Homemade sweets made from cocoa and milk. How to make candy with your own hands at home - step-by-step recipes with photos. Candies “Prunes in chocolate”

Prepare the necessary ingredients.

Pour a teaspoon of melted chocolate into each cavity of the candy mold.

Using a brush, lubricate the walls of each cell. Place the mold in the refrigerator until completely hardened (it will take 15-20 minutes).

Heat the frying pan well and add peanuts (no need to add oil, the frying pan must be dry). While constantly stirring, simmer the nuts over low heat so that they dry first. Then you can increase the heat a little and fry the nuts, stirring, until cooked (the nuts should become dry inside). If the sides of the nuts are very roasted, but the inside is still damp, you need to reduce the heat. Place the roasted peanuts on a napkin and leave for 10 minutes, and then, stirring vigorously, remove the husks.

Pass dried apricots, prunes, dates, raisins through a meat grinder (it is better to use a fine wire rack).

Roll a small portion of dried fruit mince into a ball.

Then flatten the ball a little and make a small depression in it.

Form a ball again. The size of the ball with a nut inside should be such that it easily fits into the cell of the candy mold.

Prepare dried fruit balls according to the number of cells in the mold.

When the chocolate hardens, place a ball of dried fruit into each well.

Melt the remaining chocolate (you can melt the chocolate in a double boiler, in a water bath or in the microwave) and fill the cells to the top. Place back in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes.

After the time has passed, remove homemade chocolates from the refrigerator and remove from the molds. The candies keep their shape perfectly, do not break, do not crumble, do not melt.

Nuts inside dried fruits, covered in chocolate, are a delicacy that is hard to resist.
Cook with love for the joy of your family!

Give each other pleasant and sweet moments!

Chocolate is the true weakness of all sweet tooths! There has long been a myth that chocolate is harmful, but this is absolutely not true, the main thing is to consume it in reasonable quantities. Chocolate has invaluable benefits for humans:

  • slows down the aging process in the body,
  • improves mental activity,
  • improves mood,
  • enhances libido,
  • helps improve immunity.

Based on this product, a wonderful delicacy is prepared at home, which no one can resist - chocolate candies. However, store-bought chocolates, in addition to useful substances, often contain harmful chemical additives, but this is not a reason to completely abandon this delicacy! We invite all those with a sweet tooth, as well as just dreamers and creative people, to experiment and make chocolate candies on their own! Especially for you, we have collected recipes on how to make the most popular chocolates at home. They are not only not inferior to their counterparts on sale in terms of taste, but even surpass them! In addition, preparing such sweets at home will be much more economical, which, of course, will appeal to any reasonable housewife!

Quick chocolates

This is the simplest recipe for making chocolates at home. However, the resulting delicacy will have an amazing taste, and preparation will not take much effort. We recommend you try it!

  • 250 grams of cocoa powder;
  • 150 grams of butter;
  • 150 ml water;
  • 100 mo of milk;
  • 30 grams of flour;
  • 120 grams of granulated sugar.


Water is poured into the pan and heated, but not brought to a boil. At this time, melt the butter in a microwave oven or in a water bath and mix it with cocoa powder until smooth. A mixture of butter and cocoa, milk, flour and sugar is added to the heated water. All this is thoroughly mixed, avoiding the formation of lumps.

The chocolate mixture is poured into the prepared container, on the bottom of which there is food foil, which must be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the container. After this, the bowl with the chocolate mass is put into the freezer for 2 hours until it hardens. The frozen delicacy is cut into pieces and ready to eat!

Chocolate surprise candies

This chocolate treat can often be found in gift boxes! We are used to buying such sweets for ourselves and our family, as well as giving them as gifts. However, you can make this sweetness at home yourself, putting a piece of your soul into it and present it as a gift to a loved one. These handmade sweets will be appreciated by everyone!

  • 200 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 150 grams of almonds;
  • 100 grams of dates;
  • 50 grams of white chocolate.


First of all, you need to melt the dark and white chocolate in a water bath in different containers. While the chocolate is heating, there is time to remove the pits from the dates, and instead put 1-2 nuts there. After this, white chocolate is carefully applied to the place where the cut was made on the date in order to seal the filling. After this, the dates with white chocolate must be placed in the freezer for 2 hours.

After the time has passed, the dates in white chocolate are removed from the refrigerator and they must be completely dipped in melted dark chocolate one by one and placed on food foil. After everything is done, the candies are put back into the freezer for 3-4 hours until the chocolate has completely hardened.
Ready-made candies can be decorated with white chocolate and coconut flakes on top. This delicacy will not leave anyone indifferent!

"Bird's milk"

We have all been familiar with Bird's Milk candies since childhood, however, few people have tried to prepare them at home on their own. And in vain! They are very easy to make; any novice cook can do it.

Ingredients required for cooking;

  • 200 grams of chocolate;
  • 3 egg whites;
  • 3 grams of citric acid;
  • 200 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 30 grams of gelatin;
  • 150 grams of condensed milk;
  • 150 grams of butter.


