Summary of first aid classes. Mini-lesson for children on the basics of first aid “The first steps of first aid. Updating knowledge, goal setting and motivation

Lesson 1 (4 hours)

Topic: The concept of emergency conditions. Classification of injuries. Bruises, wounds, animal bites, bleeding.

Purpose: to get acquainted with the concepts and work out manual (performed by hands) first aid skills for the listed conditions.

EMERGENCIES in medicine are those that require immediate attention. In its absence, changes occur in the organs and tissues of the body, leading to death or disability.

Among the emergency conditions in which pre-hospital medical care should be provided, various injuries are in one of the first places.

Injury is damage to an organ or tissue as a result of external influences.

Injuries are:

A) mechanical (bruises, wounds, dislocations, sprains, fractures);

B) chemical (burns with acids and alkalis);

C) mental (fright, tragic news);

D) electrical injury (electric shock, lightning);

D) thermal (burns, frostbite, sun and heat strokes).

A bruise is an internal injury to body tissues.

Bruises occur as a result of a sharp impact of great force.

Consequences of a bruise - violation of the integrity of blood vessels without damage to the skin, internal hemorrhage.

The first signs: pain, swelling and redness at the site of the bruise.

Attention! With bruises of internal organs (heart, kidneys, liver, etc.), the only sign may be pain.

First aid: reduce the degree of hemorrhage and reduce the sensation of pain.

FIRST AID METHOD: apply to the bruised area an object that has a temperature below skin temperature (skin temperature from 34 to 35 °). You can apply ice, snow, a container of cold water, a wet cold cloth, a metal spoon.

REMEMBER: the sooner you cool the site of injury, causing a spasm (compression) of the affected vessels, the easier the consequences of injury will be.

Attention! If you suspect bruising of the internal organs, immediately consult a doctor.

Wounds are open injuries of soft tissues. Wounds are stab, cut, chopped, torn, gunshot, bitten.

The severity of the injury depends on:

A) from the place of injury;

B) from the depth of the wound;

C) on the degree of pollution;

D) on the type of microorganisms that got into the wound. A skin injury can go away without visible consequences. Brain injury always has severe complications, up to profound disability or death. Treatment of deep wounds requires additional surgical intervention. The skin and mucous membranes prevent the penetration of infectious agents and toxic substances into the bloodstream. Foreign bodies (particles of earth, sand, plant dust, etc. provoke an inflammatory reaction at the injection site. The ingress of some microorganisms (for example, the causative agent of tetanus) is fatal to humans.

The first signs of injury: violations of the integrity of the integument (skin or mucous), bleeding of varying strength, pain.

First aid: clean the wound and stop the contact of internal tissues with the outside world.

FIRST AID METHODS: in case of contamination, clean the wound by washing it with hydrogen peroxide or clean water, lubricate the edge with an antiseptic, bring the edges together if possible and cover the surface of the wound with a cloth or plaster. Bandage.

VERY IMPORTANT: do not smear iodine on the soft tissues inside the wound, you can burn them.

REMEMBER: if in field conditions you need to wash the wound, and there is no cold boiled water, throw a handful of charcoal into a container with any water or dip a burning firebrand into it. The water will be cloudy, but safe and acquire weak antiseptic properties. If you do not have antiseptics to treat the wound, apply a clean plantain leaf or nettle pulp to the damaged area. These plants reduce bleeding and have an antimicrobial effect.

Bite wounds are treated in the same way as all others. It must be remembered that bitten wounds are always infected with saliva, with such wounds, hospitalization and examination of the animal for the presence of rabies are mandatory.

Attention! If the wound is very large, do not pre-treat, just apply a bandage and see a doctor as soon as possible.

Bleeding is the loss of blood as a result of a violation of the integrity of blood vessels.


Arterial bleeding occurs when the arteries are damaged. The most dangerous! Bright scarlet blood flows out in a pulsing stream. Arterial bleeding can quickly lead to large blood loss and death.

First aid. Reassure the victim and stop bleeding.

FIRST AID METHOD: compress the artery by maximum flexion of the limbs or apply a tourniquet. You can try to press the artery against the bone (see Fig. 3).

A tourniquet is applied above the wound. A thin cloth and a note indicating the time the tourniquet was applied are placed under the tourniquet. If the transportation of the patient to a medical institution lasts more than 2 hours, then the tourniquet is removed for a few seconds to restore blood flow in the tissues and prevent their necrosis. Then I apply a tourniquet! again.

Venous bleeding occurs as a result of damage to the veins. From the wound follows a continuous stream of blood of a dark cherry color.

First aid: calm the victim (heavy bleeding in some people causes a violent emotional reaction of fear, sometimes exceeding the severity of the lesion) and stop the outflow of blood.

FIRST AID METHOD: apply a pressure bandage to the wound from several layers of gauze, cotton wool and bandages. Bleeding will decrease if the injured part of the body is kept elevated in relation to the entire torso. Tourniquets for venous bleeding are not applied.

capillary bleeding. Occurs with a superficial wound, blood flows from the wound drop by drop.

First aid. Stop the blood flow.

