Blue dragon with a pearl in its paw. Dragon is a powerful feng shui talisman

The dragon is the most important symbol in Feng Shui and Chinese folklore. According to legend, there are nine dragons in total - heavenly creatures that fulfill people's aspirations.

All nine are depicted on the wall of the Forbidden City in Beijing. In addition to the Earth dragon, there are Wind, Sea, Water, Sky, Fire, Gold, Mountain and Divine dragons.

The art of feng shui is aimed at creating and attracting sheng qi - the precious “cosmic dragon breath”. The dragon is traditionally associated with the east; for this reason, images of a dragon in the eastern part of the house or work space will bring good luck. The dragon's energy can be awakened in the garden - for this, plants are planted in the winding flower beds to the east of the house.

The meaning of the talisman

The dragon represents power, wisdom and kindness. It is believed that the image of a dragon protects the house and drives out evil spirits from it. It brings good luck and health. The dragon brings material well-being to the home, success in work and business, career growth, activity in any business, and protects against unscrupulous partners and competitors. It should be remembered that the dragon personifies the male energy of Yang and protects the stronger sex. The Guardian of the East represents the awakening of the forces of nature, growth and new beginnings. Thanks to its yang energy, the dragon will help single women find their soul mate. Under the influence of his energy, they begin to feel happier, which helps attract a gentleman into their life.

Dragon View

Green Dragon one of the four celestial animals of Feng Shui (the other three are the crimson phoenix in the south, the white tiger in the west and the black turtle in the north). The green dragon made of jade or other stone is considered the most influential talisman; it is also favorable Blue colour, although most often you can find bronze and golden figurines.

Dragon holding a magical pearl of wisdom called Qing Long, it represents greatness, wisdom and immortality. The pearl symbolizes the fulfillment of desires. In China, a dragon with a pearl was considered a symbol of the emperor, his divine patron. A dragon with a pearl in its mouth is preferable. There is an opinion that a dragon without her is angry.

Five Fingered Dragon the most powerful symbol of good luck. A figurine of a five-fingered “imperial dragon” placed against the eastern wall of the living room will attract wealth and success. Remember that the dragon should always be close to your water feature, but it should not be too large. The “Nine Dragon Screen” should not be too wide, as you will not be able to bear the energy of the nine big dragons. It is better to use smaller images, but made of real gold. Some feng shui masters believe that the Imperial Dragon is too powerful for the home and should be placed in the office.

Mascot area

The classic mascot of the Family zone is the East. Since the East is the “home” of the Heavenly Dragon, always activate the eastern sector with the image of this creature. I also recommend placing the dragon in the Wealth sector - Southeast. It is better to place the dragon in the hallway or living room. If you place the dragon in another place, place it so that it faces east. It’s good if you can place the figurine to the left diagonally from the front door. Feng Shui masters categorically do not recommend placing an image of a dragon in the southern sector of the house, as well as in the pantry, garage, bedroom, bathroom and toilet (luck and wealth will leave the house), but the location near a clean kitchen sink is quite favorable. It’s good if you place the figurine in your office or on your desktop. It will bring financial success and protection from ill-wishers.

How to position the Dragon

The dragon must be placed near a body of water or even in the water itself. If the image of a dragon is placed in the hallway, then it should be placed to the left of the entrance, when looking at the door from the house. The dragon figurine is placed at eye level or slightly lower. It cannot be set higher: the dragon’s energy will begin to dominate the house and suppress the energy of its owner. It is advisable for the dragon figurine to stand on a pedestal, stand or just a small platform. If there are other animal symbols in the room, make sure the dragon stands tallest.

How to activate the Dragon

The activation of the talisman is carried out on Dragon Day (in the year of the dragon the ritual can be performed on any day) according to the Chinese calendar from 7 to 9 am (dragon time). You should take a new thin brush and black ink or ink. Turn the dragon so that it faces east. Dip the tip of the brush into ink and draw black pupils in the form of dots on the dragon’s eyes. If the dragon is already depicted with “open”, drawn eyes, you can symbolically consecrate them with an incense stick. The dragon is also activated by the presence of water in any form: a fountain or its image, an aquarium, a decorative vase with water.

