Normative labor intensity formula. Labor intensity is the cost of working time for the production of a unit of output. Production labor intensity. Complete labor intensity. Labor saving. Calculation of man-hours: formula

Resource management is a key element for ensuring the normal functioning of the enterprise. The cost of labor resources for the production of products can be measured. This requires a specific formula.

What is labor intensity

Labor intensity is an indicator that allows you to analyze the ratio of spending resources and time. The value represents the time it takes to produce a unit of a good. Calculation of it will be required for planning activities. The indicator will help to determine the possible level of performance in certain conditions. It improves the efficiency of the organization. The labor intensity formula is used to evaluate the results of the work of employees for a specific period. Based on the value, you can calculate the productivity of one specialist.

Consider what exactly gives the definition of the complexity of the work:

  • Determining the impact of labor costs on the amount of finished goods.
  • Determination of reserves for increasing labor productivity.
  • Identification of opportunities for efficient organization of resource use.
  • Establishing areas where labor resources are used most productively.

The procedure for calculating the complexity

The following formula is used in the calculations: Tr = Kch / Sp.

The following values ​​appear within the formula:

  • Tr - labor intensity.
  • Kch - the total fund of time in man-hours.
  • Cn - the total cost of manufactured products.

There is also this formula: T \u003d Pv / Kp.

The formula uses these values:

  • T - labor intensity.
  • Rv - working hours.
  • Kp - the number of manufactured products.

Let us consider the calculation algorithm in more detail. First you need to determine the total amount of time worked by employees for the reporting period (usually a month). The calculation includes actual hours worked. It can be determined based on the information contained in the primary documents. For example, it can be a time sheet for specific workshops. Then you need to determine the total number of man-hours worked for the period of interest. Only the work of employees who are the main ones is taken into account. These are professionals who are officially registered and work full-time.

Then the cost of the goods that was manufactured by the company is calculated. You also need to take into account the receipt of finished products. The calculations will include the planned accounting prices of the goods. They are determined based on the information contained in accounting. It is necessary to divide the real time fund in man-hours by the cost of the manufactured goods. The value obtained as a result of the calculations is considered the coefficient of labor intensity.

The obtained values ​​are analyzed. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • The lower the labor intensity, the greater will be the productivity of employees.
  • Checking the implementation of the production plan.
  • Establishment of deviations from planned values.
  • Determination of the impact of various factors on the increase or decrease in productivity.
  • Summarizing.

Productivity can be affected by the quality of raw materials, the training of employees.

IMPORTANT! Reducing the complexity of work contributes to saving resources. This reduces the cost of goods, has a beneficial effect on profit.

The complexity of repair work

The calculation of the labor intensity of repair work has its own nuances. In particular, the value of labor intensity is determined by the complexity of the equipment used. The equipment used by the enterprise is divided into groups with different repair complexity. The difficulty level is assigned to each specific object. To assign a level, the object is compared with the reference aggregate. The unit of measurement of labor intensity is a conventional unit, reflecting the time spent on the execution of one operation.

Consider the time limits:

  • Inspection: 0.1 h/h.
  • Current repair work: 5 hours per hour.
  • Capital works: 40 h/h.

The complexity of the repair is determined based on this formula: T = R * q * n.

The formula contains these values:

  • R is the repair complexity group.
  • Q is the labor intensity of a conventional unit (man-hours).
  • N is the number of repairs of this equipment.

Consider examples of calculations for single-crank presses:

  • 10 * 0.1 * 3 = 3 man-hours.
  • 10 * 5 * 2 = 100 man-hours.

Only the main employees appear in the calculations of the labor intensity of the work. Who is it? The main workers are ordinary workers without qualifications, specialists, management staff. The basis for calculating the number of employees is the complexity of repairing equipment, maintenance standards and the balance of working time. The latter represents the number of hours worked by one employee within the billing period.

How to reduce labor intensity

As mentioned earlier, the main goal of the manager is to reduce labor intensity. This is necessary to extract maximum profit with a minimum of resources. You can achieve your goal in the following ways:

  • Use of modern technologies.
  • Improving the efficiency of labor organization.
  • Use of quality raw materials.
  • Introduction to the production of modern equipment.

All these measures will increase the volume of manufactured products while reducing labor intensity.

Methods for increasing labor productivity

Consider the main factors for increasing labor productivity:

  • Automation of production, modernization of existing equipment, improvement of the quality of raw materials.
  • Changing the organization of production and labor, changing the specialization of activities, improving production management, reducing the loss of working time, reducing the amount of marriage and deviations.
  • Natural conditions: the location of oil and coal, the content of the desired element in the ores, the change in the depth of development.
  • Changing the scale of production, reducing the number of employees.
  • Change in the structure of production: change in the weight of semi-finished products, manufacturing methods.

