Vitamins for retirement. Folic acid for women: what is it for, how to take it. Video: What vitamins do the elderly need

On the pharmacy shelves you can see a lot of different complexes for women. They, along with biologically active substances and minerals, contain vitamin B9. Why do women need it, where it is contained and how to take it, this article will tell.

Unique bioactivator

Refers folic acid to group B.

The role of this substance is unique:

  • supports health nervous system even in conditions of overload of the central nervous system, chronic stress;
  • stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves the performance of the heart, lungs;
  • improves the quality of genetic material, activates reproductive functions.

In addition, the positive effect of preparations with folic acid on the activity of almost all body systems has been experimentally proven, and its effectiveness has been officially confirmed by many experts. B9 reduces the risk of developing various pathologies from the period of prenatal development to old age.

The human body practically does not produce this substance. If there is not enough of it with food, the doctor may prescribe pills to make up for the deficiency. Instructions for use must be carefully followed, since hypervitaminosis (an overdose of vitamins) can be dangerous.

It is rich in dark green vegetables, red meat, eggs. You should carefully monitor the diet and eat as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible, since B9 can simply be destroyed during heat treatment.

B9 and youth

In addition to the positive effect on various systems of the human body, it is important to know how folic acid is useful for women. B9 significantly reduces the risk of developing varicose veins, thrombosis, maintains the optimal state of the vessels of the circulatory system, and strengthens the weakened natural defenses of the body.

This substance is actively involved in the process of cell regeneration, so it is sometimes called the "vitamin of youth." Taking enough vitamin B9 can slow down the manifestation age-related changes and maintain a blooming look.

The condition of the skin and nails improves markedly if a woman regularly takes iron supplements in combination with B9. When choosing a complex with microelements, you should carefully study its composition and pay attention to which age group it is intended for.

Vitamin plays a huge role in maintaining the reproductive function of the female body. Especially important. Its use on early dates significantly reduces the risk of miscarriage. Despite the well-known benefits of B9 for expectant mothers, only the attending physician should prescribe all drugs.

B9 in the diet of mature women

Age-related changes associated with hormonal changes in the female body can cause some discomfort. Therefore, folic acid for women after 40 should be obligatory element in the daily diet.

Receiving it allows you to solve the following problems:

  • hot flashes, sweating;
  • irritability, tearfulness, emotional instability;
  • external manifestations associated with changes in hormonal levels - reduced skin tone, deterioration of complexion;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • shortness of breath, impaired activity of cardio-vascular system;
  • memory impairment, distraction.

Folic acid is shown in menopause, as it slows down the process of menopause and makes it more gentle, allowing all body systems to gently adapt to the changing hormonal background.

The positive effect of the vitamin on the functioning of the cardiovascular system reduces the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and stimulates blood circulation. Improvement of such mental processes, as attention and memory, is achieved due to the stimulating effect of folic acid on brain activity by increasing the intensity of oxygen transport.

Regular intake of vitamin B9 courses during menopause allows you to maintain working capacity, maintain good mood, improve a woman's overall well-being.

Reception features

For young women, a daily dose of 40-50 mcg is sufficient. This amount of vitamin can be obtained with a balanced diet and the inclusion of foods rich in folic acid in the daily menu.

During pregnancy, the need for this valuable substance increases many times and can reach 400 mcg per day. In such cases, it is necessary that the specialist prescribe the dosage and regimen, as well as determine its duration. You can not take B9 drugs continuously, this can lead to negative consequences.

At any age, despite such impressive possibilities of vitamin B9, its intake should be prescribed and monitored by a doctor. This is especially important when receiving other medicines. It must be remembered that folacin is not combined with certain substances. This should be informed, which is attached to all pharmaceutical preparations without fail.

Contraindications for admission

Benefits and harms can go hand in hand, so you need to be aware of cases where taking B9 is contraindicated for a person.

Vitaminization with the use of this substance is prohibited:

  • in the presence of individual intolerance to vitamin B9;
  • a course of therapy with the use of antibiotics, antispasmodics, analgesics;
  • when using tobacco, alcohol-containing drinks.