FIRST AID METHOD: after treating the wound, apply a bandage.

Reflection of the lesson algorithm

1. You have made sure that you understand the topic.

2. You know the list of manipulations that you need to master.

3. You understand that you will have to apply the acquired skills in extreme situations, and this will require special composure and concentration of will.

4. You realized that your or someone else's life may depend on the degree of your preparation today.

5. You remember that if a child has been injured, you have no right to outward manifestations of fear.

6. In the event of an injury in a child, you will first of all remove the student's stress reaction.

7. You have mastered all manual actions well and are ready, if necessary, to use your knowledge and skills.

8. You understand that this topic is significant for you as a specialist, as a person.

Under the guidance of a teacher, do the manipulations.

Give yourself a grade for your work and compare it with the teacher's grade. Assessing yourself, answer the following questions:

Do I know what an emergency is?

Can I reflect on my behavior in emergencies?

Am I aware of the different types of injury?

Do I know what type of injury bruises, wounds, animal bites, bleeding belong to, what characterizes them?

Do I know how to help with any of these conditions, and do I know how to perform the necessary manipulations?

Can I help a child? What are the features of this assistance? How is it different from helping adults?

Can I teach my students what I know myself?

You should not be upset if, as a result of painstaking work, you still did not achieve an absolutely positive result, not all questions were answered “yes”. This is not the inability to work, not self-doubt, this is a critical attitude and caution. Both are necessary for everyone, for complacency is dangerous!

This lesson was the most difficult, since you worked according to a new scheme. It will be easier for you in the future.

Task: write down in a notebook all the antiseptic agents you know that are used to treat wounds (iodine, brilliant green, a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide ..?)

Lesson 2 (4 hours)

Topic: Damage to the osteoarticular apparatus. Skull trauma.

Purpose: to get acquainted with the concepts and practice manual first aid skills for various types of the listed conditions.

Material for self-preparation for the lesson.

There are the following types of damage to the osteoarticular apparatus:

A) ligament sprain

B) dislocations;

C) closed fractures with displacement of fragments and without displacement;

D) open fractures of varying severity;

D) skull trauma.

Sprain - a violation of the elasticity of the ligamentous apparatus. The cause of the sprain is jumping, falling, lifting weights, uncoordinated movement.

The first signs: pain, swelling, difficulty in moving in the damaged area.

First aid. Cooling, fixation, rest.

FIRST AID METHODS: depending on the site of the lesion, a tight bandage of a certain type is applied, the affected area is transferred to a position elevated in relation to the body, cold is applied.

A dislocation is a displacement of the articular parts of the bones. With a dislocation, the integrity of the articular bag is violated, sometimes the ligaments are torn. The reasons are the same as for stretching.

The first signs: pain, impaired movement in the joint, change in shape. With a dislocation of the intervertebral joints, there may be compression of the spinal cord and, as a result, a violation of the functions of the pelvic organs and lower extremities. With a dislocation of the mandibular joint, facial expressions are disturbed.


METHOD OF RENDERING FIRST AID: in a state of maximum comfort, deliver the patient to a medical institution.

ATTENTION: the sharp, severe pain that accompanies a dislocation is very frightening for the child. Pain and fear can cause traumatic shock.

Traumatic shock is a life-threatening condition characterized by a disorder in the activity of the central nervous system, blood circulation, and metabolism. The first short phase of shock lasts 10-15 minutes and is characterized by increased excitation of the victim, the second is characterized by a sharp lethargy while maintaining consciousness. The pulse weakens, breathing slows down. The patient needs to be warmed, you can give a warm drink. It is necessary to treat the patient very carefully, not to make unnecessary movements, to reduce the noise level.

Fig. 4 Types of dressings and splinting

Fig. 5 Splinting for fractures

Fractures are a violation of the integrity of the bone. Fractures are open with external bleeding and damage to soft tissues and closed. Closed can be both with displacement of fragments and without it.

Signs of a fracture: pain, swelling, bruising, mobility in an atypical location, impaired function. Damage to the ribs causes pain and difficulty breathing. With a fracture of the pelvic bones, the functions of the pelvic organs, movements in the lower extremities are disturbed. Fractures may be accompanied by traumatic shock.

First aid. Fix fragments, create peace, deliver to a medical facility

FIRST AID METHODS: Achieving immobility at the fracture site reduces pain and reduces the possibility of displacement of fragments. The fracture site is fixed with splints of various designs (see Fig. Nos. 4, 5) or improvised means.

Task: write down in a notebook what items can be used by the teacher to provide emergency assistance in case of a fracture in a child:

A) in a classroom or playroom;

b) while walking.

Task: a 7-year-old child was seriously injured during a walk. The boy has an open fracture of the tibia. Blood flows out in a pulsating stream, the wound is contaminated, a broken bony edge is visible. Twenty other children are on the walk with you.