Number of Dragons

You can have as many dragons in your house as you like - if, of course, you are sure that your karma will withstand them all! Not everyone can handle the powerful yang energy of nine dragons. Therefore, although dragons bring a lot of luck and excellent health, it is better not to be greedy. One - not too big and not too small - is usually enough. If you were born in the year of the Dragon or already hold a very high position, you can place five dragon figurines in your home.

Prohibitions associated with the Dragon symbol

  1. Never place images of a dragon in the bedroom - it is too yang a symbol for a place of relaxation.
  2. Dragons made of wood, ceramics and crystal are good for the east, but dragons made of gold, cloisonné and other metals should not be placed there, since Metal destroys Wood. To activate and balance “water bodies”, use golden dragons in the west and northwest.
  3. A work desk decorated with dragon carvings can bring good luck, but not every person has enough yang energy to work at such a desk. However, dragon images can benefit anyone. Remember that the dragon should not be too big and ferocious.
  4. Images of nine dragons in the house will make you extremely ambitious, and it is important not to go to extremes. If dragon energy becomes excessive, you can quickly lose all your strength and power. Treat dragon images with great respect.
  5. Placing dragons near water features makes those features more powerful. This is one of the secrets of Taoist Feng Shui, and it brings truly magical results.

The dragon is aimed at change, and if everything is good in life, then its energy must be restrained by other symbols (for example, a wise turtle or phoenix), otherwise the talisman can bring changes for the worse. Remember that a dragon shouldn't be too big for the same reason that it shouldn't be taller than a human.

The dragon is your protector

According to Feng Shui theory, the dragon is one of the fundamental talismans responsible for peace and harmony in the home. Unlike European countries, where the image of this mythical and unearthly creature is always associated with an evil monster, in China this is a highly revered character - strong and strong-willed. It is believed that it is in it that the spirit of heaven and earth is intertwined.

According to eastern legends, the dragon is credited with a number of superpowers: it can be a giant, take the form of an earthworm or an invisible creature, its color range varies from yellow to blue-green. And most importantly, the cosmic energy Qi flows in the dragon, so every breath of the dragon gives a person hope for happiness, a good, prosperous life and activates his potential on all 3 levels: mind, body, soul.

The priority goals of the dragon talisman are, first of all, career growth and success in the financial field. Moreover, the dragon protects the owners of the house from unscrupulous and dishonest competitors, partners and people. It is believed that the dragon is the patron of a strong character and personifies good luck in new affairs and endeavors. Dragon talismans in Feng Shui bring prosperity to their owners and endow them with remarkable strength.

Therefore, having such a talisman in your home, you can safely count on financial well-being and prosperity, because the dragon is a symbol of the highest luck and prosperity.

"Dragon Rules" in the House

When you bring a baby dragon into your home, you should adhere to several important rules regarding its location in order to get the maximum effect and “not harm” yourself.

Green Dragon

The most favorable place for a dragon in an apartment is the east. This talisman is recommended to be placed in the living room, office or on the left side of the front door. It is good if the dragon stands on a stand or a hill, but in no case should it be located above the heads of the owners of the house. This can lead to him putting pressure and manipulating them instead of protecting them. This is also possible if the dragon figurine is very large and takes up too much space in the apartment.

The presence of any water source near the dragon has a beneficial effect on the strength of its influence. Water stimulates the dragon, awakens it and encourages it to “exhale” Qi energy, but the bathroom and toilet are not suitable for this talisman. An aquarium or a place in the kitchen next to the tap, which will be a source of clean water for the dragon, is suitable as a water source.

When placing a dragon in the house, you should also remember that its gaze should not be directed towards the office or bathroom. This may lead to cash outflow. The Fire sector, which is located in the South, is also unfavorable for this talisman; this can provoke aggression on the part of the talisman.

If you have health problems, the dragon talisman, located in the eastern or central sector, will feed you with its Yang energy, which will certainly have a positive effect on your health.

