What social package is entitled to a disabled person of group 1? Benefits and allowances for disabled people of the first group: list and design features. Reduced taxes for people with disabilities

Providing financial assistance to disabled people in Russian Federation has a rather long history and is very developed today. What support measures are these unfortunate people entitled to receive?

Who is recognized as disabled

First, let's figure out who exactly should be considered disabled. These are all those people who have irreparable violations of certain body functions, limitations in life activity due to illness or injury. All disabled people require social protection.

First group

The first group of disabilities consists of people whose forms of illness are very severe and lead to difficulties in daily activities to the maximum extent.

For example, this includes those who are unable to self-care due to ill health (in need of continuous assistance) and who are unable to move independently.

This disability group is assigned for a period of 24 months, after which a re-examination is arranged.

What can disabled people claim?

At the moment, financial assistance to disabled people of group 1 is as follows:

  • compensation for travel to and from the resort (this fully applies to the person accompanying the sick person, but only one);
  • travel on all types of public transport within settlement, except for commercial taxis, free;
  • once a month you can call a social taxi once;
  • sanatoriums and resorts that help fight a specific disease or mitigate its manifestations are visited by group 1 disabled people free of charge, including when accompanied by one person (although this is not necessary);
  • Dental prosthetics are also provided free of charge;
  • orthopedic shoes and other prostheses, then they are provided at the expense of budgetary funds, provided that this or that rehabilitation agent included in the therapy program.

The current procedure for helping people with disabilities involves cash payments from the state treasury. They can be expressed in a lump sum accrual of funds, pensions and compensations. Such rights also extend to those pensioners who continue to perform work duties.

Non-material benefits

In addition to financial support and assistance in treatment, there are some other social security measures that disabled people of the first group may qualify for.

If they do not have specific contraindications, then admission to educational institutions is possible on a non-competitive basis. This does not exempt you from passing the prescribed regulatory documents or the requirements of a particular educational institution for entrance examinations, but upon successful completion, their place is guaranteed.

This scheme is equally valid for secondary and higher vocational education, which is provided by state and municipal organizations.

In addition, disabled students have the right to an increased scholarship (half the additional payment to its regular amount). Educational institution and educational authorities must provide special conditions ( technical means training, special literature, and, if necessary, home schooling), which guarantee people with limited health full mastery of knowledge and skills to the same extent as others.

Benefits related to the use of housing

  • Monthly financial assistance to disabled people is also expressed in the provision of subsidies for the payment of utility bills and payments. Half of such expenses should be covered from local budget funds.
  • If we are talking about children with disabilities, then benefits cover not only themselves, but also family members living together.
  • The allocation of land property for development or for the purpose of creating a vegetable garden for disabled people occurs outside the general queue.
  • When providing housing under the housing improvement program, the standard is twice as high as for a healthy person.
  • Directly at their place of residence, people with limited ability to work have the inalienable rights to install means that facilitate the use of housing. This includes ramps.
  • When selling or buying a home, a disabled person is fully or partially exempt from state duties, as well as property taxes.

What you need to get help

Providing benefits always implies establishing and securing the status of a disabled person in the prescribed manner. People are required to undergo a full examination at a medical institution, obtain a medical and social examination report, and draw up documents on the status of a disabled person and a specific group. Only after this can you contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

The application to the pension fund must occur within three working days following the day the decision was made by the expert commission.

What about in individual regions?

So, we have characterized the situation in Russia as a whole. However, in individual subjects of the federation, specific measures of state support are used.

Thus, in Moscow, financial assistance from social protection for disabled people is somewhat greater than the national one. And most importantly, it is carried out according to a special scheme: all funds are transferred to social cards, which at the same time serve as the “key” to receiving benefits in kind.

St. Petersburg can boast of a developed organization of preferential (10% of real prices) transport provision for the disabled. They are delivered under such conditions, of course, not just anywhere. We are talking about authorities and medical institutions first of all. Novosibirsk and Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod disabled people retirement age receive their money from the state, taking into account regional coefficients.