Do you agree that the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

1. Ask the children to line up in pairs, take each other's hands, stand with their backs to the victim.

2. From the details of clothing (belt, scarf, scarf, torn T-shirt), apply a tourniquet.

3. While helping, talk to children in a calm voice.

4. Send two boys and two girls for help, clearly defining the route. The route must be safe.

5. Instruct two boys and two girls to look for items that can replace tires.

6. Close the wound with a cloth.

7. Ask two children to approach the victim (the choice should not be random).

8. Apply a splint from improvised materials.

9. In the absence of assistance and the need to transport the patient, make a stretcher out of children's clothing. Tie knots firmly!

10. With the help of children, transfer the patient to a stretcher. Order: the boys shift the patient, the adult supports the leg.

11. Determine the place of each child in the "stretcher formation", dividing the children into two groups. Place an adult near the head.

12. During stops to change "porters" do not lower the stretcher to the ground.

Most importantly, in order not to get into a similar situation, do not stay alone with your children in places remote from public life.

Probably, during the analysis of the problem, you will have suggestions or questions. Discuss them with teachers and fellow students.

Give a logical explanation of the algorithm. Draw on your knowledge of child psychology.

Injuries of the skull (concussion and contusion of the brain, fracture of the bones of the skull).

Accompanied by loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, dizziness. Often, having regained consciousness, the patient does not remember what happened to him.

FIRST AID BEFORE MANDATORY medical examination - complete rest and cold on the head.

It is VERY IMPORTANT that even minor skull injuries do not go unnoticed. Remember that bruises are dangerous for internal bleeding. Injuries to the temporal and occipital regions of the skull are especially dangerous, since in these places the brain is protected somewhat worse than in the parietal and frontal parts. With a direct blow to the front of the skull, in addition to fractures of the nose and zygomatic bone, which manifests itself immediately, there may be a hidden fracture of the base of the skull.

SIGNS OF A FRACTURE OF THE BASIS OF THE SKULL - some time after the injury, dark circles appear around the eyes - a “symptom of glasses”. This symptom is all the more important because the patient does not present any particular complaints.

First aid. Seek immediate medical attention.

Reflection of the lesson algorithm.

Rewrite the algorithm questions from lesson 1. Reflect. In Lesson 2, you will first learn the following types of dressings:

1. Eight-shaped bandage on the ankle joint (see Fig. 7).

2. Bandage on the heel area (see Fig. 6).

3. Spiral bandage on the finger (see Fig. 6).

4. Cross-shaped bandage on the brush (see Fig. 6).

5. Spiral bandage on the elbow joint (see Fig. 6).

6. Gusset to keep the hand in the correct position in case of damage to the bones of the forearm and hand (see Fig. 6).

Often the injury does not prevent school attendance, and the teacher has to adjust the bandages during the school day.

Open lesson on life safety

First aid

Primary school teacher

Sedenkova Marina Yurievna

Lesson format: a practical lesson on developing first aid skills.

Goals and objectives of the lesson:


    • Teach students to provide first aid and self-help in case of accidents;

      to teach to perceive meaningfully and concretely represent game tasks (situations), to reinforce the course of their solution with independent (own) forces and actions.


    • to promote the development of sustainable and strong skills to recognize and anticipate dangers, the need for the conscious formation of students as qualified advisers, consultants and the first "doctors" in extreme situations;

      to develop logical thinking and concisely competent practical activity of students through the forms and techniques of plot-role-playing, intellectual, competitive, training games, the use of visual-figurative means of influencing their sensory organs and mental catalysts;

      allow students to express themselves in mental aspirations, knowledge, wisdom, abilities, taking into account the problem of a student-centered approach and individualization of the educational process.


    • influence the attitude of students to the process of mercy and assistance as a natural behavior and a phenomenon of disinterested rendering of salvation to those in need;

      to form the need to bring people kindness, sensitivity, attention, courtesy, fulfillment of human duty, a system of moral qualities and motives for help and mutual assistance, sympathy and empathy for all people in any situations, especially in extreme ones;

      create an atmosphere of creative application of knowledge and skills, creative work in a team, intellectual confidence in their knowledge and skills.

Intersubject communications (integration):

    Providing: speech development, physical training


    • medical terminology, taking care of your health;
      anatomical information and knowledge about the physiological development of a person, his relationship with nature, habitat;

      physical exercises and methods of transportation that require physical effort and preparedness;

      conditions of social adaptation of students in life (in the environment - on the street, at school, in nature, at home).

Methodological support of the lesson:

Presentation "First Aid", electronic physical minutes

1. Dressing material
2. Tourniquet
3. Ventilator
4. Antiseptics
5. Handy materials


1. Organizational moment

Guys, let's give each other good smiles. A sincere smile is success in any work. People who smile get sick less and do not lose heart under any circumstances. The knowledge and practical skills that you will gain today will be useful to you in helping the people around you and yourself if an accident occurs to you. The topic of our lesson: "First aid in case of accidents"

2. Updating knowledge

Students read the poem:

Don't stand by indifferently
When someone is in trouble.
You need to rush to the rescue
Any minute, always.
And if someone, someone will help
Your kindness, your support,
You are happy that the day was not lived in vain,
That you live for years not in vain.

