Chicken soufflé with vegetables in the oven. Chicken soufflé - recipe. Step-by-step recipe for making tender chicken soufflé

The French invented a delicate, airy soufflé. They say that King Louis XVI adored it, and invariably demanded it for breakfast every morning. Soufflé is prepared as a sweet dessert and as a main course. Moreover, its main component can be a wide variety of products: vegetables, seafood, meat, offal, mushrooms, cereals, milk, cheese, sour cream, citrus fruits. Chicken breast soufflé is a tender and easily digestible dish. It can become the “highlight” of the holiday table, and its airy texture will cause bewilderment and delight. So, everything or almost everything about chicken soufflé!

“Secrets” of the right soufflé

Many people became acquainted with this delicacy in childhood, when they went to kindergarten. Children love its delicate texture, and at home they tell adults that they ate a very tasty dish. Its porosity and airiness are ensured by chicken eggs, which are beaten until white. Moreover, the yolks and whites are separated from each other. Proteins should be used chilled, then they will turn out airy. But it is not enough to beat chicken eggs: when beating, you must not allow the proteins to become oversaturated with oxygen, otherwise the soufflé will not rise as required by the recipe. The main “trick” of the soufflé is that the food does not settle when it cools down. When cooked correctly, it melts in your mouth and leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

The second component in the case of a chicken delicacy is chicken, which is pre-boiled, steamed or used raw. The most suitable part of chicken for soufflé is fillet.. However, if you boil the meat, then an assortment of chicken thighs and chicken breasts will also work. Don't forget to remove the skin and seeds afterwards: the soufflé is a delicate gourmet dish and there should be nothing in it that would prevent it from being enjoyed to the fullest. By the way, many cooks and housewives pre-soak chicken meat in order to achieve a special taste and delicate texture. It is enough to soak the fillet in milk for 2 hours.

As for cooking utensils, they must be perfectly clean, dry and grease-free. The method of preparing soufflé provides three options:

  • in the oven,
  • for a couple,
  • in a slow cooker.

Both small remekins and large ceramic or silicone dishes can serve as baking containers. What shape the future soufflé will take depends on the housewife’s imagination: round, square, triangular or curly. Today there is a large selection of different baking dishes in stores, so this should not be a problem. Before putting them in the oven, they are greased with butter or vegetable oil. The finished delicacy is cut into portions if it was prepared in a large form, or served directly in remequins. For the meat version of the soufflé, chefs recommend sprinkling chopped nuts on top to highlight the flavor..

Secrets of serving chicken soufflé

Chicken soufflé goes very well with white sauce. It is prepared from milk, flour and butter. Fry flour (50 g) in a frying pan and add melted butter (50 g), and then pour in 400 g of milk (or cream) in small portions. Some people use the same milk in which chicken fillets for chicken soufflé are soaked to prepare the sauce. The sauce must be constantly stirred to prevent lumps from forming, and salt must be added at the end of the “frying”. The sauce needs to be relatively viscous and liquid. The sauce for the soufflé is served in a milk jug so that everyone sitting at the table can pour it to their liking.

Mushroom sauce and citrus will add a special piquancy to the soufflé.. For mushroom, you will need 300 g of cream and the same amount of champignons, 100 g of sour cream and the same amount of vegetable oil, 3 medium onions, salt and pepper to taste. The onion must be washed, finely chopped and fried until it becomes soft and golden in color. Add washed and chopped mushrooms to it, fry for 15-20 minutes and let cool. Then transfer the mushroom mass into a blender bowl and grind to puree. Bring the mushroom sauce to the desired consistency with sour cream or cream, adding part of the specified amount. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and cook, stirring constantly, over low heat. Once it becomes perfectly thick and boils, you can turn off the heat and pour the sauce into a gravy boat.