Activation Ritual

According to Feng Shui theory, there is a special ritual for activating the talisman, the essence of which is to “open the eyes” of the dragon. To do this, on the day of the dragon according to the Chinese calendar, in the time period between 7 and 9 a.m. (local time), using a brush and black paint, you need to put dots on the eyes of the dragon. During the ritual, the dragon must look east.

What are dragons according to Feng Shui?

Dragon with pearl

The most popular of the talismans in this category is a dragon with a pearl in its paws. It personifies wisdom, harmony and is considered one of the most powerful Feng Shui talismans. It is no coincidence that China considers such a dragon to be the patron and symbol of emperors.

If we talk about the material of manufacture, then it does not matter to the dragon what it is made of - it can be porcelain, jade, bronze, copper, as well as an image of a dragon on a panel or painting. As for the color scheme, your defender can be any color: green, blue, yellow, gold or red. The color of the dragon will tell you where to place it. For example, a green dragon located in the east will take care of health and strengthen family relationships.

Dragon wall

The dragon that brings happiness according to Feng Shui can also be hand-made. Absolutely any available materials are suitable for this, it all depends on the person’s imagination. It is believed that a dragon made by yourself will initially be “charged” with your energy and will be set up to implement your plans and ideas.

Thus, when placing a dragon in the house, you should remember that its appearance necessarily entails changes, the main thing is to prevent them from having a “-” sign. For this, Feng Shui masters recommend “curbing” the fiery nature of the dragon with the help of the Turtle or Phoenix and be sure to follow all the above tips and recommendations.

Feng Shui is a Chinese science that helps improve human life. According to Feng Shui, there are certain objects or symbols that can have a positive impact on our lives. The dragon is one of the feng shui symbols. This mythical animal also plays an important role in Chinese culture and is quite common in Chinese mythology and folklore. Unlike the Western characterization of the dragon as an evil and dangerous creature, in Chinese culture the snake has many positive qualities.

In Chinese culture, this animal has always been believed to have the power and ability to control and change the climate, including the movements of the sun, wind, rain and clouds. That is why, according to ancient Chinese science, people engaged in agricultural business, as well as those whose work depends on the climate, should have a dragon symbol at home or in the workplace. In addition, the dragon is also a symbol of wealth, success and prosperity. It is believed that people who have a dragon holding a crystal or pearl in its claws at home or in the office will be rewarded not only with power, but also with money and good luck. According to Feng Shui, the snake represents "Yang" - a strong masculine energy, so the dragon in Feng Shui symbolizes creativity and activity. It should be kept in places related to work or in places with high energy, as it increases the chances of achieving success and prosperity.

The dragon is also a symbol of the number nine, which is considered a sign of good luck. This is why many people place it with the number nine in their homes. In addition, it symbolizes abundance, protection and immorality. It is used to attract stability in love and marriage. It is believed that placing this figurine next to the phoenix will guarantee a long, happy life.

Types of dragons in feng shui

Feng Shui dragons come in a variety of colors including: red, blue, green and gold.

Golden represents prosperity.
Green is a symbol of good luck, prosperity and happiness.

Blue is a symbol of success, power and wealth.
The red feng shui dragon is a symbol of energy, luck, excitement and passion.

How and where to place a snake figurine correctly

The Feng Shui dragon should be placed in the correct place, since according to the principles of ancient Chinese science, a symbol occupying the wrong place causes negative consequences. According to Feng Shui, the snake should be located in the southeastern part of the house or office. However, you should not place it in the bedroom, garage, bathroom, closet, etc. This is because the dragon represents activity, and placing it in places intended for relaxation and inactivity cannot bring anything good. The best place to place this symbol is a living room or hall. Another mistake that some people make is placing nine dragon talismans in the house because of its association with the number nine. This should not be done. The maximum number for one house is five. There is one more important point to know. The talisman should stand at eye level and in no case higher. If the dragon has a pearl or crystal in its paws, it should not face a window, door or solid wall.

