Preparation and sending of statistical forms in electronic form from 1C:Enterprise. How to send a report to Rosstat, the form of which is not in the "Regulated Reporting" directory? FCS of Russia: Penalty for non-submission of statistical forms introduced

In addition to one mandatory copy of the annual accounting (financial) statements, which, in accordance with Federal Law No. 402-FZ of December 6, 2011 “On Accounting”, is submitted to the state statistics authority at the place of registration, all companies must also submit statistical reports, but to different terms and according to a different list of forms. The article describes a new mechanism implemented in the 1C:Enterprise 8 programs, thanks to which you can fill in any required form of statistics, upload it to a file and send it electronically to Rosstat via communication channels.

Statistics, as they say, knows everything. More precisely, she seeks to know everything. And for that to be possible, it needs a variety of data from every “business unit,” every organization. There are many statistical forms, the indicators that need to be provided are very diverse and, at times, they are not explicitly contained in the accounting data.

The Statistics section of the programs "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0), "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 2.0), "1C: Integrated Automation 8" already contains several dozen statistical forms, and the list continues to grow. At the same time, the "trouble" of generating statistical reporting is currently offset by the convenience of submitting it to Rosstat - in electronic form. In order to expand the list of reports transmitted in this way, a universal statistical report has been developed. It allows you to prepare, upload to a file and / or send via 1C-Reporting those forms of statistical reporting that are not yet implemented in the program, but for which there is an electronic submission template.

Regulated and financial reporting, In chapter Statistics select row . If you have already worked with regulated reporting in 1C programs, in general, the sequence of actions will be familiar to you, but it has one significant difference: before clicking the OK button to create a report, you must select the required statistical form from the list that can be opened by clicking button Choose form. In the list, you must select the required form from the downloaded ones, the organization and the required period for compiling the report.

OK a form will be opened for filling (Fig. 1).

There may be such a situation that the specified list does not contain the form of statistical reporting you need. Then the selection list should be closed and the list of templates opened by clicking on the link (see fig. 1). In this form, you can upload one or more templates of the necessary reports to the program, having previously downloaded them from the Rosstat resource:,,,,. As noted above, far from all the values ​​required to fill in the reports are clearly present in the infobase (there are about 90% of them), so the forms are intended to be filled in manually - the fields to be filled in are marked in yellow (see Fig. 2). When a report is saved in the infobase, its template is also saved, which allows you to restore the screen form and display data when opening a saved report. And after filling in and saving the report, you can either upload it to a file (button Unloading) for transmission over the appropriate communication channels, or if you are subscribers of the service 1C-Reporting, send to Rosstat directly from the program (button Send).

Since this report is designed to work with many statistical forms and specifically for transmission in electronic form, it does not provide for printing the form in the form approved by Rosstat (you can only print the screen form).

After statistical reports are implemented in the programs in the "normal" form, the universal report will be excluded from the list of reports.

Preparation and sending of statistics forms in electronic form from "1C: Enterprise 8"

Statistics, as they say, knows everything. More precisely, she seeks to know everything. And for that to be possible, it needs a variety of data from every “business unit,” every organization. There are many statistical forms, the indicators that need to be provided are very diverse and, at times, they are not explicitly contained in the accounting data.

The Statistics section of the programs "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 3.0), "1C: Accounting 8" (rev. 2.0), "1C: Integrated Automation 8" already contains several dozen statistical forms, and the list continues to grow. At the same time, the "trouble" of generating statistical reporting is currently offset by the convenience of submitting it to Rosstat - in electronic form. In order to expand the list of reports transmitted in this way, a universal statistical report has been developed. It allows you to prepare, upload to a file and / or send via 1C-Reporting those forms of statistical reporting that are not yet implemented in the program, but for which there is an electronic submission template.

To use this report, you must Regulated and financial reporting, In chapter Statistics select line Other forms of statistical reporting. If you have already worked with regulated reporting in 1C programs, in general, the sequence of actions will be familiar to you, but it has one significant difference: before clicking the OK button to create a report, you must select the required statistical form from the list that can be opened by clicking button Choose form. In the list, you must select the required form from the downloaded ones, the organization and the required period for compiling the report.

