Direct and inverted meaning of the Raido rune. Rune – Raido. inverted (reverse) position

Straight position

In general, Raido is a journey. Depending on the essence of the issue and the peculiarities of the alignment, this rune can be interpreted either as a trip, moving “from point A to point B,” or as a spiritual quest.

A physical journey in this case is a pleasant journey, perhaps accompanied by friends or simply nice people with whom one can easily find a common language. If Raido still symbolizes the spiritual path, then this means that a person is either still thinking about it, or has entered it, but has doubts. Naturally, you shouldn’t give up such searches, because the rune advises you to continue them.

When the question of the runes concerns money, Raido states: the right moment has come to complete a purchase and sale transaction.

Sometimes this rune can be interpreted as two solutions to a certain problem that the questioner sees, but is not able to choose the best among them. Other runes of the alignment should tell you what to do. And if they are negative, then this means that a person should be on guard so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. If we are talking about a contract or other papers, then he must read them carefully (not forgetting that they are usually written in very small print). And, for example, together with the inverted Algiz, the Raido rune indicates the dishonesty of the person on whom the questioner is counting.

Inverted position

Inverted, Raido portends an unsuccessful or disrupted trip. Or it could be an ordinary trip, but it will be connected with something quite unpleasant and uncomfortable - the illness or death of a relative, etc. The most positive interpretation of such a rune is an unexpected trip that was not planned in any way, and for which a person is not prepared morally or financially.

Other possible circumstances associated with an inverted Raido are troubles along the way, an accident during a trip.

Neighboring runes are very important. They are the ones who can help clarify what exactly is the root of the problem and understand what to do (or, conversely, not do) next. For example, together with Feu, an inverted Raido means that the trip will “eat up” much more money than planned, with Uruz - that you will have to face someone’s ill will or aggression, with Hagalaz - that there is a risk of ending up in a natural disaster zone.

Love and relationships

Straight position

In such situations, the Raido rune indicates that the time has come to talk, clear up all misunderstandings, and resolve controversial issues. This should be done easily, as if by the way, without preparing long speeches in advance and without trying to convict your partner of any sins. But at the same time, you need to touch on everything that worries you, because another such convenient moment may not present itself. The importance of a positive attitude to the conversation is especially important if the Kenaz rune is also next to Raido. And in combination with Gebo, she suggests that such a conversation will be the key to further success in the relationship.

In addition, Raido says that a sense of humor is encouraged in a relationship with the intended person.

Inverted position

If a relationship has an inverted Raido, it means that the relationship is in danger. The couple faces at least frequent quarrels, but, in essence, the outcome can be very sad.

To understand exactly what pitfalls and what kind of troubles to expect, you should take a closer look at the runes surrounding the inverted Raido. So, in combination with Thurisaz, it suggests that for one of the partners the relationship is not particularly valuable; he allows himself to do clearly reckless things, not caring that they may lead to a breakup. With Nautiz, such a rune symbolizes a lack of patience and predicts that the “black” streak is by no means over. In addition, when paired with Odal, the inverted Raido suggests that one of the partners is a terrible owner, and with Mannaz, that the person is weak, too pliable, not ready to defend his position, and his partner takes advantage of this.


Straight position

For a career, Raido means successfully overcoming difficulties. That is, she does not claim that problems are completely absent, however, she points to their solvability.

Another interpretation of this rune is a successful result of negotiations. If a person has to organize or carry them out, then Raido means that they will take place within the time frame planned for the schedule and will be effective.

In addition, the rune can mean receiving new information, and, probably, it will not come directly from the person and will not be passed from hand to hand (for example, in the form of documentation). It will most likely be delivered via some means of communication - fax, computer, mail, etc.

In combination with Dagaz, the Raido rune says that professional activity will soon begin to bring a person more income than before, with Vunyo - that career problems are disappearing, with Eyvaz - that the type of activity the person has chosen is very correct.

Inverted position

Such a rune should be interpreted as an unwanted, unsuccessful, business trip fraught with problems, unexpected checks. It can mean that seemingly reliable plans will be upset, negotiations will most likely break down, and no deal will be concluded.

