How to calculate the minimum. How to correctly calculate the cost of living for a family. How to calculate the cost of living for a family in Russia - instructions and calculation example

The standard of social policy of our country, which is used to determine the standard of living of Russians and the establishment of wages, pension payments, and various benefits, is important.

We will tell you what a living wage is, what goals this concept implies, and also give an example of how to correctly calculate it for a family.

What is a living wage and what does it include?

The concept implies the level of income of a citizen necessary to ensure a certain standard of living for the population. It, as a rule, includes the entire cost of products and goods that are essential for human life and maintaining his health.

The amount of PM is calculated for certain categories of citizens in order to make it convenient to establish other amounts of social benefits.

When understanding the essence of PM, some concepts are taken into account:


Short description

Consumer basket

The minimum set of goods and services necessary to ensure the life of a citizen and preserve his health.

Socio-demographic groups

Average per capita income, aka per capita income

Income per individual or a certain family income divided by each member.

The calculation is based on certain principles:

  1. The entire population of the country is taken into account in order to assess the welfare of the nation.
  2. It is based on individual socio-demographic categories in order to correctly determine social benefits.
  3. The “consumer basket” and the number and size of payments and contributions that citizens make on a monthly basis (for example, utility bills) are taken into account. The calculation is based on the following requirements: the “basket” should contain 50% of products, 25% of non-food products, 25% of services.
  4. Attention is paid to rising prices for both food and non-food products.
  5. The minimum norms for the consumption of certain products and essential goods are determined.
  6. The PM is calculated both per capita and per family. The monthly income of a certain family is divided by the number of people living together at the same address. They do not take into account communal apartments in which non-relatives may be registered. The family can only include close relatives, for example, parents, children, spouses, brothers, sisters, grandparents.

PM is installed taking into account the analysis of changes in the cost of food, essentials, as well as goods and services necessary to maintain a full life and human activities.

Appointment of a living wage - why do you need to know and calculate?

In accordance with article 2 of federal law number 134, the PM implies the following goals:

  1. Conducting an assessment of the standard of living of Russians , as well as the development of social policy and special support programs both at the federal level and at the regional level.
  2. Setting the size of the minimum wage , pension benefits, scholarships and other payments.
  3. Definition of the federal budget .

If we consider separately each region of Russia, then PM is necessary for:

  1. Assessing the standard of living of citizens in a particular subject of the Russian Federation, as well as the development and implementation of social programs operating at the regional level.
  2. Formation of the budget of the region.
  3. Identification of low-income citizens, families and assistance to them.

Of course, regional authorities can change the size of the subsistence minimum - that is why it has different values ​​in different subjects of the Russian Federation.

The subsistence minimum for different population groups in 2019 - what is the subsistence minimum for an adult, child, pensioner?

When calculating the PM, the entire population of our country is divided into three groups. Consider what is the value of PM for each population group in 2018.

Who is in it

The subsistence minimum in St. Petersburg*

Subsistence minimum in Moscow*

able-bodied citizens

Persons who are able to take an active part in the workforce, including men (16-59 years old) and women (16-54 years old). Age may change annually.

This group does not include citizens with 1 and 2 disability groups.

12 064 rub. 70 kop.


Non-working citizens who have reached retirement age.

RUB 8,944 10 kop.

Minors, children

Persons not working due to age and minority.

RUB 10,742 60 kop.

Per capita

The average value of this indicator, relevant for all categories of citizens.

RUB 11,008 40 kop.

RUB 16,463

*The data is based on the calculation of the PM for the fourth quarter of 2018 and regulations:

  1. Decree of the Government of St. Petersburg under the number 128, approved on March 09, 2018.
  2. Decree of the Government of Moscow under the number 88-PP, adopted on March 7, 2018.

The value of PM in other regions is also set by the Government or local authorities.

How to calculate the cost of living for a family in Russia - instructions and calculation example

Specialists determine the PM for an individual citizen. They are:

  1. Calculate the number of foods consumed by a person per year, which make up the grocery basket, and then divide the number of grocery items by 12 months.
  2. The resulting amount is multiplied by the average cost of products and services.
  3. Add up the resulting values.

