in the signature testifies to egocentrism, ambition and narcissism, inability to single out and focus on the main thing.
  • A zigzag stroke or wavy lines are observed in energetic, mobile, active natures with a cheerful disposition. Their weak features are restlessness and a superficial approach to many issues.
  • A rising signature is found in temperamental, energetic, optimistic people.
  • A horizontal stroke indicates constancy, prudence and balance.
  • A signature going down is a sign of uncertainty, indecision, pessimism, a tendency to blues and depressive states.
  • A large, sweeping signature betrays an egocentric nature who likes to command and be in the spotlight.
  • A straight, jerky stroke at the end of the signature is a sign of determination, courage, energy, and toughness in relationships with subordinates.
  • The ability to notice details that usually go unnoticed will help you learn a little more about a person than he is ready to tell about himself.
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