For citrus sauce you will need 2 oranges (or 3 tangerines), granulated sugar (2 teaspoons), a little water, honey, mustard, vinegar, lemon juice and salt. Wash citrus fruits, cut in half and squeeze out the juice. Finely chop the zest, put it in a saucepan, add water so that it barely covers the mass and put on low heat for 15 minutes. Next, strain it, pour in the juice of oranges or tangerines, add salt and sugar, and leave on low heat for a quarter of an hour. The last to be added to the sauce are mustard, vinegar, lemon juice and honey. If desired, the mass can be peppered. Stir and pour into the gravy boat!

Chicken soufflé recipe No. 1 - “Children’s”


  • Boiled chicken (breasts) - 400 g
  • Chicken broth - 0.5 cups
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 40-50 g
  • Flour - 40 g
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Salt and pepper - to taste
  • Nutmeg - optional

Boil the chicken in salted water and add bay leaves and a few black peppercorns. When the broth is cooked and cools slightly, cut the meat into pieces, put it in a blender, pour in the broth and grind until smooth.

Prepare milk sauce from butter, flour and milk as mentioned above. Add yolks to it, salt and pepper. If you want, you can throw some nutmeg in it. Add the chicken mixture to the sauce and mix well.

Beat the whites until white! It is better to use a mixer for this. Moreover, you need to start whipping at low speed of the unit, gradually increasing the number of revolutions of the whisks. Add the whipped whites to the soufflé mixture, but be very careful so that they do not settle. Mix gently, from bottom to top, preferably with a wooden spoon..

Grease baking pans with vegetable oil. Transfer the chicken mixture into the molds. Preheat the oven (temperature 180-200 degrees) and place the molds for 30-40 minutes. Observe the baking process through the glass of the oven door, but do not open the door itself. The finished souffle looks very appetizing, with a golden brown crust on top. Serve hot or cold!

Chicken soufflé recipe No. 2 - “Dietary”


  • Chicken fillet - 500 g
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Milk - 150 ml
  • Salt and ground pepper - to taste
  • Vegetable oil - for baking

Wash the chicken breast and grind in a food processor. Break the egg directly into the minced meat, add milk, salt and pepper. Stir and lick - is there enough salt? If you feel that the finished mixture is too thick, you can increase the quantity of milk. Beat with a mixer or in a blender to achieve a homogeneous consistency. Cover the container where you prepared all this with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.

After an hour, take out the cooled minced meat and transfer it to a 4-corner baking dish, pre-greased with vegetable oil. Level the mixture with a wooden spatula. Place in a preheated oven. Bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.

Cut the finished soufflé into pieces like bread. Place several pieces on plates. Serve with sauce and vegetables!

Recipe No. 3 - “Onion-garlic chicken soufflé”


  • Chicken breast without skin - 600 g
  • Medium sized carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.
  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Butter - 70 g
  • Salt and seasonings to taste

Wash the raw chicken fillet and cut into pieces of any shape. Wash and peel the onion, cut it into rings or into cubes. Wash the carrots and cut into pieces with a knife.

Pour melted butter into the multicooker bowl. Then add the prepared ingredients there. Turn on the multicooker to the “Stew” mode. Simmer vegetables and chicken until fully cooked. Then transfer them to another container and puree them with a blender or meat grinder.

Peel the garlic cloves and pass through a garlic press. In a separate container, beat the eggs with milk and pour the mixture into the chicken puree. Stir by adding garlic mass and salt. Season and stir again.

Fill the multicooker bowl with the prepared mixture. Close the multicooker lid and select the “Baking” mode, and set the timer to “20 minutes”. Click on “Start” and after the specified time the unit will signal that the dish is ready. This recipe is also suitable for the oven. Serve the dish with potatoes or vegetables! Bon appetit!


  • chicken fillet - 600 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • kefir - 300 ml;
  • flour - 2 table. spoons without a slide;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • carrots - 70 g;
  • salt.

Cooking time - 1.5 hours.

Yield: 5-6 servings.

The traditional recipe for making chicken soufflé, as in kindergarten, involves adding milk or cream to the minced chicken. We suggest you diversify the recipe a little and prepare chicken breast soufflé for children without milk, but with the addition of kefir. It is also advisable to add carrots. It will not only improve the taste, but also make the dish brighter and more appetizing.