After that, by pressing the button OK a form will be opened for filling (Fig. 1).

There may be such a situation that the specified list does not contain the form of statistical reporting you need. Then the selection list should be closed and the list of templates opened by clicking on the link EWF statistics report templates(see fig. 1). In this form, one or several templates of the necessary reports can be loaded into the program after downloading them from the Rosstat resource ( As noted above, far from all the values ​​required to fill in the reports are clearly present in the infobase (there are about 90% of them), so the forms are intended to be filled in manually - the fields to be filled in are marked in yellow (see Fig. 2). When a report is saved in the infobase, its template is also saved, which allows you to restore the screen form and display data when opening a saved report. And after filling in and saving the report, you can either upload it to a file (button Unloading) for transmission over the appropriate communication channels, or if you are subscribers of the service 1C-Reporting, send to Rosstat directly from the program (button Send).

Since this report is designed to work with many statistical forms and specifically for transmission in electronic form, it does not provide for printing the form in the form approved by Rosstat (you can only print the screen form).

After statistical reports are implemented in the programs in the "normal" form, the universal report will be excluded from the list of reports.

In order to update the required form of statistics, we go to the Rosstat website (link, select the report form we need from the list and download it after unzipping it and get files in xml format.

Rice. 1. Regulated reports

In the window that opens, click "Create"

Rice. 2. Create a report

After we will open a window for selecting the form of the report, in this window we go to the "All" tab.

Rice. 3. All kinds of reports

In the window that opens, expand the "Statistics" group and select the "Statistics: Other forms" item.

Rice. 4. Statistics: Other forms

Rice. 5. EWF templates for statistics reports

In the templates window, click "Upload", point to our previously downloaded file and click "OK".

After we will have a window about the successful download.

Rice. 8. Successful download window

Now we close the template window, and in order to generate our downloaded report, we also go to the “Reports” tab, then “Regulated reports”, click “Create”, open the “Statistics” group in the list, select the item “Statistics: Other forms Then click on "Choose Form".

Rice. 9. Preparing the shape selection

In the list of forms, select our loaded form by double-clicking

Rice. 11. Create a report

After that, our report will open, and we can start filling it out

Rice. 12. Filling in the generated report

Example 2 Configuration Accounting department of a public institution 1.0 (in configurations of a similar interface, the way to update the report form is the same).

After we have downloaded the statistics form we need, open the “Accounting” tab in the list, select the “Regulated reports” item, then “Tax and statistical reporting”

Rice. 13. Tax and statistical reporting

In the window that opens on the left of the list of report options in the group of statistics reports, we find the item "Other forms of statistical reporting" and double-click to open it.

Rice. 14. Other forms of statistical reporting

Rice. 15. EWF templates for statistics reports. BSU 1.0

After that, in the template window, click "Download".

Rice. 17. Selecting a report template

After we will see a window about the successful loading of the template

Rice. 18. Template uploaded successfully

Now we close all windows and in order to generate the loaded report form, we also go to the “Accounting” tab, then “Regulated reports”, select the item “Tax and statistical reporting”, on the left in the list we find a group of statistics reports, select the item “Other forms statistical reporting" and double-click to open it. In the window that opens, click "Select Form".

Rice. 19. Preparation of the choice of the loaded form BSU 1.0

And in the list we select our report form.

Rice. 20. Choice of report form BSU 1.0

After we click "OK" and our report form will open in front of us, after we can start filling it out.

Rice. 21. Form opening and filling

Petropavlovsky Vladislav. Advice Line Specialist

Who is obliged to submit to the customs a statistical form on trade with the EAEU countries is now directly stated in the Law on Customs Regulation (Article 104 of the Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ (hereinafter - ed., valid.

from 29.01.2017)). Previously, such persons were named only in the Decree of the Government, which approved the Rules for keeping statistics on trade in goods within the EAEU (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2015 N 1329 (hereinafter - Decree N 1329)).