You should not take risks if the instructions for using the drug are lost and it is not known how it interacts with folic acid. If you need to regularly take a medication that is incompatible with vitamin B9, your doctor will help you choose alternative bioactivators that will help you get the same effect.

Among all the methods of vitamin therapy, natural sources should be preferred. useful substances., folic acid is no exception, which requires a balanced diet that will allow women to get enough of the vitamin from fresh vegetables and fruits.

If necessary, you can drink vitamin B9 in the form of tablets or use complex preparations with its content, taking into account the dosage. When choosing a drug containing folic acid, you should not rely on advertising reviews or the recommendation of a pharmacist from a pharmacy. The appointment should be made only by the attending physician, who is aware of all the existing health problems in his patient.

The benefits of folic acid for women at any age are undeniable. A reasonable, varied diet, vitaminization is an important condition for youth, beauty and health, regardless of age. At the same time, we must not forget that this is a synthetic vitamin B9 - a medical preparation. Therefore, before you start taking it, the instructions for use should be carefully studied.


To ensure stress-free hormonal adjustment and reduce the symptoms of menopause, women after 40 years of age need folic (pteroylglutamic) acid (vitamin B9). It is synthesized by the intestinal microflora or enters the body from the outside with food, drugs. Vitamin B9 plays an important role in maintaining immunity, hematopoiesis, regulation of metabolic processes, and prevention of certain diseases.

What is folic acid

It is a water-soluble vitamin belonging to group B. The human body produces a small amount of folic acid, it mainly comes from food. With a balanced diet, this is enough for a normal metabolism. In some cases, a certain amount of vitamin B9 has to be taken additionally in a synthetic form.

The dosage recommended by doctors is 400 mcg / day. During hormonal changes (pregnancy, lactation, menopause), the daily dose increases to 500-600 mcg. To gain the required amount of vitamin, you need to eat the following foods (without heat treatment):

  • greens: parsley, onion, spinach, lettuce;
  • vegetables: head, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, tomatoes, beets, carrots;
  • citrus fruits: orange, lemon, mineola;
  • fruits; strawberry, currant apricot, pear, papaya.
  • whole grains: rye, wheat, buckwheat;
  • nuts, seeds: almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, sesame, flax, sunflower seeds;
  • legumes: lentils, beans, beans;
  • animal products: cheese, liver, beef, eggs, caviar, cottage cheese.

Composition and form of release

The chemical name for B9 is 2-Amino-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-6-pteridinyl. Its molecule consists of a pteridine core, residues of n-aminobenzoic and L-glutamic acids. The vitamin is available as a powder, solution or tablets. Preparations in capsules are sold at 10.50, 60 pieces. They are packed in blisters or plastic jars with lids. Vitamin B9 is produced by many pharmaceutical companies in the world. On the Russian market, you can find drugs of their own production, as well as from Italy, Croatia, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, Hungary.

Tablets are pale yellow or yellow in color, flat-cylindrical round shape. Pteroylglutamic acid consists of the following components:

pharmachologic effect

After entering the body, folic acid is converted into tetrahydrofolate (tetrahydrofolic acid), which stimulates erythropoiesis (hematopoiesis), promotes the synthesis of red blood cells, participates in the synthesis of amino acids and other metabolic processes. Vitamin B9 is completely absorbed after oral administration. gastrointestinal tract(GIT). The maximum concentration of the active substance is reached in the blood plasma after 30-60 minutes. After 5 hours, it is excreted by the kidneys unchanged (at a high dosage) or in the form of metabolites (if the dose was up to 5 mg).

Benefits of folic acid for women over 40

When a woman begins hormonal changes in the body, this affects the condition of the skin, hair, nails. Additional intake of drugs with vitamin B9 will help control these processes, stopping the formation of wrinkles, and slow down the onset of menopause. During this age period, the woman's body begins a gradual restructuring, which is accompanied by unpleasant symptoms:

  • increase in the intervals between menstruation;
  • pain during sex, which is explained by dryness of the vaginal mucosa;
  • headaches accompanied by hot flashes;
  • violation of psycho-emotional balance.

The lack of the required amount of vitamin B9 in the body of a woman after 40 years not only increases all of the above symptoms, but also causes premature skin aging, anemia, baldness, excessive sweating, excessive body fat. Without it, the full-fledged work of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous systems, and the gastrointestinal tract is impossible.