For children under three years old, it is better to prepare steamed chicken soufflé in a slow cooker, and older children will certainly enjoy chicken soufflé in the oven, the recipe with step-by-step photos is outlined below.

How to make chicken soufflé like in kindergarten - step-by-step recipe

First you need to prepare all the products listed in the list of ingredients. If desired, you can add spices to them, for example, ground black pepper. It is advisable to take full-fat kefir, at least 3.2% fat.

Before you start preparing chicken soufflé for children in the oven, you need to boil the meat. It is convenient to do this the day before cooking. You need to boil the chicken fillet in salted water, or you can add a bay leaf. Boiled fillet must be passed through a meat grinder (for a more delicate consistency, you can even do it twice). Then carefully separate the yolks from the whites and add the yolks to the twisted meat. Add a pinch of salt and, if desired, some spices. Mix everything well.

Then you need to wash, peel and grate the carrots on a fine grater. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and add the carrots. Boil it in oil for about 5 minutes until it becomes soft.

Lightly fry the flour in a frying pan over low heat. Then gradually pour kefir into the flour, constantly stirring the resulting lumps. Supporters of the traditional recipe can dilute the flour with hot milk.

Add the prepared carrots and sauce to the minced meat.

All that remains is to beat the whites (to a stable foam), add them to the rest of the ingredients and mix everything well. Well-beaten whites are an important condition for a successful minced chicken soufflé. In the oven, thanks to the whipped egg whites, the soufflé increases in volume and becomes more fluffy.

Turn on the oven, setting the temperature to 180 degrees. Grease a baking dish with a piece of butter. You can line the pan with baking paper, which should also be greased. Place the prepared mixture into the mold, smooth the top and place in the oven for 30 minutes.

At the end of this time, turn off the oven, but do not remove the pan, because... For chicken soufflé in the oven, the recipe recommends cooling gradually. The almost cooled product should be transferred to a dish and cut into portions.

So the recipe for chicken breast soufflé in the oven is ready - with photos and a detailed description of all the steps.

We wish you bon appetit!

Airy chicken soufflé is a dietary, low-calorie dish. The technique for preparing chicken breast soufflé is reminiscent of a meat casserole. The dish differs from casserole in its airy consistency and delicate structure. Chicken soufflé is prepared for children in kindergartens and school canteens.

To prepare the dish as in kindergarten, the most tender part of the chicken is used - the breast. Bake the dish in the oven, slow cooker or steam it.

Soufflé is a representative of French cuisine. Translated, the name of the dish means “inflated”, “airy”. The name of the dish defines the main feature of the soufflé – its airy texture. Initially, soufflé was a dessert, sweet dish. Soufflés began to be prepared as second courses later. The basis for the soufflé can be vegetables, mushrooms, cottage cheese and meat.

Preparing the right soufflé is not difficult, but you must adhere to the rules and sequence of processes. To ensure that the soufflé does not fall and has an airy structure, the components must be at room temperature. It is necessary to beat the soufflé, gradually increasing the intensity of the blender. It is important not to beat the whites, otherwise the soufflé will not rise.

It's easy to prepare your favorite dish. Soufflé can be served for lunch, dinner or afternoon snack.

Soufflé preparation time: 1 hour 20 minutes.


  • minced chicken fillet – 600 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil;
  • egg – 3 pcs;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • salt.


  1. Beat the eggs until foamy.
  2. Pour milk into the eggs.
  3. Mix minced meat, eggs and salt.
  4. Gently beat the ingredients with a mixer.
  5. Melt the butter. Place into the dough.
  6. Mix the ingredients until the structure is homogeneous.
  7. Grease a baking container with vegetable oil.
  8. Transfer the minced meat into the mold.
  9. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the pan in a hot oven for 60 minutes.

The usual chicken breast soufflé can be varied by adding carrots to the minced meat. The dish turns out to be dietary, tasty and very appetizing. You can serve the soufflé at any meal as an independent dish.