The dragon symbolizes prosperity, it is an all-powerful feng shui talisman, it personifies harmony, kindness, wisdom, power, and brings money. In Chinese mythology, the animal is said to be powerful.

If you believe the legend, slowly, moving across the sky, he controlled the winds and rain, flooded rivers and oceans. From his breath, clouds were born, and when he quenched his thirst, waves raged and a storm began. When the dragon entered the battle, lightning thundered on the ground and heavy rain fell. The fate of people depended on this mystical animal. The Chinese still call him and consider him a good spirit, and as a reward he gives people good luck.

It is also believed that Feng Shui originated thanks to the Dragon, when the sages, based on the drawings on its back, described all the existing philosophical concepts. Thanks to this, the Book of Changes, symbols of duality and the ba-gua grid were born.

Where to place the dragon

The talisman's house is east into the room. It protects the family, portends positive changes in life, and protects the house from evil spirits. It should be placed on a stand or high shelf in the living room, but no higher than the height of a person, so that he will be your patron and not manipulate you. It is better to place it on the left side of the door, if you look towards the exit. The dragon prefers water. Thanks to this, the aquarium or fountain will become a source of favorable energy. It cannot be turned towards the toilet and bathtub; it is strictly forbidden to place it in these rooms, otherwise all the money and luck will flow away irrevocably. Fire is the enemy of the Dragon, therefore, it should not be placed in the southern sector and close to the fireplace. Carpets with the image cannot be placed in the bedroom, much less trampled underfoot; it is better to go around it.

Selecting a dragon figure

This talisman will bring changes to your home. For them to be good, you need to choose a good figure, not very large, blue or green. The azure dragon is an animal of magical origin and is considered a symbol of power. The appearance is striking, it has a camel's head, a snake's body, deer antlers, bull's ears, rabbit eyes, carp scales on its back, and tails and paws like a tiger.

If there are 5 claws on the paw, then you are given the Imperial Dragon, it has strong energy. It is best used in the office, for career growth and financial success. For your home, you need to choose a dragon with 4 claws.

Important point! You need to choose a dragon with a pearl in its teeth; it symbolizes the inextricable connection with matter and spirit, divine and material wealth. A dragon without a pearl is evil, and you can’t expect good luck from it.

The dragon is a strong talisman, carries expressed Yang energy and is the patron of strong-willed people. He must be with a turtle, phoenix or tiger, who control him and do not allow him to take power.

What is he like, eastern? This is not the dragon that St. George kills, nor the dragon that represents the Kundalini of India. This is the one whose year is celebrated according to the Chinese calendar, the same dragon that moves through the streets in the same wave-like manner as in nature.

The dragon symbolizes the life force as the cosmic breath of life or cosmic qi.

The Chinese dragon is a spectacular sight. This is a dragon living in the east, associated with fertility and spring rains. This dragon has a good disposition and is auspicious. Its sinuous body can be found in the water, in the sky and in any landscape.

In the lap of nature, he shows us the most favorable place to locate a house. In the air it brings us a favorable breath, and in the water it brings abundance.

Dragon symbol

The Chinese dragon is a spectacular sight.

The dragon symbolizes the life force as the cosmic breath of life or cosmic qi. This is the breath of life that sets everything around, living and inanimate, in motion. Often the dragon is depicted playing with a ball of fire, symbolizing this life-giving energy, and in the center of this fireball can be found a pearl of great price, which in turn symbolizes the purest energy or elixir of life, which alchemists have always sought.

The Chinese dragon is unique because it has no wings, yet it flies through the sky with its antlers like those of a deer and its ears like those of a goat. The dragon has scales like a lizard and claws like an eagle. The dragon captures attention, it seems noble, and to the uninitiated - scary. For those who know, he is simply amazing.

Invite a dragon to your home

The ancient art and science of Feng Shui uses many different techniques to remove obstacles to success and good health, while energizing us for maximum results. One of these techniques is the use of symbols to stimulate the subconscious mind towards action. Symbols are anchors in the unconscious that help us realize our intentions.