Other rights and benefits of people with disabilities

  • Every person recognized as disabled in accordance with the established procedure has the right guaranteed by law to have free access to information. The actual fulfillment of this requirement is achieved through the creation of audio books, sign language translation, and the use of Braille. Specialized publications are supplied to city libraries.
  • To facilitate the use of the urban environment for people with disabilities, government buildings, residential buildings, shops, train stations, other institutions and city transport are equipped with means that facilitate access for people with limited physical capabilities. In some cases, it is practiced to create special parking spaces for vehicles belonging to or transporting people with disabilities.
  • For maximum social adaptation and providing access to work, people with disabilities are provided with increased guarantees in employment. In particular, organizations of all forms of ownership and any profile of activity are obliged to create special jobs for them, which are not provided to people who do not have health restrictions.

Of course, this takes into account the need to absolutely exclude those effects on the body that can further aggravate existing diseases and reduce the likelihood of recovery from them. A disabled person of the first group must work a maximum of 35 hours a week.

The state in the Russian Federation provides social protection for all segments of the population.

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People with disabilities are among the most vulnerable. But in order to receive such status and appropriate assistance, you need to go through a number of procedures and know many nuances.

Plus, you need to know what diseases cause group 1 disability in Russia in 2019.

Basic information

To obtain the status of a disabled person, a set of certain characteristics must be met. Since there are several categories into which this group of people is divided, there are corresponding requirements for each of the groups.

There are three disability groups in total - , and . In accordance with the law, social financial assistance from the state is provided for each disability group.

And you can only get it if you have registered a disability.

What you need to know

How to get 1st disability group? To do this, you need to go through and prove the presence of defects in accordance with this group.

Thus, registration of disability of the first group occurs on the basis of general disturbances in the functioning of the body. This is the most severe disability group. And therefore, it provides for a more thorough medical check.

Plus, payments for this category of disability will be significantly higher, for example, for the third category.

It is worth understanding that there are also restrictions on the life activity of a person with the first group of disabilities.

For example, a ban on performing any type of work or the inability to hold a certain position.

Criteria by which the category is assigned

The Government of the Russian Federation has established the procedure and rules for the distribution of disability categories.

The selection criteria will be as follows:

  • inability to take care of yourself;
  • inability to move independently;
  • lack of opportunity to learn;
  • limited ability to perform any professional activity;
  • weakened ability to orientate;
  • problems with speaking;
  • limited ability to control one's behavior.

The most important thing is that all these criteria must be in the third degree. In fact, such people have difficulties with communication, vision, and movement.

Based on this, the medical examination makes a decision on what degree of disability to assign to a person.

Where to go

The assignment of disability is determined by medical expert opinions. An application form for a disability pension is available.

In order to pass the Medical and Social Expert Commission, you must first complete a number of actions:

First of all, you need to see your therapist. It records health problems
Next, the attending physician must write a referral to a more specialized specialist. Depending on what problem the person has
The next step is to undergo a full comprehensive examination All those applying for a degree of disability must undergo it in a hospital. All data obtained during this stage will be recorded in
After undergoing an inpatient examination, the person will be assigned a Medical and Social Expert Commission During this process, you should defend your rights to receive a group, plus you need to prove the existence of grounds for granting disability

Doctors and experts are the only ones who have the right to prescribe disability in the country. Therefore, only based on the conclusions of these specialists can one obtain a disability group.

Legal basis

Legislative acts stipulating the receipt of 1st group of disability do not differ from the acts required for other categories.

If the disease occurred at work, then you need to prepare a report about it. After all, in this case, he will be paid separately from the employer.

And such a factor can affect the list of those jobs that doctors will add to the list of prohibited jobs for a given citizen.

Important aspects when passing the ITU

It should be borne in mind that at the medical commission you will need to present all documents relating to the diagnosis and period of treatment.

It must be remembered that the papers must be up to date, that is, it is necessary to pay attention to the timing of various examinations. Before visiting the commission, you should double-check that all documents are filled out correctly.

It is worth organizing all the certificates in accordance with the time order. It would be great if the attending physician is invited to the commission, because he will be able to explain as correctly and clearly as possible why a person should receive a disability group.