First of all, gelatin must be poured with cold water and left for 25 minutes so that it swells. At this time, the whites are whipped using a mixer, and citric acid must be gradually added to them.

Melt the butter in a water bath and mix it with condensed milk. Let's return to gelatin. Sugar and gelatin are added to the container with the frozen mass, and the mixture is heated in a water bath.

“You should not bring the gelatin to a boil, otherwise it will not thicken, which can ruin the process of making candies.”

After heating the mass, it must be mixed with whipped egg whites, melted butter and condensed milk until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The resulting mass is poured into the prepared form in which the candies are planned to be made, and then it is put into the freezer for 2 hours until it hardens.

At this time, you need to melt the chocolate in a water bath and cool it. After 2 hours, the resulting soufflé is dipped in melted chocolate and laid out on foil, after which the bird’s milk is put back into the refrigerator so that the chocolate hardens.
At the final stage, you can decorate the bird's milk with whipped cream or do without it. Homemade Bird's Milk candies are much tastier than those sold in stores. Treat your loved ones to these sweets once, and they will ask you to make them very often!

Preparation of truffles

Truffles are an exquisite delicacy loved by many gourmets. However, these candies have one drawback - they are quite expensive compared to other candies. This is where a recipe on how to make truffles at home comes to the rescue! Homemade truffles will be very tasty and more economical compared to their counterparts from store shelves.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • 200 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 65 mo of heavy cream;
  • 40 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 30 ml cognac;
  • 25 grams of chopped nuts;
  • 80 grams of cocoa powder.


The chocolate should be melted in a water bath. At this time, the cream is mixed with powdered sugar, heated, but not brought to a boil, and the mass is mixed. After this, the resulting mass is added to the melted chocolate and everything should be mixed again.

Then cognac and nuts are added to the same container, the mixture is thoroughly mixed again. After this, the mass is put into the refrigerator for 90 minutes. After an hour and a half, it is removed from the refrigerator; the consistency should be like plasticine.

Cocoa powder is poured into a plate, hands are moistened with water, and the process of forming truffles begins - sculpt them either into a round or triangular shape. Once the truffle is formed, it is dipped in cocoa powder.

The resulting truffles are put in the refrigerator for 60 minutes, and after that time they are ready to eat!

Candies "Toffee"

Anyone who has tried these sweets at least once will never be indifferent to them! The amazing combination of toffee, nuts and chocolate makes these sweets incredibly delicious! Both children and adults love the “Toffee” delicacy. Try making Toffees yourself at home, we assure you that absolutely everyone will like them!
Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • 200 grams of slab butter toffee;
  • 40 grams of hazelnuts;
  • 40 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 60 ml cream;
  • 25 grams of butter;
  • A little sunflower oil.


Creamy toffee is crushed and melted in a water bath. To make candy, add 10 grams of butter, 30 ml of cream to this mass and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The hazelnuts are peeled and lightly roasted. The candy mold is greased with sunflower oil and melted toffee is distributed into its cells. You need to put 1 nut in each cell so that it is in the center of the iris mass.

After this, the form is sent to the refrigerator for 20 minutes. At this time, the chocolate is melted in a water bath, and then the remaining cream and butter are added to it.

After 20 minutes, the mold with the candies is removed from the refrigerator and the chocolate mixture is carefully placed on top of each candy. When everything is done, the form with the candies is put into the refrigerator for 5 hours. After the time has passed, the Toffee candies are ready, you can treat yourself and your household to them!

"Grillage in chocolate"

Chocolate covered roasts are very popular candies. This oriental sweet is also very easy to prepare at home yourself. There is nothing complicated in the cooking recipe, anyone can do it!
Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • 500 grams of walnuts;
  • 150 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 70 ml water;
  • 30 ml lemon juice;
  • 200 grams of dark chocolate;
  • 50 ml cognac.


First of all, you need to chop the walnuts. Then water is poured into the pan and sugar is poured out, this mixture is heated over low heat and cooked until it reaches a thick consistency and acquires a golden color. After the syrup is ready, lemon juice and chopped walnuts are added to it and everything is thoroughly mixed. It's time to start shaping the candies! To do this, you need to take a small amount of mass and give the candies a round or oblong shape. The finished roast is left in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. At this time, the dark chocolate must be melted in a water bath, and then add cognac to it and mix thoroughly.

After the chocolate glaze is ready, the roasting pan is removed from the refrigerator and each candy must be soaked in the chocolate mixture. The finished candies are laid out on food foil and sent to the freezer for 2 hours until hardened. After the time has passed, the “grillage in chocolate” chocolates are ready to eat!

Tips for making chocolates at home

In order for the chocolates you make yourself to turn out delicious the first time, you need to follow a few subtleties. Familiarize yourself with them and you will avoid many mistakes that are made quite often when making this delicacy:

In the process of creating candy recipes, any heated mass should never be brought to a boil, so it is necessary to monitor the heating process and remove the container in which chocolate, milk or something else is heated before the product begins to boil.

In order to prepare sweets, you must use only fresh, good quality products.