The manager needs to develop specific strategies to reduce labor intensity. Once in the selected period, you need to calculate the labor intensity of the work. This is required to track the dynamics of values.

In the work of the enterprise, it is important to properly manage resources. The main goal is to reduce. When analyzing the state of affairs, the labor intensity of products is used, the calculation formula of which is based on data on the time spent by employees of departments. An analysis of the results makes it possible to determine the factors hindering development, to optimize the number of employees and the amount of wage costs.

To determine productivity, you need to know 2 indicators: labor intensity and output. Labor intensity (intensity, labor costs) is the time required to produce a unit of an economic product (goods, services, work). The output of one worker is inversely proportional to the labor input, measured in standard hours or man-hours.

In economic theory, 5 types of labor costs are distinguished:

Analysts use ratios divided by purpose. 3 indicators of labor costs are calculated:

  • normative - the time allotted for the technological process by the standards
  • planned - the planned time for the manufacture of a unit of an economic product
  • actual - the time spent on the manufacture of a unit of production in practice

Labor intensity is calculated for a unit of production, individual operations, process, batches of individual products, gross product. This coefficient allows you to determine the dependence of production volume on labor costs without taking into account changes in the assortment and organizational structure of the enterprise. The data obtained for individual sites are easily linked to each other and allow you to determine the relationship between productivity and existing reserves.

The analyst determines the maximum for specific conditions, allowing you to evaluate and optimize the operation of the enterprise.

Labor intensity formula

This coefficient is calculated at , analyze the efficiency of the labor force used at the enterprise, the volume of wages.

The value depends on:

  • qualifications of workers
  • equipment quality
  • complexity of the technological process
  • level of automation

If technological labor costs are calculated, then K is the number of workers directly employed in production. If an indicator is required for support or management personnel, K is the time spent by this category of workers.

Production labor costs - the sum of the labor intensity of technological and maintenance. Total intensity is the sum of technological, maintenance and management labor costs.
The normative indicator is determined by the norms of output, time, management, maintenance, . To develop a production or business plan, benchmarks are compared with actual figures to determine which costs need to be reduced in order to achieve planned production volumes.

The procedure for calculating the complexity

Calculations are made sequentially:

  • are taken, the number of employees in each category and the volume of man-hours for a certain period for certain sections, workshops, and enterprises are determined
  • the volume of output is calculated in units or cost
  • the value of the coefficient is obtained by dividing man-hours (number of employees) by units of economic product

This is the actual labor cost ratio, which can be compared with the standard or planned to identify the factors that caused deviations. The conclusions of the analyst can improve the efficiency of the enterprise. Analysis for several periods makes it possible to determine the dynamics of changes, the reasons that caused them.

The goal of a business is to increase productivity by reducing labor costs. If a large range of products is produced, it is important to calculate the indicator for each type. Total labor intensity may decrease due to a change in the indicator for an individual product or individual unit.

Productivity is related to wage costs. Their level is influenced by economic and organizational factors, including the level of management. The analysis of labor costs allows you to identify weaknesses in management that contribute to the irrational use of time. It is also beneficial for employees, as it is a prerequisite for increasing wages.

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The indicator of labor productivity - labor intensity - is the sum of the costs of living labor for the production of a unit of output. To determine the labor intensity of a unit of production, the costs of all production are divided by the volume of output for a certain period.

For the purposes of planning and analysis of labor, the labor intensity of individual operations, products, and works is calculated.

Technological labor intensity (Tm) is determined by the labor costs of the main workers. pieceworkers and timers. It is calculated by production operations, parts, assemblies and finished products.

The labor intensity of service (To) represents the labor costs of auxiliary workers of the main workshops and all workers of auxiliary workshops and units engaged in servicing production. Its calculation is made for each operation, product or in proportion to the technological complexity of products.

Production labor intensity (Tpr) is made up of the labor intensity of technological and maintenance, i.e. is the labor cost of the main and auxiliary workers for the performance of a unit of work.

The complexity of management (Tu) consists of the labor costs of managers, specialists, and employees. One part of such costs, which is directly related to the manufacture of products, is directly related to these products, the other part of the costs, which is not directly related to the manufacture of products, is related to them in proportion to the production labor intensity.

The total labor intensity of products (Tp) reflects all the labor costs for the manufacture of each product and their entire amount. It is determined by the formula:

Tp \u003d Tm + To + Tu \u003d Tpr + Tu.