With menopause

Menopause occurs in women different ages(from 45 to 56 years). It is characterized by a decrease in the production of estrogen, which is responsible for the state of the reproductive system. The lack of a hormone during menopause causes the following symptoms in a woman:

  • Hot flashes to the head, sometimes accompanied by nausea, dizziness, pressure surges. This occurs against the background of changes in parts of the brain such as the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
  • The thyroid gland begins to secrete a large amount of thyroxine, a hormone that provokes heart problems. Against this background, the woman constantly has shortness of breath, palpitations, poor sleep. There is a feeling of increased anxiety about the state of one's health.
  • Estrogen is secreted by the adrenal cortex. With menopause, malfunctions in the functioning of this organ occur, which is accompanied by severe pain in the kidney area.

Folic acid with menopause, it helps to normalize the general well-being of a woman, to eliminate all symptoms. Due to the pharmacological action of vitamin B9 on a woman's body, taking preparations containing it will normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduce the intensity of headaches, and balance the hormonal background.

After 50 years

Folic acid is especially needed during menopause, which usually occurs at the age of 50-55 years. Menopause is a collective concept, which implies the gradual extinction of reproductive, childbearing and sexual functions in women. The climacteric period can last more than 10 years. Menopause is already a period of complete absence of menstruation for 1 year.

Vitamin B9 is essential for a woman at this time. Its additional intake normalizes the activity of the organs of the reproductive system, reduces the likelihood of malignant neoplasms. Regular use of pteroylglutamic acid is an excellent prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Against the background of taking the vitamin, skin rashes, itching, dryness of the skin, the condition of the hair improves, the acidity of the gastrointestinal tract normalizes.

Instructions for use

The trade name for pteroylglutamic acid is Folacin. For medical purposes, the vitamin is synthesized artificially. Tablets and capsules are taken for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Folacin in ampoules is often used for cosmetic procedures. The average duration of the course of treatment with the drug is 60 days. The duration of therapy for women after 40 years is determined by the doctor and can range from 1 to 4 months.


Folacin is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of vitamin B9 deficiency. For women after 40 years of age, it is prescribed for the following conditions:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • anemia;
  • metabolic disease;
  • obesity;
  • prevention diabetes, myocardial infarction, oncology;
  • reduction in symptoms of menopause and menopause.

Method of application and dosage

Folacin is indicated for oral administration. Tablets, capsules, powder are consumed, regardless of the meal. The prophylactic dosage for women is 1 mg/day. Depending on the severity of symptoms, for therapeutic purposes, vitamins can be prescribed at a dosage of up to 5 mg / day. The regimen and duration of the course is determined by the doctor individually for each case. On average, folic therapy lasts 20-30 days.

drug interaction

The use of pteroylglutamic acid reduces the plasma level of barbiturates: phenobarbital, primidone or phenytoin, which can provoke an epileptic seizure. Simultaneous reception of Folacin reduces the effectiveness of ethanol (alcohol) and oral contraceptives. A decrease in the bioavailability of vitamin B9 is observed when used together with substances such as:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • analgesic medicines;
  • antibiotics;
  • cytostatics;
  • antacids.

special instructions

Hemodialysis promotes excessive excretion of pteroylglutamic acid from the body, so patients who cleanse the kidneys using this method need increased amounts of vitamin B9. With prolonged use of Folacin, a deficiency of cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) is possible. In this case, their combined use is recommended.

Side effects and overdose

Medical practice knows cases of overdose with Folacin. The danger of excessive use of vitamin B9 is a violation of the excretory function of the kidneys, increased excitability of the central nervous system, the occurrence of convulsive seizures resembling epileptic ones. Possible side effects from folic therapy:

Vacation and storage conditions

Folacin can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription from a doctor. The drug should be stored in a dark place at a temperature not exceeding +25 ° C, out of the reach of children and pets. Shelf life medicinal product– 5 years from the date of manufacture indicated on the packaging.

