Additional medical insurance policy Rosgosstrakh. Voluntary medical insurance (VMI). Emergency inpatient treatment

Voluntary health insurance is a system of highly qualified assistance provided to a person in case of illness.

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The VHI program is aimed at improving the quality of medical care.

What it is

A voluntary medical insurance policy enables the insured person to use qualified medical assistance, without thinking about paying for services, throughout the entire period of the policy.

There are several insurance programs. By choosing one of them, the insured person can use a certain list of services that are fixed in the contract.

Insurers offer a potential client to "attach" to one of the clinics that cooperate with Rosgosstrakh. It is in these clinics that the insured can receive high-level medical care.

Which VHI program to choose is up to the client to decide. The choice of program depends on what services are most often used. If the insured person is an elderly person, then the priority for him is to visit a doctor at home or conduct some kind of special examination.

If the insured is a baby, then the program should be chosen one that provides for a monthly visit to the doctor and examination of the child by children's specialists.

General list of programs

Rosgosstrakh offers its future clients the following VHI programs:

  • comprehensive health insurance. This block includes
    itself several programs aimed at providing assistance in a particular direction;
  • specialized programs. This block includes
    human health insurance in specific situations, for example, against tick bites.

Business programs

Rosgosstrakh VHI programs for business are intended for health insurance in small teams - from 2 to 9 people. Depending on the priorities of employees and on the basis of a questionnaire, an individual insurance program is selected.

For example, employees of the enterprise are required to undergo a medical examination once a year. An employer can conclude a contract for VHI only for an outpatient examination of each employee.

Naturally, the annual cost of the VMI policy also depends on the choice of the program.

For legal entities

The conclusion of contracts for VHI gives the employer some advantages. This is:

  • increasing the competitiveness of the employer in the labor market;
  • improvement of the working climate;
  • reduction in sick leave payments;
  • tax incentives.

Of particular importance is the provision by the state of tax benefits to those legal entities that enter into VHI agreements at the corporate level.

Tax incentives for corporate clients are as follows:

  • VHI expenses are charged to the cost of production in
    6% of the total payroll fund. But this can be done if
    the contract is concluded for a year;
  • insurance premiums are not tax deductible
  • from insurance premiums under VHI agreements, which are concluded on
    for a period of 1 year, contributions to the PFR, FSS and FFOMS are not paid.

For foreigners

Medical assistance to foreigners, even under the VHI policy, is provided only in emergency cases.

The VHI program for foreigners and persons temporarily residing in our country includes the provision of emergency assistance, ranging from dental care to transport services and repatriation services.

Benefits of Rosgosstrakh VHI programs

Rosgosstrakh employees are ready to issue a VHI policy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. The company has a special Medical Contact Center, by calling which the client can ask any question regarding his VHI policy.

VHI programs of Rosgosstrakh have the following advantages:

  • the client can choose the clinic and the range of services according to his own
    discretion. Many clinics cooperate with the company in all major cities of Russia;
  • having a VHI policy in hand, the insured person has the right
    receive medical care not only in large cities, but also in the region;
  • the waiting time for doctors is reduced, since citizens who have a VHI policy in their hands are accepted out of turn;
  • some programs provide for the possibility of getting a personal or family doctor;
  • if the program provides for hospitalization, then the insured placed in superior rooms;
  • doctors and nurses can provide care at home;
  • clinics provide services such as transportation to
    place of hospitalization.

Description of comprehensive health insurance programs

Comprehensive health insurance programs imply a block of additional services that are optimally selected for the specific goals of the future client.

This block of programs includes:

  • outpatient care;
  • dental care;
  • emergency and emergency medical care;
  • emergency inpatient treatment.

Outpatient care

Under this program, the insured client has the opportunity to receive assistance from qualified medical staff in an “attached” clinic out of turn.

The program includes consultations with doctors, taking the necessary tests, as well as conducting research that is necessary for the diagnosis and treatment of a chronic disease.

Such a program is beneficial for those clients who have a history of any chronic disease. For example, diabetes mellitus or chronic cystitis.

The terms of the program include the issuance of sick leave in accordance with applicable law, as well as the issuance of prescriptions for medicines.

dental care

This program allows the client to receive planned or emergency dental treatment in the best dental clinics, using modern dental preparations.