But these innovations had no effect on the list of foreign economic activity participants submitting a report to customs. Organizations and entrepreneurs still have to report on the movement of goods when trading with the EAEU countries in the following cases (Part 2 of Article 104 of the Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ):

  • if they have concluded a deal on the import of goods into Russia from the territory of the EAEU countries (export of goods from Russia to the EAEU countries);
  • if on their behalf (on their behalf) such a transaction is concluded;
  • if the transaction has not been concluded, but they have the right to own, use and (or) dispose of imported (exported) goods.

Reference. The statistical form for accounting for the movement of goods in trade within the EAEU must be submitted no later than the 8th business day of the month following the month of shipment (receipt) of goods (Clause 7 of the Rules, approved by Resolution N 1329).

How to submit a statistical form to customs

All importers and exporters working with the EAEU countries (regardless of whether they have an electronic signature for customs) must fill out a statistical form in the personal account of a foreign trade participant on the website of the Federal Customs Service of Russia through the Statistical Declaration service ( .

The statistical form filled out on the website is submitted (Clause 7 of the Rules, approved by Decree N 1329):

  • if the organization / individual entrepreneur has an enhanced qualified electronic signature for customs - only (!) in electronic form with assurance by an electronic signature;
  • if the organization / individual entrepreneur does not have an electronic signature - on paper. After receiving the system number, the form completed on the website must be printed out. And then, in person or by registered mail, submit it to the customs of the region where the importer (exporter) is registered with the tax authorities. According to the system number, the customs will find the statistical form submitted on paper in the information system and, after verification, will register it. An organization / individual entrepreneur, upon request, can obtain a registration number of the statistical form at the customs.

Forgetful - fine!

As before, exporters and importers trading with the EAEU countries can be fined if the statistical form of recording the movement of goods:

  • or not presented;
  • or untimely submitted;
  • or contains false information.

From January 29, 2017, both the maximum and minimum fines for these violations for organizations and their leaders will be lower.

The situation is different for entrepreneurs. Now they will be subject to the same sanctions as to organizations (Note 1 to Art. 19.7.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - ed., effective from 01.29.2017)). Previously, the amount of fines for entrepreneurs was the same as for the heads of firms (Article 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). As a result of these changes, fines for entrepreneurs will now increase.

Penalties for failure to submit the statistical form to customs

What changed

Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides for liability

Article 19.7.13. Failure to submit or untimely submission to the customs authority statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods

Article 13.19. Failure to provide primary statistical data

Authority responsible for

Customs authorities (Part 1 of article 23.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Rosstat (Part 1 Article 23.53 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) (based on information received from the customs authorities)

Limitation period for bringing to responsibility (Part 1, Article 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Penalty for primary violation, rub.

for organization

20 000 — 50 000

20 000 — 70 000

20 000 — 50 000

10 000 — 20 000

for the head

10 000 — 15 000

10 000 — 20 000

Penalty for repeated violation, rub.

for organization

50 000 — 100 000

100 000 — 150 000

50 000 — 100 000

30 000 — 50 000

for the head

20 000 — 30 000

30 000 — 50 000

Fixing an error in the form

The statistical form is considered to be submitted with false information if (Clause 9 of the Rules, approved by Resolution N 1329):

  • violation of the Rules for filling it out;
  • arithmetic or logical errors are made.

Submission of such a form is a reason for a fine. But it can be avoided. To do this, before detecting a violation by customs officers, an organization / individual entrepreneur must have time to submit (Note 2 to Article 19.7.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation; clause 9 of the Rules, approved by Decree N 1329):

  • new correct statistical form;
  • an application in any form about the annulment of the previous statistical form. It must indicate its system number, a list of changes and the reasons for making them, as well as the necessary explanations.

Moreover, in order to be exempted from sanctions, it is necessary that the customs does not find an error until the day the application is received and registration (!) of a new, corrected, statistical form (Note 2 to Art. 19.7.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

This is important to consider if reporting is submitted on paper, especially by registered mail.

If false information is found by customs officers, the organization / individual entrepreneur will have to pay a fine and correct the errors. Customs will notify the identified shortcomings within 10 working days. Upon receipt of the notification, the exporter (importer) will have to submit a new statistical form and an application for cancellation of the old one. He is given 10 working days for this (Clause 9 of the Rules, approved by Resolution No. 1329).