Folic acid analogues for women after 40

If Folacin is not available for any reason in the near future, then it can be replaced with medicines that are similar in indication and pharmacological action. Before buying, it is recommended to carefully study the annotation for comparison with the prescribed medicine. Common analogues of Folacin include drugs:

  • Mamifol;
  • Askofol;
  • calcium folinate;
  • Tifol;
  • Vitrum folicum.


You can buy the drug at any pharmacy or online store. The cost varies, depending on the manufacturer, location and marketing policy. outlet. The average price of medicines with folic acid and its containing.

Folic acid (lat. Acidumfolicum), which has the trade name "Folacin", is a biologically inactive, water-soluble vitamin from group B (namely B9). It was discovered in 1930. The drug was originally named after the scientist who discovered it - "Wils Factor". Later, B9 was isolated from spinach leaves and named folic acid (in Latin folium - leaf, leaf).

Pharmacological properties

Folacin for medical purposes is produced artificially and sold in the form of tablets, dragees or capsules. Vitamin B9 is poorly absorbed in the human body, it is synthesized only in very a small amount in the large intestine. When consumed, folates are processed by cells into biologically active form called tetrahydrofolate. It is thanks to him that the body produces necessary to a person amino acids.

Information about vitamin B9

Folates are found in fresh vegetables and fruits. People who prefer fresh herbs in their diet never complain about the lack of vitamin B9.

This vitamin contains plants such as:

Rich in vitamin B9 and fruits:

  • citrus;
  • bananas;
  • apricots.

There are fewer folates in dairy or animal products, but in order for the body to receive them in sufficient quantities, it is worth consuming:

  • liver;
  • eggs (yolk);
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • cottage cheese.

Vitamin B9 contains:

  • beans;
  • nuts;
  • yeast;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • millet;
  • wholemeal flour.

naturally occurring folate poorly absorbed by the body. That is why people who need them should take it in the form of medicines. Especially such vitamin medicines are shown:

  • women planning a pregnancy;
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • people suffering from epilepsy;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • patients with bowel disease.

Indications for the use of folic acid

According to the instructions, B9 is prescribed for men and women suffering from iron deficiency anemia, as well as:

Children are prescribed vitamin B9 in the following cases:

  • its deficiency in the child's body;
  • in the treatment of anemia.

Folic acid intake by pregnant women

The benefits of vitamin B9 have been known for a long time, but only for the last ten years, doctors have prescribed folate for preventive purposes for pregnant women:

Sometimes, to enhance the effect of B9, they are prescribed together with other vitamins: B12, ascorbic acid. Such multicomponent preparations are more profitable to buy than several vitamins separately.

Folic acid contraindications

B9 preparations are not prescribed to patients:

  • with increased sensitivity to the components;
  • with oncology;
  • in case of malabsorption of B vitamins;
  • with a deficiency of cobalamin (vitamin B12);
  • with hemosiderosis (impaired metabolism of iron-containing components).

In some cases, the following side effects of folic acid are possible:

  • vomit;
  • nausea;
  • bitterness in the mouth;
  • bloating;
  • allergic reaction in the form of rash and itching.

The use of vitamin B9

Folates are poorly absorbed from foods prepared in their pure form. For example, to provide the body with a daily dose of vitamin B9, it is necessary to consume about 20 stalks of fresh asparagus. AT artificial form this vitamin is absorbed better, and it is quite inexpensive. You can take the drug for a long time - an overdose is unlikely, the component does not accumulate in the cells and is well excreted from the body.

Dosage of the drug

Vitamins B9 render g homeopathic effect on human body and are available in the following dosage form:

  • in the form of a powder - a dose of 1 mg;
  • in drops - a bottle with a dosage of 30 ml;
  • tablets - 25, 30, 60, 50 or 90 pcs. in a blaster, dosage of 1-2 mg;
  • in the form of a dragee of 1 mg, used to prevent vitamin B9 deficiency in children;
  • in injections - 1 ampoule contains 400 mcg of the active substance.

Indications for taking vitamin B9 and its daily doses prescribed for prophylactic purposes:

In the treatment of certain conditions caused by a lack of vitamins B9, it is necessary to adhere to strict doctor's prescriptions:

  • with atherosclerosis in elderly patients;
  • with celiac disease (digestion disorder);
  • with gum disease, gingivitis, bad breath;
  • with ulcerative lesions of the epidermis (folates are prescribed in combination with phenolic acid);
  • during depression.