Advice: “never use stale milk and dairy products, gelatin, the packaging of which was opened more than 2 months ago to make sweets at home, this can lead to a sad result, the most harmless of which will be that the sweets will not turn out.”

To prepare this delicacy, purchase a special form with cells. This will allow you to give them any desired shape, make them beautiful and appetizing.

Be smart! Perhaps at home, you want to add a little vanilla, marzipan or nut crumbs to the candies, this can be done easily! And if you don’t like dark chocolate, then replace it with milk chocolate, the main thing is to take chocolate without filler.

The form filled with sweets must be closed when putting it in the freezer - use cling film for this. Otherwise, the candies will acquire a not very pleasant smell and will not be as appetizing. Make sweets in a good mood and put a piece of your soul into it - this is the key to an excellent result!

As you can see, making chocolate candies at home is quite easy, and most importantly, it does not require any rare ingredients. Therefore, no matter what chocolate candy recipe you choose, it can easily be implemented in every kitchen!

Chocolates are rightfully considered a favorite treat for adults and children. Today, store shelves are lined with various desserts, but they are all packed with flavor stabilizers and emulsifiers. Experienced housewives prefer to make chocolates on their own, and this is not surprising. In the end, you will receive a completely natural product that will appeal to all family members. Let's look at the most delicious recipes.

Features of making chocolate

  1. First of all, it’s worth remembering that chocolate, in all its variety, does not like water. For this reason, it is recommended to be extremely careful when preparing chocolate-based candies. Make sure that the dishes are always dry. When heating the product in a water bath, liquid from the pan should not get into the bowl of chocolate. If water gets into the composition, the candies will curl into lumps, and the base itself will be too thick.
  2. Milk chocolate thickens much faster than white or dark chocolate. Therefore, it is easiest to prepare candy from the last two ingredients; this will help you control the consistency and choose the desired shape. The milk mass is overly sensitive to various factors, be it temperature changes or high humidity.
  3. If you plan to prepare the truffle at home, keep the filling in the refrigerator first. After shaping the candies, also place them in the chamber to allow the finished product to dry after enrobing.


  • powdered sugar - 45 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 225 gr.
  • heavy cream (15-20%) - 65 gr.
  • cognac - 30 ml.
  • hazelnuts - 45 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 85 gr.
  1. Select a small enamel pan, wash and dry it. Even one drop of water can ruin the consistency of the finished product. Break the chocolate into small cubes, place it in a container, and place the dish on the stove. Stir constantly so that the mixture does not stick to the walls.
  2. In a separate bowl, combine powdered sugar and cream, stir until smooth. Place the container on the stove and heat it up too. Pour into the chocolate base in a thin stream and stir with a wooden spatula.
  3. Fry the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan without vegetable oil. Chop it into small pieces, mix with cognac and add to the previous mixture. Stir again and refrigerate for 1.5-2 hours.
  4. After the specified period, you will receive a composition that resembles plasticine in consistency. Form circles from the mixture and roll them in cocoa powder. Place the finished truffles on a tray or cutting board and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Candies with walnuts

  • walnuts (kernels) - 55 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 25 gr.
  • honey - 20 gr.
  1. Fry the walnuts in a dry frying pan, grind them in a coffee grinder or blender. Mix the shavings with honey and form into circles.
  2. Break the chocolate into small squares, place in a saucepan and melt in a water bath. Dip the finished balls into the melted mixture and place on a tray.
  3. Place the finished candies in the refrigerator until completely hardened. Typically they will harden within 2 hours. You can replace walnuts with almonds or hazelnuts.

  • cream (fat content 20%) - 110 gr.
  • butter - 55 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml.
  • dark chocolate - 45 gr.
  • toffee candies - 210 gr.
  • hazelnuts - 45 gr.
  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator and leave it at room temperature. Place the iris in a deep bowl and melt in a water bath. After this, mash the liquid mixture with cream and butter using a fork or blender.
  2. Heat a frying pan, place the hazelnuts on it and fry well. Peel the nuts, prepare a mold for candy and grease it with vegetable oil.
  3. Place one whole hazelnut in each section and top with melted toffee mixture. Place the workpiece in the refrigerator and wait a quarter of an hour.
  4. Break the chocolate into small squares, melt in a water or steam bath, stirring constantly. Take out the toffee candies, fill them with chocolate glaze, and put the delicacy in the freezer.
  5. After about 6 hours, the candies will harden, all you have to do is take them out and place them in an airtight container. The shelf life of toffee “Toffee” is 10 days.

Sweets with condensed milk

  • cocoa powder - 25 gr.
  • white chocolate - 55 gr.
  • butter - 15 gr.
  • condensed milk - 410 gr.
  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, chop it into small cubes, and place in a deep bowl. Melt the mixture to room temperature, then add cocoa powder and pour in milk (fat content from 3%).
  2. Prepare a water bath, melt the composition to a liquid consistency. Simmer the mixture for no longer than 10 minutes, otherwise the cocoa will lose its aroma.
  3. Turn off the stove, cool the mixture first under natural conditions, then put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. At this time, grind the white chocolate on a grater and pour it into a flat dish.
  4. Remove the creamy mixture from the refrigerator and roll it into balls. Roll the resulting candies in grated white chocolate and place on a tray. Refrigerate the treat for 1 hour.