Penalties for untimely submission of a statistical form to customs or for errors in it will now become more frequent. Indeed, earlier in 2 months, the customs authorities had to have time to identify the violation and report it to Rosstat, and the latter, in turn, had time to make a decision on bringing to responsibility. Now the customs itself will be able to fine, and it will have a whole year to do this. So importers and exporters trading with the EAEU countries need to be even more careful when submitting and filling out the statistical form.

February 2017

Customs Union, Customs regulations

Statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods

Statistical declaration

The submission of statistical forms is carried out in order to take into account the movement of goods in the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Statistical form is filled out Russian face(the meaning is determined by the Federal Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ -, which either entered into a transaction, or on behalf (on behalf) of which this transaction was concluded or who has the right to own, use and (or) dispose of goods (Applicant).

The statistical form is filled out in accordance with the Rules for filling out the statistical form for accounting for the movement of goods (

The statistical form is submitted to the customs authorities no later than the 8th working day of the month following the month in which goods were shipped (received) (schedule for 2016) –

The statistical form is represented by Personal account of a foreign trade participant:

  • electronic with certification by the electronic signature (ES) of the applicant in the following order:
  1. Send the completed statistical form to the customs authority, having certified it with an electronic signature.
  2. Get the registration number of the statistical form assigned to it during automatic registration with the customs authority;

under the following conditions:

Availability of an electronic signature (ES) –, issued to an employee of an organization/individual entrepreneur and containing customs information technologies;

Adding an organization/IP ( in the Profile section ( upon request for confirmation in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP (FTS). The request is signed by ES.

  • or on paper in the following order:
  1. Fill out the electronic form of the statistical form.
  2. Check the correctness and completeness of filling in the statistical form.
  3. Get the system number and print out the statistical form.
  4. Certify the statistical form with the applicant's signature and seal.

Submit a statistical form on paper personally or by registered mail to the customs authority (, in the region of activity of which the applicant is registered with the tax authority.

  1. An official of the customs authority, upon receiving a statistical form on paper, will request it in the information system using the system number, check the information and register it by assigning a registration number.
  2. Request and receive the statistical form registration number.


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2015 No. 1329 "On the organization of maintaining statistics on mutual trade between the Russian Federation and the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union" (

On the statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods

Russian legal entities engaged in mutual trade with the states that are members of the Eurasian Economic Union (and hence the customs union of the EAEU) are required to submit to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) a statistical form for recording the movement of goods.

The Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the Union, the EAEU) is an international organization for regional economic integration. Within the framework of the Union, freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor is ensured, as well as a coordinated, coordinated or unified policy in certain sectors of the economy.

Currently, the following states are members of the EAEU:

  • Republic of Belarus;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Russian Federation;
  • Republic of Armenia;
  • Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

Mutual trade is understood as both the shipment of goods to the EAEU countries and the receipt of goods from these countries.

The statistical form for recording the movement of goods shall be submitted to the customs authority no later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which the goods were shipped (received). This is evidenced by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2011 No. 40 “On the organization of maintaining statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the Customs Union within the framework of the EurAsEC”.

Statistical form when exporting goods

To generate and fill in the statistical form, in the Reports section, click the Create button, in the list of all available reports that opens, select the regulated report Statistics: Form for accounting for the movement of goods.

You can find the report in the Tax Reporting report group (if you choose to group report types by categories) or in the FCS report group (if you choose to group report types by recipients).

In a typical 1C:Accounting configuration, automatic filling of the report is implemented only for the case of importing goods. But if the company exports goods to the EurAsEC countries, then the report will have to be filled out manually.

We offer you a modernized report Statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods for the case when your company exports goods.

In the improved version of the statistical report for accounting for the movement of goods, the button "Fill by sales" is implemented. By clicking on the button, information is collected from the documents "Sale of goods and services" issued in the month of the report. Goods from documents are grouped according to the TN VED code and form the contents of table 11.

The report can be recorded, uploaded and sent to the FCS.

How the statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods works

You can test yourself filling in a statistical report for accounting for the movement of goods in our demo database.

To do this, you need to enter the path in the browser in the address bar and the web client "1C: Accounting 3.0" will load. In the list of users, select "Demo" and enter the database.