Although the final decision is made only by the commission's experts. When visiting ITU, you need to understand that waiting for a call to see experts can take a long time.

These include:

  • veterans and disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
  • liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

If you belong to one of the groups, you must notify the ITU in advance and you will be able to pass the commission without a queue.

Working or not

According to the law, group 1 disability is considered non-working, since its receipt presupposes the person’s incapacity and the inability to leave the house.

However, such employment is not prohibited, but some special conditions apply. If an applicant with group 1 disability applies for a job, then this is possible only for a position that is specified in the law as permitted.

In addition, the right to a reduced work time disabled person, as well as an increased duration of vacation, although vacation beyond the norm will not be paid.

Also, a disabled person can easily get a job on the Internet if his physical condition allows it.

What benefits are provided?

In addition to pensions, disabled people of the first group are entitled to other benefits:

These payments can be received in the form of medicines, vacation vouchers, transport tickets
For disabled people of the first group, extraordinary admission to the budget in any educational institution is provided. At the same time, they will be paid
Rest and treatment for non-working disabled people are provided at the expense of the state. And for workers they compensate half the cost
Medicines IN in this case this group of disabled people has the right to receive medicines free of charge with a doctor’s prescription
Directions Disabled people and people who are provided with benefits for travel in transport. A travel ticket costs 200 rubles
Here, disabled people are given a half price discount. It is worth noting that the benefit is also provided in receiving land plots, on which housing construction can be carried out

In what cases do you receive it for an indefinite period?

The legislation provides for indefinite receipt of a disability group. But it can be issued only in several cases:

  • achievement by citizen;
  • has already retired and has undergone repeated examinations for 5 years;
  • belongs to the category of veterans and disabled people of the Second World War;
  • repeated MSE falls at a time when the person is already of retirement age;
  • the citizen has confirmed his disability for 15 consecutive years.


Passing a medical and social examination is a complex process. Therefore, questions may arise during this procedure.

And they are worth considering in advance. So that the entire commission goes through quickly and without problems.

Is it possible to obtain care for a disabled person?

The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation provides for the provision of third-party care for disabled people.

This is possible in three cases if:

  • the person is disabled;
  • the child is disabled;
  • the person has been disabled since childhood.

You can receive compensation or a monthly payment.

What is the pension amount

For 2019, disabled people of the first group will receive a pension payment in the amount of 9 thousand 919 rubles. This is a social pension.

And for those disabled since childhood, a pension of 11 thousand 903 rubles is provided. Labor pension starts from 9600 thousand and reaches 14415 rubles.

Getting disability of the first group is quite difficult. Because you need to know many nuances and draw up documentation correctly.


Disability of the first group involves serious limitations in ability to work, but there are different situations. Sometimes a person feels satisfactory and is ready to work, and the employer is also interested in such an employee. From this article you will learn whether it is possible to work with 1 disability group, what the law says about this, and what an employer should pay attention to when hiring such an employee.

Who is classified as disabled people of group 1?

The first disability group is the most severe. It is given for life in connection with serious illnesses - from cancer and a vegetative state after a stroke to dementia and severe schizophrenia.

People with 1st group of disability are not able to move independently and take care of themselves at the everyday level. They are not responsible for their actions, suffer from spatial orientation problems, and are incapable of communicating with others. Several of the listed criteria or only one may be observed at once.

All this creates significant limitations on the ability to work, but in many cases people are able to continue working. Let's see if it is possible to work with the first group of disabilities, if a person suffers from mental disorders, but is physically healthy. In this case, the ability for intellectual activity is lost. The opportunity to work as a cleaner, packer and perform other simple manual labor remains available. Amputation of the legs above 1/3 of the hip significantly limits mobility. There remains the opportunity to engage in mental work - in the office or at home.

Is it possible for a disabled person of group 1 to work?

Interesting statistics

The number of employed disabled people in Russia is growing. According to Pension Fund Russian Federation, in 2015 there were 2.5 million disabled people in the country, while in 2010 19.5% fewer were employed.