Guys, let's define together what the concept of "accident" means. What are the accidents? (children's answers)

Let's turn for help: "Accident - harm to human health as a result of a combination of circumstances or wrong behavior." What do you think should be done if an accident occurs? (children's answers)

First of all, you need to call a doctor. But, unfortunately, the doctor can not always arrive quickly. It is in such cases that each of you should be able to do everything possible before the arrival of doctors to alleviate the pain, save the life of the victim, prevent the worsening of the victim's condition. This is what we call first aid. Now tell me, what kind of help is called self-help? (The one we give to ourselves)

3. Physical Minute(music, presentation)

4. Work on the topic of the lesson

Let's ask for help: 30 minutes of moderate physical activity a day improves health and prevents diseases. In order for movement to benefit you and keep you healthy, you need to do the exercises correctly and avoid accidents.

(There is a knock on the door. Three students enter)

What happened to you guys?

(Students explain the situation with gestures)

Guys, you are lucky: our mother is a doctor. (Turning to the doctor) Please examine our victims.

Doctor. We have three victims with diagnoses: bleeding from the nose, a bruise, a mote in the eye. First you need to comfortably seat all the victims. What do you think, guys, which of the victims needs to be helped first of all? (To someone with a nosebleed)

Slide - reminder

    When bleeding from the nose, it is necessary to plant the victim so that his head is tilted forward.

    Put a cold lotion on the nose, ask the victim to breathe through the mouth, and then squeeze the nose with your hand just below the bridge of the nose (for 3 minutes).

    Do not tilt your head back, otherwise blood can enter the respiratory tract.

    After stopping the bleeding, the victim needs to sit quietly so that the bleeding does not resume.

(Guys provide self-help for bleeding (reinforce skills).)

Doctor. Well done, you can give yourself first aid for nosebleeds.

And now the second accident - a speck in the eye.

Doctor. Let's remember the rules of first aid when a foreign body gets into the eye.

Slide - reminder

First aid rules for foreign bodies in the eye.

    Place the victim facing the light, open the eyelids and examine the eye.

    Remove the mote with the wet end of a clean handkerchief. If you don't have a handkerchief, try rinsing your eyes with water.

    Instruct the victim to blink, copious tears will help wash the mote from the eye.

Let's get help. Eyes are the main helpers of a person, eyebrows, eyelashes and eyelids serve not only for beauty. They protect the eyes from dust, wind and sweat. In order for the eyes to serve us as long as possible, they need to be protected.

The yes-no game. If you agree with the rule, then say "yes", if you do not agree - "no"

    Wash in the morning.

    Watch TV while sitting close to him.

    Make sure that when reading and writing, the light illuminates the page.

    Look at bright light.

    Use someone else's glasses.

    Do eye exercises.

    Physical education for the eyes. (Electronic)

The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Take care of your eyes guys.

    Continued work.

Doctor. We have one last accident left - internal bleeding (contusion).

In case of internal bleeding, it is necessary to cool the damaged area, put ice or a bandage moistened with water on it. If there is no water, cold objects can be used. In the old days, copper nickels were applied to the sore spot. What other items can be used to prevent internal bleeding? (spoon, children's answers)

Remember. The wound should not be washed with water. In no case should earth or dirty leaves be applied to it, as this is fraught with the occurrence of such formidable diseases as gangrene and tetanus. Any, even the most trifling scratch, if it is not disinfected in a timely manner, can lead to the development of a purulent infection.

If the wound is deeper or heavily contaminated, then after applying the bandage, the victim must be immediately taken to a medical facility. There he will be provided with qualified assistance.

6. Fixing.

- Why did we consider these particular accidents? (They are often found)

We provided first aid to our victims. It is important not only to know the rules of first aid, but also to be able to provide assistance in time using improvised means if there are no medicines nearby.

Going on a hike, a trip, in the forest for mushrooms, on a bike ride, you must definitely take a first aid kit with you. The first aid kit should contain a minimum of funds to provide first aid or self-help if necessary.

In case of injuries and cuts, you must have:

    Rubber tourniquet to stop bleeding;

    Sterile bandages and wipes;

    bactericidal patch;

    sticky patch;

    tincture of iodine;


    Synthomycin emulsion in case of burns or frostbite;

Everyone knows that drugs

It is dangerous to give without a doctor.

But you can trust any child

Plaster and iodine, bandages and brilliant green.


    An alcohol solution of brilliant green, used to lubricate wounds. (Zelyonka)

    Fluffy fibrous mass, made of cotton, used in medicine. (Wadding)

    A piece of fabric in the form of a long ribbon for a medical dressing. (Bandage)

    A lozenge of pressed medicinal powder. (Tablet)

    Thermometer. (Thermometer)

    Cloth covered with medicinal mass, which is applied to wounds. (Patch)

    Organic substances necessary for life: A, B, C, D, etc. (Vitamins)

    An alcoholic solution of a dark brown substance used to lubricate wounds. (Iodine)

    A set of medicines for first aid or simple home treatment. (first aid kit)

7. Bottom line.

What did you remember in the lesson?

What would you like to know more about?

Lesson topic: Providing first aid to the injured.

Type of lesson: Lesson-lecture with the formulation of a learning problem.

Lesson type: Combined with elements of a business game.