  • carrots – 70 gr;
  • chicken fillet – 600 g;
  • flour – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 4 pcs;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • kefir – 300 ml;
  • salt.


  1. Boil the chicken fillet.
  2. Grind the meat twice.
  3. Add yolks and salt to the minced meat. Stir.
  4. Grind the carrots on a grater.
  5. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add carrots to the oil. Simmer the carrots for 5-6 minutes until softened.
  6. Fry the flour in a dry frying pan. Gently add kefir to the flour, constantly stirring and breaking up lumps.
  7. Mix the minced meat with carrots and kefir. Stir.
  8. Beat the whites into a thick foam. Transfer the whipped whites to the dough.
  9. Grease a baking dish with oil. Transfer the dough into the mold and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 30 minutes. Turn off the oven and wait for the soufflé to cool.

A delicate dietary dish can be prepared every day for lunch or dinner. The dish is liked not only by children, but also by adults, especially those who support a proper balanced diet.

It will take 1 hour to prepare the dish.


  • zucchini – 300 gr;
  • chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • natural yogurt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • egg – 1 pc;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Grind the chicken meat through a meat grinder.
  2. Peel the zucchini, cut into pieces and grind in a meat grinder.
  3. Add egg and zucchini to the minced meat. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Add yogurt and salt to the dough. Stir.
  5. Place the dough into baking tins.
  6. Bake the soufflé for 45-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

Chicken soufflé with new potatoes

Potato soufflé can be steamed, in a slow cooker or in the oven. The dish can be served for lunch or afternoon snack.


We are accustomed to the fact that soufflé is something from the category of sweets. But you can serve it not only for dessert. To add variety to your home menu, prepare chicken breast soufflé in the oven. It turns out tender, airy and healthy. Maximum gastronomic pleasure and benefit, minimum harm and fat.

Boiled chicken soufflé in the oven fits perfectly into children's and dietary diets. A complete dish, rich in proteins, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, will give you great pleasure. And the recipe for making it is completely simple.


  • chicken fillet – 1 piece;
  • eggs – 3 pieces;
  • classic natural yogurt – 0.1 liters;
  • cheese – 100 g;
  • premium wheat flour – 2 tables. spoons;
  • salt;
  • pasteurized cow's milk - 2 tablespoons. spoons;
  • unflavored vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon. spoon.


  1. We will need one chicken breast. You can cut up the bird carcass or buy ready-made fillets.
  2. We first defrost it naturally and prepare the remaining ingredients indicated in the recipe.
  3. Cook the poultry fillet in slightly salted water until tender. Be sure to remove the film and remove the frame.
  4. Cool the boiled brisket and cut it with your hands. Transfer to a container in a food processor or blender.
  5. Grind until a mass of homogeneous structure is obtained. You can grind the brisket in a meat grinder. To make the souffle tender, you need to do this two or three times.
  6. Break raw chicken eggs and carefully remove the yolks.
  7. Pour the resulting protein mass into a bowl convenient for whipping. Add a pinch of fine grain salt.
  8. In a convenient way, beat the egg white into a strong foamy mass.
  9. Add the beaten egg whites to the chopped chicken breast.
  10. Here we also add the yolks, sifted flour, and pour in pasteurized cow's milk (necessarily at room temperature).
  11. Mix all components thoroughly until smooth.
  12. Grate hard cheese on a medium grater.
  13. We take convenient fireproof forms. You can take small ones so you can immediately prepare the soufflé in portions.
  14. We cover the molds with aluminum foil, which we grease with refined vegetable oil.
  15. Distribute grated cheese evenly on top.
  16. Spread the remaining chicken mince and smooth the surface of the soufflé with a spatula.
  17. We will need natural yogurt without additives, flavors or sweeteners. Pour it on top of the soufflé and distribute evenly.
  18. Place the soufflé in the oven for a third of an hour.

  19. When the soufflé has cooled a little, carefully remove it along with the aluminum foil from the mold.
  20. Divide into portions and serve.