Such a program is beneficial for those clients who often visit the dentist or have chronic oral diseases. For example, paradantosis.

Ambulance and emergency medical care

The main condition of this program is an unlimited number of ambulance trips during the validity of the VHI policy.

The program also includes transportation to the hospital.

Emergency inpatient treatment

This program entitles the insured person to admission to an "attached" hospital.

The program includes hospital stay, treatment, necessary examinations and tests, as well as surgical intervention if necessary.

Description of specialized programs

This block of programs includes health insurance in specific conditions. What is included in this block?

The following programs:

  • "Protection from a tick";
  • "Guest";
  • "Health";
  • "Protection against hepatitis";
  • "Medical Assistance";
  • "Help in case of an accident."

RGS "Protection from a tick"

This program includes the provision of emergency medical care to protect against diseases that occur after a tick bite.

Such a program is necessary for those who are going to spend their holidays in the forest.

RGS "Guest"

Insurance program for foreigners and persons who temporarily reside in our country.

Under this program, a foreign citizen can receive any emergency medical care, both in a hospital and transportation to their homeland.

RGS "Health"

Provision of medical services in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as in case of various injuries and other conditions requiring medical attention.

Depending on the range of services provided, the Health program includes several programs:

  • "Protection";
  • "Economy";
  • "Standard";
  • "Elite".

RGS "Protection from hepatitis"

The program includes the provision of additional qualified medical care in the event that the insured person becomes ill with hepatitis B and C.

Medical assistance consists in conducting the necessary studies and analyzes, as well as prescribing treatment and hospitalization, if necessary.

"Russian Medical Assistance"

The program is designed to insure the health of foreigners working in our country, as well as our citizens staying and working away from their main place of residence.

Under this program, the insured person is required to provide medical assistance in the event of a sudden illness or exacerbation of a chronic illness.

"Medical assistance in case of an accident - CREW"

The program provides for the insured person to apply for help to an “attached” medical institution regarding an injury or injury resulting from an accident.

Comparative cost

The comparative cost of Rosgosstrakh's VHI programs is approximately the same as that of other competitive insurers under similar programs.

In addition, the cost depends on the specific range of basic and additional services included in the program.

In order to find out in more detail the cost of a particular insurance program, you can contact the company's specialists by phone or leave a request on the official website.

Comparative cost table:

Frequently asked Questions

VHI policies are a fairly new phenomenon for our country. In this regard, many people have questions that are related to voluntary health insurance.

Minimum age

All VHI programs of Rosgosstrakh are aimed at insuring people from birth. Only the "Guest" and "Health" programs are for adults. It depends on the specifics of the program.


Voluntary health insurance is a system of organizing highly qualified assistance aimed at maintaining and restoring human health.

Any organism is susceptible to diseases. These can be general ailments (headaches, high blood pressure, colds, etc.), acute diseases (appendicitis, heart attack, stroke, injuries and fractures), exacerbations of chronic diseases (ulcers, gastritis, bronchitis, diseases connective tissues, etc.)
What solutions exist?
You can contact: the district clinic under the MHI policy or private medical centers of various profiles, as well as buy a VHI insurance policy from an insurance company.
Can CHI solve all our problems?
The state ambulance, the district polyclinic and the city hospital work free of charge, BUT Insufficient funding of the CHI system often leads to:
queues at the registration desk must be taken from 6 in the morning,
Often there is no necessary medical equipment,
Book an appointment for a few weeks ahead!

If you want quality care, you will have to pay.
We pay and rely on quality medical care and attention.
What happens? A person is left alone with professionals. Are we sure that what is being done to us really needs to be done?
Paid clinics earn profit. We cannot verify the reasonableness of the prices.
We pay for each fact of the request for medical care. "Running" a significant amount.
We cannot control the quality of the service provided to us.

And if you buy VMI policy in Rosgosstrakh? Will these issues be resolved?


The insurance company organizes medical care.
The insurance company exercises control over the quality of medical services, controls the expediency of the medical care provided.
Employees of the insurance company are specialists in the field of medicine, they know the market of medical services very well, they know where which disease is best treated.
The insurance company independently deals with settlements with a medical institution, the client pays only once for the policy.
If during the service period the client has claims, the insurance company will settle them.
The funds invested in the policy are protected from inflation, because the cost of medical services is growing annually by 10-30% during the year, which is not reflected in the cost of the policy.
If you have a VHI policy, the same medical service is cheaper than a one-time payment for the same service in a paid clinic (the insurance company works with a large number of clients, which means it has big discounts).