Distinguish labor intensity normative, planned and actual.

Normative labor intensity is calculated on the basis of the current labor standards: time standards, production standards, service time standards and headcount standards. It is used to determine the total amount of labor costs required both for the manufacture of individual products and for the implementation of the entire production program.

Planned labor intensity differs from the normative one by the amount of reduction in labor costs planned in the current period due to the implementation of organizational and technical measures.

The actual labor intensity is the sum of the perfect labor costs for the volume of output produced or the volume of work performed.

Labor intensity - is the amount of labor required to produce a unit of output. Labor intensity is a characteristic of the cost of labor (expenditure of labor).

Natural (t, m, m3, pieces, etc.) and cost indicators are used as meters for the quantity of manufactured products.

The output is determined on the basis of one main worker, one worker and one worker.

When determining the output per one main worker the number of products produced is divided by the number of main workers.

If the output per one working, the number of products produced is divided by the total number of main and auxiliary workers.

To determine the output per one working the number of manufactured products is divided by the number of all industrial and production personnel:

where AT- product development; To- the number of products produced during the period in physical or cost meters; H- the number of employees (main workers, main and auxiliary, industrial and production personnel).

The labor intensity of products, as well as output, can be calculated in different ways. Distinguish between technological, production and full labor intensity.

Technological complexity of products is found by dividing the labor costs of the main workers by the amount of output they produce.

Production labor intensity of products calculated by dividing the labor costs of the main and auxiliary workers by the number of products produced.

Full labor intensity is determined by dividing the labor costs of industrial and production personnel by the number of products produced:

where T- the complexity of products; W tr- labor costs of various categories of workers for the production of products; AT- volume of production.

At oil refineries, the number of workers is calculated according to the distribution staff, the complexity of the program and the staff points. bookkeepers, etc., are amenable to rationing. The number of personnel employed in such jobs can be calculated using the program labor intensity method (see p. 207) discussed above. For a deeper study of the use of equipment, the indicated coefficients are determined not only by workshop, plant, but also by groups of leading equipment. Such an analysis makes it possible to develop measures aimed at improving the efficiency of production. They may consist, for example, in the removal of unloaded equipment, in reducing the complexity of the program on overloaded leading equipment, which will increase the power utilization factor in the whole workshop and plant. The plant-wide calculation of production capacity is based on the calculations of the capacity of workshops. The final data of these calculations are summarized in a summary table (Table 9). It gives a complete list of all the shops for which the calculation of capacity was made; the production capacity of each of them as a percentage of the program is affixed at the beginning of the billing year; the equipment or areas that determine the production capacity of the workshop are indicated, and a brief description of the most important indicators (the size of the areas and the number of equipment, the total progressive labor intensity of the program) is given. A similar table is compiled according to the calculations of production capacity at the end of the year. Below are two schematic diagrams of the mechanized calculation of production capacity. On fig. 1 shows a diagram of such a calculation on counting and perforating machines complete with an electronic computer EV80-ZM, used in some Moscow factories: the instrumental "Fraser" named after. M.I. Kalinin, instrumental "Caliber", automobile plant named after Lenin Komsomol. The stages of calculation according to this scheme are as follows: / stage - determination of the progressive labor intensity of the detailed program of products; // stage - determination of the labor intensity of the product program by equipment groups; /// stage - determination of the production capability of the equipment groups; Stage IV - determination of the equipment load factor; V - determination of the volume of production, taking into account the accepted power. them. CM. Kirov, Electromechanical them. Vladimir Ilyich, Presnensky machine-building. This scheme has the following calculation stages: / stage - determination of the labor intensity of the product program according to equipment codes; // stage - determination of the actual fund of the operating time of equipment groups; /// stage - determination of the production capabilities of equipment groups and identification of the production capacity of the workshop. The calculation of the labor intensity of the machine shop program is given in Table. 38. Calculation of the labor intensity of the machine shop program A group of expenses that are little dependent on the labor intensity of the program, for example, depreciation deductions for technological equipment, tooling included in fixed assets, should be analyzed in conjunction with indicators of the number of equipment load shifts. The costs of current repairs of equipment depend more on the category of complexity of repairs of equipment and the frequency of its implementation, therefore, in the analysis, it is necessary to determine the influence of these factors on the deviation of actual costs from those established according to the plan (Table 2.62). Calculation of tariff wage funds - Ft of enterprise divisions can be carried out by incremental and analytical methods. In the first case, they proceed from the basic fund and the increase in production volume. In the second case, the value of Ft is determined on the basis of the labor intensity of the output program or the corresponding objective organizational and technical characteristics of production units.