The calculation of PM for a family is carried out differently. You can independently calculate the income of your family and determine whether you fall into the category of the poor, those whose PM is less than the established amount.

The formula for calculating the PM for a family is as follows:

PM \u003d ((PM tn * N tn) + (PM n * N n) + (PM d * N d)) / (N tn + N n + N d), where:

PM- living wage.

PM tn- PM for the working population.

PM p- PM for pensioners.

PM d- PM for children.

PM tn- the number of able-bodied citizens in the family who belong to socio-demographic groups.

N p the number of pensioners in the family who belong to the socio-demographic group.

N d - the number of children in the family who belong to the socio-demographic group.

To calculate, follow these instructions:

  1. Determine what socio-demographic groups your family consists of. We indicated them above, for example, children, working-age population, pensioners.
  2. Count how many people belong to each group.
  3. Look at the table above and determine what the cost of living is for each group. If you do not live in St. Petersburg or Moscow, you should know that each region has its own living standard. It is worth finding it on the website of the administration or in the department of social protection.
  4. If there is no group in the family, then it is excluded. For example, if there are no pensioners in the family, then the values ​​are not taken into account.
  5. Substitute all values ​​into the formula.
  6. Add up the multiplied values ​​of the PM values ​​​​and the number of people. Divide the amount received by the total number of people in the family. So you will get the amount of PM for your family.

Calculation example for a family from St. Petersburg in 2019

Calculate the PM for a family of 5 people:

  1. Father, age 45 (working-age population).
  2. Mothers, age 44 (working-age population).
  3. Daughters who are 16 years old (children).
  4. Son, age 12 (children).
  5. Grandmothers, 70 years old (pensioner).

So, determining the PM for each group, we substitute the value in the formula:

(12,064 rubles 70 kopecks x 2) + (10,742 rubles 60 kopecks x 2) + (8,944 rubles 10 kopecks x 1)

We get the amount of PM for each family member: RUB 54,558 70 kop. / 5 people = RUB 10,911 74 kop.

How is the cost of living for benefits determined?

The design of social benefits - for example, wages for Russians or cash assistance for low-income families or citizens - is carried out taking into account the PM, as well as important nuances regarding costs.

Specialists should calculate this value based on:

  1. All expenses spent by able-bodied citizens on a monthly basis.
  2. Personal income tax expenses and other types of taxes established by regional laws and regulations.
  3. Income on declarations 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL. Documents can be obtained from the tax office.

Are you planning to apply for a credit card at the bank or have you already done so? Then we recommend that you read our article in order to know how you can independently find out the amount of your debt and pay it on time.

Why do you need to make calculations?

It is also advisable, even before applying for plastic, to calculate how much you will have to give to a financial institution every month in order to assess your capabilities and find out how costly it will be for the family budget.

If it is quite simple to calculate a standard loan, then in the case of a credit card it is a more difficult task. When applying for a regular loan, the bank issues a payment schedule, but when issuing a card, it does not.

Why not give a schedule in advance? The fact is that it is impossible to predict future debt on the card and how the borrower will repay. For example, if a person received a card with a limit of 500 thousand rubles, and used only 300 thousand, then all accruals will not be for the total amount, but for what was spent.

There are two ways to pay off credit card debt:

  1. During the grace period, when the borrower deposits an amount equal to that which was withdrawn by him, before a certain date. In this case, the use of bank money is absolutely free. You do not need to overpay interest, you give back exactly the amount that you spent. The main thing is to correctly calculate the grace period, which is counted from the reporting date. You can read more about this service.
  2. Making monthly minimum payments, usually 5-10% of the resulting debt plus interest. The amount of the payment is usually indicated in an SMS from the bank, an account statement, Internet banking, you can also clarify it when calling the contact center. For example, in this article you can read the instructions on how to call Sberbank, the largest credit and financial company in the country.

Please note that the minimum payment and the amount required to pay off all debt are completely different things. If you are not able to pay the entire debt at a time, you can pay any amount that is feasible for you, but not less than the monthly payment, the amount of which is determined by a particular banking company.