Next, you go to the "Reports"->"Regulated reports" section. Click "Create" and select "Statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods" in the list of reports - this report is located in the "Tax reporting" group.

When opening the form, select the organization "Parquet master" and the month "July 2017" - the demo data is entered taking into account the specified parameters, but you can also enter your own information, simulate your business situation.

In the report form that opens, fill in the columns "Seller" and "Buyer" - as the buyer, we indicate LLC Cafe Skazka. Then click "Fill by implementation". as a result, the report will be filled.

Acquisition and maintenance of the statistical form

The cost of the statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods - 10 000 rub including VAT.

Maintenance and updating of the form in accordance with the changes - within the framework of the ITS:PROF agreement.

FCS of Russia: Penalty for non-submission of statistical forms introduced

The Federal Customs Service of Russia draws the attention of participants in foreign economic activity to the fact that from January 29, 2017, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 28, 2016 N 510-FZ “On Amendments to Articles 12 and 104 of the Federal Law “On Customs Regulation in the Russian Federation” comes into force and the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses.

According to this law, for participants in foreign economic activity, administrative liability is established for failure to submit, untimely submission to the customs authority of a statistical form for recording the movement of goods and for submitting a statistical form containing inaccurate information.

For these offenses, it is envisaged to impose a fine on officials in the amount of 10 to 15 thousand rubles, on legal entities - in the amount of 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

For a repeated violation, the amount of the fine increases and will amount to 20,000 to 30,000 rubles for officials and from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles for legal entities.

A participant in foreign economic activity shall be released from administrative liability in the event of voluntary submission of correct data to the customs authority instead of a statistical form containing false information.

Cases of administrative offenses under Article 19.7.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which provides for penalties for violating the rules and deadlines for submitting a statistical form, will be initiated and considered by the customs authorities.

According to this law, the FCS of Russia is empowered to maintain statistics of mutual trade between the Russian Federation and the EAEU member states, and also establishes the obligation of the Russian person who concluded the transaction, or on whose behalf (on behalf) of which the transaction was concluded, to submit to the customs authorities a statistical form of accounting movement of goods.

The statistical form is filled in by a registered user through the “Personal Account of a Foreign Economic Activity Participant” tab on the official website of the Federal Customs Service of Russia (, and is provided no later than the 8th working day of the month following the reporting one.

Information declared by trade participants does not require documentary confirmation. The statistical information generated on the basis of this information on mutual trade with the EAEU member states makes it possible to keep statistical records of Russia's trade with Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia after customs clearance and customs control of goods moved between the EAEU member states were abolished.

The official website of the Federal Customs Service of Russia at: contains detailed instructions for traders on the procedure for filling out and sending statistical forms, including the benefits of using an electronic signature.

Russian legal entities engaged in mutual trade with the states that are members of the Eurasian Economic Union (and hence the customs union of the EAEU) are required to submit to the Federal Customs Service (FCS) a statistical form for recording the movement of goods.

The Eurasian Economic Union (hereinafter referred to as the Union, the EAEU) is an international organization for regional economic integration. Within the framework of the Union, freedom of movement of goods, services, capital and labor is ensured, as well as a coordinated, coordinated or unified policy in certain sectors of the economy.

Currently, the following states are members of the EAEU:

  • Republic of Belarus;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan;
  • Russian Federation;
  • Republic of Armenia;
  • Republic of Kyrgyzstan.

Mutual trade is understood as both the shipment of goods to the EAEU countries and the receipt of goods from these countries.

The statistical form for recording the movement of goods shall be submitted to the customs authority no later than the 10th day of the month following the month in which the goods were shipped (received). This is evidenced by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2011 No. 40 “On the organization of maintaining statistics on the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the Customs Union within the framework of the EurAsEC”.

Statistical form when exporting goods

To generate and fill in the statistical form, in the Reports section, click the Create button, in the list of all available reports that opens, select the regulated report Statistics: Form for accounting for the movement of goods.

You can find the report in the Tax Reporting report group (if you choose to group report types by categories) or in the FCS report group (if you choose to group report types by recipients).