In general, if an inverted Raido falls in a career scenario, then it is advisable to take this as advice to postpone the task that was planned. But if the Isa rune fell along with the inverted Raido, then this means that such a measure is not enough, and the plans themselves need to be radically changed, because in this form they cannot be realized at all.

Interesting combinations of the inverted Raido with the Yer rune and with the inverted Perth rune. With Yer, it indicates that the fortuneteller fully deserved his troubles, and with Perth inverted, it indicates that the person will suffer due to someone’s failure to perform.

The word can be a powerful weapon. And sometimes it is much stronger than fists! And in your situation this is especially true. Therefore, do not throw phrases into the wind, be careful in promises, oaths, and criticism. Always try to solve any problem through agreements first. Save decisive action for extreme cases.

The correct selection of a rune according to its symbolism is only part of success on your chosen path in life. In this article you will learn interesting materials about the Raido rune, and also learn how to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Enjoy reading.

Rune Raido - basic meaning and interpretation

The meaning, description and interpretation of the Raido rune, first of all, depends on the position of this sign. The main interpretation of this symbol is travel. Depending on the adjacent runes and the essence of the issue, the sign can be interpreted as a certain route or a trip from one place to another. Another version of the interpretation is throwing around in search of truth.

If we take into account physical travel, the upright position of the symbol can indicate a pleasant pastime with friends, relatives, and relatives with whom it is easy to find a common language. If the question concerned spiritual self-development, the rune indicates the person’s doubts regarding the chosen direction. The advice is to continue searching for your own self.

In addition to the above, the sign symbolizes hesitation in the search for the chosen solution. Let me give you an example: you have two ways out of the current situation, but you don’t know which one to give preference to. Other runes that appear in the layout will help to suggest the correct course of events - the main thing is to correctly interpret their meaning.

Important! If the combination of the Algiz - Raido rune appears, the fortuneteller should be on guard - an unscrupulous manipulator will enter your circle and mislead the questioner. In this scenario, Algiz falls upside down

The meaning of the inverted Raido Rune

The meaning of the inverted Raido rune most often indicates an unfavorable outcome of a trip, a journey that should take place soon. This could be an ordinary trip, without accidents, but accompanied by a negative emotional background - depression, frustration, anxiety, etc.

One of the positive interpretations of this inverted sign is an unexpected journey for which the fortuneteller will not be financially/morally prepared.

Advice! When doing fortune telling, be sure to pay attention to the runes that appear nearby. This will help clarify the interpretation of fortune telling, as well as get the most complete answer to the question asked.

Pay attention to the following symbol combinations

  • - inverted Raido: The financial costs of the trip will be several times higher than the planned amount of expenses
  • - inverted Raido: During the journey, the fortuneteller will have to face unexpected aggression from fellow travelers or other people
  • - inverted Raido: A trip may lead to the risk of finding yourself in the epicenter of a natural disaster - be on your guard!

What does Rune Raido mean in fortune telling for work and business?

When fortune telling for work and business, it would be most appropriate to use not only a photo of the Raido rune, but a full set of these Scandinavian symbols. It is recommended to look at the interpretation of this sign along with other runes - this will provide a more objective picture. But first things first.

If, during fortune telling for a career and business, the Raido rune falls in the usual, upright position, its meaning says that you will successfully get out of trouble, leaving existing difficulties far behind. Another interpretation is that the planned negotiations will be very successful. It's a matter of little things - planning time, timing, inviting participants, etc.

Have you been dreaming about career growth for a long time or are you waiting for news from your business partner? The direct position of this rune promises the receipt of some important information that will be transmitted to you using a certain means of communication, for example, e-mail, fax or computer.

Popular combinations that are most often paired with this sign

  • - Raido: You are doing the right activity and it will very soon bring you the desired results. The fortuneteller's income will increase
  • - Raido: All the problems that hindered further career growth are confidently disappearing
  • - Raido: The fortuneteller is on the right path in terms of choosing an activity

In an inverted position, the sign indicates an unwanted, unsuccessful business trip that will not bring the desired result. There is a high probability that the planned activities will not be implemented, business negotiations will be disrupted, and no successful transactions are expected. In short, everything will go wrong, so you should postpone the trip until better times.