Let's figure out whether it is possible to work with 1 group of disability from the perspective of the legislation of the Russian Federation. If the commission comes to the conclusion that the person has completely lost his ability to work, a corresponding entry is made in the IPR. In this case, a third degree of restriction on work activity is assigned. Even this is not enough to consider a person unable to do any work. IN normative legal acts In Russia there is no ban on the employment of disabled people of group 1. If he feels relatively well, and the employer is interested in him, he can be hired.

The employer’s obligation to familiarize himself with the IPR before employing a disabled person of group 1

IPR is an individual rehabilitation program, which is issued by an authorized body based on the results of a medical and social examination. It contains information about rehabilitation measures aimed at restoring and compensating for impaired or lost body functions. The document also indicates whether a disabled person of group 1 can work, what conditions and additional devices he needs for this. (Part 1, Article 11 of Law No. 181-FZ “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”).

If an employer hires such an employee, he must familiarize himself with the recommendations of the IPR regarding work activity and comply with them in the future.

In what cases is the employer relieved of responsibility for failure to comply with the recommendations of the IPR?

There are only 3 conditions under which the employer is released from liability for failure to comply with the requirements of the IPR:

  1. The disabled person wrote a written refusal to provide an individual rehabilitation program for review.
  2. The IPR does not clearly define the clause on incapacity for work.
  3. The disabled person provided a written refusal to provide him with the special working conditions indicated in the IPR.

The working conditions in which disabled people are prohibited from working are specified in clause 4.2 Sanitary rules. These include working conditions in which hygiene standards are exceeded. It can be:

— physical factors (noise, vibration, air temperature, humidity and air mobility, electromagnetic radiation, static electricity, illumination, etc.);
— chemical factors (dust, gas contamination of the air in the working area);
- biological factors ( pathogenic microorganisms and products of their vital activity);
- physical, dynamic and static loads when lifting and moving, holding heavy objects, working in uncomfortable positions, long walking;
— neuropsychic stress (sensory, emotional, intellectual, monotony, night shift work, long working hours).

Certain working conditions for disabled people of group 1

Eat general norms for disabled people of group 1 who continue to work. They have a shortened working week (35 hours instead of 40 hours) while maintaining full pay.

If an employee works less than 35 hours, then his salary is calculated based on the hours worked.

At the legislative level, additional conditions have been introduced for all working disabled people:

  • the ability to refuse business trips;
  • work at night, on holidays and weekends - only with written consent;
  • vacation - 30 calendar days plus 60 days of additional unpaid leave.

For more information about the employment of people with disabilities, watch the video

In accordance with the IPR, the employer is obliged to provide a disabled person of group 1 with suitable premises for work, organize climatic and technical specifications labor. The document describes in detail the required degree of illumination of the workspace, permissible levels of noise, vibration, electromagnetic radiation, dust, and infrasound. All these recommendations must be followed.

The employer must also provide the employee with technical rehabilitation equipment if he needs them for work. So, if a person is visually impaired, his workplace needs to be automated and equipped with a speech access program. If an employee is advised to reduce their workload or transfer to another type of activity, the employer is obliged to follow these recommendations.

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What benefits are there for disabled people of group 1? After all, the first disability group itself is assigned to a person if he is declared completely incapacitated. He needs outside care. This group is the most complex in terms of the physical state of the body. For financial security and proper care of such citizens, benefits are provided for disabled people of group 1. If a person actually confirmed, during an examination by a medical commission, the presence of any illness, injury, or was declared incompetent, the state accrues financial payments to him.

In addition to cash benefits, disabled people are entitled to:

  1. Social assistance and services (social package).
  2. Benefits for disabled people of group 1, provided for by law.
  3. Pension and benefits.
  4. Housing subsidies

Since 2005, the state has been compensating for any benefits in the form of payments, cash subsidies along with the basic pension. To be able to receive such payments, you should contact the relevant government service with all the required documents. List of required papers:

  • pension insurance certificate;
  • passport;
  • a certificate issued by a medical and social examination confirming the assignment of disability.

Benefits provided by the state

For every citizen of Russia, social services established by the state are guaranteed, including provision of medicines, organization of treatment in sanatoriums with the provision of free travel, etc. If you wish, you can choose instead to receive cash benefits or payments, or to receive the necessary assistance through the services provided by social services.