Methods used: Monologue with elements of dialogue, using microgroups.

Lesson objectives:

Educational: To generalize and systematize the knowledge and skills of students, to ensure that students master the basic rules for providing first aid to victims.

Developing: Development of analytical thinking and independent activity of students.

Educational: To cultivate interest in the subject being studied and the responsibility of students for the quality performance of independent work in the classroom.

Intersubject communications: OBZH, PBDDD.

Lesson provision: Posters, first aid supplies.

References: 1. S.V. Belov “Life safety”, 2000. 2. R. I. Aizman “Fundamentals of life safety and first aid”, 2004.

Providing first aid to the injured.

1. Teacher;

The wealth of any state is not only natural resources or material and cultural values, but primarily the people who inhabit it.

The deterioration of environmental and psychological conditions had a negative impact on the health of the Russian population. The degree of health directly depends on the attitude towards it at the state and personal level, since this is a criterion for the security of the people, territory and country as a whole. Not only is the health status of the population deteriorating, but injuries are also on the rise. A unified classification of the causes of injuries has not yet been created, but the reasons for the low level of health and the high level of injuries can be called:

  • unhealthy lifestyle (bad habits, insufficient physical activity, low motivation to maintain health, etc.)
  • stress (in various regions of Russia, from 60 to 90% of the population is in a state of severe psycho-emotional stress)
  • deterioration of the environmental situation in many regions of Russia
  • non-compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards
  • logistical reasons (falling people and objects; water breakthrough; gas poisoning; the action of electricity and mechanisms, etc.)
  • organizational and technical reasons (insufficient training of people; improper organization of work; unsatisfactory state of production discipline; malfunction of tools, etc.)

First aid is a set of measures aimed at restoring or saving the life of the victim, carried out by non-medical workers (mutual assistance) or by the victim himself (self-help).

The main condition for success in the provision of first aid is the urgency of its provision, the knowledge and skill of the first aid provider.

Before proceeding with the provision of first aid, it is necessary to eliminate the impact on the body of damaging factors and assess the condition of the victim. Next, you need to determine the nature and severity of the injury, take measures to save the victim. In the future, until the arrival of a medical worker, it is necessary to maintain the basic vital functions of the victim's body. If necessary, take measures to transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.

2. students;

2.1. Bruises, sprains, dislocations.

Signs of bruises, sprains, dislocations: pain, swelling, bruising, impaired function of the damaged organ.

First aid:

  • apply a pressure bandage;
  • apply cold;
  • elevated position of the limb;
  • with severe pain - immobilization (immobilization);
  • the introduction of a non-narcotic analgesic.

2.2. Fractures (closed and open).

Signs are divided into reliable and relative. Reliable signs of a fracture: abnormal mobility in the area of ​​the suspected fracture, crunching in the bones at the time of injury, crepitus (characteristic crunching when palpated), unnatural position of the limb, the presence of bone fragments in the wound with an open fracture. Relative signs of a fracture: deformity of the limb, pain in the area of ​​the fracture when palpated, impaired function of the injured limb.

First aid:

  • pain relief - intramuscular administration of analgesics
  • transport immobilization
  • stop bleeding and apply a sterile dressing for an open fracture

2.3. Wounds.

Signs of wounds: pain, bleeding, dysfunction of the injured part of the body.

First aid:

  • stop bleeding;
  • applying a sterile dressing;
  • for severe wounds, introduce an analgesic;
  • with extensive wounds, immobilization is advisable;
  • warming the victim in winter and preventing overheating in summer.

2.4. Fainting.

Fainting is expressed in a sudden onset of dizziness, darkening of the eyes, tinnitus, dizziness, severe weakness and loss of consciousness. Breathing becomes slow, shallow, but sometimes deep; there is an increase in heart rate; cold sweat breaks out.

First aid:

  • to give the patient a horizontal position with a low head and raised legs;
  • release the neck and chest from restrictive clothing;
  • ensure the flow of fresh air into the room;
  • spray the face and chest with cold water, rub the body, let ammonia be inhaled;
  • put the patient to bed, warm, give strong tea or coffee.

2.5. Heat and sunstroke.

Symptoms: first, the victim feels tired, headache, weakness, lethargy, drowsiness, dizziness. There are pains in the legs, tinnitus, darkening in the eyes, nausea, sometimes short-term loss of consciousness, vomiting. Later, shortness of breath occurs, the pulse quickens, the heartbeat increases. If you do not help, then the face turns pale, a bluish tint appears, muscle cramps, delirium, hallucinations are observed, the body temperature rises to 41 ° and above, the pulse ceases to be determined and the patient may die as a result of respiratory paralysis.

First aid:

  • move the victim to a cool place, in the shade;
  • lay down, slightly raising the legs with the help of a roller of clothes placed under the knees;
  • remove clothing and provide cooling to the victim;
  • to establish air movement and accelerated evaporation of moisture;
  • if a person is conscious, he should be given strong cold tea or slightly salted cold water;
  • if a person has lost consciousness, then bring a cotton swab moistened with ammonia to the nose;
  • if the victim is unconscious, breathing and no pulse is felt, then start cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

2.6. Frostbite.

Symptoms: with frostbite of the 1st degree - blanching of the skin with loss of sensitivity, after warming, redness and cyanosis of the skin appear with a slight swelling; with frostbite of the 2nd degree - after warming, blisters with bloody content appear on the skin; with frostbite of the 3rd degree, necrosis of all layers of the skin develops; with frostbite of the 4th degree - necrosis of soft tissues and bones, of the entire limb.

