Snack rollmops. Rollmops are a herring snack. How to cook herring rollmops in Polish

Herring rollmops in Polish are twisted rolls of marinated fish. Carrots and onions are placed inside. This dish is popular among the peoples of the Baltic states, from where it spread to other countries. Fish rolls have become especially popular in Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Poland. Homemade pickled herring turns out much tastier than store-bought. Having purchased all the necessary ingredients, such a dish can be prepared in 1-2 hours.

Herring rollmops: recipe


Herring 2 pieces) Bulb onions 1 head Carrot 2 pieces) Mayonnaise 100 grams Refined vegetable oil 2 tbsp. Boiled water 300 milliliters Peppercorns 4 pieces) Carnation 2 branches Bay leaf 2 leaves Apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp. Salt 1 tsp

  • Number of servings: 6
  • Cooking time: 2 minutes

Herring rollmops: recipe, ingredients

Tired of eating semi-finished products? Make homemade fish rolls. Even those who are losing weight can eat them. Having mastered the recipe for herring rollmops, women will stop racking their brains about what to cook for their husbands for beer. The food goes well with this drink.

You will need:

  • 2 Atlantic herring carcasses
  • 1-2 small onions
  • 2 medium sized carrots (peeled)
  • 100-200 g mayonnaise (take olive)
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined vegetable oil

To create a delicious marinade for fish you will need:

  • 300-400 ml of boiled water;
  • 1 tsp. granulated sugar;
  • 4-5 black peppercorns;
  • 2 large clove buds;
  • bay leaf (you can take 2 pcs.);
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 1 tsp. salt (for fresh or frozen herring).

How to cook herring rollmops in Polish?

Peel the carrots and onions. Take a cutting board.

  • Place vegetables on it and cut them: carrots into longitudinal strips, and onions into medium half rings.
  • Pour the required amount of water into the pan.
  • Add peppercorns and clove buds, bay leaves, and a spoonful of granulated sugar.

Remember that at this stage you can add salt to the water if the herring is fresh or frozen.

  1. Cook the marinade over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Then carefully pour vinegar into the liquid and cook it for another 2-3 minutes.
  3. Now pass the marinade through a sieve containing the vegetables, draining all the water into a large glass.

Take herring carcasses and remove the skeleton from them. If possible, remove all the small bones from there.

  • Divide the fillet into strips.
  • Beat it with a wooden spoon.
  • Lubricate the herring with vegetable oil.
  • Now place a little carrot and onion on each fillet, adding a drop of mayonnaise.
  • Roll everything into a roll and secure the result with a toothpick on top.

Place the finished roller pies in a glass container and fill with marinade.

  • Place the dish in the refrigerator for about 1-2 days.
  • After waiting the allotted time, remove the herring rolls and serve.
  • If desired, they can be cut into several more pieces.

Ah, little herring! Well, how can you not love you - shiny with fat, lightly salted and aromatic. Is there anything more delicious in the world than boiled new potatoes with butter and dill and elastic and tender herring!

This love for salted fish is most likely embedded in us at the genetic level. After all, even the ancient Greek colonies in the Scythian lands (along the shores of the Black and Azov Seas) were famous for salted fish, herring, caviar and balyk. Tarihi (as salted fish was then called) was placed in special amphorae instead of barrels and transported to Greece and Constantinople.
At excavations in the Bosporan city of Tiritaka (located near the modern city of Kerch), archaeologists discovered stone baths from the sixth century BC, in which more than a hundred tons of fish were salted at a time. And judging by the bones, most of them are sturgeon, sprat and herring, reaching up to half a meter in size.

People also loved herring in the Middle Ages. They loved it so much that they even depicted it in paintings, including it in still lifes and everyday scenes. But the British and French disdained salted fish, considering it smelly and unhealthy.
The sixteenth-century English scientist Thomas Cogan, although he called herring the most simple and accessible fish, predicted fever and painful emaciation for those who eat it.

Now it’s strange to imagine, but in Western Europe until the mid-nineteenth century, herring was thermally processed before serving. Recipes for soup and pie with salted herring, smoked herring with cabbage, boiled with carrots have been preserved.

Europeans were able to taste the taste of lightly salted herring at the suggestion of the peoples of northeastern Europe, including Russians. It all started under Peter the Great, when Western specialists, having lived for some time in Russia, returned home and brought with them new taste habits, for example, starting a meal not with the first one, but with cold, lightly salted, appetite-stimulating appetizers.