People with 1st group of disability have the right to preferential education - non-competitive admission to educational institutions, both secondary specialized and higher, taking into account the successful completion of a competitive basis or as a result of testing. The educational institution is obliged to provide all the appropriate conditions for studying and provide everything necessary for completing the training, based on the specifics of the disease, and also pay a social stipend, which is 50% higher than the usual one.

The state must fully provide people with disabilities with medications, the list of which has been approved by the Ministry of Health. Disabled people with musculoskeletal disorders need necessary prosthetics and support orthopedic shoes produced free of charge. Products must be manufactured at a special enterprise and meet all GOST requirements and the needs of a disabled person.

Ocular prostheses or hearing aids must also be certified and issued by a medical institution. In the case of dental prosthetics, the situation is the same, with the exception of prostheses made of precious metals.

Labor legislation provides for a special work schedule, which states the following:

  • reduction of working hours;
  • total work hours should not be more than 35 hours per week. Wherein wage remains at the same level as other employees;
  • increase in vacation period.

Under the condition of a 6-day working week, annual leave is granted for a period of 30 days. If sanatorium-resort treatment is necessary, vacation can be extended to 45 days.

In the case where medical regulations allow a disabled person to work overtime or on weekends, then at will he can afford it.

Subsidies and benefits in the housing and communal services sector imply a 50% discount on rent for housing (only in the case of municipal housing, state, public housing funds) and housing and communal services. Disabled people have the right to own land plots, which are located close to their place of permanent residence.

Beneficiaries are provided with lifelong residence in the provided apartment or house. In the event of a controversial situation, the state is obliged to provide other suitable housing. If necessary, when a disabled person is required to receive care, assistance is required in Everyday life, he can count on it.

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What is important to know?

Assistance with care, catering, assistance in obtaining legal and medical care, employment, organization of leisure, provision of funeral services should be provided to a preferential contingent of citizens free of charge:

  1. Provided for disabled people who have relatives who, for objective reasons, cannot provide adequate care and assistance to family members in need (the only condition is low level pension received by these citizens in comparison with the subsistence minimum).
  2. If you live in a family where the income of each family member is lower living wage established for a specific region of residence.

Considering the situation when a single disabled person does not have guardians, social services must provide their employee to provide care and arrange the life of the person in need.

A separate topic concerns transport services. In this case, disabled people have the right to free service not on all types of transport, but they are given a discount if they purchase travel documents.

Free travel is provided on intracity (excluding taxis), suburban railway transport, as well as road transport along the route to the place of treatment and back. A person (guardian) who accompanies a disabled person for treatment, who assists blind people or people with musculoskeletal disorders with daily mobility, has the same right.

One of the measures of social support for disabled people of the first group is a monthly cash payment (MCB) in the amount of 3,538.52 rubles, taking into account the refusal of a set of social services.

In total, this set is presented in the amount of 1048.97 rubles, of which 804.94 rubles. accrued on medicines, 124.99 rubles. for sanatorium-resort treatment, 116.04 rubles. for transport. Beneficiaries themselves choose how to manage the support: receive money or use assistance in kind.

Disability group 1: rights of disabled people

According to the Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation” dated November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ, a person with certain health impairments is recognized as a disabled person. Such citizens are characterized by the presence of persistent disorders of body functions, which, as a rule, are caused by diseases or injuries that lead to limitation of life activity and the need for social protection.

Right to social protection

Disability of the 1st group is assigned to citizens with the most severe health disorders. The main purpose of recognizing a person as disabled is to provide the citizen with the necessary social assistance. The right to social protection is the fundamental and inalienable right of every citizen who has received the status of a disabled person.

Social protection includes some government guarantees. The authorities undertake to provide support to a person with disabilities by providing legal, economic and social measures.

Citizens who have received the status of a disabled person in the manner prescribed by law will have conditions created to overcome and compensate for limitations.

Government bodies provide social support for people with disabilities in order to bring their life opportunities closer to those of other citizens of Russian society.