Preparations with folates and analogues with their content are indicated for use by all age categories. Here are some more recommendations for their use:

Folic acid (vitamin B9) is extremely important for a woman's body and is rightfully considered a female vitamin. B9 plays a significant role in the formation of organs, tissues, restoration of immunity, regulation of the heart, and strengthening of blood vessels. The lack of an element provokes the development of stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis, nervous system disorder, early menopause. Therefore, folic acid, especially in combination with vitamins B6 and B12, is of particular value for the female body, since all three vitamins are involved in the process of creating the structure of DNA, hemoglobin bodies, and are responsible for the functioning of the brain. In this article, we will analyze in more detail why women need folic acid, what are its benefits, are there any contraindications and how to use it correctly.

Benefits of folic acid for women

Vitamin B9 is necessary to maintain the following processes in the female body:

  • A healthy nervous system and the ability to withstand stress and external pathogens.
  • Protective immune functions to fight inflammation, viruses and infections.
  • Carrying a child during pregnancy.
  • Improving blood circulation and reducing the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system and the development of thrombosis.
  • Prevention of the development of anemia.
  • Strengthening hair and reducing the rate of baldness.
  • Preservation of the skin from pigmentation, slowing down the formation of wrinkles.
  • Memory improvements.
  • Ensuring the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract).

With the help of folic acid, red blood cells are produced and oxygen is transported in sufficient quantities throughout the body, which improves mood, performance, eradicates fatigue, irritability, and dizziness. B9 accelerates the growth of hair, nails, skin renewal, restores its ability to resist negative impact sun rays, provoking early aging.

Nutritionists advise using vitamin B9 for weight loss, as the substance burns fat by acting on lipids and causing them to break down into light alcohols and fatty acids, which are excreted through the excretory system from body tissues.

Symptoms and causes of folic acid deficiency

The first signs of vitamin deficiency are lack of mood, appetite, nervousness and weakness, apathy and loss of interest in business. Breastfeeding mothers may experience increased postpartum depression. Hypovitaminosis leads to a deficiency of adrenaline, which causes impotence and reduced performance. Due to nervous disorders, aggression, irritability arise, fears, phobias, and uncertainty appear.

Deficiency also provokes rapid fatigue, memory impairment, decreased attention, weight loss. According to doctors, the body does not retain B9 in sufficient quantities due to nutrition, which did not include such foods as various varieties of cabbage, legumes, citrus fruits, cherries, melons, soybeans, figs, gooseberries. If you do not eat the listed foods, you may develop a deficiency of vitamin B9.

One of the causes of deficiency is believed to be chronic alcoholism in women and intestinal disorders that disrupt absorption. useful elements. Poor absorption of folic acid occurs due to long-term treatment with antibiotics and drug courses that disrupt absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

With a deficiency of B9, the following consequences are possible:

  • Megaloblastic anemia (anemia) - a decrease in red blood cells and a violation of their normal functioning. The disease causes indigestion, constant fatigue, hair loss and the appearance of painful sores in the mouth.
  • Problems during pregnancy - early miscarriage, premature birth and placental abruption.
  • Mood swings leading to depression.
  • Infertility or pathology of the fetus - mental retardation, hydrocephalus, disorders of the circulatory system, cleft lip.
  • Cognitive impairment - insomnia, nervousness, aggressiveness, anxiety for no reason.

Symptoms of folic acid deficiency appear 10-30 days after the decrease in the level of vitamin in the blood.

Side effects of folic acid overdose

Despite the obvious benefits of folic acid for a woman, excessive oversaturation of the body with this vitamin can cause side effects:

  • fever
  • erythema,
  • bronchospasm,
  • elevated temperature,
  • Eruptions on the skin.

It is not recommended to take B9 in the presence of an allergy to the drug and during the presence of a condition such as fructosemia, lack of sucrase, isomaltase, anemia due to B12 deficiency, malabsorption of galactose and glucose.