The victory of Russia in the War of 1812 and the entry of Russian troops into Paris completely changed the ideas of the French in the first place and Europeans in general about good taste, the combination of products and methods of preparing many dishes.

We can talk about this a lot and for a long time, but the purpose of this article is still a little different, so let’s get down to business. I offer you two simple herring recipes.

But first, a few words about how to choose herring and not be deceived in your expectations. Today, the consumer is offered many types of this simple product: herring in jars, weighed, already filleted in a variety of sauces. There is even a fresh frozen one, you can pickle it yourself.
When choosing herring (no matter salted or frozen), pay attention to its appearance: well-fed, with transparent eyes, reddish gills and a shiny surface, with a characteristic pleasant smell - these are the signs of high-quality fish. If the copy you choose does not meet the specified criteria, it is better to refuse the purchase.

And remember the main thing - herring, like other fatty sea fish, is very healthy: it is easily absorbed by the body and is a source of protein, contains large amounts of phosphorus, iodine, calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, zinc, fluorine. And yet, you should not get too carried away with this product and include it in your diet every day, since a large amount of table salt in the tissues and blood vessels leads to excess water and overload of all organs. The heart begins to work harder, and the kidneys begin to intensively remove excess water and salt.

But let’s not talk about sad things, but let’s return to our herring. The most difficult thing for me about this product is that the carcasses need to be cleaned. The process is not pleasant, I tell you. But the result will quickly make you forget all the inconveniences.

Let's not pull the cat by the tail, let's get down to the main thing.
A separate board is required for cutting herring. My mother once butchered it in the workers' and peasants' way - on a newspaper. I started a special glass board.
Feel free to take the fish in your hands and remove all the fins with kitchen scissors. Then use a knife to make a shallow cut along the back from head to tail.

Cut off the head.
We make the same shallow cut at the base of the tail. We pry the skin with the nails of our right hand and, holding the carcass with our left, carefully remove it towards the head. Ripe herring will come off the skin easily.

Turn the fish over to the other side and repeat the operation.
Now carefully rip open the belly. Oops, here comes a surprise!

This is exactly what reconciles me with dirty and unpleasant work: in the belly of the herring there is caviar (sometimes milt). With fresh black bread - mmm, pleasure.
We take out the caviar, put it aside, clean out the insides, clean the inside of the belly with a knife, cut inside along the spine and scrape everything with a knife again.

And now, very carefully, gradually and slowly, we will separate the fillet from the skeleton, starting with the ridge at the head. Then we’ll check for any large bones stuck in the meat and remove them by prying them up with our nails.

All! Hooray! We put the garbage in a plastic bag, tie it so it doesn’t smell and throw it away. Wash the board and knife with detergent under cold water. The herring smell, if it remains, can be easily removed with a slice of lemon.

Recipe No. 1. Rollmops.

Herring (salted) – 1 pc.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Onions – 1 pc.
Water – 1 glass
Vinegar 5-6% - 0.5 cups
Sugar – 1 heaped tablespoon
Cloves – 6 buds
Black pepper – 8 peas
Juniper berries – 6 pcs.

Cut the carrots into thin circles, the onion into thin half rings. Place in a saucepan, add sugar, pepper, cloves, juniper berries.

Pour boiling water over and set to simmer over medium heat for five minutes.

In general, herring is stored in a cold and dark place, since in the light, as well as under the influence of moisture and air, it oxidizes and becomes rancid in taste.
And this is what happens in the end:

Pickled, spicy herring with very tasty carrots and onions, a dish that was so loved by the heroes of Ioanna Khmelevskaya’s novels. Try it too, enjoy tasting!

Today I will tell you how to make herring rollomps, a recipe in Polish. This wonderful dish can be served as an appetizer on any holiday table - on February 23, on March 8, and even on New Year's celebrations.

A spicy appetizer for any feast goes well not only with strong drinks, but also with a potato side dish.

Ingredients for cooking

To prepare herring rollmops in Polish (for eight servings for adults), take the following products:

  • mustard seeds,
  • two onions,
  • peppercorns,
  • four gherkins,
  • eight fillets of lightly salted herring,
  • 15 grams of mustard,
  • 500 milliliters of wine vinegar.

How to cook herring rollmops

How we will prepare herring rollmops:

Peel the onions and chop them into not very thick rings. Combine wine vinegar with 250 milliliters of cold water, put on fire and boil.

After the vinegar boils, place the mustard seeds, onion rings and peppercorns into the pan. Immediately remove the vinegar from the heat and cool.

Cut crosswise into two halves. Peel another onion, finely chop, and cut the gherkins lengthwise into quarters.