Other inalienable rights

In addition, every citizen legally recognized as disabled has the right:

  1. For medical help.
  2. Access to the information. This right is ensured through the creation of audio literature for the visually impaired and the publication of books written in special fonts for the visually impaired. City libraries are provided with educational, methodological, information and reference literature for people with disabilities. Authorized bodies provide assistance to persons with disabilities in obtaining sign language and sign language interpretation services. Citizens are provided with specialized equipment and means for perceiving sign language for hearing impairments.
  3. Access to social infrastructure facilities. Government bodies are taking measures to provide disabled people with wheelchairs and guide dogs. This gives citizens the opportunity to freely gain access to residential and public buildings, recreational facilities, and transport communications. The construction and planning of structures are carried out taking into account the installation of facilities that provide access for people with disabilities to these buildings. In the parking lots of various organizations, spaces are provided for the disabled.
  4. The right to provide living space. Government bodies are working to improve the living conditions of citizens recognized as disabled. Citizens in need are provided with living quarters. They can expect a reduction in housing costs in accordance with the benefits provided.
  5. Education. A list of diseases has been provided that allow citizens to study at home, and institutions have been created in which adapted general education programs are taught.
  6. Employment. At the same time, the law establishes reduced working hours for disabled people of the 1st group. The working period per week should not exceed 35 hours.
  7. Material benefits in the form of all kinds of pensions, benefits, insurance payments, payments in connection with compensation for harm and other compensation.
  8. Social services, which involve the provision of medical and household services. They can be provided to a disabled person at the place of residence or treatment. The types of such services in accordance with Ch. 6 Federal Law “On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation” dated December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ can include:
  • Home service which includes:
    • Organizing catering, purchasing groceries.
    • Assistance in purchasing medicines and medical products.
    • Assistance in purchasing essential products.
    • Assistance in obtaining medical and legal assistance.
    • Assistance in organizing funeral services.
  • Semi-stationary services when a person is in a department of a social service institution.
  • Inpatient services that are necessary when a citizen is in a boarding house or boarding house.

Urgent social services, which involve providing assistance:

  • in one-time purchase of food;
  • provision of clothing items;
  • provision of basic necessities;
  • one-time provision of medical care;
  • obtaining temporary housing;
  • organizations of legal assistance;
  • organizing emergency medical and psychological support, as well as
  • social and advisory assistance.
  • Creation of public associations organized to protect the rights and interests of people with disabilities.
  • Pension amount for disabled people

    In accordance with clause 1, part 2, art. 28.1 of Law No. 181-FZ of November 24, 1995, disabled people of the 1st group receive monthly payments in the amount of 2,162 rubles. This amount is subject to indexation, resulting in its annual increase. In 2019, the monthly benefit is 3,782.94 rubles.

    In addition, a disabled person has the right to receive a disability insurance pension. Formula for its calculation:

    SP = PC x S + FV,

    where SP is the disability insurance pension;
    PC - the sum of all annual pension coefficients (points) of a citizen;
    C - the cost of one pension point as of the day from which the pension is assigned;
    FV - fixed payment.

    A fixed payment is added to it. In 2019, this is 10,668 rubles 38 kopecks for disabled people of the 1st group, 5334 rubles 19 kopecks for disabled people of the 2nd group, and 2667 rubles 09 kopecks for disabled people of the 3rd group.

    Benefits for disabled people

    Social benefits

    Law “On State social assistance» dated July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ provides a list of benefits for citizens who have gone through the procedure of recognition as a disabled person of the 1st group. These persons can count on such social benefits as:

    • Receipt medicines and other medical devices and products.
    • Obtaining, if there are medical conditions, vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment for the prevention of diseases, as well as vouchers to sanatorium-resort organizations. The maximum possible time for a disabled person to stay for treatment depends on the type of illness or injury. By general rule treatment lasts up to 18 days. If a disabled person visits an institution due to diseases or consequences of spinal cord and brain injuries, the treatment period is extended to a maximum of 42 days.
    • Free travel on commuter rail.
    • Free travel on intercity transport if a disabled person is traveling to or from the place of treatment.
    • Free travel on suburban and intercity transport, as well as vouchers to sanatorium and resort organizations are provided free of charge to persons accompanying disabled people of the 1st group.