  • granulated sugar - 55 gr.
  • milk chocolate - 75 gr.
  • hazelnuts - 90 gr.
  • butter - 25 gr.
  1. First of all, place the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan and toast them until brown. Grind in a coffee grinder or chop into pieces.
  2. Pour granulated sugar into a thick-bottomed pan and melt it on the stove. Make sure that the composition does not burn; collect the mass from the walls of the container.
  3. After you boil the sugar syrup, add chopped hazelnuts to it. Place the finished mixture on parchment paper and cool.
  4. Once the mixture has hardened and cooled, transfer it to a blender and puree. Next, add the butter, previously melted at room temperature, and beat the mixture. Start slowly adding sugar syrup with nuts.
  5. You will end up with a thick paste, form it into cubes or circles. If desired, add one whole hazelnut to each candy. Place the finished candies in the refrigerator for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Melt the chocolate in a water bath and dip the formed candies into it. Place the dessert on a tray and refrigerate until completely set.

Candies with Mascarpone

  • soft cheese (Mascarpone is suitable) - 145 gr.
  • milk chocolate - 85 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 90 gr.
  1. Prepare paper or silicone molds for candies in advance; they should not be large. Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave (Defrost mode, 15 minutes).
  2. Grease the sides of the molds with chocolate glaze and place them in the refrigerator for 25 minutes. After this period, grease the molds with chocolate again and place them in the cold again for half an hour.
  3. While the base is hardening, break the milk chocolate into squares, place in a container and melt in a water bath until smooth. Cool for 7 minutes, add soft cheese.
  4. Beat the mixture with a mixer or blender, remove the molds from the refrigerator. Try to separate the frozen chocolate from the sides so that you get molds with sides.
  5. Pour the resulting mixture of cheese and milk chocolate into a pastry bag. Click on it to fill the chocolate molds. Place the candies on a tray and refrigerate for 1 hour. Shelf life - 5 days.

  • peanuts without salt - 50 gr.
  • hazelnuts - 60 gr.
  • fat sour cream - 100 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 55 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 55 gr.
  • butter - 45 gr.
  • white chocolate - 80 gr.
  • coconut flakes - 30 gr.
  1. If you wish, you can replace peanuts or hazelnuts with other types of nuts, for example, cashews, walnuts, pistachios. Heat a non-stick frying pan, add peanuts and hazelnuts, fry until brown.
  2. When the shell begins to separate, remove the product from the heat and peel. Grind it in a blender until it becomes flour or chop it into pieces with a knife.
  3. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut it into small cubes, and melt it in a water bath. Gradually add cocoa, after sifting the powder.
  4. Continuing to stir the mass, add granulated sugar and bring the mixture until the granules are completely dissolved. Remove the mixture from the heat, cool to room temperature, add sour cream.
  5. Pour the mixture into a blender or beat with a mixer, add nuts, and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. At this time, melt the white chocolate in a water bath and pour the coconut flakes into a flat dish.
  6. Take out the creamy mixture, roll it into balls, and roll in melted white chocolate. Then immediately sprinkle with coconut and place on a tray. Refrigerate until completely set (about 3 hours).

Candies with almonds

  • powdered sugar - 80 gr.
  • butter (60-72%) - 110 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 80 gr.
  • almonds - 60 gr.
  1. Cut the butter into cubes, place in a saucepan, place on the stove and melt in a water bath. Sift the cocoa, start adding the powder one teaspoon at a time, stirring at the same time. Do the same with powdered sugar.
  2. As a result, you should get a creamy mass. Remove the product from the stove when the mixture becomes homogeneous. Cool to room temperature, then place in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  3. When the specified time has elapsed, form the mixture into balls, placing one roasted almond inside. Sprinkle the candies with powdered sugar mixed with cocoa powder in equal proportions.

Candies with boiled condensed milk

  • walnut - 150 gr.
  • wheat flour - 40 gr.
  • condensed milk - 300 gr.
  • cocoa powder - 85 gr.
  • jam berries (whole) - for decoration
  1. Remove the label from a can of condensed milk. Place it in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it so that the water completely covers the container. Cook over moderate heat for 2.5 hours, then turn off the burner and cool the mixture.
  2. When the condensed milk has cooled to room temperature, uncork the jar and place the contents into a deep bowl. Sift cocoa through a kitchen sieve and mix with condensed milk.
  3. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or food foil and sprinkle with wheat flour. Take two teaspoons, scoop up the mixture with the first one, remove the mixture with the second, placing it on a baking sheet. The distance between candies should be at least 3 cm.
  4. Place one berry at a time on top of the mixture. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, adjust the power so that it does not fluctuate. Place the baking sheet inside and bake the product for a quarter of an hour.
  5. When the specified period has passed, turn off the oven, remove the baking sheet and cool the contents to room temperature. Carefully lift each candy with a spatula, place on a tray and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Candies with dried fruits