A properly placed dragon symbol will stimulate the flow of harmonious and abundant cosmic chi in your life.

The image of the dragon has been used for thousands of years in cases where more courage, enthusiasm and positive results were required.

With that said, inviting a dragon or dragons into your home is a great symbolic gesture. One or more dragons at home is a great motivator, resulting in dynamic action and great achievements.

Placing a dragon symbol anywhere in your home or office will bring more energy into an area of ​​your life that may be blocked or in need of revitalization. A properly placed dragon symbol will stimulate the flow of harmonious and abundant cosmic chi in your life.

What to do with dragons

Dragons symbolize strong vitality and abundance.

If you have a dragon rug or are planning to buy one, you should hang it on the wall. If you lay such a carpet on the floor, you will interfere with the dragon, and perhaps even harm it, preventing it from flying freely. Do not place dragons or their images in the bedroom because they will disturb you while you sleep.

The best rooms for dragons are the living room, recreation room, playroom and office.

Dragons symbolize strong vitality and abundance. The water in which dragons live symbolizes the flow of money flowing towards you, collecting in ponds, foaming in fountains, spreading in streams and waterfalls. Images of flowing water do not have the same power as real water, but they are a good substitute.

You need to place the dragon at home if your personal energy is at zero or if money is flowing away from you instead of flowing towards you. The dragon also stimulates the flow of abundance flowing in your direction. The more dragons, the better. But avoid too strong symbolism. And never invite three dragons, because they, like little children, will argue and fight with each other.

Best Location for Dragons

Since dragons symbolize water and water symbolizes money, the best color for a dragon would be the color of water (blue, black and dark blue) or the color of money (green or gold) or the color of energy and life (red). We cannot live without water. With water we prosper and reap rich harvests. Along with financial well-being, we gain purchasing power and the necessary funds to share our well-being with others.

Because water symbolizes abundance, the best material for making dragons is metal.

Because water symbolizes abundance, the best material for making dragons is metal. A drop of dew appears on the blade of the sword, and the melting metal turns into liquid. Traditional Feng Shui knowledge states that the metal element nourishes the water element. Therefore, it is preferable for the dragon image to be in a metal frame or frame. So the metal will feed the abundance that the dragon brings.

On the other hand, a wooden frame cannot be used, because the tree needs water as a nourishing element, and it will rob the dragon of its strength.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui and the school of compass directions, wooden dragons should be placed in the east of the home or office. is the home of the dragon, and the element of wood reigns here. Therefore, never place a metal dragon in the east: metal destroys wood. Dragons made of ceramics, crystals, semi-precious stones or used as an element of decoration, or bowls will feel great in the southwest or northeast, where the earth element reigns.

Dragon in the kitchen

A figurine or image of a dragon looking at the kitchen faucet will increase your opportunities for increasing cash flow.

Since flowing water symbolizes abundance and wealth, a figurine or image of a dragon facing the kitchen faucet will increase your opportunities for increased cash flow in all forms. The water flowing from the tap, which you use for cooking and drinking, receives energy from you on an unconscious level.

However, you should not place the dragon figurine in the bathroom, since the water in the bathroom is used to wash away dirt. Thus, the dragon will attract dirty money into your life. You don't need this, do you?

The best position for a dragon in the office

When the dragon is behind you, you receive energy and support, rather than fighting the dragon opposite you.

The location of the dragon in the office largely depends on the arrangement of furniture in it. For example, a figurine of a dragon or a picture of it behind you is much better than having it in front of you. When the dragon is behind you, you receive energy and support, rather than fighting the dragon opposite you.

Dragon power gives energy

If you are ready for big changes in life, you can use the power of the dragon to nourish you. This will give you more vitality and resilience, which in turn will give you more determination, self-confidence and overall well-being. If your business is unstable, then you definitely need the power of the dragon. You simply need a dragon image in your office if your business or career is in decline. A correctly placed dragon will revive your career. In the right place and activated, it will bring the energy of cash flow.

Use the power of the dragon. May your life be filled with the blessings of good health, wealth, harmonious relationships and career success.

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