Every year more and more citizens prefer to use voluntary medical insurance instead of CHI. This is due to the fact that the VHI policy provides additional guarantees and opportunities to its owner.

Rosgosstrakh is one of the largest companies offering VHI policies to Russian citizens.

general information

Insurance company Rosgosstrakh was founded in 1921. Activities are carried out throughout Russia in more than 2 thousand offices.

Rosgosstrakh is one of the largest Russian insurers, whose services are used by more than 17 million people, both individuals and companies.

Rosgosstrakh insures:

  • transport, travel;
  • health and life;
  • property, savings or investments;
  • responsibility;
  • space industry and agriculture.

You can call around the clock for the following:

  • get legal or psychological support;
  • learn about actions in case of disputable situations in case of an accident;
  • find out the procedure for settling losses;
  • find out the opening hours and addresses of claims settlement centers.

There are more than 300 such centers in Rosgosstrakh. Their main function is the prompt implementation of insurance payments.

You can contact the claims settlement center by calling 8-495-926-99-77 (in Moscow), 8-800-200-99-77 (in Russia).

Among other types of insurance, Rosgosstrakh provides voluntary medical insurance (license SL No. 0001).

Policy Rosgosstrakh

One of the company's products is a VHI policy. Its advantages over the CHI policy:

  • independent choice of a service medical organization;
  • extended list of medical services, methods of treatment and diagnostics;
  • help of the best specialists;
  • receive consultations around the clock using the contact center.

Rosgosstrakh cooperates with more than 8,000 medical institutions, which include city hospitals, many medical centers and clinics such as: ABC Medicine, MedSwiss, Dobromed,, Baltzdrav, MedOk, First Doctor, Sinai, Asteri, Vega, ViTerra, Be Healthy, Doctor Nearby, Mother and Child, Medsi, Medkvadrat, Family, Family Doctor”, “Triumph”, “Photon”, “Seagull”, “Miracle Doctor”, “Studio Doctor” and others.

Benefits of concluding a VHI agreement with Rosgosstrakh:

  • continuous monitoring of the company's activities to improve the quality of service;
  • health protection guarantee;
  • reliability of the company (96 years of successful work);
  • a wide network of offices throughout the country in more than 300 cities;
  • a wide range of health insurance programs.

VHI programs from RESO-Garantiya —

How to apply for DMS

You can draw up an insurance contract by personally contacting any office of the company or by leaving a request on the official website.

Unfortunately, you cannot buy insurance online.

The insurance representative will calculate the cost of insurance and contact you.

You can learn more about the possibilities of registration by calling the contact center.

The concluded contract of voluntary medical insurance shall enter into force on the 1st or 15th day of the month indicated in it. The minimum period before the entry into force of the agreement is 5 calendar days.

Payment is made once. After the contract is signed, no changes can be made to it regarding the validity period, insured citizens or the program.

Insurance case

An insured event in VHI in the general sense is the fact that a client contacts a medical organization on the occasion stipulated by the insurance contract for consultation, diagnosis or treatment.

The reason may be the occurrence of an acute disease, trauma, exacerbation of a chronic disease, poisoning or other accident, tick bite, treatment for hepatitis B and C, damage to health as a result of an accident.

In some cases, treatment costs are not covered by insurance, these are:

  • treatment of patients with HIV;
  • treatment of patients with alcoholism, drug addiction and complications from them;
  • treatment of patients with tuberculosis or venereal diseases;
  • treatment of cancer patients;
  • treatment of disabled people of 1 and 2 groups.

In the event of a situation that has signs of an insured event, you must:

  • seek medical attention;
  • contact the claims settlement center with a package of necessary documents.

The policyholder, the insured or his representative can declare an insured event.

The package of documents to be submitted to the claims settlement center must include:

  • statement;
  • identity card (for applying and receiving reimbursement);
  • policy, annexes to it, receipt of payment of the insurance premium;
  • power of attorney (if necessary).