Cooking for the little ones

Are your kids reluctant to eat meat? A growing body needs strength, so mothers have to resort to tricks. Chicken soufflé in the oven for children turns out weightless, they will definitely like this dish.


  • chilled chicken fillet – 500 g;
  • premium wheat flour – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • softened butter – 50 g;
  • cream with a maximum fat content – ​​75 ml;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • ground nutmeg, salt.


  1. We wash the fillet. We remove the film and remove the cartilage.
  2. Boil it until tender and cool.
  3. Using any convenient method, grind the boiled chicken breast to a minced texture.
  4. Add room temperature cream and softened butter to the resulting mass.
  5. Actively mix all ingredients.
  6. Sift the flour and add to the prepared mass.
  7. Immediately add finely ground salt and ground nutmeg. For older children, the soufflé can be seasoned lightly with a mixture of ground peppers.
  8. Mix everything well so that we get a mass of homogeneous structure.
  9. Separate the yolk from the egg. Beat the whites into a foamy mass.
  10. Add the beaten egg whites and yolk to the chicken mixture. Stir everything again.
  11. We take a convenient form, you can take small silicone molds for making cupcakes.
  12. If necessary, grease the molds with softened butter.
  13. Spread the prepared mixture and level the surface with a silicone spatula.
  14. Place the soufflé in the oven for 25 minutes. We will bake it at a temperature of 180°.

You can diversify your diet table with a soufflé made from chicken breast. The nutritional value of such a dish is 100 kilocalories per 100 g. You can add green beans, green peas, and fresh tomatoes to it. We will use zucchini in this recipe.


  • young zucchini fruits – 1-2 pieces;
  • chilled minced chicken – 700 g;
  • sea ​​salt, a mixture of ground peppers;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece.


  1. To prepare a dietary soufflé, we need young zucchini fruits. We peel them and grind the pulp on a fine grater.
  2. If there are large seeds in the zucchini, be sure to remove them.
  3. We prepare our own minced chicken from breast meat. Grind the poultry fillet in a meat grinder or blender.
  4. Combine the zucchini mass with chilled minced chicken.
  5. Add sea salt and a mixture of ground peppers.
  6. Break a raw egg and separate the yolk.
  7. Add a pinch of fine-grained salt to the protein and beat thoroughly with a whisk until a foamy mass is obtained.
  8. Add the beaten egg white and yolk to the minced chicken.
  9. Knead thoroughly again until smooth.
  10. Transfer the prepared mixture into a silicone mold.
  11. Place the soufflé in the oven, preheated to a temperature threshold of 190°.
  12. We will bake for half an hour.
  13. The prepared soufflé is best served with greens.

This exquisite treat belongs to French cuisine, which is perfectly assimilated by other nations. Chicken fillet soufflé has several options for creating it; you can use the microwave, slow cooker, oven, steam it and with different side dishes. This dish is served as a hot or cold snack.

How to make chicken soufflé

To create a treat, you need to have shapes, both large and small. The latter are convenient because you immediately get portions and don’t have to cut anything. You can prepare chicken soufflé from boiled or raw product. To get the desired taste and airiness, it is recommended to buy white meat. It should first be chopped; you can use a food processor, blender or meat grinder (in the latter case, raw poultry must be passed through twice to obtain the desired homogeneity).

In the oven you can create either a very fluffy or denser treat. In the first case, additional eggs (beaten whites) are used, added right before baking, carefully so that the airy foam does not settle. To create a unique taste, different products are used, sometimes milk, cream, butter and vegetables are added. You should not fill the molds to the brim so that the meat juice does not leak out during cooking, otherwise you will end up with a dry treat.

Chicken soufflé - recipe

This treat can easily be classified as a dietary option. Soufflé made from chicken meat (especially breasts) is easily digested by the body and saturates it with proteins. For the same reason, in kindergarten the child is often fed such tender and simple food. The traditional recipe for chicken soufflé is very simple; if desired, you can diversify it with additional ingredients: side dish, vegetables, spices. You can choose any option from the ones below.