  • sweet almonds - 90 gr.
  • dried apricots - 110 gr.
  • seedless raisins - 80 gr.
  • dried figs - 120 gr.
  • lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  • honey - 210 gr.
  • walnut - 100 gr.
  • cocoa - 115 gr.
  • milk chocolate - 100 gr.
  1. Fry almonds and walnuts in a hot dry frying pan, peel and grind in a blender/coffee grinder. Combine raisins, dried apricots, lemons, and figs. Place dried fruits in a meat grinder and rotate 2 times.
  2. Mix the two masses into one composition, add honey and mix well. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for half an hour, then apply cocoa powder to your hands and begin to form balls.
  3. When the candies are ready, roll them in cocoa again. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, bring until smooth, cool. Dip the finished products into the mixture and place them on a flat dish.
  4. Place the candies in the refrigerator. When the chocolate sets into a crust, start eating. The shelf life of homemade sweets is 10-14 days.

  • coconut - 0.5 pcs.
  • white chocolate - 100 gr.
  • powdered sugar - 55 gr.
  • butter - 110 gr.
  • cocoa - 80 gr.
  • almonds - 175 gr.
  1. Cut the butter into small cubes and melt in a water bath. Slowly start adding powdered sugar while stirring the product.
  2. Remove the mixture from the heat, add the sifted cocoa powder. Beat the mixture with a mixer and place in the refrigerator for 45-60 minutes.
  3. At this time, peel the coconut and grate half the fruit on a fine grater. Fry the resulting chips in a dry, hot frying pan for 1 minute. Place it in a flat dish.
  4. Remove the creamy mixture from the cold, form into small balls, and place pre-roasted almonds inside. Melt the chocolate in a water bath, let cool.
  5. Alternately dip the candy first into the chocolate glaze, then sprinkle with coconut flakes and press lightly with your hands. Place the finished candies on a cutting board.
  6. At the end of all manipulations, place the finished product in the cold for 1.5 hours. Serve with unsweetened coffee or tea. Store no longer than 5 days.

Candies with caramel

  • butter - 30 gr.
  • oatmeal - 90 gr.
  • granulated sugar (brown) - 50 gr.
  • hazelnut (whole) - 110 gr.
  • dark chocolate - 90 gr.
  • white chocolate (milk is possible) - 100 gr.
  1. Prepare silicone or paper candy molds. Melt the dark chocolate in a water bath, then cool and pour into the compartments of the mold. Leave to set in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.
  2. Chop the butter into cubes and leave at room temperature until softened. Add granulated sugar and mash the mixture with a fork. If the granules do not dissolve, use a water bath.
  3. Grind the oatmeal in a coffee grinder or blender and add to the previous mixture. Fry the hazelnuts in a dry frying pan, chop them into small pieces with a knife, and add them to the creamy oatmeal mixture.
  4. Pour the mixture into an enamel pan, put it on the fire and melt until completely caramelized. You will feel a characteristic smell, the mass will turn brownish.
  5. Remove the chocolate molds from the refrigerator and pour the cooled mixture into them. Melt white chocolate in a steam bath and pour it over the base.
  6. Place the mold in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After this, you can wrap each candy in foil and decorate with ribbon. Store no longer than a week.

The shelf life of homemade chocolates is quite short, this is due to the completely natural composition and the absence of preservatives. Storage in the refrigerator is limited to two weeks, in other conditions - 6-7 days.

Video: Bounty chocolates


Hi all! Vika Leping is with you, and today I will tell you how to make delicious chocolates at home, because February 14 is coming soon, and gifts for Valentine's Day, as we all know, are primarily chocolates. So your chosen one or chosen one will definitely appreciate handmade sweets and excessive efforts.

What to give your loved one on February 14 (or your beloved, of course) is one of the most frequently asked questions on the eve of the holiday called Valentine's Day. Gifts for Valentine's Day are, in fact, classic - handmade chocolates, a Valentine's card and flowers. There’s no need to be smart about it; you shouldn’t expect expensive gifts either, because in Catholic countries, where this holiday came to us from, this is a sign of bad taste.

On this day, you can simply prepare dinner for your loved one, open a bottle of your favorite wine, sit in a romantic setting, and for dessert, eat an original gift for February 14th - the most delicious sweets in the world, made with love and from natural ingredients. Look at the composition of store-bought sweets, I’m sure you’ll count more than 20 incomprehensible items. I will only use 3 + filler as desired. Just 3 ingredients! Can you imagine?

When I wondered how to make chocolate at home, I realized that almost all chocolate recipes are a mixture of cocoa powder and butter, and this is completely wrong, because real chocolate is made not from cake powder, but from real cocoa beans and butter cocoa, and these are its irreplaceable ingredients. Therefore, I turned to a vegan friend for advice, who helped me with the proportions :) So, if you don’t yet know what to give your girlfriend or boyfriend on February 14th, let’s start preparing gifts from sweets.