To see the full picture of what is happening, pay attention to the adjacent runes of the alignment. For example

  • - inverted Raido: The fortuneteller is advised to radically change his plans, because in this situation they will not be realized at all
  • - inverted Raido: The questioner himself is to blame for the troubles that happen at work
  • - inverted Raido. If you are a business owner, be careful when choosing staff. The deal may fall through due to the inattention and lack of performance of employees

What does the Raido Rune mean in fortune telling for love and relationships?

The meaning of the Raido rune in love and relationships directly depends on the neighboring runes, as well as the position of the symbol itself. Before starting fortune telling, focus as much as possible on the object of fortune telling, draw out the runes and carefully look at how they fell out.

The direct position of the sign does not bode well for the relationship. I recommend having constructive conversations, weighing all controversial issues and coming to a common denominator. The entire conversation should consist of light tones, but touch on all the most important aspects - this will help prolong your relationship indefinitely.

  • - Raido: By choosing a positive attitude for communication, you will find out everything that worries your soulmate at the current moment in time
  • - Raido: Success in a relationship depends entirely on your attitude. Try not to spoil your opinion of yourself

Did the layout show an upside down symbol? Then get ready for minor quarrels, conflicts, and misunderstandings on the part of your partner. It all depends on your mood. If you miss the moment, the couple may break up in a very short period of time. The neighboring runes will help clarify the details.

  • - inverted Raido: It means that for your significant other, the relationship with you is not something valuable. He/she may commit reckless actions that will sooner or later lead to complete collapse
  • - inverted Raido: You or your partner are not very patient. Although the streak of failures in your life has not ended, you strive to force events, which only makes things worse
  • - inverted Raido: You/your partner thinks/thinks exclusively about their own interests
  • - inverted Raido: The fortuneteller is a very weak, weak-willed person, which gives the other half the opportunity to play on his feelings and emotions

What does Raido mean when divining health?

If the Raido rune appears when fortune telling about health, then its meaning indicates that the person will soon recover from a protracted illness and will quickly recover. The main thing is to correctly prescribe treatment. The same applies to treating the inner world of the questioner. Be carefull.

How is Raido used in magic?

In runic magic, the above sign is one of the most important symbols. One of the reasons for this is action and movement. The main meaning of the Raido rune in magic is this: action is reality. With the help of this sign, you can bring back a loved one, cure illnesses, and also make a strong, effective amulet, which I will discuss in more detail below.

What is an amulet with the Raido Rune suitable for?

Based on the above characteristics, this rune can be used as a strong amulet to protect all spheres of life. This amulet is successfully used for long trips and to avoid unforeseen circumstances.

Advice! The amulet should be made on Friday - Women's Day. Ideal for travelers, businessmen who are constantly on the move, truckers, etc.

By handling this talisman with care, you can easily get out of a difficult situation. The amulet will allow you to quickly cope with negative thoughts, find the true path, and live without looking back at the past.

Raido helps to get out of a difficult situation. If a “hurricane” has blown through your life, you need to get up and move on. This talisman helps to cope with bad thoughts, find the right path and live on a clean sheet. It brings order and harmony into existence. You need to use a wooden talisman during meditation.

Is it possible to get a tattoo with Raido?

To test how Raido works, you can try putting her symbol on your wrist. It will help restore justice, and also protect its owner from adversity and failure.

It's no secret that words can kill or cure. Manage your phrases correctly and you will have success in everything. I wish you all good luck and self-improvement on your chosen path in life.

Video: The meaning of the Raido rune

The Elder Futhark's Raido has a special meaning. Events around us are constantly changing, and we lose touch with reality - not everyone can maintain such a frantic pace.

But a wonderful symbol that came to us from the lands of Scandinavia helps us overcome many obstacles on the path to our happiness.

It is important that you find a common language with the rune - treat it with respect and honor. And then she will reward you justly.

Article on the topic:

Even the name of the runic sign is similar in sound to the word “road”, which translated means “road, journey”.