Like in kindergarten

  • Cooking time: 90 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3-4.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 141 kcal/100 grams.
  • Cuisine: French.

The recipe for chicken soufflé, just like in kindergarten, is simple; all the ingredients are easy to find and buy in the store. Not all kindergartens serve such treats to children, but it will be very healthy and nutritious for the child’s body. Baking in the oven will take most of the time; you can immediately put it in small portion molds or cook it in a large one and then cut it. Below is a step-by-step method on how to make chicken soufflé for children over one year old.


Milk – 100 ml;

Flour – 80 g;

Butter – 40 g;

Chicken breast – 500 g;

Egg – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Place the chicken in a saucepan, add liquid, and cook for 40 minutes over medium heat. Skim off the foam regularly; the finished meat must be removed and cooled.

2. Separate the yolks from the whites. Tear the chicken with your hands and place in a blender. Add flour, milk, butter, and yolks to this. Blend on high speed until pureed. Place the mixture in a deep plate.

3. Beat the egg whites to stiff peaks in a separate container. Transfer and carefully mix them with the rest of the ingredients so that they do not lose their fluffiness (movements should be from top to bottom).

4. Grease the molds with butter, place the chicken mixture in them, filling 2/3 of the volume.

5. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, baking will take 60 minutes.

6. Turn off the oven and for another 10 minutes. leave the dish with the door slightly open.

Chicken breast soufflé

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 3-4.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 140 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: hot dish/snack.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken breast soufflé is perfect for those who decide to go on a diet. The treat is very light, nutritious and low in calories. The airiness of the treat is given by the whites, which must be whipped into a stable foam. The main difficulty is to carefully mix the ingredients so that the peaks do not fall off. Below is a step-by-step recipe that will help you make a delicious chicken soufflé.


Hard cheese – 45 g;

Chicken breasts – 510 g;

Flour – 30 g;

Sour cream – 30 g;

Cream 20% - 200 ml;

Carrots – 45 g;

Vegetable oil;

Green peas – 45 g.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and dry the chicken with a paper towel, place in a blender bowl and puree until smooth. Add flour, cream, egg, ground pepper, salt, spices here and beat again.

2. If you don’t have a blender, then a meat grinder will do. Skip the meat several times and mix the minced meat with the rest of the ingredients, but the finished dish will be less uniform and fluffy.

3. Boil the carrots, cut into medium cubes. Canned peas are suitable, but it is better to boil frozen or fresh until tender.

4. Add vegetables to the rest of the mixture and mix. You can use a blender for this again, but whole multi-colored vegetable additives look more beautiful when cut.

5. Place the prepared base in a mold, which you have previously greased with vegetable oil. Grease the top part with sour cream, grate the cheese and grate the treat.

6. Preheat the oven to 175-180 degrees, baking will take 30-35 minutes.

7. Serve the finished treat with baked/fresh vegetables.

In the oven

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4-5.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 145 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: hot dish/snack.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken soufflé in the oven is a classic way to create this treat. it turns out very tender, airy, melts right in your mouth. If desired, you can steam it or cook it in a slow cooker. You can bake it in a deep pan, like a pie, or use portioned molds. Below is a step-by-step recipe for chicken soufflé in the oven, for which you will need the following ingredients.


Chicken breasts – 400 g;

Butter – 40 g;

Flour – 1.5 tbsp. l.;

Milk – 1 glass;

Chicken broth – 0.5 tbsp;

Egg – 2 pcs.;

Nutmeg powder, salt, ground pepper.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the breast in salted water, cool directly in the broth. Divide the boiled chicken into small pieces with your hands, grind in a blender together with the chicken broth to form a paste.

2. Melt the butter in a saucepan over low heat, add flour. Stirring constantly, fry for about 2 minutes until lightly creamy.

3. Mix the contents vigorously with a whisk and pour milk in a thin stream. Over low heat, bring the sauce to thicken, stirring constantly to prevent it from burning.