If we take Sberbank as an example, then here this figure is at least 5% of the amount of debt. In other words, if you have a card debt and cannot pay it in full, you only need to pay 5% + interest if you miss the grace period.

(Amount of debt at the reporting date * interest rate) / 365 * number of days of debt.

  • The amount owed is the total amount of the used limit,
  • Reporting date - the end date of a certain period, which can be found on the envelope with the PIN code or when calling the bank.
  • Interest rate - the amount of the annual percentage according to the tariff plan,
  • 365 - the number of days in a year (or 366 days),
  • the number of days of debt is the number of days that have passed since the moment the debt was formed on the card product.

If cash transactions were made, then the percentage for withdrawing funds should also be taken into account, for example, in Sberbank it is 3-4%. If you are interested in how to withdraw money with the least commission losses, read this review.

Here's an example: Your credit card debt is 100,000 rubles. The minimum monthly payment is 5%, that is, 5000 rubles. Plus the amount of interest - 100 thousand rubles * 24% / 365 * 30 \u003d 1973 rubles. Thus, the bank needs to pay 5000 + 1973 = 6,973 rubles.

Rate % per year:
Term (month):
Amount of credit:
Monthly payment:
Pay in total:
Overpayment on a loan

You can use our advanced calculator with the ability to build a payment schedule and calculate early repayment on this page.

At the moment, almost all major banks offer an online calculator service, which is located on their official website. This includes Sberbank of Russia, Alfa-Bank, VTB 24, Gazprombank and others.

In trading, it is important to correctly calculate the minimum and maximum amount that a person can risk. To do this, you need to describe your trading goals and understand which category you belong to - a beginner or a professional. Initially, each trader tries his hand at a demo account, where there are no losses or profits. When switching to a real account, he needs to immediately answer the following question for himself - how to calculate the minimum deposit for Forex trading.

This concept refers to the minimum amount that must be deposited into the account in order to be able to trade online. When a person starts working with a brokerage company, he opens an account for trading in the market. Each company sets a certain amount of money from which you can start earning on the foreign exchange market.

Figure 1. What is the minimum deposit?

Each broker has its own minimum amount in the Forex market. A single company often provides multiple account types, each with a different value. But choosing a broker, focusing solely on this parameter, is not worth it: the smaller the deposit amount, the worse the trading conditions can be.

Important! Many people make the mistake of thinking that only beginners trade on the minimum deposit. Experienced traders often use this scheme to develop new ideas, test trading strategies, and study a broker.

Starting with small amounts, a person has the opportunity to check the broker without serious losses. The first step is to study the company. Then their own strategy is developed, the size of the deposit rises a little, which gives the trader additional confidence and the opportunity to compare changes in the principle of trading. But when calculating this indicator, you should immediately decide on the level - a beginner or an experienced trader.

How to calculate the minimum deposit for beginners?

Many experienced traders are against small investments. They are confident that it is possible to achieve a significant result only with an investment of $1,000 or more. They have the necessary experience and huge funds, so they can afford to consider such amounts as the smallest deposit. Beginners should approach this from a different angle.

Figure 2. Minimum deposit for beginners

What is the minimum deposit on Forex for beginners? You can trade successfully even with $1. Beginners are advised to set a threshold of $100. Such trading has a number of advantages:

  • High security of personal funds. A person can calmly study the market, apply various trading styles, try popular and own strategies without thinking about serious losses. For beginners, this point is incredibly important, because they should be able to make mistakes and learn from them, gaining useful experience.
  • Possibility of fast start. No major preparatory measures and operations need to be carried out. Finding a few dollars to trade is no problem, allowing you to start trying your skills right away.
  • Confident study of the intricacies of the market. For a person should move slowly, carefully, considering in detail their own chances. This approach to trading allows you to develop valuable skills.

Important! If a person fails to consistently earn money through stock trading, he can be classified as a beginner. Beginners include even people with 5-10 years of experience. To improve skills, you should limit yourself to $ 100.