The cost of the policy is made up of a combination of factors, such as:

  • The number and types of services that are included in the selected insurance program. These can be appointments and consultations of narrow specialists, additional diagnostics or tests, calling a doctor and others. The more such services are included in the program, the higher the cost of the policy will be.
  • Number and level of selected health facilities.
  • Gender of the insured person and his age.
  • General health. The more concomitant diseases (including chronic ones), the higher the cost.
  • Professional activity. If the work of the insured is associated with increased danger, the cost of the policy will be increased.
  • The period for which the contract is concluded. The shorter the period of validity of the policy, the more expensive the insurance becomes, if we consider the price of monthly maintenance.
  • Region of residence.

The payment for the VHI policy is a one-time payment and does not imply any additional payments during the insurance period.

To choose the best option for yourself, you need to choose the greatest risks to your health and determine what level of protection is needed.

If the budget is limited, then you can save on the "Personal Doctor" service and others related to increasing comfort. However, saving on the treatment itself is not worth it.

VHI programs

RHS Health Protection

The program guarantees protection against any herbs and their consequences or complications.

If an accident occurs during the validity of the insurance, which entailed consequences for health, then the policy "RGS Health Protection" helps to get help:

  • primary outpatient;
  • stationary.

The program contract provides for only one hospitalization for the entire period of insurance.

The policy is valid for 1 year.

Insurance coverage is about 200 thousand rubles.
When buying a policy, it will be necessary to pay an insurance premium in the amount of approximately 2 thousand rubles.

The policy is valid throughout Russia, without reference to the place of registration.
Age of the insured: from the moment of birth to 74 years.

RHS Health

The program is aimed at receiving medical services in case of health problems, such as the occurrence of acute diseases, exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, poisoning, and injuries.

"RGS Health" includes several levels and additional packages:

  • "Protection";
  • "Economy";
  • "Standard";
  • "Elite";
  • "Dental care";
  • "Emergency help".

The Protection program provides for therapist appointments, a standard set of laboratory tests, diagnostics, sick leave, and prescriptions for drugs.

The "Economy" program provides all the functions of the "Protection" program and additionally the assistance of specialized doctors and 10 sessions of physiotherapy.

The "Standard" program includes all the services of the "Economy" program, as well as an individual health monitoring plan and some narrowly focused analyzes.

"Elite" contains the services of the "Standard" program and the "Personal Doctor" function, the services of a psychotherapist and an allergist.

"Emergency" includes 3 ambulance calls and 15 days of hospital treatment.

Insurance coverage is up to 420 thousand rubles.

Citizens aged 18 to 75 can act as insured persons.

Child health insurance programs:

  • from the company Ingosstrakh -
  • from AlfaStrahovanie —

RGS Guest

The program is intended for foreign citizens. Those insured under this program can obtain a permit or a patent to work in Russia.

The policy includes primary and, if necessary, specialized emergency medical care.

The policy is valid only on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation where the work permit or patent is valid.

The minimum amount of insurance coverage is 100 thousand rubles.

Able-bodied persons between the ages of 18 and 65 can act as the insured.

The period during which the insurance contract is valid is set individually, depending on the expected.

In addition to the foreign citizen himself, his relatives and children can be insured under the “RGC Guest” program.

CGS Protection against hepatitis

By signing an agreement under the CGS Hepatitis Protection program, the insured person has the right to receive compensation for additional medical expenses in the treatment of hepatitis B and C of the viral type.

Compensation is subject to services in excess of the CHI policy of the following types:

  • service in the clinic;
  • medical analyzes and research;
  • medicines;
  • diagnostics.

The amount of insurance coverage is in the range from 50 to 75 thousand rubles, depending on the version of the contract.
The cost of the program is from 500 to 1000 rubles.

Age of the insured: from the moment of birth to 75 years.

The policy is valid for a year within the Russian Federation.

Russian medical assistance

The program provides for compensation of emergency expenses for the treatment of foreigners who are temporarily in Russia, as well as citizens of the Russian Federation if they are not at their place of residence or work.

Compensation is subject to the costs of the following types of medical services:

  • treatment of sudden onset diseases;
  • assistance in case of accidents;
  • transportation;
  • repatriation;
  • emergency dental care.
The program applies to insured drivers of transport categories B, C, D.