4. Add a little salt, add nutmeg, ground in a mortar, and pepper. Stir in the whisked yolks, stir quickly, remove from heat.

5. Combine the sauce with shredded chicken, taste it, and add salt if desired. Let the dish cool.

6. Beat the chilled whites in a dry, clean bowl along with salt to form stable, dense peaks. Use the mixer on medium speed first, then move to high speed.

7. Combine the meat and protein mass. Stir from bottom to top slowly, no need to beat. To make the soufflé airy, the structure of the proteins must not be disturbed.

8. Grease baking dishes with oil, place the chicken in them, and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

In a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 70-90 min.
  • Number of servings: 6-7.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 142 kcal/100 g
  • Purpose: hot dish/snack.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken soufflé in a slow cooker is well suited as a hot dish for dinner/lunch; it can be safely served on a holiday table. With the advent of modern kitchen appliances, it has become much easier for women to prepare delicious dishes. Chicken in a slow cooker will turn out tender, appetizing and light. The taste largely depends on the spices you add to your recipe.


Garlic – 3 cloves;

Chicken – 600 g;

Cream – 150 ml;

Spices, salt;


Starch – 1 tbsp. spoon;

Egg – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken with cool water, mince it or use a blender.

2. Chop the garlic and onion, put it in the minced meat, add salt and spices.

3. Use the blender again to achieve a homogeneous mass.

4. Separate the egg yolks from the whites. Place the latter in the refrigerator, combine the yolks with cream, beat well.

5. Add minced meat into the resulting mass in small portions. Stir each time until smooth.

7. Remove the whites from the refrigerator, add a pinch of salt to them, and beat until thick foam. Then pour them into the meat mixture.

8. Using a spoon, carefully mix the ingredients so as not to disturb the structure.

9. Grease the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, place the soufflé piece, and smooth with a spoon. Close the appliance, remove the steam valve, select the “Baking” mode and set the timer for an hour.

10. The chicken will be completely cooked, the color on top will be slightly pale, but a golden brown crust will form on the bottom.

Minced chicken soufflé in the oven

  • Cooking time: 80 min.
  • Number of servings: 4-5.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 141 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: hot dish/snack.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Minced chicken soufflé in the oven may seem like an unusual dish for many people. You could rather call them steamed cutlets or a pie, very tender and airy. Traditionally, it is believed that soufflé should be sweet, but chicken can be used to make a delicious treat for the holiday table. The dish is considered a dietary option; even a beginner in this matter can prepare it.


Chicken – 600 g;

Flour – 1 tbsp. l.;

Egg – 2 pcs.;

Melted butter – 1 tbsp. l.;

Milk – 0.5 tbsp;

Black pepper, nutmeg;

Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. Clean and wash the chicken, cut it into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder 2 times to obtain tender minced meat.

2. Separate the yolks, place in a bowl along with the meat, mix the ingredients.

3. Place the melted butter in the same bowl, take milk at room temperature and pour it into the ingredients, mix thoroughly.

4. Chop the greens and place them in a bowl along with pepper, salt, and nutmeg. If this dish is being prepared for children, then it is better not to add spices. Mix the base thoroughly.

5. Add a spoonful of flour and stir.

6. Beat the whites and gently fold into the existing minced meat.

7. You can place the minced meat on a greased baking sheet or into portioned molds. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, bake for 40 minutes.

Dietary chicken soufflé

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4-5.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 130 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: hot dish/snack.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

When a person goes on a diet, it becomes a problem to create the right menu. Chicken soufflé is a tasty, healthy dietary dish that can be safely included in your diet. Poultry is considered one of the best options if you want to lose weight without losing muscle because it contains a lot of protein. Below is a step-by-step recipe on how to make this delicious chicken treat.


Egg – 2 pcs.;

Chicken – 800 g;

Cream – 200 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry the chicken fillet, cut it and pass through a meat grinder (you can use a blender).

2. Separate the yolks, mix with ½ part of the cream.

3. Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat until they form strong peaks.

4. Stir the minced meat, add the remaining cream. The base should not be too liquid. Add the whites carefully, gradually mixing into the minced meat so that the airiness is not lost.