So, a step-by-step photo recipe for chocolates, or how to make chocolates at home.


  • - grated beans (raw cocoa) - 50-100 g
  • - 50 gr
  • - maple syrup or other sweeteners - to taste
  • - or milk (powdered), coconut or regular - to taste and optional
  • - dried fruits, seeds, berries - optional

Cooking method

How to make chocolate at home? Yes, very simple! All you need are quality ingredients and silicone candy molds. The given amount of ingredients is enough for about 20 pieces. Let’s start cooking, although it’s more like meditation :) By the way, you most likely already realized that you don’t have to use a candy mold, you can also make a chocolate bar 😉

We start making chocolate by preparing all the ingredients. I will put cashews or hazelnuts in each candy and raisins in some. In our family, I’m the only one who loves it, so there won’t be many of them :) Chop raw cocoa and cocoa butter into pieces, so they will melt faster.

Prepare a water bath. If you don’t know how to make a water bath, then look at the photo below. Take a saucepan, pour a liter of water into it, bring it to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, and put a large bowl or frying pan or saucepan on top, the main thing is that it is heat-resistant, otherwise it will burst like mine.

Now put the grated cocoa beans and cocoa butter in a bowl over a water bath, stir with a silicone spatula until completely dissolved and turn off the heat. Handmade chocolate is almost ready :)

Add any sweetener. 1 teaspoon at a time, stir until dissolved, then taste. If necessary, add more. Also, if desired, you can add regular or coconut cream/milk at this point, then you will prepare regular milk or vegan milk chocolate.

By the way, if you are preparing regular milk chocolate, then to enhance the creamy taste you can also add butter or ghee, which also hardens well. [ ] And another important point! The more milk, the more cocoa butter there should be in relation to the beans, otherwise homemade chocolates may not harden. That’s why the number of beans I have varies from 50 to 100 grams.

Here's the hot chocolate recipe! However, the recipe for chocolate sweets has not yet come to an end. Take a silicone mold or pour hot chocolate into the recesses. I did this with a teaspoon, it’s more convenient.

It is important to consider that if you want to add filling to delicious chocolates, you do not need to add to the very edges, otherwise the cocoa chocolate will flow over the sides.

Lay out the fillings. You can drown nuts or dried fruits in chocolate, but I like it better when the filling is visible. Small but delicious gifts for lovers are almost ready!

And if you don’t have enough molds, you can pour the remaining real chocolate into muffin tins, for example. Place the delicious chocolates in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

Remove from the refrigerator and carefully remove the natural chocolate from the molds. Now you know how to make chocolates at home! 🙂 On mine you can see dots - this is honey. Such delicious gifts for Valentine's Day can be put in a beautiful box with a bow, or served on a plate 😉

Here are the super quick results!

A short recipe: chocolates at home, or how to make chocolate at home

  1. Melt cocoa butter and grated cocoa beans in a water bath, mix and turn off the heat.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of honey or other sweetener, stir until completely dissolved, taste, add more if necessary.
  3. If desired, add a little regular or coconut milk/cream (to taste), while reducing the amount of cocoa beans added (think ahead!). [ Addition: I had no problems adding Ghee and liquid coconut cream, but one of my friends chocolate separated for unknown reasons, so perhaps to completely eliminate the possibility of separation, you should use milk powder!]
  4. Pour into molds, put in the refrigerator for 1 hour, then carefully remove the finished natural chocolates.
  5. Now you know how chocolate candies are made!

Small delicious gifts for Valentine's Day are ready. As you can see, the recipes for both dark and milk chocolate turned out to be very simple. By the way, my boyfriend Seryozha and I will go to a French restaurant on February 14 to try different delicacies. Honestly, I’ve never been to such a restaurant before, so I’m expecting something especially tasty and interesting. Then I’ll share my impressions of what I ate. What will you do with yourself on this wonderful Valentine's Day?

I’ll also try really hard to post another recipe. sweets, but already berry, from agar-agar . More precisely, I’ll try to have time to cook, take photos and tell you everything :) And so as not to miss anything, , it's free! In addition, when you subscribe, you will receive as a gift a whole collection of complete recipes of 20 dishes that can be prepared very quickly, from 5 to 30 minutes, which will save a lot of your time! Eating quickly and tasty is real!

And Vika Leping was with you! Try to bring chocolate recipes to life, like, leave comments, rate, tell us what you did and remember that everyone can cook deliciously, that you are more talented than you can imagine and, of course, enjoy your food! I love you, be happy!

5 stars - based on 2 review(s)

We all love sweets to one degree or another. Some people simply cannot imagine their life without sweets; for others, a couple of pieces with tea or champagne are enough. And if vegetarians do not know the taste of meat, some people will never try goose liver or mussel meat in their entire lives, then every person living in the modern world on planet Earth has had to eat candy. To say that the stores have a large selection of sweets is to say nothing. It is huge, for every taste, color, and wallet.
But what’s also interesting is that some of the most experienced and best housewives, who skillfully create delicious salads, complex cakes or amazing hot dishes in their kitchens, have never tried to make ordinary sweets at home. Not because it is difficult or because some ingredients cannot be found, and not because there is not enough time or some special equipment is needed. This is all for the simple reason that you can go and buy candy in the store at any time. And although sometimes we are not always sure of the quality, naturalness, and freshness of purchased delicacies, we continue to do so.
Maybe it's worth a try? Don't know where to start and how to decide? Let's do this together. Here you will find the best and most delicious homemade candy options. Believe me, your household and guests whom you treat with your creation will not remain indifferent.