The rune is associated with a movement that always ends successfully - the finale brings long-awaited results. A person is reborn, he is overwhelmed with new emotions.

He becomes more perfect, more beautiful, more sensual. The Higher Self is harmonized with consciousness and the personality comes to inner peace and order.

General meaning and description of the Raido rune

Existing titles: Raido, Rad, Raido, Raidho, Ried.

This rune is the fifth in the runic alphabet. It is scarlet in color and is under the protection of the god Thor. Characterizes the life path of each person. Helps make decisions in extremely difficult situations - it acts like a road sign.

There is an opinion that speaks of a close connection between the symbol and the passage of time. It is often used in rituals based on cyclicity.

Owners of amulets with runic images need not be afraid of magical attacks and other negativity that fills the surrounding reality. Such talismans help you become more stable and stronger, and improve your intuition.

The magical properties of the rune are used by sailors when setting out on long voyages. It is often displayed on the masts of ships.

Interpretation of the Raido rune for fortune telling

When interpreting layouts with the Raido rune, experts mainly focus on movement. A person rushes forward, wants to reach new horizons, conquer the highest peaks.

The symbol is also associated with communication, acquaintances, and useful conversations.

Article on the topic:

This is a real amulet for those who are used to living in constant motion. There is a type of people whom you cannot keep at home for even a couple of days. They cannot fully develop without new impressions and emotions. The road helps them improve.

As a result - after a long journey - a person finds harmony, is reborn, and reunites with God.

Direct position of the rune

In the scenario, the Raido line predicts travel. The details of the interpretation depend on the question asked.

This could be a trip - that is, physical movement from a starting point to a destination. We can also talk about spiritual quests.

If you have been planning a trip for a long time, then soon your wish will definitely come true. The road will bring you a lot of positive emotions. New acquaintances await you (it is possible that you will meet your love).

Often a runic sign indicates a spiritual search for oneself - in this case one should not stop halfway. Continue trying to unravel your hidden secrets, reveal your abilities, create.

Regarding the financial issue, the Scandinavian symbol predicts the successful completion of the planned transaction.

Helps to cope with the dilemma. If you are torn between two equivalent decisions, contact her for advice.

Raido protects against the danger of being deceived. When it comes up before signing an important contract, carefully study all its details. Don't miss a single word, even in the smallest font.

The combination of a symbol with an inverted symbol warns of possible betrayal.

Reversed rune position

If you get an inverted Raido in the reading, your journey will not bring the desired result. After the trip there will be an unpleasant aftertaste. On the road, you may catch a cold, quarrel with a friend, or lose important documentation.

You may be unexpectedly sent on a business trip for which you are not prepared.

It is important to know not only what Raido means - pay attention to the adjacent symbols. They will point out the essence of the problem:

  • alliance with Fehu warns about unplanned waste;
  • close proximity indicates future conflicts;
  • but he claims that along the way you will encounter dangerous natural elements.

Raido: the meaning of the rune in love and relationships

In love affairs, Raido advises solving all problems at once, without postponing them for later. If controversial issues are not clarified immediately, a time bomb effect will occur. Negativity will accumulate and splash out in a continuous stream.

When you talk to your loved one, there is no need to be rude or rude. Try to find an approach - be attentive and tender. Your attitude will be transmitted to your partner and you will be able to sort out all the misunderstandings. But be sure to follow through.

If located next to the rune Gebo, this means that your conversation will be decisive for the further development of the relationship.

Raido advises not to lose your sense of humor and to face all obstacles on your path with a smile.

But the inverted position of the symbol means that a threat looms over yours. Yes, you see this yourself, since you cannot go a day without quarrels.

Take a look at the nearest runes:

  • the neighbor says that one of the partners has lost his feelings - he suffers himself and torments the other;
  • in conjunction with the symbol suggests that you both need to be more tolerant and trust each other more;
  • if located nearby Mannaz– The Universe advises you to be more confident;
  • and when paired with Raido, it indicates selfishness in a relationship.

Raido: use of runes in magic

The Scandinavian rune Raido symbolizes constant movement forward and development. In practical magic it is called the rune of the Path.