First aid:

  • quickly warm the frostbitten part of the body, preferably in a warm room;
  • stroking the frostbitten part of the body in the direction of the heart;
  • if bubbles occur, massage is not recommended;
  • the victim is given hot tea or coffee, alcoholic beverages;
  • the warmed frostbitten area is wiped with alcohol;
  • apply a bandage with a significant amount of cotton wool;

2.7. Burns.

2.7.1. Thermal burns.

There are four degrees of burns: 1 degree - severe redness and swelling of the skin; 2 degree - the formation of bubbles; Grade 3 - necrosis of skin layers; Grade 4 - necrosis of tissues located under the skin.

First aid. For burns of the 1st degree, the burnt surface should be cooled for 10-15 minutes with running water, then dried and can be powdered with soda, talc or starch. For burns of the 2nd degree, if the blisters have not burst, a dry sterile dressing is applied to the burnt surface, and if the blisters are damaged, the surface is left open. 3rd and 4th degree burns suggest surgery.

2.7.2. Chemical burns.

These burns, as a rule, are deep, characterized by a slow course, gradual rejection of dead tissues, and prolonged healing. Burn shock develops rarely and is usually mild (grade 1-2).

First aid. The burn surface is abundantly washed with running water, while flushing water should not fall on healthy areas of the skin. Then, bandages are applied to the areas burned with acid in the form of lotions with a weak solution of alkali (2% solution of table soda), and to the areas burned with alkali, with a weak solution of acid (1% acetic, 3% boric ).

2.7.3. Burn due to electric shock.

The path of current from the point of entry to the point of exit from the body is called the “current loop”. The lower loop is from leg to leg, the upper (more dangerous) loop is from arm to arm. A full loop, in which the current passes not only through the limbs, but also through the heart, is the most dangerous loop that can cause cardiac dysfunction.

First aid. First of all, you need to release the victim from the action of electric current. Then, if the victim is conscious, but before that he was fainting or was under current for a long time, he must be provided with complete rest until the arrival of a doctor or urgently taken to a medical facility. In the absence of consciousness, but the preservation of breathing, it is necessary to put the victim on a bedding, unfasten the belt and clothes. Provide an influx of fresh air, sprinkle with water, rub and warm the body, give ammonia to sniff. If the victim is not breathing well, but the heart is working normally, it is necessary to do artificial respiration. In the absence of breathing, heartbeat and pulse, it is necessary to do heart massage simultaneously with artificial respiration.

3. Consolidation of theoretical knowledge with practical ones.

Students are divided into microgroups - 6 microgroups of 4 people each. Each group is given a task card. Students must tell and show how to provide first aid to the victim with a particular injury.

Ways to stop bleeding:

    Arterial bleeding - bright red blood is ejected in a pulsating jet, the magnitude of which depends on the diameter of the vessel;

    Venous bleeding - blood is dark cherry in color, pours out calmly;

    Capillary bleeding is observed with shallow skin cuts, abrasions;

    Mixed - characterized by signs of arterial and venous bleeding.

    There are also external and internal bleeding.

    External occurs when a sharp object, such as a knife or a broken bone, pierces the skin and damages other organs.

    Internal bleeding occurs with a blunt injury and with a sharp blow, such as in the case of a car accident, when the driver is thrown onto the steering wheel, or when a person falls from a great height.

First aid for bleeding depends on its nature and consists in temporarily stopping it and delivering the victim to the nearest medical facility.

Severe arterial bleeding from the vessels of the upper and lower extremities is stopped in two stages: 1) first, the artery is pressed against the bone above the injury site to stop the blood flow to the injury site, 2) and then a standard or impromptu tourniquet is applied. It is best to press the arteries to the bone protrusions at certain (most convenient for this) points; it is in them that the pulse is well felt. The temporal artery is pressed with the thumb in front of and just above the auricle at the temple. The carotid artery should be pressed on the left or right side of the neck. Finger pressure should be made towards the spine, while the carotid artery is pressed against the spine.

Attention! It is permissible to press the carotid artery on one side only.

The subclavian artery must be pressed in the fossa above the clavicle to the first rib.
The axillary artery is pressed against the head of the humerus along the anterior edge of hair growth in the armpit in case of bleeding from a wound in the area of ​​the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle.

The brachial artery is pressed against the humerus on the inside of the biceps muscle in case of bleeding from wounds of the middle and lower third of the shoulder, forearm and hand.

The radial artery is pressed against the underlying bone in the wrist at the thumb in case of bleeding from wounds of the hand.
The femoral artery is pressed in the area of ​​the inguinal fold in its middle part in case of bleeding from wounds in the thigh area. Pressing is performed in the inguinal region in the middle of the distance between the pubis and the protrusion of the ilium.
The popliteal artery is pressed in the region of the popliteal fossa in case of bleeding from wounds of the lower leg and foot.
The arteries of the rear of the foot are pressed against the underlying bone when bleeding from a wound on the foot.