    Tax benefits

    Disabled people of the 1st group are provided with a number of tax benefits. To become more familiar with your rights, a citizen will need to study the norms of tax legislation.

    Property tax

    Objects of taxation in accordance with Art. 407 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation recognizes real estate objects. Citizens who own such property make regular tax payments. The legislator exempts disabled people of the 1st group from the obligation to pay property tax in relation to certain types of property.

    Land tax

    The land tax in relation to disabled people is not cancelled, however, Part 5 of Art. 391 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation allows them to count on a reduction in its cost. Thus, according to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, citizens recognized as disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups have the right to a reduction tax base for land tax in an amount equivalent to cadastral value 600 square meters of land area.

    Muscovite social card

    Group 1 disabled people living in the capital can become recipients of a Muscovite social card (). Such plastic cards to which, if desired, you can transfer cash, help disabled people receive social assistance.

    Citizens who have received the status of a disabled person of the 1st group and a Muscovite social card have the right to free travel on public and railway transport, discounts on services in hospitals, pharmacies and shops.

    Disability criteria

    Order No. 1024n of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2015 contains an exhaustive list of criteria that allow citizens to be classified as a certain disability group.

    Thus, persons can be recognized as disabled people of the 1st group if they have a health disorder accompanied by a significant disorder of body functions, which leads to limitation of life activity and necessitates social protection.

    Types of disability

    Among the main limitations experienced by disabled people of the 1st group are:

    • A pronounced impairment of the ability to self-care, that is, the ability to fulfill physiological needs and conduct everyday activities. If such disorders are present, a person cannot take care of himself. He is completely dependent on outside help.
    • Severe impairment of the ability to move, that is, the ability to move while maintaining balance. With this disorder, a disabled person of group 1 has a complete inability to move and needs regular assistance.
    • Severe impairment of the ability to orientate. The person suffers from disorientation and needs outside support.
    • A severe impairment of the ability to communicate, which involves a complete inability to communicate.
    • A pronounced impairment of the ability to control one’s behavior, that is, the inability of a disabled person to control himself. This condition cannot be corrected, which creates a constant need to monitor the patient.
    • Severe learning disability implies an inability to engage in any type or method of learning.
    • A pronounced impairment of the ability to work means that a person is contraindicated for work or cannot carry it out.

    How to obtain disabled status

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 20, 2006 No. 95 contains rules describing the procedure for a citizen to obtain the status of a disabled person of the 1st group.

    Preparation of title documentation

    Preparatory actions when registering a disability involve making a visit to the citizen’s attending physician. The specialist will introduce the patient to the conditions and procedure for obtaining disabled status and tell him what documents he needs to prepare.

    Don't know your rights?

    Package of documents required for recognition of disability

    Among the main documents that a citizen needs to collect are:

    • A referral for examination, which is drawn up directly by the patient’s attending physician. In the referral, the doctor reflects information about the state of health, the degree of impairment of body functions, compensatory capabilities and rehabilitation measures taken in relation to the person.
    • Application for a medical and social examination. It can be filled out by the citizen entitled to receive a disability, or by his representative.
    • Citizen's passport.
    • Certificate of income.
    • Act on industrial injury or occupational disease.
    • An outpatient card received at the medical institution where the patient is observed.
    • Characteristics from the place of work or study.

    Conditions for recognition of disability

    The legislation contains a list of conditions without which citizens cannot be recognized as disabled.

    Such conditions put forward certain requirements for the status of a citizen wishing to register a disability, namely:

    • The citizen must have a health disorder and a persistent disorder of body functions.
    • The person must be limited in life activities in accordance with the list of disability criteria.
    • A candidate for disability must be in need of social assistance.

    If only one of the listed conditions is met, then the citizen cannot be recognized as disabled. This status is recognized only for a person whose condition implies compliance with all specified conditions.

    The work of the medical commission to conduct the examination

    Where is the examination carried out?

    Recognition of disability occurs on the basis of the results of a medical and social examination.

    Having collected the necessary documentation, the citizen goes to the bureau that conducts the examination at his place of residence.