Reducing the labor intensity of production and increasing labor productivity; Determining the labor intensity of oil refining products is a complex process and is carried out in two stages. At the first stage, the labor intensity is determined for individual technological installations, i.e., all labor costs for the enterprise are distributed among the installations, with the exception of costs not directly related to the production of products (outsourced services and other industrial work). At the second stage, similarly to determining the cost, the labor intensity of individual products is calculated. Within the installation, all labor costs are attributed to the target product. The labor intensity of the final product is determined by the sequential calculation of the labor intensity of the production of semi-finished products, including mixing, in accordance with the technological scheme. employees of design, technological and research departments in fulfilling and overfulfilling the plan and tasks for creating and accelerating the introduction of new products into production, improving technical and economic indicators and the quality of products; reducing the labor intensity of production and freeing up the number of workers on the basis of improving technology, improving the organization of labor; saving material resources, introducing low-waste and waste-free technology.

Thus, in the formation of the wage fund for net products, wages become a function of three components of the total growth in production efficiency: changes in material, capital and labor intensity of production.

The number of workers employed in normalized jobs is determined by the standard labor intensity of production, and in non-standardized jobs - by jobs based on service standards or state standards.

Labor intensity reflects the performance of the business entity. The parameter is a basic indicator used in calculations when planning activities, as well as in developing strategies focused on managing internal resources. What is labor intensity and how is it calculated?

Production efficiency indicators

general information

The labor intensity includes the time required for the implementation of the production cycle, the purpose of which is the manufacture of products or the provision of services. The basic parameter in calculating the economic indicator is labor productivity, which is determined taking into account the capabilities of each employee.

Labor intensity is the time required to produce a unit of output.

Among economists, labor intensity is often identified as output. The indicator allows you to correctly plan the production process and identify its problematic aspects that need to be optimized. Its value makes it possible to assess how efficiently the internal resources of the company are used, as well as to identify reserves with which it would be possible to increase production capacity.

Labor intensity units

The economic indicator of labor intensity contains two concepts: time and labor costs, from which it is easy to conclude that it is measured in man-hours. It allows you to determine how much activity can be implemented by one employee per hour of working time. Having such information, it is easy to understand how the labor intensity is measured, and to plan how many employees are needed to perform a certain amount of work, which allows you to correctly draw up a schedule of labor activity, taking into account the standards of labor costs that are relevant to the company.

To simplify settlement operations, the total parameter of man-hours is often used. It is determined by the product of the total number of employees by the time that was spent to solve the task set by the management.


The labor intensity of 60 man-hours characterizes the situation in which one person can complete the task in 60 hours. The same amount of work will be completed in 30 hours by two specialists, and in 15 hours by four workers. With the help of such calculations, the time required to complete the task is determined, taking into account the available labor resources.

Read also: Real and nominal wages - what is it

How to calculate labor intensity

When calculating an economic indicator, all production factors must be taken into account, since an error in the calculations can have a negative impact on the workflow. The need for calculations arises at the stage of opening a business when drawing up a business plan, as well as during the operation of production to monitor its activities and timely correct shortcomings.

Labor intensity allows you to plan for the future. The formula for calculating labor intensity is defined as the ratio of the time parameter and the quantitative indicator applied to the result of the work of a business entity.

Factors influencing the economic indicator

When calculating the economic indicator, one should take into account factors that could have an impact on production efficiency. Among them are:

  • professionalism of employees;
  • working conditions;
  • the quality of the equipment used;
  • the complexity of the technological process;
  • level of process automation.

Parameter interpretation

Analysis of the labor intensity of products allows you to identify problems in the production cycle.

High labor efficiency indicators always correspond to a low labor intensity parameter. It is a dynamic value, therefore, its comprehensive assessment is recommended, taking into account data recorded for several time periods. A gradual decrease in the value of the indicator indicates that it takes less time to manufacture a unit of output. When fixing such a phenomenon, it can be judged that the enterprise has optimized the technological process or improved the professional skills of employees.

The growth of the indicator is due to the presence of problems in the company's activities. They may be related to equipment failure, the introduction of new technology, or the replacement of workers with non-professional personnel.

Analyzing the indicator, one should take into account not only the past period, but also the future. At the same time, it is necessary to compare the actual and planned production parameters. Based on the information obtained, a strategy is developed that is focused on optimizing the production process, the purpose of which is to reduce labor costs. Without analysis, it will be difficult for the manager to achieve the effective operation of the enterprise.

What affects the labor intensity

When calculating the labor intensity parameter, information must be taken from primary documents.