Services include consultations, emergency inpatient and ambulance services.

The amount of insurance coverage is about 100 thousand rubles.

Age of the insured: from the moment of birth to 65 years.

The policy is valid for a year within the Russian Federation.


The program involves the provision of telemedicine consultations to the insured, both urgent and by appointment. These consultations are conducted online.

The number of applications for the period of the contract is not limited.

The reason for the appeal may be:

  • health question;
  • the question of the results of research and diagnostics;
  • preparation for future research.
  • Hotline "Rosgosstrakh (RGS) - medicine": 8-800-200-09-00

    The company has a single dispatch center. It can be contacted by phone:

    • 0530 (for users of MTS, Megafon, Beeline, Tele 2);
    • 8-800-200-99-77 (for other operators or landlines);
    • 8-495-926-55-55 (for international calls).

    Rosgosstrakh has been operating in our country for almost 100 years. During this time, she managed to earn a reputation as a reliable and responsible company.

    Despite a stable position in the insurance market, Rosgosstrakh continues to develop, striving to meet the needs of all categories of customers.

allows you to receive high-quality, timely and multidisciplinary medical care at the modern level. VMI policy Rosgossstakh can be issued for residents of almost the entire territory of Russia - one of the largest insurance companies has contracts with more than 8 thousand medical institutions in 300 cities of the Russian Federation. Moreover, you can conclude an agreement by leaving a request on the official website of the company indicating all the data necessary for this or by calling the contact phone numbers.

VHI - voluntary health insurance: pros and features

VHI in Rosgosstrakh is voluntary in nature and can be concluded both individually by a separate individual, and collectively - by the employing company as a legal entity. In this case, medical insurance is part of the social package when hiring an employee and is beneficial to both the employee and the company.

Policy VHI insurance Rosgosstrakh has a number of advantages:

  • unlike compulsory medical insurance (CHI), VHI provides an opportunity to choose a package of insurance programs at the request of the insured and may include a wide range of medical services;
  • the opportunity to be served in medical institutions (HCIs) of any type - public, private, specialized and multidisciplinary;
  • direct appeal of a person with a VHI policy to selected health facilities and timely round-the-clock medical care all days of the week during the insurance period;
  • the possibility of consultations by leading specialists of clinics and institutes, as well as round-the-clock support of the Federal Medical Contact Center;
  • constant monitoring of the quality of medical care in health facilities with which contracts have been concluded. As a result - optimal conditions, treatment time and no waiting in queues;

VMI Rosgosstrakh - programs specializing in:

  • health care;
  • tick protection;
  • from hepatitis;
  • guest - for a work permit and receiving emergency medical care and primary medical services in specialized health facilities;
  • medical care in case of an accident;
  • providing medical care at the international level in the treatment of newly diagnosed life-critical diseases in the best clinics abroad.

In addition, the VHI policy guarantees medical care of any type at a high professional level with:

  • outpatient care;
  • hospitalization and inpatient treatment;
  • provision of dental services;
  • seeking emergency and emergency medical care.

The cost of the DMA policy of Rosgosstrakh is determined by the following factors:

  • a range of services provided by the insurance program, including: appointments with specialists, diagnostics, inpatient treatment, calling a doctor or an ambulance at home. The larger the list of services, the higher the price of insurance;
  • type and number of selected health facilities, their price proposals;
  • health status, age and gender of the insured. The presence of chronic diseases increases the price of the policy;
  • features of professional activity and the risks associated with it;
  • the period of validity of the insurance - the shorter it is, the greater the cost of the policy in monthly terms.

The price of VHI for individual individuals is strictly fixed and does not involve additional investments.

A specially created subdivision of the CSI (Center for Strategic Studies of the CSI) of Rosgosstrakh deals with the problems of studying, monitoring and forecasting the economic situation in Russia, the state and prospects of the insurance market, the cost of human life and the economic expectations of the population.

In order to properly evaluate all these points and choose the best insurance programs, knowledge of the country's financial and insurance markets, the rating of individual insurance brands and their consumer assessment is required. Increasing your level of competence in these matters will help you choose the type of health insurance that is best for you.

October 23, 2018

Rosgosstrakh is deservedly considered one of the large companies that has been operating since 1921. In addition to the mandatory products in Rosgosstrakh VHI on attractive terms. We will analyze what programs each client can use and what is needed for this.