She favors all travelers, so magicians advise always taking an amulet with an inscribed sign with you on the road. This will protect you from dangers and ward off misfortunes - you must admit that on the way there is a high probability of getting into a difficult situation.

The ancient image will turn your trip into the most exciting journey, full of pleasant emotions and good mood.

If you are not satisfied with the frantic pace of your life, if you want to achieve peace and tranquility, the Raido rune will help change the surrounding reality for the better. When used correctly, Raido will attract into life everything that is missing.

Photo of the Raido rune:

In a word, if the Raido rune falls in an upright position, complete well-being awaits you. But it won’t come by itself—you’ll still have to try a little. Don't miss the opportunity to take advantage of the chances that Fate sends.

Rune Raido in an inverted position

Like any other runic symbol, Raido changes its meaning to negative if it appears in an inverted position. In this case, it could mean the following:

  • Serious troubles are coming. It is likely that force majeure events will occur that will radically change the current course of life for the worse.
  • There will be many obstacles and difficulties on the fortuneteller’s path. The goals set will become practically impossible to achieve; achieving them will have to be done at the cost of incredible efforts.
  • There will be a period of stagnation in life. This is a cessation of development, regression, even degradation. Current activities will no longer bring success, satisfaction and pleasure
  • The important matter in which the fortuneteller is busy will end in a disappointing way. The results will not please you at all
  • The man chose the wrong direction. Therefore, whatever he does will end in failure. It's better to stop and understand what your purpose really is. The time has come for a long search for the meaning of life
  • If in professional activity you are working on a large project in which several participants are involved, disagreements and conflicts will begin between them. Because of this, work will constantly slow down, deadlines will be missed, and the outcome of the case will remain unclear
  • If the Raido falls along with the rune, the fortuneteller’s personal relationship will end. A separation is coming due to a major quarrel, during which it will not be possible to find a compromise
  • If Raido is paired with a rune, the fortuneteller’s reputation will be damaged and his authority undermined. You will lose the trust of others, your opinion will no longer be valued
  • But if it appears together with Raino, the meaning of the inverted rune will change to a more positive one - the fortuneteller will be able to quickly solve the current problem and find a compromise with all parties to the dispute. But you shouldn’t expect financial profit yet

Inverted Raido means problems in the financial sphere of life, stopping development and moving forward.

Watch a video about the meaning and application of Raido:

Fortune telling for love

If during fortune telling the Raido rune falls in an upright position, this is a favorable sign, which indicates the following:

  • You and your partner are ideal for each other: you are different, thanks to which you perfectly complement and replace the qualities that are missing in yourself with the traits inherent in your partner. In numerology, such a union is called fateful; it leads to colossal overall development
  • You will meet a partner with whom, in addition to love, you will be connected and united by some common cause

In an inverted position, the meaning is not so favorable:

  • You are in a karmic union - there is a strong attraction between you and your partner, you are drawn to each other, but there is no spiritual connection. Therefore, you will torment yourself with this relationship for a long time, but in the end you will break up. The Union is doomed
  • For single people, now is not the best time to look for a second half. Take care of yourself and your development. You are not yet ready for a serious relationship - first you need to love and get to know yourself
Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Rune Raido(Raido) is the fifth numbered rune of the Elder Futhark. The name translates as “path” or “riding”. The sign is responsible for a person’s movement forward, including movement in space and internal growth in the right direction. The Raido rune correlates with the “third eye” chakra and with the sacral center, which is located in the solar plexus.

The shape of the rune is not random; the point at the top is directed to the right and points to the future, and the “leg” protruding in the same direction encourages action.

The meaning of the direct rune

First of all, the meaning of the Raido rune implies the road, events related to travel and horseback riding. In a deeper sense, the symbol marks the path of life and helps a person develop the necessary physical and spiritual qualities to make this path productive and meaningful. Along the way, a person must find himself, “pump up” his abilities, answer the questions that concern him and find harmony.

Raido is the ideal talisman for a traveler; it is an energetically strong sign that gives a person many tips and protects him from dangers on the road. One of the interpretations of the Raido movement is philosophical, “life is like a road”, at the end of which a person is destined for a good, happy ending. The symbol helps to perform the right actions throughout the entire journey, but only if a person always remembers the goal and strives with all his might to achieve it.