Recipe No. 1. Sweets "Lady Night"

Many of you have probably tried very tasty candies with prunes and dried apricots called “Lady Night”. We suggest you make these candies yourself. To say that you will be delighted with the result is an understatement! Homemade sweets are incredibly tasty, much better than factory-made ones! Treat yourself and your loved ones to this amazing delicacy!
The candies come out a little larger than the original ones.

Taste Info Candy

Ingredients for 8 candies:

  • prunes – 16-20 pieces;
  • dried apricots – 16-20 pieces;
  • walnuts - a large handful with a slide;
  • dark chocolate – 100-150 g;
  • marshmallows - several pieces (depending on size).

How to make delicious homemade sweets

Dried apricots and prunes are first thoroughly washed, scalded (it is advisable to keep the dried apricots in boiling water to soften them), and dried in the open air.
Dried apricots are chopped with a knife to make it easier to grind them into pulp with a blender.

Prunes are chopped with a knife for the same purpose as dried apricots.

The nuts are chopped with a knife or crushed with a masher.

Add half the nuts to the dried apricots, grind them all together in a blender into a paste. If the dried apricots are too harsh, then add a tablespoon of warm boiled water to the pulp to obtain a more homogeneous mass.

The prunes are mixed with the remaining half of the nuts and also ground in a blender into a paste.

Next, the candies are formed. To do this, wet your hands in warm water (so that the mass does not stick to your hands), pinch off pieces from the first mixture (dried apricots + nuts), place them in the middle of each marshmallow and form the candies in the shape of balls or ellipses so that the marshmallow is inside.
Marshmallows come in different sizes; for candies it is better to take about 1.5 by 2 cm or a little more.

These are the kind of sweets you get.

The same is done with the second mixture (prunes + nuts).

Melt the chocolate in a water bath (65 degrees).

Each candy is dipped into chocolate using a fork or a pair of chopsticks.

Place on a board covered with cling film or parchment and place in the refrigerator for an hour. Homemade sweets are ready!

You can decorate them by sprinkling chocolate or coconut shavings on top.

If you use milk chocolate instead of dark chocolate, you will have to wait about 2 hours, as it takes longer to harden.

Teaser network

Recipe No. 2. Candy "Toffee"

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that some confectionery products can be easily reproduced at home, especially expensive sweets that we only allow ourselves to buy on holidays. But have you noticed that many “luxury” candies in attractive packaging consist of the most ordinary ingredients that are harmoniously combined with each other? Here it is, the highlight - the manufacturers just found a successful combination of components and created an attractive aesthetic appearance of the product itself. For example, the well-known and beloved Toffee candies - a delicious delicacy in a beautiful package consists of just creamy toffee filled with hazelnut kernels and drizzled with a small amount of dark chocolate! It would seem, what's special here? But admit it, it’s really tasty and beautiful! Do you want to make this masterpiece with your own hands? Then let's get started!

Ingredients for 15 candies:

  • creamy toffee – 125 g;
  • hazelnuts – 15 pieces;
  • dark chocolate – 30-50 g;
  • sour cream or heavy cream (thick) - 3 tablespoons;
  • butter – 20 g.


Melt the toffee and butter in a water bath or in a ceramic frying pan over very low heat.

When the toffee begins to melt, add sour cream (cream).

Stir the mixture until a homogeneous caramel is obtained.

Be sure to grease the molds with butter. If you have silicone molds for candies, then you can immediately pour hot caramel into them; if you don’t have any, then you can use a plastic insert from under a box of chocolates. To prevent the plastic from melting, you need to wait until the mass has cooled to the temperature where you can pick it up with your hands. After cooling, warm caramel is plastic, you can easily roll it into small balls and press them into molds. Press a hazelnut kernel into each candy.

Melt dark chocolate in a water bath (65 degrees).

Pour the chocolate over the nut so that it covers only the kernel of the nut, and not the entire surface of the candy.

Place the chocolate in the refrigerator for an hour (you can place it in the freezer for 10-15 minutes, then it will be easy to remove them from the mold without damaging the shape of the chocolates).

That's all, all that remains is to carefully remove the wonderful and healthy candies from the molds and transfer them to a beautiful dish.

Recipe No. 3. Nut candies in tartlets

What should we do... prepare some sweets? Let's cook it and eat it. This recipe is actually easy to follow and the results are quick to eat. So, let's not deny ourselves the pleasure.


  • ready-made tartlets – 30 pieces;
  • mixture of nuts (cashews, hazelnuts, peanuts) – 100 g;
  • cocoa powder – 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tablespoons;
  • fat sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • butter – 2 tablespoons.