Advantages of the VMI policy Rosgosstrakh

Almost every second resident of the Russian Federation uses the services of a large insurance company today. Such popularity is explained by the fact that the financial company in its work uses an individual approach to each client and consistently makes payments, without violations.

VMI RGS is a voluntary medical insurance in Rosgosstrakh, within the framework of which you can receive financial assistance in the event of an insured event.


  • a large selection of VHI programs;
  • rates;
  • discounts for regular customers;
  • a large list of medical institutions throughout the Russian Federation with which the insurer cooperates;
  • you can find out the cost of the contract and order delivery via the Internet;
  • quick transfer of compensation for an insured event;
  • the policy can be bought at the office, through an agent or on the website;
  • round-the-clock consultant helps and answers any question;
  • the client himself decides which medical institution to use.

What is included in the policy of VHI CGS

The risk package for VHI from Rosgosstrakh is determined by the selected insurance program. Standard risk package:

  • Outpatient care: consultation with a doctor, testing, physiotherapy, diagnostic tests and obtaining prescriptions for the purchase of necessary drugs.
  • Ambulance: calling the brigade an unlimited number of times during the term of the contract and further hospitalization.
  • Dentistry: emergency or planned treatment or surgery.
  • Inpatient treatment: payment for drugs, a special ward, operations and, if necessary, transportation.

Important! All risks are prescribed in the policy, which must be carefully studied before payment. Additionally, insurance experts recommend studying the rules, which can be obtained free of charge at the office.

Specialized programs and their conditions

Before making a choice of a health insurance program in Rosgosstrakh, you must carefully study the conditions.

Health Protection

The product is great for those citizens who are worried about their health and want to insure only one risk - this is injury. Under the contract, payment is due regardless of the reason for the injury.

The main condition is that the event must occur during the validity period of the policy, and is officially recorded.

Insurance company Rosgosstrakh for VHI offers:

  • no more than one emergency or urgent care for the entire period of insurance;
  • medical care on an outpatient basis.

As part of the protection:

  • fixed sum insured 200,000 rubles;
  • premium (policy cost) 2,000 rubles;
  • validity period 12 months on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • You can apply for a product from birth to 74 years.

Tick ​​Protection

VHI insurance in Rosgosstrakh under the "Protection from a tick" program is suitable for lovers of outdoor activities. Insurance is aimed at covering the risks that arise as a result of a tick bite.


  • ambulatory treatment;
  • emergency hospitalization;
  • provision of medicines;
  • advice and supervision from an experienced specialist;
  • conducting laboratory research.

Medical assistance in case of an accident - Crew

A product for those who are worried that they will suffer during an accident in an accident. In case of injury, the insured citizen can go to a medical facility and receive quality treatment. However, it is important to consider that the list of medical institutions should be clarified with the insurer.

Owners or participants in the movement of a car, truck or bus can buy a protection form.

Important! As part of the product, assistance is provided exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Under contract:

  • the sum insured is 100,000 rubles;
  • validity period 1 year;
  • the age of the insured person must not exceed 65 years;
  • the premium is determined personally and is in the range from 1500 to 4000 rubles.

RGS Guest

A large number of foreign citizens stay on the territory of the Russian Federation in order to receive education or work. This category of people is obliged to issue VHI for foreign citizens.

Rosgosstrakh offers three insurance options:

  1. Only the services of a traumatologist are paid. Such a product is suitable for a student, since the annual fee for the form does not exceed 1,000 rubles.
  2. There is an additional charge for emergency hospitalization. The cost of the contract is from 1500 to 2500 rubles.
  3. In addition to the two risks listed, the payment for emergency dentistry is added. The price of the policy is not more than 3700 rubles.

Important! To obtain a patent (work permit), you should purchase a form according to the second or third option for 1 year. If you buy a policy for a shorter period, the patent will be denied.

In the event of an insured event, the insured migrant is obliged to call the VHI center Rosgosstrakh and report the event.

Hepatitis protection

Hepatitis is a serious viral disease that causes inflammation of the kidneys. Anyone can insure in case of such a disease. The contract pays for:

  • consulting assistance of an experienced specialist in a private clinic;
  • all necessary research;
  • treatment;
  • drugs.