Finger pressure makes it possible to stop bleeding almost instantly. But even a strong person cannot hold it for more than 10-15 minutes, as the hands get tired and the pressure weakens. In this regard, this technique is important mainly because it allows you to buy some time for other ways to stop bleeding.

In case of arterial bleeding from the vessels of the upper and lower extremities, pressing the arteries can be done in a different way: in case of bleeding from the artery of the forearm, put a pack of bandages in the elbow bend and bend the arm as much as possible in the elbow joint; do the same for the arteries of the lower leg and foot - put two packs of bandages into the popliteal region, and bend the leg as much as possible at the joint. After pressing the arteries, a tourniquet should be applied.

    The harness is only used to stop arterial bleeding and only on the limbs!

    The tourniquet is applied at the upper border of the wound 5 cm higher.

    Do not apply a tourniquet directly to the skin, always under the tourniquet put the cloth. Otherwise, serious damage to the skin occurs at the site of the tourniquet.

    The tourniquet cannot be bandaged, the harness must be visible.

    On the body of the victim two prominent places write clearly and legibly rather than remember or say the time of the tourniquet. Inserting pieces of paper is highly undesirable - they get lost, get wet, etc. during transportation.

    The tourniquet is applied on the upper limbs up to 1.5 hours, on the lower ones up to 2 hours. In cold weather, the duration of the application of the tourniquet is reduced by 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the tourniquet for 15 seconds. Further overlay time is reduced by 2 times from the initial one. Compliance with this regime is strictly necessary. A longer application of the tourniquet threatens the development of gangrene and subsequent amputation of the limb.

    When a tourniquet is applied, the patient develops strong pain sensation. The victim will try to loosen the tourniquet - you need to be prepared for this.

    Signs of the correct application of the tourniquet: there should be no pulsation below the wound! The fingers on the limbs become white and cold.
    The preservation of the pulsation below the point of application of the tourniquet, even if the bleeding is stopped, also threatens with further negative consequences for the victim.

    On the forearm and on the lower leg, the tourniquet may not be effective due to the radius bones, therefore, in this case, if the first attempt is unsuccessful, the tourniquet can be applied in the lower third of the shoulder or in the lower third of the thigh.

When a tourniquet is applied, there is no stoppage of bleeding as such, only its delay occurs. The only way to really stop arterial bleeding is to professional doctors in hospitals. Therefore, after applying a tourniquet, it is required urgent transportation victim to a medical facility.

In the absence of a tourniquet, a belt, a scarf, a strip of durable fabric are used to stop bleeding. The belt is folded in the form of a double loop, put on the limb and tightened. A handkerchief or other fabric is used to apply the twist (Fig. 7). With internal bleeding, blood from a damaged artery, vein or capillary does not go beyond the skin. Minor internal capillary bleeding causes bruising under the skin and is not serious. However, deeper arterial or venous bleeding can lead to large blood loss.

internal bleeding. Signs of internal bleeding are: blue skin (bruising) in the area of ​​injury; soreness, swelling, or hardness of soft tissues; a feeling of excitement or anxiety in the victim; rapid weak pulse; frequent breathing; pale or blue skin that feels cool or moist to the touch; nausea and vomiting; feeling of unquenchable thirst; decrease in the level of consciousness; drop in blood pressure.

For internal bleeding, follow these guidelines:

    press the bleeding area (leads to its reduction or complete stop);

    elevate the injured limb (helps reduce bleeding)

    use cold (to relieve pain and swelling); when using ice, wrap it in gauze, a towel, or cloth before applying it to the injured area; apply cold for 15 minutes every hour;

    examine the victim (in order to determine his injuries to internal organs);

    call an ambulance if the victim complains of severe pain or cannot move a limb, and also if you think that the injury is serious enough.

Applying a pressure bandage- another of the simple and reliable ways to stop bleeding, reduce pain and create rest for the damaged part of the body. The bandage can be applied to any part of the body: head, eyes, chest and abdomen, arm or leg. There are more than twenty-five of them in total. Before applying a bandage, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate (2-3 grains should be carefully dissolved in a glass of preferably boiled water). After that, a sterile napkin or a small piece of bandage should be placed on the wound. And only then apply a bandage.

In all cases of superficial wounds of the upper or lower extremities, one of the possible ways to stop venous bleeding is to give an elevated position to the limb. The injured arm is raised slightly above the head. A small roller rolled up from some kind of material is placed under the injured leg (you can use a bag, a backpack, a blanket, a pillow, an armful of hay). The leg should be higher than the chest. In this case, the person should lie on his back.

Attention! To reduce the risk of disease transmission in cases of bleeding care, the following precautions should be followed:

    place a gauze or other clean and dry cloth between your hand and the wound, or use the victim's hand; as protection, you can also use cellophane wrapping, rubber or disposable gloves;

    wash your hands thoroughly with soap immediately after giving first aid, even if they were wearing gloves; do not wash your hands near food;

    avoid eating or drinking during care; then wash your hands thoroughly.