In a typical 1C:Accounting configuration, automatic filling of the report is implemented only for the case of importing goods. But if the company exports goods to the EurAsEC countries, then the report will have to be filled out manually.

We offer you a modernized report Statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods for the case when your company exports goods.

In the improved version of the statistical report for accounting for the movement of goods, the button "Fill by sales" is implemented. By clicking on the button, information is collected from the documents "Sale of goods and services" issued in the month of the report. Goods from documents are grouped according to the TN VED code and form the contents of table 11.

The report can be recorded, uploaded and sent to the FCS.

How the statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods works

You can test yourself filling in a statistical report for accounting for the movement of goods in our demo database.

To do this, you need to enter the path in the browser in the address bar and the web client "1C: Accounting 3.0" will load. In the list of users, select "Demo" and enter the database.

Next, you go to the "Reports"->"Regulated reports" section. Click "Create" and select "Statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods" in the list of reports - this report is located in the "Tax reporting" group.

When opening the form, select the organization "Parquet master" and the month "July 2017" - the demo data is entered taking into account the specified parameters, but you can also enter your own information, simulate your business situation.

In the report form that opens, fill in the columns "Seller" and "Buyer" - as the buyer, we indicate LLC Cafe Skazka. Then click "Fill by implementation". as a result, the report will be filled.

Acquisition and maintenance of the statistical form

The cost of the statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods - 10 000 rub including VAT.

Maintenance and updating of the form in accordance with the changes - within the framework of the ITS:PROF agreement.

Online journal for an accountant

Statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods

Statistical declaration

The submission of statistical forms is carried out in order to take into account the movement of goods in the mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Statistical form is filled out Russian face(the meaning is determined by the Federal Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ -, which either entered into a transaction, or on behalf (on behalf) of which this transaction was concluded or who has the right to own, use and (or) dispose of goods (Applicant).

The statistical form is filled out in accordance with the Rules for filling out the statistical form for accounting for the movement of goods (

The statistical form is submitted to the customs authorities no later than the 8th working day of the month following the month in which goods were shipped (received) (schedule for 2016) –

The statistical form is represented by Personal account of a foreign trade participant:

  • electronic with certification by the electronic signature (ES) of the applicant in the following order:
  1. Send the completed statistical form to the customs authority, having certified it with an electronic signature.
  2. Get the registration number of the statistical form assigned to it during automatic registration with the customs authority;

under the following conditions:

Availability of an electronic signature (ES) –, issued to an employee of an organization/individual entrepreneur and containing customs information technologies;

Adding an organization/IP ( in the Profile section ( upon request for confirmation in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities / EGRIP (FTS).

The request is signed by ES.

  • or on paper in the following order:
  1. Fill out the electronic form of the statistical form.
  2. Check the correctness and completeness of filling in the statistical form.
  3. Get the system number and print out the statistical form.
  4. Certify the statistical form with the applicant's signature and seal.

Submit a statistical form on paper personally or by registered mail to the customs authority (, in the region of activity of which the applicant is registered with the tax authority.

  1. An official of the customs authority, upon receiving a statistical form on paper, will request it in the information system using the system number, check the information and register it by assigning a registration number.
  2. Request and receive the statistical form registration number.


No. 1329 "On organizing the maintenance of statistics on mutual trade between the Russian Federation and the Member States of the Eurasian Economic Union" (

Statistical form for trade with the EAEU countries to customs

To whom to hand over the statistical form - read in the Law

Who is required to submit a statistical form on trade with the EAEU countries to the customs is now directly stated in the Law on Customs Regulation (Article 104 of the Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ (hereinafter - ed., effective from January 29, 2017)). Previously, such persons were named only in the Decree of the Government, which approved the Rules for keeping statistics on trade in goods within the EAEU (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 7, 2015 N 1329 (hereinafter - Decree N 1329)).

But these innovations had no effect on the list of foreign economic activity participants submitting a report to customs. Organizations and entrepreneurs still have to report on the movement of goods when trading with the EAEU countries in the following cases (Part 2 of Article 104 of the Law of November 27, 2010 N 311-FZ):

  • if they have concluded a deal on the import of goods into Russia from the territory of the EAEU countries (export of goods from Russia to the EAEU countries);
  • if on their behalf (on their behalf) such a transaction is concluded;
  • if the transaction has not been concluded, but they have the right to own, use and (or) dispose of imported (exported) goods.