What is useful folic acid for women after 40 and 50 years

After 40 years, women undergo hormonal age-related changes due to the attenuation of reproductive activity and changes in the hormonal level in the body. B9 smoothes the symptoms of menopause, maintains youthfulness and elasticity of the skin, prevents hair loss, and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Folic acid is also useful for women who have reached the age of 50. It reduces the negative manifestation of menopause on the physical and mental background. The vitamin is involved in the production of red blood cells, which provide oxygen to all body tissues. The element has a positive effect on the digestive processes, maintains normal acidity, normalizes the absorption of proteins and fats, and also promotes the digestion of food.

folic acid during pregnancy

The element is assigned to expectant mothers to strengthen body functions before a planned pregnancy. A few months before the upcoming pregnancy, it is necessary to increase the level of B9 in the blood in order to prepare for the additional stress on the body when carrying a child.

In addition to strengthening immunity, the vitamin takes part in the formation of the neural tube, from which the development of the spinal cord and fetal brain will continue. The neural tube is formed from the first days after conception, so an acid deficiency during this period can develop defects in its formation, which subsequently provokes birth defects in the child. Also, a lack of vitamin B9 can lead to premature birth, miscarriage, or placental abruption.

The benefits of folic acid for lactating and pregnant women are as follows:

  • Reduces the risk of birth defects.
  • Reduces the risk of early miscarriage.
  • Reduces the likelihood of miscarriage and intrauterine death.
  • Improves the quality of the blood.
  • Creation of a nucleic acid that transmits hereditary characteristics to the fetus is provided.
  • Gestosis is prevented.
  • The normal functioning of the intestines of the child is ensured.
  • Reduces postpartum depression.

Once in the body of a woman, folic acid is converted into tetrahydrofolic acid, which stimulates hematopoiesis, affects the synthesis of red blood cells, amino acids and many metabolic processes. Once inside, B9 is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and reaches its maximum concentration in the blood after 40-50 minutes. At a high dosage, it is excreted unchanged by the kidneys after 5 hours.

Attention! It is necessary to take folic acid after consulting a doctor, since only a doctor can determine the level of folate in the body and adjust the daily dose.

How to take folic acid correctly

A large amount of the vitamin is found in plant foods and fresh vegetables. Animal products: eggs, fish, beef, chicken, cheese are also a source of folic acid. But not all products of the daily diet provide the body's daily need for the vitamin, which is especially necessary for expectant mothers who should definitely take B9 additionally in tablets or capsules.

  1. The daily dose of the drug for the expectant mother is 0.4-0.8 mg.
  2. The daily dose during menopause is 0.3 mg.
  3. For the prevention and maintenance of the body, you should try to take 0.2 mg of vitamin per day daily.

The drug is taken from one to three times a day, one capsule after meals.

Prevention of vitamin B9 deficiency

To prevent hypovitaminosis, it is required to introduce foods containing folic acid into the diet:

  • tomatoes,
  • pumpkin,
  • Dill,
  • dried apricots,
  • Bran,
  • Walnuts,
  • turnip,
  • melon,
  • lamb, beef, pork,
  • bird,
  • Fish (trout and perch),
  • Milk products.

AT meat products B9 is more stable, in plants it decomposes faster under the influence of sunlight and due to heat treatment.

Folic acid preparations

Vitamin complexes in addition to B9 contain substances that help its absorption. Vitamin C is required for fruitful absorption of B9.

Dietary supplements - increase the level of folic acid and are used as prophylactic agents for hypovitaminosis. Available in the form of chewable lozenges, powders for cocktails, effervescent tablets for dilution.

Currently, the pharmaceutical industry produces many preparations containing vitamin B9:

  • Folacin, Apo-Folic - prescribed for a large deficiency of the element in the body.
  • Folio - B9 level does not restore, but is used as a preventive measure for beriberi.
  • Elevit Pronatal, Materna, Vitrum Prenatal - drugs for pregnant women that maintain the required level of B9.
  • Foliber is a group of multivitamins that also contains vitamin B12.
  • Doppelhertz - contains vitamins E, C, B12, B6.
  • Maltofer - is prescribed for iron deficiency anemia.

Attention! Folic acid preparations are poorly absorbed if they were treated with antibiotics before taking them, since antimicrobial agents disrupt the intestinal microflora. For better absorption of B9 by the intestines, it is recommended first of all to restore its microflora.

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