First aid for wounds


One of the most common reasons for providing first aid are wounds (wounds). Wound called mechanical damage to the integument of the body, often accompanied by a violation of the integrity of muscles, nerves, large vessels, bones, internal organs, cavities and joints. Depending on the nature of the damage and the type of wounding object, cut, stab, chopped, bruised, crushed, gunshot, torn and bitten wounds are distinguished. Wounds can be superficial, deep and penetrating into the body cavity.

The causes of injury can be various physical or mechanical influences. Depending on their strength, nature, features and places of application, they can lead to various defects of the skin and mucous membranes, trauma to blood vessels, damage to internal organs, bones, nerve trunks and cause acute pain.

Cut wounds. A cut wound usually gapes, has smooth edges and bleeds profusely. With such a wound, the surrounding tissues are damaged slightly and are less prone to infection.

stab wounds are the result of penetration into the body of piercing objects. Stab wounds are often penetrating into the cavity (thoracic, abdominal and articular). The shape of the inlet and the wound channel depends on the type of wounding weapon and the depth of its penetration. Stab wounds are characterized by a deep channel and often significant damage to internal organs. Frequent internal bleeding in the body cavity. Due to the fact that the wound channel is usually tortuous due to tissue displacement, streaks can form between the tissues and the development of infections.

Chopped wounds. Such wounds are characterized by deep tissue damage, wide gaping, bruising and concussion of surrounding tissues.

Bruised and lacerated wounds characterized by a large number of mashed, bruised, blood-soaked tissues. The bruised blood vessels are thrombosed.

With a gunshot wound the victim needs urgent qualified medical assistance.

Rules and techniques for dressing wounds

The bandage consists of two parts: the inner, in contact with the wound, and the outer, fixing and holding the bandage on the wound. The inside of the dressing must be sterile. The process of applying a bandage to a wound is called dressing. Gauze, white and gray cotton wool, lignin, scarves are used as dressings.

The general rules for bandaging are as follows:

    when applying a bandage, it is necessary to face the victim in order to see his condition; if the bandage is very tight, loosen it or stop bandaging;

    the part of the body fixed by the bandage (most often it is an arm or leg) should occupy a comfortable position, since the muscles are relaxed and the pain during bandaging will be less;

    the head of the bandage should be held in the right hand, and the beginning in the left; bandage from left to right (in relation to the bandager) and from bottom to top;

    the head of the bandage should, as it were, roll along the bandaged surface, without moving far from it;

    any bandage begins with fixing moves, i.e. the first turn (tour) must be fixed by bending the tip of the bandage and fixing it with the second round;

    the next round of the bandage is applied to half of the previous one. due to which a double layer of dressing is obtained;

    the bandage must be done with two hands at the same time (the right hand rolls out the head of the bandage, the left one corrects the bandage, breaks the puffs);

    start and end the bandage on a narrow part of the body; tied at some distance from the damage, i.e. in a healthy, intact place;

    after applying a flat bandage, a tubular bandage of the corresponding number is applied;

    in case of significant damage to the upper limb, it must be tied up on a scarf.

Outerwear, depending on the nature of the wound, weather and local conditions, is removed or cut. First, remove clothes from the healthy side, then from the affected side. In the cold season, in order to avoid cooling, as well as in emergency cases, the clothes in the wound area are cut in those affected in a serious condition. Adhering clothing should not be torn off the wound, it must be carefully trimmed with scissors and then bandaged. They put on the removed clothes in the reverse order, i.e., first on the affected, and then on the healthy side. The bandage is applied for wounds, bruises, sprains, ruptures, bone fractures, dislocations. There are several types of bandages for different parts of the human body: on the head, chest, abdomen and pelvis, arm and leg. A special type of dressing is used for wounding the chest, when it penetrates inside it. This bandage is very dense, and it is applied so that air does not enter through the wound into the chest when inhaled. With sprains, vein disease, elastic bandages are used. They make it possible to provide not only fixation of the damaged part of the body, but also some softness (mobility).

| First aid | Educational film library. First aid video tutorials

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First aid video tutorials

Why the video tutorial format?

First of all. Video tutorials are the fastest and easiest way to learn. If this is a video lesson recorded from the monitor screen, then you simply repeat what you saw, with this approach you have no opportunity to miss at least something, and at the same time you also get all the necessary explanations. If this is a video lesson recorded in the format of a video lecture, then you receive both verbal and non-verbal information, as well as all visual materials.

Secondly. They are clearly systematized, any information that you have already studied, but that you have forgotten, can be easily found, faster and easier than even in a regular book.

Thirdly. Step by step and clear instructions for action. This is a hallmark of almost all video tutorials. The authors do everything step by step. In their video tutorials, they give ready-made algorithms for action.

Fourth. Even at such a seemingly fuzzy stage of learning as a discussion of theoretical material, the authors of video tutorials usually give step-by-step algorithms that explain the theory using simple and illustrative examples. And practical implementations are the step-by-step creation of more complex examples.

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