5. Transfer the workpiece into molds; a multicooker or double boiler is well suited for cooking. It will take about 40 minutes to prepare.

6. Take out the finished treat, let it cool slightly and you can put it on plates.

Boiled chicken soufflé

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 3-4.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 135 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: hot dish/snack.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Boiled chicken soufflé is another option for creating this treat. As a rule, raw poultry is used, but you can prepare it first. This dish is considered a low-calorie diet dish and is perfect for young children. The recipe is not complicated, even a novice cook can handle it. Below are step-by-step instructions on how to make chicken soufflé.


Butter – 30 g;

Chicken – 300 g;

Pepper, salt;

Flour – 1 tbsp. l.;

Milk – 150 ml;

Cooking method:

1. Boil chicken fillet in a saucepan until cooked. Tear into small pieces with your hands, then grind in a blender.

2. Melt some butter in a frying pan and fry the flour in it. Add milk a little at a time, stirring constantly. Keep the sauce on the fire until it thickens, avoiding the formation of lumps.

3. Mix the minced meat with the milk mixture.

5. Beat the egg whites until they reach a stable, thick foam, and carefully mix into the main ingredients.

6. Divide the resulting mixture into the molds, leaving ¼ empty so that the juice from the chicken does not spill out during cooking.

7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the treat until golden brown.

For a couple

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 2 pcs.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 140 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: hot dish/snack.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Even a novice cook can prepare steamed chicken soufflé. This cooking method is considered one of the most successful; the finished dish is airy and appetizing. Chicken is also considered very beneficial for a growing body, so this treat is well suited for children. Below is a step-by-step recipe on how to prepare an airy meat soufflé.


Cream – 200 ml;

Green peas – 50 g;

Egg – 2 pcs.;

Chicken fillet – 300 g;

Fresh pumpkin – 50 g.

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the chicken (rinse, dry), grind using a blender until smooth.

2. Cut the pumpkin into cubes, place in a colander, and drain the peas into it. Next, blanch the vegetables in boiling water for 4 minutes.

3. Using a mixer, beat eggs with cream. Place them in the minced meat, mix thoroughly.

5. Pour the base into a steaming bowl. Cooking time – 40 minutes.

6. The finished dish can be cut into portions or served whole.

With rice

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 2-3.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 180 kcal/100 g.
  • Purpose: hot dish/snack.
  • Cuisine: French.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Chicken soufflé with rice is the perfect combination of meat and side dish. Some people use potatoes as the latter, but this recipe will focus on this cereal. If you need to go on a diet, but don’t want to give up delicious food, then this dish is perfect for PP. Below is a step-by-step recipe for a delicious soufflé with chicken rice.


Pepper - to taste;

Egg – 1 pc.;

Salt - to taste;

Chicken fillet – 300 g;

Lettuce leaves;

Curry – 1 tsp;

Long grain cooked rice – 300 g;

Butter – 5 g.

Cooking method:

1. The fillet needs to be turned into minced meat, rinse and dry it, pass it through a meat grinder 2 times. Mix boiled rice with meat, add curry.

2. Separate the yolk and white of the egg, adding the first one immediately to the meat mixture. Pepper, salt and mix well.

3. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form and gently fold into the meat mixture. Add a little butter for flavor.

4. Gently stir the mixture to form a soufflé mass, which can be made in the form of a pie or cutlets.

5. Steam the dish for 15 minutes. Turn over and leave for 20 minutes, then remove from the steamer, garnish with lettuce leaves and serve the treat.

This meat treat is not particularly complicated, so you can safely try to cook it. You can make chicken soufflé not only tasty, but also beautiful with the help of vegetables. Select them specifically in bright and different colors (carrots, green peas, beans, etc.). In context, this option will look bright and appetizing. For cooking in the oven, it is recommended to use Teflon coasters and silicone molds. You don’t have to grease these containers with oil; if you want, you can use cookie cutters if you want to speed up the baking process.


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