Reference. The statistical form for accounting for the movement of goods in trade within the EAEU must be submitted no later than the 8th business day of the month following the month of shipment (receipt) of goods (Clause 7 of the Rules, approved by Resolution N 1329).

How to submit a statistical form to customs

All importers and exporters working with the EAEU countries (regardless of whether they have an electronic signature for customs) must fill out a statistical form in the personal account of a foreign trade participant on the website of the Federal Customs Service of Russia through the Statistical Declaration service ( .

The statistical form filled out on the website is submitted (Clause 7 of the Rules, approved by Decree N 1329):

  • if the organization / individual entrepreneur has an enhanced qualified electronic signature for customs - only (!) in electronic form with assurance by an electronic signature;
  • if the organization / individual entrepreneur does not have an electronic signature - on paper. After receiving the system number, the form completed on the website must be printed out. And then, in person or by registered mail, submit it to the customs of the region where the importer (exporter) is registered with the tax authorities. According to the system number, the customs will find the statistical form submitted on paper in the information system and, after verification, will register it. An organization / individual entrepreneur, upon request, can obtain a registration number of the statistical form at the customs.

Forgetful - fine!

As before, exporters and importers trading with the EAEU countries can be fined if the statistical form of recording the movement of goods:

  • or not presented;
  • or untimely submitted;
  • or contains false information.

From January 29, 2017, both the maximum and minimum fines for these violations for organizations and their leaders will be lower.

The situation is different for entrepreneurs. Now they will be subject to the same sanctions as to organizations (Note 1 to Art. 19.7.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter - ed., effective from 01.29.2017)). Previously, the amount of fines for entrepreneurs was the same as for the heads of firms (Article 2.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). As a result of these changes, fines for entrepreneurs will now increase.

Penalties for failure to submit the statistical form to customs

What changed

Article of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which provides for liability

Article 19.7.13. Failure to submit or untimely submission to the customs authority statistical form of accounting for the movement of goods

Article 13.19.

Statistical reporting in the FCS. Filling and sending directly from "1C: Accounting 8"

Failure to provide primary statistical data

Authority responsible for

Customs authorities (Part 1 of article 23.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Rosstat (Part 1 Article 23.53 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) (based on information received from the customs authorities)

Limitation period for bringing to responsibility (Part 1, Article 4.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Penalty for primary violation, rub.

for organization

20 000 — 50 000

20 000 — 70 000

20 000 — 50 000

10 000 — 20 000

for the head

10 000 — 15 000

10 000 — 20 000

Penalty for repeated violation, rub.

for organization

50 000 — 100 000

100 000 — 150 000

50 000 — 100 000

30 000 — 50 000

for the head

20 000 — 30 000

30 000 — 50 000

Fixing an error in the form

The statistical form is considered to be submitted with false information if (Clause 9 of the Rules, approved by Resolution N 1329):

  • violation of the Rules for filling it out;
  • arithmetic or logical errors are made.

Submission of such a form is a reason for a fine. But it can be avoided. To do this, before detecting a violation by customs officers, an organization / individual entrepreneur must have time to submit (Note 2 to Article 19.7.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation; clause 9 of the Rules, approved by Decree N 1329):

  • new correct statistical form;
  • an application in any form about the annulment of the previous statistical form. It must indicate its system number, a list of changes and the reasons for making them, as well as the necessary explanations.

Moreover, in order to be exempted from sanctions, it is necessary that the customs does not find an error until the day the application is received and registration (!) of a new, corrected, statistical form (Note 2 to Art. 19.7.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This is important to consider if reporting is submitted on paper, especially by registered mail.

If false information is found by customs officers, the organization / individual entrepreneur will have to pay a fine and correct the errors. Customs will notify the identified shortcomings within 10 working days. Upon receipt of the notification, the exporter (importer) will have to submit a new statistical form and an application for cancellation of the old one. He is given 10 working days for this (Clause 9 of the Rules, approved by Resolution No. 1329).