The meaning of the reversed rune

The Raido rune inverted symbolizes surprise, most often it is also associated with the road. This is an indication of an unplanned trip for an unpleasant reason, large financial expenses associated with travel, an accident or a natural disaster caught on the road.

The symbol in reverse outline warns that at the moment you need to maintain good spirits and continue to move forward. A valuable experience awaits ahead, albeit an unpleasant one - acquaintances and business partners can seriously fail in common affairs, and how the relationship will remain depends greatly on the wisdom and self-control of the fortuneteller.

Analogue of the rune in Slavic culture

Among the Slavic runic symbols, the Rainbow symbol is closest in meaning to Raido. It personifies the bridge that connects the two banks of the river, the shortest path from one point to another. This is a journey, the intervention of the Gods in order to quickly approach the desired goal, sometimes with the help of magical intervention. Unlike Raido, which means not only the time spent on the road, but also the road itself and the path of life along which a person can walk throughout his life, Rainbow has a more short-term effect. It is impossible to stay on it for a long time; the Gods do not give access to it to everyone, but only to achieve a specific goal and for a very short period of time.

Application of the Raido rune in magic

Modern practicing magicians use Raido to protect themselves on the upcoming journey. The symbol is drawn three times in the air above the car, representing the destination in order to reach it on time. Raido is also included in runic spells to attract travel into your life or to successfully pass a driving test at a driving school.

Visualizing Raido in red helps you feel a surge of energy - this method is especially often used before jogging or cycling.

For career advancement, the sign is included in runestavs with Soulu. To meet your spiritual mentor on a journey, you need to hold the wooden die with Raido in your working hand and repeat the name of the rune.

In the upright position, Raido means a road; depending on the neighboring symbols and the question itself, it will become clear which area of ​​life this road belongs to. If we are talking about moving from point A to point B, then it will be a pleasant journey with good travel companions. In matters of spiritual development, Raido means the very beginning of the path, where a person still doubts the correctness of the decision made. The rune under no circumstances advises giving up your spiritual quest; on the contrary, the path of self-development is the most correct at the moment.

An inverted Raido is interpreted in fortune telling as a journey, but an uncomfortable one - it could be a trip to visit a sick friend or simply an unplanned business trip, which also undermines the fortuneteller’s budget. Depending on which runes are located in the neighborhood in the layout, you can determine possible problems on the road - an accident, an accident or an unpleasant neighborhood.

For love and relationships

The Raido line in the sphere of love means development, movement forward. Current relationships have a chance to reach a new level; if the fortuneteller is lonely, new love is already looming on the horizon. People who are part of a person’s inner circle have come into his life for a long time, and events associated with them will only be positive. Raido also means a honeymoon, a holiday romance or a date - in general, the beginning of something new after a long period of waiting.


  1. Kenaz - this moment is best suited for sorting out the relationship with a partner, the main thing is to tune in to a positive mood;
  2. Gebo - in order for the current relationship to continue to develop, it is necessary to clarify all differences between lovers.

An inverted rune in a relationship reading means that a quarrel or breakup is possible in the near future. Now you need to control yourself and not deliberately aggravate the situation; in order to save the relationship, you will have to make an effort. If separation is inevitable, Raido says that this is not an accident, but another chance for a person to expand his horizons.


  1. Turisaz - one of the partners does not value the relationship, his actions are thoughtless;
  2. Nautiz - lovers should be patient in order to overcome a bad streak in a relationship with dignity;
  3. Odal indicates the owner in a relationship, who with his jealousy is capable of destroying the couple;
  4. Mannaz - in this union, one partner dominates the second, taking advantage of his compliance and pliability.

For business and work

In career matters, the direct rune predicts the emergence of new projects, tasks and often business trips. A person’s actions show more and more professionalism and business tact, which leads to self-improvement and career growth. Everything that happens happens for a reason, and in this you can trace the influence of higher powers. You need to trust them and use your inner resources to achieve your goals. Openness to the world and the desire to assimilate new information will lead to the fact that all started projects will end in success.