How to make candy at home

It is convenient to measure all the ingredients directly into the cezve, which must be placed on the minimum heat of the burner. Stirring the contents of the Turk from time to time, bring the mixture until thick and homogeneous and the sugar is completely dissolved.

Having placed the tartlets on a flat dish, you need to fill each of them with nuts. Of course, in this recipe you can only use a certain type of nut, your favorite, but when they are different it gives the taste a little intrigue. The nuts must be prepared in advance; if they have a film on them, it is advisable to dry them in a hot frying pan (then the film will separate well) and peel them.

By this time, our thick chocolate mixture has cooled moderately. You need to pour it over the nuts in the tartlets; it’s very convenient to do this with a Turk with a spout.

Nuts that do not have a place in the tartlets must be coarsely crushed with a masher to sprinkle the candy with crumbs. You can enjoy it 20 minutes after preparation, when the chocolate mixture has completely cooled and slightly softened the wafer tartlets.

Other recipes

On our website you can find many other recipes with photos of sweets prepared at home.

To prepare them you will need: raisins and flour, cocoa powder and granulated sugar, milk and butter. The candy mass is prepared in a water bath, then half of it is poured into molds, raisins are placed and the rest of the candy mass is filled on top. They are put in the freezer overnight and the candies are ready by morning.

To make such sweets you will need dried apricots and peanuts, honey and a bar of dark chocolate, a piece of butter and colored confectionery sprinkles for decoration. Dried apricots and peanuts are ground in a blender and mixed with honey. Future candies are formed from the resulting mass, which will then need to be dipped into a mixture of dark chocolate and butter melted in a water bath. The candies that have not had time to harden are sprinkled with decorating confectionery toppings and sent to the freezer to harden.

To prepare such a delicacy, you will need: a banana and a pack of cookies, walnuts and condensed milk, yogurt and cocoa (or powdered sugar) for decoration. Crushed cookies and walnuts are mixed with boiled condensed milk and yogurt. The resulting mass is laid out on cling film, leveled, half of a banana cut lengthwise is placed on top and the whole thing is rolled into a sausage. The frozen sausage is cut into sticks, each of which should be dipped in cocoa powder or powdered sugar.

For these sweets you just need nothing: dark chocolate with butter, ground cinnamon with walnut and almond kernels, cocoa powder for sprinkling. A mass of chocolate, cinnamon and butter is prepared, when it hardens a little, candies are formed from it, nuts are placed in the middle of each, the candies are sprinkled with cocoa powder and harden in the refrigerator.

To make these candies, you will need: sugar and water, a chicken egg and raisins with nuts, powdered sugar and coconut flakes. A caramel mixture is prepared from sugar and water, mixed with chopped walnuts. From the cooled mass, rafaelki are formed, in the middle of which raisins are placed. The resulting balls are rolled in a mixture of coconut flakes and powdered sugar. In 40 minutes the candies harden in the refrigerator and are ready to eat.

Here you will need chocolate and butter toffee, water, butter and instant coffee. A mixture of toffee, water, instant coffee and butter is prepared in a water bath. Then it is poured into molds. The frozen toffee is dipped into the melted chocolate mixture and cooled in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

To prepare this delicacy you need prunes, walnuts and dark chocolate. Each prune is filled with a piece of walnut, dipped in chocolate heated in a water bath and cooled in the refrigerator for an hour.

You can also use a homemade marmalade recipe. There is nothing simpler here at all. You will need fresh berries (for example, strawberries), water and gelatin, citric acid and powdered sugar. The berries are crushed in a blender with citric acid and powdered sugar, combined with swollen gelatin and poured into molds. When they have hardened, all that remains is to cover them with glaze for even more taste.

There are many more options for homemade sweets:

These can be sweets with other dried fruits, for example, figs or dates.

  • Homemade waffles covered in chocolate.
  • Homemade lollipops (remember our Soviet cockerels?).
  • Chocolate and honey candies.
  • Cranberry candies.
  • Apricot-coconut delicacies.
  • Homemade marshmallow.
  • Homemade Turkish delight.
  • Sweets "Lakomka" from baby food.

You can use powdered milk in making sweets; you can replace regular milk with it if necessary. As a last resort, if you have neither one nor the other, and by a lucky chance you are a young mother, and you have Baby formula, you can use it.

Such a masterpiece can be an excellent gift for your family and loved ones.

  • To wish Happy New Year, form candies in silicone molds in the shape of a star.
  • For Valentine's Day, hearts are a natural choice.
  • The best way to congratulate your mother or friend on March 8 is with candies in the shape of flowers.

After congratulating your loved ones, do not forget to warn that it is better to store sweets in the refrigerator so that they do not melt. Although it's unlikely, such yummy food won't last long.
You can also make a gift box with your own hands, you just need to turn on your wild imagination and put a drop of your soul into the souvenir. A box of handmade chocolates tied with a bright satin ribbon or openwork braid will show you as the best master of culinary masterpieces and a loving daughter, wife, mother.

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