Penalties for untimely submission of a statistical form to customs or for errors in it will now become more frequent. Indeed, earlier in 2 months, the customs authorities had to have time to identify the violation and report it to Rosstat, and the latter, in turn, had time to make a decision on bringing to responsibility.

Now the customs itself will be able to fine, and it will have a whole year to do this. So importers and exporters trading with the EAEU countries need to be even more careful when submitting and filling out the statistical form.

February 2017

Customs Union, Customs regulations

Appendix N 1 to the Rules for keeping statistics of mutual trade of the Russian Federation with the member states of the Customs Union within the framework of the EurAsEC

STATISTICAL FORM OF REGISTRATION OF MOVEMENT OF GOODS ———————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————— 1. Sender, N ¦4. Direction ¦7. Price currency code ¦movement ¦goods ¦ ¦ +————————-+——————— ¦5. Trading country ¦8. Country —————————-+ ¦ of departure 2. Recipient, N ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +———————+—+—————+—- ¦6. Country of destination ¦9. Mode of transport ¦ ¦ at the border ¦ ¦ ¦ —————————-+———————+—+———————— 3. Person responsible for ¦ financial settlement, ¦ N ¦ —————————-+———————————————- 10.

A sample of filling out a statistical form for accounting for the movement of goods

Documents ————————————————————————— 11. Code ¦12. Description ¦13. Price of goods ¦16. Net weight (kg) of goods ¦goods ¦ ¦ ————-+ +————————-+——————— ¦ ¦14. Statistical ¦17. Statistical ¦ ¦ cost (in dollars ¦ cost (in ¦ ¦ USA) ¦ rubles) ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ +————————-+——————— ¦ ¦15. Country of origin ¦18. Additional ¦ ¦ ¦ units ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ————-+—————+———————+—+—————+—- —————————- —— —— ——— Document completion date ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ —————————- —+— —+— —+-+-+— (day) (month) ) (year) Person responsible for submitting the statistical form (person authorized to submit the statistical form on behalf of a legal entity) __________________________ __________ _________ (position) (full name) (signature) ____________________________ (contact phone number) ___________________________________________________________________________

Source - Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 29, 2011 No. 40 (with amendments and additions for 2011)

Errors were found in the declared information AFTER the paper copy of the statistical form was submitted to the customs authority. What to do?

It is impossible to make changes to the statistical form submitted and registered with the customs authority. If incorrect information submitted to the customs authority is found:

1. Fill in a new, correctly completed statistical form with the necessary corrections (if the xml file of the submitted statistical form has been saved, download and edit it by clicking the "Load from file" button).

Additionally, on the "General information" tab, fill in the field Registration number of the canceled SF (instead of which this one is submitted).

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Fill out an application for the annulment of the statistical form addressed to the head (or the person replacing him) of the customs authority to which it was submitted.

Be sure to include in your application:

- the registration number of the incorrectly completed statistical form that you want to cancel;

- the system number of the new corrected statistical form that you want to provide instead of the canceled one;

- what changes (in which columns) were made to the statistical form.

3. Certify the application and the new statistical form with the applicant's signature and seal.

Note! If errors were found by the inspector and at the same time, a notification was received to your mail (from the statistical form) that the statistical form was put under control, then it is necessary to provide the corrected statistical form to the TO within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the notification.

To send in the direction of Rosstat a reporting form that is not in the module Regulated reporting do the following.

Go to ReportsRegulated reportsCreate. In chapter Statistics select item Statistics: Other Forms.

In the window Statistics: Other Forms click on hyperlink EPI Statistics Report Templates.

In the opened window Templates of electronic versions of statistics report forms automatically loaded templates present in the configuration will be displayed. If the required template is not in the list of downloaded templates, download the required template from the FSGS website by clicking on the appropriate hyperlink.

After saving the downloaded template, click the button Download and select a template on your PC.

Go back to the window Statistics: Other Forms and press the button Choose form.

In the window Choose a report form select the line with the required report and press the button Choose.

Select an organization and click the button Create.

A report form will open in front of you. After filling out the reporting form, click the button Send.

The sent report will be displayed in the same way as other reports - in regulated reports and in the exchange log.

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