It is necessary to choose the minimum deposit on Forex taking into account statistics: 997 out of 1,000 people lose their first money. That is why you do not need to start trading with large amounts without knowledge and experience. But you can't stay at the same level for a long time. If a trader consistently earns well throughout the year, feels confident in his own abilities, he can raise the bar.

What is the minimum deposit for experienced traders?

Figure 3. Minimum deposit for professionals

Professionals themselves can easily answer this question, but sometimes they need help. If a trader already has a successful trading experience, he needs to calculate the size of the investment based on two main parameters: the effectiveness of the main strategy and the desired profit.

To understand this system, consider a simple example. The trader wants to earn $1,000 every month with a 100 percent annual return. To begin with, they calculate the amount of desired profit per year - $ 12,000, and then take into account the percentage of profitability that they want to receive. In the example above, the profitability is 100 percent, so the minimum deposit should be $12,000.

Figure 4. Methods for calculating the minimum deposit for professionals

When trading with a minimum deposit in the Forex market, psychological readiness should be taken into account. You can not sharply increase or decrease the amount if a person is not ready for this. He will constantly think about the invested money, afraid of losing it. That is why it will be difficult for him to try new techniques and strategies.

There are two good psychological tricks:

  1. Gradual increase in the minimum deposit. A person will not be able to calmly trade, devoting time exclusively to techniques and strategy, if he immediately increases the amount of investments from 100 to 20,000 dollars. You need to gradually get used to the new amounts, based on the initial investment.
  2. Remove unnecessary windows in the trading terminal. There should not be a window with a balance on the monitor, it is better to leave only the currency chart. This technique saves the trader from worries and saves him time.

Experienced players run the risk of setting the bar too high. They can miscalculate the profitability of the strategy, which is why they lose a huge part of the money. For a correct calculation, use the formula from the above example. Psychological techniques should not be taken too seriously, it is enough for a trader to constantly remember them and apply them in time in practice.

How to trade with a small deposit?

Trading with small investments is extremely difficult, so traders use different preparation methods. If a person wants to withstand competition, accelerate and succeed in trading, he should remember the following rules:

Figure 5. Trading with a minimum deposit on Alpari

To get the desired result, even with a small investment, it is important to choose the right broker and account. For example, the minimum deposit in a standard account type is $100. This amount will be enough to develop skills, test your own strategy and gain experience.

This spreadsheet will handle almost all calculations. It is ideal for accounting. For calculations, there are special tools - formulas. They can be applied to a range or to individual cells. To find out the minimum or maximum number in a group of cells, it is not necessary to look for them yourself. It is better to use the options provided for this. It will also be useful to figure out how to calculate the average value in Excel.

This is especially true in tables with large amounts of data. If the column, for example, indicates the prices of the products of the shopping center. And you need to find out which product is the cheapest. If you search for it "manually", it will take a lot of time. But in Excel, this can be done in just a few clicks. The utility also calculates the arithmetic mean. After all, these are two simple operations: addition and division.

Maximum and minimum

Here is how to find the maximum value in Excel:

  1. Place the cell cursor anywhere.
  2. Go to the "Formulas" menu.
  3. Click Insert Function.
  4. Select "MAX" from the list. Or write this word in the "Search" field and click "Find".
  5. In the Arguments window, enter the addresses of the range whose maximum value you want to know. In Excel, cell names consist of a letter and a number ("B1", "F15", "W34"). And the name of the range is the first and last cells that are included in it.
  6. Instead of an address, you can write several numbers. Then the system will show the largest of them.
  7. Click OK. The result will appear in the cell where the cursor was.

The next step is to specify a range of values

Now it will be easier to figure out how to find the minimum value in Excel. The algorithm of actions is completely identical. Simply select "MIN" instead of "MAX".

The average

The arithmetic mean is calculated as follows: add all the numbers from the set and divide by their number. In Excel, you can calculate sums, find out how many cells are in a row, and so on. But it's too complicated and long. You will have to use many different functions. Keep information in mind. Or even write something down on a piece of paper. But the algorithm can be simplified.