The cost of protection for 1 year does not exceed 5,000 rubles.

RHS Health

In the event of an illness or serious injury, expensive treatment may be required. Not everyone is ready to pay large sums for treatment in an emergency. The product "RGS Health" is what you need.

When buying, the client himself chooses a package of risks, on which the final price of the contract depends. You can include both emergency care and dental care.

Russian medical assistance

Program for foreign citizens who temporarily stay in the territory of the Russian Federation and, if necessary, wish to receive medical qualified assistance. Citizens of the Russian Federation who have decided to leave their permanent place of residence can also take advantage of the offer.

The insurer offers three types of protection, within which the client chooses the coverage and risks.


  • medical services that arose due to an emergency illness;
  • urgent dental care;
  • medicines;
  • transport services, if treatment is required in another city;
  • repatriation services.

The sum insured for protection is from 300,000 to 900,000 rubles. Citizens under 80 years old can take advantage of the offer, only for 1 year. The coverage is valid only on the territory of Russia.

Important! You can get complete information on each product on the official website of Rosgosstrakh or from a representative. If necessary, an employee of the CSG can remotely generate a calculation for any of the listed programs.

How to issue

You can buy adult or children's VHI at Rosgosstrakh in person at the office or through an agent. In the first case, you will need:

  • contact the official representative;
  • present a package of documents;
  • choose conditions and program;
  • familiarize yourself with the policy;
  • make payment, receive protection and a memo of the insured in Rosgosstrakh.

This insurance procedure will take no more than half an hour. It is worth noting that the memo lists all the phones by which you can get advice at any time.

When applying through an agent, you should:

  • leave a request on the official website;
  • wait for the agent's call;
  • agree on the place, date and time of the meeting.

Important! You should know that the CSG representatives are ready to come to sell the contract, even on weekends.

What documents will be needed

To purchase a private policy for individuals, only one document is required - this is a passport.

For children under the age of 14, one of the parents must present a birth certificate.

Foreign citizens are required to provide a passport and a document confirming registration at the place of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Important! Large companies for employees do voluntary protection on their own. The insured is the head or head of the department.

How to apply through our website

To save time, we suggest purchasing a medical policy from Rosgosstrakh on the portal. For this you need:

  • choose an insurance option;
  • fill in the necessary information in a special form in the corner of the screen;
  • indicate the coordinates for communication;
  • wait for an offer
  • agree on the conclusion of the policy with an employee of the CSG.

List of clinics and phone

For information, each insured person can call the toll-free number 8 800 200 09 00.

As for the list of hospitals or polyclinics with which the CSG cooperates, it must be clarified with a specialist when purchasing a voluntary protection form. The list is approved for each program.

As of 2020, the RHC cooperates with more than 800 medical institutions throughout Russia. Among them:

  • Family doctor;
  • Gull;
  • ABC Medicine;
  • Be healthy;
  • Mother and Child.


To get advice, you do not need to go to a doctor personally, since you can get help through the World Wide Web.

An insured citizen can consult a doctor via the Internet, via video link, about the necessary treatment, or the opinion received. In practice, the consultation lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Important! You need to make an appointment for a video consultation with a doctor in advance.

Editor's Choice
Alexander Lukashenko on August 18 appointed Sergei Rumas head of government. Rumas is already the eighth prime minister during the reign of the leader ...

From the ancient inhabitants of America, the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas, amazing monuments have come down to us. And although only a few books from the time of the Spanish ...

Viber is a multi-platform application for communication over the world wide web. Users can send and receive...

Gran Turismo Sport is the third and most anticipated racing game of this fall. At the moment, this series is actually the most famous in ...
Nadezhda and Pavel have been married for many years, got married at the age of 20 and are still together, although, like everyone else, there are periods in family life ...
("Post office"). In the recent past, people most often used mail services, since not everyone had a telephone. What should I say...
Today's conversation with the Chairman of the Supreme Court Valentin SUKALO can be called significant without exaggeration - it concerns...
Dimensions and weights. The sizes of the planets are determined by measuring the angle at which their diameter is visible from the Earth. This method is not applicable to asteroids: they ...
The world's oceans are home to a wide variety of predators. Some wait for their prey in hiding and surprise attack when...