Raido is interpreted as successfully completing negotiations and overcoming difficulties. If there are problems in business, they are all solvable.


  1. Dagaz - soon the income that work brings will increase;
  2. Vunyo - career problems are about to end;
  3. Evaz, the fortuneteller, chose the right field of activity.

An inverted rune is interpreted as a warning about deception. Vigilance and awareness will help you get out of this situation with honor. Raido also means that stagnation in business is due to the indecision of the fortuneteller, and a thorough analysis of the actions committed will help to cope with the negative consequences.

Raido means an unwanted business trip that threatens trouble. There may be sudden checks, the result of which will be unsatisfactory. In general, the symbol is often interpreted as a disruption of plans.


  1. Isa - plans are not feasible in their current form;
  2. Yera (inverted) – the questioner himself is to blame for his problems;
  3. Perth (reversed) - lack of performance by colleagues will have a bad effect on the work of the fortuneteller.

To your health

The effect of the Raido rune on health is extremely positive. In direct form, it means correct and timely prescribed treatment, which will lead to healing of the body and harmonization of a person’s internal state. The rune also indicates a person who needs to move more to improve their well-being. Travel and a change of environment will have a beneficial effect on the state of the fortuneteller.


  1. Berkana - easy pregnancy and successful birth.

When reversed, Raido means that now is not the time to move forward. This applies to both manipulation of a person’s physical condition and spiritual journeys in search of truth.

The fortuneteller should pay close attention to diseases that are chronic in nature - the state of health will worsen if you do not take care of your sores. You need to lead a more active and healthy lifestyle, listen to your body and avoid situations in which the fortuneteller is exposed to stress.


  1. One is mental illness.

Why do you need an amulet with the Raido rune?

Amulets using this sign are made in order to find a painless way out of a difficult situation. Raido helps those who feel lost and don’t know where their goal is to find their way.

A photo or drawing of a rune is used as a protective talisman when traveling; wearing such a talisman is especially recommended for those whose professional activities are closely related to land travel. A more powerful version of the amulet will be a wooden die on which the combination Algiz - Raido - Algiz is carved. This runestav will provide the patronage of the gods for the duration of the trip; it is made on Wednesday - Odin's Day.

Constantly wearing the amulet with Raido will lead to constant travel. If this is undesirable, it is recommended to wear the amulet in doses, and after removal, store it in a separate bag or box made of natural material.

Is it worth getting a tattoo with the Raido rune?

You need to get a tattoo in a place where the rune will always be in a direct outline - for example, on the back of the head or chest. In general, the direct outline of the symbol has a positive meaning, but Raido should be applied to the skin only after much thought about whether a person is ready to experience its influence all his life. As a tattoo, the rune means not only the fulfillment of a destiny, but also constant moving from one place to another.

As a rune of the day, the sign says that this day should be spent outside the home so as not to lose new impressions.

The sign advises remembering that Raido is the path. Decide on the direction of movement, and the situation will be resolved. Be positive and maintain composure.

Raido warns: do not throw words to the wind, watch what you say. In this case, it is better to act silently so as not to harm others with words spoken in the heat of the moment.

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Direct position In general, Raido is a journey. Depending on the essence of the issue and the features of the layout, this rune can be...

Do you want to truly open your eyes to your future? Fortune telling with candles and water for the future and love with interpretation of the meaning of figures - here...

Man is not just a social being. Relationships permeate our society like holes in a cheese wheel. Our life is all about relationships...

What is our dream? The work of a brain overworked during the day or veiled messages from parallel worlds? Sometimes night images are...
Each of us has a guardian angel at birth; he does not forget even the most soulless and callous people. He always strives...
Why do you dream of giving gifts? Dreams really are very different, sometimes good, sometimes not so good. One of those good dreams...
It is difficult to imagine a person who would not like to know what awaits him in the future. One of the most popular and simple...
Fortune telling on coffee grounds is of particular interest to people with developed imaginative thinking. But it’s not always possible to clearly...
The dragon is the most important symbol in Feng Shui and Chinese folklore. According to legend, there are nine dragons in total - heavenly creatures that carry out...