Here is how to find the average in Excel:

  1. Place the cell cursor in any free space in the table.
  2. Go to the "Formulas" tab.
  3. Click on "Insert Function".
  4. Select AVERAGE.
  5. If this item is not in the list, open it using the "Find" option.
  6. In the Number1 area, enter the address of the range. Or write several numbers in different fields "Number2", "Number3".
  7. Click OK. The desired value will appear in the cell.

So you can carry out calculations not only with positions in the table, but also with arbitrary sets. Excel, in fact, plays the role of an advanced calculator.

other methods

The maximum, minimum and average can be found in other ways.

  1. Find the function bar labeled "Fx". It is above the main work area of ​​the table.
  2. Place the cursor in any cell.
  3. Enter an argument in the "Fx" field. It starts with an equal sign. Then comes the formula and the address of the range/cell.
  4. You should get something like "=MAX(B8:B11)" (maximum), "=MIN(F7:V11)" (minimum), "=AVERAGE(D14:W15)" (average).
  5. Click on the "tick" next to the function field. Or just press Enter. The desired value will appear in the selected cell.
  6. The formula can be copied directly into the cell itself. The effect will be the same.

Excel-tool "Autofunctions" will help to find and calculate.

  1. Place the cursor in the cell.
  2. Find the button whose name starts with "Auto". This depends on the default option selected in Excel (AutoSum, AutoNumber, AutoOffset, AutoIndex).
  3. Click on the black arrow below it.
  4. Select MIN (minimum), MAX (maximum), or AVERAGE (average).
  5. The formula will appear in the marked cell. Click on any other cell - it will be added to the function. "Drag" the box around it to cover the range. Or Ctrl-click the grid to select one element at a time.
  6. When you're done, press Enter. The result will be displayed in a cell.

In Excel, calculating the average is fairly easy. No need to add and then divide the amount. There is a separate function for this. You can also find the minimum and maximum in a set. It's much easier than counting by hand or looking up numbers in a huge spreadsheet. Therefore, Excel is popular in many fields of activity where accuracy is required: business, audit, personnel records management, finance, trade, mathematics, physics, astronomy, economics, science.

In our today's article, we will analyze what PM is, learn how to calculate the cost of living for a family. This information will help you determine if your family is "poor".

Living wage - what is it, what does it include?

The living wage is the income of a citizen of the Russian Federation that a person needs to ensure a minimum standard of living. It usually includes the cost of products and goods that a person needs to maintain his health. At the same time, the value is calculated immediately for several categories of citizens, which makes it possible to conveniently and more accurately establish other amounts of social payments and benefits.

The following table will tell you what concepts you will encounter when studying the cost of living in Russia.

The calculation of PM is based on the following:

  1. The population of the Russian Federation is taken into account to determine the welfare of citizens.
  2. Calculations are based on socio-demographic categories for a competent distribution of payments.
  3. The size of the consumer basket and the total amount of payments made by citizens every month are taken into account (for example, "communal"). At the same time, the calculation is as follows: at least 50% of products must be included in the PC, 25% for services and non-food products each.
  4. The increase in prices for goods and services is taken into account.
  5. The minimum norms for the consumption of products that belong to the category of essentials are determined.

At the same time, the subsistence minimum counts both on one person and on the family as a whole. The total monthly income of the family divided by all its members (people living at the same address).

But communal apartments, where non-relatives can be registered, are not taken into account in the calculations. The family in the understanding of officials is all close relatives: spouses, parents, children.

Why do you need to know and be able to calculate PM?

According to Article 2 of the Federal Law, the subsistence minimum has two goals:

  • Assessment of the standard of living of citizens, development of social policy and implementation of special programs at all levels - from federal to local.
  • Setting the size of the minimum wage, scholarships, payments, pensions, etc.
  • Determination of the size of the Federal budget for the next year.

If we take into account each region of the Russian Federation separately, then knowing the size of the subsistence minimum is necessary in order to:

  • To get ahead of the standard of living of Russians in each subject of the Russian Federation, in order to implement social programs in this particular region.
  • For proper budgeting.
  • To identify low-income families, provide material and other assistance to low-income people.