    If a citizen is unable to move, as happens with disabled people of group 1, the examination will be carried out at the applicant’s home. If a citizen is on inpatient treatment, the examination will be carried out in this medical organization.

    Who participates in the examination

    The examination should be carried out by medical specialists, as well as bureau employees who specialize in the rehabilitation of citizens and social work. In addition, the expert commission includes a psychologist.

    The purpose of the examination is to establish the structure and degree of limitation of a citizen’s life activity, as well as the level of his rehabilitation potential.

    The essence of the examination is:

    • in examining the applicant;
    • analysis of the title documentation provided by him;
    • studying the social and living conditions of a citizen;
    • analysis of the psychological state of a person;
    • studying the family status and labor capabilities of a citizen.

    Protocol of medical specialists

    The norms of the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated December 29, 2015 No. 1171n indicate that, when conducting an examination, specialists from the bureau draw up a protocol. This order contains standard form, according to which the document is drawn up.

    As a rule, it contains information established as a result of the examination of the applicant and relating to:

    • dates of receipt of the application for participation in ITU;
    • date and time of inspection;
    • information about the candidate for the status of disabled person of the 1st group;
    • marital status of the citizen;
    • information about the education and work activity of the person;
    • data on the inspection procedure;
    • clinical and functional data obtained during the examination;
    • causes of disability;
    • conclusions of bureau specialists;
    • information about ongoing habilitation and rehabilitation activities.

    The completed protocol is signed by each of the medical specialists who conducted the examination, as well as by the head of the expert organization.

    The document must contain the seal of the bureau whose employees conducted the medical and social examination.

    Medical and social examination report

    In the medical and social examination report, the specialists who conducted the examination indicate their decision to recognize the citizen as disabled.

    Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 13, 2015 No. 228n regulates the form of the act drawn up as a result of a medical and social examination.

    In this act you can find such important information as:

    • Information about a citizen entitled to receive a disability.
    • A decision made based on the results of a citizen’s examination, which includes:
      • characteristics of the type and degree of health disorders of a person and limitations of his life activity;
      • the awarded disability group or a record of refusal to award it.
    • Reasons for acquiring disability by a citizen.
    • The degree of a citizen's loss of ability to work.
    • The date for which the re-examination is scheduled.

    The drawn up act is certified by the signatures of specialists and the head of the bureau. The certificate of conducting the ITU is kept in the bureau for at least 10 years.

    Recognition of disability

    How is the decision to recognize disability made?

    The results of the examination are discussed by specialists. The decision of the commission that conducted a medical and social examination of a citizen to establish disability is made by a majority vote. All specialists who participated in the examination of the citizen participate in the voting.

    The decision of the commission that conducted the examination is announced to the citizen or his representative in the presence of the specialists who carried out the inspection. If necessary, experts provide explanations regarding the content of their decision.

    Disability award results

    If a citizen has been assigned the status of a disabled person of the 1st group, then he must remember that such status is established for 2 years - until the next re-examination.

    A citizen who has been recognized as disabled will receive a disability document and an individual rehabilitation program.

    Employees of the bureau that conducted the examination will send an extract about the commission’s decision to the pension authorities that accrue payments to the disabled person.

    This statement is sent to in electronic format or at on paper within 3 days from the date of the decision to recognize the person as disabled.

    Refusal to recognize disability of a certified citizen

    Citizens who have been denied recognition of disability can appeal the commission's decision. Complaints are submitted to the main bureau within a month.

    After receiving the complaint, the main bureau will appoint a new examination, based on the results of which a final decision will be made on the complaint of the dissatisfied citizen. A new examination will be carried out no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the citizen’s application.

    The decision of the main bureau can be appealed to the Federal Bureau within 1 month. This body will also set the date for a new examination of the person no later than 1 month from the date of receipt of the application.

    The decisions of each of these bureaus can be appealed by citizens or their legal representatives in court.

    Thus, citizens whose health status meets the criteria described in regulations, can apply for an examination to establish disability. Based on the results of the examination, medical specialists will make a decision to recognize the person as a disabled person of the 1st group.

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