Coat the fillet with mustard, place chopped gherkins and onions on top of the mustard. Roll the herring tightly into rolls and pour in the cooled wine marinade.

Leave the fish overnight at room temperature. Rollmops are ready!

To make the appetizer even more beautiful, the rolls are fastened with skewers, decorated with baked potatoes, slices of fresh cucumbers and sprinkled with tomato juice.

It only takes forty minutes plus to prepare herring rollmops; a serving without a side dish contains 375 calories.

Recipe rolepug:

Cut the onion into thin slices.

Peel the carrots and grate on a medium or fine grater.

Place a small saucepan with clean water (1 liter) on the stove for the marinade. Dissolve sugar and salt in water (you can adjust the amount of sugar and salt to your taste), add bay leaf, cloves, pepper and cinnamon.

Bring the marinade to a boil, add vegetable oil and vinegar.

Place the prepared vegetables into the boiling marinade and cook for about 3-5 minutes.

When the carrots become a little softer and the onions lose their bitterness, remove the vegetables with a slotted spoon and place them on a separate dish to cool. Remove the marinade from the stove and let it cool to 40-30 degrees (room temperature).

Wash the herring, remove the head and entrails, thoroughly remove the skin and cut into fillets, removing the spinal and all rib bones.

Lightly beat the herring fillet through a thick plastic bag (without disturbing the integrity of the piece). Add mayonnaise to cooled carrots and onions and stir. Place a small portion of vegetables on one end of the herring and wrap the fillet in a roll.

Secure a piece of herring with toothpicks. In the same way, form roller mops from the remaining pieces of herring.

Place the roller mops into a small, tall container and pour in the cooled marinade. Send to a cool place for at least a day, maximum for 3 days.

When serving, remove the toothpicks from the rolls, cut each roll into two equal halves, and garnish with herbs. Rollmops are ready!

Many people love fish dishes for their taste and beneficial substances found in fish. Therefore, a variety of dishes are prepared from different varieties of fish, which allow us to be satisfied and enjoy ourselves. One of the most delicious fish dishes can rightfully be called rollmops, which, despite the funny name, is a very tasty dish. At its core herring rollmops- Norwegian herring marinated according to a special recipe, which is served rolled into rolls with pieces of pickled vegetables.

How to cook rollmops

Unlike the currently fashionable Japanese sushi and rolls, when the fish is served raw, rollmops is a familiar one, which is also soaked in marinade. Therefore, herring fillet has a spicy taste and will appeal to many lovers of fish dishes. For rollomps, you can use both store-bought salted herring and fish salted at home. Even over-salted herring, after lying in the marinade for roller mops, will become less salty and more tasty. This fish dish is perfect for both dinner and lunch and is a delicious appetizer for main courses.

To prepare herring rollmops you will need the following products and ingredients:

- half a kilo of salted herring;

- half a glass of 3% vinegar;

- half a glass of water;

- one large onion;

- half a carrot;

- a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;

- one and a half spoons of sugar;

- black peppercorns, cinnamon, cloves and bay leaf.

Herring rollmops recipe

To begin with it is done marinade for rollomps, for which the onion is cut into thin half rings, and the carrots are cut either into strips or in the form of stars, which looks more beautiful. You can add bell peppers cut into strips to the marinade for rollomps - but this is not for everyone. Water is boiled and sugar is added to it, after which about five peppercorns, clove and cinnamon buds (also not for everyone) and a couple of laurel leaves are added to it. Then chopped vegetables are placed in the marinade and allowed to boil for fifteen minutes, then vinegar is added, the marinade is given time to boil and can be removed from the heat and cooled.

While the marinade for roller mops is cooling, you can fillet the herring, remove the bones from it and beat it a little with a hammer to make the fillet more tender. The fillet is laid out with the outer side down and lightly beaten with a kitchen hammer. In order to make the roller mops piquant, you can grease the inside of the fillet with chopped garlic mixed with vegetable oil. After this, vegetables taken from the cooled marinade are laid out, then the fish is rolled into a roll, which is stabbed with a wooden skewer or toothpick.

Twisted Rollpug rolls Place in a glass or enamel bowl, pour in the cooled marinade and place in the refrigerator. Herring takes on its original taste within 24 hours, but if you like more sour fish, you can let it sit in the marinade for longer. Having taken the roll mops rolls out of the dish, cut them into small pieces and place them on a dish. Next to the fish rolls, pickled vegetables are placed, which acquire an original and piquant taste.

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