It is important to note that regional authorities can change the size of the subsistence minimum based on the results of the analysis, therefore, most often, the size of the subsistence minimum is different for each region.

PM sizes for different categories in 2019

In calculating this value, the government divides the population into three categories:

  • Pensioners.
  • Children.
  • able-bodied citizens.

Let's look at this issue in more detail, taking two cities as an example - Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Category Who enters there? The value of PM in the capital The value of PM in St. Petersburg
Working-age population This includes persons who are able to take part in work activities, including:
  • Men from 16 to 64 years old.
  • Women from 16 to 59 years old.

Please note that age may vary.

This group also does not include disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups

18 580 rubles 12 079 rubles
pensioners People who have reached retirement age 12 115 rubles 8 954 rubles
Children (underage) Persons unable to work due to their minor age 13 938 rubles 10 754 rubles
Size per capita The average value, which applies to all citizens 16 260 rubles 11 021 rubles

These dimensions of the PM are established by decrees of the Government of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In other regions, the subsistence level is also set by the Government or local authorities.

In general, in Russia, the size of the PM is as follows:

  • Per capita - 16,260 rubles
  • Able-bodied — 18 580 rubles
  • Pensioners — 11,505 rubles
  • Children — 13 938 rubles

How to calculate the cost of living for a family - instructions

To calculate the size of the PM for each individual citizen, experts carry out the following:

  1. They calculate the products consumed by a citizen for a year, including them in a productive basket and divide the resulting value by the number of months in a year.
  2. The resulting value should be multiplied by the average cost of these products or services.
  3. We say the obtained values.

But to calculate the PM for the family, you should act differently. We will tell you how to do this without the help of specialists, which will allow you to determine whether you fall under the concept of a “low-income family”, whose PM is less than that established in your city.

The formula for the calculation is as follows:

PM \u003d ((PM tn * N tn) + (PM n * N n) + (PM d * N d)) / (N tn + N n + N d), where:

For the calculation, be sure to use the following instructions:

  1. First, determine what socio-demographic groups the family consists of. For example, it can be only representatives of the working population and children, or only pensioners, etc.
  2. Count how many people in the family belong to each group.
  3. Determine the size of the PM in your area for each group.
  4. If any of the categories is not represented (for example, children), they do not need to be taken into account in the calculations.
  5. Put all the values ​​into the formula and do the calculations.

A simple example for calculation

Let's calculate the subsistence level for a family of five who live in Moscow:

  • Father, 45 years old (refers to TN).
  • Mom, 40 years old (TN).
  • Daughter, 15 years old (children).
  • Son, 13 years old (children).
  • Grandfather, 70 years old (pensioners).

Now let's plug the values ​​into the formula:

MP = (18580 * 2) + (13938 * 2) + (12115 * 1) / (2 + 2 + 1).

PM = 37160 + 27876 + 12115 / 5

Answer: 15,430 rubles.

It remains just to compare with the indicator for your city - if the average per capita income per family is less than the established PM, you will fall into the category of "Poor".

PM for determining benefits

As we have already said, the amount of social benefits, earnings, and financial assistance for the poor must be determined taking into account the size of the PM. Therefore, when calculating this value, experts rely on:

  • Expenses that the working-age population spends every month.
  • Expenses for taxes and deductions established by the local authorities in each region.
  • Income on the submitted declarations in the form of 3-NDFL and 2-NDFL. Such documents can be obtained from the tax office at the place of registration.

If we talk about a family, then its prosperity, of course, is affected by the number of family members who cannot generate income (we are talking about children and pensioners, the disabled), the professional activities of able-bodied citizens.

It is worth noting that some of the calculations are carried out taking into account the expenses that a person needs to maintain normal life. It also takes into account spending on education, food for children, because most often the cost of living for children is traditionally higher than for pensioners.

In some cases, the Law establishes a PM threshold (normative) that residents of the Russian Federation should not violate. For example, pension payments cannot be lower than the minimum wage, as well as the amount of earnings, scholarships, and other benefits.

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