You will need such documentation as a time sheet for employees, as well as papers that contain information on the quantitative indicators of goods released in the past period. When making the calculation, one should take into account the skill level of employees, working conditions, the fact of using or not using innovative technologies. The quality of raw materials and the performance of the equipment used are of no small importance to the parameter.

The concept of production efficiency

The growth of the indicator indicates a decrease in the efficiency of the company. This may be due to a problematic situation with the organization of production activities or insufficient motivation in the results of the work of employees.

Labor intensity (calculation formula) allows you to determine the ratio of effort and time as accurately as possible.

It makes it possible to determine the maximum possible level of performance in order to further optimize it and increase efficiency.

Labor productivity is characterized by the end result of the costs of the labor collective for a certain time interval.

For example, the labor intensity formula can show how much output one worker can create in a certain time interval.

Labor productivity is determined by the ratio of two key indicators:

  • production;
  • Labor intensity.

Both coefficients seem to be the most specialized in the process of determining the labor resources expended, taking into account a certain time slice. With an increase in the level of the indicator, there is an increase in the indicators of production, economic condition and, as a result, the wages of employees.

Calculation of labor productivity: algorithm

The coefficient shows the ratio of the volume of the created or sold product to the number of employees involved.

The number of employees is determined using the payroll.

Each individual worker is taken into account only once during each working day.

After that, the number of workers of the enterprise is added up, and then divided by the number of days to be calculated. Also, the ratio can be calculated from the revenue reflected in the financial statements of the enterprise.

Labor costs, as well as temporary losses in the creation of products, are prescribed in the documentation of the reporting period.

Labor productivity indicators

The key accounting and planned productivity factor is the number of products produced, expressed in terms of cost or in kind.

The indicators include the index of production labor, labor intensity and output.

Labor intensity (Tr) is able to show the amount of labor expended by one worker to create a unit of output.

Calculation of the labor intensity of products (formula) based on the average number of workers involved: Tr \u003d H / Q.

The indicator depending on the spent time interval: Tr = T/Q.

  • Where, Тр is the coefficient of labor intensity;
  • Q is the number of the released product, expressed in units;
  • H is the average number of employed employees of the enterprise;

A more detailed method for calculating labor intensity: PT \u003d (Q * (1 - Kp)) / (T1 * H)

  • Where, T1 - labor costs of one employee;
  • KP - the amount of downtime;
  • PT - labor productivity.

If the calculation requires determining the productivity of one employee, then the value of the average headcount will be equal to one.

The annual output of one worker can not only characterize its performance, but also provide an opportunity to draw up a detailed plan for the future reporting period.

The output is determined by the volume of products created for a certain price (wage) of working time, by one payroll worker.

The indicator can be determined depending on two key factors: the average number of employees and the time spent on the creation of manufactured products.

Average number of employees: V \u003d Q / H.

Spent time: B = Q / T.

  • Where, V - production;
  • Q is the volume of production expressed in units;
  • H - the average number of employees of the enterprise;
  • T - payment for the work of an employee for the creation of one unit of output.

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The formula for calculating labor productivity

Based on the calculation of the performance coefficients of the work of the personnel, the index of labor productivity (labor intensity) is determined.

This indicator allows you to determine the growth rate of the production process.

Calculated using the following formulas:

  1. Output: ΔPT = [(Wo - Wb) / Wb] * 100%
  2. Labor intensity of work: ΔPT \u003d [(Tro - Trb) / Trb] * 100%
  • Where, Wb - generation in the base period;
  • B0 - development in the required time interval;
  • PT - percentage expression of the labor productivity index;
  • Trb - labor intensity in the base reporting period;
  • Тр0 – labor intensity for the calculated time interval.

In order for the indicator to be calculated as accurately as possible, it is necessary to pay close attention to the following points:

  • It should take into account all the labor that was spent on a certain type of work.
  • It is necessary to eliminate the possibility of distortion associated mainly with factorial differences in labor capacity.
  • It is important to exclude the reality of counting again when past work is taken into account.
  • Comparability of possible changes in productivity depending on changes in the level of wages.

In foreign sources, in addition to labor productivity, one can often find such a term as an indicator of productivity.

In order to calculate it, it is necessary to take into account not only the flow costs for the creation of manufactured products, but also those resources that were used directly in the process of manufacturing the product. For example, fixed and working capital, land.

Practical application: an example of calculating the complexity of the formula

It is necessary to calculate the growth of labor productivity in conventional natural terms at a soap factory.

Data on the creation of the manufactured product and days worked per employee.

Indicators of conversion into conditional soap: soap chips - 2.2, toilet - 1.8, laundry - 1.0.

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